a message from the general managers office meet and greet · 2019-07-26 · in sea cargo handling....

1 A Message from the General Managers Office Project101 : July- September 2018 Afioga Lautimuia A. Uelese Vaai Folauga Newsletter has been around for years now, but as Samoa Shipping Services moved to improve its products and services, it is of Manage- ment liking to turn this news- letter into an information pa- per for particularly SSS staff and stakeholders. The Folauga will also become one vital record for the company’s achievements mainly its in- come earning, building and consolidating new and exist- ing partnerships let alone the advancement and enhance- ment of human capacity build- ing for better working relation- ships and greater results. The Folauga will be issued quarterly and we look forward to your support in terms of contributing in the next issue. Kudos to the Desktop Publish- er Miss Siulepa E. Salapo for taking over this project. Thank you and enjoy reading!! General Manager MEET AND GREET Kon’nichiwa!! Nagayuki Suzuki, a Director in the Shipping Division of Jetro Shipping Company in Singapore visited Samoa Shipping Ser- vices on the 12th July 2018. He’s of Japanese decent and no stranger to the Shipping Industry in Asia. Though his visit to Samoa was mainly for other are- as of the transport sector, he will be able to assist in the provision of advance further trainings and link- ing the ‘SSS’ to ship owners in Japan for potential seafarer employment opportunities. It was a pleas- ure hosting him and lets hope for future business. Sofrana Unilines (NZ) Sales Marketing Manager Mr Alistair also visit- ed Samoa Shipping Services. Sofrana has been in an extensive partnership with SSS over the years in sea cargo handling. The meet and greet ses- sion continues to strengthen our business partner- ship with Sofrana and to ensure we collectively work to improve our service delivery to the commu- nity. Alistair was welcomed in a ‘ava’ ceremony hosted by Management and Staff. Compiled and Desktop Published by Siulepa Esther Salapo. Management took the time out to share a snack with the trainer of ISO Certification through SAME. Management also made time to meet and greet the new lo- gistic officer for DSV shipment who will post at LDS office Pesega. A meeting was also called by Maritime Administrator (MWTI) with the Head of Maritime School and hosted by SSS. The meeting discussed how to overcome issues in the process of seafarer recruitment as well as deliberating on critical issues raised by the recent IMO audit. Its another step forward in removing barriers, better networking and collectively working with mandatory agencies to meet SSS targets and ensuring its in line with legal requirements.

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Page 1: A Message from the General Managers Office MEET AND GREET · 2019-07-26 · in sea cargo handling. The meet and greet ses-sion continues to strengthen our business partner-ship with


A Message from the General Managers Office

Project101 : July- September 2018

Afioga Lautimuia A. Uelese Vaai

Folauga Newsletter has been

around for years now, but as

Samoa Shipping Services

moved to improve its products

and services, it is of Manage-

ment liking to turn this news-

letter into an information pa-

per for particularly SSS staff

and stakeholders. The

Folauga will also become one

vital record for the company’s

achievements mainly its in-

come earning, building and

consolidating new and exist-

ing partnerships let alone the

advancement and enhance-

ment of human capacity build-

ing for better working relation-

ships and greater results.

The Folauga will be issued

quarterly and we look forward

to your support in terms of

contributing in the next issue.

Kudos to the Desktop Publish-

er Miss Siulepa E. Salapo for

taking over this project.

Thank you and enjoy reading!!

General Manager


Kon’nichiwa!! Nagayuki Suzuki, a Director in the Shipping Division of

Jetro Shipping Company in Singapore visited Samoa Shipping Ser-

vices on the 12th July 2018. He’s of Japanese decent and no

stranger to the Shipping Industry in Asia.

Though his visit to Samoa was mainly for other are-

as of the transport sector, he will be able to assist in

the provision of advance further trainings and link-

ing the ‘SSS’ to ship owners in Japan for potential

seafarer employment opportunities. It was a pleas-

ure hosting him and lets hope for future business.

Sofrana Unilines (NZ) Sales Marketing Manager Mr Alistair also visit-

ed Samoa Shipping Services. Sofrana has been in

an extensive partnership with SSS over the years

in sea cargo handling. The meet and greet ses-

sion continues to strengthen our business partner-

ship with Sofrana and to ensure we collectively

work to improve our service delivery to the commu-

nity. Alistair was welcomed in a ‘ava’ ceremony

hosted by Management and Staff.

Compiled and Desktop Published by Siulepa Esther Salapo.

Management took the time out to share a snack with the

trainer of ISO Certification through SAME.

Management also made time to meet and greet the new lo-

gistic officer for DSV shipment who will post at LDS office


A meeting was also called by Maritime Administrator

(MWTI) with the Head of Maritime School and hosted by

SSS. The meeting discussed how to overcome issues in the

process of seafarer recruitment as well as deliberating on

critical issues raised by the recent IMO audit. Its another

step forward in removing barriers, better networking and

collectively working with mandatory agencies to meet SSS

targets and ensuring its in line with legal requirements.

Page 2: A Message from the General Managers Office MEET AND GREET · 2019-07-26 · in sea cargo handling. The meet and greet ses-sion continues to strengthen our business partner-ship with





Folauga congratulates Mr Tasele

Tavu’i for a full pass in his 2nd to

final semester of his Bachelor of

Commerce in Accounting the


As part of capacity building, SSS is committed to

assist its employees in continuous education for

formal qualification through payment of tuition

fees and study leave during final exams with

conditions to be satisfied in due completion of

course. Employees are encouraged to utilize

the opportunities to engage in formal learning.

And you know what they say; ‘Its never too late

to learn.’ All the best for your final semester




Samoa Shipping Services donated $500 to the

Little Sister of the Poor at Mapuifagalele with our

prayers for blessings and understanding for

those working to care for our old citizens.

Management resolved to donate $1,000 in sup-

port of Miss Samoa Pageant to be held in Savaii

for the first time.

Management also resolved to donate $2,000 to

the Samoa Conference to host by the National

University of Samoa in September.

Be A Winner!!

Be a winner of your own health and exercise twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday coordinated by the Social Club Committee. One should never doubt the benefits of exercising but definitely increases your energy level, reduce risk of chronic disease (ie. diabe-tes and health dis-ease). On another level, ex- ercise is a team building method that in-creases employee produc- tivity, proven to fight the effects of stress and de- pression and it’s a ‘sweatwork’ to further your career. So snap out of it and join the rest of the staff.

SSS took a step forward in the last two months

of this quarter to build staff Capacity by assign-

ing work short term projects to various staff

members on top of their duties. The purpose is

to promote ‘multiskilling’ and better understand-

ing of strategic management while at the same

time enhancing knowledge and develop new

skills. The following table summarizes the pro-

jects information:




P-No Responsi-

ble Staff

Project Name Status

P101 Siulepa Folauga News-



Issue 1. July-Sept


P102 Timuia,


Annual Reports

2015, 2016 &


Annual Report


Final Draft

1st Draft

P103 Kisa &


Reconciliation of



Findings present-

ed to manage-

ment. A few more


and staff presen-

tation to come

P104 GM OFF Redevelopment

of SSS Website


P105 Ogeai &


MPE SSS Corpo-

rate Plan Review

Completed -

Copies sent to

MPE and Board

Chairman. Staff

presentation on

Fri 5th Sept 18.


Page 3: A Message from the General Managers Office MEET AND GREET · 2019-07-26 · in sea cargo handling. The meet and greet ses-sion continues to strengthen our business partner-ship with



The NUS-School of Maritime ran a Crowd and

Crisis Course and Able Body Seaman Courses

during the first semester break in July. The train-

ings will enable those who haven't taken the

courses before to meet requirements by the Inter-

national Maritime Organization.

Both courses were each a week long and formal

graduations took place to congratulate the partici-

pants of the courses. Some of those who took

the ABS course are potential recruits for SWIRE

and are paid for by SSS to be recovered when

engaged for employment.

The General Manager of ‘SSS’ delivered the key

note address for the CCM Course graduation and

was invited to present certificates for the ABS

course graduation on the following week.

SSS Organization Review Report

After months of interviews and document re-

views by SMART Consultant, the report was

presented to Management and Staff on the ’SSS

Organization Review by Muliagatele Dr Potoae

Roberts Aiafi. The workshop was held at Tanoa

Tusitala on the 9th August 2018, and issues

raised were noted well. The most critical issues

brought forward in the report were gaps in ser-

vice delivery, processes and staff capacities.

Management has resolved for Muliagatele to

present the original report in the next Board

Meeting on the 29th August 2018 in which man-

agement proposes to take responsibility of the

report with necessary practical changes to be

made upon Board Approval.

“The most effective way to cope with change is to help create it” Markamoment


By Timuia Auvaa

For the start of this financial year, administration

staff is working towards archiving its strategic

plans and to efficiently and effectively contribute

in profit making of the company.

Plans for this quarter:

1. Preparation and compilation of annual re-

port 2018.

2. Annual Reviews of the staff

3. Provide monthly reports for management as

required by Management.

4. Maintain Data Base for Seafarers

5. Update of travel agent commission (Retzlaff


6. Monitoring of Staff Attendance

7. Administration section progress report

8. Vehicle Expenses

9. Staff In house training in September.





After much anticipated meetings and work-

shops by Management and Staff to develop its

Annual Plan for 2018/2019, and Budget for FY

2018/2019 both are finally kicking off on the

1st July after sorting Board approval.

The Annual Plan facilitates Management by

Objectives (MBO) and allows SSS employees

to foresee their future and sets up a sense of

direction. Although the future cannot be pre-

dicted, it helps reduce uncertainties and pre-

pare for risks by necessary provisions to

meet unexpected turn of events. Manage-

ment will work with their staff members on

their target achievements for the next FY.

Looking forward to greater results!!

Page 4: A Message from the General Managers Office MEET AND GREET · 2019-07-26 · in sea cargo handling. The meet and greet ses-sion continues to strengthen our business partner-ship with




By Staff Writer

The division of Industrial Relations of the

Ministry of Commerce Industry and La-

bor were invited to conduct an aware-

ness workshop for SSS employees, fol-

lowing those sickening ceiling dripping

and water leakage incidents above the

Shipping and Marketing working space

and the GMs office.

It was an unfortunate occurrence, but one

thing lead to another. MCIL presented

on the Occupational Safety and Health

Act (OSH) requirements.

The awareness objectives include

Educating employers and employ-

ees to enhance the productivity,

morale and welfare of people at

work, and of people affected by

work activity.

Safe workplace means safe guard-

ing family welfare.

And ensuring employers take nec-

essary and appropriate measures

to eliminate and reduce risks from

work place hazards.

MCIL took note of the proposition that the

Act has discrepancies such as responsi-

bilities for the third party (landlord)

hence their liability for an incomplete

building plan of a rented office building.

Furthermore Labour and Employment

Relation Act (LERA) was also presented

mainly to understand the application and

parameters of both the act and employ-

ment policies.

It was a constructive exercise and what

better timing when SSS was in the stage

of enforcing its newly approved HR and

Employment Policies Manual.

Admin has encouraged to prepare an

Emergency Plan for Safety at Work and

to conduct trainings for staff as appropri-




Participated by one of SSS staff members’ ( Ogeai Aua-

paau ) the training on Project Management was for du-

ration of one week facilitated by PSC and funded by

MNRE. The aim was to broaden the understanding and

competencies of government employees in Project

Management. In completion participants were present-

ed with certificates of participation.

Management encouraged staff members to utilize train-

ing opportunities as such, offer by the government

without costs to expedite acquisition of knowledge,

skills, and abilities required for effective job perfor-

mance and to increase morale among employees. SSS

will also need to identify training needs of staff mem-

bers to ensure the right training is provided for the right


Ogeai made a head start as the first staff member to

present the Project Management training with Manage-

ment and staff of SSS as part of knowledge sharing.


Our next Issue is due in December 2018. So, until

Christmas, Happy White Sunday Everyone

Participants of the Project Management Training

Page 5: A Message from the General Managers Office MEET AND GREET · 2019-07-26 · in sea cargo handling. The meet and greet ses-sion continues to strengthen our business partner-ship with


Management Resolution on the 5th of September


Resolved Timuia and Fiona to conduct staff

awareness on Seafarers Application procedure

& Shipping Management Risks.

Resolved for Timuia to approach landlord if GM

office can relocate upstairs to make work more

convenient, and avoid further water disruption.

Management Resolution on the 19th of Septem-

ber 2018:

The Board resolved in its last meeting to adver-

tise (2) ACEO positions in the new approved

organization structure. This will be the first with

other positions followed. ACEO positions will be

on contracts and will be advertised publicly.

Resolved for SSS website to be updated and

maintain by Pelenato for (12) months as agreed

to. Any other issues including confidentiality will

be dealt with if arises.

Resolved to allocate Fridays for presentation of

work processes and other staff training activities

from 3.30pm-5.00pm. Services to be closed

and public to be notified.

Resolved to approve the transfer of Lemau to

Shipping Officer position.

Resolved to assign Fiona to design a simple

questionnaire to send to clients and stakehold-

ers to asses and tailor a proposition statement

(write up) so SSS knows what clients are ex-

pected of ‘us’ (SSS)

The following resolutions were noted from Manage-

ment Meeting on the 26th Sept 2018:

Resolved for Crewing to update waiting list of


Resolved to remain number of Sick Leave

(days) as it is in policy – All Employees to stand-

ardize leave entitlement at 10 days sick leave

per year.

CMS and SDS – Resolved to print out list and

put on projector for review in GM office because

we need an update report for Board Meeting.

Siulepa and Kisa to do the presentation.

Resolved to approve one off payment of USD30

to boost and reach more people for 1 month on

SSS FB Page.

Resolved to present Shipping Risks on Friday’s

workshop 5/10/2018

Source: Management Minutes, July-September 2018


The following resolutions were delivered from

Management table in its Meeting on the 5th

July 2018:

Resolved the attendance of Lu-

amanuvae, Suafoa, Fiona and the Gen-

eral Manager in the ISO training on the

24th July.

Resolved for Suafoa and Fiona to attend

a business meeting with PT Transocean

in Indonesia and later attend to the NZ

cruise conference a week later.

Resolved for Crewing team to perform a

cost analysis of the proposed Photo-

graphing Service.

The following resolutions were noted from

Management Meeting on the 25th July 2018:

Resolved to appoint Fiona to start the

‘Register of Quality Risk for the ISO Cer-

tification Document.

It was also resolved for Fiona to develop

and submit a database of ‘SSS’ clients

and categorized in Public and Private

Sector entities.

Resolved to create and add coding to all

‘SSS’ standard forms in line with ISO

requirements and make it ‘official’.

The following resolutions were noted from

Management Meeting on the 1st of August


Resolved to relocate the Shipping and

Marketing Section to the back room re-

cently used by SMART Consultant.

The following resolutions were noted from

Management Meeting on the 15th August


Resolved to assign Siulepa and Kisa to

reconcile the Seafarer Database and

CMS Systems to prepare an updated

report for Board Meeting.

Resolved to nominate Ogeai to attend

the Project Management training coordi-

nated by PSC.

Source: Management Minutes, July & August