a mining company employee

A mining company employee’s fever A man, 25 years old, a mining company employee, living in Banjarmasin, admitted to the hospital with chief complaint of fever. History of disease : the patient has high fever since a month ago. Gis fever is up and down, the periodicity is tertian. Before having fever, he is shivering and sweating. The patient also feels weak and lethargic, sometimes dizzy, nausea and he also vomits. During the illness, the patient gets poor appetite. Two years ago he also suffered the same complaint. Physical examination : the patient looks anemic and sclera jaundice. His blood pressure is 100/60 mmHg, pulse 120 beats/minute, respiratory rate is 26 times/minute, temperature is 39° C. It is found hepatomegaly (liver is palpable 2 cm below the arcus costae) and spleenomegaly (spleen is palpable Schuffner II). Laboratory test : on peripheral blood (thin blood smear), it is found plasmodium vivax at young trophozoite stage, half- adult trophozoite, adult trophozoite, schizonts and gametocytes. What therapy should a doctor do to this patient? Sebuah perusahaan tambang karyawan demam Seorang pria, 25 tahun, seorang karyawan perusahaan pertambangan, yang tinggal di Banjarmasin, dirawat di rumah sakit dengan keluhan utama demam. Riwayat penyakit: pasien mengalami demam tinggi sejak sebulan lalu. demamnya adalah atas dan ke bawah, periodisitas adalah malaria. Sebelum mengalami demam, menggigil dan ia berkeringat. Pasien juga merasa lemah dan lesu, kadang-kadang pusing, mual dan dia juga

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Post on 13-Sep-2015




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A mining company employees fever

A man, 25 years old, a mining company employee, living in Banjarmasin, admitted to the hospital with chief complaint of fever.History of disease : the patient has high fever since a month ago. Gis fever is up and down, the periodicity is tertian. Before having fever, he is shivering and sweating. The patient also feels weak and lethargic, sometimes dizzy, nausea and he also vomits. During the illness, the patient gets poor appetite. Two years ago he also suffered the same complaint. Physical examination : the patient looks anemic and sclera jaundice. His blood pressure is 100/60 mmHg, pulse 120 beats/minute, respiratory rate is 26 times/minute, temperature is 39 C. It is found hepatomegaly (liver is palpable 2 cm below the arcus costae) and spleenomegaly (spleen is palpable Schuffner II).Laboratory test : on peripheral blood (thin blood smear), it is found plasmodium vivax at young trophozoite stage, half-adult trophozoite, adult trophozoite, schizonts and gametocytes. What therapy should a doctor do to this patient?

Sebuah perusahaan tambang karyawan demam

Seorang pria, 25 tahun, seorang karyawan perusahaan pertambangan, yang tinggal di Banjarmasin, dirawat di rumah sakit dengan keluhan utama demam.Riwayat penyakit: pasien mengalami demam tinggi sejak sebulan lalu. demamnya adalah atas dan ke bawah, periodisitas adalah malaria. Sebelum mengalami demam, menggigil dan ia berkeringat. Pasien juga merasa lemah dan lesu, kadang-kadang pusing, mual dan dia juga muntah. Selama sakit, pasien akan kurang nafsu makan. Dua tahun lalu ia juga mengalami keluhan yang sama.Pemeriksaan fisik: pasien tampak lemah dan sclera ikterus. Tekanan darahnya 100/60 mmHg, denyut nadi 120 kali / menit, laju pernapasan adalah 26 kali / menit, suhu 39 C. Hal ini ditemukan hepatomegali (hati teraba 2 cm di bawah arcus costae) dan spleenomegaly (limpa teraba Schuffner II).Uji laboratorium: pada darah perifer (hapusan darah tipis), ditemukan plasmodium vivax pada tahap trofozoit muda, setengah dewasa trofozoit, trofozoit dewasa, schizonts dan gametosit. Apa terapi harus dokter lakukan untuk pasien ini?