a molecularly based theory for electron transfer...

A molecularly based theory for electron transfer reorganization energy Bilin Zhuang and Zhen-Gang Wang Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 224502 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4936586 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4936586 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/143/22?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical/continuum style solvation model: Second order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory J. Chem. Phys. 140, 174115 (2014); 10.1063/1.4873344 Ionic liquids as oxidic media for electron transfer studies J. Chem. Phys. 136, 244501 (2012); 10.1063/1.4729306 Ligand reorganization and activation energies in nonadiabatic electron transfer reactions J. Chem. Phys. 125, 164511 (2006); 10.1063/1.2361285 Solvent reorganization energy of electron-transfer reactions in polar solvents J. Chem. Phys. 120, 7532 (2004); 10.1063/1.1676122 Theoretical study of electronic and solvent reorganization associated with a charging process of organic compounds. I. Molecular and atomic level description of solvent reorganization J. Chem. Phys. 119, 2753 (2003); 10.1063/1.1586257 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 16:13:29

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A molecularly based theory for electron transfer reorganization energyBilin Zhuang and Zhen-Gang Wang Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 224502 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4936586 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4936586 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/143/22?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical/continuum style solvation model: Second order Møller-Plessetperturbation theory J. Chem. Phys. 140, 174115 (2014); 10.1063/1.4873344 Ionic liquids as oxidic media for electron transfer studies J. Chem. Phys. 136, 244501 (2012); 10.1063/1.4729306 Ligand reorganization and activation energies in nonadiabatic electron transfer reactions J. Chem. Phys. 125, 164511 (2006); 10.1063/1.2361285 Solvent reorganization energy of electron-transfer reactions in polar solvents J. Chem. Phys. 120, 7532 (2004); 10.1063/1.1676122 Theoretical study of electronic and solvent reorganization associated with a charging process of organiccompounds. I. Molecular and atomic level description of solvent reorganization J. Chem. Phys. 119, 2753 (2003); 10.1063/1.1586257

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A molecularly based theory for electron transfer reorganization energyBilin Zhuang and Zhen-Gang Wanga)

Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,California 91125, USA

(Received 27 May 2015; accepted 16 November 2015; published online 8 December 2015)

Using field-theoretic techniques, we develop a molecularly based dipolar self-consistent-field theory(DSCFT) for charge solvation in pure solvents under equilibrium and nonequilibrium conditions andapply it to the reorganization energy of electron transfer reactions. The DSCFT uses a set of molecularparameters, such as the solvent molecule’s permanent dipole moment and polarizability, thus avoidingapproximations that are inherent in treating the solvent as a linear dielectric medium. A simple,analytical expression for the free energy is obtained in terms of the equilibrium and nonequilibriumelectrostatic potential profiles and electric susceptibilities, which are obtained by solving a set ofself-consistent equations. With no adjustable parameters, the DSCFT predicts activation energies andreorganization energies in good agreement with previous experiments and calculations for the electrontransfer between metallic ions. Because the DSCFT is able to describe the properties of the solventin the immediate vicinity of the charges, it is unnecessary to distinguish between the inner-sphereand outer-sphere solvent molecules in the calculation of the reorganization energy as in previouswork. Furthermore, examining the nonequilibrium free energy surfaces of electron transfer, we findthat the nonequilibrium free energy is well approximated by a double parabola for self-exchangereactions, but the curvature of the nonequilibrium free energy surface depends on the charges of theelectron-transferring species, contrary to the prediction by the linear dielectric theory. C 2015 AIPPublishing LLC. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4936586]


Electron transfer (ET) is a ubiquitous mechanism inmany chemical, electrochemical, and biological processes.The ET kinetics depends on the nonequilibrium free energysurfaces of the reactant and the product states generated bythe electron-transferring species and the solvent degrees offreedom.1–6 The celebrated Marcus theory7,8 envisions thenonequilibrium free energy surface as two equal-curvatureparabolic functions of a one-dimensional macroscopiccoordinate — the solvent orientational polarization, basedon a linear dielectric treatment of the solvent in terms of itsstatic and optical dielectric constants. This simple picture hashad wide successes in many experimental and simulation tests.In particular, the prediction — and subsequent experimentalobservation — of an inverted region in the energy gap law5

represents a great triumph of the Marcus theory.The treatment of the solvent as a linear dielectric medium

is clearly an approximation, as recognized by Marcus himselfand others.9–11 Two notable discrepancies have been knownin the literature. First, computer simulations indicated that thesolvent reorganization energy depends on the charges of thedonor-acceptor system,12–18 not only on the amount of chargetransfer as predicted by the Marcus theory. Second, time-resolved spectroscopic measurements of electron-transferringspecies revealed differences in the energies and shapes of theabsorption and the emission bands, while the Marcus picturepredicts a perfect symmetry between the two bands.11,19,20 Theexplanation of these phenomena requires theoretical methods

a)Electronic mail: [email protected]

that account for solvent properties beyond the linear dielectricapproximation, such as spatially varying dielectric responseand dielectric saturation.

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with explicitsolvents can include the microscopic molecular structure andinteractions, allowing dynamical details of ET processes tobe studied.17,18,21–30 However, multiple long trajectories arerequired to perform umbrella sampling, making it impracticalto perform calculations for general solvents. Integral-equationtheories31–38 are a more convenient alternative to the laboriousnonequilibrium sampling schemes in MD simulations, butnanosecond MD simulations are still required to compute thesolvent correlation functions in these approaches. Also, it iscumbersome to include the induced dipoles of the solventin simulations and integral-equation theories; as such, thesemethods often treat solvent molecules as nonpolarizable, withthe effects of solvent electronic response approximated orignored. Furthermore, these methods require specific, well-parameterized solvent models.

On the other hand, phenomenological treatments11,39–56

are convenient tools that elucidate the essential physics inelectron transfer reactions and provide good explanations forexperimental and simulation data by invoking ad hoc fittingparameters. However, for any specific ET system, to make apriori predictions of the reorganization energy, it is desirableto develop a theory that captures the most important propertiesof each solvent using only readily available parameters fromphysicochemical handbooks.

Recently, Nakamura et al.57 developed a coarse-grained theory for equilibrium ion solvation in liquids andliquid mixtures using field-theoretic techniques. The term

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224502-2 B. Zhuang and Z.-G. Wang J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224502 (2015)

“coarse-grained” refers to a simplified description of thesolvent molecules using a reduced set of degrees of freedom.The theory accounts for the molecular nature of the solvents byusing a small number of molecular parameters that are readilyavailable — the permanent dipole, the polarizability, and themolecular volume for the solvent and the ionic radius for theionic solute. The theory naturally captures spatially varyingdielectric responses and dielectric saturation in the closevicinity of the ion. With no adjustable parameters, the theorypredicts solvation energies in both single-component liquidsand binary liquid mixtures that are in excellent agreementwith experimental data. A key insight of the work in Ref. 57 isthat the solvation energy of an ion is largely determined by thelocal response of the permanent and induced dipoles, as wellas the local solvent composition in the case of mixtures, andbears no strong correlation with the bulk dielectric constant.

In this article, we extend the work of Nakamura et al. tothe calculation of nonequilibrium solvation energy (thereorganization energy) for electron transfer reactions in simplemolecular liquids. In contrast to equilibrium ion solvationwhere both the electronic and orientational components of thesolvent polarization reach full equilibrium, the nonequilibriumsolvation energy in ET involves conditions where onlythe electronic polarization responds to the instantaneoussolute charges while the orientational component is keptat nonequilibrium values because of the longer time scalesfor solvent orientational relaxation compared to the electronicmotion. The field theoretical formulation naturally accountsfor these two different degrees of freedom by introducing tworespective conjugate fields (which become identical underfull equilibrium conditions). With the same set of molecularinput as for equilibrium solvation, and with no adjustableparameters, our theory predicts reorganization energies for avariety of charge transfer reactions involving simple metalions in good agreement with experimentally obtained data.Furthermore, by treating all solvent molecules on equal footingand representing the solvent polarization as spatially varyingquantities, our theory provides a unified description of thesolvation energy contributions from all the solvent molecules,thus avoiding the need to separately treat the inner-sphere andthe outer-sphere molecules, as is commonly done in existingET theories. Our approach allows ET reorganization energyto be calculated with minimal computational effort, typicallyless than half a minute on a personal computer.

The rest of this article is organized as follows. InSection II, after a brief description of the setup of the problemto identify the relevant energies, we formulate our dipolarself-consistent-field theory (DSCFT) for charge solvationunder both equilibrium and nonequilibrium conditions fora single-component liquid. (Extension to liquid mixtures willbe deferred to a forthcoming paper.) The key equations andmain steps in the derivation are presented, while some ofthe technical details are delegated to the two appendices.In Section III, we present the results for the reorganizationand activation energies for several prototypical ET reactions.We show that the DSCFT is able to unify the treatment ofinner-sphere and outer-sphere solvent molecules to provide areliable estimate of the total reorganization energy. In addition,we show that the nonequilibrium free energy surface is

well described by a parabolic function, but contrary to theprediction by the linear dielectric theory, the curvature ofthe free energy surface is not independent of the magnitudeof charge on the electron-transferring species. Finally, inSection IV, we summarize the main points of this work andoffer some concluding remarks.


In this section, we derive the DSCFT by extending theequilibrium theory for ion solvation by Nakamura et al. tothe case of nonequilibrium solvation with arbitrary solutecharge distribution. We start with a brief review of the keyconcepts in ET theory to define the relevant free energies.Next, we formulate the field-theoretic DSCFT theory for thesolvation of a solute with arbitrary charge under equilibriumand nonequilibrium conditions. We then apply the DSCFTto ET between two simple ions, detailing the procedure forcalculating the reorganization energy and the free energychange of the reaction.

A. Key concepts in electron transfer theory

We consider the typical ET in a weakly coupled donor-acceptor complex (the solute) in a polar solvent. Thesolute has charge distribution ρ̂

(R)c (r) in the reactant state

and ρ̂(P)c (r) in the product state. The macrostate of the

solvent can be described by its electronic polarization Peland orientational polarization Por. Due to the separation oftime scale between the fast-responding electronic polarizationand the slow-responding orientational polarization, the ETkinetics is controlled by the thermally induced nonequilibriumreorganization in the solvent orientational polarization. Basedon the linear dielectric description for the solvent, the freeenergies in the reactant and the product charge states relateto the nonequilibrium orientational polarization through twoparabolas of equal curvature, as sketched in Fig. 1.

The key insight into the Marcus theory7,8 is that athermally activated ET process must satisfy both the Franck-Condon principle and energy conservation. As such, priorto the electron transfer, the solvent orientational polarizationmust reorganize to a transition state (T ) such that the freeenergy in the reactant state equals the free energy in theproduct state. The difference in the free energy between thetransition state and the reactant equilibrium state (R) definesthe activation energy ∆G‡ of the ET process. However, it isgenerally difficult to directly obtain a simple expression forthe orientational polarization at the transition state. Instead,the activation energy is calculated by its relation to the freeenergy change of the reaction ∆G0 and the reorganizationenergy λ through the following expression, based on thedouble-parabola picture of the free energy surface:

∆G‡ =λ


(1 +∆G0



, (1)

where the free energy change and the reorganization energyare given by

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224502-3 B. Zhuang and Z.-G. Wang J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224502 (2015)

FIG. 1. Free energy vs. solvent orientational polarization for electron transferreactions. The linear dielectric theory predicts that the two free energy curvesare parabolic and have equal curvature. R and P are the equilibrium stateswhen the solute is at the reactant charge state and the product charge state,respectively. N is the nonequilibrium state in which the solute is in the prod-uct charge state while the solvent orientational polarization is in equilibriumwith the reactant charge state. T labels the transition state. The activationenergy, the free energy change of the reaction, and the reorganization energyare ∆G‡, ∆G0, and λ, respectively.

∆G0 = GP − GR, (2)λ = GN − GP. (3)

In the above expressions, GS denotes the free energy ofthe state S. States R and P are the equilibrium statescorresponding to the reactant and the product charges, whereboth the solvent orientational and the electronic polarizationsare in full equilibrium with the solute charge. State N isa nonequilibrium state in which the solute is in the productcharge state but the solvent orientational polarization is kept atits previous equilibrium value in stateR. In stateN , the solventelectronic polarization equilibrates with both the solute chargeand the nonequilibrium orientational polarization. These statesas well as the relevant energies are indicated in the sketch inFig. 1.

The usual treatment of reorganization energy in the lineardielectric theory involves the separation of the inner-sphere(solute) and the outer-sphere (solvent) contributions. Foran ET process between two simple ions, the coordinatedmetal complexes, instead of the bare ions, are usuallytreated as the solute in the inner sphere. For example,for the Fe2+/Fe3+ exchange reaction in aqueous medium,the hexaaquocomplexes [Fe(H2O)6]2+ and [Fe(H2O)6]3+ areconsidered as the solutes. The inner-sphere reorganizationenergy considers the nonequilibrium coordinate bond lengthsbetween the ion and the solvent ligands, while the outer-spherereorganization energy considers nonequilibrium solventorientational polarization outside the hexaaquocomplexes.Using classical linear dielectric theory, Marcus derived thefollowing expression relating the outer-sphere reorganizationenergy λo and the geometry of the solute:7

λo =(∆q)24πϵ0



12aA− 1


) (1ϵ∞− 1ϵ s

), (4)

where aD and aA are, respectively, the radii of the donor andthe acceptor, d is the distance between them, and ∆q is theamount of charge transferred. ϵ∞ and ϵ s are, respectively, thebulk optical and the static dielectric constants of the solvent.In this work, we refer to the reorganization energy calculatedby Eq. (4) as the bulk linear dielectric constant (BLDC)approximation.

The Marcus theory thus establishes that the key tothe study of an ET process is to find the free energiesof charge solvation under the equilibrium condition, whereboth the orientational and the electronic polarizations ofthe solvent are in equilibrium with the solute charge, aswell as the nonequilibrium condition, where the solventorientational polarization is kept at an out-of-equilibriumvalue. In Subsection II B, we formulate a molecularly basedself-consistent-field theory for calculating these free energies.

B. DSCFT for equilibrium and nonequilibriumsolvation

In this section, we formulate the DSCFT for chargesolvation under both the equilibrium and the nonequilibriumsituations. We consider a set of solutes immersed in a polarsolvent, as schematically illustrated in Fig. 2. The set ofsolutes is modeled as a charge distribution ρ̂c(r) inside somesolute cavity C representing the space inaccessible to solventmolecules. The solvent consists of N dipolar molecules, eachcharacterized by its molecular volume v , permanent dipoleµ̄, and polarizability α. The state of the ith solvent moleculeis described by {ri,µi,pi}, which, respectively, denotes itsposition, permanent dipole (with magnitude |µi | = µ̄), andinduced dipole.

We write the total charge density of the solute-solventsystem as

ρ̂(r) = ρ̂c(r) + ρ̂or(r) + ρ̂el(r), (5)

where ρ̂or and ρ̂el are, respectively, the charge densities dueto the orientational and the electronic polarizations. As thesolvent orientational polarization is due to the permanentdipole moments that are related to the nuclear degrees offreedom, and the electronic polarization is due to the induceddipole moments that are related to the electronic degrees of

FIG. 2. A schematic representation of the system of solutes in a dipolar sol-vent. The solute cavity C is represented in green and the solvent is representedby the red and blue dipoles.

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224502-4 B. Zhuang and Z.-G. Wang J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224502 (2015)

freedom, we express ρ̂or and ρ̂el in terms of their correspondingdipole moments as58

ρ̂or(r) = −Ni=1

µi · ∇δ(r − ri), (6)

ρ̂el(r) = −Ni=1

pi · ∇δ(r − ri). (7)

The energy of the system consists of the Coulombinteraction and the deformation energy of the induced dipoles,and it can be expressed as

U =12



ρ̂(r) ρ̂(r′)4πϵ0|r − r′| +



2α, (8)

where the second term is the deformation energy of the induceddipoles in the harmonic approximation.58,59 For convenience,we work in a semi-grand canonical ensemble of open-solventand incompressible system with volume V , temperature T , andsolvent chemical potential µ, for which the partition functionis

Ξ =









× δ[v n̂(r) − 1]e−βU, (9)

where β = 1/kBT and η is the analog of thermal deBroglie wavelength that makes the configurational integraldimensionless. The actual value of η is inconsequential as

it only contributes to a reference energy. δ[ f (r)] is the δ-functional, which is the generalization of the Dirac deltafunction to the function space, such that δ[ f (r)] = 0 unless f= 0 for all r, and the integral of the functional over the functionspace satisfies

D f δ[ f (r)] = 1. n̂(r) = N

i=1 δ(r − ri) is thenumber density operator for the solvent molecules. Rather thanaccounting for the non-electrostatic interactions between thesolvent molecules explicitly, in our coarse-grained approach,we treat the liquid as incompressible and use the δ-functionalconstraint to enforce a constant density everywhere in thesystem. The integral runs over the configurational space ofsolvent molecules, and the integral over µi runs over the 4πsolid angle as the magnitude of the permanent dipole is fixed.

Next, we transform the particle-based partition functionin Eq. (9) into a field representation by performing aseries of identity transformations.60 This process introducescoarse-grained particle densities and coarse-grained potentialsthat decouple the particle-particle interactions. These coarse-grained variables are introduced as integration variables usingthe property of the δ-functional,

F[ f (r)] =Dg δ[ f (r) − g(r)]F[g(r)], (10)

where f represents a general function and F is a generalfunctional. The δ-functionals can be further rewritten usingits Fourier representation,

δ[ f ] =Dh exp


dr h(r) f (r). (11)

The resulting partition function after the transformations is

Ξ =














× expi

drw(r)[vn(r) − 1] − β




ρ(r)ρ(r′)4πϵ0|r − r′| −



2α+ i

dr wor(r)ρor(r) + i

dr wel(r)ρel(r)

− i

dr wor(r) ρ̂or(r) − i

dr wel(r) ρ̂el(r), (12)

where ρ(r) = ρ̂c(r) + ρor(r) + ρel(r). The procedure intro-duces the coarse-grained orientational and electronic chargedensities ρor and ρel (represented without a hat) that do notdepend explicitly on the solvent microscopic configuration.The identity transformation decouples the interaction termsand makes the partition function into one of the single-particlesin effective fluctuating fields. Integration over the microscopicconfigurational space {ri,µi,pi} leads to the field-theoreticgrand partition function, given by

Ξ =





Dwel e−βH (13)

with the field Hamiltonian

βH[w, ρor, ρel, wor, wel]= i

dr w(r) − i

dr wor(r)ρor(r) − i

dr wel(r)ρel(r)




βρ(r)ρ(r′)8πϵ0|r − r′| − eβµQ[w,wor, wel], (14)

where Q[w,wor, wel] is the single-particle partition functionunder the fluctuating fields given by

Q[w,wor, wel] = 4πµ̄2



) 32

drΓ(r) sin(µ̄|∇wor(r)|)

µ̄|∇wor(r)|× exp

ivw(r) − α


. (15)

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224502-5 B. Zhuang and Z.-G. Wang J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224502 (2015)

Here, Γ(r) serves to limit the integration to space outside ofthe cavity, with Γ(r) = 0 if r ∈ C and Γ(r) = 1 otherwise.

The functional integration in the field-theoretic partitionfunction in Eq. (13) cannot be evaluated in closed form. Toproceed, we make the saddle-point approximation by takingthe maximum of the integrand corresponding to the set offunctions {w∗, ρ∗or, ρ

∗el, w

∗or, w

∗el} that extremizes the Boltzmann

factor exp(−βH), i.e., Ξ ≈ exp{−H[w∗, ρ∗or, ρ∗el, w

∗or, w

∗el]}. At

equilibrium, the saddle-point values of the functionalarguments are determined by extremizing H with respectto all of its functional variables. Under the nonequilibriumcondition where electronic polarization can respond but theorientational polarization is kept at its previous equilibriumvalue, we extremize H with respect to all functional variablesexcept ρor and its conjugate field wor. We delegate the detailsof the extremization procedure to Appendix A. Here, wesimply write down the two sets of resulting constitutiverelations, one set applicable under equilibrium conditions,and the other set applicable under nonequilibrium conditions.Since the saddle-point values of the functional variableslie on the imaginary axis, in order to work with realquantities and for the convenience of relating our theoryto the classical electrostatics theory, we make a change ofvariables wor = −i βφor, wel = −i βφel, and w = i βu.61 Uponsimplification and rearrangement of the resulting equations,the set of constitutive relations for equilibrium is

∇ · D = ρ̂c(r), (16a)

χor(r) = Γ(r) β µ̄2


βα2 |∇φ(r)|2G(β µ̄|∇φ(r)|), ,(16b)

χel(r) = Γ(r) α

ϵ0v, (16c)

1 = e−βvu(r)+βα2 |∇φ(r)|2 sinh(β µ̄|∇φ(r)|)

β µ̄|∇φ(r)| , (16d)

where G(x) = [1/ tanh(x) − 1/x] sinh(x)/x2. D is the electricdisplacement given by D = −ϵ0[1 + χel + χor(r)]∇φ(r), and

χor and χel are, respectively, the orientational and electronicelectric susceptibilities. χor and χel are zero inside thesolute cavity, which is a vacuum with no solvent. Theelectric susceptibilities relate to the local static dielectricfunction εs(r) and the local optical dielectric function ε∞(r)through εs(r) = 1 + χor(r) + χel(r) and ε∞(r) = 1 + χel(r). Atthe saddle-point level, the bulk dielectric constant is onlyaccounted for in the limit of dilute gases, but the effectof this approximation is inconsequential as the solvationenergy is determined by the local dielectric response andnot directly related to the bulk dielectric constant.57 We havedropped the superscripts ∗ in these equations for notationalsimplicity, but it should be understood that the effective chargedensities and potentials are at their saddle-point values. Thesubscripts on the electric potentials are dropped becauseφ(r) = φel(r) = φor(r) from the minimization of H , as evidentfrom Eqs. (A2) and (A3).

For nonequilibrium situations, the constitutive relationsbecome

∇ · D = ρ̂c(r), (17a)

χel(r) = Γ(r) α

ϵ0v, (17b)

1 = e−βvu(r)+βα2 |∇φel(r)|2 sinh(β µ̄|∇φor(r)|)

β µ̄|∇φor(r)| , (17c)

where the values of φor and χor for the nonequilibrium stateNare from their values at the reactant equilibrium state R. Theelectric displacement is given by D = −ϵ0(1 + χel)∇φel(r) −ϵ0χor(r)∇φor(r), since φor and φel must now be distinguishedbecause the relation φor = φel no longer holds under thenonequilibrium condition.

The free energy of solvation can be obtained by substitut-ing the saddle-point values of the functional arguments into theHamiltonian in Eq. (14). Upon simplification, for which thedetails are given in Appendix A, the free energy of solvationis written as

G[C, ρ̂c(r)] =


12ϵ0(1 + χel(r))|∇φel(r)|2 + ϵ0χor(r)|∇φor(r)|2 − 1

βvΓ(r) log

sinh β µ̄|∇φor(r)|

β µ̄|∇φor(r)|− 1


, (18)

where C = { χor, φor,Γ} is the nuclear configuration set thatcontain all necessary information describing the nuclearconfiguration, and χel and φel are calculated using theconstitutive relations. The saddle-point free energy as anintegral over the whole space is infinite, but the divergentparts cancel in the evaluation of reorganization energy aspresented in Appendix B.

It is known that field-theoretic treatment of electrostat-ically interacting systems at the saddle-point level leads tothe Poisson equation, as in Eqs. (16a) and (17a).57,62,63 Thespatially varying orientational and electronic electric suscepti-bilities χor(r) and χel(r) describe the collective response of thepermanent dipoles and the induced dipoles, respectively, givenby Eqs. (16b), (16c), and (17b). The equations for electric

susceptibilities are equivalent to the nonlinear Langevin-Debye model when the field −∇φ is taken as the localfield.64–67 The incompressibility condition is accounted forat the mean-field level by Eqs. (16d) and (17c). Eqs. (16)–(18)are the key equations in the DSCFT. In Sec. II C, weapply the DSCFT to a simple ET process between two ionsand present results of our numerical calculations.

C. Application of DSCFT to simple electron transferbetween two ions

In this section, we apply the DSCFT framework to asimple ET reaction Dm + An → Dm+1 + An−1 between twoions. Following Marcus’s two-sphere model, the donor (D)

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224502-6 B. Zhuang and Z.-G. Wang J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224502 (2015)

and the acceptor (A) are modeled as two spherical cavities,each with a point charge at the center. The reactant statehas charge distribution ρ̂

(R)c (r) = meδ(r − RD) + neδ(r − RA),

and the product state has charge distribution ρ̂(P)c (r)

= (m + 1)eδ(r − RD) + (n − 1)eδ(r − RA), where RD and RA

are, respectively, the positions of the donor and the acceptor,and e is the elementary charge. The distance betweenthe donor and the acceptor is d = |RD − RA|. The solutecavity CS(S = P,R,N ) is represented by the set {r : |r − RD|< aSD or |r − RA| < aS

A}, where aSD and aS

Aare, respectively,

the radii of the species D and A in stateS.68 For the equilibriumstate R/P, aR/PD and aR/P

Aare taken to be the ionic radii of

Dm/Dm+1 and An/An−1, respectively. For the nonequilibriumstate N , the solute cavity takes the ionic radii of the speciesin state R, such that aN

D/A = aRD/A, because states N and

R, having the same solvent nuclear configuration, have thesame region inaccessible to the solvent. ΓS(r), the indicatorfunction of the solute cavity CS, equals 0 when r ∈ CS and 1otherwise.

Under a particular distribution of the solute charge, thenonequilibrium free energy can be evaluated with respect tothe free energy at the equilibrium state for the same solutecharge distribution. In doing so, the free energy surface G(R)in the reactant charge state and the free energy surface G(P) inthe product charge state are expressed as

G(R) = G[C, ρ̂(R)c ] − G(R)eq , (19)

G(P) = G[C, ρ̂(P)c ] − G(P)eq + ∆G0, (20)

where ∆G0 is the free energy change of the reaction. G(R)eq

and G(P)eq are the free energies at the equilibrium states

R and P, respectively, given by G(R)eq = G[CR, ρ̂(R)c ] and

G(P)eq = G[CP, ρ̂(P)c ], where CS = { χSor, φ


S} (S = R,P) isthe nuclear configuration set of state S. χRor, φ

Ror, and ΓR are

the values of χor, φor, and Γ in the reactant equilibrium stateR; χPor, φ

Por, and ΓP are defined similarly. The reorganization

energy λ is then

λ = G[CR, ρ̂(P)c ] − G[CP, ρ̂(P)c ]. (21)

A strategy for evaluating λ is presented in Appendix B, whereallowance is made for the solute cavities in the reactant and theproduct states to be different (i.e., ΓR = ΓP is not required).

To simplify the calculation further, we approximate thesolution to Eqs. (16a) and (17a) by assuming that the electricdisplacement D can be written as the superposition of thedisplacement due to each individual point charge as 69

D(r) = qD


r̂D +qA


r̂A, (22)

where qD and qA are the charges on the donor and theacceptor, respectively, rD/A = r − RD/A and r̂D/A indicatesthe unit vector in the direction of rD/A. We expect that theerror due to this approximation is small, as the jump indielectric constant at the boundary of the solute cavity is notsignificant because of dielectric saturation.

For each state, we perform numerical calculationson a bispherical coordinate (σ,τ,ϕ), which is related tothe cylindrical coordinate (r, z, ϕ) by z = a0 sinhσ/(coshσ

− cos τ) and r = a0 sin τ/(coshσ − cos τ).70 Each constant-σ surface in the bispherical coordinate is circle of radiusa0/| sinhσ | with its center located at z = a0 cothσ. The valueof a0 is determined by the ionic radii of the donor and theacceptor and their distance, and by requiring that the cavityboundaries of the donor and the acceptor are each a surfaceof constant σ, and that the region accessible by the solventis simply described by σA < σ < σD. This is achieved bysimultaneously solving


| sinhσD| = aD, (23a)


| sinhσA| = aA, (23b)

a0 cothσD − a0 cothσA = d. (23c)

That is, the donor cavity surface is σ = σD

= cosh−1(a2D−a2



), and the acceptor cavity surface is

σ = σA = −cosh−1(a2A−a2



), and a0 = aD sinhσD. Due

to the cylindrical symmetry in the problem, we only haveto perform calculations on the two-dimensional στ-plane.The integration for the free energy is carried out on a240 × 680 στ-grid between σ ∈ (σA,σD) and τ ∈ (0, π). Thepotential φ in the equilibrium state is found by iterationuntil the next iteration produces a reduced electric field∇φ/[ e

4πϵ0(2aDaA/(aD+aA)) ] within 10−6 from its current valueat all grid points.


In this section, we consider ET reactions in water, forwhich the molecules have a vacuum permanent dipole momentµ̄ = 1.85 D, polarizability α = 1.45 Å3, and molecular volumev = 30.0 Å3. The temperature is T = 298.15 K. Here, weconsider self-exchange reactions, which involves only twospecies before and after the reaction, and thus, we simplifythe notation for the solute radii as aD = aRD = aP


aA = aRA= aPD.

A. A unified description of solvent molecules

As a first step, we evaluate the outer-sphere solventreorganization energy using the DSCFT for the Fe2+/Fe3+

exchange reaction. We set the radii of the solute cavities tobe aD = 3.31 Å and aA = 3.18 Å, which are the radii of[Fe(H2O)6]2+ and [Fe(H2O)6]3+, respectively.71 We note thatin the product equilibrium state P, the radii of the ET speciesare switched. For self-exchange reactions, the reorganizationenergy can be calculated as the free energy difference betweenthe nonequilibrium state N and reactant equilibrium stateR, both involving the same nuclear configuration, and thusthe same solvent accessible space. At the contact distance ofd = 6.5 Å between the two spherical ions, the DSCFT predictsthe outer-sphere solvent reorganization to be 26.2 kcal/mol, ingood agreement with the earlier value of 27.6 kcal/mol givenin the literature.3

Even though the separation of the inner- and theouter-sphere contributions is a widely used strategy forevaluating reorganization energies, the discrimination between

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224502-7 B. Zhuang and Z.-G. Wang J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224502 (2015)

the inner- and the outer-sphere molecules introduces additionalparameters to the theory. Furthermore, the treatment ignoresdipolar interactions between the inner- and the outer-spheresolvent molecules. In contrast, MD simulations do not distin-guish between the inner- and the outer-sphere molecules —the same forcefield is used on all solvent molecules, regardlessof their distances from the ions. A theory based on molecular-level interactions around the ions should be able to treat allsolvent molecules on equal footing. Since the DSCFT is ableto account for the spatial variation in the solvent responseat the molecular length scale, we expect that distinction ofthe inner- and the outer-sphere solvent molecules may not benecessary, and the reorganization energy due to all solventmolecules can be directly evaluated.

To test how well the DSCFT can predict the reorganizationenergy by treating all solvent molecules in a unified manner,we calculate the total reorganization energy for a variety ofET reactions between simple ions. We set the cavity radiiaD and aA to be the crystal ionic radii of the donor andthe acceptor and use earlier literature values of the donor-acceptor distance for the value of d. Table I tabulates thereorganization energy and the activation energy for selectedET reactions calculated by the DSCFT, together with valuesfrom earlier calculations in the literature that treat the inner-and outer-sphere reorganization energies separately, as wellas values obtained from experiments.72 In reality, the electrontransfer occurs at a range of donor-acceptor separation d(e.g., around 4.5 Å to 5.5 Å for Fe2+/Fe3+ exchange),73 andthus, the comparison between the calculated value based ona typical value of d within this range and the experimentallymeasured values serves only to provide qualitative validation

of our approach. We observe that the activation energiescalculated using the DSCFT are generally within a fewkilocalorie per mole from literature values. This suggeststhat the DSCFT, with readily available parameters describingthe solvent and the solutes, can make reliable predictions forthe direct evaluation of the total reorganization energy bya unified treatment of the inner-sphere and the outer-spheresolvent molecules. We note in addition that, even thoughexplicit solvent structure and molecular specific interactionshave not been taken into account in the DSCFT, the DSCFTpredicts the value of 20.3 kcal/mol for ET activation energy forFe2+/Fe3+ exchange in water, in excellent agreement with thevalue of 20 kcal/mol from atomistic simulations by Kuharskiet al.26

Some ionic solutes have a high-spin state and a low-spinstate. It has been proposed that spin-exchange may coupleto ET reactions, such that the less prevalent spin state servesas the reaction intermediate.77 Therefore, for ionic speciesthat have a high-spin state and a low-spin state, we calculatethe activation energy of electron transfer for both the high-spin and the low-spin species. For the Fe2+/Fe3+ exchange,the Co2+/Co3+ exchange, and the Mn2+/Mn3+ exchangeconsidered in this work, we found that the ET processesbetween ions of low-spin states have lower activation energiesthan those between ions in the high-spin state. By comparingthe calculated ET activation energies and the experimentallyobtained value, our result suggests that the Mn2+/Mn3+

exchange may primarily occur between the low-spin Mn2+

and Mn3+, as the experimentally obtained activation energyis comparable to the DSCFT-calculated activation energybetween the low-spin Mn2+ and Mn3+. For the Fe2+/Fe3+

TABLE I. The DSCFT-calculated reorganization energy λDSCFT and activation energy ∆G‡DSCFT, as well as thetotal activation energy ∆G‡cal from earlier calculations in the literature that treat the inner- and outer-spherereorganization energies separately, and the experimentally obtained activation energy ∆G‡exp for a range of ETreactions. The crystal ionic radii in Ref. 74 are used for the cavity radii of the solutes. High-spin and low-spinspecies are denoted by hs and ls, respectively.


∆G‡cal ∆G‡exp

Donor/acceptor (Å) (Å) (Å) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol)

Fe2+/Fe3+(hs) 0.92 0.785 5.25a 81.4 20.319.3b,14.8c 16.6b,14.9c

Fe2+/Fe3+(ls) 0.75 0.69 5.25a 57.2 14.3

Co2+/Co3+(hs) 0.885 0.75 6.6d 90.9 22.721.7d 16.5b

Co2+/Co3+(ls) 0.79 0.685 6.6d 87.1 21.8

Mn2+/Mn3+(hs) 0.97 0.785 5.36e 101 25.220.2b ≥16.6b

Mn2+/Mn3+(ls) 0.81 0.72 5.36e 70.4 17.6

V2+/V3+ 0.93 0.78 5.33e 88.3 22.1 16.7b 20.2b

Cr2+/Cr3+ 0.94 0.755 5.32e 106 26.5 20.3b ≥23.9b

Ru2+/Ru3+ 0.87 0.82 6.5d 46.3 11.6 10.5d . . .Ce3+/Ce4+ 1.15 1.01 7.36b 75.6 18.9 19.3b 19.0b

Pu3+/Pu4+ 1.14 1.00 7.24b 76.3 19.1 20.9b 16.3b

Pa3+/Pa4+ 1.16 1.04 7.34b 65.7 16.4 20.4b . . .U3+/U4+ 1.165 1.03 7.3b 71.7 17.9 20.5b . . .Am3+/Am4+ 1.115 0.99 7.22b 71.6 17.9 21.0b . . .

aReference 75.bReference 1.cReference 76.dReference 3.eReference 29.

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224502-8 B. Zhuang and Z.-G. Wang J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224502 (2015)

exchange, the experimentally obtained activation energy isin between the DSCFT-calculated activation energies forthe high-spin and the low-spin Fe ions; thus, our resultsuggests that both the exchange between the high-spin ionsand the exchange between the low-spin ions occur underexperimental conditions. For the Co2+/Co3+ exchange, theDSCFT-calculated activation energy, as well as the activationenergy calculated in earlier literature, is much higher thanthe experimentally obtained activation energy. The reasonfor this may be the presence of an alternative pathway forelectron transfer, as discussed in several earlier papers78,79 andreviewed by Sutin in Ref. 3.

Since the DSCFT is able to compute the all-solventcontribution towards the reorganization energy, we furtherinvestigate its dependence on the size of the solutes. In theimmediate vicinity of an ion, the effect of dielectric saturationcauses the static dielectric constant ϵ s to approach the opticaldielectric constant ϵ∞, and thus, the Pekar factor (1/ϵ∞ − 1/ϵ s)in this region is small compared to its bulk value. Such effect ofdielectric saturation is not accounted for in the linear dielectrictheory, which predict the solvent reorganization energy to beproportional to the Pekar factor of the bulk solvent as givenby Eq. (4). When the ionic radius of the solute is smallor the charge on the solute is large, the effect of dielectricsaturation is significant, and we expect that the actual solventreorganization energy in these situations will be much smallerthan that predicted by the linear dielectric theory.

Here, we compare the solvent reorganization energiescalculated using the DSCFT and the BLDC approximationfor the reaction Mm + Mm+1 → Mm+1 + Mm at m = 0,1, and2. We fix the donor-acceptor distance at d = 10 Å and ignorethe size difference between the donor and the acceptor byassuming aD = aA = a. In Fig. 3, we plot the reorganizationenergy as a function of solute radius a. We observe that thelinear dielectric theory works well only for solute radius morethan approximately 3.5 Å, comparable to the radii of typicalcoordinated ion complexes. This is probably the reason for

FIG. 3. The reorganization energy λ as a function of the radius of solutes afor fixed interionic separation 10 Å in water. The bulk linear dielectric con-stant (BLDC) approximation is calculated using Eq. (4), with static dielectricconstant ϵs = 80.1 and optical dielectric constant ϵ∞= n2= 1.332, where ndenotes the refractive index.

separating the inner- and the outer-sphere treatments for thesolvent in the linear dielectric theory, since solvent moleculesin the outer-sphere are at a sufficient distance away fromthe ion to be reasonably treated using bulk linear dielectricconstants. For smaller solutes with radii less than 3.5 Å,the reorganization energy not only depends on the amountof charge transferred but also on the magnitude of chargeon the solutes, contrary to the prediction of the BLDCapproximation. Furthermore, it is intriguing that the solventreorganization energy for self-exchange between chargedsolutes stays constant for a / 2.5 Å, but this effect is absentfor the 0/1+ exchange reaction. This can be understood as amanifestation of dielectric saturation — as the orientationaldipoles are fully saturated within a / 2.5 Å from an ion, thissaturated region is not much affected if the charge on the ionchanges by e, and therefore, the polarization in this regiondoes not contribute to the reorganization energy.

The unified treatment of the inner-sphere and theouter-sphere solvent molecules considerably simplifies thecalculation of reorganization energies. Although we haveignored the specific interactions between the ions and theircoordinated solvent molecules, by treating the spatiallydependent electrostatic interaction between the ions and thesolvent molecules, we are able to capture the energetics of thecoordination bonds. This is most likely because electrostaticinteraction is the main factor in determining the energeticsof ion-solvent interactions. We also note that the DSCFTaccounts for the excluded volume of the solvent molecules bythe incompressibility constraint, and it does not account for theliquid-state packing structure of the solvent molecules. Yet, theprevious success of the DSCFT in capturing the equilibriumsolvation free energy of ions in both single-component liquidsand binary mixtures57 and the current success in describingthe reorganization energy for ET reactions seem to suggestthat geometric packing of the solvent, at least for simplemolecules, may not be important, due to the long-range natureof the electrostatic interactions, which is not much affected bysmearing out the local molecular density.

B. The nonequilibrium solvation free energy surface

A consequence of the linear dielectric description for thesolvent is that the nonequilibrium free energy surfaces in thereactant and the product charge states are two parabolas ofequal curvature. This leads to Eq. (1), a simple relationshipbetween the activation energy and the reorganization energy,and Eq. (4), the prediction that the solvent reorganizationenergy depends on the amount of charge transfer but noton the magnitude of charge on the electron-transferringspecies. In this section, we apply the DSCFT to calculatethe nonequilibrium free energy surface as a function of thereaction coordinate and explore the alterations to predictionsof the linear dielectric theory as a result of a more refineddescription of solvent response.

We calculate the free energy surfaces for two modelreactions of the form Mm + Mn → Mm+1 + Mn−1 with (i)m = +2 and n = +3 and (ii) m = 0 and n = +1. For simplicity,we set the radii of all solute species to be a = 1 Å, regardlessof their charge states, so that Γ(r) is independent of the states.

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224502-9 B. Zhuang and Z.-G. Wang J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224502 (2015)

FIG. 4. Free energy curves vs. the charging parameter ζ for self-exchangereactions. Each dashed line is a parabolic fit to the corresponding free energycurve that passes through the values of G(ζ = 0) and G(ζ = 1).

The distance between the donor and the acceptor is set to bed = 5.25 Å apart. It is common to calculate the free energy asa function of a charging parameter ζ , with χor(ζ) and φor(ζ)representing the equilibrium value of χor and φor when thesolute is Mm+ζ + An−ζ. We write G(R) and G(P) as a functionof ζ as

G(R)(ζ) = G[C(ζ), ρ̂(R)c ] − G(R)eq , (24)

G(P)(ζ) = G[C(ζ), ρ̂(P)c ] − G(P)eq + ∆Go, (25)

where C(ζ) = { χor(ζ), φor(ζ),Γ}.In Fig. 4, we plot G(R)(ζ) and G(P)(ζ) for the exchange

reactions between M2+ and M3+ and between M0 and M1+. Wenote that for both reactions, the free energy curves are wellrepresented as parabolas in the relevant part of the reactioncoordinate. This is because, for a self-exchange reaction,anharmonicity in solvent response cancels out due to thesymmetry of the reaction.9 Our result is in agreement withearlier MD simulations, which have also found the parabolicfree energy surfaces to be a good description for self-exchangereactions.26,80

However, the curvature of the free energy paraboladepends strongly on the charge on the electron-transferringspecies, contrary to the prediction of linear dielectric theory.The reorganization energy for the electron exchange betweenM0 and M1+ is larger than that between M2+ and M3+ by abouta factor of four. Our results are consistent with earlier findingsin molecular simulations of ET reaction in nonpolarizablesolvents.17,18

We expect that the change in the solvent orientationalpolarization between the reactant and the product states isa key factor determining the magnitude of reorganizationenergy. To gain insight on how the reorganization energydepends on the charge of the solutes, we examine the changein the solvent orientational polarization ∆Por between thereactant and the product equilibrium states given by

∆Por = P(P)or,eq − P(R)


= −ϵ0χPor∇φPor + ϵ0χ

Ror∇φRor, (26)

FIG. 5. The magnitude of change in the orientational polarization |∆Por|between the reactant and the product equilibrium states for (a) the M2+/M3+

exchange reaction and (b) the M0/M1+ exchange reaction. The values ofpolarization change have unit 10−3 e/Å

2on a cross section around the donor

and the acceptor in the cylindrical coordinate.

where P(R)or,eq and P(P)

or,eq denote the equilibrium solventorientational polarization in the reactant and the productcharge states. Fig. 5 plots the spatial variation of |∆Por| aroundthe donor and the acceptor. As suggested by the figure, thechange in orientational polarization in the M0/M1+ exchangereaction is more substantial in magnitude and more extensivein space than that in the M2+/M3+ reaction, resulting in thelarger reorganization energy in the M0/M1+ exchange reaction.


Using field-theoretic techniques, we have developed aDSCFT for treating charge solvation under both equilibriumand nonequilibrium conditions and applied the theory to studysolvent reorganization in ET reactions. The central result ofthe DSCFT consists of two sets of easily solvable constitutiverelations, one applicable under the equilibrium condition andthe other under the nonequilibrium condition, as well as anexpression for the free energy of the system. With readilyavailable parameters, the DSCFT provides a coarse-grainedmolecular theory for the reorganization energies and activationenergies in self-exchange ET reactions.

Because the DSCFT naturally accounts for the spatialvariation in the solvent response, it can be used to directlycalculate the total solvent reorganization energy withoutmaking a distinction between the inner-sphere and outer-sphere solvent molecules. The activation energies of a rangeof simple ET reactions calculated with the DSCFT arewithin a few kilocalories per mole from previous calculatedor experimentally obtained values. The dependence of thereorganization energy on the size of the solutes suggeststhat a saturation zone within approximately 2.5 Å from thecenter of the charged solutes contributes insignificantly to thereorganization energy. In addition, we find that for soluteswith radii larger than approximately 3.5 Å, the solventcan be reasonably described by the bulk optical and staticdielectric constants. Furthermore, by calculating the freeenergy landscape for model charge-exchange reactions, we

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224502-10 B. Zhuang and Z.-G. Wang J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224502 (2015)

find that the free energy surfaces are well described by twoequal-curvature parabolas. However, contrary to the predictionof linear dielectric theory, the reorganization energy dependsstrongly on the magnitude of charge on the solutes. In fact,for the geometry considered in this work, there is a four-folddifference between the solvent reorganization energies of theM0/M1+ exchange and the M2+/M3+ exchange. This largedifference in reorganization energy would be very significantfor the kinetics of ET reactions.

We have focused on applying the DSCFT to ET reactionsbetween two simple ions in this article, but the method canbe extended to solutes with more complicated geometries,such as multiatom molecules and proteins, by altering thesolute charge distribution ρ̂c(r) and the solute cavity C.84

Furthermore, while in this work, we have only applied theDSCFT to self-exchange reactions, and the theory can beapplied to asymmetric ET reactions where there is a changein charge and/or solute cavity, provided that the free energychange of the reaction ∆G0 is given. Since the DSCFT makesno assumptions on the form of the reorganization energy, itis a suitable tool for studying nonlinearity and asymmetryin the solvent response for general ET processes.39 Inaddition, the framework of the DSCFT can be easily extendedto ET reactions in solvent mixtures, where preferentialsolvation is expected to have significant effects in the solventreorganization.57,81–83 We will examine such effects on ETreactions in solvent mixtures in a forthcoming paper.

Finally, we note that while field-theoretical techniquesare widely used in soft-matter and polymeric systems, we arenot aware of its application to chemical reactions. We believethat the application of field-theoretical techniques to chemicalsystems is a fruitful direction, particularly in cases wherethere are a large number of fluctuating environmental degreesof freedom.


We gratefully acknowledge helpful discussions withProfessor Rudolph A. Marcus and Professor ThomasF. Miller III. B.Z. acknowledges the A-STAR fellowshipfor the financial support.


Starting from Eq. (14), extremization of H with respectto w, ρor, ρel, wor, and wel, respectively, gives

1 =eβµ



) 32


× eivw(r) sin(µ̄|∇wor(r)|)µ̄|∇wor(r)| e−

α2β (∇wel(r))2, (A1)

iwor(r) = β


ρ̂c(r′) + ρor(r′) + ρel(r′)4πϵ0|r − r′| , (A2)

iwel(r) = β


ρ̂c(r′) + ρor(r′) + ρel(r′)4πϵ0|r − r′| , (A3)

ρor(r) = −ieβµ



) 32

×∇ ·Γ(r)eivw(r)e−

α2β (∇wel)2G(µ̄|∇wor|)µ̄2∇wor



ρel(r) = ieβµ



) 32(α


)×∇ ·


α2β (∇wel)2 sin(µ̄|∇wor|)

µ̄|∇wor| ∇wel

, (A5)

where G(x) = (1/ tan x − 1/x)(sin x)/x2.Equation (A1) is obtained by extremizing w outside the

solute cavity. Inside the solute cavity where w is not defined,we set w = 0. Furthermore, by letting the fields w, wor, andwel go to zero as |r| → ∞, Eq. (A1) gives

1 =eβµ



) 32

v. (A6)

Furthermore, Eqs. (A2) and (A3) can be rewritten by takingthe Laplacian on both sides of the equation,


β∇2wor(r) = ρ̂c(r) + ρor(r) + ρel(r), (A7)


β∇2wel(r) = ρ̂c(r) + ρor(r) + ρel(r). (A8)

With these, the constitutive relations in Eq. (16) can bederived by noting that Eqs. (A1)–(A5) all hold under theequilibrium condition. On the other hand, Eq. (17) can bederived by noting that ρor and wor are out of equilibrium underthe nonequilibrium condition, and therefore, only Eqs. (A1),(A3), and (A5) hold.

To derive the saddle-point free energy, we substitute thenonequilibrium set of constitutive relations and the out-of-equilibrium value of ρor into the field Hamiltonian in Eq. (14).Following integration by parts, we arrive at

G =


12ϵ0|∇φel(r)|2 + ϵ0χel(r)|∇φel(r)|2

+ ϵ0χor(r)|∇φor(r)|2 − Γ(r)u(r) − Γ(r) 1βv



12ϵ0|∇φel(r)|2 + ϵ0χel(r)|∇φel(r)|2

+ ϵ0χor(r)|∇φor(r)|2 − 1βvΓ(r)

− 1βvΓ(r) log

sinh β µ̄|∇φor(r)|

β µ̄|∇φor(r)| eβα2 (∇φel(r))2



12ϵ0(1 + χel(r))|∇φel(r)|2 + ϵ0χor(r)|∇φor(r)|2

− 1βvΓ(r) log

sinh β µ̄|∇φor(r)|

β µ̄|∇φor(r)|− 1



which is the expression for saddle-point free energy, Eq. (18).The last term in the integrand describes the translationalentropy of the solvent molecules.60

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224502-11 B. Zhuang and Z.-G. Wang J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224502 (2015)


In this section, we present the general strategy forevaluating the reorganization energy and show that thedivergent part in the saddle-point free energy G is canceled inthe evaluation. In this work, the solute cavity is treated as partof the nuclear configuration parameter C to the saddle-pointfree energy. To allow for difference in solute cavities in thereactant and the product states, we reference each free energyto that of a state in vacuum with the same charge distribution,so that the free energy contribution from within the cavity iscanceled. The resulting dependence of reorganization energyλ on the solute cavities ΓR and ΓP is explicitly included inEq. (B4).

Let G0[ ρ̂c] be the free energy of the charged distributionρ̂c(r) in vacuum. In a vacuum, χor = χel = 0, and the saddle-point free energy reduces to

G0 =


12ϵ0|∇φ0(r)|2, (B1)

where φ0(r) is the electric potential in the vacuum calculatedthrough Poisson equation (16a) or

φ0(r) =


4πϵ0|r − r′| . (B2)

Starting from Eq. (21), we subtract and add the freeenergy of vacuum charge distribution ρ̂

(P)c , i.e.,

λ = (G[CR, ρ̂(P)c ] − G0[ ρ̂(P)c ]) − (G[CP, ρ̂(P)c ] − G0[ ρ̂(P)c ]).(B3)

In each of the brackets in the above equation, the contributionsto the free energy from the region within the solute cavitycancel off, so the integral in each bracket only needsto be evaluated outside the solute cavity. Therefore, thereorganization energy can be calculated as

λ =

dr ΓR(r)

12ϵ0(1 + χNel (r))|∇φNel (r)|2

+ ϵ0χRor(r)|∇φRor(r)|2 − 1


sinh β µ̄|∇φRor(r)|

β µ̄|∇φRor(r)|

− 12ϵ0|∇φ(P)0 (r)|2

dr ΓP(r)

12ϵ0(1 + χPel(r))|∇φPel(r)|2

+ ϵ0χPor(r)|∇φPor(r)|2 − 1


sinh β µ̄|∇φPor(r)|

β µ̄|∇φPor(r)|

− 12ϵ0|∇φ(P)0 (r)|2


(ΓR(r) − ΓP(r)), (B4)

where the superscripts R, N , and P refer to the states(indicated in Fig. 1) at which the susceptibilities, potentials,and solute cavities are defined, and φ

(P)0 denotes the potential

in a vacuum with the product charge distribution ρ̂(P)c .

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