a new edition outlines of biochemistry

388 TIBS 12- October 1987 over the last 20 years since I quahfied and w~th tt has advanced the welfare of the ammals mvolved All the authors reflect an amazing care for their charges wluch cannot and should not be compronused through lack of experience, knowledge or finanmal resources To the experi- enced animal researcher flus book should also be of great interest and mgni- flcance and must certainly be a standard reference to all those m training. The references to further reading are very useful together with the Tables of m- formation, particularly on anaesthetics and analgesic drugs and then" sources (Chapter 14) (including manufacturers and trade names and dosage rates) The dlustratmns of how to hold ammals cor- rectly and to administer test substances to them wdl prowde a very useful mtro- ductmn prior to 'hands on' experience Books in Brief Some overlap of material is probably mevttable m a text such as tlus Such ovedap occurs m consnleratmn of the aspects of environmental control of am- mal accommodauon (Chapters 5 and 6) and the legal framework surrounding the use of ammals m experiments in the USA (Chapters 2 and 16) This only emphasges the problems faced m a multi-author work, where some of the boundaries between subjects are not sharp. From the editmg pomt of saew, few nastakes have amen m the final text but perhaps the worst error occurs on page 99, third paragraph, line 20, with a refer- ence to the "'Cnmmals' (Scientific Pro- cedures) Act 1986" which must surely be 'Annnals'. An Lmmechate despatch of errata shps would seem to be in order wtth tlus rather bad unstake In conclusion, my opimon of this book ts that it fulfils its mam purpose m provld- mg an excellent and up-to-date reference to both new and more expenenced ani- mal researchers. In addition tt considers animal care very sympathetically and should bnng confidence to those who do and wall continue to questmn the use of ammals in research. I felt that, without saymg it, the book put the questmn to each and every reader: 'What is your cormmtment to the use and care of ani- mals m your charge?' It is a question which we must never forget. R J NEALE Department of Apphed BuJchemutry and Food Science, Umvers~ of Nomngham, Schoolof Agriculture, Sutton Bonmgton, Loughborough. Le~cesterdure, LE12 5RD, UK Annual Review of Cell Biology Vol. 2 e&ted by George Palade, Bruce M Alberts and James A Spuchch, Annual Revtews, 1986. $31.00 (USA)/$3400 (elsewhere) (xt ÷ 559pages) ISBN 0 8243 31028 Contents Ac0vaUon of Sea Urchin Gametes by James S Tnmmerand Hctor D Vacqmer Cell-Matnx Intera~ons and Cell Adheuon Dunng Development by PeterEkblom, Dzemmr Vestweber and Roll Kemler Spaual Programming of Gene Expresston m Early Drosophda Embryogenesas by Mauhew P Scott and Patrick H O'Farrell Cell Adhesmn Molecules m the Regulatmn of Anunal Form and Tissue Pattern by Gerald M Eddman Core Parocle, Fiber, and Transcnpnonally AcOve Chromalm SlJ"ucture by D S Pederson, F Thoma and R T Simpson The Role of Protein Kmase C m Transmembrane Ssgnalhng by Ushw KakLawa and Yasutorm Ntsluz, uka Proton-TranslocaUngATPases by QmsAI-Awqan Regmn-Speofic Ceil A~vmes m Ampleb~anGas. trulatmn by JohnGerhard and Pay Kefler T-Cell A~vatmn by H Robson VlacDonald and MarkusNobholz Anchonng and Btosynthes~ of StalkedBrushBor- der Membrane Protems Glycomdeses and Pep- l~deses of Enterocytes and Renal Tubuh by G:orglo Semenza Colranslat,onai and Posttranslauonal Protein Translocauon m Prokaryouc Systems by Catherine Lee and Ion Beckwtth The Da'ected M~graUon of Eukaryouc Cells by S J 5mgerandAbraham Kupfer Protein Import mto the Cell Nucleus by Cohn Dmgwalland Ronald A Laskey G Proteins A Fanuly of Signal Transducers by Lgbert Stryer and Henry R Bourne lVhcrotubule-Asso~atedProtemsbyJ B OImsted Slructure and Fan.on of Nuclear and Cytoplas- nuc l~bonucleoprotem Parudes by GMeon Dreyfuss Meehantsm of Protein Translocaaon Across the Endoplasnac Ret~cuhtm Membrane by Peter Wal- ter and Vuhwanath R Lmgappa RegulaOon of the Syntheses and Assembly of Ohary and Flagellar Proteins Daring Regenera- Uon by Paul A Lefebvre and Joel L Rosenbaum International Review of Cytology Voi. 102 echted by G. H. Bourne and K. W Jeon Acadermc Press, 1986. $59.501£49 50 (vu + 322 pages) ISBN 012 364502 6 Contents Cell-spectfic Gone Expressmn m the Nematode by MIchael R Elass lsoelectnc Equthbnum Properues of Normal and Mahgnant Cells and Bsologlcal Macromolecules by G V SherbetandM S Lakshmf Blood Cell Nuclet The Structure and FuncUon of Lymphmd and Erythmld Nuclei by J R Hams Endonucleobms,s m Ohates by Ha,tc.Dw.lerGbrtz Transfer of Secretory Prntems through the Mem- brane of the Endoplasml¢ Reneulum by Michael Horuch and Davut I Meyer Neuropepude Y m the Peripheral Adrenerglc and Enteric Nervous Systems by F Sundler, R H~kan- son, E £kblad, R Uddmanand C Wahlestedt Early Hemolx~ett¢ and Stromal Precursor Cells by J L Chenkov A new edition Outlines of Biochenustry, 5th Edition by Enc E. Corm, Paul K. Stumpf, George Bruening and Roy Doi, John Wdey and Sons, 1987 £41 05 (m + 693 pages) ISBN 0 471 052884 Enc Conn and Paul Stumpf have enhsted the help of George Bruenmg and Roy Doi in preparatwn of the 5th edition of tins textbook. The general structure of the earher editions ts retamed. The first sectaon describes the structure of bmlog- ~cally nnportant molecules. Energy metabohsm and the blosynthes~s of small molecules ~s covered m the second sec- tion and Part 3 chscusses gene expression and the metabolism of mformaUonal macromolecules A novel feature ~sthe mclusson of bnef descnpUons of new instrumentauon and teohmques m 'boxes' within the text. In previous echUons flus reformation has been grouped m a separate appenchx Oene mampulauon and gene transfer techniques are described m a new final chapter The overall emphass of the book is sull undoubtedly metabohc, however the new addlUons help to provide a more complete picture of the scope of modem I~ochenustry. MEP

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Page 1: A new edition outlines of biochemistry

388 TIBS 12- October 1987

over the last 20 years since I quahfied and w~th tt has advanced the welfare of the ammals mvolved All the authors reflect an amazing care for their charges wluch cannot and should not be compronused through lack of experience, knowledge or finanmal resources To the experi- enced animal researcher flus book should also be of great interest and mgni- flcance and must certainly be a standard reference to all those m training. The references to further reading are very useful together with the Tables of m- formation, particularly on anaesthetics and analgesic drugs and then" sources (Chapter 14) (including manufacturers and trade names and dosage rates) The dlustratmns of how to hold ammals cor- rectly and to administer test substances to them wdl prowde a very useful mtro- ductmn prior to 'hands on' experience

Books in Brief

Some overlap of material is probably mevttable m a text such as tlus Such ovedap occurs m consnleratmn of the aspects of environmental control of am- mal accommodauon (Chapters 5 and 6) and the legal framework surrounding the use of ammals m experiments in the USA (Chapters 2 and 16) This only emphasges the problems faced m a multi-author work, where some of the boundaries between subjects are not sharp.

From the editmg pomt of saew, few nastakes have amen m the final text but perhaps the worst error occurs on page 99, third paragraph, line 20, with a refer- ence to the "'Cnmmals' (Scientific Pro- cedures) Act 1986" which must surely be 'Annnals'. An Lmmechate despatch of errata shps would seem to be in order wtth tlus rather bad unstake

In conclusion, my opimon of this book ts that it fulfils its mam purpose m provld- mg an excellent and up-to-date reference to both new and more expenenced ani- mal researchers. In addition tt considers animal care very sympathetically and should bnng confidence to those who do and wall continue to questmn the use of ammals in research. I felt that, without saymg it, the book put the questmn to each and every reader: 'What is your cormmtment to the use and care of ani- mals m your charge?' It is a question which we must never forget.


Department of Apphed BuJchemutry and Food Science, Umvers~ of Nomngham, School of Agriculture, Sutton Bonmgton, Loughborough. Le~cesterdure, LE12 5RD, UK

Annual Review of Cell Biology Vol. 2

e&ted by George Palade, Bruce M Alberts and James A Spuchch, Annual Revtews, 1986. $31.00 (USA)/$3400 (elsewhere) (xt ÷ 559pages) ISBN 0 8243 31028

Contents Ac0vaUon of Sea Urchin Gametes by James S Tnmmerand Hctor D Vacqmer Cell-Matnx Intera~ons and Cell Adheuon Dunng Development by Peter Ekblom, Dzemmr Vestweber and Roll Kemler Spaual Programming of Gene Expresston m Early Drosophda Embryogenesas by Mauhew P Scott and Patrick H O'Farrell Cell Adhesmn Molecules m the Regulatmn of Anunal Form and Tissue Pattern by Gerald M Eddman Core Parocle, Fiber, and Transcnpnonally AcOve Chromalm SlJ"ucture by D S Pederson, F Thoma and R T Simpson The Role of Protein Kmase C m Transmembrane Ssgnalhng by Ushw KakLawa and Yasutorm Ntsluz, uka Proton-TranslocaUng ATPases by QmsAI-Awqan Regmn-Speofic Ceil A~vmes m Ampleb~an Gas. trulatmn by John Gerhard and Pay Kefler T-Cell A~vatmn by H Robson VlacDonald and Markus Nobholz Anchonng and Btosynthes~ of Stalked Brush Bor- der Membrane Protems Glycomdeses and Pep- l~deses of Enterocytes and Renal Tubuh by G:orglo Semenza Colranslat,onai and Posttranslauonal Protein Translocauon m Prokaryouc Systems by Catherine Lee and Ion Beckwtth The Da'ected M~graUon of Eukaryouc Cells by S J 5mgerandAbraham Kupfer Protein Import mto the Cell Nucleus by Cohn Dmgwalland Ronald A Laskey

G Proteins A Fanuly of Signal Transducers by Lgbert Stryer and Henry R Bourne lVhcrotubule-Asso~atedProtemsbyJ B OImsted Slructure and Fan.on of Nuclear and Cytoplas- nuc l~bonucleoprotem Parudes by GMeon Dreyfuss

Meehantsm of Protein Translocaaon Across the Endoplasnac Ret~cuhtm Membrane by Peter Wal- ter and Vuhwanath R Lmgappa RegulaOon of the Syntheses and Assembly of Ohary and Flagellar Proteins Daring Regenera- Uon by Paul A Lefebvre and Joel L Rosenbaum

International Review of Cytology Voi. 102

echted by G. H. Bourne and K. W Jeon Acadermc Press, 1986. $59.501£49 50 (vu + 322 pages) ISBN 012 364502 6

Contents Cell-spectfic Gone Expressmn m the Nematode by MIchael R Elass

lsoelectnc Equthbnum Properues of Normal and Mahgnant Cells and Bsologlcal Macromolecules by G V SherbetandM S Lakshmf

Blood Cell Nuclet The Structure and FuncUon of Lymphmd and Erythmld Nuclei by J R Hams

Endonucleobms,s m Ohates by Ha,tc.Dw.ler Gbrtz

Transfer of Secretory Prntems through the Mem- brane of the Endoplasml¢ Reneulum by Michael Horuch and Davut I Meyer

Neuropepude Y m the Peripheral Adrenerglc and Enteric Nervous Systems by F Sundler, R H~kan- son, E £kblad, R Uddmanand C Wahlestedt

Early Hemolx~ett¢ and Stromal Precursor Cells by J L Chenkov

A new edition

Outlines of Biochenustry, 5th Edition by Enc E. Corm, Paul K. Stumpf, George Bruening and Roy Doi, John Wdey and Sons, 1987 £41 05 (m + 693 pages) ISBN 0 471 05288 4

Enc Conn and Paul Stumpf have enhsted the help of George Bruenmg and Roy Doi in preparatwn of the 5th edition of tins textbook. The general structure of the earher editions ts retamed. The first sectaon describes the structure of bmlog- ~cally nnportant molecules. Energy metabohsm and the blosynthes~s of small molecules ~s covered m the second sec- tion and Part 3 chscusses gene expression

and the metabolism of mformaUonal macromolecules

A novel feature ~s the mclusson of bnef descnpUons of new instrumentauon and teohmques m 'boxes' within the text. In previous echUons flus reformation has been grouped m a separate appenchx Oene mampulauon and gene transfer techniques are described m a new final chapter

The overall emphass of the book is sull undoubtedly metabohc, however the new addlUons help to provide a more complete picture of the scope of modem I~ochenustry.