a new statistical test for analyzing skew normal data · a new statistical test for analyzing skew...

A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Arkansas at Little Rock COMPSTAT2010 August 24, 2010 Paris, France

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Page 1: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data

Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Statistics

Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Arkansas at Little Rock

COMPSTAT2010August 24, 2010

Paris, France

Page 2: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department


MotivationAzzalini’s Class of Skew Distributions A New Density Function within Azzalini’s Class of Skew DistributionsA Score Test for Detecting Non-Normality within the New Density FunctionApplications Volcanoes Height Example Rainfall Example


Page 3: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department


The celebrated Gaussian distribution has been known since at least a century before Gauss (1809) popularized it.

It is the most well-known and widely used probability density function and has the form:

, −∞< x <∞

It became more important because of the central limit effect discovered by De Moivre (1733).

( )2


1( ) exp22x

f xθ


− −=

Page 4: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

This distribution appears in probability process, and in the theories and methods of univariate and multivariate, parametric and non-parametric , frequentist and Bayesian statistics.

Yet there have always been doubts and reservations and criticisms about the unqualified use of Normality

This reflected in the quote by Geary (1947) “Normality is a myth; there never was, and never will be, a normal distribution”.

Page 5: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

The normal distribution is symmetric and not practical for modeling skewed data.

During the last decade, there has been a growing interest in the construction of flexible parametric classes of distributions that are asymmetric.

Various practical applications require models for data exhibiting a unimodal but skew distributions

The skewed and kurtotic distributions are useful for data modeling,

Page 6: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

Such distributions are useful for data modeling including environmental and financial data that often do not follow the normal law

One can introduce skewness into a symmetric distribution in many ways

One generalization of the normal distribution was proposed by O’Hagan and Leonard (1976).

This generalization was used for Bayesian analysis of normal means

Page 7: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

It was also investigated in detail by Azzalini (1985, 1986), who defined a skew-normal distribution as

Runnenburg (1978) devised a different way of introducing skewness into a symmetric distribution.

By splicing two half-normal distributions with different scale parameters

Mudholkar and Hutson (2000) found that this idea could be re-expressed in terms of an explicit skewness parameter ε.

( ) 2 ( ) ( )f x x xφ λ= Φ

Page 8: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

Mudholkar and Hutson (2000) called their probability density function the Epsilon-Skew-Normal family (ESN) :

Where the parameters are −∞< θ <∞, σ>0, and −1< ε <1

( )

( )


2 2


2 2

exp ,2(1 )1( )

2exp , .

2(1 )

xfor x

f xx

for x


ε σ

πσ θθ

ε σ

− − ≥

− = − −

< +

Page 9: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

This density resembles the normal family members in many ways and includes the normal family when ε = 0.

Note that the limiting cases of this density as epsilon goes to + or – 1 are the well-known half normal distributions

This family is convenient for Bayesian analysis of normal means

Page 10: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

In this research, Azzalini’s new skew normal distribution is modified leading to a new class of asymmetric distributions.

A new score test is derived for detecting non-normality within the new class of asymmetric distributions.

Then, the new score test is applied on an example of a real data set within the new class of asymmetric distributions to detect non-normality

Maximum likelihood estimators are used to fit the data with a skew distribution and compared to studies in which researchers used the normal distribution.

Page 11: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

Azzalini’s Class of Skew Distributions

Azzalini introduced the skew-normal class of distributions, as a class or family able to reflect varying degrees of skewness

One such class of distributions was defined by Azzalini as a skew-normal random variable Z with a skewness parameter λ; with a density function

that is, Z is SN(λ) with −∞< Z <∞, where φ and Φ are the standard normal density and distribution functions, respectively

( ) ( ) ( ); 2 ( ),Z z z zφ λ φ λ= Φ −∞ < < ∞

Page 12: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

One limitation of SN(λ) family is that the parameter λ can produce only tails thinner than the normal distribution.

However, we are often interested in analyzing data from heavy-tailed distributions.

Azzalini suggested a class of densities, which includes the normal family and allows thick tails, that is,

( )( ; ) exp ,y

g y C yω


= − −∞ < < ∞

Page 13: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

where ω is a positive tail weight parameter and

The density g(y,2) is the N(0,1) and g(y,1) is the Laplace density. As ω∞, g(y, ω) converges to the uniform density on (-1,1)

Azzalini introduces skewness in g(y, ω) in the form of


( )11

12 1/C ωω ω ω

= Γ

2 ( ) ( ; )G y g yλ ω2ωψ =

Page 14: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

The choice of G is the distribution function of

where U ~N (0,1).

Therefore, the density that was considered is

( )1

sgn U U ψψ


2( ) 2 exp sgn( )2y y

h y C yψ ψ



ψ ψ

= − Φ

Page 15: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

Many choices of G and g(y, ω) are possible. The choices that are considered in this paper are modified to produce a new density function of the form


and for λ≥0, Note that when

λ=0 and α=0, h(y) reduces to a standard normal.

( ) 2 ( ) ( ; ),i i ih y G u g uλ α=


yu µσ−


1 1( | ) ( ) exp ( ) ,i ig u w c u αα α σ α− + = −

1 11 13(1 ) (1 )( ) ,

2 2c

α αα αα−

+ ++ + = Γ Γ

1 32 2

1 3(1 ) (1 )( ) (1 ) ,2 2

w α αα α

− + + = + Γ Γ 1

1( | ) sgn( ) 1 ,i i iG u u u αλ α λ α λ + = Φ +

Page 16: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

A Score Test for Detecting Non-Normality within the New Density


The problem of testing hypotheses of univariate normality of a set of observations has been of interest to experimenters for many years

As a result, many test statistics have been suggested as possible solutions to the testing-normality problem.

One such is the score test or Lagrange multiplier test

A score test of normality within the family of new skew distributions are developed now.

Page 17: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

Since the score test testing procedure requires estimation only under the null hypothesis, an asymptotically unbiased test of the normality assumption

H0: λ=0 and α=0 vs. HA: λ≠0 and α≠0

can be easily constructed.

Let y1 , …, yn be random variables from a new skew distribution then the test statistic is

Page 18: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

where . Note that as n∞, the asymptotic distribution of Λ is chi-square with two degrees of freedom,



ˆ ˆ ˆ( ) ( ) ( ) ˆ( )ˆ ˆ( ) ( )

ˆ( )ˆ ˆ ˆ( ) ( ) ( )



ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕα α λϕ ϕ α

ϕα λ ϕ ϕ ϕλα λ λ

− ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂∂ ∂ ∂ Λ = ∂∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂

2 22 2

1 1 1

ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ.8648186 ln2


n n n

i i i ii i i

n u u u u

n n= = =

− + = +∑ ∑ ∑

1 2ˆ ˆ ,ξ ξ= +

~ ( , )iu N µ σ

Page 19: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected if


The first part of the test statistic, ξ1, measures kurtosis and the second part, ξ2, measures the skewness of the distribution of interest.

We now present two examples

2(2,1 /2)αχ −Λ < 2

(2, /2)αχΛ >

Page 20: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

ApplicationExample 1

The score test computations are used on the heights of219 of the world’s volcanoes (Source: NationalGeographic Society and the World Alamac 1966, pp. 282-283)

Figure 1 shows an exploratory data analysis in the form ofa stem-and-leaf plot.

The basic descriptive statistics for the volcano heights Yare: the sample mean Ῡ =70.246, the standard deviationS=43.018, the median=65.000, and the coefficient ofskewness b1 =0.840. This coefficient indicates that Y isasymmetric.

Page 21: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

Figure 1. Heights of 219 of the world’s volcanoes

Stem Leaf #19 03379 518 5 117 29 216 25 215 667 314 00 213 03478 512 11244456 811 0112334669 1010 0112233445689 139 000123344556779 158 122223335679 127 00001112334555678889 206 001144556666777889 185 00112223445566666677799 234 0111233333444678899999 223 011224455556667899 182 0011222444556667788999 221 0001366799 100 25666799 8

----+----+----+----+---Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+1

Page 22: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

Therefore, the score test Λ was calculated for the volcanoheights using SAS IML, Λ=.0635.

Since Λ falls in the rejection region, at the 5% significantlevel, we conclude that the data does not come from asymmetric normal distribution; indeed it can be modeledusing the asymmetric distribution

The MLEs are:

These estimators were used to provide a better fit for thedata as shown in Figure 2.

ˆ 41.134µ = ˆ 40.350σ = ˆ 0.7λ =

Page 23: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

Figure 2. The normal and skew-normal for heights the world’s volcanoes

Page 24: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

Example 2Now the score test computations are used Daily rainfall inmillimeters over a 47 year period in Turramurra, Sydney,Australia

Figure 3 shows an exploratory data analysis in the form of astem-and-leaf plot.

The basic descriptive statistics for the volcano heights Y are:the sample mean Ῡ =1369.106, the standard deviationS=693.670, the median=1331, and the coefficient ofskewness b1 =1.295. This coefficient indicates that Y isasymmetric.

Page 25: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

Figure 3. Daily Rainfall in Millimeters

Stem Leaf # 38 3 1363432302826 582 3 24 4 1 22 20 0 1 18 0567 4 16 2248 4 14 07466 5 12 333679 6 10 149 3 8 4558116689 10 6 8025 4 4 58688 5 ----+----+----+----+Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+2

Page 26: A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data · A New Statistical Test for Analyzing Skew Normal Data Hassan Elsalloukh, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Statistics. Department

Therefore, the score test Λ was calculated for rainfall datausing SAS IML, Λ=.0365.

Since Λ falls in the rejection region, at the 5% significantlevel, we conclude that the data does not come from asymmetric normal distribution; indeed it can be modeledusing the asymmetric distribution

The MLEs are:

These estimators were used to provide a better fit for thedata as shown in Figure 4.

ˆ 1100.356µ = ˆ 580.230σ = ˆ 0.8λ =

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Figure 4. The normal and skew-normal for rainfall data

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SummaryAzzalini’s new skew normal distribution is modified leading to a new class of asymmetric distributions Azzalini’s Class of Skew Distributions

A new score test is derived for detecting non-normality within the new class of asymmetric distributions

The score test was applied on Volcanoes Height Rainfall Examples

The test score provided more accurate and better fits in both examples

This research can also be generalized to derive a score test for testing near-Laplace data using the new density function

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