a non muslim is objecting to a muslim student who does not enjoy himselfwith them in night...


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7/30/2019 A non Muslim is objecting to a Muslim student who does not enjoy himselfwith them in night clubs!.pdf

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A non-M uslim is objecting to a M uslim student w ho does not enjoy him self w ith them in night clubs!

A non-M uslim is objecting to a M uslim student w ho does not enjoy him self

w ith them in night clubs!I have a m uslim student in m y class at university and he never com es and

sits w ith us nor does he com e out to the night club/leisure w ith us. M y

question is w hy does islam teach people not to enjoy them selves and be

m iserable all the tim e. cheers.

P raise be to A llaah.

The idea of your w riting to an Islam ic w ebsite is a good idea

in and of itself, w hich show s that you are on the right path of asking about

w hat you w ant to know . Y ou have done w ell by doing so, and w e are


to com m end the one w ho does w ell, and to praise his actions if they are


For our part, w e are happy to answ er your questions and

queries, not only about this m atter, but about everything that you w ant to

know about this religion, or everything that you think you should know .

 W e w ould like you to pay attention to w hat w e are going to

tell you, and w e are sure that you are not just asking for fun, or to im pugn

the rulings of the Islam ic faith. W e think that you are only asking becauseyou w ant to know m ore.

 W e w ould like to answ er your question by m aking a few points,

and w e think that you are able to understand w hat w e are saying.


 W hat w ould you think if a w om an cam e to offer you condolencesfor the death of a relative of yours, w earing a sw im suit? W ould you accept

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A non-M uslim is objecting to a M uslim student w ho does not enjoy him self w ith them in night clubs!

that? W e think that the answ er w ould be no, it is not acceptable, because

the occasion requires the one w ho com es offering condolences to w ear


that suit the occasion, doesn t it? The question is: w hat is it that hasrestricted this person s freedom of dress and requires him to w ear one type

of clothing and not another? It is custom s and traditions, is it not? S o one

is not free to do w hatever one w ants in all circum stances, rather custom

som etim es prevents a person from doing som ething and puts som e lim its on


freedom .

 W hat w ould you think if a person w as eating w ith you at thesam e table, and during the m eal he burped? W ould you accept that from

him ?

 W e think that the answ er w ill be no, this behaviour is not acceptable,

because this action is contrary to good table m anners, is it not?

Q uestion: W hat is it that lim its the freedom of this person

and prevents him from doing this action w hilst eating? It is good taste and

m anners, is it not? S o a person is not free to do w hatever he w ants w hilsteating food w ith others, such as burping, sticking his fingers up his nose

and so on, because good taste requires certain things from him , and


him from doing others.

 W hat do you think if a driver drives his car opposite to the

flow of traffic, or parks in a place w here parking is not allow ed? W ould you

accept that from him ? W e think that the answ er w ill be no, those actions arenot acceptable, because doing that is objectionable and unacceptable; the

right to drive is not based on his w him s, and not all places are good to

park in, is that not so? Q uestion: W hat is it that lim ited this drivers

freedom and prevents him from driving opposite to the flow of traffic and

prevents him from parking in that spot? It is the law , is it not? S o a

person is not free even to drive his car how ever he w ants or to park

w herever he w ants, because the law dictates that the traffic should go a

certain w ay, and prevents parking in certain places.

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A non-M uslim is objecting to a M uslim student w ho does not enjoy him self w ith them in night clubs!

S o you can see that custom s and traditions, good taste and

the law all have som e authority over people, by preventing them from doing

certain things and obliging them to do others. S o it is nothing strange that

G od or religion should have som e authority over people. W e see w hat ourLord

or our religion forbid to us, and w e refrain from it and regard it as

prohibited. This is the issue in a nutshell. W e think that you w ill

understand that the prohibition of the Lord and of religion is m ore

im portant than all the things w e have m entioned, and it is m ore im portant to

pay heed and refrain from those things, because H e is the C reator W ho has

decreed that w e should be H is servants and w e have accepted H im as our

Lord,legislator and ruler.

 W hat the M uslim student is ding by not going to the nightclub

and not drinking alcohol ‒ he is only doing that for the sake of A llaah W ho

has forbidden that to him .


M oreover, you are objecting to that M uslim student not going

to the nightclub and not enjoying him self w ith you. W e ask you: A re there

any lim its to this enjoym ent or is it w ithout lim its? W e w ill be m ore frank

w ith you: W ould you accept for your girlfriend am ong the fem ale students to

be the girlfriend of another student or a teacher? W ould you accept for

som eone else to be intim ate w ith her as you are? W e know about a lot of


cases of m urder that happen in secondary schools and colleges because ofsuch actions. There is no need to answ er us, because w e have seen and


and read about fights that often end in killing, and all of that is because

of com peting to w in the heart of a fem ale student. Is that not so? S o w hat

is the enjoym ent that you are calling for? W hy do you prohibit this kind of

enjoym ent to students or teachers w ho w ant be intim ate w ith the sam e

fem ale

student, and she m ay also w ant that?

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A non-M uslim is objecting to a M uslim student w ho does not enjoy him self w ith them in night clubs!

If you go against sound hum an nature and the reality in w hich

you live, and accept for other students to be intim ate w ith the fem ale

student w ho you are in love w ith, w ould you agree for the sam e thing to

happen w ith your w ife? W e hope that you w ill not be angered by thisquestion, all w e w ant to do is explain to you that there are contradictions

in your society, w hereby you call for fun and enjoym ent, but you lim it it to

things that have to do w ith yourselves and your w him s and desires, and if a

M uslim refuses to do that because of his religion, he is m ade a laughing

stock and criticized. M oreover, there is a reference to a sim ilar question

in our religion. D o you know w hat that is? A young m an cam e to our P rophet

M uham m ad (peace and blessings of A llaah be upon him ) and asked him for

perm ission to com m it fornication. Y es, he asked for perm ission to com m it

fornication w ith the daughters and w om enfolk of other people. D o you know

w hat our P rophet (peace and blessings of A llaah be upon him ) said to

him ? H e said to him : W ould you accept it for your m other? W ould you


it for your sister? W ould you accept it for your daughter? and each tim e

the young m an said no, that he w ould not accept for anyone to com m itfornication w ith his m other, sister or daughter, and each tim e the P rophet

(peace and blessings of A llaah be upon him ) said to him : A nd by the

sam e token, people do not accept it for their m others, sisters or

daughters. The P rophet (peace and blessings of A llaah be upon him )

prayed for him , and w hen he left him , fornication w as the m ost hateful of

deeds in his m ind.

Y ou are calling this M uslim to have fun, and w e have asked alogical question: W ould you accept for him to be intim ate w ith your

girlfriend w hom you love? W ould you accept for him to be intim ate w ith your

w ife? W ould you accept for him to be intim ate w ith your daughter? W e are

quite certain that the incidents w here unfaithful w ives are killed happen

because of the sound hum an nature that G od has created in all people,

w hereby people refuse that and denounce it strongly, even if that leads to

killing her or killing her and her lover, even if the end result is life

im prisonm ent or execution. A n unfaithful girlfriend is definitely not likean unfaithful w ife, but even boyfriends do not accept for their girlfriends

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A non-M uslim is objecting to a M uslim student w ho does not enjoy him self w ith them in night clubs!

to be available to all people.


Islam brought rulings that are w ell-founded and m ost w ise;

they are in the best interests of individuals, societies and states. W hen

Islam forbade sexual relations outside the fram ew ork of m arriage, the aim

w as so that societies w ould be pure in heart and body. It is sufficient for

you to know the huge num bers of those w ho are affected by sexually

transm itted diseases w hich are caused by sinful and perverse relationships,

concerning the prohibition of w hich there should be no difference am ong

various religions. H ow m any victim s of A ID S are there? H ow m any havebeen

infected? H ow do those of them w ho have not died live? It is a w retched life

and a terrible death that a person leads him self to w hen he pays w ith his

life for a few m om ents of pleasure. Islam brought that w hich protects the

M uslim s religious com m itm ent, heart and body, so the M uslim refuses to do

haraam (forbidden) things and is content w ith that w hich A llaah has decreed

for him , for H e know s best w hat is in the best interests of people.


Y ou should note that there is nothing in this w orld to feel

regret for m issing out on. For the M uslim , this w orld is a prison, and his

P aradise and true enjoym ent are in the H ereafter. A s for the disbeliever,

his paradise is in this w orld only, w here he enjoys its delights, then hisultim ate fate w ill be hum iliation and loss.

O ur P rophet M uham m ad (peace and blessings of A llaah be

upon him ) told us that w hen he said: This w orld is a prison for the

believer and a paradise for the kaafir. N arrated by M uslim (2956).

O ur scholars explained it to us as follow s:

E very believer w ho is im prisoned in this w orld and deprived

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