a . nov. 26 1r96. - nys historic...

THE NEWS OF THE WEEK. iummftry of Principal Evenu of General Interoit. Tll« * * * * * flf **• ^«*t«1 ftftrefiitt? *,.!t»rtt<ii *H<I nil iinwH fur nit« r idnutcN'riirmiiiittiii ttto cnmitf?, Thursday, ttn* 1fl, Tt*r W L. I I. iiitmtiitioii In Ml. Lmtt* mmi« tu ittt (Mat, ftie Kiilwiip'tl ettttrch ettnfreminf the VnlMl MHHW met in NitrfolU. The N»*w York Hiate NViiiiuui SufTniifo 0u»»voHil"M met Hi Uorht'stor, tlHMiltliHi of Hi'imtnr Mnrtnn flutler 1 * i*w»|Nt|M«r In Huleltfh \\M md*ed by thy tlw flrHUh staimtr Memphis, from M»ntrant i«»r HrUhil, Knwluiui wmwtwk- *i ,.lt MM* e»»rt«t of tMuml mat was a total |uftl iVlHlf till* V*l*et seiVW SV»tftMlt\|\VtHMl. William I lowly, ii ytatHK pt»U>m«r in the Telid* III New York umti't' Sentence to \\w Klinlfrt tvfnr-niittnry, wim tnunlnmnl by tktvi'Pitnr Miirhtn he<<mt«Htf hU tiiutlior^n *ttirettth , a, *he Will take the boy to their Vi*riit«tiii tonne, WIUIHUI K, Viilnnlltiv, ono of tan nyiatl- t^UMif imh* unit I'liwk forger* who have UH a n|Hnutlii|| *ohumhidy, plemltnl guilty In tlh*»klyu. HoMeme wan deferred p«nd lliil tin* iHittt'htatht aial trial of Ms nuiliHt- *MU«. •omu ill wlmtn ere hi Jull, frlitfiti War, so, thirty men were kltlint by it firedamp M|iM"h lit aeottlery at Ueektlittftmuseu, Wi«i|tlutltiii the Maryland enurr of n|ipf«nU sustained Mayor Hooper of Halttitioro lit hi* lltfht Willi lUeHty eouueti. A enmplelo list of tvpn*oMittlvi»ii clotted ID tin* kltt) fifth fattfrvM »|inwn a innjorl* ty at ti fur the tfold wUhdiml, President Kleel Meklnloy, It U said. Will il|l|HllIII .llMH»|lb t», fMllltlt, Ofc-rttlltf II- hmrlatt of Ohio, mat*hal of tin* l>Utrlot of UulainbUu UUmeev M, tVpew rtttnonneed that Curiu*llll» Vutulerhllt In stomlllv Improving Miul efcpwt* «MMI In resume imtitrol of bin feU/anes* MtcresK It WIM bmuifht uttt Mi the (rial In New V«»rtl ••! Colonel NUIIUK aial Ln|ittilti Dlek- Utah lor being eouecrtted In n Hillm*terlng H|M«llll<«n M> Calm aboard the Ltiurmtu tttal snoods sty In Philadelphia W paying a weekly stipend l«» twnof thtithtttf wlthw«^« far 1I10 nuvi*t , n infill 1 t'httik I 1 . Arbui'kk^ ilmlrtnnn of tho IkatoihltU* nMitM iHiiuftiltti«w of Co! irtulo aial n wmilthy mltW o|N«mtar, wait fouial il>tti«r (it Kltfhth iivtMtui* ami i)\w HuntttHHl mat Ktfty «*i<«nat nivwU Nnw York, ami f»H|tlhH! U»fMiM an ambiilamn* at 1 'ivwl. Itu hial IHH»II hittlnHl. Iba alTaU* l« tbiiitakd In mywhry, Olio, riaitii oi HtuUiia'M WortilK^rtKlo, illul In NVtMiiliti*rmto. ib'rmttny. Uovt^iitir liml l\ Morton In tnlkinl of at t'abb»»i. <), for iihtlNin«attor tt> Kniilatal, lltv ll»*v Oliver lliMtta 11C Monttvnl wnn fnuail Htnumt on 1 ha vi*rtfo of iti*llrlum 9him*iii In a Imltflntf lmu*'lti VVIHII hmith tiivt't. Sim Yorki mul wim *t*nt to lh»U^ via* hn«i|tltal. .lohn K, Kllifonr U nu\\\* \\\v Port .Tt*r* vi* |N, Y,i Nallonnl hank* ntul claim* llai* wink* hn tvim tt«m|iMmHly tnmmi' ami WIM Wtimhrlnn iiUail thvcountry Ib^bank tooK |mii<H*«filtiii uf tiln |»rn| i»rty iiml niln IIWHI II. Mr, Klitfottr wm known as ttm hlia^tntn* ktltH. Hn'itnttmimiMtmnt wim tnmto In tlaltl* tlmh* I It il tin* |to|M baUa|))HtlnUnUbr Itof, lit* ThoMta* *t, (Jnnnty, pastor of ttm rtmiiit of tlu» Hatiiit lli»at% Wntwutor, Mu^,. to hi' ivctor of ttiM t^iithollo untvt'r* •llv at Wanhlnift HI In utimtMlon to Ulnbo|t tlohn »l KHIIH*. tic t'omity U a tHtchrr aial an mtltor of a wwkly n»lt||tou« jottr- lltlt MtimlMfi ^fafi ^lltt •Irm Mn'^ohi titiaM>rirfi*tttfhtFrt!irrt¥tHl lit \»»w York frntn Kngtamt In (Inu trim for hi* lioAtnii boot with Donovaiu Th* Null rniPt wmi <mhl to havo rotvlvmt n iliMitbblnsv frnm tin* tk'toHton of tho National llimlsvmv Drak'^' iiwioclatbtn. !>n*/al Inurnm, 11 wvalthy tly«*r of A«* Wla, N. Y.i Ml on it Attorn plpo nmt wan tmrmnl on om» hip, Ymikiaw att In, oa\m- I11K hi* itfitih, IhtHouthurn fitilfltj «tt*nnim« flan fb ftUu w»im WhH'kml olt tVtltit Anuai, t'al,, itbit, with bar cargo, U 11 total IO«H 4 Klgbt <jf tht» ««n»w of 41 nam wuro itrowmnt. Nrthur WV^by t'amiilMill, 110 yram old* Wim ha* IM<I«II 11 iliHifon nmt (t h'aitnr of I iraynr mo'llnji^, ami who 1* ncoumnt of mvlnjf 11 vo llvltm wlvnn, wan arrrrtbut In t*ati*r«nn, N, ( t M on thiM'httrtfoof bigamy. An nnknown man ami woman who had n«aliti*rmt it* Unoi'tlt 1 NVlN<m and wife, at 1lui Htanilnnl Itotid, N*w York, wart* Immd dtMid in tlu*tr rootiK doath Indnn r*tttl*d hy nu ttt Hint Ion front w f ittdtiK ||a«. ilwy had i«vUh>ntly lotntnlttod fmbldo. William A, Mt«ntityi<r. tlm wotl known foiumtlan mat playwright, IIIIHI at ht* n^l- 4li*mv, lllir NNV«t 1 wonty third ntn»«t. Now York, of Itrlutv n dlmmmi* II© had t>oon ill for novoral mtmthn, llln prim Ipal playn w»*r*i M tonrlHtn In a f'ulliiiiitt far," "Wo, I-P h t'o.. M M toUinnanlng M mul "Thu Mrah lliig. Tnn4dn? l ^fn?. '14* A militrrrmifiiti Ihv \\n* dvntrojrcd tnrttty ftt'm«of land niMtr I'olitmtnm, N* •*. limttiii'ry M. I)o|iowdi»llvrr»dannddrt»#ii io the V^mmnt Hong of thv Uwnlutlon In Mont|H*ltir, Vt» Iho I'nlbd pltntyi rrulftnf Mnrldoliwirt dr pp« d am b»»r olt Htatou Inland, N. Y,, •tftor a IhriHi yi«arn' prulm>, Tho trial of liinly linn BtKitfc nn i^ntfuwi of rrimlhal HUd pn»b'm»d by Knrl Uumwll, hrr«on In law, Iwiimi In Iitmdott. Tho iiri'iihh-nt him ii|i|mlittiHl »tm1|(o Nott tohcithiof JtMtltHMif t bo com t of olnllort 'tndt'liMrlopili Howry of MtiwUtiitipttubeit imlMMoi tliMoourt. 'Ihti t'rtnro and ^rlnoww nf Watw, no- <Himponbil by tint, daituhtcr*, aro vlnltlnil tki hukonmt ItmhoMof Mnrlbormmh at IHonbolm, wlaivthoy wllU|H*nd tho HVM4, t h t wnr lmtwiH i n tho t*om|Niny tltitt hiti tho oontrm't to utipifly Ihiyonno, N. •!.! with wator mul tho olty oounoll mtlinl- nuMl In 11 lltfln ovor tho tnyln« of ttmltit. 1 ounti<M .liin^k*! who for yoar* han Vi.inly prvwod 11 ohilm for Itf.iHjn^uin) hold tiy tho itovrrnmont brtno^lnK to h»r an- fkMiliT, flon.rnl I'tiliukl, ha* woitrod of ltH*nirtt||Mlomul thrvatottotl -mkldt. ATI.VMA, Not, IH.-A. H. rtftjr, HHJ Tkanoormto oamnm nmnlnoo for i-nitoii ^tntM Mtiuitor, wit* formally *l7f IH » *! that ulllra by Iho ifonoral iiMotnbly, HHt \*>um hotnn o«*t, i»f whloh l«l mm for Mat, Tho l*ii|iulUtn wnt tholr HI Vot*w for'ttonornt William IMilillp*, and tho Ke |ittlilli*iitmiinvii<ltolr thrw voU* tu Major J K, tlnnpotn Mit^TOKi.iKn, Yt,. Nov, «i».- tho Inwwr hranohof tho lonNlnturo divtlnod to pa** tho MMiitti* womnn PtitTrnin* l»»ll • , y ,lv "Vi ut IHh to m», 'tho iUm<iiMil<tn on tho hill oitn*itiii«Hl mivwrnl lo»ftr* and wa* hoard by tho tar» o*t nudtom'o ovi»r nMombliHl In tho hall, Tho Itlifli IhHMino Imml nptloti bill wa* dofwd'd by 11 n ovorwlii>lmln>| voU». THE ESSEX IJO, RErUBTJCAN. NOV. 26 1R96. A 5 ONCE FAMOUS ACTRESS, ttri« Nntt*fttrtrtan* rm^i Awny A ft iff % HH*f 1ltii«ftii lu fraiio*, ^Aljlfc, Nov, ilt.-Mr*, Hoott-ftUMont, Hat wlobratod not fin* ami dramatic rondo*, d^iHl Iter© aftor a brief mm**, and lu«r ro- tnaln* huv« bw*n M*ttt to Now York. Mw»floot^gkUlmtiiwiw a mwtt-ffnuut- dmirfhtcr of tttu Krviib Hnriih 8UUI011*. Site boaan bur ornwp on th„ Rt ngo In Ijondon tu IHHT, Hlvlnif n*mlThHii from H'uiketi- iwnro * play* tn tho 11 ttimvor Hiiunrorooms, itml ltitor on nuuto hor first nppearanco npon tho reicutiir «t4i«o at the Haynmrkot theater In ttto ohiiriwtor of UOMUIIHI in At Yon tdko lt, M ttor youth and Iwtiiity nttd Intlucntlal fHomtn in tho pw»8s ail helped to mako ttor MIUOOMCIII, and for AOIIIO ttmo *ho onJoyiHl ooitdtdornbto po^tdarity Imth lit fjotidon ami in tho provinces. Hho llr*t i>miiti to Amcrloii in \%m t Wlton *ho mid In Htolnwav halt, New Yi»rk, ttftor whluh sho acted In the Fifth ttm *r*oTt-Rtnnoys, Arontto tttpater, when* *lm nttnttiiMl edch- rlty. Mho later rotnriiod t(» tiondon and noted In "Tho Laity of tiy* m*" and aev- oral Shak©*|H«arean tharaoter* as well as In 11 n u m b e r of ronmntlo play* and melo- drama*, tn later lite Mr*. Slddoim travel- mi extensively In tho llrltlsh oohmlo* and nehloved oom»Ul««rat»lu p o p u l a r i t y In Aus- tralia, but adviihelntf yeat** robbed hor of much of Iter Iteauty, and sho gradually lost hor power of public attraction, Hhe paid a llltat Vl*lt to tho Tutted Htato* a year or two ano, hut hor appearance on the aUttfo then ended In disastrous fatlttro. ^he was a woman oi marked Intolliironeo. Hy ttto*« who *nw Iter In the day* of hor ptimo she Will IN> romoinlieli'd an otio or tho loveliest Wimton that wvor a|»pearod behind the foot- IllfltU, CAMPANINt DEAD. Thu M^MORTOX'SBEPOTIT SCCReTARY OP AGRICULTURE CAYS FARMERS ARE PROSPEROUS, lu)l VlTlLAtiKl.t'lllA. Nov, »».—KX.I'irtfnilW- toritonoral Jttliti SYiinmnitker, In it uutor to tho Phllmloltihlii brnnohof tho National U*ii||uoof lluslm?** Mon, ha* attfnlllod hi* wtlllitiinwM to bo ft oandldato for UIIIUHI Htato* poitator from Vonnwylvanift tf» *no ooiHi ,t, tlonald Cmnoron, who*o t^nu 01 nlrnt Mandttt1»V7 PrtWiiiw Tiinar Ntnffrr r***i«* Away at Ilia tlotnr tn Itrtlv. liONtHtM, Nov, U4,—The rhroidolo nn- tlotmeo* the deatlt <>f tho groat tenor. Cant- panlnt, at Parma. Piuupnnlnl wn* Imrn nt rnrma, Italy, l u IBMl. When II years old, be enlisted h* a * *ld\pr ttmter thtribaldl. In the fol- lowing i-iimpalgtt the diseovery was made that he p-iMoMsod a voice of extraordinarily fine quality, \i m ***> fr««m his military obligation*, the ymtth entered himself a* a pupil at thol'otwerviitory, Parma, wltere he continued two year*. His lirst appear- aitoo wa« In tho *ante olty. t 4 amtianlnl* early oxporlom-M woro not tmo mraglng, and in l»tm he U>catne a liupll nf tnttnceiuo liittnpeiti, at Milan. When bo r^ippeariHl botore tho putille, hi* •iiooit** hooaiito Immodlatety assured. In IHT^ be sang in liondon. tho next yotr lu Now York. Hlnoe then his visit* to the oltlof eltlo* of Ktiro)H* and thi* ooutlnout have rest 1 He it lu his undisputed supremacy as tho loading tenor of hi* age, ^ U r t a k f r Wtirri*to1«*r* tttm*««if, rntt'AOti, Nov, 44, —Kn Hanker An tinoty Ko/oL who failed last May for uvoi th'OU in, admitted that he wa* guilty ot cilmo in tho handltng of the banks fund* at d Wa* *urronderod by hi* boialstncn. Hi ntatiHl that ho bad decided to abandon any legal ftgttt and to accept his punishment. It hit* bt ctt arrangrd that he pi Pad guilty to larcoity today at d U» *ont to the t>enl letttlnry. He I* tho Hrst tmnker in thb state t o l>o m*nt to prl on fur mUusittg fumls intrusted to his omv. Ko/et's bank W«« Ou* of tho oldest on tho wiiit side and had ulway* been rogariled as financially sound, ft wa* pi^trtml/.eii principally by Workingmon mat small tradesmen, whu lost »vorything. Mei?ffPt«ry t^fiifirt* fta««tl« WA*ftiximiM, Nov, gt, «•-Wonrgft ^*, Ilodgln* of Windsor. Otn., hn» smnl David |{. Krunol*, *ecretary (»t t h o Interior, for a Writ ot tunndamtm, llo ri'prosonts that nn M a f o h Uti. 1MU4. bo lllod in tho patent ollioe alt npplioiitloti for a patent for a method of testing the railway airbrake and signal *v*tetn* and a|)pmatu* for carrying tntt tho method, Ho claim* the Invention Is Worth llo.dOn t>» h i m . Ilodgln* asserts that hi* attempt* at appeal rmin the do- ol*lott of tho primary exe.inluer ivjocttug hi* claim* have ln»on refused, and he now Wants tho secretary oopnumudod to direct the commissioner of intents to pert'o't the nppcAl to tho board of examiners in ohlof. tlttttidy Plitit ^*itti Iit»*pprt%t1b»i, IJKHAWI** lud,, Nov, 44,—A bloody ftgttt ooourrod on the putdlo suttaro tn this olty last night hot ween tho notorious Mil- ler gang mid olllcor*. Hill Wood*, otto of tho de*poradoo* rwontly from Mhsourl, Wit* fatally stmt by Policeman Uoorgo t«'ro*t, who himself received a bullet In hi* thigh, whilo sovernl other* mitYeivd slight Hljurlo*. tt was a ease ot ro«l*tatieo to itr- tv^t fot outrage* and violence by tho WIKHIH and Miller gang committed \a*t wwk. Two other* or the gang were ar- ro^lOih _ t XSUU Kttuwti t*pftstnn Aitofin»jr ll«nit» Ol.KVKI.AMi, Ni^,44.—Mllo Stevetii, ono of tho U'st known pension atti>ruoy* III tho I*lilted Htuto*, died at til* homo, 5t» t'wlur avottuo, aged ft« year*. Mr. HteuMii. ever *inoo tho close of the war, wn* known far and wide a* n p«'nstoit at- toriioy, having IH»OII at tho head of tho Urm of Mllo li Htovon* iV t*o., with tho prlnol- pal olTlco it) the Hlover building, Washing- ton, and branches In this city. Detroit and rhlooga Tho Immediate ouuse of doe h wn* ory*tl'ola*, fluid «Uilltil»rd tit ItUMitn Tjt)NhuH, Nov, :U,— I he Chroniclo'* gfc. Petersburg corrospondoitt reports that M. do Wit to, llttMlun minister of flnanco, ha* nt*eurod tbw assent of his colleagues for tho Introduction of tho gnld standard. Tho o*nr approve*, this correspondent say*, and tho Imperial council Is now discussing tho projoet nltd will probably adopt It, al* though tho Agrarian members warmly op* Wet! ftfiown Mnn , i Sidoldo. WA*iiiMtTu\, Nov. 411.—Knbort A. ^hltohamt, thoproprlotnrof tho old ou : rlosltv *hop *toro on D street, oommltted *ulcuio by tdowlng out hi* brain*. Ills place of bits!m>** wa* a veritable treasure houso of relic*, soiuo of which wore from revnlutlonnrr time*. ^ . . 1 - Purtttn* Vnt * Pnrpr, HKW YUMR. Nov. 4«> 4 —.lohn it. Gontry, tho fastest pacer that the world ha* over peon, wo* *o!d hist night at Madison Hitmtn* (hirdett to U .1. Towksbury for iHi.wm. Ho has nrniu record of 1MH>$ and w rotnunl made against time of 9:*)0 l f. f \\%y N«PI1 No ^nfrlrtl ttrto'flrtary L©Eti. lntlntl- Tlift HoiiiPHteiia Ant Hntuitll$ CrUlolft«ut< It* Hoprnl FnvnriMt- Oppo- sltmn to Vr** IiUtrtbntlnn or Hoi'tls, WAsttfVOToH, Xov. 24»—Hecrotnrr Mor ton, in Ids fourth annual report just mad* public, show* that with |48U,0U0, which may fm saved from ttto appropriation** foi the current fiscal year, there will have boon covered baok into tho treasury since March 7, im»;i, over $!> t tU)0 ( 000 out of a total ap- propriation of 111,119,455.45. That thi* great economy wn* offoctod Without any loss of ciTlclency ho attributes in a largo degrco to tho improvement in the personnel of tho force under civil srrv- loo rules, which lie declares to l>o " a b s o - lutely Indispensable to the maintenance ot an economic and ofttelent administration of the public service." To complete "tho alroady almost perfect •ystein of civil service" In ills department tho secretary recommends tho appointment of a permanent director In charge of bu- reaus and ftulcntlllo investigation*. Th«i chief* of scientific, bureau* and tholr a** slstunts ho declared are not adequately compensated, and strongly recommend* that tho salaries of this class of employees bo Increased. Tho Inspection of nnimal* Intended fnt fond 1* treated at length, and stress ti laid upon tho Increased etllcloucy of the work, duo to the extension of civil service rules, which has boon very rapid in this service. Mr. "Morton urge* strongly that govern- ment Inspection should bo extended to all animals Intended for human food, whotltei for consumption In tho U n i t e d »StuUw 01 abroad. Tho report show* a steadily increasing demand In Ktufland for American horses. During the llrst nlno month* of tho pros out year more of those animals wore ship* IMHI to that country than for any previous year, During the year the department Issued B70 publication*, mainly for gratuitous distribution. The aggregate number oi copies printed wa* fl,5Hl,70ii. Ho protests against the Intrusion In the net of appro- priation for tho department for thocurrcn* fl*cal year of *HU,5UU for reprinting hor* ttnoks and cattle books to be given away hy congress. Agnltod Ffeu ftpml f>istrtt»fitton« The secretary again takes occasion U, express hi* opposition tn the gratuitous distribution of seeds and to express thd hope that tho practice will bo discontinued. The 1 report concludes with a enmprehem •ho review of the condition of Amerloan farmers. r*ov» nty two per rrttt of the farms In the Vnlted States, i»ucupiod by their owners, are absolutely freo from mortgages or oth- er hneumbrances. Tho secretary refute* the Idea prevailing that tho farms of the West and south are mom heavily burdened With mortgage* then those of tho east and northeast. Statesalottgthe North Atlantic, ho says, an> quite heavily incumbered with farm mortgages, and Now .Jersey carries a debt of greater In proportion to farm* valtio than any state in tho Tnlon. The frequent claim that tho farmers are almost universally indebted and suffering, he do dares to be without any foundation, a bo- 1 Ittlenient of agriculture and an Insult tc every intelligent and practical farmer. The farmer* are not mendicant*, t o b<? treated to annuities, but tho representa- tives of the oldest, most honorable, most essential occupation of tho human race, Upon which all other vocations depend foi subsistence mid prosjieiity. "tjeglshitlon,'' ho say** "nan nelthet plow nor plant, Tho Intelligent, practical and successful farmer need* no aid from the government. Tho ignorant, impracti- cal and Indolent fanners deserve none, It Is not the business of tho government to legislate in behalf of any otass of citizen)- ltocause they uro engaged In any specitk callings, no matter how essential the call- ing may IKV to the needs and comforts ol civilization, Ijawmakcr* cannot era» natural laws, nor restrict or efface the op oration of economic laws. It Is a bciuil clcnt arrangement of tho order of things and the conditions of human life that leg islators are not permit toil to repeal ot amend or revise tho laws of production and distribution." UrnouncoA fimrtostetul Act, ftpferrlmr to tho stress of competition Which the American farmer is compelled tt> e n d u r e , Mr. Morton call* attention tr. tho nearly 4.nun,unit farm* of MO aero* each, given away by the government un- der tho homestead act of 18UH, d u r i n g tht past iio years, ami to tho amount donated ututor tlio timber culture law, equivalent to ovor ofi.oun more farms of the same size. Lands long tilled and rendered partially Infertile could not, of courso, enhance, in value and sell In rmupctloi: with virgin *oil donated by tho government* No legis- lation relative to the public domain ha* heeit so directly Inimical to tho farmers who had bought and paid for tho land* upon which they had lived and labored. It was impossible for farmers In tlio old state* to profitably sell tholr products in compe- tition with those of the newer states grown upon land* which cost their owners noth- ing. Referring tn the Impression that greatet fate* of interest are charged for money loaned upon farms than for that loaned upon other kinds of real estate, Secretary Morton states that tho rate of interest charged on mortgages upon residential property other than farms averages eighty four hundredths of 1 per cent less than the rato of interest charged upon farm loans. During the iisca, year just ended tho ex- ported produ *ts of American farms aggro- gated $570,00(1,000. an increase of $l7,nuo,. 000 over tho preceding year. In splto oi this there was a falling off In tho percent- age of agricultural product* exported to tho total exports, but this was dm* to the unprecedented sale abroad of American manufactured goods, The largest market for our products 1* admitted to bo tho home market, but the export trade is tho regulation, the balance wheel for the homo products, follows tho Interest of the manufacturer as well as tho farmer. Hen- oral prosperity depends absolutely upon agricultural prosperity and any commer- cial system which will Increase with celeri- ty and extend with certainty, tho export of our farm products will bo of the utmost advantage to agriculture and all those In- terested In its profitable expansion. That political economy, which best advance* tho Interest of the agriculturists, furnishes tho ln»st Impetus to the manufacturer of tho 1 lilted States, tor his best customers aro farmers and those who depend dlroctly for prollt upon the prosperity of farmer*. KTiort Wltont rr«r> la Amandin* MfcUun'UM;, Nov. i*4.—Tlio government fitttt 1st estimates the wheat yield of Vic- toria at 7,000,000 bushels, which Will barely Aufftco fot local want*. Ilmv'ft TtiU ? , W* nffer nno Humlrwi t)nPV* fteWftrfl for Any owe of t/Warrn tU*t oautt jt be cured 0/ Unit's r itarrh 1 ur\ _ F ! 0 tKNti? A ^H . Pfvji, Toted-), O, We, th« mirlftMtgned, tmvo known F ,j. ctietiny Mr the list iriy*uiTs, una" neUeve htm pc-focM* honorable man tnntncs< trinsaeiui*, *n<t on- anoPtllv able to carry out any obtUiuion mud by UwMr firm. WHST * THUAX, WtlOteiuUfl tmtgi?Ut9. f o'orM, O, WAMUNO. KINNIN A MARVIN, vVtioicsa C nrug. IflHlP. I'otcilO. U. ItaU'i (M'arrh riPP 1* tfifcpn »nier'«iiii», mtltig UreoHv upon tiu» b ond aurt 111 io<uis HU*»AC •* 01 rbe *T*tem. Price 7f)). p^r beetle, boia oy al, Orutfgl*tR. Te-ttmontnl* free. Halisfatnlly miaare the beat, GEORGE W. FERRIS DEAD. tie Wat the tnvfmtuf of tho fiiftiOOi I'prrU \VI10eU "Ptrrsn^na, Nov. ^a.—lieorge W. Fer- ris, who conceived and built the world fa- mous Kcnis wheel, died at tho Mercy hos- pital, lu thin city, of typhoid fovcr. Hit ilinos* has been brief and it wa* only Friday that ho was token to the hospital. Tho attending physi- cians wty his sy«- teui was greatly run down by over- work. Hi* wife came hero from Canton, (}., that site might be wit it her husband in ids dying moment*. fienrge F o r f l u was born at (talcs- burg, Ills., Fob. 14, 1H5U. When he wn* hut very young, the family removed to Carson City, Nov., and it was there tho young wheel builder spent tho years of his early boyhood. In 1K?0 ho caitic cast. \la began a wmr.se at tho Rensselaer Polytech- nic Institute of New York city in that year. In \Hs\ he graduated with high honor**. Tr IHM he accepted a position with tho Ijnuisvlllo Bridge company of Loulsvlllu. which ho held for a number of years, when ho came to Pittsburg and en- gaged In the Inspection of structural work. In 1HH7, while pursuing that vocation, tho firm of (1. Y (J. Ferris & Co. of Pittsburg was established. The concern still exists. In IHH0 ho wa* married to Miss Beatty of Canton, (), It WM* in ISO'* t h a t Mr. Ferris conceived tho Idea of the wonderful Ferris wheel fhat has attracted the attention of all tho people of tho world ami which will go down In history a* ono of tho greatest wonder* of the century. Tho monster passenger wheel, conceived by Mr. Ferris, was built under hlu personal supervision in thi* city. Death of Itln. ftaxiotw 0LYDB. N. Y. t Nov 19.-Mm, Helen M. baxton, wife of Charte* T. Rax ton, lieutenant-governor, died here a t 11 15 laBt night, of a tumor. Deceased wan 50 year« old, a ratlvoof this village. HTI<1 daugbU 1* of the I to AmbropoH. Fi* Id. She win mr.rried In 180H. a m i H survived by four children, IIe'en M., Idn L., Ar- thur F. and William A., also by a *i-ter, who is wife of Jasper W. Fl in m a n . W ut, A, Field, president of the village, ami Ueo. Field, a prominent merchant of thin village, fire brothem of the dec n-'kni. MrB. Buxton bad been a MufTerer for Years. 1)r, Connty rliosen fteotor of tlio t*nt- vei'Mlly at \% a s h l n ^ l t t i t . ftev, l)r, Thomas J. Conaiy, rector of the Churclt of the Sacred Heart, Wor- cp*t» r, Mats., ha* b en appoln'e<l by tho pope rector of the Catholic University ht Washington to succeed Hi shop Keane, who rctigneti Sopteinber laat. Tbr«n Kilh'd ut H Crude Crnmlng, CoNcoun, Ky., Nov. :J1. —While the Misses laila and Ti/,/ic Lind, daughters of tho proprh tor of tho Llnd hotel tu tids town, and Al PoUh'k, a younir nttorr.ey, wore rehirnlng home in a buggy front a party "Flier No. 4"' on the (in-wipcake and Ohio r.wul struck the buggy at the Fir>t street t rossing, hurling the throe oc c u p a n t s s o m e .M) let into the air and kill- ing them almost instantly. f l he train was going about 50 mile* an hour. fh<1tntin's Ofttdal Vot#i* IXDtANAi'oi.iK, Nov. al.— At la*t th$ ac- curate vote of all counties lu Indiana can 1*3 g i v e n . Tho following is the complete figures a* taken from the official return*; Democrat* and Populists, 805,425; Repub- lican, S«3 t 82b; Prohibitionist, B,05u; gold standard, a,140; National, 3,208; Social- ist labor, ;J2H. McKiuloy'B plurality, 10,- 403; McKlnley'g majority, 9,010; total vote cast, 037,046. GREAT FOOTBALL GAMES. Pftnoptnn's Orrnt Vlotory Orrf Yale—Hftr. VHIMI TrtlU tin* Itlg Fimr, XF.W YOHK, Nov. tf«. — The football game between Princeton and Yalo was perhaps the llerccst ever witnessed on Man- hattan iteltl and was attended by 25,000 persons. For the llrst time since 1803 and for the fourth time since 1883a roprosonta- tlvo team from tho Tiger** college defeated the sons of Kit. Tho score wa* 24 to 0, and when It i* added that Yale's 0 point* woro scored on a lluke the story has been told, for never from the beginning of tho game till It* end were the men from New Haven able to copo with their sturdy an- tagonists. The Yalo eleven wa* clearly outplayed l at every point of football. They did not ' kick as well, push as well or run a* well as the Tigers, and in their defensive play weakness was their principal feature. On the other hand, the members of the Prince- ton team covered themselves with glory and never for an in-taut did they stop playing tho hard game wit It which they commenced. Princeton's game was t.ue l>est put up by any team front old Nassau since the famous 1«03 renin beat Yah*. r#tttl«y1*i%ntA fb'frntn Tt^rvnr^ 1 1 3 lllLAIiKI.I'HlA, Nov. ^3.—i he gal ' lw- twoon Harvard and Pennsylvania wa* won by Pen n*y Ivan la by the dose score of 8 to o\ aftor one of the himb'st lights over ('(at- tested on the gridiron, the teams Ihing an even match. Harvard'* defeat semis In: to the bottom of tho list In tho big four combination. Hurry This Girl, ttonti'tioily. 1 h ive been reading in your paper about several men and women that have been very suecensful sciing ^elf-beating Hat iron*, and I concluded I would see what a girl cmhl do. I have worked 12 day* and Hold 151 Iron* to d havo 218 d liars lef^ utter paying ull expense*. K very body iK del ghted with the iron and 1 .sell ono almost every place 1 show it, as people think they can't afford to be without one a* they nave HO much fuel and time and don't burn the clothes. I know 1 can clear live thousand dollar* in a year, How i* that ior a girl '( A (IKADUATS. Splendid, my girl, splendi I, jou ore a true AiiurFan girl. Anyone cati got complete information about tho *cif- heating in at by addressing J. F. Oa>oy & Co , St. IiOtim. Mo. It seems to be a w nu**r, as evcrvbudy holllog it w ritcu in its praise* Tllut WoiMleri'ul llnitli! 1 want to add my testimony to the Itot of those that have used the Lightning Churn, ltdueu all that in claimed ft r it. you can chum easily in one minute, ami get a logo peieentnge more butter than with the common churns. I never took the agency tor a» > thing b f >re but so ninny cf my neighbors wanted (burn* that 1 ordered';tn and they ate all giro, 1 think in a y ar every farmer will nave a Ligbtnlug Churn, in luet they can't allotd to bo without one a* they make so much more butter, and a go >d little bk of money can b« made in ovi ry towu- ship celling* tla-He churn*, Hy wiiting t<» J F. Cr y iV Co, ( 8t. Louis. Mo,, yon can get circulatH and full partiouia.f atiout the churn. A RK vmcit. una r.titroau station, who. j Deposits, \t alongside him for ball a 1 \V*il Uttawii titmlttp** Man ltohbed. WII.I.IAM^I'OHT* Pit., Nov. 2U. —Crlnh Cumminfts 4»f Stambod. Conn., president of tho Ciimmlng* Cei.iout company o HutTtih*. was waylaid and robbed in thi city while ott toe way to his hotel. Mi dimming* was accosted by a negro near I tho Pentadvvanlo railroad ' " after will *t|i:atv. kl ked Mr Cuiiintlug* in tht at the Fame time knocking him down Mr. Cumutings log was broken, and he was rendered unconscious. When ho re- gained consciousness, his assailant wa* standing over him and trying to remove his overcoat. Ho had stolen $50 in cash and a gnld watch. Uo** Alexander, col- ored, was arrested charged with being the assailant. The police havo evidenco that points directly to Alexander as tho man. ! Ilo has boon out of tho penitentiary only a *hort time. | tpiie/tioin Will Aceopt, NEW YOHK, NOV. 20.— The Herald's Cornea* correspondent say*; "1 can state on competent authority that Venezuela, will bo glad to accept the 50 year clause, provided tho question etui* there. Some think that the proximity of the Hrltlsh is liable to cause further trouble, making an excuse for further invasion, and they sug- gest a tribunal lie established to pas* upon all doubtful eases until all have t>eon dis- posed of. m _ mmm _ mmm Th* Pnrtltioft of Tork#y, LOHDON, Nov. 24.—Tho Daily MalPe Berlin correspondent say* that the tirand Duke Nicholas of Russia on a recent visit to Vienna took with him a proposal foi the partition of Turkey among tho powers end to make Constantinople a free port. Russia to have Asia Minor and Kngland to have Lgypt. tlfynti Carried Smith IbdcotH ft? lot, NKW YIIUK. Nov. 10. —A special to tile World from Aberdeen, 8. I)., says: Official returns from all the counties in tho state give tho Bryan electors 101 majority, The Populist* elect the governor and congress- men, whilo the Republicans elect the state treasurer by a majority of 2. Clotteriit Market** MRW Yoita, Nov. i*l.—FboLTt-StaU ana western dull and weakniiy mills patenl*. $5.11! a(&.:>5; winter puiuals, $4.75(1?;4.U0; city mill* clears, «i.KIK(M.ti0; winter MruijfhU, $4.fimu.0o. W UK AT-No. 2 riMl advanced ttt Jitst, but *iitisiM|ticutly tttriicd Nvcwk tttaler liipiidutioa; Dcccndier, K3 7-HHe*.MM .futniary, HUftK^hc LHIKN Nu. - fab Is active nail Bleiullor na cuvorhigi December, M lMife^.; M a y , 3^»- 4 (&L'->*i!. f)ATK— No. 2 dull and fpRtttrclp*8i track. wldtii, htaltj, «i(&33hiC.; track, white, western, 1H) UK-Steady j mess, |8. W.76; family, flll.5li< (ill. LAUD- tMrnr prime western stpnm, |4.1&, nominal. Ul'TTl^t- Ftrm; state dairy, ll&lOc; state creamery, \b)+i'2h: CHKKSK-Sicadyi state, large, ?H&10l$c.i small, Thi^i 10>. t i . Kiu*s Very tlrm: Mate and Penrisylvanla, J^^'.'K'.; western, IftH^'"**-'' St't i AII Raw steady; fair refining. 2%o.; centrifugal, W test, ty<v.\ re lined quiet; crushed, .V.; tnovdered, 4 r ^<. TrUPKNTlNK-gttlet at TMto&typ* UlL't: Steady; domestic, ^i^c; Japan, 4H (^t : >4C. TAbUnV-ffteady: clty,'JHi®3Wc.; country, HAY--Dull: shippinK, WiOOOc.j gcxjd to choice, 7u<u&2Vwo. •—The largest room in the world Is in ttto imporiat p ibiee in Ht. Peter*burg. It is 100 leet long by 150 wide. BUBLINGTON :i'SAVINGS BANK. . Mu r plus log, j Total Assetf!, CHAKTBKKD1N1847. » 27t),HHM 01 THUBtKSH; C, P. WAMO, 1 WIIXAHO (mAHi. OOARLRH P. ftMITH, HlMBY GKHRNI. J. L. BAR8TOW, I A. O. PlRHCB, HIKBT WBLLg. HecelTes and pay* dcpoHlm dally. Deposlb made on cither ot tho first tour tmBine** days c any month draw interest from tho lau if madi afterward lnteroHt will commence the first 0' the following month. Interest will he credited to deposttoin Jan. SB and July tsf. compounding twice a year. Then arc the stockholders tn this hanlt. All th< earnings, less expenses, belong to the depoBltorr The rate of interest depends on the earnings and for tho PAST TWRI.VB TBABS has t»eeu. 4i PER CENT. Deposit* are received in minut ffom |l to |90<K3, and no interest win be paid on anj sum in excess of this amount, except on deposit! by wtdowB, orphans, administrator*, executors, guardians, charitable or religious nRtltutlons on trust funds deposited by order.of court. This bank prefers Vermont securities for thi investment of its funds, and sends no money ou ol the Htato until the home demand is met, No money loaned to any officer or trustee ot the bank. Funds may be sent t>y tjank check OF draft, 0> postal money order, and deposit book will be re turned by next mall. OHAKLKB V. SMITH, President. 1&H*R* o.P.WAHI), Treasurer. PIRST NATIONAL BANK. - OF- Port Henry, N. Y. T. MrnnocK, PreM<h>vL WiTiiKitni:R» Vice-I*rt>Jtideiit HKO. F. 8. NOW WE MEAN BUSINESS. MAMMOTH NOVEMBER SALE --•OF- ins. WINTER TERM ..OK. DRESS GOODS. Wool flircks nnd Mlxlnre*, variety of Rtyles, exfcilctit value, double fold 25<* per yard. \ New Bright IMnltls for wainti rind Children's drew»eB, Wc per yard, llourette Itotigli Cloths and Ref pontine Suitings, new ntylei, aire per yard, Now WertvoH Vnotfy ttongli HotliR, ahoTnllor Made Suit tugs, only 50e per yard. Molmlr Slorm Serge, In blacks, navies greens, rtd§, and brown*, will measure 40 inch, all wuoU excellent value at 50c per yard. 51 Intli New Diagonal Suiting*, fn brown, black and navy blue. Regular November fabric, 59c per yard. Two Toned Rongh Knohby Suiting. We think they aro ntylMl and cheap, 05c per yard, 51 Inch Wide Floured Grenada (loth*, all wool, good Htyles, only H6c ]>pr yard. Cnrly riotlw f 45 imdi wide, good weight, browns, blues and green*, at $1.00 per yard. Tlte above dress {roods an new in style and fabrics, be- low market value. You will certainly save money by buy- ing a dress in November at 6, V. S, Quackenbush & Co.'s Cor. nrostlway nnd Third St., 1. IOY. ffestprt H i ScM ..AND... . ACADEMY Will open MONDAY, KOVKMRERaoth, when a clasK tn Ttookkwping and Commcrvlfil Tractiee j will lie organized. The courKeH *>f thift school Include SMe Training Class, Preparation for College f Elementary and Advanced English. All teachers employed In Grammar and High School grades are College or Normal graduates of long and auccowjful experience. For further particular* address N. J OlUBft, Chairman of of ihe Board, or G. W. KBNNKDY. A.B., Prin. I. W. WYMAN, Pfttt. NESTOR BERMAN. Vice-Prwt* EUGENE WYMAN. Ctthicr. . CITIZENS . NATIONAL. BANK, POUT HENRY, H. Y. CAPITAL, $50,000 8UCCESS FOLLOWS SUCCESS. Wonderful Record- Thf> Lart?c*r ana Mont SutCPMfnil Xattna? Premium Life In* Hitrance AHHovtation in the tt'orhl, 7lHMine»H hi fore* over $:i 10,000,000 A*n<>t* nvrr - - fi,0O0,O00 Death vlahn* paid over 72,000,000 ASSETS, !»«•< riiitx r i f , 1S!I5« Important tn Teacher*. UNIFORM EXAMINATIONS—1896. HIIKT OHAPK. March 5 and 0. Crown Point AugtiHt IB and 14, Hcbroon Lakt KKCOKD OHADB. January 9 and 10, Moriab March 5 and 0, • Crown Point April U and 25, Bchroon Lake June 4 and 5, Tlconderogs August IB and 14, Sehroon I^ake September 25 and 26. - Port lienrj THIRD GRADE. The second of each of the above dates TRAINING CLAB8, (Members only eligible.) Jan. 16 and 17, June 11 and 12, Westpon C. n. WILSON, School Commissioner, Second Dint., E*sox County, Sehroon Lake, N. Y. SHERMAN Collegiate Institute MORIAH f N. t n B. L. Brown, A. M. % Prin. Full cor.rses preparing for Business or College. Special efforts to prepare candidates for each STATE UNIFORM EXAMINATION FALL TKRM opens first Mon- day in September. WINTER TERM, first Monday in Decem- ber. SPRING TERM, third Monday in March. $10.00 For a Tlanrt Made, Oafc Tan Harness* Other «oods correspondingly Low. Directors: i. W. WYMAK, Banker, 1 Town I J olau N. Y. W. P. WiMbiiiP. ManaRer Mass. Mutual Lite Ins. CO, Albany, N. V. BCOEMB WVMAN. NtaTOK iiiKMAN, Wholesale Grocer. W. B. HWKKT, Drugfflat. A. II. WOOUHUKF, Merchant, Mortau Centre, NY. f. c. KILLBY, clothier. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS S0LICITEO. Exoutslte Toilet Roulsites UrU^^l'HXb t;itu"l cuuiiie* lUeuihtjlvc.** to dru^a or at leabt they don't, ivople expect to tlnd uillot artlclt's, Hoap, brushtis, pei mines, pow- d(>r8,baby lixlmn*, and the n*st tbere, and that's the reaaon wcliaveweu-ed the best line we could rt»id Best don't im*au hl«hest priced. TlK'i-els a ffreat deal li knowing how and where to buy thene ttiinK*, and we know. l>i»MH this w;*tk: A special line or t>oap, pow- ders and perfumes. J. L.BURTOr, Druggist. LOW FARES TOTWE— WEST. 1IMRE&HMNR.1 Is THE CHEAPEST AN*D THE FAVORITE ROUTE TO ALL POINTS IN THE WEST. We call attention of ncposltorft to our poiic> of keeping fundB In authorlzi-d HaiikH and prlrm Investment securities sunielent to pay BVBHY depoHlt balance required, within fony-ettfhi hours. We Invite the opening of Deposit Accounts. And will receive amounts as low as five dollars We buy and sell Domestic and Foreign Drsft* and bills of Exchange, and Investment Bond* We make rhort loans upon acceptable runi- ties and discount mercantile paper. We offer our services to the people of Essex County for the transaction of all kinds of Banking; Business. It Is our aim to make this Institution Useful totne ouBlness interests of the county and all correspondence relating thereto will receive our attention and early reply. F, 8. ATWBLL, cashier. LTABTLTTflCS, IIM liiilliiir nei, prrsenl vnlii«* <»if ft* 1 polUn* iii lorn* ll«riMiili«r:il. \S"^ ^,0^0,HIS 50 KKT SUliPLUSf «vi*r nil l.liihllfifiv 3,5Wl»50fl 33 Showing **•M /%*%«•!% riu-ll *l,«0 of I,IKI»HUI«H. Co^t of insurance in tliifl comnsny IK only about half Ihe usual rates charged. People who know a goo^l thing HM! value a dollnr, should aptly io a*y of the Speelal or I/oeal Age in, or to John W, Can*, (hn'l A«t M l'"^ Ih'ury. N - Y » or M. A. ClarU, District M jr, of Northern New York, Westport. N. Y. W. II. Balilwin, (if>n*l M|zr M Cilens* Falls, N. Y. •.%11at.roT.fr4; Always In Stock, Harness of every Grade and Price* A full Hoe of Blankets, Snrolnglet HdteiH 8wents, Fly Nets, Ear Nets, lAX ltolx» and Lap Dusters, Wh*ps Onrrj (Joins, Cards, Matting for Buggies f Kub hor Bi nkets and Lap Protectors, Band. H^e« t r ittxihle Itubber Mouth Bits, Loath01 Bit#, Y«row Felt Hweats, Wool Dusters Horn Boots of every description. The* C€^I«5*l>i*ntocl Sof»tt f s Hoof Past© Nes'sfoot n&rnssfi Oil and everythlER it the tiorse line. Hepalrlog promptly attended to. Clinton County. res, beln& Lot 38, In \\ Town of Black Brook. Essex'Countv. 78 ncres, beln& Lot 38, In Watsons* Patent, Town of Black Brook. 125 acres, beinp; the north one-half of Lot 24, in Uoffinau Township, Town of Sehroon. 160 arres, being Lot 54, Township li, Old Military Tract, Town of North Elba, 300 acre*, being Lot 40, m Roaring Brook Tract, in Town of Keene. 100 acres, being Lot 55, Township 14* of Lotten & Crossfield Purchase, saving therefrom Ave acres in the southeasterly corner thereof in Town of Minerva. 70 acres, being.'. * south part of Lot 3, in Tract WesU 5 toad Patent, Town of Sehroon. i 160 acres, bef , Lot 51, Paradox Tract JACOB CROTTSE, SYRACUSE. NY. %m 2H FMnt St. ^E.W0LC0TT. Kceievtile, N AT SMITH'S You Can Find a Fresh Stock of For earache, put a couple of drops of Thomas' Electric Oil nn a bit of v uton >ind place it in the ear. Tim pHin will •»ton in a few moments. Simple enough, isn't, it V TV. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup seem* spnt as a special providence to Pule folks. Peasant to take, rxufectly harmless hwlutely sure to give instant relief in all cases of cold or lung trouble. "VALLACE'S PURE CANDIES.... t*he hest ou eartti. HoOK-Keepini?, Shorthand rjpewrmn^.Tr ->u> and Mechanical Draw- miT ure a Te f arf maby brauchea that sre mdht thorc taught by the b^t tea<;horb that the <M>UI / afford*. i:ompctent asststnutj for business men. Graduates turnlHhea witb rfood positions. For catalogue addressi THOi. U. HlllifiLDtt, fltll.t _, 73 Fourth St., froy.w. T. fffE BEST * 0D 4 * And the Celebrated Palmer Perfumes. ED. pTsMimpn.c. <i For full information, rates, timetables, tickets, etc, inquire of nearest " D. & H." Ticket Agent, or write to the undersigned* J. W. BURD1CK, General Passenger AgH t ALBANY. N . Y . / FORSAl_E>'^ B. J, SHERMAN WOULD RESPECTFtTIXY INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT HK HAH JUST RETURNED FKOM THE MANUFACTORY, WHERE HE PURCHASED A FINE HEARSE, AND FULL LINK OF COFFINS. CASKETS. TRIMMINGS, ROBES. ETC. TIE 18 THEREFORE PREPARED TO AT- TEND FUNERALS ON SHORT NOTICE AND UN VERY REASONABLE TERMS. AN EX- PERIENCED HAND WILL BE FURNISHED TO DO EMBALMING WHEN DESIRED. HE IS ALfcO DEALER IN FURNtTURE, STOVES, RANGES. HEATERS. ETC. SKERM NEW BOL , Wa«tham*i Mills, N. Y. If \ou wfnh to pmplov ft BOOK- KKKI'KU, MTENCMJUAPHER, TELE- GRAPH OPERATOR or business awbist- ant, apply U> The MILLI8EHY Fall and Winter 1 cordially invite my patrons and fri.-nds U*call and insisnt my com- plete stork. 1 will swli my Roods for and at prices t > suit all.. MRS.A.W.FAYp Upper Jay. I PORT HENRY, N, Y. JOHN P, 8TRATTOW CELEDIUTED MUSICAL Wg*9W A *PISE f Vollm, Oultsri. Ban os. Mkndolme$, Accordeont, s:i.B13,Sl5.8H E^>t0lhiit.. New York. y^eollepey StfOffTfiANDScTELFGftAPHY* No charge is m-^de to cmpL>^r ur cin- plovee for o r services. For catalogue address, Carnell & Holt, Alhiny, N. Y. CHESHIRE PIGS TT^ROM Resrlsterod stock hy the world's Fair X? prhte winners. $3 each WH B. L. HURD, ^HaUonshurgh, N. Y, /

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iummftry of Principal Evenu of General Interoit.

Tll« * * * * * f l f * * • ^«*t«1 ftftrefiitt? *,.!t»rtt<ii * H < I n i l i inwH fur n i t« r

idnutcN'riirmiiiittiii ttto cnmitf?, Thursday, ttn* 1fl,

Tt*r W L. I I . iiitmtiitioii In Ml. Lmtt* mmi« tu ittt (Mat,

ftie Kiilwiip'tl ettttrch ettnfreminf the VnlMl MHHW met in NitrfolU.

The N»*w York Hiate NViiiiuui SufTniifo 0u»»voHil"M met Hi Uorht'stor,

tlHMiltliHi of Hi'imtnr Mnrtnn flutler1* i*w»|Nt|M«r In Huleltfh \\M md*ed by thy

tlw flrHUh staimtr Memphis, from M»ntrant i«»r HrUhil, Knwluiui wmwtwk-*i ,.lt MM* e»»rt«t of tMuml mat was a total |uftl iVlHlf till* V*l*et s e i V W SV»tftMlt\|\VtHMl.

William I lowly, ii ytatHK pt»U>m«r in the Telid* III New York umti't ' Sentence to \\w Klinlfrt tvfnr-niittnry, wim tnunlnmnl by tktvi'Pitnr Miirhtn he<<mt«Htf hU tiiutlior n *ttirettth,a, *he Will take the boy to their Vi*riit«tiii tonne,

WIUIHUI K, Viilnnlltiv, ono of tan nyiatl-t UMif imh* unit I'liwk forger* who have UH a n|Hnutlii|| *ohumhidy, plemltnl guilty In tlh*»klyu. HoMeme wan deferred p«nd lliil tin* iHittt'htatht aial trial of Ms nuiliHt-*MU«. •omu ill wlmtn ere hi Jull,

frlitfiti War, so, thirty men were kltlint by it firedamp

M|iM"h lit aeottlery at Ueektlittftmuseu, Wi«i|tlutltiii

the Maryland enurr of n|ipf«nU sustained Mayor Hooper of Halttitioro lit hi* lltfht Willi lUeHty eouueti.

A enmplelo list of tvpn*oMittlvi»ii clotted ID tin* kltt) fifth fattfrvM »|inwn a innjorl* ty at ti fur the tfold wUhdiml,

President Kleel Meklnloy, It U said. Will il|l|HllIII .llMH»|lb t», fMllltlt, Ofc-rttlltf II-

hmrlatt of Ohio, mat*hal of tin* l>Utrlot of UulainbUu

UUmeev M, tVpew rtttnonneed that Curiu*llll» Vutulerhllt In stomlllv Improving Miul efcpwt* «MMI In resume imtitrol of bin feU/anes* MtcresK

It WIM bmuifht uttt Mi the (rial In New V«»rtl ••! Colonel NUIIUK aial Ln|ittilti Dlek-Utah lor being eouecrtted In n Hillm*terlng H|M«llll<«n M> Calm aboard the Ltiurmtu tttal snoods sty In Philadelphia W paying a weekly stipend l«» twnof thtithtttf wlthw«^« far 1I10 nuvi*t,n infill 1

t'httik I1. Arbui'kk^ ilmlrtnnn of tho IkatoihltU* nMitM iHiiuftiltti«w of Co! irtulo aial n wmilthy mltW o|N«mtar, wait fouial il>tti«r (it Kltfhth iivtMtui* ami i)\w HuntttHHl mat Ktfty «*i<«nat nivwU Nnw York, ami f»H|tlhH! U»fMiM an ambiilamn* at 1 'ivwl. Itu hial IHH»II hittlnHl. Iba alTaU* l« tbiiitakd In mywhry,

Olio, riaitii oi HtuUiia'M WortilK rtKlo, illul In NVtMiiliti*rmto. ib'rmttny.

Uovt iitir liml l\ Morton In tnlkinl of at t'abb»»i. <), for iihtlNin«attor tt> Kniilatal,

lltv ll»*v Oliver lliMtta 11C Monttvnl wnn fnuail Htnumt on 1 ha vi*rtfo of iti*llrlum 9him*iii In a Imltflntf lmu*'lti VVIHII hmith tiivt't. Sim Yorki mul wim *t*nt to lh»U^ via* hn«i|tltal.

.lohn K, Kllifonr U nu\\\* \\\v Port .Tt*r* vi* |N, Y,i Nallonnl hank* ntul claim* llai* wink* hn tvim tt«m|iMmHly tnmmi' ami WIM Wtimhrlnn iiUail thvcountry Ib^bank tooK |mii<H*«filtiii uf tiln |»rn| i»rty iiml niln IIWHI II. Mr, Klitfottr wm known as ttm hlia^tntn* ktltH.

Hn'itnttmimiMtmnt wim tnmto In tlaltl* tlmh* I It il tin* |to|M baUa|))HtlnUnUbr Itof, lit* ThoMta* *t, (Jnnnty, pastor of ttm rtmiiit of tlu» Hatiiit lli»at% Wntwutor, Mu ,. to hi' ivctor of ttiM t iithollo untvt'r* •llv at Wanhlnift HI In utimtMlon to Ulnbo|t tlohn »l KHIIH*. tic t'omity U a tHtchrr aial an mtltor of a wwkly n»lt||tou« jottr-lltlt

MtimlMfi ^fafi lltt •Irm Mn'^ohi titiaM>rirfi*tttfhtFrt!irrt¥tHl

lit \»»w York frntn Kngtamt In (Inu trim for hi* lioAtnii boot with Donovaiu

Th* Null rniPt wmi <mhl to havo rotvlvmt n iliMitbblnsv frnm tin* tk'toHton of tho National llimlsvmv Drak'^' iiwioclatbtn.

!>n*/al Inurnm, 11 wvalthy tly«*r of A«* Wla, N. Y.i Ml on it Attorn plpo nmt wan tmrmnl on om» hip, Ymikiaw att In, oa\m-I11K hi* itfitih, •

IhtHouthurn fitilfltj «tt*nnim« flan fb ftUu w»im WhH'kml olt tVtltit Anuai, t'al,, itbit, with bar cargo, U 11 total IO«H4 Klgbt <jf tht» ««n»w of 41 nam wuro itrowmnt.

Nrthur WV by t'amiilMill, 110 yram old* Wim ha* IM<I«II 11 iliHifon nmt (t h'aitnr of

Iiraynr mo'llnji^, ami who 1* ncoumnt of mvlnjf 11 vo llvltm wlvnn, wan arrrrtbut In t*ati*r«nn, N, (tM on thiM'httrtfoof bigamy.

An nnknown man ami woman who had n«aliti*rmt it* Unoi'tlt1 NVlN<m and wife, at 1lui Htanilnnl Itotid, N*w York, wart* Immd dtMid in tlu*tr rootiK doath Indnn r*tttl*d hy nu ttt Hint Ion front wfittdtiK ||a«. ilwy had i«vUh>ntly lotntnlttod fmbldo.

William A, Mt«ntityi<r. tlm wotl known foiumtlan mat playwright, IIIIHI at ht* n^l-4li*mv, lllir NNV«t 1 wonty third ntn»«t. Now York, of Itrlutv n dlmmmi* II© had t>oon ill for novoral mtmthn, llln prim Ipal playn w»*r*iM tonrlHtn In a f'ulliiiiitt far," "Wo, I-P h t'o..M MtoUinnanlngM mul "Thu Mrah lliig.

Tnn4dn?l fn?. '14* A militrrrmifiiti Ihv \\n* dvntrojrcd tnrttty

ftt'm«of land niMtr I'olitmtnm, N* •*. limttiii'ry M. I)o|iowdi»llvrr»dannddrt»#ii

io the V^mmnt Hong of thv Uwnlutlon In Mont|H*ltir, Vt»

Iho I'nlbd pltntyi rrulftnf Mnrldoliwirt dr pp« d am b»»r olt Htatou Inland, N. Y,, •tftor a IhriHi yi«arn' prulm>,

Tho trial of liinly linn BtKitfc nn i ntfuwi of rrimlhal HUd pn»b'm»d by Knrl Uumwll, hrr«on In law, Iwiimi In Iitmdott.

Tho iiri'iihh-nt him ii|i|mlittiHl »tm1|(o Nott tohcithiof JtMtltHMif t bo com t of olnllort 'tndt'liMrlopili Howry of MtiwUtiitipttubeit imlMMoi tliMoourt.

'Ihti t'rtnro and ^rlnoww nf Watw, no-<Himponbil by tint, daituhtcr*, aro vlnltlnil tki hukonmt ItmhoMof Mnrlbormmh at IHonbolm, wlaivthoy wllU|H*nd tho HVM4,

t h t wnr lmtwiHin tho t*om|Niny tltitt hiti tho oontrm't to utipifly Ihiyonno, N. •!.! with wator mul tho olty oounoll mtlinl-nuMl In 11 lltfln ovor tho tnyln« of ttmltit.

1 ounti<M .liin^k*! who for m» yoar* han Vi.inly prvwod 11 ohilm for Itf.iHjn uin) hold tiy tho itovrrnmont brtno lnK to h»r an-fkMiliT, flon.rnl I'tiliukl, ha* woitrod of ltH*nirtt||Mlomul thrvatottotl -mkldt.

ATI.VMA, Not, IH.-A. H. rtftjr, HHJ Tkanoormto oamnm nmnlnoo for i-nitoii ^tntM Mtiuitor, wit* formally *l7fIH» *! that ulllra by Iho ifonoral iiMotnbly, HHt \*>um hotnn o«*t, i»f whloh l«l mm for Mat, Tho l*ii|iulUtn wnt tholr HI Vot*w for'ttonornt William IMilillp*, and tho Ke |ittlilli*iitmiinvii<ltolr thrw voU* tu Major J K, tlnnpotn

Mit TOKi.iKn, Yt,. Nov, «i».- tho Inwwr hranohof tho lonNlnturo divtlnod to pa** tho MMiitti* womnn PtitTrnin* l»»ll • ,y , lv"Vi ut IHh to m», 'tho iUm<iiMil<tn on tho hill oitn*itiii«Hl mivwrnl lo»ftr* and wa* hoard by tho tar» o*t nudtom'o ovi»r nMombliHl In tho hall, Tho Itlifli IhHMino Imml nptloti bill wa* dofwd'd by 11 n ovorwlii>lmln>| voU».


ONCE FAMOUS ACTRESS, ttri« Nntt*fttrtrtan* rm^i Awny A ft iff %

HH*f 1ltii«ftii l u f r a i i o * , ^Aljlfc, Nov, ilt.-Mr*, Hoott-ftUMont,

Hat wlobratod not fin* ami dramatic rondo*, d iHl Iter© aftor a brief mm**, and lu«r ro-tnaln* huv« bw*n M*ttt to Now York.

Mw» floot^gkUlmtii wiw a mwtt-ffnuut-dmirfhtcr of tttu Krviib Hnriih 8UUI011*. Site boaan bur ornwp on th„ Rtngo In Ijondon tu IHHT, Hlvlnif n*mlThHii from H'uiketi-iwnro * play* tn tho 11 ttimvor Hiiunrorooms, itml ltitor on nuuto hor first nppearanco npon tho reicutiir «t4i«o at the Haynmrkot theater In ttto ohiiriwtor of UOMUIIHI in

At Yon tdko lt,M ttor youth and Iwtiiity nttd Intlucntlal fHomtn in tho pw»8s ail helped to mako ttor MIUOOMCIII, and for AOIIIO ttmo *ho onJoyiHl ooitdtdornbto po^tdarity Imth lit fjotidon ami in tho provinces.

Hho llr*t i>miiti to Amcrloii in \%mt Wlton *ho mid In Htolnwav halt, New Yi»rk, ttftor whluh sho acted In the Fifth

ttm *r*oTt-Rtnnoys, Aront to tttpater, when* *lm nttnttiiMl edch -r l ty . Mho la ter rotnri iod t(» t iondon and noted In "Tho Laity of tiy* m*" and aev-oral Shak©*|H«arean tharao te r* as well as In 11 n u m b e r of ronmnt lo play* a n d melo­drama*, t n la ter lite Mr*. Slddoim travel-mi extensively In tho l l r l t l sh oohmlo* a n d nehloved oom»Ul««rat»lu popula r i ty In Aus­t ra l ia , but adviihelntf yeat** robbed hor of m u c h of Iter Iteauty, a n d sho gradua l ly lost hor power of publ ic a t t r ac t ion , Hhe paid a llltat Vl*lt to tho T u t t e d Htato* a year or t w o ano, hut hor appearance on the aUttfo t h e n ended In d i sas t rous fatlttro. ^ h e was a w o m a n oi marked Intolliironeo. Hy ttto*« w h o *nw Iter In the day* of hor p t i m o she Will IN> romoinlieli 'd an otio or tho loveliest Wimton tha t wvor a|»pearod behind the foot-IllfltU,





VlTlLAtiKl.t'lllA. N o v , »».—KX.I'irtfnilW-toritonoral Jttliti SYiinmnitker, In it uutor to tho Phllmloltihlii brnnohof tho National U*ii||uoof lluslm?** Mon, ha* attfnlllod hi* wtlllitiinwM to bo ft oandldato for UIIIUHI Htato* poitator from Vonnwylvanift tf» *no ooiHi ,t, tlonald Cmnoron, who*o t^nu 01 nlrnt Mandt tt 1»V7

PrtWiiiw Tiinar Ntnffrr r***i«* Away at Ilia t l o tn r tn Itrtlv.

liONtHtM, Nov, U4,—The r h r o i d o l o nn-tlotmeo* the deatl t <>f tho groat tenor . Cant-pan ln t , at P a r m a .

P i u u p n n l n l wn* Imrn n t r n r m a , I t a ly , lu IBMl. When I I years old, be enl is ted h* a * *ld\pr ttmter th t r iba ld l . In the fol­lowing i-iimpalgtt the diseovery was made tha t he p-iMoMsod a voice of ex t rao rd ina r i ly fine qua l i ty , \ i m ***> fr««m his mi l i t a ry obligation*, the ymt th entered himself a* a pupi l at thol 'o twervi i tory , P a r m a , wltere he con t inued t w o year*. His lirst appear-aitoo wa« In tho *ante olty.

t 4 a m t i a n l n l * early oxporlom-M woro not tmo m r a g l n g , a n d in l»tm he U>catne a liupll nf tnt tnceiuo li i t tnpeiti , at Milan. When bo r^ippeariHl botore tho putille, hi* •iiooit** hooaiito Immodla te ty assured . In IHT^ be sang in l iondon. tho next yo t r lu Now York. Hlnoe then his visit* to the oltlof eltlo* of Ktiro)H* and thi* ooutlnout have rest 1 He it lu his und i spu t ed supremacy as tho loading tenor of hi* age, ^

Urtakfr Wtirri*to1«*r* tttm*««if, rnt t 'AOti , Nov, 44, —Kn Hanker A n

tinoty Ko/oL who failed last May for uvoi t h ' O U in, a d m i t t e d tha t he wa* gu i l ty ot c i l m o in tho h a n d l t n g of the b a n k s fund* at d Wa* *urronderod by hi* boialstncn. Hi ntatiHl tha t ho bad decided to abandon any legal ftgttt and to accept his p u n i s h m e n t . It hit* bt ctt a r r a n g r d t h a t he pi Pad gui l ty to larcoity today at d U» *ont to the t>enl lett t lnry. He I* tho Hrst tmnker in thb s ta te to l>o m*nt to prl on fur mUusi t tg fumls i n t ru s t ed to his omv. Ko /e t ' s bank W«« Ou* of tho oldest on tho wiiit side and had ulway* been rogariled a s financially sound, ft wa* pi^trtml/.eii pr incipal ly by Workingmon ma t sma l l t r adesmen , whu lost »vory th ing .

Mei?ffPt«ry t^fiifirt* fta««tl« WA*ftiximiM, Nov, g t , «•-Wonrgft ^*,

I l odg ln* of Windsor. O tn . , hn» smnl David |{. Krunol*, *ecretary (»t tho Interior , for a Writ ot tunndamtm, l l o ri 'prosonts t ha t nn Mafoh Uti. 1MU4. bo lllod in tho pa ten t ollioe alt npplioiitloti for a pa t en t for a method of t e s t ing the ra i lway a i r b r a k e a n d s ignal *v*tetn* a n d a | )pma tu* for c a r r y i n g tntt tho method, Ho claim* the Invent ion Is Worth l lo.dOn t>» h im . I lodgln* asser t s tha t hi* a t t e m p t * at appeal rmin the do-ol*lott of tho p r imary exe.inluer ivjoct tug hi* c la im* have ln»on refused, a n d he now Wants tho secretary oopnumudod to d i rec t t he commiss ione r of i n t e n t s to pert'o't t he nppcAl to tho board of e x a m i n e r s in ohlof.

tlttttidy P l i t i t ^*itti Iit»*pprt%t1b»i, I J K H A W I * * lud , , Nov, 44,—A bloody

ftgttt ooourrod on the putdlo suttaro tn th i s olty last n ight hot ween tho no tor ious Mil­ler g a n g mid olllcor*. Hill Wood*, otto of tho de*poradoo* rwon t ly from M h s o u r l , Wit* fatal ly stmt by Po l i ceman Uoorgo t«'ro*t, who himself received a bullet In hi* th igh , whi lo sovernl other* mitYeivd s l igh t Hljurlo*. t t was a ease ot ro«l*tatieo to itr-tv^t fot ou t r age* a n d violence by tho WIKHIH a n d Miller g a n g c o m m i t t e d \a*t w w k . T w o other* or the g a n g were ar -

ro^lOih _ t

XSUU Kttuwti t*pftstnn Aitofin»jr ll«nit» Ol.KVKI.AMi, N i ^ , 4 4 . — M l l o H» Stevet i i ,

ono of tho U'st known pension atti>ruoy* III tho I*lilted Htuto*, died at til* homo, 5t» t'wlur avottuo, aged ft« year*. Mr. HteuMii. ever *inoo tho close of the war, wn* known far and wide a* n p«'nstoit at-toriioy, having IH»OII at tho head of tho Urm of Mllo l i Htovon* iV t*o., with tho prlnol-pal olTlco it) the Hlover building, Washing-ton, and branches In this city. Detroit and rhlooga Tho Immediate ouuse of doe h wn* ory*tl'ola*,

f lu id «Uilltil»rd t i t ItUMitn Tjt)NhuH, Nov, :U,— I he Chroniclo '* gfc.

P e t e r s b u r g corrospondoitt repor ts t ha t M. do Wit to, l l t tMlun min i s t e r of flnanco, ha* nt*eurod tbw assen t of his colleagues for tho In t roduc t ion of tho gnld s t anda rd . Tho o*nr approve*, t h i s correspondent say*, a n d tho Imper ia l counci l Is now discuss ing tho projoet nltd will probably adop t It, al* t h o u g h tho A g r a r i a n m e m b e r s w a r m l y op*

W e t ! ftfiown Mnn , i Sidoldo. WA*iiiMtTu\, Nov. 411.—Knbort A .

^ h l t o h a m t , t h o p r o p r l o t n r o f tho old ou :

r losl tv *hop *toro on D street , oomml t t ed *ulcuio by tdowlng ou t hi* brain*. I l l s place of bits!m>** wa* a ver i table t reasure houso of relic*, soiuo of which wore from r evn lu t l onn r r t ime*.

^ . . 1 -

Purtttn* Vnt * Pnrpr, HKW YUMR. Nov. 4«>4—.lohn it. Gontry,

tho fastest pacer that the world ha* over peon, wo* *o!d hist night at Madison Hitmtn* (hirdett to U .1. Towksbury for iHi.wm. Ho has nrniu record of 1MH>$ and w rotnunl made against time of 9:*)0lf.

f\\%y N«PI1 No ^nfrlrtl ttrto'flrtary L©Eti. ln t ln t l - Tlift HoiiiPHteiia Ant Hntuitll$

CrUlolft«ut< I t* Hoprnl FnvnriMt- Oppo-

s l t m n t o Vr** I i U t r t b n t l n n or Hoi'tls,

WAsttfVOToH, Xov. 24»—Hecrotnrr Mor ton , in Ids four th a n n u a l repor t j u s t mad* publ ic , show* t h a t w i t h |48U,0U0, which m a y fm saved from ttto appropriation** foi t h e c u r r e n t fiscal year, there wi l l have boon covered baok in to tho t reasury since March 7, im»;i, over $!>ttU)0(000 out of a to t a l ap­propr ia t ion of 111,119,455.45.

T h a t t h i * g rea t economy wn* offoctod Without any loss of ciTlclency ho a t t r ibu tes in a largo degrco to tho i m p r o v e m e n t in the personnel of tho force u n d e r civil srrv-loo rules, wh ich lie declares to l>o "abso­lu te ly Indispensable to the m a i n t e n a n c e ot an economic and ofttelent a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of t he publ ic serv ice ."

To complete " t h o alroady a lmos t perfect •ystein of civil se rv ice" In ills d e p a r t m e n t tho secretary recommends tho a p p o i n t m e n t of a pe rmanen t director In charge of bu­reaus a n d ftulcntlllo invest igat ion*. Th«i chief* of scientific, bureau* and tholr a** s l s tun t s ho declared a re not adequate ly compensated , a n d s t rongly recommend* t h a t tho salaries of th i s class of employees bo Increased.

Tho Inspection of nn ima l* In tended fnt fond 1* t rea ted a t l ength , a n d stress ti laid upon tho Increased etllcloucy of the work , duo to the extension of civil service rules , wh ich has boon very rap id in this service.

Mr. "Morton urge* s t rongly that govern­m e n t Inspection should bo extended to all a n i m a l s Intended for h u m a n food, whotltei for consumpt ion In tho Un i t ed »StuUw 01 abroad.

Tho report show* a steadily increasing d e m a n d In Ktufland for Amer ican horses. D u r i n g the llrst n lno m o n t h * of tho pros out year more of those a n i m a l s wore ship* IMHI to t h a t coun t ry t h a n for any previous year,

D u r i n g t h e year t h e d e p a r t m e n t Issued B70 publicat ion*, m a i n l y for g ra tu i tous d i s t r ibu t ion . T h e aggrega te n u m b e r oi copies pr in ted wa* fl,5Hl,70ii. Ho protests aga ins t t he In t rus ion In the net of appro­pr ia t ion for tho depa r tmen t for thocur rcn* fl*cal year of *HU,5UU for r e p r i n t i n g hor* ttnoks a n d ca t t le books to be given away hy congress .

Agnltod Ffeu ftpml f>istrtt»fitton« T h e secretary a g a i n t akes occasion U,

express hi* opposi t ion tn the g ra tu i tous d i s t r ibu t ion of seeds a n d to express thd hope tha t tho practice will bo d iscont inued.

The1 report concludes wi th a enmprehem • h o review of the condi t ion of Amer loan fa rmers .

r*ov» n ty t w o pe r r r t t t of the farms In the V n l t e d Sta tes , i»ucupiod by the i r owners , a re absolutely freo from mor tgages or oth­er h n e u m b r a n c e s . Tho secretary refute* the Idea preva i l ing tha t tho fa rms of the West a n d south are m o m heavily burdened With mor tgage* then those of tho east and nor theas t . S t a t e s a l o t t g t h e Nor th At lan t i c , ho says, an> qu i t e heavily incumbered wi th fa rm mor tgages , a n d Now .Jersey carr ies a deb t of grea te r In propor t ion to farm* valtio t h a n any s ta te in tho T n l o n . The frequent c la im tha t tho farmers a re a lmost universal ly indebted a n d suffering, he do d a r e s to be wi thou t any foundat ion, a bo-1 I t t lenient of a g r i c u l t u r e a n d an Insult tc every in te l l igen t a n d pract ica l farmer. T h e farmer* a re not mendicant*, to b<? t reated to annu i t i e s , bu t tho representa­t ives of the oldest, most honorable , most essent ial occupat ion of tho h u m a n race, Upon which all o ther vocations depend foi subs is tence mid prosjieiity.

" t j eg l sh i t l on , ' ' ho say** " n a n nel thet plow nor plant , Tho Intel l igent , practical a n d successful farmer need* no aid from t h e gove rnmen t . Tho ignoran t , impract i ­cal and Indolent f anne r s deserve none, It Is not the business of tho government to legis late in behalf of any otass of citizen)-ltocause they uro engaged In any specitk ca l l ings , no m a t t e r how essential the call­i ng may IKV to the needs and comforts ol c ivi l izat ion, I jawmakcr* cannot e r a » n a t u r a l laws, nor restr ict or efface the op ora t ion of economic laws. It Is a bciui l c lcnt a r r a n g e m e n t of tho order of th ings and the condi t ions of h u m a n life that leg is la tors a re not permit toil to repeal ot a m e n d or revise tho laws of product ion and d i s t r i b u t i o n . "

UrnouncoA fimrtostetul Act,

ftpferrlmr to tho s t ress of compet i t ion Which the Amer i can fa rmer is compelled tt> endu re , Mr. Morton call* a t t e n t i o n tr. tho nearly 4.nun,unit farm* of MO aero* each, g iven away by the g o v e r n m e n t un­der tho homestead act of 18UH, d u r i n g t h t pas t iio years, ami to tho a m o u n t donated ututor tlio t imbe r c u l t u r e law, equivalent t o ovor ofi.oun more fa rms of the same size. L a n d s long tilled a n d rendered par t ia l ly Infert i le could not, of courso, enhance, in va lue a n d sell In rmupct lo i : w i th virgin *oil dona ted by tho government* No legis­l a t ion re la t ive to the publ ic d o m a i n ha* heeit so directly Inimical to tho farmers w h o had b o u g h t a n d paid for tho land* upon which they had lived a n d labored. It w a s impossible for farmers In tlio old state* to profitably sell thol r p roduc ts in compe­t i t ion w i t h those of the newer s ta tes g rown upon land* which cost the i r owners noth­ing .

Refer r ing tn the Impression t h a t greatet fa te* of interest a re charged for money loaned upon fa rms t h a n for t h a t loaned upon other k inds of real es ta te , Secretary Mor ton s ta tes t h a t tho r a t e of interest charged on m o r t g a g e s upon residential proper ty o ther t h a n fa rms averages e ighty four h u n d r e d t h s of 1 per cent less t h a n the ra to of interest charged upon farm loans.

D u r i n g the iisca, year j u s t ended tho ex­por ted produ *ts of Amer ican fa rms aggro-gated $570,00(1,000. an increase of $l7,nuo, . 000 over tho preceding year. I n splto oi th i s there was a fal l ing off In tho percent­age of a g r i c u l t u r a l product* expor ted to tho tota l exports , b u t th i s was dm* to the unprecedented sale abroad of Amer ican m a n u f a c t u r e d goods, T h e largest m a r k e t for ou r p roduc t s 1* a d m i t t e d to bo tho h o m e m a r k e t , but the expor t t r ade is tho regu la t ion , t he balance wheel for t h e homo products , follows tho Interest of t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r as well as tho farmer. Hen-oral prosperi ty depends absolutely upon a g r i c u l t u r a l prosperi ty a n d any commer­cial system which will Increase w i t h celeri­ty a n d extend wi th cer ta in ty , tho expor t of ou r farm produc ts will bo of the u t m o s t a d v a n t a g e to ag r i cu l tu re and all those In­terested In i ts profitable expansion. T h a t pol i t ical economy, which best advance* tho Interest of the agr icu l tu r i s t s , furnishes tho ln»st Impe tus to the m a n u f a c t u r e r of tho 1 lilted Sta tes , tor h is best cus tomers aro farmers a n d those who depend dlroctly for proll t upon the prosperi ty of farmer*.

KTiort Wltont rr«r> l a Amandin* MfcUun'UM;, Nov. i*4.—Tlio g o v e r n m e n t

fitttt 1st e s t imates the wheat yield of Vic­tor ia a t 7,000,000 bushels, w h i c h Will barely Aufftco fot local want*.

I l m v ' f t T t i U ? , W* nffer nno Humlrwi t)nPV* fteWftrfl for Any

owe of t/Warrn tU*t oautt jt be cured 0 / Unit's r itarrh 1 u r \ _

F ! 0 tKNti? A ^H . P f v j i , Toted-), O, We, th« mirlftMtgned, tmvo known F ,j . ctietiny

Mr the l i s t iriy*uiTs, una" neUeve htm pc-focM* honorable m a n tnntncs< t r i n s a e i u i * , *n<t on-anoPtllv able to carry out any obtUiuion mud by UwMr firm. WHST * THUAX, WtlOteiuUfl tmtgi?Ut9. f o'orM, O, WAMUNO. KINNIN A MARVIN, vVtioicsa C nrug. IflHlP. I'otcilO. U.

ItaU'i (M'arrh riPP 1* tfifcpn »nier'«iiii», mtltig UreoHv upon tiu» b ond aurt 111 io<uis HU*»AC •* 01 rbe *T*tem. Price 7f)). p^r beetle, boia oy al, Orutfgl*tR. Te-ttmontnl* free.

Halisfatnlly m i a a r e the beat,

GEORGE W. FERRIS DEAD. tie Wat the tnvfmtuf of tho fiiftiOOi

I'prrU \VI10eU

"P t r r sn^na , Nov. ^a.—lieorge W. Fe r ­ris, who conceived and buil t the world fa­m o u s K c n i s wheel, died a t tho Mercy hos­pi ta l , l u thin city, of typhoid fovcr. H i t

ilinos* has been brief and i t wa* only Fr iday t h a t ho was token to the hospital . Tho a t t e n d i n g physi­c ians wty h is sy«-teui was great ly r u n down by over­work . Hi* wife came hero from Can ton , (} . , t h a t site migh t be wit it her husband in ids dy ing moment*.

fienrge F o r f l u was born at (talcs-burg , I l ls . , Fob. 14, 1H5U. When

he wn* hut very young, the family removed to Carson City, Nov., and it was there tho y o u n g wheel bui lder spent tho years of his early boyhood. In 1K?0 ho caitic cast. \la began a wmr.se at tho Rensselaer Polytech­nic In s t i t u t e of New York city in t h a t year. In \Hs\ he g radua ted wi th h igh honor**. Tr IHM he accepted a posi t ion w i t h tho Ijnuisvlllo Bridge company of Loulsvll lu. which ho held for a n u m b e r of years, when ho came to P i t t s b u r g a n d en­gaged In the Inspection of s t ruc tu ra l work. I n 1HH7, whi le p u r s u i n g tha t vocation, tho firm of (1. Y (J. Ferr is & Co. of P i t t s b u r g was established. The concern still exists. I n IHH0 ho wa* mar r i ed to Miss Bea t ty of Canton , (),

It WM* in ISO'* tha t Mr. Fe r r i s conceived tho Idea of the wonderful Ferr i s wheel fhat has a t t r ac ted the a t t en t ion of all tho people of tho world ami which wi l l go d o w n In history a* ono of tho grea tes t wonder* of the cen tury . Tho mons t e r passenger wheel , conceived by Mr. Ferris , was buil t under hlu personal supervision in th i* city.

D e a t h o f I t l n . ftaxiotw

0LYDB. N . Y . t N o v 1 9 . - M m , H e l e n M. b a x t o n , wi fe of Cha r t e* T. Rax t o n , l i e u t e n a n t - g o v e r n o r , d ied h e r e a t 11 15 laBt n i g h t , of a t u m o r . Deceased wan 50 year« o ld , a r a t l v o o f th i s v i l l age . HTI<1 d a u g b U 1* of t h e I to AmbropoH. Fi* Id. S h e w i n mr. r r ied In 180H. a m i H s u r v i v e d by fou r c h i l d r e n , I I e ' e n M., Idn L. , Ar­t h u r F . a n d W i l l i a m A. , a lso by a *i- ter , w h o is wife of J a s p e r W. Fl in m a n . W ut, A, Fie ld , p r e s i d e n t of t h e v i l lage , ami Ueo . Fie ld , a p r o m i n e n t m e r c h a n t of thin vi l lage , fire b r o t h e m of t h e d e c n-'kni.

MrB. Buxton b a d been a MufTerer for Years.

1 ) r , C o n n t y r l i o s e n f t e o t o r o f t l io t * n t -vei'Mlly a t \% a s h l n ^ l t t i t .

ftev, l)r, Thomas J. Conaiy, rector of the Churclt of the Sacred Heart, Wor-cp*t» r, Mats., ha* b en appoln'e<l by tho pope rector of the Catholic University ht Washington to succeed Hi shop Keane, who rctigneti Sopteinber laat.

Tbr«n K i l h ' d ut H C r u d e C r n m l n g , CoNcoun, Ky., Nov. :J1. —While t h e

Misses lai la and Ti/,/ic Lind, d a u g h t e r s of tho proprh tor of tho Llnd hotel tu t ids town, and Al PoUh'k, a younir nttorr.ey, wore r e h i r n l n g home in a buggy front a pa r ty " F l i e r No. 4"' on the (in-wipcake a n d Ohio r.wul s t ruck the buggy a t the Fir>t s t reet t rossing, h u r l i n g the throe oc c u p a n t s some .M) l e t in to the a i r a n d kill­ing them almost ins tan t ly . fl he t r a in was going about 50 mile* a n hour .

fh<1tntin's Ofttdal Vot#i* IXDtANAi'oi.iK, Nov. a l . — A t la*t th$ ac­

cu ra t e vote of al l count ies lu I n d i a n a can 1*3 given. Tho following is the complete figures a* t aken from t h e official r e tu rn* ; Democrat* a n d Popu l i s t s , 805,425; R e p u b ­l ican, S«3 t82b; P roh ib i t ion i s t , B,05u; gold s t anda rd , a,140; Na t iona l , 3,208; Social­ist labor, ;J2H. McKiuloy'B p lura l i ty , 10,-403; McKlnley 'g major i ty , 9,010; to ta l vote cast, 037,046.

GREAT FOOTBALL GAMES. Pftnoptnn 's Or rn t Vlotory O r r f Yale—Hftr.

VHIMI TrtlU tin* Itlg Fimr, XF.W Y O H K , Nov. tf«. — The football

g a m e between P r ince ton and Yalo was perhaps the llerccst ever witnessed on Man­h a t t a n iteltl and w a s a t t ended by 25,000 persons. For the llrst t i m e since 1803 a n d for the four th t i m e since 1883a roprosonta-tlvo team from tho Tiger** college defeated t h e sons of Kit. Tho score wa* 24 to 0, and when It i* added t ha t Yale 's 0 point* woro scored on a lluke the story has been told, for never from the beg inn ing of tho g a m e til l It* end were the men from New Haven able to copo wi th the i r s tu rdy an­tagonis ts .

T h e Yalo eleven wa* clearly outp layed l

at every point of football. They did not ' kick as well, push as well or r u n a* well as the Tigers , and in the i r defensive play weakness was thei r principal feature. On the o ther hand, the members of the Prince­ton t eam covered themselves w i t h glory and never for an in- tau t did they stop p l ay ing tho hard g a m e wit It which they commenced. P r ince ton ' s game was t.ue l>est put up by any team front old Nassau since the famous 1«03 renin beat Yah*.

r#tttl«y1*i%ntA fb'frntn Tt^rvnr^ 1 13lllLAIiKI.I'HlA, Nov. ^3 .—i he gal ' lw-twoon Harvard and Pennsy lvan ia wa* won by P e n n*y Ivan la by the d o s e score of 8 to o\ aftor one of the himb'st l ights over ('(at­tested on the gr idi ron, the t eams Ih ing an even match . Ha rva rd ' * defeat semis In: to the bot tom of tho list In tho big four combina t ion .

Hurry T h i s Girl , ttonti'tioily. 1 h ive been reading in your paper

about several men and women that have been very suecensful sciing ^elf-beating Hat iron*, and I concluded I would see what a girl cmhl do. I have worked 12 day* and Hold 151 Iron* to d havo 218 d liars lef utter paying ull expense*. K very body iK del ghted with the iron and 1 .sell ono almost every place 1 show it, as people think they can't afford to be without one a* they nave HO much fuel and time and don't burn the clothes. I know 1 can clear live thousand dollar* in a year, How i* that ior a girl '(

A (IKADUATS. Splendid, my girl, splendi I, jou ore a

true AiiurFan girl. Anyone cati got complete information about tho *cif-heating in at by addressing J. F. Oa>oy & Co , St. IiOtim. Mo. It seems to be a w nu**r, as evcrvbudy holllog it w ritcu in its praise*

Tllut WoiMleri'ul l l n i t l i ! 1 want to add my testimony to the Itot

of those that have used the Lightning Churn, ltdueu all that in claimed ft r it. you can chum easily in one minute, ami get a logo peieentnge more butter than with the common churns. I never took the agency tor a» > thing b f >re but so ninny cf my neighbors wanted (burn* that 1 ordered';tn and they ate all giro, 1 think in a y ar every farmer will nave a Ligbtnlug Churn, in luet they can't allotd to bo without one a* they make so much more butter, and a go >d little bk of money can b« made in ovi ry towu-ship celling* tla-He churn*, Hy wiiting t<» J F. Cr K» y iV Co,( 8t. Louis. Mo,, yon can get circulatH and full partiouia.f atiout the churn. A RK vmcit.

u n a r.titroau s ta t ion, who. j D e p o s i t s , \t a longside h im for ball a

1 \V*il Uttawii titmlttp** Man l tohbed.

WII.I . IAM^I 'OHT* Pit., Nov. 2U. —Cr lnh Cumminf t s 4»f S t a m b o d . Conn. , president of tho C i immlng* Cei.iout company o HutTtih*. was waylaid and robbed in th i city whi le ott toe way to his hotel. Mi d i m m i n g * was accosted by a negro near I tho Pentadvvanlo ra i l road ' " after will *t|i:atv. kl ked Mr Cui i in t lug* in tht a t the Fame t i m e knock ing h im down Mr. C u m u t i n g s log was broken, and he was rendered unconscious. When ho re­gained consciousness, h i s assa i l an t wa* s t a n d i n g over h im a n d t r y i n g to remove his overcoat. Ho had stolen $50 in cash a n d a gnld wa tch . Uo** Alexander , col­ored, was arres ted charged w i t h being the assa i lan t . The police havo evidenco t h a t points directly to Alexander as tho m a n . ! Ilo has boon o u t of tho peni ten t ia ry only a *hort t ime . |

t p i i e / t io in Wil l Aceopt, NEW Y O H K , NOV. 20.— T h e Hera ld ' s

Cornea* correspondent say*; " 1 can s ta te on competen t a u t h o r i t y t h a t Venezuela , wi l l bo glad to accept the 50 year clause, provided tho ques t ion etui* there . Some t h i n k tha t the p rox imi ty of the Hrlt lsh is l iable to cause fur ther t rouble , m a k i n g an excuse for fur ther invasion, and they sug­gest a t r i buna l lie establ ished to pas* upon al l doubt fu l eases u n t i l a l l have t>eon dis­posed of. m_mmm_mmm

Th* Pnrtlt ioft of Tork#y, L O H D O N , Nov. 24.—Tho Daily MalPe

Berl in correspondent say* t h a t the t i r and D u k e Nicholas of Russia on a recent visit to V ienna took w i t h h im a proposal foi the pa r t i t ion of Turkey a m o n g tho powers e n d to m a k e Cons tan t inop le a free port . Russ ia to have Asia Minor and Kngland to have Lgypt .

tlfynti Carr ied Smith IbdcotH ft? l o t , N K W YI IUK. Nov. 10. — A special to tile

World from Aberdeen, 8. I). , s ays : Official r e t u r n s from all the coun t ies in tho state give tho Bryan electors 101 major i ty , The Popul i s t* elect the governor a n d congress­men , whi lo the Republ icans elect the state t reasure r by a major i ty of 2.

Clotteriit Market** MRW Yoita, Nov. i*l.—FboLTt-StaU ana

western dull and weakni iy mills patenl*. $5.11! a(&.:>5; winter puiuals, $4.75(1?;4.U0; c i ty mill* clears, «i.KIK(M.ti0; winter MruijfhU, $4.fimu.0o.

W UK A T - N o . 2 riMl advanced ttt Jitst, but *iitisiM|ticutly tttriicd Nvcwk tttaler liipiidutioa; Dcccndier, K3 7-HHe*.MM .futniary, HUftK^hc

LHIKN Nu. - fab Is act ive nail Bleiullor na cuvorhigi December, M l M i f e ^ . ; May, 3 »-4

(&L'->*i!. f)ATK— No. 2 dull and fpRtttrclp*8i track.

wldtii, htaltj, «i(&33hiC.; track, white, western,

1H) UK-Steady j mess, | 8 . W . 7 6 ; family, flll.5li< (i l l .

LAUD- tMrnr prime western stpnm, |4.1&, nominal.

Ul 'TTl^t - Ftrm; state dairy, l l&lOc; state creamery, \b)+i'2h:

CHKKSK-Sicadyi state, large, ?H&10l$c.i small , Thi i 10>.ti .

Kiu*s Very tlrm: Mate and Penrisylvanla, J^^'.'K'.; western, IftH '"**-''

St ' t iAII Raw steady; fair refining. 2%o.; centri fugal , W test, ty<v.\ re lined quiet; crushed, .V.; tnovdered, 4r^<.

T r U P K N T l N K - g t t l e t at TMto&typ* UlL't: Steady; domestic , ^ i ^ c ; Japan, 4H


TAbUnV-ffteady: clty,'JHi®3Wc.; country, H A Y - - D u l l : shippinK, WiOOOc.j gcxjd to

choice, 7u<u&2Vwo.

•—The largest room in the world Is in ttto imporiat p ibiee in Ht. Peter*burg. It is 100 leet long by 150 wide.



. Mu r plus log, j • Total Assetf!,


» • 27t),HHM 01


HIKBT WBLLg. HecelTes and pay* dcpoHlm dally. Deposlb

made on cither ot tho first tour tmBine** days c any month draw interest from tho lau if madi afterward lnteroHt will commence the first 0' the following month.

Interest will he credited to deposttoin Jan. SB and July tsf. compounding twice a year. Then arc the stockholders tn this hanlt. All th< earnings, less expenses, belong to the depoBltorr The rate of interest depends on the earnings and for tho PAST TWRI.VB TBABS has t»eeu.

4i PER CENT. Deposit* are received in minut ffom | l to

|90<K3, and no interest win be paid on anj sum in excess of this amount, except on deposit! by wtdowB, orphans, administrator*, executors, guardians, charitable or religious nRtltutlons on trust funds deposited by order.of court.

This bank prefers Vermont securities for thi investment of i ts funds, and sends no money ou ol the Htato until the home demand is met,

No money loaned to any officer or trustee ot the bank.

Funds may be sent t>y tjank check OF draft, 0> postal money order, and deposit book will be re turned by next mall.

OHAKLKB V. SMITH, President. 1&H*R* o .P .WAHI) , Treasurer.



P o r t Henry , N. Y . T. MrnnocK, • • PreM<h>vL WiTiiKitni:R» • Vice-I*rt>Jtideiit


F. 8.



- - • O F -




Wool flircks nnd Mlxlnre*, variety of Rtyles, exfcilctit value, double fold 25<* per yard. \

New Bright IMnltls for wainti rind Children's drew»eB, Wc per yard,

llourette Itotigli Cloths and Ref pontine Suitings, new ntylei, aire per yard,

Now WertvoH Vnotfy ttongli HotliR, ahoTnllor Made Suit tugs, only 50e per yard.

Molmlr Slorm Serge, In blacks, navies greens, rtd§, and brown*, will measure 40 inch, all wuoU excellent value at 50c per yard.

51 Intli New Diagonal Suiting*, fn brown, black and navy blue. Regular November fabric, 59c per yard.

Two Toned Rongh Knohby Suiting. We think they aro ntylMl and cheap, 05c per yard,

51 Inch Wide Floured Grenada (loth*, all wool, good Htyles, only H6c ]>pr yard.

Cnrly riotlwf 45 imdi wide, good weight, browns, blues and green*, at $1.00 per yard.

Tlte above dress {roods a n

new in style and fabrics, be­

low market value. You will

certainly save money by buy­

ing a dress in November at

6, V. S, Quackenbush & Co.'s Cor. nrostlway nnd Third St.,

1. IOY.

ffestprt H i ScM ..AND...


Will open MONDAY, KOVKMRERaoth, when a clasK tn

Ttookkwping and Commcrvlfil Tractiee

j will lie organized. The courKeH *>f thift school Include

SMe Training Class,

Preparation for Collegef

Elementary and Advanced English.

All teachers employed In Grammar and High School grades are College or Normal graduates of long and auccowjful experience.

For further particular* address N. J OlUBft,

Chairman of of ihe Board, or G. W. KBNNKDY. A.B., Prin.

I. W. WYMAN, Pftt t . NESTOR BERMAN. Vice-Prwt*




CAPITAL, $50,000


W o n d e r f u l Record-Thf> Lart?c*r ana Mont SutCPMfnil

Xattna? Premium Life In* Hitrance AHHovtation in

the tt'orhl, 7lHMine»H hi fore* over

$:i 10,000,000 A*n<>t* nvrr - - fi,0O0,O00 Death vlahn* paid over


ASSETS, !»«•< r i i i t x r i f , 1S!I5«

Important tn Teacher*. UNIFORM EXAMINATIONS—1896.


March 5 and 0. • • Crown Point AugtiHt IB and 14, • Hcbroon Lakt


January 9 and 10, • • Moriab March 5 and 0, • • Crown Point April U and 25, • • Bchroon Lake June 4 and 5, • • Tlconderogs August IB and 14, • • Sehroon I ake September 25 and 26. - Port lienrj


The second of each of the above dates TRAINING CLAB8,

(Members only eligible.) Jan. 16 and 17, June 11 and 12,

Westpon C. n . WILSON,

School Commissioner, Second Dint., E*sox County,

Sehroon Lake, N. Y.


Collegiate Institute MORIAHfN. t n

B . L. B r o w n , A. M.% P r i n . Full cor.rses preparing for

Business or College. Special efforts to prepare candidates for each STATE UNIFORM EXAMINATION

F A L L TKRM opens first Mon­day in September. WINTER TERM, first Monday in Decem­ber. SPRING TERM, third Monday in March.

$10.00 For a Tlanrt Made, Oafc

Tan Harness* Other «oods correspondingly


Directors: i. W. WYMAK, Banker, 1 Town IJolau N. Y. W. P. WiMbiiiP. ManaRer Mass. Mutual Lite Ins .

CO, Albany, N. V. BCOEMB WVMAN. NtaTOK iiiKMAN, Wholesale Grocer. W. B. HWKKT, Drugfflat. A. II. WOOUHUKF, Merchant, Mortau Centre, N Y . f. c . KILLBY, clothier.


Exoutslte Toilet Roulsites UrU^^l'HXb t;itu"l cuuiiie* lUeuihtjlvc.** to dru^a

or a t leabt they don't, ivople expect to tlnd uillot artlclt's, Hoap, brushtis, pei mines, pow-d(>r8,baby lixlmn*, and the n*st tbere, and tha t ' s the reaaon wcl iaveweu-ed the best line we could rt»id Best don't im*au hl«hest priced. TlK'i-els a ffreat deal l i knowing how and where to buy thene ttiinK*, and we know. l>i»MH this w;*tk: A special line or t>oap, pow­ders and perfumes.

J. L.BURTOr, Druggist .


W E S T .




We call attention of ncposltorft to our poiic> of keeping fundB In authorlzi-d HaiikH and prlrm Investment securities sunielent to pay BVBHY depoHlt balance required, within fony-ettfhi hours. We Invite the opening of

Deposit Accounts . And will receive amounts as low as five dollars

We buy and sell Domestic and Foreign Drsft* and bills of Exchange, and Investment Bond*

We make rhort loans upon acceptable runi­ties and discount mercantile paper.

We offer our services to the people of Essex County for the transaction of all kinds of

Banking; Business . I t Is our aim to make this Institution Useful

t o t n e ouBlness interests of the county and all correspondence relating thereto will receive our attention and early reply.

F, 8. ATWBLL, cashier.

LTABTLTTflCS, I I M l i i i l l i i i r ne i , p r r s e n l vnlii«* <»if ft* 1 p o l U n * i i i l o r n * l l « r i M i i l i « r : i l . \S"^ ^ , 0 ^ 0 , H I S 5 0

KKT SUliPLUSf « v i * r n i l l . l i i h l l f i f i v • 3 ,5Wl»50f l 3 3

S h o w i n g * * • M /%*%«•!% I « r i u - l l * l , « 0 o f I , I K I » H U I « H .

Co t of insurance in tliifl comnsny IK only about half Ihe usual rates charged. People who know a goo l thing HM! value a dollnr, should aptly io a*y of

the Speelal or I/oeal Age in, or to John W, Can*, (hn'l A«tM l'"^ Ih'ury. N- Y » or M. A. ClarU, District M jr, of Northern New York, Westport. N. Y.

W. II. Balilwin, (if>n*l M|zrM

Cilens* Falls, N. Y.

•.%11at.roT.fr4; Always In Stock, Harness of every Grade and Price*

A full Hoe of Blankets, Snrolnglet HdteiH 8wents, Fly Nets, Ear Nets, lAX ltolx» and Lap Dusters, Wh*ps Onrrj (Joins, Cards, Matting for Buggiesf Kub hor Bi nkets and Lap Protectors, Band. H e«t r ittxihle Itubber Mouth Bits, Loath01 Bit#, Y«row Felt Hweats, Wool Dusters Horn Boots of every description.

T h e * C€^I«5*l>i*ntocl

Sof»tt fs H o o f Pas t© Nes'sfoot n&rnssfi Oil and everythlER it

the tiorse line. Hepalrlog promptly attended to.

Clinton County. res, beln& Lot 38, In \\ Town of Black Brook.


78 ncres, beln& Lot 38, In Watsons* Patent, Town of Black Brook.

125 acres, beinp; the north one-half of Lot 24, in Uoffinau Township, Town of Sehroon.

160 arres, being Lot 54, Township l i , Old Military Tract, Town of North Elba,

300 acre*, being Lot 40, m Roaring Brook Tract, in Town of Keene.

100 acres, being Lot 55, Township 14* of Lotten & Crossfield Purchase, saving therefrom Ave acres in the southeasterly corner thereof in Town of Minerva.

70 acres, being.'. * south part of Lot 3, in Tract WesU5 toad Patent, Town of Sehroon. i

160 acres, bef , Lot 51, Paradox Tract


2H FMnt St. ^E.W0LC0TT. Kceievtile, N

AT SMITH'S You Can Find a Fresh Stock of

For earache, put a couple of drops of Thomas' Electric Oil nn a bit of v uton >ind place it in the ear. Tim pHin will •»ton in a few moments. Simple enough, isn't, it V

TV. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup seem* spnt as a special providence to Pule folks. Peasant to take, rxufectly harmless hwlutely sure to give instant relief in

all cases of cold or lung trouble.


t*he hest ou eartti. HoOK-Keepini?, Shorthand r jpewrmn^.Tr ->u> and Mechanical Draw-miT ure a Tef arf maby brauchea that sre mdht thorc taught by the b ^ t tea<;horb that the <M>UI / afford*. i:ompctent asststnutj for business men. Graduates turnlHhea witb rfood positions. For catalogue addressi

THOi. U. HlllifiLDtt, fltll.t _, 73 Fourth St., froy.w. T.

fffE BEST * 0 D 4

* And the Celebrated

Palmer Perfumes.

ED. pTsMimpn.c.


For full information, rates, timetables, tickets, etc, inquire of nearest " D. & H." Ticket Agent, or write to the undersigned*

J. W. BURD1CK, General Passenger AgHt

ALBANY. N . Y . /


B. J, S H E R M A N














SKERM NEW BOL , Wa«tham*i Mil ls , N. Y .

If \ou wfnh to pmplov ft BOOK-KKKI'KU, MTENCMJUAPHER, TELE­GRAPH OPERATOR or business awbist-ant, apply U> The

MILLI8EHY Fall and Winter

1 cordially invite my patrons and fri.-nds U*call and insisnt my com­plete stork. 1 will swli my Roods

for and at prices t > suit all.. MRS.A.W.FAYp Upper Jay.



MUSICAL W g * 9 W A * P I S E f Vollm, Oultsri. Ban os. Mkndolme$, Accordeont,

s:i.B13,Sl5.8H E^>t0lhiit.. New York.

y^eollepey StfOffTfiANDScTELFGftAPHY* No charge is m- de to cmpL>^r ur cin-

plovee for o r services. For catalogue address, Carnell & Holt,

Alhiny, N. Y.

CHESHIRE PIGS TT ROM Resrlsterod stock hy the world's Fair X? prhte winners. $3 each


^HaUonshurgh, N. Y,
