a people and a nation chapter 18 the machine age 1877-1920

1877-1920 For information on each slide, please see the notes

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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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For information on each slide, please see the notes

Thomas Edison

Menlo Park

The Patent System

Edison Electric Light Company

George Westinghouse

Samuel Insull

Granville T. Woods

Henry Ford

Mass Production andThe Assembly Line

Five-Dollar-Day Plan

Du Pont Family

James B. Duke

Southern Textile Mills

Economies of Scale

Frederick W. Taylor

Producer vs. Em


Occupational Patterns of Employed Women

Child Labor

Industrial Accidents

New York City’sTriangle Shirtwaist Company Fire

“Iron Law of Wages”

Holden v. Hardy

Lochner v. New York

Muller v. Oregon

General Railway Strike of 1877

Southwestern Railroad System of Strike of 1886

National Labor Union

American Federation of Labor

Knights of Labor

Terence V. Powderly

Haymarket Riot

John Altgeld

Samuel Gompers

Homestead Strike

Pullman Strike

Eugene V. Debs

Industrial Workers of the World

“Mother” Jones

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

Big Bill Haywood

“Uprising of the 20,000”

Women’s Trade Union League

Fraternal Societies

Consumer Communities

Public High School Enrollment

Indoor Toilet

Railroad Refrigerator Cars

Home Icebox

John H. Kellogg, William K. Kellogg,& Charles W. Post

Sewing Machine

Department Stores and Chain Stores

Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company

Modern Advertising

Consumption Communities

Brand Names

Boom and Bust Cycles



John D. Rockefeller



Holding Company

Vertical Integration

Merger Movement

US Steel Corporation

Social Darwinism

Principles of Laissez Faire

Gospel of Wealth

Protective Tariffs

Lester Ward

Richard Ely, John R. commons, and Edward Bemis

Henry George

Edward Bellamy

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

United States v. E.C. Knights Co.