a philosophy of self-publishing

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Post on 19-May-2015




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Presentation by Oscar Duggan of The Manuscript Publisher at sixth annual SiarScéal Festival in Roscommon, March 2012. This presentation looks at the challenges and opportunities for authors and writers who might be considering the self-publishing route. The aim is to help foster an understanding, not just of self-publishing, but of the publishing world in general, both past and present. An edited text of the talk that accompanied this presentation is available upon request. Please e-mail [email protected]


  • 1. TheManuscriptPublisher Publishing Solutions for the Digital Age

2. A Philosophy ofSelf-Publishing 3. Presentation by:Oscar Dugganon behalf of The Manuscript Publisher Publishing Solutions for the Digital Age www.TheManuscriptPublisher.com 4. Self-Publishing vsTraditional Publishing 5. Risk PublishingThe publisher is the person or entity who underwrites therisk factor - stands to loose if the book fails to sell insufficient quantitiesWith Self-Publishing ... Author = Publisher So the risk factor remains 6. Why Publishing FailsNot enough consideration given, at an early enough stageto the Publishing Process, especially marketingconsiderationsNot entirely a question of literary merit but ...Who is going to want to read this book?What makes the author uniquely qualified to tell the storyor narrate the account? 7. The Stages of PublishingManuscript Preparation (Pre-Press)Editing, proof-reading, typesetting, page design and layout, etcDeciding on a Publishing Platform(s) -PrintedE-PublishingBoth (theyre not mutually exclusive!)Administrative and Legal ConsiderationsISBN, Legal Deposit, Copyright ProtectionLibel, Slander, ... Blasphemy!Sales and MarketingOften a grey area for the would-be self-publisher 8. Manuscript PreparationEditingProof-readingPage Design and LayoutCover DesignetcKey Question:DIY vs Paid Professional ApproachNothing wrong with the DIY approach as long as it produces work ofa professional standard.If youre not sure ... get advice 9. PrintingNot the sum total of the publishing process ... not evencloseIs e-publishing an alternative? or complimentary to?An area where first-time authors/publishers get caught outMake sure you are not paying more than you should forservices and add-ons you dont need 10. Legal and Administrative considerationsISBN (Nielsens) registrationLegal Deposit RequirementsCopyright and reproduction issuesLibel, Slander .... Blasphemy! 11. Sales and MarketingTraditional and Online Channels online is growing; traditional channels probably in decline buttipping point has not been reached yet.If Publishing was a marathon you would now be at the halfway stageYou can never spend enough money (provided it is well-spent)Thought and Planning are the key ingredients "You cant just dress a guy up in a viking costume and slap him across the face with a fish without a lot of thought and planning."- Michael Palin, (Monty Python)Skill is in the Execution 12. The Publishing ProcessHow it first presents itself 13. The Publishing Process How it presents itself to a first-time publisher 14. The Publishing ProcessAn Informed View (based on experience) 15. E-Books and E-PublishingOptions are many and variedAmazon has emerged as a market leader in recent timesEasy to enter the market. The publishing platforms are largely freeand easy to utilise but ...Quality is becoming an issueMarketing of e-books presents its own challengesConsider publishing outside the main platforms(Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple) 16. Summary and Conclusions 17. Key to Self-Publishing SuccessWrite a Good BookPublish it to a Professional Standard Market it Effectively 18. Strategic Considerations Minimise your exposure and risk Retain ownership and control Stay Focussed on Your AimsKeep an open mind Be alive and alert to future trends and the changes they herald 19. Thank You 20. For More Information:Visit our Website:www.The M anuscript Publisher.com Publishing Solutions for the Digital AgePhone: 01 8569566 or 087 7604547E-mail: [email protected] 21. Resources and Further ReadingWriters & Artists Yearbook 2012The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing: Everything You Need toKnow to Write, Publish, Promote and Sell Your Own Book byMarilyn Ross and Sue CollierHow I Sold 1 Million eBooks in 5 Months by John LockeThe Irish Writers Authors and Poets Handbook by Oscar Duggan andDavid JonesJust My Type: A Book About Fonts by Simon Garfield 22. Our Portfolio Also available to Buy Online(click on the images to browse the online editions) 23. SiarScal Anthology 2012: Roscommon in Reflection 24. A Woeful Tale by Derrick Cranpole 25. John Toland: Irelands Forgotten Philosopher, Charles, the Maiden and the Ogre Scholar ... and Hereticby Sorcha Dugganby J.N. Duggan 26. Other Titles Limited availability- click on the images for more information - 27. The Dhampireby Lana Lundy