a presentation on art wolfe

Photography Lesson 11: Famous Photographers The topic today: ART WOLFE A presentation by: Andrew Guojun Unwin

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Page 1: A presentation on Art Wolfe

Photography Lesson 11:

Famous Photographers

The topic today:


A presentation by: Andrew Guojun Unwin

Page 2: A presentation on Art Wolfe

Who is Art Wolfe?

Art Wolfe is know for many things. He is a television host. A conservationist. A teacher. However, he is truly known for his photography.

He specialises in nature and wildlife photography but also merges it with elements of fine art photography as well as using techniques involving photo manipulation.

He has released a great number of books and videos showing people his magnificent photographs as well as books on instructing people on how to take great wildlife photography.

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Two of his photographs have also been used as stamps by the US Postal Service…

Photographs taken by Art Wolfe

Page 4: A presentation on Art Wolfe

Art Wolfe’s Art StyleArt Wolfe uses

patterns in many of his photographs

Something that is present in almost all of his

photographs is the contrast in colours. A lot of the time,

it’s with warm and cold colours

This is usually done by

incorporating the animals’

natural patterns

Photographs taken by Art Wolfe

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Contributions to Society

Apart from his amazing photography, Art Wolfe is best known for his massive amount of published books featuring his artwork while also

teaching individuals on how to take great photographs in the wildlife and on the road by sharing his own techniques and tricks.

Photographs taken by Art Wolfe

Page 6: A presentation on Art Wolfe

Influencing SocietyArt Wolfe has volunteered with a number of organizations that visit indigenous tribes and observe their way of life by taking portraits of


Wolfe states that he intended to ‘affect people’s emotions by having that eye to eye connection that spans different cultures’.

Perhaps this has allowed ordinary people to generate an attachment to these people and have donated to charity to help these tribal

councils live better.

Photographs taken by Art Wolfe

Page 7: A presentation on Art Wolfe

What about making a living?

Previously, we learnt that Art Wolfe has released a number of books so it’s safe to assume that his part of his income is generated through


However, Art Wolfe makes a living through different means although still involving photography within them. For example, on his website www.artwolfe.com, people can purchase prints of his photographs.

Examples of such below:

Photographs taken by Art Wolfe

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Yet, I believe where Wolfe generates a large portion of his income is through his television show, ‘Travels to the Edge’. This series follows the adventures of Art Wolfe as he travels the world and photographs places

such as Patagonia, Bolivia, Alaska, Madagascar and many other countries.

During these travels, Wolfe also shares his knowledge about the world as well as teaches you about techniques on professional photography.

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TechniquesArt Wolfe is known for using photo manipulation within his photographs.

Although not present in all his photographs, this form of editing can be seen in many of them. One of the most famous Art Wolfe photographs is the one below that was featured in the cover of his book, ‘Migrations’.

Photographs taken by Art Wolfe

Migrations was deemed controversial at the time due to digital manipulation and critics have voiced that digital manipulation had no place in nature and wildlife photography. However, Wolfe does not heavily edit his photos instead he simply uses techniques such as cloning in animals to fill spaces and as a result, creates patterns with the animals.

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Distinguishing Art Wolfe from other Photographers

Photographs taken by Florian Schulz

A distinguishing detail that Art Wolfe has that differs from other wildlife

photographers is the choice of colours and contrast.

Photographers such as Florian Schulz use a sort of warm or cool tinting set to

set the mood and setting for the audience to understand the photograph.

Photograph taken by Art Wolfe

Art Wolfe was different is that he distinguishes the

subject from the background in terms of

colour and contrast. This makes the subject stand out from the background.

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Influences on Me

After studying about Art Wolfe, I’ve learnt that when taking a photograph, I need to not look at the object as objects but rather look at it in an abstract point of view

by studying the patterns, the form and the separate parts of it.

I also have learnt that the usage of lighting and colour can be used to further make the subject more

interesting. Contrast is also important that allows the subject in the photograph to separate the subject from

the background.

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Analysis of

Art Wolfe’s Photography

Page 13: A presentation on Art Wolfe

Art Wolfe uses a heavy emphasis on the contrast of colours or rather, the

shades in this photograph.

This makes the penguins in the picture stand out with their dark patterns

against the white background.

He also uses the silhouettes to somewhat create the shape of a heart.

Their heads also act as arrows to direct attention to the child.

Photographs taken by Art Wolfe

Page 14: A presentation on Art Wolfe

Art Wolfe used asymmetry and once gain uses the principal of contrast

within this photograph. This is done by the rocky terrain on the right

opposing the water on the left side.

The photograph also also suggests texture even though it is on a two-

dimensional plain as it suggests the rocks as being a smooth surface as

opposed to being rough by using the reflection of the water.

Photographs taken by Art Wolfe

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By using photo manipulation, Art Wolfe has transformed stars into lines and overall,

creates this circular or spiral pattern. This does the opposite of drawing attention to

one part of the photograph but rather spreads the focus point throughout the

whole photo.

Photographs taken by Art Wolfe

Page 16: A presentation on Art Wolfe

The light in the picture allows small shadows along the ridges and

crevices to show along the surface terrain suggesting a very rocky,

rough terrain.

The lines of the path of the rock creates converging lines which direct

the focus of the audience from the rock to the background and draws more attention to the mountains.

The contrast of shade between the landscape and the rock also

emphasizes the rock.

Photographs taken by Art Wolfe

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In this photograph, Art Wolfe’s main focus is the reflection of the mountains thus creating symmetry. There is also a contrast in warm and cool tones in-between one another to separate the mountainous bodies which creates layers and adds depth to the


Photographs taken by Art Wolfe