a primer on the book of revelation: a study guide

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A Primer on the Book of Revelation


Copyright © 2012 Karen Fowler

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A Primer on the Book of Revelation


Much appreciation goes to our church elder and his wife, Clarence and Laura. Brother

Clarence inspired me to create this guide after taking his Revelation class last summer.

Throughout the process, Sister Laura was an inspiration; asking how it was going, andencouraging me to complete and publish the work.

Many hugs, kisses, and thanks are extended to my sister Jules, who tirelessly read andreread the contents. She’s my "in-house editor", always making sure topics make sense,

and don’t get too far off track. 

And finally thanks to my two brothers. Mike always reminds me to pray; and to keep

dreaming big. You never know what God has in store. Joe is my listener and sounding

board; he was excited and believed I could do it when I first described the idea while wewere sitting on our back porch having breakfast together.

There are many others who encouraged me along the way: Robert, Lorene, too many toname.

This work would not have been completed without them all.

My prayer is that this work will help everyone to study God’s word through the Book of 

Revelation, and come away with a true sense of the salvation, blessings, and everlastinglife that can await us all.

Love in Christ,Karen

Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what 

Paul said was true. (Acts 17:11)

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A Primer on the Book of Revelation

Key Terms in Chapter 2 ..................................................................................... 12 

Chapter 3 - What Is Now: Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea .................................... 14 

Sardis ............................................................................................................. 14 

Jesus in Sardis .............................................................................................. 14 

Sardis Praised ............................................................................................... 14 

Sardis Chastised ............................................................................................ 14 

Sardis Rewarded ........................................................................................... 14 

Key Takeaway for Sardis ................................................................................ 14 

Philadelphia ..................................................................................................... 14 

Jesus in Philadelphia ...................................................................................... 15 

Philadelphia Praised ....................................................................................... 15 

Philadelphia Encouraged ................................................................................. 15 

Philadelphia Rewarded ................................................................................... 15 

Key Takeaway for Philadelphia ........................................................................ 15 

Laodicea .......................................................................................................... 15 

Jesus in Laodicea ........................................................................................... 15 

Laodicea Praised ............................................................................................ 15 

Laodicea Chastised ........................................................................................ 15 

Laodicea Rewarded ........................................................................................ 16 

Key Takeaway for Laodicea ............................................................................. 16 

Key Terms in Chapter 3 ..................................................................................... 16 

Chapters 4 - 22: What Is to Come ......................................................................... 17 

Chapter 4 – The Throne Room of God .................................................................... 17 

Key Terms in Chapter 4 ..................................................................................... 17 

Appendix of Numbers, Terms, and Definitions ......................................................... 19 

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A Primer on the Book of Revelation


 About this Study Guide

This work is meant as a help guide for those who want to read the Book of Revelation,and have ready access to Biblical terms and symbols used throughout Revelation. It is

not meant as a substitute for the actual text in the Bible, but can be used in conjunctionwith the Biblical text to enhance your reading of Revelation.

Making Sense of Revelation

A large part of understanding Revelation is to identify the symbolism. Many of thesymbols in Revelation can be found somewhere else in the Bible, if you search for them.A good, online Bible greatly helps with this search.

This guide helps to pull the symbolism and references together into organized topics.

Study the Book of Revelation, and claim your Blessing (Rev 1:3). See what Revelationsays about blessings, and those who are blessed.

This guide outlines each chapter of Revelation, and includes a list at the bottom of thechapter titled, Key Terms in Chapter #. Click on any of the hyperlinks in the list to readfurther about important topics in the chapter.

Your greatest help might come from just perusing the Appendix of Numbers, Terms, andDefinitions, which is ordered alphabetically. At the top of the Appendix is the section

titled, Numbers in Revelation. Numbers are especially significant in Revelation. Forexample, Seven (7) is the Complete and Perfect Number.

My hope is that your understanding and appreciation of the rich message about our finalsalvation and eternal life is increased immeasurably through using this guide. Pleasecontact me at [email protected] if you would like to see additional terms added to the

Appendix, new topics added, existing topics expanded, or simply to report whether theguide was helpful.

Points of View 

There are countless interpretations and points of view regarding the book of Revelationand the end times. Up front, I will state that I believe in the Resurrection of the Church

before the Tribulation. This will undoubtedly have an effect on the presentation anddescriptions in this guide.

Also, I do not use the politically correct, BCE (Before the Common Era) to indicateevents that took place before Christ (BC). Marking time by the coming of our Savior is

fine with me.

Lastly, some references to the church in Rome and Jehovah’s Witnesses might be takenwith offense. I am not trying to single out or denigrate churches and religions, butmerely report content that I have found during the preparation of this study guide.

Love in Christ,Karen

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A Primer on the Book of Revelation


In Revelation 1:8, the Lord God says, "I am the Alpha and the Omega". He says He isthe one "who is, and was, and who is to come, the Almighty." In Revelation 1:19, Jesus

directs John to write "what you have seen, what is now, and what will take place later."Revelation is a book that covers the past, the present, and the future.

The chapter summaries in this guide to the Book of Revelation are divided into thesethree sections.

  What John has seen (past) is told in chapter 1 ("what you have seen").

  The present ("what is now") is told to the churches in chapters 2 and 3.

  What is to come in the future is foretold in chapters 4 through 22 ("and what will

take place later").

Chapter 1 – What John Has Seen

John explains that this book is the "Revelation of Jesus Christ". God gave the revelation

to Jesus, and Jesus gives it to John, his servant. (Rev 1:1)

Jesus will show this message to his servants by sending an angel to explain the messageto John, who will testify by writing down the message, and sending it to the Seven

Churches. (Rev 1:1)

Those who read the message and take it to heart are Blessed! (Rev 1:3)

John is told to write on a scroll what he sees, and send it to seven churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum,Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. (Rev 1:4)

John will tell the message from Jesus, the "faithful witness", the "firstborn from thedead", and the "ruler of the kings of the earth". (Rev 1: 5) [See Jesus, Names of]

John sees Jesus "like a son of man" (Rev 1:13) in his full power, majesty, and strength.John is afraid of this all-powerful savior.

John indicates that when Jesus comes, the entire world will see him (Rev 1:7): "Look, heis coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and

all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him. So shall it be! Amen."

John is told to "Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will takeplace later." (Rev 1:19) Jesus is described as having "hair that is white like wool", "eyes

like blazing fire", "feet like bronze in a furnace", and "a voice like rushing waters". ADouble-edged sword came out of his mouth, and he had a "face like the sun". (Rev


Jesus is standing in the midst of Seven Lampstands (seven churches, Rev 1:20), andholding Seven Stars (angels to each church) in his right hand. Each church has an

appointed angel who will deliver a message to that church.

Jesus mentions some of the names by which he is known: "First and the Last", "Living

One", "Alpha and Omega", "Almighty", "Living One" (Rev 1:18). Jesus states that heholds the Keys of Death and Hades. (Rev 1:18)

Key Terms in Chapter 1

Angels, Named


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A Primer on the Book of Revelation


Jesus, Names Of 

Keys of Death and Hades

Lampstands (7)

Lord's Day



Seven (7)


You can look up these terms in the  Appendix of Numbers, Terms, and Definitions. 

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A Primer on the Book of Revelation

Chapter 2 – What Is Now: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, & Thyatira

The first four of the seven selected churches in the province of Asia Minor (Turkey) are

addressed with a message describing the eternal rewards for the overcomers. Most arepraised for what they do well, and chastised for their shortcomings. The seven churches

are representative of all churches, in various historical periods.

  Ephesus has forgotten to love God first.

  Smyrna is a persecuted church.

  Pergamum follows false doctrines leading to idol sacrifices and immorality.

  Thyatira is following a false prophetess, in pursuit of worldly and immoralpleasures.


The first church addressed in Revelation 2:1-7 is Ephesus. This church has forgotten

their first love, Jesus.

Jesus in Ephesus

Jesus is the one who "holds the seven stars in his right hand" (the angels to the

churches) and "walks among the seven golden lampstands" (the seven churches).

Ephesus Praised

The church at Ephesus is praised for their hard work, perseverance, intolerance of wicked men, and calling out false apostles. They have endured and not grown weary.They hate the practices of the Nicolaitans.

Ephesus Chastised

Ephesus is chastised for forsaking their first love (Rev 2:4). Unlike Ephesians 1:15,where Paul commends this church for its love of God and the saints; with time, thechurch has forgotten to love God with all their heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37-

39). They are warned to remember the heights from which they have fallen (forgottentheir God).

Ephesus is warned that their lampstand (church) will be removed if they do notremember God, their first love. They will be destroyed, and lose their hope of eternal


Ephesus Rewarded

Overcomers will eat from the Tree of Life in the paradise of God (Rev 2:7).

Key Takeaway for Ephesus

In our zeal and work for God, don't become so entrenched in the tasks, that we forgetwhy we are doing them in the first place. Remember that behind all we do, is our lovefor God and our appreciation for our Lord, Jesus.


The second church addressed in Revelation 2:8-11 is Smyrna. The city of Smyrna was arich trading center, known for its culture. It claimed to be the birthplace of Homer, the

author of The Odyssey and the Iliad. This church is persecuted, but encouraged not to


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A Primer on the Book of Revelation

Jesus in Smyrna

Jesus is the "First and the Last". He is the one "who died and came to life again".

Smyrna Praised

Smyrna is praised for suffering afflictions, poverty, and slander from those pretending to

be Jews.

Smyrna Encouraged

The church at Smyrna is told not to fear (Rev 2:10) the imprisonments that they willendure. They will be tested and persecuted by Satan, but they are encouraged to befaithful to the end. There are no chastisements for this church.

Smyrna Rewarded

Overcomers will receive the crown of life. They will "not be hurt at all by the seconddeath" (Rev 2:11). The second death is the Lake of Fire (Rev 20:14, 21:8) and eternal

torment (see second death).

Key Takeaway for SmyrnaGod does not test us beyond what we can bear (I Corinthians 10:13). Unlike some of theother churches, Smyrna is encouraged rather than chastised. While Smyrna will suffer

trials, God knows they are capable of withstanding those trials. If they use the faith andstrength afforded to them, spiritual death will have no hold on their souls.


The third church addressed in Revelation 2:12-17 is Pergamum. This church represents aworldly church that is tied to the false doctrines of the Nicolaitans, and the pursuit of idols and immorality like the worshipers of Balaam. They are compromising their faith.

Jesus in Pergamum

Jesus is the one with the "sharp, double-edged sword" (see Double-edged Sword). Thesword is the word of God (Hebrews 4:12).

Pergamum Praised

The church at Pergamum is praised for remaining faithful, and not denying Jesus.Antipas is mentioned in the scripture (2:13) as one who was martyred (the first martyr)

for his commitment to Jesus.

Pergamum Chastised

The church at Pergamum is chastised because the people hold to the teachings of Balaam (also see Balak) and the Nicolaitans.

Pergamum is warned that Jesus will fight against them with the sword of His mouth.

Pergamum Rewarded

Overcomers get hidden manna. They will be given a white stone with a new name thatonly the recipient knows. Manna is the food from God, fed to the Israelites in the desertduring the Exodus.

Finley (2002) explains that a white stone indicates not only innocence, but an invitationinto God's home. In ancient times, jurors used white and black stones to vote for

innocence or guilt.

Additionally, friends who had guests would give their guest half of a cracked white stone,and keep the other half. The guest could give his half stone to a family member (or

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A Primer on the Book of Revelation

loved one), and the friend would welcome this family member into the home (because

the 1/2 stone matched the home owner's stone).

Key Takeaway for Pergamum

We have a place in God's home if we are true to the word of God, and hold fast to ourfaith. We cannot pollute God's word with false teachings.


The fourth church addressed in Revelation 2:18-28 is Thyatira. This church is following afalse prophetess, and being led into immorality and idolatry. The church has becomecorrupt.

Jesus in Thyatira

Jesus is the "Son of God, whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like

burnished bronze". (Rev 2:18)

Thyatira Praised

The church at Thyatira is praised for love, faith, service, perseverance. They are doingmore than they did at first.

Thyatira Chastised

The church at Thyatira is chastised for sexual immorality, idol worship, and feasts withfood sacrificed to idols. Their sin is compared to tolerating Jezebel, who leads God'sservants astray.

The church is warned that God will cast Jezebel "on a bed of suffering", and He will make"those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely" if they do not repent.

The image of An Adulterous Woman who has committed adultery with God's unfaithfulpeople is used here, and in Revelation Chapter 17 and Chapter 18. The NIV calls thefalse, world-wide church the Mother of Prostitutes (Rev 17:5), while the KJV calls her the

"Mother of Harlots".

The true church, pictured as a faithful Bride, attends the Wedding Supper (Rev 19:7)

with her groom, Jesus (the Lamb). Keep in mind the imagery of a prostitute as theunfaithful church, and a bride as the faithful church; since we will see these imagesagain.

Thyatira Rewarded

Overcomers are given authority over the nations. They will rule with Jesus, using an Iron

Scepter (absolute authority), and be given the Morning Star (Jesus identifies himself asthe "bright morning star" in Rev 22:16).

Key Takeaway for Thyatira

False gods and worldly pleasure lead to suffering and pain. We miss the benefits of 

Jesus, our Morning Star. Involvement with false beliefs and a failure to repent are likeadultery to God. It's like cheating on your spouse.

Key Terms in Chapter 2

An Adulterous Woman




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A Primer on the Book of Revelation

Chapter 3 - What Is Now: Sardis, Philadelphia, and


The remaining three churches in Asia Minor (Turkey) are addressed in chapter 3.

  Sardis is a dead church, not working whole-heartedly for God. No praises are

given to this church.

  Philadelphia is a weak church, but they keep the word of God, and have not

denied Jesus. Each overcomer will be "a pillar in the temple of my God".

  Laodicea is the lukewarm church. They neither strongly confess nor deny God.They don't recognize their wretched state, but think they are rich, not needing



The fifth church addressed in Revelation 3:1-6 is Sardis. This church is a dead church.

Jesus in Sardis

Jesus is the one who holds the Seven Spirits of God and the Seven Stars.

Sardis Praised

The church at Sardis is praised for the few who have been faithful, and not "soiled theirclothes". They will walk with Jesus, dressed in white, because they have been foundworthy.

Sardis Chastised

The church is chastised because they are a dead, weak church. They are warned to wake

up, repent, and remember the Word and teachings they have heard in the past. Theirworks are incomplete, and lacking. Apparently, this church has become comfortable withthe pagan religions all around them (NIV, Archaeological), and forgotten about the

resurrection and its power. Notice this church is not persecuted.

Jesus warns he will come like a thief in the night, and they will not know when he comes

(thus missing the resurrection and eternal life).

Sardis Rewarded

Overcomers will be rewarded with white robes, and walk with Jesus, just like the fewfaithful in Sardis, who are currently praised. We find later in chapter 7 that the Multitude

in White Robes come out of the Tribulation.

Key Takeaway for Sardis

Spiritual death, with no zeal or fervor for God is a terrible place to be. To stay alive, and

keep our eternal salvation in sight, requires that we remember the blessings we havereceived and the word we have heard (Rev 3:3). A common exercise often assigned or

shared among discipleship partners is to write out 100 things for which you are thankful;or write 100 things that God has granted you over the past year.


The sixth church addressed in Revelation 3:7-13 is Philadelphia. This church is faithful .

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A Primer on the Book of Revelation

Jesus in Philadelphia

Jesus is "him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David." No door that Jesus

opens can be shut, and no door he shuts can be opened.

Philadelphia Praised

The Philadelphia church is praised for keeping God's word, and not denying Jesus, inspite of little strength.

Philadelphia Encouraged

The Philadelphia church is not chastised, but encouraged. Jesus promises to make theirenemies fall down at their feet and acknowledge that Jesus loves them. Jesus also

promises to keep this church "from the hour of trial that is going to come upon thewhole world to test those who live on the earth." This church will not suffer theTribulation (Rev 3:10).

They are told to "hold on to what you have" so no one can take their eternal crown.

Philadelphia Rewarded

Overcomers will be permanent pillars (supportive residents) in the temple of God. Thename of God, the name of the New Jerusalem, and the new name of Jesus will be

written on these people.

Key Takeaway for Philadelphia

Even at our weakest hour, if we hold fast for just a little longer, eternal blessings and anew life are waiting for us. God will provide the open door; we simply have to go

through it. Jesus says, "I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice andopens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” (Rev 3:20) 


The seventh church addressed in Revelation 3:14-22 is Laodicea. This church is

lukewarm, and represents the church of our time. The church is neither hot nor cold; ithas no strong convictions or beliefs for or against God.

There is the underlying implication that one must make a choice. There is no "straddlingthe fence". God’s word describes cold or hot, dark or light, death or life, eternal torment

or a crown of life. There is no middle of the road!

Jesus in Laodicea

Jesus is "the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation" (KJV, Rev

3:14, "the beginning of the creation of God").

Laodicea Praised

There are no praises for this church.

Laodicea Chastised

The church at Laodicea is chastised for being "neither cold nor hot". They are wretched,pitiful, poor, blind, and naked; but under the misconception of being wealthy, not

needing anything.

Jesus warns that he will "spit you out of my mouth". The Laodiceans are counseled to

buy these three things (Rev 3:18) from Jesus:

 "Gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich"

o  Refined gold is pure, having no dross (impurities). It is the real thing.

  "White clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness;"

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A Primer on the Book of Revelation

o  Not only do the clothes cover nakedness, but they are white; signifying

purity, which is needed to enter the kingdom of God. This church needs to"beef up" its convictions, and become "hot" for God, not lukewarm.

  "Salve to put on your eyes, so you can see."

o  The Laodiceans will remove the blindness from their eyes, mentioned inRev 3:17. Isaiah (6:9-10) warned about "seeing but never perceiving".

This state is caused by a callous heart.

Jesus also advises that he rebukes and disciplines those whom he loves. If you hear his

voice, and open the door, he will come in and eat with you. This reminds one, again of acallous heart that must be softened by repentance, to let Jesus in. Hebrews chapters 3and 4 repeat the phrase: "if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts."

Laodicea Rewarded

Overcomers will sit with Jesus on His throne. Jesus makes the comparison of Himself overcoming, and sitting on the Throne with God, His Father (and our Father).

Key Takeaway for Laodicea

A lukewarm church is an uncommitted church. Our hearts can be hardened to the pointthat we don't hear, see, or feel God's word. Listen to his invitation, and let him into your

heart. Make firm convictions about your beliefs. Stand behind solid decisions for God.James 5:12 has some sobering advice, "...Let your "Yes" be yes, and your "No" be no, oryou will be condemned."

Key Terms in Chapter 3




You can look up these terms in the  Appendix of Numbers, Terms, and Definitions. 

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A Primer on the Book of Revelation

Appendix of Numbers, Terms, and DefinitionsThis appendix contains all key terms referenced in the chapters, as well as additionalterms and phrases.

This guide helps to pull the symbolism and references together into organized topics.

Study the Book of Revelation, and claim you blessing.

Numbers in Revelation ...................................................................................... 20 

One Third (1/3) ............................................................................................. 20 

1/3 ........................................................................................................... 20 

3 ½ Years ..................................................................................................... 20 

1,260 Days (3 ½ Years) ............................................................................... 20 

1,260 Days ................................................................................................ 20 

42 Months (3 ½ Years) ................................................................................ 20 

42 Months .................................................................................................. 20 

Time, Times, and Half a Time ....................................................................... 21 

144,000 ....................................................................................................... 21 

12,000 Stadia ............................................................................................... 21 

Calculating the Size of the New Jerusalem ..................................................... 21 

1,600 Stadia ................................................................................................. 21 

Calculating the Height of Blood ..................................................................... 21 

W ...................................................................................................................... 23 

White Throne Judgment .................................................................................. 23 

Rev 20:12-15 ............................................................................................. 23 

Witnesses_2 ................................................................................................. 23 

Two Witnesses............................................................................................ 23 

Z ....................................................................................................................... 25 

Zerubbabel ................................................................................................... 25 

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A Primer on the Book of Revelation

Numbers in RevelationSeveral numbers are used throughout the Book of Revelation, with specific meaning and

significance. You will find numbers, number of days, calculations, etc. in this section.


One Third (1/3)


Chapter 8 is the chapter of "thirds". At the sounding of each trumpet, the plague that ispronounced affects 1/3 of whatever is affected, be it 1/3 of the trees burned up, 1/3 of 

the earth burned up, 1/3 of the sea turned to blood, 1/3 of the ships destroyed, or 1/3of the sea creatures that die.

When the third angel sounds the trumpet, a star falls on 1/3 of the rivers. Verse 12 says1/3 of the sun, 1/3 of the moon, and 1/3 of the stars are darkened, leaving 1/3 of the

day and 1/3 of the night without light.

The Four Angels Bound at the Euphrates River (Rev 9:15) were released to destroy 1/3

of mankind using the plagues of fire, smoke, and sulfur (Rev 9:18).

The Red Dragon uses his tail to sweep 1/3 of the stars (fallen angels) down to earth

(Rev 12:4), when he is cast out of Heaven.

1/3 is the inverse of the number, 3 which also indicates nothing good.


3 ½ YearsThree and one Half Years

Revelation has several ways of indicating three and a half years, which is half the time of the tribulation. The tribulation is often described in terms of the first and last halves.

1,260 Days (3 ½ Years)

1,260 Days

One thousand two hundred sixty days is 3 ½ years, when calculated by the Jewish yearof 360 days per year: [1260 / 360 = 3.5].

Two Witnesses prophesy for 1,260 days (Rev 11:3), which is the first half of theTribulation. They are then killed by the beast from the Abyss, and resurrected intoHeaven (Rev 11:12).

The Woman Clothed with the Sun in Revelation Chapter 21 is taken care of in the desertfor 1,260 days (Rev 12:6). These are the latter 3 ½ years of the Tribulation, which is

often described by the first 3 1/2 years and the latter 3 1/2 years.

42 Months (3 ½ Years)

42 Months

Forty-two months is just another way of saying 3 1/2 years (half the Tribulation) or1260 days.

Revelation 11:2 says the Gentiles trample on the outer court of the holy city for 42

months, or the first 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation. Part of this "trampling" includes killingthe two witnesses, and letting their bodies lie in the streets for 3 1/2 days.

Rev 13:5 says the Beast Out of the Sea (Antichrist) is given authority for 42 months, or

the last 3 1/2 years of the tribulation. This beast (or Antichrist) speaks proud words, and

blasphemes God and Heaven (Rev 13:6). All those whose names are not in the Book of Life worship this beast (Rev 13:8).

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971,200 feet x (1 mile / 5,280 feet/mile) = 183.9 miles


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A Primer on the Book of Revelation


White Throne JudgmentThe White Throne Judgment is the popular term for the judgment of the dead that takesplace in Revelation 20:11-15.

(11) "Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. Earth and sky fled

from his presence, and there was no place for them.

God is seated on the white throne to judge the dead. All those who experienced Physical

Death and were not Raptured or did not take part in the First Resurrection are broughtto life and judged after the Millennium.

Revelation 20:5 states,"(The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousandyears were ended.)"

Rev 20:12-15

(12) "And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were

opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judgedaccording to what they had done as recorded in the books."

A Book of Life contains the names of those who died in Christ. The other books containthe deeds in the lives of every man, woman, and child.

(13) "The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead

that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done."

The sea gives up its dead. Revelation 21:1 indicates there is no sea in the new heaven

and earth.

(14) "Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the

second death."

There is no longer death in the new heaven and earth, because death and Hades aredestroyed here. Here it is explicitly stated that the lake of fire is the second death.

(15) "If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into thelake of fire."

If your life and deeds have not warranted that your name is written in the book of life,eternal torment is the result.



Two WitnessesThere are many hypotheses about the identity of the two witnesses mentioned in Rev

11:1-14. These witnesses prophesy the word of God during the first 3 ½ years of theTribulation.

They are protected for these 1,260 Days (3 ½ Years), and can breathe fire, stop the rainfrom falling, turn water into blood, and dispense plagues on the earth at will (Rev 11:5-6):

(5) "If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours theirenemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die.

(6) These men have power to shut up the sky so that it will not rain during the time they

are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike theearth with every kind of plague as often as they want."

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A Primer on the Book of Revelation

The two witnesses are killed by the Beast from the Abyss (Rev 11:7). For 3 ½ days the

witnesses lie dead in the streets, while the evil world celebrates their death and refusesto bury them.

They are then resurrected, as the world watches. When they are resurrected, 7,000 arekilled by an earthquake that destroys 1/10 of the city. At this point, some people begin

to glorify God.

The Bible does not explicitly state who the two witnesses are. Some leading beliefs abouttheir identity include the following:

  The witnesses are Elijah and Enoch

o  Because neither prophet died. In Hebrews 9:27, the Bible says "a man is

destined to die once and then face judgment".

o  Elijah was taken up to Heaven in a chariot of fire without dying (II Kings


o  Enoch was taken by God (Genesis 5:24, Hebrews 11:5), and did not die.

o  Since neither of these two prophets died, their death occurs after they

finish their testimony in the Tribulation.  The two witnesses are Moses (representing the Law) and Elijah (representing the


o  Because they were with Jesus at His transfiguration (Matthew 17:2-3;

Mark 9:3-4).

o  Moses dispensed plagues on Egypt, including turning water to blood; and

is thus able to perform these miracles once again.

o  Elijah prayed for drought and rain, as well as called God's fire down from

Heaven to burn up the sacrifice (I Kings 18:38).

o  Malachi 4:5 says that Elijah will return "before that great and dreadful day

of the Lord comes."

  Zerubbabel and Zechariah are the Two Olive Trees (see Zechariah 4).

o  Rev 11:3 also calls the two witnesses the two olive trees.

  Other candidates include:

o  John, the Apostle himself; because John is told he will prophesy again

(Rev 10:11).

o  John the Baptist because he is also called "Elijah".


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A Primer on the Book of Revelation


ZerubbabelZerubbabel was the governor of Judah, and led the first group of exiled Jews back toJerusalem, under the reign of Cyrus and Darius, kings of Persia.

He built the second temple, and was encouraged by Haggai (Haggai 1) and Zechariah

(Zechariah 4) during times of trouble. Surrounding people tried to discourage andintimidate the Jews from rebuilding the temple (Ezra 4:4-5).

In the book of Matthew, Zerubbabel is listed in the line of descendants of Jesus (Matthew1:12-13).

Some claim that Zerubbabel is one of the Two Witnesses because of the verses inZechariah 4:12-14:

(12) "Again I asked him, "What are these two olive branches beside the two gold pipesthat pour out golden oil?"

(13) "He replied, "Do you not know what these are?" "No, my lord," I said. "

(14) "So he said, "These are the two who are anointed to serve the Lord of all theearth.""