a pseudo-galenic treatise on regimen

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  • 8/22/2019 A Pseudo-Galenic Treatise on Regimen


    Gerrit Bos and Ivan GarofaloA Pseudo-Galenic Treatise on Regimen: The Hebrew and Latin

    Translations from H unayn Ibn Ish a qs Arabic Version

    Sefer ha-Hanhagah is a fragmentary text that contains only theintroduction to an originally larger work on the different kinds of food,their properties, names, and suitability for different human bodies. Thislarger work survives only in a Latin translation by Accursius de Pistoia(fl. 1200), entitled De dissolutione continua. Sefer ha-Hanhagah lacksunity and covers a wide variety of subjects, including: the necessity ofconsuming food; the suitability of different kinds of food for humanbodies; exercise and sleep; appetite; coarse foods; habit. It concludesthat proper diet requires detailed knowledge about the properties ofthe different kinds of food and the different natures of human bodies.Sefer ha-Hanhagah is not identical with any extant treatises composedby Galen on the preservation of health or on diet. Given its pseudo-Galenic character, it is possible that Sefer ha-Hanhagah is a summaryof original Galenic material. A possible source of this work is thesummary of Galens De alimentorum facultatibus reportedly produced

    by H unayn Ibn Ish aq. H unayn claims that he drew on the Greekoriginal of this work and on a number of other works containing muchof what the ancients said about the subject of nutrition to prepare asummary in Syriac. This work he subsequently divided into three partsand translated into Arabic as the K. al-aghdhiya (Book on foodstuffs).H unayns statement that he consulted a number of works tallies withour impression that Sefer ha-Hanhagah is a composite work. Still,we cannot be certain that Sefer ha- Hanhagah indeed goes back to

    H unayn, for it is possible that Zerah yah H ens belief that the text hetranslated goes back to H unayn was erroneous.

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    43 Aleph 7 (2007) pp. 43-95

    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    A Pseudo-Galenic Treatise on

    Regimen: The Hebrew and Latin

    Translations from H unayn Ibn


    a qs Arabic Version

    1. Introduction

    When, as part of the project to edit Maimonides medical works, Iwas working on the Hebrew translations of Maimonides On theRegimen of Health, I encountered a text entitled Sefer ha-Hanhagahle-Galienus. Haataqat Zerah yah ben Isaac mi-haataqat H unayn

    (The Book of the Regimen [composed] by Galen, translated byZerah yah ben Isaac, from the translation by H unayn; hereafterSefer ha-Hanhagah). The text survives in a single manuscript: ParisBibliothque nationale de France (BNF), MS hb. 1175, ff. 60a62b,which was copied in the sixteenth century in Italian script. Themanuscript also contains: Maimonides On Asthma in the Hebrewtranslation by Samuel Benveniste (ff. 1a44b)1; Maimonides On the

    We would like to thank Prof. Vivian Nutton and the anonymous referees for Aleph

    for their comments and corrections to an earlier draft of this introduction. Ivan

    Garofalo is responsible for the Latin text and Gerrit Bos for the other parts of this


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    Regimen of Health, in the Hebrew translation by Moses Ibn Tibbon(ff. 47b60a); and H unayn Ibn Ish aqs Introduction to the Medical

    Art in an anonymous Hebrew translation from the Latin version (ff.63r70v). Sefer ha-Hanhagah has remained unknown to scholarship:it is not mentioned in the BNFs catalogue of Hebrew manuscripts,which reports that Maimonides On the Regimen of Health runs fromf. 47v to f. 63.2 Nor is it mentioned in the card catalogue of the Institutefor Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts.3

    2. Sefer ha-Hanhagah: Text and AuthorThe text as we have it is fragmentaryno more than the introductionto an originally longer work dealing with the different kinds of food,their properties, names, and suitability for human beings. The fullwork, which survives only in a Latin version by Accursius de Pistoia(fl. 1200), is known as De dissolutione continua.4

    Sefer ha-Hanhagah (i.e., the introduction to De dissolutionecontinua) covers the following topics: the necessity of consuming food

    (1)5; the suitability of different kinds of food for human bodies withtheir different constitutions in health and illness ( 25); exercisebefore a meal and sleep after it (6); the suitability of food (7a); thequantity of food (7b); the order of consumption of different kinds offood (7c); the appropriate time for the consumption of food (7d);exercise before and after the consumption of food, depending onwhether or not the stomach is empty (8); wine and the consumptionof food (9); appetite and the season of the year and their impact

    on eating (10); coarse foods are healthy for someone with a hottemperament (11); habit (12); appetite and digestion of food (13);conclusion: for a proper diet, one needs detailed knowledge about theproperties of the different kinds of food in relation to the differentnatures of human bodies; this will be the subject of the next part6 (14).

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    Sefer ha-Hanhagah seems to lack unity. It gives the impression of aheterogeneous work, as noted by Ackermann in the introduction to

    Khns edition of Galens works: Ex Galeno compositus est ut videturab Arabista.7 Ackermanns assertion that the Latin text goes back toa lost Arabic version is confirmed by the Hebrew text, which ascribesthe Arabic version to H unayn.

    Like the Hebrew text, the manuscripts of the Latin text ascribe thework to Galen.8 Nevertheless it has been considered to be spurious, atleast since the 1565 Juntina edition of Galens works, and consequentlydoes not appear in bibliographies of the Galenic corpus. Sefer ha-Hanhagah is indeed not identical with any extant treatise composedby Galen and dealing with diet and the preservation of health. It is not

    1 Forthcoming edition by Gerrit Bos, in Maimonides, On Asthma, vol. 2.2 H. Zotenberg, ed., Catalogues des Manuscrits hbreux et samaritains de la Bibliothque

    Impriale (Paris, 1866), 216.3 Personal communication, Dr. Benjamin Richler of the Institute for Microfilmed

    Hebrew Manuscripts.

    4 G. Fichtner, Corpus Galenicum. Verzeichnis der galenischen und pseudogalenischenSchriften (Tbingen: Institut fr Geschichte der Medizin, 1989), p. 80, No. 182,

    mentions as other titles: De alimentorum facultatibus, De virtutibus cibariorum,

    Liber regiminis. For the identification of the Hebrew text with the Latin one I

    am grateful to Ivan Garofalo, the editor of the Latin text included in the present

    publication.5 The division of the text into different sections is the editors.6 Missing in the Hebrew translation.7

    C. G. Khn, Claudii Galeni Opera Omnia, 20 vols. (Leipzig 18211833, repr.Hildesheim 1967), 1: CLXII.

    8 See R. J. Durling, A Chronological Census of Renaissance Editions and Translations

    of Galen,Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 24 (1961): 230305, No.


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    identical with the introduction to his De sanitate tuenda,9 or with anyother part of it, although it shares some major topics with it.10 Nor do

    we know of any Hebrew translation of Galens De sanitate tuenda;the only translation that survives is part of the so-called Qibbus eiGalenos (Galenic summaries), a translation of the so-calledJawa mi al-Iskandara niyn or Summaria Alexandrinorum, a collection of epitomesof Galens works completed by Simson ben Solomon in 1322.11

    Nor is Sefer ha-Hanhagah identical with the introductory sectionto Galens De alimentorum facultatibus,12 which was translated byH ubaysh.13 It is also not derived from Galens In Hippocratis librumde acutorum victu commentarii IV,14 which was translated into Arabicby Isa ibn Yah ya ,

    15 and was not translated into Hebrew, as far as weknow.

    Given the pseudo-Galenic character of Sefer ha-Hanhagah, wemay consider the possibility that it is some sort of summary of originalGalenic material, as stated above. A possible source of this work is asummary of Galens De alimentorum facultatibus reportedly producedby H unayn Ibn Ish aq. H unayn claims that he drew on the Greekoriginal of this work and on a number of other works containing much

    of what the ancients said about the subject of nutrition and that fromall of these works he prepared a summary in Syriac (akhrajtu jumalahubil-surya niya). This work he subsequently divided into three partsand translated it into Arabic, under the title K. al-aghdhiya (Bookon Foodstuffs).16 H unayns statement that he consulted a number ofworks by other ancient physicians tallies well with our impressionthat Sefer ha-Hanhagah is a composite work. H unayn seems to havehad a particular interest in Galenic material on foods and diet; he also

    summarized Galens On the Thinning Diet, if we may believe a note ofthe scribe of H unayns Risa la.17 Still, we cannot be certain that Sefer

    ha-Hanhagah indeed goes back to H unayn; it is not impossible thatZerah yah H en, the translator ofSefer ha-Hanhagah, wrongly believedthat the text he translated derived from H unayn, either because this is

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    9 Greek text: ed. K. Koch (CMGV.4,2) (Leipzig and Berlin, 1923); English translation:

    R. M. Green,A Translation of Galens Hygiene, with an introduction by H. E. Sigerist

    (Springfield, IL, 1951).10 Indeed, Galens De Sanitate tuenda was not translated into Arabic by H unayn

    Ibn Ish aq (as was the Vorlage of Sefer ha-Hanhagah), but by H ubaysh, and only

    later by H unayn Ibn Ish aq under the title K. tadbr al-asih h a or K. al-H la li-h ifz

    al-sih h a. Cf. G. Bergstrsser, H unayn Ibn Ish a q ber die syrischen und arabischen

    Galen-bersetzungen (Leipzig, 1925), No. 84; see also idem, Neue Materialien zu

    H unayn Ibn Ish a qs Galen-Bibliographie (Leipzig, 1932), 48; F. Sezgin, Geschichte

    des arabischen Schrifttums, Vol. 3: Medizin-Pharmazie-Zoologie-Tierheilkunde bis ca.

    430 H. (Leiden, 1970), p. 122, No. 69; M. Ullmann, Die Medizin im Islam (Leiden and

    Cologne, 1970), p. 46, No. 44; Fichtner, Corpus Galenicum, p. 30, No. 37.11 Cf. M. Steinschneider, Die hebrischen bersetzungen des Mittelalters und die Juden

    als Dolmetscher(Berlin, 1893; repr. Graz, 1956), 655; Ullmann, Die Medizin im Islam,

    p. 67: E. Lieber, Galen in Hebrew, in Galen: Problems and Prospects, ed. Vivian

    Nutton (London: 1981), 168.12 Ed. G. Helmreich (CMGV.4,2) (Leipzig and Berlin, 1923).13 Cf. Bergstrsser, H unayn Ibn Ish a q, No. 74; Ullmann, Die Medizin im Islam, p.

    47, No. 45; Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, p. 117, No. 60; Fichtner,

    Corpus Galenicum, No. 38.14 Ed. E. Helmreich (CMGV.9,1) (Leipzig and Berlin, 1914), 117366.15 Cf. Bergstrsser, H unayn Ibn Ish a q, No. 92; Ullmann, Die Medizin im Islam, p.

    51, No. 61; Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, p. 123, No. 75; Fichtner,

    Corpus Galenicum, No. 91.16 Cf. Bergstrsser, H unayn Ibn Ish a q, No. 74; Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen

    Schrifttums, p. 117, No. 60. A few passages from this work in Syriac and Arabic

    translation were published by R. Degen, The Oldest Known Syriac Manuscript of


    unayn b. Ish aq, in Symposium Syriacum 1976 (Rome, 1978), 6371. In the samearticle Degen announces an edition of this text, which survives both in Syriac (to a

    large extent) and in Arabic (p. 71).17 Cf. Bergstrsser, H unayn Ibn Ish a q, No. 75.

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    what his Arabic manuscript stated or because he knew that H unayn hadproduced a work on the subject.

    3. The Hebrew Translator ofSefer ha-Hanhagah

    Zerah yah ben Isaac ben Shealtiel H en (Grazian) is known for histranslation activity in Rome between 1277 and 1291.18

    He translated some philosophical works from Arabic into Hebrew,including Aristotles De anima.19He also translated a number of medicalworks: GalensKatagenos20 and De symptomatum causis,21 AvicennasCanon (unfinished),22 and several of Maimonides medical treatises,namelyMedical Aphorisms,23Commentary on Hippocrates Aphorisms,24On Coitus,25 and On Poisons.26 His translations of Hippocrates Desuperfoetatione27 and of Maimonides On Hemorrhoids,28 previouslyunknown, have been identified recently.

    A linguistic analysis shows clearly that the ascription of theHebrew version ofSefer ha-Hanhagah to Zerah yah is correct: the textdisplays some of the characteristics of his translation technique, such

    as the use of Italian terms (e.g. = viscous) and making the verbagree with the preceding word or phrase rather than with the subject(e.g., = by diuretics).29

    4. Sefer ha-Hanhagah and the Literary Genre of Regimen

    The subject ofSefer ha-Hanhagah was very popular in medieval medical

    literature. One of the main reasons for its popularity was that a healthyregimen was generally considered to be the means par excellence notonly for the preservation of health, but also for curing diseases.30 Thusit features commonly in the Arabic medical tradition, both in the formof monographs and as part of the medical encyclopedias.31 But it was

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    18 On Zerah yah, see H. Vogelstein and P. Rieger, Geschichte der Juden in Rom (Berlin,

    189596), 1: 27175, 40918; A. Ravitzky, Minato el R. Zerah yah b. Isaac b. ealtiel

    H en, doctoral dissertation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1977, 6975; G. Bos,Aristotles De Anima. Translated into Hebrew by Zerahyah ben Isaac ben Shealtiel

    H en (Leiden, 1994), 14; G. Freudenthal, La Quiddit de lme, trait populaire

    noplatonisant faussement attribu Al-Frb: Traduction annote et commente,

    Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 13 (2003): 173237; M. Zonta, La tradizione ebraica

    del commento medio di Averro alla Metafisica di Aristotele, doctoral dissertation,

    Universit di Torino, 1995, 2529.19 See Bos,Aristotles De Anima; for a complete list of his translations of philosophical

    works, see ibid., pp. 23; M. Zonta, A Hebrew Translation of Hippocrates De

    superfoetatione: Historical Introduction and Critical Introduction, Aleph 3 (2003):

    97143, on p. 109, n. 34.20 The introduction to the translation was edited by M. Steinschneider in Catalog

    der hebrischen Handschriften in der Stadtbibliothek zu Hamburg und der sich

    anschliessenden in anderen Sprachen (Hamburg, 1878), 17999; for the manuscript see

    ibid., 14344.21 See Steinschneider, Die hebrischen bersetzungen, 652.22 Ibid., 681; B. Richler, Manuscripts of Avicennas Kanon in Hebrew translation;

    a Revised and Up-to-date List, Koroth 8 (1982): 14568; Zonta, A HebrewTranslation, 111 n. 38.

    23 Cf. Steinschneider, Die hebrischen bersetzungen, 766; G. Bos, Maimonides.

    Medical Aphorisms. Treatises 15 (Provo UT, 2004), xxviiixxix and 7988.24 Cf. Zonta, A Hebrew Translation, 111 n. 40.25 See the forthcoming edition of the Arabic text and Hebrew translations, by G. Bos.26 See the forthcoming edition of the Arabic text and Hebrew translations, by G. Bos.27 Identified and edited by Zonta, A Hebrew Translation.28

    Identified by G. Bos. The translation is extant in MS Parma 2642, De Rossi 354,Richler 1531, ff. 20a25b (see B. Richler, Hebrew Manuscripts in the Biblioteca

    Palatina in Parma (Jerusalem, 2001). This translation will be part of my forthcoming

    edition of the Arabic text and the other Hebrew translations.29 For a description and analysis of his translation technique, see Bos, Aristotles De

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    a subject of interest in Jewish circles as well. Maimonides famous Onthe Regimen of Health, written at the request of the sultan al-Malik

    al-Afd al, was translated by Moses Ibn Tibbon in 1244. This translationsurvives in fourteen manuscripts, most of them copied between thefourteenth and sixteenth centuries;32 it also survives in an anonymoustranslation extant in one manuscript copied at the end of the thirteenthcentury.33

    Another, little-known monograph on the theme of the preservationof health was written by the otherwise unknown Spanish-Jewishauthor Judah ben Jacob: Hanhagat ha-beriut.34 In this treatise (whichsurvives in nine manuscripts), the author deals with the preservation ofhealth in relation to the so-called sex res non naturales: air (includingwater supply, ventilation, geographical location, and climate); food anddrink; work and rest; sleep and waking; natural excretion and retention(including bathing and coitus); affections of the soul. The idea that theproper regimen concerns not only the human body but external non-natural elements as well was expressed in the Corpus Hippocraticumin this classic scheme, which became a current motif in all the latertreatises dealing with hygiene. For his exposition of his subject Judah

    ben Jacob often relies on Hippocrates and Galen, who are quotedextensively and explicitly.

    In Latin Europe, the treatise on regimen composed at the medicalschool of Salerno, Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum, was famous andvery influential.35

    Zerah yahs translation of Sefer ha-Hanhagah, produced in Romein the late thirteenth century, reflects the great interest Jewish circlestook in health and its preservation. The reason it survives in only

    one manuscript is probably that Jewish readers found Zerah yahstranslations extremely difficult to understand, because of his peculiartranslation technique and the many foreign (mainly Italian) technicalterms he employed.

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    5. Sefer ha-Hanhagah: The Present Edition and Translation

    My edition of Sefer ha-Hanhagah is based on the only known

    manuscript, namely Paris, BNF hb. 1175. That text suffers fromtwo sorts of mistakes and/or corruptions. The first sort is due to thetranslators misunderstanding the text: e.g., rendering the Arabic shara b(wine or drink) by Hebrewyayin (wine), although the context clearlyshows this to be the wrong option. The second category consists oferrors due to the copyist(s). The Latin text can be used to check theHebrew. My procedure was as follows: In the first case, Zerah yahsHebrew text was left unaltered and the error is noted in the Englishtranslation. In the second case, the Hebrew text has been emended,if possible on the basis of the Latin. All significant variants betweenthe Latin translation and the Hebrew have been noted in the criticalapparatus to the Hebrew text and in the notes to the English translation.In the latter, I have also referred to parallel material in Galens writings

    Anima, ch. 7 (pp. 2343); Zonta, A Hebrew Translation, 104107; Zonta, La

    tradizione ebraica, 7281.

    30 Cf. G. Bos, Maimonides on the Preservation of Health,Journal of the Royal AsiaticSociety, Series 3, Vol. 4, Part 2 (1994): 21335, on 21617.

    31 Cf. Ullmann, Die Medizin im Islam, 19093.32 Forthcoming edition and translation by G. Bos.33 See M. Beit-Ari, Targumim bilti yeduim el sifrei refuah la-Rambam, Kirjath

    Sefer38 (1963): 56772, on 568; idem, A Palaeographic Description of the Jerusalem

    Manuscript, in J. O. Leibowitz and Shlomo Marcus, Moses Maimonides on the

    Causes of Symptoms (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1974), 3438.34

    Cf. Steinschneider, Die hebrischen bersetzungen, 757. A critical edition andstudy of this text is being prepared by Mrs. Recha Allgaier as part of her doctoral

    dissertation at the University of Cologne.35 Cf. H. Schipperges,Arabische Medizin im lateinischen Mittelalter(Berlin, Heidelberg,

    and New York, 1976), 5262.

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    on the regimen of health, above all his De sanitate tuenda, and inMaimonides On the Regimen of Health.

    Sigla and abbreviations:

    L = Latin text, ed. Garofalo{...} = emendation, addition based on the Latin text[...] = emendation, addition based on conjecture: hiatus in the Hebrew textadd. = added byom. = omitted by

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    The Book of the Regimen [composed] by Galen, translatedby Zerah yah ben Isaac from the translation by H unayn

    1. Galen says: Inasmuch as the bodies of human beings are alwayssubject to dissolution, namely because they have innate heat and owingto the warmth of the air which surrounds them, they need to replacethat which is dissolved from them. Therefore, bodies need to eat and todrink, and the faculty of appetite was placed in them so as to know the[right] time to eat and the [right] quantity to take and the kind [of food]they need.1 Now, that which is dissolved can only be replaced with, andexchanged for something that is like it. Since, however, no food or drinkis found which is the same as that which is dissolved from the body,therefore, it was necessary that nature change the foods and beveragesinto that which suits the body and is close to it.2 But not all things whichare eaten and drunk suit the body. Therefore, some foods and beveragesundoubtedly leave residues in the body, which must be cleansed andexpelled from it. For [in the case of] food and wine,3 when they descendinto the stomach and the stomach acts upon them, a part of them goes tothe liver and another part leaves the body. The same occurs with all the

    [other] parts of the body and with all4 the places where the food goes.

    1 Cf. Galen, De sanitate tuenda I.2, ed. Koch, p. 5, ll. 1927; trans. Green, pp. 78: For

    since the substances of all animals are in perpetual flux, the whole body will be thus

    destroyed and dispersed, unless other similar substances be supplied to replace what

    has flowed away. Wherefore I think that from the very beginning Nature has given,

    not only to animals but also to plants, innate appetites for what is always escaping.

    By food, therefore, we replace whatever solid substance has escaped, and by drink wereplenish the liquid, thus restoring both to their original proportion.

    2 therefore, it was necessary that nature change the foods and drinks into that which

    suits the body and is close to it; cf. L: Therefore, it was necessary that nature changes

    the foods and beverages to replace that which is dissolved, as the property which

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    2. This being so, someone who wishes to preserve his health should payattention to two things: first, that the food which he ingests be suitable

    to replace what was dissolved from his [body], and, second, that hecleanse [i.e. expel] from the body the residues of the food that areformed in it.5 You should [therefore] have knowledge of the differentnatures of the foods and of the different natures of the bodies and6their [other] characteristics so that you may know the suitability ofevery kind of food for7 each kind of human being. In fact, the naturesof the foods vary:8 Some are balanced, such as those from which pure,clean blood is formed; some are imbalanced, such as those from which[superfluous] blood, superfluous9 phlegm, [superfluous] yellow bile,superfluous black bile, coarse winds and flatulence are formed; someare thick, some are thin; from some a viscous10 humor originates,and from some a humor that is not viscous [but] harmful; some11 areparticularly beneficial or harmful for particular organs or bodies. Thereare also some that are balanced, their nature being dominated by pure,clean blood, [whereas] some are imbalanced, dominated by phlegm orby one of the two biles. Some are thin and quickly dissolve; some aredry12 and thick [and] do not dissolve quickly. Some are healthy for all

    bodily parts, [whereas] some are unhealthy for some bodily parts.13

    3. When pure blood dominates the body, ones food should be moderatein quantity and in nature. When phlegm dominates [the body], the foodshould be heating and drying, [for if] a person feeds himself with thatwhich increases the heat he will eliminate the moisture [from the body].When yellow bile dominates [the body], one should feed oneself onwith that which removes the heat and increases moisture. When black

    bile dominates [the body], one should feed oneself with hot and moistfoods. If ones [body] dissolves with difficulty, he should feed himselfwith small [amounts] of subtle and moist food, for only a little isdissolved from his body. But if when ones body is thin and quick todissolve,14 then he should nourish himself with much thick, dry and

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    viscous food, for much is dissolved from his body. This regimen shouldbe followed by anyone who does not suffer from illness or ailment in

    some a part of the body.

    changes and alters the foods and beverages in the human body only changes and alters

    that which suits the body and is close to it [in its quality].3 Wine; i.e. drink; cf. L: potuum. Zerah yah has clearly misunderstood the Arabic

    shara b, which can mean both drink and wine, but in this context clearly means

    the former.4 all: om. L.5 Cf. Galen, De sanitate tuenda I.3, ed. Koch, p. 6, ll. 1921; trans. Green, p. 9:

    Now, our discussion has shown these two objectives of wholesome living, one the

    replacement of wastes, the other the elimination of excrements.6 and their [other] characteristics: and their harm L.7 for: and L.8 Cf. Galen, De sanitate tuenda VI.1, ed. Koch, p. 168, ll. 1521; trans. Green, p. 235:

    And since, as I said, it is necessary that every created animal should be nourished,

    and since the substance of foods is not all nutritious, and on this account the surplus

    of it remains as something deleterious, which they properly call excrement, parts ofthe body are provided by Nature for its separation and evacuation. And since there

    is great difference in the nature of bodies, it is reasonable that there should also be a

    separate hygienic care appropriate to each.9 superfluous: om. L.10 viscous (WWYSQWSY); a Romance term typical for Zerah yahs medical vocabulary,

    cf. his translation of Maimonides Medical Aphorisms 23.54 (ed. and trans. Bos).11 some are particularly beneficial or harmful for particular organs or bodies. There are

    also some that are balanced: Some are particularly beneficial for the nature of someorgans but not for others. There are also some bodies that are balanced L.

    12 dry and: om. L.13 but not for other [parts]: add. L.14 and quick to dissolve: om. L.

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    4. But if there is illness or pain in any organ [of the body], one shouldconsider which foods are suitable for the ailing organ. For at times

    we have to do something which is beneficial for the ailing organ,15even though it is contrary to that which the rest of the body needs.For instance, when the liver is cold and has narrow passages, one hasto take delicate foods and avoid coarse foods, although the rest of thebody does not need these things that weaken [the body] and causeemaciation, leanness, and thinness,16 so that the coarse foods do notcause an obstruction in the liver. Or, the liver may be hot and oneshould beware of sweet foods, although the body needs them, becausethey easily change into yellow bile.

    5. It is also possible that the stomach is weak, [in which case it] needsfoodstuffs that strengthen it; or phlegm may be produced, and it thenit needs something which cleanses and purges it. Sometimes yellowbile is produced17 in it and it then needs something to remove thatyellow bile18 and that which produces it. Or [it is possible] that thefood remains in the stomach and floats on its cardia, and one has toadminister something to make this food heavy, so that it sinks to the

    bottom of the stomach, and prescribe some exercise after the meal sothat the food descend from the cardia of the stomach.19 But sometimesone does not need all this,20 and when the food leaves the stomach beforeit is digested, we need something which is astringent and retaining. [Bycontrast,] when the food residues are slow to leave the stomach andintestines, we need something that evacuates them and softens the stool.If the head is hot and receives vapors, we should abandon [the intake]of hot {dry}21 foods, although the rest of the body needs them.

    6. One should not be satisfied with what we have said withoutconsidering the measure of exercise before the meal intake of foodand of sleep after it.22 For if a person does much exercise before ameal, we should give him much food which tends slightly to be dry23

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    and which dissolves slowly. And one should not tell him to be careful[about the quantity he eats], as this is unnecessary. But if there is no

    exercise before a meal, or only a little, one should not avoid observing[a regimen] of a small quantity of subtle food, unless [digestion] isfacilitated by the purgation of the residues produced in the body,through the ingestion24 of laxatives, through bathing,25 and, possibly,

    15 For at times we have to do something which is beneficial for the ailing organ: om.

    L.16 that weaken [the body] and cause emaciation, leanness and thinness. Cf. L: because

    of a greater thinness and fineness.17 is produced: Cf. L: is quickly produced.18 and it then needs something to remove that yellow bile: many things are

    appropriate to extinguish the sharpness of the bile L.19 Cf. Maimonides, On the Regimen of Health 1.8 (ed. and trans. Bos [forthcoming]):

    But one should move a little after the meal from one side of the room to the other to

    the extent that the food settles in the bottom of the stomach, and stays there until it is


    20 all this: what we mentioned about food and exercise L.21 Added following L.22 Cf. Maimonides, On the Regimen of Health 1.8: Amongst Galens general statements

    concerning the regimen of health is the following: Just as movement before the meal

    is completely good, so movement after the meal is completely bad; cf. idem, On

    Asthma 5.5 (ed. and trans. Bos, p. 27) = Galen, De bonis malisque sucis III, 34 (ed.

    Helmreich, p. 397, ll. 1920); Commentary on Hippocrates De alimento I, 4 (KXV, p.


    We should give him much food which slightly tends slightly to be dry: feed himwell [but] not with a large quantity of food that is coarse, viscous and tends to be dry

    L.24 of the residues produced in the body through the ingestion: om. L.25 bathing: om. L.

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    through diuretics.26 If the exercise is sufficient,27 we administer foodthat is of moderate subtleness and coarseness. And if one also sleeps

    much after the meal, we have to administer a large quantity of coarsefoods.28 Therefore, in the cold season bodies need a large quantity ofcoarse food29 owing to the length of the nights and the length of sleep.But when ones sleep is short and light and superficial, one shouldfeed oneself30 as in the summer, because of the shortness of the nights[then] {and the shortness of the sleep}.31

    7. I say that concerning food four things should be determined(considered):

    a. The suitability of the food for the body that is nourished byit32 at the time at which it is nourished, as already mentioned.For when heat dominates the body, it needs cold foods. Andwhen cold dominates it, it needs hot food. And when [the body]is balanced, it needs balanced food in terms of suitability.33 Butif someone eats food34 that is unsuitable and inappropriate forhim, he should not eat only it,35 but mix it and eat it togetherwith suitable food, by which he amends the harm which he

    fears the bad food which he also eats might cause him.b. The quantity of the food, i.e. that it is be according to themeasure of the power of digestion. For even when the food iswholesome and suitable to the body, if the power of digestionis too weak in comparison to its quantity or quality,36 badnutrition is produced.c. That one eat first that which should be eaten first, and eatlater that which should be eaten later.37 For example, a person

    can combine in one meal laxative and constipating food. Nowif he eats the laxative food first and then the other food, [itwill ease the absorption of] the [food] that is digested slowly.38And if he first eats the constipating [food] and then the laxativefood, it [i.e. the constipating food] will not be excreted and

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    26 diuretics: and bleeding add. L.27 If the exercise is sufficient: If it is appropriate L.28 Cf. Maimonides, On the Regimen of Health 1.8: Sleeps helps the digestion, especially

    for someone who is used to sleep during the day.29 Therefore, in the cold season bodies need a large quantity of coarse food: and it is

    appropriate to do so in winter L.30 and light and superficial, one should feed oneself: and superficial, one should feed

    oneself with light [foodstuff] L.31 {and the shortness of the sleep}: added following L.32 that is nourished by it: om. L.33 in terms of suitability: similar L.34 But if someone eats food: But if any food L.35 he should not eat only it: it should not be only it L.36 or quality: omitted by L.37 Cf. Maimonides, On Asthma 5.4 (ed. and trans. Bos, p. 26): Galen thinks that the

    food which is finer should be [eaten] first, and then that which is coarser. Similarly,one should first [eat] that which has a diluting effect and then [eat] that which

    is astringent, according to the opinion of all [physicians]. Galen remarks in De

    alimentorum facultatibus II, 11 (ed. Helmreich p. 283): Those foods should be taken

    first which stimulate excretion and then those which are excreted slowly. And first of

    all one should take those which are excreted quickly and which corrupt if they stay

    any longer in the stomach. It seems to me that people are not totally unaware of the

    fact that a certain order has to be preserved when taking foods, as we see them do it

    with most foods. But in De bonis malisque sucis XIII (ed. Helmreich, p. 427) he saysthat if someone takes foodstuff with bad chymes he should take foodstuff with good

    chymes thereafter.38 [it will ease the absorption of] the [food] that is digested slowly: they will be

    evacuated easily, after its [i.e. the laxative foods] digestion L.

    both [foods] will be corrupted, because39 the constipatingfood will prevent the laxative food from being excreted, so

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    that it will remain in the stomach after being digested and willbe corrupted, and through its corruption it will corrupt the

    other food [i.e. the constipating food]. But if the laxative foodis eaten40 before the constipating food, the laxative food willbe excreted after it has been digested and will prepare the wayfor the constipating food41 [i.e. will ease the excretion of theconstipating food]. Similarly, if a person combines at the sametime42 food that is digested quickly {and food that is digestedslowly he must first take the food that is digested slowly43}in the bottom of the stomach, for the bottom of the stomachis hotter and stronger in digestion because it has many fleshyparts,44 while the top of the stomach has many nerves and iscold45 and weak in digestion. Therefore, when the food floatsat the top of the stomach,46 it is not being digested.d. That one take food at the proper time. For if someone eatsfor a second time after the earlier [food] was excreted, and hadalready done sufficient exercise and then slept sufficiently,47he will digest it.48 But if someone takes food [for a secondtime] while a considerable amount of the first food remains

    undigested in the stomach or intestines,49 the food taken at thesecond time will corrupt because of the first [food] that remains[in the stomach].

    8. If someone takes food after sufficient exercise, and eats it on an emptystomach and in accordance with the bodys needs, the food will find theinnate heat to be like a blazing fire [i.e. it will be digested rapidly].50 Butif someone eats food without exercise and not on an empty stomach

    and not in accordance with his bodys needs, then the food will findthe innate heat and extinguish it51 [so that it will be] like a fire hiddenbeneath ashes. If someone sleeps after the meal, the innate heat will gointo [the bodys] interior and, it will gather (concentrate) there, andwill digest his food. If someone exerts himself and does exercise after

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    the meal, his food will descend from the stomach undigested52 and willcause obstructions and ailments in the liver, the kidneys, and in other

    39 because the constipating food will prevent the laxative food from being excreted:

    because the supervening laxative [food] is isolated between the stomach and the

    descending [constipating food] L.40 eaten: om. L.41 and will prepare the way for the constipating food: and the constipating food will

    be excreted easily through the passages L.42 at the same time: in one meal L.43 {and food that is digested slowly he must first take food that is digested slowly}: added

    following L.44 the many fleshy parts: the tight structure of the many fleshy parts L.45 cold: Emended following L. The Hebrew text reads hot.46 at the top of the stomach: in the stomach L.47 but had beforehand [i.e., before taking a second dish] done sufficient exercise and

    then and then slept sufficiently: and then got sufficient sleep L.48 well: add. L.

    49 while a considerable amount of the first food remains undigested in the stomach orintestines: while a considerable amount of the first food remains in the stomach or

    intestines, because of the digestion L.50 Cf. Maimonides, On the Regimen of Health 1.9: One of the rules in the regimen of

    health is that one should not consume meal after meal, and that one should not eat

    except after true hunger when the stomach is empty and the saliva is being drawn to

    the mouth and the hunger is real. This is the time that nourishment is beneficial;

    idem, On Asthma 6.3 (ed. and trans. Bos, pp. 2930): Says the author: This subject

    is repeated many times in [Galens] books, and the essential pointwhatever thecontextis that one should not consume one meal after the other and that one

    should eat only when the stomach is empty and not as the fools do, who fix a certain

    invariable time of the day to have their meal, as if it is an obligatory prayer. Instead,

    one should let it depend on the emptiness of the stomach.

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    organs. Possibly [someones] stomach is weak, and the food will float init: [in this case] you should tell him not to sleep until the food descends

    in the stomach; he should drink a small amount of some wine53 so that[the food] descend somewhat in the stomach until it reaches the bottomof the stomach. Sometimes54 we should order him to do a little bit ofexercise, as I mentioned [before].

    9. One should not drink a lot of wine at the beginning of the meal;otherwise, the food will descend together with the wine and [thereby]will be prevented from being digested. For [the wine] separates betweenthe coats55 of the stomach and the food, and if the food does not comeinto contact with the stomach, it is not transformed appropriately bythe stomach and does not become similar [to the body],56 so that [thefoodstuff] remains in it undigested. Therefore, if someone takes food, heshould [drink] some wine with it [but only] to quench his most urgentthirst,57 and then he should wait58 until the food has been digested, andthereafter drink of the wine as much as he needs to. For at that time59the {wine}60 will help the food descend and will refine it, so that it canpass through the narrow passages.

    10. It is also proper to take food when the appetite is whetted. For ifit is whetted and one does not hurry to take food, the stomach willattract the residues of the body, and these, when they arrive in thestomach, will spoil the appetite and corrupt the food that comes [intothe stomach],61 when they become mixed with it. The best time to takefood is the cold periods, because [then] the [innate]62 heat is assembled(concentrated) in the interior of the body.63 But in the hot periods one

    should not take food, because the heat of the air attracts the innateheat to the surface of the body, so that it is lacking inside the body: the[innate] heat [remaining] inside the body becomes too weak to digest[the food]. For this reason the ancients used to eat most of their foodin the evening,64 because the [innate] heat concentrates inside the body

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    then, owing to the chilliness of the night and the long65 sleep. Forduring sleep the [vital] heat enters into the body, [so that] the interior is

    warm while the {outside}66 cools off. When one is awake the oppositeoccurs, for the [innate] heat spreads and is expelled from the body, and[so] becomes weak inside it.

    51 and extinguish it: submerged L.52 and will enter the vessels undigested add. L.53 wine: L adds: immediately.54 sometimes: before [that] L.55 coats: substance L.56 it is not transformed appropriately by the stomach and does not become similar [to

    the body] [i.e., it cannot be assimilated by the body]: it is not transformed into a

    similarity fitting the body [i.e., so that it can be assimilated by the body] L.57 [to quench his most urgent thirst]: just to quench his thirst L.58 then he should wait: et abstineant se cum quantitate qua possint et quiescat B (and

    they should abstain to the degree that they can and rest).59 at that time: om. L.

    60 {wine}: cf. L: ipsum (i.e. vinum).61 that comes [into the stomach]: om. L.62 [innate]; cf. L: naturalis.63 Cf. Maimonides, On the Regimen of Health 1.4 (ed. and trans. Bos [forthcoming]):

    And as the weather becomes colder, he should increase the amount [of food] because

    the digestions are strong in the winter because of the increase of the innate heat inside

    the body, due to the constriction of the pores, and satiation will not be attained; see

    also On Asthma 5.1 (ed. and trans. Bos, p. 24).64

    used to eat most of their food in the evening: preferred dinner above midday lunchand ordered to eat more at dinner L.

    65 long: om. L.66 Translated following L: extrinsecus.67 in terms of their food and nourishment: om. L.

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    11. Amongst the things that it is are necessary [to consider] concerningpeople in terms of their food and nourishment67 is [the following]:

    Someone, whose temperament68 is dominated by heat and whosestomach, because of the heat, easily produces yellow bile,69 [so that]abundant yellow bile is produced in the stomach or flows into itquickly,70 should nourish himself with coarse foods which are slow71to be digested. [For] he will digest these [foodstuffs], [although] he doesnot digest light and subtle and easily digestible foods. For the yellowbile overpowers the light food and corrupts it, but while it does nothave the power to corrupt coarse [food]. Therefore, one finds peoplewho digest beef, but do not digest chicken and similar light foods.

    12. Habit plays an important role in this. For if someone is used toeating [in the morning],72 but gives up [this habit] and limits himself toeating only in the evening, he causes himself severe harm. [Generally,]if someone is used to eating at a certain time and [then] switches toanother time, the harm will become evident to him. [Even] if someone[intends to] change the time of his meals from a bad time to a good one,he should pursue his earlier habit and continue it, even though it is not

    appropriate, unless something happens which forces him to give it up.For habit is a second nature, as Hippocrates said.73 Unless somethingoccurs that forces someone to give up [his habit],74 the best thing [todo] is to give it up little by little.75

    13. Appetite also plays an important role in the digestion of the food,because it indicates the suitability76 [of the foodstuffs] [Thus,] in thecase of two [kinds of] food which are similar in nature,77 if the appetite

    for the needed food tends towards one of them, it is better to choosethe food to which one is inclined. For [this food] is more suitable toones nature and easier for him to digest. [Even] if there are two [kindsof] food, one of which is worse than the other, and the appetite for theneeded food tends towards the worse [kind of food], we should choose

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    the latter over the better one: we must not fear that it will do him moreharm than good, because the stomach receives it with pleasure.78

    14. From what I have mentioned it is has become clear that one has to

    68 temperament: om. L.69 and whose stomach, because of the heat, easily produces yellow bile: and whose

    stomach quickly becomes hot because of the production of yellow bile L.70 quickly: om. L.71 slow: difficult L.72 to eating [in the morning]: cf. L: prandere.73 This statement could not be located. Hippocrates discusses the issue of habit in the

    context of the consumption of food extensively in his Regimen in Acute Diseases 27

    38 (trans. Jones [LCL; Cambridge MA, 1923, repr. 1981], pp. 8595); see also Galen,

    In Hippocratis librum de acutorum victu commentarius II, 1932 (KXV, pp. 549572),

    and his monograph devoted to habit, entitled Per qn, which was translated into

    Arabic as: K. al-ada t. (cf. Galen, De consuetudinibus. ed. J. Schmutte, with a

    German translation of H unayns Arabic version by F. Pfaff [CMG III], Leipzig and

    Berlin, 1941).74 [his habit]: per force: add. L.75 Cf. Maimonides, On the Regimen of Health 4.25: Habit is fundamental for the

    preservation of health and the cure of diseases. No one should give up his healthy

    habits all at once, either in eating, drinking, sexual intercourse, going to the bathhouse,

    or exercise. In all these [activities] one should observe ones habits, even if the thing one

    is accustomed to is contrary to the medical rules. One should not abandon it for what

    is required by [these] rules except gradually and over a long time, so that one does not

    notice the change; see also On Asthma 10.1 (ed. and trans. Bos, pp. 5152).76 suitability: and goodness: add. L.77 nature: goodness L.78 because the stomach receives it with pleasure: because the stomach receives it well

    and digests it very well L.

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    know the effects of the foodstuffs,79 the different natures of the bodiesand their [other] characteristics,80 and the different powers of the

    foodstuffs. It has also been made clear that [concerning] the differentnatures of the bodies and their [other] characteristics81 [one has toknow about] the kinds of foodstuff and wines82 that are suitable forevery one [of them]. [In what follows] I will mention the [different]kinds of foodstuffs, the [individual foodstuffs] belonging to each kind,and the names of each kind. Along with every kind [of food] I willmention the characteristics relating to the bodies and which [kind offood] is suitable for them, with the help of God, Who is exalted. Praisebe to Him, forever and ever.83

    79 the effects of the foodstuffs: about the administration of good and choice foods

    L.80 characteristics: actions L.81 characteristics: actions L.82 wines: i.e., drinks: cf. L: potuum; see above.83 with the help of God, Who is exalted. Praise be to Him, forever and ever: om. L.

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    Latin Text

    I n t r o d u c t i o n

    The pseudo-Galenic1 opuscule De dissolutione continua, known alsoas De cibis, De virtutibus cibariorum, and Liber regiminis, is only oneof the many medieval Latin works on the Regimen of Health.2 It isobviously a translation from Arabic, not from Greek, as K. Sudhoffthought. The translation dates from the year 1200.3 It was accepted asgenuine in the editio princeps of Galens Opera, by Diomede Bonardo,apud P. Pincium, Venise 1490, and printed thereafter in all Operaomnia.4 I offer here the Latin text based on the Bonardo edition of 1490,also using the Giunta edition of 1565, edited by A. Gadaldini, whichprovides a text somewhere better than Bonardos. These improvementsare probably conjectural, although it is possible that the editors ofthe several Giunta editions had access to manuscripts different fromthat or those consulted for Bonardos edition. I propose here someemendations suggested by the English translation from the Hebrew,

    1 As far as I know, the first to assign the opuscule to the Spuria was A. Gadaldini, in the

    Giunta edition of 1565. All later editors have followed him.2 P. Gil-Sotres, Les rgimes de sant, in M. D. Grmek, ed., Histoire de la pense

    mdicale en Occident, I. Antiquit et Moyen Age (Paris, 1995), 25781. The Latin

    text was first studied by K. Karl Sudhoff, Der Pistoiese Accorso (Accursius) und die

    bersetzung des pseudo-galenischen Liber regiminis vel de virtutibus cibariorum,

    auch De dissolutione continua genannte, Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin

    und der Naturwissenschaften 16 (1917): 2427.3 The colophon to Oxford, Merton College 218 ascribes it to magister Acursius

    Pystoyensis apud Bononias. Anno M




    (R. Durling, unpublished study. I amgrateful to Stefania Fortuna for communicating it to me).4 R. Durling, A Chronological Census of Renaissance Editions and Translations of

    Galen,Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 24 (1961): 230315: No. 45,

    p. 285.

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    with the maximum of caveats, since I did not collate any manuscripts.5A critical edition is a philological desideratum; so is a commentary on

    the text. But neither is planned at the moment.


    The list in H. Diels, Die Handschriften der antiken rzte (Berlin, 19051907; repr.Leipzig, 1970), 7677, cites several manuscripts. Cf. R. Durling, Corrigenda and

    Addenda to Diels Galenica, Traditio 23 (1967): 46176, No. 13a (p. 464) and No. 45

    (p. 465); idem, Corrigenda and Addenda to Diels Galenica II, Traditio 37 (1981):

    37381, No. 45 (p. 375).

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    Galeni opera, Venetiis 1490, d. D. Bonardus, apud Pinciumvol. I f. 145vBIuntina 1565 vol. IX 71r

    I n c i p i t l i b e r d e d i s s o l u t i o n e c o n t i n u a

    Quia corpora hominum sunt in continua dissolutione et proptercalorem naturalem qui est in ipsis et propter calorem1 aeris circumdantisea extrinsecus fuit necessarium restaurare in eis quod dissolutum est deipsis. Ideoque fuerunt necessarii cibi et potus, et fuit infusa in ipsis uirtusappetitus ad cognoscendum horam necessitatis eorum et quantitatemassumendam de eis et speciem comuenientem eis. uerum quia nonrestauratur id quod dissoluitur nec stat loco eius nisi sit sibi simile, necinuenitur in cibo et potu aliquod simile ei quod dissoluitur de corpore,ideo fuit necessarium naturam mutare cibum et potum ut stet loco eiusquod dissolutum est et ingrediatur in locum eius, neque potest uirtusque mutat et conuertit cibum et potum in corpore hominis facere2quod mutetur et conuertatur nisi quod est simile corpori et proprium.Et quoniam non totum quod comeditur et bibitur assimilatur corpori,ideo non est dubium quod remaneat ex cibis et potibus superfluitas incorpore quod de corpore mundificare oportet et ab eo eijcere. Nam sicut

    ciborum et potuum cum intrauerit stomachum,3 operatusque fuerit ineis stomacus suas operationes eorum pars transit ad epar et residuumfit egestio mundificanda de corpore, similiter fa- [146rA] ciunt organacorporis et loca ad que peruenit nutrimentum ad4 hoc facta.

    2. Oportet penitus eum qui uult custodire sanitatem ad duas resintentionem suam dirigere, quarum una est ad corpus, cum cibo

    1 naturalem qui est in ipsis et propter calorem om. Bon.2 facere om. Bon.3 post stomachum add. et Bon.4 et ad hoc Bon.

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    conueniente loco eius quod dissolutum est de ipso. Alia est mundificatioab ipso eius quod generatum est de superfluitatibus ciborum. Verum

    oportet te scire diuersitates naturarum ciborum et diuersitates naturarumcorporum et nocumenta eorum ut scias conuenientiam cuiuslibetspecierum cibi et cuiuslibet differentiarum hominis, propterea quodnature ciborum sunt diuerse. Nam eorum quidam sunt temperati,sicut ex quibus generatur sanguis purus et mundus, et quidam eorumsunt non temperati, sicut ex quibus generatur sanguis cum colera autflegmate aut colera nigra superflue, aut uentositas crossa et inflatiua,et eorum quidam sunt crossi et quidam subtiles, et quidam ex quibusgeneratur humor uiscosus, et eorum ex quibus generatur humor sineuiscositate nocitiuus5, et eorum qui iuuant proprie naturis6 alicuiusmembro [71v] rum et non aliis7. Et corporum8 quedam sunt temperataetiam quibus dominatur naturalis sanguis purus et mundus, et quedamsunt non temperata et dominatur ei[u]s9 flegma aut unum ex coleribus,[siue unum duorum colerum]10, et quedam eorum sunt rara uelocisdissolutionis, et quedam sunt spissa, et tarde dissolutionis, et quedamque in omnibus membris sunt sana, et quedam sunt que sunt lesa inaliquo membrorum et non in aliis.

    3. Itaque oportet quando dominans est secundum corpus sanguismundus quod ministrentur cibi equales, et in quantitate temperati innaturis suis, et quando est flegma dominans oportet quod sint cibicalefacientes et exiccantes, et nutriatur cum his que addunt in caliditateet consumant humiditatem.11 Et quando ei fuerit dominans coleraoportet quod nutriatur cum cibis qui extinguunt calorem12 et adduntin humiditate[m]13; et quando ei nigra colera dominatur oportet quod

    nutriatur cibis calidis et humidis. Et cum corpus est spissum et tardedissolutionis oportet quod nutriatur cibis paucis et subtilibus et14humidis, quia paucum est quod dissoluitur de corpore. Et quandocorpus fuerit rarum oportet quod nutriatur cibis multis crossis siccis etuiscosis propter multitudinem eius quod dissoluitur de corpore et hoc

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    regimen est conueniens de necessitate, nisi sit in aliquo membrorumcorporis lesio aut dolor,

    4. quia cum15 fuerit lesio aut dolor in aliquo membrorum oportet quodfiat consideratio de cibis conuenientibus membro dolenti; et si fueritdiuersum a necessitate residui corporis sicut quando epar est frigidum[et stomacus]16 et in uiis sunt opilationes, oportet quod ministrenturcibi subtiles et dimittat cibos crossos. Et si sit residuum corporis preternecessitatem eorum propter maiorem tenuitatem et raritatem ut nonfaciant cibaria crossa opilationem in epate aut si est aliquando eparcalidum, prohibebis cibaria dulcia, et si ipsi corpori conueniant, propteruelocitatem conuersionis eorum in coleram rubram.

    5. Et quando stomacus est debilis, oportet confortare ipsum nutrientibus,et quando est quod in ipso generatur flegma, oportet ipsum lauare etabstergere, et quando est quod in eo colera generatur uelociter multaconueniunt que extinguunt acuitatem colere aut quod pretermittanturres generantes ipsam. Et si est aliquando cibus remanens natans in17

    5 nocuus 15656 naturas 15657 alias 15658 corpori Bon.9 eis Garofalo: eius ed.10 siue unum duorum colerum seclusit Garofalo.11 humiditate Bon.12

    calorem Bos: coleram lat.13 in humiditate Garofalo: in humiditatem ed.14 et om. Bon.15 quando Gad.16 et stomacus secl. Garofalo collato hebraico.

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    orificio stomaci ministrentur cibi crossi ponderosi ut ponderositate suadescendant in fundum stomaci, et precipias ei quod paulatim moueatur

    post cibum ut declinet cibus de ore stomaci, et [quia]18 quando hoc nonfecerit non est necesse quod memorauimus de cibo et motu. Et quandoest descensus cibi de stomaco ante digestionem suam indigemus19his que stringunt et retinent; et quando est superfluitas cibi difficilisdescensus de stomaco et intestinis indigemus his que descendere faciantet uentrem mollificant; et quando caput est calidum suscipiens uaporespretermittamus cibaria calida et sicca, licet conueniant in reliquocorpore.

    6. Et oportet quod non sis contentus his que memorauimus sineconsideratione .i. quantitatis motus ante cibum et somnum post. Namquando est motus ante cibum multus, ciba bene non cibis multis crossisuiscosis ad siccitatem declinantibus qui sint difficilis dissolutionisneque iniungas20 ei dietam, quia parum conuenit ei; et quando nonest ante cibum motus uel est paucus oportet quod non sit contentusdieta cum .s. paucis cibis et subtilibus sine adiutorio in purgando cummedicina laxatiua, uel cum balneo illud quod generatur in corpore de

    superfluitatibus, et quandoque cum prouocatione urine et [146rB] cumminutione sanguinis; quando est conueniens dabimus cibos temperatosin subtilitate et crossitie; et quando est21 somnus post cibum multusoportet quod donemus cibos multos crossos, et hoc conuenit fieri inhyeme propter longitudinem noctis et multitudinem somni. Et quandosomnus est paucus leuis subtilibus nutriatur sicut in estate propterbreuitatem noctis et paucitatem somni.

    7. Et dicamus quod oportet quod mensuremus in cibis quattuormodos.Primus est quod nutriatur corpus bonis cibariis hora quanutritur sicut ante memorauimus, quia quando est dominanssecundum corpus caliditas indigemus cibis frigidis, et quando

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    dominatur ei frigiditas indigemus cibis calidis, et quando esttemperatum conueniunt ei cibi temperati similes; et quando

    est aliquis ciborum preter bonitatem nec est ei conueniens,oportet ne sit simplex, immo admisceas ei alios et comedas cumeo cibos conuenientes ut rectificentur cum eo quod timetur denocumento cibi mali quibus utitur cum eo.b. Similiter et modus secundus est mensura etiam ciborum itaut sint in mensura uirtutis digestiue, quia et si est cibus in seipso bonus et est corpori conueniens et est uirtutem digestiuamdebilitans quantitate sua generatur ex ipso nutrimentummalum.c. Et modus tertius est pre[ter]mittere22 ex cibariis que oportetpre[ter]mittere et postponere que oportet postponere, uerbigratia: quia aliquando aggregat homo cibos lenientes corpusin una comestione et cibos stipticantes ipsum quod si premisitlenitiuum et secuti sunt ei alii leuiter descendunt cibi postdigestionem suam, sed quando premisit stipticum et secutusest leniens non descendunt sed corrumpitur totum. et hoc ideoquia lenitiuus separat23 inter stomacum et inter descensum

    cibi stiptici et remanet in stomaco post digestionem suam etcorrumpitur et corrumpit corruptione sua cibum alium. Sedquando est cibus leniens ante stipticum, leniens descenditpost digestionem suam et stipticum leuiter per uias descendit.

    17 in Gad. : et Bon.18 quia om. Gad. seclusit Garofalo.19

    indigemus Gad.: indigestus Bon.20 iniungas Gad.: iungas Bon.21 est om. Bon.22 premittere Garofalo collato hebraico: pretermittere ed.23 separat Gad.: separat(ur) Bon.

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    Et ideo si aggregat aliquis in comestione una cibos uelocisdigestionis et alios dure et tarde digestionis preponat cibos

    dure digestionis in fundum stomaci propterea quia fundusstomaci est calidior et potentior super digestionem proptermultitudinem compactionis eius que est in eis de partibus carniset superius stomaci est neruosum frigidum debilis digestionis etideo quando natat cibus in stomaco non digeritur.d. Et modus quartus est assumptio ciborum in hora sua,et ideo qui accipit ci[72]bum secundum post descensionemprimi,et premisit motum sufficientem,24 et secutus fuit somnussufficiens fit bona digestio, et qui accipit cibum et remanseruntin stomaco aut intestinis reliquie in quantitate ex priori cibopreter25 digestionem corrumpitur cibus secundus cum reliquiisprimi.

    8. Et qui comedit cibum post motum sufficientem et accipit supermundificationem et super necessitatem corporis inuenit cibus caloremnaturalem sicut ignis cum26 ardet, et qui sumpsit cibum preter motum etaccipit preter mundificationem et preter necessitatem corporis inuenit

    cibus27 calorem naturalem submersum sicut ignis cum28 operitur cinere.Et in quo somnus sequitur cibum reuocatur calor naturalis in ipso etaggregatur in interioribus corporis et digerit cibum; et in quo motussequitur cibum descendit cibus de stomaco preter digestionem suam etintrat uenas sine mutatione et adducit in epate opilationem et renibuset reliquis membris et morbum, et aliquando est membrum debile utstomacus et natat in ipso cibus, et non iniungas somnum donec nondescenderit cibus de stomaco et sumant immediate aliquid de uino ut

    descendat cibus de stomaco aliquo descensu, donec deueniat in fundumstomaci, et ante precipias eum mouere parum sicut memorauimus iam.

    9. Nec oportet unquam quod accipiat ex uino multum in principioacceptionis cibi, ne descendat cibus cum uino et prohibeat29 digestionem,

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    propterea quod separet inter substantiam stomaci et inter cibum, etquando non tangit stomacus cibum non mutat in similitudinem corporis

    conuenientem sed remanet in ipso indigestus. Et debent isti qui accipiuntcibum cum ipso sumere de uino quod solum sedet sitim et abstineantse cum quantitate qua possint et quiescant donec digestio fiat, posteasumant de uino prout optauerint; nam ipsum adiuuat ad descensum cibiet subtiliat ut penetret et ut ingrediatur in uenas subtiles.

    10. Et debet similiter esse acceptio cibi in hora motus appetitus,proptera quod quando mouetur appetitus et non incipit acciperecibum [147rA] attrahit stomacus ex superfluitatibus corporis, quecum intrent stomacum destruunt appetitum et corrumpunt cibumquando admiscetur ei. Et melior horarum in accipiendo cibum esthora frigiditatis propter aggregationem caloris naturalis in interioribuscorporis. Sed in hora caliditatis oportet quod dimittatur acceptio cibi,quia caliditas aeris attrahit calorem naturalem ad exteriora corporis eteuacuatur ab interioribus et debilitatur calor in interioribus corporisad indigestionem. Et propter hoc est quod antiqui preferebant cenamprandio precipientes quod sumeretur plus in cena propter aggregationem

    caloris in interiora corporis frigiditate noctis, et somnum, quia caliditasin somno reuocatur et calefacit interius corpus et infrigidat extrinsecus.Sed in uigilia accidit30 contrarium huiusmodi, quia calor extenditur inexteriora corporis et debilitatur in interioribus,

    24 et premisit motum sufficientem om. Bon.25 preter Bos: propter lat.26

    cum Bon. : quando Gad.27 cibus secundus Gad.28 cum Bon. : quando Gad.29 prohibeat Gad. : prohibet Bon.30 accidit Gad., : accipit Bon.

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    11. Et ideo necessarium est quod homo cui est dominium complexionis31calide et cui32 stomacus est calefactionis uelocis33 propter generationem

    colere citrine, et cui generatur in stomaco aut effunditur ei multa coleracitrina, nutriatur cibis crossis dure digestionis et digeret34 eos, et nondigerit35 cibos leues subtiles uelocis digestionis, quia colera est potentiorsuper leuibus cibis et corrumpit eos et non est potens corrumperecrossos, et ideo inuenimus homines qui digerunt carnes bouinas et nondigerunt carnes pullinas, et que similantur eis ex cibis leuibus.

    12. Et consuetudo in eis addit magnam partem, quoniam qui consueuitprandere et remouetur ab eo et est contentus cena magnificatnocumentum sibi, et qui consueuit sumere cibum in aliqua horadeterminata et mutatur ad aliam preter istam horam declarabitur sibihec permutatio nociua,36 et si mutauerit37 cibum ex horis malis ad horasbonas, et debet propterea imitari consuetudinem cum est antiquata38et longa, et si sit non bona quando non adducit aliquid necessitatis admutationem suam: nam consuetudo est natura secunda, sicut memoratsapiens hypocras. Quod si eueniat aliquid ui ducens quod mutetur ab eaconuenientior rerum est in eis quod mutetur ab ea paulatim.

    13. Et appetitus etiam in opere digestionis cibi est maior pars quiasignificat super conuenientiam et bonitatem, et quando sunt cibi duoequales in bonitate et est necessitas appetitus de eis ad unum eorumdeclinans, quia conuenientior est nature sue et leuior ea in digestione.Et quando duo cibi sunt et unus eorum est melior altero et necessitasappetitus in eo est ad peiorem declinans eligimus eum super melioremeorum dummodo non timeamus ex ipso nocumentum plurimum39,

    quod eueniat ex ipso iuuamentum propter bonum sumere et meliusstomacum digerere ipsum.

    14. ut explanauimus in eo quod rememorati sumus quia oportet studereministrare cibos bonos et electos secundum cognitionem diuersarum

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    naturarum40 corporum et operationum eorum et diuersitatem uirtutumciborum. Et declarauimus diuersitatem naturarum41 et operationes

    eorum, et quod conuenit cuilibet uni eorum ex speciebus ciborumet potuum, et ego nominabo species ciborum et rememoraborquod est in qualibet specie et nomina que sunt in qualibet specieipsorum, et rememorabor in qualibet specie dispositionis corporis etconuenientium42 eorum.

    31 complexionis Gad.: coloris Bon.32 cui Bon.: cuius Gad.33 uelocis Gad.: uelociter Bon.34 digeret Gad.: digerat Bon.35 digerit Bon.: digeret Gad.36 nocua Gad.37 mutauerit Gad.: mutauerunt Bon.38

    antiquata Gad.: antiquota Bon.39 plurimum Bon.: multo maius Gad.40 naturae Gad.41 naturae Gad.42 conuenientiam?

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    : .1

    ., 1 ,

    . ,

    , 2

    [ ] 4 3{ } ,

    . .

    .6 , 5

    . 7

    , 8 .2

    , :

    .10 9

    , .


    ; 11

    13 , 12 ; ,17 16 15 14 ;

    , , .

    18 ; ,

    , ; 19


    . 21 .3

    , .


    .23 22 . ,

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    . ,


    1 : horam necessitatis eorum L2 : om. L3 { }: naturam L4 : emendation editor MS [ ] : ut stet loco eius quod

    dissolutum est et ingrediatur in locum eius, neque potest uirtus que mutat et conuertit

    cibum et potum in corpore hominis facere quod mutetur et conuertatur nisi quod est

    simile corpori et proprium L5 : potuum L6 : et residuum fit egestio mundificanda de corpore L7 : om. L8 : ad hoc facta L9 : et nocumenta eorum L10 : et cuiuslibet differentiarum L11 : om. L12 : emendation editor MS humor L

    13 : emendation editor MS humor L14 : naturis add. L15 : om. L16 : alicuius membrorum et non aliis. Et corporum

    quedam sunt temperata L17 : et non aliis add. L18 : emendation editor MS uelocis dissolutionis L19 - : om. L20

    : et non in aliis add. L21 : equales, et in quantitate temperati in naturis suis (= equale in

    quantitate et temperati in naturis suis) L22 : emendation editor MS rarum L23 : om. L

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    24 .

    . ,

    , 25

    , .


    ; .5

    27 ; 26 28

    29 .

    , ,

    , 31 30 .



    . " ,32

    . .6

    33 . ,

    , 35 34 36

    39 38 .37 ,


    40 .

    41 .



    { }

    : .7

    . 43 :


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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    46 . 45 ,44

    , 47

    . ,

    24 : om. L25 : propter maiorem tenuitatem et raritatem L26 multa conueniunt que extinguunt acuitatem colere

    L27 quod in eo colera generatur uelociter L28 : multa conueniunt que extinguunt acuitatem colere L29 : cibi crossi ponderosi ut ponderositate sua descendant L30 : et quando hoc non fecerit L31 : quod memorauimus de cibo et motu L32 : et sicca add. L33 : ciba bene non cibis multis crossis uiscosis ad

    siccitatem declinantibus L34 : = =35 : emendation editor MS cibis L

    36 : emendation editor MS om. L37 : et cum minutione sanguinis L38 : om. L39 : conueniens L40 : et hoc conuenit fieri in hyeme L41 : subtilibus L42 { }: et paucitatem somni L43 om. L44

    : emendation editor MS45 : similes L46 : et quando est aliquis ciborum L47 : sit L48 : Similiter et modus secundus L

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    " . , :48

    . 50 49

    . , :.

    ; 52 51

    54 53 , ,55

    56 .

    58 . 57

    , 59{...}

    , 60

    . 61 .

    , . :



    , , .8

    , .

    . , 63 ,. , , ,

    ,64 ,

    : .

    65 ;

    . 66 .

    , .9



    .. , 68

    , 70 , 69 72 71 ,

    . 73

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    . .10

    , , ,

    , . 74

    49 : add. MS50 : om. L51 : et secuti sunt ei alii L52 : emendation editor MS leuiter descendunt

    cibi post digestionem suam L53 : et hoc ideo quia lenitiuus separat inter

    stomacum et inter descensum cibi stiptici L54 : emendation editor MS = lenitiuus L55 : emendation editor MS = stiptici L56 : om. L57 : et stipticum leuiter per uias descendit L58 : in comestione una L59 {...} et alios dure et tarde digestionis preponat cibos dure digestionis L60 : compactionis eius que est in eis add. L61 ' : in stomaco L

    62 : fit bona digestio L63 : submersum L64 : et intrat uenas sine mutatione L65 : immediate L66 : et ante L67 : substantiam L68 : non mutat in similitudinem corporis conuenientem L69 : quod solum sedet sitim L70

    : et abstineant se cum quantitate qua possint et quiescant L71 : om. L72 : (i.e. vinum) L73 : ut penetret et ut ingrediatur L74 : om. L

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    , . 75

    . 76 , ,


    , , .78

    . 80 , .79

    , 81 .11

    , 82

    . , 83

    , ,

    . ,

    . ,

    , , 84 . .12

    , , .

    86 . 85

    . , " ,87 . ,


    .88 , .13

    90 , < > 89

    . .

    , ,

    93 ,92 91

    . 94 ,




    .14,98 . ,97

    , .

    . ,

    . 99 ,

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    75 : naturalis add. L76 : ad indigestionem L

    77 : preferebant cenam prandio precipientes quod sumeretur plusin cena L

    78 : om. L79 : extrinsecus L80 : in exteriora corporis L81 : om. L82 : et cui stomacus est calefactionis

    uelocis propter generationem colere citrine L83 : om. L84 : prandere L85 : hec permutatio nociua L86 : et add. L87 : ui add. L88 : et bonitatem add. L89 : in bonitate L90 : consentiemus dare rem appetitiuam pre alia L91 : emendation editor ? MS

    92 : eorum add. L93 : nocumentum plurimum, quod eueniat ex ipso iuuamentum L94 : propter bonum sumere et melius stomacum digerere

    ipsum L95 : ministrare cibos bonos et electos L96 : secundum cognitionem L97 : et operationum eorum L98 : et operationes eorum L99

    : om. L

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    liber de dissolutioneThe Book of theRegimen

    4 :in aliquomembrorum

    in any organ

    4membrum dolensthe ailing organ4-the ailing organ

    2,3,8membraorgans, bodilyparts,part

    5 :uaporesvapors1,10Aerair

    7 :-quality


    to eat, to take food,to drink?

    1,7comedito be eaten8cibusmeal

    7comestiomeal12cenato eat in the evening



    7-11stomacusstomach6 :longitudolength

    8ignisfire8ignis cum ardeta blazing fire

    10 :destruereto spoil 5uenterstools 2,11 :homohuman being(s),



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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o


    11 -carnes bouinebeef11 -carnes pullinechicken 1-8,10corpusbody1,2,14corpus/corporabody, bodies1 -corpora hominumthe bodies of human


    2,4,6,11crossuscoarse 3uiscosusviscous



    propter maioremtenuitatem etraritatem

    these things thatweaken andthatcause emaciation,leanness andthinness


    prouocatio urinediuretics


    2-4,6,11subtilisthin, subtle,superficial

    6subtilis/subtilitassubtle, subtleness

    9 :uenas subtilesnarrow passages8cinisashes

    2,12,13 :nocumentum/permutatio nociua

    harm, harmful

    3regimenregimen 7corruptiocorruption12consuetudohabit


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    3,6dissolutioto be dissolved, todissolve

    7digestioto digest?

    1 :hora necessitatiseorum

    the [right] time toeat

    7 :-in una comestioneat the same time3,7,11 :nutririto feed oneself, to

    nourish oneself, tobe nourished

    5 :confortareto strengthenpotensstrong

    5retinereto retain :


    5,7,8debilisweak2,3 :lesus/lesiounhealthy, illness

    8morbusailments1 :restaurareto replace

    2 :-conueniens loco eiussuitable to replacethat



    to be replaced, tovary, to be different,

    difference 5 :mollificareto soften7leniens corpuslaxative

    7lenitiuuslaxative1,12,13parsrole, part

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o


    et residuum fitegestio mundificanda

    de corpore

    another part leavesthe body

    7partesparts7,10debilitare/debilitarito be weak

    10 :caliditasheat8innate heat8calor naturalisinnate heat

    3-5,7,10calefaciens/calidushot1,3,7,10,11calor/caliditasheat, warmth8calor naturalisinnate heat

    1,10[calor] intrinsecus /calor naturalis

    innate heat

    3 :calefacereto heat10calefacereto be warm




    2puruspure5 :abstergereto purge

    8 :motushe exerts himselfanddoes exercise

    3 :exiccareto dry

    3siccusdry 6 :siccitasdryness1,8,9potus, uinumdrink, wine14potusdrinks

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    2,5-7,11 :generarito be formed, to beproduced

    5,11generare/generatioto produce6 :hyemsthe cold season


    1 :ejicereto be expelled

    10uigiliato be awake1,7-9intrare/descendere/

    deuenireto descend, to beexcreted


    to descend, toevacuate

    7,8somnusto sleep5,7descensus/descensioto be evacuated, to

    be excreted


    5 :ponderositasto make heavy8 :submersusto extinguish

    7 :uirtus digestiuathe power ofdigestion

    1 -uirtus appetitusthe faculty ofappetite


    2 :humor uiscosusviscous humor 2 -humor sineuiscositate

    a humor that is notviscous

    1 :organaparts8 :reneskidneys

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    7quantitasquantity2 :?to ingest

    9 :substantiacoats

    3humidusmoist11 :colera citrinayellow bile


    3 / :humiditasmoisture6,10noxnight, nights


    9-11acceptio cibi, cenameal, food,nourishment







    cibus/pranderefood, to eat,intakeof food, meal,nutrition, to be eaten

    2-7,11-14cibi/cibus/nutrientiafood/foods,foodstufffoodstuffs, meals

    2nocitiuusharmful 4lesioillness1,2,14species/differentiakind14specieskinds

    2,3,6,7 :temperatusmoderate, balanced

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    to be used to sth,habit

    5,7 :intestiniintestines5,7-9digestioto be digested

    7-9preter digestionem,indigestus


    1 :locaplaces2- :


    colerayellow bile

    2,3colera nigra/nigracolera

    black bile


    7 :bonuswholesome10attrahereto attract

    1 :potusbeverages4dulcissweet

    2superfluussuperfluous12 :magnificat

    nocumentum sibihe causes himselfsevereharm


    2inflatiuaflatulence1,2,5 :mundificare/

    mundificatio/lauareto cleanse, to becleansed

    2,3mundusclean, pure

    6,8purgare/mundificatiopurgation, an emptystomach1,2 :dissolutus esseto be dissolved

    1-3dissolui/dissolutioto be dissolved, todissolve

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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o

    1in dissolutionesubject todissolution

    9 :mutareto be transformed

    1 :-to surround4opilatioobstruction



    10 :euacuarito be lacking 7,10,11,13digestio/digeridigestion, to be

    digested7,11,13 :fit bona digestio,

    digerereto digest

    7,9,11 :digestioto be digested7 :neruosusto have many nerves

    7stipticusconstipating7 :admiscereto mix

    10admiscerito be mixed

    5 :os stomacithe cardia of thestomach,the top ofthe stomach

    7corrumpito be corrupted, tocorrupt

    7,10,11corrumpereto corrupt

    1 :operari suasoperationesto act

    14 :ministrareactions

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    3,6,7nutrire/cibareto feed, toadminister (food),to

    be nourished3,6nutririto feed oneself

    10 :extendito spread

    5,7,8 :natareto float4 :et in uiis sunt

    opilationesnarrow passages

    5stringereto be astringent10 ,8aggregari/aggregatioto be assembled,

    to begathered, toconcentrate

    10 :antiquithe ancients6estassummer

    6,11leuislight6,12 - / :esse contentusto be satisfiedwith,

    to limit oneself to

    sth6 :breuitasshortness

    4,7,10frigidus/frigiditascold7,10 frigiditascold

    10 :infrigidareto cool

    5,7caputhead, top12 :consuescereto be used to

    2 :uentositaswinds 11 :effundito flow


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    G e r r i t B o s a n d I v a n G a r o f a l o



    medicina laxatiualaxatives

    9 :subtiliareto refine

    10exteriorasurface6dietato be careful, to

    observe a regimen2custodire sanitatemto preserve ones

    health4 :prohibereto beware of

    1 :mutareto change6,10 :somnussleep


    different, change

    1,3,6,7 /quantitas, mensuraquantity, measure,amount

    7 :mensurareto determine

    5descendereto sink1,8,9potus/sumere/

    accipereto drink

    1bibito be drunk

    10,13 appetitusappetite132,iuuareto be beneficial

    5,7,8fundusbottom 5-8moueri/motusexercise7 :rectificareto amend

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