a :rr 12 , stbanp steeet teamobb o ' akomtic j- ginger 1lesnap.waterfordcoco.ie › collections...

¦ y | rt | iii a H ESTABLISHED- ^lRi7. LABQEST CIBCCTLATION IN TUB Soinra; or IBELA JTD PubluWMtn/ TBJDAT, ani Second Eittion on 8 ATUED AT Jlomins* . o( Noi. « and 50, O"0(mlMU.8tr»»l , ! I (OPPOSITE THE IKOTIROIAI. BASK). PRICE—TWO PENCE j Yeaily(i n AdTOHC8), 8o. 6d. ! | By Post (Yearly). 10a. 63. : g£g" All Cboqnoa and P. 0. j Orders , made payable to COBHKU0S P. EBDMOND , at tbia OfEbe. THE NEWS oiroulatos extensively amongst , thfl merchants, traders and nobility, gentry, ' ' - 'farming' classes, &o., in Waterford, ; Kilkonny, Tipporary; »nd tho pouth of Ireland generally, . Tba NawS has attained a circulation never equalled by any paper , published) in Waterford , and. in admittedly the lead- ing journal i a this important oity, with j which there is direot daily coTiinanication from London. Particular attention paid to commercial and agricul- tural matters . j . ¦ i ¦ . . Advertisements received tor tho N*W8 1>y all respe ct- able Nen-apapcr Agents in the United Kingdom. . Pre- navment requisite from parties riot known at the office, ' AQEKTS FOE SALE OP THE NEWS , AND »OB \ v | ADVSETISEMENTS : ! WATEEffOEl?—Mr. , Y f : . KE&LX , Gladstone Streot. Mr.; J OHN BROWN , Meagher Quay. Miss P6WEB, Barronstraad Street. Mr.l HUOHEB , Mayor' s Walk. DTJNGARVAN—BEENAN & Col, Devonshire Square. TEASIOEE—Mias CLANCT , Eefroshment Booms. ' CAPPOQUIN—Mr. J ONES TBOX , 31, Ailon-Streot . CAREICK-ON-SUTBr-ilr. J AMES MCQBATH, Main I Street. -1 . j . 1 : . :.. . . , LONDON— COA. BKE , SON, AJP LATT, 85, Graoo I obnroh Strcot. ' R. J 1 . WHITE & Soft , 83, !E>aot Street,. - ,, ' •* SHELLET & Co., .5, LeadoahairSttbet . nr C. ^ . - , Temple News Eoom, 172,.[Fleet Sfreot^- . : ' DUBLIN—Messrs. CHAS. EABOJJ i l SoN, Abboy-it. AMERICAN LINE. . . ' . -. ¦ >. o UNITED STATES 1IAIL. c=Si [t^, i. STEAMEBS, ;- . ¦ ' ¦/ ^^-^^^-. T.iTOypnnl to Fhil&dolplliG , NEW YOKE, BOSTON, or BALTIMOBE, - : . ; EVEET WEDNESDAY , ' Calling at Que ' enBtotra Thursdays. ¦ Firat-clasa Full.pbwbfod IronJ Steamships. The only Trans-Atlantii Lino Bailing under the (Jnj. ted States j Flag. Accommodation fpr i all clflseca of Passengers equal to any European Steamshi p Line. , Passengers and goods are landed at Philadelphia oh the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which has the shortest and: moat direot route to all places in the Wostcrn States. | ; : For further particulars appl y to \ ' KI^HABDS0N r SPEN0E & Co.; ! 19 and 22 Water-streot , Liverpool j LOCAL AdR-N'TS : HARVEY & SON,! Little Georga' a-Strcet, j Waterford I ¦ ¦ EICHARD LANDY ,;Carriok ori-Suir ; WILLIAM O'DONOQHUE . Kilmacthpmaa ; ' DO^LE & HUNT , New Boas. ' (o3) ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES , AND THE SOUTH ' op IBELAN D. , , ¦ ' Altered and Additional Service by QBE AT WESTERN RAILWAY Colnpiny ' s Trains and Stcainboat3 , via JI ILFO ' RD H IVRK ' , in connection with! the VV^TEBfOED; anl Lisssahe, WATBB- yoED; <fc , CENTRAL I EELIKD , and WATEBPonD, DtTNaAEVAN , AND LlSJIOBE LrNES. Dhortest Bouto and Boducod Fared. _^ Jt^~ ~jj\ Expreit . Train ' s and Fast ^ M£C?tWlK< H oil Steamer*, ¦ ' :<=i_ii__b> EVERT WEEK DA Y. ' DOWN. LEAVB LONDON (PaaUlington) at 5.45 p.m., SondajB oxcepted , and IA EEIVB AT WATEE- FOBD (weather and circumstances permitting) about 10.15 a.m.; in time for the Trains on tha Waterford and Limerick , Central Ireland, anA T.iRmnrA T.inpi. : ' ' iUP —Leave Watorford . at 5.0 p;m., each Week Day, i on Arrival of 1L20 a.m; Train from Lirooriok, i 10.30 a.m. Train frora Maryborough,-and ; , :ir50 i.m. Train from Lismore, ; AEEIVHIO ' in : i | LONDON (weather andj oiroumatanccs . por- : ;mitting) at 10.45 a.m., tho following day. ¦ : i A Spocial Steamer , carrying Passengers, perishable i foods, and Live Stock , Sails from W^ 4 L. Company ' a ' North Wbarf on Sundays at 7 a-m. i i I A Special Steamer also sails , trom New Milford to W&terford at 7 a.m. on Mondays,;on arrital of the 9 ,15 ^riin from Padditgton tho provioun evening. I I Passengers travolUiiK by. the Steamer leaving Water- ford on Saturdays will proceed; from j Now ililford by : tha 3.55 or 9.45 Train on Sunday! morning. ! Cargo can only be refloivud -onbjuot to ita being •Upped in time for tbo Steamer to be started ' nmcTOALLY at 5 u.m. ! I ; : : : The 2.45 a.m TEAIN from NEW iULFOKD wiU , in &11 cases , WAIT AEEIVAL of Steamora leaving Wa- ;t«rfordat 5 p.m. . ; i ' Under no circumstance can Pas3origora holding Third ¦^lARiTinkpfcH ue adoived tho use of Saloon; FAKES— WA TERFORD ' ASD WND0N i SINOLES (available 1 week) 1st Clasa and Saloon, 4Ca0d : "• •' ' !2nd Class and Saloon, 85s 6d » " 3rd Claas and Fore Cabin. 203 Od BETDEHQ (available 2 months) 1st Class & Saloon, 70a. I •• •• " : ^nd Class i Saloon 59a. •• " 3rd Oass and Fore Cabin, 33s 6d, Farther, information can be| obtained, from Mr. E. Foao, Railway Terminus, | LinrerioK [ Mr. W. D. Mo- HAUABA , Adelphi Wharf ,; Watjerford.i Tho EEDDOED FAEES between ot!ier important Stations , the Time Tables , and Through Rates fo^r l Goods,! &o., can bo obtiined of Mr. W. J. BOSSEM. ' , the Great Western Baiiiray Company' s District Agent , Adolphi Wharf , Waterfjrd. ' i : : . Paddinirton Tonninua. ; i ! ' J'.a Uon.il iiiatl straiiifra n ; ; U131TED STATIS & OAMAOA, i From IAverpooi via L m&ondeny. 1 SABDINIAS ... For Halifax ^5 Portlarid ..' .Nov. 10 : P ABIBIAN ... For Halifax I Portland ...Nor. 24 : POLYNESIAN ... For Halifax^ ; Po rtland ...Deo, 8 SAEDINUN ... For Halifax 4 Portland ...Dee. 22 From Queenttanon. ' ¦ NOVA SCOTIAS ...For ttalirax 4 Baltimbro ... NOT. 0 PEED VIAN For Halifax i ¦ Baltimore ...Nor. 23 ¦C ASPIAN ... For Halifax 'I Baltimore ... Deo. 6 BATES OF OOEAK P, LaaiuB : : - H Saloon, 10 to 18 Guineas ; Int irmediata , £& 6s. ; \ ¦ Steerage at Loweat Kates, i , Through Tickets at 8pec|al Kates to Chicago, Winni- P«g (Manitoba), North- West Territory, and to ell points m tho Wenrorn State3 and Canad i. ' Toariste , Sportsmen, and otb :ra yisituiK the Oana- iian North-West. can avail themi elvaa olio nttuu MID \Aarn rale to the wonderful . ;scener/ in tha Bookj Moontains and the Sporting districts. ; ' . ASSISTED PA89AOE8 to CANADA. _ . PAMPHLETS.Map of! I M»nitob» ahd Canadian Padfio Eiilway ; also reoent Uaae of Pamphlets on Canada and the Western States of America , &c.| «ont free. •; j ¦ \ ' ^SF Western boand passenger* accompanied by a apodal Conductor. .: ! . 1 ¦ ' . _ Fall particulars on applieatioii( to J. 8C0TT & Co., QoMnstowa; to A&I.AS |B BOTHEB 8 & CO., James Street , Liverpool , aod F/iylo Street , Londonderry i or to Uesare. MCEPBT & WABD, Barronatrand Street, Waterford. ' ' j . ; ¦/ i, ,._ Liveroool . Oct. 21. 18S7. l; stf '! ;• •• i ' npHE WOEST COUGH is stopped nnd relief g iven JL in Dronohitln, HoarroncssJ Soro Throat, by »B, lEBAtTD'S PASTII/LE BEONCB QUE , » sdcntlfla re- Bed /, witlioat poisoeons err naofooo* iDgrooWot j ao1 * «° locompanble VOICE LOZEKQE, Uj, port mo »»• r-i—: . - i —] ' ¦ TNDIGESTION. —Tb<J only radical remedy. Tbo i wmke.t stomach is. atlmoIatBd to hoalthr, n»WW icUon , ul a rerminent i euro effected by Dr- L S™V « JUJUBE DIOESTIF. Of I all Cl)«ml«t« , U. P^'O' j:?; QnlmnA Co., Chirlemont p lace, P»l>lto. - ¦¦ ""•" "FOR THE BLOOD Ik THE LIFEV gn waiaa flBl WORLD-FAMED PnM M *I J T 11 Mil''" * of tU kinds it u a Mver.fiUIaf and jomiaoen^ coW.I . , , It Oores Old Sorest j; XAI VJA . I •: .: ¦ . CuKt Ulcerated BorW on UM Hee* I | ¦ . Cnres Uleented 8or*I*a» I ¦ .. p ' CaK. Blackhoadi OT|fl»pl<« , » . *• 'f^- - Cturoi Scurvy Boreal I ' : j : . ; ., ¦ . . Vtcm Canceroiui DlMH : ¦ ¦ . ' •' Cvfr, moot tad 8**4:m*** 1 < ' ¦. ' " ' , ¦ J Cb»w tti Blood fro j£^J3K t ' *"^' i . i A TT. ¦ ¦ ¦ : ^ U thli iixtau U ? t««an* to timl '^• j^ SSSb^Sl n craal^i or mttiontu) no *. u £ »*>»¦ M ^^ Jt^« D™cov,^ " ,o^ rUH«i52«5 iwm t- . :ii!rt-j - . n. -.i ^'r. - 1 ULTDE SHlPt»IKrG OOMPANY , ¦ A : - .. ; . isrovEwaB ^k / 1^7. : ¦ ¦ ! ¦¦• ' . " . " 'Regular-Steam torn, nunicaiion between 1 : UATESFOED I n&, it o tr»d n; PL ™° ,^H _ ATO . BOUTHAltPTOlLi NEWHAVEN : ct^K ^^hr *** ¦ SOUTH Of i ENGLAND^ , ? 0 #^ OWBIilH, BELFAST AIJD (JLABOOW. ' , ¦ ¦ ^\^ ~~ L. ^K TllHE New and powerful Sere 1 ? "is^a^llKV- X ^ Btaarii™ AEANMOBE, BALtY- •T-VJ^ ffi jill'N ' COTTON. ro L O'0 H , OOPELAND, jf sas *STl?Wlnii» ' n "* r ' >T> ** EDDtSTONE , FASTNET , ^t^?J £r ' ^ n m1i ? l ""> oustomury coarse, to EoceiTS and Discharge Cargo, or for any ither purpose whataoeTer. Ever, -wmmBSTTSSi 1 ?! ' °!rt w - ... ... i p.d, T. Tr^^rrx "" '" OI^SOOW 10 WAntB»OSII Every MONDAY Oirect : ... i p.m. r. »„,„.„ Eail. to Oreenock...6.30 p,m. Every THUESDAY, direct | ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ... 1p.m. ' _ ' ¦ __ '"' : BaU. to Qrocnock ... * p.m. Every, FEIDAY, via Belfast ... .; 1 p.m. _ Eail. toQreehock... 4 p.m. WATEETOBD TO BZLTASI ... 'Erery SATURDAY, 1 p.m. BELFIST to WATEa«)aD...Evary TOESDAY and SATUBDAY ' ;• WATSSFOBJ} T4 DBBltH, : i - i Everr SATUBDAY , ri« Beltast. I p.m. . Drauir . TO WATXBfoap , DHIECT Efory WEuilESDAY. WAtsaroBn TO . oai—Every TdCaSDAY . 1 p.m. ¦ FBOU CORK IO WAIMFOEI) , dlieofc-rETery. FBIDAY. WITKRIOKD TO LoHooa JSt. Katherlne Dook), , Every MONDAY and 8ATUBDAY. __i l :Lo»D( st - Katharine Dock), ro WAnsrottD : ¦ THUBaDAYS , 3rd November , li p m j 10th, 0 a.m. | 17th, -i- lp.m- i a4Uj , 7 aja ' . No Transhipment by this route. Onibrs lor collection or delivery of Goods will be attended to byiLavJagtoaBrothcro , 69 , Old Balloy, B.C. j Great HemltagSytreot , Wapplnff, E., nni Arpb2iMitrootk Bonth'lajnbctlr . ij. w ^ '-I '- v " ; i . ... .. : - . ^WAIIBTOBII TO K.rtoOTBi iifcio,,, < ¦ ¦ ¦ - MONDAYS, 7th November, 12 noon ; Uth . -4 p.jo. i 2lst , 12noon ; SBtb, 4p.m. PLTBOOTH TO WiTzaroao , direot—E»eiT 8ATUBDAY. ! WATKRT OED TO S0I7TllAlIPT)»i dtTOCt, ; Every SATUBD/ Y, at t p.m. SouxEAurroa TO WAnmrpsD , VIA Pljmcrath. .. - . : Every PHIDAY. - . .. WAVEiiroaD TO NEWHAVIS Efiry SATUBDAY , at 4 p.m. NcwnjiTEa TO W* TEMOBI >—Every TUESDAY, fia London. These Steamers have excellent iLooommodation (or Passongers. . .. I ' i. . i PASSAGE.MONEY. : I Cabin. Betorn. Deok W»tcrford to Glas gow and Bolfaai 17». . fld. 25s... lOa. ,, i Cork: „. ' . ,:. | 0s.. 1 ' Ids. 'Kj. „¦;•: Dublin^ .^ ..... f. X2s;.6d ::203. 7».fel Plymouth & Soutnampton ,20s: , 80s. 10s " : ¦ London, I 22sl fid S5s. if,. : i... . Nuwharea . -i. . ... -( =!«;¦ , ' . - , -r> >j lot.. Children abore 3 and under 12 years d{ ago , BaU Fore. '' Botorn Tickets uvdllablo for two month*—not tnuuferublo CT NOTR. —The . Clyde Shlpnlng Co mpany Insnroall OoodJ •al ppod by th' eso lines o( Burners at 3a M percent, to Tr&dbz* havingJyearly ogreomenLa , lind: is. per .Cent.ta . occwio nil Shippers, yaides to be declared at time of Shipment. Forms and all information to be had at ths oincos. - : For Bates of Frei glit, to., ' pf ai ly, to Hssnr | J, yr/ pano & Co., -Plymouth ; TUOKAS bl'GABaxT, ; lAndon aid Souths Western iiailwo/ Company, Esoter Botldings, Artbur Streot, Went! and at tho.L. & S.IW. Kailway Becciviny Hoasci througiioat Londou ; Clyde Shipping Ci>.j 7 Albert:8o . naro. Bel fast j'Clyde Shipping Co., tfocneiWr; Buildings ,. US Lcadenhall street , London, E.O. ;J CbdO Shipping Co., Hail' way Offices. Nennaven j 21; Carltoa i-laoev Glasgow i vnawm Hooso iJiiudiugd, Greeuook ; Dock Ecuui . Umoncfc ; Toxo Quay, Soathamiiton ; Zi , Eden Quay, : Dublin ; Patrick's «naj. Cork.^ ¦ ¦ _ ¦•¦ _ ¦¦ _ ' : ' •¦¦•¦¦ : ¦ CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY, . : Custom Uouso <j<Uy; Wotorford. i Special ' forms of Bills of rnul.ing.run . qlred Uy tho Clyde Snippiat; Company, to be had ol the Agent*. ' Tdli-iraiihicr Address—" COHBEAS," WirEETOiXD. aii i ,.•¦ . . . !>? •>« : : crDtorfora Stoamoliip : Company : (LIlilTEb/. 1 .. INTENDED OBDER OF BAIL1NG-HOVEMBEB. 1887 - ... :. . SIEAMKBa i : i . h ., DUNBEODY , EEOLNALD, .CuMEEAGH, LAEA, ZKPHYE, GALTKE, CBEADJiN, io. " ' •v_ ' > TVT O TICii . -!^ The Waterford <= -_fcrr-ifcv JLN Steamshi p Company (Limited^ ' = s5?C' ^^l V<^ receita Good* and Live Stock fpr Hh 1 ,- ^^_ ^^ k i^- > ment on the 1 conditions mentioned in ' " "~~" aailing- Xiiats, &o., - to h6 had at their ¦ ¦ Offices. | ' ' , W. ATEBFOED AND BBlSTOL. than WJIEETOED TO nRisrot; rcoa BuiaroL to VTArzoroso , Dtiect : j I Direct t TacsJar , Nor.i .. 2 oft' noon Wed' tJay, Nov. 2.;. 6 aft' noon I' idiay, ' 4 ... J nU' noon Saturday, ! 5.™ 8 tuijht TueiOa/, 8 .., i ult ' noon WcUneadi^/, 0 ..1 / uunt Friday, 11 ... 4 uft ' uoou SUSDAT, < 13... 3 mor i Tnesduy, 15 ... 1 alt' noon *V«lueadiij' , ,. 18... 8 ult'hoon Friday, 18 ... 3 uft ' uoon Aitiiriiy, ; IB... 8ni<fUt Tnraaay, 2! ... 4 aft'noon WellueidUy, 13 ..11 night Friday; ^4 ... 4 aft' nooii ^OSDAT, ; 28 .. 3 uiurn Tuesuay 29 ...12 noou : Wuliuesluy, 3O.« 5-uft' noon O" on eurly Morning failings, Oabina uf tho steamers wui bo open to rocoire Punwngnrs arriving; l>y tho Nigut Mail Truing. ¦ : I ' ' ¦ JJ' ABISCabin, Single, lia.; do. Single— Ckildron (and Ser- vants travolluiK witn t' uiaill<y) lua.; uo Uutura (aviuubla lor Two mouths, optional to return ;iroui or to Lirerpool;, ' ij a ; LHi ck , slog.o , 7s. ud. ; do Ohiluxeii, 4s. ' : - Goods received and ducharg dil at .Cuuiuerlaud Bo?ln , KH*bil . ' ! i : WATEEFOED ANDj LIVERPOOL. ¦ . . raou ¦ WAT * a*ouu : - /aol LIV «III\>OL : Wed' sJiiy, NOT 2... 3 aft ' noon Wed' sday, Nov. i...l\ morn Friday, 4... 1 att ' noon Friday, ¦ 4...U uoon BlouOay. ¦ ,, 7.-4olt'bO3u ilonaay , I J... z ait ' noou Wedutsljy, 9... 4 alfuoon WeunuidAy, 9... 4 alfuoon FriUa>, 11...11 morn ; Friilfly, : ;. -ll.;' . ' " inuruinif iluuda/, ,, 14.. 2 utt' noos ilouOuy, li ..10 luuruiog Wvineitday, lcf... 2 mt' uoon Wodaeajc>, lt>...ll morning FriJay, ; 18.. 1 utt'uo^n rriOay, j 18...12 uuou . Monday, : £1... 4 aft' noon Mouaay, j it... 2 <nt'uooa Weanesia/, ' ,, - ' iS:.. 4 att' nooj WoUnesdsjT, 23... 4 aft' noon Friday, i 23...11 morn - , t'rijloy, ; ., 25... 7 morning Monday, ^8... 1 alt' noon Monday. 28... 9 morning Wodnesdaj, !J0... 2 dft' uooD Wlidueadty, 80 ..11 morning FAILESCaoiii , bingle, : 14s. j do. eiiniie—ohiliiron ;ona Serrouu truielliug wit h familioa) 10s ; do lia.urn (avail- at>le for Tiro months, optional io rotorii fromor to Briatol). tie. ; Lfeci, atnglo, 6a : do, single, Cliildron, •«*. Uoods received and duchai^ed at Clurenco X>ock, Liverpool Goods looked through from ill principal Suaoua on Great Northern, Great Western, liancusnire , and Xorkshlro , London and North . Wcute*u j Loiidou inid Sonth Wtateru i Maucheater , Sholliela, and Lincalnahire , and Midland Kail- waya to vVutorford. (Tbro ii|(h Hooking * ' . t>l*o with Liinonok , TiplKjwry, Tunrle^, tools , Tuam, !(Jort , Kutbkeale, Listowel , Newui«ue and TnUee, 40. : i . ' „..., Goods uooked tnrouf?li from all Statioiu! on watortord and Central Ireland ittdlway, Waterford, DuEi-arvon , end Liamore Eailway, and W' aUrfoid and lAmetick Kulwav . PurceU booked throagh at low|iiutes to all principal Sta- tions on London and North Wc3t«rn ilailway. WATEHFOBD AND KEWFOJil', (Mos.) FBOK WAIXBTOSD. r I ; FaoJf Niwroai. ' As Cargo Offers. : | ; AB Cargo Oifers. W AIXIIBFOED ANP-YOUUHAL . : * As Carffo oifers. ; ¦ I * WA , TEBFOBD AN> . NEW BOBS is,/.,f Hiiw Boss—Daily. Sanda' s oxcepted, at 3-li a.m. FBO« W*ii«f0BD—Daily, Sundays execptea, at »a pju. WA1EEFOED AND DUiTCANjNON. Fsoa DWOMOI-Dally, SonJi ys eioopwd , at«JO a.m. fnoa WAIXB»O»I>—Dail y, Sondiijs oioapted , at J-0 p.m. NOTETha WBteriord SteAiiuhip Compjuy, Limited , Insure all Goods Shipped by these Lines if Ste»mur» »t ' 3». 4d. per Cart, -to "itu&m bAiiaj Yearly Agreement* , and i%. per Cent, to Occasional Shippers , raiuos to bq deoloret at time of Shipment. Forms and all Information to bo had at the tsenha secured and ererj information given by Agents at WATIKMBBWuterford Steams hip Co. (Lim: 'e lj, Howl Offices Tho Moll. - ' i LIVEBTOUJ^ Watorford Steamsl ip Compan y (limited;, */ , Watcr^ticet , and Clarence Dock. ! BKi8io^-WaMrf«rd ateimnhip Company (Limited), 68, Qa«ou Sqaiio—und CamberLuid Bisln. ! ¦ ¦ N*w UosB -Watorford Steomilif p Comnany ' s OIHM. DnaCAuaoii—Waterford Suumohip Company ' s Oifice. Liazai^i:—Loner Shannon SteliBabl p Compaoy "s Office, Mount Kcnnet Quay. ; ! ! KXLBUSELower Shannon Stc^monlj Company a Omco, CaDuaUaay. ' ¦ ¦¦ ! ; I 1 ¦ ' WATBEFORD AN i) i ABEEDOTBY ; STKAitSHIP COJIPAJ!i r. GREAT ACCELERATION !ANUj ADDITIONAL BAILINGS B|T TriB ; Shortest 6nd moot ' EspoditionB Bonto To Lancathire , YorJitHir«i and the Midland Countiet, and ' other Important District! of Eti< j lan&and\Walei. ' ' Tix rW\BB Siriftand Powerful Screw _^-JCriHV\ JL Bteamer, j" MAQNEriC, " l^^^- . '^ y^S, or otb«r apltable VessoJ , is ioten- «-^r^A;?>^Mt:i: ff>»/j»(i (nnlp«s !preTebted by unforseon J , ^ M ii, *ul i* under beljwoen WATEfiPO sD and ¦? . ¦ PU KOVEV cwring PaSonrtM. Mcri!h»ni)i.o , and Live Throogh Bates , to the princi pal Sgh»n »"d W.lsa Towns. Por C' ooditioDB we ionu of Coff ^ij^.^- NOVEilBBB . S>iI/ING8. PMK WATSUOBD ' f Flon aniEMnr. Wei'^ftodSSrrs Jt-B Tn^Ay. ¦ ' ¦&» "¦•» »> "»« ilsi. ' r^'rJVt .i.ft' n Thmidar. 3rd 9 14morn Monday, 7th " ... Aaf ttSaadny, 6th i lo mprn Wed ^iday «b " ... « af fB To elday, |8toi ...1 U arfn FrStJO "to ... J alt' B lhurfday. lrth 4 Omfo jSidsy, l«b . '.V 8 att* nonpar, l«h ..a O oft a WedSdVl, i«th ... 6 UVo Iut*in, j Wtb ...» O.ft' n FridaT 18to ,, ... 5 «ft' D Tbtfrtdar. ""> .. ¦ OH aorn aSndiy, ¦Si t- .. ...SiffpSanHay. 20th ...10 o morn Wed* »day. 23rd ,, ... 6 aft> Tue iduy, 3-»d ,, ...1 ISaft ' n FridayT ' ilS ... B .ft* IhB Mdir. «»«•»* 0 <M' n MonSr. 28«1 ... S aft' pS.n lay, : £tb ,. ..4 Ooft n W?d>Gy, ;a»b ... 6 «ft'» Xoe iday, , 29th ...4 Oaft'n * Livestock and Good* Iu»nr«d r on bept terms , values to bedeolarcd beiore •hlpmtDti I , ' , , ,, , Bauenger Fares beiwem \ Waier f ord ' .and Aberdovey. : I AI I O»-1US. Od. Bingla; Betomjl'ic* 8^'-available tor Ono M S^TO S oi« 1 i«-«.. - BlngleVEeiara oiukeU, available lor ° n CbiKr«der ThnoVaU o< As». ?"•» •b »" V>«x> ta$££f A d %S ^ a bitw«niAb^ov.y and aU SaSSSiitowaa with tue Eleotno Light. ' I A Steward and UUnrdess on board. I ' . ^^ Pajsjoeers may.iro oa bosrd or leave t*8 Steamer at Aber> ij or before tb * dep-irturs ECIAt : 'ADVANTAGES It, from Ireland, owing to srents in tdo |«rtoftbo j freedoui from fog«. On ar , aif solU their oohva )ck to: dftjtination llama- net neld adJoioiDK tbe iSre tfa wili bo silowed aty-fo«r boors , xnd from Une direct Into Tncka. : ;uetlo "j iljamiaated witb by tUo Aberdover Bonte j ay' a Berth. CnJtora-hotije , at tbi Coaptaj ' s C«U1» faUy *eqae«t *l , to enaurt ertised boor. - , all tpformaiioB can be T, Cnatoa Horn* Qo»r. , -, , y»t»rfard , , ; . . . . - - i .;;,- - :-!¦ ¦ . ¦ ' -: hnn Nerirona ; Dobflity, Vitality, and Prematiu* aeaart piMaaiA taa . etr. doruf at any time after tbo ami of the corrCTpondlng TraiiiK THIS BUUTE UFFE08 SI for tba cotitojance of . Livs 8io< tha faroorttble coana ol tbe ci Channel tit be navigated, and il arrival at Aberdorey Shippen n aieoca , edtoer deapateh tbdr 8t diaUly, or * place tbem in i a li Cambrjin CompiDy*a btotWo , w to remain free of charge for t»i which tbev can be loaded at any I Cattle Hptee on board f 3U , Electrio light. ' I Cargo lnended /or Conveyanci will bo received oa board tbo Com] Qn»», W»t»r!ord , »n4 Lit* 8too . Early dalivnry of Cargo re«p« «a*e?tert.Ootob«r , 1887. tfn«a , nn 5^F* wboUrp St-i. i' AwJ aS tr^t»* wjtti9ui5Vlv» MBUatwdesdorwmeBU isedlnUaaw te^wlU be \J Sf ££jP *' y* ' vv * HW ItftfnLlwilm BE WLE I i DliEES'S , . : ; . ¦ ... ¦ •:>. ¦ ¦} ; . . ¦:• :rr : ' ' ; ABE" THE FDBEST AND " BEST ia32.6m Lemonade. Sel tzer WATEBFOBD AND LIMEBICK BAILWAY Dp Trains from Waterford. TSAISi 05 WIM SATS,, Sdy WATiaroiD Mail ¦ i, Hall Mall 10 Ltucuci 133 13 123 12 13 3 1 38 1243 i Clots. Class. Class; CJa23. Clara. Claw. cla;3 A.M. i.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. T.K. F.M Waterford dep. ., 10 15 1 20 S 0 8 SO 8 30 Carrick-on-Sufr .„ 8 22 10 4?" 1 48 3 SI 8 15 9 15 Clonmol J ... 9 o 11 15 2 21 4 10 10. C 10 0 Jipperery. 10 0 12 0 3 6 .S. 10 - 11 35 11 85 Junction 10 0 12 20 3 35 6 35 12 23 12 25 Oo la . ;.. „. : . 13 80 3 41 5 45 PallaS ..„ ¦ ..;, ... ... 12 41 3 55 6 57 12 80 12 50 Dreunieoa..... 12 47 i 1 6 4 Boho ... 12 53 4 9 0 13 ... .;. Idmenck arrival ... . .11 0 1 15 4 SO 6 35 120 ICO Down Trains fron LJtiicrtck. ¦ ~ [. TBAU8 OX WZXX DATS " ~ BijO LiircucE Mall! -lUaUi. IlaU uai io VTAIBarOKD. 12SS 1&2 ;12*8 142 (l2i3ia481 2 3 Clou. Class. Cluo.'Clau. Olacs. Class. Cit&i. A.M. A.M. I A.M. . I P.M. I P.M. p.m P.H. Limerick dep... 0 0 9 35 (11 0 2 45 4 0 11 0 11 0 Bohor 6 18 ... 11 18 ¦ ... 4 20 Dromkoeu ,, ... 6 27 ... 11 27 ... 4 80 Pallas 6 37 ... 11 S7 ... 4 40 11 #> 11 CO Oola 4 50 ... 11 50 ... 4 55 ... Junction arrive! 7 5 10 15 12 5 3 25 5 10 12 0 13 0 Tipperary... dep 740 10 » 12 40'S55 555 1250 12 50 Clonmol 18 55 11 20 1 43 ... 7 5 2 20 2 20 Carriek . J 9 31 11 47 2 23 ! ... 7 45 3 0 3 0 Waterford arriv 10 15 13 25 3 O. i ... 8 30 3 « ... . . - .. .; ' . ' JOBOT. j. injBPBY. Secretary. WATEBFOBD AND CESTBAL IBiaAND BAILWAY. Tbe shortest route from Waterfordand Kilkenny to Dublin , Athlono, ParBonstown , orNenugb, ls tin Maryborough. ' ErrOEa TICKETS ore issued between any two Stations, and are available for Beturn as follows i—potoeon Stations whero the fare charged is for a distance not: exceeding 12 miles , 2 days , including tho day of-issue, Sunday being a dif $ non : tbns , aTicket issued on a Sunday or Uonday Is avail* ablo up to Tuesdar night, and a Ti.ket issued on a Saturday up to Monday night. Between Stations wbero the Faro charged is for a distance above 12, and not exceodin* 50 miles, 7 days aftbrthe day of Issue : thus a Ticket issned on Tuesday will be available op to the followib jTucsday night. Between Stations where tho Faro charged Is for a distance excoeding.50" miles , Oua Month. The outward portions of Betoru TickoU are only available for tbe traiO'by which they are juiied. rnou WATcnroBj). . THAIHB Cl . mtl DATS. I SCBDATG STiTI O' -lB. 1243 133 1 t 211243 1 28 123 Claa Class,-Chua Closa . Oaa. Class I A.u. ! x.u I F.n. P.M. noon p.ii. h.m. h. m.|h.ra. b. m. h.m Waterford, dopartnro 715 230 350 12 ' Kilmacow 7 25 2 40 4 0 12 10 Mulliinvrat 7 35 4 10 12 20 Ball yhole 7 55 3 0 4 35 12 45 Thomastown «... 8 10 3 10 4 50 1 0 Bonnetibridgo 825 32056 115 Kilkenny arrival 8 51 3 37 525 ISO - Do doparturo 90 340 5S5 140 Bollyroggrt - 9S5 40 6 ' 0 i3o - AtUoagh I 9 45 410 6 10 2 15 Abboyloix | 10 0 4 3) 6 30 2 30 Maryboro ' arrival 10 25 445 70 30 Maryborough dep. up . ,10 50 4 66 7. tfl 3 24 PortarltogWn Jano.... 111 8 878« Dublin arrival 1'0 1.6 13 5 45 Athlone Jnno. arriv. 1-4 43 | Maryboro ' dop. down 10 31 i 7 0 9 52 Uouutrath -arrival! ] .| 703 Hallybrophv 11 0 : I 7 41 10 25 - Boscrca , 11 31 i ! 8 SO Parsonstcini i 12 4 9 0 Neuagh I -12 23-920 - Templemore : I -, ' ¦ 8 14 10 M vo WATrnronn I TEAISB OX WZtK BAIO. SUHDATS. STATIONS. 123 162 123 133 12 3 12&3 12 3 Chs3. CLus. Cloes. Claca. Closo CTOEJ . CJctj I A.U. , A.U. A.U. T.U. P II. I A.U. P.M. hm hm bm bm hm ibm hm h m urn hm ~- nm Tplemoro dop. 1 : 8 2 I 51 ¦ \ -t SO Bailybrophy - . 8 31' ¦ 3 HI : Nonagh - - i ' ' 7 15 . - forsonstow s - ¦ 7 SJ . Bowrea . 8 1 - Mountrath . 8 4S 236 - - 34 M'yboro * ar. np - ' 9 8 2 55 3 21 Athlono June. 7 15— Dublin dop -10074090 10 OEO Portarl' ton Jun 7 55 10 17 2 U 11 81 M'yboro ' ar dn 8 17 , 8 55 10 31 3 8 11 52 Down TUAIBS goods Mall ' Moryboro' dep 9 0 10 W 3 U ~ 4 0 Abbojlcii ¦ V - : 9 20 11 15 3 33 - - 4 CO Attanach . . 0 28 11 35 3 >' i 3j BaUrnT raot - j 9 35 11 6 4 0 - - 415 KSenny orrl. 10 5 12 20, I M 5-lu Do. depirtore 7 31 10 ?3 12 S ' 4 4S ¦ 5 20 Bonnetsuddgo - 7 45 10 li 12 45 s 5 5 80 Thomastown . « 10 :0 35 1 0 5 i-i 5 -1J Billyhale - 8 85 10 45 1 2 » ft 35 0 0 Mulltnavct .; 9 0 11 0 1 4) 5 M 6 25 Kilmacow - : 3 10 11 8 1 SO 0 5 . 0 35 Wntarrnnl nrrl 9 40 11 2U 2 15 C 3U 7 0 MbVBTKSLUCx BBASCH . Maryborough dep., 7.10 u.m., 11.10 a.m., 4.55 p.m; IIountmellick urr.,7.35«.ui., 11.35 n.ci., 5.20 p.m. Jlountmeilick dop., 8io a m., 1.50 p.m., 5.50 u.m. ( Maryborough arr., B. U a.m., 2.15 p.m., 6.15 p.m. , By QliUxiii< WATEBFOBD AND TBAKOBE BAILWAY. - Week Day Traint. . , ~1 2 S 4 ¦ 5 6 , 7 . 8 9 ~ tuoa amam;am-pm pm pm pmipm.pm -th mihmlhm h m ; h m ' h m ha bm hm W'frd 8 15 11 o! 12 15 2 0 1. 4 15 I 5 80 7 15 9 0 ... rm' rolO io) 11 SO! 1 20 3 0 i 4 45 | 6 0 7 45 0 30 ... Sunday Traint. 1 j~ 2 I 3 : 4 ^ 6 6 ~ : 7 , 8 9 r&ou !am!a-n\ ( pm!pm yta pjnjpmpmpra hm ' bmlhmihm bm hm!bm :bmbm TVfrd 9. U 1 ... !12 15 ' 2 0 4 3) ... I 8 0 I ... j ... Tm' re 9 30 ... 150(40,63' ... I 9 SO ... I ... Ftet Class Single Ticket, Is. Betorn Ticket, lo.Cd. lliird ditto. 8d. i Betnrn ditto. Is. 0d. ¦ WI T ' T ' TAM BEA , Secrotary ond Monagor. WATEBFOBD, DUNOAEVAN , A LISUOEE EA1LWAY SaOETTST BODTS TO COBX, TOAUEI, ABD ClIXACBBT. I IIIOU WATXBYOKS STATIONS. , West Days. Sundays r. u Waterford ... dep. 8 15 8 30 KUmeadon ... 8 80 8 45 Carroll' s Croca ... FU* 8 67 Kilmacthomna ... 8 65 4 10 Durrow ond Stradbslly 10 is 4 80 Dunsarvaa ... 10 S3 4 50 C.ppSh 10 48 5 5 Cappoiuln. ... ,, 11 S 5 .0 Lismjre , ... arriv. 11 15 5 SO 8. h W. Boilway i £%? ::: *%:%?o Sg %Sr - ::: ::• * ° o -lil %»%" •:: :; Sg Id TO WATXOrOKD. Sundays 8. h "W. Bailway. A. M. A. H. A.U. . Trnlee dep. - 6 0 10 SO A. n. A. u Killarnoy ... <• 6 52 11 17 Cort ^ » - I* "20 - - Mallow .. - » 8 J J5 - - . Fermoy ... ... •, - B S5 3 16 - - LUmore ... arriv. 10 35 8 0 iA.z£:r- *?^. »»»» ¦ »» " = SgSg-: -: :: Si?SS IS - - Dunffuvan ,, B SO 1 SO 4 10 - - DurrOTEtradbifly " :J-« Jg Z I Kilmacthomoa ' ... ? , 2 * Si CarroU^Cror, .. » . Jg., - 0 ^ - - WaSifoS ::: arrival . 9 45 3 15 5 20 - - ; THOUAB O'MAIiLEY . IIaniiaor. POBTBAIT Q i mAKEN DAILY by Mr. WlSTEE , and Flnieh JL in the best stylo of A«i . nt hi B rjppro70(J PHO * OOEAPHIC STUDIO « *jfR2.OUAYf^r.RB«tBA0CEi W AT EEFOED Not only to Protect but to Promote Trade , and : bring Qood Men together. \ KBTABLI6HED 1800. : Flint and CO ' tt British and Poroifjn - ' Commercial Inquiry Omops. HEAD OPFI0B8:—6S, OHEAPSIDB , , Lon- do . and LOW LANE. London, B.C. Bo a Bankrupt. Faflnro for £H>,0Ou lajlej i tban a jear - a trading. For Testimonials see below aatx> efflojenoy JfTnrlnfurnitioa lu th« abovo caao. A otber.£5. uw (Hve Tbouaandi Foundi) aaved to-onr subscribera. H.U. not : ope of thorn vktlmlaedtbatlnqulreof n«. TEBM8. —Subsorlptiona : . Throe Ouineag pet annum | 40 , noutries. six stamps eaob inquiry i extra inijulries in any one year . Two and throeyenoe each , or Ten pounds per bun- dre i j D.W "I'ff^&JS^is ' : |. . , From H Qlebrud, iron merobmnt , 65. GraceoltBMh Street, rZJXH v f. _ Nntumber 19. 187». —Beoentli. aetlnKnpon yonr iadvlco , I declined to sell to * certain firm otherwise fhan for immeditat* oaab, and now I bear th#y bars filed a ^^rn^Wea ^ In beari ng tortimony ta Ih. value of tht iBformauS n receded throu»E jrpa 1" thia . iaatanoe. - M MeSir!ind o m 3 fTOS l tS5m«r , Boolt ^ and CO j, Jro» ran^uA. Neptuna WoiW, Uferpool. --" Neptune Work*. Liverpool Sowmber " «th 18J9. -Dear 81r« . -B» a BanfaTOt, and your tMBHTiatb. totant. acted on the information yon asp. 3?3 if Sntttnct to M f in, and thereb y a. Xad » loaa nn- SCnMidlr of IX ' . »roia what wa hava airo ot our plan ta?%S&iS« information think yon deaertlnf of very i2L2^«if irii ahaU omrtalnly r#ooiniM»<» you whmmr S? «to ' TntaStf7<« for yonranantiontoomtowWtfc ^S^SXSm SSSSut. Lia u^i 1%^ ,£rlurShZtn rM«Jb«n 18 jiini. •¦ Sirv*W« do ^^&^^m •¦ ¦ **« ' AKOMTIC j- GINGER 1LE 5 Water, Soda i Mtet, L Gin ger Beer. - ' - - TAYLOR'S .... T ' O-B £:3.\a 6 SOLD EVERYWHERE. Mado ONLY by CANTRELL & COGHRANL Uuder Special Registration. The D.-iiif- /or - f!,e (haii / and 1hr.:mulic .\lii.b onl y by ¦ CANTRELL & COCHRANE , ¦ < l T nd> ; r Special Rtg lBtration. AND PROVISION , ISRHQHAHTa, 3^ T2J CE€' ap» iEa:^. LlTlUil VVA^Eit S ¦i '\ :- ¦ - - : ¦A^MT : '-0. BB YIOB./; ;''V ¦ i} u< -irbraq - JAM V wisymKo .^ O ., JQU * ;tin* nj^p^aH'to Hft^oiidltfoiji oj Wertloe «Dd . «4»*n* tatfrtof the;AnS>on »vp liea,tion tt tiaj. 1tm\ Ofiw., -MwAiPnujhspMi el ,.profn«:iWJ *** oflewd :t* e%bWo<ii»dlen. . Jj. . . ., ,v <JyU/>- ¦ jAppBC»tion» can be nmd# , e(th*r penocslly-o* bjf lrtUr , to toe Offli -cr onuioamilay tlie &tyt1m<enM TT ¦ C5 ES'323"E^ ; 3K. "^r * S . EfiUr l^iMSld is v: ^Hfe BEST ! CHE RRY & S M^L LD Bil D G E.; CM AI ^ EO, ' Bouiiii. ¦! i .| i AMTESIAH; ; . MI1EE,A1L , yATEK ,^P o 9 . ¦ ¦ ¦ -• ' ¦ •: ' t ! /•' - ' ' .. ¦ ¦ ¦ -Ll ' lflTED. " :; " ^ j " ' O130 ^ - . - - . ... . . , IS,. UUHSAmii-CnUAIlE. Aflmitto . dly tho FIHEST ..mnEHAIi T7AHER0 a<y d- ¦ C^Tplicd ¦ ¦ - : - ' - : - ' to ' tho ' -'Csotlo. ' ' .• I " (C9.tey) I i/^^.i j R;ouikrD, " : 'iF?fei EJ ibii isf b : l { ^^^ , -®j Unequalled for all cia ' ases of Stock. Every, delivery gnaranteod to Dr. Voeloker ' o Analysis. Price on app lication to the Company or their Agents in Ireland. Hdnuiiioiiiioil by tho TTatorldo/ Hilla; Co., Limited , ^HZ>1M. AGENTS-GEOBQE WHITE <t . SON8. WATEBPOED. "^RT . cSs aaot . IIS, HO El IS THE BEST. CAMTREI COGHRMJB B SPECIALITIES. TWENTV -TWO GOLD : ANH NJIZE MEDALS .WiEfiED. mmhI u hlmdl mx 9 CANTRELL & COCHKANK . 4c -^ cv< »u^ ^ a «v •» y JJcxare of 8p unout Compounds. . u 0LU8 $11" " SPAMS" rOHEIGN AND COLONIAL OKDKK. s ARR SPKCfALLY PUCI'AKED TO SUIT TUB VARIOUS jOLaiATKS. Purveyors to Her Llajosty ' a Kcnsca of Parliament, AND so HIS EXCELLENCY THE LORD IIEUTENANT OF ' IRELAND. BUTTJ5E from tbe 8ILVEESPBING DAIBY obtained tbo First Prizo ot the Tioyal A gricnltural : Sooicty' D Show held at Waterford in 1873: FIro t Prize at Bf.yal Agricultural Society' s 8bo«r ; at Cork in 1876. First Prize at Eoval Af;rlcaltor.il Society ' » Short nt Dab!ia in 1073. ' Alio the Silver Medal at Ultown Local Show. / , - . , ¦ : ^nTT-E HAVE PLEASURE IN . INVOBMIW OUB FEIENDS AND THE PUBLIC : VV - .; ;THAT WE HAYE SECURED ; ! .,;. - . The Sole Agency , for the ;^ale of this very superior I Batter in W|terford . ; CZ7 It to mado Frcoh orcry morning from Sweet Cream, and no bavo arranged for Dally -: i J ¦ Supplies to bo sent I D . ¦ ¦ I KEIili¥ ; ' ; .: "& ' AUILY GROCER^ . WINE , SPIRIT 88, 89 ,; 80 O ©1 , Qnayi i T7-ASE3-B I 0BS 1 C77 A TRTAT. •R T'HpiimTmr.TiY , ROT,TnTTRT) . . ' . . " ' ¦ ' ' ' ( <Protobto4 . by ISoffiotrdtioa) " : ' ¦ ' ; ¦ ORIGINALLY PREPAEED BY Etft .. i«3T : i Niaffrn Works, Eagle Wharf Road, London, Jons 20th , 1885. j " Wo borcby certify that;nc bVvo appp lied Mr. tl. J. Mnnpur , \Vut»rford , trUh Machinery , ; &o., &c., for tbo llttuafaciuro of ^Eratcd VVat«rs.iha»iC({ all tha latest improvompnts, and b«in? :/ ¦ in ovorjr rcapect aimilar tel that wbioh gained the Highest Award* at the Intttnatloual HealtS ¦ " ' , Exhibition , London, 1881 , namely—8 flold , 2BUver , and 2 Bronro Modal*. ' ¦¦' ¦¦¦ .,. . -; . . . ! i . .. . : | . ; .. . (Signed) ., "UADNETT -4 FOBTBI»." ' : \ , , . . j ; .!: , V- 85, UpperWhlttpross Stroot/London; April lCih , 1837. " ; " We certify that wo hart enppllod Mr.Mvfs.rHT, Wittrford , vtitb oar Patent A. ilie 8ram- ! loaa Genorators ond UUI' a Pjtant Ad^ Tap oh Ubovti'dati). ,: ., ' . ' i ¦ . . . ..- .., j. | ..:|; _ ' . ' (Sl guod). , . ' ^j ;/ ; . " HATWA JU >, 1 .TTJ. BU &, Co. " , - . I . '" ¦ ( , '[. Blake Struct , Stmtford fii)ad , Marchusti-r . JUSC , Sjh , 1837. ¦ - ' .:.! i "I hereby nortify that I havo this day lorfar.le i ouo ol oiy oouibk' ta Faiei^Rl^femiual : : - ! Gold Medal S<jd* Wuter PUnts to Mi|. M. J. 1 ftJOBPHT , WutoriorJ, to.make 2,009 doloirarHIShly . :.. -< :• Carbonated WuMra pvr dayj ' ' v : 48i|inedJ ;,;¦¦¦ . ,!¦ ,:: .: " ,1)A » UTLAVDC '' . ¦ ¦ .' : j , / ' , ! , "'Niagm' WorkaJEiKlJ lVH»rf' l( ' i«-j ' , t-ia.lon .'ljo.in «8i^r«i?; ' V ; ' Venn Siit—Woaro Id rcdi-lpt of your eataemud ordar fu. ' Paoip lor ... 'Aru*^*;i Vf^ll , blon ' ' " ' i wlll b«tlespatohed ai oiiw. -i-Youi« faiihfully, . ^; ; ¦ . ' .. . ' .; t ]/ l _; ; " . ' '; ?• ' o ' JiiiTtvri '* gyf txu. '^ ' [" . ' " ., POTAS S ; AJSfD I Ctrongly 'foo ' oiamond<id | ty tlio Paopl^y in , oape» of Qoni, Hheumiitifl . ' . ,. , ' . ' . .. . ¦ - ¦ ' . ¦: : '' : ' ' Oon ,* and Bh«umati»ni. . .;- . ¦ ' . ' : . ¦ ¦:¦ . i (u>Tl8.6n>) igp^pific ,4cnos .pM 1 - . . THB i ,'SkiW ' ,''J7piifc' i ma ny Toilet Boapt now beforo lliapalilld ibapalyou* T*oagviie4 by the mealwl |iro(e*<iaD u bavin j ' a rtkVr sp*«s c Awt-DenefloUl action apo& tHe nkl o ia^Ua-Aluou JtUk aad 8tU|>Ur *Mp. (b« mi lk glilug .apftnew, ¦mooth- naM. aadaleariM4 1 Iht iTilBhtr ptma«tfoii: -Dytbt oaaof iSTk>.BOi.8UB»Ul 1 «.j IM ? a-m/Mtooadltioa. »» la moat «u5t*Wft tor ohll4rtu, tod the pontt aud moat dortblrW 411 8oatw. Uomitl/ullr' *bit».. IMUcataly par- tna *A, E«ad the followlng.i-i" ror :80 jeir» I hate triad •Uthevatioaa Botpa tliat nave boei) racoiauicndtil.aiid I caaSdlyTSaWtkattSeAltiou Mi:k mid SOIyher Soi p hu DO equal in aoo hW the lrriUUon -ol » .be akju." J. Jl'Qrim CK \ t, M.0.. O.0.P., lite BtoB-flsfcijon Mi herMU«»f DIRECTORS Mr. T. HARRINGTON, LI.P Alderman O'CONNOR, 1LP. Alderman BURKE. FACTOEY ANb OFFICES 119 , 120 & 1 . 21 , Telegraphic Addreie— 1 TOBACC O, DUBLIN. "' C4l7.lv J^/K^S-DTJBLinsr &c BELFAST FB1SS :!: ' \ ©SEAM : ®TETTTEE 1 ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ " ¦ ' FROM' THE ' : ' ¦ " ' ; ' . ¦ . ' ' l SILVERSPRINd j CREAMERY, - . P ITiTOWN. Ill V . T, A TI Tl ¦ JAUE8 Q. U00NE7; THOMAS DAVY. : HLNRY HOLOHAN.lMcnss injj Dircitor F R A N " C I S - S T R E E T SHE AETOBL HOTEL nnaiS I«rso, Comfortable; and oonvenlontly jritniited JL HOTEL, haa rooently baen thoronghly painted end renovated by the prooent Proprietor, 'Mr. HEALY. For Gentlemen and families cominf to Dublin on legal business , it will bo found mart convenient; being situated riext to the Fonr/Coprta j and for Wedding Fartios and Visitors to Pu ' cljp, the accommodation ia socond to none in tho Kingdom- . ¦ : ¦ ' ; ' Private Bitting and Dining Booms, CoSee-room . for; Ladies, -Bed-rooms from is. Od. to 29. each. Smoking and Billiard Booms. : John Jameson and bouu ' 'Sovou years' old Malt ; Qolmiee!) ' * Stoat. Bass' s Ale.' Wines, Brandies, Champajnca , Xiquenrcs , &c. ¦ . ¦¦¦¦ ¦ EICHABD HEAJ/T; Proprietor. ' al3.1y Imponcl Hotol , LOWEE SACKVILL&.STBEIiT , DUBLIK. ' (Oppocitotho Ooncral Post-QQco and Telograpb. Ofilea) The moat central In tho pity. /TiOMPLETELY remodelled and re-furnished; >-/ Uflcniilcent Ladic3' CofTeo-Uoom , Dining-Boom, 8tnokin3"Soom, Billiard-room. ' Charges moderate. C HABLE8 LAWLEB, i-roprietor. f8.t GREAT GL.OEE ¦ HOTEL . LOWKE BEIDQE-STEKET, DUBLIN , iTr«. RICHARD OOFFEY , Proprittrcu (widow of th ' lale RICHAitp cOPFErj. : MOST Central ) immt'diato, noi g hbourhood of Law Courts and Telojrrwih Otfioes | a few doors from King' s Bridge Trca^fjtv Xbo ; five to ten minntes' lirivo to any City Bailway i nowly 'decoratofr! ro.fnmislied , And snpplicd witb every modern improve- ment roqiiaito for the comfort of viaitora , under tho personal unporvision of Mrs. CovrsT and famil y. Eggs , Butter , Cream, and Vegetables from the Farm daily. Notwithstanding present high rates , terms are most moderate. Breakfasts from le. 3d. Beds , from Is. Gd. Cttoh. Table d'Hote daily; three o' clock ; 8un- days, flyo o' oloclc. Soup, Two Joints, Vegetable s and Cheese , - 2H. only. ; A Night Porter In attendance. * All Servanta paid by tha Proprietress. All communications to be addressed , lira . COFFEY, Great Globe Hotel, Lower Bridge-street , Dublin. No communication with any other house. f28Jy OniP and COLHIEaCIAI. HOSE! , 24, QUAY. WATERFORD. ' MICHAEL KIR WAN M AVING purchased tho Interest in the above HOTEL , bogo toannouueo that this Estab- lent OPEHEB on SATURDAY . FEB. 16, 1S79. M. K. trusts , by Etrict attdtitiori to thooowho patronlGd THE SHIP AND CouiiEP.ci.ii, HOTEL, to merit a continuance of thoir patronage. Quay, Waterford, Feb. 12, 1885. £29.tf Tno . Burlington Boatanrant , 27, ST. ANDEEW STKEET , DUBLIN , *' Oyttcr and Bhell-Fish , iunc^coni Dinner and Burner Rooms , CBURCH-LANE , . (next door to Hibernian Bank). TT UNCHEONS and Dinnerq, Soup, Fish, En- M-i trcra , and joints, &o,, SnpporB, Fwh and Heat. Game always ready. . : The BITjLABD KOOJf is oleeahtl y appointed. Cgy LUNCHEONS at tho elegantly-fitted Fish Buffet , oonsist of Oysters , Lobsters , Crabs, and Savoury Fish , and a variety ot Meat and other , 8and- wiohea. Winos and Spirits of I tho finest quality. Jame3on ' n Sovon Years ' Old Halt. Marten's Brandy. 14 years old. Alos and Stont from the best Breweries , ana in purfeot condition. Finest; Bed Bank Barren Oysters. Over 1,000 Boxes of very old Cigars in Stock , purchased by th» late Mr. CorleaBj A trial solicited. TBOUAS F. COBLESS, PEOPBIEIOE. (n22 DlGO]rc7ator Valol Ilotol, L IS 110 BE. J 0 &N NO ON AN , Proprietor, . "WTISITOBS and Commercial Gentlemen will find V tbn above Hotel Clean , Comfortable , ChargeO Moderato, and Accommodation Excellent. A Bath Boom noil supplied witb Hot and Cold Water. Cars meet the arrival of every Train. allO.ly tlUEBICK—Sho Glontworth, A First-class Famil y and Commercial Hotel . npHE " Glentworth" is tbo nearest Hotel in -U- tho City to the Eailway, Station , Banks , atcsm- boat OSOM, Telegraph and PoBt Office , and to all pub- Uo places of amusement. P. KTKNNA , Propriotor. 14 15, and 16, Glontworth-streot , Limerick. jol8 aOUTH KENSINGTON . Privrito Ecsidontial Pnmily Clnl). " GLENDOWEE MAMSIO2I , " 13, 15, 17, and 19, HARHINQTON ROA D, S .W., (Tho bi'3t and most convenient position In Town). Ono minuto from Sonth Kensington Station j. ton minutes to Westminster ; eighteen minotosto tho City—Ifanaion Honao Station ; near Parka , Gardona, Albort Hall , and Mueoums. ! FOE Fnmilics wishing to avoid expenao of Honao keejung, Visitors to Town , or Gc . n ' tletnon deairinp; tho advantage of a Club, combined with tho privacy and comfort of Homo , at a moderate Cost. Introduction or rcforcrco reiulrod. dl9-tf C<T Address | Secrotary, THE GLENDOWEB RESIDENTIAL CLUB nud PHIVATE HOTEL, Horrinirton EoadJ South KenBinKton. S.W. fRIEND OF ALL ! nOSIiO-V7AY f 3 iPILLD PUElTl O7 BLOOD ESSBNTIAHTO LlPS , HBALTQ iKD8TBf-ifOTB. —These Pills Burpassallother known Modloinesfor Purifying tho B LOOD I being safe and in- offective , they are availabls for aU as a Domeitio and H6aaobold remedy. In oongcfftiong&nd "batrnctions of the LUNOB and LiVBB .theyqaickljremov e thocauseof th J disoase . and id oonttipationand disordered condition of the BOWELS , they act as a, oleansingaperient , re- moving irritant matter from the ihtentinal canal , and relieving Hpasms .Vjramps , and painful griping!. BILIOU8 USADACHE3 , ' NA CBZA. AND FOUL STOIIACB , LOSS OP APPETITE , - AND LOWNSSB OF 8PiBiT«j~Th« olcansing proiwrttcs of ,taaso . Pill * soon produce ' s wonderful . change in the constution , romoving all eioess of bil« , 'hcadaohe, palpitation , pains aff$ r eating, snd glddiiicm. :Th«y rdjtoro the appotito, clear the complexion, > and improve the (tenoral health. : , ; 1 , ¦ ¦ : THB , UoTaiB; s FBIBKP . -^JSMALKS ' - Ssscincs. —Kvory Mother of a Family shonjd know tho value of theso 1111a In remdving all accumulations and rc- atorlng aoapended or porverted lecretions 1 at various critical periods of female Ufo they: are useful beyond moasuro ; they can bo taken safely by femaloaof-all ages , and are invaluable in all children' s complaints. SOIAT ' IOA , LUMBAGO , AND OBSTBCCTIONS or xnc KIDXETS . If theso Pilb be taken rcjnlarly every night, in striot actord»nc» . with, tha^, printed dircoticmB , the most obstinate cage ' s will soon yioldU tbe secretion from the kidnoya will become, clear and limpid ; no f ondtion of the body should bo more care- fully ' watohed j most soriotM ccsKo ' qaonbes enaue from noglnct in this tespect; I i SOEB TaEOATB, DlPTdBBIA 1 , CODOHS , CoLDS AND Ail, BEOWCUIAI . AyrrcTioNa «hould be lounodiately treated by these Pilla,: wbioh will, vban combined with the effectual uao of the ¦ Ointment to the part affeotod , afford auoh n moaaure of relief as is scarcel y orodible ; tho joint agonoy of tho two romodlos is so potent that every formidable pulmpnazy affection be- oomoBatnonable to thia trcatmont. .: . . . . . DSBUJTATSD COKSTITOTIONS , TOIBBLISOS, AITD LOBS oP . Wnavooa EN«Eor. ~Tho>o Pills are unjnr< passed as Nervine Tonics: they correot all Irrogu- Iarities. and weakne»B0B. Thoy act so kindly, yet ao energetically on the innotioni of digeition , that th whoio body is rovlved, the blood U pnrified , smd the muscles become firmer and stronger y therefore auf- forora from Nerroui VVcaineis in erory /orm ahould give them a fair ahd honeat trial, j ' . . . Holloway 't Fills dr * lh* ttst remtdy Itnswn in th* worid for thtf oUovrinf iistasrs 1 Ague : 1 Fwera of all SorofaU, or King' s. Evil Asthma 'bada Sore l'hroata; ' BiUonscc-r- Gout Stone aod Urave plaints ' Head-aoue . Secondary OTmiitom. Blotohcaou Indigoatlon Tie Iloluoreux . the Bkin t " UHt Coa- Ulcer» . BowelCom. plaiuta Venereal Aflection* ' plaints Lumbago Wormaof all kinda Debility. Pile* Weakneaa , from Dropsy . Kheamatian. . : wWaver oauaa , Female Irrogn- fiotention of &«., &o. lariUcs Urine . -I . '' ¦ . , . The [ Pill* aoad Ointment ' aro Bold at Pr ' ofesaor : ' ' Hbttowit ' 8 esUftUanmant, , " 78, New Oxford*t , (late £33Oxi ord-itJ, London 1 ¦ ' ¦¦ ulso nearly every reapecUble V«aidor of Mediotoesj thxoUKhonttb«, «TUUodw<jrld , in boxea»nd PoU;mt la., IJd., 2a. 8d., «¦• <?: H*., Z4*., and 83sie««b, 'Ihe amallaet Box iof Pilla oonUiniJ fonr dotonj uj the amsllew Pot of Ointment one O * BW. . Full prin ted directions are aflixed to eacb,Box ni (? Pot, ind can be had in any lingaag i, Bv«n tnl' urklah , Aiubio, Armeniao. ' i' araian. or Uhlnise. N.B.—Adrloe ean obtaintd , »ree of eharge . by applying at tha above Addreaw, daily, brtween the hiinmot lQ-and l. orby lettfr, - .. - i- . - ,, . w: ;. , WBOl f BAUS A#D ' I KT/UL , .. ' , ¦ , ' , ' , fith , Chuat ^JPotatry, ; w d 10* BtofM •¦¦ ¦ BBAO^raijK^y^ ^i' i Jvow),^™ rt\HE~ «tb«niIo^|^th« Oenb^ : *a4 Poblie JL ¦ It «iW«^'IUM8»#Wl WMJZ&??* , lox \ leg i il(a . >)(V<M«>Wi/orM.wMik lin^ a >. <^ y pi^ f«eTOwy!M»««:V,ri)U .'*o. TermcM »|>vUoiJ»1O» -.. ( ^wa ' -MKi -i.!-}';-.. '!. - . . ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . '¦* ¦' - ¦ ¦mM ^t , U u^w . f c^ ii d Mimtawa xfnuuf.Qmi*, tk" -«lu«*rt«bn« t&Sfm^Kum UIKHSI Ot»t» or Bata^ta Wie Ba< t. '^SmES £E.T£~. tsj ssfe?a a man! !Ur«4 ' : !*;:rff*>^»>5t!s« ' >*mmm M j 1 1 ( J NOW OPEN ! NOW . OPEN-! I : ' ¦ Confectionery and Kefreahmont •'... . i - :-i- i i !- - -BO'&'irisii; l ' 1;' ri - f " ;/ 12 , STBANP STEEET , TEAMOBB ^ ' "' " "' r ' .i- ' ' . ' Mr. ' . ' - R J S.H Q2< -y.- '"' ¦ ¦ XJEGS to intimate to bis Friends and numerous JQ Visitors to, Trampre tb . ho jbu QPHNBD the Rboyo Establishmerit , where ' tb«y /caa jbe ei>- plie4 with FirstrClasa (^ooda on , moat rcMpaaiito terme. '' . ' ;. ^ ^ t A Choice Stock of Wines, Brand y, Wbieiwr. 'BasVa Ale ,'GblnqeM ' s Pofter, CijTars ^ io,, fy, .t . -r , ' Jjtrnci«dN3 . ; S AND ^ IOHSS, J IA, and' Cofirti Iced Mineral Wateri , 8<L . . ' , * . ;. - . Weddings, Balls, und . PIc-nio Parties supplied, , WALTEH. ¦' . BISHOP, . ; , ' 43, MltJHASl, STEEKT. ^ BABBOHST B ii o BiRSZl, .. . WATBBTOBB, Yifl8-tf) ' A HD 12, STEAND STEEET, TEAMOtti), : We are now ^ bayioff Direct from Importers , at the pnblfc/jBalesi ahd can- offei 1 on' Term^-tliil^iE ' gu^J'.W Lpnclon Hovtees. ' , Samples fr>« o?i appllc^tiQn- The W onljrtB»jj - ^ . ¦ . '!¦ Wiarreii' s Place, CJOfiK. _ ?" - . Proo Parma for tho KUllIon MANITOBA AHD CT« OAiTADIANNOEia ^ ¦ --' ¦ _ WEST, ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦¦ ¦ - .;.) "¦> TO3THICH Comprises 160, 000 , 000 Acrerof' tto V V best Wheat Land in the World, and, 6OA»6. 000 of the best Qrarinjj Land. Eailway commnnl- cation open to all parts of the Continent. Imorowd Faram for Bale ic all parts of Canada. " Assisted Passages granted to 'A)?ric-nltnral : lkbonreni, s.Bd Female Domestic 8erTants , who .are in great demand. . . ' . . . ... ' .; ' .:: *i . ¦ . . - •• Apply for tbo New Government Pejnpblsto. Uapaj aid full information-to- ¦¦ " " ¦ THO11AS OONNOLLf , ' Canadian <iu*eiuLueDt Agent. Notanoiberland Hcoso , Beresfotd-PlAoe.DubUa TO NEE7OU8 8DFFEHEE8. - : , - at Published. ®«g»!»$*<»$jg >» -a. -VteK. HOT7 TO EH0UBS HBAXiTE, " ¦ ' ' Or , the COITPlDEirrtAL FfiJCTD." ' ' . Uy J. A. Biuns, M.D.i (0.8.,), •' rhlj Book should ba rtad fcy every' ohe/ Toufcj Or elJ» married or tingle. It Uachei. . ¦ - . . . ^^• . . . HOW TO AVOOD DISEASE. ¦ . . . . . . , H-.W TO BEOAIIT.HEALTH ' " ¦ ¦ HEALTH i' BO01AL8CIEJTCZ. '• " . "• IJ EUfO «i TEElTlSEon the LAWSOOTIBHnJO'IiJPE " and tha CA08t8, SyilPTuMS.^nd /niBAlUEin; of all dboiscs depending 00 'Exhapudon ofKervona vitality* eneb «a Ncrvom DebEitj, lleotal na Phjtfeal D«pi«ilon * Palpitation:of «he Heart, Molwj W ihe- ' HeaA aadEm; Indecl»lpn, Jjnjairad , Bijht tnd Slemoi/i . ¦indJrt»Uoo frostrttWn. , .ia8itnd« ( Deproailoa of Bpfriu, tone «f Energy -and Arofetite, tsraa -' -ia the ' Back , jind Miatw. Timidity. SalMJiatruit , DiJtlnau. Love ' of eollhMoJOremul. less Feara, ncd ouny other illmonU , whiab, ii ocxlootad. oa CbroDlo Ehoamadcn , Qont. neuralgia' , Eufletuj. Hrsterla, ud all dlpxttct of ttuf HdiYoal ul tliaenUn sjrsteci. . . k lid i^^miix to thj ' vaiaAblBwof koonUU e maiiy n»s- ial PlSat)EirriO3a. fiJr-Uia- »u»t.tion V auSerlDj aS tha can of talnof dUptd^n, «ltli full < iattfactlotu fcr their prep&ntion and uae. . .. Caol&las also i >me frieodlr advice on Hyjciane. or tha ,j,, . , .WAT[to PSESEfiVEHEALTrf , : . ¦ , niriistraU'd by J niimerohi ^e»t£moui«Ii fron ' giat«fal patleuls who bate -keea KlMtM to bealtb. throoVfa, tho oathor ' i itirtrninaatalitji; u -i. - . .0 :. ' . : J , .. -;/¦ . . Sent loti free tori atusps 1 or by letter coit 3 utamse* , Also a <!c«crt itlve ramphiet du the lanctfcnt aaatdltoMsr pocnllar to tho f emtle aex. br the aim* Aotbosntitlad. ran FEMALES ,Fi<iJEHl) nod ADVI9EB whiih wiU ba . ¦•¦ Mnt ' tb atoy adaitM on BECEIPT np * ff| AMP CTI Address, J.A. BA-NZS , 1LD.,(D.a),« , Ix«ad*lo C<1 uiro o24.20t) . roniibnrr. l.O! < < D . W. ' ¦ TH01AS ::P. MiGKEY, OAEBICp-OI^SUIB; Raving noir Opened , (a connection .with his Ironmrostry and Oeniral Vazmiss , t, TJRUM ¦ •&. COFFIN FACTORY , Is prepared to supp ly on tie Bhertet Nctic* EVERY D2S0RIPTI0H OP FUNERAL REQUISITES At Friccj to meet all cliSCJ. COFFINS JTJ . TI thitlzineit Dial to tls txitl meuits 2oll: Zc£ Oak, can bt $u$pliti en tn f ours tutuK All the various ' article! for » Factral tipt la ctoek, and, vitb a largo stock of flniihed goodi end prepared mueTiMi , it entblcd to execute Ot&ezi for FantraU is tbe cost itspectable oaasti esd . C3 reoss iabJstens* ¦ ' , ' . > ./ ' . ;¦: ¦ ' CcSn tatkrn cupplied with - ell materials tt mskera * Prictt at ^ . . . ; . . , THpMAS P. MAOKEITS . SE£D&lfi!PlMKT W/iREfite 94. MAIN ST. ^ rilUKCH GATE ' ¦ . ' CARRlCK-ON-SUm,, A1 1- --MFWSWSIVJ.S WATEEFOED * CEKTBAL IBELANB EAJLWAT J Alteratioa or Traisi. ; v f \U AND ' AFTER THE -liit , OOTOBBE, feWiSW^SS^: " 1 ^ 8EEVICB DP TEAma '" " win DATC . njnrtt. ¦ , - am ' p.m . P.m »ot>iw" Waf«rferd departore 7 15 230 , 580 . ISO KSlkfnoy - 0 0 840 ,; 885 ' J « l , MarVborogb BIO 48J 1 ;> : « JM , Dnblin arrival l _ 0 6 15. ' .»i5 y . Dt>Wtf' TOAlNa ' . , ' , - V- :.: ' ¦ - ' . ¦ ¦ ' ' - ¦ it un - toxrt: ¦'¦jmrnli *: ' a*t& ¦ tvin a^.9 D*iv ' BVIB * Dnblln ' departure ... 7 4O' ' ; ' : ' 9'O' M l'V'»i0. Maryborough ;. ... 9ft 10 40 ' - '8 IS ' " ;l 0! KUkennr ., 7 30 10 13 1*80 -4« ' Isff WaWrford arrival 940 315 Jjg : ' ,TO MABTBOEOUaH AND MCTJNTMEJitlCK : t4ke. ' . ' ¦' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ WTIM »AT«i , ftnrPAT *. ¦ ' ' ' ¦ •»» ' a.m ¦ •• pto ' : •¦ ' ' .:- Maryboroogbdeparftort 7 10 i-U 10 - 455 J? ; V MonntmeUiok arrlvU 78Ji 11 85" " 5 W!' - £r ' " " '" ' •• •¦ r ••»» p.m' '' o«B - :: ' : " ; MrtntmelUek dfpartirre 8W : "1^ ToO v ' ; * : " M*7boroBBh arrl»tl tf|* : 21* 6U ... " " ;- ;. J 1 - ' .\ "\ £¦ ¦ ¦¦ z t . ' »BTO1DKE- I . Watetfqrd T »«gt|iM( gepaiyW, 1887. , , . .. . ., .. ^ j dfe^**iM^ ' T1 - EVEBY|aNRMfe«;«r P«H»n»«oe toeK <VrrW «ew*M^»i Tir« Mwri Oflflfc HU* WITMK)0 L li4tB WATER. ~ . " - ' - :CT- -D : i: ©' ; 'Q' - ^-O^i"' ; - TT^ L' ^ rJJf ¦ ¦!»^¦'ir*R3 •)¦:! i w^uhl * " >^-* T ^ - ' ; .Tr' pa»^niBMi.r^«^* ^S^y^'Tn 1 ?

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Page 1: A :rr 12 , STBANP STEEET TEAMOBB o ' AKOMTIC j- GINGER 1LEsnap.waterfordcoco.ie › collections › enewspapers › WNS › 1887 › WN… · P«g (Manitoba), North- West Territory,

¦ y








Jlomins*. o( Noi. « and 50, O"0(mlMU.8tr»»l,! I (OPPOSITE THE IKOTIROIAI. BASK).

PRICE—TWO PENCE j Yeaily(in AdTOHC8),8o. 6d.! | By Post (Yearly). 10a. 63. :

g£g" All Cboqnoa and P. 0. jOrders, made payableto COBHKU0S P. EBDMOND, at tbia OfEbe.

THE NEWS oiroulatos extensively amongst , thflmerchants, traders and nobility, gentry,'' -'farming'classes, &o., in Waterford, ;Kilkonny, Tipporary;»nd tho pouth of Ireland generally, . Tba NawShas attained a circulation never equalled by any paper,published) in Waterford, and. in admittedly the lead-ing journal i a this important oity, with j which there isdireot daily coTiinanication from London.

Particular attention paid to commercial and agricul-tural matters. j . ¦ i ¦ . .

Advertisements received tor tho N*W8 1>y all respect-able Nen-apapcr Agents in the United Kingdom.. Pre-navment requisite from parties riot known at the office, '


WATEEffOEl?—Mr. ,Yf : . KE&LX , Gladstone Streot.Mr.; JOHN BROWN, Meagher Quay.Miss P6WEB, Barronstraad Street.Mr.l HUOHEB , Mayor's Walk.

DTJNGARVAN—BEENAN & Col, Devonshire Square.TEASIOEE—Mias CLANCT , Eefroshment Booms. 'CAPPOQUIN—Mr. JONES TBOX , 31, Ailon-Streot .CAREICK-ON-SUTBr-ilr. JAMES MCQBATH, Main

I Street. -1 . j . 1 : . : . . . . ,LONDON— COA.BKE , SON, A J P LATT, 85, Graoo

I obnroh Strcot. 'R. J1. WHITE & Soft, 83, !E>aot Street,.-,,'•*SHELLET & Co., .5, LeadoahairSttbet.nrC. .- ,Temple News Eoom, 172,.[Fleet Sfreot - . : '

DUBLIN—Messrs. CHAS. EABOJJ il SoN, Abboy-it.


c=Si[t , i. STEAMEBS, ; - . ¦ ' ¦/^ -^ ^-.T.iTOypnnl to Fhil&dolplliG,


Calling at Que'enBtotra Thursdays. ¦Firat-clasa Full.pbwbfod IronJ Steamships.

The only Trans-Atlantii Lino Bailing under the (Jnj.ted States j Flag. Accommodation fpr i all clflseca ofPassengers equal to any European Steamship Line. ,

Passengers and goods are landed at Philadelphia ohthe Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,which has the shortest and: moat direot route to all placesin the Wostcrn States. | ; :

For further particulars apply to \ 'KI^HABDS0NrSPEN0E & Co.;

! 19 and 22 Water-streot, Liverpool jLOCAL AdR-N'TS :

HARVEY & SON,! Little Georga'a-Strcet,j Waterford I ¦ ¦

EICHARD LANDY ,;Carriok ori-Suir ;WILLIAM O'DONOQHUE . Kilmacthpmaa ;'DO^LE & HUNT, New Boas. ' (o3)


Altered and Additional Service by QBE ATWESTERN RAILWAY Colnpiny's Trains andStcainboat3 , via JI ILFO'RD H IVR K ', in connectionwith! the VV ^TEB fOED ; anl Lisssahe, WATBB-yoED; <fc , CENTRAL IEELIKD , and WATEBPonD,DtTNaAEVAN, AND LlSJIOBE LrNES.Dhortest Bouto and Boducod Fared._ Jt ~~jj\ Expreit . Train 's and Fast

M£C?tWlK< Hoil Steamer*, • ¦':<=i_ii__b> EVERT WEEK DAY. 'DOWN.—LEAVB LONDON (PaaUlington) at 5.45 p.m.,

SondajB oxcepted, and IA EEIVB AT WATEE-FOBD (weather and circumstances permitting)about 10.15 a.m.; in time for the Trains ontha Waterford and Limerick, Central Ireland,anA T.iRmnrA T.inpi. : ' '

iUP —Leave Watorford . at 5.0 p;m., each Week Day,i on Arrival of 1L20 a.m ; Train from Lirooriok,i 10.30 a.m. Train frora Maryborough,-and; , :ir50 i.m. Train from Lismore, ; AEEIVHIO' in: i | LONDON (weather andj oiroumatanccs . por-: ;mitting) at 10.45 a.m., tho following day. ¦: i A Spocial Steamer, carrying Passengers, perishablei foods, and Live Stock, Sails from W^ 4

L. Company 'a

' North Wbarf on Sundays at 7 a-m. ii I A Special Steamer also sails , trom New Milford toW&terford at 7 a.m. on Mondays,;on arrital of the 9,15^riin from Padditgton tho provioun evening.I I Passengers travolUiiK by. the Steamer leaving Water-ford on Saturdays will proceed; from j Now ililford by

: tha 3.55 or 9.45 Train on Sunday! morning.! Cargo can only be refloivud -onbjuot to ita being•Upped in time for tbo Steamer to be started

' nmcTOALLY at 5 u.m. ! I ; : :: The 2.45 a.m TEAIN from NEW iULFOKD wiU , in&11 cases, WAIT AEEIVAL of Steamora leaving Wa-

;t«rfordat 5 p.m. . ; i •' Under no circumstance can Pas3origora holding Third¦^lARiTinkpfcH ue adoived tho use of Saloon;

FAKES— WA TERFORD 'ASD WND0N iSINOLES (available 1 week) 1st Clasa and Saloon, 4Ca0d

: "• •' ' !2nd Class and Saloon, 85s 6d» " 3rd Claas and Fore Cabin. 203 OdBETDEHQ (available 2 months) 1st Class & Saloon, 70a.

I •• •• " : nd Classi Saloon 59a.•• " 3rd Oass and Fore Cabin, 33s 6d,

Farther, information can be| obtained, from Mr. E.Foao, Railway Terminus, | LinrerioK [ Mr. W. D. Mo-HAUABA , Adelphi Wharf,; Watjerford.i Tho EEDDOEDFAEES between ot!ier important Stations, the TimeTables, and Through Rates fo^r l Goods,! &o., can boobtiined of Mr. W. J. BOSSEM.', the Great WesternBaiiiray Company's District Agent, Adolphi Wharf,Waterfjrd. ' i : :. Paddinirton Tonninua. ; i ! ' J'.a

Uon.il iiiatl straiiifra n; ;

U131TED STATIS & OAMAOA,i From IAverpooi via L m&ondeny.1 SABDINIAS ... For Halifax ^5 Portlarid ..'.Nov. 10: PABIBIAN ... For Halifax I Portland ...Nor. 24: POLYNESIAN ... For Halifax^ ; Portland ...Deo, 8

SAEDINUN ... For Halifax 4 Portland ...Dee. 22From Queenttanon. '¦

NOVA SCOTIAS ...For ttalirax 4 Baltimbro ...NOT. 0PEED VIAN For Halifax i ¦ Baltimore ...Nor. 23

¦C ASPIAN ... For Halifax 'I Baltimore ... Deo. 6„ BATES OF OOEAK P, LaaiuB :: -H Saloon, 10 to 18 Guineas ; Int irmediata, £& 6s. ;\

¦ Steerage at Loweat Kates, i, Through Tickets at 8pec|al Kates to Chicago, Winni-P«g (Manitoba), North- West Territory, and to ell pointsm tho Wenrorn State3 and Canad i.

' Toariste, Sportsmen, and otb :ra yisituiK the Oana-iian North-West. can avail themi elvaa olio nttuu MID\A arn rale to the wonderful. ;scener/ in tha BookjMoontains and the Sporting districts. ;' . ASSISTED PA89AOE8 to CANADA. _ .

PAMPHLETS.—Map of ! I M»nitob» ahd CanadianPadfio Eiilway ; also reoent Uaae of Pamphlets onCanada and the Western States of America, &c.| «ontfree. • ; j ¦ \' SF Western boand passenger* accompanied by aapodal Conductor. .: ! . 1 ¦ ' . _

Fall particulars on applieatioii( to J. 8C0TT & Co.,QoMnstowa; to A&I.AS |B BOTHEB8 & CO., JamesStreet, Liverpool, aod F/iylo Street, Londonderry i orto Uesare. MCEPBT & WABD, 2« Barronatrand Street,Waterford. ' ' j . ; ¦/ i , ,._

Liveroool . Oct. 21. 18S7. l ; (°stf

' ! ; • • • i • 'npHE WOEST COUGH is stopped nnd relief givenJL in Dronohitln, HoarroncssJ Soro Throat, by »B,lEBAtTD'S PASTII/LE BEONCB QUE, » sdcntlfla re-Bed/, witlioat poisoeons err naofooo* iDgrooWotj ao1* «°locompanble VOICE LOZEKQE, Uj, port mo I» »»•

— r-i—: . - i —] '¦

TNDIGESTION.—Tb<J only radical remedy. Tboi wmke.t stomach is. atlmoIatBd to hoalthr, n»WWicUon, ul a rerminent i euro effected by Dr- LS™V «JUJUBE DIOESTIF. Of I all Cl)«ml«t«, U. P 'O'j:?;QnlmnA Co., Chirlemont place, P»l>lto.- ¦¦ ""•"


gn waiaaflBlWORLD-FAMED

PnM M *I JT11 Mil''" *

of tU kinds it u a Mver.fiUIaf and jomiaoen coW.I . , ,It OoresOld Sorest j ; XAI VJA . I . ¦ •: . : ¦ .

CuKt Ulcerated BorW on UM Hee* I | ¦. Cnres Uleented 8or*I*a» I ¦ .. p'

CaK. Blackhoadi OT|fl»pl<«, » .*• 'f --Cturoi Scurvy Boreal I ' : j : • • . ; .,

¦ .. Vtcm Canceroiui DlMH : ¦ ¦ . '

•' Cvfr, moot tad 8**4:m ***1 < '¦. ' • " • ' ,'¦¦

JCb»w tti Blood froj£ J3Kt' *" 'i . i A TT. ¦¦ ¦:

^U thli iixtau U ?t««an* to timl ' •j SSSb Sl

n craal i or mttiontu) no*. u£ »*>»¦ M ^

Jt^«D™cov, ",o^rUH«i52«5

iwmt- . :ii !rt-j - . n.-.i 'r.- 1


;. isrovEwaB k/ 1 7. : ¦ ¦ !

¦ ¦ •'. ". " 'Regul ar-Steam torn,nunicaiion between 1 :UATESFOED I n& , it o tr»d n;PL™°,^H_ ATO . BOUTHAltPTOlLi NEWHAVEN: ct K^ hr ***¦ SOUTH Of i ENGLAND^ ,?0# OWBIilH, BELFAST AIJD (JLABOOW. ',¦ ¦¦ \ ~~L. K TllHE New and powerful Sere1?"is a llKV- X Btaarii™ AEANMOBE, BALtY-•T-VJ ffijill'N ' COTTON.ro L O'0 H , OOPELAND,jfsas*STl?Wlnii» 'n"*r'>T> ** EDDtSTONE, FASTNET,

t^?J £r ' n m1i

?l ""> oustomury coarse, to EoceiTSand Discharge Cargo, or for any ither purpose whataoeTer.Ever, -wmmBSTTSSi1?!' °!rtw-... ... i p.d,T. Tr^^rrx""'" OI^SOOW 10 WAntB»OSIIEvery MONDAY Oirect : — — ... i p.m.r. »„,„.„ „ Eail. to Oreenock...6.30 p,m.Every THUESDAY,direct | ¦ ¦ ' — ' '... 1p.m. '_ ' ¦__ ' " ' : BaU. to Qrocnock ... * p.m.Every, FEIDAY, via Belfast ... .; 1 p.m._ Eail. toQreehock... 4 p.m.WATEETOBD TO BZLTASI ... 'Erery SATURDAY, 1 p.m.BELFIST to WATEa«)aD...Evary TOESDAY and SATUBDAY

' • ;• WATSSFOBJ} T4 DBBltH, : i- i Everr SATUBDAY , ri« Beltast. I p.m. .Drauir .TO WATXBfoap, DHIECT—Efory WEuilESDAY.WAtsaroBn TO . oai—Every TdCaSDAY. 1 p.m.¦ FBOU CORK IO WAIMFOEI), dlieofc-rETery. FBIDAY.WITKRIOKD TO LoHooa JSt. Katherlne Dook),• , • Every MONDAY and 8ATUBDAY.

__il:Lo»Do» (st- Katharine Dock), ro WAnsrottD : ¦THUBaDAYS, 3rd November, lip m j 10th, 0 a.m. | 17th,„ - i- lp.m- i a4Uj, 7 aja'.No Transhipment by this route. Onibrs lor collection ordelivery of Goods will be attended to byiLavJagtoaBrothcro,69, Old Balloy, B.C. j Great HemltagSytreot, Wapplnff, E.,nni Arpb2iMitrootk Bonth'lajnbctlr.ij.w '-I'-v " ;• i .... . . : -. ^W AIIBTOBII TO K.rtoOTBi iifcio,,, < ¦ ¦• ¦ -MONDAYS, 7th November, 12noon ; Uth.-4 p.jo. i2lst, 12noon ; SBtb, 4p.m.PLTBOOTH TO WiTzaroao, direot—E»eiT 8ATUBDAY.

! WATKRTOED TO S0I7TllAlIPT)»i dtTOCt,; Every SATUBD/ Y, at t p.m.SouxEAurroa TO WAnmrpsD, VIA Pljmcrath.• .. - . : Every PHIDAY.- • . . .

WAVEiiroaD TO NEWHAVIS—Efiry SATUBDAY, at 4 p.m.NcwnjiTEa TO W*TEMOBI>—Every TUESDAY, fia London.These Steamers have excellent iLooommodation (or

Passongers. • . . . I ' i . .i P A S S A G E . M O N E Y .: I Cabin. Betorn. DeokW»tcrford to Glasgow and Bolfaai 17». . fld. 25s... lOa.

,, i Cork: „. ' . ,:. | 0s..1

' Ids. 'Kj.„ ¦ ; • : Dublin . . . . . . f . X2s;.6d ::203. 7».fel„ Plymouth & Soutnampton,20s: , 80s. 10s„" : ¦ London, I 22sl fid S5s. if,.

: „ i . . . . Nuwharea . - i . . ... - ( =!«;¦, '. -, -r> >j lot..Children abore 3 and under 12 years d{ ago, BaU Fore. ''

Botorn Tickets uvdllablo for two month*—not tnuuferubloCT NOTR.—The . Clyde Shlpnlng Company InsnroallOoodJ

•alppod by th'eso lines o( Burners at 3a M percent, to Tr&dbz*havingJyearly ogreomenLa, lind: is. per .Cent.ta.occwionilShippers, yaides to be declared at time of Shipment. Formsand all information to be had at ths oincos. - :

For Bates of Freiglit, to.,' pf a ily, to Hssnr | J, y r /p ano& Co., -Plymouth ; TUOKAS bl'GABaxT, ; lAndon aid SouthsWestern iiailwo/ Company, Esoter Botldings, Artbur Streot,Went! and at tho.L. & S.IW. Kailway Becciviny Hoascithrougiioat Londou; Clyde Shipping Ci>.j 7 Albert:8o.naro.Belfast j 'Clyde Shipping Co., tfocneiWr; Buildings,. USLcadenhall street, London, E.O. ;J CbdO Shipping Co., Hail'way Offices. Nennaven j 21; Carltoa i-laoev Glasgow i vnawmHooso iJiiudiugd, Greeuook ; Dock Ecuui. Umoncfc ; ToxoQuay, Soathamiiton ; Zi, Eden Quay, : Dublin ; Patrick's«naj. Cork.^ ¦ ¦

_ • ¦ • ¦ _ - ¦ ¦ ¦ _':

'• ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ :

¦ CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY, .: Custom Uouso <j<Uy; Wotorford.

i Special ' forms of Bills of rnul.ing.run.qlred Uy tho ClydeSnippiat; Company, to be had ol the Agent*. '

Tdli-iraiihicr Address—" COHBEAS," WirEETOiXD.

aii i ,.•¦. . .


: : crDtorfora Stoamoliip : Company: (LIlilTEb/. • 1 . .


ZKPHYE, GALTKE, CBEADJiN, io." ' •v_ ' > TVT O TICii . -! The Waterford

<=-_fcrr-ifcv JLN Steamship Company (Limited^'=s5?C'^ l V<

receita Good* and Live

Stock fpr Hh1,-

^ _ ^ k i ->ment on the1 conditions mentioned in' " "~~" aailing- Xiiats, &o., - to h6 had at their¦ ¦

Offices. | ' ' ,W. A T E B F O E D A N D B B l ST O L .

than WJIEETOED TO nRisrot; rcoa BuiaroL to VTArzoroso,Dtiect : j I Direct t

TacsJar, Nor.i .. 2 oft'noon Wed'tJay, Nov. 2.;. 6 aft'noonI'idiay, '„ 4 ... J nU'noon Saturday, ! „ 5.™ 8 tuijhtTueiOa/, „ 8 .., i ult'noon WcUneadi /, „ 0 ..1 / uuntFriday, „ 11 ... 4 uft'uoou SUSDAT, < „ 13... 3 mor iTnesduy, „ 15 ... 1 alt'noon *V«lueadiij', ,. 18... 8 ult'hoonFriday, „ 18 ... 3 uft'uoon Aitiiriiy,; „ IB... 8ni<fUtTnraaay, „ 2! ... 4 aft'noon WellueidUy, „ 13 ..11 nightFriday; „ 4 ... 4 aft'nooii OSDAT, ; „ 28 .. 3 uiurnTuesuay „ 29 ...12 noou : Wuliuesluy, „ 3O.« 5-uft'noon

O" on eurly Morning failings, Oabina uf tho steamers wuibo open to rocoire Punwngnrs arriving; l>y tho Nigut MailTruing. ¦ : I ' ' ¦

JJ'ABIS—Cabin, Single, lia.; do. Single— Ckildron (and Ser-vants travolluiK witn t'uiaill<y) lua.; uo Uutura (aviuubla lorTwo mouths, optional to return ;iroui or to Lirerpool;, 'ij a ;LHick, slog.o, 7s. ud. ; do Ohiluxeii, 4s. ':

- Goods received and duchargdil at .Cuuiuerlaud Bo?ln,KH*bil . ' ! i :

W A T E E F O E D A N D j L I V E R P O O L .¦. . raou ¦ WAT*a*ouu : - /aol LIV «III\>OL :Wed'sJiiy, NOT 2... 3 aft'noon Wed'sday, Nov. i...l\ mornFriday, „ 4... 1 att'noon Friday, ¦ „ 4...U uoonBlouOay. ¦ ,, 7.-4olt'bO3u ilonaay, I „ J... z ait'noouWedutsljy, „ 9... 4 alfuoon WeunuidAy, „ 9... 4 alfuoonFriUa>, „ 11...11 morn ; Friilfly, : ;. -ll.;'. ' " inuruinifiluuda/, ,, 14.. 2 utt'noos ilouOuy, „ li ..10 luuruiogWvineitday, „ lcf... 2 mt'uoon Wodaeajc>, „ lt>...ll morningFriJay, ; „ 18.. 1 utt'uo^n rriOay, j „ 18...12 uuou .Monday, : „ £1... 4 aft'noon Mouaay, j „ it... 2 <nt'uooaWeanesia/,' ,, - 'iS:.. 4 att'nooj WoUnesdsjT, „ 23... 4 aft'noonFriday, i „ 23...11 morn -, t'rijloy, ; ., 25... 7 morningMonday, „ 8... 1 alt'noon Monday. „ 28... 9 morningWodnesdaj, „ !J0... 2 dft'uooD Wlidueadty, „ 80 ..11 morning

FAILES— Caoiii , bingle, : 14s. j do. eiiniie—ohiliiron ;onaSerrouu truielliug wit h familioa) 10s ; do lia.urn (avail-at>le for Tiro months, optional io rotorii fromor to Briatol).tie. ; Lfeci, atnglo, 7« 6a : do, single, Cliildron, •«*.

Uoods received and duchai ed at Clurenco X>ock, LiverpoolGoods looked through from ill principal Suaoua on

Great Northern, Great Western, liancusnire, and Xorkshlro,London and North .Wcute*u j Loiidou inid Sonth Wtateru iMaucheater, Sholliela, and Lincalnahire, and Midland Kail-waya to vVutorford. (Tbroii|(h Hooking *'. t>l*o with Liinonok,TiplKjwry, Tunrle , tools, Tuam, !(Jort, Kutbkeale, Listowel,Newui«ue and TnUee, 40. : • i . ' „ . . . ,Goods uooked tnrouf?li from all Statioiu! on watortord andCentral Ireland ittdlway, Waterford, DuEi-arvon, end LiamoreEailway, and W'aUrfoid and lAmetick Kulwav.

PurceU booked throagh at low|iiutes to all principal Sta-tions on London and North Wc3t«rn ilailway.


' As Cargo Offers. : | ; AB Cargo Oifers.W A I X I I B F O E D A N P - Y O U U H A L .: * As Carffo oifers. ; ¦ I *WA ,T E B F O B D A N > . N E W B O B S

is,/.,f Hiiw Boss—Daily. Sanda' s oxcepted, at 3-li a.m.• FBO« W*ii«f0BD—Daily, Sundays execptea, at »a pju.

W A 1 E E F O E D A N D D U i T C A N j N O N .Fsoa DWOMOI-Dally, SonJi ys eioopwd, at«JO a.m.fnoa WAIXB»O»I>—Daily, Sondiijs oioapted, at J-0 p.m.NOTE—Tha WBteriord SteAiiuhip Compjuy, Limited, Insure

all Goods Shipped by these Lines if Ste»mur» »t '3». 4d. perCart, -to "itu&m bAiiaj Yearly Agreement*, and i%. perCent, to Occasional Shippers, raiuos to bq deoloret at time ofShipment. Forms and all Information to bo had at the

tsenha secured and ererj information given by Agents atWATIKMBB— Wuterford Steamship Co. (Lim:'e lj, Howl

Offices Tho Moll. - ' iLIVEBTOUJ^Watorford Steamsl ip Company (limited;, */,

Watcr ticet, and Clarence Dock. !BKi8io -WaMrf«rd ateimnhip Company (Limited), 68,

Qa«ou Sqaiio—und CamberLuid Bisln. ! ¦ ¦N*w UosB -Watorford Steomilifp Comnany's OIHM.DnaCAuaoii—Waterford Suumohip Company's Oifice.

Liazai i:—Loner Shannon SteliBablp Compaoy"s Office,Mount Kcnnet Quay. ; ! !

KXLBUSE—Lower Shannon Stc^monlj Company a Omco,CaDuaUaay. ' • ¦ ¦¦

! ; I1 ¦ '



Shortest 6nd moot ' EspoditionB BontoTo Lancathire, YorJitHir«i and the Midland

Countiet, and ' other ImportantDistrict! of Eti<j lan&and\Walei.

-»' ' Tix rW\BB Siriftand Powerful Screw

_ -JCriHV\ JL Bteamer, j" MAQNEriC,"l ^ -.' y S, or otb«r apltable VessoJ , is ioten-«-^r A;?>^Mt:i:ff>»/j»(i (nnlp«s !preTebted by unforseonJ , M i i, *ul i* under beljwoen WATEfiPO sD and¦? .¦PU KOVEV cwring PaSonrtM. Mcri!h»ni)i.o, and Live

Throogh Bates, to the principal Sgh»n »"d W.lsa Towns.Por C'ooditioDB we ionu of Cofff ij . -N O V E i l B B B . S> i I / I N G 8 .

PMK WATSUOBD ' f Flon aniEMnr.Wei' ftodSSrrs Jt-B Tn Ay. ¦'¦&»"¦•» »> "»«ilsi.'r ' rJVt .i.ft'n Thmidar. 3rd 9 14mornMonday, 7th " ... AafttSaadny, 6th „ i lo mprnWed iday «b " ... « affB Toelday, |8toi „ ...1 U arfnFrStJO "to „ ... J alt'B lhurfday. lrth 4 OmfojSidsy, l«b „ .'.V 8 att* nonpar, l«h „ ..a O oftaWedSdVl, i«th „ ... 6 UVo Iut *in, j Wtb „ ...» O.ft'nFridaT 18to ,, ... 5 «ft'D Tbtfrtdar. ""> .. ¦¦ O H aornaSndiy, ¦Sit- .. ...SiffpSanHay. 20th „ ...10 o mornWed*»day. 23rd ,, ... 6 aft> Tue iduy, 3-»d ,, ...1 ISaft 'nFridayT'ilS ... B .ft* IhB Mdir. «»«•» * 0 <M'nMonSr. •28«1 ... S aft'pS.n lay, :£tb ,. ..4 Ooft nW?d>Gy, ;a»b ... 6 «ft'» Xoe iday, ,29th „ ...4 Oaft'n* Livestock and Good* Iu»nr«dron bept terms, values tobedeolarcd beiore •hlpmtDti I , ', , ,, ,

Bauenger Fares beiwem \ Waierf ord '.and Aberdovey.: IAIIO»-1US. Od. Bingla; Betomjl'ic*8 '-available tor OnoM

S TOSoi«

1i«-«..- BlngleVEeiara oiukeU, available lor

°nCbiKr«der ThnoVaU o< As». ?"•» •b»" V>«x>ta$££fAd%S a bitw«niAb^ov.y

and aU

SaSSSiitowaawith tue Eleotno Light. ' I

A Steward and UUnrdess on board. I ' . ^Pajsjoeers may.iro oa bosrd or leave t*8 Steamer at Aber>ij or before tb * dep-irturs

ECIAt : 'ADVANTAGESIt, from Ireland, owing tosrents in tdo |«rtoftboj freedoui from fog«. Onar, aif solU their oohva)ck to: dftjtination llama-net neld adJoioiDK tbeiSre t fa wili bo silowedaty-fo«r boors, xnd fromUne direct Into Tncka. :;uetlo"j iljamiaated witb

by tUo Aberdover Bontej ay'a Berth.CnJtora-hotije, at tbi Coaptaj's C«U1»

faUy *eqae«t*l, to enaurtertised boor. -, all tpformaiioB can be

T, Cnatoa Horn* Qo»r., • -, , y»t»rfard,, ; . . . .-

- i . ;; ,- -:- ! ¦¦. ¦

'- : •

hnn Nerirona ; Dobflity,Vitality, and Prematiu*aeaartpiMaaiA taa.etr.

doruf at any time after tbo amiof the corrCTpondlngTraiiiK

THIS BUUTE UFFE08 SIfor tba cotitojance of . Livs 8io<tha faroorttble coana ol tbe ciChannel tit be navigated, and ilarrival at Aberdorey Shippen naieoca, edtoer deapateh tbdr 8tdiaUly, or* place tbem in i a liCambrjin CompiDy*a btotWo, wto remain free of charge for t»iwhich tbev can be loaded at any I

Cattle Hptee on board f 3U,Electrio light. ' I

Cargo lnended /or Conveyanciwill bo received oa board tbo Com]Qn»», W»t»r!ord, »n4 Lit* 8too

. Early dalivnry of Cargo re«p«

«a*e?tert.Ootob«r, 1887.

tfn«a,nn5 F* wboUrpSt-i. i' AwJ aS tr t»* wjtti9ui5Vlv»

MBUatwdesdorwmeBUisedlnUaaw te wlU be\J Sf ££jP *'y *'vv*HW ItftfnLlwilm

BE WLEI i DliEES'S, . : ; .

¦. . .


¦¦} ; . • . ¦:• :rr


ia32.6m Lemonade. Seltzer


TSAISi 05 WIM SATS,, SdyWATiaroiD Mail ¦ i , Hall Mall

10 Ltucuci 1 3 3 1 3 1 2 3 12 13 3 1 38 1243i Clots. Class. Class; CJa23. Clara. Claw. cla;3

A.M. i.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. T.K. F.M

Waterford dep. ., 7 « 10 15 1 20 S 0 8 SO 8 30Carrick-on-Sufr .„ 8 22 10 4?" 1 48 3 SI 8 15 9 15Clonmol J ... 9 o 11 15 2 21 4 10 10. C 10 0Jipperery. 10 0 12 0 3 6 .S. 10 - 1135 11 85Junction 10 0 12 20 3 35 6 35 12 23 12 25Oola . ;.. „.: ... 13 80 3 41 5 45 PallaS ..„¦..;, ... ... 12 41 3 55 6 57 12 80 12 50Dreunieoa..... 12 47 i 1 6 4Boho ... 12 53 4 9 0 13 ... .;.Idmenck arrival ... . .11 0 1 15 4 SO 6 35 120 ICO

Down Trains fron LJtiicrtck . ¦~


LiircucE Mall! - l U a U i . IlaU uaiio VTAIBarOKD. 12SS 1&2 ;12*8 142 ( l 2 i 3 i a 4 8 1 2 3

Clou. Class. Cluo.'Clau. Olacs. Class. Cit&i.A.M. A.M. I A.M. . I P.M. I P.M. p.m P.H.

Limerick dep... 0 0 9 35 (11 0 2 45 4 0 11 0 11 0Bohor 6 18 ... 11 18 ¦ ... 4 20 Dromkoeu,, ... 6 27 ... 11 27 ... 4 80Pallas 6 37 ... 11 S7 ... 4 40 11 #> 11 COOola 4 50 ... 11 50 ... 4 55 ...Junction arrive! 7 5 10 15 12 5 3 25 5 10 12 0 13 0Tipperary...dep 7 4 0 10 » 12 4 0 ' S 5 5 555 1250 12 50Clonmol 1 8 55 11 20 1 43 ... 7 5 2 20 2 20Carriek .J 9 31 11 47 2 23 ! ... 7 45 3 0 3 0Waterford arriv 10 15 13 25 3 O . i ... 8 30 8 « 3 «

. . . . .- . . . ;' . ' JOBOT. j. injBPBY. Secretary.

WATEBFOBD AND CESTBAL IBiaAND BAILWAY.Tbe shortest route from Waterfordand Kilkenny to Dublin,

Athlono, ParBonstown, orNenugb, ls tin Maryborough.' ErrOEa TICKETS ore issued between any two Stations, andare available for Beturn as follows i—potoeon Stationswhero the fare charged is for a distance not: exceeding 12miles, 2 days, including tho day of-issue, Sunday being a dif $non : tbns, aTicket issued on a Sunday or Uonday Is avail*ablo up to Tuesdar night, and a Ti.ket issued on a Saturdayup to Monday night. Between Stations wbero the Farocharged is for a distance above 12, and not exceodin* 50 miles,7 days aftbrthe day of Issue : thus a Ticket issned onTuesday will be available op to the followib jTucsday night.Between Stations where tho Faro charged Is for a distanceexcoeding.50"miles, Oua Month. The outward portions ofBetoru TickoU are only available for tbe traiO'by whichthey are juiied. •

rnou WATcnroBj).. THAIHB Cl .mtl DATS. I SCBDATG

STiTIO'-lB. 1243 1 3 3 1 t 211243 1 28 1 2 3Claa Class,-Chua Closa. Oaa. Class

I A.u. ! x.u I F.n. P.M. noon p.ii.

h.m. h. m.|h.ra. b. m. h.mWaterford, dopartnro — 715 230 3 5 0 12 ' —Kilmacow — 7 25 2 40 4 0 12 10 —Mulliinvrat — 7 35 — 4 10 12 20 —Ballyhole — 7 55 3 0 4 35 12 45 —Thomastown «... — 8 10 3 10 4 50 1 0 —Bonnetibridgo — 825 3 2 0 5 6 115 —Kilkenny arrival — 8 51 3 37 525 I S O -

Do doparturo — 9 0 340 5S5 140 —Bollyroggrt - 9S5 4 0 6 ' 0 i 3 o -AtUoagh — I 9 45 410 6 10 2 15 —Abboyloix „ — |10 0 4 3) 6 30 2 30 —Maryboro' arrival — 10 25 445 7 0 3 0 —Maryborough dep. up —. ,10 50 4 66 7. tfl 3 24 —PortarltogWn Jano.... — 111 8 — 8 7 8 « —Dublin arrival — 1 ' 0 1.6 13 9 « 5 45 —Athlone Jnno. arriv. — 1-4 43 | — — — —Maryboro' dop. down — 10 31 i — 7 0 9 52 —Uouutrath -arrival! — ] — .| — 7 0 3 — —Hallybrophv — 11 0 : — I 7 41 10 25 -Boscrca , — 11 31 i — ! 8 SO — —Parsonstcini i — 12 4 — 9 0 — —Neuagh I - 1 2 2 3 - 9 2 0 -Templemore — : — I — -, '¦ 8 14 10 M —

vo WATrnronn


STATIONS. 1 2 3 162 1 2 3 1 3 3 12 3 1 2 & 3 1 2 3Chs3. CLus. Cloes. Claca. Closo CTOEJ . CJctj

I A.U. , A.U. A.U. T.U. P II. I A.U. P.M.

h m h m b m b m hmi b m h m h m u r n hm ~- n mTplemoro dop.1 — : — 8 2 I 51 ¦ — — \ -t SOBailybrophy - . — — 8 31' ¦ 3 HI : — — !«Nonagh - - — i ' — ' 7 15 — . — - —forsonstows - — — ¦ 7 SJ . — — — —Bowrea . — — 8 1 - — — —Mountrath . — — 8 4S 236 - - 3 4M'yboro* ar. np - — ' 9 8 2 55 — — 3 21Athlono June. • — — 7 1 5 — — — —Dublin dop - 1 0 0 7 4 0 9 0 1 0 — — O E OPortarl'ton Jun 7 55 — 10 17 2 U — — 11 81M'yboro' ar dn 8 17 , 8 55 10 31 3 8 — — 11 52

Down TUAIBS goods Mall 'Moryboro' dep — 9 0 10 W 3 U ~ — 4 0Abbojlcii ¦ V - : 9 20 11 15 3 33 - - 4 COAttanach . — . 0 28 11 35 3 >' — — i 3jBaUrnTraot - — j 9 35 11 6 • 4 0 - - 415KSenny orrl. • — 10 5 12 20, I M — — 5-lu

Do. depirtore 7 31 10 ?3 12 S • ' 4 4S ¦ — — 5 20Bonnetsuddgo - 7 45 10 li 12 45 s 5 — — 5 80Thomastown . « 10 :0 35 1 0 5 i- i — — 5 -1JBillyhale - 8 85 10 45 1 2 » ft 35 — — 0 0Mulltnavct .; 9 0 11 0 1 4) 5 M — — 6 25Kilmacow - : 3 10 11 8 1 SO 0 5 — . — 0 35Wntarrnnl nrrl 9 40 11 2U 2 15 C 3U — — 7 0

MbVBTKSLUCx BBASCH . — Maryborough dep., 7.10 u.m.,11.10 a.m., 4.55 p.m; IIountmellick urr.,7.35«.ui., 11.35 n.ci.,5.20 p.m. Jlountmeilick dop., 8io a m., 1.50 p.m., 5.50 u.m. (Maryborough arr., B.U a.m., 2.15 p.m., 6.15 p.m.

, By QliUxiii<


~1 2 S 4 ¦ 5 6 , 7 . 8 9~tuoa a m a m ; a m - p m p m pm p m i p m . p m

-th m i h m l h m h m ; h m ' h m ha b m h mW'frd 8 15 11 o! 12 15 2 0 1. 4 15 I 5 80 7 15 9 0 ...rm'rolO io) 11 SO! 1 20 3 0 i 4 45 | 6 0 7 45 0 30 ...

Sunday Traint.1 j~2 I 3 : 4 6 6~: 7 , 8 9

r&ou ! a m ! a - n \ ( p m ! p m yta p j nj p m p m p r a

hm ' b m l h m i h m b m h m ! b m :b m b mTVfrd 9. U 1 ... !12 15 ' 2 0 4 3) ... I 8 0 I ... j ...Tm're 9 30 ... 1 5 0 ( 4 0 , 6 3 ' ... I 9 SO ... I ...

Ftet Class Single Ticket, Is. Betorn Ticket, lo.Cd.lliird ditto. 8d. i Betnrn ditto. Is. 0d. ¦

WIT'T'TAM BEA , Secrotary ond Monagor.



STATIONS. , West Days. Sundays

r. uWaterford ... dep. 8 15 8 30KUmeadon ... „ 8 80 8 45Carroll's Croca ... „ FU* 8 67Kilmacthomna ... „ 8 65 4 10Durrow ond Stradbslly „ 10 is 4 80Dunsarvaa ... „ 10 S3 4 50C.ppSh 10 48 5 5Cappoiuln. ... ,, 11 S 5 .0Lismjre, ... arriv. 11 15 5 SO

8. h W. Boilway i

£%? ::: *%:%?o Sg%Sr :¦- ::: ::• * °o - l i l%»%" •:: :; Sg Id


Sundays8. h "W. Bailway. A. M. A. H. A.U. . •

Trnlee dep. - 6 0 10 SO A. n. A. uKillarnoy ... <• — 6 52 11 17 — —Cort » - I * "20 - -Mallow .. - » 8 J J5 - -.Fermoy ... ... •, - B S5 3 16 - -LUmore ... arriv. — 10 35 8 0 — —

iA.z£:r-*? . » » » »¦»» " =

SgSg-: -: :: Si?SS IS - -Dunffuvan ,, B SO 1 SO 4 10 - -DurrOTEtradbifly " J « :J-« J g Z IKilmacthomoa ' ... .» ? ,2 * SiCarroU^Cror,

.. » . J g . ,-0 - -

WaSifoS ::: arrival . 9 45 3 15 5 20 - -; THOUAB O'MAIiLEY.IIaniiaor.

POBTBAIT Q imAKEN DAILY by Mr. WlSTEE, and FlniehJL in the best stylo of A«i. nt hi Brjppro70(J


Not only to Protect but to Promote Trade, and: bring Qood Men together. \

KBTABLI6HED 1800. :Flint and CO 'tt British and Poroifjn- ' Commercial Inquiry Omops.

HEAD OPFI0B8:—6S, OHEAPSIDB, ,Lon-do . and LOW LANE. London, B.C.

Bo a Bankrupt. Faflnro for £H>,0Ou laj leji tban ajear-a trading. For Testimonials see below aatx> efflojenoyJfTnrlnfurnitioalu th« abovo caao. A otber.£5.uw (HveTbouaandi Foundi) aaved to-onr subscribera. H. U.—not

: ope of thorn vktlmlaedtbatlnqulreof n«.TEBM8.—Subsorlptiona : . Throe Ouineag pet annum | 40,

noutries. six stamps eaob inquiry i extra inijulries in anyone year. Two and throeyenoe each, or Ten pounds per bun-dreij D.W "I'ff^&JS is ' : |. . ,

From H Qlebrud, iron merobmnt, 65. GraceoltBMh Street,rZJXH v f . _™ Nntumber 19. 187».—Beoentli. aetlnKnponyonr iadvlco, I declined to sell to * certain firm otherwisefhan for immeditat* oaab, and now I bear th#y bars filed a

^ rn Wea In


ng tortimonyta Ih.


oftht iBformauSn receded throu»E jrpa 1" thia .iaatanoe.-M


ltS5m«r, Boolt

^and COj,Jro» ran uA.

Neptuna WoiW, Uferpool.--" Neptune Work*. LiverpoolSowmber"«th 18J9.-Dear 81r«.-B» a BanfaTOt, and yourtMBHTiatb. totant. W« acted on the information yon asp.3?3 if Sntttnct to M f i n , and thereby a. Xad » loaa nn-SCnMidlr of IX '. »roia what wa havaairoot our planta?%S&iS« information w« think yon deaertlnf of veryi2L2 «if irii ahaU omrtalnly r#ooiniM»<» you whmmrS? «to' TntaStf7<« foryonranantiontoomtowWtfc

^S^SXSmSSSSut. Liau^i 1%^,£rlurShZtn rM«Jb«n 18 jiini.—•¦ Sirv*W« do

^^&^^m •¦ ¦**«

' AKOMTIC j - GINGER 1LE5Water, Soda i Mtet,L Ginger Beer.- ' - - •

T AYL O R ' S.... T 'O-B £:3.\a6SOLD EVERYWHERE.


Uuder Special Registration.

The D.- i i if- / or- f ! , e (haii/ and 1hr.:mulic.\lii.b only by¦

CANTRELL & COCHRANE, ¦ <lTnd> ;r Special Rt g lBtration.


3 T2J CE€' ap» iEa: .

LlTlUil VVA^EitS

¦i '\ :-¦ -/ ¦ -: ¦A^MT:'-0.BBYIOB./;;''V •¦ i} u <-irbraq - JAM V wisymKo .^ O

.,JQU*;tin*nj p aH'to Hft^oiidltfoiji oj Wertloe «Dd.«4»*n*tatfrtof the;AnS>on »vpliea,tiontt tiaj.1tm\ Ofiw.,

•-MwAiPnujhspMi el ,.profn«:iWJ *** oflewd :t*e%bWo<ii»dlen. . Jj . . . ., ,v <JyU/>-¦ jAppBC»tion» can be nmd#, e(th*r penocslly-o*bjf lrtUr, to toe Offli-cr onuioamilay tlie &tyt1m<enM

TT¦ C5 ES'323"E^ ;3K." r * S

. EfiUrl iMSld is v:^Hfe BEST!CHE RRY & SM^L LD Bil D G E.; CMAI

^EO,' Bouiiii.¦! i

.| i

AMTESIAH; ; .MI1EE,A1L ,yATEK, Po 9. ¦¦¦ - • ' ¦ •: ' t ! /• ' -• '• ' .. ¦¦¦

-Ll'l f l T E D . " : ; " j" '

O130 - . - - . .... . , IS, . UUHSAmii-CnUAIlE.

Aflmitto.dly tho FIHEST ..mnEHAIi T7AHER0 a<yd- ¦ C^Tplicd¦¦ ¦ - : - '¦ ' - : - ' to 'tho'-'Csotlo. ' ' . • I

"• (C9.tey)

I i/^^.i j R;ouikrD, ":'iF?fei EJ ibii isf b:l {^^^ ,-®j

Unequalled for all cia'ases of Stock. Every, delivery gnaranteod to Dr. Voeloker'oAnalysis. Price on application to the Company or their Agents in Ireland.

Hdnuiiioiiiioil by tho TTatorldo/ Hilla; Co., Limited, ^HZ >1M.AGENTS-GEOBQE WHITE <t .SON8. WATEBPOED.

" RT . cSs aaot .IIS, HO El




mmhI u hlmdl mx 9 CANTRELL & COCHKANK .4c -^ c v < » u ^^a « v •» y JJcxare of 8p unout Compounds. .u 0LU8 $11"


TUB VARIOUS jOLaiATKS. •Purveyors to Her Llajosty 'a Kcnsca of Parliament,


BUTTJ5E from tbe 8ILVEESPBING DAIBY obtained tbo First Prizo ot the Tioyal Agricnltural: Sooicty'D Show held at Waterford in 1873: FIro t Prize at Bf.yal Agricultural Society's 8bo«r; at Cork in 1876. First Prize at Eoval Af;rlcaltor.il Society '» Short nt Dab!ia in 1073.' Alio the Silver Medal at Ultown Local Show. / , - . , • ¦ :


The Sole Agency, for the ; ale of this very superiorI Batter in W|terford . ;

CZ7 It to mado Frcoh orcry morning from Sweet Cream, and no bavo arranged for Dally -•: i J ¦ Supplies to bo sent I D. ¦ ¦ I


88, 89,; 80 O ©1, Qnay i i T7-ASE3-BI 0BS1 C77 A TRTAT. •RT'HpiimTmr.TiY , ROT,TnTTRT) . . ' .

." ' ¦ ' ' '(<Protobto4 . by ISoffiotrdtioa) " : ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ; ¦O R I G I N A L L Y P R E P A EE D BY

Etft .. i«3T: i Niaffrn Works, Eagle Wharf Road, London, Jons 20th , 1885.j " Wo borcby certify that;nc bVvo appplied Mr. tl. J. Mnnpur , \Vut»rford, trUh Machinery,; &o., &c., for tbo llttuafaciuro of ^Eratcd VVat«rs.iha»iC({ all tha latest improvompnts, and b«in? :/¦ in ovorjr rcapect aimilar tel that wbioh gained the Highest Award* at the Intttnatloual HealtS ¦"', Exhibition, London, 1881, namely—8 flold,2BUver , and 2 Bronro Modal*. ' ¦¦ ' ¦¦¦ '¦ • . , . .- ; . . .! i . . . .: | . ; .. . (Signed) ., "UADNETT -4 FOBTBI»."':

\ , , . . j ; . ! : , V- 85, UpperWhlttpross Stroot/London; April lCih, 1837. "; " We certify that wo hart enppllod Mr.Mvfs . rHT, Wittrford, vtitb oar Patent A. ilie 8ram-! loaa Genorators ond UUI'a Pjtant Ad^ Tap oh Ubovti'dati). ,: .,

'. 'i

¦. . . . . - . . , j . | . . : | ; _• ' . ' (Slguod). , . ' j ;/ ; . " HATWA JU>, 1.TTJ.BU &, Co." , - .

I . '" ¦ ( , '[.Blake Struct, Stmtford fii)ad , Marchusti-r. JUSC,Sjh, 1837. ¦ - ' .: . !

i "I hereby nortify that I havo this day lorfar.le i ouo ol oiy oouibk'ta Faiei^Rl femiual : : -! Gold Medal S<jd* Wuter PUnts to Mi|. M. J.1 ftJOBPHT , WutoriorJ, to.make 2,009 doloirarHIShly . :.. -<: • Carbonated WuMra pvr dayj ' ' v : 48i|inedJ ; , ; ¦ ¦ ¦ . , ! ¦ ,:: .: ",1)A» UTLAVDC ''. ¦¦..':j , / ' , ! , "'Niagm' WorkaJEiKlJ lVH»rf'l('i«-j', t-ia.lon .'ljo.in «8i^r«i?; ' V; ' Venn Siit—Woaro Id rcdi-lpt of your eataemud ordar fu.' Paoip lor ... 'Aru* *;i Vf ll , •blon ' ' " 'i wlll b«tlespatohed ai oiiw.-i-Youi« faiihfully, . ^; ;

¦. '.. . '.; t ] /

l_; ;". ''; ?• 'o'JiiiTtvri '* gyf txu.'' [ ". '". ,

POTASS; AJSfDI Ctrongly 'foo'oiamond<id |ty tlio Paopl y in , oape» of Qoni, Hheumiitifl .' . ,. , ' . '

. . . .¦

• ' . ¦: : ' ' : • ' ' Oon,* and Bh«umati»ni. . . ; - .¦'.': . ¦¦:¦ . i (u>Tl8.6n>)

igp^pific ,4cnos .pM1- . .THBi,'SkiW ',''J7piifc'

i many Toilet Boapt now beforo lliapalilld ibapalyou*T*oagviie4 by the mealwl |iro(e*<iaD u bavin j' a rtkVrsp*«sc Awt-DenefloUl action apo& tHe nklo ia^Ua-AluouJtUk aad 8tU|>Ur *Mp. (b« milk glilug .apftnew, ¦mooth-naM.aadaleariM4 1 Iht iTilBhtr ptma«tfoii: -Dytbt oaaofiSTk>.BOi.8UB»Ulb«1 «.jIM? a-m/Mtooadltioa. »» lamoat «u5t*Wft tor ohll4rtu, tod 1» the pontt aud moatdortblrW 411 8oatw. Uomitl/ullr' *bit».. IMUcataly par-tna*A, E«ad the followlng.i-i" ror :80 jeir» I hate triad•Uthevatioaa Botpa tliat nave boei) racoiauicndtil.aiid IcaaSdlyTSaWtkattSeAltiou Mi:k mid SOIyher Soip hu DOequal in aoo hW the lrriUUon -ol ».be akju."—J. Jl'QrimCK\ t,M.0..O.0.P., lite BtoB-flsfcijon Mi herMU«»fo»


FACTOEY ANb OFFICES119 , 120 & 1.21 ,

Telegraphic Addreie— 1 TOBACC O, DUBLI N."' C4l7.lv


FB1SS :!:'\ ©SEAM :®TETTTEE1 ¦ ¦ " ¦¦ • " ¦ '

FROM' THE ' : ' ¦• •" ' ;

' „ .

¦.' • ' l


JAUE8 Q. U00NE7; THOMAS DAVY. :HLNRY HOLOHAN.lMcnssinjj Dircitor

F R A N "C I S - S T R E E T

SHE AETOBL HOTELnnaiS I«rso, Comfortable; and oonvenlontly jritniitedJL HOTEL, haa rooently baen thoronghly paintedend renovated by the prooent Proprietor,'Mr. HEALY.

For Gentlemen and families cominf to Dublin onlegal business, it will bo found mart convenient; beingsituated riext to the Fonr/Coprta j and for WeddingFartios and Visitors to Pu'cljp, the accommodation iasocond to none in tho Kingdom-. ¦ : ¦ ' ;' Private Bitting and Dining Booms, CoSee-room. for;Ladies, -Bed-rooms from is. Od. to 29. each. Smokingand Billiard Booms. :

John Jameson and bouu' 'Sovou years' old Malt ;Qolmiee!)'* Stoat. Bass's Ale.' Wines, Brandies,Champajnca, Xiquenrcs, &c. ¦. ¦¦¦¦¦ EICHABD HEAJ/T; Proprietor. ' al3.1y


(Oppocitotho Ooncral Post-QQco and Telograpb. Ofilea)The moat central In tho pity.

/TiOMPLETELY remodelled and re-furnished;>-/ Uflcniilcent Ladic3' CofTeo-Uoom , Dining-Boom,8tnokin3"Soom, Billiard-room.' Charges moderate.

C HABLE8 LAWLEB, i-roprietor. f8.tGREAT GL.OEE ¦ HOTEL

. LOWKE BEIDQE-STEKET, D U B L I N ,iTr«. RICHARD OOFFEY, Proprittrcu (widow of th'lale RICHAitp cOPFErj. :

MOST Central ) immt'diato, noighbourhoodof Law Courts and Telojrrwih Otfioes | a few

doors from King's Bridge Trca^fjtv Xbo ; five to tenminntes' lirivo to any City Bailway i nowly 'decoratofr!ro.fnmislied, And snpplicd witb every modern improve-ment roqiiaito for the comfort of viaitora, under thopersonal unporvision of Mrs. CovrsT and family.Eggs, Butter, Cream, and Vegetables from the Farmdaily. Notwithstanding present high rates, terms aremost moderate. Breakfasts from le. 3d. Beds, fromIs. Gd. Cttoh. Table d'Hote daily; three o'clock ; 8un-days, flyo o'oloclc. Soup, Two Joints, Vegetables andCheese,- 2H. only. ;

A Night Porter In attendance. * All Servanta paid bytha Proprietress. All communications to be addressed,

lira. COFFEY, Great Globe Hotel,Lower Bridge-street , Dublin.

No communication with any other house. f28Jy




AVING purchased tho Interest in the aboveHOTEL, bogo toannouueo that this Estab-

lent OPEHEB on SATURDAY . FEB. 16, 1S79.M. K. trusts, by Etrict attdtitiori to thooowho

patronlGd THE SHIP AND CouiiEP.ci.ii, HOTEL, tomerit a continuance of thoir patronage.

Quay, Waterford, Feb. 12, 1885. £29.tfTno .Burlington Boatanrant,

27, ST. ANDEEW STKEET, DUBLIN, *'Oyttcr and Bhell -Fish, iunc^coni Dinner and Burner

Rooms, CBURCH-LANE , .(next door to Hibernian Bank).

TT UNCHEONS and Dinnerq, Soup, Fish, En-M-i trcra , and joints, &o,, SnpporB, Fwh and Heat.Game always ready. . :

The BITjLABD KOOJf is oleeahtly appointed.Cgy LUNCHEONS at tho elegantly-fitted FishBuffet , oonsist of Oysters, Lobsters, Crabs, and

Savoury Fish , and a variety ot Meat and other , 8and-wiohea. Winos and Spirits of I tho finest quality.Jame3on'n Sovon Years' Old Halt. Marten's Brandy.14 years old. Alos and Stont from the best Breweries,ana in purfeot condition. Finest; Bed Bank BarrenOysters. Over 1,000 Boxes of very old Cigars in Stock,purchased by th» late Mr. CorleaBj A trial solicited.

TBOUAS F. COBLESS, PEOPBIEIOE. (n22DlGO]rc7ator Valol Ilotol,

L IS 110 B E .

J 0 &N N O O N A N , Proprietor, ."WTISITOBS and Commercial Gentlemen will findV tbn above Hotel Clean, Comfortable, ChargeO

Moderato, and Accommodation Excellent. A BathBoom noil supplied witb Hot and Cold Water.

Cars meet the arrival of every Train. allO.lytlUEBICK—Sho Glontworth,

A First-class Family and Commercial Hotel .npHE " Glentworth" is tbo nearest Hotel in-U- tho City to the Eailway, Station , Banks, atcsm-boat OSOM, Telegraph and PoBt Office , and to all pub-Uo places of amusement. P. KTKNNA , Propriotor. 1415, and 16, Glontworth-streot , Limerick. jol8

aOUTH KENSINGTON .Privrito Ecsidontial Pnmily Clnl).

" GLENDOWEE MAMSIO2I ,"13, 15, 17, and 19, HAR HIN QTON ROA D, S .W.,(Tho bi'3t and most convenient position In Town).

Ono minuto from Sonth Kensington Station j. tonminutes to Westminster ; eighteen minotosto thoCity—Ifanaion Honao Station ; near Parka, Gardona,Albort Hall , and Mueoums. !FOE Fnmilics wishing to avoid expenao of Honao

keejung, Visitors to Town, or Gc.n'tletnon deairinp;tho advantage of a Club, combined with tho privacyand comfort of Homo , at a moderate Cost.

Introduction or rcforcrco reiulrod. dl9-tfC<T Address | Secrotary, THE GLENDOWEB

RESIDENTIAL CLUB nud PHIVATE HOTEL,Horrinirton EoadJ South KenBinKton. S.W.

fRIEND OF ALL !n O SI i O -V 7 A Y f 3 i P I L L D

PUElTl O7 BLOOD ESSBNTIAHTO LlPS , HBALTQiKD8TBf-ifOTB.—These Pills Burpassallother knownModloinesfor Purifying tho B LOOD I being safe and in-offective , they are availabls for aU as a Domeitio andH6aaobold remedy. In oongcfftiong&nd "batrnctions ofthe LUNOB and LiVBB .theyqaickljremove thocauseofth J disoase.and id oonttipationand disordered conditionof the BOWELS , they act as a, oleansingaperient, re-moving irritant matter from the ihtentinal canal , andrelieving Hpasms.Vjramps, and painful griping!.

BILIOU8 USADACHE3 , ' NA CBZA. AND FOULSTOIIACB , LOSS OP APPETITE, - AND LOWNSSB OF8PiBiT«j~Th« olcansing proiwrttcs of ,taaso . Pill*soon produce 's wonderful .change in the constution,romoving all eioess of bil« , 'hcadaohe, palpitation,pains aff$ r eating, snd glddiiicm. :Th«y rdjtoro theappotito, clear the complexion, > and improve the(tenoral health. : , ; 1 , • ¦ ¦

: THB , UoTaiB;s FBIBKP.- JSMALKS '- Ssscincs.—Kvory Mother of a Family shonjd know tho valueof theso 1111a In remdving all accumulations and rc-atorlng aoapended or porverted lecretions 1 at variouscritical periods of female Ufo they: are useful beyondmoasuro ; they can bo taken safely by femaloaof-allages, and are invaluable in all children's complaints.

SOIAT'IOA , LUMBAGO , AND OBSTBCCTIONS orxnc KIDXETS.—If theso Pilb be taken rcjnlarlyevery night, in striot actord»nc» .with, tha^, printeddircoticmB, the most obstinate cage's will soon yioldUtbe secretion from the kidnoya will become, clear andlimpid ; no f ondtion of the body should bo more care-fully' watohed j most soriotM ccsKo'qaonbes enauefrom noglnct in this tespect; I i

SOEB TaEOATB, DlPTdBBIA1, CODOHS, CoLDS ANDAil, BEOWCUIAI. AyrrcTioNa «hould be lounodiatelytreated by these Pilla,: wbioh will, vban combinedwith the effectual uao of the ¦ Ointment to the partaffeotod , afford auoh n moaaure of relief as is scarcelyorodible ; tho joint agonoy of tho two romodlos is sopotent that every formidable pulmpnazy affection be-oomoBatnonable to thia trcatmont. .: . • . . .

. DSBUJTATSD COKSTITOTIONS , TOIBBLISOS, AITDLOBS oP.Wnavooa EN«Eor.~Tho>o Pills are unjnr<passed as Nervine Tonics: they correot all Irrogu-Iarities. and weakne»B0B. Thoy act so kindly, yet aoenergetically on the innotioni of digeition, that thwhoio body is rovlved, the blood U pnrified, smd themuscles become firmer and stronger y therefore auf-forora from Nerroui VVcaineis in erory /orm ahouldgive them a fair ahd honeat trial, j '• . . .Holloway't Fills dr * lh * ttst remtdy Itnswn in th *

worid f o r thtf oUovrinf iistasrs 1Ague : 1 Fweraof all SorofaU, or King's. EvilAsthma 'bada Sore l'hroata; 'BiUonscc-r- Gout Stone aod Urave

plaints ' Head-aoue . Secondary OTmiitom.Blotohcaou Indigoatlon Tie Iloluoreux

. the Bkin t " UHt Coa- Ulcer» .BowelCom. plaiuta Venereal Aflection* '

plaints Lumbago Wormaof allkindaDebility. Pile* Weakneaa, fromDropsy . Kheamatian. . : wWaver oauaa,Female Irrogn- fiotention of &«., &o.

lariUcs Urine . • -I . ''¦ • . , .The [ Pill* aoad Ointment ' aro Bold at Pr'ofesaor: ' ' Hbttowit '8 esUftUanmant, , "

78, New Oxford*t, (late£33Oxiord-itJ, London 1 ¦'¦¦

ulso b» nearly every reapecUble V«aidor of MediotoesjthxoUKhonttb«,«TUUodw<jrld, in boxea»nd PoU;mtla., IJd., 2a. 8d., «¦• <?: H *., Z4 *., and 83sie««b,'Ihe amallaet Box iof Pilla oonUiniJ fonrdotonj ujthe amsllew Pot of Ointment one O*BW. .

Full printed directions are aflixed to eacb,Boxni(?Pot, ind can be had in anylingaagi, Bv«n tnl'urklah,Aiubio, Armeniao.'i'araian. or Uhlnise.

N.B.—Adrloe ean b» obtaintd, »ree of eharge.byapplying at tha above Addreaw, daily, brtween thehiinmot lQ-and l.orby lettfr,- . . - i - .- , , . w: ; .

, WBOlf BAUS A#D' I KT/UL, . . ', ¦ , ', ' ,fith, Chuat JPotatry, ; w d 10* B t o f M• • ¦¦ ¦ BBAO^raijK y^ i'iJvow),^™rt\HE~«tb«niIo | th« Oenb :*a4 PoblieJL ¦>¦ It «iW« 'IUM8»#Wl WMJZ&??*,

lox \ leg i il(a.>)(V<M«>Wi/orM.wMiklin a>.<^ypi^

f«eTOwy!M»««:V,ri)U.'*o. TermcM»|>vUoiJ»1O»-.. ( ^wa'-MKi -i. !-}';-..'!.- . . ¦'¦¦¦ ¦. '¦* ¦'-

¦¦mM t,

U u^w .fc ii d Mimtawax f n u u f . Qm i *, tk"-«lu«*rt«bn« t&Sfm^KumUIKHSI Ot»t» or Bata taWie Ba< t. ' SmES£E.T£~.tsjssfe?aa man!!Ur«4 ':!*;:rff*>^»>5t!s« '>*mmmM


1 1 (J

NOW OPEN ! NOW .OPEN-! I : •'¦

Confectionery and Kefreahmont• • ' . . . .i- :- i- i i!- --BO'&'irisii;l' 1;'ri- f " ;/

12, STBANP STEEET, T E AM O B B^'"'" "'r

'.i- '

'. 'Mr.'.'- R J S.H Q 2 < -y .-'£

'"' ¦¦XJEGS to intimate to bis Friends and numerousJQ Visitors to, Trampre tb.a» ho jbu QPHNBDthe Rboyo Establishmerit, where 'tb«y/caa jbe ei>-plie4 with FirstrClasa ( ooda on, moat rcMpaaiitoterme.'' . ' • • • ; . —

^tA Choice Stock of Wines, Brandy, Wbieiwr.'BasVa Ale,'GblnqeM's Pofter, CijTars io,, fy ,.t . -r,

' Jjtrnci«dN3.; SAND IOHSS, JIA, and'CofirtiIced Mineral Wateri, 8<L . . ' , * . ;. -

. Weddings, Balls, und .PIc-nio Parties supplied,

, WALTEH.¦'. BISHOP, . ;

, '43, MltJHASl, STEEKT. ^BABBOHST Biio BiRSZl,. . . • WATBBTOBB, Yifl8-tf)' A HD 12, STEAND STEEET, TEAMOtti), :

We are now^ bayioff Direct fromImporters, at the pnblfc/jBalesi ahdcan- offei 1 on' Term^-tliil^iE'gu^J'.WLpnclon Hovtees.' , Samples fr>« o?iappllc^tiQn- The W onljrtB»jj -

.¦. '!¦ Wiarreii's Place, CJOfiK. _ ?"-.Proo Parma for tho KUllIon


_ - ¦ WEST,

¦ '¦ ¦¦ . • ¦ ¦ ¦ - .;.) "• ¦ >

TO3THICH Comprises 160,000,000 Acrerof'ttoV V best Wheat Land in the World, and, 6OA»6.000 of the best Qrarinjj Land. Eailway commnnl-cation open to all parts of the Continent. ImorowdFaram for Bale ic all parts of Canada." AssistedPassages granted to •'A)?ric-nltnral: lkbonreni, s.BdFemale Domestic 8erTants, who .are in greatdemand. . . '. . . . . . '. ; '. : : *i .¦ — . . - ••

Apply for tbo New Government Pejnpblsto.Uapaj aid full information-to- ¦¦ " "¦THO11AS • OONNOLLf, '

Canadian <iu *eiuLueDt Agent.Notanoiberland Hcoso, Beresfotd-PlAoe.DubUaTO NEE7OU8 8DFFEHEE8. - : , -at Published. ®«g»!»$*<»$jg >»-a. -VteK.

HOT7 TO EH0UBS HBAXiTE, "¦ '• 'Or, the COITPlDEirrtAL FfiJCTD." ' '. Uy J. A. Biuns, M.D.i (0.8.,), • ' •

rhlj Book should ba rtad fcy every' ohe/ Toufcj Or elJ»married or tingle. It Uachei. • . ¦- . . . ^ • • .. . HOW TO AVOOD DISEASE. ¦ . . • . .. . , H- .W TO BEOAIIT.HEALTH '

" ¦ ¦ HEALTH i' BO01AL8CIEJTCZ. '• "." •IJ EUfO «i TEElTlSEonthe LAWSOOTIBHnJO'IiJPE" and tha CA08t8, SyilPTuMS.^nd /niBAlUEin;of all dboiscs depending 00 'Exhapudon ofKervona vitality*eneb «a Ncrvom DebEitj, lleotal na Phjtfeal D«pi«ilon *Palpitation:of «he Heart, Molwj W ihe-'HeaA aadEm;Indecl»lpn, Jjnjairad , Bijht tnd Slemoi/i . ¦indJrt»UoofrostrttWn. , .ia8itnd«( Deproailoa of Bpfriu, tone «fEnergy -and Arofetite, tsraa- '-ia the 'Back, jind Miatw.Timidity. SalMJiatruit, DiJtlnau. Love'of eollhMoJOremul.less Feara, ncd ouny other illmonU, whiab, ii ocxlootad.oa CbroDlo Ehoamadcn, Qont. neuralgia', Eufletuj.Hrsterla, ud all dlpxttct of ttuf HdiYoal ul tliaenUnsjrsteci. . . klid i^ miix to thj 'vaiaAblBwofkoonUUe maiiy n»s-ial PlSat)EirriO3a. fiJr-Uia- »u»t.tion V auSerlDj aStha can of talnof dUptd^n, «ltli full < iattfactlotu fcrtheir prep&ntion and uae. . ..

Caol&las also i>me frieodlr advice on Hyjciane. or tha, j , , ., .WAT[toPSESEfiVEHEALTrf, : . ¦,niriistraU'd by J niimerohi e»t£moui«Ii fron 'giat«falpatleuls who bate -keea KlMtM to bealtb. throoVfa, thooathor'i itirtrninaatalitj i; u - i . - . .0 :.' . : J , . . - ;/ ¦.

. Sent loti free tori atusps 1 or by letter coit 3 utamse*, Also a <!c«crt itlve ramphiet du the lanctfcnt aaatdltoMsrpocnllar to tho f emtle aex. br the aim* Aotbosntitlad.ran FEMALES ,Fi<iJEHl) nod ADVI9EB whiih wiU ba.¦•¦ Mnt' tb atoy adaitM on BECEIPT np * ff| AMP CTI

Address, J.A. BA-NZS, 1LD.,(D.a),«,Ix«ad*lo C<1 uiroo24.20t) . roniibnrr. l.O! < < D . W. ' ¦


Raving noir Opened, (a connection .with hisIronmrostry and Oeniral Vazmiss, t,

TJRUM ¦•&. COFFIN FACTORY,Is prepared to supply on tie Bhertet Nctic*


FUNERAL RE QUISITESAt Friccj to meet all cliSCJ.

COFFINSJTJ.TI thitlzineit Dial to tls txitl meuits 2oll:Zc£

Oak, can bt $u$pliti en tn f ours tutuK

All the various' article! for » Factral tipt lactoek, and, vitb a largo stock of flniihed goodi endprepared mueTiMi, h» it entblcd to execute Ot&ezifor FantraU is tbe cost itspectable oaasti esd. C3reossiabJstens*¦' , '. > . / ' . ; ¦ : ¦'

CcSn tatkrn cupplied with - ell materials ttmskera* Prictt at

. . . ; . . ,



'• ¦.' • CARRlCK-ON-SUm,,


Alteratioa or Traisi. ; vf \U AND' AFTER THE -liit , OOTOBBE,feWiSW^SS^:"1 8EEVICB

DP TEAma '"" win DATC . nj nrtt. ¦

, - am • ' p.m . P.m »ot>iw"Waf«rferd departore 7 15 230 , 580. ISOKSlkfnoy - „ 0 0 840 ,; 885 ' J « l,MarVborogb „ BIO 48J 1 ;> :« JM ,Dnblin arrival • l_ 0 6 15. 9« '.»i5 y.

Dt>Wtf' TOAlNa'.•, ' ,- V - :.: • ' ¦ -'. ¦ • ¦ ' '- ¦ itun- toxrt: ¦ '¦jmrnli *: '

a*t& ¦ tvin a .9 D*iv' BVIB*Dnblln ' departure ... 7 4O' ' ; ':'9 'O' Ml'.»V'»i0.Maryborough ;. ... 9 f t 10 40 '- '8 IS' ";l 0!KUkennr ., 7 30 10 13 1*80 -4«' IsffWaWrford arrival 940 U» 315 Jj g:',TOMABTBOEOUaH AND MCTJNTMEJitlCK:t4ke.'

.' ¦'¦ '• ¦ ' ¦ WTIM »AT«i , ftnrPAT*.¦ ' ' • • ' ¦ •»» ' a.m • ¦• • pto': • ¦ ' '¦ '.:-

Maryboroogbdeparftort 7 10 i-U 10 - 455 J? ; VMonntmeUiok arrlvU 78Ji 11 85""5 W!'- £r' "" '" ' • • • ¦ r ••»» • p.m'' ' o«B - :: ' :";MrtntmelUek dfpartirre 8W :"1 ToO v '; *:"M*7boroBBh arrl»tl tf|* : 21* 6U ... "

" ;- ;. J 1- '.\ "\ £¦¦ ¦ ¦ z t . '»B TO1DKE-I . Watetfqrd T»«gt|iM( gepaiyW, 1887. , , . . . . .,..

^ jdfe **iM ' T1-EVEBY|aNRMfe«;«r P«H»n»«oe toeK <VrrW

«ew*M »i Tir« Mwri Oflflfc HU* WITMK)0Lli4tB WATER.

~ .. "

- ' - :CT--D:i:©'; 'Q'- ^-O^i"'; -TT L' rJJf

¦¦!» ¦'ir*R3 •)¦:!i w uhl

* " >^-*T -';.Tr'pa»^niBMi.r «^* S y 'Tn1?

Page 2: A :rr 12 , STBANP STEEET TEAMOBB o ' AKOMTIC j- GINGER 1LEsnap.waterfordcoco.ie › collections › enewspapers › WNS › 1887 › WN… · P«g (Manitoba), North- West Territory,



S A L E S . !I I Q B E A T A U C T I O N I

i BOOKS, BOOS CASES, 60. ; f"OENDER 4 DWYBR will SeU by STRICTLY£- TJNBESER.yED AUCTiON.at S2,0'ConneH,street; Auotior Mart, on FRIDAY.; Hth NovnJfBEB,1887, 1,000 VOLUME8 of VALUABLE B00K8,the Property of a Gentleman ! leaving WateMpW;consisting of Works by tbe best Authors ;; alsosome jrery rare Works by Dickens, Lever, Lover,Di?»eli> .Haaqobetb, JDamaa, -Misa Cueack, Moi-telro, 4o:; && Also some very ! valuable Works onthe.Att of IUuminatioa; the Catholic Bible, Llfo ofO'Connell, an<J, the Blessed Virgin, ; tut., &C Aldo3 Book Cases.

Day 8ale at 12 o'clock. Night Sula Ht7o 'clock. : • ' ;• ' ¦ ' : - '.. ¦ ' ¦. PENDER 4 DWYEB. Auctioneers.


TXnrcsorved Auction of Green Crops andXwo Eiclio of primo Oat Straw. \ :

mo BE SOLD BY AUCTION on TUESDAY.¦JL ' 8A NOVEMBER 1887; AT WOODSTOWN,by directions of Lord Carew, 18 Acres of GreenCrop3.^. . . - ¦ ¦ ' I' 'Consisting of about 5 acres of Bed and GlobeMangolds , 13 acres uf Prime Turnips, and Carrots,and' -2 Large Btcks of Prime oaten straw Bavddwithout rain. i I

•Tbe; i?reen cropa are equal to any in toe County,and mill be sold by the drllL |

The straw Is iu magnificent condition. All will becold in convenient lots to suit purchasers. '' A reabonable time will be allowed for re-

moval.Terms Cash.—THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers &c.

The Mall , Waterford. October 25tb, 1887. :

THE MALL. WATEEFOBD1 Auction or Household Furnituro, |'. Prime-Feather Beds, Office Counter, witb Mabo-' gaby Top and Three Tiers of Drawers ; 2 Fire-:

proof Safes, SO x' 22 x 22 and 20 x 16 x 14 ;ja: quantity of Toys, Glass Cases, &c, <tc. : iI mo BE SOLD by UNBESEEVED AUCTION at! JL oosiSalerooms, The Mall Wnterfori , on THUBS-! DAY, 10th NOVEMBER, 1887, at 12 o'CJock, i ai qnantity of EOENITDRE- removed for oonvonveni-| onoe of palp, consisting of Dining-room Chairs, Annand Easy do, Sof»», Loungers, Tables, Chimney Mir-

' roraj Ornamonta, Glass, China and Delph, Sideboard,CaHimts, Book-shelf and stand, Office Counter withMahogany top and 3 teirs of Drawn, 10 ft long x 2 ,ft: wide ;{ 2 Fire-proof Safes with Drowrs and Shglveo ;

1 Counter Cases, Toys, Stationery, Engravings, Oldo-! graphs,. Mahogany and Iron Bedsteads, - Palliasses,Feather Beds. Hair Mattresses, Toilet ' Tables andGlaaopj. 'Basin Stands, and 8ota, Waro,Towel Rails,Chests Drawrs, Presses, Cana chairs, Commodoa, Car-petti, Fenders, Irons, Kitchen Utonails £0, &o. Terms' THOMAS WALSH &, SON, Auctioneers, &oj

The Mall. Waterford.Nov 4th, 1887 I


B SB C f f SB I S 8ASB. :T ieee "Newly-built Tno-storied House3, situate at

Convent Hill, Waterford, for Sale by Auction.!

Ground Sent ... .,. £Z per Antwp .Lease] Vnezpired ... ... about 88 TearsProf it' af ter deducting Bead Bent £2& 4s. Od. I .mo 1 BE SOLD BY AUCTION at our Sale-JLi . Booms, tbe Mall, Waterford, on WEDNES-DAY;* 14th NOVEMBEE, 1887, at One o'Clockprecisely, by directions of the Executrix of thelate Mr EICBAED EALEIGH (who is about leavingWaterford). Hei Interest in the Lease of ThrieNewly-Built, Comfortable Two-Story Houses,known as Nos. 16 17 & 18, Convent Hill, Water-ford, teld under Lease for an Unexpired Ternof about 86 years, at the nominal Ground Bent >f£3 per Annum, and at present producing a Pro: itBent .of £23 4s after deducting Head Bent. Theycontain 8itting Boom, 2 Airy Bed-Booms, TiledKitchen, with Bange ; Enockoderry Water, WO.,&c., the Houses were built regardless of Expenae,and are Let under their Value.

For farther particulars apply to! DANIEL DUNFOBD, Solicitor,

O'Connell-street, Waterford s or: THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneer*.

The Hall, Waterford, Nor. 4tb, 1887. I


Anotion of Houoohold Pamituro, |Chimney Mirrors, Carpets, Wood and Iron Bed-

; Ulead*, Feather Beds, Hair Mattresses, &c. jTO! BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on MONDAY,¦

21st NOVEMBER, 1887, at 12 o'clock atNo, 37, Lady-Lane, Waterlord, the residence itthe late Dr WILLIAM CA&BOLL, tbe HouseholdFurniture, which will be found good.

In the Pmrso AITO DRAWING BOOHS are—Mabp-geny ^chairs in .haircloth and cretonne, with BO: aand Loggers to mutch ; Arm and Easy Chalre, e :tDining Tables, Sideboard, Folding Screens, Tra.-sUrns and Stands, Writing, Side, Loo, Fancy, aridSofa Tables, Mahogany Bookcase, 7ft x 6ft. 6in| ;Book : Shelves and Stands, Books, Carpets, Bnga,Feeders, Irons, Coal Vases, Chimney Mirrors andOrnaments, window Hangings and Brass Poles,Paintings and Engravings, one ail-light Crystal,Ustuller, Fancy 'Chair's, Ottomans/ whatnots, FobtStooU eome Glass China, and Delpb. -. ,

SruHT AK» BECEPTIOM Boons—Chairs, Centreand .Side Tables, Book Slelves, Medical Books andinstruments, .Oilcloth and Carpet, Fender aridIrons' Window Blinds, half Cabinet Wheeler andWilson machine in perfect order. . ]HALL, - STAI&CABB and LANDINGS.—Chairs,Tablet, Bell, Hat Back and Umbrella Stand,jLamps, Oilcloth, Kidderminster and Tapestry Car-pets, Bods, Eigbtday Clockn, Shells, staffed Birds,[engravings, new Miliner'e fire-proof Safe, 24 x 18a 18. : i

THE 4 BEDEOOUO contain—Mahogany four-pos tBedsteads, Albert ditto, with Hangings ' Spring

LPaJlias333, Hair Mattcesses, Feather Beds, Bolsters'and Pillows, -Stretchers, Cane end Easy, Chairs[Loungers, Wardrobes and bresses, Cheats ofDrawers, Toilet Tables and. Glasses, Basin Standsland Ware ; Commodes, Towf*Bails, Batbs, Carpetf),pBugs,-Fenders, Irons, Window Hangings and Poles,¦Blinds, Engravings, Centra and Side tables, <kd.,'&c. ¦, 1

• • :The. Servanta' Apartments are fully fumlohed,Kitchen and ScnllerieB are we 11 found,TermS—Cash, • ! ¦THOMAS WAL8H, & SON, Auotioneero, tx,The MaU, Waterford, 3rd Nor., 1887.


rOEC-MPT AID is earnestly asked from those pfLLL our, Fellow-Citizens possessed of the means^nd wilUcgnec3 to

participate in a humane worj :Eost pressing and moritonous. Owing to the pro-

tttorij death of Mr ABDKEW DCSOAB, lata ro-irter of 'l ht Wattrford Citizen, and for many

years responsibly connected witb tbe Irish daily Press,a young and interesting family are left suddenlyjnnproyided witb tbo means of support. - |

The ' dtuation io pitiable, and, in eome of its hidden.fciturea, nnnsuolly pathotio. The nndornamed haitajfornitd ,themeclvea into a committee, for tbe parpodoof oVgaakiDg e> Fend is help of tbe bereaved ono iand iroQ intimate personal knowlodgo they can vouchfor the fact that acaso of moro unmlxod deserringnes'sjhea,! rarely, if . ever, choUanced local ohorilnblonympathy. , jI Donations, which shall receive immediate and thanli-f nl acknowlodgment, may bo addreucd to • . < |

THE M ATOB. ' j: Bevi B. MOCKLEB. Georgo's-Street.i JAIIES F. SCOTT, J.P., 10, Lady Lane.

Moat Bav. Dr. Power ... ... ...£5 0 0iEov. B. Moclder - • ... ... .... 1 </ \0Dr. Scott, J.P. ... ... ' ... 1 0 -0Franciscan Patbcra ... ¦¦.. • \ ... 1 0 |0lA Sympathiser ... ' ... ... 3 ,0 !oEov. P. Power, CO., St. John's : ,.. , ... 1 0 0¦Very Bev.JT. A. Phelan, Presiilent, St. John's :I

¦ CoHejjs ;. ... ,... . • ... 2 0 ;0A Friond from Tramoro ... ... 1 ,0 0:EdWaid DeevT ... ... ... I 0 ; ,0David! Canty : ... ... . . . 1 0 0!Aid. Smith, : ... ... ... 1 ,0 0Tbe'Mayor , ' ' ... . ... ... 1 0 0JF-Worden.ThfatroEoyalj BoifMt ; .,. 1. 0 0Aid Kellyi Oeorgo'B.strcct ... ... 1 0 !0Uiss Nolan, Patrick-street . ... ... 0 5 |0Mrs Boderick Byan ... .,., : ... 0 10 jO1 A Lody 8ympathissr \ ... ... ... 0 1 5 ;0: IIr John Ahearne. . ... ... ... 0 10 |0Very B«r Deanllorgao - - ~. • ... 1 : 0 iO¦Us. -- P.. -. GtJ D.. SA7&OW... &.D.0.X.;;.

j i [ ¦ ¦• D E N T A L .' 8 U & 0E 0 N , ¦

jTT ATE of 10, HUME STBEET, DUBLINJLJ ! - may bejConsulted Daily at '"¦> ¦. |

i n>) 8 6;, II^ A. L L , WATEiFOBD. (j,i

, ! ¦ • SHAHEU- - : ImHE

~S18fEB8 OF CHABITY y en gTatefoliy

JL ( acknowledge , having received the followingPrizes'for the Christmas Bazaar for tbe Poor 1— |

Mrs T. PheUn—Lottery Prices. : ' . ^ !IIlu Hynes—A Statoe of the Sacred Heart and

b poand- note. ¦ ¦ 1 1 •MM F«mll—A Dini»<enrlM. - ;ahBMli«es ,Kelly-lio »PH»e5. - .- , , . jThe MisseiEgajI JUSM of Champagne. IMiss L.,Hfwe-#Pe «*r9e'»**; ' ¦'¦ ¦ -i !The Misses M«raln- -AnBjrenlng Service. | jMies Hearne--A- Ti*|»-0p»«5%.\: • r •'. ! IUics Hogaa—An^Ev<3il|fltfierv>ce. • ~ f - ;The'MuSe*' Pow«jf, ¦ thl lenr-iA Oentlettav'i

Dre8»lng 3aae nicelyftrnfited. f . . . . ;. , ];¦ <

rfiHEv BISWBS pir , caiByn mmJL j-¦ •cTnwwlefejs'ilile iwelpt ot JO. trvf ;-Brinntio*; ] Baq,; Ftirttpok, towirdf :thcoB JoSfcj;^ ;: ', ;/ , :;; ¦;,. ; ¦¦:;,., ;, y¦¦ \- -\ -«-Mi *&&tWMJi&it lMY :t *'te :

•?.| ¦ %'f ^ 1^

. j ^ spj

si"4 DLrt^_ toSii^r. in AK«C

Ww%*nf ^-f ^n f ^ f y m^^ '

¦¦ ¦ik-h r,:*-t,.- . :-i.-,f ,5i.:-.v,|,:,(. .; -;r. ,>':.-.--. "V-

STOSES TO BE I.E2TM"B8 CUBBAN,. ANGEL: HOTEL, OTAY•ixJL WATIBTOED, is prepared to let weekly oryearly, to! a Solvent Tenant or Tenants, the largoBottling Store, the two Horso Stable, and .the lftrgoLoft running over both, These Premises openinto a large and epacloUB Yard ; are approached by"a oonvenieot Entrance from the Quay, "arid imme-diately adjoin tbe Hotel. Tbe whole Concernwould be admirably, suited for Builders, or forpersons In the 'Bottfing -Tia,de, and indeed for per-sons in any General Trade.' v ' ' ' 628.Apply, to the Proprietress .at .the Hotel. . . . . .


: General Quarter SesoionaA :ND-8ITT1NG8 of tbe COUNTY COURT

-ca- for the Year 1888.LiSHOKE DIVISION—Civil and Crown Bnainess—Tnos-

day, 27th Deo., 1687.' Land an d Equity Business-Wednesday, 28th Deo. -

DnKOAavAH DIVISIOK —Civil BoBincss—Thursday,29,».h Deo , 1887. Crown Basinegs—Friday, 30th Deo.Land and Equity Business—Saturday, 81st Deo. '871

WATEBFOED DIVISION—Civil Business—Monday,. Jan. 2nd. 1888. Crown Business—Tuesday, 3rd Jan.

Land and Equity Bnsinoss—Thursday, Stb Jan.WATE RFOKD ClTT -Crown BnaineEs—Wednesday,

4th Jan. r '! : EA8TEB 8ESS1ONS.

DIEISION OF LISIIOBE.—Civil. Businen8—Monday,16th ApriL Crown and Land and Eqoity Bnsinosa—Tuesday. 17th April.

DOHOABVAN DIVISION.—Civil Business—Wodnesday,18th April. Crown Bnsiness—Thursday, 19th April,Land and Equity Business—Friday, 20th April

WATERFOBD DITIBION.— Civil Business—Monday,¦23rd April. Crown Business--'i uesday, 24th April.Land and Equity Business—Thnr day, 26th ApnL

WATBEVORD CITY—Crown Bu.lnoss—Wednesday.25th Anril.

! TBINTTY SESSIONS.DrvistON OF L18UUEB. —Civil Business—Monday,

18th June. Crown, Land and Equity Bnsiness—Tocsday, 19th Jnne.

DrvisioN oy DriNOABvAN—Civil Basiness—Wednoo-. day, 20th Juno Crown Bnsiness—Tbarsday, 21st

Juno. Land and Eqnity Business—Friday, 22ndJune. • '

DrvisioN OP WATEEJOBD.—Civil Bnsinoss—Monday,25th Jane. Crown' Basiness—Tuesday, 26th Juno.Land and Eqnity Business—Ihorsday, 28th Jane.

WATEBFOED Crtx—Crown Business—Wednesday,27th Juno.

I MICHAELMA8 8ESSIONS.DrvisioN OF L18UOBB—Civil Basiness—Monday,

-21th Sept. Crown Land and Equity Businoss—Tciesdsy, 25th Sept. .

DrvisiOK 01? DUKOABVAS.—Civil Basinoss—Wedneo-deiy, 26th 8opt. -Crown Basincas—Thursday, 27thSept. Land and Equity Bnsbcss—Friday, 28th Sept.

DrVIBIOH OP WATEBPOBD.—Civil Basineas—Monday. 1st Oct. Crown .Business—Tnesday, 2nd Oct.

Land and Equity Business—Thursday, 4th Oot.WATEBFOBD Cm.—Crown Business, Wodnesday,

3rd Oot. ¦DIVISIONS.

WATBBFOBD.— Tho Baronies of Kiloullibeen,Middlothird, Gaultier and Upperthird, and that partof the Barony of Decies Withont Drnm, oonsistinaof tho Parishes of Eossmire. Kilbarrymeoden, andMonksland, and that part of tho Parish of Newcastlo,conuatinR of the Townland of Lishano, and of theCounty of tho City of Watarford,

DUNOAETAN. — Tho Barpnica of Dooios WithinDram, Glenaheiry, and Deoies Without Dram, eavoso tnnch thereof as Is inolnded in tho Division ofWaterford, ' and also save so mnoh thoreof as iscomprised within tho Parish of Aflane.

LISMOBE. —The Barony of Cosbmore and Coshbrido,and I tho Parieh of Affane, in tho Barony of DeoiesWithont Drum.

Pf oclamatlon Dated CtH Soptcmbor, 1861.CBOWN B08INE88.— The Grand and Petit Jurors

will .be called at Waterford (Co.), Dnngarvan andLismore at twelve o'clock on the days appointed forOrnwn TCniuneflR.

Tho Grand and Petit Jurors* of tho City ofWaterford will bo called at ten o'clock on the Firstday: of each Sessions.

Jurors are required to bo punotnal In attendace,as the court is compelled to impose Fines of not lessthan Two Pounds on: such porsons as fail to answer totheir names. '

Applications for Spirit Licenses will bo heardafter the Grand Jury have beon sworn. Every noticeof application for a License served on the Clerk of thoPeace mast bear a Five-Shilling County Conrt Stamp ;Applications for Transfers sbonld state the name ofthe , person from whom snch Transfer is sought ;and; applications for confirmations should state thePrevious Sessions at whioh the License wasobtained

EquiTr BDSINEBS. —Tho Dofendant in everyEqnity Case shall oa 1 that day provions to thefirst; day of the ordinary Sessions for each division ,lodge with : tho Clerk of the Peace in duplicate aNotloo of Defence, and a Copy of any defence horelies upon under Bnles 82 and 83 of County ConrtEuloa. 1877.

LAND BUS INESS. — Solicitors aro requested toinsert in Originating Notices and Agreements theDivision in-which tbe Lands are situate.

CryiL BUSINESS. — The Conrt Will sit on the FirstDay: in eaoh Division at TEN, A,M.

Civil Bills and Defenoos must bo lodged with tboClerk of the Peace, or with suoh persons as be shallappoint in each Sessions Town (arranged in alpha-betical order), distinguishing ' Ejeotmcnts , Eeplevins,and I Legacy Cases fro m ordinary Civil Bills, at orbefore Throe in tbo afternoon of the day previousto ; the First day of each Sessions. Lists ofDefences must bo made out alphabetically on foolscappaper.

ThV List will bo called in alphabetical order ,at the sittd ng of tho Court, whon all parties must thenbe In readiness. Ejuotmonts will bo collod noxtaftoe the Crown Basiness.

8&LICITOB9 aro reqairod to Register Licensesat Hilary Sessions, wbon camo commenco after6th jday of January, otherwise , at Easter Sossions.Solicitors from other Counties must produce thoirLicenses. Solicitors aro required to eend in CivilBills, 1 Dofencos , Deorcss, and Dismisses inalphabetical order.

CLD BKS or PTETT SCSBIOKS aro direotod tolodge informations, Recouaizutions, and Appeuls intho Peace Offloo , Watorford, within coven days attarthey' shall havo rooeivod same, under a penalty of£5 for nesleofc.

Pttooies OPPIOEBS.— Procoss Offlcore aro dirootedto return the original Civil Bills to tho Solicitors fromwhom tbe same have beon roooived on the day afterthe 3aat day for service. They are roqnired to lodgetheir- Books with tho Clork of tho Poaoo when andas often as the Judges shall direct.

PUBLICANS. — Each Pnblican, or Eetoiler ofSpirits. Beer, or Cider, is required , in six days aftorhe tnall have paid his Licoone in every year, toregister earna with tho Clork of tbe Peace, pursuantto tho provisions of tho Licensing Aot ; in default ofdoing so he becomes liablo to a penalty of £10, whiohwill bo striotly enforced.

NAIIBS OF PBOCES8 OFFIOEBB .— Division ofLismoro — Thomas Morrlssey, Lismore ; JohnHartnett, Lismoro ; John Eyon, Tallow. Divisionof Dungarvan— Patrick Keane, Dangarvan ; WilliamCarroll, Dungarvan ; James Cochrann, Leamybrion ;James Tiernoy, Ardmoro ; Mirtiu McGrath, Bally-macarbery ; Miohaer Collins, Ballinapark*. Divisionof Waterford — Thomas Butler, Watorford ; EiehardPhelan, Half-way-House ; James MoGill , Carriokbeg ;John Qainlan, Tramoro 1 Thomas Leuihan, Kilmac-thomas : John Walsh, Oldbridgo, Clonmel ; DeninMoGiath. Poter-at.. Watorford.

WILLUM JOHN DENNEHY,Clerk of the Peace, County and City of WatorfordPcaoo Offlea. Watorford, October. 1887.

Coajvont ao lo Dto. Union dca Dacrca



for YOUNG GENTLEMEN under Nino Years otAgeL

! Terms Uoierate.For particulars apply to tbo


! COZ.OIIOI7G' DPECTAC2i3ai MB. E. SOLOMONS, OPTIMA*CV71II> has been 61 years professionally established in Dnblin

DEGS to ciatlon the Pablio against tho use of tbe common-*-' improper, and badlj-manalactarod Ulsucs and Pebbles,generally sold, which are eo highly detrimental to Vision,that bomber* have serloasljr euitered froa tbcm, and truststhat it ia sow unnecessary to dwell ot length on tbs cicol-enco'ct bis Spectacles («o different from pobble or similarsabstance, whiaa ho neither oonitmcts, approves, nor dis-posal of), and on tbe advantage* derivable from bis aoenratemethod ot adapting Qloeus to Defective Sifht (a matter ofmuch deeper importance thani* frequently sapposed) as nebare admirably calculated to preserve the ojes unimpaired toextramo old »ge. Tber ha ro been usol bv tho most dls.UngoJsbed persons and Members of the Facnltr of thoKiopdom ¦

OBSERVE.—Person* can be inited bj' enclosing a pair ofSpectacles, or one of tbe Glosses, in a letter stating tbodlstujoe from the eye the/ con read small print with it, andtboua who have not emslo/ed tpoctacles b/ mentioning theirage and doscribing eight. Communications from Waterford.and its Vkinltjr to be directed to Ms. SOLOMON'S Establish.merit, Ho. 19 NAB3AU-8TBEET. (Entranct bu Ball Door).within one door ot DAW8ON-8TUEET.D0BL1Hea. Eepalrt of oil kinds promptly attended to.

i HETfLT INVEHTEO TELEStX)PE3,Combining portability with extraordinary.power and dearneu>f Vision, which sapersode ever; other kind for theWaistcoat Pocket, Deer Stalking, Military, Sea, and all otherpurposes, both by day and night, and some (rom i inohss willshow distinctly Jnpitor's Satellites, &c. Price—10s. td,12s. 6d;, U«..8ls.,8.s., 4<j. .'..-..¦ • ¦ ¦ '

KE» Ilk AKD ASTEONOMIOAI. TELESCOPE,PB1CE es COMPLETE-With inperioi Wnob achromatloobject gbss, two improtedeye pieces, son glass, portablemetal pointed stand. This extmordinarr instnunsnt willCleuly show tbe most important heavenly bodies, andexhibit with distinctness individuals, clocks, sheep, cattle, &o,at many miles distance, equalling in tbe most essential pointsthose glasses nsnally supplied at £60 or £70.

HIPBOY.ED DOUBLE OPERA,. BA0B AND FIELDGLASSES—Price 10s. 6d., IS*., 31s. 1 some so minute in sizethat they slip into a Watch Pocket, yet rival in extent ofpower mas? of tbe largest made ; also, Microscopes of greatpower, from it. fld., and invisible Photographs.

llAOIO 1ANTEEN8 AND DISSOLVTNa VIEWS-Clea7,brUUftntJlmple, thongb ansarpasMd tor eOeet.—Sliderin great variety,—Comlo, Soenio, Edacatiosal, Illastratlngtales, wars, travels, to. A superior Lantern and 10 slide*from 7s. Sd. A catalogue on application.

ApHTCAfc VITZEOT'B BAB0HE'l'£B fBxcniiT IKraorxD U»»>—Accurately foretelling the Weather, bondsomoly mounted in Mahomny, with Thermometer . . 16seOLOMOH'S HEW MODEL BABOMETEB, prioa 12. 6dCorrect Toermometers, at Is. upwards.IHPBOVSD ACOUSTIC IHSTEDMEHTa for eitroms«nd:everr decree ot daatntss. , :CAU1IOK I—In ooBMdqsnce of numerous attempts atimppsitieo, it Is neoessary to note strictly mm* an? address,and1 to obser»e-Only to be bod from M. E. 6oLoao>'Option (professionally established in Dnblin olj-ears).NamberNIHSTEEN. HAB8A0JSTBEET. DUBL1K. En.toj»» tar to* HsU-Door withta outdoor of Dtwtointreot,DU3Lt&;Taat IU io* n»t vMt t$$JWinc** 1 lias ne een!,ctim «4U sMy *tt«r k»uw »r ]Mr»i( «/ saiMt*li»aar «rellt«rasu, awl JU «iOi#r B»ploy$ AGENTS uor TBAVELLEBS.

HiNET«tsTlfAaSAtr^TBEET. D0BL1H, ont.HoiXOWAT'B PrXL8.—Dismiaa all your&&". ' J no on* be any longer oppresaed with tbs ootionthstlisorbermayadyis mcatable till tbess purityint PiUston baa « fslr tofi. Whsr* ordinary preparations fallM«M pGU liiodaoa tlwjbest r«ult*7i ooorse of tbls ad.i5iMj^

>Jileluu.ebni«r5« bSood tram all imporitkiTwidV&SME PLJ ** wl»I*:sy»t«aisthdsbenefitedf^o^KW* MaalobaaaiUsirtUw t ndotionot strenjth,kestOiJls, nntswed by natural .sMJns. tat eratat diseases«m aently establisW a wortdwKUfaiae, ,od U complalnUof ths sh»»*tb, Unr, and Tsto4y»f they *j» eqoally eflUe tm^ r t ^r ^t c mf t m d o tj&t baissaaTwitbou*:«s^ s i 0iE0Meat7ora oti«(dst«elMaiabstaaos. .

, l» ApAinrsfRTT -The Drtfof DaroDihiro tilgp atsdaB itwtoBitiit of»p«ro«ttttob4»tfliwjt«& l*W^ vl»»


fc;L Wi: :'-r ~. 'r

SBBCiac l¦ of \

IDK^SS C3fOO3DS Ii,;^, , ,, -. Shla . ,iWeefc (v.,|onM<. - , a - - . ¦„:

• j . 1 ' 'I ' ' ¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦

I.— , ... ^... .,. .. ,. . ; _ ,,.... .... ,. .....- I 1 ...j.... . . . - . ' '¦ " ". ~ S."'


. ¦ ¦'

i : •

¦! • ; ¦ ¦ ¦'¦

'¦- ¦ ¦



"• ¦;


K / .••.


HS^.E:!L" riSaLa]LflOTEJSAll Purchases offered at less - than

\ Half Price.^ - iPatt ama in no inotanco Cat. , ; Cash only.

JAIEB .': HIAIli :..& -C O.-9\ W A T E R F O R l i .

W 3Ln J ±,S3 3J3':.iEB"3Li.! idJ - UHE E'SS. H? S 9'¦

! ¦ :


. Hio ©sly SkosonnMy WaoIisiiiaWo ^l&naol ia tho Srcflo. 1




THREE DATSt2?25! lSii2S IQ). .-2-iS OKr^L, "


Very Useftd and. Extraordinary BargainCovc il H ZI CJ cnil Dosca oZ CplonOia Goodo, tlapcsod h'j Ccr, %7otc

only during tho rooont Otorm,CONSISTING OF :

CALICOES, LINENSXJii l bo Cold during tho


ETOJflMeSWW.1 ikiij IDlbllfil , K lflEifflll^lIIW a W, (LIMITED)



New Season's TEA,8/8.

M. WHITE Si CO.,60 0 SI , Q U A Y ,

Js29 .6o W A T E E F O E D

How Girocory, Boliory, cad ProvisionWAREHOUSE,


C O N N O L L Y & C O .H A V I N G purchased Mr. BOBCETB' In

terest in the Premises, beg to intimate totbeir Friends and tbci Public that tbev haveOPENED tho above :Establishment in tboGrocery, Bakery, and Provision Trado, where tboywill supply Pitst-clags Goods on tuoat ReasonableTerms.

A Choice Stock of Grocerieo, Bread, f lour,Oatmeal, Bacon, Hams, Batter, Cheese, Eggo,&c., tec.

A Superior Quality of BBEAD nill bo supplied.

A Trial reipectf\illy Sol icited

N.B.—COHHO MIT c, Co. intend cnpplying nonobut the Best Articles ID tbe Trado, at the mostreasoDablo terms. o!4

Ct. Ocjry o Doniinicnii ConvontBOABDraS SCHOOL; K I N G 8 T O W N

under the Patronage of His Grace tbeArchbishop of Dublin.

OPBHED IN 1047.EVEBY branch of a ' Youufj Lady's Eduoation

ia to bo found in this School. Needlework ,Cooking, and Housekeeping tt vo tbeir placesbeside tho Languages and tbo higher accomplish-ments- Tbo health and I bappineca of tbo puplloare objects of unceasing attent ion. e2.10t

For particulars apply to tbo Prior<M3 £3 above-


. U BS . P. ic T J B E A NBEGS to respectfully inform ber many Friends

. and tbe Pablio that sbo bos OPENED theabove'Establlobment, and bopca to cccure theirpatronage by strict attention to their requirementsand comfort. ! . ¦.

BDEASFASTS, DINNEEB and Sorpnc3 ready at

the shortest notice, and ; on the moat reasonableterms. I

Biro. C; sollcita a tria], and b coafldont herVisitors Trill bo well pleased.

BEDS, vrell sired and cleanly, at the lowest ohargeLadiea and Geatlemea boardinj nill find it to

tbeir advanta o to patrooijie thb Hotel* (oiJO.ly.)


O A P L T A L .AnTnociDED-^2,000,000 ; PAID Up-i!500,005


BBANOQEJ A.VD AGENCIES.Badalla, Bombav, Coloatta, Colombo, Edinburgh,

HODS Koog, Jaffna, Kandy, Kobe, Madras,' MadeSeicholtes, Mauritios, Melbonrno, Noworo Kllla, NOITYork, Paris, Ban FranoLsco, .Bbasghoi, 8in(japoro,Sydney, Yokohama. j

Tho Bank receives monoy on deposit, bays and soilsbills ot exchange, makes telojjrapb tr&nsfere, Usncoletters of. credit and circular notes, forwards bills forcollection; and transacts banking and agency bnsinosagenerally. ¦ i

INTEBEST ALLOWED oa DEPOSITS. .At 8, 4, or 5 montha' notios—3 per oont per oonnm.At 6, 1, or8 months' notioo—& „ „At 9 to 12 months' noticd —11 „ „At 3, 6, or 7 years' totleo —5 ,, „Interest paid half-v car If , In London—31st March

; and WH> Sopt.„ „ i ia SootUnd—11th May and

J 11th Nov.Carront aoconnts opened and obcok books snppliod.

Intorest at 2J per cent. | per annnm allowed on theminimnm monthly balanaa, if not below 100. Ad-vances made againit approved banking seoorities.

Pay and Pensions drevrn. Insnronea Premloms,SabsoripUons, and othor i pflriodio*l> paym«nU, m*doat a nniform commiaelon of i per oent.-

Seoaritiea bought, sold and received for safe onitodyfrom oonatitaentaof the BaDk. Inttnut and Dlvidondscollected at a uniform comtaUilon of half per oent.

Drafts issued opon toe Bank's Eastern Bra&ohes atcurrent ratei, free of oomiai»ilon. BILLS eolleoted oroegotiated, and every description of sxchaogo bnslnes*oondooted« I ¦ ' ¦ ¦

A wrftintr-room Is tst anart at the London OfllcBfor DM ol tho Bank'i customers.

A Bagtraga and Annoy1 Department ha* lately beesadded for tha oenvenienoe bf Eutern oonititnant*.

The fullest tnfonnatlotl oan t* obtained by appli-caUon at any of *h» BranMiea and A«<molee, or at theHeadOffioe. : ! ¦ • • ¦ • i . , - ' . ¦

QEOBQE WILLUM THOMSON, Becrebuy., Tho following flgnre* ihow the. »to»djittpi«»wo Intbe bosinMi ben and abroad ttnO*:4M eomaMeement

:of tbe Bank t— ' ' ' - ' I ' ¦ i ' " ¦¦" ''¦¦ !r '- ' [

80U> SepUab«r, 18Sl ... ..!Banking-As»»t«... iJMB.00081st Decwjber, „ >. ¦*?• ...- IMgJ^OO-81.t Jd»wb, 1&5 , , . . . . .;: 2&8fiO0SOth June, „ ! >i ... 8,826,0005nhg«ptemb«r, „,....,..| » - •" 2'SS'SK8Ut December. « , i • •>

... 4JW.0W8Ut Maroh, 1888 ...... „ . ... i jt tf i WSOthSeptnaber, -. •> ... *,&,<><»mite*, Wi •> ., n ... 8 J,WJ

¦ ¦; ¦ : fa

' ¦ ¦', ¦: . '.' « 4

¦'. : : : ¦ ' ;' ¦'•|»'.«Bi-¦ :

\- I¦ ¦ '

s A m E

lE} J5L<&J&.7LESm I


—O " :

' is SOHg9W A T E R F O R D


¦ & ¦ SHEETINGSbest Chrco Bays



U.B., F.B.C.8. ; E.ANATOITY ... ... •< LEDWICH , L.BC.S. ;

I E. B. OAFFNET ,L L.E.C.ai.f F. A LCOCS Nixon,

SUEOEBT .. . . . .< F.K.C.S. i W ILL .AUt STOKER , F.E.C-S.fll. A. WAUD, U.D.,


L MASON , M.B.OrHTBALCIC S.TBOERT ... { '¦££$£""• M<D >


I F.K.Q.CP.., ,„„.„,.. JSAUUEL E. MAOOII ,MiDwiKB ur ... ... | u.u F.E.C.8.tUTsm* UnmcA ... {V c^"01' U-D>CuEUiaTBY ... ... EDWIN LAFFEB, FO.3.

fU. A. WABD , M.D.,ZOOLOGY AND BOTANT ... -< F.E.C.8., C. H. Bo


Certifloataa ot Attendance on tbeco Lectures croaccepted by all Liconoini? Bodies.

F. A. NIXON, F.E.C.3.1.,183, Harcourt-sttcot, ^Ecjiatof.

s30.2i.14-5 Dabiin. J



THE BESTF O E P U E I T Y , S T l i E N G T H,

F L A V O U E ,

" Po3t Free." 3 lbs. on receipt of P.O.O. for Co.,or Sample Quarter for 7d., stamps.



WILLIAM JONES & CO.,Einnofcrto end ZUvscio V7r.rolioncof


i W I L L I A M J O N E S & C O .Invite Intending Pnrchasora of


: INSTBUMENT8,To iaspebt their Stock, trhich bos beon eolooted fromtbo Faotorics of COLLABD & COLLABD, BQQADWOOD ,KimniAN. and other First-olasa Makore, ond whicharo offered ! on terms certain to moot the approval

; of the PabUo.A QUABAHTEB QIVEH WITH EACH INBTWJIIEHT.Old PULofortes taken in exchaogo ; also Bomoved

Packod, Stored, Ac. \Foot Balls il Foot BaUo 1 Foot Balls I Foot Bolls,BeatQoolitj ooly fs 6s 6d, 7sCd, 8a6d, 9s 6d, 10s 6d

'When oosh is sont with order tbo Goods aro for-warded, carriage paid, to nearest Bailivay Station.

COBNETS-Sli » 303 > «». Caeo with Handles, Locks, £afefl. TAneA Bs '£0 KEY COHCEllTLNAiJ-33 2d j S3 i CJ Cd i 8 CdiACCOUDIONB-7« Cd 1 103 1 12a OJ115a 1 17a Cd i £0s.FLUTES-U i 2»j S., fa , 7s 6d . and opwanl*.IN8TBUCXIOK BOOKS for Violin, Flato, Coneortim,Accordion. Bongo, to—7d & Is Id Foot Free,INSTEUCTION BOOKS for ComoW, Gnltar, Cbrionotto,fte-ls Id Pott Free,Boots o( Dances, National Airs. Sonus with maxlo for

AocordioD, Concertina, Fluto. Violin, to—7d and 1 < Id PostFr<w • . . ¦¦ ¦ i


The Newest Pianoforte Uoirfo and Bon s in Stock. Zladcwhioh miv not be in stock ordered dnu>.^VIOLINS—<Ja, 8s. 10». lit Od, Us, up to BOB j ViolinCuex witb Lock, Handles, and Hooks, Japanned Es Od,

Ea 6d, 10s. Violin Bows, It ;5d, ia. Sa Od, 6«, 1U», lis.A Get of Superior Violin String lo, a Got of Best ViolinStrtajt U 0(1, Two First Violin Stringa 6d, 3 Bomoa orAocribbelle Flrat Violin Btiinga.lOd.fiouoforUi for Hire fif, 7a Cd, 10a and 12a Od per ZIontb,Hmaonltuni and American Organs at eqojlly low rates.; j WILLIAM JONES fr ca,'120 , ;Q D A T , W A T E E F O B D .

QfelGIN. ; •





XTiEATlNG'a COUGH LOZENGES. !JQW: <)vor 60 year* ago a celebrated Pbysloian

i i ¦ after a Ungthj saoeenfal practice, wrote the1 preaoripUon from whioh tbeas Loieoges ore! . ; made. Being- noommended from one patient

ij I to another, tSereorot* a oouslderabls demand 1! ; now they bar* by Ur tho limt nl* tbrco jh.

' ent the world of an/ similar Hedldne, and in1 1 unrivalled ia tbe can) ot eoash OP4 bronohliiI j < tzoablcs. BolM'erjwbereinlinalSld. eaoh.

M! i DENT1STBT.! i M B . B. W . . FEE EM A N .•! I Ii.D.8., Eoval Oolleye of 8nrmons, London.


J Laughing Gas and Etber ' Spray applied whenrequired. , j . (at»20.y

\\ , JKICHAEL HIOKIB, '[ New and Second-band Bookseller, Dealer IriI IfAnU gaes and Articles of V«f to, PrinU. ;i ' ¦! ¦

j i . Paintings, etc-, • i|


i J I ' ¦ ¦ i : i K~" : ¦ ¦ • ' • ¦ ' ¦

1{ Cftmrtd* Poroha»«d;for Cash at Righctt Prtoe,; I Tbe largest stook( of Beoond-band Book* fa| ¦ DabUo.alwaTa onVUw.at Modw*U! | j I! ' flrjQflJ. ; }« |.

i ! i ii ¦ " • I;'' - - ; i .

LABOUBEB3' (IBELAND) ACTS, 1883 to 1886

"- , '- y Watorford . Union, iTHE Local Government Board for Ireland

; Hereby give Notiie that they baVe made aProvisional Order in pnrsnance o! the above-mentioned Acts, confltming an ImprovementScheme made by tbe Board ot Guardians of Water -ford Union (actingas tbe Bnral Sanitary Authority),in respect of tbe undermentioned Electoral. Dm-»ipn» of toe.TJoion,'- I ' ' ¦ .' • ' . ' ¦' '¦ ' ' , >* The PrbVisrohal Order anthof ises the erection ineach Electoral Division of the number of Cottagesspecified below,~ and tbe allotment of a Plot ofGround not exceeding balf a Statute Acre to eachCottage eo erected ; it confers on tbe SanitaryAuthority compulsory powers to take the Landsrequired for a • term of 69 years, and declares the

"whole of the Waterford Union (except tha partthereof included in the TTrbart Sanitary District)to be the area of charge for the expenses of thefhn ftnhnmn •-_ . .

NombOT o! , Nnmber ol' Names of Cottaegs Named of Cottages

Electoral to bo Electoral to boDivisions. creeled. Dirfaions. ¦ erected.

Bnlljnalill ... 4 Kilmeafl'm ... 13Dmmcannon ... 5 Newcastle ... 13Folthlczj ... 9 FembroiicstOTro 3Farnoga ... 1 Pollronn ... 5lalandltana ... 8 PorlmmcuUr ... 0IOlbe»cCn ... 1 EathmoyUn ... 7Kilbrido 2 Batbpatrick ... 3Kilcolamb ... 3 KeUk ... *Klllahy ... 1 BoBSlnaa ... 1Killca ... 7 Tramorfl ... 7Killottoron ... 1 Watcrtord ... 2KUmatovoso ... 3 Woodst9Tm ... 5

Total ... 1W

Tho caid Provisional Ordor will bococne ab:olaioand take oileot, without a°y fm-thor Order, nnlcasa potition against tho Order in pursnanco of theTwelfth Section of tho Labonrers (Ireland) Act, 1830,and tho Tenth Section of tho Dabonrers (Ireland)Aot, 18S8, is lodgod with the Local Government Boardfor Ireland at tho Offico of ths Hoard, in tho CnstoaHonso, Dnblin, within one Calondar Month alterthin publication of tho said Order.

By Ordor of thoB,^^ ^Assistant Secretary.

Local Govornmont Board for Ireland,Dublin, 1st November, 1SS7.


ITovoiaTior Poire , 1007.rTHHE Ordinary Goods Trains or Special Trains willJL carry Live Stooli from tho undermentioned fjara i

Unnis Ilonthly Fttir< Satnrday, November 5th.Clonmol Cattle Fair Satnrday, 5th .Birdbill for Borrisokane Fair Monday, 7th.Gort Cattle Fair Monday, 7th.Traloo, Monday, 7th.Tipporary Pig Market , Monda- , 7th.Tirporary Cattlo Fair Tnoaday, Uth .Abboyfcale , Tuesday, 8th.Liatonel Pig Market Tuesday, 8th.Cahir for Cashol Fair Wddnoad>ty, Oth.LiBtowel Cattle Fair Wodnesday, Oth.Atbcnry for BoBOommbn Fair, Wednesday, 9th.Limoriok Junction Templeraore Pic Mornot Wcdnc3-

dsy, Oth.Nowcastlo P g Market Wedncattay, Oth .Newcastle Cattlo Fair Thursday 10th.Athcnry for Oranmoro Fair Thnrcday, 10th.Birdhill For Birr Fair Thawdo.r, 10th.Athonry Cattlo Fair Friday, ] lth.Clarecastio, Friday, 11th.Athonry for Mullingar Fair Friday- 11th.Limoriok Junction Maryborough P13 IT^riic.

nitnrdav. 12th.Birdhill for ClonRhjordan Satarday. 12th.Aakeaton Cattle Fair Monday Uth.Fethard Pig Market Monday, 1.4th.Killaloo for Portnmna Fair Tnoaday, 15th.Atbonry for Spiddul Fair Tueoday, 15th.Pallas for Cappawhite Fair Wednesday, ICth.Fiddowo, Thursday, 17th.Eathkcalo Pig Markot Thursday, 17th.Bathkealo Cattlo F*ir, Friday, J8tb.Ennia for JEnnUtymon Fair Satarday, 19th ,Fothard Cattlo Fair Monday, 21st.Taam, Monday. 21st.Ennia for Corona Fair Tuesday, 22nd.Athenry for Claremorris Fair Taecday, 22nd.Liatonel Pig Market, Tuesday, 22nd.LUtonel Cattle Fair Wednesday, 23rd.Limoriok Jnnotion Portarllngton Fig Ilirhci

Tuesday, 22nd.Cahir Pig Market Thnraday, 21th.Cahir Pig Market Thursday, 24th.Carriok-on-Suir Cattle Fair Thursday, 24th.Eunis for KUdyaapt Fair Thnraday, 21th.Pallas for Pallnojrccn Fair Thorcday 24thTraleo for Dingle Fair Satarday, 2(!ihEillaloo for Bannghor Fair Saturday, 25thBansha Cattla Fair Wednesday 30thAbboyfcaln for Castleialand F»T VVodneEday, CO.

JOHN EOBEETil, Trafflo Manager.Trai3o Manager's Office , Limeriok , Novoraoor, 1837


SOUTHERN LIN)!Grand Domo mtration at Clonool

ON SUNDAY, 6th NOV. , 1887,On abovo dato, Posaengors will bo convoyed from

Limeriok, Thurloa, and Waterford to Clonmol byEITUEN FABCS.

8pecial Trains ronning as under :—Limeniok dcp., t> 50 turn. ; Bohor 10 8 ; Drotnkcou

10 16 ; Pallas 10 27 ; Oola 10 40 ; Limeriok Junction11 0-ls' olasa 6» Od, 2nd claes U Od, 3rd class 2siGd.

Waterford dep,. 11 0 a.m. Is): claas, i t ; 2nd 3j j3rd 2s. Gronso 11 20 ; Fiddovrn 11 3O.-lst , 3j } 2nd,23. 6d j 3rd, Is. Od. Carrick 11 45—1st, 23 Cd j 2nd,2a ; 3rd, Is 3d. Kilsheolan-12 5 p. m—1st, Is 6d ; 2nd ,Is i 3rd, 8d. Clonmel arrival , 12 25.

BETCENINO—TO Limoriek and intermediate Station]at 5-45 p.m. ; to Waterford and intermediata Stationsat 6-10 p.m.

TiokeU available for dete of bsna only. No halfTioliets-

JOHN EOBEBTU, Traulo Manager.TraQo llanoKer's Ofiloe. lamonok 2nd Nov. 1E37,

^uter fortt Juiu itcts.Waterford. November ilh , 1R87.

BLACK OATS 3d. dearor, bat dn)l at tho ndianco. Sappi; etill coatlnnn tcrj annll.

NATIVE WHEAT— NOLO oDorlnff from fcirmcni.FOREIGN WHEAT-No oninpJ.IIAIZE-Doll, with downward tcmbDcy.TLOUK dull.

.1. Iz. S. P H E L A N .

P R I C E 8 C U R R E N T .~~

iuiau. 01 dl i^cnC7HEAT, porbirrolof 2C011)3. i s. d. a. d«. <1. a. d.

— Wbito - - - .00 11 to 00 017 0 to 17 0— tted - - - - 00 O Oo u ltf O lti 0— Shipping do • • U0 ¦ « (III ( II II 14 9

BARLEY , per barrel ot 2; libs.— Grinding - - • 00 0 OO 0 8 0 8 0— Malting . . 00 0 00 U14 0 15 0

OATS, per barrol of lOolbj_ Black . . CO 0 CO 0 8 0 8 0— Urej, . .00 ou oOO u 00 O

FLOUB, per >aolt , 01 2801bo.Ex-Saporlnes - 29 0 30 0 0u I' 1)0 0_ Fines - . 8 1 S O W 11 (j j

— Stia - - - • SO 0 il 0 00 0 CO uOATilEAL, vcr Saok . . 29 0 27 0 )J u 00 0UBAM , perCrrt ' S 6 6 O 11 0 i»' 0POLLAUD do ; 0 o l i o n n c uF0EE1ON. , FUSE.

\7HEAT7i~e7barrolof 2S0]ba. «. d a d— 9dc,s,a5 , * ' " • -18 0 10 18 3— lied Waiter . . . . .. 00 0 CO 0— Bpriog JO 0 10 3— Calliornian Vo. 1. . . . .130 19 iIHDIAN O'OliW, • . .W 0 10 0— —. Ibroil nnd FoioniaJi • 00 0 00 0— — Donnklin . . . * 13 0 H o— — Do. Old , .. # oo 0 M> 0_ — Qalotr . . -0, 0 00 n— — Odessa . . . -00 0 00 0PWHJB, Amorlcan, par barrel of ISfilbo • • Oy 0 00 X— Trench , per iwk, of siSOlbo. • -'°u 0 00 8IUDIAH 1IEAL, Amorican, por tack . • OO 0 00 g— - { Hom^tesJn^


},'* • » 0

$tot\v>, ^arrlttpeg, and pcutlt sat noancramii of Birt \;ilarriaj ec, f t Dtalftl.Tnuil 6« urepzid

D I E T K .Oot CO, at 3M, Chnham Eico, Loadoi, thO TrilOOfJB Bidmond, H.P., of a Oaaghtcr.

M A E K I A G E S .Mov 3, 18S7, at St John's Church, by the Eev BorarO'Biordon, Profttsor St John'i College, ae«Ut<xl br tbvBev Thomas McOratb, Adm, ClopUecn, and Very Eev. J APhelan, President 6t John's Collfge, 6t«»lioa S Beoker,Neir York, U S A , to Ilaiy Anne Qal?io. Bnrntconrt!connty Tip perary. American papers plate copy,Ootober H, tt Chnrch ot bt Aa.iooo, Dublin, Thomas PilcUarthy, Sergeant BJ.O., to Unmio , third daaihtcr oftho Lato John Noonan, of Iiallyn.-rfarberT, oonntrrWIUHANI. •

D B A T t tB . .Ootolwr 25. at little Onlmo, Pathard, co. WexforJ,oflorasliort llluoiu, »ni deepely rcffrotted, Mary J KeozUonly ohild of tbe Uto Henry f ud tCuj KiogtT * 'Oot 23, at Mortle»town| Co»t1», Killenaulo, coantjTipper iry, Margaret, rellot of tbe UU Cotilei BlacknoreEnq , Bath coolo.October 3). Josuphlne Boga, wi/e of William J HozheiTiq.. Annj gift, and fourth daughter ot tbe late BevWilliam Bryan, of Gurteen, co. Tippersry. '

"Wctorford Suites MarketNumber of firlint x caig hed at the Public Butter llarleifor t;c:& ending Friday (thin da>j j , and pricet .

Batuxdaj, — 377 — l«j Od. to 108j. 04 -Monday, — 0 — 00a. Od. to 00«. 04Tuesday. — 0 — OOl. Od. to 00a. OdWednesday — 103 — D5». O<1. to lOfli . 04Thnrtday, — HI — dig. Od. to 112*. 04Friday, — 0 — TOs Od to uOa. Od.No. of FIridns corresponding week lost y«ar 871Pric« por owt S3J. to lOSi.

Fodder and Greoa Crops. :HAV. per ton, — — 7S'. OJ to 8S« Od6nuw, wbeaten per do. — 74 0 80 0

Do. Bheaf — — C3 0 Od 0Do., otten, - — S3 0 63 0Tuaiirs, per do, — — 00 0 00 1,MiiooiDS, per do. — — 00 0 CO 0Ciason, per do. — — 0) 0 (0 0

LOCAL BAILWAY TKAPI-'IU :TrafflcBuHiy U f v t m«> «»4(»| OOTOBSSJBOi., Utt.J^

iWaterford Wttexford Xiikran; WaUriordw>d aa40mtnl Jonotion ,'Danrvaa

, Mraoriok Inluui BJlwu !;, ^ od/;i *(280 mUM (UoilM (WJ mli. . lAmot *- . . .. 1 oy»a). ¦ oyn) . ¦ oyw). (« o»iW»l

: i . - . .- • '. ' .I , «: tl ii/! * *. i. '.» •..¦*-;". '*- '•• 5>PPSS5!*O,' , . | no 0 •¦ iia M .lM io jOoodj,CattU; : ! 488 0 0 107 » , 0 IN U fTOV-V-.....4171 » 0 j «78 0 0, *M 0-0 ; |8J 9 «

•Indode. 1» B01«.(il *A»im».1«ortM W WatMikvA LUwrlck tUUmrr OMptf W H *»A W <&* iMw«

¦ .j if-w^ .;, - ¦ : ¦ ¦• !¦



ABStf^& |»for 8ale on and after 0th NOYWBIB. 'J^i L.

Parmem and othprt are J^?a* £Ji$their ordors booked before price «fv«nc«r. 5»»?^Orders forwarded pnnatnaJly per Ballway. n*^

mOWLE'S' PENNYROYAL AKD STifflL1 PllM for FEMALES qnioklv oorreot iB Iwi*laxities, and relievo the dl.tre»sln|r symptoms « pwvjjent with tho sex. Boxes lj. ljd. and 2a. »d., o|[ auChemUts. Sent anywhere on reooipt of 15 or |*statnpa by the Maker, BT. Town, (Jhemlst.Nolting.him., . . . ¦¦ - ''i ¦



"O O'KEEPFE & SONS be^- respectfullyJL o to invite the attention of the people of Water-ord ond tbe snrronnding dirtrioto to Uw> large stook of

HBA"STO«S, TOMBS, , and MoBUUiNTs o! the new-

o»t style and best rraterial proonrable, inolnding a UrgeStook of Interlaced Celtio Crosse». - ¦

P. O'K. & Sons aro prepared ' to entorkito eontooUfor every description of Stone and Marble Work forCemeteries, &o. CHIMBBT P«o«s prepared and set.

By thoir extensive premises thej ean exoouteaoyworks entrusUd to them at the shortest notice, W thebest stvle , and on tho most reaaouable terms, aptt-ty

j Homo Cured Bacon . -, -. ;¦

IN con?oqnenco of the present Low Price payingfor Pigs, we ore now selling prime 1

WATEEEOED, CORK & LIMEEICK BACON•; At Bixptnce per Pound, Betail. [

J. FANNING & CO.Waterford, Nov. 4th, 1897.

: DUBLIN STOCK EXCHANGE—THIS DAT.; BAILV7AT8.Great Southern & Wtatorn ¦ lOjrMidland Great Western MGroat Northern Eailvray 1{f J !Dnblin Wioklow and Wexford <*>1 BANKS . ,National Bank J°JProvincial Bank ... — J °*Bank of Ireland ¦¦ -. - ^

81| HABVEY & SON, Stookbrokors , Waterford.

p ^t M^ UdoxY tm" BE JDB-r , AND 7EAM HOT."



• The great apostle of the Plan of Campaigndeeps ic a prison, cell. Tho man who hasworked night and day with brain and voice andpen ia breathing tho damp vapours ol an oubli-ette. Wm. O'Brien has a spirit as strong as anythat lives on the earth, but his frame, naturallydelicate, has been incapable to respond to itsgigantic workings. The labouring of that noblesoul would of itBolf suffice to shatter its fragiletenement. What then wil l be the result ofunwholesome air, course food, and a regimenof Balfourian harshness? Alas 1 we dare notthink. But when the inevitable forces itselfupon our minds, we find such hot indignationkindling within , that we ask ourselves inalarm ; Is not this the fire of revenge which itis the policy of our rulers to fan ? Ay, there istho secret of it. Let this thought easo thecpasmodic writhings of Celtic hands, andquench tho ominous brigbtnees that glows inthe eyes of grateful Irishmen. Let us notfoolishly ask the government—Will the incar-ceration of William O'Brien make it easier fortho laudlords to collect their rents ? Will itretard the coming of Homo Rule ? We areforced to give the Government credit for amoro feasible motive. Tho eud they have inyiew is still to goad the Irish People to jn-dulgo ; tho mad craving for speedy justicoThey have hit upon the right method. Noth-ing 19 more calculated to rouse the ire of thefiery Celt than the heapiug of iudijjuities upontho chosen chiefs of his nation. Let Irishmenremember that the best and speediest way bywhich they can pay to those chiefs their ¦ wellearned reward, by which they can invest thembefore the eyes of all the world with thevisible symbols of authority, is to do no act,or say no word which can compromise thocause. Thank God, that give3 us latitude todo and say a great deal. With this reserva-tion no man should hesitate to exercise to thofull all tho means at his disposal to oflectoallyexpress his contempt for the abominable ! tac-tics of tho Tories, s the cruel spur scarringtho horse' e flank rousen him to exercise hiadormant powers, 6a may tbis latest action oftho Government have the effect of goading into life the apathy which broods over the AJrbsIntacta. If a noble spirit is to be martyred, letit not be lost. Let it at least breathe some ofita life into tho portion of Munster whence thelife of nationality seems almost to havo fled.


! We wiob to draw particular attention to theevidence of Mr. J. C. Frawley, Superior Chris.tiaa Brothero Schools, Mount Sion, before theRoyal Commission on Education, which sat inthe Conrt Houoa on Thtusddy. We did not de-oiru to give it in our last, as we bad not then afall and accurate) report of it. BU*J to-day wtpublish a complete and verbatim report, It willbe observed that tho able and learned Chairman,Mr. Justice Fitrgibbon, highly complimentedMr. Frawley on tbe way in which be gave his evi-dence—" the moBt intelligible tho CommiBalonbud received." Tbo Commiaoionera visited tbeMount Sion Schools, and expressed themoclvcamuch pleased with all they bad seen there. '



! Tho late raina havo as yet increased ourwater unppljr hot vory little, tho dry landehaving absorbed itnearlj as fast oa it fell. Tbe|Knockadeny lake, though little snpph'ed fromtho rains up to the present, still, we nro bappyto say, tbero is not tho slightest fear of anyscarcity. Tbe great lako of SO acres, has atpresent fully 20 acres covered with water. Noother City in Ireland—except Dublin-—canboast of ouch a supply. After a Tery sborttime tbo water in Wuterford will bo turned oaconstantly, as heretofore.

Procecutioa of .. Ilir. B- J. Pyno, H-P

The Government lave summoned MrPync. Tbetumoions ia eigred by Mr I) Q Bodkin, andBtatea that the defendant did, it Scrabaa, on the10th October, incite ceitala pontons to obstructcertain ehcriffi, bailiffs, sad other minister* of the^avr.

It directs tho defendant to appear Ia tho

Courthouse, Kilmactboinas, on Tuesdaj, 8th No-,vember, &t tivelve ;o'clock. Tho summons najjoervedon Mr Pyne at bU residence Lttflnny Csitle,jlalloiv, oa yeetfifday afternoon. Btraoga to eavthere was not a single policeman or police reporterpit tbe Scrahan meeting. How then Is evidence to'bo procured ? . . ;

Logal and Diatriot Goonip.

I Tb»t mythical " subscriber," wbo is to oftenbotted out in a local newspaper, is ajrtin on therampage, iinagininjj; snubs which were never givenind iittemptlng to say hard thing* which hia mindpan picture, bnt bis pea can never trace. Thiiover-tbe-way " subscriber," born in the editorialmind, Is very wroth with a certain " young hoptfu!"who bappeDs to stsnd Inoonvenlentlv ia bu twthjWe all know he bai a oonstitutionallv bad' temDer'but even with that defect It it hartjlv Itktlv heinould have been guilty of bis last all round editorialliropudenoe if he bad some •• youog bopefol " someJiving uojaumeDt to. bis earlv affections, to tafc, tho;place of that goide, |>bUosopner and friend, who ba»ibutiust pawed ftwav. , ",W Ba>

The Committee of the county Waterford brtrjchof Irish Landowner*1 Association met In WaUifnV^on bib Saturday. Present • Sir Eobert p«ul CwOandy, Mr. V.lli.t. Stuart. Hear* H. cSEfifrB. Wsse, etr. Tbejr coujpUlned tbtt tha rtTLEogl&b and ScotcJ landlordi»2ifftttt£teajportr, redacUai. Whit * o LSSMwhat an admission I It implies I ; The? «#£ uwdeclared, wtliW wu»P«»mJon fw tblni S?as well as lor th, abj>Utloriof tb»ir j". ?! 'It is pretty evident Lord Watetford'i DririlJn «*

flime lit *t Sorabaol would *»mii l S S^ ' i

wSmWJ tfortlto IltUi taA^^HSTBliill

Plite of Campaign antu tbe oeseiged bavteaei.tolaUd. ' : ¦

<, Ji, mm tns- one argament to snow hwriBeff^BsIttf J>««»«Dt Coeraion Act fa, It was faral.ihfidWtbellotoel meeting On Sunday. If it was£forte4 at Dobltn Castle that a movement wu 00foot to combine against Lord Waterferd'e extoctiouol coarse tbe Government would stt-p forward to£e asai Unce of tbeir faitblal slloy. Bnt no

tankinformation was Touchsafed. We In Waterf«roknow of the intention to bold the meeting, bnt Mr.Balfour, despite that the land is> over ran with biabobbles sad nil spies, was left in blinfol ignorwt»of tbe impending attack. . .

' When at Mass tbe first putlio notice of tbe pro-noted meeting was made, t&« flgety, Sightly, btaliLless Bead U reported as biting forgotten, to strjeilvadhere to bis -religious duties -so anxious wa* be toreport how tbe land lay toTjis superiors in the dis-trict. Mr. Balfoor; If be~*ant« to effectively carryont tbe suppression offrVe'speecb, must commit in.to tba hand* of every littlo consteboUry bnaybodytbe power to-issne Proclamations IndUcriminately-.or bow elie will be interfere in tbe case of •arprisemeetings, snch as that held at Motbel on Saaisy.He ought at once change tbe name of tbe CrimaBill Into the Police Proclaiming Act

AVhen reviewing " Throof h Green Glasses'' tomeweeks ago, I was altogether unaware ef . ltsauthorship, although tbe; stories detailed hid afsmiliar riog about them. ; It was then pointed oatin tbese columns that " tbe ttorebonse of legendarylove" In the book was most entertaining, and wouldbe of particular intorest to people hew, as the ob-scene of tbe fables were in the majority of instance)laid in tbis city or in its Intermediate neighbourhood.Since writing tbe critique referred to I have beardthat to Mies F. M. Allen that was, Mrs. Downeythat is, a daughter of Mr. N. M. Allen, T.C., is .tohfi ascribed the credit of compiling tbe work.

Already " Through Green Glasses bids fairly torival in public favor "Tbe House of Tears," whichwas written by the authoress's bnsband. Thequaint tales, and tbe tnaanor In which they aretold, bss attracted the attention of tbe Prince ofWales, who sent for a copy for bis library. TheGrand Old Magician wroto tating that be read thswork carefully through, and liked It mncb, parti-calarly the second and fourth chapters.

la the .'Press 06' work ot recent date has beramore favorably received. A writer la the Bpo rtinjLife says that whilst reading " Through GreenGlares" be conducted himself like au escapedlunatic, eo laughter provoking were the anecdotesdetailed. He further adds "We have, mayhap,felt tbe cnuckle grow within as the drolleries ofDickens, Lover, Artotnns Ward, Max Adler, sodMark Twain lived before us, and sometimes wehave laughed alond. For myself, however, 1113impelled to say that snch frequent and violentleimret of laughter never followed peruial of abook—of any book—as those which " ThroughGieen Glasses" produced. *Tbe stories, which ar»told in the thickest and juiciest South-ot-Irelindbrogue, are wildly, brazenly impossible, and yetthere runs through them a congruous Incongruitywhich , when it does not get the reader on a breedgrin, starts bim off Into a guffaw. He cannot helpit. He Is bound to let himself go. Never didwriter weave such glorious fun oat of anacbroaiiBjand upside-down chronology.

"Through Green Glasses is published by MeanWard and Downey, 12, York-street, ConventGarden, London. It is in one volume, gildedged and bound in green cloth, and containillustrations, wbicb are quite in keeping with tbegeneral appearance of the book. ' " There are aeven¦torles in all, namely, " Andy Merrigan'i GreatDiBoovery," " From Portlaw to Paradise," " KirjJohn nnd the Mayor," " The Escape ot James theSecond," "/The Last of the Dragons," " The Siegeof Don Isle," and " Ealeigh In Mumter."

A meeting of the members of ithe National aciLiterary Club is to be held'on Monday evening tottbe purpose of taking the initiative in a move-ment to establish a branch of tbe National Leagaain the city. Let us hope that tbe project wOl bepressed forward to a successful completion witboatdelay. In order that whep tbe League all la all itsuppressed, that we may. hare a good many of thi" suppressed" ia tbis city.

If I am not misinformed, tbe case of Power r.Christie, heard at the last Quarter Sessions, willoccupy tbe attention of tbe Dublin Courts daringtbo next few weeks, tbe landlord not being at allsatisfied with Judge Water's derision. Tbe cue,which ia one of considerable importance to thstenants at Christendom, will be watched witb cos-liderable Interest

The approacblng municipal elections are prettycertain to evoke an amount of excitement such utliey were wont to arouse in days past tni goss.Mr. Laurence C. Strange informs me of bis intes-tlon of opposing Aid. Smith for rhc Aldermaathlpof the Centre Ward, and other contests are spok»nf.

G A E L I C N 0 T E 8

(BT A LOOKEB-ON.)Tbe Convention held at Kilmecthom&s oa

Monday was a most representative one. With tfew exceptions tbe principal claba in the countysent delegates, and on all band" the deepest con-cern was shewn in the working of the organizationin tbe connty. ' Amongst those pvesent tbaswaa considerable comment because of the ab-sence of any representation from Dnngwws,Kilrossenty and Ballydoff Lower, districtithat have played sneb an important part ia thebiBtory cf tbe revived games in tain county.

At tbe meeting a variety of important goul*were touched npon, and the utmost noanimirjprevailed through the proceedings. Far sadaway tbe most important matter discussed'*&>Mr. Maurice Davin's letter, which appears iafull in another part of this journal. It was tbeunanimous opinion of 1 those present that Mr-Davin's suggestions should command tiwunited support,' and accordingly it w»cided to take tbe necessary steps to hare u»topinion publicly expressed.

If the Central Executive is to exist on U<people's favor the petty bickiring* which b«Tedisgraced its deliberations mnst cease,udfrj:ever. Already in this district many h»»e suf«dbecause of the unfair assumption of authorityby the Executive. Teams nave been ©rd«re4bitber. and thither at the win of a fe« dictators,with the result that the selection of the PremierTeam of all Ireland is almost as remote * a»tingenoy as when the question was first mooted.

If Mr, Darin's proposition finds fator *»ths Central Executive, and if tbo meetisgfixed for next Wednesday is postponed,, that"duty of onr county delegates will be to noeisaUone or more repre»eaUtiTe», according u B»Jbe determined, to enforce the principle of *P<pointing men from each cutmtyto steer .u*G.A.A. in its onward courte. At present tMrepresentation on the Central Coanoil is «*•limited, being on the " family party" P**0 ?"It the Association is to exist an end show »put to tbis sort of thine ' • . ' .; : . , ¦

At Monday's meeting a great many ol thosepresent expressed much dissatisfaction »*t*Jsystem of scoring at present in ™Kat'ii 'Jj iseemed to be the general opinion that MJJrnumber of points should be considered as ***»vmount to a goaL On many occasions tteptircpoint is gained by tbe utmost good lawggteams are by this means freqaentlr


with wins, which their merit* bnt fm*y*;*lffjSfthem to. On tbis point some strong IfjWflKtation should U made, at the approsehiafc*?Ireland Convenlioa. ' ' : .. -.

If one balf of th* charges >oW**%SConnty Secretary agaisst the ptoaot«Wg»g^Dungrrvan Tournament nt~9Vfl*1***tlP£\tbe sooner they hid* their Hmmaiun Hggfor evermore the better it i» f« •* »n**l»ihave an inteiwt ia ith« well-beiag rt^SjAssociation. |lr»t;tt. wai» bfrtaa^SSSSITournament wai pwmoted f(W the Ptf JNgJf;bringing grist ;to Uto taill of tte -.PTMr'people, and secondly,ft wobroadlf'iJ^SRItbe judge and jury »nar|red;oxri:th«358| Sjteam as the rurtor* ot, t trajil«aB|^^that no niatt lww. tte,-pis»a*i^gg^th» w« the mtwCTngH

Now pa -tapart tm *unjust to'form *'*o«k" * J^M'WWL


Dungarvan OommilMMXcd «pgsj.;-3k i|||-f|without askinVthe;tbis iastanoeUtrreviup in behalf vrftMplanaUonor MEMM^

xi wDacincHuanot so bad as UMTthat tboM¦**£$&

Page 3: A :rr 12 , STBANP STEEET TEAMOBB o ' AKOMTIC j- GINGER 1LEsnap.waterfordcoco.ie › collections › enewspapers › WNS › 1887 › WN… · P«g (Manitoba), North- West Territory,

capacity of Conniy President j-in the-<jomingj - DlSTBiammw ' A*yearaeEe h8fl in thepa8fc.,j Noff ,iprag?naema - ~ itS/s- ?:- *BtZES-AT-THE-who bas^donbtedly as mrwh oiLhanda, Dr. V«»I8TIA.tf BBOTHEEB' SCHOOLS " •Green is to

thankedfojj th«i time ana tronbla i "' ' - j \ ' ' '

whiob he deVoted to the intereateoftbeABsooia. On, w fl _atl. ¦ '-i > iV Jtion in this county. He f aa present at most of '8ofco6la thVnrtti'JS' ii*118 ' d°ri«"M» Brothers',the meetings, and the experience gained in the IntermedUti and fu

bi. ' "P"8 at the recent

past has only fitted him a3l the more for the pre-' "ere distribntal -? I&, %5«ln*ton Examination.;aidental chair in the future,. IhaVe hodonJit-he «>d amorj~st the «W F?0™?*. C.C, presided,wfflbeel ected by.generdlcdahnto tbe j «**£&•,* fe&K^

The Piltown tour^ «> held in ra &Sg

W.^ffiSfe^ff^boiaterons weather on Tuesday. Great pressure on R n j P P°£er' ' " AH. H&mondf Aid I'A.

coia curlers beat the Ydung Irelandere frdmjCarrick-on-Suir very - easily indeed. The John'Dillon's (Kilnaspic) defeated theiKllmoleraus by;one goal to one point. The .Piltown team" beat;the Ballinamona 21 by ono goal and two points to jtwo forfeit polnts.j The Slieverne representatives ,claim the match against Clon4a| as they : had :

scored three points (two forfeit) to nothing when 'the referee called time, darkness ; having: envelopedthe ground. ! . ' ; :

. . ¦¦ i

The Waterford Gaelic Tournament will be heldon Snnday, the 20th inat. : ! ' ¦ ¦

¦ !; —i.i i : ¦ .

¦ ;


The members of tbp United Trades Club havefnrmad a football team. ; 1 : ; ¦


(From our Reporter).On last Sunday furthen ties ' in the above

tournament were dscided. The day opened well,the j son being rather i hot, iso muoh sothat . those who knew ' declared it was too hot tolast. This prediction was amply borne out. Aspecial train started from Waterford at 10-45 a.m.The number of excursionists jvas ; small. Dungar-van was reached at 12. A few showers fell, whioh,however, served to improve i the football ground.The attendance at jtha field was very large. Thematches seemed to! excite a good deal of interest,which manifested itself unpleasantly once or twicein the course of the [proceedings.


The Dangarvan ' men were tbej favourites offortune from the outset, when, they won the toss.They chose the southern goal, the wind blowing al-most across the field, bat slightly in their favour.The ball was tbrown 'Jup .at 16 minutes past oneo'clock. The Duugarvan men immediately forcedit to the opposite goal. The Waterfords' soonsucceeded in pushing; it back to the middle line,and on to the Dungarvan goal, j However, theDurigarvans' soon drove it back and bnrsued it wellup the whole lengtn oj f the field. : Tbeo seemed alighter set of men than tbeir. opponents, who modeup for their lack of bpced : in brawn and slnne.From I the nature of tbjp Gaelic rules it will be on-derstood that speed is A more desirable requirementthan. ;6trengtb. The j Duni».itvaa team kept theball well to their oDDDnents' iroal , : klckinsr it re-peatedly behind the'goal line. The Waterfords'made a spirited rally! and drove the ball up thefield, when it was well jmet by MorriBsy, from theborne team, his kick being followed up, and even-tuating In a forfeit! point fo|r DungarvaD. At tenminutes to two the tiadis changed sides. The hoiaeteam sneceeded in diving ^be bailJto the Water-ford {f>al . "Where the Walertori men lost was Infailing to| meet the ^all Bquarely at decisive run*,inonts. .This was, no doubt ,! the result of want ofpractice, as I wus afterwards told, j The outsideinterference to which | I have passingly referred,manifested itself during this bout. The home teamkickedi the ball on. to one ' of the poles, when

;some 6,uick-fingercd person hitched tho pole out-; wrd, jmafelDgut not [altogether clear whether a;point ws6 scored or not. Tiie opinion of thereferee, Mr. T. holan,|wa8 naked, but be declinedvy 6..v ». — — — - ~— „-- - - the affair. A quarter of an 'hour was wasted inallowing tbe opposing teams to discuss the matterbetween them. It was p lain Ihiit any Ruch methodof arriving; at a decision would be ineffective. Thepoint was marked ".disouted.i' Tnis excepted, andpassing over a few recriminations and petty dis-putes, tbe game proceeded in a manner very credi-table to all concerned, which was emphasised bycontrast with the ensuing match. . Towards thefinis h the Waterford hi* n, making a. splendid rally,and succeeded in ecor ng a foifeit . point. Theresult wos. Dungarvnrl, 3 forfeit points and adisputed point ; Waterford, 1 foifeit point. Tbefollowing are the teatnB :— ' ' I

Waterford—M Crcike, enptain ;',TJKennedy, T-Delaney, VV Clooney, ' M O'Neill , 3 Byan, E Kyan,A Murpby,: J Murpby, W Dagleton, T Muiphy, DDee, T Wallace. J Sh'otjtle, J Cummins, K Grant,D Dooleii , | J Lahey, Tj Power: J .Dunphy," andM Cronan. i I 1 _ : _ _ '

Dungnrvan—W Fraber, captain;, r carry, jWall, E Carthy. ;M Halyca, M Pacthy, S Power, JPower, W i Power, P Gready, H SbeaJ M Morrissy,J Mornssy, J Sheehan, P Ktoban ,! J Wade, JJJroderick/iS Tobin, T Purcell , j J Gleeton. J Cody,, During the match a'su' ower of hail fell , of sling-ing coldnes3. I ! i

BALLTDUJT | V KILBOSSEStr.This match unfortunately collapsed at tbe very

outset. One of the BaUyduff tifani ciught hold nftbe ball to iick it contrary to rale, whereupon thereferee, Mi Tbomas Marshall, Presidtnt of theDungarvan branch, decided to give a free kick tothe oppos e side. Thd Bulljduff men refused toabide by tt .fa decision , und iij conBeqnence thematch fell Itbroug h, am d a storm of cheers andgroane. i I J • • ;

Ball yduff i team—John Murphy, Captain ; EPhelun, P-Carroll , P Poti er. J JMnrpby, M Kearney,J Hearne, J O'Neill , J.Norris, PjQuinUn, P Burke,J Kirby, P. Eyan, W Gilvan.M By an. M Dee, JEkvahan ,, E Pbelan, J Kearney1, J Kavanagh, andP Foley. I ; : I ' 1 \ <

Kilrossenty tenm—P jWall, captain ; T Walsh,M Walsh;T Walsh , M Walsh, JP Crbtty, J Crotty,v>J Foley, iE Foley, P Connors, M 'Connors, TRyan, T PoVer, J Pottle, T Bieilly, E Seilly, MKeating, J i Barren, D ijroy, D Cunningham, andII Power. ' : ; | |

¦ : :


D. F. SLATTEBT, Esq. solr.in tbe cbatr.A NEW CLEEK APPOINTED.;

Tho principal busineaa at tho board to-day was tnoelection of e. Clerk to the union, «in| room of Mr FiU-gerald, reeigried. There were fivo , candidatea for theoffice—Meeera J F Bojle, tho fornior able and efficientclerk—Mr John B Dower— Mr M 0 O Dwyer.. presentT«ry efficient! aaaietant clerk (oU DoDgarfan men)-ilr James Walsh, BaUydnff , and Mr ,C J Curran,Claabmore Tho names wero then ; read ont by thaClerk, when four polls, wero taW The flr.twaa-Bojlo, 9-Dower, U-Dwjrer, 5-Walsh, 8-CnrreD, 2.Second poll-lBo}le, 9-Dower, 14-Dwyer ,S-W8l«h.l.Third oll-Bo/le , 11-Dower, lS-Dwyer , 1. Thetonrtn and last pouwas BUMU ««™'-" r— ¦>-


Po>rtBo TMe.8rs J Qaealy. EQain, J P: P¦ Veale

J Barron, Dr Walsh, J P, S O'Bnen , ; John Qaealy,''J IJ O'BrionJH Elahavan , M Morriasy-ip.

for Dowci'-Messrs M Flvnn, T.C, Bagg. JP. Wall.Hudson , JP , |Hnmblo , JP.

^1"-, ^?^ ?

O'NeUl , Uehor. J P, Chcarnley, JP, Folw, JP. .Troy.Doggan , Ueehan, fiyan , Whelanj J : V O Brien, P


Chairman and Mr J ColUnaujdid not vote. MtDower was ihen called 1 before trio board, whontheChairman announced to bim that h« wak Jeleotod. Mr

, Dower then Very appropriately rctonw ( tha.nks.- NEW MiL -Mr Thomas Slattary. BaUygegin, wasappointed contractor for new milk , tW 25 ."ar

>^at 1W per Bollon-on motion of Mr P W»i»h, secondedb? Mr J J O'Brien. . ._ i L ' : . _ ,,. a¦"

STBlw- bSwTraw, at 2 18s.M per Jon, Mr rMorrUsy. Both for this and tho mijk.tho'.otbor tondora


coikctor, handed faW aceou sheoUnhea the Chairman said ho made a; jrpleadid coUtcbon.

Mr H^rty wid ho will closo faia o»tloet4oii in

« " iDr HoSdl reported in favor of I the. feood q"» t? oftto proTiaioni, eip*cWly.Ae bread ' «^


In refereneb to Vhe ooal contract, Mr Q»'°J" Pr°1posed, and Mr P Walsh seconded/ that : the coals beVeighod in the workhouse. Passed ™animoo«ly. _

lectori Adio'nrned. . ¦¦ : i; ' i •;

THE BTOEM IN WATEEFOBD.A storm o£ unexampled violent br>ke over Wa-

terford on Tnesday .morning, f *™011™1* *°. "Pf.with fury for some hours,.;It lieemed •» . « « >*elemenU were inteneified in-vfolence be»o$e of tbeirrecent quietude. Slates and mottw ¦ were blowafrom the houkes, and for some t ma it •« r matterof-difficultyTand danger to wlk.r»*" rf Jh e Sd^T7ind blowing directly op the ''•g""^ ? Tto Tise several feet above lt» ordinary Ie»el. Itflowed over our quayB andlnto tbe Hhpp., Wp«"«g«.damage ss co preparation "• ¦A J^Scomming. Biver and ,sea were WjPJft hknSnTand many caJuaUtea have been reported, but nflPP"J__ . .1. .a.»^i- t,« f^pflnltc information w anyl£. of life because of the storm } **&%££££.hand. Dnrini? the tempest the *«¥<*><*]£*&" .van, the ril Try, of Wexford( •"J 0

^^«bich generally traded bere. wWto*. bnt In »hinsUnce tbe crew were saved. T ie K«>f™«r r"!J

her mooriDgs off Pwwage, . >D4 f^ f A1 ~J:otner 8id«. The great; damage >W"|

^eansed bruise tbe itorm ,«a .fflnexpected m;i«

¦ Thisweek'aD the eteamOT fagong . W*terfo


iiaaen»ec8ijg6e«ot hvk stooiy..•¦»;• .. { , • . • _ ¦ - ;' :

. ! :: BENTS IHl- SN^ MlHjohi*t<^'do with Itnded"PW^V jEiffiSEJS w^formed:u> Vn» w«dt;.w«t c?W^ S«|'lio£iconntry whibh wen ¦ftfgwJfo.WfSBSg.-iWifciland natinrt be» '*&> P *^1FQ&I$2!^4Mtart-it trtB'. wiJf,- it'-- **4Jf' £3!*

:. H

: m \miimmmmm

& TE ' D- ®~nt. T.C, Jame,Ptfswr MkJ. 'OTi.' - D' McNamara, 8. B.MCTO^P 9 Nati'S111 Bank- Waterford ;Kiewoy P T a |UJln- A-F<W.T.C.DrTobin. DROW % T«5' TA B e<


Wa't« P°ole, Glas-Kennyretc

JameS Graf' f°- Pj Kenny, T.C, W

results M?the' V*™*vi b»eftV referred to the

yeari "* ~»P«"a this year-sYuccesses with lastobtained[ to. liJ r«P fc ha 8bow*1 tbat the re8nlts?nldvain»7 *h!uMouPfc Slon PPP118 «» ¦nu'= Dthow !£„\°l, the "?«« o'any previous year, asaware &£** 8e°a ?«>Mc»:iS the Press weretotaUed Ter?^0'- "!060' 9 " which16 florf^H


' N» year amounted to

Ser 'PP14'""') : which the papils got. .Tha

• Father'£*!*<"* *° »lt»"i mnch attention,' winnahf' TT" ' . tribnted the prizes to thethoTrX f 8 exhlbltl°n folders numbering doubleth$Js!_°t15?*year)_were lo4dly applauded.rirn* » , ^"'P-0' ?ht)i was heartily applauded,»?«M1 *?* ^ -There i, a saying eo.ofth?r "'T" '8 tBat *Ten the joungest ainitIf £!?• • J' C0Dtatn8a certain sharl or truth.It embodies the world's creed. Yet it partakes .omuch of materialism of the nineteenth centuiy, thatSli.Wtv? I"..11 atbe8t only a qai'ified assent. Ittells us that " nothing succeeds like Bucceas-" It istrne that success is the stimnlus to, and the orownand fruit of labour. But regarded either as a motiveor us a reward, suocess must yield the palm to asense of duty. Tbe testlmony of i ll ages support,the.omended form of!the wprldfs saying. .wblohChristianity offer ns •• nothing succeeds like duty."« i? ! °* i3 the «B8en<» «' religion is the sourceof aU that is reaUy grand aid sablime in the historyof man. It is when obeying a higher and boilerimpulse than mere earthly desire that man performsnoblest deeds. Sense of, ddty maUes man superiorto the' vicissitudes of 'fortunes;-; lifting bim to, anatmosphere nndiatorbed by the world's hopes orfears. It tears asunder] tbej ties of! love even wbonthoir aweet constraint Is kost keenly felt, andthough conscious of their lvalue and ^beir beauty,tramples under foot as mere stepping- stones ;wealth and power and even jlife itself. Thus duty,asplrlug to noblest ends, firm in its 'convictions, un-shaken, in its hopes j persevering in effort ; unyield-ing in Its conflict, starting jwnerej butnan motivesare exhausted, and human {efforts rest contended,using'a3 its instruments' tbdtbiugt for wlitcb mentoll all their lives duty attains a jmeisurd of suc-cess tbat flesh and blood justly dpetns Impossible.But to-night we may, if we- will , ezi&undantia juri tsubmit to the world's staTJ»?d, and IOP the futurecheerfully in the face. TbyftSportjjust read, proveshow honorable is tbe place we occupy ainidst theeducational institutions of.oar' country. Great fatnreresults were expected wh»n tho Intermediate Act wasfirst passed. But experience prjved that the eyatem oftraining which the youth of Ireland was receiving left

little ground and less need for future improvement.This was tho first , bnt not the greatest of tho pleasantsurprises dkoovered. That tve ooarso habic of thamoek and lowly Christian Brothers covered scholarshipdeep, real , and graceful . accompliahmeAts and truegenius—tbe power of taking infinite trouble—was wellknown to a large section of the Irish people. Bat thattbe old sceno of David and Goilia'a should be reaewud ;that the Christian Brothers' Schools! should oomp^tawith tha best sohools in the ooantry—some of thornwealthily endowed, well equipped and folly staffed—and not , only compete successfully, bat even, obtain alion's share of tbe spoil, this wo.3 a matter of surprise,and unbounded satisfaction to all. Bat the full sigoi-fleanoo of tho repertis not yet exhausted. The ccrti-ficatoe, prizes and passes from Jthe South Kensingtonspeak volumes in praise of our sohools. The wealthand rank thatEajrland bestows Winvohtivo genius andmachaaical skill , the vast extent to whioh her nationalprosperity is bound np in trade, attract every year auincreasing nambor of the beat intellects in the risinggoneration to commercial studies. Thfas the- standardin tbo science and art examinations is hoooasarily veryhigh. Tho success of our sohools has ita valao notonly from thenaiional, but moreover from tho inter-national contest in whioh prizes alive been oon.Nuturally enough in such an hour at. this, oar mindstorn to the important part in oar society, that tho goodBrothers' are, filling to the tastts in whioh they spondi heir days, and all their powers , of j mind and boiy.Tbo world knows not its greatert h?roes ; do even! wosufficiently realUs the faot that in oar sphools aio beingdeveloped tbo beat reaouroos of our country, thatwithin auoh walls as these aro being fostered all ; herhopes and oil her chances of escaping from degrstionand gnawing hanger, solonfr aka, cbroutdia oar nativeland. A country 's happiness depend not no muchon the wealth of her resources , as on! tho intpllijoaceof hi>r people. Trained minds alone csn'teasp andeolve tho problems of life, domestio social aoinational.KnOTlcdge its power enabling man to brine all thingsanimate and inanimate into snbjcction ,; and to ex ractfrom creatures all the ntility that Qod hen bestowed onthem, tn utiltxo tha waste material that ignor&ooo con-8igns _ to decay, 'to extract profit from tho " bjro pro-ducts" hithurto a soarco of luss, to accomplish thistask with greater facility snd oortainty.; The old Greok

.fablo of Tuntallns, starving and parohod amidst thesweet food and limpid water that flowed to liis very lipsis a stern melancholy reality in laadi p'erflowing wit.imilk and honey, bat whero the mind is nntrained audundeveloped. Again the world Is ovcir marching on-w ards to fresh inventions and triumphs. Progress istho ordor of life. The old order ohnn^oth and givetholaca to the DOK. Tho dwelling of moderrfn scionce isbuilt on tbo top of her ancestral home, bho 18 con-stantly abandoning what is complicated and cambor-Eomp, and adopting what is strong and simple andswift. To fall back ia tbe raoe ; to atand still is fatalfor individuals or nations. We mast teop abreastwith the march of modern improvomunt in all is-bellectoal work. This necessity lnonjasiisiomeasarablytbo toils of tho toaohera and the diCBoalties that bosotpoor sohools. Tho successes then recorded ia the re-port aro not only highly advantageous to the papils,and gratifying to their parents and to tho pnblio atlarge, but they reflect tbe greatest honor on the goodMonks. We may form from tho highest oonooptions ofthu valne of labour and of tho knowludgo that gaidoalabour to profit with certainty and easo. Wo may fuelall tbat Carlyle wrote on tbe perennial' nobleness andeves saoredness of work, We may look on labour notonly as tho price of our daily bread ; we may regardit as adivinolv appointed ordinance. Bat what then ?Man liveth not on bread only, but on oyery word thatporcedetb out of tho month of Qod. Th^ro are iaterestahigher than thoso of earth and life 'and trinmp^a,nobler and more lasting than thoso o! ociencd and art." What does it avail » man to gain thejwholo world ifhe suffer the lou of his owa soai." Better salruly, asThomas A. Kempig says is the hnmbto hosbindmaawho serveth Qod ; than the proud philosopher jrhoneglecting himself considers th« course of the HBarens.Bcasdn teaches that what is most important andnocoasary should receive tho most care. Therefore,does faith justly call on us to seek flctt the Kingdomof God and His justice to look on tbs things that aroaboro rather than tboso below. " Ani artnm" s»v< .8t Gregory tba Great, " Ars artiuui rjgi..i . ianimaram.'* The soiflnca of. Christ, tho 'soidno j of thJsaints is so fftr more superior to earthly Icnowleittfo tbat8t Paul was prepared to suffer any losj io aoqalra it,and in ComDarisoh with it looked on) all things oaearth as rils filth. How grateful then ajgbt ire not be>tbat education is in subh ssfo keeping. ' Wo do' notwish to plaoo any limit to the mercy and po»cr'of God.Yet wo may safely say that tho impressions mada ?nman in his yoath , are very rarely effaced, that habitsand ideu andjadgmonts nro then formod, that bqvoall tho'power arid' tho presistant vitality of nature. iEarly eduoation makes or mors ft man s oharaotsr,!multplying or diminishing 'tbo difficulties that beset;tho path of duty. That all things oo-operato uato him:that loveta God is partionlarly true of , tho /man, who |reosivei a Christian training makes Qod the oentro ofbeing and of knowledge and oconstoma man to «ootbo Groat Creator in all his works, fills the, universe, withheralds and monitors ', preventing that! universal de-solation that in the prophets day covered earth becaosothere was nose that tbinketh la the heart. Woe totho world 1 it the rising ganomtion do not walk to.D»tbs Jllomined by tha <r liffnU of tha world." Ifthey do not fooe life and its dangers with Christian in-stinct* devolopediby long praotine with judgments,onlsrged and fortified by faith. For the future morethan the past or the present, it is; imperativelynecessary that the " salt of ths earth/' should par-moate the human mind and eavom ita every thought.Dp not mistako me. Faith hu no fear of science.Troth cannot contradict troth. If men could find the"missing link" they wonid' be itill oonfrontod withwhat they seek to avoid God and duty, j But there istii» danger. In tracing oonneoUon between thingsnew »nd old, betrteen causa and event, men, unless «c-oostomed to look on increase of knowledge as additionalmotiTe. to lova and respoct God, «roi«pt to forgotthe first great cause that ovCMhadowi all thing* greatand small. This U tha diffloalty fb&t chrutiaaedaeation enoonntew, and counteract* so sooooeifullyIn hourly teaohing where fatta . and reason ars neveriiuW In tha daily pravors and c toohetioal ' in-structions in the school, in tue preparation oi tnsyoung for the sooramonts in tbe socieUeiond sodalitiesfor ftdulta. Far beyond tbo limits of|onr dear oldeity. in fact wherever there dwells a frisnd or a foa ofour Holy Mother the Church, saoh iaooeii, as wobeard of thU evening, oau oxeroiso a wholesome in-fl uence. It has been said, nay, it ia tho watchwordof the foe* of our Wtb, that the olalms of the CatholioCharoh are opposed io the rights °' "on! and nations ttbat. lutellectbal darkneM a:id moraraegratloa «rothf invariable and ineeitable re«alt» ofi her presence¦ad »opremacy in »oy land,,tbat conicioo* of in-herent weakoM* of her doim* »nd of the. preposterousnature ol her dogmas, »ue promotes Bpp«r»Uon aodignorano*. stunting tbe intellect; that sha nray preventthe duoovery .of her imposition*, aniI that. »ha may en-slats tha will. All that sea Mount Sion; Sohools mqstexclaim in tfo -ntj daptbtof .tlwi» Mul«, that th«» Un» trua hers of effort* to stant tbe intellect, to spreaddarkness, that Intermediate Exhibitions and uruset,and Kensigton'* certificates aro not the indications ofdegraded idtdleot, that thew '-u» not !th» means'bywbiob the Cathoilo Ohoroh ;m*y - obtain ber evil»nd«ni Here is the . refoi»(ion bf"*l»nder iiot *on»-htin tbo heavens above or in lands beyontt tho «cA, battmnd ia oa^ mldst^

aud therefore aU tbe oor« «9ectUeBaob ilanddn ars as daogerom a« they are galll ng¦Theorr »»d fact are mow closely oonneoted. thao wh»t¦n»oyiJ»«Kine. Idwi dictaWjadgoientoJ whish lead Intorn'to'Mtions. Itta»trni *n> iowttil tha molivos•and iu*tifle*Uon of our conduct *te tlw»y« •oppUed byOrtr fiM* <* 'ngbt and wrong of what, i* hAefalordMinbl*. and onr oarwrf is fir M :*•¦ may ihivtbtao >n tb«: mnlt» of 6nr own. ottoloe. ; Tho»eibomlnabU Wander* against tha Choroh are In fact¦nteawtie *U«!k«,Mitort 4»" •nthoritr •!» wMJ*nwlKtr'i of mm I th»V BMB 'Bay M indneed to

S53**Aiol'««w»tt<«»k» bo* ;h« rf»»r'-TOMBbovl a* world th« wort atrion* i mi V*™***™

¦ !***~'": r. ih.M» AtWoalku ibrown Io8 ; tb* ttuak,3X& JtaSaiolw-fapmttolidHioU tb*y: (1M wi«i

¦':'*4KW:} ¦¦l r ' V- : ^"

'¦ ' '¦ ¦[ ¦ ''_ ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ 1 . . . j


(•••%>|Ft«o-Christian-edncation fa JwUnd. Atheismand Infidelity da . not dare ;openly to claim pnbliosympathy and aid. Koonomid reasons alone can afford•n «v«BB9 available for ihe effort* of tha foes of truth,it U •obvious that out ¦duty. then, ia to imitate the-oondaot of the i beast who sharpen* hU taiks thoughneither hunter or hoaods is; in view.1 •;We. preservePeao»

^when .raady. ,for war. ) -¦ The : spirit. Is dangorenough .to aroosB onr spirit of oantion. jUnhoIy ldea*

uiE?^""* "!-' eo P0" h»vel . invaribly, *prosdrapidity far and wide, and dUoover their preaenoe,Sfft- •^.

t>'f "M work is already done, by misery01 the VKitima- they have strnok down. Prevention f*ootter than ouro, a high state of effloionpy like that-•o wblob our sohools havo now attained will closa the*>nly, ayenne . available to tho 'enemies of the Churohlor attacking our dearent Interest. Ths Christian 'arotbora have proved that whilst mainly endoavour-{ng to mako good Christian* they have procured the"«•« « oiluon*, strong in intellectual power and jrraoe-

4 -ii r ao«"nPlianments- • Nay, their snooess !Bso striking that they may point to it as the f ulfilment ofmvjne promise' \ " Seek first the Klngddm: of Qodand all other things Bhall be added toyod." Truly in»P»(nt.aBd in letter the Monastery and its sohoo!a formft Ojty on a hill" whioh U not and cannot be hidden jo light placed on a atand, 'not hldded beneath abashol i a . fruitful tree , by' tho runningwaters , i whoso leaves ahall not! fall oftJOd whioh will give its fruits ia due soason, shelteringtne birds of the air from winter's blast and summer'ssun. Who shall dare say of it—out it down, wbyoumbers. it the earth. 8urely, If ho be a benofaotorof the hnman ¦ raco, who mako two blades of grassgrow where one was prodnoed before, wo bnght to look, 00 tha monks as , onr greatest friends -the mostJjannlno, though ostentatious, philanthropists. TheBoorota of their saoccss bat enhanocs them in our oyes.Though noao ar9 more capablo than tboy of loftyezaltod domeatio love , thoy havo left all things to fol-low Christ. They have torn and bnrst the bonds of allearthly love, that they mtght,' without let or hin-dranoe, devote themselves, without solioitnde, to thothings of the Lord. They booame all things to allmeh, that they may gain all to Christ. They identifythemselves with their pupils' intaronts, by tha union ofcharity tho Lord of perfection lavishing on them, thaundivided thought and 'ova of their lives. : They leudobscure lives hidden with Christ on God. - The" workhard, thoy fare pdorlj, they rise early to sanctify thoirl&bonrs, to draw down God's blosslaff oa thoso to wbom theydsrota tbemaelres. Thorofoni docs ntoccos ' crown theirefforts, because it is to th«m s laboor of loro, " Amor omniaTlnclt." What a powerful influonc for good most not thislife of self-denial and charity exerciso on tba minds of theirpupils, and on the formation of tboir character. Bellgton isnot a mero fist of articles or prefects to be proved, ro-heanod, or committed to memory. Bat it mast be a livingprinciple in . nun, Raiding hie Judgment mid his choice,purifying bis tastes, speaking la bis words, and manifestingiuolf to God's glory in his lotlom, tnd meotioir temptationwith the rigour ana spontanlety and promptitude of a lortnivigilant nrinclplo. Saab Ufa-loss labour and (elf-restnlntu Ohristlan nrtna demacd, am M expected oaly from themost doeply-rooled eonriotibus of , tha cliims of God, andtbe beauty of rlrtuo. Herein wo aco tbe tdTontajen of hav-ing education oondnoted by the Brotboro and kindredsootoUss; others nuy attain to the stme sneoess aa they inwhat Dart&iaa to mara. humsji ficia: CA . Otherg ma.? bo (n&tas well able as tboy to toaoh the yonng idea how tb school,tbe left finger to mould, and tho skilful iencll to stetehtbe forms of beanty, or tha lines of strength. Any com-9«t«nt teacher may know how to analyze and master thedepths of human wisdom, or construct sentences firm andfair, worthy cusketd for precious gims, noble courses fortha stream of thought, Bnt none cau rlral them In form-ing the Christian according to God's own model. ¦ Nona can.give to precept saoh a sanction; others may nil the memory jthey reach the heart, transtu-lng their lassoaa jlntotbe Tery soul, till it Lecomos jiart and par-cel—an integral portion—of tho pupil's nut aro.Threo generation) aro gathered hers to-nlgnt rejoicing atiuccesses woa for fatUi and fatherland. Tno memory oftha f a t mnsc then be as tragaut as the (raits ot to-dayare abunddot and sweet. Crowded- haUs and cntbugiastlooccupants prove how doop an Impres loa tne good ChristianBrothers hare modo on tbe respect and lo^o of tb030 wnoare best qualified to know their real worth. It li a o .so oftrees known by their fruits. Thoso flj* and grapes oava notbeon gatborud from briars or thistles. But wo owo thamrnkl more.than ontbualastio pruisa or aympathetio glad-ness. Wo must ucoordlng to onr ability contribute to thoirsuccoss. l'no hopes ol a grand and glorious future, wbtcutho presout promuos can not bo realized without the co-operation of tbe pnblio. Let education bo tho watob cry ofWatorford youjg and old, a cry not fro m tbo lips, bat fromtbo heart. L«t tbe pnblio opinicn swelled by each ones effortsproclaim it la a foul blot on tbs fair famo of tbo OrU In-Ucta. if(thore shoo, d b« (oand ODO clttien •within her historlowall , one emigrant child ot theirs in foreign lands, wantingin that knowleige that is so abundantly offeroi , and so in.dispeo«iblo for the man, for tbo oititeu and for tbo Christian.Boys, for God'B sake and your own avoid tho strcots, whicharo the schools of tatan, tho nunory ot sinners. Avail your-selves of tha glorious advantages now otfered you, andwhoa you take your ptaco in another sphere, wnon theburthoas of manhood's duties fall on yon, preserve yoirclose rolatlous with the good Brothers of Moont Sion.K«Uy round tbem for mutual strength, to pnservo thokuowlodga and spirit of to-day amlus/ the ttumoil of lifeJoio sodalities and sociotlos organlsoJ/by them. There willbo small lear of your future, if hereafter your feelings to-wards the good Christian ilrothors may bo (Cproasod lu tbowords of Odldamitk ;— 1

" Whoro'er I room, whatever realms to see.My heart untravelled IOD Uy turns <o ttaco ;StUl to my brother turns with ceoBelosa pain,And drag* at each remove a ccatolcss chain.

(load cheers.)Immediately after tho conclusion of Father Power's

address , the boys of the Choral Class stepped on tbostage, and opened part V of tho proceedings with the" Dram Maroh" chorus. Daring tho evoning thoseyoathiul vocalists song in addition the " Memory oftbe Past" and " Aald Lang Syne." Koch piece wasrendered vory sweetly indeed. A recitation ¦' The Voiooand Pen," by Master J Stafford , was vory carefullygiven, fdastorsl T Walsh and P Kiersey daring theproceedings played uo less than throe instrumentaldusts, ono ah encore piece. Master Kiorsey for one60 young, played tha tiddle with marvelous precision ,whilst Master Walsh's pi mo oooompaniemant wasmost sympathetic, tbe two instruments harmonising tosuob a degree that tho aodienoo were fairly astonishedat the youthful performers proficiency. Master MQloeson'a homourons reading " Jim Hoy's passage toAmeriky" kept the aadiencu ia roars of Ungbtur forcloso oa half an boar. Tho . pieoe, a very long oao,was delivered without a break by Mustor Gleesoa , whowas heartily applauded for hi3 offo;tj. " Biilicw) M J ifAil thoso Endearing Yoang Charms" wan tancfullysang by Master P«tor Passaw,and t.ion Mr P F Redlyeteppod oa tbo stage! dressed ia the most approvedIrisb Btyle. . Mr Beddy sung in all four songs, two be-ing given in response to the united wishes of thoaudience. Mr KedJy was in his best form, and wheDthat is said it oau well Do judgod in what degreo bacontributed to the entertaininent. T.i tho comic- elementMr P Dwyer was also very successful. He sang twosongs, and delivered a stamp speech. Mr Dwy'ir isdeserving of oousiJerable praise for his performances.His stump speech was vary Unghablo indeed, and itwas dolivered in tba most approrei style. Last weoomu to speak of two youthful recitors, Masters WmiloNamara and J Dangan , who desorvo a very largomeed of praise for their effort*. Master MoNamaradelivered " Coechthe Piper" with a pathos remarkablein one so yonng, whilst his gestures were timoful andunforced. Mastor J Dungaa's reading of ' SneirsBeply to Lord Lyndhnrst" was deliverod with oxVa-ordinary firo, the burning cloquonoo of tbo wordsfinding a fitting expression Irom tho lipa of thisintelligent lad. Tbo vocal entertainment was nnderthe direction of Mrs Maher, who aoqnittcd herselfadmirably. ,

Kev Brother FBAWLEI said—Ladies and nontlomon,we have been vary long here already, and I pledgeyon I won't detain you much longor. I think it wasTery muoh in accord with your scntinionts andfotillngs tbat special thanks aro duo to Father ThomasPower, of Trinity Without (hear, hoar.) It is un-neoessary to say anything as to tho reason wby be-caato we have hid sash abundant eviduaco ot thelabour ho has bestowed , ana of tho fatherly affectionhe bos ior the ohildrea of Waterford and their teachers.Tbo greaU-bt work of nataru is the noblo heart, andthe man who uses that hoart nobly and well. It is aheart destined for Heaven. Now I voutnre to say thatas lonir aa Mount Sion stands, wa shall heartily nnddeeply regard our ohiirman of this evening. FatherPower. Whatever the tribato paid in tbe Metropolisby tho groat ArobO'uhop of Dublin or in tbo oity of thaviolated treaty by tbs worthy Bishop of Llmoriok, thotribute paid, this evening by Ku? Thomas. Power toroligioas teaching is just as groat as any provioaslyuttered. It is not tbo toachiog of science and artthat he praises—bo dees not despise it—bat it is thatteaching which oomes from the bosom'of the CatholioChurch by hor own servants, and assisted ' by thoCatholio pisopla of the oity of Witorford, onaidud byalien aid (hoar, hear.) Without tha religions teachingthe other would never do. You may procood as faras you please without, beiog taught eoienoo and art,bnt thu soieaoa of thu saiats majt ba taught from thafirst. It is only in the sohool attended to.by the monkor tba nun or ia olerical colleges that this duty is pro-perly atWndcd to. Tba thanks whioh I havo suggestedto Father Powor will I tblak ba aooordod with ao-olauiation (bear, hear.) I will say : no more exoept tothank tho lilies and gontlemen who so kindly attendedijero this evoning (applause,) '

Tha proooadings then terminated- !

THE CITIZEN'S ACEO3TICSToo followiog aorostio appeared in, tbe Wa(«r/orc»

Citizen of Saturday. That the editor bas a veryfog y Idea of what an aoroitio means is pretty evidentfrom the answer which we append in Riving theproduction t— ¦ ¦ ¦


Air—" John Anderson , my Joe."ONB UOBB FOE MAI8TEB; OEOUQC. "

' 'T la hard to havo top \y so muchII ere for tba gas we buy ;'£ 're w«'U tbo burden longer bear,

E lootrioity wo'll try.D isgrooe, that Wat«rford should payI nto the CorkCo's till, :T o foreigners for coke and tar,0 r gas that ia so ill. .E efrain, ya boys of Waterford,

O' Ferrybank as well,F rom. aidiig the monopolyT bat ought to bo in h—1.H ere, would I rooommend to yoa

1 E x»ctly what to do,

C ut oB the gas whoro'er you can,1 n shops and dwellings too.T ar, do not bny, bnt lot thorn keep11 with their breoso and coko ;

, Z onndi I they will qaiokly have to cry" E nough, this Is LO Joke."

N o joke I ha, I na I thayv'e had their faogh

D own by the aooiont Pill ,O h, n3vcr let thorn Btnile again,1! re we'vo got what wo will.

; S hare, oil Ve getlri plenty here, .N o motors nood we uao ,O r any other lying thing1'T hat they are wont to ohoose.K sow tbis, as soon! as we deoidoH o mote tUtir gas to bay,O t »ny of their coke to take |W by, they will qaiokly ory i

" W e'llflhargo yoa for the gas yoa burn" H «lf what wa charged before ," A nd let you have tnoooke yoa want" T en bob the ton, not more."; H ear further what'thoy'll have to <sy,¦E r» thev'li reoeivo us back ; •1 nto tbeir repentant arms,8 ubdusd by Onr attack r ;

; '-; •• Wi«41 gWe, joo g » for oooUngi 'ohe»p," B edaee for engines too t".I nstraot yon how to barn the gas¦ «'T l?«t weinpply U> you."

I nsWmtor'dat the gu aw»y,: Nor thinkof it agalo i .¦

.; . . "!-v:' ;.o.«t «u•»?.!*sB*iri«**/ :. j 1 ¦ ¦;.

. . - •; ' iiC'. ':/v -'-A'il C!«»i|ril ta *» btaffl0i :

> . ! '¦• - B at now vva writteo qoito fnoogh1 ¦ O i taii, onr oitrafty wroog.: ' • ! - .

¦ ¦ TJoiW M OMiRriitorr oot

WATE&FOBD :: VmON\^ f xBStBDlLT.¦ ¦] . '.¦ ! Mr. P . POWJB, V.C., jiniGie. ctjair. •i Also present t Messrs. ConptrevieiBorers, J.P., A.

Cadojran, T.O., N.;M. Allen, llCi N. Pbelan. Hon.D. P. ForteEoue. D.L, W. G. i Fisher, T.C.,. P.Kenny, T.O., ¦ Aid, Clatnpett, Drj. G: I. Mackesy,j;P., M..Tierney, r.C- - • • J |

'l ; . i . ; • ¦ ¦;

| rissAod CHOLBai iiospuix 'i i ;. ..¦:¦{Mr. Allen moved:.tbat i the : gaardiaM sell the

Cholera Hospital; at Passage, as being! useless forabytbintr. . . . . : • .•: ¦ ; .¦¦; . : J

¦ ¦:, i ' ¦,iMr. Fiaber—Tbat conld be done, only at great

sacrifice .(bear, hear). If you aelt.it yon will getvdry littleifor it.- .. . . - ¦ . ¦ ' . \. \ ¦ ' j j

¦ . .-. Mr. : AUea—You: . will make, more by Belling it

than by putting It up again. , • ¦ . ; | ; .Mr. Codo^an—I would like tp'; agree with Mr.

Allen,. but I carilt (laughter), jrao. will have greatdifficulty in getting a buyer 4t 'any.ptpce. .As aprecaution, any measure 'we snooid preserve it aswell as wo ci\n. It would not bp satisfactory to thapUbllo. What did it cost P ,Clerk ;«| 230r •

Jlr. Cadogan—You wcold not' get JE20. ! ¦Jtfr. Allen—I will give you X2O for it,; It in my

interest to save every penny I can' for the rate-payers. ; :.. ' ¦ i ' .

¦ ¦ .. i: .Mr. Cadogan—Is that not my interest t .Mr. Allen—I don't know. i i ¦ . • ii 'Mr. .Oldogan—You don't monopolise tho rate-

payers' Interest. . . . ¦ | f, . ¦;. i .On tbo motion nf Mr. Fieher, .the board decided

to i refer tho matter to the Bouse Committee, toselect the most suitable cOuraf whereby it may b«rendered available for future aso. i

ori-IOEEs' BALAniES A0AIK. I :. Ur. AUea handed . in .the following:notice ofmotion, which the clerk read t—j ! i i .

'[ That tho lotter of the Local GovorqmentlBoard , re-fusing thoir sanction to .tha redaction of the officers 'salaries of tho union, though oatriod by a majority ofeudrdians is not considorod satisfaotofy, cither by theguardians or the ' ratepayers, and I will again movethat the original notioe of motion: for the redaotlon ofsalirios ' bo carried. To show yoa. I do not want th.8ratepayers to pay for this notioe Of motion, I will de-fray tha expense of this notioo. j : :

- A Signed; : . ¦ .\ ! :I . " N.iM. AlLEK."

He would also move that tbe Master be obligedto refund ths £20, given him ifor extra work(langbter). ¦ '•' . ; ¦?¦ ¦• i • ¦

Mr. Alien—I am paying for tbis notice to showyou! there is no humbug about it !

F;ETEB.—Tbe '.'lork said tbat tbe .outbreak olfever ia the city would 'entail Boixiq cost. :

The Muster "said i hat there we 're four deaths inthe fever hospital aince ihat day- -week. . .

Clerk—This ia <tti 'orcanse of ibe inoreajed num-ber' of deathn. ¦. , i , i

' DB. OANE'B- EBPOBTB.The following was read :— I i i -"'8IE—Tho Local Government Board for ¦ Ireland

have observed from the minutes 6f proceedings of. thoBoaid of Gnardians for Waterford Union oa the 26thulUj that a number of reports wore ceoeived from Dr.Cane, M.O. of. health , which it i.was, not oonsidurodnocdB8ary to read ; nnd tho board request 1 that tnogaatdians will be so good asto titdit into their oon-sidfration , and make the ncoessary ' orde'ra on thoreports of tha Medical 081 oar. I . ¦ .

" D. J. MAOSHEEHAN, Assistant Seorotary." To tho Clerk of tho Waterford Dnion."Mr. Fisher said -thejjr were bound to read them

and make tbe necessary orders npon them-Mr. Allen—They wore read.bit. Fisher—They were not. !

• JCr. Allen—They: were, on ^hb day fortnight.I believe it was yourself that stopped them;

Mr. Cidouaa explained that they woro onlymarked " read." . •'¦ •¦ :

Aid. Clampett said that proper respeot shouldbe paid to tbe medioil offloer's report.

Thu Clerk was directed to re-id all tha medicaloffloers' reports, tho board making the neueaaaryorders thereon. :

When the reports were read, Mr. Fortesciio saidhe was very glad they were read. Tbej were wellworthy tho attention of the board.

UEVIUEK OF VALUATION.MY. J, Ball Greene wrote to eay tlmb be bad ap-

poidied Mr. II. Rogere, of the General Valuationund : Boundary Survey Office , to mako the annualrevision of the valuation, and tbat be would com-mence about tbe 7th lnst. !

A '-B ENEFACTOR.—The following was it?ud :—' " Thcatro Boyai|: L1meriqk, 26th Oct., '87.

" DEAB Sia—I have received a letter from yoa ,thanking mo for having iavited thq children at thounion, to attend our performance, in Waterford. I canassure you that the pleasure afforded them fully com-pensated me for any tronblo inourred, and trust crolonirl to be onablod. to send another invitation of asimilar deBoription. Yours etc, i \

"J, H. FBEEAB." To tho Clerk."Mr. Fisher—Very ijood of Mr. F oejir.

EE8IONATION OV A NDR8E—8AI.ABT .Aid. Clampett moved that tbe resignation of Mios

Moraa be accept ed.Mr. Cadojjan secodded tbe motion , which pajaed

dnunimously.Mr|. Allen—lieduce the salary now.Mr. Fisher—Keduce £20 ?Aid. ClaujpeU— I was Kom,( to ask you to give

the same as the other ladies aro getting, £30 ajear.

Mr. Allen—I move that you advertise ut £10 aytnr. ' !

Mr. Phelan : I second that. Mr Fisher : I opposeit. ilr Cadogn n : It's not worth -while.

Me Fieber—It wait not passed lasti year.Mr Alliin—Who cares what you' like, but what

the Loard l ikesAid Clauipntt—I second that the salary bo left

as it is.On' a pol l there voted : !A gainst —Messrs Rogers, Oadogan, Forteuv;ue,

Fishor, Kenny, Clampi-tt, Mackeoy, und Tierney-8. ' ' 1

t'or.— MeRpri) Allen nnd Phehn—2. Lost;¦taz CONTAQlOUa DISEA8E8 (A^IUALSJ A0T.

Sir1 W Kuye , Vetoriuiiry Depattuient, ; DublinCastle , wrote to uny that t'<u sum. of £52 14i 7J.belnj; half the nmount paid within the balf ye.irending June, 1887, bad been lodged to tha creditof tbe board. i i

Tbo Local Government Board wrot e snnntioningpayment of £61 to the Clerk to enable him to re-munerate the Poor. Liw Colleotors for ilieir servicesunder the Parliamentary Voters' Aots. . .

Tbfc' Local Government Bo*rd wiote sjnclioniugtho graut of £3 3s to Dr Tobin, for his services nstemporary substitute for Dr Stephenson, M.O, oftbe Trainore Dispemary district. ; Also requestin;;particulars of extra salaries paid to BunitaryofBcew. • I


The following members ol the House. Coramitteuvisited the housn Jon Friday, in <irder to considerthe most advisable coarse to be tcjkqn. with rogardto the erection of a ultablo bath' and 'water closet,for tbe female hospital ward. ¦ | \ ¦ - . ¦. ¦

Mr E MoaaioaKT, in tho ohair.' Messrs: ACttdogun, 0 Keduiond, J Clamputt, and W G [Fisher.Having gone throug h the ward they Tecomtnendedthat *ald bath , be erected in a vabanfshed on thesouth! Bide. Tbo committee: were of opinion] that itcould 1 be fitted up for £10. 8ome'years ago tbeLocal; Government Board Inspeo tor

^endorsed a

similar proposal, bnt nu steps were fakeuiin tbematter. Tno ' report continues—Wo desire to Baytbat this building is close to tbe maia sewer; whichfact will obviously, lessen .the oipenso to be 'incur-red, and that by opening a drain into the yard thebath i could be uoed, if necessary, by tbo otherfe male inmates of tbo bouse. | i

Signed on behalf of thn ' Corou-ittee, filchardMorrisBoy, ohairman , W G Fisher, [A. Cadogan,Joseph ClampeU, C Bedraond. . | | ¦ .

Mr iCadogaa recomuended this plan on groundsof economy : as well as ot utility, j The board ap-proved oHtbe report. . . ; ' ; j

ritfAKOIAL CONDmOK—THfl C<j|<IiiOTOB8.For ; tbe pact four, weeks £3,790, ff(U received in

rates. \ leaving £18.000 outstanding) They were^S.HOa in,rl«bt,. . -' I ;. !

Mr. ! Fisher moved that the colleotors lodge whatthey, bare collected i also those who have paid andthose pbo have not. Mr Fort«scoa (seconded.'

Mr iCadogan said that the collectors felt Insecurein their position. In the event of Mr BloomBeld'sresolution pasRiag thoy might resign- Mr. Fisher'smotion passed. . , ! !COLLECTION Ot BENTS TOB tAByOCJBS' COT^AflES.

Aid | Clampett, In tbe absence o; Mr Bloomfieldmoved: that tho collectors' comuiisBlon be reduced6 per cant. Mr Cadogan seconded tbld. > Mr Fisheropposed. - Tbo matter was subsequently postponed.

The; Clerk said be did'nt like to undertake tbechecking ot accounts ' till he knew what he wasabout.! Mr Cadogaa,suggested to (ilm' to wait tillmatter] irero more matured, at)dl the matterdropped. . ; . . '. - . I i '• ¦ ;>

MB ALLC» BTIOELtS JTOD ETWOiOIODS :I nraoi.nTlflNa 1 : ' i ' '

Mr Tiernoy proposed a resolution '. condemningtbe manner in which Mr O'Brien's late proieoutionwai conducted, and expressing sympathy withbiro for tbe brutal sentence inflicted. M' \

Mr Alien—I ask ypu v a sensible n^an will thattaku any effect on Mr O.Brlea P I i ! ' ¦' ! ..

Mr Fisher—I will, show tbat ae,represeniln)f alarge iauober of people, disagree with the mannerin which be was tieated. .j | / :; - >

Mr Allen (excitedly)—There is no Coercion Actfor any man if be will behave bimielf. " You'veoban'ged." I have not clanged. jWbat buve weto do With it t It won't take the pWnk bed fromunder Dim. If- you and; I behave o^reelveii we willnever get a plank bed, ¦¦; . . , , : '

Mr I'isher—So Mr O'Brien did'nt Iwhave bim.eelf f I ¦ ' ¦ ¦ I M

' ¦ ! ' -Mr Allen—I have a right to my opinion, j 1 au>

not to |>e put down by any man. ¦ j i ; iAid 'Olauipott—When ' it oat suggested to put

their bands in their pockets, and hayelfia addressilluminated, it dropped then. " i j j ; • '

Mr Allan—Get R';iue |>f th.so to put' (heir bandsIn their pocketi and to support Mr O'Brien j yonwill fiW Allen won't be backward. If' it could doany (jck.d, I would support Jt. It will only make itlaughing »took of us. i ¦" ' .: . ; . | !". -. . .

Mr Fisber—When Mr"Allen thinks that MlU Bnen acteu wrongly, ly iii ^ueer lu aep mm1 loll-ing about getting ap u svilisf riptlon for bim:

' 'Mr Allen—So, if ypd aud I to'-av^ oui»elves

too } ' » . ,. ' . ' ' ¦' ¦;¦-'.¦' ' ' ' i ' I ' "!. '

:: '

. Mr t'lsher-Dln't Mv Q'Prien lebare bira»elf fMr Allen—Question. ! I might lie a better m»n

than One bait of tbem Utot'a prating about hjm,PmsM«i%ut further dissent. . . ! - .Towird* tfo,. olow -tf - the above ;Mr Pow«

quietly! wcatett the cK4Irf t - • ' .1 j :- ii . bTATj dr T9« Hooet. •• •[ '¦ ¦• ¦'¦ - ?• -

HeniBinSng, l,COOt.d»on this day 12 month I,ffj d i »du)lt U-d, 110 r d&cbarged, 101 ; Iwrb, J. |died, 6 j) coil of prorl«lon!»J»nd nccsssarif* re*eiv»d.X1G3 L5 J lOd ; do cooiutoed, £12J li 8d i HJaewaverngb. cost, J. 6JgW inflrmary, Bs 2|d tjfe^rtbospltil. 6i W > dining nil. 1» 7d.j oo.ion cnidoorrelief, \f iW i da Uit je»S, 1,105 } «oit, «W61* 841

i A quarterly meeting of i tbe membere of theCoanoil was held in tho Council Chamber, TownHall, on Tuesday. The following were in fttten-dancfi i—. ¦ • ¦ . > ¦ ¦-. , ;

¦, , ¦ .- -. .

I Aid. B. PoWss,- Mayor, presiding. '- Aldermen—& Mahony, O.Eedmond, B 0 Keldtas; DKent, J.tVL A Eyan, J.P, W J Smith, W KeUy, GIMsokesy, J Olamputt.' Councillors i M E Delandre, ACadojran, D Keogh, P^MaokiyLTToole, P J Sullivan,B Phelan, E Hearno-.'J Knox, H Grainger, B Wbolley,A Farrell, D Grant, D Canty, P MoNamara. P Kenny,with Messrs T .Strange, Lu Adviser, J.W Howard;Town Hall, MJ Fleming, City; Burveyor. . ¦ ¦• • '. ;

I- THB PATUKHTs.-i-Thy payments recommended bythe several committees were passed on the motionof Aid Bedmond. '" '¦ . . : ¦ ¦ . i

\ ACKNOWLSDOMENTB.—Mr G W Spencer Lyttle-tbu wrote on behalf ot Mr Gladstone, acknowledg-ing tho receipt of the resolution passed at the lustmeeting. . * : : :

i A eicniliar acknowledgment was forwarded onbehalf of the Lord Mayor, iT D Sullivan, Fsq, M.P.To the unoieut'and pattiotlo Corporation of Water-ford his best thanks were tendered.

¦ : ¦ .,I It' wus decided to insert ;both Utters on the

minntpg. ; . , .: THE CITT TEtBPBOKEa.—A. communiciation was

received on the • part of tho: Postmaster General ,again urging tbe Corporation to grant permissionto ercot certain telephone poles throughout thocity'

.- -¦ ¦: .;

¦, - . ¦ •

¦ :

The Town CLBBK explained that when this re-quest was originally made tbo Corpoiation decidednot to accede to it without some sort of consideraition, and tbe consideration they asked was tu»t atelephone free of expense sbonld bo furnished toTycor. A reply was iscoived to tbe effect that thePostmaster General had no power to grant «vbattho Council asked,: and a farther request was madefor the permission originall y naked for, Tbro letterwas referred Co the Street Committoo , and theydirected him (the Towa CUrk) to reply refusingtue permission sought. Now the permission wusagain asked for, and at the 3ame time intimationwas made that in case of a furt ber refusal ita grant-ing could be compelled.

Aid KENT proposed, and Aid KELLT secondedthat the letter be referred to tho committee forfarther consideration.

•Mr CADOOAN Baid telephones were necesaary tnthe public interest, and it would bo well to givethia request favourable consideration.

[Ultimately on the motion Aid BTAK, seconded byAid BEDUOND, the matter Jwas referred to theSLreet Committee with full piwer to act.

! PBAISEWOBTHT ' EIITEUPEI8D.The followlng letret *ns retd :— ' .I WaterfordY iOth Ootober, 1897.GENTLEHES,—My client, ' Mr John Brown , of Kil-

maoow, has direoted me to write to tho Coporationrespecting tho store situated above the bridgo, andro«ontly in tho occupation of Messrs Strungman, whiohM^ Brown is desirous to rent. If the Corporation willaocept Mr ' Brown as lessee, hi is prepared to expend£3,000 . immediately in tbo creation of machinery, fortho purpose-of carrying on a woollen manufactory. Ineed not point ont the advantages Whioh wonld accrueto ,tho oity by the accomplishment of Mr Brown's pro-posal or tho inorojised valno of tho Corporation pro-mises by the proposod expenditure. In considerationof ' his proposod undertaking and expenditure, MrBrown trosts tho Corporation "will recommend tho let-ting ofitho store to him at a considerably reduced rent,as pthernuo ho would not feel warranted in making tholargo outlay whioh ha at prcsont contemplates.—I am,gentlemen, yours faithfully,

i LADEENOC C. STUAHOE.To tho Corporation of Waterford.Aid BEDMOND said it was well to see gentlemen

in! tin; neighbourhood Inclined to get up manu-fnqturea eucb. as this. Mr Brown is a gentlemen ofmoaoB, and anything be takes up he is sure to carryoui puccessfully. As meuibera of tbe Corporationtbfjy should do everything in their power to assistblip. He eug^ested tbat Ihe k-tter be referred forvery favourable consideration to the FinanceCommittee (hear , hear.)

Aid SIIITH said this was t» very praiseworthym'ojve on the part of Mr Brown , and the Corpora-tion should ba prepared even to make sacrifice toaid. bim in carrying it out (hear, hear.) Heseconded the motion.

Mr SULLIVAN—He is deserving of the greatestcredit.

Tbo MATO& put the motion with the greatestpleasure. He wns only eorry that thay had not,siniilUr applications more frequentl y before them

The proposition was then agreed tb.! na. WILLIAM O'BBIEN.

The 6tandiDj{ orderj having been suspended tAid L A RTAN proposed " That bU Worship, the

Mayor, be requested to convene a meeting of themembers of this Cuuncil at the earliest posaiblemoment, for tba purpose of tuking tbe necessarysteps for the conferring the freedom of tbo city on.Mr |WilI iam O'Brien."

Aid K EDMOND eecooded the motion, which wasdec|ared cariied , MrWballey ulunu expressing dia-m.nt.

I JIB WILFRID tliUHT.Capt TOOLS propooed, Mr J JI ANHINU seconded*

aodi it wus resolved to adopt a resolution sympathis-ing! with Mr Wilfred Blunt, und proti Biing againsttl)H |liarbaroiiB manner in which bo line been treatedl.y i.ie Guverntnent.

W ATER K ATE A BREABB.— Aid KENT proposedthe adoption ot the Wflicrworku Committee rejom-mcodutlon, to ujnrel thu sums mentiooed in theschedule of arrears of water ruto ; aod also that thebest tbunbs of the Council be jjiven to C-ipt Tooloiindj Alii Cl.tiapelt for the trouble taken in pre-p-iring it.

ML' KKN NY seconded the motion,' whioh v/asagreed to. i

AL» SMITH AND TUE WATERWORKS COltMITTEE.Aid SUITH wished to ask tbe Town Clerk what

effect f. certain resolution pa'ijed by tbo Water-works Committee , utid sent to tbb papers in the cityhad j ut tbat Council , or whether it had no effect.Dl.ijti e commlttte go outeido the powers in paeoin* it P

Mi A LLEN — Do you mean tbio on personal or onpublic gri'iiuds f t .

AM fciuiTH—I bring tbo fatter forward oupublic K r0UD-d£.

Ttie TOWN CLEBE said that at a meeting of thoWukerworks Committee a certain letter which ap-peared ia tbe public pros3 was brought under tueirnotifu. After dlauucaing tbe letter a reeolutlon wasdrunn up, placed in tho bands o( tho chairman, andit was adopted.

Aid SMITH—In what wny ?Town CLEBE— It was adopted on a vote by three

to t tf o , und i was directed to cued it to tbo papers.Tbat resolution ia a wholly independent act oftbe .Waterworks Committee RS a body, and Is notsent! to tbe Council for confirmation or adoption(beat, bear.) ;\ .. Aid 8urrn—Is it entered on tbo minutes? Townf!r.2P.ir i Yi-a. i

Aid SZIITH B2id that being co ho nould proposethat tbe resolution bo expunged from tho minutes,and for thia reason, that is a great Ussae of false-hoods. It was only right thut in bio onn defence heshould Eay co. Tbi proceeding on the part of thecommittee waa a most uncalled for one. He wrotethe letter in bid capacity ao a burgesj of tbe city otWaterford, and not an a member of the Corporation,culling attention to what wai a flagrant waste ofwater in tbe city. In moderate language be calledattention to tbe mat ter, and the ana*er was ono ofgross abuse, without attempting to meet tbe pointsput forward, and winding up with a tlssoo of baseund false statements. Oning to the violent termsof ' the resolution be enma to theconelusion tbat thecommittee must have loat tbeir beads In passing It.Tbe alderman bero produced the lotter Bent by himto the papers and read It through, and then asked ifthem wus one word offensive in it ? Waa thereanything in it, personal or otherwise, to warrant tbepassing of that resolution by tbe Corporation ori»ny Corporation ia the' Threo Kingdoms. Tbo,alderman then : read the resolution referred towhlon obnrged bim with misstutcmenttr, and saidhia letter was a reprehensible document. - - .' Mr Aii/BH asked wby 'dld not the threo memberswho passed tbe resolution sign it f '

Aid SMITH challenged anyone to show a ninglomisstatement in the letter. Ho made oni state-ment"-; that the ' Waterworks Committee parsed aresolution curtailing the water supply, and for daysafter they allowed the water costs to bo suppliedfrom bydrantB. WHO not that a fact t ' :¦; ¦ ¦

Aid CLAUPETT—It is not. MATOB I It was then.Aid SMITH said It waB only right to say that

during alt lust suaiuter he-wat continually bringingthis matter about conserving the water Gvfore - tbeborousrb surveyor, sad tbd reason be did not wlsb togo to ,tDe committee was, because be did not oaro ofputting - himself ,'in ' tbo way 'uf being snubbed bysome of Its members;- On the 1st of October he spokefor nearly an hour to Mr Fleming, nnd urged onhim the necessity of faking somo decisive court*about thls water question. He tild to him "if webave 'h water famine in this city, it ia not the mem-bers of the committee will be beMj reauouail-U,'. butyou nill liH held up* M the toapegoat, and you vrlllsuffer." He asked Mr Fleming to'bring tbe matterbefore the cbmuitttee, and be believed Mr Flemingdid so' ' Tne committee met on tlie IStb October,and litoitaj the uie of the water to five bounaday,and jet the watering cosM wiiti filled from thehydiaqta for days after. It was «»U that the coui-tnitte^ bad much to thiok of , and tbuch to do. Nowhe could not see that tbe committee did anything,Tbe Waterworks Comirjilteo ran| a risk he hopedthey would never rtin* again,' nodi it was tbe Pro-vidence of God they had not frotty! weather.'insteadof the present weather, because if they bad therewould' not be one . pint .of watt^at Kneckaderry.Tii« tijdermau then mentioned nn insunee in which;a ctitiih ' I'mbtr ol the Water»ork8 Committedwas juit at mui'.h to blatho »• som» of the pertuDSprOTCcUteii,' and 'y?*' prpreedings werj nn; taken;agiilni|t liun. Hi* nrkcl Wli v ttju i I justice *.<» notsiiowu ' to ull f in ' coiMoslon o^ reiterated. ther¦tuiqiqeni Kbit the reaolntlon 'w » anttathfnl anduauulled for, nnd urged tbat he wa* perftcUy1 iuart>fled ia' writing the Utter to tbo Ideal papers. Herepudiated : tbe idea that io' takujg tbl* course nowos'b)ddlof{ for ' pobUo fatont! He bad «lway»tiled to do whut was' right, and *oul{l contlaae todo 00 f^dependenj' of publiff fa*6uri • - - ¦

; •¦ Mr b*»oo*i» ryijfto ippak. . , j ; ;;' , ' _ ,; .; .

MAtOB—Who wondi tbe resolution F.1 Ait& » pAn«e,«kd bMLrlngndM^ponw to.hte en.

a-tlry. jiba Mayor tad fee. fould wttnd Aid Umtth'c

' Mr if A»o<IAlf «4ia Aid amith"i ipeocb- win n«d»op of (< If |>r»U«, «hd Msertloas of till iadapMaanM. :

Hfl helJ there w«ti atb«r(«ati*iMa Ik that Oarp«rstioalutd'fni; «• raaeb nawon »nd tight kr oWin Udepend-

tboaidltar Uu» b«jw»«oneof th« ««*}<wi»;wUopTo» lin f»vt* ir * ?h»_r oloUoiu.t H« Jw* qofw JWrnrM.i>: «M aoUonot AW B«l«» Jo pobfiianf tW, Irtver.

but M WU o .W U «« *» •<« (l< AW

¦ '

l h ij t 'r ¦ ¦ :'•

" ¦ ' . : ¦ ¦

'¦:/ ¦

Aid Smith, WM • m«mber,o{ theCorporatlon. If hewas awaw 'of waste of wate>, o»« Woulithink hisfirst step should have been to oomej down and raprMentit to tha committee. Bat- no, Aid Smith sitting athome la his own parlour, prefers W write to the pressdenonnolng .' the prooMdings ¦ of the - oommltte*' '»tscand.lott*.' If Aid , Smrtb, insU«d of: sp»ndin» thahour with «hs:5oronf ft Surveyor, had sp«ut-».h»lf on.hoar with ths ootnoiittoo, »U this; dUoWtoa wouldhave beeo needless. Ho (Mr Cl twitted Aid Smithwith inconsistency. Oa one oco«ioa be voted^iafavour of ohaririog for the' use of 'hows for w»«hingthe front of shop* and . wateringIgardtraar bat on »subsequent oocasioa ha aotaally oama and voted for.«resolotion snatiiningthe High.Sheriff in .his protestagainst the imposition of the Ux< Wben 'obarged withiaoonsisteuoy in this matter Aid ! Smith broEe into ahysterical laugh, arid laughed it oft to his own satis-faction. The ' Water Works CoaimltU-e during the.oast ve»r had very onerous dotiesl to Derform ; therh id no desire bnt for the pnblio good, and he thoughtunder the oironmitanccs and r-onnidorin^ the provo-cation they were perfectly justified in (ia-<sini( the re-solution nnd he would do th<> rnttnu^ to-morrow did asimilar oocasion arine (hear, hear/. The annasalinumade s,g.Unst tho commitUo wmja scandalons on^,and they would bo wanting in thoir duty did they notresist it and pluce themselves in a proper light be foretho pnblin. He <lid not see why AlJ dmitb should oealways qotrrelling and. rtferring.toi personal ' matters.He (Mr C) never wanted to be personal , but' he wouldnev«r allow anyone to browbeat or put his foot ot him.

Capt TOOLE said that when the resolution waitpassod at tha oommittee meeting j he did not thinkthe retort was at all wiso. Bat now, in comeqaono ifwhat to his mind was bod -jutaion tna part o A ISmith he certainly waa very «la<lithat the rwiolu...<ubad been passed (hoar, bear). H ¦ inadu that state-ment after a good deal of consideration. Aid 8mithwa* a member of ths Water Works Committee, andho" left it because the work was too troublesome. Now ,the. walste of wate r whioh Aid 8mitb had madu somdoh of would not amount to more than 10,000 gallonsa day, and it should not bo forgotten that the stre-tswere watored in thia way to save expense Peoplemight think that thoy woro wrong, but In acting asthey had done, they wero acting -uith iv view tooonsntvetho money of the citisens, Ald l Smith acted: verydisrespectfully to the cotnmitte '. i Aid Smth was atalented and useful member of tbo Corporation, but ontba occasion it, question be (Capt Toole) could not atall agree with bis action. j• Aid BEPMOHD said he was.on the oommittco whopassed tho resolution complained of j Having been oneof tha very first members of the Conncil who projectedand carrioil ont tho water works to completion, at verygreat trouble and loss of time, bo naturally felt greatlycurt at the way whioh Aid Smith, held np the committeeto ridioule by his uncalled for, and Imost nnjnsuBablaletter. If Aid 'Smith wished to be really practicalwhat ho >bould have done was to step into tba com-mittee and given them his suggestion and advice on thematter. Bat instead of that, ho takes up his pon toabuse them. However, tho committee gave him morethan ha bargained for (laaghter)! and he will thinktwice before ho tries his hand, at that kind of workagain (heay, bear).

Aid KENT thought tho committee had a perfect andlegitimate right in resenting any attack. The WaterWorks Committee- discharged their duties in a veryable manner, bat they were injndicioas in theirselection of language in the resolution which wasundoubtedly too strong. He wonld ' ask Aid Smith towithdraw the word scandalous, and tha committee- toexpunge their resolution.

Mr K EOOII considered the Water ,"Worka Committeewore entit led to credit for the manner in whioh theydischarged their duties. Aid Smith was a man whohad always the courage of his conviotion, bat in theincident under disonssion, ho vu ot opinion that bothAid Smith and tha committeo were to blame Hethought Aid Unlth got more than a Soland for hisOliver.

Mr 8ULTJVAH—Lot us proceed!no further in thisbusiness - : ;

Aid CLAUTSTT defended the notion of tits membersof the committee. Tho mombora of the oommittco hadno ill-feeling towards Aid Smith, but they repudiatedhis letter on pnblii gronnda. |

Mr Allen—I eay there is iU'fsoling towards AidSmith. - |

Aid CLAMPITT—I eay again thcro was not. AlaSmith we,a present at tha list mooting of tha WaterWorks CommitUa, and some suggestions whioh bamode were adopted. I ask if they then snubbed him ?

AU Bili-TH—Certain member) pf tho committaowero not there. That makes a difference.

Aid CLAMP ETT—Although tho resolution was onlycarried by 8 to 2 at the committeo meeting, all con-demned the letter. I would suggest tbat Aid Smithsays he regrets having written that letter, and thecommittee will then withdraw that resolution.

Mr WHALL 3T caid the letter had done a great dealo' good. '

Mr ALLEM held that Aid Smith was perpeotly right.Aid SMITH then mentioned a number of p.-rsoas who

ho said had come to consult bim on tho water question.Ho concluded by assorting that ha was bnt exercisinghi* right an a citizen in writing the letter.

Aid BTATT suggested that Aid Smith should withdrawthe words "public Bcandal ," and: the committee thoresolution. - He hold that too muoh altogether waamade of the question , and a great deal of uprobrlumthrown on tho Water Works Committee. It was verygenerally believed that the shortness in tha water¦npuly was in a great moasnro ciasod by the wateringof the streets from tho Knockoderry supply. Now hawould liko it to bo known that tho quantity of waterused on watering the streets was infinite small—only10,000 gallons a day, and it would tako 40 times that togiro a day's supply to tha ritisons,

Mr KENXT also nrged the adoption of Aid Ryan'ssnggestion wbiob was ultimately agreed to.

A CojirLAiNT.—Aid Mabony "complained of theaction of the Water Works Committee ia prosecutingUrge ratepayers liko Mr Mackoy and himeelf , fortafciug watnr fro m tho hydrants to their residenceootsido the city. He moved " That we condemn therecont action of the Water Works Committoo in pro-ceeding agi*hwt a nambor of ratepayers fcr havingUBOd tho Knookodorry water for iloinostio purposesoulsido the liorongh boandry, and direct that 'ho finesinfloted in eioh caso be remitted. ' ;

TOWN CLEUJS—16 is a mistako to eiy it wa» dono bytho committee. Theao prosecutions wore institutedby my directions , in accordance with tho generalpractice-, and I issued tha summons kc,;ardles* of whotho persons *ere. _ j

Oa tho sugie<tion of Aid Redmond tho motion wasreforre i tj the W»to r Works C minittco.

WATCB-BAT e EaTiaATE.—Tho usaal water rateestimate snlimittcd to the Council was adopted withoutdiscussion on tha motion of Ur Sulliran , seconded byMr Knox.

Tae WATEB WORKS CouutTTEnJ—Tho next datywas to elect 10 members on thp Water Works Com-

mittee. The old committeo, with tbo attendance- ofthe member* is annexed i—

Councillor Cadogan attended 20 mealing* ; AldermanMaokesy, 8; Alderman Kent, '.9 ; Councillor Ca nty ,2! i Councillor Toolo, 18; Aldurman Kolly, 5 ;Alderman Kodtnood, 13 ; Aldurmtn Clompdtt , 19 ;Councillor Gramgcr , 10 ; Al'lurman Byan , 2.

Oa the motion of Mr Kenny, socoaded by MrSullivan tho committoo woro ro-eloctad.

Aid SiUTH—Tboy will be good boys in future.THB LiaUTINO. Ot THB CUT.

Aid Bedmond drew the attention : of tho Councilto tha insnfflcioot lighting of the Manor—Barraok -street—the Mayor'* Walk—the Glen—tbo Watoraide—Newtown — John's Hill — Ladylono — Cathadrai-eqnaro—Alexindar-ttroat—and uveral other populousparts of the oity i arid said that somethlog should bodona for thoto places befora the dark !nigbts of winterlet in. lie contended that tha bock . parts of thacity had as (,">od A right to thn eleotrio light aa tho'Qoay, tba Mall, or any 6ther , street.] Ha nopod thomatter wonld bo attended to at once.

. Aid Suiitb—Hia constituents live ' there.' Aid Redmond—And who has & better right to

look after them (bear, bear),Tbo Mayor by wa; of explanatlou 'eiid Mr Flem-

ing was given specific Instructions to increase thelighting by about SO Iampo. He could not agreethat tbo Manor waa badly li/ bttd. i On thf con- itrary he did not belirve it ma' e'rer lighted better.:Onenight there wero 00 gj.s lamp) out und no noticeIs taken of it ( j

Aid Bmltb said they wero cot cow. In a positionto seo what is to be done. i - |

The Mayor said Mr. Flemmlngj had al»a gotinstructions to li jjfbt tho knea and 'alleys. . j

Aid. 8mitb—The electiio people have under con-!sideration tho extension nf tbe ctectrio lighting in.'the city. j

¦ :TBI LIOHT IIO or NBWEATH.—Daring tbe coureo

of a lengthened diecuesioo on tbis subject Aid. Bedmond, Messrs E Phelan and A Cadogan urged tbeabsolute necessity of lighting the district properly. :

Mr Cadogan' mentioned that it I* tbe intention of ,the W. and L. Bly Coy, when circumstances will:permit , to arrabgB for the discharge of cattle andDIZS la the vocinlty of the bridge. - '

i'BB LABO <7BIBS' Co-moss.—The Labourers'Dwellings Committee reported thet Mr. Flemmtnghad submitted voluminous pUas for tbe erection ofthe labourer*' cottages in the city1. 'The plans,estimates', and specifications were approved of andthe Town Clerk was directed to tend forward «amewith the'application, for a loan to tW L.Q.Bjsrdand request to tbe Treasury asj'o tbe purjhs,<e of «eito. Aid Clampett «iked the amount of tbe esti-mate. Town Cjlerk—£18,000 for :l«'] cottajjea.' Tm LITTUI 'WJEXFOBO Hisowc-j-Mr. Sullivanproposed a motiuu nskirig tbat |a resolution,properly illuminated, abonld be presented to UitMary Anne Luwlur " the btst little rirl {n Ireland*'larMing ber ooonge fo rerailns toobtey tbe C.utl'eU)a,ristrat<rS who tried hor in Wexford Co. '

CnDt Toole seconded the1 motioa ' I Mr Cadosrbnridiculed tbe idea of sensible men spending a largesum uf money on in address to a'girl of fourteen.

Mr Keogh wit of opinion tbit i( (hU ' retolutlonwere passed in iti entirety it wonld held figurativelyto kick tbb litUe girl's brains bat. |He wa> «lsoadverse to tbitparf of »b« rvaolutlon icallllng MUiLawlor ¦" the best HttlB (firl in IrVUnoT.''.

. MrSulllvM—8b« i» tbe bv«l HtlUl ; gt'rl in theworld. Aid Kedmsd laid " ihe 'best llttln girl inIK'lind'"were not the «lords of Mr Snjltvin bnt ofMr Leamy, B.I«, their respected 4ellpw'townsman(hehx, hear). ' He (Aid Bedmohd)%sj\in favour ofaduptinK the rwolutloo , iti lllumioatloa to , bo paidfor hy tno meinberj of tbe Corai>»ti(Ja: ' : ;

Aid Boilth felUn with the*frw» "Xia fteaiBond.and Mr. 6uUlv»0 luid '. he- 'Waulii t withd.aW- tUemollon-i-AdjoDined- . ' , [ " ' ., '' ''•;,"*''

: '," ?. I .'* '; .

• . ¦ ¦; '.', :.¦' LiaMOBB¦ 0lU0N-~WuDVXtBXT.':.

' ¦

In the «b»ie-Mr B-W 'XJotAlWoii. -tjia1 iob-lequontlyHr J0HI T 8TA»F0IU>, V.O, anil J D pvin,M>. Al»o;pT»*«nt-»l»«srj ) U'Qrati p p jy»J»JiM.PPheUn^VrWal.n, J.Qorwuk,M , tfOalUtnaoTjO'Briiin, rvV.O. TWcnM. F«Uy, J.F,JU OyX>nn«U, )

wa?ilso'-'^ar^ '- T ' M'P>

eluding th* nukiof of OOBM for fM «a 4oflr#art^house " ' ¦'¦'¦ • ¦'''¦ ' ;- - ' v' Ki'toccc'j -jo? 4 ^m}\i:¦ Mr flood, BUiiUfi «»M tU^ W'aJMMMRi* *UaontnMtot thsVl»Ma ts£elrJMd.tlte)tb*i ttM/Mobltwo OT.thrw B»ft»»te-«ottO»l»^«Oa» ; ocilU jmfcH«*l»o Mild^itw*^,/^ rHn»»t ^ n kj

¦ Tr*-Ma«ter wid ths milk obntra«toTt Mr Hyn*»i W*«ona oftha oettoontraotorsuilroUfld, .i The em'OoO ptr&foajwato sfcrantsd to ldSip hwtf i. , , ;,-, ! : , . ,,,,


Mr M'<}nUi taidtbe oontraoU of the honse oughtb« divided fairly,t>«tw»«n ; th»difl«r«nt«hopk««peritb«tt»mi -' TW VU-,i— :r

. Mr Healy-folttltV^rafly all got t, torn about. TheMatter said the contract* van. fairly divided betweentba shopieepers. ' Mr John Koonin'a bill for booU and•hoes for thaiouO.amoantlng to £3i6i far S months,was passed. ¦*! < ' , - . - '

Thn Master said the shoe* arid boots, and all article*that oome into tbo honsa, aro of Irish maoafaatare.

STATI or TBt Hous*.—In the boos-, 170 inmate),or 6 mom than last year, ; Oqt-door relfef, from £8 to£9 per week. Some time -tinea it wan nearly doablathis sum. General average cost, 2» 2|d per we«k.Mr Healy, olerk, read tbe minute* and oor-raspondenoe, Us. Dr Deonehy mportad that scarlatinahad appeared amongst tba aohool obildren.

Tha Clerk read a speciflo«cioa from Mr Hyuen, O.E,in reference to the ohimn-y nhaft of thu tarkisli bath.TUB COIBCIOS PaiBONKSs.—Mr 1'bomas 81attery,

a hcif ir , han'l.d tH» chairuiad (Mr Pyne, M P), at-la-rtra.n from Corn. iiMitin^ th»t ilr 0 Briea and MrMinlevi l l * , |iri<, i<ier« w.Te 4 -nt to Dibli.i , a tht l f-pant t-.n o'olouli thiii uinrnlngj

FBANOBI - B AOT.-Mr Suiff.H RHV O 'R notioe ofmotion taa< tha ocll* otor* de jwi.i £A) u year for t'lolrfxertionn under th« .FrunchiS". Aet.

The Clerk «aid tieru was a tremon-toni number ofaleotors thrown off the yists at the last revision, fornon-payment of rates. ! . . . . .

Mr B W Co;ieud«r »*id it waa only fair Vi pay thoo illectors Tor this dnty, aa it ooat them money for caw,aml otbHrrxpensru. ' . -

The C.'ork s id it might bo -brought forward on thisday wook. :ttgPoKT.—Dr Dfnnohy 's.1 report nta read. Ho-uggeated that tbe childreo of the house stnuld got

more out-door exercise. Ha also wished that a atovoshould be supplied for-tho sohool room, &c Agreedto ; the cost not to exceed £2,.JJ« Clark slated tbat tha board now owed the bankxJ .oi.i , Tho Chairman said thn bi g debt ahould bomade right as soon as possible. Mr Stafford said more

than a aoulcient rata wn itrnck.ME. PYNS'i NOTICE 07 KOTIOH.Mr Pyne then moved—" That tho guardians' re-

solution of the 12th lost , relative to the Cappoqoinwater schemo, which proposed that tha Cappoqoinwator sobame should be carried oat without compulsorypowers, bo rcsdnded-and now he. mjved that thaguardians spply for compulsory powers to complotosaid Bohemo." ' ,

.Tlia . motion having been pat from tha ohair, pasjodanammosnly.

The details . were then left to the olerk, and MrHynea, C.E, to bo carried oat . . ¦ ¦A I/AJOr/BgBB' COTTiOl IM Dl8POTS.-A - l0Dg

aisonssian thea ensued aboat a labourers' cottage anda plot of ground, nearBallinamolt, in tha union. Itappoara that the ground only ia -now occapied by alabourer named Thornton, who had bean raoommendodto tbe board by a nnciber of ratepayers in the divUioo.An eviotod tenant, named "Walsh , now living iaClnnmol.(with his family), who formerly owned thafarm there, is now an applicant for tha cottago andground. The guardian* weje, to-day, very muchclvidod In opinion aa wbioh. of tha parties had thabest claim to possession. However, aa the titla of tholittle plaoa was not yet projeoted, the whola questionwas referred to the law agent; MrT 8Uttury, for hisadvice and opinion. Tho board then rose.



The little village of Mothel was on Snnday lostthe ecene of a great political meeting, when , thePlan of Campuign waa adopted tn tbo presence ota large gathering of priests and people on tboeotute of tbe Marquis of Waterford. Contingentsarrived in great numbers from neighbouringparishes and : far oil townlands, and at the titaoof meeting representatives ot the National Leaguebad assembled from Clonmel, Carrlck-on-Suir,Portiaw, Kilmactbomaa, Bailynenl/Uatbcormack,Currickbeg, Waterford, Clonea, Windgap, etc. MrP J Power, M.P, one of the members of tbe county,aa well as Mr David 8beeby, M.P. for East Galway,ani one of tbe Campaign leaden, were present, andreceived a warm ereetinir from tbe DAoole.

Mr P J Power, M.P., , on coming forward,received an ovation; He congratulated them ailon tbe Foy estate for tbe pluck they bad Bhownand the victory they bad ; achieved (cbeerg). Ifothers make a reuonable demand ot their land-lord and act in tb'e spirit of thtl men of Foy, bebelieved that -victory will be theirs (cheers). Theyfivre likewise there to protest and prouluiui' inthe name of. the civilised World tbeir inalienableright to discuss'tbe political matters of theircountry, and to declare, in spite of proclamationsaad , Coercion , Acts, tbeir 'determination to exer-cise that right; and if they were not allowed tomeet ia. paUlc . they should meet ' la piivato(choora). He "a3ltwi theui' Io adopt the potijvnbicb bad ki'Dt many a roof over fuu-ilies for tbelist four yeurs, and believe him they would notragret it. It tbpy were puaillaaiuioas eauagb netto accept it , they would regret it. Now , allusionbsd been made by the preceding speaker to tbeCoetcljn Aet, and be eaid that Ireland wouldnot submit to it. They heurd about respect forlow and order. He (Mr Power) would say thatif , they would make law anil order uppeuieti iaIreland, the first tiling- tbut a'U»t be done is torn^ke Jaw aad order wott& y of respect '(bear,bear). Tney had puM magistrates in ' tbis I'ouutrywho bad tueir Ueclalous mode up before tueyent«rto! the court. Tney tula utwut l»w nud rtder,Lvuk ut tbo pnx^tHlinjja in toe West of Irrlund.Hi; need Dot go tar from the pluce to rccull Sumoof thp losbaneps of law and ' Older nk uduiiniateredsome tiui u agu. It will bum tb«u- uirmory now .In Carricklxg, a paid mercenary cuuie among thepeople, pii'lended to tie of toe tauie creed, wentto cliuich <ritb the people, and recelvtU theSiiuiatueao widen tuey uil t«v>:rcd into bi»uu»ortljyLr..ast (eliume). He nould nut tpt-ak furtheror tnnt unfortunate man, but noui'd Bay wtaican Ibuy t&iuk of ttie Uov«ruaieut ttot wouldallow autih ennduct ? The landlords l/od ou)ytnemselvea to tbunk for , tue position tueyU DJ ttieuiselves in lo-day io Ircluud. Tbopeople of Iieland stayed with ttiem long eOou^U—gave them pottliioos Ion/ enongh, but tueywere b«trayed. - AiuhliUhop Walsn made a pru-po al to toeai, and they reteived it with jeeis undsneers. Toe gentry nave ' alway» autrd ns agarrison in the country . Tney havo used tneirbands always for the persecution of tbe people.l ooj (tbe people) know tbat tUey would tmvobeon oiunlputeut In Ireland if they worked withtaci paonlj. .Tae hour has passed, for tbat.Toe people provlalu th»t ns loog as tba K«ntrypors la tbis . country KS a , garrinon'.they willt>e -, treated bj \b» people a» a gara»oa (cbeers).In : conclusion be said that | (he day of tbf ir ru-generation waa it hand, wben this COB a try willbe a country of fair ncldi — a country occupiedby a free people ; that day , la coming when arepresentative Purliameqt of the people—rt-presentative of Ireland—will rule tb« destiniesof the Irish nation (cneers). i • , "

ilr David Sbeeby, M.P.j was received withloud and continued cbeering; He wn» gUd thatoa one estate in this district the p ojla foandpluck and courage enough, t . (ace their landloidwith a weapon that is sure tci dtfeat-tbe landlord—tbe Plan of Campaign obeers^ If t^ie ' J?oyestate learned, tbat leuon and. taught tbat lessonto tbe landlord,, or .impudent, fgent, ctuao'ot tbetenants of Lord, Warefford's' estate do tbe «anje(hear, hear) P He mentioD«4 only.' one . tondlprdbecause he roa ibe migMy oae ia that di«(rkt(groans). He knew thit there _ were io»oy oftbe i smaller fry even more ! viclona than XibcdWaterford bimjulf, and ho , need not • tell Jtbeuithat tbe trxks of other ljndJortU are none thaworso than Lori Waterford'* tiwtment 'ot hUtenants, Coostqaentiy he would advue the tenaotiof Do la fuvr to ibake him iiff. . He had nothingto tay to, tbe Uoanti until they hava pliiok . aaScourage enough to oome to them (tbe campaigneri).fiat: he came thero tbat day with, pleasure ,tomeet the tenantry of Lord Waterford, and workwitbt tbeui, -. to, explain the tlan, aad »o,|f . theyadopt it they are ure of. victor* (cbeti'i Titufy hawa meeting in Cariiuk-on-Suir lately of tn« ^aiaritryof .Lord Waterford, .. , Toey bsld , Lhe mevkiog todUcssu: tbo- poiiiipnot aSaln), to «M . ho« tb«yn/iuM m jf. lha tanni nl tji rtt Wmtjartani Th...cauit to the coqcivBlon that it-WooWap iinpoaitiiityfor tbem to pay the r»ok.r»nf that ha (LordWalerford) wis deiuanding ITbey cama to tbaconclusion to get an »httgntfjnt.p< 6Q perotnt.Now, tbut abatement wt* BCft jet demanded ofLord Waterford. Tney did not know wh«t f««tot «anero«iy — aod ta» t*milr UlWi»dfoT«n«o» tf.ClAUghtorj^Thv did notkrSir aiiLprf WateriarSwonid giva tba abaUaaot that i» tt\iOiitil' WtO,th* first: thing to do U, tbftt on ib« day thai. tn* rtnlIs demanded, tha'eatatr oommitte* topdiiiton far thaporpbaa to go to «h»'rW» oOok 'ascl 4eaiaod thaabaMmant. If it to-fhjc* «es»pt« Ut.-» thtl \moatnad for • felloar Wt* - 8fc»a> yy oan« *a4i>K>ttn» rent - (laoihtwr). B* -iproqti«Ml:.(h«m-. O«* ifaver | the nut ia pat. into Ut «»i 4««t Lori W»*»r«ford will wa «XM tmtlliog ,»|t«rit (buulucrl jiq'd

pays Lord Waurt?rJ . au gio^ UvuW- MM 'dOM.uokpay bU own sfcoy 'Motk, waa 4 »«<»r mid rf n*»>«r.'fba; bad no righHoJ rool<a«tr lri«ad* ''' By MMasftogether tttay wOl ba lik* btottftr* m i Wu»JJSStba oaoM is won. ; th«j'i«b|»Jd'tW ba it taMUury•iU ea%aoia«uth«t^v««f^ittfajrU,yVat»rlonl/*Iid«IU ..auaaaUtta: im ««u*rj.,. tfat . itm snail tw fr*from BagUfSypU^aWt <>*>*.(.). f : .• r. - ' ••• < • ¦¦-

¦¦J. -.

Ctrriteaa,ifcv^'br ' SSaiUea:Wa'awittiir-liwarm voti of t-haoiiw*a.pa*»«<l M th»'K*T «iK«iMiUiMtor tthtao th» m«titt %it*itUkU4( . tail ^ii. -i v,: : . . r - , . ; :¦;. .• l««*»Wli'»O*««r»,Vj. V.a3'£- ,;if J '¦ Twclra Ja«d aitq** «»Ma<loi.<^wSii» rMarJaV,bnt Beoaifwl.-oart y *oy ,rt|«i>. «*rt- «r«r»2id;tSatmost Klltf^W |»4:«^wy| i$Zm

f t <£mj*Z$ -Lord [WaWfford's k<MH... AKW iffSk- VH U&ilSi 1and. W» ? i Power, M->rTI!v«!WtK«l'adept.IM ;- Plan «oi4M - jutUljjtt-'t* t tp mttSu '

'alUlifl& lift - Wit*'* * t*l*w|ffii»Li 'fantt^S \ S ^ Z "

yw^BWWt-^ ji>ww itj^M^ jj [Py B *wlwWfHMi TrtKv ^w&t ' '

vvi^ y ^S 'rif \ \ _. . ¦ * W?v L r L^ fl| ff W! WM Mt-^

Page 4: A :rr 12 , STBANP STEEET TEAMOBB o ' AKOMTIC j- GINGER 1LEsnap.waterfordcoco.ie › collections › enewspapers › WNS › 1887 › WN… · P«g (Manitoba), North- West Territory,

I ;. ', : •; ^^Ufl ' lUUt^; . . ; TEE SHAN" TAN VQQHT

1 - ' Mrt GlatisioDo'j to tho fore, '¦': : 8aj» the Shan Van Voght j

• : ¦ ¦ • Hrl Gladstone's to the xore, -i . . ;. j 8ay* the gban.YM .Voght i ¦

: ; Mr. UiaUBto-jft'B to the for©; . And he'll be BUTO to score ,

I : 'ATictory'onoe more,I '• ' . | . .

¦ Bays the Sh&n' Van Vogbt

What will Lord 8alitbury do P,: : , . Says the Shan Van Voftht ;

I ; : WhU wiU Lcrd BaUabory doP .j ' 8dy« the Shan Van Voitht ;: : : What unould Lord Salisbury do,

' ; And hU Unio& Liberals too,1 ; But clear ont with all his aow jj Bays the 8aarj Yon Voght.

J ' . And will Ireland then bo freo t' Says tho Shan Van Voght;

Ob, Will Ireland then bo free fBays tho 8han Van Voght.

. ; Yes, Ireland will bo frco, .: And happy ahe ehall be, :

¦ . TVhen Homo Bole abo will SCO,i " '¦ ¦ : Says tha Shan Van Vofe-ht...


Too may gat throng!) tbo -world, but 'twill bo Tory alan.If you listen to all that is said a« yoa go ;You'll bo worried and fretted aid kept in a atew—?or moddlesomo tongues must have something to do,

iad people will Ulk;

If quiet and modest, you'll havo it presumedThat your humblo position is ouly assumed—Yoo'ro a wolt in sheep's clothing or else you're a tool ;Bntdou't get excited—keep perfectly cool—

For peoplo will tali.

And then if you show tho least boldness of hoart,Or a slight inclluutioQ to take your own part,They will call you au upstart, conceited and Tain : '

1 But keep straight aheja—dou't atop to explain—For , oop.e tvill talk.

It threadbare your dross or old-fashioned your hat,Somo one w 11 surety t -Wo notice of ibat ,

: Aud Dint Tery strong tnat ou can t piy your way :' But doa't get excitcU wautover tney say— I. For people will talk

!lf jour drJ3i 1 M 110 fasulin , .lon't mink to escape.For they criticise tbo^ in ad flercut sbapo ;

' ¦ ou're ahuad of ^our ineau^, ory.mr ta.ior 'n,unpaid—' But tain-: yuur owu business, tnero's naajfht to DO undo,

i'or people will uilk.

Now, tho best way to do in to do as yon pleaso.For your mind, if you havd o<ie . will then i*o at ttaza jOf corns i yon will ini-et with all sorts of abasi jBut dou't think to eto tajin - id Vfc any two—

For poopie will tilt.


Th pleasures of liie a.o .o. *iven for nought.Like tho ~iinsUind und n tv Qrs and raiu ;

Tho swtctcst enj jyment is to i dtarly bonght«Vi h an eo,aal prjpJrtioa of pii.i. ¦

: Kor matters it wuetuer tne Joy- lw as pure: As tho life .iftor death and Cue giure,

Or false as tha roijai of SIMUB rnio luroTo destruction tho barks ot the bniTo.

When falsa is tho pleasure, tha pain Is, I nocn,Unthongbt of throughout tbe Rbid day,

As tbe veuoi&oua tnoru of tue .rose is unseeu :Till the toft , perfumed leaves drop away ;

But au 1 all . ho liuour u.td pain ui M come firstWhen the plejsures is true, O my frienj.

As the manifold charms of the TOIO never burstOn the p ght till tin height we ascoud.

Then oh 1 striken heart, like a rood bout and brulsod.! 0 Ui>s . ever sad with despair ; .1 O cheeks pale md hig,-arJ , O brow no er BuHnsod

With pleasure's aureola fair; i ; .. _,_,Bern fflber One lives from Whose Throne iu tho Skies

Both pleasures nnd anguish aro Bent,; -C7ho notes etory tear dropped from misery's eyesi - And forgols notmislortuae s lamout 1

; BEITANNIA" RULE S THE WAVES."From The Po rtsmouth times and, Naval Oatette.

,' Wbto one bus visited thri lioyij Dockyards atWoolwieb and Cbatbaui, aud inspected the great 1ships of: »ar with tneir piworfulHrin ^menta tfbiobitue Adtniiuliij a e providiug for tne protection ofHer Majesty's -xteusivu co.ist lines, Be is at oncesatisfied that "Britannia still rules the waves."While there are obvious differences of opinionbetween experts, relative to the value of large aadsmall war-snips in action , one has onlj to come toPortjiinbntt Harbour and nee sudh formidable .shipsas tbe Itiflesible , the Iron Duke, the Devaition, andothers of equal armament, costing upwards of amillion Bterlirlg is produce, with myriads of smalltorpedo' craft, to becomo_ convinced that iu ta«•matter of naval coastruction, England is'not onlykeeping abreast with other countries but is excell-ing then). Portsmouth Doctjard oud PortsmouthiHarbon'r are names familiar throughout the civil-ised- world. It is here that all tbe war vessels andmagnificent troopships of Hex Majesty's serviceare fitted out for foreign stations. It is said thatthese ships are fitted out with j every coucemblenecessity for the comfort of officers and men ;jevery precaution is taken to provide against sick-ness and disease caused by the ' sudden change ofclimate to which troops are subjected. It is saidthat every vessel belonging i to her Majesty'sBervice leaving i&ortsmouth is not considered readyfor eea| without a liberal supply of 8t. Jacobs Oil.This marvellous remedy, is not only used exten-sively on shipboard, but also JD several dockyardsabove mentioned. Mr. Frederick Payne, who llveaat 62, 'Gladstone . Street, Landport, Portsmouth,aad who has been connected with f.he PortsmouthDockyard for upwards of fourteen years, hands usthe particulars of tbo most miraculous curesEffected by the use of Sf. Jacotra Oil in the cose oflis wife, who for eight years bad been a foarfulsufferer from rheumatism. Her limbs and shoulderswere awoolen to three times their natural size ;ber arbs and band were shapeless; much of thettine her right shoulder was swoolen to that extenttlatthle top of the shoulder and tbe side of her facecsuie together, und she sufiered the most intensepain. !Four years ago the disease settled is her

Iback, making her completely helpless, the heart'became 80 much Involved tbat Bhe wa» unable toto make tbe slightest exertion without experienc-ing ! great difficulty in breathing. The only wayshe could lie in bed was by navlng tue DOCK ol achair eet up behind ber, and padded with pillows.Her/husband was obliged to carry "her up and down-stairs, night and morning, and sho suffered suchexcruciating agony, that she repeatedly faintedaway, i She became BO much reduced that : Mr.Payne! says Bhe 'was little more lhan » skeleton.She; was treated by the best medical skill inPortsmouth and vicinity, employed four medlcagentlemen Jn all, each of whom told her and herhusband that they could do -nothing whatever , for

: her—tbat her case was chronic and post all hopeI of recovery. 1 Last summer, being a little better,' she went to a small town In Sussex.for a ten weeks,|whero she had another violent attack, Buffering1 the' most intense agony, nnd here follows a very! interesting and most providential circumstance.I It seems Chat tbe ludy to whose bouse Airs. Payne' Ytos carried bod herself been cared of rheumatism

In tbe shoulder by the use of St. Jacob's OUJ andwoe Very urgent in her request for Mrs. Payne totry: it. In less than five minutes after tbe first

1 application Mrs. Payne began to experience Cesca-, tion from pain. After tbe second application tbe| pain bud almost disappeared, and before tbe con-

tents of one bottle was exhausted, tbe pain- nodswelling bud entirely gone and , althougu weaknnrt feeble, Mrs. fay'ne tould wi.lk about tba houseand uronnds. From that time on she made a mosttatis'actory. rapid, and permament recovery. BoldMr. Payne and his nite say tbat she hus not been08 wel l as she b now for fourteen years. Mr.: andMrs. Payne are most respected people, both arpjmembers of the Weslejan Chapel in Landport,'and Mr, Pavne, ns above stated, bo» been employedat Portsmouth Dockyards for fourteen years. Theabove nss inch n remarkable' case that some of thechemists and dealers in Landport were called uponwith tbe object Iu view of obtaining further in-formation 'respecting this marvellous remedyjamong others, Mr. Timothy White, 168 andl60JCommercial Ebid, Landport, Portsmouth, wberJinterviewed, stated tbat tbe demand for this popuJlar! remedy was rapidly increasing, that he never,buys less than sixty dozen at one order. When 'aremedy possesses such remarkable curative proper-jties w those above mentioned, it is nut to be "on-jdered at that Hep Majesty's troopships ore neverconsidered ready; for «a until a oupply is onboard.

¦ ¦ • ' ¦¦ ¦ • ¦ !


SALS: or HOESESV—Tbo following sales: tookplnce on the first day of the Monster Fair ut IUWinter's reposltaryi—Mr Widget bought a obest-fnut colt ¦*» Young Victor, fre.m Mr Corkerry fori27S 10s ; Mr? Carmody sold a black four year oldtot. .£5O.j Mrj E»art bought' a dark bay mare, 6years, for j235 ; Mr SlatUry 'to\d a grey hone t )Mr Hotchinsonifor £SO, aod the latter gentlema, >picked up two more at a like figure ; Mr Blatterybought two bay hunters for £S5 ; Mr MarpbVbought a black mare from Mr8tanley foruKS;;Mr Johnstone bought four borne&B borses at pricesranging from X20 to £35 ; Mr Stanley sold a thre|eyear; old colt to Mr M'Coy for &XA-—Muruter Nea'f .

CoLomn. Wprrfa ESTATE-- Colonel the: HanCharles White ; has appointed Mr Robert ! LaneJolvnt ftirent or«r hit properties in Co unty Clare.Miwell M in Tlpperaryand lrimerick. v !

JG&T Mr OLtFFOBD.SnrgeonDentUt, LJ).8,

E.C.B.E., has resumed the maxjagement and eupei -}ntend»nce of bU practice Jn- Vv»terfio«l, wbei ethere' ia regular daily att«x4anc*, ft* heretofore, t184, ' Parade. Quay. By special request of ;roanypatients tbe.re is *lso attendance in Dangarr uev«ry Tuesday, at Mr Keonan'e, 17, Patnell.8treet ;Carrick,New Eoes,*nd Liimore,fortnightly. Th isdoes' not interfere with the dally attendance inW!aterford, All correspondence to be addressed ' <»184, Parade Quv, WaterforrL 7,' .

HJOU»WAT'B OIHTMEHX AHD PuJAr-tTbe ercmeolM «r» nneqaallod tbroogbont too world lot UdI Ic t,

«rf^U^bet iB t&M(ewHrm»of«ieaw.

itp enitmt

eoI3ltatiT,.»r*lrM*l»tu>lBT? ' ¦/;::•- X ' '- ' - .' : '\-

Bi£©^^^atA,S¥5G?*5T'' .-. *T3T V.* * £.: '. ¦Sllii' ^1'' '. 'ir-t '- . - - } ¦ ¦¦ ".-I ¦ ' ;

Endowfetl Solioblfl : Commioioh ! In'TT V;.! . :' W«ittef<Jrd. . . V '' . . ; -

." .¦ | '¦ ¦¦; : • ¦ : - ^ : . : ,. --y,

. . : . :. ..;• > ;..;_ . . J Ji

; Oa tPhuradftV: toe Endowed SihooU Ootowi^Tsionert Bat in.tne Gnrnd Jury room^in tbis.oity,for • thei .purpose ] of hcanng T evidence .-. vrithrefeieride' tol 'the 'Wdr ini? and condition of ' theErjac ed " BhpblB.' in-Watexfotd; There weteMeaeM^TJord.JuaTiCElFifzotBBOif . obaiJniati,Lord JtfRtioe. NaiBh^ Very Eev. Gerald .MbHoy*D.D., 3P.E.U.I. ; Dr., Anthony Traill, PiT.p.DjjProf;¦$'.¦ P; D6u Hertyi> M.A., and Mr. N. D;Murphy, B.Ii., asswttnt Becretdty. ' :

The I , following lis^the liat of eohobls with ie»

ference to which evidenco was .to bo taken——Bishop Four's ¦ Charity— Ohristian: ^ Brothers'Schools—Mason Blue School—Waterford1 Dio-cesan j School—Frienda' Provincial School—Sohool of IriduBtry -St John's College, andthe Protestant Orphan School. :

Tbe i Chairman in opening the commiealon, saidthat they were appointed to enquire Into the con-dition land ¦ working of endowed sobools, to obtainevidence, and to' give persons so desirous an op-portunity of stating their views with regard to anyendowment, or any endoWed school. They wouldalso enquire . as to the administration of thessendowments. , They would then publish a scheme,which { would be left open to objections'; or amend-tnehlsj for a, period of two months, after wblcb itwouldj go before the Lord Lieutenant and Council,and, if approved of, it would then have the Bumeforce s's sn Act of Parliament. la cases wber« theendowment belonged strictly to one denomination,they could not form a scheme for the adminiatra:tion of the endowment without ibo conaent of thegovorning body. They bad miry such now underthuir control, the governing bodies having con-sented to have a scheme made. ' Iu these cases iftbe views of tbe governor* were not such as thpycould accept, then their rule was to make no Bchomoin these cases. But where the governing bodywished for a settlement then tho scheme ttbichthey Vonli draft would become effective andporme/nent. In the Qrst case, tbat of Bishou Foy'iCharity, au exemption from tbe control of tbeCommission was claimed ; bat before acceediog tothis request they would go into the circumstancesof the school and its management. The object ofthf> commission was to give every person who hadany Interest, directly or indirectly, lu the endow-mentc' of Bchoole, the fillest opportunity of expres-sing tbeir wishes, and to tf ive the effuct.THE 0UBI8TIAN BBOTHEU81 SCHOOLS, MOUNT 8ION—KSPOaXANT EVIDENCE Or HB. PBAWLBT, bUf ERIOB.

Tbil Eev. Br. Jamps C. Prawley, Superior of theChrUcian Brothers Schools, Mount Sion , attended.His evidence was that be was superior of theschools j they 'uad three different sets of buildidgs ;Mount Sion was the principal , and there tbe;had ten si-hools.

Lord JuBtlcu ITaish—How many pupils do.youteachif ,

Witness—I will give your lordship the returoB ;there ire two schools at St. Patrick's and two at St.John's ; that is altogether fourteen schools ; thetotal ! number of the community is sixteen, two ofwhicH do not teach, leaving fourteen teachers.• Witness banded in a return of tho boys in thediffe rent schools, from which it appeared that inMouiit Sion there are, on the roll,.,956 ; 758 I K.JS(average for tho yt-ar) ; in St. Patrick's 140(average), the roll being 193 ; and in St. JobnV217 boys (average attendance), the roll beiot? 293 jtbat 'made : a total of over a thousand average at-tendance of pupils ; there was an existing1 ruletbat 'uny pupil who was absent for three months,tbe pupil's name was expunged from roll.

Chairman—Aro tbeBe the oaly primary schoolsin Waterford ? ' \-

Witness said there were others under theNational system.

Chairman—Then they aro the principal primarynnhooIsP '¦ ¦

Witness (continuing) said, in reply, that thepayment by the pupiU was as folbns—573 paid Id;per week ; 285 paid 2d. per week ; 140 paid 3.1.21 paid *!., and 32 paid 6d. per week ; one hundredand ninety boys pay nothing. Chairman—Then by that accountabout half oftbe pupils pay nothing at all , oi a penny per week.

Witness—Tea ; we also pay . an extern teacher£1 per week:

Lord Justice Naish—I believe that under tberules! of your aider you cannot make nse of thesepayments P ;

Witness—We cannot utilise a penny except forthe keeping up of tbo schools. We also pay 27monitors at from 23. to 7s. 6d. per weak. Lastyear i the school fees amounted to .£299 lfo. lOd.The ; eipenoea for monitors and professors is£190. 2s. 8d. ; rent and other expenses come to,£68 ;5s. 4d..j educational appliances, £23 la. lOd. ;free ! requisites, such as books, slates, inks, £69 16i.8d., j which - include premiums given to drawingboys ; fuel, £3 8s., which brings the total expen-diture for tbe schools up to £34615s. 8d.

Chairman—Whereby it would appear that yourexpenditure exceeds your receipts by £50.

Witness—Yes. Now with regard to the workingof the schools. Tbe Intermediate results for the pastseven years were as follows—In 1879 eleven boyspassed; in '80 27 passed with honora, and 6 passes ;in '81, 50 honors, 6 passes ; in '82 33 honors, 7passes j in . '83, 26 honors, 4 passes ; in '84, 22bonoirs, 9 passed ; in '85, 26 honors, 8 passes ; in'86, (33 -honors, 5 . passes ; in '87, 32 honors, 7passes. There were also obtained 17 Exhibitions ;also gold medal and two silver medals. Too formerwas trou by a boy who was tho foremost ia tbejnntbr grade in Ireland.

Cb'airman—What subjects does your code in-clude ?

Witness—Well, modern languages, English,Celtfc—

Dr. Traill—Tbat ii not a modern language.Witness — But it is a living one. wo also

teach French, Jaritbmetic, book-keeping, euelid.algebra, philosophy, trigonometry, chemistry,drawing, music. We do not teach Latin or Greek.Some of the boye learn It from outBide teachers.

Dr. Mol loy—In 87 you bad 32 honors and 7passes. Are we to understand tbat 39 passed, andtbat 'out of these 82 obtained honors P

Witness—Precisely.The Chairman here remarked that they had

beard evidence given in differenh parts of thecountry in different methods, but be ishould saythat: be thought tbe method of witness was the mostIntelligible they bad received, .

Eev. . Mr. Frawley expressed bis thanks to bislordship for tbe compliment. i

Dr. Molloy,—How many boys go into tho Inter-mediate classes P

Witness—Generally about 60. There would beabout two in tbe senior grade, five in tbe middlegrade, and 32 In tbe junior grade. Theboya go onprogressively from the lowest school. I myselfbavo tho promoting of them. 98 per cent of theintermediate boys arc drawn from all our schools.Tbe^otbor 2 per cent come from Ferrybunk, on tberecommendation of tbe parish priest. .

Dr. Mulloy—What is the total number of boys at-tending all your schools ?

Witness—1,885 on the rolls , we are bound t<ex.mice the boys tnree tiuies in the yeur, tbat IBat Christmas, Easter, and nummer ; the boys re-main about five ye era in the primary school, andin the intermediate school about two or threeyears.

Chairman—What other intermediate Catholicschools are there In Wuterford t

Witness—1 do not know tbat there is another In-termediate Catholic- Ecbuol ia Waterford, Tber.waj | 8t. John's College school, and he BUhop ofOssory opened a classical school at Kilmacow. Thisdiminished the attendance In tbe College School.

Chairman—Now with regard to result fees,would you give us some information ?

Witness—With pleasure j I think it is betterkrive them for tbe past five years consecutively ; in'79 the result fees amounted to £35', in '80 to £76 ;in r81, to £194 : in '82. to £28 ; '83, to £29 ; '84,to £81 ) '85, to £66, and '86, to £118.

Lord Justice Naish—To what do you attribute! he fluctuation fa tbe amounts ?

Witness—If I inay be allowed to usa a simile,the! tree that bears good fruit this year may notnert

Chairman—There was also & change In theadministration of remit fee) in '81, as shown bythe; great discrepancy. But taking them generallyyon do not, make money on result fees f.. Vitnesis—Tbe obtaining of them involves morelabour and anxiety than they are really worth.

Chairman —Then your expenses aro muchgreater tbwi th<) returns which you obtain t¦ Witness :— Tbat would be to for a einglo year,but, to take the total expenditure with tbo returnsfrom other sources they will , I think, balanceeach other,

jDr Molloy—Are you put of pocket by theworking of the Intermediate Education Act t Wit-ness : Not much- Bo yon think it helps yoursyetem of education ? witness : Immensely. Doyou think , that the preparation for . this exami-nation helps to improve the intelligence of theboys P Witness i That is my opinion.

By the Chairman—Tho good effect of the exami-nations depends to a great extent upon tb<t mannerin Tthich tne papers are set by the examiners. Doyoa nbtica much change in them ? Witness : Yes,very much j they vary as maob as » ship doestossed about at sea. '

vi Traill — But you do not expect to aee thesame questions every yea* ?

WItnesi —Certainly not ; bat I think that everyyear tbe questions ought bo put reasonably. Forinstance, the arithmetic paper: for tbe junior gradetbtsyear was very unreasonable. I would ventureto iiobmit it to all who are here present, and I amconvinced it would be very difficult for tbem (1indlnde your lordship) to answer and work theqotnUons in the time allowed (bear; bear). They«p|re too abrtnue. It is most distressing on tbeteachers,'after twelve montbg teaching, to findraeh unreasonable papers s«nt?a6wn.

Ch»IrnJ|rr-Noir, with regard to Booth KensingtoB n&bhtions f .,Wito4|r-Ouroonn«etion with South Kensington

1» bntafwent date t we commenced these exarai-nsJUons in '86 j the tetnrns' are i here (witnessnandtd in » paper contolning tbe list of passeswoi^wehsT almdy aonooneed);a Urge nutn-tootUtMd Sod cUssoertificatetwcre obUinedtyj filfcgus | In "M we derived from these exam*b mm/nt'<*¦.» «e h*ve not ^ got this year's yet,K » »»*»p«et tt willb» more t these sobacriptioDa«i k Ipti eipal sovre* ot oar. la^ wie j In '81 w« re-OS rsdbywwsorto^ionrroffl theettlseas 4103, anrlXA 9 per yJMiiWworn tba Cornpggtioo for , Drawing8/ woisufor the obuininuofsefenUflo appliancesBfl rtfc }Ul«S fav»ab6tfnj»*, allowing themirt&ffip +itimmlm JBi9ti& per annum, tbe

M ttv&mt* m&p i «S« «f -«Tf u>«

¦Mca Mary PowunCuftvity. of 4M0 2J 4d per annum ;wo get.onL-aixth Ot tbat beqdest i at«o tbe Delineyandj i.Cos^wve; Ghrtr>ty» ,';b«tjithat . hs,» ooased.1; .«*eeasel to exist ia 81 ; It was 'derived from the r«atof a boujaju PatrickruUeet, i . ', i) ( [ ;,-. . - . ,, . Chair'miy^—You' were rather'unfortunate in j tbatj»ay,: for I see ihat the incjotie atiaini,fr^ui somehotCile4 , 6b thfl Idali w«4 baqiealed W your1 sohoolsan jx u'did'noi receive. itVj j :- :", , . '. , ;, , , . '.. '.' ¦ ¦ ¦' % Witness-ills, loss was.tbrpug iio fiulk' of.'pHw ift was the, copSequence of an;dl|egallyidra,wn docu-ment* so that the trosteea ofjthe Holy, Qhoat Hoi-§ital were able to wrest.the j)roperty>;?.rotn :Mount

fob.: There is the NioholasiPower bequeBt.of £70.I. Chairman—AU these endowments amount toabout £200 per annum ? j . . : .¦ Witness—To £230. ; . ¦> .¦ Chairman—What other means have you to paythe.stipends; of teachers In tue sohoolj P .

Witness—We have a omaU beqdest invested at £14per annum. , We also have' the annual collectionaud a smaller weekly collection which I would beglad to be abltv to have done with.. Tha ineotno ofMount Sion then, irl to to, is about £700 par an-num ? WltneeB : But yoa | meat deduct the ex-penso of collection, IK . ' i , . ,

Chairman—Well, now, weiwould bo gkd to bearwhat is youiimost immediato want. . .

Witness—The . payment of tbo .nonitora in theschools. Tho sohools are at prenentindebted to me,I liave paid more money than, what has been receivedfrom them—about:£180. . !. - .• . . , '• :'

Profes8or:J^ugherty—Have you paid advanoedresults feel to'tbe monitors f

Witness—Certainly ; we have fixed arrangement*as to the stipends only for i St Patrick's sohools.For the rest tie must depend upon subscriptions.I could not say ttiit the amount, in addition towhat we already have, to be adequate, could be lessthan about £50 per year for te:ioh of sixteen tench-era | : this is calculating all expenses, aa forinstance, travelling expencea, and those incurredduring the vacation months. Our total rent is£28 2a 4d per anuum. i . . . :

Cnalrman—I want to kno<7 clearly what amount,lu addition to what you have, would bo adequatefor your expenses ? i ¦ ¦ ¦ . .'. : Witne?8—Well , tbe monitors should be paid 4>per week—that would be u.bont £250 a year, or£10 per annum each. The teachers could be paidIrom the results. i

Chairman—If jou wore paid on the camoscale asNational Sohool teachers, wbtit amount would yourEchools offer ? ¦ :

WitnesiT-About £1,000 ¦¦ . . .. Chairman—Youtnluk that your nyotein would be

applicable to a sound primary education. ?Witnt'63—Assuredly, ' :Chairman—Mi ght 1 ask what Is it that prevents

you fro m getting tbat amount P'¦ Witness—Religion alone.¦ Chairman—Yo a use exclaslvely your own books !¦ Witness—Except la inteeuaedlate subjects. The

Christian Brothers' books are mostly primary. •Dr Traill made some remark as to tho roUtiou of

the primary books. !Chairman—You are not going to make it a matter

of principle on religion waic u text book on trig,nometry you use (laughter).

1 WItnees—lean adduca what Mr Trevelan saidabout our books la the HOIIM of Commons. Wtienask>>d wh y tbe were not used in tho National School,be eaid that1 he could not give a reason why theyshould not be used. We :endea»our to make our^ooks interesting nnd instrdctlfe. With unoriginalsty le ; I do dot like colourless books, (hear).

. Mr Trailli—But you object to State Inspection ofthem P ;

Witne?s-4-Oa the contrary, I would invite it. Ona recent occasion when tbej Duke of Devonshire andhis d lUg htur, L.idy Admiral Egerton, visited ourschools, I .was anxious that they should see ourbooks, and I presented them with two sots. Heafterwa rd* wrote thanking me for them , and ap-proving of tho buoks. Saying our pupils derivefiom them both pleasure and instruction.

Chairman— AB Mr Traill has put the question,let ua have it. Do you object to 8tate Inspectionof your books ?

Witness—Certainly not.Lord Justice Naisn—Bat you must bear in mind

that veto is ono thing and inspection another.: Witness—If there were; anything lu tbe book9that would be offensive to tbo State, which I knowthere is not^ I would not object to tho Governmentexercising a veto on that , but on eubjeota ot areligious nature we must be allowed our own judge-ment. ! ;

Dr Tralll—Are your tfchoola open to Protest-ants ? '

Witineas—Yea ; I hod .it ono timo aix Protest-ante attending tho schools;

Dr Traill—Then you would not object if excep-tion was taken to anytlng in the books whic hmight bo against Protestantism P

Witness—The course I adopt ia this. I say to thoboys' parents, "Our cchools are Catholio gohoola ;we will do our beat to give your children a Boundsecular education." Their religion ia not interferedwith. We do not object if you choua to sond thornfor secnlar education ? but; I muat say that echoolsof every class aud religldn are allowed their onnreligious books. ;

Dr Triill was continuing como questions in tbesame train , when

Tbe Chairman said tbiat tbe question abouttho books had little to say i to the evidence whichthey required ; but there was a difficulty about thoemblems ia the schools. :

Witnesss—There seems to bo a difilclty here j butI may say at once that if the removal of these em-blems from the school* Is to ba ma le a condition ofthe Governmental grant, 1 would elect to do with-out it for ever.

To Dr Traill—There is In our cchool o pict oro oftho BlcsDed Virgin. '' Dr Tralll—Is there a picture of tbo Queen ?

Witneea—I may tell you that ua hold herMajesty in all due respect' aa a good sovereign.

Chairman—Is the religious instruction andsecular given promiscuously F

Witness—Not at all ; we have a oeperate half-hour for religious Instruction ; the two are aeperate«ut there aro small matters which tnra up j forinstance, wbea tbe cloak stri kes tho obildren aretaught to aiy a short prayer ; prayer la also thefirst exercise and tbe last.!

Chairman—They coinnumeo tho proceedings inthe House of Commons byia a short prayer.

This concluding tbe evidence.Tbe Chairman again complimented Bev Mr

Frawley on bis full , definite and Intelligent evid-onco, and announced tbeir Intention of visiting tbeschools on the following day.

: BISHOP TOT'B COHOOL.Tho Right Eev Dr Day oaid, in anatrer to tbe

Chairman tbat tbo above cabool was intended forpupils belonging to tbe " Church of Ireland." Heaccounted for tbe fact of I there not bjen a largenumber on tho rolls by tbe diQeulty of procuringtho rents of the estate. The agent, Mr Lutngley,Tay Lodge, Kilmactbomas, said that tho rentalfor tbe loot 7 years was £1,<00; lost year It wasoaly £500. The falling oQ Wio owing, be said, totbe Plan of .Campaign. ;

Lord Justice Fitzg lbboa caid that aa the govern-ing body ! of tbo school claimed exemption on thetrround that the endowment was provided ex-clusively for the boofit of I persons of one religionsdenomination under whole control It was governed,tbe ' Commissioners could not therefore make itsubject to tbulr power ; but be ouggested tbat thegovernors might consider; it desirable .to prepare aouheme themselves under tba 20th oection of theAct, wblcb was as follows , t—" Any governing bodyoc bodies may, within two months after tbe com*,mencement of this Act, i glvo notice in writing oftbeir Intention to submit a draft ouheme for the;consideration of the commisaioners and if of toeeach notice they snbmit «(icu a scheme, within four!months, tbe commissioners oball take it into con-sideration," The advantage!) that the governors'would have by a scheme ot tbeir own were chiefly|that they would be able to introduce tho lay ele-ment into the management, receive day pupils, andhave the accounts audited by tboJboual Govern-ment Board.

The Lord Bishop eaid that these were all vatjuseful suggestions, and ho was qulto euro that tbotrustees would give tbem thoir fullest considerationbut ho wa* not quite euru whotboror not theiradoption would bo in agreement frith tbo terms ofthe endowment. ' \ . ¦ i

Lord Justice Fitzglbbon -Onco you accept ascheme yoa trill como immediately under tbe 1885Act. ; ' ¦¦ ¦ I

The Lord Bishop—We aro quite satisfied -vithtbe existing arrangement!). j

In answer to further questions, the Lord Bishopexplained tbat tho Mayor of i Waterford was on thoBoard of Trustees up to the year of the pissin? oftho IrisK Municipal Corporations Act. Tbnt wasin 1844.; Previous to tnat year, tbo Mayors ofthe city were members of: tbe established Cburoh

^They ceased bein-j trustees by virture of that Aot)Lord Justice Fitzgibbou, aftereomqeonsoltaHon,

announced that the Commissioners would rale tbatFoy's School being an endowment applicable andprovided; exclusively for tbe benefit uf persons' of aparticular religious denomination—vis., toe Churchof Ireland, wasjentltled; to exemption from the-power of tbe Comtulssioujto do.il with it. |

MriWiH Smith, bead-master, deposed tbat whenthe period of training ceAsed there were more openrings than pupils to_flU tbem. _ I

i i " " P B I j D A T .The commissioners sat at twelve o'clook ot

Friday, {a the County Grand Jury Boom, and reearned the business of [the Inquiry. There wenelso present tbe Bight Ser M F Day, D.D, LoreBishop of Casbel j tbe EtiBH Christie, Very Be'Joseph A Phelan, Hector St, John's College j MnDay, Mrs Dobbyn, Mr W H Smith, " Bead-MastuJBisbop Foy*» School ; Mr John Strangman, and MiJoseph W Howard, solicitor. Town Clerk,

Lord Justice Fltcgibbon said tbat tbe commis.lionen desired to know trioro about tbo Mason Blu<school, With speoiil reference to a sum of mooejleft by Colonel Alcook for tbe foundation of an ap~lpientice fund ana a. maeruge portion eetuementTbe land nu to be applied in apprentice fees, andfailing that, to be given} lu, m*rriage portioos odcertain conditions, saoU as that tua girl ibouldmarry a FxotesUnt, irfao should be a sititen ofWaterford. - =

¦ ¦• f ¦ x ¦ . ¦ ¦ - ' ¦ ¦¦The Most Eev Dr Day, ssld he «lled on the Dean

who told1 aim tbat tbe »ppr«u«ce fee.WM &, tbimarriage1 portion £6 to> 410. Mr C«NW wsi re •present* by his fttolly, the Dew paving ob'ante o 'tbe fees and marriage portion. Lord Jostloe Pitsgtbbop Wd tbe«ohool wjsii very Aoe baildlsgv ba ¦there «er« only 17 children ia iu . In- re(erenoe tcth« appointment of •• governing, body, tbe. X *tiBishop skid be would not allow his name—«nd,bespok#'fdr the clergy too—W be put down for th*maDBlwaient of th« «obool,if they wen not allMedtbs¦pSfe'tlof ;< tfol, LoVd JuftiM FfUglbbo ttidt prfsiwt ooftdition iibW sctwol wu.wj Onf™\W(f W »»w«w« m*mW?

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦-]¦] ; ¦ . ] ¦ ,

-!*" ¦•

• ¦ ¦. ,

Lord Justing Fitavibbob-rilt wonld be for tbe adVantage of airpattiGsif both mifriagf potUon'sndBpp'reutioo fees . were - under the cdntrol- Df'onegovVrUlbg body. ' ."/(' ,! ': . • ¦ •! i '

: i ¦, ' ,' . '; . ':

, . Tha ¦ Lord ' bishop—Y«s,; tho; clergy of tb e two1parishes! -. ; ¦; .:.• .:¦ . , . ; . • ' :' . . , . '- ¦' ¦

This closed hls>Lordsblp's.evidence,;¦j , ' UDtiLlHE IKDDSTfeliL eOHOOt. '

Me T 8 Harvely^atd- thfttl-the abov^ ceased to Kea sohool of industry in 1863. Besides the fundsVested the sources of teveaue ,tere—£8 Us'aye'ar,Alice iTaigg'tiWgaoyi ; the interest on: £87 2s 64 Intbe Savings Bink j £3, rout of a garden lot to: theFranciscan. - Friars- ; £6 donation front himself.They bad £40 on hands.- . .! ¦ ; . ¦ : . . '

> Lord Justice iFltxglbbdn—It appears to me thatthere is ' not :th"6 slightest legal iclaim1 to thismoney If tho parties holding it decline to give itup. I see that tbero is tboi B'ranquefort.beqoest of£100.: What becaintJ oNhnt P

Mr Harvey—We had tbat money, but the gentle-man who held It pat it Into Chancery, and it tookU9 £20 to (jet it oat. ' ' : -- Lord !Justice Fltjglbbon—Just so, and:if theholism of tbe other funds liked to put them; intoChanoory "it would proably tdko you mora.thantbeir full amount to take them but. What we wantia to farm a governing body1 for tbe school, so tbatthe endowment may be firmly secured to it.

Mr Day, i superintendent, said tbo : numbor ofpupils in her'school was from 81 to 35. She hadone teacher at £40 and an : assiatant. ¦ >

Professor Dougherty—U the fuhd is 'given toyour school - for ¦ Protestants of all denominations,trontd you object (« bring it under tbo MotionalBoard ? ' ': : ' ¦ .! Mrs Day said that the hours for religious instruc-

tion under the Bbard'a eystpdi v?03 tbe objeotion.; Miss Barron, ihon : ecoi, aid the average attend-ance was about' 80. The children paid one pennya week.' . ¦ . ¦' . ' ,

¦; ' :' Lord Justice Fitz^ibbon said that eomethlng

should be dpno to Becuro tbe endownmants, whichmight be lost to the Bchoo],

BTEPHSN'il-8TEEET CATHOLIO B0AOOL.: Mr Jhsepa <V Howard, Town Clerk, was examined

as to tne tenure under which the Stephen's-atroet.Roman Cutaolio . National School, ; formerly StJohn's College School, was rented to the-.Kigbt BevDr Power..: Ho said that the orig inal arrangementwas between tbe Corporation and the Eight UevDr O'Brien, who was to bo granted a leaoe of thepremises fur tbo purpose of having a. high schoolfor tbe, education of students for the CattolloTTnlvereity. . That 'lease was never taken out, butthe rent, £12 2*. 6d. per: annum, continued to bepaid. A resolution was passed by the Corporationauthorising the issuing of tbe leatse.

By Dr Mollay—Is the rent' still paid under, thatresolution ? ,x"ea. Who receives it P The BoroughTreasurer. What becotneo of it P It is Corporateproperty, and tbo money goea into tbe BoroughFunds; ' !

By Lord .Jnatlce Nalsh—Do yon know if theamounf of that annnil payment of £-10 was a grantfor educational purpoaes?, ; I think: it came downfrom tue old Corporation. ; Woa there any' conditionattacBed to it t fes, that there obonld be certainlectures given in St Olaf'o Oburch. .!i Lord Justice Fizgibbou—Yes, there was somelitigation about it. Tbe Wuterford EndowmentBubool was a very old institutioa, but how or whencreated there was no evidence to show. After thepassing of the Municipal Corporations Act, proceed-ings were taken by tbe master to have bis salaryallowed during tbe tenure of hia office. At tbattime there wero 61 pupils on the roll, nnd the Btatoof their education is described as satisfactory.

Very Bev J A Pholan said ne WUB In charge oftbe subool from 1886. Tne attendance was reducedon the Chriatlan Brothers' placing tnelr echoolsunder the Intermediate . Act ; they charged fees,while the latter charged practically nothing. 300of the boys were taken off the street. Tno Bisuupguvd £100 to the school ; he is the manager.

Lord Juatico Fitzg ibbon—Io it in contemplationto establ sh Hn Interiueiliate schix>l in Waterford P

Fatuer Phelaln—Tnero may bo come change inregard to tbe Model School.

Dr Tralll—Is It a gyod building and suitable ,foran intermediate Bcbuul ?;

FatDer Pbelan—it is. What is wanted here istwo good public Intermediate schools, one for thoCatholics and one for tne' Protestants-

Dr Traill—la the teacbet of the Model Schoolnot a Bonian Catbolio ? : Father Phelan—He is.

Dr Tiaill—Then why do you object to him ?Father Pbelan—W e don't object to him, but to

the system. This concluded tbe busineos of theCommission in Waterford.

G A E L I C P A B T I U B 80


A convention of delegates from tbe countybranches ot tbe O.A.A. nna held at Kilioactboicaaon Monda y, Air. LiUEtHoc Powca, Carrigeeo ,presiding.

Tue delegates present: were :—Nentown : M. F.Sbeebiuu, l.F. Walah. Strudbaily : Kicuard Powerund Jumi's i<ornn. Portlatv i iiicnael Power andPut Pjwer. Ferry baul; : Edward Dreelan. Cal.lagbane : Tbomas Power end Jawe a FJyno. Cur-Lall y : James Wnlte. , Balliauuieela i EoyerWuelan. Trauiore : T. J. Quig ley . Kiluiactboiuaa(Funs) : f. Power. Waterford Commercials : C. P.ttudtnund. Members ot County Kxuuutlre : ilesar3.J. J. Fleming and P. Fitzgerald. : Currickbeg :Michael Hearne und Robert Walsh, Clonett :William Meeban. Katbgorcuauk : Patrick Etnnedy.John O'Mahony Hurling Club : M. P. Hlckey oudM. Hickey. L'enoc : K.,Murphy. Dr Qceen, pre-sident, and Mr W G Fisber, ton. sec, »ere uloopresent.

Tbe Cnalrman oaid it was vory oncourngiag tooee such a. representative meeting. Ho was surowhatever decisions they iul[jht arrive at would bavudue weight la the future working of the Association.As Waterford had been to tbe front In all Nationalmovements, he was glad that they wete not back-ward in supporting tho Qaelio Athletic Association.

THE BOH. SEOBETABT's STATEUENT.Mr. \V. (i. Fiadcr, County Secretary, sail he

was requested to call tnis County Convention, aaCounty Conventions were being held all over Ire-land. ' He then referred to tno squabbles whichconvulsed tbo Central Executive, sail they werenot at all creditable to those engaged, ia them, andadded tbat it would bu tbeir duty to put forwardBouiu suggestions on behalf of tbe County Water-lord, which might probably oaaiat in arriving at aproper solution of tno naole question. The wholematter at issue -seemed to be a dispute betweenthree newspapers, and be did not think It was tbeirbusiness to Ulie any part in suob disagreement*,but what they had to do naa to try aud bring for-wurd some suggestion wbich might enable, tbe Cou-ventlun 'lu Tnurlca to satisfactorily transact tnobuslde s, and to come to some arrangement bywhich to bavo things carried on better duringtbe couiing, than for tho past, twelvo months. Hotuun 'referred at some ledgtn to the manner in whichtbe championships bad' bean conducted, pointinguut luat tne inatcnes which should Have concludedare nut ytit Bmshed. Ia every county, witu toeexceptions! of Ktlkunny, ! Wexford and Waterford,nothing but disputes bad urisun ao to wnlu b reallywere tne ohauipionahip teams. He tuua referredto tbe letter written by [ Mr. Maurice Uavln to ttit*Qael , and ' said if the suggestions therein wereadopted lh't>re wonld be no nececsity forgiviag tbeirdelegates any instructions at all. Wnilu Mr. Davlnwas president It was generally believed tbat every-thing nut carried but honestly und fairly, but eiucoMr. DaviU flud thrown up ma connection with th«Auso-.-iaiion tbe unfortunate suunea wuicb they nilknurr of hlid cropped up. Mr. Oavin was e fit undproper person'to be praddent, und if bo only acUxlIn that capacity be would strengthen tbo hands ofthe Association (bear, near).

¦ : ! MB. DAVIH'S LETTED.'Mr. Fisber than read tnu (ullowing letter, which

Mr. Davin' bad directed to tno editor of two Dublinpupers i j ; ¦ :

: i Deor Park , Carriok-on-Soir,' r i Octobor 25th, 1687. '

DcAn Sin,—Now that the lime :ai)iwiote4 for thoannual gonoral mobtin(j of tbo Uttelio AthletioAseociation is approaohing, I wish to offer a fewsuggestions for - tna consideration i of its momboro.Too i annual I coovonttoo : of tbo. Qtelio AtrtlotioAssociation should ba held at Thnrlei on tho 1stNovember,' irnt. According to tho constltatloaol tba A«sooiatioa, HUB ; convection would ooositt oftno momDora from taob aQliatod olab. Tha baoinoajof tho meetins would be to olooc tho Eicoadvo forthe oomiug jeor, heir oppoilu from deoiiioasof CoantyCouncils and I Uxeuative, and consider any Importantquoation with: rotureuoa to ttio : workus of tnoAssociation.,\yita tho gruat numbor of olubs atDliatad,tho convenuoa sbould bo very large-, provided allnero properly roprvsentcd. Largo moutings wsroneoassAry )a tba earlivr; days ot tno Association, «oaa to find out what code 'of roles for the gamos wouldbest sale tUl i distriou. ¦ it was also uucosssry toshow fooio of our prcVont friends how inuob th«people wero in favour ol the movement bofora thiiycamo to oar side. Now, from my experionoa of somoof tbe pa«t Kanersi ne«tiD|rs, and also taking intoaccount tho bitterness wuioa appears to exist betweensorno of tbo mombors, I tcol certain that .basinetscannot properly DA tnouoted at a large coarention.1 beljoie »t would bo better for tho interest of (heAssoc|alioo t» bold a .oonfcntlon of members ro-presenting; , o^ontlot—say two from oaoh count;naviug 8j clout or over, and one from oooh countyhaving 14 blob* or ovur (i would not havs taoro thaatwo tram any 'oas ooontj). It woaid ba the busineai,of this ootttemion to uvito the oonstitatioa anjdecide how Jtho Exoootire should be formed , infatara. Whon this is dons tae.JBsecativa may beeleoted by lbs I convention—or by the county dabs if it{M thongnt proper to bavo county rep'tesentation fairlydivided on \ho Exeaaiiri), anil I believe tho lattorwill bo found tho best system. I:seo tbo fixcouUvehave pcutpoood the Anhaal Meotiig until tbe 9thNovember.' If they bad power to dd that they havepuwar to 'postpone it for another:month, sou :to¦Hot* all to ] bo prepared. I( tie' couros 1 bavosuggested be »gre«a to, the uoanty! ooanolls oooldproooed at| onos to orgaalss ooaai'y conventions,aod, *l««t .members to represent them at the AnnualMeeting. I Tno Coonty . CommitUm> [for the oomiogyoar alghi be elected at tbe same time, as | believethore will! be no need to {Doang* the tilt on that head.

. County' elections (Wold be hdld oa the 21atNovemberj: and tbs ainoal me«twg .on the 12thOeotmber. 1 AU eleoUons U> b* by ballot, if ponible.It is » pitr that men whp%»ve worked BO banl beforethis; for tho benefit ofi tba A»so<4«tion shaold nowdi**fftM M mneh oboat! UH> siaDiKrf of *ofornlng it.Iil-'eellng | has spread, siad. bad motives have beenattribnkid! In ; many . oases' wore there U only mis-und»rtt*nillDg of tbs inlM,or of tb« position ol someOf the pa loV. AU bleWrlngs shWld ceaso. Tb»yhaV»done:8O p>od; ¦ . j ; ; ' ; ¦ ¦ 'i In, <x>ool4»ii n, I wouldj «ajf to th»jHnrler«, FootballpWyeri, m a t , Uhlete* gwenUjr — Va» ot tbo objectsof tJw found rrs of tWi 'CytA. was t> put dowatmmni s fcak# rw jgofll friwds with «u>bo«hw.Diijv*^ f^ jwUtoy t^! N


no: isparH** bf \m, om, tw» t« «i .WMOft ifW Hi

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eionld.1 ¦ tjnioh amongst Irishmen1 'i-ii ' nVTW mire1Wantedttan at ta'8present tlme.-Toars tr'nly. :¦; ¦ '' r: .

'.;• .•¦ • ; ¦ ' ¦.

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦¦ '- ¦ two*to*.v/ma, --

c !]rfr," Fisher said'that al a meeiiog of , the .Wtter-fdrA. Commenjials held; oil Friday .evenimjr: thePresident, Mr. P. Walsh, oconpyingr^be dbalr; thefollowing resolution was unanimously agreed td,on tbe motion of Mr. J. Brazil (esptiln), secondedby Mr. J. Ha>e*-i« Resolved—Tbrtt we, the mem-bere of tne. Wa'terford Cfimmerblal Club, fujly, ap7WTdand e^orse the >qgg«Btlons »o wi

sely put ior-Witrd by Mr; Miiurlce Davin fortho consideiatlon ofallj ufiiliated dubs, with reference to the forth-coming convention at, Thurles." >- 1 Mr. 0. P.: Redmond said be -vu present on be-half o! the Commercial Clabtto advocate the adoptionof Mr.bavin's proposals. : • ' ., " ¦ •: I Mr. Fisher held that the suggfesHbils made by Mrpavin were very reasonsble oneB. He was not alto-gether in accord, with tbat portion regarding thenumber of delegates to be sent from, each connty.Npwinithe; cqunty Waterford, according, to tbatenffgestion, nltb a club in I every pariah they wonldonly just be entitled to tnorepreeeotativeii/tig thefbnero only 30 parishes la the county. He wouli}suggest that two delegates be Bent from countieswhere there are twenty clubs or over.¦ It wds nnanlmbusly res'olved to approve of thetmggestion8 jn Mr. Davin's letter, with tbe onoexception referred to by Mr. Fisher,

i Mr. Hearne (Carrickbeg) proposed that Mr.Dilvln should bo- asked' to again take up the pro-cideucy. Whilst ho was at tbo head of aSalrsriothlng went wrong, and if Ibry could only get himbock again be would keep the others in order.

' lMPOatAR-r PEOPO8ALS. ,, Mr. Fleming (Batbgormack) submitted a numberof resolutions for the consideration of the uieetinu.The first, which pressed tbe patrons of the G.A.A.uot to eever their connection wlta the Associationat preoent , was carried unanimonsly. Tbe second,which expressed want of confidence in some of tb6raembero of the Executive, notably Mr. BrackenAnd Mr. Moloney, WHS Withdrawn ,, eouie of thosepresent objecting to find men guilty before tryingthorn. The third resolution condemned those whotreated Archbishop Croke's offer of arbitration withdisrespect met with general approval. The Chair-man eald they nil knew what Archbishop Crookobad done, and he was nt) truo Irishman or trueGael who went against his lordship's wishes. Thefourth resolution strongly urgal that Mr. Davinbo again appointed president of tbe Association.This proposition .was strongly sppporUni by HeasiDHearne and Fisher, and . met tbo general appro-bation of tho meeting. Tho next resolution coswith regard to tbe question at tc the number ofdelegatea to be sent from each county to tboThurles Convention , and the lust, proposition wasthat the national teatheia of Ireland should bbUrged to educate their pupils' physically as wellho mentally.[ Some, of the resolutions were sli ghtly amended the full text of those adopted being :—i 1. " That we have heard with much regret tboannouncements made by B«me of tbe patrons of theG.A.A- of disassociating themselves In future fromtho organization, and we respectfully oak them notto sever thoir connection with It flt preoent, as suchaction would prove most detr'emeotal to the Intore3toof the Aecooiatioa.": 2. " That wo have heard with regret the conductpf certain persons connected with tbe G.A.A., intreating Archbishop Croke's oif.sr of arbitration; with disrespect, and tbat we repudiate all reapon-sibility in connection with such conduct."

: 3. "That we believe tho withdrawal of Mr. MDavin from the presidency of tho G.A.A. would

,inflict an irreparablo on the organization , and wo,now most heartily join tbe various branches through-lout the county iu inking him t« resume the post[which ho has held with dignity to himcolf and[honor to tho Association since tbe Inception of tboi movement."

4. " We eug-gest tfcat ererv coantj ia rrhichthero are 14 clubs i r over Bhould have ono repre-sentative—20 or more affiliated clubs should havetwo representatives, selected by the clubs cf theconnty to form a general convention , and whichnhonld elect au Executive in accordance with ilr.Davio's suggestions."

6. " That we call on tho national teachers of Ire-land to advocate tho physical education of thepeople."

AD3ENTEE8.—Mr. Fiaher remarked that not oneof tbe clubs that competed nt Dangarvan yesterdaywas present at tbat meeting.

UNION AT CAEBJCKBEO.—Mr. Hearne remarkedtbat thero was no diaunlou at Carrlckbc^ botweouthe hurling and footbjll clubs . :

Somo question aroao as to whether two distinctclub3 would bo permitted to exist, in the ono parish

Sir. Fisher said the Executive bad power to give,tho necessary permisaun for tbe formation of twoclubs in ono pariob. They wern very anxious loencourage burling, and it was by tbe permission o{tbe Executive tbat the two clu Is were formed utCarrickbOjj.

Mr. Hickey (Carrlckbeg) said most of tbe foot-ball players were fro m the county, whilst the bur-lew generally resided in tbe prerinta of Carrlck.

TUE WRESTLING IJrjEaTiON.—Mr. M. F. Sheehnn(Bally hussu) proposed that the Executive: be urgedto permittbe orlginal' rule, allowlofj wrestling audshouldering j to stand.

Mr. James Foran (Strodbally) ceconded tbeproposal. i

Mr. Fitzgerald (Fenor) and others consideredthat tbo field could not ba kejit clear if wrestlingwero allowed.

Mr. Powor (PortUw) said they would have fight-ing, not football matches if wrestling wero allotted.

Mr. Power (Feivs) spoke 6trongly In favor ofwrestling.

A poll was taken, which resulted in the defeat ofor Mr. Sbeehan's proposal by thirteen votes to ten.

Tnc DUHOABVAN TonBHAMniiT.—llr. Fishercaid he was sorry to bave to stnte tbe tournamentconducted at Dungarvnn was a disgrace to thecounty Waterford. Some fair play was shewn totbo Fenor and Billydntf teams—because thoy weroboth outside te.ims—but iu all the other matchesspectators and judges al.ke shewed the moat bare-faced partiality. He »aa of opinion that in suchcanes jurisdiction sbould bo given to the membersof tbe County Executive, who might be present toceo that fair play is given, and tbat tho rulc3 wereproperly carried out.

Mr. Fleming said Dungarvan was tbe only placoin wbich be s&« discourtesy Bbcwn.

Mr. Dreelan (Ferrybank) was of opinion tbat tbomembers of tbe County Committee should havo acontrolling influence.

Mr. Fitzgerald produced a letter which had beonreceived from Dungftrvan, announcing that theFenor team should be composed of members en-tirely from tbo branch. The conditions were ful-filled to tbe letter, and yet they would not bo allowedto compete, because certain of tbo players did notreside in tbe parish. He complained bitterly ofhow tbe Fenor team were treated.

Mr. Wbelan (Ballinamccls) also said th.it hiateam wero badly treated at Dungarvon, and heclaimed the match for Dallinamnela.

Mr Dreolan proposed a resolution, urging th«t inall cases where sports or tournaments ore to ha heldthe county secretiry 'be coramualcatol with four-teen days' previously, iu order to give tbe CountyExecutive an opportunity of ercing tbo rules up-held.

Ur. Whelan seconded this proposal, which wasagreed to. '

Somo of those prerent were in favor of paraing arc3olution debouncing the Dunigarvan club for tbaunfair manner in whioh the late tournament wasconducted.

Mr. C. P, Bedmond-(Waterford) vtts of opinionthat tho Dungarvan men should not be condemnedunheard.

This view was taken by m«ny of thoso present,and no action followed from tho proposal. :

SCOBIKQ.—A conversation arose as to the methodof Gcorlng, and Mr. Fleming caid be thought itwould be fair if five points wnro voted equal to ngoal. No resolution was como tx> on the matter.

THB COUNTY COUHITTISE.—Hr. Fisher euggeitedtbat in future connty committees should consist offifteen members, and not of »seven as heretofore.Under the present arrangement It was nlmo3t lm.possible to. got a jtttrrum.

Mr. P. Power (Portlaw) seconded tbe proposition,and it was. decided to mako a recommendation tothat effect.

Dr. Green, who bad just come into tbo room,and wbo apologised for bis nnavoldablo absence,was then moved to tho second chair, and on thomotion of Mr. Fisher a cordial vote o! thanks nupatsed to Mr. Power for presiding.

Mr. Power acknowledged tbe compliment, andthe procceedin;{a terminated.

" Is tbero no hope," the dflk man e&td,The eilnnt doctor shook bin bead |And took his leave with signs of sorrow,Despairing of his. feo to-morrow.Bat a friend came in who l»ngb'd and said," Chcor np old man I You're not yet dead,Aod you'll oheat the dootor, nsvet foir,If you'll give up drags for Sell/'* Beer."

X?0t l06

E D W A B D D O W L E YBEGS to inform the Public that nil Boats ply

regurallv between Waterford and CarrlcU-on-Suir. Goods of all descriptions, vbicb are to beforwarded to Waterford, or via Waterford to anypart of Ireland, England, 8cotUnd, or Wales, willbe received at his GOODS 8TORE8, QUAY. CAE-BICK-ON-8UIK. Goods ifoto alt parts, for Car.rick-on-Suir and surrounding country,received atWnterford direct from the 8tea-^ers and Railways.Frt'itfbt oliartjes Mill be found most inoderatK Fullinformation as to Kates of Freights, times of Sail-ings, etc., etc., to be had at the Oryiocs— (o20.tf


Agent at Wsterford— ;


G E N U I N E , •I R I S H - M A D E S O A P ,;



^^ r|P ^ 5 v r T ' * ^1 ' f/ * * * Mwl*' #




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• ¦

j panies. The only real Safety.' ! Eit-plosion flhd accident lmpotslble.


WATKRPOBD In ptace of g^s, after¦ six months' trial Both cheaper and


: EABT TO Tnm ;¦ MODZBAT B COR.¦ , BOBPTioN 'ot OIL."— Mi Foy Biviero,


" One DefrleB gives, as much lightI aa wo formerly got from rrv* Dtrpfcix."

'•r-MesarB. ' E. and F. Keane, Cap-i poquin. • ; ' . , • '


! " The best LanJpn I ever tried, and, I havo tbo Silber, Hinck's, and(otbert,': —Lord Musk.erry, Dnimcollogbe,t,

County Limerick, . . ! .TP\EFEIES( SAFETY LAMP. BUBN8 ANYJO QUALITY OF PABAFPIN ,, OIL' ' Madelnpctterns to suit all purcha*jrs

and all users. 43, 63, and 100-candlo power. BEADING LAMPS,

; 20-candle power. POPULAB LAMP,10-candIe power-

V T A B N I N G .Tho Public lo cautioned against imitations,

which, while professing to be eafety, are actuallymore dangerous than the old forms of Parafln OilLamps. Look for DE»BIES* SA»ETT LAMP on thehandle of tbe burner.SCIENTIFIC BEPOETS, PEIOB LISTS, AKI> DESIONS


Agent in Waterford—H E N B Y B E L L ;I 62, THE QUAY. s s!6-20t

! Kennans' Field Gate. No. 15.j dffc. x 4ft. 21n., six baro, Tee-iron topand bottom bars, two d<a2onalB and

: plate iron ^oBDets, aa engraved. A! tet-clasa Gate. In loto of three atone time, 19s. each, cash. GATENo. 13.—Lighter mako, 9ft. x 4ft. 2in.,atx bars and two diagonals—all flatiron. In lota of three at one time,17s. 6d. each, cash. Pillars, ifreqnired,oxtra. Various Patterns. Any six ofKennans' Field Gates to same Stationat came time, carriaso frco for cashvrith order.

KENNAN & SONS,Pishamble St.. DUBLUT.

E S S E A OB D I II A B Y 2X 3 APEE 2a. Od. POUND.

W00DF0BD, BOl'ENE (L CO. aro Bowcelling most Excellent Tea at TWOSHILLINGS per Pound, which they confidentlyrecommend. \Packages of thoir different priced deliciousfiarouaed Teas, from 011)3. to 101 bj. in weight, aresent " free " by Parcels' Post on receipt of Orderwith Kemittance. ¦

. W00DF0BD, BOURNE $ CO.,C O E K .

UlIEqrjALLCD AB A DctilCIOCS S TOUACUKJ ,¦ TOO THB D8B O» :TOAillLIES and INVALIDS, infinitely superioi-10 to any other offered to tho Pnblic.

0DTAI1JED THE PJRBT PRIZE~DUBLIN; EXHIBITION , 18C2.H»y be obtained of oil Grocers and WineMerchants.throughout tho Country, 'An Wholesale (in Wood and Bottle) from the

Manufacturers,I BEVVLEY & DRAPER (LIMITED),«28. D U B L I N . .

PHIAflBT ¦I WHOKSALl^MUUSJkImporters of , Foreign produce,manufacturers and General Mer-chants. The Trade only supplied.No Retail. Oitalosuea on appli-cation. **

p gj Mf r& 'WOQTQ,! Warren's Place, CORK.

HABOU'D Ueofal Pablieatioaa"THE PIANO MADE EASY/'-gares Learnersfrom any amount of time and trouble. 1») Per Poot Is. 8d.LEVELLIN G AND SUBVEY BOOKS. Is,, each. Per Post Is. 2d.EATON'8 HOU8EHOLD EXPEN8E BOOK

! Is. Cd. Interleaved 2s. Per Post 4d. eatra. '

Eaton's F»mily Washing Book .. M.: „ Ladies' do , ... 8?., , Gonf s do .. ¦'"¦ JM '

., Workmen's Asconnt Boois ... Od., U 2s: „ Cellar Books ... ... Is M: ,. EenUl Books ... . . u ls.M' 2'; :: ! » -- •

&¦!& ¦&

! „ Will Foras ... " rj*i „ Monthly Diary, por annum ;.'.' "is at„ Beportors'NoU'Books "• Sf! ,. M<>aic»l C»«« JJooks .. " i iT'; „ Dopllcat* Prworlptlon Books " " : «Sl.» «w7cr»' *»« Books V. SVjj ' lh^ionu, -- *. -*«iS

M. & ,3 . E A T O N! WholeiaU ni Betail BtatioMri. '¦M. DAMB-hTB.IT AKD 05. GBAJTOH-STMIT.

J DVBLIN. t23.iat'RHBUMATi SM .Adute or Chronic, reJioTJa bwCOLJfAN 'S COIfC«N*aATlD MoitTAWl fl» *"TBOTH," of Dte. 8. 1885. S»TSI « D ,n- w-S' rone who suffort from Bhcam«ti»mr I ask hmW iyou do, I cmn tell him or her abonU»o «l £rf^You hate Men ColmsH's MgtUrd ev«mrb«2 ?35#

tb. origimU Co1i».n had Bh.a»,tlVm d Lo<Sa?«*» «»» ls » Green Wl in Mastard S «hl2b!2iiti Numbers ol' peopto get it and ai»«mtrfrf«StBliaaraacism. How I know tbottt (t <¦ bMM?ii9'told me last week that sh»npXdlilt it Wk«!!J U&

THBOAT AWKCTIOHB AHD &0A3LimnmtJ} lusnfferuigfrominitatiMi of tas OxxdJi»A Zt, "***

liasA funons "lossnjas"»r« nom 73$£ 3ll Z* *<•McUbU Chemists in this oonnWWi^TiBit *J*.

wordU'Brown'sBranoki*lTK)oS»Tw«J4S*S5?itt»mown * «0MfB^ in«ltSrns4j5Sbfe* PIn iw»»a to M, Wi do os i Jf f f j mbi yfci imiiiiiiitSts«i * UMLII' f!'?mil<iii iMk^

HfXv' tf^

, 1 ::MMmm mMm'¦ ' ¦ "¦ ' '¦ "¦ '¦ ' ¦ " ¦¦¦ T& 'WtoQ&lif •¦- '¦' > ei »'¦ r. V:: ,,* • ¦'Vi Jf- 'BM'it'li:1rirti*, -. . : .- : ¦- ¦x t f j i. M W |)oii/iiuir|ttl V¦ • .. ¦¦ :• ' • ' ¦¦¦¦n '- -*u ' ry Ti , r. . m-f r i i - v r .nprn*

£A GmitiBit,m ty& VfMi ^8ci»tic», ' tiot£~ "~ ~ ¦ Asthma, PlaarUjrOout: : . < < Bronflhitis, i.j l EemalfclHionSri,Kidney DIse»«, PrJmbnsryAffec- Gei>«r*i»od Locsi

Indigertioo, ' Spinal Aumeats, ; orders,, :, ,. .

TTtrtTTON'S i .WOBLD ' pAMfiD >i*EN]r'¦YSl . CuratlT^ Magnetiii 'AppWn'eer iaai 'forall parts br the body.' ' ' ; , :.

J "' ',¦.. ;, ' ¦

. . TnOUSANDtJ ' CUBEi> -Bt TflEMl *8p€cialitiev-T«8*es, : Corsets; CdrnW; • td. ¦.

F'O&St- VodA PAOB PAMr &Hr'i Illus'traW,

containing Medical arid other TestlaotiliLi,list of prices, and general information; 'frhttiA; orpost free,. AU tuffergrg Bhoold read ity

" - NOTE -SPECLUrT-^OtEli f\ •— ., ¦; « ,¦ ,We make oar Appliancst..at Prides wi'tniVtia resell

pf , sil., [, BslU, from 10a, 6d. ; Speoial Power, from 17i .63. Long Inrigbrators, from l'Za, &J. ; Special Power ,from Zls. Otherappliaaoes aooordlnrir. ' : - < ¦ ' •

&txw-o¥ 'ot} &LA&f iBt 'ibif ttf to&iMB., INDIGESTION AND NEByOUSNESS. , ,E.r. Cooatebaltrr, Soutnore,~Co~. Olinr

. ¦ 7tb 8«ptembor, lS87. - - 'I beg to formrd ar aniolioitad M«tlnlori/ ut to .ti*

eSeou produced br/ptu Ma^natja. ApplUaoe*. I infloredprerioiulr to woaxiuff tbem from indi^Mllda, oerr6au«M,md palai tbroagb the whole irsme, with other irrera.lAritlef, . bat rtuM idopdng jaac tratmasr mj oanrftltstlonhu ondergotn « compleM chtnge, ud, I baro . derirtdinoamenble benefit* £ace putting on roar wobderfaltppU«flo«. , JOBS 8KEILY.

PAINS IN THE BACK. :' .¦ • : 'B^ak ot InlAad, Billlaarobe, Co. M»»o,

. , . Wb AnifSit. 187.About a jeaSt ago I rot » bad wettlog whloh broo^ht 6O "Apain la anr back. I tamoiiatelj got one of' jroar belt*

wbich eared all, uid I h-ul no return o( the vttn alact. •¦. . . , . B. JOSEd, (lUjurW).

8EVEBE OHBONIC BHEUMATI8M. •. . , . i . Kor»r»T«rr»CT, Brmj, SUtk Jaoe,.lS97..

. Un Copehnd Jooei U bMpyj to lnionn M»JH-» Wetton thxtth« f l tgnf l io S«lt Tblob >be procurea Xrom thea lutwinter for her nrrufl us ha oompletely eared th*litter of fefy . severe chMola Tbetimitltrri . for Uw nlktof which erery othor form of treatment ttui Uilod.

PAINS iN THE BACK. '. , , :¦ ¦ • ¦ • : - >Hew street KUlaroej-,Kay 23rd,' JJ87., Tna Magnetie Belt whlcn l rrt froaljoaJart October hadone mecoattderable beaeflt. , T)ie pe u la tbe, back whichI then bjul are,' I may aay, qolte gone. I think it doe toyoor es'.abliahraent - to itate till*, and ajeo in order thitother* aofferlng in a'dmlUr maonermayTcnoir theaeaniby which I was reliered, . irsAKcis HESBT Dowirma, j p.

:LUHBAQO AND : SCIATICA!Baak ol Ireland, Bandon, Co. Cork, Std Match, 1837.

I bare pleuare in informing yon that I hare derired BachbeneSt from the Belt I got from yob s abort time dace.

W. t. BABaEBT JlIanajiT].

, PAIN IN THE KNEE. ¦ ¦ • ,South Abbey, TongbAU Co- Cork, 2tod **ebnary, US7.2In. iftrtln wUbes to state tbat (be has deriied rreitbeneSt from the Mognetlo Knee Cap. Since «h« »ppU«4

the Knee Cap abe ba* not bees troubled with tfcittinthe formerly lugered from. . . . ; ;

THE THBOAT AND CHEST.Omeath Panonage, Kewry, Vebrouy 11th; Is37;lira. Verektr harlng heard of the ' benest derifed Vraome of her. friend* bora the us ot Hes*r>.. Wetion andt'a.'i appliancee, was indnoed to try , their chat tadthroat protector la her own family, and judging from th»result, ahe can strongly recommend their, appjauee* toanyone suffering from dclloacy ot the chest and throat. ,

CONSTIPATION, PILES, Ac, " .EatMalro. Monasterenn, comity SHdui

Dec. 18th, lffis. .Hywife hat derired great benellt tbroagh wearing yoaMagnetie Appliance*. Before she had worn them a monti,ahe was able to walk about with more freedom sMlejipain than she had done for years, and ia altogether ttrosrtrand better ia health in erery way. . ^•. JOHN EASTEE.

OEHEEAL PAB4XYBIS ABD CONOTIPATIOH.Springmonnt Cottage, Dnsguran, 30th Octoser. 1ES6. -I am most happy to inform you that I'hare denied tbsgreatest benefit lrom the application of your Beit whichI purchased from yoa in April last. I can saw walkalmost as well u erer I did, in fact t walked 18 oUsa oneday and 20 miles the following day. I tried it purposely toe3e what I coold do. 1 am also mnch imprOTed in bodilyhealth i the ooatlTones* is quite gone ; it was a great enenjof mine for years. ' ¦ : -Yoar Belt is a wonderf ol appliance. P. H. B YAH.

DY8PEPSIA. ;Corri* Cotta»e. Dalkey, Co. DoLIin. •

iOih Sitlonba.HZS.I hare mach pleasure in bearing testimony to the e^Sciencyof yoar Magaetla AppUanoe*. . I saffered Tery tnach fromdyipepuia before t got one of jour Belts, aboat eierea monthiago ; bat shortly alter I commenced to wear It th* tymptoasslmost^ntirely di tppeared. Now, 1 am quite free rroa thedistressing malady. J. L. M'CLELLANT.

PLEURISY, fto.The Eectory, Tetupletbambo, Ferns, Co. Weriord.I can add my testimony to theremari*b^


Jenea iiSrtiproduced by yorr Lung Inrigonitor aod Chest Protector ismy UmUf . and I do he*rti]y reeommeud tbeii aw In <*««* 3i-loarijy, ftc. (tteT > r, w 81EHBOH.

BEONCHIAL AND BHEUilATIC AITACiS.New Park, Longbre*, County Qalway,Srd BoTember, JS8S.I hate mncb pleasure Jn acksoirlsdiiiif that J have beenbenefited Tery much by the oaa of your Usgneticon AppU.mces, and hife rucocunendej Ihelr use to many of n;friends. I belieTs thera to be effectual both is broseUalandrhenmatia attacks. : . Mrs.) H. B. ROLAH. .

WEAE UAONETIC SOLES for Cold Poet, 40.WEAB MAGNETIC WEISTLET8 for Vtlzl," ' StiifoeAS, SweUing, &o., of the hsndt.WEAK MAQNETIC ANKLETS for Bboasutlta,* * Bprains, Weakness, 4o.

CZJ Our Appliances can be obUined in Water-fyrd throogbMr. HENBY BELL. Chemist . Tbe Qua*j &sdMessrs. WHITE 4 SONfl , Waterford.

Letters requesting kdrice reoeire onr 'bett atttDtiaaNo charge; (or Consultation.In.VGi.tort and Palenlut of Curative MijnetieApplianc e * and Boll Manufacture™—


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