a s man i a

(No. 42.). 18 8 2. 'f A S MAN I A. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. CHIEF INSPECTOR OF SHEEP: REPORT FOR 1881. Laid upon the Table by Mr. Moore, and ordered by the Council to be printed, July 12, 1882.

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(No. 42.).

18 8 2.

'f A S MAN I A.




Laid upon the Table by Mr. Moore, and ordered by the Council to be printed, July 12, 1882.


S,I,J,?, Inspector of Sheep Office, 23rd· July, 1882.

. · I HAVE the honor to submit, for the information of the Government, the following Report to the 30th Jmie: · ·

. • I have the satisfaction of stating· that the flocks ~f th~ Colony remain free from the Scab disease.

During the la~t twelve months no wild sheep have been captured or seen, so far as I am informed. I cannot say, however, that it is not possible some may still exist. Further time must elapse before it can be said with absolute certainty that we are altogether free from danger from that source; but I think now we may consider it a possibility only, and not unreasonably conclude it to be improbable.

The number of sheep returned up to the 30th June is about 20,000 in excess of last year's returns, but, as usual, there are still a few thousands to be accounted for during the next three months. During the year there are always a number of changes amongst owners, and an accession of new ones unacquainted with the law. A considerable number of these send in returns during the last six months of the year. For instance, last year nearly 24,000 sheep were returned during· the last half, paying, of course, the penalty of an additional one-fourth contribution to the Scab Act Fund.

This remissness or ignorance of the Law on the part of the class of owners referred to, gives rise to a great deal of unnecessary trouble and labour to the Department, inasmuch as instead of all the returns being made in January and February they are more or less spread over the whole year. The great majority, no doubt, are returned on or before the 28th of February. It is an evil, however, which cannot well be remedied, and as it was foreseen when I framed the Act, the penalty of an additional one-fourth was provided to meet it.

ABSTRACT of Wool Exports for the last Thirteen Years, and Number 'lf Sheep.

Hobart. Launceston. TOTAL.

No. of Slteep.

Lbs. Value. Lbs. Value. Lbs. Value.

£ £ £ 1869-70 .••.••. 2,583,876 134,855 2,609,718 Hl3,709 5,193,594 298,564 1,531,186 1870-71.. ..... 2,682,193 136,380 2,264,188 123,971 4,946,381 260,351 1,349,775 1871-72 ....... 2,678,171 183,500 2,230,819 170,246 4,908,990 353,746 1,305,489 1872-73 ..•..•. 2,390,400 182,710 2,286,750 173,378 4,677,150 356,088 1,405,862 1873-74 ...•... 2,873,207 207,205 2,657,584 181,728 5,530,791 388,933 l,b31,242 1874-75 ....... 3,258,032 229,847 2,8ll,897 199,036 6,069,299 428,883 1,700,454 1875-76 .•..... 3,761,993 242,498 2,845,321 195,300 6,607,214 437,798 1,783,072 1876-77 ....... 3,648,020 235,440 3,205,510 200,8.28 6,85?,530 436,268 1,804,486 1877-78 ...•... 4,020,152 2.60,543 3,436,453 218,799 7,436,453 479,342 1,845,810 1878-79 ..•.••• i,305,322 259,093 3,717,926 225,770 8,022,926 484,863 1,845,086 1879-80 ....... 4,283,926 229,226 3,862,734 224,416 8,146,660 453,642 1,800,639 1880-81. ...... 4,321,445 253,175 3,389,401 233,222 7,710,846 486,398 1,739,088 1881-82 .•••••• 4,620,892 239,819 3,582,717 311,656 8,203,609 451,475 1,759,420

It will be observed that although the number of lbs. of wool exported last year and the beginning of this year, being the clip of 1881, exceeded by 500,000 lbs. the clip of the preceding .year, it is valued at the Customs at £34,000 less. Why this should be so I am unable to discern.

· The Customs Act does not necessitate a declaration as to the value of exports, consequently little reliance can be placed upon their• values. It is a mere hap-hazard matter, dependent upon the

• caprice of the exporter, or perhaps that of his shipping clerk.


The number of Sheep returned in Live Stock Returns, and under the Scab Act, since 1860 is as under:-

In Live Stock Returns. Under Scab Act.

From 1860 to 1869, averag·e number .• 1870 .•.•.•••.•••••.•••••.•••.••.

1871 ·•·•·•••·•·••·••·•·•••·•·••· 1872 .•.•..••.•.•..•••..•..••.••. J 873 ••.•••••.......•...••.••.•.. 1874 .•.•.•..••.•.•..•....•.••••• 1875 •..•..•••.....•.•..•.••. • • • · 1876 .•.•.••••••.•.•••...•••••... 1877 •••.••••••••..••...•...•••.. J 878 .•••••.•.•••.•..••.•..••••.. 1879 •••••.•••.•••••.••.....••••• 1880 .•....•••............••••••. 1881 ..•.....................•. • · 1882 ..•.. ~ ••. '. ....•.••...•. ·-· ...

1,730,000 1,531,187 1,349,775 1,305,489 1,395,353 1,501,531 1,714,168 1,719,768 1,755,142 1,83] ,278 1,838,831 1,848,591 1,783,611 1,847,479

1,416,665 1,349,134 1,306,359 ' 1,323,480 1,531,242 1,700,454 1,783,072 1,804,486 1,845,810 1,845,086 1,800,639 1,739,088 J ,759,420

1,; ,,, Importations of fat sheep and bullocks in 1880 show _an increase on the previous year in cattle, and a decrease in ·sheep; the most of them arrived by the T.S.N. Company's steamers on ships' account.

1869 .. ; ..... 1870 •.•.•••• 1871 ....... . 1872 ...... .. 1873 ....... . 1874 •••••.•• 1875 ....•... 1876 ....... . 1877 •••..••• 1878 ....... . 1879 ......•. 1880 ....... . 1881 ...... ..

Bullocks, 1722; Ditto, 1640 ; Ditto, 928; Ditto, 827; Ditto, 900; Ditto, 790; Ditto, 1211 ; Ditto, 805; Ditto, 904; Ditto, 1347; Ditto, 1476; Ditto, 1707 ; Ditto, 1953 ;

sheep, 16,540 ; ditto, 17,900 ; ditto, 13,053 ; ditto, 5~98; ditto, 13,188; · ditto, 19,958 ; ditto, 22,971; ditto, l 2,054 ; ditto, 8385 ; ditto, 10,980 ; ditto, 18,920 ; ditto, 11,193; ditto, 11,458;

value .... ditto ..• ditto .. . ditto .. . ditto ••. ditto· .. . ditto .. . ditto •.. ditto ... ditto . ; . ditto •.. ditto •.. ditto •..

£ 31,695 27,945 18,230 12,102 19,843 29,158 36,462 22,708 19,820 23,392 33,402 24,815 30,173

In 1873 Cattle were returned at .•..••••....•.•...•••• 104,594 head l 06,308 ditto 110,450 ditto 118,694 ditto

187 4 ditto .•.............•...•.••.••.....•.. 1875- ditto .....•...• -.•.•...............•.... 1876 ditto •..••....•.•.•.•.•.....•.•.•.•.••• 1877 ditto .•..•....•..•....•.•..••..•....•.. 1878 ditto .•..•..•.••............•.....•••.• 1879 ditto ...........................••...••

. 1880 ditto ..•..... • .•.•........•........•.... 1881 ditto . . • . . . . . . . • . . .................••• 1882 ditto ••••.•.•...•............••....••.•

. 124,459 ditto 121,187 ditto 126,276 ditto l 29,09i ditto 126,900 ditto 130,526 ditto

I remarked last year upon the unaccountable difference in the -number of cattle as compared with the preceding year, and now this year there is a greater difference still, but snowing as unaccountable an increase this year as was the decrease of last year. In fact, as now taken, the returns of Cattle and Sheep in the Stock and Crop Returns are of no value whatever. The remuneration given is insufficient to secure even moderate accuracy.

The number of stud sheep exported in 1881, as shown by the Customs returns, was as follows in number and value :-

To New Zealand •. -••.•......••....•. 229, valued at V7 ictoria ..........•..•.•........ 296, ditto New South Wales . • . . . • • . .....•. 781, ditto


£ s. d. 11,425 0 0

6650 0 0 20,230 0. 0

£38,305 0 0 ===-

I have every reason to believe that the amount realised for stud sheep exported in 1881 was considerably more than is shown above.

This season the export promises to be greater in number, but of course it is impossible to say that the wonderful prices of last year will be kept up."' Even if they are much lower I think the breeders will ha.ve·no·reason to complain.

, ~ The sales of stud sheep now going on at Sycluey it is said will realise about £25,000.


The number of rabbit skins expOl'ted in l 881 was I ,927,620, vaiued at £14,511.

The curse is still spreading ; and notwithstanding the fact that more skins were exported laet year and during the first six months of the current year than at any previous period, there are now more rabbits than ever; that is, that although they have been thinned in some parts of the country by being destroyed in various ways, they have been increasing elsewhere where a few _years ago a rabbit could not be found.

There was a settler from the Huon country in my office the other day to order some poisoned grain. He is a small farmer, with an orchard from which I believe he derives his principal support. He informed me that rabbits had increased about his place to such an extent, notwithstanding his efforts to destroy them, that before long his orchard would be destroyed, as they had commenced to -bark the trees. ·

I have satisfactory accounts from various quarters as to the destructive effects of the poisoned ,grain prepared in_ Raymond's machines under the superintendence of an officer of this Department; but I feel assured it will only prove a palliative without a compulsory law to compel every one to use the means of destruction at the same time, especially through the spring and summer months. In connection with this rabbit question and what appears a large amount from the export of skins, I may observe, that if there was no export of rabbit skins there would be an additional export of wool to the amount of at least £100,000 per annum.

There is another aspect of the question, and a very serious one too. Rabbit-hunting has a most demoralising influence upon a very large number of lads and young men, now almost entirely occupied in that pursuit. In the country towns there is an opinion prevalent amongst shopkeepers .-and those who deal in rabbit skins, which I have frequently heard expression given to,· and that is, that the existence of rabbits not only produces a considerable export, but they create and foster trade, and provide labour for a large number of men and boys. _"Where these opinions prevail of course it is not considered a desirable object to destroy the rabbits, but rather to keep such a source

-0f local profit in existence. ·

No greater fallacy could exist than the idea that rabbit-hunting is a useful and desirable occupation for lads and young men ; on the contrary, it is utter destruction to habits of steady and honest labour. Lads who have been engaged in rabbit-hunting for a number of years are growing -up unfitted for any steady industrious occupation. 'l'hey become demoralised in every respect, and I believe the ultimate fate of very many of them will be to fill our gaols and penitentiariee, and not a few to find work for the hangman. This picture may appear to be an exaggerated one, but I venture to say that if you appeal to any intelligent settler acquainted with the operation of rabbiting .as affecting the moral status of the youths engaged in it, my opinions will receive full confirmation.

I think it will not be out of place if I again ·reproduce in a corrected form certain calculations .-appended to former reports, showing the amount of material advantage I consider the Colony has derived from the Scab Act during the last 10 years. I do this . because it appears to me that the pastoral and ag-ricultural interests are not held in much repute at the present time by some of our ·public men, and very many of those who live in towns. In fact not a few of the latter seem to think that instead of the couutry supporting and giving employment to the inhabitants of the towns, it is the towns that support the country.

The glitter of gold and tin overshadows and casts into the shade the pastoral and agricultural .interPsts to such an extent that it is almost received as an indisputable fact tha_t_ the gold and tin -discovery has been the salvation of Tasmania.

The majority only look at the amount derived from the exports of gold and tin. They forget or ignore the enormous amount which has been irretrievably sunk, and will continne to be sunk, in -.unproductive claims and bubble companies,-the usual concomitants of mining for the precious .metals,-and erroneously conclude that the Custom House value of the export is all clear gain to ,the Colony.

Instead of this being the case. I venture to say that up to the present time every pound's worth -of gold which has been exported from Tasmania has cost Forty shilling·s to produce it.

In support of this opinion I will give an e-xtract from the second of two very able articles in ,the Contemporary R<'view on " Commonplace fallacies concerning_ Money, by Emile de Laveleye" :-,-

" The value of gold depends so little upon the cost of production that we learn from those of com­_petent authority, who have given Lhe qnestion their time and attention, that the average cost. of each ounce obtained is the price of two. It will be asked: Why then is such a losing business carried on ?-It cannot be possible ! The explanation is very simple. Certain mines make very large profits, and those w4o work at a loss hope, some day, to strike a rich vein, a '' Bonanza," and they work on, cheered by that hope, :until they have expended all their resources. Sometimes they succeed, and their good fortune stimulates -others to similar labours."


It will not be understood, I hope, that I am desirous of advancing such an absurd opmion as. that the Colony bas not derived, and will not derive in the future, great advantage from its min.eral productions. What I mean is, that the extent of these advantages are greatly overestimated; and, moreover, if we are to attach any weight to experience in other countries, they cannot be looked upon as being of a permaaent character.

In Victoria and New South Wales the gold discovery attracted hundreds of thousands of people from all quarters of the globe, the bulk of whom remained only a short time at the diggings, and then spread themselves abroad and occupied a country which only required human beings to make it productive. .

Here in Tasmania the conditions are altogether different. The mines do not attract any pupulation excepting for mining purposes ; nor does it appear likely they will ever do so. The· population they have attracted from the neighbouring Colonies is by no means great-only a few thousands in fact. The mining population no doubt create an internal market for beef and mutton, which is an advantage to the grazier; but, on the other hand, the agricultural districts have been deprived of a large number of their best_ labourers, who have been allured to the mines by the temptation of higher wages than the agriculturist can afford to give.

It is by no means an uncommon observation to bear in the towns and on the road that the settlers of Tasmania are an inert class, and are sadly lacking· in enterprise. Some even go to the length of branding them with laziness-particularly a class of critics from the other Colonies, who travel through the country by rail, and when they observe that on many farms as they pass gardens. are going to ruin aud the hedges are untrimmed, and it may be the fences in anything but good order,-they pronounce a sweeping condemnation upon the owners, and g-ravely give expression to the opinion that" the Tasmanian settlers are a poor specimen of what the settlers of a new country ought to be, and that, in fact, they do not deserve to prosper. The climate is genial, and the soil appears to be fertile, and yet they fail to take advantage of the blessings of a bountiful Providence. The significant and important fact is forg·otten by or unknown to these intelligent travellers and dwellers in cities, that the Tasmanian settlers are pretty much in the position of the Israelites in Egypt under Pharoah the King who were called upon to "make bricks without straw."

The country interests are in a state of stagnation-I may say, are almost perishing-for want of labour; and unless population of the right stamp is introduced the present state of hopeless stagnation and absence of all improvements must not only continue, but it seems to me will become more intensified year after year.

The mines will never give Tasmania agricultural labour, but, on the contrary, tend to absorb a great deal of the best we uow possess. No.thing, in my opinion, can place the agricultural and pastoral interests of Tasmania in a position to emerge from their present cheerless condition, and attain prosperity, but the introduction of at least I 0,000 immigTants of 1he agricultural class from Great Britain and Germany. I do riot mean the introduction of 10,000 people in one year, but spread, say, over 3 or 4 years. Ten or twelve or fifteen years ago this would have been absurd, inasmuch as then Tasmania would only have been a stepping-stone to other Colonies where greater attractions existed. Not so now. The attractions which exist.ed elsewhere then no longer exist. If some of those who might now be introduced felt tempted to try the digging·,::, they would £nd our own just as attractive as anything the other Colonies can offer; and when they had tried their hands at mining, and became tired of it, they would quietly settle down to agricultural pursuits.

In making these observations and expressing my opinions upon the present position of the pastoral and agricultural interests-I mig·ht say interest, because the two are so closely combined that they are really one-I have no desire to trench improperly upon· anything wliich might be construed to be of a political character. My only objects are to show that the pastoral and agricultural settlers are not justly open to the charges of inertness, want of enterprise, and even laziness, which have been very frequently levelled at them; that they are helpless for the want of labour; and that the idea that gold and tin are the sole causes of the change in Tasmania's financial position is an exaggerated and fallacious idea, based upon conclusions arrived at without a due enquiry into and consideration of all the elements which have contributed to our present greatly improved condition. In my humble opinion the improved condition of the financial position of Tasmania at the present time, as compared with 10 or 12 years ago, owes more to the pastoral interest than to either gold or tin.·

Gold and tin have certainly worked a revolution in Launceston, hut I fail to perceive its beneficial and improving effects either in Hobart or throughout the country districts geuerally. In point of fact the country has been materially injured by the mining interest, inasmuch as it has absorbed many thousands of labourers who otherwise would have been employed in effecting improvements of a permanent character. There is only one thing now which could compensate the Agricultural and Pastoral interests for the injury the mines have inflicted upon them, and that would be the in1ro:­driction of a copious supply of labour. £100,000 expended in the introduction of labour would be a

7 far more productive investment for the Colony at the present time than the construction of Branch Railways. With a sufficient supply of labour, Branch Railways would follow as a matter of course.

It may be that my views are open to the charge of being tinged wit_h prejudice in this matter as regards the miner for gold and tin, and the settler, but I do not think so. Let any dispassionate person traverse the old country districts and see if ~e can discover what gold and tin has done for them up to the present time. If he is a man of observation I venture to say that the result of his observations and enquiries will be· that the only thing the- gold and tin discovery has done for the country settler has been to deprive him in .a great measure of -the scanty supply of labour he formerly possessed. · ·

The number of sheep imported during the past 12 months is 4] 0,474, and miles travelled by Inspectors, ] 2,370. What I have done personally I take no account of.

I have every reason to be satisfied with the manner in which the several Inspectors have yerformed their work, and can only express my regret that in deference to the behests of Parliament I have ·been compelled to frame my Estimates for 1883 one Inspector short of the present number.

I am of opinion that it is not a prudent reduction, but I am aware that any further remonstrance ,on my part would avail nothing. ·

The Returns of Sheep throughout the Island, and the names of the myners, will be found in .Appendix A. The other Appendices contain the calculations referred to in this Report.

'.The Hon. "'ILLIAM MooRE, Colonial Secretary.

I have the honor to be, Sir,

Your obedient Servant,




, Jl.ETURN of Sheep in Tasmania in the several Municipal and Police Districts itp to· the 30th June, 1882, showing their Cond-ition at th.at date.



Allison, Nathaniel P .......... Andrews, Catherine ..... · ... Bedford, William ············ 13isdee, Alfred H ............... .:Bunney, Robert ............... 13urbury, William ............ Baker, John ..................... Colbeck, Henry C ............. Chamberlen, H. F ............ Downie, William, & Sons ... .Easton, George ............... Gage, John F ................... Gage, Henry E ................ lbbott, John ................. Kermode, ,v. A ................

Anderson, William ..........•. .Argent, James ................. . Brock, Alexander ........... . .Butler, John J ................ .. J3owhey, Richard ........... . J3arwick, Joseph ............. .. 13lacklow, J. J ................ .. Dlucklow, Albert .......... .. Dlacklow, J. W .............. .. J3rown, Elizabeth .......... .. Drown, J. R ................... .. Cooney, E ................ : ...... . Chaplin, Margaret ........... . Collis, James ................ .. Curtain, David ................. . Childs, Henry J ............... . Commons, Stephen ........... . Cloak, J umes ................. .. Devine, Joseph ............... . Davis, \Y. T ................... .. :E;ddington, John Thomas .. . Elliston, V. R. L ............. .. Elliott, .Mrs. L ................. . Forster, George and 'fhos .. . Findlay, John ................. . Fergusson, D. V .............. . Gage, J obn F ................. .. Gunn, William .............. . Graf, E .......................... . Grier, Dickenson ........... . Gard, Robr,rt, & R. Phillips l-Iollis, James ................. . Hindes, J. & R ............... .. Hughes, :Mrs .................. .. Harding, R .................... .. Hyland, David ................. . Hanslow, George ........... . Johnson, Samson ............. ..

Sheep retu,-,wd,


6550 200

5763 9685

62 1200 100 600 80

3847 900

5276 3500 5234 4075

35 52

280 250

61 1420

50 231 660 190

9 15 18

1000 100 34

450 19

220 42 10

170 15 51 90 80

300 1253

14 44

1217 19

172 9

20 204

25 100

Lambs returned,


---950 150

'l660 930


100 -

40 -

150 1300 500

1320 -

17 17

120 30 15

450 13

120 92 2U

3 5

100 50

8 32 5

96 23 6

140 4

26 46 53

223 4

19 476


6 22



TOTAL. Names.

----- ---------7500 M'Dowell, Archibald ...... , .. 350 l\I'Rae, Duncan . ..............

7423 Nicholas, William ............ 10,615 Nicholas, Edward, jun .......

62 North, William : .............. 1260 Parsons, Cecil. ................. 200 Reid, Alexander ............... 600 Steele, 'f. E. J .................. 120 Savage, H. 'f ....................

3847 Triffett, W. and Co ............ 1050 ,vcston, Maurice ............ 6576 Wood, John Denniston ...... 4000 Wylie, David, jun ............ 6554 4075


52 69

400 280 76

1870 63

351 752 210

12 20

-18 ll00 150 42

482 24

316 65 16

310 19 77

136 133 300

1476 18 63

1693 19

1911 · 9

26 226 26


Johnson, John ................. . Jones, Henry ................. . Johnson, Joseph ............. .. Keating, P. and .M .......... .. Kemp, G.A .................... . Lumprill, Frederick ........ . Lamprill, William .......... .. Mann, Edward .............. . Mollineaux, Eliza .......... .. Mortyn, Frederick .......... .. l\!I'Shane, James .............. . Martin, Alexander ........... . Matthews, Charles .......... .. Murphy, John ................. . Newnham, Henry ........... . O'Donnell, James ........... . Poynter, Geo. F. 13 ......... .. Propsting, Henry ........... . Reynolds, H. 0 .............. .. Reynolds,David (Old Beach) Reynolds, T., sen ............ .. Reynolds, W. H .............. : Stanfield,• Thomas .......... .. Sheppard, John ............. .. Sketch, Robert ............. .. Smith, J oscph ................. . Tonks, Jeremiah ............. .. Williams, Richard .......... .. Walker, Ro,vland .......... .. 'Wilson, Robert, jun ......... .. Wheatley, John George ... Williams, Robert .......... .. Weston, Maurice .......... .. Webb, Mrs. ·w .............. .. )Vebq, E. J .................... ..

Sheep returned,


---2300 2300

16,000 12,000

120 1469 4021 4200

380 800

7950 10,622

300 ----109,594

440 60

,179 1709

12 338 300 980 50 26

6 1254 175 210 153 57

959 275 456 250

3 20

565 762 104 255 620 84 30

800 62

275 3121

151 416

Lambs retur1rnd,


----· 74 700

3100 4000 --1200 700 290 200

2500 5000

135 ----


28 376

8 224 120 170 15 10 6

450 75 50 38 \!3 25 90

112 50


239 285

30 145

20 20

300 20 40

200 113 247


2374 3000

19,100· · 16,000

120 1469 5221 4900

670 1000

10,450 15,622

435 ---134,593


620 60

207 2085

20 562 420

ll52 65 36 12

1704 250 260 191 80

984 365 568 300

6 20

804 1047 134 400 620 104 50

ll0O 82

315 3321 264 663

24,088 --5972 \ 30,060


\ Sheep Lambs Sheep Lambs

Names. returned, returned, TOTAL, Names. returned, returned, TOTAL,

1882. 1882. 1882. 1882.

------ --- --- -- ---- ---·-


Archer, E(iward ............... 3443 457 3900 Jones, Robert J ................ 500


150 650 Allison, Israel Arthur 434 6 440 Johnson, A. M. & J ........... 321 82 403 Bayles, R. H .................... · 7336 1520 8856 Kermode, W. A ................ 3048 - 3048 Bayles, J. J ..................... 2547 317 2864 Leake, Charles H .............. 1274 500 1774 Bayles, Emerson H ...... : .... 3082 450 3532 Markey, John ............ : ..... 1800 400 2200 Blyth, T. B ..................... 3378 371 3749 Nicholson, Marion ............ 2719 610 3329

\ Barnes, James .................. 170 80 250 0' Connor,· Arthur ............ ll,455 - 11,455 Burbury, William ............ . 3600 - 3600 O'Callaghan, 0 ................. 550 - 550 Crear, Johanna C .............. 1400 720 2120 Parker, A. T .................... 1738 843 2581 Connell, John .................. 1800 500 2300 Pillinger & Sons ............... 4877 - 4877 Dowling, Edward ............ 6074 2300 8374 Pyke, Eldon .................. 617 - 617 Finlay, Alex .................... 9940 2000 11,940 Riggall, Thomas ............... 2614 570 3184 Fletcher, Mrs. D. S ........... 4112 720 4832 Smith, James ....... , ... ; ...... 710 219 929 Gibson, James .................. 2-574 1275 3849 Taylor, Robert ............... 2160 380 2540 Gibson, ,v. H .................. 1'243 847 2090 Taylor, John .................. 3244 1381 4625 Gatenby's estate (Robert) ... 8012 660 8742 Taylor, David .................. · 2114 644 2758 Gatenby, John, jun .......... 3710 940 4650 Taylor, James .................. 2354 778 3132 Hewitt, H. S ... .' ................ 3500 - 3500 Taylor, Adam .................. 3530 - 3530 Headlam, Charles ............ 32i7 . 950 4227 Thirkell, G. F .................. 1506 598 2104 lbbott, George ............... 1600 - 1600 Webb, Chas. J .................. 876 - 876 Jones, Robert ........ ·., ........ 3015 1860 4875 ----

1152,102 Jones, vVilliam ....... , .......... 5950 700 6650 128,274 23,828

CLARENCE. Allomes, j ohn .................. • 60 20 80 Lewis, David, 'jun ............. 575 131 706 Allomes, George ................ 80 40 120 Le\vis, Neil ..................... 511 375 886 Ashton, Hugh .................. 2006 214 2220 Lamb, Henry .................. 1140 420 1560 Buchanan, Peter ............. 70 50 120 M'Rorie, Charles ············· 124 33 157 Belbin, Edward and Henry. 69 14 83 l\forrisby, John Robert ...... 230 130 360 Beauvais, Maria ............... 10 6 16 Morrisby, George James •. 253 27, 280 Chipman, Charles ............ 386 48 434 M'Dermott, John .............. 1000 200 1200 Calvert, William T ...... : ..... 48 28 76 May, .William .................. 200 60 260 Calvert, John .................. 100 40 140 Newberry, John ............... 54 30 84 Calvert, David and Christo- Pedder, George J ............. 20 10 30

pher ........................... 420 140 560 Potter, John ................... 70 30 100 Calvert, Watson ............... llO 39 149 Pearsall, James ................ 135 75 210 Calvert, Mrs. H ................ 40 20 60 Pearsall, W. M . ..... : ...... .•. 33 11 44 Calvert, T ....................... 25 - 25 Richardson, Joseph ........... 180 35 215 Crane, George .................. 60 45 105 Reardon, Michael ............. 2 2 4 Chapman, J. R ................ 30 10 , 40 Row, Alexander ............... 19 - 19 Evans, F ......................... 27 7 34 Stokell, Mrs. ··················· 65 34 99 Evans, Christopher ........... 50 3 53 Stanfield, Daniel ..... : ......... 607 245 852 Edwards, Frank ............... 40 - 40 Tollard, James ... , ............. 4() 1 50 Gorringe, Charles F .......... 364 96 460 Watson, John .................. 660 144 804 Garlick, David W ............. 30 - 30 Whelan, Thomas ............... 40 22 62 Gellibrand, Geo ................ 23 '13 36 Wing, Edgar ................... 191 108 299 Johnson, 'l'honias J ........... 270 - 270 vVinspeare, W .................. 30 5 35 Johnson,W. ••• 0 ••••••••••••••• 8 4 12 Young, WUiiam ............... 120 64 184 Joseph, Arthur .......... , ..... 25 - 25 ----Joseph, William ............... 40 10 50 10,729 3039 13,768 Joseph, George ................ 30 - 30

DELO RAINE. Atwell, John ................... 30 30 Byard, Thos. S. . .............. 69 10 79 Abey, William .................. 107 87 194 . Bryden, William ............... 120 120 Bowman, F. J ................. 2288 982 8270 Badcock, Samuel ............. 1000 -220 1220 Bonney, William .............. 100 60 160 Cole, Thomas .................. 29 18 47 Best, Jonathan ................ 306 92 898 Clark, George .................. 23 25 48 Bennett, James ................ 510 390 900 Coffee, Richard ................ 60 40 100 Bran1ich, 'r. W ................ 168 32 200 Cameron, Norman ............ 640 350 990 Bonnily, William, Mrs ....... 54 15 69 Crowder, Chas. ............... 50 50 Bonnily, William, jun ....... 423 203 626 Cresswell, W. N. ............. 260 180 440 Bramich, John ................. 48 37 85 Cook, Robert ................... 37 19 56 Burgess, vVilliam ............. 50 50 100 Cook, T. K ...................... 9 9 Burgess, George ............... 20 30 50 Davern, John .................. 65 69 134 Barnard, vVilliam ............. 60 30 90 Eastley, Richard .... : .......... 14 14 28 Bakes, vV., jun ................ 40 30 70 Ewington, John J ............. 40 40 Bailey, Ellen Rose ............ 5 7 12 Field. John ..................... 5582 4132 9664 Burke, Michael ................ 11 7 18 Fowler, Alexander ............ 100 72 172 Byard, James .................. 19 18 37 Griffiths, Benjamin .. , ......... 46 30 76 Byard, James, jun .......... ,;; 26 24 50 Gannon, Denis ················ 200 100 300


:_J Sheep Lambs Nam returned, returned,

. 1882. 1882.


I Sheep Lambs

returned, returned, 1882. 1882.

-------------!--·-- ----


DELO RAINE-continued. Gilb t PhT er, 11p •••••••••••••••••

re gory, Samuel. .........•••.. G G G G H H H

ardner, Joseph ............... ibson, W. & Son ............. oodri~e, John ............... ow, , illiam ..............•.•. ow, W.R ................ : ••.•. ow, Richard ..................

How, James ............. _ ........ H



J J .r

ughes, Joseph~ .............. Harvey, James· ................

all, Hobert ................... Hall, R. & J. ..................

all, David ..................... How, John· .....................

arman, Mrs. Mary .......... arman, Josiah ...•.....•.....• essup, Thomas ...... : ..•••....

Killeher, John .................. King, Ernest ..................

enton, '\'Villiam ...•......•..•. . K L L L L l\ 11'. M

ov~joy, James •.............. each, James ......••...••••... ong, William .........••....... ittle, Denzil .................. iunce, Robert H.· ............ :Iitchell, William B .......... orse, Chas. ...................

' Atkins W'll'a '

I 1,m ...•..•......•. Archer, J. & L. ............... Axton, Jas ....... .............. Atkins, 'iV. E ................... Bryan, John ..................... Bartley, Arthur ............... Boyes, James J ................ Brynn, G. A ................... Baker, Thomas ................. Boyd, Rqbert •......•.......••. Bell, Ann Jane .................• Brumby, l\Iansfield ............ Bell, John ........... , ............ Cox, James ..................... Cameron, Donald .............. Cornish, John .................. Chilcott, Archibald ............ Dean, Edward .................. Douglas, R.H .................. Dodery, W'illiam ...........•... Edwards, Christopher ........ Fall, Thomas .................... Falkiner, J. W. & R. H ....

• Frecborough, Thos ............ Gibson, William & Son ...... Gibson, John.; .................. Gibson, James .................. Glead'lw, H. S. & R. 8 ....... Gilbert, Nicholas ............... Gee, Richard .................... Gee, Henry .....................

. Hughes, Richard ............... Hogarth, 1farion ............... Hood,.Richard .................. Houghton, F. J ................ Hartnoll, William .. : ........... Hardman, Thomas ............ Harrlnrnn, R ..................... Harrison, H. vV ................ Jacobs, Charles ................. Kirkwood, iVm ................ Littlc,john, David ............... M'Kinnon, Donald ............ lWnnn, \Villiam ................. l\i'Givney, Philip .............

30 400 48

740 300 61 61

200 238 101 30

150 120 139 60 40 ,

9 16 7

30 23

460 100 60

294 393 38


133 2400

50 62

550 995

3187 530 -102 150 80

682 130

2596 1s;100

750 280 400

, 36 240

80 4

6000 95

4757 1472 3004

261 50

156 46 35

149 95 90

150 1666 2406

12 458 100 100

5040 32 80

20 50 or w·ll' 1ver, 1 iam •.••••.••••••• ,. 60 58 200 600 Orchards, William ............ 26 23

22 70 Phillips, Charles: •••.•.•••••••• 200 100 - 740 Picket, Glouster ............... 24 12

200 500 P_oole, Robert •.••••••.•••••••• ; 81 38 40 101 Ritchie, James .••.•.••••••.•••• ; 350 210 24 85 Rose, David ..................... 233 67 53 263 Robertson, David ............. 35 26

138 376 Rookley, Mrs. Eliza ......... 50 50 80 181 Ritchie, James T. • ........... 130 103 20 50 Roberts, Frederick ............ 100 80 50 200 Shorey, Samuel •..••.•••.••..• 11 7

100 220 Simms, William •.•..••••••••• ; 50 27 101 240 Symmons, Robert .: •••.•.•••. 270 150 40 100 Smith, Robert .................. 75 22 30 70 Spright, John •..•••.••.••.••••. 38 28

8 17 Smith, C. J. L ...••••.••.•••••. 100 20 8 24 Stubbs, Joseph ................ 40 15 7 14 Tathill, James ...•••... ; •..••.•• 130 70

40 . 70 Turner, Joseph ••••••••.•••.••• 220 llO 24 47 Thirkell, James ••.•.....•..••• 120 92

260 710 Walker, William ............. 18 10 50 150 Wilson, William ............. 18 9 40 JOO Wilson, Andrew, jun ..•.•••••• 100 40

175 469 Warner, Alfred •..•..••.•..•.. ll 11 239 632 Warren, Richard ............. 130 64 30 68 37 150 19,439 10,840

EVANDALE. 40 173 r ' '

M'Co mack Edw ............. 24 ... 250 2650 M 'Gre1tr' Thomas ............ 89 41

50 100 :Mann, ......................... 36 4 45 107 l\'Iurray, A. G .....•...........•. 35 20 50 600 Owen, vV ...•............••.•...•. 06 30

2U5 1200 O'B1·ien, Jas. & Bros .•....... 24 ... 900 4087 Pearson, ,John .....•...........• 770 350 220 750 Parker, Alfred ...•••.•..•....... 7072 ...

16 118 Parker, A. T ................... 3057 275 ... 150 PnY,e' Samuel •...•..•.......... 1460 200

48 128 Py ce, :Mrs ....................... 160 43 768 1450 Price, John ...................... 140 50 90 220 Pinkard, S ...................... 25 ...

1562 415S Pye, William ................... 41 29 4500 22,600 Peters, David ........•......•.•. 230 ...

150 900 Ralston, '\V. ·H .........•...•.•.. 5041 2523 70 350 Robotham, John ....... ; ....... 2841 560

420 820 Ralston, J. & J. ............... 4425 .1652 ... 36 Richardson, B .....•.......•.•.. 50 . .. 20 260 Rouse, Thomas ................. 100 50

... 80 Hose, Ann, ....................... 31 10 20 24 Robotham, Sara.h .............. 164 44

... 600Q Reed, F. H ...................... 1600 956

... 95 Stevenson, Ja mes ........••..••. 120 65 1244 6001 Stevenson, Mrs. M. J ......... 1030 ... 312 17S4 Smith, Peter .................... 20 5

... 3004 Sutherlanrl, Donald ............ 35 ... 196 457 Smith, John L. ... 526 214

... 50 Scully, John ..................... 10 ·s

... 156 Smith, Alex ...................... 50 30 12 58 'l'hompson, James .............. 240 220

... 35 Talbot, Thomas ................. 37 17 105 254 Turner, Thomas ................ 100 60 100 195 Trcthewie, John W ............ 4068 1163 19 109 'J'rethewie, W. J ................ 3424 596

140 200 Tnck, 'Phomas .................. 160 140 000 2266 Viney, Robert .................. 2380 760

1000 3406 Viney, James .................... 898 540 ... 12 Whitehead, John .............•. 801 352 205 663 White, William ................. 18 6 50 150 'iV ake, Alfred ................... 454 150

... 100 You!, Charles .................. 3904 1112 1200 6240 Y oul, Alfred ..................... 1559 4S0

II 43 ----20 100 105,106 27,393


118 48

300 36

ll9 560 300 60

100 233 180

18 77

420 97 66

120 55

200 330 212

28 27

140 22

194' ----


24 130 40 55 90 24

1120 7072 3332 l060 203 190 25 70

230 7564 3401 0077

50 150 41

208 2556

185 1030

~5 35

740 18 80

460 54

rno 5231 4020 300

3140 l438 1153

24 004

501G 2039



Sheep· Lamb,9 Sheep Lambs Names. returned, returned, TOTAL. Names. returned, returned, TOTAL.

1882. 188:.!. 1882. 1882.

----------------- --·-


Alford, Charles ................. 2172 400 2572 Leggins, Wm ............•.•.... 125 25 150· .Alford's (H.J.) Estate .•.... 704 130 834 M'Kenzie, Robert .......•..... 2232 80 2312 Alford, F. A ..................... 211 20 231 M•Kenzie, William ............ 1150 540 1690 Archer, Daniel. .............•... 5808 2400 8208 M'Kenzie, Peter ............... .1980 316 2296 Adams, E. J ..................... 724 42 766 M'Kenzie, John ............... 2000 30 2120 Boultbee; John F .............. 169(i 529 2225 Massey, John C ................ 550 ... 550 Becker, August ··············· 900 500 1400 :Marshall, .J as ..•................. 350 100 450 Becker & Woodbury ......... 194 154 348 Nesbitt, Peter ................... 2000 200 2200 Clifford, Mary ...... ; ........... 40 ... 40 O'Connor, Arthur ............. 12,950 5300 18,250 Cornish, John .................. 51 39 90 Oliver, Richard ................. 300 230 530 Crisp, G. A ...................... 800 216 1016 Parker, Charles A ........•.... 4813 1130 5943 Dean, Edward .................. 20 ... 20 Reeves, Richard ...•........•.. 3216 1124 4340 Faulkiner, Humphrey R "& Ransom, Thomas .............. 5308 1252 6560

J.W ............................ 3000 2000 5000 Rigney, James .................. 7250 1850 9100 Fitz Gerald, W. H ............. 2631 600 3231 Steel, John ..................... 880 300 1180 Groom, Francis ................ 960 750 1710 Story, John ..................... 860 300 1160 Grueber, Stephen H .......... 3500 800 4300 Stanfield, John .................. 942 369 1311 Gatty, John ..................... 307 135 442 . Stieglitz Brothers ...•.......... 3975 200 4176 Gleadow, H. H. & R. S. . .. 5005 1000 6005 Stieglitz, H. G .................. 4876 940 5816 Gibson, W. H .................. 2700 ... 2700 · vV arland, Edmund ............ 60 30 90 Gill, Henry H: ................. 2183 621 2804 vVardlaw, Robert .............. 1016 ... 1016 Hepburn, James ............... 2689 407 3096 Woodbury, Henry ............ 182 I 68 :!50 Harper, David .................. 42 10 52 Hewitt, H. S ................... 4100 3900 8000 ---- ---- ---Legge, Robert V ............... 2520 800 3320 100,062 29,837 129,899


Almond, Moses ...•............ 32 10 l 42 Johnston, John .•..........••.•. 224 40 264-

Aikman, James ................. 400 200 600 Johnston, James ............... 292 20 312 Annear, ·wmiam ............... 60 20 80 Jackson, Robert ........ ; ....... 210 98 308 .Baker. James & Edwin ...... 2580 248 I 2828 Joyce, J. A ..............•....... 30 30 Barrett, William ............... 730 230 960 Kerrison, R. & S ............... 527 110 637 Barrett, 'l'hos. (Long Island) 450 80 530 Lambert, James ............... 1000 1000 Brewer; Alfred W ............. 510 25 535 Long, James ..................... 109 3 112 Bowen, Samuel. .............. 2962 48 3010 Lawton, William ............... 3045 800 3846 Brown, Peter .................. 1250 80 1330 Lutwyche, Brereton . ........ 192 45 237 Beed on, Lucy ............... ( 1300 300 1600 Lo.they, J[J,mes ......... 1215 259 1474-Beedon's Estate (James) I M'Laine, John (Clark's Beedon, Henry ................ 200 200 Island) ........................ 2000 600 2600 Baudinet, Chas. C ............. 450 160 610 1\'Ialley, J. & T .................. 220 60 280 Counsel, Lawrence W ........ 1240 268 1508 Morgan, William .............. 3200 3200 Coward, Charles ............... 300 100 400 N ewrnan, Thos ................. 304 304 Coope, James .................•. 300 200 500 Parker, Alfred .................. 9415 1042 10,457 Copplestone, Henry, jun .... 1200 300 1500 Proctor, John .................. llOO 1100 Coope, A. C ..................... 800 800 Peters, Thomas ..•.............. 366 6 372 Coward, Geo ................... 400 400 Proctor, John .................. 40 20 61} Dally, Job ....................... 200 100 300 Robinson, Henry (Tin Edwards, Chas .......•......... lll 30 Hl Kettle and Woody Island) 1755 205 1960 Grt>en,. C. (Southern Sisters Rockwell, Alfred ............... 249 120 369

Island) ........................ 920 280 1200 Smith, Emma ................... 160 ll5 275 Gardner Bros ..... , ....... : ..... 650 650 Stonehouse, Thomas .......... 1000 150 1150 Gardner & Taylor ............. 150 150 Smith, Allen B ................. 70 30 100 Hills, Henry .................... 1405 50 1455 ·Targett, Thomas ............... 30 20 50 Harley, Chas. (Cape Barren) 1020 .SOO 1520 Taylor, Thos .................... 267 33 300 Hurst, 'l'homas ................. ·28' 16 44 vVood, Draper, & Co .......... 1181 lOC 1281 Hurst, Joel C ................... 50 50 Wake, Alfred ................... 1240 900· 2140 Hing·ston, John ................. 683 154 837 vVhite, A. D .................... 265 35 300 Hardman, 'l'hos ..... ; .......... 4140 4140 Hitchcock, J as .................. 38 34 72 Isaac, John ...................... 12 12 54,277 8244 62,521

GLAMORGAN . .Amos, Elizabeth ............... 2250 250 2500 Cotton, Arthur ................ llOO 480 1580 Amos, Alfred J. & Louis ... 3200 600 3800 Cotton, Joseph ................ 1730 509 ~239 Amos, Adam J ................. 220 80 300 Cotton, Henry .................. 2813 1000 3813 Amos, Alfred ................... 1300 350 1650 Drake, Samuel T .............. 300 50 350 Allen, Albert ................... 140 60 200 Fox, Thomas ................... 383 42 425 Allen, Anne ..................... 60 20 80 Gi!l, F. lVI. ...................... 1660 20 1680 -Butler, Joseph .................. 313 61 374 H,my,Hmy ................


870 135 1005 Buckley, Charles ............. 1328 67 1395 Hum~, Eliz3:beth ............. 670 130 800 Barber, Robert ................ 40 40 Harnson, Richard ............ 3000 - 3000 Cotton, Francis, sen .......... 2495 510 3005 Hepburn, William ............ 200 8 208


Sheep .Names. - returned,


H'll F d . k l '

re erre ................ 100 J enninfcs' Luke ........•....... 63 King, ()}mW. & F. M. Gill 1824 Keeter, John ._ .................. 225 Lyne, Frederick ... : .. , ........ 1800 Lyne, Henry .................. 900 Lyne, John ..................... 1540 Lyne, William ..... : ............ 5339 Lyne, Clarence J ............. 2000 Lyne,- Albert ................... 1400 Medlen, Nicholas ... : ......... 54 Marshall, Henry ............... 700 Meredith, John ................ 5011 Marshall, Roger ............... 420 .-Madsen, J. f· ..... _ ........ _ ..... 100

rown, Nichol~s J ............ 3620 ownie, William & Sons .... 7420 lexmore, Oscar ................


7570 eadlam, Charles ............. adden, James ................ each, G. W ................... aclanachan, James .........

Bisdee, ~frs E R Bearrl, Nathani~l :::::::::::::1 Bowman, A. P. . ............. . Blackwell, Samuel ........... . Brock, ,v ....................... . Bessier, John & W ........... . Dowling, Alfred .............. . Flexmore, Oscar .............. . Foster, Ja mes ................. . ·Gorringe, 'l'homas ........... . Harldrn, James ................ . Johnson, ,vmiam, sen ..... .. Johnson, Edmund ........... . Jones, Benjamin .............. . Johnson, Joseph .............. . .Jones, Henry ................. . Kirwin, Thomas .............. . Munro, William ........... _ •..•

Bilton, Henry .. · .............. .. Brent, F. F ......... : .......... . Cameron, D .................... . Cronan, Jeremiah , Elias, Henry ................. . Forsythe, J. & J .............. . Hu)l, H .. T. & J. D ........... . Lord, C. J. C ................. . l\forrisby, Tasman ........... . Miller, Charles .............. .

.Abel, John, senr, ............. . Bedford, William ........... . Byrne, John ................. . Brown, Nicholas J ........... . Bethune, John C ........•....•. Bethune, W.R. M ........... . Bethune, J. R. D ............. . Bryant, James ................. . Browning, James ........... .

17,676 3531. 2257 2824

1938 200

1800 25

800 29

1500 250 28

756 1261 515

4000 370 350

1422 14


198 100 40 94 9

31 8

59 40 45

430 2000

250 4372 2685 28(39 2534 800 52


Lambs returned, TOTAL. Names .


--·-- ----


30 rte e ' Wln ••••••••••••••• 130 M. h II Ed .

25 88 Mitchell, Mark S .....•..•.••. 328 2152 Radford, John .................. 225 450 Robertson, Alex ................ 450 2250 Robertson, Adam ............ 300 1200 Shaw, Frederick ............... 200 1740 Stieglitz, C. H ..................

1212 6551 'l'hornbury, William ......... 500. 2500 Wright, Thomas ............ · ... 930 2330 Watson, Robert ..............

6 60 1Vebb, John ................. , ... 100 800 Wardlaw, Robert ............. 742 5753 180 600 12 112



- 3620 Morrison, Andrew ............ - 7420· l'illinger & Sons .... : .......... - 7570 Parsons, C ...................... - 17,676 Wood, J. D .....................

1725 5256 - 2257 - 2824'


610 100 600

17 508



37 1200

2548 300

2400 25

800 46

2008 1700

28 1132 1261 552

. Nicholls, R. J ....•....••..••... Pitt, Thomas and George .. . Penneeuick, James, sen ..... . Pennecuick, Thomas ........ . Plater, Thomas .............. . Page, Alfred ....•.......•...... Picken, John .................. .

. Stone, Thomas .........•.... , .. . Smith, Charles ................ . Southwood, John ...•........... Thorne, Walter A .•••.••..•.•. Taylor, James .............•.... Weston, Maurice .............. . W eecl.ing, Thomas ..........•.. Webb, James ................. .

Sheep returned,



18 80 3494

· 1906. 200 700

1819 . 497 700 40

1020 166



2357 8169 4260 4580


145 282 Weeding, J. G. & F •. :....... ,

19 1590 143 62

120 4920

87 200

11 212

4354 616

3000 220 100 48

Lambs -returned,


330 670 140 52

100 493 29

156 14

297 47





8 440 113

46 72

llOO 80


100 859 · 270

100 -50 24


2210 4164 2046 252 800

2312 526 856 54

1317 213



2357 8169 4260 4580


27 2030 256 108 192

5020 167 320

11 312

5213 886

3000 320 150 72

5200 370 495

1704 14

558 1----1 ----,---·


46. 60

20 6

11 2

33· 32 5


30 2000 516 520 588 200



244. rno 40

114 15 42 10 92 72 50

Murray, William .............. . Pell, T. G ....................... . Rennie, ·william .............. . Stanfield, T. W ........ : ....... . Tri ff et, Edward •.............. '1'1lyard, John .... : ..•.......... Wilkinson, John .............. . Young, Henry ....... : ......... .


613 2000 280

6372 3201 3389 3122 1000


Butler,- J. J ..................... . Byrne, Jarnrs, jun ...........•. Bisdee, Winchester ........... . Clarke, Joseph ..... , ........... . Cashion, ,vmiam ....... , ...... . Clarke, James ........... : ....•. · Downie; William & Sons Dixon, W. K .... · .... .-.......... . Eyles, George ................. .

2 44 50

·137 85

'98 18 70


2857 20

3259 17,fl89

102 400

2fJ10 6950



11 20 25 10 42

8 70


! 530

1021 4121

34 220

2215 1400 122


2 55 70

162 95




3387 20

4280 22,010

136 62()

4725 .8350'



·G ellibrand, Walter A. B .... allett, Chas .................. : . . H

H . J .J J . J K L L . L L . L . L M

ills, Joseph ·················· enkins, William ............... ones, Robert J. & W ........ ackson, Henry ............... ones, Chas. T ................... ing, J_ohn ..................... angdon, William ............ angdon, Albert ............... ane, James, sen ............... angdon, William ............ awrenny Estate ............... ane, James Thos ............. 'Dowall, A ....................

as . Atkinson, Thom Anderson, S. J .. Borrodale, Willi Boatwright, Wm Burke, Michael Boyd, Alfred H Breheney, 'fhom Breheney, Mich Byrne, John .. ·Collins, John Be ·Cross, Thomas .. Carroll, Patrick Dallas, Robert .. Dean, SHm11el .. Deavin, William . Daniman, 'fasm Ferguson, John

............ ................ am ............ ............... ··············· ................ as ............ ael. ...........

················ nnett ...... ................ ............... ................ ................ ...............

an, ............

. Ford, Frederick Ford, Charles F Hills, Henry .. House, J. S ...... Hills, Henry .. Hill, Robert .....

A ............ W .... : ....... ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................

orge ......... . Jones, William King·, James Ge King, Thomas J Kay, Albert B .. King, Betsy ..... King·, Thomas .. Lucas, William. Lewis, Thomas .Lyons, Michael

B ........... ................ ................ ................ ............... ................ H .............


.Bayley, .James .................. 1

Davis, James ................... Denne, Henry T .............. Denne, Darcy C ............... 'Grove, John Wm ............. Hale, Mrs. ......................

. Johnson, Archibald ..........

Allen, H. J ...................... Barnett, Thomas .......... : .... Bird, Rev. B. S ................ Boyer, Chas .................... ·Clark, James ................... CuthLert, \Villiam ............ Dean, R. W. ................... Devereux, Philip ............. Davis, Thomas ················ Davis, George .................. Francom be, Mrs. Thomas

Jabez ........................... •Griggs, George ...............


Sheep Lambs ,·etu1·ned, returned, TOTAL. .Names.

1882. i882.

--- ----

HAMI.LTON-continued. 13,600' 2250 15,850 Matthews, James ............

684 270 954 M'Carthy, Peter ............... 8 - 8 Marzetti, C. T. H ..............

105 25 130 Nicholas, Henrie ............... 6943 1750 8693 Nicholas, Edward, jun ........

100 50 150 Parsons, Cecil J ...... : ........ 4345, 550 4895 Sibley, William ............... 3300 806 4106 Triffett, John. F ................ 5000 .1200 6200 Triffett, Mrs. M. E ............ . 200 100 300 Webberley, Isaac : ........... 410 90 ·500 Walker, John F ...............

34 - 34 WebberlPy, Thos .. ~ ....... _ ..... 9550 2(i09 12,159 1V ood, Geo., jun ............... 420 80 500

1881 1183 3064

HORTON. 25 15 40 Medwin, Margaret ............ 12 - 12 Medwin, Mathias ............ 60 10 70 Medwin, Edwin ··············· 50 40 90 M'Kenzie, R. vV ............... 51 - 51 Morey, Jacob ·················· 60 - 60 M'Kenzie, H. B ............... 27 20 47 Moore and Quiggin .... ~ .... 32 15 47 M'Kenzie, Walter J ........... 50 - 50 Margetts, Tho3 .................

3 6 9 Ollington, Thomas ............ 13 13, 26 Ollington, William ............ 10 5 15 O'Connor, Kenneth ........ ·. 36 - 36 Powlett, John .................. 48 42 90 Poke, Luke ....... ; ............. 5U - 50 Poke, William .................. 41 12 53 Reid, William J. C ............

406 118 524 Reid, James H .................. 950 452 1402 Stuchbury, Thomas W ....... 210 164 374 Smith, J. W. Norton ......... 162 2 164 Smith, Charles T ............... llO 65 175 Smith, Joseph .................. 158 :

137 295 Spinks, Benjamin ............ 40 10 50 Shekleton, Alex ................

300 200 500 Smedley, Ann .................. 196 DO 28G Smitli, John ..................... 192 96 288 ·wells, T. P ...................... 476 - 476 Wells, Henry W ...............

2 1 3 Wells, vV. J ..................... 51 - 51 Williams, w .................... 72 54 126

580 - 580 27 13 40


I Pybus, Richard ...............

400 100 500 Young, Samuel T ............. 100 50 150 Young, John and Edward ... 252 43 2fl:5 vYhayman, Rd. 0 .............

14 3 17 245 55 300 444 67 511

HUON. 5 5 Griffiths, Alfred ...............

15 11 26 Herring, F ...................... 20 17 37 Innes, Mrs.Jane ............... 24 7 31 Kellaway, J. W ................ 68 26 94 Linnell, John ................... 52 28 so Newbon, William .............

490 llO 600° Parsons, Silas G. . ........... 200 100 300 vValton, Thomas ...............

1085 210 1295 vVallace, Wm ................... 600 100 700 \'Vright, vV ......................

VI' alshe, Thos ................... 44 44 37 15 52

Sheep Lambs returned, returned, TOTAL •

1882. 1882.

809 341 1150 24 12 36

654 576 1230 16,552 5277 21,829

3000 - 3000 3820 1375 5195 325 81 406 312 120 432 640 530 1170 70 70 140

3300 1000 4300 100 - 100

9 7 16 ----

126,368 34,092 160,460

50 20 70 40 40 80 55 65 120

258 154 412 173 - 173 30

I 40 70

160 - 160 148 156 304

28 14 42 100 - 100 41 30 71 40 30 70 70 30 100 58 37 95 18 - 18 30 20 50

363 157 520 59 21 80

4750 1290 6040 280 120 400

28 12 40 68 74 142

272 200 472 51 10 61 22 6 28 54 - 54

152 114 266 47 37 84 56 50 106

12,001 4307 16,308

225 40 265 1750 300 2050 349 50 399 169 31 200

\ ----- --3977 759 4736

llO 20 130 5 2 7

30 17 47 883 259 1142 129 76 205

6 2 8 100 4(1 140

71. 71 100 100 200

80 80 90 60 150

4244 1200 5444



Archer, J ose1I.h ....•....•.•.•. .Archer, W. . D ••......•.... .Archer, .Alfred ....•..•••.•...... .Archer, Basil ................. Archer, Robert Joseph .•..•. .Archer, Daniel ...............•. Armstrong, Alexander •..... .Arthur~ George ......••.•..... Ayton, Geor~e. ·:· ........•..•. Armstrong, ¥1llmm ..•.•.... Armstr9ng, Thomas .....••.. Brumby, Charles ..•.•....... Brumby, Alfred ......•........ Brumby, John ....... _ .......... Brumby, Mansfield .......... Brumby, Samuel. •..•..•....... Bartlett, Thomas .........•..... Bird, Joseph ................... Beckett, Richard ..•.•..•.••.... Brooks, Daniel .......•..•..... Burton, J ohu C ...••........... Burton, Charles ...........•.•. Blackwell, H .................. Burk, Conrad ....•.•... ~ ....•.. Barker, A .....................•. Burton, Frederick ....•..•.... Bennett, Miles .................. Bartlett,,Samuel ..... : ....•.... Butterfield, Francis Beveridge, "William .......... Blair, John ..................... Cox, Gro1:ge ..... _ .............. Chapple, John .................. Chilcott, William ............. Cnllen, Charles ............•... Corney, Ai·thur N ............. Conn, John ..................... Cullen, J olm ·················· Campbell, A. & A .............

ryden, John .................. D D odery, William ............. Dargavel, Hobert & 'William D E E E F F F F F F

umoresq, H. R .............. as toe, David .................. as toe, James .................. mery, George ................ aulkner, H. H .. & J. W .•.. ield, William .................. !etcher, F. •r ................... rancom be, Joseph ...........

•leteher, :Mrs. D. S. ......... rancombc, Chas. ············ Gibson, 1Villiam, & Son-.....

Green, J amPs .................. Goss, Thomas .................. Goss, James ..................... Goss, Vi'illiam .................. Goss, JQhn ····················· Goody, IsnRc ...... ' ............. Gatenby, John ................ Gotenby, William ............. Gaten!Jy, Her!Jert ............ Grngo1·y, Ueorge ............. Gatenby, Ernest ............... Garcie,'ThQs ............. ; ...... Howard, James ............... Hall, Julrn ......................... Hopkins, Rebecca ............. H oward, ',Yilliam .......... .-.. Hunter. ii!. E .................. Hingston, William J ...•....••

Sheer, Lambs returned, returned,

1882. 18tl2.

7485 1274 4526 1540 2499 677 7844 949 5137 1823 5889 854

·70 -20 -38 20

275 130 30 26

130 100 385 265 41 40 45 27

2fi4 170 29 -80 39 46 30 6 -

1:30 -23 -21 17

' 17 3 34 4 40 35

200 50 60 12 40 30 98 46

324 190 528 336 80 -

100 50 89 -

200 150 90 50 64 -

102 -400 200 783 347

1056 200 472 30 90 40 12, -10 10

600 400 3214 ll20

120 45 76 20

1425 1103 '

20 8 2877 911 1354 286

40 20 55 36

116 56 72 64 35 20

3326 730 2072 660 4152 1320 680 200 840 -ll 5 26 20

122 46 100 80

9 10 116 96 22 22


Sheep TOTAL. Names. returned,



LONGFORD. 8759 Heath, -Thomas .........•.•..•• 11 6066 Hortle, T. W .....•.••.....•.. ;. 220 3176 Herbert, Charles •.••..........• 70 8793 Hughes, John •...•............. 80 6900 Ives, William ..••.............. 20 6743 Jordan, James .......•.......... 30

70 Jordan, John .......•..•.....•.. 58 20 Keane, James .•........•..•••.. 1203 58 Ling, J arnes ....•.....•.......... 20

405 Lansdell, Isaac .........••....... 95 56 Lawrence, Effingham B ..•. 2385

230 Lee,· William ........•..•..•.... 140 650 Lee, Samuel 42

-- 81 Lee, .Charles ............ · ......... 30 72 Lee, John··'.····· ................ 40

424 Lucas, Daniel ..........•.•..... 12 29 Lawson, Henry ............... 240

119 Lucas, Chas ..................... 150 76 Ling, Elijah .................... 152 6 Mason, Henry ....•... _ .......... 1144

130 Murfett, David ......•......... 30 23 Murfett, James ....... '. ......•• 36 38 Murfett, Robert ............... 6 20 M'Kenzie, Alexander ......... '167 38 Mitchelson, Patrick .......... 190 75 M'Kinnon, A. M ..•........•.. 940

250 Murnane, Edw. ............... 32 72 Master~, George ..........•..•. 15~ 70 :M'Boin, Alexander ....••...•.. 34

144 J.\II'Baine, Jas ................... 293 514 Molloy, Henry ........•........ 82 864-' O'Connor, Arthur ............ 7140 80 Pitt, William .......... .' ........ 510

150 Parker., A. C ................•.. 6145 89 Pye, Henry ........ · ............. 64

350 Paul, Isaac ..................... 30 140 Ritt; William .................. 40 64 Price, Samuel .................. 45

102 .Rudd, John ..................... 13 600 Ransom, Samuel James ...... 220

1130 Ross, Sarah ......•.............. 117 1256 Ruppin, John .................. 60 502 Strickland, William .•........ 21 130 Saltmarsh, Richard ........... 300 12 Saltmarsh, Ja mes ............. 300 20 Stancombe, Thomas ........ .-. 1442

l0b0 Shipp, Henry .................. 60 4334 Smith, William ...........•.•.. 110

165 Skirving, Andrew ...... , ...•. 75 96 Summer~, 'l'homas ...•..••.... 18

2528 Scott, Alexancler ............... -70 28 Spencer, William'· ............. 57

3788 Scolyer, R ...................... 11 1640 Sturges, Isabella ............... 102

60 Sprncer, George ............... 101 91 Smith, Henry .................. Q6

172 Thirkell, James ............... 5766 136 Toosey, James Denton ... , .. 3715 55 Terry, Mrs. M.A ............. 93

4056 'l'ubbs, Daniel .................. 45 2732 'Wilmore, John ................ 255 5472 Wright, Thomas ............... 80 880 Ward, Anthony ............... 2-3 840 Wiley, Jervis .................. llO

I6 W oolnough, John ............ 40 46 "\,Vise, Robert .................. 120

168 Wheeler, l'Villiam . ........... 36 180 Wise, Richard .................. 40

19 212 44 96,818

Lambs returned,



-30 50

175 ]5 --

344 -85

665 86 30 30 33 -24 80

132 700

20 20 4

89 ll0 400 -60 34

200 48

150 40

1510 9

30 --13 -14 -14 47

200 120 -10 65 -34 41 9

50 40 60

31:\00 785

24 -

168 60 10 10 20 80 -24



1 1 0 O· 5-5 o,

25 12 25 3 3 5 8

7 0 O· 0 6 2 0 3:

154 2

18 305 22 7 6 7 1 2

4 0 4 4-0 6 0 6 0 0 2 2 8 3 0 0 0 5 3 0 0 5 6 0 1 0 5 7 0 2 0 0 0 8 4 8 0 2 1 6 6 0 7 5 3 0 5 0

26 23 28

184 5 5 1

2-5 30

134 3

21 6

49 13

729 55

765 7 6 4 4 2

22 13 6 3

34 50

156 6

12 14 1

10 9 2

15 14-12

956 450

11 4

42' 14 3,

12 6 0 I

20 0 3 6

,6 4




Abel, J ohn, sen .....•.......... Allwright, Thos ............... Adams, Henry .................. Barker, R ...................... Cockerill, Chas. Doran, William ............... Dean, William .................. Davis, William ............... Downie, W ., & Sons ......... Gar.rard, Rev. Thomas ...... Inge, George ......... .-........ Jeffrey, Maurice T ............. Jeffrey, H.ufus .................. Lloyd, Chas. G. H ............. M'Gregor, Major-General

,v. E ......................... .Murray, Rev. W.W. F .... Martin, Thomas .......•..•....

.Agnew, C. S .................. . Adams, George .............. . .Archer, Edward .............. . Barwick, Stephen & Andrew .Barwick, T. G .............. .". '.Barwick, Thomas ........... . Bisdee, Alfred H. . .......... . .Bacon, Honora .............. . Bur bury, William ........... . .Bidgood, James .............. . .Bailey, John .................. . Beven, Thomas .............. . Bailey, Thomas .............. . Bev en, Michael .............. . .Byers, James ................. . Bailey, John ................. . Brown, Thomas .............. . Baker, George ............... . Campbell, Peter .............. . Campbell, Rev. L . ........... . Campbel], John .............. . Cleary, John ................. . Campbell, J. G ............... . Dowling, Edward ............ . Easton, Edward .............. . Exton, ,v n1 ..................... . Farrelly, Bryan .............. . Fisher, Joseph& E.W ...... . Gason, Francis .............. . Greenlaw, Peter .............. . Guthrie, Patrick ............. . Gatenby, Arthur .............. . Gibson, James ................. . Gason, John ................ .. Hart, Henry ................. . Harrison, 'fhomas J, ........ . Headlam, Chai'les ........... . Headlam, Charles ........... . Headlam, H. E ............... . Hughes, Ja mes .............. . Harrison, Richard ........... . Hampton, Thomas ........... . Higgins, John ................. . Holdsforth, Thomas ........ . Hall, F. B . .................... . Hyland, Thomas .............. . Jones, John .................... . Jones, Frederick ............. .. Jones, \Villi am .............. . . .Jones, T. A .................... ..

Sh~ep returned,


100 1200

28 20 70

260 3080

17 37 2

33 1921 60


1936 11 70

4933 50

2100 444 150 704

5681 350

14,980 3160

36 130 153 600

28 112 650 50

3 73 30 14

1095 6138 2600 408 66

250 50

300 140 712

1527 60 43

3235 4689 2948 6800

70 1200

50 232

52 1230

13 900 167

10,470 4


Lambs returned, TOTAL. Names.






140 400

10 -

1 15 60 43


8 70


300 50

474 2962

4560 445

100 68

200 28 38

430 42

4 27 30 14

550 1807 400 llO 40

22 40 70

416 774 40 30

800 1394 900

ll80 50

800 49

200 32

270 9

300 28


100 Moore, J.A. ................... 1600 Mapley, Joseph ...............

28 Pilkington, William ......... 20 Pilcher, F. R. F ................ 70 Read, Hobert C ................

400 Read, John Terry ............ 3480 Shone, Thomas A .............

27 Shoobridge Brothers ......... 37 Sharland, W. C ................ 3 Terry, E.W. ..................

48 Triffett, F. J. .... · ............. 252 Terry, John L ................... ]()3 Wilson, Frederick L .......... 500 Willson, Daniel ...............

Williams, Robert ············ 2404 Young, Jas. H. ............... 19



5345 50

2100 744 200

1178 8643

350 19,540

3605 36

230 211 800

56 150

1080 92

7 100 60 28

1645 7945 3000 518 106 250 72

340 210

1128 2301

100 73

4035 6083 3848 7980 120

2000 99

432 84

1500 22

1200 195

13,079 4

Kermode, W A ............... . Lyne, Louis W . .............. . Lord, John ............... : .. .. . Lodge, Joseph ................. . Lord, John Carr ............. .. Littlechild, 'l'homas ........... .

-M•Ardell, Patrick .......... .. Morrison, Andrew ........... . l\faclanachan, James ........ . Meaburn, Mrs ................. . M'Auliffe, Mrs. Bridget ..... . Mitchell, F. ·W. .. ........... .. Norman, R. E. .. ............ . N ettlefold, Thomas & George O'Connor, Arthur .......... :. 0' Brien, Patrick ............. .. Page, Sydney ................ .. Page, Samuel ................. . P illinger, James, & Son .. .. Palmer, George .............. . Powell, Sarah ................. . Pow<'ll, William ............. ; Roe, John Rowland ........ .. Rubens, George ........ : .... .. Rowland, John ............... . Revnolds, David ............. .. Sutton, Charles .............. . Sturgeon, Richard ........... . Scott, Alexander ............. .. Savage, Thos. Humphrey. Scott, c'!Iungo ................. . Stonehouse, Wm. .. .......... . Scott, William ................. . Wilson, George ............. .. Weeding, James .............. . Wilson;W'illiam .............. . ·wilson, Thomas .............. . Weeding, Charles R ......... . Willitt, Joseph ................. . vV oods, Oliver ................ .. White, John E. . ............. . Wilson, John ................. . Wilson, D., & Bros ......... . Wills, C. J ..................... . vV eeding, James ............. .. 'Wilson. Alexander ........... . Webster, William ........... .

Sheep returned,

1882 .

318 7

120 105 650 -

3036 100

4220 900

20 430 191

1040 80

245 152


2027 1581 1429 150

2350 1820

60 63ll 2035

230 42

1070 1173 1420

11,505 18

8600 2550 2425 460

57 456

2200 200 63

484 37

900 1000 2582

64 1540

65 5560 1865 660 102

6 28

160 100

1369 2129

62 140 100 40


Lambs returned,


170 -

40 32

250 855

50 820


170 64

294 40 56 48


621 356 60

800 750 40

1725 1205 130 38

600 462 360

3300 10

1800 650

3116 190 28 52

584 130 37


500 500 450

260 60

2200 703 200


22 45 40

240 329

2 80 55 20


488 7

160 137 900

3891 150

5040 900 20

600 255

1334 120. 301 200


2027 2202 1785 2iO

3150 2570.

100 8036 3240 360

80 1670 1635 1780

14,805 28

10,400 3200 5541 650 85

508 2784 330 100 724 37

1400 1500 3032

64 1800 125

7760 2568

860 112

6 50

205 140

1609 2458

64 220 155 60

46,094 195,199


Sheep Lambs Sheep Lambs Name.~. returned, returned, TOTAL. Names. retltrned, returnr.d, TOTAL.

1882. 1882.

Addison, Edwin ....•.....•.... Arnott, Henry ..... .' •.....•..... Arnott, Robert ....•....•...•.... Addison, Thomas ...• , ......... . Bramich, Joseph, jun ... , ••..•. Bramich, Joseph, sen .•..••.... Bramicl1, John .......•.••.••.... Beveridge, Robert •.. , •....•• ; Baker, Edwin ......•.....•....• Bonney, James ....•.....•..•. Bonney, Thomas ......•..••.... Brothers; David ..•••.•...•.... Brown, James ....•..•..•.....•. Burgess, Bernard .•..•..•.... Bates, George ................•. Braid, William ....•.•...•..•.... Baker, W. B ....•.....•......•. Boutcher, E ........... , ••.•..... Brown, John ............•..•.. Buck, George ........ ; ......•.. Bryan, Geo .............•........ • Boutcher, James ......•....••.. Brown, J. T ......... .' •.......•... Button, 'liV. B .....•............. Butt, James ..........•.. ; •.•..•. Brown, Robert .........•.•.•.••. Counsel, Lawrence •........... Carstairs, John & A ..•.•.•.••. Chamberlain, H.J .....••....•. Claridge, William •...........•. Craigie, Andrew .........•..... Crawford, Stephen ··,··~······· Crawford, Fredk .............. . Clarke; Thomas M. Callaghan. Patrick ......•..... Clark, Eli ..................•..•.. Carey, Joseph.: ...........•.••• Clarke, Charles- .............•• Cowie, T. P. and F. W ..•..•. Cooper, HPnry ................. . Clements, Thos ....... , ........ . Dumbleton, M~jor A. V ..... . Douglas, Peter J .....•.•. , ..•.. Dick, Robert ................. . Dyer., John ... .........•....... : Duff, John .. ; ...............•.. Eagle, John ..............•....... Excell, William, senr •........ Findlay, A. & W .....•...•••... Grealey, Thomas ............•.• Good, David ...............•..... Gibson, J ohu & Brothers •.. Groom; "\V. S ..............••... Graham, Jonathan .•.......... Glover, Frederick ........... . Golding, Reeve .... , ......•.•.• Greenhill, A .................... . Garrard, N. H ............••.... Goold, Mrs. Rhoda ..........•. Green, Ja mes ................. . Haydon, Thos ................. .. Hay, David w· ................. . Hales, James ...........•...... Hardy, T. W .................•. Husband, James and John .. . Hudson, "\V ..................... . Hearps, J ........................ . Hogben, Jas .................... . Hudson, John ......... : .....•.. Hutton, "William .... , ......... . Herrick, James .............. . Harri~on, George ........... . Hamilton, Alexander .....•... Hautan, H ... : ....... · ..... ; .... ; Ingram, George ...........•... ' Ingram, Giles T .......•.......• Jones, ,v. R. . ................ .

1882. 1882.

50 8

23 55 25

8 35

120 985

25 10(') 40 46 40 12 30 27 25 28 34 50 50 23 30 70 28

1013 510 159 60 21

100 19 62 58 80 12

135 140

18 60

342 200

10 16 50 25 11 11 10 10 55 48 18

6 100 25

200 52 66 45

3 60 42

168 20

. 28 3

31 25 60 30 34 42 80 43 30

6 5



196 15 92 40 24 20 4

25 10 24 20 20 52 40

22 70


15 40 11

116 21 43 59 65 23 99


72 140 10 10 26 7

14 5

8 45 50 13 2

100 23'

100· 40 18 20

4 50 38

182 24 4 8

30 25


52 49 35

---- ---- 1----PORT SORELL.

50 14 28

100 25

8 60

120 1181

40 192 80 70 60 16 55 37 49 48 54

102 90 23" 52

140 28

208 510 174 100 32

216 40

105 117 145 35

234 285

18 60

414 340

20· 26 76 32 25 16 10 18

100 98 31 -8

200 48

300 92 84 r,5 7

no 80

350 44 32 ll 61 50 60 30 60 42

132 92 65

Jupp, Peter ..••..••.....•.•.... Kenner, R. W ........•. : ....... . King, Thomas ..............•.. '.. Kelcey, S . ....................... . Kenna, John W ...........••.•. Lillico, Hugh .•.•..... · .....•... Lillico and Grant ............. . Lillico, Thomas ....•.. : .•..••... Lancaster, Robert •......•.... Leman, J aeob · .......•...•...•.. Manley, Robert ........••..... Martin, William .......•....... · Morse, James .........•.....••. Morse, Edwin .................. . Morse, George ................. . M • Kenna, J as ...........•....... Mulligan, Elizabeth ..••..... Mills, John ............ ; ..•..... M'Culloch, J as ................ -.. . M'Claren, Duncan ............ . M'Culloch, Robert ........... . M'Culloch, George ......•..•.. M'.Culloch, Peter ......•.•..... , M'Culloeh, Hugh .•.......... M 'Donald, William ........... . Marquis, Donald .............. . Mason, William .............. . Morris, William ............ : .. Mason, Samuel ......... .-•....... Mo9re, William .............. . Maddox, F ..................... . M 'Innes, Lachlan ........... . Manning, Robert .............. . Nibbs, William .............. . Oldaker, Fran<'is .............. . Powell, John ................. . Pease, Robert .......•....•..... Parker, John ................. . Polden, Thomas Pease, Alexander ...... '. ...... .'. Ponsonby, Miles de H ...... . River Don Trading Co ....... . Riggs, John .................... . Riggs, William .............. ;. Riggs, Henry ................. . Riggs, J olm, Estate Risby, Andrew F ........... . Roche, John .................... . Rockliff, Henry .............. . Rockliff, George ............. ;. Rockliff, John .-................ . Rockliff, Fredk ............... . Roekliff, Francis ... ' ........... . Roeklifl~ Francis .............. . Robson, Davi,d ...•.............. Reid, John ........•........... Russell, John ................. . _Sti,,wart, R. D ................ .. Spurr, James .......... : ...... . Shaw, Thomas ................. . Smirh, James ................. . Shields, Isabella ......... .-..... . Smith, W .......................• Stott, Joseph ...... ; ........... . Sullivan, Edward .............. . Smith, John .................... . Schmidt, Joseph F ......... ; .. . Stebhings, - ................. . Stevenson, James ........... . Thomas, I-I., S ................. .. Trebilcock, W. J. . .......... . Trebilcock, Thoma& ......•.... ; Thomson, Peter .............. . Tyler,' Isaac .................... . Taxworth, · J olm .... , .......•... Templar, ·John ......... : ....... . 'l'hompson, ,v, .................. .

15 14 55

196 9 7

116 130 25 48

135 102 190 40 80 40 25 25 32 36

100 24 70 49

104 8

32 29 50 26 43 20 96 30 29

145 32 27 15 26 53 50

9 13 60 16 57

100 130

86 100 86 40 40 46 :8 85 04 31 40

501· 43 60 38 40 32 67 28 23 76 50 60 22 90 16 10 22

11 14 25 80

5 7

82 70 26 24

101 50

49 40 20 15 18 24 30

40 38 65

7' 24 25 30 34 16 15 80

50 27 29

9 5


12 ll

49 100

41 80

104 67 22 36 34

8 50 20 28 25

248 10

38 _pa 12 80

70 12 00 24 ]1


,26 28 80

276 14 14-

198 200 51 72

236 152, 190

80-80 80 45 40 50 60-

130 24

no 87

169 15 56 54 80· 60 59 35

176 30-29

195 59 56 24-31 78 50-21 24-60 16

106 200-171 166 204 153 62 76 80 16

135 84-59 65

749 53 60 38 40 70 90 28 35

156 50

130 34


· 21 30



....... Warner, Lt.-Col. A. H Weeks, Henry ...••••..• ........ Winspear, Roger ...... . Walker, John ......... . W ~lch, George ......... . Wiseman, John .•• · .. .. Westcombe, Donald . Wilson, H. J ......... .. Wright, W. H ........ .. Wright, W. F .......... . Weller, .Gottfreid .••.... Williams, Henry •••..•.

........ ........ ........ ........ ········ ........ ........ ........ ········ ........

Archer, Charles ............... Brown, Matthew Ingle and

Thomas Riggall ............ Bayles, J .. & R ................ Bayles, Joseph .................. Burbury,. William ......... : .. Brown, William ................ Bennett, W. H. ··············· Barwick, Joseph ............... Bisdee, A. H ...................


Burn, Mrs. Eliza ............... Broadribb, Wilham, sen. ... Butcher, MiRs Martha ...... Brain, Wm ...................... Brain, John ................... Broadribb, Henry James .•. Brock, H.J ..................... Briggs, Henry .................. Blackburn, Wm. T ............ Beven, Edward ··············· Cleburne, Mrs. Harriet ...... Cosgrove, Thos. D ............ Daniels, John ....... , .......... Ellis, Vincent Charles Flexmore, K. and A .......... Forsythe, James ............... Goodwin, R. C. ··············· Gregory, John .................. Grieves, William ............... Greenlaw, "William ............ Hodgson, William ............ Harrison, Thomas ............ Howlett, Alfred ................ Hayton, William .............. Hodgson, Joseph ............ Hughes, D. H .................. Haig, J, T ....................... Ibbott, George ............... pea, John and William .... :.

Allison, W. R ................... Allanby, Llewellyn A ....... Alomes, Jacob .................

.Allanby, J. W .................. Alomes, James .............. A~omes, John .................. Bilton, Edwin R ...............

. Birchall, James · ...............

. Blackwood, W. ··············· . Burdon, Jacob ................ .". Burden, John ......... : .. : .....

. :Blyth, A. T ......... : ............

Slteep returned,



80 70 50 62 15

350 66

170 71

183 32 16


3924 5000 1350 2000 9958 2566

161 1900

433 700

1210 640 868 300

1600 6

19 48

708 204 20

2624 6800 250 288

40 70

320 1200 300 607 150 674 800

26 2760 1600

2300 80 58 60

2 33 33 50

210 674

29 180



Lambs returned, TOTAL. Name,.


-------- -PORT SORELL-continued.

33 113 Whiley, William ............... 32 102 Whiley, G. · .•.••...••.•.•. : ••... 10 60 Woodrofle, A. G ................ 46 108 Walker, William ............... 21 36 Winter, William ...............

- 350 Williams, William ............ 57 123 Young, A .........................

180 350 Yaxley, Thomas ............... 45 116 Young, John .................. 95 278 28 60 14 30


500 3522 Headlam, Charles ............ Keach, G. ,v ...................

568 4492 Leake, Arthur ................. : 5GO 5500 Parramore,_ George 350 1700 Parramore, Thomas ......... 500 2500 Riggall, Thomas ...............

1500 11,458 Scott, George .................. 587 3153 Wilson, George ............... 26 187

- 1900


254 687 Iles, Thomas .................... 152 852 Iles, Henry .................. , .. 263 1473 Johnson, Thomas J. .. ....... 160 800 Johnson, T ., junior ............ 140 1008 Kearney, Edwin ............... 20 320 King, Denis .....................

900 2500 Lord, E. R ................. .-.... - 6 Luttrell, Robert F ..............

2 21 M'Donald, John R. lVI. ...... - 48 Montgomery, Hugh ......... 210 918 l\'l'Call, Duncan ............... 100 304 Monaghan, Patk ...............

10 30 Newnham, Henry ............ 380 3004 Ogilvy,A. J ........... ~ .........

1700 8500 Pulley, George P .............. ·- 250 Parker, Alfred ................

108 396 Rumney, Walter ............... - 40 Robertson, Alexander ......

25 95 Roach, "\Villiam ................ - 320 Stokell, George, jun ..........

700 1900 Simmons, Winston C ......... 48 348 Searle, Charles .................. 25 632 Smith, James ...................

150 300 Sargeant, John ....... : ....... 70 744 Thomas, Evan ..................

200 1000 Young, Robert .................. 22 48 Zantack, Fredk ................

800 3560 800 2400


400 2700 Blackwood, Archibald ....... 36 116 Bellett, G. "\V ................... 32 90 Crocker, R. C ................... 40 100 Cowly, John .................. _.

2 Crowder, W: C. F ............. 16 49 Cullen, George ................ 6 39 Cooper, Joseph ...............

30 38 C1·acknell, John & D ......... 92 302 Denholm, Alexander ........ ·.


I 876 Dodge, Ralph and Robert ...

22 51 Doctor, Rev. Alex ............. 120 '300 Dunlmbin, Thomas ......... ; ..

Slteep Lambs returned, returned, TOTAL.

1882. 1882.


30 30 60 70 - 70

· 20 - 20 60 - 60 30 11 41

160 40 200 68 40 108 44 36 80 73· 36 109

--11,798 5957 17,755

4920 4200 9120 4194 1522 5716

475 - 475 3080 720 3800 3200 796 ' 3996 721 - 721

8571 1325 9896 1800 40 1840

56,842 13,134 69,97(.1

2375 365 2740 1611 900 2511

460 130 590 72 28 100 24 4 28

100 40 140 24 - 24 80 40 120

480 20 500 78 30 108 19 - 19 34 6 40

150 50 200 1589 850 2439 204 110 314

. 8824 - 8824 175 80 255

51 21 72 20 20 40

680 170 850 340 160 500 729 231 960 365 274 639 320 80 400

60 40 100 808 532 1340 50 30 80

44,987 11,450 56,437

50 39 89 11 11

283 113 396 54 54 57 43 ioo

200 80 280 142 60 202 40 12 52

600 400 1000

3031 40 343

60 50 llO 700 310 1010


D1mr, W. S ... , ...... .-.•.......•. Bayles, George D ............. Fenner, Joseph ................ Featherstone, George J ..... Gatehouse, John ...... _ ......... Grierson, 'rVilliarn ............ Grant, Robert .................. Gangell, William ............. Grierson, John ................ Gangell, Jacob ················ Hodgson, Joseph ............. Henwood, 'rVilliam ............ Hunt, Henry .................. Hunt, George .................. Hayton, George ............... Hild yard, Geo. . .............. Hayton, James and Amos .. Hazell, Chas. D., jun. .. .... Hild yard, David ............... Heane, Alexander ............ Iles, Thomas ··················· .Tones, Ja mes .................. Joseph, James .................. Joseph, 'rhomas ............... Jenkins, Thomas ·w .......... Jenkins, W. C. . ............... Jamieson, David N ........•.. Kingston, Charles .... , ....... Lloyd, Edward ................ M'Guinness, Hugh, jun ...... M'Guinness, ,villiam .........

Adams, James ................. . Archer, Frank ................. . Ayre, R. M ..................... . Adams, John ................. . Atkinson, W .................. . Bat.terham, Robert ........... . Bell, Y{illiam Thomas ...... . Barnes, ·William .............. . Briggs, Henry ............... . Bayles, Joseph ............... . Bartley, D ..................... . Bold, William ................. . Barrett, John ................. . Box, J. A ....................... . Boutcher, John ...... , ....... . Brands, Robert .............. . .Barnard, Thomas ............ . Bonner, ·E. H ........... , ...... . Coulson, Vrrillia:q1 Paton ... . Cameron, Duncan ........... . Cox, Thomas, sen ............ . Campbell, Thomas and J ... . Cartledge, John .............. . Caswell, 8amuel .........•..... Campbell, John ............. .. Caswell, John ................. . CRlvert, John ................. . Dutton, Rupert .............. . Donauf, Peter ................. . Falkner, Daniel .............. . Farquhar, Alexander ....... .. Fletcher, Melmoth ........... .

' Fry, Charles .................. . Fahey, Michael .............. . .Faulkiner, John .............. . Grubb, Charles B ............ . Griffiths, Henry, jnn ......... . Griffiths, Henry, s_en ........ . Griffiths, F. H ............... . Gaunt, Charles .............. . ·Gaunt, Sydney ............... .

Sheep ,·eturned,


755 70 11

200. 129 616 276 150 40

630 70.0 274 47 30 73

414 1250 652 60

300 900 154 600 660

2180 50

1480 108 343 103 69

1050 4985

12il 304 56 70

139 2804

70 50 70

100 20

397 72 30

419 28

1400, 1000 162 147 640 668 72

438 30 20 38

221 25

237 70

160 307

3363 200 45 60

325 700


Lambs ~=-J·~ ~-returned, TOTAL. returned, returned, 1882. 1882. 1882.


177 19 5

120 3

200 11

-32 ·go

400 100 -

30 31

136 400 44 20

180 -106 400 220 720 40

400 50 65 47 16

710 56

188 14 35 54

480 40



8 20 12

300 200 70

107 70

58 182 24

250 31

30 140 200 965 llO 30

85 100

932 Marshall, Edward .••.......•• 300 89 :Marshall, George, jun ...... , -150 · 16 · Marshall, David, sen ..•....... 400

320 Morris, William ..... : ......... 75 132 M'Guinness, ·waiter 400 816 Newitt, William .............. ; 240 287 Newitt, Ephraim, ............. ; 177 150 Newitt, Ephraim, jun: ..... .- 600 72 Norman, R. E .................. 638

720 Parker, Alfred ............... , 3033 llOO Paul, George ..... :: ........... 7 374 Parker, ,v . ..................... 56 47 Rowland, John, jun .......... 3 60 Reardon, Edward ............. 22

104 Riley, Geo, ...................... 10 550 Read, Henr.Y. E. B ............. 788

1650 Steele, Frederick C ............ 860 696 Schofield, Samuel ............. 6 80 800 Steele, John,&, Rogers, Fred.

480 Scrimger, James ........ , ....... 1650 100 900 Tunbridge, John ...............

260 Wood,- William ............... 1000 Walker, John .................. 880 White, James ..................

2900 'rViggins, T., jun ............... 90 Williams, Edward ............

1880 ,vright, F. E ................... 158 ,Villard, S ....................... 408 150 85

SELBY. 1050 5695

]84 492 70

105 193

3284 llO 50 70

150 20

447 72 38

439 40

1700 1200

232 254 710 668 130 620

54 20. 38

471 56

237 100 300 507

4328 810

75 60

410 800

Grubb, Mariane ............... . Gould, G. F .................. . Garner, Jacob ................. . Goodger, James .............. . Genders, Joseph , ............. . Hill, Frank ..........•.......... Hill, Amelia T ............... . Harris, Thos. Rev· ........... . Hazlewood, Joseph ......... ; .. Hills, John ................... .. Hunt, William ................ .. Herd, II enry .................. . Hogarth, Thomas ............ . Henderson, George ......... . Hillier, Robert ................ . Jones, William .............. .. Joyce, A. J .................... .. J etson, Robert ................. . J etsnn, John .................. . James, William .... : ......... . Johnson, William ........... . Jones & Storrer .............. . M'Bean, John .. · .............. :. M'Gilp, Dougald ............ . M'Lennon, Donald ........... . Murray, F. G ..... : ........... . Machen, Robert ............. . l\'.Iurray, David ............... . Murphy, Robert ............. .. O'Connor, Arthur .......... .. O'Mara, M ..................... . Plummer, Jonathan Pinner, David ................ .-. Parker, A. T .................. . Peck, G. & S ................. . Rawkin, Wm .................. . Roberts, Robert H ........... . Rankin, James ................. . Swan,-C. C ..................... . Shearer, James .............. .. Sco.tt, G. J. &T ...... : ........ .

69 30 13 34 30

126 9


614 58 15

1524 55

'235 164 134 320 470 590

1200 750 140 20

900 125 122 114 100

6 988

22 81 82

191 80

604 11

2120 40

1151 40

282() 200 40 60 35

6400 64 50

140 --

25 120 100 125 200 -

1049 5


18 2

403 100

6 201 350 50. 56 15

-10 20 46


120 38

340 16" 95 56 66

180 ·130 210 600 110

300 125

30 92 68

6 177

70 40


50 750

149 30

518 30 10

25 1500 ·

40 35


440 150 400 100 520 340 302 800 638

4082 12 56 3

40 12

1191 960

12 1001 2000 150 125 45 13

.44 50

166 9


734 96 15

1864 71

380 220 200 500 600 800

1800 860 140 20

1200 250 152 206 168 12

1165 22

151 122 305 80

604 61

287C 40

1300 70

3344· 230 59 60 60

7900 104 85

Sheep Name.,, returned,

Sheridan, Patrick ............. Somerville, John .............. ; ·>

Simson, G. T ................... Sulzberger, Gottlieb ......... Sulzberger, Gottfried ......... Sulzberger, Jacob ............ · Spillane, Patrick ............... Skipper, John .................. Tyson, William .............. ~ · Tyson, Frank ................. ; Tucker, Thomas .... : ..........


rnolci, William ............... urbury, William ............

Cruttenden, Thomas ......... Cornish, William .............. Castle, R. & H .................. Cotton, John ·················· )unbabin, Thomas ............ l F F

!etcher, Hamlet ............. eri:;-uson, Alex .................

Fox, William ................... Finch, William ............... ' Gellie, Goorge ···············' Gatehouse, J olm ............... Hayton, William ............... Hodgson, William .......... ;. Hodgson, Joseph ............... Lester, William ...............

Allen, C. W ..................... Appleby, W. H ................ Bennett, Miles .................. Blazely, John .................. Bratten, James ............... Bendall, Samuel ............... Boutcher, Richard ............ Best,, Charles, sen ............. Badcock, William ............ Bounds, R ....................... Badcock, Samuel.. ............. Bullock, John .................. Bradmore, Henry ............ Boyd, '!'hos. D ................. Bryden, William ............... Barrett, Thomas ............... Burnett, Richard ............... Brown, Peter .................. Bryan, Richard ....... , ....... Butler, John ..................... Barr, James ..................... Cummins, George ............ Chapman, Benjamin ......... Coates, Joseph .................. Crawford, John ................ Carey, Mrs. W .................. Cheek, Thomas' .............. : Clayton, Joseph, jun .......... Dent, Zachariah ............... Dobson, William, jun ......... Dobson,, Henry ............... Dumaresq, H. R ............... Dobson, George ............... Davis,- i:larnuel .................. Donovan, Timothy ............ Dobson, William ............... Davis, .John ..................... Duggan, Thos .................. Eastoe, James ............... , ..


50 105 14

110 118· 84 20

200 66· 10


36 2160. 2798

8 2250 1518

874 3000 450 312 340

3 1220 2480 2470

· 1596 1320

207 22

·2300 120 24 98

158 147

·180 405 70 12 92 24

180 34

111 160 156 100 130 321 50

100 55

149 338 175 418

33 248 325

30 50

330 .so 81, 80


Lambs . retitrned,


-45 10 53

----30 29


12 ·-477 -732 229 -150 50 38 50

-320 928 -400 800


420 -

30 52

135 50

160 qO 6

36 16

107 8

70 80 76 50 67

258 44 35 40 32

210 150 130 22

Z75 14 50 40 50 47 20 30


Sheep Lambs TOTAL, Names • returned, returned, TOTAL.

1882. 1882.

---- -------------------SELBY-continued.

50 Tattersall, John ............... 22 - 22: 150 1''est, J. C ....................... 400 200 600' 24. Wotton, Thomas ............... · 635 155 790

163 Wilson, William ................ 46 20 66 118 Wake, William ............... 61 18 79 84 . Winter, Robert ................ 80 - 80 20 Wilson, Forster .............. 104 32 136

200 White, Charles ................ 61 42 103 96 .

.. 39 455 46,387 11,577 57,964



48 Mace, George A ............... 8130 550 3680 2100 Mace, Frederick ............... 2264 403 2667 3275 ' Morey, Abraham ............ 3732 500 4232

8 Morey, Abraham, jun ........ 464 120 584 2982 Mitchelmore, P ................ 500 100 600 1747 Morey, Abel. .................... 60 10 70 874 Morey, William ............... 140 120 260

3150 Olding, Ernest .... ~ ............. 114 77 191 500 Rudd, Henry George ......... 345 35 380 350 Salmon, Samuel ............... 1900 340 2240 390 Turvey, John Charles ......... 530 50 580

3 Turvey, Frank ............... 4000 1126 5126 1540 Turvey, Wm .................... 1300 700 2000 3408 Turvey, George ................ 1230 270 1500 2470 1996 2120 42,484 8587 51,071


324 Field's ('l'homas W.) Estate. 3270 3000 6270 22 Fowell, Edward ............... 443 220 663

2720 French, J. H ................... 168 56 224 120 Faulkiner, R. H. & J. W ... 5000 900 5900 24 French, Samuel ............... 40 50 90

128 French, "\-V., jun ............... 108 16 124 210 Gillam, William ............... 123 40 163 282 Gregory, George ............... 3038 1042 4080 230 Garrett, Benjamin ........ : ... 20 20 40 565 Goss, John ..................... 80 30 llO 130 Gillam, Israel .................. 13 3 16 18 Gray, Willian1 .................. 81 40 121

128 Hopkins, C. & J ............... 800 400 1200 40 . Hopkins, Thos .................. 146 146

287 'Hagarty, Patrick ............ 290 150 440 42 II all, Robert ..................... 150 70 220

181 Hogg, l\frs. C .................. 192 llO 302 240 Hodgetts, R ................ ; .... 81 39 120 232 Hodgetts, Adam ............... 56 40 96 150 Harris, Robert .................. 2600 200 2800 197 Hingston, Andrew H ......... 121 a 124 579 Hingston, F. E ................. 94 63 157

94 Hingston, James T ............ 31 10 41 135 Hingston, H. T ................. 85· 51 136 95 Hingston, R. T ................. 48 33 81

181 Hazlewood, E. H ............. 660 660 548 Hazlewood, R. G .............. 180 90 270 325 Hazlewood, William 90 60 150 548 Hendley, William ............ 120 ·120 240 55 Huntington, Charles ......... 60 40 100

248 Hooper, "\Villiam ............... 142 104 246 600 Hall, Robert ........ ; ......... ; .. 250 250 44 Hall, John ..................... 80· 40 120

100 Johnston, James; .............. 400,. 300 700 370 Jordan and Blair ............... 1454 775 2229 130 Killelea, Thomas ............... 65 65 13 128 Kirkham, Jane and Susan ... 69 6 100 Knight, William ............... 10 6 1 '228 Knight, George ............... 24 2 2

.. .NamC8.

---Kircaldy, James .............. . Lack, Charles A .............. .. Lockhart, John .............. . M'Carthy, John .............. . Millar, John ................... .. Mackey, D .......... ; ........... . Murfett, Edward .............. . Martin, John ......... · ........ . Martin, Henry ................ .. M'Kay, Jane ................. . Millar, A. W ................... . Man tuck, William ........... . Mann, Thomas ................. . M'Creery, H. J ............... .. M'Kinnon, A. M .............. . M'Kendrick, J as .............. . Noakes, I. ....................... . Newton, Vincent .............. . O' Keefe, David .............. . O'Keefo, Cornelius ........... . Priestly, Major Gco .......... . Patterson, George, sen ...... . Patterson, George, jun ...... .. Phillips, Stearne .............. . Fearn, John: ................... . Phelps, J.& J .................. . Page, Robert ................. . Quinn, William .............. . Ryan, Edmund ................. . Reibey, Thomas .............. . Richardson, Peter ........... .

Sheep returned,


98 55 70

100 24 30.

. 60 952 749 144 520 60 27

227 1040

57 190

1048 71 40

367 20 35

155 40

6172 60 12

200 434 941

20 ;

Lamba returned, TOTAL. Name&.


--- -WESTBURY-continued.

70 36 64

4 · 40 299 441 50 80

32 200 400

29 80


20. 70 26 40

23 2832


144 289 565

168 91

134 100 24 34

100 1251 ll90 194 600 60 59

427 1440

86 270

1248 71 60

437 46 75

155 63

9004 100 12

344 723


Robinson, Chas ................ . Radford, F .................... .. Smith, C. J. L ................. . Scott, Bruce & S ............. . Stubbs, William ............. . Selby, J ......................... .

, Stretton, Joseph ............. . Scolyer, William ............. . Stewart, Fergus ............ .. Stewart, William ............. . 'l'horpe, Henry ................ . Tuck, Thomas ................. . Viney, Thomas ................ . Viney, William ............ .. ·walker, Jame~ ............. . W.alker, Thomas ............ .. Walker, Michael ............. . Walker, William ............. . Wallace, James ............ .. Whitfield, Alfred .......... . ·watts, Thomas ............. . "\Vilson, F. J .................. . Wildgust, Thos ............... . Walch, Thomas ............ .. Wright, Mrs. L. P .......... . Windsor, H. D ...•............ Wesley, John ................ . '\Valker, F. J .................. . Yates, Samuel ................ .

Sheep Lambs returned, returned, TOTAL,

1882. 1882.

- ---- -

22 8 30 126 86 212

1094 450 1544 140 - 1'40 18 5 23

105 75 180 20 20 40

100 - 100 ' 300 lHi 416

190 llO 300 52 50 102

800 200 1000 121 79 200 600 300 !JOO

24 - 24 103 68 171 176 100 276 70 24 94 90 52 142

.. 916 446 1362 71 35 106 83 70 153 52 51 103

llO 90 200 76 25 101

1157 6 1163 50 30 80

300 100 400 50 30 80

49,487 19,875 69,362

RETURN showing the Numbe.r of Slieep and Lambs in each District in the Colony.

District. Slteep. Lambs. TOTAL.

Bothwell ......••••••..•.•..•••••••. 109,594 24,999 134,593 Brighton .......•.••......•...•.... 24,088 5972. 30,060 Campbell Town .•••••• · •••••••••••••• 128,274 23,828 152,102 Clarence ..••••••........•.....•.•.. 10,729 3039 13,768 Deloraine ...•..•.....••••••••••••.. 19,439 10,840 32,279 Evandale ••••..•...••...•.....••... 105,106 27,393 132,499 Fingal ......••••.......•.......••.. 100,062 -29,837 12!:J,899 George Town ..•••••.....•••.....•.. 54.277 8244 62,521 . Glamorian ...........•••....•..•.•• oo;690 12,540 73,230 Green onds •..••..•••••.•.••••••.. 31,378 8847 40,225 Great Lake ...... · ..•••••.•...••..•• 64,264 1725 65,989 Glenorchy .............•.•••••.•••. 1128 4(11 1529 Hamilton ....••..••..•..•..•••••.•. 126,368 34,092 160,460 Horton ..•.......•.•...•.••••••..•. 12,001 4307 16,308 Hobart and Kingborough •.•.••••..•. 3977 759 4736 Huon .. ; ..........•.•.•.••..•.•.•. 4244 1200 5444 Longford ..•..•....•.•.•.....•..... 96,818 28,043 124,861 New Norfolk •..••••••••..•.•.•.•.•. 19,230 4504 23,734 Oatlands ...•...•••••..•••.••..•..•. 149,105 46,094 195,]99 Port Sorell •..••..•......••..•••. '. •. 11,798 5957 17,755 Richmond .•..•...•...•.••..•• ~ •... 44,987 11,450 56,437 Ross •• · •.•••....• · ••..•.....•.•.... ,' . 56,842 13,134 69,976 Sorell .•••......•••••••..•••••••••. 30,159 9240 39,399 Selby ...•.••.••..••••.•..•••••••••. 46,407 11,577 57,984 Spring Bay •..••.•••••••••••.•••.•. 42,484 8587 51,071 Westbury •••.••... • ••••••••••••.•••.. 49,487 19,875 69,362

1,402,936 356,484 1,759,420


APPENDIX R REVISED ESTIMATE for 1880-81 of Annual Gain derived from the eradication of Scab_.

1'. 'lncreas~d quantity of wool, say 2,500,000 lbs., at ls. 3d. per lb, •••••••••••••••••••••• =. 2. Increased value of quantity (5,000,000 lbs.) produced prior to 1870, at say 3d; per lb., ••• ,. 3. Cost of dressing annually for tobacco, drugs, and additional in dressing under the old system

of yarding and spotting every few weeks, say as before •••••.••••••..••••••••••• , .••• 4. Saving of the wasted labour of 1200 men at £50 each ....•••••••••• , •••••. • ••.•.••••.•. 5. Increased number and value of fat sheep, say at least .•••••••••••.....•••••.•.••••••••..

· 6;_ Increase arising from export of stud sheep to neighbouring Colonies, say •••••••• ~ .••••••••

£' 145,833


13,500 60,000 20,000 12,000


. To some very probably the above may be considered an exaggerated estimate. It is not so, however. It is moderate in every ite_m, and is capable of proof if a number of settlers I could name would show me their books with their income from sheep, and their expenditure now as compared with former years anterior to the introduction of the Scab Act. · '

The average value of stud sheep annually exported from 1872 to 1879 inclusive amounts to £18,420. I think two-thirds of that amount may fairly be credited to the Scab Act, as without it there would have been no foreign market; and if that had been so, I do not think the home prices for stud sheep would have been sufficiently encouraging to the breeders to have induced them to improve and extend their flocks to the extent they have done during the last 10 years. Is. 3d.* per lb. is not a high value, I think, to put upon wool, taking one year with another; and as for the other items in the calculation, that they are even more moder&te most intelligent and observant sheepowners will -allow. Some, I am aware, will make no such admission, and stubbornly maintain that although the Act may have done some good it has not benefited them individually; that they cleaned their own sheep, as they dipped them themselves, &c., but ignoring the fact that the dipping was compulsory and, in very many cases, of the worst kind, under the direction and often under the supervision of Inspectors or other agents employed for that purpose.

JAMES WHYTE, Chief Inspector ef Sheep.

•The observations above were made last year. They are equally applicable now. I have reduced the calculated value of wool to ls. 2d. per lb., although I am not at all impressed with the idea that ls. 3d. was too much. I leave the increased value at 3d. per lb. as before, as I belleve that to be considerably under the mark.-J.W.

NoT•E.-'-The Customs returns show that in 1881 1306 stud sheep were shipped, valued at .£38,305. The amount, realised was much above the Customs value.-J.W.

APPENDIX C. A CALCUlATION of the principal mate1·ial Results whiclt may fairly be credited to tlie

operation of tlie Scab Act. THE quantity of wool annually expoi·ted prior to the introduction of the Scab Act was, on an average,

about 5,000,000 lbs.

1st. Quantity of wool in excess of 5,000,000 lbs. per annum, exported during the years 1873-4 to 1880-1 inclusive .••••.••••••.

Deduct for other causes than Scab A.et, say¼

2nd. Increased value on former annual export of 5,000,000 lbs., from 1872-3 to 1881-2

19,198,478 lbs. 4,799,619

.£ 14,398,859 lbs., at Is. 2d. per lb. • 839,932

inclusive, 10 years • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • 50,000,000 lbs., at 3d. per lb. • • • 625,000

3rd. Increased value of stud sheep exported to the neighbouring Colonies from 1872 to 1881 inclusive, 10 years, at say £12,000 per annum ..••••.........•. ·•.. 120,000

4th, Saving of labour of 1200 men, at .£50 per annum for 10 years .••• , • . • • • • • . • • • 600,000

5th. Increased quantity and value of fat sheep, since 1872 to 1881-2 inclusive, cannot be less than • • • • • . • • • • • • . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . 1231000

.£2,307 ,932 Deduct Expenditure under Scab Act, from 1st March, 1870, to 30th June, 1881, as

per Treasury Account, Appendix E. • • • • • • . •• , •••••••.•..••.•••• , • • . . . . 33,515

£2,274,417 ------

22 To the above may fairly be added a proportionate increase in value of all pastoral and agricultural

lands used for the production of wool and fat sheep to an extent, I may very safely say, of not less than 25 per c·ent; on the value of property in 1870; .

The other causes for which I have deducted one-fourth from the quantity of wool in excess of forme_r· years'·exports are-improvement in the quality of some flocks in the Colony, principally in the North; an, increase in, the num·ber. and quality of long~woolled sheep ; and an increase in the number of sheep. shorn in th·e grease. ·

The two first items are the only ones to which any weight can be attached, and much more fo the first tl1an the second. To the third I attach little or no importance. The fact is that a very large quantity of wool is passed through the Custom House only by the number of bales, without the exact weights ; in such cases the weight is assumed to be 300 lbs. per bale.

Formerly the number of bales of wool shipped varied from 15,000 to 16,000 and 17,000, or about an average of not more than 16,000 bales. Now 10,000 bales more on an average are shipped. I am there­fore of opinion that for_other causes I have deducted about 2,000,000 lbs. too much from No. 1 item.

On the third item, increased value of stud sheep exported, I might have placed £20,000 or £30,000 more.• .

My returns of value are from the Custom House ; a11d I know that, all round, exported stud sheep have realised much more than the value they were passed at through the Custom House. This is not the

· fault of the (Justoms Officers, but the fault of the shipper, who sends his sheep to town sometimes-without any instructi9ns to his agent as to value; and, consequently, sheep that may sell in New Zealand or else-where at fr9m £20 to £150 are put down by the agent at £5, £10, or £20, as the case may be. ·

No. 4 ftem·, the saving of labour formerly absolutely necessary on account of scab, is, I believe, -reasonably estimated.

No. 5"item is a very moderate calculation, if it is taken· into account that fat sheep now slaughtered average from 8 to 12 lbs. more per head than they did in 1870, and the meat is wholesome instead of being diseased.

JAMES WHYTE, Chief Inspector of Slteep.

• 1n 1881 stud sheep were !hipped to the value of £38,305 according to the Customs returns, but realised a considerably larger amount. The current year promises to be even more productive.


ST A. TEMENT of tlie Number oj Head of Cattle, Sheep, and Pigs received at tlte Hobart Station of tlte Tasmanian Main Line Railway. .

During tlte Year ending 3lst.December, 1877-Cattle ....................................................... . Sheep ..........................••••............ _ ........... . Pigs ..............•................... _. _ ........ _ ......... .

1370 17,250


ToTAL.............................................. 19,183

For the Yem· 1878-Cattle ...........................................•............ Sheep .............................•................. · ........ . Pigs ...•...............•...•••••...•••..••••.....•••••••...

. ToTAL .•••..........................................

Fm· tl,e Year 1879-Cattle .....••............................. _ .................. . Sheep ........................................•............... Pigs .................•.................•....•........ _ .... ~ ..

TOTAL .....•............••..

Fo1· the Yea·r 1880-Cattle .•••••.••..•.•••••.•••••.•••••....•...••.•••••..•.•••••• Sheep ......... · .............. ~ ................................ . Pigs • • • . . . . • • • • • . • . . . . . . . . . • • . • . • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . ... .

TOTAL ..•.....•.•....•...........•..... ' ....•....••••

204-2 26,732 . ]289


]767 27,527



2099 22,465



. 23

For the year 1881-Cattle ................••••..•.................. , ••............ Sheep ..••••.....•..••..••..........••............••••........ Pig;s .......................... .-.•...............••......••...

TOTAL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• · •••••••••• : •••

Continuation ef the above for the Six Months ending 30th June, 1882-Cattle . ........•....................•...... , ....•........•••.....• Sheep ...•....•..........••.••............••••......••••••...••.•• Pigs .................. -: ........................ 4 •••••• ~ ••••••••

TOTAL •••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••• ~ •••••••

Furnished by C. H. Grant, Esq., Manager T.M.L.R. Co.

2071 18,226



1858 14,894


18,005 =

JAMES WHYTE, Chief Inspector ef Sheep.

NoTE,-In the above are included small numbers of stock to Brighton, Bridgewater, and New Norfolk Road, as in molit cases their ultimate de5tination is Hobart, from Bridgewater sales.-J.W.



RECEIPTS and Expenditure from 1st /lfa·rch, 1870, to 31st December, 1881.


YEAR. Miscellaneous, Amount of Licences. Sheep by Sea, Fines. Rent, Refund, TOTAL. Salaries and Other Expen- TOTAL. Contribution. Costs, &c. Allowances. diture.

£ R, d. £ s. d. £ 8, d. £ $, d. £ 8, d. .£ s. d. £ $. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. 1870 1448 12 5 .. 16 3 l 22 0 0 .. 1486 15 6 794 19 10 66 9 6 .-861 9 1871 1393 18 3 .. 8 6 0 58 9 9 .. 1460 14 0 1810 0 0 23 10 7 1833 10 1872 1373 4 5 115 12 l 5 6 3 106 12 5 .. 1600 15 2 1830 0 0 48 14 5 1878 14 1873 2841 15 8 379 8 0 12 9 6 213 10 0 .. 3447 3 2 2593 l 1 50 5 0 2643, 6 1874 3241 6 6 497 18 7 18 2 1 ·l 76 18 6 12 10 0 3946 15 8 2720 0 0 163 14 0 2883 14

d. 4. 7 6 1 0

1875 1799 6 6 407 14 9 18 19 10 308 7 0 21 2 6 2555 10 7 2768 9 2 511 8 8 3279 17 10 1876 3794 14 10 169 2 0 18 10 1877 3827 12 4 271 9 0 5 7 1878 3921 18 4 .. 31 15 1879 1940 2 10 .. 21 0 1880 1!)21 9 9 .. 19 2 1881 3690 17 4 .. 22 8

31,194 19 2 1841 4 5 197 11

Colonial Treasury, 6th .July, 1882.

9 165 6 0 29 17 10 4177 11 5 3677 10 0 233 4 6 3910 14 6 7 82 16 0 22 10 9 4209 15 8 3700 0 0 143 11 0 3843 11 0 3 87 4 0 18 10 0 4059 7 7 3484 10 9 272 17 8 3757 8 5 4 30 4 0 · 58 3 6 2049 10 8 3380 0 0 165 6 1 3545 6 1 8 11 5 0 5 0 0 1956 17 5 2805 0 0 119 15 7 2924 15 7 3 2 4 6 .. 3715 10 1 HJ67 10 0 185 12 3 2153 2 3

-7 1264 17 2 167 14 7 34,666 6 11 1-31,531 0 10 1984 9 3 33,515 10 1

WM. H. WINDSOR, .Assistant Treasurer.