a short introduction into human trafficking

A Short Introduction into Human Trafficking

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A Short Introduction

into Human Trafficking

Catherine Striley
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Going, going…gone?• Dinosaurs

• Gramophones

• Slaves?

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The Slave Trade• 1562: First English slaving


• Over 12 million African slaves trafficked over 400 years

• People forced, deceived, and sold into exploitation

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The Abolitionists

• Former slaves e.g. Olaudah Equiano• Church leaders e.g. Thomas Clarkson• Female reformers e.g.Hannah More• Parliamentarians e.g. William Wilberforce

Increasing concern in late

18th century

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Modern-Day Slavery

• Debt bondage: trapped in loans and repayments to survive

• Descent slavery: born into discriminated group

• Domestic servitude: hidden abuse of workers

• Forced child labour: arms, drugs, sex, work, begging, religious sacrifices, fraud

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People Trafficking• People taken by deception or violence for


• Fastest growing form of global organised crime

• The second largest source of income for organised crime

• 80% of victims are female and 50% are children

• Commercial and sexual exploitation

• Every country either a source, transit, or destination for trafficking

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An Example: STOP THE TRAFFIKOver 800 partners in

over 50 countries


bodies•Community &

faith groups

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What can you do?

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Increasing Awareness: Education

Respond to the Community of Christ World Conference Resolution 1295 by

•conducting classes, seminars and dialogue sessions

•Check out reputable anti-trafficking websites for more informationwww.stopthetraffik.orghttp://www.againstourwill.org/videoshttp://www.ungift./knowledgehub

•Get friends, organisations congregation to hold awareness raising events, stunts, talks

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Increasing Pressure: Advocacy

Write to and meet your local

and national politicians about people trafficking


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Increasing Support: Fundraising

•Donate directly to reputable ANTI-TRAFFIK campaigns

•Watch for Community of Christ action plans

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• 40% of chocolate is from West Africa's Cote d’Ivoire

• Over 12,000 children are trafficked onto plantations

• Some cocoa industries now guarantee some products are slave-free

• Call for a TRAFFIK FREE GUARANTEE on the chocolate you eat

Copy right International Labour Rights Fund

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Successes Achieved Already• Feb 28, 2007-school children demonstrate against


• July 2007-BBC produce 2-part series on issue

• Feb 13, 2008 Salvation Army’s STOP THE TRAFFIK demand slave free chocolate

• July 28, 2008-Royal Verkade declare all its products now ‘slave-free’

• Oct 11, 2008-Cadbury announce its ‘Dairy Milk Chocolate line’ will conform – it does so Oct 2009

• Late 2008-MARS relents for Mars Bars only by 2010 – its whole range by 2020

• Dec 7, 2009-Nestle finally conforms for Kit Kats by January 2010 and whole range by 2020

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Declaration and petitions

Good Chocolate


Youth group sessions

Posters and flyers

Press releases and template

Fundraising ideas

Trafficking stories and

links to others


www.stopthetraffik.org Now It's Your Turn

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