a simple life purpose


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How to determine and follow your life's purpose.


By Lillian Eve Moore

Simple Life PurposeStart Living Your Purpose in Just 7 days

Disclaimer: This course will not tell you what to do.This course will not uncover the single mission for your life. This course will not give you a new career or love or a bigger house. It will not tell you how to “find” your life purpose because I don tbelieve its missing. This course will not tell you what you want.

Promise: This course will show you how to be fulfilled now. This course will help you uncover what is important to you. This course will help you know and use your talents. It will let you see your life more clearly and make purposeful changes. It will give you the tools to let the real you be known. This course will guide you to simple purposeful actions for a fulfilling life.

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Table of ContentsIntroduction 1 Day 1: Who Are You 5 Day 2: Your Deepest Parts 10 Day 3: Old Wounds 14 Day 4: Express Yourself 18 Day 5: Life Purpose Networking 22 Day 6: Expression isn't Just Talk 25 Day 7: Build Your Life 29 Wrap up 35

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Introduction: What if your life purpose is tobe you? Not just you. Really really really you! Every part of your beautiful self being expressed and used up in your work and love and family life. What if each part of your life fed every other part of your life. Your work enlivened you and turned you on. Your love life inspired you and helped you to define your goals?

When you are living your life purpose you are enlivened by every aspect of your life. The different categories of your life all become connected because they are all beautiful expressions of who you are.

Life purpose is about making a difference. It is about your life being a gift to the world. The greatest gift that you have to give is yourself. And no one else can give it.

Then the question is not what do I do, but who am I and how do I give myself away.


Simple Purpose Vs.Looking for PurposeYour life purpose is not something to be found but to be created. Trying to discover your life purpose is embarking on a quest for something that doesn t yet exist because it can only be made by you and spirit together.

You are potential. You are all the ingredients for a purposeful life. It takes knowing yourself, knowing what talents and passions you have to bring to your life and bringing them. It takes self expression, letting yourself be known by the people around for who you really are. It takes doing, action that is inline with who you are. This is what gives a purposeful life.

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Don t Look for your purpose. Looking for your life purpose puts your happiness, fulfillment, and peace of mind into one possible future instead of the present. This plan requires that you find your purpose then work towards your goal and then have fulfillment.

This course will show you ways to have the experience of purposeful living immediately. You don t have to wait to fulfill your potential. You can do it now.

Significance kills

Looking at your life purpose as a thing to discover creates a false significance. It becomes a BIG DEAL to start anything.

“Is this really the right thing?”

“What if I pursue this dream and I fail...”

This kind of thinking stops you from doing anything. It makes the stakes seem too high for the risk. Thinking this way postpones the necessary experiences that teach you about yourself and about your true desires. It is okay to start without having all the answers. Its good to start without having all the answers. That is how you get the answers. A purposeful life comes from a cycle of self discovery and action and more self discovery.

What you want to do will probably change.

Instead of trying to know the one thing you want to do with your life, focus on what you want to do now and do it.

The roads that you could take are limitless. What you do is not what matters. What matters is living a life that uses everything you have to offer.

Fulfillment comes when you are used up.

What matters is having all of your love, gifts, talents and energy received. The important thing is what you do and who you are being seen and valued by others. What matters is your talents making a positive difference in the world around you.

Fulfillment comes when your life has an impact.

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Watch this video about my life purpose. Password: lovemylife

Day 1: Who are you?The first step in living a purposeful life is knowing who you are. Living a purposeful life comes from designing a life around your values and sharing your talents, sharing everything you have to offer. Know your values. Know your talents. Know what you have to offer.

You already Know

You already know yourself. I hear clients say it all the time. “I don tknow what I want”. Yes you do. You do know what you want. You know what your good at. You know yourself very well. We all do. but...

Fear keeps us from claiming who we are.

Maybe you know what you want to do but you are afraid you can tmake a living at it, or you know what you are good at but you are afraid there is someone else that is better. Maybe you are really interested in something but you are afraid people will think its a waste of time.

Being realistic is overrated. Just because you don t know all the details of how to make your likes and dislikes, your talents and passions part of your life doesn t mean you should ignore them. Get to know yourself again.

Self Discovery Questions #1: What do you love?...What are you curious about?

What are you passionate about?

When does time seem to fly?

What do you feel you were born for? What comes naturally?

Where do you excel?

What have you never tried but think you would be great at?

If you are unable to answer any of these questions. You are coping out. Dig deep. Be brave. Claim what is yours.... or talk to friends and family ask others about your excellent qualities and skills.

Consider your weakness, the parts of your life that don tthrill you. Acknowledging what you don t like and what you aren tgood at is as important as knowing your passions and talents. It is just as much a part of you.

What activities do you do that are really unenjoyable?

What makes you crabby?

What bores you?

What do you do that you aren t any good at?

What are you always avoiding doing?

What are you afraid of?

Hold on to these answers. We will be using them!

Experiment. If you didn t have lots of answers to those questions make it your mission to find out! Try some new things out.

...as in an activity that you have not done before. Do it for self discovery. Do it as an experiment. Do it for fulfillment. Do it for fun.

I am going to try out.....

I am going to do this one thing today!

Now go do it!

Your Deepest Parts

In your deepest parts you will find your greatest resources for a purposeful life. Your uniqueness. Your inspiration. Your inner guide.

What are your deepest parts? Underneath your likes and dislikes, underneath your opinions your thoughts and your emotions is something else. There is something in you that is unquantifiable something bright and clear and unique. You have a soul or a spirit that is steady and truly you. The part of yourself that is constant. This part of you has a surety, a knowing. Live your life listening for this part of yourself.

Get on speaking terms with your self. Make friends with the deepest parts of yourself.

Feed the deepest part of yourself whatever gives it pleasure... Walks outside, baths, going to concerts, delicious food, good books, good conversations. Feeling good will make it easier to look deeper inside yourself. You will be more open and authentic and receptive. If you are in a good mood you will be more fun to hang out with even for yourself.

Pay attention to your reactions. Notice your thoughts and feelings.

Notice how you react to conflict, adversity, problems. Notice how you react to opportunities, invitations, attention. Look to see if your reactions are different from the people around you. Any uniqueness is an asset in a fulfilling life.

Spend time alone. Daydream. No planning. No scheduling. Just dreaming.

Daydreaming is an incredible useful skill. I call it a skill because it takes some discipline to let your mind wander without moving into analytical thinking. Judging your daydream or turning it into a to do list stifles your exploration. Daydreaming is an opportunity for your deepest parts to speak up. New ideas, desires, and solutions to problems can rise from deep within you.

Listen for what has been missing in your life. What you long for. What your heart really wants.

It is okay to feel it. When you have been going without something that is truly important to you it is good to acknowledge it. You are more likely to make changes if you let yourself feel what you have been missing. What dreams you let die and what needs you have given up fulfilling. Feel it for a minute....

Knowing yourself means letting yourself feel.

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Self Discovery Questions #2: What are your deepest parts?

What are three characteristics that are deeply part of who you are?

What is the most important thing to you?

How do you think or feel differently from other people?

What have you been missing in life?

What is your heart longing for?

The answers to these questions are your most valuable resources in making changes in your life. We will be using them again!

Part of getting to know yourself is getting to know your Old Wounds

The pain of uncovering old wounds can deter you from paying attention to yourself. Wounds from traumas, unhappy relationships or past failures can seem unhealable at times and rather than dealing with it we try and ignore it. But any time you go digging in your depths for strength or inner guidance or any of the assets within you, the pain you have tried to avoid will be there.

This pain from old wounds is loudest when you are alone. It can make you avoid being alone. Making you miss out on the best daydreaming and creative time.

The pain of the past can make it downright unbearable to listen to what is going on internally. When you are listeningto reactions and making an effort to get to know yourself the loudest voice is often pain. It may seem easier to not listen.

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How can you know yourself if you are avoiding yourself?

How can you share your gifts if you don t know what they are?

How can you have a fulfilling life if you are never sharing what you have to offer?

It takes bravery to address wounds from your past. But the stakes are too high to keep avoiding your inner resources. To move powerfully into the future you must free yourself from the old baggage.

There are ways to heal these wounds quickly and permanently. Give yourself the opportunity to heal so that you can access what you have to give. In the video section there is a greattutorial for healing your old wounds.

Limiting beliefs will undermine you without you even noticing. Beliefs are just thoughts that are taken as truth. They become the lenses through which you see the world and they often go unnoticed.

Limiting beliefs will prevent you from knowing your potential by convincing you of false limitations and shortcomings.When we have limiting beliefs about ourselves we stop ourselves short of what we can really accomplish.The belief is that we can tso then we don t. The reality is we don t know what we are capable of until we go for it over and over again.

Limiting beliefs will prevent you from taking action and sharing yourself by painting a picture of a hostile world out there. When you believe that the world is hostile it will seem hostile. Our beliefs are great at collecting evidence to prove them right. With all the apparent dangers who would want to share themselves?

Limiting beliefs can be changed. You can believe what you want to believe. Believe that you can succeed. Believe that the universe is backing you up. Believe in something that empowers you.

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Meditation for finding your deepest parts. Password: lovemylife
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Learn EFT, an easy and affective way to self heal. Password: lovemylife
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How playing a powerful old man in a play changed my life. Password: lovemylife
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The Quickest Way to Heal
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Change Your Beliefs
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Day 4:Self ExpressionWhen the people around you know who you are they create opportunity for you to share your gifts. When you are sharing your gifts you are living a purposeful life.

Being fully known is a key component to fulfillment. Beingknown means being honest and never faking it. Being known means being generous.

Presentation Matters

Part of who you are is created by how others see you. Haveyou ever noticed how difficult it is to be yourself with someone who already misunderstands you? We naturally fit inside of other peoples view of who we are.

It is important to be aware of how others are perceiving you. If you are sharing but being misunderstood your passions and talents might be wasted. You try to offer support and advice but it may be perceived as condescending. Or you try to mediate but are seen as a push over or nosy. This

Self expression can be a pushy, bossy, greedy, ignorant, obnoxious agenda (which isn t true to yourself anyways...)


It can be done as a gift. Self expression can be generous. It can be loving.

The solution is graciousness. To be gracious you must be willing to listen and absorb. Listen to both the positive and the negative feedback and listen to how people are responding to you. Are they getting what your giving?

Do the people in your life know you? Check the the Self Discovery Questions 1 and 2Who knows your talents? ... and who doesn t?

Who knows your interests? ... and who doesn t?

Who knows your weaknesses? ... and who doesn t?

Who knows what bums you out? ... and who doesn t?

Who knows what you value most? ... and who doesn t?

Who knows what you really want in life?

... and who doesn t?

After taking a guess pick 3 people to interview. Ask them these questions to find out if you are expressing who you are in a way that people get.

What do you see as my strengths?

What do you see as my weaknesses?

What do you think is most important to me?

...The answers to those questions will give you insight into how affective you are at expressing yourself. If you haven t been affective it is easy to change...

Life Purpose Networking. Here are the basics of networking. You let people know what your up to and they give you support, opportunities and more people to give support and opportunities. It doesn t just apply to business it applies to any aspect of your life. If you are up to having a purposeful life you share about yourself.

Small talk makes you small. Don t waste conversations on things you don t care about. Talk about what matters to you. Talk about your passions! Have conversations that are fun and make a difference in your life and in the other persons life.

People are your resource for fulfillment. Life purpose does not happen in a vacuum. You need people who support you and you need people who need you. If you want to have a fulfilling life surround yourself with great people.

You have the power to create people. Just like they are creating you, you are creating them by how you see them talk about then and how you talk to them.

Say no to gossiping

Think about them, speak about them, and to them like they are beautiful, brilliant, unique, creative, kind, brave, funny, sweet, interesting, and divine. and be grateful that you have them in your life.

This makes your network your pool of resources exceptional. This shows who you are by the company you keep.

Be grateful. Being grateful is one of the most transformational practice. Just being grateful is fulfilling in and of itself but being grateful also attracts more of what you want. When you are grateful for the supportive friends you have more supportive people will come into your life. When you are grateful for the big bucks you receive for your work more big bucks come your way.

Tell one person how grateful you are for them Today

Who s it going to be?

What are you grateful for? Who has made a difference in your life? Write em down...

I know there is more....

Take a moment and send a psychic love note to the contributors of your life.

Expression isn t just talk. You express yourself through your actions. You express yourself through your choices. You express yourself through your environment, through your friends, through your work, through every part of how you live.

Self expression is about taking action inline with who you are. It is about taking action towards the things that you want. How are your passions expressed in your life?

Do you want a relationship more than anything but don t want to date or meet people?

Is God and spirituality most important to you but you have no spiritual practice, outlet or community?

Look at the gaps between who you are inside and how you live. This is the gap between you and a fulfilling life. When someone can look at how you live and from that understand who you are then you are living a purposeful life.

What would you need to do in order to make what s important to you part of your life now....

What 3 things are you going to do today?




Stop Doing...

It isn t just about doing more its also about not doing things that aren t expressions of yourself. You get to say what is in your life and what isn t. Creating boundaries so that what drags you down doesn t impact your ability to give is being generous. And it lets everyone else know how much you value yourself. When you value yourself others will follow.

Create 3 new boundaries!

Say no more:




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See what I am saying no to now Password: lovemylife
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Gabrielle Cohen Talks about self expression.
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The lesson I learned from living in 5 different cities in 2 years Password: lovemylife
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Quit Complaining

Day 7:Build Your Life Build your life around who you are. Align your work, your hobbies, your relationships all around what is most important to you. Do it action by action until anyone can see who you really are just by looking at your life.

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When you don t know what to do with your life listen to your feelings. Do what makes you feel good.

4 reasons to let your emotions guide you?1. Your emotions are instinctual i.e. they know things you don t.2. If you do what feels good you will feel good. Obviously. 3. You are nicer and more generous when you feel good. 4. Feeling bad is distracting and when you are distracted:- you don t listen to your intuition- you aren t as productive- you don t make good choices.- you don t have as much energy -Know how you want to feel and take action to feel that way.Your feelings are great motivators. When you know how you want to feel you can take the simplest action that will give you that feeling. The feeling builds momentum. One joyful action leads to the next and the easiest moves today will change how you are living tomorrow.

Start with knowing how you want to feel.

Do you want to feel? Creative, Sexy, Connected, Loving, Grateful, Generous....

Write your own.

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If it feels nice don't think twice...
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Emotions ~ Energy in Motion

Emotions call for movement. They have the power to move energy that has been stuck and stagnant. Use the energy of emotions to take action in your life. Make it real. Move who you are out of your head and heart and into the world. Let your desire to feel these emotions motivate you to start building.

What do you already do that make you feel the way you want to feel?

What could you start doing to make you feel the way you want to feel?

What three things your are going to do today to make you feel the way you want to feel?




Set goals that you actually want to achieve.

Goals are extremely important to living a purposeful life but are your goals inline with what really matters to you? If traveling is most important to you but you spend your time working towards buying a home, you aren t going to be fulfilled by achieving that goal. A good goal will fulfill you just thinking about it.

In order to goals:In order to goals are goals that you only set because you think you need to achieve them in order to achieve the goals that really matter. Skip all the in order to goals and focus on the goal that speaks to you.

Example:I am going to go to film school, in order to get a job in a production house, in order to climb the ladder and meet people, in order to start my freelance film career.

Your real goal is to start your freelance film career. If you focus on the goal that will fulfill you and take actions that make you feel how you want to feel then the path you need to take will appear naturally. And that path will be fulfilling itself.

What are your current goals? What have you been focused on getting or having?

Are they inline with what matters to you?

Will you find gratitude and fulfillment in them?

Are they expressions of your best qualities, your talents or what you love in life?

If your current goals aren t clear representations of who you are and what is important to you...Create 3 new goals:




Warning !: Other people will have opinions about what your goals should be. Parents in particular have been known to infiltrate the goal setting process putting goals that look good above goals that will fulfill you. It is your life and your choice. Ultimately your fulfillment serves everyone

How do you know when you are living your life purpose?When you have a goal that you actually want to achieve and you are taking actions that make you feel good you are living your life purpose. When you are being yourself with everyone and they are seeing you for who you are you are living your life purpose. When you know what is important to you and what gifts you have to offer build your life around that and you are living your life purpose.

Warning signs that you have stopped living your life purpose. -You are resenting something-You are bored-If feels like you are swimming upstream

I talk about what is important to me on a regular basis.

My Goals fulfill me just thinking about them.

I feel the way I want to feel.

I am learning new things about myself.

I have great people in my life.

I am using my talents and skills everyday.

I am using my talents and skills everyday.

I am myself with everyone I know and meet.

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Life Purpose Checklist
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