a story connecting certain key words

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/30/2019 A Story connecting certain key words


    Just do it

    Think different

    Oh yes abhi!

    Daag ache hain

    Imagination at work

    Im loving it

    I knew I was being foolhardy but never once had I felt so confident. It concerned with the

    million dollar question of whether to go for a job after engineering or to go for an MBA. For

    somebody who used to draw brand logos on the last page of the register during the

    excruciatingly painful Operating Systems lecture the decision was more or less made up.

    Filtering out the signal from the noise I told myself, Just do it and I signed out of the pre-

    placement procedure there and then. To take such a step even before the actual results of the

    MBA entrances were out was quite a decision. I was to realise soon enough that the waiting

    game can really take a toll. What followed was a six months of soul searching on Pagalguy

    and a constant unrest in the mind. The brain urged me to think different but the heart did notbudge. After those dastardly six months which almost seemed like an eternity I finally got my

    coveted convert. My dad came looking for me into my room and asked me when I would like

    to make the travel arrangements. Totally amped and almost on a livewire I replied,


    What I have mentioned till now was the pre-MBA phase. Fast forward one month and I was

    amidst a place which seemed absolutely alien. From the confines of my heaven-like-abode

    I was put into a place which seemed like hell. This tete-a-tete of mine comes with a

    cautionary note. The first month of MBA is not for the meek at heart. Marshalled by the

    seniors the activities planned out were very amicably called as an Unlearning Process. Theseniors tried to mentor us by their battery of words. One of the guys almost gave up on the

    course because he feared the mentoring procedure. He was shown a little leniency and told,

    Were doing thisfor your own benefit. The seniors will be rude, they will scold you and

    throw dirt on you (metaphorically). But yeh daag ache hain. However skewed this logic

    might have seemed we were to strictly adhere to it. Anyone found disobeying was blasted

    like anything. At times it seemed like a military camp more than anything else. The

    deliverables of the month long mentoring were to simply drive home the fact that MBA is all

    about making CVs and delivering presentations. We were fine-tuned to sleep only four hours

    a day and put ourimagination at work. Days progressed and we have got accustomed to this

    hellish way of life. When I look outside of the taxi that Im travelling in while writing for

    this competition at the proverbial eleventh hour; I realise that there will be many a WB-XX-

    XXXX number plate laden cars whizzing past each other in search of better avenues, for a

    better time , for a better job; essentially for all the better things in life. However I am here, at

    this moment, to make the best use of my time. It is often said that when in MBA one should

    be prepared for a hellish time but nonetheless Im loving ithere. Im truly having the time

    of my life!