a strategy for computer-assisted mental practice in stroke rehabilitation

http://nnr.sagepub.com/ Repair Neurorehabilitation and Neural http://nnr.sagepub.com/content/20/4/503 The online version of this article can be found at: DOI: 10.1177/1545968306290224 2006 20: 503 Neurorehabil Neural Repair Andrea Gaggioli, Andrea Meneghini, Francesca Morganti, Mariano Alcaniz and Giuseppe Riva A Strategy for Computer-Assisted Mental Practice in Stroke Rehabilitation Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com On behalf of: American Society of Neurorehabilitation can be found at: Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair Additional services and information for http://nnr.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Email Alerts: http://nnr.sagepub.com/subscriptions Subscriptions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Permissions: http://nnr.sagepub.com/content/20/4/503.refs.html Citations: What is This? - Nov 2, 2006 Version of Record >> at GEORGIAN COURT UNIV on December 8, 2014 nnr.sagepub.com Downloaded from at GEORGIAN COURT UNIV on December 8, 2014 nnr.sagepub.com Downloaded from

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2006 20: 503Neurorehabil Neural RepairAndrea Gaggioli, Andrea Meneghini, Francesca Morganti, Mariano Alcaniz and Giuseppe Riva

A Strategy for Computer-Assisted Mental Practice in Stroke Rehabilitation  

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A Strategy for Computer-Assisted MentalPractice in Stroke Rehabilitation

Andrea Gaggioli, PhD, Andrea Meneghini, MD, Francesca Morganti, PhD,Mariano Alcaniz, PhD, and Giuseppe Riva, PhD

Copyright © 2006 The American Society of Neurorehabilitation 503

Objective. To investigate the technical and clinical viability ofusing computer-facilitated mental practice in the rehabilita-tion of upper-limb hemiparesis following stroke. Design. Asingle-case study. Setting. Academic-affiliated rehabilitationcenter. Participant. A 46-year-old man with stable motordeficit of the upper right limb following subcortical ischemicstroke. Intervention. Three computer-enhanced mental prac-tice sessions per week at the rehabilitation center, in additionto usual physical therapy. A custom-made virtual realitysystem equipped with arm-tracking sensors was used to guidemental practice. The system was designed to superimpose overthe (unseen) paretic arm a virtual reconstruction of the move-ment registered from the nonparetic arm. The laboratoryintervention was followed by a 1-month home-rehabilitationprogram, making use of a portable display device. Mainoutcome measures. Pretreatment and posttreatment clinicalassessment measures were the upper-extremity scale of theFugl-Meyer Assessment of Sensorimotor Impairment and theAction Research Arm Test. Performance of the affected armwas evaluated using the healthy arm as the control condition.Results. The patient’s paretic limb improved after the firstphase of intervention, with modest increases after homerehabilitation, as indicated by functional assessment scoresand sensors data. Conclusion. Results suggest that technology-supported mental training is a feasible and potentially effec-tive approach for improving motor skills after stroke.

Key Words: Motor skill—Rehabilitation—Psychomotor perfor-mance—Virtual reality—Stroke—Upper limb.

Mental practice (MP) with motor imagery(MI) is a training method that consists ofmentally rehearsing a movement with the

goal of improving performance.1 In sport psychology,it has long been known that mental training can opti-mize the execution of movements in athletes and helpnovices in learning motor skills.2 Recently, MP withMI has been applied in poststroke hemiparesis, withencouraging results.3 This approach is supported byneuroimagery studies, which have shown similarneural networks associated with imagination and exe-cution of a movement.4 However, the use of mental train-ing in rehabilitation poses practical issues. Althoughthere is evidence that brain-injured, hemiplegicpatients can retain the ability to mentally simulatemovements they can no longer perform,5 this task iscognitively demanding. To help patients in generatingaccurate motor images, Stevens and Stoykov used amirror-box apparatus.6 In this approach, patientsmove the healthy arm in front of a mirror, resulting ina reflection of the affected left limb moving success-fully in space. Then, participants are asked to imaginethe reflected limb is actually their limb moving. A sec-ond method suggested by these authors is to providepatients with movies depicting the motor exercises andinstructing them to imagine the movement observedon the screen.6

The aim of the present case study was to evaluate thefeasibility and the effectiveness of using computerizedtechnology to guide MP in the rehabilitation of upper-limb hemiparesis following stroke. A custom-designedsystem was developed to superimpose over the(unseen) affected limb a virtual reconstruction of themovement, previously registered from the nonpareticarm. The objective of this strategy was to present thepatient with a first-person perspective of the move-ment to be mentally simulated. After being trained withthe visualization prototype, the patient used a com-mercially available portable display device to practiceat home. The proposed approach is based on thehypotheses that 1) MP with MI can be facilitated usingtechnology; 2) the inclusion of a home-rehabilitationphase can increase effectiveness of training; and 3) theuse of visualization technology can reduce the need forskilled support, therefore improving the cost-effectivenessof training.7

From the Applied Technology for Neuro-Psychology Lab, IstitutoAuxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy (AG, FM, GR); Laboratory forAdvanced Technology in Rehabilitation, Padua Teaching Hospital,Italy (AM); and Medical Image Computing Laboratory, PolytechnicUniversity of Valencia, Spain (MA).

Address correspondence to Andrea Gaggioli, PhD, Applied Technologyfor Neuro-Psychology Lab, Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Via Pelizza daVolpedo 41, 20149 Milan, Italy. E-mail: [email protected].

Gaggioli A, Meneghini A, Morganti F, Alcaniz M, Riva G. A strat-egy for computer-assisted mental practice in stroke rehabilitation.Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2006;20:503–507.

DOI: 10.1177/1545968306290224

Case Reports

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The institutional ethical board reviewed and approvedthe experimental treatment program. The participantwas a 46-year-old who had suffered a right motorhemisyndrome for the upper limb owing to cerebralischemia 13 months earlier. Incoming computerized axialtomography examination revealed a bilateral ischemiclesion in semioval centers. This neurological state was con-firmed by 2 successive RMN examinations performed after3 months and at treatment start. The patient was shown tohave normal communication and cognitive skills, as mea-sured by the Mini-Mental State Examination.8 Memory,attentional, visuospatial, and executive functions were ataverage levels. The patient’s mental imagery ability wasmeasured through the Vividness of Visual ImageryQuestionnaire,9 the Shepard-Metzler Mental RotationTest,10 and the Comparison of Mental Clocks Test.11 TheVividness of Movement Imagery Questionnaire12 was usedto test the patient’s ability to imagine prior to his engage-ment in the motor imagery intervention. The patientshowed preserved visual and movement imagery skills.


The custom-made visualization prototype is depictedin Figure 1. The system consists of the following com-ponents: a retroprojected horizontal screen incorpo-rated in a wooden table; an LCD projector with parallaxcorrection; a mirror that reflects the projector beamonto the horizontal screen; 2 movement tracker sensors(Polhemus Isotrack II, Polhemus, Colchester, VT); and apersonal computer equipped with a graphics accel-erator. For the home rehabilitation, the patient wasprovided with a portable display device. The portabledisplay stored a sequence of prerecorded movies, pic-turing the movements to be trained, and audio instruc-tions for the correct execution of the exercises.


The 1st phase of treatment consisted of 1 daily ses-sion, 3 days a week, for 4 consecutive weeks. Eachtherapeutic session included 1/2 h of standard physio-therapy, plus 1/2 h of computer-facilitated training. Thetreatment focused on the following motor exercises:

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504 Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 20(4); 2006

Figure 1. The custom-made visualization prototype. Top left: the simulated movement is displayed on the retro-projected screen. Bottomright: the internal architecture of the prototype. Also shown are the 2 movement-tracking sensors that are connected to the system.

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1) flexion-extension of the wrist; 2) intra-extra rotationof the forearm; and 3) flexion-extension of the elbow,with assisted stabilization of the shoulder.

The training procedure with the visualization proto-type consists of the following steps. First, the therapistshows the patient how to perform the movement withthe unaffected arm. When the patient performs the task,the system registers the movement and generates its mir-rored 3-dimensional simulation. Then, the virtual arm issuperimposed over the (unseen) paretic limb, so that thepatient can observe and see as if the impaired arm is actu-ally performing the movement. Next, the patient is askedto mentally rehearse the movement he has just observed,taking a first-person perspective (mental imageryresponse times are collected). Last, the patient has to per-form the movement with the affected arm. During theexecution of the physical exercise with the paretic arm,the system tracks the movement and measures its devia-tion from the movement performed with the nonpareticarm. Using this measurement, which is done in real time,the system provides the patient with audiovisual feedbackdescribing his performance on the task.

The procedure was repeated 5 times within each prac-tice session, for each target exercise. At the end of thelaboratory training phase, the patient used the portabledisplay device to practice at home. After viewing themovies, the patient was asked to take a first-person per-spective and to imagine executing the movement withthe impaired arm. The patient performed this sequenceat home 3 times a week for 4 consecutive weeks.


The patient was evaluated 5 times: 1) 2 weeks beforetreatment start (baseline assessment); 2) at the begin-ning of the hospital practice; 3) 1.5 weeks after startinghospital practice (midterm evaluation); 4) at hospitalpractice termination; and 5) at the end of home train-ing. Pretreatment and posttreatment measures were theupper-extremity motor component of the Fugl-MeyerAssessment of Sensorimotor Impairment13 and theAction Research Arm Test (ARA).14 Performance wasalso evaluated through response times and sensors data.

At the end of the treatment program, the patient wasadministered the Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfactionwith Assistive Technology (QUEST)15 to measure satis-faction with technology.


Fugl-Meyer and ARA scores consistently increasedduring the 4 weeks of intervention (respectively, 21% and23% compared with baseline assessment, see Table 1),with modest additional increases during the 1-monthhome rehabilitation training. Measurements of wristfunction revealed increases in range of motion during the1st phase of intervention, with no losses in movementrange occurring after the intervention was completed.Moreover, the patient showed appreciable increases ingrip strength for the affected right limb.

Sensors data were analyzed to quantify performancechanges during laboratory training. The motor exerciseselected for this analysis was flexion-extension of thewrist. Performance on this task has been previously usedas an index of upper-limb motricity improvement.16

In particular, we considered precision as an indicationof exercise performance, comparing the movement per-formed with the paretic arm with the “correct” move-ment, previously registered from the nonparetic arm(Figure 2). This difference (position error) was calcu-lated as follows:

Where xt, yt, zt are the spatial coordinates at time t of thesensor positioned on the patient’s affected hand, and Xt,Yt, Zt are the spatial coordinates at time t of the sensorpositioned on the patient’s healthy hand.

The percentage of precision improvement for flexion-extension of the wrist was then calculated as the meanof the last 2 sessions of treatment minus the mean ofthe first 2 sessions, divided by the mean of the first 2sessions; the resulting quotient was multiplied by 100.The result of this calculation indicated an 11% increasein precision after 4 weeks of intervention. MP responsetimes were also collected during laboratory training.

Edt = √(xt − Xt)2 + (yt − Yt)2 + (zt − Zt)2,

Computer-Assisted MP in Stroke Rehabilitation

Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 20(4); 2006 505

Table 1. Functional Improvements after Training

Laboratory Training Home Rehabilitation

Test Baseline 1 Week Midterm 4 Weeks 8 Weeks

Fugl-Meyer (upper limb motricity) scores 20/66 20/66 27/66 34/66 36/66Percentage of improvement — 0 11 21 24Action Research Arm scores 12/60 12/60 20/60 26/60 29/60Percentage of improvement — 0 13 23 28

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Regression analysis performed on these data failed toreveal significant trends, and no correlation was foundbetween mental and physical execution with theaffected arm. QUEST overall score was 4, suggestingthat the patient found it easy to interact with the pro-totype.


The goal of this case study was to evaluate the technicalfeasibility and clinical effectiveness of using visualizationtechnology to guide MP in stroke rehabilitation. We foundthat during 8 weeks of intervention, a patient 13 monthspoststroke with stable motor deficits at the upper domi-nant limb showed progressive reduction in impairment(as measured by the Fugl-Meyer Scale) and improvementin arm function (as measured by the ARA). This result isconsistent with functional improvements observed inother mental training studies.6,17 However, inasmuch asthe design used in this study did not include a controlcondition, we were not able to assess the benefit of men-tal training and the contribution of computerized tech-nology. For example, it is plausible that observation ofsimulated movement had direct beneficial effects at aneurophysiological level: A recent transcranial magneticstimulation study on healthy subjects has shown that theexcitability of the primary motor cortex (a processinvolved in the induction of neuroplasticity) is facilitatedby viewing a mirror reflection of the moving hand.18

Another feature that may have contributed to the func-tional improvement observed is that the patient executedbilateral movements: Practicing the exercise with thehealthy arm during the registration phase may haveresulted in a facilitation effect from the nonparetic arm tothe paretic arm.19 Finally, physical exercise performedwith the affected arm may have played a role. Repetitivetraining of specific movements in isolation has beenshown to promote motor recovery.20

A further criticism may concern the use of sophisti-cated technologies instead of a simple mirror. We arguethat the added value of this approach is provided by 3key features: 1) the use of a mirror requires the patientto perform and observe the movement simultaneously,whereas our approach allows the patient to focus onlyon the simulated movement, potentially reducing atten-tional load; 2) the use of arm-tracking sensors makes itpossible to compare movements of the healthy and theaffected arm, providing performance feedback to thepatient—a key requirement for effective motor learn-ing; 3) motor exercises can be made more engaging bydisplaying background images on the screen.

A future goal is to assess whether MP with an appara-tus is better that MP without the system, as well asto identify the best way to introduce technology-supported mental training into current practice.


The present work was supported by the EuropeanCommission, in particular, by the IST programme(Project I-Learning, IST-2001-38861) and by the ItalianMinistry of University and Research within the projectFIRB-NEUROTIV.


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practice sessions

Wrist Flexion-Extension: Position Errorm

















0,002 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 2. Position error profile for the wrist flexion-extensionmovement. Performance precision of this exercise improvedover the course of training.

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