a treasure hunter’s guidethe best kept secret: a treasure hunter’s guide pro tips, stories, and...

THE BEST KEPT SECRET: A TREASURE HUNTER’S GUIDE Pro Tips, Stories, and Facts for Metal Detectorists 3 Quick Detector Tips QUICK FACT! Tarnished coins can be more valuable than dipped coins. See page 3 for more fun facts about metal and coins! Tuning Tips From the Living Legend 1) Consider purchasing a coil cover , which will protect the coil from possible damage. 2) High levels of salt can sometimes interfere with your detector’s signal. Lower your detector’s sensitivity level to stabilize readings. 3) Invest in a pinpointer . This will not only speed up your recovery time, but also prevent damaging your target. 1 Sometimes it takes time and strategy to get the most out of your metal detector. Tuning your detector is crucial in increasing your odds in finding your target and could be the missing puzzle piece in your treasure hunting strategy. Stu Auerbach, owner of Kellyco Metal Detectors and long time metal detecting hobbyist, suggests a great method in, addition to factory instructions, to ensure your metal detector is working at its top capability. When your metal detector is set on “all metals,” your detector will look for any kind of metallic object in the soil, such as bottle caps, tins, and nails. In order to get around this, increase your discrimination, which will limit your depth, but will help filter out undesirable finds, and also decrease your sensitivity control. Once you have adjusted your machine, the real test begins. In order to get started, you will need some metal samples or pieces. Try to pick an object similar to what you would like to find while detecting. Continue reading on page 2

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Page 1: A TREASURE HUNTER’S GUIDETHE BEST KEPT SECRET: A TREASURE HUNTER’S GUIDE Pro Tips, Stories, and Facts for Metal Detectorists 3 Quick Detector Tips QUICK FACT! Tarnished coins can


Pro Tips, Stories, and Facts

for Metal Detectorists

3 Quick Detector Tips

QUICK FACT! Tarnished coins can be more valuable than dipped coins. See page 3 for more fun facts

about metal and coins!

Tuning Tips From the Living Legend

1) Consider purchasing a coil cover, which will protect the coil from possible damage.

2) High levels of salt can sometimes interfere with your detector’s signal. Lower your detector’s sensitivity level to stabilize readings.

3) Invest in a pinpointer. This will not only speed up your recovery time, but also prevent damaging your target.


Sometimes it takes time and strategy to get the most out of your metal detector. Tuning your detector is crucial in increasing your odds in finding your target and could be the missing puzzle piece in your treasure hunting strategy. Stu Auerbach, owner of Kellyco Metal Detectors and long time metal detecting hobbyist, suggests a great method in, addition to factory instructions, to ensure your metal detector is working at its top capability.

When your metal detector is set on “all metals,” your detector will look for any kind of metallic object in the soil, such as bottle caps, tins, and nails. In order to get around this, increase your discrimination, which will limit your depth, but will help filter out undesirable finds, and also decrease your sensitivity control. Once you have adjusted your machine, the real test begins.

In order to get started, you will need some metal samples or pieces. Try to pick an object similar to what you would like to find while detecting.

Continue reading on page 2

Page 2: A TREASURE HUNTER’S GUIDETHE BEST KEPT SECRET: A TREASURE HUNTER’S GUIDE Pro Tips, Stories, and Facts for Metal Detectorists 3 Quick Detector Tips QUICK FACT! Tarnished coins can


Tuning Tips Continued from Page 1

Picture this: you are strolling along with your metal detector just waiting to find something . . . and then it

happens! Unarguably, searching for your target is one of the most exciting aspects of metal detecting—you never know what could be causing your detector to signal—a diamond ring, valuable coin, or just a little piece of yesterday. Of course, in order to learn what’s under the ground, you will have to dig! To a metal detectorist, digging a hole is like science—it must be neat and exact or the instability might just cause chaos, that is, a big mess of dirt surrounded by a well-manicured patch of green grass. Part of the responsibility of metal detecting is ensuring that the area you disturb while

Should you clean discovered coins?

Value often dictates the necessity to clean your coins. If the coin in question is considered valuable and sought after by collectors, no attempts should be made to clean the coin. Several methodologies and beliefs regarding best practices exist regarding coin cleaning. Because certain techniques can sometimes do more harm than good, any urge to shine up an old penny should be avoided. And the old, but often times dead-on, cliché, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” is true in the minds of coin collectors. A nice patina or tarnish may actually be preferred over a restored shine.

If you can’t resist the urge to clean or just enjoy a shiny finish on your personal collection, try these easy tips: Soak your coins in distilled water and then freeze. As the ice crystals form, the dirt will expand and detach from the coin. This method may need to be repeated several times. Apply any standard white glue to the surface of the coin and peel off once dried. Cover a copper penny in ketchup, scrub, and rinse. Mix baking soda with water to form a paste and rub the mixture on the penny to return its shine!

For example, if silver coins are your concentration, take a recovered or replica coin and bury one at approximately thirty inches. Make sure you mark your coin in order to guarantee easy recovery. You can do this by tying a piece of string around the object and burying with the untied end of the string still exposed on the surface. By doing this, the string acts as a direct guide to your target.

Once your target is buried, move your detector over the area to see if it detects your buried object. If your detector does not indicate a find, try reburying the object at a shallower level in order to determine readable depth. If your detector does sound, it is time to dig a deeper hole and bury your target once again in order to test the detector’s limit. When retesting, try increasing or decreasing the depth of your hole by five inches during each trial. Ultimately, this test allows you to determine the level of depth your detector is still successfully finding particular targets.

By following these easy steps, you will not only be more familiar with the signals your detector is emitted, but also heighten your awareness of your detector’s potential.

Pro Tip: Reaching Your Target

Continue reading on page 3

Page 3: A TREASURE HUNTER’S GUIDETHE BEST KEPT SECRET: A TREASURE HUNTER’S GUIDE Pro Tips, Stories, and Facts for Metal Detectorists 3 Quick Detector Tips QUICK FACT! Tarnished coins can


Pro Tips Continued from Page 2

Not all types of corrosion are equal. For instance, the development of rust on iron often has devastating effects. The development of rust compromises the integrity of the iron causing pits, cracking, and the overall deterioration of the metal. Rust usually develops when iron is

exposed to moisture and oxygen over an extended period of time; the process is expedited by the exposure of salt water.

Tarnish is another form of corrosion. Unlike rust, tarnish usually affects the top layer of silver and does not compromise the overall structure. To a collector, tarnish does not necessarily devalue a find, but actually serves as protection. A polished or cleaned coin may actually decrease the value of the coin by approximately fifty percent! Tarnish may also be referred to as “toning” when the film develops over a long period of time.

The Smart Collector: Metal, Age, and Its Effects

digging or searching is left with as little damage as possible and cleaner than how you found it. In order to achieve this, one must be systematic in their technique. With a dulled flat-tip screwdriver or latex wand, attempt to estimate the depth of the target in order to determine the dimensions of the plug of soil you will need to dig. In order to avoid scratching or damaging your target, make sure your probe has

blunted edges. Your probe can double as another tool used to extract the target from shallow soil. Next, using any kind of hunting knife or cutting tool, cut a rectangle in the

soil, but be sure to leave the fourth side of the rectangle intact and uncut. The uncut area will act as a hinge when attempting to remove the soil without complete detachment. If you cannot avoid detachment, make sure to have a drop cloth or a round plastic piece (like a Frisbee or even a flexible plastic kitchen cutting board) available for easy soil transfer when complete. Once you have your plug of dirt unearthed, wave your detector or pinpointer over the plug to see if the target is in the plug or if deeper digging is necessary. After you have found your treasure, place your new piece safely away in a storing device of your choice, such as a fanny pack, finds apron, or back pack, and replace the plug of dirt by simply laying down your plug or using your plastic disk to replace the dirt.

Having a systematic plan for extracting your treasure will not only decrease frustration, but will save time and open up your day for more treasure hunting!

Written and designed by Keri-Anne Tessitore

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