a very victorian asylum challenge - part 2

Hello and welcome back to part two of my asylum challenge, also known as the Punishment of Marielle Hutchins. If you don’t know why Marielle deserves to be punished, then I suggest you read chapters 15- 20 of my Victorian Legacy to find out how she treated her husband and his family. Marielle isn’t the only one in the Simdon-Leys Home for Irrational and Insane Women though, she is joined by Brittany Upsnott, Sim State playable as characterised by Marina (Smoothiequeen87) in gen 1 of the Boolprop Round Robin Legacy, Katherine Schehl from Lea (Thls0)’s Barsoom Legacy, Lisa Bauchman from Gin (GintasticNecat)’s the Science of a Legacy, Meadow Munster-Enriquez from Katy (Hurrikaty)’s Munster Legacy, Melody Tinker, Bluewater teen as characterised by Gin in the second generation of the Boolprop Round Robin Legacy, and Meredith Kimbrell from Jamie (DocGirlP)’s Bohemian Legacy. Finally the controllable sim is Aristide Xenobia, founder of LauriEmpress’s Legacy of Jubilee. She is a fortune sim with the LTW to become the law. If you will follow me, I think that the asylum is receiving visitors.

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Part two of my asylum challenge, also known as the Punishment of Marielle Hutchins.


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Hello and welcome back to part two of my asylum challenge, also known as the Punishment of Marielle Hutchins. If you don’t know why Marielle deserves to be punished, then I suggest you read chapters 15-

20 of my Victorian Legacy to find out how she treated her husband and his family.

Marielle isn’t the only one in the Simdon-Leys Home for Irrational and Insane Women though, she is joined by Brittany Upsnott, Sim State playable as characterised by Marina (Smoothiequeen87) in gen 1

of the Boolprop Round Robin Legacy, Katherine Schehl from Lea (Thls0)’s Barsoom Legacy, Lisa Bauchman from Gin (GintasticNecat)’s the Science of a Legacy, Meadow Munster-Enriquez from Katy

(Hurrikaty)’s Munster Legacy, Melody Tinker, Bluewater teen as characterised by Gin in the second generation of the Boolprop Round Robin Legacy, and Meredith Kimbrell from Jamie (DocGirlP)’s

Bohemian Legacy. Finally the controllable sim is Aristide Xenobia, founder of LauriEmpress’s Legacy of

Jubilee. She is a fortune sim with the LTW to become the law.

If you will follow me, I think that the asylum is receiving visitors.

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Day 8.

I awoke of my own accord today, although it was late, and I must admit that it was lovely to not be jerked awake by the noise of the gyroscopic device. I hate to think how loud it is in the bedroom next to the

device room, as I have been lucky so far in that I’ve been managing to find a bed in one of the other two bedrooms.

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It is the start of my second week incarcerated here. I still think that I am being falsely imprisoned: I am quite sane despite anything Dr Gavigan might say. However, I cannot see any way out of here at this

time, and I think I have to try to make the best of things.


How can I do that?

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I was feeling a mite peckish so I headed to the kitchen to get something to eat. It was too late for breakfast, so I ended up getting myself a spot of lunch instead.

As I passed the sink room I heard Lisa telling Melody all about the fight Brittany had the previous day

with the stranger in the hat. Lisa appears to be of the opinion that the man was to blame, but also that Brittany had behaved in a manner unbecoming a lady. While I understand the sentiment, I have

witnessed women acting in far worse ways in my life. I have also seen women defend themselves in any way they can. In many ways I think that Lisa has a very blinkered view of the world.


The man in the hat is Indy Vetinari, my sim husband and very yummy spare from DrSupremeNerd’sfabulous Vetinari Dualegacy.

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I have not had chance to speak to Melody yet. I know that she poisoned her village, and she tried to start a big argument with Meadow last week, but Lisa seems to be getting on well with her.

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When I entered the kitchen, Katherine was there cleaning every surface she could. I have already made mention of this, but Katherine is always cleaning. I do not understand it, but maybe this is part of her


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Mind you I have noticed that several of my fellow inmates are starting to become focussed on one thing. Brittany, for example, spent the rest of the day in the gyroscope room, riding the device. I have noticed

that using the device does wonders for one’s fitness, and it is almost as if she wants to increase her

fitness in case the stranger comes back.

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Brittany’s use of the device did have an unpleasant side effect though, much to Lisa’s disgust.

“Urgh, disgusting, am I the only one in this house who knows how to conduct myself as a lady?”

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The inhabitant taking things the worse at the start of this new week is Meredith. I entered the kitchen at dinner time to find her crying into her spaghetti. Through a little gentle (and not so gentle from Meadow)

prodding, she confided in us the source of her distress.

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It turns out that she had done exactly the same thing as I, and had had a little bladder accident in front of the WC.

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She had run out of there without clearing it up because she was so embarrassed about the fact it had happened in the first place.

I left Lisa trying to comfort her and went into the lavatory to mop up the mess. After all I know how

upsetting an accident such as that is.

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After I had cleaned the floor, Meadow tracked me down to ask me if I wanted to play something called red hands. This is a game that seems to be sweeping through the facility, and the other inmates appear

to enjoy it, so I decided to acquiesce.

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We played for a little while and I was surprised at firstly, how much I enjoyed playing the game, and secondly how much I enjoy being in Meadow’s company.

I still think that she is mentally unstable, but there are times she is quite pleasant.

By the time we finished playing, I was ready to have a bath, having not bathed for nearly two days due to the fact that every time I go to have one, the bathroom is already occupied.

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Tonight was no different and I found that Ari was soaking in the tub when I wanted to.

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I was far from happy and told Ari in no uncertain words what I thought of the fact I was unable to bathe because she had been in the tub.

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She did look slightly abashed at my words, but I cannot help but think she was not really taking me seriously. Having a bath is becoming a free for all, and I do not like it.


I have no idea what caused Marielle to decide to lecture Ari. The bath was already broken when she used it, and she isn’t that messy that she would create puddles and get Marielle’s neat points acting out.

(Ari has 5, Marielle 8).

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It...it all got a bit too much for me. I know it is such a silly thing to cry over, but I could not help it.

I want to go ‘ome.

I want to be back in my cottage, filthy ‘ovel that it is.

I want...

I want to be living the life I dreamed ov as a child.

The life I deserve.

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Day 9.

I wish I could say that I was feeling better this morning, but I was still in desperate need of a bath. I was feeling far too depressed to do anyfing more than go to bed once I had finished my diary entry last night.

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At least I managed to get a bed last night. Melody had not been so lucky and as soon as she saw that I was awake she slipped into the bed I had just vacated.

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I was not at all bothered by this fact since I was more than a mite peckish and decided to go and get something to eat before doing anything else.

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There was an argument happening in the bathroom as I passed. Apparently Lisa was trying to take a bath, but Brittany would not stop mopping the floor and leave the room. It sounded as if the shouting had

been going on for some time, and was not going to end soon.

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I thought that they had made it up later when they chose to take their exercise together, but from the look of how hard Brittany was throwing the ball, she had not forgotten about how much Lisa had shouted at


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I think that Lisa probably realised that too, as she paused for quite a long time after catching a particularly hard throw before she threw the ball back to Brittany.

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On a side note, it started snowing today. I detest the snow, it is so cold and wet. This building has heating of a sort, but I do not think it will be very effective. We are in for a long, cold winter I feel.

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Meadow offered to cook this evening and tried her hand at macaroni cheese. It is really a very simple recipe and the only one I remember from my mother-in-law’s copy of Cassell’s, yet Meadow managed to

burn the sauce, and under cook the pasta.

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“What do you think of t Meredith?” Asked Meadow as she put the serving dish down.

I saw Meredith force down the mouthful she had just taken. “Like gross. It’s all crunchy and stuff.”


Meredith continued. “Pasta shouldn’t be crunchy.”

You could have cut the atmosphere with a knife as Meadow replied. “I see.” and started dishing up another portion.

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I was thinking of an excuse so that I did not have to eat it, when Meadow thrust a bowl at me. There really is something about her that makes me not want to anger her, and so I did end up partaking of the

burnt muck she had produced for us that night.

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My hunger nowhere near satisfied, I entered the bathroom to try to finally have a bath (I’d failed to find it unoccupied all day). Unfortunately it was occupied then as well, but not by anyone bathing. Melody

challenged me to a game where you punch each other on the shoulder. I really was in desperate need

of a bath, but I agreed anyway.

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Melody really does have quite a punch on her and my arm was rather sore after a few punches.

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Unfortunately for Melody, she did not realise that I picked up a few things in my youth and a ferocious right hook is one of them.

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It took her completely by surprise, and from the look on her face, she was far from happy.

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She walked out of the room muttering darkly to herself and I could not help but feel a bit abashed. Maybe I should not have let my temper get the better of me and lash out at her as I had.

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At least I did manage to get to the tub and finally have a bath, much to Meadow’s displeasure. It turns out that she also wanted to bathe.

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By the time I had finished bathing, Ari had cooked a second dinner for us all. She claimed that is wasbecause Meadow had only cooked enough for six, and there are eight of us living here, but I think that

the reality was that Meadow’s food was so foul, no one wanted to eat it.

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Clean, and my hunger sated, I have managed to find an empty bed at a reasonable time and will be retiring there once I have finished this entry. I am certainly ending the day on a better note than I started

it, and I hope that the week will continue to improve.

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Day 10.

I thought that Brittany and Lisa were once again arguing when I passed the bathroom on the way to breakfast., but apparently Brittany was in fact telling Lisa what she would do to the stranger in the hat if

he ever came back.

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She has certainly been continuing to spend a lot of time using the gyroscopic device in an effort to increase her fitness and strength.

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I walked into the drawing room earlier to find Ari talking to herself in the mirror. I had thought that she was as sane as I, but having witnessed this behaviour, I now have my doubts.

She stayed chatting to herself for quite a while as I read the newspaper. She stopped only when a

hansom pulled up outside. I still have not found out where she goes during the day, but she is always back at a reasonable time of day, some days in a very good mood.

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Meredith is still taking things badly and this morning she decided to have a snowball fight with Lisa. In her undergarments.

I am also spending a fair amount of time in my under things so I cannot speak of how unsuitable it is to

do such a thing, but I do think that she should have slipped a coat on over them if she was going out into the grounds in the deep snow. Lisa too actually.

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Once the snowball fight was over I expected her to come back inside, but instead she started to play a game with Lisa.

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Lisa told me later that she had become concerned for Meredith’s health and had tried to get her to go inside and put some warm clothes on. Meredith resisted however and Lisa had to get quite firm with her.

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It was only when it started to snow again that she consented to enter the asylum again.

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Before she made it inside though I heard her crying. It appears that being freezing cold on top of everything had caused her to breakdown again.

She is really not coping with being here very well at all. I feel sorry for her. She had no idea where she

was when we first arrived at Simdon-Leys, and the reality of life in this dump has proved difficult for her, far more difficult than it has for the rest of us. I wonder if part of that is to do with her age: she is by far

the youngest resident here, having been taken out of finishing school by her parents. The rest of us are grown women.

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Katherine had also seen her outside crying, and went out to comfort her and steer her inside. She then made her run a bath, using most of our limited supply of hot water. Normally I would begrudge her it, but

she was so cold her skin looked blue and I am sure that by the time anyone else wanted a bath the

range would have heated more water for them to use.

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Being cooped up is starting to have an affect on my fellow housemates. I was having a civil conversation with Brittany when, for no apparent reason she started to get very aerated. She started to shout about this Carli she has mentioned before, and when I asked if this was the woman she claimed was a half-elf she responded.

“Claim? CLAIM? I don’t claim anything, I KNOW she was a half-elf.”

“I have never heard of such a being...” I began.

“So you think I am making it up? I suppose you think that Carli’s pointed ears were a genetic anomaly.”

“I never said...” I replied trying to placate her.

“You are just as bad as everyone else, but I bet, huh, yes that’s it, I bet you are one of them.”

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I found myself asking “one of who?” despite my better judgement.

“An elf of course!”

I know that the woman is delusional, but I could not stop myself from arguing back. “Really? How

ridiculous. You say this Carli’s ears were pointed? How do you explain the fact that mine appear to be normal? Were they torn off by the Grim Reaper or something equally stupid? I suppose that I was able

to grow them back and made them human looking through some sort of elven magic”

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Brittany glared at me for a long while, and I think that a lesser woman than I would have recoiled from her gaze, but I held steady. Eventually she pushed past me and headed downstairs. I stood for a

moment gathering my thoughts before heading to the gyroscopic device. I have not used it for a couple

of days, and much as I hate it, Dr Gavigan is most insistent that we spend a minimum number of hours using it each week.

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I really, really wish I did not have to though and I am giving serious thought as to whether or not Ari tells the doctor how much we use this machine. After all she is gone most of the day, and preoccupied when

she is here.

Hmm I am going to think on this some more. Perhaps I can confine my times to when she is here so that she believes that I am using the device more than I am.

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Meredith’s bath thawed her out, but Melody apparently walked in on her pretending to be a pirate in the bath tub. I feel that this is yet another sign of how badly she is taking being locked up in here, but it is

still a very funny thought.

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She is certainly not the only one. I’ve seen Meadow standing around muttering to herself several times over the last couple of days.

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Lisa too.

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I admit that I feel rather lonely and down at times, but I at least have refrained from walking the halls of the asylum, muttering and mumbling to myself.

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It is now quite late and I would like to retire to bed, but someone is currently using the gyroscopic device, and it is too noisy to try to sleep. Meadow is sharing a room with me tonight and has now started to

bang on the wall and shout through it for the person to stop. It will make no difference: there is another

room between us and the device room.

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Day 11.

I awoke feeling refreshed and happier than I have for weeks. I entered the kitchen to find Ari eating her breakfast and sat down to join her.

I tried to engage her in conversation and find out a bit more about her and her background.

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She explained to me that she had had to leave her home due to persecution and was happy to be building a new life in a new place. I found this a bit strange, given the fact that she has ended up in here,

so I pressed her a bit more. She confided that she was waiting to see if her fiancé was able to escape

the persecution too and join her here.

I got the feeling that she did not want to say any more, and I decided not to push her any further.

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Ari left the house not long after our conversation, and I was pleased to find the bathroom unoccupied so that I could complete my toilette. Things really were going well and I was in such a good mood I moped

up some of the water on the floor from the leaking tap. The tap has been leaking for over a week now,

and I do not think that it will be fixed soon. Ari is far too busy to take care of it, and apparently Dr Gavigan will not pay for a plumber to come out and repair it.

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I was in such a good mood that I decided to give the gyroscopic device another try. That may not have been my best idea, and I left the room very bruised with a pounding headache starting.

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Not everyone was as content as I was today though, and I witness Meredith becoming very upset and angry during a short game of red hands with Brittany. Both this and the punch you, punch me game

have really become popular here in the asylum.

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All in all it has been a very uneventful day, the only thing of note being that the piano in the drawing room has become detuned through the rather inexpert playing of the rest of the inhabitants. I felt quite sorry

for her, she was just retiring to bed when Katherine drew her attention to this fact. She went straight

downstairs to tune the instrument.

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From some of the sounds, I do not think that it went as well as she had hoped, and it certainly took her far longer than I was expecting.

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I started to suspect that Katherine had told Ari about the piano so late on purpose when she changed into her night gown and got into the bed Ari had claimed for the night. I heard from Melody (who seems

to have become almost nocturnal) that she walked into the drawing room in the early hours of the

morning to find Ari asleep on the settee.

I have to say that I admire Katherine’s strategy if she did indeed plan this in order to get a bed for the

night. It may be an idea I have to bear in mind if it looks like I am not going to get a bed.

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Day 12.

I was still feeling content when I awoke this morning, but I was also very, very hungry. In fact I felt as if I hadn’t eaten for days.

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I was so hungry I almost didn’t pay any attention to the fact that I could hear a raised voice as I crossed the hall. Deciding that a moment’s curiosity wouldn’t result in my starving to death, I peeked out the hall

window to see if I could pinpoint the person shouting.

I was not entirely surprised to find out that it was Brittany. She really has taken to trying to start arguments with nearly every other person living under this roof.

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This time the object of her ire was Lisa, but from what I could see, she was laughing off whatever it was that Brittany had said. I would love to know what it was about, and if Brittany was once again seeing

elves where none exist, but neither has confided in me, and I do not wish to broach the subject in case I

am told to mind my own business.

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I was picking through the larder when Meredith and Melody came in. They were also hungry and made their displeasure at seeing me in the larder known very vocally.

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Melody walked away, leaving me to it, but Meredith continued to stand there moaning at me. I lost my temper with her and shouted at her that I did not care if she was hungry at that point because I was also

hungry and I had got to the pantry first.

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I know full well that it is nothing to be proud of, but I made her cry, and all I did was turn back to the pantry and continue to try to find something to eat.

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We are all having to chip in and share the chores and housework. Even I have taken to washing up the dishes on occasion. Not very often mind, but I have washed them.

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Today Katherine decided to trim the topiary out the front, and managed to get one done before she got distracted.


I’ve discovered how Melody’s brand of evil is displaying itself in the asylum. She distracts others from what they are doing, and stops them from seeing to their needs. Marielle had actually started to run a

bath when she asked her to play punch you punch me, and stopped her, and she’s done similar to most

of the other inhabitants.

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The newspaper contained something of interest to me today. My ex-husband has remarried. His new wife is an old friend of his. Someone else now holds my title and position, and I am stuck in here, where

I do not belong.

The news put me in a foul mood for the rest of the day.

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Not even the news that Brittany walked in on Meredith pretending to be a pirate managed to raise a smile from me.

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At least I wasn’t the only one who seemed to be angry. I heard Ari shouting at Melody and Lisa earlier. It seems they were ignoring her in order to play red hands.


That’s the other thing Melody does. If she doesn’t stop an inhabitant from seeing to their needs by distracting them directly she stops them by engaging someone else in red hands or conversation, thus

blocking their route or staying just inside the room divider in the toilet and bathroom.

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Day 13.

I finally got to speak to Melody for more than a passing comment this morning. I had just sat down at the chess board in the drawing room when she pulled out the other chair and joined me.

I was not sure what topic of conversation to bring up, but she took the matter out of my hands by asking about my past. I told her as little as possible, steering clear of everything before my marriage. When I asked her about her past, her response left me agog. I will endeavour to recreate a few of the lines she uttered.

“I had plans to marry too you know? Oh yes, but that twit Tessa Ramirez ruined it all . Dominic Doran deserved so much better than her, he should have married me. What did she give him that I couldn’t have? Nothing, that’s what. That’s why I had the idea to make a little love potion. Of course that went spectacularly wrong, but I can hardly be blamed for wiping out the village.”

She continued to rant for quite a while, but eventually I managed to make my excuses and leave.

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Once again we have visitors who are keen to ogle us as if we were exhibits in a zoo. I wonder that anyone finds it entertaining to observe the behaviour of lunatics in an asylum.

Our visitors today included the lady I had tried to speak to last week. She seemed to be very eager to

talk to Ari again, and I think that the two of them have struck up a friendship of sorts. I do not blame Ariin the slightest. I too crave the conversation of someone not confined to these four walls.

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Accompanying the lady was a gentleman this week. He did not want to engage Ari in conversation and instead headed straight to the piano in the drawing room and began to play.

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I have witnessed similar behaviour from other visitors: They do seem to want to try out the facilities here. One even went so far as to try to ride the gyroscopic device the other day. Of course it ended with him

being unceremoniously ejected from it, since he had not the skill Katherine and Brittany now possess. I

have seen both of them stop the device and step off of their own accord in recent days.

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Perhaps the fact that they are both now proficient in the use of the device is why they tend to partner up for the daily exercise we are meant to be taking. (I’ve not exercised for days, but I do not care. I have

had other concerns to see to).

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Whatever the reason I am very glad that it is not me who is exercising with Brittany. She throws the ball as if it is a missile, and I wonder that anyone can catch it.

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Meredith made the same mistake I did last week and took it upon herself to talk to the female visitor. The look on the visitor’s face was priceless as she tried to make head or tail of what Meredith was

saying. I do not blame her, Meredith is the only person of my acquaintance who manages to put a y into

the word like.

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I was really very surprised when the visitor joined me as I was eating lunch and started to talk to me. She seemed to have no recollection of our conversation the week before and instead questioned me for quite some time as to why I was in the facility. I could not avoid answering her and my assertion that I did not belong there only earned me a look and the words “of course not dear, none of you think you belong here. Now why were you committed?”

I finally told her that I was meant to be displaying moral corruption and slight mental imbalances due to the fact I had not formed any attachment to my offspring.

She tutted at me and said. “I could tell you were morally corrupt due to the fact that you insist on walking around in you under things when you have visitors. Nothing the application of Dr Gavigan’s excellent treatments will not cure. You mark my words you will soon be as morally sound as I am.”

She continued to speak, but I was not listening properly. I am not corrupt, morally or otherwise. I am being unfairly judged by society.

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As with last week, the visitors stayed all day, and because of the fact the female had irritated me by asserting that I was immoral for not putting my bodice and skirt on, I chose to stay half dressed for the

rest of the day. It was childish of me to be so stubborn just because she had irked me, but I am afraid

that I do not like having my life dictated to me, and being told that I should do what is expected of me. I refused to obey Edward, I’ll be damned if I am going to obey an interfering old busybody who has

nothing better to do than gawp at those less fortunate than herself.

Her companion certainly did not seem to mind my state of dishabille and, despite the fact that I had not

spoken to him all day, he insisted on giving me a hug before he left.

Hah. Even in these rags, even though I have been branded insane, I can still make men, strangers, desire me, and want to be close to me.

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Lisa witnessed the hug, and was not happy with me.

“Really, allowing a strange man to hug you while you are wearing only your unmentionables. I sometimes think that I am the only one here who knows how to behave in a proper and ladylike manner.”

As she made to storm off, I decided that it was best if I did not point out that her nightgown showed off far more décolletage than my corset and chemise did. I also decided not to let her know that my mother

used to let strange men do far more than just hug her.

Some people really do over react.

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Day 14.

I was woken this morning by the sound of the device, followed by loud swearing. Melody was once again having a go on the device, without success.

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Lisa still is not happy with me today, and shouted at me as I was trying to mop the floor in the lavatory. I realise that she needed to use the facilities, but I was mopping as fast as I could and it would not have

killed her to wait another minute or two.

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It really has not been my day today with regards to relationships. I finished mopping the bit I was and left Lisa to use the facilities. Once she had finished I went back into the room to continue mopping, only to

have Brittany confront me and start shouting at me. I really do not know what I had done this time to

upset her, and she was almost incoherent as she shouted at me about how she wanted to use the facilities and was fed up with other people getting to the lavatory first.

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I listened, getting angrier and angrier as she yelled at me. The facilities are really lacking I admit, but we are all in the same boat and have to make the best of things. Shouting at each other does not help.

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As she continued to shout, I lost my temper and shouted back at her. I will not be spoken to like that by anyone.

I told her in no uncertain terms what I thought of her at that moment and the fact that she expects

everyone to pander to her whim and like her when she show no one any courtesy at all. She is a bully, that is all there is to it, and when she cannot get her own way, she behaves like a spoilt brat, saying

things with the intention to wound.

She will not wound me.

Like with our last argument once I had finished she looked at me for a long time before walking off. I get

the feeling that any semblance of friendship between us will not last much longer if she continues to be so aggressive.

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I was still angry at her when I went to eat breakfast, and so when I saw her enter and help herself to a plate of pancakes, I could not stop myself from bringing up the fact that Brittany had been attacked by

that stranger last week with Melody.

Melody let out a snort of laughter and Brittany’s face coloured. Perhaps I should not have brought it up, but I can be vindictive when roused.

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While I have been arguing with Brittany, Meadow has made a new friend, just not a human one. She insists that it is a dog, but Katherine told me that it looked more like a wolf, even if it did want to play

fetch with Meadow.

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Whether or not the mutt, (which she has apparently named Balin) is a wolf is a bit of a non-issue to most of us, apart from Brittany. Katherine told me that Brittany came storming out of the building and started

shouting about fleas and dog hair and how if she thought she was keeping it, she had another thing

coming at Meadow. By all accounts Meadow stood there listening to her, a blank look on her face.

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I wonder what she was thinking, all I know is that Katherine told me she turned away from Brittany, leaving her shouting still, picked up a stick and threw it for Balin to fetch.

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Meredith is still not coping with being here very well. I found her crying again when I went to have a bath. I tried to comfort her by patting her shoulder absently while trying to steer her out of the room.

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Lisa cornered me later and asked to speak to me. She apologised for having a go at me, and said that she was finding being here very stressful. I pointed out that she was not the only one, and that all of us

seemed to have been committed against our wishes.

We ended up having a rather nice chat about our lives outside of here. She seems to be rather a nice person who dotes on her daughter. Samantha is an only child as far as I could work out, but she did

mention very briefly (and with much disdain) a little boy called Norris. I wonder who he is and his relation to her.

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All in all I am ending this week in a slightly better frame of mind than the last one. I still want to be somewhere else, preferably a nice, large, comfortable house, but I am not as full of despair as I was

even earlier this week.


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Time for the roundup of the week again. It was a pretty quiet week this week, with the inmates falling into routines. There was a lot more crying and worrying than I could put in and make part of a narrative.

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A lot more. These four seem to be faring the worst, although Marielle did go into platinum round the middle of the week thanks (I think) to a fulfilled BFF want, hence the fact that she went back to her

normal, horrible self and stopped wallowing in self-pity.

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Marielle is still also primping all the time. ALL THE TIME. When she primps it’s not just once, it’s six or seven times in a row, ignoring everyone around her, and also her own needs. I’ve seen her on the verge

of starvation pull out that little mirror and primp, even when in the kitchen when she can get something to


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A lot of that is because she is often smelly. She is by far the worst at getting to the bath, and in fact seems to prefer to primp than take a bath.

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“Shoo ska Meredith. Did you see the mess someone made in the lavatory?”

Ah yes, Marielle may have made it through the week without a bladder accident, but Meredith didn’t. Oh well.

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Brittany has become very aggressive this week. She has argued with nearly everyone and is generally being a bitch at the moment. Her aspiration is normally one of the higher ones too, since I often see

points floating above her head when she talks to people and her thumbnail spends a lot of the time


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She does like to talk about losing the fights with Indy though. I was very surprised that he walked into the house one day at three in the morning, said it was too late, left and hasn’t been back since. I really

did think that I would have a constant stream of fights from now on.

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Again we’ve not seen that much of Ari this chapter. She’s keeping herself busy skilling, making friends and generally looking after the things the crazies don’t. At the end of the week she was at level 6 of the

career, having come home nearly everyday with a promotion. She needs another skill point and another

friend for the next level, and since the skills get harder and she needs to keep the friends she has as well as make more, I think that the promotions are going to slow down from now on.

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I’ll leave you with this picture of Marielle. On the outside she really is beautiful, shame she’s ugly on the inside.

Thank you all for reading, sorry it’s been such a quiet chapter, but that’s the way of the challenge. I hope

you’ve enjoyed it anyway.

Huge thanks to those of you who have let me torture your sims for this challenge. I would say I’m taking

good care of them, but that defeats the object of it. Anyway, you all rock.

Thanks also to the creators of my cc. My neighbourhood (this one and the legacy one) wouldn’t exist without you.

Until the next week is ready, happy simming.