a wind of change: detecting and evaluating lexical ...a wind of change: detecting and evaluating...

Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 732–746 Florence, Italy, July 28 - August 2, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics 732 A Wind of Change: Detecting and Evaluating Lexical Semantic Change across Times and Domains Dominik Schlechtweg 1 , Anna H ¨ atty 1,2 , Marco del Tredici 3 , Sabine Schulte im Walde 1 1 Institute for Natural Language Processing, University of Stuttgart 2 Robert Bosch GmbH, Corporate Research 3 Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam {schlecdk,schulte}@ims.uni-stuttgart.de, [email protected], [email protected] Abstract We perform an interdisciplinary large-scale evaluation for detecting lexical semantic di- vergences in a diachronic and in a synchronic task: semantic sense changes across time, and semantic sense changes across domains. Our work addresses the superficialness and lack of comparison in assessing models of di- achronic lexical change, by bringing together and extending benchmark models on a com- mon state-of-the-art evaluation task. In addi- tion, we demonstrate that the same evaluation task and modelling approaches can success- fully be utilised for the synchronic detection of domain-specific sense divergences in the field of term extraction. 1 Introduction Diachronic Lexical Semantic Change (LSC) detec- tion, i.e., the automatic detection of word sense changes over time, is a flourishing new field within NLP (Frermann and Lapata, 2016; Hamilton et al., 2016b; Schlechtweg et al., 2017, i.a.). 1 Yet, it is hard to compare the performances of the various models, and optimal parameter choices remain un- clear, because up to now most models have been compared on different evaluation tasks and data. Presently, we do not know which model performs best under which conditions, and if more com- plex model architectures gain performance bene- fits over simpler models. This situation hinders advances in the field and favors unfelicitous draw- ings of statistical laws of diachronic LSC (Du- bossarsky et al., 2017). In this study, we provide the first large-scale evaluation of an extensive number of approaches. 1 An example for diachronic LSC is the German noun Vor- wort (Paul, 2002), which was mainly used in the meaning of ‘preposition’ before 1800. Then Vorwort rapidly acquired a new meaning ‘preface’, which after 1850 has nearly exclu- sively been used. Relying on an existing German LSC dataset we compare models regarding different combinations of semantic representations, alignment techniques and detection measures, while exploring various pre-processing and parameter settings. Further- more, we introduce Word Injection to LSC, a mod- eling idea drawn from term extraction, that over- comes the problem of vector space alignment. Our comparison of state-of-the-art approaches identi- fies best models and optimal parameter settings, and it suggests modifications to existing models which consistently show superior performance. Meanwhile, the detection of lexical sense di- vergences across time-specific corpora is not the only possible application of LSC detection mod- els. In more general terms, they have the poten- tial to detect sense divergences between corpora of any type, not necessarily time-specific ones. We acknowledge this observation and further ex- plore a synchronic LSC detection task: identify- ing domain-specific changes of word senses in comparison to general-language usage, which is addressed, e.g., in term identification and auto- matic term extraction (Drouin, 2004; erez, 2016; atty and Schulte im Walde, 2018), and in de- termining social and dialectal language variations (Del Tredici and Fern´ andez, 2017; Hovy and Purschke, 2018). 2 For addressing the synchronic LSC task, we present a recent sense-specific term dataset (atty et al., 2019) that we created analogously to the existing diachronic dataset, and we show that the diachronic models can be successfully applied to the synchronic task as well. This two-fold evalua- tion assures robustness and reproducibility of our model comparisons under various conditions. 2 An example for domain-specific synchronic LSC is the German noun Form. In general-language use, Form means ‘shape’/‘form’, while in the cooking domain the predominant meaning is the domain-specific ‘baking tin’.

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Page 1: A Wind of Change: Detecting and Evaluating Lexical ...A Wind of Change: Detecting and Evaluating Lexical Semantic Change across Times and Domains Dominik Schlechtweg1, Anna Hatty¨

Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 732–746Florence, Italy, July 28 - August 2, 2019. c©2019 Association for Computational Linguistics


A Wind of Change:Detecting and Evaluating Lexical Semantic Change

across Times and Domains

Dominik Schlechtweg1, Anna Hatty1,2, Marco del Tredici3, Sabine Schulte im Walde1

1Institute for Natural Language Processing, University of Stuttgart2Robert Bosch GmbH, Corporate Research

3Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam{schlecdk,schulte}@ims.uni-stuttgart.de,

[email protected], [email protected]


We perform an interdisciplinary large-scaleevaluation for detecting lexical semantic di-vergences in a diachronic and in a synchronictask: semantic sense changes across time,and semantic sense changes across domains.Our work addresses the superficialness andlack of comparison in assessing models of di-achronic lexical change, by bringing togetherand extending benchmark models on a com-mon state-of-the-art evaluation task. In addi-tion, we demonstrate that the same evaluationtask and modelling approaches can success-fully be utilised for the synchronic detection ofdomain-specific sense divergences in the fieldof term extraction.

1 Introduction

Diachronic Lexical Semantic Change (LSC) detec-tion, i.e., the automatic detection of word sensechanges over time, is a flourishing new field withinNLP (Frermann and Lapata, 2016; Hamilton et al.,2016b; Schlechtweg et al., 2017, i.a.).1 Yet, it ishard to compare the performances of the variousmodels, and optimal parameter choices remain un-clear, because up to now most models have beencompared on different evaluation tasks and data.Presently, we do not know which model performsbest under which conditions, and if more com-plex model architectures gain performance bene-fits over simpler models. This situation hindersadvances in the field and favors unfelicitous draw-ings of statistical laws of diachronic LSC (Du-bossarsky et al., 2017).

In this study, we provide the first large-scaleevaluation of an extensive number of approaches.

1An example for diachronic LSC is the German noun Vor-wort (Paul, 2002), which was mainly used in the meaning of‘preposition’ before ≈1800. Then Vorwort rapidly acquireda new meaning ‘preface’, which after 1850 has nearly exclu-sively been used.

Relying on an existing German LSC dataset wecompare models regarding different combinationsof semantic representations, alignment techniquesand detection measures, while exploring variouspre-processing and parameter settings. Further-more, we introduce Word Injection to LSC, a mod-eling idea drawn from term extraction, that over-comes the problem of vector space alignment. Ourcomparison of state-of-the-art approaches identi-fies best models and optimal parameter settings,and it suggests modifications to existing modelswhich consistently show superior performance.

Meanwhile, the detection of lexical sense di-vergences across time-specific corpora is not theonly possible application of LSC detection mod-els. In more general terms, they have the poten-tial to detect sense divergences between corporaof any type, not necessarily time-specific ones.We acknowledge this observation and further ex-plore a synchronic LSC detection task: identify-ing domain-specific changes of word senses incomparison to general-language usage, which isaddressed, e.g., in term identification and auto-matic term extraction (Drouin, 2004; Perez, 2016;Hatty and Schulte im Walde, 2018), and in de-termining social and dialectal language variations(Del Tredici and Fernandez, 2017; Hovy andPurschke, 2018).2

For addressing the synchronic LSC task, wepresent a recent sense-specific term dataset (Hattyet al., 2019) that we created analogously to theexisting diachronic dataset, and we show that thediachronic models can be successfully applied tothe synchronic task as well. This two-fold evalua-tion assures robustness and reproducibility of ourmodel comparisons under various conditions.

2An example for domain-specific synchronic LSC is theGerman noun Form. In general-language use, Form means‘shape’/‘form’, while in the cooking domain the predominantmeaning is the domain-specific ‘baking tin’.

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2 Related Work

Diachronic LSC Detection. Existing ap-proaches for diachronic LSC detection are mainlybased on three types of meaning representations:(i) semantic vector spaces, (ii) topic distributions,and (iii) sense clusters. In (i), semantic vectorspaces, each word is represented as two vectorsreflecting its co-occurrence statistics at differentperiods of time (Gulordava and Baroni, 2011;Kim et al., 2014; Xu and Kemp, 2015; Eger andMehler, 2016; Hamilton et al., 2016a,b; Hellrichand Hahn, 2016; Rosenfeld and Erk, 2018). LSCis typically measured by the cosine distance(or some alternative metric) between the twovectors, or by differences in contextual dispersionbetween the two vectors (Kisselew et al., 2016;Schlechtweg et al., 2017). (ii) Diachronic topicmodels infer a probability distribution for eachword over different word senses (or topics), whichare in turn modeled as a distribution over words(Wang and McCallum, 2006; Bamman and Crane,2011; Wijaya and Yeniterzi, 2011; Lau et al.,2012; Mihalcea and Nastase, 2012; Cook et al.,2014; Frermann and Lapata, 2016). LSC of aword is measured by calculating a novelty scorefor its senses based on their frequency of use. (iii)Clustering models assign all uses of a word intosense clusters based on some contextual property(Mitra et al., 2015). Word sense clustering modelsare similar to topic models in that they map uses tosenses. Accordingly, LSC of a word is measuredsimilarly as in (ii). For an overview on diachronicLSC detection, see Tahmasebi et al. (2018).

Synchronic LSC Detection. We use the termsynchronic LSC to refer to NLP research areaswith a focus on how the meanings of words varyacross domains or communities of speakers. Syn-chronic LSC per se is not widely researched; formeaning shifts across domains, there is stronglyrelated research which is concerned with domain-specific word sense disambiguation (Maynard andAnaniadou, 1998; Chen and Al-Mubaid, 2006;Taghipour and Ng, 2015; Daille et al., 2016) orterm ambiguity detection (Baldwin et al., 2013;Wang et al., 2013). The only notable work for ex-plicitly measuring across domain meaning shiftsis Ferrari et al. (2017), which is based on seman-tic vector spaces and cosine distance. SynchronicLSC across communities has been investigated asmeaning variation in online communities, leverag-

ing the large-scale data which has become avail-able thanks to online social platforms (Del Trediciand Fernandez, 2017; Rotabi et al., 2017).

Evaluation. Existing evaluation procedures forLSC detection can be distinguished into evaluationon (i) empirically observed data, and (ii) syntheticdata or related tasks. (i) includes case studies ofindividual words (Sagi et al., 2009; Jatowt andDuh, 2014; Hamilton et al., 2016a), stand-alonecomparison of a few hand-selected words (Wi-jaya and Yeniterzi, 2011; Hamilton et al., 2016b;Del Tredici and Fernandez, 2017), comparison ofhand-selected changing vs. semantically stablewords (Lau et al., 2012; Cook et al., 2014), andpost-hoc evaluation of the predictions of the pre-sented models (Cook and Stevenson, 2010; Kulka-rni et al., 2015; Del Tredici et al., 2016; Eger andMehler, 2016; Ferrari et al., 2017). Schlechtweget al. (2017) propose a small-scale annotation ofdiachronic metaphoric change.

Synthetic evaluation procedures (ii) includestudies that simulate LSC (Cook and Stevenson,2010; Kulkarni et al., 2015; Rosenfeld and Erk,2018), evaluate sense assignments in WordNet(Mitra et al., 2015; Frermann and Lapata, 2016),identify text creation dates, (Mihalcea and Nas-tase, 2012; Frermann and Lapata, 2016), or pre-dict the log-likelihood of textual data (Frermannand Lapata, 2016).

Overall, the various studies use different evalu-ation tasks and data, with little overlap. Most eval-uation data has not been annotated. Models wererarely compared to previously suggested ones, es-pecially if the models differed in meaning repre-sentations. Moreover, for the diachronic task, syn-thetic datasets are used which do not reflect actualdiachronic changes.

3 Task and Data

Our study makes use of the evaluation frameworkproposed in Schlechtweg et al. (2018), where di-achronic LSC detection is defined as a comparisonbetween word uses in two time-specific corpora.We further applied the framework to create ananalogous synchronic LSC dataset that comparesword uses across general-language and domain-specific corpora. The common, meta-level task inour diachronic+synchronic setup is, given two cor-pora Ca and Cb, to rank the targets in the respec-tive datasets according to their degree of related-ness between word uses in Ca and Cb.

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Times DomainsDTA18 DTA19 SDEWAC COOK

LALL 26M 40M 109M 1ML/P 10M 16M 47M 0.6M

Table 1: Corpora and their approximate sizes.

3.1 CorporaDTA (Deutsches Textarchiv, 2017) is a freelyavailable lemmatized, POS-tagged and spelling-normalized diachronic corpus of German contain-ing texts from the 16th to the 20th century.

COOK is a domain-specific corpus. We crawledcooking-related texts from several categories(recipes, ingredients, cookware and cooking tech-niques) from the German cooking recipes websiteskochwiki.de and Wikibooks Kochbuch3.

SDEWAC (Faaß and Eckart, 2013) is a cleanedversion of the web-crawled corpus DEWAC (Ba-roni et al., 2009). We reduced SDEWAC to 1/8th ofits original size by selecting every 8th sentence forour general-language corpus.

Table 1 summarizes the corpus sizes after ap-plying pre-processing. See Appendix A for pre-processing details.

3.2 Datasets4 and EvaluationDiachronic Usage Relatedness (DURel).DURel is a gold standard for diachronic LSCconsisting of 22 target words with varying degreesof LSC (Schlechtweg et al., 2018). Target wordswere chosen from a list of attested changes ina diachronic semantic dictionary (Paul, 2002),and for each target a random sample of use pairsfrom the DTA corpus was annotated for meaningrelatedness of the uses on a scale from 1 (unre-lated meanings) to 4 (identical meanings), bothwithin and across the time periods 1750–1799 and1850–1899. The annotation resulted in an averageSpearman’s ρ = 0.66 across five annotators and1,320 use pairs. For our evaluation of diachronicmeaning change we rely on the ranking of thetarget words according to their mean usagerelatedness across the two time periods.

Synchronic Usage Relatedness (SURel).SURel is a recent gold standard for synchronicLSC (Hatty et al., 2019) using the same frame-work as in DURel. The 22 target words were

3de.wikibooks.org/wiki/Kochbuch4The datasets are available in Appendix C and at https:


chosen such as to exhibit different degrees ofdomain-specific meaning shifts, and use pairswere randomly selected from SDEWAC asgeneral-language corpus and from COOK asdomain-specific corpus. The annotation forusage relatedness across the corpora resulted inan average Spearman’s ρ = 0.88 across fourannotators and 1,320 use pairs. For our evaluationof synchronic meaning change we rely on theranking of the target words according to theirmean usage relatedness between general-languageand domain-specific uses.

Evaluation. The gold LSC ranks in the DUReland SURel datasets are used to assess the correct-ness of model predictions by applying Spearman’srank-order correlation coefficient ρ as evaluationmetric, as done in similar previous studies (Gulor-dava and Baroni, 2011; Schlechtweg et al., 2017;Schlechtweg and Schulte im Walde, 2018). Ascorpus data underlying the experiments we relyon the corpora from which the annotated use pairswere sampled: DTA documents from 1750–1799as Ca and documents from 1850–1899 as Cb forthe diachronic experiments, and the SDEWAC cor-pus as Ca and the COOK corpus as Cb for the syn-chronic experiments.

4 Meaning Representations5

Our models are based on two families of distri-butional meaning representations: semantic vectorspaces (Section 4.1), and topic distributions (Sec-tion 4.2). All representations are bag-of-words-based, i.e. each word representation reflects aweighted bag of context words. The contexts ofa target word wi are the words surrounding it in ann-sized window: wi−n, ..., wi−1, wi+1, ..., wi+n.

4.1 Semantic Vector Spaces

A semantic vector space constructed from a cor-pus C with vocabulary V is a matrix M , whereeach row vector represents a word w in the vo-cabulary V reflecting its co-occurrence statistics(Turney and Pantel, 2010). We compare two state-of-the-art approaches to learn these vectors fromco-occurrence data, (i) counting and (ii) predict-ing, and construct vector spaces for each time pe-riod and domain.

5Find the hyperparameter settings in Appendix A. Thescripts for vector space creation, alignment, measuring LSCand evaluation are available at https://github.com/Garrafao/LSCDetection.

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4.1.1 Count-based Vector SpacesIn a count-based semantic vector space the ma-trix M is high-dimensional and sparse. The valueof each matrix cell Mi,j represents the number ofco-occurrences of the word wi and the context cj ,#(wi, cj). In line with Hamilton et al. (2016b) weapply a number of transformations to these raw co-occurrence matrices, as previous work has shownthat this improves results on different tasks (Bulli-naria and Levy, 2012; Levy et al., 2015).

Positive Pointwise Mutual Information (PPMI).In PPMI representations the co-occurrence countsin each matrix cell Mi,j are weighted by the posi-tive mutual information of target wi and context cjreflecting their degree of association. The valuesof the transformed matrix are

MPPMIi,j = max


(#(wi, cj)



)− log(k), 0


where k > 1 is a prior on the probability ofobserving an actual occurrence of (wi, cj) and0 < α < 1 is a smoothing parameter reducingPPMI’s bias towards rare words (Levy and Gold-berg, 2014; Levy et al., 2015).

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Trun-cated SVD finds the optimal rank d factorizationof matrix M with respect to L2 loss (Eckart andYoung, 1936). We use truncated SVD to obtainlow-dimensional approximations of the PPMI rep-resentations by factorizingMPPMI into the productof the three matricesUΣV >. We keep only the topd elements of Σ and obtain

MSVD = UdΣpd,

where p is an eigenvalue weighting parameter(Levy et al., 2015). The ith row of MSVD cor-responds to wi’s d-dimensional representation.

Random Indexing (RI). RI is a dimensional-ity reduction technique based on the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma according to which points ina vector space can be mapped into a randomly se-lected subspace under approximate preservation ofthe distances between points, if the subspace has asufficiently high dimensionality (Johnson and Lin-denstrauss, 1984; Sahlgren, 2004). We reduce thedimensionality of a count-based matrixM by mul-tiplying it with a random matrix R:

MRI = MR|V|×d,

where the ith row of MRI corresponds to wi’s d-dimensional semantic representation. The choiceof the random vectors corresponding to the rowsin R is important for RI. We follow previous work(Basile et al., 2015) and use sparse ternary ran-dom vectors with a small number s of randomlydistributed −1s and +1s, all other elements set to0, and we apply subsampling with a threshold t.

4.1.2 Predictive Vector Spaces

Skip-Gram with Negative Sampling (SGNS)differs from count-based techniques in that it di-rectly represents each word w ∈ V and each con-text c ∈ V as a d-dimensional vector by implicitlyfactorizing M = WC> when solving



log σ(vc · vw) +∑


log σ(−vc · vw),

where σ(x) = 11+e−x , D is the set of all ob-

served word-context pairs and D′ is the set of ran-domly generated negative samples (Mikolov et al.,2013a,b; Goldberg and Levy, 2014). The opti-mized parameters θ are vci = Ci∗ and vwi = Wi∗for w, c ∈ V , i ∈ 1, ..., d. D′ is obtained by draw-ing k contexts from the empirical unigram distri-bution P (c) = #(c)

|D| for each observation of (w,c),cf. Levy et al. (2015). SGNS and PPMI repre-sentations are highly related in that the cells ofthe implicitly factorized matrix M are PPMI val-ues shifted by the constant k (Levy and Goldberg,2014). Hence, SGNS and PPMI share the hyper-parameter k. The final SGNS matrix is given by


where the ith row of MSGNS corresponds to wi’sd-dimensional semantic representation. As inRI we apply subsampling with a threshold t.SGNS with particular parameter configurationshas shown to outperform transformed count-basedtechniques on a variety of tasks (Baroni et al.,2014; Levy et al., 2015).

4.1.3 Alignment

Column Intersection (CI). In order to make thematrices A and B from time periods a < b (ordomains a and b) comparable, they have to bealigned via a common coordinate axis. This israther straightforward for count and PPMI repre-sentations, because their columns correspond tocontext words which often occur in both A andB (Hamilton et al., 2016b). In this case, the align-ment for A and B is

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ACI∗j = A∗j for all cj ∈ Va ∩ Vb,

BCI∗j = B∗j for all cj ∈ Va ∩ Vb,

where X∗j denotes the jth column of X .

Shared Random Vectors (SRV). RI offers anelegant way to align count-based vector spacesand reduce their dimensionality at the same time(Basile et al., 2015). Instead of multiplying countmatrices A and B each by a separate random ma-trix RA and RB they may be multiplied both bythe same random matrix R representing them inthe same low-dimensional random space. Hence,A and B are aligned by



We follow Basile et al. and adopt a slight varia-tion of this procedure: instead of multiplying bothmatrices by exactly the same random matrix (cor-responding to an intersection of their columns) wefirst construct a shared random matrix and thenmultiply A and B by the respective sub-matrix.

Orthogonal Procrustes (OP). In the low-dimensional vector spaces produced by SVD, RIand SGNS the columns may represent differentcoordinate axes (orthogonal variants) and thuscannot directly be aligned to each other. Follow-ing Hamilton et al. (2016b) we apply OP analy-sis to solve this problem. We represent the dic-tionary as a binary matrix D, so that Di,j = 1 ifwi ∈ Vb (the ith word in the vocabulary at time b)corresponds to wj ∈ Va. The goal is then to findthe optimal mapping matrix W ∗ such that the sumof squared Euclidean distances between B’s map-ping Bi∗W and Aj∗ for the dictionary entries Di,j

is minimized:

W ∗ = arg minW



Di,j‖Bi∗W −Aj∗‖2.

Following standard practice we length-normalizeand mean-center A and B in a pre-processing step(Artetxe et al., 2017), and constrain W to be or-thogonal, which preserves distances within eachtime period. Under this constraint, minimizing thesquared Euclidean distance becomes equivalent tomaximizing the dot product when finding the opti-mal rotational alignment (Hamilton et al., 2016b;Artetxe et al., 2017). The optimal solution for this

problem is then given by W ∗ = UV >, whereB>DA = UΣV > is the SVD of B>DA. Hence,A and B are aligned by

AOP = A,

BOP = BW ∗,

where A and B correspond to their preprocessedversions. We also experiment with two vari-ants: OP− omits mean-centering (Hamilton et al.,2016b), which is potentially harmful as a bettersolution may be found after mean-centering. OP+

corresponds to OP with additional pre- and post-processing steps and has been shown to improveperformance in research on bilingual lexicon in-duction (Artetxe et al., 2018a,b). We apply all OPvariants only to the low-dimensional matrices.

Vector Initialization (VI). In VI we first learnAVI using standard SGNS and then initialize theSGNS model for learning BVI on AVI (Kim et al.,2014). The idea is that if a word is used in simi-lar contexts in a and b, its vector will be updatedonly slightly, while more different contexts lead toa stronger update.

Word Injection (WI). Finally, we use the wordinjection approach by Ferrari et al. (2017) wheretarget words are substituted by a placeholder inone corpus before learning semantic representa-tions, and a single matrix MWI is constructed forboth corpora after mixing their sentences. The ad-vantage of this approach is that all vector learningmethods described above can be directly appliedto the mixed corpus, and target vectors are con-structed directly in the same space, so no post-hocalignment is necessary.

4.2 Topic Distributions

Sense ChANge (SCAN). SCAN models LSC ofword senses via smooth and gradual changes inassociated topics (Frermann and Lapata, 2016).The semantic representation inferred for a tar-get word w and time period t consists of a K-dimensional distribution over word senses φt anda V -dimensional distribution over the vocabularyψt,k for each word sense k, where K is a prede-fined number of senses for target word w. SCANplaces parametrized logistic normal priors on φt

and ψt,k in order to encourage a smooth changeof parameters, where the extent of change is con-trolled through the precision parameterKφ, whichis learned during training.

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Although ψt,k may change over time for wordsense k, senses are intended to remain themati-cally consistent as controlled by word precisionparameter Kψ. This allows comparison of thetopic distribution across time periods. For eachtarget word w we infer a SCAN model for twotime periods a and b and take φaw and φbw as therespective semantic representations.

5 LSC Detection Measures

LSC detection measures predict a degree of LSCfrom two time-specific semantic representations ofa word w. They either capture the contextual sim-ilarity (Section 5.1) or changes in the contextualdispersion (Section 5.2) of w’s representations.6

5.1 Similarity Measures

Cosine Distance (CD). CD is based on cosinesimilarity which measures the cosine of the an-gle between two non-zero vectors ~x, ~y with equalmagnitudes (Salton and McGill, 1983):

cos(~x, ~y) =~x · ~y√

~x · ~x√~y · ~y


The cosine distance is then defined as

CD(~x, ~y) = 1− cos(~x, ~y).

CD’s prediction for a degree of LSC of w betweentime periods a and b is obtained by CD(~wa, ~wb).

Local Neighborhood Distance (LND). LNDcomputes a second-order similarity for two non-zero vectors ~x, ~y (Hamilton et al., 2016a). It mea-sures the extent to which ~x and ~y ’s distances totheir shared nearest neighbors differ. First the co-sine similarity of ~x, ~y with each vector in the unionof the sets of their k nearest neighbors Nk(~x) andNk(~y) is computed and represented as a vector swhose entries are given by

s(j) = cos(~x, ~zj) ∀~zj ∈ Nk(~x) ∪Nk(~y).

LND is then computed as cosine distance betweenthe two vectors:

LND(~x, ~y) = CD(~sx, ~sy).

LND does not require matrix alignment, becauseit measures the distances to the nearest neighborsin each space separately. It was claimed to capturechanges in paradigmatic rather than syntagmaticrelations between words (Hamilton et al., 2016a).

6Find an overview of which measure was applied to whichrepresentation type in Appendix A.

Jensen-Shannon Distance (JSD). JSD com-putes the distance between two probability dis-tributions φx, φy of words wx, wy (Lin, 1991;Donoso and Sanchez, 2017). It is the symmetrizedsquare root of the Kullback-Leibler divergence:

JSD(φx||φy) =√DKL(φx||M) +DKL(φy||M)


whereM = (φx+φy)/2. JSD is high if φx and φyassign different probabilities to the same events.

5.2 Dispersion Measures

Frequency Difference (FD). The log-transformed relative frequency of a word wfor a corpus C is defined by

F (w,C) = log|w ∈ C||C|

FD of two words x and y in two corpora X and Yis then defined by the absolute difference in F:

FD(x,X, y, Y ) = |F (x,X)− F (y, Y )|

FD’s prediction for w’s degree of LSC betweentime periods a and b with corpora Ca and Cb iscomputed as FD(w,Ca, w, Cb) (parallel below).

Type Difference (TD). TD is similar to FD, butbased on word vectors ~w for words w. The nor-malized log-transformed number of context typesof a vector ~w in corpus C is defined by

T (~w,C) = log

∑i=1 1 if ~wi 6= 0

|CT |,

where |CT | is the number of types in corpus C.The TD of two vectors ~x and ~y in two corpora Xand Y is the absolute difference in T:

TD(~x,X, ~y, Y ) = |T (~x,X)− T (~y, Y )|.

Entropy Difference (HD). HD relies on vectorentropy as suggested by Santus et al. (2014). Theentropy of a non-zero word vector ~w is defined by

V H(~w) = −∑i=1

~wi∑j=1 ~wj

log~wi∑j=1 ~wj


VH is based on Shannon’s entropy (Shannon,1948), which measures the unpredictability of w’s

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Dataset Preproc Win Space Parameters Align Measure Spearman m (h, l)


LALL 10 SGNS k=1,t=None OP CD 0.866 (0.914, 0.816)

LALL 10 SGNS k=5,t=None OP CD 0.857 (0.891, 0.830)

LALL 5 SGNS k=5,t=0.001 OP CD 0.835 (0.872, 0.814)

LALL 10 SGNS k=5,t=0.001 OP CD 0.826 (0.863, 0.768)

L/P 2 SGNS k=5,t=None OP CD 0.825 (0.826, 0.818)


L/P 2 SGNS k=1,t=0.001 OP CD 0.851 (0.851, 0.851)

L/P 2 SGNS k=5,t=None OP CD 0.850 (0.850, 0.850)

L/P 2 SGNS k=5,t=0.001 OP CD 0.834 (0.838, 0.828)

L/P 2 SGNS k=5,t=0.001 OP− CD 0.831 (0.836, 0.817)

L/P 2 SGNS k=5,t=0.001 OP CD 0.829 (0.832, 0.823)

Table 2: Best results of ρ scores (Win=Window Size, Preproc=Preprocessing, Align=Alignment, k=negative sam-pling, t=subsampling, Spearman m(h,l): mean, highest and lowest results).

co-occurrences (Schlechtweg et al., 2017). HD isdefined as

HD(~x, ~y) = |V H(~x)− V H(~y)|.

We also experiment with differences in H betweentopic distributions φaw, φ

bw, which are computed in

a similar fashion, and with normalizing VH by di-viding it by log(V T (~w)), its maximum value.

6 Results and Discussions

First of all, we observe that nearly all model pre-dictions have a strong positive correlation with thegold rank. Table 2 presents the overall best resultsacross models and parameters.7 With ρ = 0.87 fordiachronic LSC (DURel) and ρ = 0.85 for syn-chronic LSC (SURel), the models reach compa-rable and unexpectedly high performances on thetwo distinct datasets. The overall best-performingmodel is Skip-Gram with orthogonal alignmentand cosine distance (SGNS+OP+CD). The modelis robust in that it performs best on both datasetsand produces very similar, sometimes the same re-sults across different iterations.

Pre-processing and Parameters. Regardingpre-processing, the results are less consistent:LALL (all lemmas) dominates in the diachronictask, while L/P (lemma:pos of content words)dominates in the synchronic task. In addition,L/P pre-processing, which is already limited oncontent words, prefers shorter windows, whileLALL (pre-processing where the complete sentencestructure is maintained) prefers longer windows.Regarding the preference of L/P for SURel, weblame noise in the COOK corpus, which contains

7For models with randomness we computed the averageresults of five iterations.

a lot of recipes listing ingredients and quanti-ties with numerals and abbreviations, to presum-ably contribute little information about contextwords. For instance, COOK contains 4.6% numer-als, while DTA only contains 1.2% numerals.

Looking at the influence of subsampling, wefind that it does not improve the mean performancefor Skip-Gram (SGNS) (with ρ = 0.506, withoutρ = 0.517), but clearly for Random Indexing (RI)(with ρ = 0.413, without ρ = 0.285). Levy et al.(2015) found that SGNS prefers numerous nega-tive samples (k > 1), which is confirmed here:mean ρ with k = 1 is 0.487, and mean ρ withk = 5 is 0.535.8 This finding is also indicated inTable 2, where k = 5 dominates the 5 best resultson both datasets; yet, k = 1 provides the overallbest result on both datasets.

Semantic Representations. Table 3 shows thebest and mean results for different semantic repre-sentations. SGNS is clearly the best vector spacemodel, even though its mean performance does notoutperform other representations as clearly as itsbest performance. Regarding count models, PPMIand SVD show the best results.

SCAN performs poorly, and its mean resultsindicate that it is rather unstable. This may beexplained by the particular way in which SCANconstructs context windows: it ignores asymmet-ric windows, thus reducing the number of traininginstances considerably, in particular for large win-dow sizes.

Alignments. The fact that our modification ofHamilton et al. (2016b) (SGNS+OP) performsbest across datasets confirms our assumption thatcolumn-mean centering is an important prepro-cessing step in Orthogonal Procrustes analysis and

8For PPMI we observe the opposite preference, mean ρwith k = 1 is 0.549 and mean ρ with k = 5 is 0.439.

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Dataset Representation best mean


raw count 0.639 0.395PPMI 0.670 0.489SVD 0.728 0.498RI 0.601 0.374SGNS 0.866 0.502SCAN 0.327 0.156


raw count 0.599 0.120PPMI 0.791 0.500SVD 0.639 0.300RI 0.622 0.299SGNS 0.851 0.520SCAN 0.082 -0.244

Table 3: Best and mean ρ scores across similarity mea-sures (CD, LND, JSD) on semantic representations.

should not be omitted.Additionally, the mean performance in Table 4

shows that OP is generally more robust than itsvariants. OP+ has the best mean performance onDURel, but performs poorly on SURel. Artetxeet al. (2018a) show that the additional pre- andpost-processing steps of OP+ can be harmful incertain conditions. We tested the influence of thedifferent steps and identified the non-orthogonalwhitening transformation as the main reason for aperformance drop of ≈20%.

In order to see how important the align-ment step is for the low-dimensional embeddings(SVD/RI/SGNS), we also tested the performancewithout alignment (‘None’ in Table 4). As ex-pected, the mean performance drops considerably.However, it remains positive, which suggests thatthe spaces learned in the models are not randombut rather slightly rotated variants.

Especially interesting is the comparison ofWord Injection (WI) where one common vectorspace is learned against the OP-models where twoseparately learned vector spaces are aligned. Al-though WI avoids (post-hoc) alignment altogether,it is consistently outperformed by OP, which isshown in Table 4 for low-dimensional embed-dings.9 We found that OP profits from mean-centering in the pre-processing step: applyingmean-centering to WI matrices improves the per-formance by 3% on WI+SGNS+CD.

The results for Vector Initialization (VI) are un-expectedly low (on DURel mean ρ = −0.017, onSURel mean ρ = 0.082). An essential parame-ter choice for VI is the number of training epochs

9We see the same tendency for WI against random index-ing with a shared random space (SRV), but instead variableresults for count and PPMI alignment (CI). This contradictsthe findings in Dubossarsky et al. (2019), using, however, adifferent task and synthetic data.

Dataset OP OP− OP+ WI NoneDURel 0.618 0.557 0.621 0.468 0.254SURel 0.590 0.514 0.401 0.492 0.285

Table 4: Mean ρ scores for CD across the alignments.Applies only to RI, SVD and SGNS.

for the initialized model. We experimented with20 epochs instead of 5, but could not improve theperformance. This contradicts the results obtainedby Hamilton et al. (2016b) who report a “negli-gible” impact of VI when compared to OP−. Wereckon that VI is strongly influenced by frequency.That is, the more frequent a word is in corpus Cb,the more its vector will be updated after initializa-tion on Ca. Hence, VI predicts more change withhigher frequency in Cb.

Detection Measures. Cosine distance (CD)dominates Local Neighborhood Distance (LND)on all vector space and alignment types (e.g., meanρ on DURel with SGNS+OP is 0.723 for CD vs.0.620 for LND) and hence should be generallypreferred if alignment is possible. Otherwise LNDor a variant of WI+CD should be used, as theyshow lower but robust results.10 Dispersion mea-sures in general exhibit a low performance, andprevious positive results for them could not be re-produced (Schlechtweg et al., 2017). It is strikingthat, contrary to our expectation, dispersion mea-sures on SURel show a strong negative correlation(max. ρ = −0.79). We suggest that this is dueto frequency particularities of the dataset: SURel’sgold LSC rank has a rather strong negative correla-tion with the targets’ frequency rank in the COOK

corpus (ρ = −0.51). Moreover, because COOK

is magnitudes smaller than SDEWAC the normal-ized values computed in most dispersion measuresin COOK are much higher. This gives them alsoa much higher weight in the final calculation ofthe absolute differences. Hence, the negative cor-relation in COOK propagates to the final results.This is supported by the fact that the only measurenot normalized by corpus size (HD) has a positivecorrelation. As these findings show, the dispersionmeasures are strongly influenced by frequency andvery sensitive to different corpus sizes.

Control Condition. As we saw, dispersion mea-sures are sensitive to frequency. Similar obser-

10JSD was not included here, as it was only applied toSCAN and its performance thus strongly depends on the un-derlying meaning representation.

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vations have been made for other LSC measures(Dubossarsky et al., 2017). In order to test forthis influence within our datasets we follow Du-bossarsky et al. (2017) in adding a control con-dition to the experiments for which sentences arerandomly shuffled across corpora (time periods).For each target word we merge all sentences fromthe two corpora Ca and Cb containing it, shufflethem, split them again into two sets while hold-ing their frequencies from the original corpora ap-proximately stable and merge them again with theoriginal corpora. This reduces the target words’mean degree of LSC between Ca and Cb signifi-cantly. Accordingly, the mean degree of LSC pre-dicted by the models should reduce significantly ifthe models measure LSC (and not some other con-trolled property of the dataset such as frequency).We find that the mean prediction on a result sam-ple (L/P, win=2) indeed reduces from 0.5 to 0.36on DURel and from 0.53 to 0.44 on SURel. More-over, shuffling should reduce the correlation ofindividual model predictions with the gold rank,as many items in the gold rank have a high de-gree of LSC, supposedly being canceled out bythe shuffling and hence randomizing the ranking.Testing this on a result sample (SGNS+OP+CD,L/P, win=2, k=1, t=None), as shown in Table 5,we find that it holds for DURel with a drop fromρ = 0.816 (ORG) to 0.180 on the shuffled (SHF)corpora, but not for SURel where the correlationremains stable (0.767 vs. 0.763). We hypoth-esize that the latter may be due to SURel’s fre-quency properties and find that downsampling alltarget words to approximately the same frequencyin both corpora (≈ 50) reduces the correlation(+DWN). However, there is still a rather high cor-relation left (0.576). Presumably, other factorsplay a role: (i) Time-shuffling may not totally ran-domize the rankings because words with a highchange still end up having slightly different mean-ing distributions in the two corpora than wordswith no change at all. Combined with the fact thatthe SURel rank is less uniformly distributed thanDURel this may lead to a rough preservation ofthe SURel rank after shuffling. (ii) For words witha strong change the shuffling creates two equallypolysemous sets of word uses from two monose-mous sets. The models may be sensitive to thedifferent variances in these sets, and hence predictstronger change for more polysemous sets of uses.Overall, our findings demonstrate that much more

Dataset ORG SHF +DWNDURel 0.816 0.180 0.372SURel 0.767 0.763 0.576

Table 5: ρ for SGNS+OP+CD (L/P, win=2, k=1,t=None) before (ORG) and after time-shuffling (SHF)and downampling them to the same frequency(+DWN).

work has to be done to understand the effects oftime-shuffling as well as sensitivity effects of LSCdetection models to frequency and polysemy.

7 Conclusion

We carried out the first systematic comparison ofa wide range of LSC detection models on twodatasets which were reliably annotated for sensedivergences across corpora. The diachronic andsynchronic evaluation tasks we introduced weresolved with impressively high performance androbustness. We introduced Word Injection to over-come the need of (post-hoc) alignment, but findthat Orthogonal Procrustes yields a better perfor-mance across vector space types.

The overall best performing approach on bothdata suggests to learn vector representations fordifferent time periods (or domains) with SGNS,to align them with an orthogonal mapping, and tomeasure change with cosine distance. We furtherimproved the performance of the best approachwith the application of mean-centering as an im-portant pre-processing step for rotational vectorspace alignment.


The first author was supported by the Konrad Ade-nauer Foundation and the CRETA center fundedby the German Ministry for Education and Re-search (BMBF) during the conduct of this study.We thank Haim Dubossarsky, Simon Hengchen,Andres Karjus, Barbara McGillivray, CennetOguz, Sascha Schlechtweg, Nina Tahmasebi andthe three anonymous reviewers for their valuablecomments. We further thank Michael Dorna andBingqing Wang for their helpful advice. We alsothank Lea Frermann for providing the code ofSCAN and helping to set up the implementation.

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A Pre-processing and HyperparameterDetails

Corpora. For our experiments we used theTCF-version of DTA released September 1,2017.11 For all corpora, we removed words belowa frequency threshold t. For the smallest corpusCOOK we set t = 2, and set the other thresholds inthe same proportion to the corpus size. This led tot = 25, 37, 97 for DTA18, DTA19 and SDEWACrespectively. (Note that we excluded three targetsfrom the DURel dataset and one target from theSURel dataset because they were below the fre-quency threshold.) We then created two versions:

• a version with minimal pre-processing, i.e.,with punctuation removed and lemmatization(LALL)• a stronger preprocessed version with only

content words. After punctuation removal,lemmatization and POS-tagging, only nouns,verbs and adjectives were retained in the formlemma:POS (L/P)

Context window. For all models we experi-mented with values n = {2, 5, 10} as done inLevy et al. (2015). It is important to note thatthe extraction of context words differed betweenmodels, because of inherent parameter settings ofthe implementations. While our implementationsof the count-based vectors have a stable windowof size n, SGNS has a dynamic context windowwith maximal size n (cf. Levy et al., 2015) andSCAN has as stable window of size n, but ignoresall occurrences of a target word where the num-ber of context words on either side is smaller thann. This may affect the comparability of the differ-ent models, as especially the mechanism of SCANcan lead to very sparse representations on corporawith small sentence sizes, as e.g. the COOK cor-pus. Hence, this variable should be controlled infuture experiments.

Vector Spaces. We followed previous work insetting further hyper-parameters (Hamilton et al.,2016b; Levy et al., 2015). We set the number ofdimensions d for SVD, RI and SGNS to 300. Wetrained all SGNS with 5 epochs. For PPMI we setα = .75 and experimented with k = {1, 5} forPPMI and SGNS. For RI and SGNS we experi-mented with t = {none, .001}. For SVD we set


p = 0. In line with Basile et al. (2015) we sets = 2 for RI and SRV. Note though that we had alower d than Basile et al., who set d = 500.

SCAN. We experimented with K = {4, 8}. Forfurther parameters we followed the settings cho-sen by Frermann and Lapata (2016): Kψ = 10 (ahigh value forcing senses to remain thematicallyconsistent across time). We set Kφ = 4, and theGamma parameters a = 7 and b = 3. We used1, 000 iterations for the Gibbs sampler and set theminimum amount of contexts for a target word pertime period min = 0 and the maximum amountto max = 2000.

Measures. For LND we set k = 25 as recom-mended by Hamilton et al. (2016a). The normal-ization constants for FD, HD and TD were calcu-lated on the full corpus with the respective prepro-cessing (without deleting words below a frequencythreshold).

B Model Overview

Find an overview of all tested combinations of se-mantic representations, alignments and measuresin Table 6.

C Datasets

Find the datasets with the target words and theirannotated degree of LSC in Tables 7 and 8.

Page 15: A Wind of Change: Detecting and Evaluating Lexical ...A Wind of Change: Detecting and Evaluating Lexical Semantic Change across Times and Domains Dominik Schlechtweg1, Anna Hatty¨


Semantic Representation Alignment MeasureCI SRV OP VI WI CD LND JSD FD TD HD

raw count x x x x x xPPMI x x x xSVD x x x xRI x x x x xSGNS x x x x xSCAN x (x)

Table 6: Combinations of semantic representation, alignment types and measures. (FD has been computed directlyfrom the corpus.)

lexeme POS LSC freq. Ca freq. CbVorwort NN -1.58 85 273Donnerwetter NN -1.84 100 89Presse NN -1.88 193 1519Feine NN -1.93 112 84Anstalt NN -2.07 425 911Feder NN -2.14 1489 3022billig ADJ -2.43 2073 1705Motiv NN -2.66 104 2551Anstellung NN -2.68 53 499packen VV -2.74 279 1057locker ADJ -2.84 454 769technisch ADJ -2.89 25 2177geharnischt ADJ -3.0 56 117Zufall NN -3.11 2444 1618Bilanz NN -3.2 51 58englisch ADJ -3.34 1921 7280Reichstag NN -3.45 609 1781Museum NN -3.73 414 1827Abend NN -3.79 4144 4372

Table 7: DURel dataset without flott, Kinderstube andSteckenpferd, which were excluded for low frequency.Ca=DTA18, Cb=DTA19. LSC denotes the inversecompare rank from (Schlechtweg et al., 2018), wherehigh values mean high change.

lexeme POS LSC freq. Ca freq. CbSchnee NN -1.05 2228 53Strudel NN -1.05 232 46schlagen VV -1.1 14693 309Gericht NN -1.15 13263 1071Schuß NN -1.42 2153 117Hamburger NN -1.53 5558 46abschrecken VV -1.75 730 170Form NN -2.25 36639 851trennen VV -2.65 5771 170Glas NN -2.7 3830 863Blech NN -2.95 409 145Prise NN -3.1 370 622Paprika NN -3.33 377 453Mandel NN -3.45 402 274Messer NN -3.5 1774 925Rum NN -3.55 244 181Salz NN -3.74 3087 5806Eiweiß NN -3.75 1075 3037Schokolade NN -3.98 947 251Gemuse NN -4.0 2696 1224Schnittlauch NN -4.0 156 247

Table 8: SURel dataset without Messerspitze, whichwas excluded for low frequency. Ca=SDEWAC,Cb=COOK. LSC denotes the inverse compare rankfrom (Schlechtweg et al., 2018), where high valuesmean high change.