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Page 1: ,:a:.archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/rl6-10.pdf · wjth severai of the largeRt good lecture coqpse this winter. employmettnt bureaus of the Tho course will consist


Page 2: ,:a:.archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/rl6-10.pdf · wjth severai of the largeRt good lecture coqpse this winter. employmettnt bureaus of the Tho course will consist

" I

McPHERSON OOLLE E cbotberapeutics" and "Foundations AN Jl{}(} of Human Knowledge" by Prof. H. PROBLEM

, Still contains an abim· dance of good fruit, not with· · standing it has been clubbed and y igoronsly s ha lc en. Watch us grow. Enrollment neariy 400, and stude~ts enrollin~ alniost daily. \

J . Balinly. - A farpt womau went to mnrket 'l'uesday evening. llllarch · J.s-, with a -basketful of eggs. They

''Ancient History" and ·•(-:ombua· ·' were.of various sizes colors and t 'oo1" by Prof. Elder.-Inmah Be·

shapes, and tbe·dealera somewhat Vjew. . • { . rel~ctaotlr paid her ten cents n

(A n I 'n t 6 r 6 8 t i n g , (}am e dozeu for them·.

\._ The High School and McPbe~ • A mao' h~~ a limited 80EPiy of son College bnse ball teams e~egs that he did not have to take

p 0 S I T I 0 N S cros.sed bate rec,:mtly on the

The diperence betweeu two boys is not so much ability !LS it-is en~rgy . . If you have th~ energy to spend a littl.e time in school we can change your

115.00 ·?r '10.00 p~r week

·position to op~ of il5. or $80. · Prof. Fahnestock at the

college grt' tt.nds. The game was a close and interesting one nil the way through and was wit­neeeed by an unusually large number of the High School and college p pile. ~he game result-ed in a ~core of three to two in favor of- the college team : The · batteries were · Stoltenberg and Mannon for the college and Col­

'Qead of our busines~ depart- burt and Edwards for the_ H. S. ment is one of the best pen.:· - \. ·man. and. business educators~ ,__,:ARE ENTERPRISING_. of Kansas, ~having had 80 Wt- 0 . Beckner and the mem­years of practical busi'ness bers of the Galva High School experience. · Being connected have made arrangements for a . wjth severai of the largeRt good lecture coqpse this winter. employmettnt bureaus of the Tho course will consist of 'five·

numbers which are as · follows: U. S., we Ret positions for Nov. 10, "Literature in the Pub-all our qualified students. ~ lie Schools," Prof. s. J · Miller;

We ca.n help you to get a December 12, Elocutionary and better position and Sa.ve you Musical Hecit-al by Miss Jessie from '26. to '60. on a com- Ullery and Chns. Fahnestock; plete Business or Penman- Jauuttry 18, "The Successful ship Course. ·. Life," Prof. Edward Frantz;

· F ebruary 8, " Ancient History,, Visit ns or write ·at once Prof. L. w. Elder; March 15.

for further information. ·_. "Psychic Thernpeutics," Prof. H, J . Harnly. All who take part in

0 · · these entertainments are in· .. ono6rts .ana Lectures McPherson College and the In­

man -~uvenil~ . Band , ~a~e unjted force~ a.nd. offer the following. . cellenfleclure and concer~ course:

1'ueaday evening, Nov. 14, Miss Ullery's recital. . Tuea~ay evc;nlng, Dec. 12, ••1'be

S~cceaaful Life," by l'r:es. Frantz. '· Tuesday enning, Jan. 9, "Liter­

ature in Public &hoola," by .troP s . J : Miller. · . ' ~e'eday .eve,ning, Feb. \3, .. Pay.

struotors in McPherson college and ara efficient rhen.-McPbe~ son Daily Republican.


We invite parents ,of young peQ· ple to·-visit us at auy time, and

• investigate, for it is difficult to • tell in print wherein oar diffttr­

ence and unusual excellence con· alate. Big enro1iment. '• •

to market to sell, for he was be­

sieged by buyers who were only too willing to. pay him $1.50 for thirteen. 1

Why this diffe~ence iu eggs? Are not all eggs· eggs? By uo

means, dearie; th~re ar~ just com· moo, plain, every day eggs and

there a rEf eggs of quality tho t are

in demand aud command high prices beeause the supply is limit-ed . ·

A ·story of a similar tenor: Five hundred young men and eight hundred young women are assem­bled in mass oo~ventioo in front of a store where- it hns been rumored a six dollar a week clerk is wanted. But this same firm is scourit)g th.e country to find a three thousan'd dollar mau to fill an important and · rospousible poeit\on. Why this difference betwe'en men and Ku? Just this : the aspirants for the six dollar place are uot qualified to do high grade work while the three tbou!t­sand dollar man is. So ho coM­liANDS a high place while the in· ferior one.s beg for the . sorub places •

Now, young people, take your ·Cpoice. Be a thoroughbred and · get· thoroughbred ·plaoea or re· ' main a scrub and be obliged to !subaiat on &Orub pay.· In other wo.rda DUCATB for what you ex· peot to ,:a:. .. .

Tbe.ben it aure .to -have a .auc­cpeeful hatching. To prove it write ua and we will send you one of the h~ns· and you can · aee the kind of egga abe ia ietting.on.

Page 3: ,:a:.archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/rl6-10.pdf · wjth severai of the largeRt good lecture coqpse this winter. employmettnt bureaus of the Tho course will consist

NEWS ' NOTES Effie Horner, of Cbal~an.Ill., baa

made marked improvement the patat term.

H. J. Detrick, of Cushing, Okla., is making fine progress in book­keeping.

Le\tl S.tutttp, o£ Mlattti, Texas, tail good bard working student in Not'· mal work.

Mohler Sli~rky. of Norborne. Mo., • i~ now doing good work in the col­

legiate department. Emma Horning, of Frederick,

::;outh Dakota, v.:ill complete her colltgiate work this year.

F. E. Pfoutz, of New Sharon, Iowa. is one of our beat students in the Normal department. ·

Mrs. C. E. Arnold and daughter Ruth bave gone to Lordsburg, Call· fornia, to spend the winter.

Eulalia Fishback, of Beatrice, Neb, ia one of our tliost litudiona giriS1n t he business department.

• f

Our ~iasionaries, Mr. und Mrs. E. H. Eby are now .located in their new mission field at Mandod, Raj­tipla, India. They have good health and are enjoying their work very much. 'Their letLera to the church and Sunday School, ure u great in- · !iplt'atloa td tts und the support for utore than a year ahead i!Y' in the trelisury

Sunday School Uonventions The McPherson Oily S. S. asso­

ciatio~n held . their annual conven­tion on· Oct 29. Among the speak­ers were Reverendg Morrison, Schnacke, Wuodward,· •rodd, Dr. Nyvall or \Vn_tden College and J:.>res. Frautz·of McPherson College, Hon. G. F. Grattan, B. A. Allison, Judge Galle. Prof. S. J. Miller. and Bon. E. R. Burkeholder, president of tbe Kanba& StKte Sunday Scbool Asso· dation. F. A. Vaniman was chosen preaid.,ent lind · Robett ·Matthews

.secretary and treasur~r for the en­ensuing year. It was decided to

S. H. Bashor, of Jamestown, Colo .. is one among the beat stu· dents in the penman.ship depart· ment.

, organize a Normal Tra~ning chtss.

'03 P. N. Bollinger, writes from Josephine, Mont, that he closes one term of •chool only to begin an­other. Porter is a very earnest worker and we are pleased to learn

' ot bis success. ' A movement is on foot to build a

trolly line from Salina to Hutchin· son via McPherson and Lindsborg. It is only a question of a few years until the towns of central Kansas will be united· by trolly linea.

'03, P. J. Lowen, Register of Deeds for Blaine County, Okla , sends us a souvenir of hla city Watonga. Hia picture appear• in it with the county o11iciala, also a fi.ne picture of hie residence. Hie salary wlla over 13.000 laat Je&r.

Tbe new Law b~ldjag at the 'Kansas University waa dedicated at Lawrence, Oct; 26, ~th appro· prlate ceremony. Everything in· dicates that tlaia will .be by far the · greatest year in the liietor1 of the lnstituti'on The facultJ now aum· bers 188, nol including fellow and · student iaatructora•and t.be enroll· lllent last year .reacbed 15~. '

On Nov. 3rd and 4th the regular· county convention was held at Lindsborg. A htrge delegation W <\S

present from McPherson aod about half of the program was furnished by the ·faculty and students of the college. Wbile Mc.l'bcrson couatj bas one of the best organiza- . tiona in tbe state and is doiug ag· gressive. aysterna~ic work, yet there are~eral thousand in the county who ar not enrolled in Sur•day. School. t. is tbe plan of th ~ county omcera ·to push the \Vork until every man, woman ~tnd child in tbe county is b' ought. under tbe direct lnfluenct! of the S . . S. Pro1. Shirk .was re elt:cted president and w. o.

. Beckner secretary for an..:>ther ye .. r. This ia a juat tribute to the caru~::st work tbey are doing . .

WEDDING · BEL.LS · Someone bas wi\tily .said tifnt ·.•f JOU do nut w•ab to have JOlJr name ln. the paper you.muat nol be born, get man ted or die. A noti~e ol your birth is published as!'- not we of ap­proaching disturbance and of your death as a r~:fief to your fri\!nds. An account of your weddins- is

printed for the sa~lsfaction ·of t t.he parties so long engaged~ There are so maay wed· dings for this issue we can only mention each briefly. .

On Wednesday evening, OcL. 18, Mies·Gertrude Hulse waa married to S;thuel Cramsey at Hutchlnaoru· They Will teslde on the arroomt• fartn neat Wlndottt.

Miss Nannie Hulse was united ln matrimony with Charles Mulnis: an enterprising young barber, at th• . hC~me. of bcr sister, Mrs. Geor_&.e--v'i Steel in this city. Tlt~y will reside at Wltite Water where tbe groom ba.~ cltarge ~f a shov.

Mr. Gus Webb one of our former s tudents joined the throng of the lJicssed by uniting his fortunes with Miss Maude Wallace, They will reside in the city • . •

Mr. Grover Severtson was mar-. ried to Miss Mabel Thomas on Nov. 11. 'fbey will treRide at McPherson.

ATTEND Y. w. 0. 1:. A lnrge pn~ty of yooog . lady

s t.udents of McPherson college at· tended tbe state convention of·

the Young \Vo~eos' Christian Aa·

socintion nt Manhattan. Among t he party were Mi~ees Ebal, Em~ ma Horuiug, Lizzie Neher, Della Va:J irunu, Leota Tho rue, Myrtle Stump, .Margaret Dodte, May Bowers, Cora Booue, Sadie Boone, llabel 'Kimmel, Lillian Taylor, Luln flildebri\od, Pearl ~lond· r

fi eld, Mattie Stutzman, . Edna Ziegler, Knti~ .~rbert, Gra~e Vuuimnn, · Mnttle Bartell and Vndn Kuns.

McPherson college bas a large Y. \V. C. A. and also a large Y. ~1. C. A. They have · re&Qing rooms. nnd n library at the col• fege.nnd do much fof. the. 1~ial lletterment of t he Jnstltotloo. Not 6 state convent i•)n of ei~ber is heW nt which 1\lcPersou is uot well repreeet\ted.--McPheraon Itr. pu'bliclllh ·

Page 4: ,:a:.archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/rl6-10.pdf · wjth severai of the largeRt good lecture coqpse this winter. employmettnt bureaus of the Tho course will consist



By The Rays of IJght Publlsblng Company ·

McPherSon College, McPherson, Kansas

,_ • v '


J:l(T&IUlD AT TUJI P08'f OrriC& OF M' Pf!IR• 801(, lt.&l(8.ll!, AI 8J:OO!fD CLASS liiATl'J:R.


M 0 T H E .R 8 When the Mothers of .a

great State like Kansas ana its adjoining states look up­on McPherson College as an educational Institution for their boys and girls-the col­lege ~hat has educated so many young men and women and _placed them in go~ pqsitions-that college will be found a .splendid place for your boy or girl.

Recently, we have had a number of parents to visit u.s, and so many say, "Your· pic­tur~s and your advertise­ments don ,t do you justice." "Yes, that is ·so, but we ~ave '~ . many good things ~ 'here that the only way is to

.. "r come and see:

. T~en yo~ can, with a trut~ go away and say, ''The half· has not baeri told. "

OO'LLEGE NOTES ' ·: ~i~~ ~ertie. Eicker '04, is tea~bing

1n dtat~ct 100 in Harper' township. J. M. Sn}der returned from a

buaineaa · trip to Maraballtowo Iowa. ' '

Mrs. Carrie Snyder Lichty and


son 'Gayl~rd are visiting with her P.arents on College Hill: _

A new brick sidewalk bas been constructed from tbe college to the Santa Fe college station. 1

' S. H. Bashor of Longmont. Colo., a·stud~nt 'ot-la~t y~r ~ bas returned and will co~tinue his studies.

Rev. L. C. Scbnacke 'of the city '~"conducted the chapel exercises and

gave the students an excellent ad· dress.

Chas. Ardinger moved with his parents to Greenville, Ohio, where he will assist his flltber in their .ne ~ore. •

Mr. trarvey Horton was here over Sungay and be says the McPherson' College boys are making progress in the K. S. A. C. ·

Herman Allen '04, recently spent a few days with Lis parents in Me· Pbetson. He·is assistant in Cbem­

. istry at Kansas University.

Clyde Hornbaber of Reno wa~ here. He is a teacher and bas de­claed to enter this institution next y~ar ~nd take a college course. I .

Mr. C. V. Hope and wife, Mrs. Williams were visit.ing their moth· r, brother and sisters and also vis­

ited several classes at ·the college. 'OS .Misses Mary·McGill, Melinda

Byer and Helen Slos&On ri:cently visited their Alma Mater. They are succeeding very nicely ' with their schools. ·

Mohler J . Miller who is complet· iug h1s Medical Course at. the Kana-' . as City Medical College recently speutoa few days with· his mother on College Hill. \

8. C. Miller, president of the Sen­ior ~pllegiate class, returned last eveuib~ He spent the summer selling views of· Underwood & Un­derwood and his sales ainbunted to over '-wo thousand dollars. . .

1:'. A. Kane, a Normal graduate class '02, recently received~ bill\ life , certificate. He baa been appointed asaociate en.mioe1 in plaeeof Prof •. Clement. lie will complete tbe tun t.:ommercial course in his Aima Mater next Spring. . . ·

. - -... L,YOn& to co~vey the teacb.ers of tlie. county to the Central Kansas TeacherS' Association to .be I reid at Sterling." Nov. 30. and Dec. 1st and 2nd. No true teacher can afford to miss this meeting.


J . H. Williams was · called home to Belleville by the death of his niece. the daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Lester Williams who co!llpieted our

. Academic Course in ~898. · We can only extend our SJ.mpathy to the bereaved parents in this loss of a bouse~old gem.

Pr?.f. and Mrs. ·Gevrge Edgecomb ofCanton spent Saturday nt the college receptly. George will com· ple.te the Normal co~rse next Spring and has just announced his candi·

· dacy for the nomi,~ation for Count7 Superintendent. He is eminently fitted for this position aud we hope to see him nomi'nated and elected. ., ..

:X'h~ county teachers. are arrang. iog' for a series of contests between the ; arious districts of. the county. A scholarship will be awarded in either McPherson college or lleth· any college to tbe 'lour best spellers in' tlie county. ' Much interest is be· ing manifest by the tE:acbers and pltplls"of the county and ·no doubt much good will result.

Dr. · A. W. Vaoiman formerly student, teacher and Business Manager of M9Pher,son College but who for the past five years baa been a missionary 'to Sweden ar· • ' . t J .. • • rive1 o.n Fnday eventf!g accomp11n1· ed by his faithful · companion. On s'unday evenhig be gave a lecture on Sweden in· the college chapel. He wit\ spend the'· ;winter in the west to 'regain 'his 'Health~

.•· A number of the professors and

atudents attended the District Meeftng.,at l!,arned. They report it the beat'evet held in the district. About:.$2000. wU18edged for Home and Foreign•lliasiOIUIJ Prof. Frantl M<as.cboaen Moderat.or~ Elder J · J · Yoder;, Reading.Olel!k.and~Rev. H. M. Bacwjck •. Writing',Glerk. Elder .S •• J. 'Minu·waa chosen to represent the Dlstrlct on the · Standing Com· mittee with Elder M. Keller at

~ • • , , - / t

Plan~ !ire ~mpleted for a apeoial . alt~rnate: ·. / car ov.e.:: Santa Fe via · Mo; .P!l~ at . . .ti'~d· iuJI, a atudent of'tbe college

Page 5: ,:a:.archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/rl6-10.pdf · wjth severai of the largeRt good lecture coqpse this winter. employmettnt bureaus of the Tho course will consist

in J890 and who later~ finished tbe · selected as Elder ~or the en uiug Law course at Kansa..l University . : fear. · .

- beiiig the youngeatlawyer~dmitted Tb~ Elite Literary Society i11 • do·

several acce,.sione at)d at once be· gun m~etitl.,e ut. Raunolia . .

to the bar in Kansas UP. to that ing excellent work .. .. They have time. Is winning .hlgb honors as an closed doors. but on Nov. 13 they actor. He performs witb perfl!ct gave an excellent open door pro· CIISC and naturalness the part • Of a ' gnom. cumcdian. His rendition of the Q ' t be · f t d •- t

u& e -a num r o s u enut a-difficult play "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. • . .. · h ' • tl r t k - tendtd 'the Sh.oke!:lp~arean l:'lay .. As

ll)'dtl places tm tn te ,ron ran s y· L ' k It .. T'· t 't · ou 1 e . ucy repor 1 as as a performer. b 1 11 1 d eng we p aye •

We were very much . shocko!d . <Jly~e McCoskree of Oig\ttorr, Ks • when Prof. Miller· received a tele- ·

· and Mr. Hen~y Klepinger of EJ o-"tam fr_om l:;ordsborg, C111if. 1 a_.n- . .tt-... o rado, Ks., have enrolle<1 a-!:l stu-nounciog the sudden death or ~tss dents. Nellie McVey. Miss McVey was a graduate of the collegiate course in music of McPherson college •nd taught for several years at Juniata Pa.. college. ~he was a ·noble lady with many excellent qualities of clt11racter and her ·marly friends regret that' her useful and · prumis· ing cllreer was cut so short.

Juniata college at Juniatll, Pt!nn., wus given· a donation of $15,000 for a Carnegie Library aud at once raised $17,000 for furnishing and maintaining it. When. the plans of tbe building wer~ laid before the architect he saw that more money would be·needed so a copy of the plans and a complete t!Xplanation wE'rll submitted to Mr. Catnegie and he raised tbe gift-to $28,0UO. This will give them 11 beautiful flnd commodious library and we con· gratulate our aister college on her good fortuue.

l'rof. d. W. Kline and Prlucipal C. E. Wright were welcom~ visitors at the college Saturday.

Joe Butcbinaon of Colorado, is visiting his mother on College Hill.

Mr. H. A . Hoffert and wife, form­erly Miss &~tic Horner, arr~ed from f~&diale, Neb., and will con· tinue tbelt studies. 1

Ira H. F'Tantz, of Summerfield, Kanaa!, bas enrolled i.t the Norm'..t Department.

For inany ~ Elder Ditkey 'bas asked u, ·be~ i~llned of ' the over~ sight of the ~ clhi·~eb at thla , Plar.e. He baa e1iarge of·quite a number of churcbea and ie kept very busy. Bia requeat ••• granted at tbe laat council and Levi Mohler waa

The (:bemistry laboratory and lit­erature room a ha\"e been nicely fitted up with steel ceiling and at present ·are being painted whic;'h adds much to the appearance of th~s~ two rooms.

· Mr. and Mrs. Minor of Lost Sqrings spent two days with their ' daughter wbo is attending college. They speak very highly or the in­stitution and are well plea:~ed with the environments.

Miss Adah Alles is paying ll visi't to her' old cla>~9mate5. Sbe will be in ttcllool in the near future. " .. TbP.re is nut much cines spmt displayed nriwng the college stu· dents but. in nrder to bold the class togethor the Freshmnh stu· dents perfected / au orgnniznt i•lll. Howard Shirkey was chosen pres.; C. A. , Lowfm, vic~ pre~. ; Pearl Ebaugh, sec.; Uittb Bukey, trens.; and ·•Marian Spillman reporter. Black and old ~old were chosen ae the class Mlors.

TheY. M.' O. A. andY. W. C. .A. are obeervirig the- "week of . p~~yer among college, students.'' T):uly meet for a baJf bour.·eacb eveufng at' 6:80 and the o ttend· ance and interest 'are · gro,,.in~. On Souday eveuiug, Nov. 17 t a eeriee of meetings . will be~in in tb~ college chapel:

· '05 B. M . .' Barwick is kept very I ' • •

boly oondnqting revival meetmge· iu the eu.rrounding ·oburchee. He jnet ~l68ed a· ieriee inga in the Kaneae center with -

'Mre. Sue SrlylClr 1111d child.reu of Rtunotul visi i ed her · p11re'ut~ .l\lr. nud .Mrs. E. \V. Slu~bar · cm cui· lege Bill. She will never furget. the "dear old col ege'' and the many friends hi ps formed be~e.

Nuvt>mbtor I a. 1 hto fullnwlnte nmut-ra wt!re 'electtl•l lu tile 1£11te t;oclety: F. E. Ph.llatZ, Prl's.; lcht Jau~oba, Vloe l'rt!s.; Mls~t Rhlll""'"' . Se~ ;.. w. E. ('llnl', Asst. ~o : H. 0 Wt"I!Jt', Tt.q.; S. ll. B au1hor. ('rille; lluward K.MIMIJ, &>rgPKIII; a. WlchOIItii,~Sst. St-J'Jt"MDt; Ohurlstt-ra, Mlet~ .rohnatun, Mia l't!Mraon, and .l'~. \V . Matthies.

Notlee, tbey cu~ Mllve and doh•< i'O••d wurk. ('umu Mnd . sPe fctr J'UUf· • t':~lves. ·

BUOOESS.D'VL TERM. Todaj, Nov. 11. Mcl'ber&on· col·

lege closed the most successful term in the bi:story of tbe inatitntion No betb·r class of students hotve e\er mel within her waliR aud there Ia not. a drone in the whule line but all are busy workera. ·The enroll· mentis clinLuing rapidly towarda the four hundre•i matk and before the y~ar i:s complet~d wiJl no ' doa,bt reach five hundred. McPbrraon Colle~e has alwayfl '!lood ·fo~ the !Jest in educ:a•.ion aa well' K& in cba,r· acter. Tho~oughueas has been the watchword and the splendiCf · aae· cess of her grad4 tea attests t&Ltb.e--­excellent training received while in scboul.-McPheraon lkpub_lican

w 0 menM.' Oo oup a~i·O n 8 If a womq.u does not -A·ieh to be

a bo1usekeeper there »re four bua­dred recogpized ltCCupationa for \\'Omen from wtaicb ahe m~r ~boose a way to ~rn her daily bread;- Jiut she will be'almost au•e th find that she will meet with competiiiun . in every· nne of these oceupationa and that abe nee·•~ to be nriatreaa of ller trade. whatever It ia, if alie e~ to receive fair wages. To a~ lfu in this 1s one of tlJe apecial: ~-· cea of the IJUS\N BSS SCHOOL: We believe it ia t~ dutJ:o£;pa.Ha~ to have their "anghtera ,tr&iaed tD

· do ai least some un~ useful ~lu, ao that in case of misfortune. ttiey can becom~ their own br~cl ~t~· nera.

Page 6: ,:a:.archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/rl6-10.pdf · wjth severai of the largeRt good lecture coqpse this winter. employmettnt bureaus of the Tho course will consist



., I

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''· ................... .,, .............. ......, ,...,,.._ ... ___ ,__ .,.. .... _~ ..., ...... -...... - .................. -.--· ....... - ...................... ---... . _ ................ ~

lt. , ... _ _... ...... HloHa .,._. ...... • -..r _....,.._- 111M ')Me II---.... ~..._. .. ..... lit • • ~

&& .. __ ........., _________ ..... ____ .... ..., .... -.... -..... -.. ......... --.. ---. .. -.c-...... ,. ---·-....·----.--.-...... .... telloo _____ ...... _of......, ... _ --::. ..... _...:-:."C:.:~'::.c"; =-... ..:-..: .=.-::. .. _., --........... --.............. -...-.. ........ ..... of~------. ... - ..... _ .. _ ... __ ___. .. _ ... __ _.. __ .c .. _,.. ____ .. ___ ..,,....,..w ...... _._ _ .. _

,,. """'_,.,......,.... .. ,_ ...... , . ......... ___ ., ____ .,._ ... , _ _. ... .. -T--of- ,._ ... .....,.. .................... ... - 1 ..., _____ ,_.. .. .,.._. ....... ....

,.. __ ..... _,_.._ .... --·--... P. .... . ........ o-. ........ _.,_ .. _ ... __ ,,_ .... ,.. __ ., .. _ ....... ..-.... -.. .... ...,:.:;,..~m;;::r,·.~ :-................. ......, .... ........... ----...----)1>...;.. -· .r.-... ....,-~ .. - .... --........... ;:..-::.,~=--=--~~-::.~~~='= .. -.. ...... -................ --·----.... ... - ..... --.c ... -.-of-·-........ ..... -......_ .... -. ,._ ... __ .. _ .. .......... _ .. __ _..,,_- ... --....... -doo, ___ ....,w_ .. ....,_,.._ .. .....,---,.. ........... ..,_ _____ _

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~ ..


Clarence M. Law died at his hoqte · iu Spring Vall~y after a liugering illness of mtwy months due to tuberculosis.

He was a son of S. M. Law; an old settler oftSpring_Yulley town· ship. Clarence wus twenty·four , years .of age last· February. The greaterrpart of his school life was spent in MoPhereou. He was· very popular with his school mntee l:iot.b in public sehoul and college ao~ wou a large circle of friends. He was· a mem b'e'r, of the ~nee of 1899 of the High Sohoo'l and in 1901 graduated from the Aond-

. emio deputmeut at McPherson oollege. ' Later he ,commeuoed on a bueiness oouree but did not finish . Abont'two years ago he began to fail in health. He was sent to

~ew Mexico and Arizona for hia health ~ut to no avail und he waa• ~t laet ~rought h?~e last spring 10 a HflOill cood1t1on. Thi1 aum­m~r ~e waa sent to a hospital in W1chu.a but wua ugaiu brou,bt hom~ l.aat week iu almuat a dy111g ooudltlQD. He became coutiuual· 11 weaker until bia death,

. \ 'fe. &be undenlgued agree'<> pn tfle sum t oppoel~ our .names In eudowment. now. bear­J og 6 per ~nt. tn~reet., tor t.be 10,000 11p'keep endowment. t.O eecW'CI the Carnegla Llbral')', tor McPherson College. Paid up aubecrlpt.lon '<> beeom.e due wben the 110,000 eball baTe ~ tullyaubecrtbed. ·

8 . o. Fabuestock,ll,OOO B . J . Harnly, 8. J . Miller, Rdward Franta,

B'. A. Vanlman, J. J . Yoder, II!OO. 0. J . Sblrk and wife, R. A. llorton,12150. B . B. KJmmel, Dr A Mn. '&7l0r, 1100.

--- 1 Tbomu N~cboleon, Mr and Mra. Bdaeoomb, !lr. and Mre. W,' v. Beaston, 1100.

8 D. Sblrky, Mr. and Hra. l. D. Yoder, ».r. and .Mn. Stuta'man; Mr. and !Ira Balph Shirk, Will Yode!• S. 0. Ktller, J, lL B. WUJJama. HarYIII1 Snowber~r. A. B. Bed41Da', J . W. Olah, Loater WIUJame, Mary Franta. 100,

..Mr. ll:no.. .M1Uer,l40. ' ·'Dr. A Mia. B. c: Smith, Dr. :rtuk SbJrk, J . Jl. Stutamaia, inmer'Yoder, Shelly KJiler, Ray Baldwin, Mr. and Mn. J'. 0 . Kauffman, L . B. Kimmel, BmllySbJrkey, B. M. Shirkey, 0. J . DaYia, Br~¥~8 Miller, L B. Wa,oner, B. 'W. Detter, BUet7 Mo.ier, Mr. and Mra. B. 0 . Clark, 0. J . Llcbtr, • •

v. 0 . OurtU, Bam Sherfey, J . B. Tbron~, F. W.OUoe,&sl.


0. SblrltJ, 0 . 0. Janaen, n . Wiebe, • . B. Sandberg, o. "· Sudei'IDAD,J'. B. Olin~; :az.. neat Van.tman, 1¥. B. Botrort, B . T. Bollinpr · o. s, Vaofma.n, D. & Bower. s. s. J'UokfDpr: J. "B. Moore, Kr. and Xn. G. 4 . 81Jrra. Xo~ r~ Kdlor, DaYld G. 'Wine, J . B. Butt,llO~

cbu. Oau... A. Pollook. B . J. riants Laura l'oeil a. v. Moore. Bue1 ltoore, P . • •·

o. D. B. Burna.•. Oo~ 11. •

1. Flnt:at. equipped Commercial rooms In the Central Weat . • ·

!. Fino bulldiOB, ·wollllahted, stool cctllnw. 8. 4oon!dlted by Btaio Board ot Bducutlon. •· 4 beautiful olty. No ealoone. A moral

community. · 5. Beet Penman 1n tbe'w u t.. 8. Ita ~ua* aro holdlna aood po1111ons

In all the lOAding o1t1e11 ot America. 1. Tho beat tor th11 leaat monO)', In tho

eborteet tlmo ~m praotloal bue.Jness lnetruc-tora. -

8. Faculty aro QM!(IIallate wbo ba\'il bad long e:zpericnoe In teaoblog.

II. • MoPboreon CoUeae Ia one ot the 8taun· obeet and ableatlnetltutlona In tho Wcs· ."­MoPhereon Commercial Olub~

10. No trouble In eoourlng poeltJooe !or our quaiUied atudenta.

U. "U Ia one of tho beet oolle~s or tho State."- B. W. B~oh CloYemor ot Kansas.

5o,8Jo Oo•ernment poetuooe leat Jeer. ltany or our boys who wt'ro P""

J.lllred by ua are now In the Government Ser­Yioe at ealarfee trom f84o to 11~000 pt'r year. We also haYO the "toUowloa departmonll which atYe tho moot. thoroua b oou'!CII: . CoUe,ta .... BtbUoal.llluloal, Normal. Aoadtr

mto, Bloo~tJon, Steoo~rapby; .l.penmeoablp. Letter WrtUDg, TJ'pewrUJq, Ollloe Work. It YQU a ... tntereet.el!, w,ue at


on~ for tull parUoulan. Get acquainted with ua. We wtll.help JOU OYOI'J lf.Op.

Gnr. Boob, Topeka, Ku., iarl .MoPborsoo Oollep Ia one of the beaJ In the Sta~.

We oao dO for TOU wlia& we baYO dono tor ottiera.

'~enol College. ICPbersoD, Ian~~-' ' ~ ,. .. i


Page 7: ,:a:.archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/rl6-10.pdf · wjth severai of the largeRt good lecture coqpse this winter. employmettnt bureaus of the Tho course will consist

' QFFICIAL DI-RECTORY mVINGsoomt'T : ·. ·' · · · ' Y. 11. o. A. • · Prealdcna.: Emma BoruJq: vtoe· Plat.._,

· Preelden&., J. B . D. Williams; Vlco ~~- KlnDI.e Dar\ele: Stere\&1'7. lira. 0. J. Din; deo~ J' . .U. CrnmbMker; SeeretarJ. F. R. CUile: "Treuurer B. A. DaYi,aoa; Ort\lo P. O.llleblft: Treuurer, 0 . 8. V&D.lmao, )(eJnber c»m., F. Cbor. , Jlabel Klmmel, Serpallla 0. B. ailter. W.•Cllne: Bible Sto4J' Oom., 0 . D. Jiu11; De- Della MeOombfor: Aut. SerJeaa&a, J. & WU• voUoDal Oom. B . w. Lobren&; lilaslon Stlld7 lla1111, Mar7 Pranta. .

• Com .• s. 0 . Jl1ller; Cbor. Ira Wagoner: Socl· ELITE SOCIETY. al, R . w. Deu~r. Preeldeot. F. E. Pbous.&; Vice Prai41D&. J4a

Lincoln 8atda ~ •

·•You can fool eomo of the people all tho U~e. "'\'"ou can fool all tho pooplo eome of tho dme. '"But you can'tfool all the people all the ttme."

A BuslneM Man Says: You don' t ,et fooled at ao1 Ume If J'OU call for competent ollloe alllataota 11t ~coPben.oD <lollece.

Tr a man emptlot hill purse Into bla bead, no man can take It from him. An lovoatment In knowledge alw&J'll paJ'I tho beet lnterHt.­PrankUn.

QUESTiONS ANSWERED Entrance Requirement&.

EXAMINATIONs-None on onteriow. BOTH SEXES aro admlttAld to all depart­


snmmar or dlatriot.aohool oduoatlon. U J'OU are doDclent In el~mentar,. atudlee we oao belp you. '

THE AGE or atudenta Ia a matter or llt11e consequence, and genorallJ nrfea trom M· ' · teen to thirty Je&r& Boya and rtrla alioulcl • bo not leu than fourteen when bealn~ work. .

THOSE INVITED TO ATTEND,-1. All tb06e who deelle to preJM'IO for tbe aottft dutlee or life.

t. All who deel.nl to prepare for the IPCC!lat dutJe. or aDJ bnalDeu.

3. All who have a worthJ purpoee, and tblnk we can IOrTe their lotereata.

ArrLJOATIOif lfDD lfOT Jill JILU). I'OR AD­lllSSIOif Or .B0\'11 OR \'011•0 llllll'f WBO S.

y, W. C. A. Jacobe; SfcretarJ. ~ ~waJ: Maia .. D, Prealdent.-MI'IJ. s. n. Fahnestock: VlcePrea· Secretar,., W. B. Cllne; Treaaurv, B. 0.

ldena., Corda olomeot; . Secretary, Berth: Weiss; Orltlc, s. B . Baabor; ~ta. Bow· 'Dolp; Treaeuror, Lulu Bttdebrand; Member ard KaeeJ, D. Wllbman; Cbora. K111a.JollUoll.· Qom., Mar, Frantz: Bible StUdJ Com., Dottle Mlall Ellllo PO&l'IOn, F. :v(. 11&\tJllea. Wheeler: Devotional Com.. Em~ Beckner : Hiulon .StudJ Oom .. Emma ilor~: Int.er-'Collegla&e Oom., MlnDle Bartell. ·. ·

EUREKA SOOIETY • .... PreaJdon&, 0. D. Raap; Vlce PrealtWt\, B . .A.

KWer• SoclretarJ, Pearl Dloudelleld: Treasur­er, B. J. DeU1oll:; Cbor. Della Vanlman; AUy .• B. B. Cline: Llbra.rlao. R. C. lllgalla: Serg­eante, LUlu BUdebraod. Benha Delp.

1 'I

Do You Lack. F'unCla to go to OfJli.g1 Jt JOUr anawor to UaJa que.Uoo. 11 wy-.••

wo can helu 10u. Your taun,. fo lilaft • BueiDOII or {'OIIep trl~ • ..W OOXPal. J'OU to WQ throuab life bnrdeDed wttJa a pow­erful haod~p. 10 do not let th11 ~Dil7 JMI:II bJ. Wrlw uatMa1 forfnlllntormataoa.

. PENMANSHIP C~RTIFICATE . . . Tbllla free to thoae who are llltereetod In ponmanablp, buellleee etyle Tbe

ooune will run tbrourh tho oomln)r wtuter moo the. and 'Ill of tboae who paua •t­lafaotorJ oxamldatlou at·the completion of tho course will be ent.Jtled to a Diploma from ourcollere. luuid made, whJob we will mallo for ono dollar (11.01)): Tbeee Dl. plomaa are wotrbrc;>t an.Y )'Ounr mall or la4.T'11 otrorta All ·we uJt ll that JOD promlae to 4o 1000 work and follow tho lnatruotlooa carefully, and return J'OUI' work b1 the end of esoh week, or uo\ later than once In two weeka, and &be new leaaon wiJ.b lnatruotlont 11111 be aent. We uk \he atudont to ttnd two two oen& atampa wttb eaoh letaon returned to PtiJ' for paper aud poatqe on the new le.aoD. Do JOU care to take up the work? The IOOif winter oven lop will be apout lu leai'D­lnr a wood buatneaa 1t7le or J)('I!JIIanthlp. lr JOU oaro to take the OC?Une, alia tbla oertltloateand eucloae tb~ atampa and tbe !!rat 1011011 with the lnatruotloua wiU beaent. • ·

Date ......................... . . \ McPHERSON COLLEG£,

McPt.aoa, Kaaau.

. . Name ......... . .. · ... . ............. . ........... . ..

QUill£ TO Bll: UI'O.UD. •

YOUNG LADIES-TbO proportlonof JOUnW' 1

ladlca among our etudentela quite large, and •Ill reach tbla Je&r nNriJ half of the tot&· attendance. We lnnto oorreepondeooe trom parenu who b&'fe dau•btera.and 10oa to ednl , cate. •

VISITORS. -l'areDtl dealriDW to Promote tbe.~n1n_~ereet8 of their eooal.lld dauptera are ~uu,. lnntled to oall and lnnetlpte tbe menta of thla lnedtutlon. Vlaltors ue at all tlmee oonUa117 weloomod.

Attrac:tJve Eavlroameats. THE LOCATION ID D&tural adnatqee. .

leevea notblow to be deiJrecl. There Ia DO more .cbarmlnw aile for a eobool than the beautlfut. beatthful aD4 aooeiatble oltT or Jre. Phoraon. No aaJooDI. · J

Posltlons'for Oraduatu •of COm• • plete 'Commercial Coane.

SITUATIONS.-We obt&ID 1004 l'OIItkma for allsradnatee of cnar ColiiJ'La'I'Jl Ccnarai­CUL Oouua, uc1 W.lnoluclle pnaUoalJT all oompeteut .-a4 wonll71tadeata. ·

Page 8: ,:a:.archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/rl6-10.pdf · wjth severai of the largeRt good lecture coqpse this winter. employmettnt bureaus of the Tho course will consist

· Faculty and lostmetor8 Jor 1900--1906 '

nJ mlllntllln. my frft>nds. that eYery ono of au ahould l!OOk out THB BKST TRACKER whom he 0:1n On'd, rt>prdtoa~ or exponeo or anytblnr."

EDWARD ~'RANTZ. A. M .• . President. Biblical Languages

and Interpretation.

H. J. HARNLY, . A . . '1 . • Ph. D : Natural Sciences.

F. G. MUIR, . Chapel .t4.u~tc.

o O. S. VJ\~l'IMAN. B.S. D. Diredor Gymnasium for Young


Matron. "' · J . J YODER,

Spelling. ''Tho entire objoct or truo f!du'oatton le WI

make people not merelr do rl~ bt tbl~.but to enjor right thlora: not merely t.nduttrloul' but to loYo lndostrr: not merely learned, but. to pve loam log: not. merelr bonoet. but to br DII'Of Rnd tblrat:arter boneft':·"-Ruakln,


Academic. Normal. OoUeglat.n Connner clal, Mut~loal, OraW~rlcal. 'BIIIllcal. Oernta~ Stenorraphr, an~ MQ~tel Bebool, (lor t(!acbt r ttalnlnar•.ll'ypewrl~tnar. Penmanship, Ollie. Work.

t OUR Alll. S. B. FAHNESTOCK. A. B., !tf· C. Secretary. Superintend'ent Commer­

cial DeP.artment. Commercial \ Brancbesaud Drawing. 1..


0oDShltll Of25 W 80 lDit!:UCtor!J,elqbt Q.f~'!l!Q!D are Oolleglat.e orUoiYerett.y graduat.ee. crep­resentlog Harvard Unlverany, Ann Arbor, Untvet'flltv of CbiQ~9· l!anau Stat-e' Unl· Yereltr. ntlDC>t.s"'W&e,~8riii:.Vhl'fentty, Bt.c..> and eJgbt otben are ll'foduat. of 11pecJ&l scbool8 or depuUDelna-comprtatng a .,.. rtetr or talent and power not ~uaur found In 8Cb0018 Of tb~ clUB. ' . •

Our aim lA WI afford blab-grade educatjo1111 opportuoi'J' lD an atm~bere of aoclal equa~U.y'Ud Cbrlntaa ldAida: We have 110 &rt.I\OCraCJ but \he'arlatocracy of merit.

Our Ill Ultra~ catalogue. wblclr may be bad ror the &!k1ng; wlll tell the refit, S. J. ~tiLLER. A. M ..

English and German.

C. J . SHlRK. A. M. . . Mathematjt!s. Che!Jlistry, Physics.

L. W. ELDEN. A B. Pedagogy and llistorr

1•'. G. MUIR, Director . of MuRical Department.

l'iano; Organ, . Harmony and .No-ice Culture. . )

.· · ~t ARY ·E. FRANTZ. A. B. ~Latin. . ...

1 . \

.JESSIE A' ULLREY . (Columbia School of Oratory.) Elocution and Physical yulture F. H. CRUMP.Ar.KER. B.:s: D.


Church History. • VERNA R. VANJMAN. B. S . D.

. Grammar. DELLA" .McCO~IBER. B. S D

Arithmetic. ANNA NEWLAND, H. S.D.

Orthography. . MR8. J . B. SAUFFER. Director of Model School.

HANNAH BOl'E. Shorthand.

S.C. ~ULCER. n' l'byaiology.

A E. HEDINE, . Assistant in 'c·bemistry. J. F. BOWERS, '!tt Acc~a. .

A••~stant ' in Book':~eepinc¥and l'enmansb\p.


J: ·E. THRONE, ·M. Atcta. • .: Book·K~pJ.nr. ., · I

0 . 8. VANl~AN. ~- S. D. Director GJI,DDll~ium for Ladie~.


. .




0.:. J

T H:-E S l'U·D.BN·T: . ':.I!U:·tt.~'·, f t •I

t:tregg Shorthand is popular ~ith th~.\·studeJ!~- ~l!se M can karn it, and make U86 of it. That to him is the t~ing-th~ culmh;tating point of his .. aiJlbition·. - w·1th the ~ase of acq~isidou and applicatlo~ of the 'prlnc\P.les, comes enthusiasm for the study, -and. con~y.entty , ad~~ ~ffec· tiveneBB of his work. He feels ttiat his progress is based

· on tangible results; he ~om~$ a loyal ad vocate.·

THE STENOp~~p~~-R,: .,,. It gives to the stenographe·r. a ·smooth•working instru· . . ..

meut of execution that enables him to do his work thor-oughly and expeditiously. Both ~t8 -speed ·of wrilingrand _ease of readi~g constantly appeal to h.,im. · H:e f~~fljl) t,hat, be is performing his work with the minimum oloftorl~and. the maximum of ~ffoot, and that h.!s employe~: is satf?fi~.-why shouldn't -it be popular with- him1,

When ttie popularity ~f a tlii'ng is based on rSBUlts-tber~ is no stemming the tide oi ita progregs.

\. We shu,nld lil[e to liear irom proai~ti\re students who l · • • • ' tv • ,;r--- 1 1 < • •trT · u·r

would lit~ to be fort,er ~cq~in~ .. ":i~h_th~.s~~·or.Gregg Shorthand-it will \>rove IDteresting and prolltable·:~g.