a2 media studies evaluation question 4

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Evaluation question 4

Evaluation question 4

How did you use Media Technologies in the Construction, Research, Planning and Evaluation Stages?

What Devices/Programs/websites we used in our project:

https://www.juzaphoto.com/shared_files/recensioni/nikon_coolpix_p530.jpghttps://www.seeklogo.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/facebook-messenger-logo.pnghttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b0/Microsoft_PowerPoint_2013_logo.svg/1043px-Microsoft_PowerPoint_2013_logo.svg.pnghttps://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51fc79fFyxL._SY355_.jpghttp://sg-live-02.slatic.net/p/fujitsu-2tb-2-5-inch-portable-hard-drive-wi-fi-purple-export-2690-050666-1-zoom.jpghttps://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/49d44f88-30e4-4bdd-a89d-74f795d3efdc_1.4739ce0b7de1063bc98c6091137e7ad3.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=FFFFFFhttps://assets.gadgets360cdn.com/shop/assets/products/samsung-galaxy-j5_1461321792.jpeg?output-quality=80&output-format=jpghttp://drop.ndtv.com/TECH/product_database/images/918201370949PM_635_iPhone-5s.jpeghttp://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/logopedia/images/5/5f/Wmp.png/revision/latest?cb=20130827120707https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/48/EBay_logo.pnghttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e2/Google_Chrome_icon_(2011).svg/2000px-Google_Chrome_icon_(2011).svg.pnghttps://cdn.corporate.walmart.com/bd/f8/3c9db9da4f40938a94ab198d7d9e/samsclublogo.pnghttps://www.trianglenursery.co.uk/images/themes/default/logo.png?v=636173920730572532http://www.notebookcheck.net/fileadmin/Notebooks/Acer/Aspire_R7-371T-52EL/4zu3_Acer_Aspire_R13_R7_371T_52EL.jpghttp://www.extra-imagens.com.br/Control/ArquivoExibir.aspx?IdArquivo=5089942Research and planning: Blogger

To start off with our research, my group all set up separate Blogger accounts. Blogger is a website where you can set up a blog for free as long as you have .blogspot.com at the end of the domain name. From the basics of Blogger you can add photographs, videos up to a certain limit, text, text background, change the size and font and change the template of your Blog, this made in very simple to display any ideas we had for the project. It is also linked to Youtube which made it simple to link our video diaries to it. Blogger was very useful for documenting all of our research because it was easy to keep up to speed with as it tells you the date of when you publish your post and so next time you know when you did it. We used Blogger, right from the beginning to up to the end, we used it like a journal.

Research and planning

To gain inspiration to make our music video, we researched music videos on Youtube. We were inspired by Panic at the Disco in the making of our music video so we decided to research one of their videos. I also researched some other music videos for the Existing Characters post to see if we could incorporate any ideas they used into our music video.

Laura used Amazon and EBay to check if there were any Little Red Riding Hood costumes we could order, she documented any ideas she had for props on Blogger. We wanted to use roses in our music video so she had a look online and found these websites: https://www.trianglenursery.co.uk/rose, https://www.samsclub.com/sams/bulk-roses/1243.cp. In the end these research did not end up being useful to us as we just changed the colour of Meghans coat to red in Premiere Pro CS6 for the Little Red Riding Hood reference and we bought roses from Morrisons nearby.

We made video diaries using the school video cameras as we went along for our coursework, these explained what we had done already and what we were planning to do next. To do these, one of us recorded while the other two spoke. After filming our video diaries, we would edit them in Premiere Pro, export them and put them onto Youtube.

We also made our casting videos by doing filming and editing, similarly to the video diaires.

Research and planning

Laura used her email on Google Mail to contact a Photography Studio called Butterfly Studios to ask when we could use their studio and we also paid online. I used Facebook to look up the Butterfly Studios Facebook Page to find their address so we would be able to get there.

Laura and Zoe went on Twitter to contact a band to see if they would be willing to be part of our Media cast, unfortunately we didnt get a reply from them so doing this didnt benefit our project.

We used Facebook/Messenger to contact each other when we werent together in lessons to ask when we were free to film, to organise what to bring to the filming location, to ask for help on blogposts and ask the cast when they were available. I found this really helpful as I didnt have to worry about meeting up with the cast or group members to discuss things with them.

For the Audience Research of our initial idea and ancillary products we made a Questionnaire using the website: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/, this helped us construct questions that would help us improve our idea on our music video and make changes to our Ancillary Products.

Construction filming And Behind the scenes

For the Construction Section of our project, we used a good quality camera and SD cards. I brought my own camera with me as well intended for behind the scenes but then we ended up using it for filming as well. We filmed with two cameras. The brands of camera we filmed with were a Nikon D3100 and the other one was my camera, a Nikon Coolpix P530 I brought my SanDisk 32GB SD card with me so I knew for sure I wouldnt run out of space on my camera. Using both cameras to film was helpful as we could record different angles so we would have more videos to choose from, I also used my camera to take behind the scenes photographs, originally intended for. This was especially helpful as cameras nowadays are a lot cheaper than they used to be and I could charge the camera before filming.

For behind the scenes photographs most of the time I used my mobile phone, a Moto G Gen 3, to take photographs because Laura and Zoe would use my camera to record videos but using my Mobile Phone was very helpful and it takes quite good quality images as it has a 16MP Camera on the outside camera. I took images from different angles and tried to get Laura and Zoe in the shots and to show what they were doing. For one of our filming shoots, I used Zoes IPhone 5s to take Behind the scenes photographs as I had forgot to charge my phone, compared to a lot of Mobile Phones, IPhones are very good in terms of camera quality.

https://www.juzaphoto.com/shared_files/recensioni/nikon_coolpix_p530.jpghttp://drop.ndtv.com/TECH/product_database/images/918201370949PM_635_iPhone-5s.jpegConstruction ancillary Task ideas

We also used my camera to take the Photographs for our Digipack and Poster. When we went to the Butterfly Studios after taking these photographs, we used Photoshop CS6 to edit the Photographs. When we first started, we were learning how we would use the tools in Photoshop to appropriately make our Digipack. We experimented with Photoshop and also Publisher to make some Ancillary ideas. Later, we decided we wouldnt use some of the ideas we had made.

https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8iO_0-J0IoI/WEFLw9x5LWI/AAAAAAAALCY/m3qIod5uteMPjNDMZEs-2zcIOPEwKOHwgCLcB/s1600/All%2BTime%2BLow%2BCD%2BCover%2B2.jpghttps://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Yhxk9gNSHnc/WEFNCwAj2iI/AAAAAAAALCk/Aj0HXC8SYt4OMAHkl4cOnpSuObtKZ8_DACLcB/s1600/Ancillary%2Bposter%2B1.pnghttps://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6fyoB6ccevM/WBsCMyNG4KI/AAAAAAAAI4E/rEEWAI_vkgwxlytW7yqij1l-Jgg69MNQwCLcB/s1600/POSTER%2BDIGIPACK%2BEXPE.jpgConstruction final Ancillaryhttps://4.bp.blogspot.com/-L5q7iPj7pqI/WMFpIxvINJI/AAAAAAAAQ1o/7LVO-suR6Q8LLXkgc01jgoCp_oWwirZ-wCLcB/s1600/kk.pnghttps://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_vPiFt7wVxQ/WE6SuY9PEaI/AAAAAAAAAzI/baeMByhlLMMekUPc2VF0v7tMdB5MaOMowCLcB/s400/Rough%2BTemplate.PNGhttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-bp7-igcZ0G4/WJWkgukNdLI/AAAAAAAAQJo/ikveIxQHfmE/s640/blogger-image-1377490178.jpgWe adjusted the colours of the photographs by going on adjustments and changing them to black and white and we also used the Magnetic Lasso tool to select Meghans lips and fill with a red/pink colour. On the photographs of Charlie we selected the rose and adjusted the colours by editing the brightness/contrast and the vibrance. We also made used the filter Photocopy and used this on all of our Digipack images and the poster image and then made a new layer above the original images and put it over the top. Construction Viewing footage and Editing

After filming we transferred the videos from a SanDisk/Kingston SD card onto Zoes Fujistu External Hardrive as the school computers did not have enough space for all of our videos. We would view the videos using Windows Media Player to see which videos we wanted to use for editing. The editing program we used was Premiere Pro CS6 and we used it to put all the videos together, crop the videos, add titles, use transitions, change the colour of Meghans coat from green red, make the videos black and white, edit the brightness/contrast of our videos and edit the speed of the videos.

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-P58_ELa2OdM/WL6HNdtLwMI/AAAAAAAAQ00/-K_onFXZ30AYufYbeyv2nIkD7r4rWvHDwCLcB/s1600/thumbnail_video%252520effects%255B2%255D.jpghttps://4.bp.blogspot.com/-WAwzr-NGrp4/WL6HMur_suI/AAAAAAAAQ0g/kB_VolkuT4Y9anj6xIYSV7UJfss3pqmDQCLcB/s1600/horizontal%2Bflip.PNGThis screenshot shows the two effects we used to edit Meghans coat from, the original colour, green to red. One of the effects we used was Change to Colour and the other was Leave Colour. We used Youtube Tutorials to learn how to do this. It was difficult as the hues that were the same colour were caught and turned red as well, to deal with this issue we adjusted the tolerance which was successful most of the time. This screenshot shows us using the Horizontal Flip Effect, we used this to suddenly grab the viewers attention before Charlie stepped forward and the song starts playing, we also learned to cross fade from colour to black and white. We simply cut the shot in two, made the second half black and white and added a cross fade between the two. We used a Youtube Tutorial to learn how to do this. We used a variety of transitions in our music video, mainly the cross dissolv. however when changing from a memory stage (B&W) to lip synching, we incorporated a flash dissolve.

http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/logopedia/images/5/5f/Wmp.png/revision/latest?cb=20130827120707http://sg-live-02.slatic.net/p/fujitsu-2tb-2-5-inch-portable-hard-drive-wi-fi-purple-export-2690-050666-1-zoom.jpgConstruction Editing

This screenshot shows us using the Leave Colour Effect, we wanted to make the rose stand out from the rest of the image, so we made it the only area left in colour and we also adjusted the contrast of it. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dThtwlxU26o/WL6HMsvF-KI/AAAAAAAAQ0c/N_xtj78fOhEWI8HelVGHRYudQQHtEA6yACLcB/s1600/black%2Bwhite%2Bred.PNGhttps://2.bp.blogspot.com/-kc_EDgOa0kY/WL6HMz-o--I/AAAAAAAAQ0k/Sh-D0_aRV-wCBPWb22WFqcwOeyATko2egCLcB/s1600/thumbnail_overlay%252520charlie%255B1%255D.jpghttps://1.bp.blogspot.com/-hYa0H8yNnTY/WL6HNC1mxEI/AAAAAAAAQ0w/eAw-Cu2Cnrwc7xyIFdoTgGIc-B82f8tJACLcB/s1600/thumbnail_speed%255B1%255D.jpgWe had a go at changing the speed of clips in our music video. We slowed down the speed of the flashbacks to make Charlies and Meghans argument more dramatic, it made what Charlie was saying clearer and it really showed the impact of Charlies shove. During the louder, more energetic parts of the song, we tried to speed the shots up so that they would match the beat of the music. For example the 360 degree shot of Meghan, it created the impression that she was being circled like an animal.The speed of the song encouraged us to experiment with cutting different shots. In the really fast paced parts, we created a flashing effect by cutting up shots of Meghan and Charlie and mixing them up.https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-7HEmLwlyh5Y/WL6HM8lgqUI/AAAAAAAAQ0o/Iayix5xHACMSJypoeJDRrAA1eQ_FXV7MgCLcB/s1600/cross%2Bfade%2Bthing.PNGWe 'nested' clips in order to be able to move them all as one collective shot and edit them together.Evaluation questions

We used Word for Evaluation question 1 and 3 to make an essay, using Word worked well as you can freely type and edit words without having to cross out or be careful of what you type, you can also spell check and check punctuation. Using an essay for the first question Laura was able to make paragraphs, switch them around and separate them into different categories.

For Evaluation Question 2, we also used Word to make a Mind Map, this was very effective as Zoe could split up sections of the question and answer them, this is also a simple way for a reader to understand our question without taking too much information in at once.

For Evaluation Question 4, I have used Powerpoint as you can see. It was a simple way to break-up the Research and Planning, Construction and the Evaluation areas up. I was able to show the programs/devices/websites we used on each page in the corner so that whoever would be reading would know what we used. I was able to write and put images on slides to make it easier to understand what I was talking about.

Overall Media Technologies have affected our entire project, without certain medias such as the internet for research and inspiration and such as the good quality Nikon cameras and Premiere Pro CS6 the construction of our video would have been lower quality and it would have been difficult to edit professionally. Without Photoshop, it would have been difficult to make our Digipack look proficient.

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