a9 pencil landscape

A9: Pencil Landscape Pencil Landscape - Amber Travis Copies of this, and other resources to support this assignemnt can be found here: www . twava . co . uk

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Guidance help and support for students studying GCSE Art and Design at the Wellington Academy.


Page 2: A9 Pencil Landscape

A9: Pencil Landscape                Introduction:  

● This is a key ‘assessed’ main outcome/item for your coursework portfolio (Unit 1) with 20 marks available for your main outcome (AO4) and 60 marks available for your sketchbok development (AO1,2 &3). CLICK HERE to learn more about the assessment objectives.

● Leading up to your main outcome for this assignment you are requried

to produce a ‘range’ of development studies, exploration of your chosen theme/idea(s) and evidence of drawing from direct ‘observation’.

● Although (for the purpose of meeting coursework criteria) you have

been provided a ‘theme’ (Landscape) and given a ‘medium’ (Pencil) exactly what you choose to use/do for your own work should be original and unique:

● Start this assignment in your sketchbook by producing a series

of ‘observational’ studies. Working directly from observing selected viewpoints of landscape near/local to the academy - Bring a coat to lessons as you are likely to conduct some tasks outside.

● To support your development work, try to obtain and use a camera

to record/capture your chosen view-point(s) to allow you to continue working on your assignment inside the art studio(s).

● This assignment should be done a large A1 (size) drawing paper.


Copies of this, and other resources to support this assignemnt can be found here: www.twava.co.uk

Page 3: A9 Pencil Landscape

A9: Pencil Landscape                 Guidance: Your work for this assignment should include the following ‘key’ developments inside your sketchbook/journal:

● Title-Page - Introduce this assignment/work by designing/making an interesting title-page.

● Source Images - Find and present examples of features (trees, buildings,

fences, clouds, plants etc. Remember to include references (where you obtained the image(s)) alongside your sourced images.

● Illustrate - Your sources (Images), select ⅔ examples and illustrate (draw/

sketch) these using full pages in your sketchbook. Consider using a range of media/materials although as this assignment will be created using pencil, most of your development studies should also be conducted using this medium to show ‘deep’ knowledge/understanding of using pencil effectively.

● Source Artists- Find a selection of artists that ‘inspire’ you and are linked

to the this assignment by the medium of their work (Pencil Landscapes). Present some background knowledge about/of your artist(s), along with some examples of their work. Include annotations to explain HOW, WHY, WHAT, WHEN etc.

● Illustrate - Some of your artists work by ‘emulation’ inside your

sketchbook and present your work/studies along-side thiers. This will demonstrate that you have looked carefully and also demonstrate your knowledge/understanding of their work in a ‘deeper’ and more ‘meaningful way’.

● After you have conducted the previous guidance/steps, you should focus on

your own idea/work/outcome for this assignment. To do this you will need to decided what it is that you wish to create/draw..

● Once you have decided what it is that you are going to create, begin

your own work/idea by illustrating (sketch/draw) using full pages in your sketchbook.

● Try to sketch/draw a couple of possible ‘Landscape’ outcomes to help you

decide which is the best/strongest for you to develop further.

Copies of this, and other resources to support this assignemnt can be found here: www.twava.co.uk

Page 4: A9 Pencil Landscape

A9: Pencil Landscape                Tips:

● Try to be original. You will get more marks if your work is unlike anything else others have done or intend to do! Consider taking your own photograph/picture(s) of your chosen landscape scene(s), rather than simply using a landscape image that you find online or in a book/magazine.

● Ensure that you prepare and plan for your work with care. Don't leave anything to chance. Keep/stay organised, and be sure that you have all required equipment/resources for each lesson.

● Make sure you do your research before you begin this task. Visit/use the assignment page, and check out all the supporting resources (Video, Pictures, links).

● Make sure you have read the assessment objectives so that you know how your work will be marked.

● Before you commence work on your final outcome, be sure that you have a fully developed ‘prep’ peice in your sketcbook.

● Because you are expected to create your landscape using pencil,

ensure that you have explored the use of this medium fully and evidence via a range of tasks in your sketchbook demonstrating solid understanding of LINE, TONE, SHADE, DETAIL.

● Take photographs of your work main outcome as it develops

to record your progress and to show the different stages of development/ refinement. Place these inside your sketchbook and explain your process.

Copies of this, and other resources to support this assignemnt can be found here: www.twava.co.uk

Page 5: A9 Pencil Landscape

A9: Pencil Landscape               The Final Outcome: When all of the above tasks/ guidelines/ suggestions are completed in your sketchbook (the more you do, the more marks you can gain!), you should be ready to begin work on your final/main outcome for this assignment. Tips:

● As this is a main item of coursework, make it count! The ‘deeper’ your sketchbook development is, the more confident you are likely to be.

● Work hard and fast, there will be limited time for you to complete this

assignment, if you fall behind, make sure that you catch-up using art clinic.

● Be organised and ensure that you have your sketchbook and all/any

source imagery to hand for every lesson.

● Prepare your work area to ensure that you have all required equipment to hand.

● Reflect on your work periodically (often), so that you can spot/identify

any errors or mistakes early on. Take photographs of your work as it develops, and place these inside your sketchbook to illustrate your development process.

● Consider attending Art Clinic for extra time on your work, and should

you fall behind, ensure that you catch-up any missed lessons/time.

Copies of this, and other resources to support this assignemnt can be found here: www.twava.co.uk

Page 6: A9 Pencil Landscape

A9: Pencil Landscape               

Do you have a smart phone?If so you can use the camera on your phone to access online resources to help you with this assignment.

All you need is a QR code reader app, point your phone web browser to one of readers below:

● http://reader.kaywa.com● http://get.beetagg.com● http://www.quickmark.com.tw/En/basic/download.asp● http://europe.nokia.com/support/product-support/nokia-n80/phone-software/smartphone● For iPhone users. Go to iTunes and search for: QR Code reader

Once you have a reader/ app on your smart phone. Simply take a quick snap of the code below, and you will be redirected to the visual arts learning site, directly on your phone.

Copies of this, and other resources to support this assignemnt can be found here: www.twava.co.uk