aaa pott's disease

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  • 8/9/2019 Aaa Pott's Disease



    A lung abscess is a subacute infection that destroys lung parenchyma. Further, chest radiographs reveal

    one or more cavities, often with an air-fluid level. Because the development of a cavity requires some

    amount of prior tissue damage and necrosis, presumably, lung abscesses usually begin as a localized


    Before the availability of antibiotics, the etiology of a typical abscess was complications after oral

    surgical procedures (ie, tonsillectomy), resulting in aspiration of infected material into the lungs. In the

    absence of satisfactory antibiotic treatment, this event usually led to a lung abscess or to a necrotizing

    pneumonia with or without pleural empyema. Prior to the availability of antibiotics, the clinical courseof a patient with a lung abscess would gradually worsen. Fifty years ago, the mortality rate was greater

    than 50%, and many patients were left with significant residual symptomatic disease. Most patients

    underwent surgery during the latter stages of the disease, and the results were discouraging.The availability of effective antibiotic therapy for primary lung abscess has drastically modified thenatural history of the disease and diminished the role of surgery. Operative indications are less frequent

    in current practice, and these procedures are undertaken electively for chronic illnesses only after

    medical therapy has been unsuccessful. In addition to antibiotics, pulmonary care has advanced andnow includes postural drainage. Currently, bronchoscopy is occasionally used as an adjunct to expedite

    drainage and to identify underlying occult lesions such as foreign bodies and malignancies.

    In the last 2 decades, the increasing use of corticosteroids, immunosuppressive drugs, and

    chemotherapeutic agents has changed the natural milieu of the oropharyngeal cavity and contributed tothe mounting frequency of opportunistic lung abscesses.

    For excellent patient education resources, visit eMedicine'sInfections Center,Lung and Airway Center,Pneumonia Center, and Procedures Center. Also, see eMedicine's patient education articles Bacterial

    Pneumonia, Abscess, Antibiotics, and Bronchoscopy.

    Classification, Etiology, and Pathophysiology


    Lung abscesses are considered acute or chronic depending on the duration of symptoms at the time ofpatient presentation. The arbitrary dividing time is 4-6 weeks. Primary lung abscess are commonly

    observed in patients who are predisposed to aspiration or in otherwise healthy individuals, whereas

    secondary lung abscesses represent complications of a preexisting local lesion such as a bronchogeniccarcinoma or a systemic disease (eg, HIV infection) that compromises immune function.


    Lung abscesses have numerous infectious causes. Anaerobic bacteria continue to be accountable for

    most cases. These bacteria predominate in the upper respiratory tract and are heavily concentrated in

    areas of oral-gingival disease. Other bacteria involved in lung abscesses are gram-positive and gram-negative organisms. However, lung cavities may not always be due to an underlying infection.

    Factors contributing to lung abscess

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    Oral cavity disease

    Periodontal disease


    Altered consciousness



    Drug abuse Anesthesia


    Immunocompromised host

    Steroid therapy



    Multiple trauma

    Esophageal disease


    Reflux disease Depressed cough and gag reflex

    Esophageal obstruction

    Bronchial obstruction


    Foreign body


    Generalized sepsis


    Aspiration of infectious material is the most frequent etiologic mechanism in the development of

    pyogenic lung abscess. Aspiration due to dysphagia (eg, achalasia) or to compromised consciousness(eg, alcoholism, seizure, cerebrovascular accident, head trauma) appears to be a predisposing factor.

    Poor oral hygiene, dental infections, and gingival disease are also common in these patients. Althoughlung abscesses can occur in edentulous patients, an occult carcinoma should be considered. Edentulous

    patients very seldom, if ever, develop a putrefied abscess because they lack periodontal flora.

    Patients with alcoholism and those with chronic illnesses frequently have oropharyngeal colonization

    with gram-negative bacteria, especially when they undergo prolonged endotracheal intubation and areadministered agents that neutralize gastric acidity. A pyogenic lung abscess can also develop from

    aspiration of infectious material from the oropharynx into the lung when the cough reflex is suppressed

    in a patient with gingivodental disease.


    Abscesses generally develop in the right lung and involve the posterior segment of the right upper lobe,the superior segment of the lower lobe, or both. This is due to gravitation of the infectious material

    from the oropharynx into these dependent areas. Initially, the aspirated material settles in the distal

    bronchial system and develops into a localized pneumonitis. Within 24-48 hours, a large area ofinflammation results, consisting of exudate, blood, and necrotic lung tissue. The abscess frequently

    connects with a bronchus and partially empties.

    After pyogenic pneumonitis develops in response to the aspirated infected material, liquefactive

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    necrosis can occur secondary to bacterial proliferation and an inflammatory reaction to produce an

    acute abscess. As the liquefied necrotic material empties through the draining bronchus, a necrotic

    cavity containing an air-fluid level is created. The infection may extend into the pleural space and

    produce an empyema without rupture of the abscess cavity. The infectious process can also extend tothe hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes, and these too may become purulent.

    Bacteriology of lung abscess

    Gram-negative organisms

    Bacteroides species

    Fusobacterium species

    Proteus species


    Escherichia coli

    Gram-positive organisms

    Peptostreptococcus species

    Microaerophilic streptococcus

    Clostridium species

    Staphylococcus species

    Actinomyces species

    Opportunistic organisms

    Candida species

    Legionella species

    Mycobacterium species

    Clinical Features

    Generally, most of the patients admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of lung abscess have had

    symptoms for at least 2 weeks. These patients typically have an intermittent febrile course, productivecough, weight loss, general malaise, and night sweats. Initially, foul sputum is not observed in thecourse of the infection; however, after cavitation occurs, putrid expectorations are quite prevalent. The

    odor of the breath and sputum of a patient with an anaerobic lung abscess is often quite pronounced and

    noxious and may provide a clue to the diagnosis. Hemoptysis may occasionally follow theexpectoration of putrid sputum.

    Primary lung abscesses that occur following staphylococcal suppurative pneumonia in infants and

    children lack the typical indolent recurrent course of the more common postaspiration infections. Their

    onset tends to be abrupt and more threatening, producing chills, fever, tachycardia, tachypnea, andunremitting production of putrid sputum. The sputum is rarely without odor because an anaerobic

    infection has no indolent course. The physical findings are similar to those of pneumonia, with or

    without a pleural effusion. Auscultation may reveal coarse rhonchi and absent breath sounds. Clubbingof the fingers is sometimes noted.

    Clinical Types

    Anaerobic necrotizing pneumonia

    Usually, anaerobic necrotizing pneumonia is chiefly restricted to one pulmonary segment or lobe,

    although it may progress to encompass an entire lung or both lungs. This type of anaerobic lung

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    infection is the most serious. The inflammatory process often spreads quickly and causes destruction

    characterized by greenish staining of the lung and a huge amount of putrid tissue, resulting in

    pulmonary gangrene. These patients are gravely ill with a progressive septic course. Leukocytosis is

    obvious, and the sputum is putrid.

    Secondary lung abscess

    In cases of secondary lung abscess, the fundamental process (eg, bacteremia, endocarditis, septic

    thrombophlebitis, subphrenic infection) is generally apparent along with the pulmonary pathology.

    Infections below the diaphragm may extend to the lung or pleural space by way of the lymphatics,either directly through the diaphragm or via defects in it.

    The most typical hematogenous lung abscesses are observed in persons with staphylococcal

    bacteremia, especially in children. These abscesses are multiple and are located in the periphery of the

    lung. Infections may arise in or posterior to an obstruction (eg, an enlarged mediastinal lymph node)and migrate to the lungs. Septic emboli from bacterial endocarditis or emboli from deep pelvic veins

    may result in metastatic lung abscess. Septic emboli are suggested when multiple lesions appear over

    an extended period.

    Fewer than 5% of bland pulmonary infarcts become secondarily infected. Secondary infection of

    infarcts is suggested if fever and leukocytosis are present. Abscess formation may also occur within anecrotic pulmonary tumor.

    Amebic lung abscess

    Patients who develop an amebic lung abscess often have symptoms associated with a liver abscess.

    These may include right upper quadrant pain and fever. After perforation of the liver abscess into thelung, the individual may develop a cough and expectorate a chocolate or anchovy pastelike sputum

    that has no odor. The patient may give a history of diarrhea and travel outside the country.

    Diagnosis and Workup


    The diagnosis of a typical lung abscess can usually be confirmed based on history and physical

    examination findings. Approximately 10-20% of patients with anaerobic lung abscess have no obviousoral cavity disease or predisposition to aspiration, which are the 2 most important factors in the

    development of anaerobic lung infection.

    Evaluation of expectorated sputum is the first step in the diagnosis of a patient with a lung abscess.

    Perform a Gram stain and culture for both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms and specialstaining for acid-fast bacteria and fungi. Generally, in patients with a typical anaerobic lung abscess,

    sputum analysis is not useful, but the analysis is helpful to exclude other causes of lung abscess (eg,

    tuberculosis, aerobic bacteria). The sputum Gram stain in patients with anaerobic lung abscesses often

    shows numerous polymorphonuclear leukocytes along with a mixture of bacteria, some of which arecontaminants of oral flora.

    Because of the presence of anaerobes in the oral cavity, cultures of these microorganisms are not

    worthwhile. Regular aerobic culture of expectorated sputum should always be performed. When a

    single predominant organism is cultured, it is accepted to be the pathogen.

    Empyema fluid, if accessible, provides an excellent medium. Occasionally, particularly with metastatic

    lung abscesses, blood culture findings may be positive. Most patients never have appropriate specimens

    obtained for culture; most are treated empirically and do well despite the lack of exact microbiologic

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    culture results.

    Chest radiographs

    The chest radiograph of a lung abscess is not pathognomic in the early stages, ie, before

    communication is achieved between the abscess cavity and draining bronchus. An area of thick

    pneumonic consolidation precedes the emergence of the typical cavitary air-fluid form. The distinctivecharacteristic of lung abscess, the air-fluid level, can only be observed on a chest x-ray film taken with

    the patient upright or in the lateral decubitus position. In the presence of associated pleural thickening,

    atelectasis, or pneumothorax, the air-fluid level may be obscured. When better anatomic interpretationis required, CT scans have proven very useful.

    Opportunistic lung abscesses are more difficult to diagnose. They occur in patients at the extremes of

    age and in patients with multiple medical problems. Under these conditions, multiple abscesses often

    evolve, and most of these are nosocomial. Typically, the microbial flora in these patients is gram-negative. Similar to aspiration-induced lung abscess, cavitation is generally apparent on chest

    radiographs 2 weeks after the onset of cough, fever, and pleuritic chest pain.

    Chest CT scan images are valuable for demonstrating cavitation within an area of consolidation, for

    evaluating the thickness and regularity of the abscess wall, and for determining the exact position of the

    abscess with regard to the chest wall and bronchus. CT scan images can also aid in evaluating theextent of bronchial involvement proximal or distal to the abscess.

    Invasive diagnostic procedures

    Invasive diagnostic techniques occasionally recommended to diagnose lung abscesses include

    transtracheal aspirates, transthoracic aspirates, and fiberoptic bronchoscopy. These procedures must beperformed prior to the institution of antibiotic therapy in order to acquire dependable microbiological

    data. The indications and comparative benefits of such procedures are controversial and depend to a

    great extent on operator ability. Most pulmonologists believe that these diagnostic procedures shouldnot be performed routinely in patients with possible anaerobic lung abscesses; they should be reserved

    for patients with atypical presentations.

    Fiberoptic bronchoscopy is a useful adjunct in the diagnostic evaluation of patients with lung abscess.

    Secretions obtained from the lower respiratory tract via either lavage or brush can be submitted forculture and sensitivity. Rigid, sterile, and aseptic technique is crucial (eg, use of lidocaine without

    preservatives, minimal use of topical anesthetic, specimen transport under anaerobic conditions,

    avoidance of delays in processing), although prior or concurrent antibiotic therapy can cause confusing


    Thus, in patients who have a classic history and radiological presentation of anaerobic lung abscess, the

    medically sound decision may be to start with empirical antibiotic therapy without prior bronchoscopy.

    However, for patients with atypical presentations or unclear diagnoses, bronchoscopy should be

    considered. Bronchoscopy may also be used to exclude the presence of a foreign body or neoplasm.

    If no specimens are available for analysis and diagnosis, percutaneous transtracheal aspiration is aneasy, safe, and dependable way of establishing the specific cause of a lung abscess. This procedure

    should be avoided in patients with coagulation disorders or bleeding tendencies and in those for whom

    it is difficult to provide adequate oxygenation.

    For patients with amebic liver abscess,Entamoeba histolytica may be recovered from the sputum. The

    vast majority of patients with extraintestinal amebiasis have high titers of hemoagglutinin in the serum.

    Differential diagnosis

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    Cavitary lesions in the lung parenchyma have several causes, but a patient with an acute presentation of

    an illness with air-fluid levels should elicit consideration of a lung abscess. Lung parenchymal cystic

    lesions and secondarily infected bullae can occasionally confuse the picture. The prior existence of

    these lesions, as documented by old radiographs and the segmental location, are not typical of lungabscess.

    Patients with squamous cell bronchial carcinomas can also present with cavitary lesions that are

    sometimes difficult to differentiate from lung abscesses. Realizing that the wall of the carcinomatousabscess is usually thicker and more irregular than that of the primary abscess is helpful. Further, foulsputum, no response to antibiotics, and the absence of fever may help distinguish the 2 entities.

    Because an abscess distal to bronchial obstruction usually occurs in an area of lobar pneumonitis and

    atelectasisbut otherwise appears as a primary abscessearly bronchoscopy is recommended in allcases.

    Differential diagnoses of a cavitary lung lesion

    Anaerobic infection

    Gram-negative bacteria

    Pseudomonas species

    Legionella species Haemophilus influenzae species

    Gram-positive bacteria

    Staphylococcus species

    Streptococcus species

    Mycobacterium species



    E histolytica

    Paragonimus westermani

    Septic Embolism

    Cavitary infarction

    Bland infarction

    Wegener vasculitis


    Bronchogenic carcinoma

    Metastatic carcinoma



    Bulla with fluid

    Empyema with air fluid levels

    Medical Treatment

    The current management of anaerobic lung abscesses includes prolonged antibiotic therapy. Because

    effective broad-spectrum antibiotics are available, primary or nonspecific abscesses can frequently be

    arrested in the early stage of suppurative pneumonitis. Whereas penicillin has always been the

    antibiotic of choice, recent trials show clindamycin to be superior.1Intravenous therapy is appropriate

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    for adults until an initial clinical response is observed, after this time, oral therapy is safe.

    Although the overall efficacy of penicillin seems to diminish with time, it presently remains a practical

    drug for most patients, especially if clindamycin is contraindicated. Tetracycline is considered

    inadequate therapy because most anaerobes are resistant to it. Similarly, metronidazole is ineffective inapproximately 50% of patients, presumably because of the contribution of aerobic bacteria. Therefore,

    if this agent is to be used, combine it with either a penicillin derivative or a cephalosporin.1After initial

    antibiotic therapy, the clinical and radiographic response is gradual. The fever generally subsides in 4-7days, but normalization of the chest radiograph may require 2 months.

    Antibiotics in lung abscess

    Anaerobic organisms1

    First choice - Clindamycin (Cleocin 3)

    Alternative - Penicillin

    Oral therapy - Clindamycin, metronidazole (Flagyl), amoxicillin (Amoxil)

    Gram-negative organisms

    First choices - Cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, quinolones

    Alternatives - Penicillins and cephalexin (Biocef)

    Oral therapy - Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Septra)

    Pseudomonal organisms: First choices include aminoglycosides, quinolones, and cephalosporin.

    Gram-positive organisms

    First choices - Oxacillin (Bactocill), clindamycin, cephalexin, nafcillin (Nafcil), and


    Alternatives - Cefuroxime (Ceftin) and clindamycin

    Oral therapy - Vancomycin (Lyphocin)

    Nocardial organisms: First choices include trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and tetracycline(Sumycin).

    DrainageMost lung abscesses communicate with the tracheobronchial tree early in the course of the infection

    and drain spontaneously during the course of therapy. Dependent drainage (with appropriate positionsbased on the pulmonary segment) is commonly advocated using chest physical therapy and sometimes

    bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy can also facilitate abscess drainage by aspiration of the appropriate

    bronchus through the bronchoscope. Transbronchial drainage by catheterization of the appropriate

    bronchus under fluoroscopy has been successful.

    Generally, augmenting this passive drainage with invasive procedures is unnecessary. In fact, attempts

    at therapeutic bronchoscopy may sometimes produce adverse consequences. Reports have been

    received of bronchoscopy-induced release of large amounts of purulent material from the involved lung

    segment into other parts of the lung, occasionally inducing acute respiratory failure, acute respiratorydistress syndrome (ARDS), or both.

    Course of treatment

    If treatment is started in the acute stage of the disease and is continued for 4-6 weeks, approximately

    85-95% of patients with anaerobic lung abscesses respond to medical management alone. Successfulmedical therapy resolves symptoms with no radiographic evidence or only a residual thin-walled cystic

    cavity (

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    before the initiation of therapy. Antibiotic therapy is rarely successful if symptoms are present for

    longer than 12 weeks before the initiation of antibiotic therapy or if the original diameter of the cavity

    is more than 4 cm. When patients with lung abscesses do not respond to proper medical therapy,

    consider the probability of an underlying malignancy.

    Surgical Treatment

    Contraindications to surgery

    Several important factors must be considered prior to undertaking surgery. Because of the high risk ofspillage of the abscess into the contralateral lung, it is almost essential that a double-lumen tube be used

    to protect the airway. If this is not available, surgery poses a very high risk of abscess in the other lung

    and a risk of ARDS. In such cases, postponing the surgery is a wise decision. Another, less-satisfactorymethod to deal with this problem includes positioning the patient in the prone position. The surgeon

    must be skilled in resecting the abscess and in rapid clamping of the bronchus to prevent spillage into

    the trachea. These factors are extremely important when dealing with the surgical aspects of treating alung abscess. If doubt persists, postponing the surgery is best.

    Surgical treatment is now rarely necessary and is almost never the initial choice in the treatment of lungabscesses. In current practice, fewer than 15% of patients need surgical intervention for the unchecked

    disease and for complications that occur in both the acute and chronic stages of the disease.

    Surgical management is reserved for specific indications such as little or no response to medicaltreatment, inability to eliminate a carcinoma as a cause, critical hemoptysis, and complications of lung

    abscess (eg, empyema, bronchopleural fistula). In addition, if after 4-6 weeks of medical treatment a

    notable residual cavity remains and the patient is symptomatic, surgical resection is advocated.

    The results of surgery are difficult to assess because of the varying patient population and thetremendous increase in illicit drug abuse, alcoholism, AIDS, and infections by gram-negative and

    opportunistic organisms. These factors have increased the incidence of lung abscess and the associated


    A great deal of caution is needed during anesthesia when patients with lung abscess undergo surgerybecause spillage of the abscess material into the uninvolved lung can occur. Therefore, a double-lumen

    endotracheal tube is used in all cases.

    Indications for surgery

    Probable carcinoma

    Significant hemoptysis

    Percutaneous drainage

    Percutaneous drainage of a complicated abscess (ie, one associated with fever and signs ofsepsis) is

    beneficial in selected patients who do not respond to adequate medical therapy.2

    These are ventilator-dependent patients who are not candidates for extensive thoracic procedures.

    Other indications for drainage include ongoing sepsis despite adequate antimicrobial therapy,progressively enlarging lung abscess in imminent danger of rupture, failure to wean from mechanical

    ventilation, and contamination of the opposite lung. In current practice, most of these lung abscesses

    are drained under CT guidance.2

    Results achieved with percutaneous drainage show it to be safe and effective compared to surgery.Percutaneous drainage is rarely complicated by empyema, hemorrhage, or bronchopleural fistula.
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    Although a few patients who undergo percutaneous drainage develop bronchopleural fistulas, most of

    these fistulas close spontaneously with resolution of the abscess cavity. Percutaneous drainage may be

    used to stabilize and prepare critically ill patients for surgery.

    Abscess from gram-negative and opportunistic bacteria

    Hospital-acquired gram-negative infections are usually due to nosocomial organisms (eg,Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Proteus). Patients with these infections are often elderly, debilitated with

    numerous major medical disorders, or have sustained multiple trauma. These patients are typically

    treated in a critical care unit.

    The infection is usually with a resistant organism originating from a single source. The lung abscessappears rapidly as an area of pneumonitis with associated pleural involvement. These patients often

    require percutaneous drainage as an emergency procedure. Unfortunately, the infection is systemic and

    often out of control, and the pulmonary pathology represents only one aspect of a multiorganinvolvement with a rapidly deteriorating course.

    Among fungal infections, Candida albicans has become a major organism in lung abscesses. Fungal

    infections are difficult to treat, and amphotericin/fluconazole and surgical drainage remain the only

    modalities of treatment; however, at best, they have had only limited success.

    Complications and Prognosis


    Approximately one third of lung abscesses are complicated by empyema. This may be observed with orwithout bronchopleural fistulas. Hemoptysis is a common complication of a lung abscess and can be

    treated with bronchial artery embolization. Occasionally, the hemoptysis can be massive, thus requiring

    urgent surgery. Brain abscess may also be a complication in patients who receive inadequate treatment.


    The prognosis of patients with lung abscesses depends on the underlying or predisposing pathologicevent and the speed with which appropriate therapy is established. Negative prognostic factors include

    a large cavity (>6 cm), necrotizing pneumonia, multiple abscesses, immunocompromise, age extremes,

    associated bronchial obstruction, and aerobic bacterial pneumonia. The mortality rate associated withan anaerobic lung abscess is less than 15%, although it is slightly higher in patients with necrotizing

    anaerobic pneumonia and pneumonia caused by gram-negative bacteria. The prognosis associated with

    amebic lung abscess is good when treatment is prompt.


    lung abscess, aspiration, pneumonia, anaerobic bacteria, antibiotic therapy, percutaneous drainage,

    bronchoscopy, empyema, alcoholism, seizures, poor oral hygiene, bronchogenic neoplasm, infectedlung, pyogenic lung abscess, lung abscesses, oral surgery, dysphagia, achalasia, dental infection,

    gingival disease, gum disease, bad oral hygiene, gingivodental disease, lung necrosis, necrotic lung

    tissue, anaerobic necrotizing pneumonia, pulmonary gangrene, amebiasis, amoebiasis, amebic lungabscess, amoebic lung abscess


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    Lung abscess is defined as necrosis of the pulmonary tissue and formation of cavities containing

    necrotic debris or fluid caused by microbial infection. The formation of multiple small (

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    A thick-walled lung abscess.


    Most frequently, the lung abscess arises as a complication of aspiration pneumonia caused by mouth

    anaerobes. The patients who develop lung abscess are predisposed to aspiration and commonly haveperiodontal disease. A bacterial inoculum from the gingival crevice reaches the lower airways, and

    infection is initiated because the bacteria are not cleared by the patient's host defense mechanism. This

    results in aspiration pneumonitis and progression to tissue necrosis 7-14 days later, resulting in

    formation of lung abscess.

    Other mechanisms for lung abscess formation include bacteremia or tricuspid valve endocarditis,

    causing septic emboli (usually multiple) to the lung. Lemierre syndrome, an acute oropharyngealinfection followed by septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein, is a rare cause of lung

    abscesses. The oral anaerobeF necrophorum is the most common pathogen.


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    Because of the difficulty obtaining material uncontaminated by nonpathogenic bacteria colonizing the

    upper airway, lung abscesses rarely have a microbiologic diagnosis.

    Published reports since the beginning of the antibiotic area have established that anaerobic bacteria arethe most significant pathogens in lung abscess. In a study by Bartlett et al in 1974, 46% of patients with

    lung abscesses had only anaerobes isolated from sputum cultures, while 43% of patients had a mixture

    of anaerobes and aerobes.1

    The most common anaerobes arePeptostreptococcus species,Bacteroidesspecies,Fusobacterium species, and microaerophilic streptococci.

    Aerobic bacteria that may infrequently cause lung abscess include Staphylococcus aureus,

    Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae (rarely),Klebsiella pneumoniae, Haemophilus

    influenzae,Actinomyces species,Nocardia species, and gram-negative bacilli.

    Challenging current expert opinion, a study by Wang et al suggested that the bacteriologic

    characteristics of lung abscess have changed.2In a series of 90 patients with community-acquired lung

    abscess in Taiwan, anaerobes were recovered from just 28 patients (31%); the predominant bacterium

    wasK pneumoniae, in 30 patients (33%). Another significant finding was that the rate of resistance of

    anaerobes and Streptococcus milleri to clindamycin and penicillin increased compared with previousreports.

    Nonbacterial and atypical bacterial pathogens may also cause lung abscesses, usually in the

    immunocompromised host. These microorganisms include parasites (eg,Paragonimus andEntamoeba

    species), fungi (eg,Aspergillus, Cryptococcus, Histoplasma, Blastomyces, and Coccidioides species),and Mycobacterium species.


    United States

    The frequency of lung abscess in the general population is not known.


    Most patients with primary lung abscess improve with antibiotics, with cure rates documented at 90-


    Host factors associated with a poor prognosis include advanced age, debilitation, malnutrition, human

    immunodeficiency virus infection or other forms of immunosuppression, malignancy, and duration of

    symptoms greater than 8 weeks.3The mortality rate for patients with underlying immunocompromised

    status or bronchial obstruction who develop lung abscess may be as high as 75%.4

    Aerobic organisms, frequently hospital acquired, are associated with poor outcomes. A retrospectivestudy reported the overall mortality rate of lung abscesses caused by mixed gram-positive and gram-

    negative bacteria at approximately 20%.5


    A male predominance for lung abscess is reported in published case series.

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    Lung abscesses likely occur more commonly in elderly patients because of the increased incidence of

    periodontal disease and the increased prevalence of dysphagia and aspiration. However, a case series

    from an urban center with high prevalence of alcoholism reported a mean age of 41 years.6



    Symptoms depend on whether the abscess is caused by anaerobic or other bacterial infection.

    Anaerobic infection in lung abscess

    Patients often present with indolent symptoms that evolve over a period of weeks tomonths.

    The usual symptoms are fever, cough with sputum production, night sweats, anorexia,

    and weight loss.

    The expectorated sputum characteristically is foul smelling and bad tasting. Patients may develop hemoptysis or pleurisy

    Other pathogens in lung abscess

    These patients generally present with conditions that are more emergent in nature and

    are usually treated while they have bacterial pneumonia.

    Cavitation occurs subsequently as parenchymal necrosis ensues.

    Abscesses from fungi,Nocardia species, and Mycobacteria species tend to have an

    indolent course and gradually progressive symptoms.


    The findings on physical examination of a patient with lung abscess are variable. Physical findings maybe secondary to associated conditions such as underlying pneumonia or pleural effusion. The physical

    examination findings may also vary depending on the organisms involved, the severity and extent ofthe disease, and the patient's health status and comorbidities.

    Patients with lung abscesses may have low-grade fever in anaerobic infections and temperatures

    higher than 38.5C in other infections.

    Generally, patients with in lung abscess have evidence of gingival disease.

    Clinical findings of concomitant consolidation may be present (eg, decreased breath sounds,

    dullness to percussion, bronchial breath sounds, course inspiratory crackles).

    The amphoric or cavernous breath sounds are only rarely elicited in modern practice.

    Evidence of pleural friction rub and signs of associated pleural effusion, empyema, andpyopneumothorax may be present. Signs include dullness to percussion, contralateral shift of

    the mediastinum, and absent breath sounds over the effusion.

    Digital clubbing may develop rapidly.


    The bacterial infection may reach the lungs in several ways. The most common is aspiration of

    oropharyngeal contents.

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    Patients at the highest risk for developing lung abscess have the following risk factors:

    Periodontal disease

    Seizure disorder

    Alcohol abuse


    Other patients at high risk for developing lung abscess include individuals with an inability to

    protect their airways from massive aspiration because of a diminished gag or cough reflex,caused by a state of impaired consciousness (eg, from alcohol or other CNS depressants, general

    anesthesia, or encephalopathy).

    Infrequently, the following infectious etiologies of pneumonia may progress to parenchymal

    necrosis and lung abscess formation:

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    K pneumoniae

    S aureus (may result in multiple abscesses)

    Streptococcus pneumoniae

    Nocardia species

    Fungal species

    An abscess may develop as an infectious complication of a preexisting bulla or lung cyst.

    An abscess may develop secondary to carcinoma of the bronchus; the bronchial obstruction

    causes postobstructive pneumonia, which may lead to abscess formation.

    Differential Diagnoses

    Alcoholism Pneumococcal InfectionsEmpyema, Pleuropulmonary Pneumocystis Carinii


    Hydatid Cysts Pneumonia, Aspiration

    Infective Endocarditis Pneumonia, Bacterial

    Lung Cancer, Non-Small Cell Pneumonia, FungalLung Cancer, Oat Cell (Small Cell) Pulmonary Embolism

    Mycetoma Sarcoidosis

    Mycobacterium Avium-Intracellulare

    Thrombophlebitis, Septic

    Mycobacterium Chelonae Tuberculosis

    Mycobacterium Kansasii Wegener GranulomatosisNocardiosis

    Other Problems to Be Considered

    Cavitating lung cancer

    Localized empyema

    Infected bulla containing a fluid levelInfected congenital pulmonary lesion, such as bronchogenic cyst or sequestration

    Pulmonary hematoma

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    Cavitating pneumoconiosis

    Hiatus hernia

    Lung parasites (eg, hydatid cyst,Paragonimus infection)

    ActinomycosisWegener granulomatosis and other vasculitides

    Cavitating lung infarcts

    Cavitating sarcoidosis


    Laboratory Studies

    A complete white blood cell count with differential may reveal leukocytosis and a left shift.

    Obtain sputum for Gram stain, culture, and sensitivity.

    If tuberculosis is suspected, acid-fast bacilli stain and mycobacterial culture is requested.

    Blood culture may be helpful in establishing the etiology.

    Obtain sputum for ova and parasite whenever a parasitic cause for lung abscess is suspected.

    Imaging Studies

    Chest radiography7

    A typical chest radiographic appearance of a lung abscess is an irregularly shaped cavitywith an air-fluid level inside. Lung abscesses as a result of aspiration most frequently

    occur in the posterior segments of the upper lobes or the superior segments of the lower


    The wall thickness of a lung abscess progresses from thick to thin and from ill-defined to

    well-circumscribed as the surrounding lung infection resolves. The cavity wall can be

    smooth or ragged but is less commonly nodular, which raises the possibility of cavitatingcarcinoma.

    The extent of the air-fluid level within a lung abscess is often the same in posteroanterior

    or lateral views. The abscess may extend to the pleural surface, in which case it formsacute angles with the pleural surface.

    Anaerobic infection may be suggested by cavitation within a dense segmental

    consolidation in the dependent lung zones.

    Lung infection with a virulent organism results in more widespread tissue necrosis,

    which facilitates progression of underlying infection to pulmonary gangrene.

    Up to one third of lung abscesses may be accompanied by an empyema.

    Pneumococcal pneumonia complicated by lung necrosis and abscess formation.


  • 8/9/2019 Aaa Pott's Disease


    Pneumococcal pneumonia complicated by lung necrosis and abscess formation.

    A lateral chest radiograph shows air-fluid level characteristic of lung abscess.


    A lateral chest radiograph shows air-fluid level characteristic of lung abscess.

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    A 54-year-old patient developed cough with foul-smelling sputum production. A chest

    radiograph shows lung abscess in the left lower lobe, superior segment.


    A 54-year-old patient developed cough with foul-smelling sputum production. A chest radiograph

    shows lung abscess in the left lower lobe, superior segment.

    A 42-year-old man developed fever and production of foul-smelling sputum. He had a

    history of heavy alcohol use, and poor dentition was obvious on physical examination.

    Chest radiograph shows lung abscess in the posterior segment of the right upper lobe.


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  • 8/9/2019 Aaa Pott's Disease


    A 42-year-old man developed fever and production of foul-smelling sputum. He had a history of

    heavy alcohol use, and poor dentition was obvious on physical examination. Chest radiograph

    shows lung abscess in the posterior segment of the right upper lobe.

    Chest radiograph of a patient who had foul-smelling and bad-tasting sputum, an

    almost diagnostic feature of anaerobic lung abscess.


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  • 8/9/2019 Aaa Pott's Disease


    Chest radiograph of a patient who had foul-smelling and bad-tasting sputum, an almost

    diagnostic feature of anaerobic lung abscess.

    Computed tomography7,8

    CT scanning of the lungs may help visualize the anatomy better than chest radiography.CT scanning is very useful in the identification of concomitant empyema or lung


    On CT scans, an abscess often is a rounded radiolucent lesion with a thick wall and ill-defined irregular margins.

    The vessels and bronchi are not displaced by the lesion, as they are by an empyema.

    The lung abscess is located within the parenchyma compared with loculated empyema,which may be difficult to distinguish on chest radiographs.

    The lesion forms acute angles with the pleural surface chest wall.

    A 42-year-old man developed fever and production of foul-smelling sputum. He had a

    history of heavy alcohol use, and poor dentition was obvious on physical examination.

    Lung abscess in the posterior segment of the right upper lobe was demonstrated on

    chest radiograph (see Image 6). CT scan shows a thin-walled cavity with surrounding



  • 8/9/2019 Aaa Pott's Disease


    A 42-year-old man developed fever and production of foul-smelling sputum. He had a history of

    heavy alcohol use, and poor dentition was obvious on physical examination. Lung abscess in the

    posterior segment of the right upper lobe was demonstrated on chest radiograph (see Image 6).

    CT scan shows a thin-walled cavity with surrounding consolidation.


    Peripheral lung abscesses with pleural contact or included inside a lung consolidation are

  • 8/9/2019 Aaa Pott's Disease


    detectable using lung ultrasonography at the bedside.

    Lung abscess appears as a rounded hypoechoic lesion with an outer margin.

    If a cavity is present, additional nondependent hyperechoic signs are generated by the

    gas-tissue interface.9


    Diagnostic material uncontaminated by bacteria colonizing the upper airway may be obtained foranaerobic culture from the following:

    Blood culture

    Pleural fluid (if empyema present)

    Transtracheal aspirate

    Transthoracic pulmonary aspirate

    Surgical specimens

    Fiberoptic bronchoscopy with protected brush

    Bronchoalveolar lavage with quantitative cultures

    Expectorated sputum and other methods of sampling the upper airway do not yield useful results foranaerobic culture because the oral cavity is extensively colonized with anaerobes. Blood cultures areinfrequently positive in patients with lung abscess, and empyema is rare.

    The other modalities listed are invasive, costly, and require laboratory expertise. Bronchoscopy using a

    protected brush to obtain a specimen uncontaminated by the upper airway or quantitative culture oforganisms from the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid has been advocated to establish bacteriologic

    diagnosis in lung abscess. However, the experience with this technique in diagnosis of anaerobic lung

    infections is limited and the diagnostic yield is uncertain. Perhaps most importantly, cultures obtained

    by any of these methods are unlikely to be positive after the initiation of antibiotics.10

    Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy is performed to exclude bronchogenic carcinoma whenever bronchial

    obstruction is suspected.11

    Histologic Findings

    Lung abscesses begin as small zones of necrosis developing within the consolidated segments inpneumonia. These areas may coalesce to form single or multiple areas of suppuration, which are

    referred to as lung abscesses. If antibiotics interrupt the natural history at an early stage, the healing

    results in no residual changes. When the progressive inflammation erodes into the adjacent bronchi, thecontents of the abscess are expectorated as malodorous sputum. Subsequently, fibrosis occurs, which

    causes a dense scar and separates the abscess. The abscess may still occur, and spillage of pus into the

    bronchial tree may disseminate the infection.

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    Histology of a lung abscess shows dense inflammatory reaction (low power).


    Histology of a lung abscess shows dense inflammatory reaction (low power).

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    Histology of a lung abscess shows dense inflammatory reaction (high power).

    Medical Care

    Treatment of lung abscess is guided by the available microbiology and knowledge of the underlying or

    associated conditions. No treatment recommendations have been issued by major societies specifically

    for lung abscess; however, a guideline summary from the Infectious Diseases Society of

    America, Practice guidelines for outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy, is available.12Someclinical trials referred to below have included patients with aspiration pneumonia with or without lung


    Antibiotic therapy

    Standard treatment of an anaerobic lung infection is clindamycin (600 mg IV q8h followed by

    150-300 mg PO qid). This regimen has been shown to be superior over parenteral penicillin inpublished trials. Several anaerobes may produce beta-lactamase (eg, various species of

    Bacteroides andFusobacterium) and therefore develop resistance to penicillin.13

    Although metronidazole is an effective drug against anaerobic bacteria, the experience with

    metronidazole in treating lung abscess has been rather disappointing because these infections

    are generally polymicrobial. A failure rate of 50% has been reported.14,15

    In hospitalized patients who have aspirated and developed a lung abscess, antibiotic therapyshould include coverage against S aureus andEnterobacterandPseudomonas species.

    Ampicillin plus sulbactam is well tolerated and as effective as clindamycin with or without a

    cephalosporin in the treatment of aspiration pneumonia and lung abscess.16

    Moxifloxacin is clinically effective and as safe as ampicillin plus sulbactam in the treatment of

    aspiration pneumonia and lung abscess.17

    Duration of therapy

    Although the duration of therapy is not well established, most clinicians generally prescribe

    antibiotic therapy for 4-6 weeks.

    Expert opinion suggests that antibiotic treatment should be continued until the chest radiograph

    has shown either the resolution of lung abscess or the presence of a small stable lesion.

    The rationale for extended treatment maintains that risk of relapse exists with a shorterantibiotic regimen.

    Response to therapy

    Patients with lung abscesses usually show clinical improvement, with improvement of fever,

    within 3-4 days after initiating the antibiotic therapy. Defervescence is expected in 7-10 days.

    Persistent fever beyond this time indicates therapeutic failure, and these patients should undergofurther diagnostic studies to determine the cause of failure.

    Considerations in patients with poor response to antibiotic therapy include bronchial obstruction
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    with a foreign body or neoplasm or infection with a resistant bacteria, mycobacteria, or fungi.

    Large cavity size (ie, > 6 cm in diameter) usually requires prolonged therapy. Because empyema

    with an air-fluid level could be mistaken for parenchymal abscess, a CT scan may be used todifferentiate this process from lung abscess.

    A nonbacterial cause of cavitary lung disease may be present, such as lung infarction, cavitating

    neoplasm, and vasculitis. The infection of a preexisting sequestration, cyst, or bulla may be the

    cause of delayed response to antibiotics.

    Surgical Care

    Surgery is very rarely required for patients with uncomplicated lung abscesses. The usual indicationsfor surgery are failure to respond to medical management, suspected neoplasm, or congenital lung

    malformation. The surgical procedure performed is either lobectomy or pneumonectomy.

    When conventional therapy fails, either percutaneous catheter drainage or surgical resection is usuallyconsidered. Endoscopic lung abscess drainage is considered if an airway connection to the cavity can

    be demonstrated. Success of this treatment represents an additional option other than percutaneous

    catheter drainage or surgical resection.18


    Consulting a pulmonary medicine or infectious diseases specialist is often helpful in workup and

    follow-up of patients with lung abscess.


    Most abscesses develop secondary to aspiration and are caused by anaerobes. A history suggestive ofcommunity acquired pneumonia or a history of development of abscess in a hospitalized patient is

    important in deciding the appropriate antibiotic coverage.


    Empiric antimicrobial therapy must be comprehensive and should cover all likely pathogens suspected

    in this clinical setting.

    Clindamycin (Cleocin)

    Lincosamides are used for treatment of serious skin and soft tissue staphylococcal infections. Also

    effective against aerobic and anaerobic streptococci, except enterococci. Inhibits bacterial growth,possibly by blocking dissociation of peptidyl t-RNA from ribosomes, causing RNA-dependent protein

    synthesis to arrest.





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    600 mg IV q8h, followed by 150-300 mg PO qid


    25-40 mg/kg/d IV divided tid/qid

    Dosing Interactions



    Increases duration of neuromuscular blockade induced by tubocurarine and pancuronium; erythromycin

    may antagonize effects of clindamycin; antidiarrheals may delay absorption





    Documented hypersensitivity; regional enteritis; ulcerative colitis; hepatic impairment; antibiotic-associated colitis






    B - Fetal risk not confirmed in studies in humans but has been shown in some studies in animals


    Adjust dose in severe hepatic dysfunction; no adjustment necessary in renal insufficiency; associatedwith severe and possibly fatal colitis

    Cefoxitin (Mefoxin)

    Second-generation cephalosporin indicated for gram-positive cocci and gram-negative rod infections.Infections caused by cephalosporin- or penicillin-resistant gram-negative bacteria may respond to

    cefoxitin. Dosing





    2 g IV q6-8h

  • 8/9/2019 Aaa Pott's Disease



    80-160 mg/kg/d IV divided q4-6h





    Probenecid may increase effects of cefoxitin; coadministration with aminoglycosides or furosemide

    may increase nephrotoxicity (closely monitor renal function)





    Documented hypersensitivity


    Interactions Contraindications



    B - Fetal risk not confirmed in studies in humans but has been shown in some studies in animals


    Bacterial or fungal overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms may occur with prolonged use or repeatedtreatment; caution in patients with previously diagnosed colitis

    Penicillin G (Pfizerpen)

    Interferes with synthesis of cell wall mucopeptide during active multiplication, resulting in bactericidalactivity against susceptible microorganisms.






    2 million U IV q4h


    150,000 U/kg/d IV divided q4h


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    Probenecid can increase effects of penicillin; coadministration of tetracyclines can decrease effects ofpenicillin

    Dosing Interactions



    Documented hypersensitivity






    B - Fetal risk not confirmed in studies in humans but has been shown in some studies in animals


    Caution in impaired renal function; traditional agent to treat lung abscess, but spectrum of activity is


    Metronidazole (Flagyl)

    Imidazole ring-based antibiotic active against various anaerobic bacteria and protozoa. Used in

    combination with other antimicrobial agents (except forClostridium difficile enterocolitis). Not

    standard practice to use metronidazole alone because some anaerobic cocci and most microaerophilicstreptococci are resistant.






    Loading dose: 15 mg/kg IV (or 1 g for 70-kg adult) over 1 h

    Maintenance dose: 6 h following loading dose, infuse 7.5 mg/kg IV (or 500 mg for 70-kg adult) over 1

    h q6-8h; not to exceed 4 g/d


    Administer as in adults using body weight

  • 8/9/2019 Aaa Pott's Disease



    Further Inpatient Care

    For the following reasons, inpatient care is advisable in patients with lung abscess:

    Evaluation and management of patient's respiratory status

    Administration of intravenous antibiotics

    Drainage of the abscess or empyema as needed

    Further Outpatient Care

    In patients who have small lung abscess, who are not clinically ill, and who are reliable,

    outpatient care may be considered after obtaining appropriate diagnostic studies such as sputum

    culture, blood culture, and blood work. Following initial intravenous antibiotic therapy, the patient may be treated on an outpatient basis

    for completion of prolonged therapy, which is often required for cure.


    Prevention of aspiration is important to minimize the risk of lung abscess. Early intubation in

    patients who have diminished ability to protect the airway from massive aspiration (cough, gagreflexes), should be considered.

    Positioning the supine patient at a 30 reclined angle minimizes the risk of aspiration. Vomiting

    patients should be placed on their sides.

    Improving oral hygiene and dental care in elderly and debilitated patients may decrease the riskof anaerobic lung abscess.


    Complications of pulmonary abscess

    Rupture into pleural space causing empyema

    Pleural fibrosis

    Trapped lung

    Respiratory failure

    Bronchopleural fistula

    Pleural cutaneous fistula

    In a patient with coexisting empyema and lung abscess, draining the empyema while continuing

    prolonged antibiotic therapy is often necessary.


    The prognosis for lung abscess following antibiotic treatment is generally favorable. Over 90%

    of lung abscesses are cured with medical management alone, unless caused by bronchial

  • 8/9/2019 Aaa Pott's Disease


    obstruction secondary to carcinoma.

    Patient Education

    For excellent patient education resources, visit eMedicine's Infections Center, Lung and AirwayCenter, Pneumonia Center, andProcedures Center. Also, see eMedicine's patient education

    articles Bacterial Pneumonia, Antibiotics, and Bronchoscopy.


    Medicolegal Pitfalls

    A lung abscess may be asymptomatic in a small proportion of patients in the early stages; a

    chest radiograph may be helpful.

    In any patient who is producing foul-smelling or bad-tasting sputum, suspect a lung abscess.

    A shorter course of antibiotics may increase risk of a relapse. Therefore, antibiotic therapy for

    anaerobic lung abscess is prolonged, often extending up to 6-8 weeks.

    A lack of response to antibiotic therapy should lead to consideration of a cavitating lungneoplasm, lung infarction, or Wegener granulomatosis.

    Abscess Incision & Drainage

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    More about Abscess Incision & Drainage:Purpose


    RisksNormal results



    An infected skin nodule that contains pus may need to be drained via a cut if it does not respond to

    antibiotics. This allows the pus to escape, and the infection to heal.


    A doctor will cut into the lining of the abscess, allowing the pus to escape either through a drainagetube or by leaving the cavity open to the skin. How big the incision is depends on how quickly the pus

    is encountered.

    Once the abscess is opened, the doctor will clean and irrigate the wound thoroughly with saline. If it is

    not too large or deep, the doctor may simply pack the abscess wound with gauze for 2448 hours toabsorb the pus and discharge.

    If it is a deeper abscess, the doctor may insert a drainage tube after cleaning out the wound. Once the

    tube is in place, the surgeon closes the incision with simple stitches, and applies a sterile dressing.

    Drainage is maintained for several days to help prevent the abscess from reforming.

    Carol A. Turkington


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    Surgery Encyclopedia:

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    Who Performs the Procedure and Where Is It Performed?

    Abscesses are most commonly incised and drained by general surgeons. Occasionally, a family

    physician or dermatologist may drain a superficial abscess. These procedures may be performed in aprofessional office or in an outpatient facility. The skin and surrounding area may be numbed by a

    topical anesthetic.

    Brain abscesses are usually drained by neurosurgeons. Thoracic surgeons drain abscesses in the lung.Otolaryngologists drain abscesses in the neck. These procedures are performed in a hospitaloperating

    room. General anesthesia is used.

    Questions to Ask the Doctor

    How many abscess incision and drainage procedures has the physician performed?

    What is the physician's complication rate?

  • 8/9/2019 Aaa Pott's Disease



    An abscess is an infected skin nodule containingpus. It may need to be drained via anincision (cut) if

    the pus does not resolve with treatment by antibiotics. This allows the pus to escape, the infection to be

    treated, and theabscess to heal.


    An abscess is a pus-filled sore, usually caused by abacterial infection. The pus is comprised of bothliving and dead organisms. It also contains destroyed tissue due to the action of white blood cells that

    were carried to the area to fight the infection. Abscesses are often found in the soft tissue under the skin

    such as thearmpit or the groin. However, they may develop in any organ, and are commonly found inthe breast and gums. Abscesses are far more serious and call for more specific treatment if they are

    located in deep organs such as the lung, liver, or brain.

    Because the lining of an abscess cavity tends to interfere with the amount of drug that canpenetrate the

    source of infection from the blood, the cavity itself may require draining. Once an abscess has fullyformed, it often does not respond to antibiotics. Even if the antibiotic does penetrate into the abscess, it

    does not function as well in that environment.

    DemographicsAbcess drainage is a minor and common surgical procedure that is often performed in a professional

    medical office. Accurate records concerning the number of procedures are kept in private medicaloffice rather than hospital records. For these reasons, it is impossible to accurately tally the number of

    abscess incision and drainage procedures performed in a year. The procedure increases in frequency

    with increasing age.

  • 8/9/2019 Aaa Pott's Disease


    This lung abscess is a build-up of fluid near the lung (A). To drain it, the patient is placed on his or herside, and an incision is made (B). A rib is exposed (C) and cut (D). The fluid in the abscess is suctioned

    (E), and the incision is closed around a temporary drainage tube (F). (Illustration by GGS Inc.)


    A doctor will cut into the lining of an abscess, allowing the pus to escape either through a drainage tube

    or by leaving the cavity open to the skin. The size of the incision depends on the volume of the abscess

    and how quickly the pus is encountered.

    Cells normally formed for the surface of the skin often migrate into an abscess. They line the abscesscavity. This process is called epithelialization. This lining prevents drugs from reaching an abscess. It

    also promotes recurrence of the abscess. The lining must be removed when an abscess is drained to

    prevent recurrence.

    Once an abscess is opened, the pus drained, and the epithelial lining removed, the doctor will clean andirrigate the wound thoroughly with saline. If it is not too large or deep, the doctor may simply pack the

    abscess wound with gauze for 2448 hours to absorb the pus and discharge.

    If it is a deeper abscess, the doctor or surgeon may insert a drainage tube after cleaning out the wound.Once the tube is in place, the surgeon closes the incision with simple stitches and applies asteriledressing. Drainage is maintained for several days to help prevent the abscess from reforming. The tube

    is removed, and the abscess allowed to finish closing and healing.


    An abscess can usually be diagnosed visually, although an imaging technique such as a computed

    tomography (CT) scan orultrasound may be used to confirm the extent of the abscess before drainage.Such procedures may also be needed to localize internal abscesses such as those in the abdominal

    cavity or brain.

    Prior to incision, the skin over an abscess will be cleansed by swabbing gently with an antiseptic



    Much of the pain around an abscess will be gone after the surgery. Healing is usually very rapid. After

    the drainage tube is removed, antibiotics may be continued for several days. Applying heat and keeping

    the affected area elevated may help relieve inflammation.


    Any scarring is likely to become much less noticeable as time goes on, and eventually become almostinvisible. Occasionally, an abscess within a vital organ (such as the brain) damages enough surrounding

    tissue that there is some permanent loss of normal function.

    Other risks include incomplete drainage and prolonged infection. Occasionally, an abscess may requirea second incision and drainage procedure. This is frequently due to retained epithelial cells that line theabscess cavity.

    Normal Results

    Most abscesses heal after drainage alone. Others may require more prolonged drainage and antibiotic

    drug treatment.

    Morbidity and Mortality Rates

  • 8/9/2019 Aaa Pott's Disease


    Morbidity associated with an abscess incision and drainage is very uncommon. Post-surgical problems

    are usually associated with infection or an adverse reaction to antibiotic drugs prescribed. Mortality is

    virtually unknown.


    There is no reliable alternative to surgical incision and drainage of an abscess. Heat alone may causesmall superficial abscesses to resolve. The degree of epithelialization usually determines if the abscess


    Pott disease

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    Pott's DiseaseClassification and external resources

    ICD-10 A18.0,M49.0

    ICD-9 015.0

    MeSH D014399

    Tuberculosis of the spine in an Egyptianmummy

    Pott's disease, is a presentation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis that affects thespine, a kind oftuberculous arthritis of the intervertebral joints. It is named afterPercivall Pott(1714-1788), a London

    surgeon who trained at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London. The lowerthoracic and upperlumbar

  • 8/9/2019 Aaa Pott's Disease


    vertebrae are the areas of the spine most often affected. Scientifically, it is called tuberculous

    spondylitis and it is most commonly localized in the thoracic portion of the spine. Potts disease results

    from haematogenous spread of tuberculosis from other sites, often pulmonary. The infection then

    spreads from two adjacent vertebrae into the adjoining intervertebral discspace. If only one vertebra isaffected, the disc is normal, but if two are involved the disc, which is avascular, cannot receive

    nutrients and collapses. The disc tissue dies and is broken down by caseation, leading to vertebral

    narrowing and eventually to vertebral collapse and spinal damage. A dry soft tissue mass often formsand superinfection is rare.



    1 Signs and symptoms

    2 Diagnosis

    3 Late complications

    4 Prevention

    5 Therapy

    6 Cultural references

    7 External links

    [edit] Signs and symptoms

    back pain


    night sweating


    weight loss

    Spinal mass, sometimes associated with numbness,paraesthesia, ormuscle weaknessof the legs

    [edit] Diagnosis

    blood tests - elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate

    tuberculin skin test

    radiographs of the spine

    bone scan

    CT of the spine

    bone biopsy


    [edit] Late complications

    Vertebral collapse resulting in kyphosis

    Spinal cord compression

    sinus formation

    paraplegia (so called Pott's paraplegia)

  • 8/9/2019 Aaa Pott's Disease


    [edit] Prevention

    Controlling the spread of tuberculosis infection can prevent tuberculous spondylitis and arthritis.

    Patients who have a positivePPD test (but not active tuberculosis) may decrease their risk by properly

    taking medicines to prevent tuberculosis. To effectively treat tuberculosis, it is crucial that patients taketheir medications exactly as prescribed.

    [edit] Therapy

    non-operative - antituberculous drugs


    immobilization of the spine region by rod (Hull)

    Surgery may be necessary, especially to drain spinal abscessesor to stabilize the spine

    Richards intramedullary hip screw - facilitating for bone healing

    Kuntcher Nail - intramedullary rod

    Austin Moore - intrameduallary rod (for Hemiarthroplasty)

    [edit] Cultural references

    The fictional Hunchback of Notre Dame had a gibbous deformity (humpback) that is thought to have

    been caused by tuberculosis. In Henrik Ibsen's play "A Doll's House," Dr. Rank suffers from

    "consumption of the spine." Furthermore, Jocelin, the Dean who wanted a spire on his cathedral inWilliam Golding's "The Spire" probably suffered and died as a result of this disease. 18th-century

    English poets Alexander Pope and William Ernest Henleyboth suffered from Pott's disease. Anna

    Roosevelt Cowles, sister of president Theodore Roosevelt, suffered from Pott's Disease. Chick Webb,

    swing era drummer and band leader, was afflicted with tuberculosis of the spine as a child, which lefthim hunchbacked. The Sicilianmafia bossLuciano Leggio had Pott's disease and wore a brace.

    Morton, the railroad magnate in Once Upon a Time in the West, suffers from the disease and needs

    crutches to walk.

    Dental Dictionary:

    Potts diseaseTop

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    A spinal curvature (kyphosis) resulting from tuberculosis.

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    Medical Dictionary:

    tuberculous spondylitis

    TopHome > Library >Health > Medical Dictionary


    A spinal infection associated with tuberculosis and characterized by a sharp angulation of thespine

    where tubercle lesions are present. Also calledPott's disease.


    Pott's disease

    TopHome > Library >Literature & Language > WordNet

    Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

    The noun has one meaning:

    Meaning #1: TB of the spine with destruction of vertebrae resulting in curvature of the spine
