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ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE BIBLIOGRAPHY A.E.R B.I.RP.1. E.C.O.S.O.C. G.RU.R G.RU.R: Ausl. I.A.P.I.P. I.C.C. IDEA I.P. I.S.E.A. l·P.O.S. N.I.R P.1. RI.P.I.A. U.N. U.N.C.T.A.D. American Economic Review Bureaux Internationaux Reunis pour la Protection de la Propriete Intellectuelle (United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property) United Nations' Economic and Social Council Gewerbliche Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht Gewerbliche Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht - Auslands- und Internationalen Teil International Association for the Protection of In- dustrial Property International Chamber of Commerce Patent, Trademark and Copyright Journal of Re- search and Education [since Vol. VIII (1964)] Industrial Property [periodical] Institut de Science Economique Appliquee Journal of the Patent Office Society Nordiskt Immatriellt Riittsskydd [periodical] Propriete Industrielle [periodical] Revue Internationale de la Propriete Industrielle et Droit d'Auteur United Nations United Nations Conference on Trade and Develop- ment

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A.E.R B.I.RP.1.

E.C.O.S.O.C. G.RU.R G.RU.R: Ausl.



I.P. I.S.E.A. l·P.O.S. N.I.R P.1. RI.P.I.A.

U.N. U.N.C.T.A.D.

American Economic Review Bureaux Internationaux Reunis pour la Protection de la Propriete Intellectuelle (United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property) United Nations' Economic and Social Council Gewerbliche Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht Gewerbliche Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht -Auslands- und Internationalen Teil International Association for the Protection of In­dustrial Property International Chamber of Commerce Patent, Trademark and Copyright Journal of Re­search and Education [since Vol. VIII (1964)] Industrial Property [periodical] Institut de Science Economique Appliquee Journal of the Patent Office Society Nordiskt Immatriellt Riittsskydd [periodical] Propriete Industrielle [periodical] Revue Internationale de la Propriete Industrielle et Droit d'Auteur United Nations United Nations Conference on Trade and Develop­ment





I. Committee on the Judiciary, Studies ofthe Sub-committee on Patents, Trade­marks and Copyrights:

Machlup, F., "An Economic Review of the Patent System," Study No. 15. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1958.

Melman, S., "The Impact of the Patent System on Research," Study No. II.

Washington: Government Printing Office, 1958. Neumeyer, F., "Compulsory Licensing of Patents under some Non-American

Systems," Study No. 19, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1959. Vernon, R., "The International Patent System and Foreign Policy," Study

NO.5. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1958. 2. Temporary National Economic Committee:

Hamilton, W. H., "Patents and Free Enterprise", Monograph No. 31. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1941.


I. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 1964: Selected Summary Records of Committee III. Documents E/Conf. 46/C. 31

SR. 44, 49· Report of Committee III. Document E/Conf. 46/141, Vol. I., Annex F. "Transfer of Technology", Recommendation A. IV. 26 of the Conference.

Document E/Conf. 46/141, Vol. I., Part III, Annexes. 2. United Nations Economic and Social Council:

Selected Summary Records of Committee VI of the Economic and Social Council at its Thirty-seventh Session, July, 1964. Documents E/AC. 6/SR. 341-44.

"The Role of Patents in the Transfer of Technology to Underdeveloped Countries". Resolution adopted by the Council. Document Res. 1013 (XXXVII), July 22, 1964.

3. United Nations General Assembly: "The Role of Patents in the Transfer of Technology to Underdeveloped

Countries,". Brazilian [original] Draft Resolution introduced at the Six­teenth Session of the United Nations General Assembly. Document A/C. 2/L. 565, November 8, 1961.


General Assembly, Official Records, Sixteenth Session, Second Committee, n8-88gth Meetings, December, 1961.

"The Role of Patents in the Transfer of Technology to Underdeveloped Countries,". Resolution adopted by the General Assembly at its Sixteenth Session. Document Res. 1713 (XVI), January 8, 1962.

General Assembly, Official Records, Twentieth Session, Second Committee, 999th Meeting, December, 1965.

"Transfer of Technology". Resolution adopted by the General Assembly at its Twentieth Session. Document Res. 20g1 (XX), December 20, 1965.

4. United Nations Secretariat: "Patents and the Economies of Underdeveloped Countries." Interim Report

of the Secretary General. Document E/C. 5/35, April 30, 1963. "The Role of Patents in the Transfer of Technology to Developing Countries." Report of the Secretary General. New York: United Nations, 1964. Docu­

ment E/3861/Rev. I, March, 1964.


Actes de la Conference de Lisbonne 1958. Geneve: Bureau de I' Union Interna­tionale pour la Protection de la Propriete Industrielle, 1963.

Actes de la Conference de Londres 1934. Berne: Bureau de l'Union Internationa­Ie pour la Protection de la Propriete Industrielle, 1934.

Actes de la Conference de La Haye 1925. Berne: Bureau International de l'Union, 1926.

Actes de la Conference de 'Vashington 1911. Berne: Bureau International de l'Union, 1911.

Actes de la Conference de Bruxelles 1897-1900. Berne: Bureau International de l'Union, Ig01.

Conference Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriete Industrielle de Paris 1883. Paris: Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, 1883.

Conference Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriete Industrielle de Paris 1880. Paris: Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, 1880.

Intellectual Property Conference of Stockholm, Ig67. International Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Proposals for Revising the Substantive Copyright Provisions (Articles 1-20). (Prepared by the Govern­ment of Sweden with the assistance of BIRPL) Document S/I, May 15, 1966.

Intellectual Property Conference of Stockholm, Ig67. International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. Proposal for amending Article 4 of the Convention. (Prepared by the Government of Sweden with the assistance of BIRPL) Document S/2, April 15, 1966.

Intellectual Property Conference of Stockholm, 1967. Convention Establishing the International Intellectual Property Organization. Proposals for Esta­blishing the Organization. (Prepared by BIRPI at the request of the Govern­ment of Sweden.) Document S/10, September 16, Ig66.

Intellectual Property Conference of Stockholm, 1967. International Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Oberservations of the Governments on Proposals for Revising Substantive Copyright Provisions (Document S/I). Document S/13, January, Ig67.

Intellectual Property Conference of Stockholm, Ig67. Report on the ·Work of Main Committee II (Protocol Regarding Developing Countries) of the Intelec-


tual Property Conference of Stockholm, 1967. Copy,ight, 3: 222-24, October, 1967.

Intellectual Property Conference of Stockholm, 1967. Report on the Work of Main Committee V (World Intellectual Property Organization) of the Intel­lectual Property Conference of Stockholm, 1967. I. P., 6: 185~5, August, 1967.

Model Law to, Developing Count,ies on Inventions. Geneva: BIRPI, 1965. Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. Manual of Industrial

Property Conventions. Geneva: BIRPI, 1966. "The Role of Patents in the Transfer of Technology to Underdeveloped Coun­

tries". Note submitted by BIRPI at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 1964. U.N. Document E/Conf. 46/101, April 10, 1964.



"The Lisbon Conference." Draft Report by S. P. Ladas. Document No. 450/163, January 13, 1959·

Summary Records of Meeting November 23-24, 1961. Document No. 450/212, November 24, 1961.

"The Role of Patents in the Transfer of Technology to Underdeveloped Coun­tries." Statement adopted by the Commission. Document No. 450/210 Rev., November 24, 1961.

"The Role of Patents in the Transfer of Technology to Underdeveloped Coun­tries." Note from International Headquarters. Document No. 450/213, Febru­ary 22, 1962.

"The Role of Patents in the Transfer of Technology to Underdeveloped Coun­tries." Copy of a letter sent by the Secretary General of the ICC to U. Thant, Secretary General of the United Nations, dated: October 14, 1963. Document No. 450/243, October 28, 1963.

"Review of Patent, Trademark and Knowhow Licensing." Working Sheet sub­mitted by S. P. Ladas. Document 450/252, February 27, 1964.

"The Role of Patents in the Transfer of Technology to Underdeveloped Coun­tries: Report of the Secretary General of the United Nations." Summary by S. P. Ladas. Document No. 450/253, March 5, 1964.

"Model Patent Law." Memorandum on the Geneva Meeting of the Committee of Experts, submitted by S. P. Ladas and P. J. Pointet. Document No. 450/ 262, December, 15, 1964.

"Modern Technology and Industrial Property." Draft Memorandum prepared by S. P. Ladas. Document No. 450/264, April 26, 1965.


Annual Reports 1961: II 1963:1, II 1964: II 1965: II 1966:1, II


F. MISCELLANEOUS Ayyangar. S. R., Report on the Revision 01 the Patents Law. New Delhi: Govern­

ment of India, 1959. Manual lor the Handling 01 Applications lor Patents, Designs, and Trademarks

throughout the World. Amsterdam: Octrooibureau Los en Stigter, 1927 [brought up to date: April, 1967].



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Ayyangar, S. R., Report on the Revision 01 the Patents Law. See under Documents, Miscellaneous.

Bennett, "V. B., The American Patent System: An Economic Interpretation. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1943.

Borlin, M., Die Volkswirtschaftliche Problematik der Patentgesetzgebung, unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Schweizerischen Verhiiltnisse. Zurich und St. Gallen: Polygraphischer Verlag, 1954.

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Fox, B. G., Monopolies and Patents: A Study of the History and Future of the Patent Monopoly. Toronto: University of Toronto Studies, Legal Series, Extra vol., 1947.

Godenhielm, B., Utliinsk och internationell patentriitt. Stockholm: Institutet fOr UtHinsk Ratt, 1953.

Hexner, E., International Cartels. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1946.

Isay, H., Die Funktion der Patente im Wirtschaftskampf. Berlin: Franz Vahlen, 192 7.

-. Die Patentgemeinschaft im Dienst des K artellgedankens. Mannheim: J. Bens­heimer, 1923.

Kruse, L. F. V., The Right of Property. [translated from Danish by P. T. Feder­spiel] London: Oxford University Press, 1939.

Ladas, S. P., The International Protection of Industrial Property. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1930.

-. Propiedad Industrial y Desarrollo Economico. Bogota: Brigard y Hurrutia, 1963.

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- and Jacq, F., Le nouveau regime internationale de la propriete industrielle. Paris: Sirey, 1927.

- Les brevets d'invention en droit international. Paris: Sireay, 1931, third edi­tion.

Ripert, G., Les forces creatrices du droit. Paris: Libraire Generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1955.

Roubier, P., Le droit de la propriete industrielle. Paris: Sirey, 2 vols., 1952-54. Silberstein, M., Erfindungsschutz und merkantilistische Gewerbsprivilegien. Zii­

rich: Polygraphischer Verlag, 1961. Toulmin, H. A. J., Invention and the Law. New York: Prentice Hall, 1936. Troller, A., Die mehrseitigen volkerrechtlichen Vertriige im internationalen gewerb­

lichen Rechtsschutz und U hrheberrecht. Studien zum I mmaterialguterrecht, Vol. V I. Basel: Verlag fiir Recht und Gesellschaft, 1965.

Union Internationa1e pour la Protection de 1a PropriBte Industrielle; Memoire publie par 1e Bureau International pour la Protection de la Propriete I ndustrielle Ii l'occasion du cinquantenaire. Berne: Bureau International de l'Union, 1933.

Vojacek, J. A., Survey of the Principal National Patent Systems. New York: Prentice Hall, 1936 [addenda: 1951, 1956J.

Waline, M., L'Individua1isme et Ie droit. Paris: Domat Montchrestien, 1945. Walleser. F., Die Patentfiihigkeit als rechtsteleologisches Problem. Bern: Stampfli,

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millan, 1946.


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Bose, A., "Compulsory Licensing of Patents," Souvenir - Indian Patents Cente­nary I8S6-I9S6. Calcutta: Patent Office, 1956 ., pp. 57-59.

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Friedmann. W .• Verloren van Themaat. P .• "International Cartels and Combi­nes." Anti-tl'ust Laws. A Compal'ative Symposium. [ed. W. FriedmannJ Toron­to: Carswell. 1956 .• pp. 469-515.

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Machlup. F .• "An Economic Review of the Patent System." See under Docu­ments. United States Senate. "The Nature of the International Cartel Problem." A Cal'tel Policy 101' the United Nations. [ed. C. D. EdwardsJ New York: Columbia University Press. 1945·. pp. 1-24.

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Melman, S .• "The Impact of the Patent System on Research." See under Docu­ments, United States Senate.

Neme. C., "Penetration des produits sous marque ou licence et unification des marches dans la C.E.E .... La pl'opl'iete industl'ielle et Ie mal'ckB commun. aspects


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Neumeyer, F., "Compulsory Licensing of Patents under some Non-American Systems," See under Documents, United States Senate.

Opie, R, "A Critical Appraisal of the International Cartel," International Cartels and Private Trade Agreements, America's Place in the World Economy. [eds. A. J. Zurcher, R Page] New York: New York University, Institute on Postwar Reconstruction, Conferences, Fourth Series, 1945., pp. 124-36.

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Rondon de Sanso, H., "The Effect of Patent Protection on the National Econo­my of a Developing Country," I.P., 4: II4-17, May, 1965.

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