abby johnson and then there were none

16 Ministry founded by Abby Johnson to get abortion workers out of the abortion industry

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Ministry founded by Abby Johnson to get abortion workers out of the abortion industry

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Since I left the abortion industry in 2009, I have known that my calling was to work with current and former abortion clinic workers. I know the deception of the abortion industry too well. I started working at Planned Parenthood in 2001 and progressed to the position of Health Center Director. In the last year of my employment, many things began to disturb me…the increase in our abortion quota, our new desire to expand late term abortion services, and in the end, watching a 13 week old child in the womb struggle for his life during an abortion procedure. When I left, I was fortunate to have a pro-life group to turn to for help. I realize not everyone has this. That is why this ministry now exists. I never want a lack of money or fear of acceptance to be a reason that someone stays in the abortion industry. We often say that women deserve better than abortion…clinic workers deserve better, too.

-Abby Johnson, author of unPlanned

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In Chapter 1 of the book unPlanned, Abby explains that, after 8 years in Planned Parenthood, it was her first time to assist in an ultrasound-guided abortion. When she was asked to hold the ultrasound probe, she said:

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"We are a pro-active group who reaches out to abortion clinic workers.  Our goal is conversion in their hearts on the issue of abortion.  We are able to help them financially, spiritually and emotionally as they make the transition out of the abortion industry."

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Abby Johnson and the And Then There Were None ministry are working to effect, above all, a spiritual transformation in those abortion workers, the same that happened to her, as she discusses in her book:

Marilisa, the friendly/pleasant pro-lifer :

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• Coalition for Life people just asking people to pray for an end to abortion:

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• Prolifers at the other side of the fence changing tack, from harassing chants “Abortionists are MURDERERS!” and people dressed as the Grim Reaper with a scythe and holding blood red-lettered signs screaming “Murderers!”


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Abby Johnson and the And Then There Were None ministry are working to effect, above all, a spiritual transformation in those abortion workers, the same that happened to her…

• On the website, in the “What We Do” section, we are told the following:

ALSO: “A team of dedicated volunteers has been established to provide prayer support for the ministry of ATTWN … The prayer team consists of volunteers who believe in the mission of ATTWN and have a desire to see conversion in abortion clinic workers.

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“When I was confirmed as a Catholic, I chose Mary Magdalene as my confirmation saint. I felt an immediate connection to her. She had sinned so much…and was forgiven in even greater amounts. She knew she didn’t deserve forgiveness…but she received it anyway. And because of this, she clung to Christ. She knew she was nothing without Him.

But, I was an accomplice to murder. Thousands of times…women I knew, women I didn’t, my friends, even my family. I lied to people. I lied to women when they came to me for accurate information. I was among the worst sinners…those that help to take

and destroy life. I am no better than Kermit Gosnell.”

I have also done my fair share of sinning. And I have also been forgiven much more than I deserve. I abused and betrayed women in the worst possible way. I convinced them to kill their children. Did I slit the necks of children after they were born? No. …

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Kermit Gosnell is that Pennsylvania abortionist who has just gotten convicted this April 2013 of at least some of the deaths of women and babies under his “care”:

“Any person who examines the Gosnell case understands that this has the potential to be a game changer for the way much of the culture views abortion in America. The Gosnell case is one that can awaken the consciences of Americans who have never fully examined the humanity of the unborn child since Roe v. Wade. …”

Read more:

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While we can leave it to competent/reliable groups/analysts to discuss Kermit Gosnell and his case’s implications for the abortion industry worldwide, let us go back to Abby Johnson and to her ministry:

“A team of dedicated volunteers has been established to provide prayer support for the ministry of ATTWN … The prayer team consists of volunteers who believe in the mission of ATTWN and have a desire to see conversion in abortion clinic workers.

What would this conversion entail? As we have seen in the previous slides, the “compassion”, untiring “prayers for an end to abortion”, peaceful means, love and mercy and understanding, non-judgmental attitude [toward abortion workers], the insistence on the value/beauty of every human life including the pre-born, have worked so much better…

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value of life

life is beautiful

CitizenLink interview: “Your story is one of God’s grace and deliverance from the abortion industry…”Abby Johnson: “We provide emotional and spiritual support… We want them to have a conversion…to become what Christ wants them to be… We want them to connect with God in a personal way…”

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