abdyldaev kurmanbek kiyanovich [email protected]

Abdyldaev Kurmanbek Kiyanovich [email protected]

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Page 1: Abdyldaev Kurmanbek Kiyanovich indepiksu@gmail.com

Abdyldaev Kurmanbek [email protected]

Page 2: Abdyldaev Kurmanbek Kiyanovich indepiksu@gmail.com
Page 3: Abdyldaev Kurmanbek Kiyanovich indepiksu@gmail.com

Issyk-Kul State University is the biggest Higher

Educational Institution in Issyk-Kul region. Since it

has been established IKSU is considered to be the

intellectual vanguard of Issyk-Kul region and the

“smithy” of pedagogical and scientific professional


Page 4: Abdyldaev Kurmanbek Kiyanovich indepiksu@gmail.com

HistoryIn 1940 the biennial Teacher`s Institute was opened in

Karakol containing 150 students. It was the fourth Higher Educational Institution in Kyrgyzstan (after medical, pedagogical and agricultural institution).

During the World War II Pedagogical Institute in Frunze moved to Przhevalsk and the Ship building Institute in Leningrad has also been evacuated here. The well-known scientists of Kyrgyzstan and USSR arrived to Przhevalsk.

In 1944, the name of G.Dimitrov was given to the institute. In 1953 there has been opened the Przhevalsk Pedagogical Institute on the base of that Teacher`s Institute.

In 1988, the Przhevalsk Pedagogical Institute has become the branch of Kyrgyz State University. In 1992 the Karakol Branch of KSU becomes the self dependant ( separate) University and was given the name of the first Kyrgyz linguist , the educator and Public figure Kasym Tynystanov.

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Page 6: Abdyldaev Kurmanbek Kiyanovich indepiksu@gmail.com

39 chairs are in function now. There are more than 36 specialties and 2 directions of bachelor degree. The teacher`s staff of the University consists of a great amount of highly educated and qualified teachers. The number of them is 396, 78 of them have PhD degree.

The total amount of students is 6710.

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Field of studyMathematicsApplied mathematics and informaticsSoftware of the computing engineering and computer systemComputer system of the information processing managementRegional introduction (bachelor)HistorySocial workOriental studiesPhysicsManagement and safety of trafficElectric serviceMaintenance and service of vehicular and manufacturing machinery and equipmentDomestic radioelectronic equipmentProfessional educationKyrgyz language and literaturePedagogy and methods of elementary educationJournalismPhysical trainingArt

Musical educationDesign in light industryDesignRussian language and literatureForeign languageChemistryBiologyGeographyEcologyForestrySocial culture service and tourismAccounting, analyse and auditManagement of organizationFinance and creditState and municipal managementTax and taxingEconomy (bachelor)

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Besides 7 educational buildings and a student`s hotel. University has a botanical garden, where students can do their practical researches.

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Also university have turner`s and joiner’s shops for doing practice; and training material base such as “Law information centre’ and “Tourist information center” for students to study and work simultaneously. In the framework of the TEMPUS PERSEUS project was created Research, Development and Innovation Centre, it will help to strength of our connection between University – Enterprise - Science.

For research in nanotechnology was open Nanotechnology Centre

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The scientific library is equipped with modern technology, connected to the internet and gives the opportunity to work on electronic-library, electronic catalog and contains the rich scientific literature.

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International relations: For the last 15 years the staff of the university has been

taking an active part in international educational and grant programs financed by TEMPUS, Soros Kyrgyzstan Fund, Global Economic Fund, SIDA, Peace Corpse, IREX, PEAKS, USAID, OUN, French and German Embassies, JICA, Eurasia Pacific Uninet, NGO Miliekontact International, and Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window lot 9.

Some teachers take part in individual grant programs being the lecturers on international level and experts in different fields of research.

The number of students who are being trained abroad is also increasing. During the last two years 30 students have studied and had practice in different European and Asian countries.

Besides, the university hosts the foreign volunteers, professors and students from other countries such as: Turkey, Russia, China, Pakistan, Korea, Check Republic, Poland and Central Asia on different programs.

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Page 19: Abdyldaev Kurmanbek Kiyanovich indepiksu@gmail.com

Number Project name Project objectives

MP_JEP 23027 Tourism and Hospitality Studies in Central Asia

ToHoSt-CA aims to create a European-Asian network in tourism and hospitality studies. The main goal of the network is the dissemination of project results. Analyze and evaluation of Tempus and other Community project results will be disseminate by: the publication of books and learning materials, seminars and workshops, website building, the proposal for convergent curriculum and the implementation of intercultural modules. The guideline for these activities will be the definition of professional profiles, in collaboration with the related industry.

SCM- T033A06-2006

Training for Tourism Education Reform

To disseminate the major outcomes of the Tempus MP_JEP_23027 project, and to support the implementation of the Bologna process.

JEP-26219-2005 Resource Sharing Network of Academic and Research Libraries of Kyrgyzstan (KYR-LIB-NET)

To strengthen cooperation between academic and research libraries of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, through the establishment of a structured cooperative network linking Kyrgyz National Technical University (Bishkek), Issyk-Kul State University (Karakol) and Jalal-Abad State University (Jalal-Abad) then extending to other HEIs; To develop and promote the use of electronic information in Higher Education Institutions, assisting the libraries of KNTU, ISU and JSU to develop their departments of electronic documentation (integrated information system, digitalization, management of subscriptions, enhancement of free web resources); To share resources through a document delivery network pertaining to international standards; To improve the professional education of librarians in new methods and tools available for documentary management, assisting ISU and JSU to establish training centers and developing course modules and workshops for training trainers, librarians and library users.

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T012B04-2004 Creating National Information Centres about the Bologna Process in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The specific objective is to support the strong desire of the Kyrgyz Republic to reform its Higher Education system in line with the Bologna process and support the ongoing initiatives of the President's Administration, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, and Kyrgyz universities in implementing the Bologna reform. This is to be accomplished by supporting and giving substance to the Government decision to set up a National Bologna Information and Training Centre at the International University of Kyrgyzstan in Bishkek and a branch Centre at the Osh Technical University; through the further training and collaboration with the core ministerial work group; the designation of Bologna Institutional Coordinators for the 11 Kyrgyz institutions of the consortium; training in Kyrgyzstan and in Europe of the core group, the staff of the Centre and the Branch and the Institutional coordinators; formation of Bologna teams in each institution; the organization of training and work sessions in Bishkek and of a website; the publication and dissemination on paper and on-line of materials; the organization of a final conference in Bishkek to give widespread knowledge and ownership of the project; to lay the foundations so that the educational reform can go forward and the Information Centers be sustained in time.

SCM- T057A06-2006

Extending Centres on the Bologna Process and supporting Tuning Teams in the Kyrgyz Republic

To extend, update and consolidate the support for the decision of the Kyrgyz Republic to align its program of higher education reform according to Bologna criteria.


Awareness raising, Interest development, Desire creation and Action stimulation on the Bologna Process expansion in Central Asian countries and Russia

The project aims at development of the National action groups of Bologna Practitioners in the Partner Countries together the four main groups of stakeholders - Academia, Market, and Government, Students - to work out and implement the strategy of Bologna Promotion in their home countries.


Plan to Establish Research-Science-Enterprise oriented Universities for the benefit of Society

Establishment of a structured partnership between universities and industry by strengthening the knowledge triangle research-science-enterprise


Central Asian Network for Quality Assurance and Accreditation

Develop a Central Asian Network of agencies for quality accreditation and assurance Introduce a set of standards, tools and guidelines in higher education institutions for external and internal quality assurance Development of a register of information on Central Asian accreditation systems and measures Development of Academic Recognition Information Centers within the accreditation agencies

2010 CIBELES - Curriculum Invoking Bologna -aligned Education Leading to reform in Environmental Sciences

Developing of curriculum for Environmental Science for three level education: Bachelor – Master - PhD

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Erasmus Mundus ExperienceIssykkul State University participate on the

Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windiw Lot 9 from 2007

From this moment till now on the mobility program participate 5 teachers (Teaching Staff mobility), 2 PhDs (Post Doctoral studies), 4 undergraduates (PhD and Master programs), 9 students (Bachelor programs). Also we received 1 teacher and 4 students from Europe.

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