abeer lethey

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.Relation between two straight lines


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Page 3: Abeer lethey

Has neither a starting point.nor ending point

We cannot measure its length

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Page 4: Abeer lethey

Has a starting point but.not has ending point

We cannot measure its lenght

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Page 5: Abeer lethey

Has a starting point and. ending point

We can measure its lenght

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Page 6: Abeer lethey

The two straight line AB&CD have only.one common point M

So they are called((intersecting lines

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AB and CD form four (acute-obtuse(.angles

They are > AMC, >CMB., > BMD ,> DMA

The point is called ( (intersection point

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Page 8: Abeer lethey

AB and CD are two intersection straight.lines

They form four right angles at their intersection point M

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They are called perpendicular or orthogonal straightlines

Is denoted by


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AB and CD have not a common point.( (intersection point

Then AB and CD are.(called (parallel lines

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This is denoted by the. (// ( symbol

We write AB // CD orCD // AB

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. H Parallel lines

. Intersection lines 5

.F Perpendicular lines

. X Intersection lines

. M Parallel lines

. N Parallel lines E Perpendicular lines, Parallel lines.Perpendicular lines 4

.T perpendicular lines

.L Perpendicular lines

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Page 13: Abeer lethey

Is a closed shapes formed from three sides or more (line( segment

Like (triangle ,pentagon ,Quadrilateral,Hexagon, octagon…( etcالنهاية السابق التالى البداية

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النهاية السابق التالى البداية

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. It has( 3 (sides

. It has( 3 (angles

. It has( 3 (vertices

Like (Right angled- triangle, acute angled -triangle, obtuse .(angled- triangle

النهاية السابق التالى البداية

Page 16: Abeer lethey

. It has( 4 (sides

. It has( 4 (angles

.It has ( 4( vertices

Like :( square, rectangle , trapezium, parallelogram, .(Rhombus

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Page 17: Abeer lethey

The number of sides of any polygon is equal to the number of its vertices and equal to. the number of its angles

Number of angles =Number of vertices. =Number of sides

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Page 18: Abeer lethey

: Is a quadrilateral in which

Only two opposite sides are parallel but not equal.in length

In each of two opposite:figure

LM // NO

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:Is quadrilateral in which

Each two opposite sides are equal in length and.parallel

AB//CD and AD//BC


A=>C and >B=>D>

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Page 20: Abeer lethey

: Is aquadrilateral in which

Its two diagonal bisect. each other

And not equal in length

. EM =MG ,FM = MH

GE = FH , FH = GE

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Page 21: Abeer lethey

:Is a quadrilateral in which

Each two opposite side are equal in length and. parallel

. XY // LZ , ZY // LX

. XY = LZ , YZ = LX

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Page 22: Abeer lethey

Its angles are equal in. measure

Each of them are right. ((90

m(>X ( = m(>Y(=m( >Z( = m (>L(=90

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: Is a quadrilateral in which

Each two opposite sides

.are parallel

All sides are equal in.length

SU // TR , ST // UR

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Page 24: Abeer lethey

:Is a quadrilateral in which

Its sides are equal in length


Each two opposite sides are Parallel

AB//CD , BC //AD

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Page 25: Abeer lethey

According to its sidelength

. Isosceles triangle (1

. Equilateral triangle(2

. Scalene triangle (3

According to its measures :of angles

.Right angled_traingle(1

.Acute angled_ triangle(2

Obtuse angled_(3 .triangle

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Page 26: Abeer lethey

Has two sides equal in. length

( XY = XZ (

The Three sides equal. in length( XY = XZ = ZY (

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Has three sides equal in.length

(XY =XZ = ZY (

Has three angles equal.in measure

(m(>X( = m(>y( = m(>Z

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Page 28: Abeer lethey

Has one right angle and. two acute angles


Has three acuteangle

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