aberdeen city council · aberdeen city council’s twinning programme works with a variety of...

ABERDEEN CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Finance, Policy & Resources DATE 19 April 2016 DIRECTOR Chief Executive TITLE OF REPORT Twinning & International Partnerships Annual Review REPORT NUMBER OCE/16/014 CHECKLIST COMPLETED Yes 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this annual review is to provide details of the Twinning & International Partnerships Programme in 2015-16 and outlines objectives for 2016-17. 2. RECOMMENDATION(S) That Finance, Policy & Resources Committee note details of the Twinning & International Partnerships Programme in 2015-16 and objectives identified for 2016-17. 3. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Full council approved the International Twinning Budget for 2015-2016 of £147,250. The approved budget from the Common Good Fund provides £102,000 of monies towards the support of twinning projects and/or visits; £10,000 towards specific programmes associated with Twin City Anniversaries; and £35,250 towards supporting the infrastructure of the programme, such as salary and ICT costs. Full Council approved a budget of £137,000 to support Twinning & International Partnerships in 2016-17. Of these funds £102,000 will be made available as grants to support projects and £35,000 will contribute towards the infrastructure of the programme, such as salary and ICT costs. 4. OTHER IMPLICATIONS The health and safety implications of all visits are taken into account during planning, with any exceptional implications addressed at the time of application.

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Page 1: ABERDEEN CITY COUNCIL · Aberdeen City Council’s Twinning Programme works with a variety of internal ... Successful applicants must submit a Final Report outlining the project,


COMMITTEE Finance, Policy & Resources DATE 19 April 2016 DIRECTOR Chief Executive TITLE OF REPORT Twinning & International Partnerships Annual



The purpose of this annual review is to provide details of the Twinning & International Partnerships Programme in 2015-16 and outlines objectives for 2016-17.


That Finance, Policy & Resources Committee note details of the Twinning & International Partnerships Programme in 2015-16 and objectives identified for 2016-17. 3. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS

Full council approved the International Twinning Budget for 2015-2016 of £147,250. The approved budget from the Common Good Fund provides £102,000 of monies towards the support of twinning projects and/or visits; £10,000 towards specific programmes associated with Twin City Anniversaries; and £35,250 towards supporting the infrastructure of the programme, such as salary and ICT costs. Full Council approved a budget of £137,000 to support Twinning & International Partnerships in 2016-17. Of these funds £102,000 will be made available as grants to support projects and £35,000 will contribute towards the infrastructure of the programme, such as salary and ICT costs. 4. OTHER IMPLICATIONS

The health and safety implications of all visits are taken into account during planning, with any exceptional implications addressed at the time of application.

Page 2: ABERDEEN CITY COUNCIL · Aberdeen City Council’s Twinning Programme works with a variety of internal ... Successful applicants must submit a Final Report outlining the project,

The Twinning & International Partnerships Officer regularly reviews the travel advice provided by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and is in close contact with counterpart officers in the twin cities to ensure information provided to participants is accurate and up-to-date. Where individuals/groups from Aberdeen are travelling overseas, comprehensive pre-visit briefings are offered by the Twinning & International Partnerships Officer and all have the opportunity to ask questions and request support. When participating in overseas visits, Council employees are covered by the Council’s insurance policy while non-Council employees are instructed by the Twinning & International Partnerships Officer to obtain comprehensive travel insurance. Long established twinning links will not be maintained without regular reciprocal visits and ongoing projects being initiated by communities, groups and individuals and there is the potential for the city’s international image to be damaged if we don’t continue to support established relationships. Grants provided through the twinning budget provide individuals and communities from throughout Aberdeen City with the opportunity to engage with international twinning activities. In addition, incoming visitors to the city on twin city projects support the local economy through their participation at events and hospitality and retail expenditure while visiting the city. The Twinning & International Partnerships Officer will provide a strong link between Aberdeen and our twin cities who also provide organisational support, advice and guidance when required. They will also make recommendations on funding available to the group and offer support to foster a relationship with the city so that it is long lasting and beneficial to the people of Aberdeen without requiring on-going financial support from the public purse. All groups participating in twin city activities are encouraged to develop sustainable relationships with their partner groups. Links between most of the twin cities of Aberdeen are active, and links which have not recently been engaged have been contacted to re-establish communications. It is important that all visits and projects through twinning are long-standing and fruitful to ensure their benefit to the local people of Aberdeen, to establish and promote positively the overseas image of Aberdeen and for best practice to be shared between cities. 5. BACKGROUND/MAIN ISSUES

This annual review provides details of the Twinning & International

Partnerships Programme in 2015-16 and outlines objectives for 2016-17

i) Context

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a) Twin City Partnerships

Aberdeen is twinned with five twin cities:

Regensburg, Germany (1955)

Clermont-Ferrand, France (1983)

Bulawayo, Zimbabwe (1986)

Stavanger, Norway (1990)

Gomel, Belarus (1990)

Twin city partnerships support wider Council Strategies, such as key strands

of the Regional Economic Strategy - Inclusive Economic Growth and

Internationalisation – and Shaping Aberdeen outcomes.

b) International Twinning Budget

Grants of up to £10,000 are available to 50% match-fund twin city projects.

Applicants must meet with the Twinning & International Partnerships Officer to

discuss the project eligibility prior to making an application. The Twinning &

International Partnerships Officer then seeks approval of the allocation of

funds to projects from the Finance, Policy & Resources Committee which

meets five times a year.

Documents related to the application process are given in Appendix 1.

ii) Review of 2015-16

a) Allocation of funds

An annual budget of £147,250 from the Common Good Fund was allocated to

support twin city initiatives in 2015-16. These funds were budgeted to be

distributed as grants to organisations and individuals in the city (£102,000),

civic and public events to celebrate twinning anniversaries (£10,000) and the

ongoing administration of the programme, including salary and administration

costs (£35,250).

A breakdown of how funds were allocated is given in Appendix 2, including an

analysis of distribution of funds per twin city (fig.2.1) and per activity area

(fig.2.2). The breakdown also measures first time applicants compared to

returning applicants (fig.2.3).

b) Joint Working

Aberdeen City Council’s Twinning Programme works with a variety of internal

and external stakeholders from across the city. The Shaping Aberdeen

outcomes are central to developing such projects to ensure that Twinning &

International Partnerships stays relevant to the city’s current objectives and

future vision.

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Twinning Aberdeen has worked with colleagues from throughout Education

and Children’s Services to develop several new projects and partnerships this

year which are aligned with Education Scotland’s national objectives. The

Twinning Programme has supported the implementation of the ‘1+2 Model’,

which has made it mandatory for primary schools to introduce language

learning to young pupils. This has been achieved through the creation of e-

twinning and mobility exchanges for pupils in several different primary schools

from within the city; and providing opportunities to teachers to participate in

professional learning exchanges with peers from other countries. These

opportunities support Shaping Aberdeen’s ‘Our Purpose: People Matter’

outcome as well as each of the individual outcomes of ‘Our Culture’. The work

which Aberdeen City Council has been undertaking with colleagues in

Clermont-Ferrand has been highlighted as an example of best practice

amongst local authorities in a report by The French Institute to Education



The Twinning Programme has also supported several cultural events in

Aberdeen throughout 2015-16. Twinning is based within the City Promotions

Team, alongside City Events. Musicians from various twin cities have

performed at key events in the city which have been organised or supported

by the City Events Team, including Celebrate Aberdeen Weekend and the

Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. Twinning Aberdeen has also built strong

connections with external stakeholders who organise cultural events, such as

Aberdeen Festivals. New and existing applicants to the Twinning Grant

included several members of Aberdeen Festivals Collective and previous

applicants to the grant sought independent funds to enable the participation of

partners from twin cities at their events. Twinning Aberdeen has also

supported local musicians in their attendance at international events in twin

cities. With support from the External Funding and Policy Team, Twinning

Aberdeen successfully applied for EU funding to support a cultural forum in

Aberdeen for key stakeholders from various twin cities to collaborate and

develop future cultural projects. This exchange of cultural bodies and

individual performers from Aberdeen and her twin cities enhances the offering

of Aberdeen’s events programme, promoting opportunities available from the

twinning programme to audiences who may otherwise be unaware of it and

providing an international platform to local artists. These projects support

Shaping Aberdeen’s ‘Our Purpose’ visions of ‘People Matter’ and ‘Place

Matters’, as well as ‘Our Culture: Improving Use of Resources’. Such cultural

partnerships also align with the Regional Economic Strategy’s ‘Inclusive

Economic Growth’ outcome.


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Three twin city partnership anniversaries were celebrated in 2015: the 60th

anniversary with Regensburg; 25th anniversary with Gomel; and 25th

anniversary with Stavanger. Additional funds of £10,000 were made available

to support the creation of a programme to commemorate these anniversaries.

As well as supporting inward and outbound visits by delegations to the cities,

these funds also contributed to a free public event to celebrate the Lighting of

the Christmas Tree. Celebrating twin city partnerships through civic events

demonstrates the city’s commitment to maintaining and developing

international partnerships and “upholds the dignity of the city” – a key

objective of the Common Good Fund. .

Case studies of individual twinning projects which demonstrate organisational

outcomes are given in Appendix 3.

c) Evidence of benefits

Successful applicants must submit a Final Report outlining the project,

outcomes and benefits achieved from their project within one month of the

completion of the project. They must also detail their budget, include receipts

and return any monies unspent.

Testimonials from participants are included in Appendix 4.

iii) The Year Ahead 2016-17

a) Budget

Full Council approved an allocation of £137,000 from the Common Good

Fund to support Twinning & International Partnerships projects in 2016-17. Of

these funds, £102,000 will be made available as grants to support twinning

projects and the remaining monies will support the programme, including

salary and administration.

To ensure the longevity of twinning projects the Twinning & International

Partnerships Officer continues to lead on communications and developments

for exchanges and projects which will be of benefit to the Aberdeen

community, in line with the criteria of the Common Good Fund, and that fit

with the vision of Aberdeen City Council as a ‘Smarter Aberdeen’.

An outline of planned or anticipated projects for 2016-17 is given in Appendix


b) Aims and objectives

To ensure that the Twinning Programme continues to support the Shaping

Aberdeen vision, as well as departmental strategies, a number of objectives

have been identified for 2016-17:

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1. Explore a model which uses twinning to promote Aberdeen as a

business and tourism destination to audiences in twin cities and


The Regional Economic Strategy highlights the development of

Aberdeen as a business and tourism destination as a key objective.

Twinning partnerships provide an established platform from which

Aberdeen’s economic and cultural offerings can be promoted to

international audiences. Working with colleagues from Economic

Development and external stakeholders such as Visit Aberdeen, the

Twinning and International Partnerships Officer will explore developing

a model which supports the economic objectives of the city through the

promotion of Aberdeen in twin cities. Being aligned with wider

strategies such as these demonstrates that Twinning & International

Partnerships can be of economic benefit to the city, which supports the

Shaping Aberdeen vision of ‘Our Culture: Improving Use of Resources’

and ‘Our Purpose: Place Matters’.

2. Support the development of tri-partner projects to meet eligibility

of European funding streams;

Twinning and International Partnerships successfully applied for a

grant from the European Commission’s ‘Europe for Citizens’

programme to host a forum in the city which engaged partners from

Aberdeen, Clermont-Ferrand and Regensburg. Funding is available to

support multi-partner projects from strands such as this, Erasmus+ and

Creative Europe. Twinning and International Partnerships will work with

internal and external applicants to develop projects which involve

partners from more than one twin city, thus making them eligible for

external funding from the European Union. The development of

international partnerships to attract EU funds has been highlighted as

an objective in the Internationalisation priorities of the Regional

Economic Strategy. The creation of such projects results in sources of

significant funding being made available to city organisations and

raises the international profile of Aberdeen. This demonstrates

Aberdeen City Council’s outcomes of ‘Our Purpose: People Matter’ and

‘Our Purpose: Place Matters’.

3. Continue to support departmental strategies through creation of

new partnerships and staff development opportunities;

Twinning and International Partnerships supports the strategic aims of

several internal departments. Twinning provides an essential resource

to departments who have key aims to increase ‘Internationalisation’, as

highlighted in the Regional Economic Strategy. For example, twinning

relationships are highlighted in Aberdeen City Council’s Cultural

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Mapping Report as aiding the objective to ‘Scope cultural potential of

international linkages with Northern Arc and other cities.’ Twinning

assists with the development of international programmes through the

knowledge and financial support which it provides. Opportunities to

support departmental strategies in internationalisation will continue to

be a priority for the Twinning Programme as building such relationships

‘Improves Use of Resources’ and ‘Improves Staff Experience’ – key

outcomes of the Shaping Aberdeen vision.

4. Develop and deliver a marketing and promotion strategy for the

twinning and international partnerships programme;

A marketing and promotion strategy will be implemented to encourage new applicants to the Twinning & International Partnerships Programme. Twinning & International Partnerships sits within the Communications & Promotions Department of the Office of the Chief Executive. Working with Communications Business Advisors, a review of current practices will be undertaken followed by the creation of a strategy which details how the twinning programme will be promoted to diverse individuals and groups from throughout the city. Various marketing platforms will be reviewed including social media, event presence and online activity. Developing communications activities associated with Twinning & International Partnerships ensures that the programme is widely accessible to all citizens from throughout the city. This supports Shaping Aberdeen’s vision of ‘Improving Customer Service’.

5. Strengthen the evaluation processes used to measure the impact

of the programme;

The current evaluation model will be reviewed to establish a stronger

method for capturing the impact of projects to residents and the city.

This will include encouraging applicants to submit evaluations using a

variety of tools, such as traditional document methods and participant

evaluations through media such as video. The strengthening of the

evaluation process will be closely aligned with the marketing and

promotion strategy to ensure that the impact of Twinning to city

residents is promoted. Such a review will demonstrate the cultural,

social and economic impact of the Twinning & International

Partnerships Programme to the city. Capturing high-quality evaluations

shapes the Twinning Programme, ensuring it stays relevant to city

residents thus ‘Improving Customer Service’ and ‘Improving Use of

Resources’ as outlined in Shaping Aberdeen.

6. IMPACT Improving Customer Experience – Twinning & International Partnerships supports the principles of the Common Good Fund:

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Upholding the dignity of the City: The expense of civic ceremonies; and of the provision of suitable hospitality on appropriate occasions and for appropriate persons, and guests would fall under this purpose;

Any other purpose which, in the bona fide and reasonable judgement of the Council, is for the good of the community as a whole, or in which the inhabitants at large may share: to be distinguished from the separate interest or benefit of any particular individual or group of people, however deserving or needy.

Improving Staff Experience – The Twinning and International Partnerships Officer works closely with internal departments to create partnerships and projects between Aberdeen City Council and twin cities, regularly working with the Education, City Events and Civic Teams amongst others. Improving our use of Resources – The International Twinning Grant is funded through the Common Good Fund. Recommendations for grant allocations are presented to council committee and all reports detailing grant allocations are readily available through the council website. Corporate - Promoting and supporting international exchanges, involving various communities of interest, significantly contributes to Aberdeen City Council’s Smarter City Vision and to the actions of the Single Outcome Agreement. The outlined twinning projects also align with the cultural strategy vision as it allows for improved communication of cultural opportunities, helps with changing the perception of the city, to develop a stronger cultural identity and to have increased levels of effective partnership working. Public – Human Rights, Equalities and Diversity: Aberdeen City Council has in place a range of statutory and discretionary plans, schemes and policies to promote equality. Officers endeavour to target groups and communities which have not previously had experience of international visits or exchanges, or have been under-represented in twin city activities. Applicants complete an equal opportunities monitoring form as part of the application process.


Twinning & International Partnerships upholds the principles of the Common Good Fund. The cessation of the programme could result in failure to ‘uphold the dignity of the city’ and a breakdown in projects ‘which are good for the community as a whole’. Should this diverse and engaging programme not continue, then Aberdeen could potentially cease to be an attractive destination for

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visitors and local residents with economic spend being distributed elsewhere in Scotland and international partnerships could be at risk.



Laura Paterson Twinning & International Partnerships Officer Email: [email protected] Tel: 01224 523749


Enquiries and Submitting Your Application Enquiries and completed forms can be done via mail or by email to [email protected] Twinning & International Partnerships Officer Communications and Promotions

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Office of the Chief Executive Aberdeen City Council Town House Aberdeen AB10 1AQ Tel: 01224 523749

Important Information Funding Available A maximum of 50% of the total cost of the visit may be awarded in support of your application. Funds are awarded to projects that display an ability to deliver benefits in line with the Common Good Fund Criteria. ‘Eligibility for Funding’ found on page 3 of the International Partnerships & Twinning Fund Guidelines. Funding is not available for visits which are simply touristic.

You must refer to our guidelines when completing this application. Deadline for Applications Please check with the International Partnerships Officer the deadline date to submit your application for funding. Once applications are received, they will be acknowledged and the application will be forwarded to the next relevant Finance, Policy & Resources Committee for decision. You will receive notification of the Committee’s decision within 5 working days of the meeting. Payment of Funds Successful applications will receive a confirmation letter outlining the details of the monies awarded and how it will be paid. In order to support our monitoring process, we will seek relevant information from you to ensure the monies awarded are allocated appropriately and where there is an under spend, we request that surplus monies are returned to the Fund to support other projects.

During and Post Twinning Visit/Project We ask that those who undertake a twinning project or visit include the Aberdeen City Council logo on all promotional material demonstrating the council’s support. Draft material with the Aberdeen City Council logo must be sent in advance of the project to the International Partnerships Officer for

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approval before publication. Final materials must also be sent to the Officer to be kept on file. We also require a written feedback report at the end of the visit or project detailing programme details, achievements, partnership legacy and it must include all receipts.

Part 1: Individual/Group/Organisation Details:

Name of Organisation

Organisation Address

Organisation Telephone and Email:

Name of Main Contact Person

Status in Relation to Organisation e.g. secretary

Contact Details of Main Person:


Telephone: Mobile: Email:

Telephone: Mobile: Email:

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Name of Second Contact

Status in Relation to Organisation

Contact Details of Second Person

Status in Relation to Organisation

Part 2: Twinning Visit or Project Information

Twin City (or Cities) to be involved

Telephone: Mobile: Email:

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How many people will be in receipt of funds from this grant: Aberdeen

Twin City Details of individuals or groups with whom you will be working in Aberdeen and Twin City:

Twinning Visit or Project Dates:

Start Date: End Date:

Project Brief

Adults: Children:

Adults: Children:

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Project Outputs

Anticipated Project Outcomes

Is this your first Aberdeen City Council Twinning Grant? Yes No

If no, what outcomes will you build upon with this financial support?

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Part 3: Impact of Project

How will you continue to work with your twinning partner?

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What will you do with our funding to ensure legacy to your partnership?

Please provide any additional information or comments in support of

What will be the impact of your project on the Aberdeen Community?

Part 4: How Much Funding

In the past 12 months have you secured funds from any sources? Yes No Aberdeen City Council?

Any other council?

Any other funding organisations?

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If ‘yes’ to any of these, please give details of the grant awarded, project, partners and start and end date:

The International Twinning Budget will only fund maximum 50% of your costs (see guidelines), how do you intend to fully fund this project:

Any other Council Support Yes No Twin City with whom you are working Yes No

Fund-Raising Yes No Sponsorship Yes No Any other Organisation Yes No

If ‘yes’ to any of these please explain the impact of other funds on your project e.g. specific priorities to be met beyond twinning

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Please provide any details of future fund-raising efforts you plan to undertake to sustain your project:

Part 5: Project Budget/ Information

Please list the items you are seeking support for, the total cost and justification.

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Please give estimated revenue: Estimated Revenue (e.g. ticket sales):

Estimated Fund Raising:

Contribution by Participants:

Other sources of income:


Total Applying for: How will your project be affected if your funding is limited by 75%, 50% or 25%?

75% (ie £3000 is awarded to an original £4000 application)







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50% (ie £2000 is awarded to an original £4000 application)

25% (ie £1000 is awarded to an original £4000 application)


Application Form Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form Supporting Documents Constitution Partnership Agreement

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Equal Opportunities Policy Most recent statement of accounts Declaration All the information included as part of this application is correct. Should any changes occur I will inform Aberdeen City Council. A report will be provided as required and the Council’s support acknowledged. Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________________ For Office Use Date Application Received: Date Application Receipt Funding Recommendation: Committee Confirmation: Date Funding Rejected: Application Result Notification: Date of confirmation to finance/ payment made: APPENDIX1.2: GUIDANCE NOTES

Guidance: International Partnerships & Twinning Fund This fund is available for projects between Aberdeen and its five twin cities Clermont-Ferrand, France; Regensburg, Germany; Stavanger, Norway; Gomel, Belarus and Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Before an application for financial assistance may be considered the views of the partner twin city will be taken into account. You should discuss with the International Partnerships Officer the planned twin city visit or project before completing a funding application to ensure it meets with the criteria set.

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As of the 1st May 2012, new criteria and guidelines have been introduced for individuals, groups and organisations wishing to apply for financial support from the International Partnership & Twinning Fund. Individuals, groups and organisations can only apply to the International Partnerships & Twinning Fund up to a maximum of three times starting from the 1st May 2012 after this time no further monies will be made available from this fund to support new or existing projects you as an individual, group or organisation may be involved in. The maximum three times is not time bound. The maximum three awards are based on successful applications which receive funding from the International Partnerships & Twinning Fund. Part-funded applications are also considered as successful. To ensure that the International Partnerships & Twinning activities initiated by your organisation continue to be sustainable, the International Partnerships Officer will provide assistance and guidance in collaboration with a Funding Officer from Aberdeen City Council to provide advice and alternative funding. Applications are considered by: The Finance, Policy & Resources Committee. The funding application must be received at least 8 weeks before Committee meets. When to apply: The International Partnerships Officer will advise the deadline date for your application to be received by. Before any funding application can be considered, you must meet with the International Partnerships Officer to discuss your eligibility for funding. Funding available: A maximum of 50% of the total cost of the visit may be awarded in support of your application. Funds are awarded to projects that display an ability to deliver benefits in line with the Common Good Fund Criteria, ‘Eligibility for Funding’ found on page 3. Funding is not available for:

Tourism/holiday visits Who can apply for grant funds? Individuals, as well as organisations and groups may apply for grant funding. However the Council has set the following general requirements: Individuals must:

Live in Aberdeen City

Meet the specific requirements of the grant applied for

Acknowledge support offered by the council

Have a bank account

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Groups and Voluntary Organisations must:

Be a voluntary organisation as defined in the Council’s Voluntary Sector Policy (Available from Council website www.aberdeencity.gov.uk)

Assist the Council in carrying out work in the community

Contribute to the implementation or development of the Council’s aims and objectives

Be active in the city and contribute to services that benefit people in the community or, if it is a national organisation, be supported in principle by the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA)

Have a written constitution and a properly elected Management Committee

Have an equal opportunities statement or policy

Have proper accounting procedures and be able to present accounts to the Council

Be able to show how funds will be managed and used constructively and report this to Council.

Acknowledge any support offered by the Council on publicity material relating to the project (Appropriate artwork will be supplied)

Meet the specific requirements if the grant requested Eligibility for Funding Individuals, group or organisations whose projects:

Help to break down barriers

Encourage international understanding and friendships

Further social and economic links and

Promote the images of the city overseas

Applicants must be residents of Aberdeen City

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First time applicants may be given priority You should

Clearly state what the aim of the visits are

Indicate what the group/individual hopes to achieve in the twin city

Set out clearly the prospects for sustaining on-going projects As of 1st May 2012 individuals or organisations may only be in receipt of funding from the International Partnerships & Twinning Grant up to a maximum of three times. Assessment of Application The applications are assessed on the following:

How the project or activity meets with our priorities and criteria for the International Twinning Grant

The need for the project

Who will benefit and how the project benefits the local people of Aberdeen

*Your organisation’s income

The total cost of the project

The wider community involvement

If you have been funded before

How much detail is given in the application for the Twinning Project *This will not affect individual’s applications made to the International Partnerships & Twinning Grant. What to do? Please complete the Funding Application for International (Twinning) form, Checklist and the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form and return to the International Partnerships by the set deadline. All sections of the application should be filled, and supporting documents sent as part of the application process. Failure to do so may result in the delay of your application. Payment of Funds Successful applications will receive a confirmation letter outlining the details of the monies awarded and how it will be paid. In order to support our monitoring process, we will seek relevant information from you to ensure the monies awarded are allocated appropriately and where there is an under spend, we request that surplus monies are returned to the Fund to support other projects. During and Post Twinning Visit/Project: We ask that those who undertake a twinning project or visit include the Aberdeen City Logo on all promotional material demonstrating the council’s

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support. Draft material with the Aberdeen City Council logo must be sent in advance of the project to the International Partnerships Officer for approval before publication. Final materials must also be sent to the Officer to be kept on file. We also require a written feedback report at the end of the visit or project detailing programme details, achievements, partnership legacy and it must include all receipts. If you are unsure of any of any of the requirements please contact the International Partnerships Officer. Guidance on Completing the Funding Application Form: All applicants must fill out the International (Twinning) Application Form and give the following information: Part 1: Name, Address and Contact Details

Please give the contact details for two people from your organisation,

or one name if applying as an individual. This must include full name,

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address with post code, contact telephone number and email address.

All details must be clearly given as failure to do so will result in delay to

get in contact.

Please ensure that all details are correct as any letters will be posted to

the main contact address.

Part 2: Twinning Visit or Project Information

Please state which twin city or cities are to be involved in your twinning


State only how many adults and young people you are seeking to

support directly through funding from this grant and please state this in

the correct box i.e. if they are from Aberdeen or from the twin city.

Please provide details of the individuals, groups and communities that

you will be working with.

State the planned dates for the start and end of the twin city project.

In the project brief state and describe what your project intends to do

and how it will be carried out. Please provide as much detail as

possible. You may wish to refer to the twinning project ‘eligibility for

funding’ found on page 3 to ensure that your project meets with our


Project Output: describe how you will set about achieving the aims and

ambitions of the twinning activity.

Anticipated Project Outcomes: describe what benefits you expect to

come out of the twinning activity and how it will be of benefit the people

of Aberdeen and the twin city.

Please state if this is the first time that your organisation has applied to

the Aberdeen City Council International Partnership & Twinning Grant.

If this is not your first funding application to the International Twinning

Grant describe what outcomes you will build on from previous twinning

activities with a new grant.

Part 3: Impact of Project

Describe how you plan to continue working with your twinning partner

and build on the outcomes.

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Ensuring that the twinning relationship is sustainable is an important

aspect when applying for funding. Describe what steps and actions

your organisation will do to ensure the longevity of your partnership.

The International Partnership & Twinning Grant is gifted by the

Common Good Fund, the intention of which is to benefit the people of

Aberdeen. Describe how your project will impact and benefit the people

and local communities of Aberdeen.

Part 4: Other Funding

Please tell us if you have secured funding from any other sources in

the past 12 months. This is important to give us a reflection of what

finances you have in place already for the twinning activity and any

other partnerships you have formed.

If you answer ‘yes’ to funding from Aberdeen City Council, Other

Councils or any other organisations please state the grant awarded, the

project for which you received this grant and the start and end state of

the funding.

The International Partnership & Twinning Grant will only fund a

maximum of 50% of the total cost of the twinning project. Please tell us

how you intend to fully fund your project.

If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the given funding bodies, please describe

the impact of that funding on the project. Please also state if there are

any specific priorities to be met beyond twinning.

The International Partnerships & Twinning Grant will only support

your organisation in a twinning project up to a maximum of three

successful applications, see page 1 and 3. Please provide details for

future plans to fund-raise you plan to sustain your project.

Part 5: Project Budget Information

Please state the total cost of each item that you are seeking support

for and provide justification for each of the costs i.e. how the costs

were calculated. Applications that do not include complete

information will be considered ineligible.

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Please give the estimated revenue from any fund-raising events

such as ticket sales, contribution from the participants, contribution

from twin city or any other relevant sources of income.

Please deduct the estimated revenue (income) from the total costs

to give the total amount of funding which you are applying from the

International Partnership & Twinning Grant. Remember that we will

only fund a maximum of 50% of the total cost of the project.

Please describe how you expect your project to be affected if your

funding is limited by the following amounts: 75%, 50% or 25%. It is

important that you display your ability to modify your project if

funding from this grant source is limited.


Complete the checklist to show what you have included with your

application. It is important that you include all relevant information and

supporting documentation. Without supporting documents your

application may be delayed or possibly rejected.

PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN YOUR APPLICATION FORM For further advice or information contact: Twinning & International Partnerships Officer, Communications & Promotions, Office of the Chief Executive, Aberdeen City Council, Town House, Aberdeen AB10 1AQ Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01224 523749 APPENDIX 1.3: EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES MONITORING FORM Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form-Twinning Grant We ask you to complete this form and return it with the completed Twinning Grant Funding Application. This will enable us to monitor grant allocations in line with the existing and emerging equalities legislation. If filling this out by hand, please complete in dark ink.

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Name of the individual or group:

Which area(s) of the city will benefit from this application? North Central South Whole City

How many people do you estimate will benefit from the application? If unsure please estimate. 1. Ages males females Under 5 6-12 13-25 26-49 Over 50 2. General Description: With disability homeless lesbian From disadvantaged area unemployed bisexual On low income substance user Families gay men Other (please specify) transgender Other:_______________________________________________________________ Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form Continued 3. Ethnic Categories: African Indian Pakistani American Bangladeshi Chinese Asian Other

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Multi Ethnic Background If more than one ethnic background

Other Ethnic Background Australasian Caribbean European English Scottish Northern Ireland Irish Welsh Other Gypsy/Traveller Important: A computer database will be used to store the information on this form. The data will be processed in compliance with the Data Protection Act.

Office Use: Decision Made: Funding Awarded: Total Amount: £ Forward to: Twinning & International Partnerships Officer, Aberdeen City Council, Town House, Aberdeen, AB10 1AQ Email: [email protected] APPENDIX 1.4: AWARDS LETTER Our Ref. Contact Email Direct Dial Mobile

International Twinning Grant Laura Paterson [email protected] +44 (0)1224 523749 +44 (0)7917 686979

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Address Date

Twinning & International Partnerships Aberdeen City Council Town House Aberdeen AB10 1AQ www.aberdeencity.gov.uk

Dear XXX , International Twinning Grant Application I am pleased to confirm that the Finance, Policy & Resources Committee xxx approved a contribution of £xxx towards xxx I have enclosed a short form with this letter requesting your organisations bank details. On receipt of the completed form, I will authorise the agreed payment. As part of the new three strike system as stated in the funding application guidelines, this is the xxx time that the International Twinning Grant has supported this project and you are eligible to apply to the grant xxx more time. Aberdeen City Council requests that their financial support is acknowledged on any publicity materials relating to this project. The corporate logo guidelines and the Aberdeen City Council logo will be sent to you for use in any materials produced by your group-please ensure that your group follow the guidelines set. Any draft publicity materials should be sent in to International Partnerships Officer to be checked by our Corporate Communications team before distribution. The draft materials should be sent in a timely manner to allow for any changes to be made before advertisement of the event. We also ask you to provide a written feedback report of your project enclosing the receipts, any supporting promotional materials produced and photography of the event within a month of its completion. For your group, the report should be submitted no later than xxx. A template for the Final Report will be provided. A Risk Assessment carried out by your group for the needs to be supplied to the International Partnerships Officer. Any questions posed by the Officer must be addressed immediately to ensure the health, safety and smooth-running of the twinning project. Whether you are travelling overseas to a twin city or hosting a visit to Aberdeen, you will be acting as ambassadors for the City of Aberdeen and Scotland as a whole. We ask that your organisation conducts itself in a manner that acknowledges this status and promotes the city as a destination to live, work and visit accordingly.

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In the event that your project does not proceed on the basis of the application submitted and approved by committee, any monies awarded should be returned to Aberdeen City Council immediately. In the Final Report you should submit all receipts which relate to the twinning visit. Any unused monies will go to support alternative International Twinning Projects and Visits. Please sign the form below to show you have understood and will comply with the conditions of the International Partnerships and Twinning Fund. Failure to sign the form and return to the International Partnerships Officer will result in a delay in the process of your payment. Please do not hesitate to contact me on 01224 523749 or email [email protected] if you have any questions. Yours sincerely,

Laura Paterson Twinning & International Partnerships Officer Encs Signature Form Bank Details Form Declaration: I/we declare and understand that: • Aberdeen City Council financial support will be acknowledged and any draft publicity materials will be given to International Partnerships Officer;

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• In a timely manner before the twinning visit to check that the Aberdeen City Council logo has been used appropriately; • A Final Report with all receipts in relation to the twinning project or visit and any supporting promotional material and photography will be submitted to International Partnerships Officer; • A full Risk Assessment will be carried out and will be given to International Partnerships Officer to be checked. Any questions or suggestions must be addressed immediately; • If the group does not proceed on the basis of the application submitted, or not all monies are used, they must be returned to Aberdeen City Council Twinning Fund. Returned cheques should be made payable to Aberdeen City Council; • The agreed expenditure from the International Partnerships & Twinning Fund is towards xxx. Signature:______________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________________ Please Return this Form to: Laura Paterson Twinning & International Partnerships Officer Aberdeen City Council Town House Aberdeen AB10 1AQ


Final Report

All organisations or individuals who received monies from the International Twinning Budget are required to submit a report within a month of their twinning activity. This final report is an opportunity for you to share details of the achievements and

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implications of the twinning project. The information contained in the report is of great value as it allows Aberdeen City Council to assess and review the impact of the projects it supports.

Completing the form

All completed forms should be returned via email to [email protected] or alternatively can be mailed to: Twinning & International Partnerships Officer, Aberdeen City Council, Town House, Aberdeen AB10 1AQ If you have any questions about completing this form or are have difficulties submitting it then please contact the above email address or alternatively call (01224) 523749.

Contact and project details

Twin City and Activity

Organisation/ Group:


Primary contact:


Phone: Email:

Total grant received from Aberdeen City Council:

Level of grant spent:

Project start date:

Project completed date:

Which twin city (cities) was involved and what were the purposes of the twinning project?

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Evaluation and Feedback

Evaluation and Feedback

Please provide a brief overall evaluation of the activity, highlighting areas which were particularly good and areas which need improvement. Did your twinning activity achieve your projected outcomes detailed in your application? You may provide external feedback.

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Future Projects with Twin Cities

Future Plans

Please outline any future plans and objectives for the group/organisation involving twin cities and how you plan to take it forward. Please state as to how this grant has supported your long-term plans.

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Please provide a final budget (or projected final budget if the project has not concluded) detailing how the International Twinning Grant was spent. Information can be included in the below box or budget sheets can be attached if required. Written text can be included to offer a summary or to offer additional supporting

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Any Additional Information which you would like to provide: APPENDIX 2: ALLOCATION OF FUNDS 2015-16 Committee Date

Project Funding Granted

FPR 23 April 2015

Contribution towards ‘Cultural Connections’ – a cultural forum in the city



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FPR 23 April 2015

Contribution towards Immpact project in Bulawayo


FPR 23 April 2015

Contribution towards Aberdeen 21st Scouts travelling to Gomel


FPR 23 April 2015

Contribution towards Education staff visit to Regensburg


FPR 23 April 2015

Contribution towards Grampian Concert Orchestra performing in Regensburg


FPR 23 April 2015

Contribution towards Aberdeen musicians performing at Stavanger’s MaiJazz Festival


FPR 23 April 2015

Contribution towards a civic delegation visiting Regensburg for 60th anniversary


FPR 9 June 2015

Contribution towards an exchange between Aberdeen YMCA and CVJM Regensburg


FPR 9 June 2015

Contribution towards participation of Bavarian Brass Band at Celebrate Aberdeen


FPR 9 June 2015

Contribution towards Seaton Primary School attending Mini-Regensburg


FPR 9 June 2015

Contribution towards musicians from Clermont-Ferrand participating at Offshore Europe


FPR 9 June 2015

Contribution towards a secondary school from Stavanger participating at TechFest


FPR 15 Sept 2015

Contribution towards an exchange between Harlaw Academy and Regensburg school


FPR 15 Sept 2015

Contribution towards trustees from Friends of Gomel visiting Gomel


FPR 15 Sept 2015

Contribution towards exchange between Kincorth Academy and Regensburg school


FPR 15 Sept 2015

Contribution towards civic delegation and performer from Stavanger visiting Aberdeen for 25th anniversary


FPR 3 Dec 2015

Contribution towards Mini-Regensburg organisers presenting at Aberdeen Learning Festival


FPR 3 Dec 2015

Contribution towards primary school education delegation visiting Clermont-Ferrand


FPR 3 Dec 2015

Contribution towards visit by Golden Games delegation to Regensburg


FPR 3 Dec 2015

Contribution towards musicians from Stavanger performing at Aberdeen Jazz Festival


Total Spent £81,670


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Regensburg (11)

Stavanger (4)

Clermont-Ferrand (3)

Bulawayo (1)

Gomel (2)



Social Wellbeing




First time (10)

Returning (10)

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Cultural Connections

Cultural Connections was a forum and networking event held in Aberdeen.

The aim of the project was to provide an environment for cultural

professionals from Aberdeen, Clermont-Ferrand and Regensburg to meet to

develop ideas for future collaborative projects. The event generated new

partnerships and strengthened existing ones, which has resulted in increased

cultural activities between the cities.

In 2013-14, Twinning successfully applied for funding from the European

Commission’s (EACEA) Europe for Citizens strand to support a World War II

based secondary schools project for pupils from Aberdeen, Clermont-Ferrand

and Regensburg. As the monies came from European funding, only

Regensburg and Clermont-Ferrand were eligible to be project partners. The

External Funding & Policies Team contacted the Twinning and International

Partnerships Officer when calls to the programme were made in summer

2014, enquiring if there were any projects between the twin cities which could

be supported through this funding programme.

The idea of the forum was generated from discussions with various cultural

stakeholders in Aberdeen – when approached about the Twinning

Programme, many individuals and organisations were interested in the

possibilities of internationalisation which Twinning provided but were unsure

of what programmes and facilities currently existed within other cities.

Conversations with counterparts in Regensburg and Clermont-Ferrand

supported this view that there was interest in developing projects from groups

in their cities but there was a lack of knowledge of other twin cities. Following

consultation with colleagues in the Culture Team, external organisations in the

city and equivalent positions in twin cities it was decided that there would be

interest from stakeholders in each of the three cities to meet to share ideas

and best practice with the aim of developing future cultural partnerships.

With initial guidance from the External Funding Team, the Twinning &

International Partnerships Officer submitted an application form to EACEA for

support of €5000 towards the implementation of the project. Clermont-Ferrand

and Regensburg would contribute towards the airfares of delegates from the

cities and the Twinning Grant would contribute towards accommodation costs

of the visit. Letters of support from each of the civic heads of each of the three

cities was obtained to demonstrate commitment to the project and included

within the application to EACEA.

The premise of the programme was to host a two-day event in Aberdeen

which provided opportunities for collaboration and networking to local and

international delegates whilst simultaneously showcasing the cultural offerings

of Aberdeen to visiting delegates. Clermont-Ferrand and Regensburg chose

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twenty-five delegates to attend the forum who represented organisations from

throughout cities, including the Bavarian Jazz Institute and world-famous

Court Metrage Film Festival. Delegates from comparable organisations in

Aberdeen were also invited to attend and included representatives from

bodies such as Aberdeen Art Gallery, Aberdeen Festivals and Peacock Visual


The first day of the forum was hosted in Aberdeen Maritime Museum. Fifty

delegates from each of the three twin cities gave short presentations

introducing their organisation, programmes and suggestions for future

projects. Round-table discussions took place in the afternoon which

encouraged the development of ideas, including practical implications. This

session allowed participants to discover more about organisations and

programmes in each of the cities and provided delegates with the opportunity

to sit down with peers to discuss the development of collaborations.

The invited delegates met with more representatives from Aberdeen on the

second day of the forum as they toured city venues. The aim of this aspect of

the programme was to present key cultural venues within the city. The tour

included city centre destinations, such as Aberdeen Arts Centre and

Seventeen, as well as areas of Old Aberdeen, such as Kings College Chapel

and Sir Duncan Rice Library, and the delegates were met by representatives

of organisations at each of the venues. The visiting delegates appreciated

seeing city venues as they had heard about them the previous day. It

generated new topics of conversation and development, particularly with

Peacock Visual Arts as they were particularly impressed with the resources

and ethos of the organisation.

Social programmes were arranged for delegates in the evenings. The Lord

Provost hosted a welcome reception for all delegates on the opening evening

– the day which the delegates arrived. This allowed delegates to network in

an informal setting and demonstrated civic support for the event. Delegates

attended events which showcase the cultural offerings of Aberdeen at key city

venues such as The Blue Lamp and The Lemon Tree.

The biggest challenge faced with this project was selecting dates for the event

which were suitable for delegates from each of the twin cities. Civic and

cultural events which affected the delegates were spread throughout the year

and date selections often meant that a group could not participate. An original

date set for the beginning of September had to be changed as although it did

not conflict with any civic or cultural arrangements, it was the Bavarian School

Holidays and several German delegates had already made plans.

Feedback from participants was very positive. Any criticisms of the project

stemmed from the time-frame of the programme, with invited delegates

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stating that the itinerary was comprehensive but because it was so full it

perhaps prevented delegates from having in-depth conversations with

delegates from Aberdeen. During the initial stages, this had been identified as

potentially being an issue. However the only way in which delegates could

have had more time to develop projects with partners would have been by

extending the programme. As the invited delegates participated in the

programme for four days (two days travel and two days at the forum) any

extension would have resulted in invited delegates being away from their city

for 5-7 days which was problematic for the invited cities to support. It also

would have significantly increased the costs of the project to Aberdeen City


The aim of the project was to provide a network event where representatives

from each of the three twin cities could promote opportunities in their own

cities and develop idea for future collaborative working. The programme

certainly did this and a range of new cultural projects are currently being

developed. These include:

A programme for young people in each of the twin cities in which they

will learn traditional music and perform together in each of the cities;

Art development and residency exchanges between the cities with an

initial event planned in Regensburg this summer and talks ongoing

between organisations in Aberdeen to hosting a similar opportunity in


Expansion of jazz networks between the cities to incorporate and

promote programmes for local musicians and city festivals;

And capitalising on the experience of short film festivals in Clermont-

Ferrand and Regensburg to explore the potential of organising a similar

event in Aberdeen.

Local organisations who are familiar with Twinning made new contacts with

partners in twin cities to ensure that their programmes are vibrant and

introduce local artists to new art forms. A representative from Creative Europe

also attended to promote funding opportunities of up to €200,000 from EU

sources to raise awareness of this alternative source of funding and

encourage participation. Creative Europe funding requires a minimum of three

partner countries which means that tri-partner projects between Aberdeen,

Clermont-Ferrand and Regensburg would be eligible for this external funding.

Such funding and projects supports the Regional Economic Strategy

objectives of Inclusive Economic Growth – “stimulating diverse culture,

creative offerings of a national and international standard” – and

Internationalisation – “strengthen the region’s networks of international

partnerships and relationships to attract EU funds”. Aberdeen City Council’s

Cultural Mapping Report identified “Scoping the potential of existing

international linkages” as a priority and specifically mentioned Twinning as

providing a resource to share best practice and develop partnerships. The aim

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of this project was to create a network which would develop a vibrant cultural

programme and offering in the twin cities, which supports Shaping Aberdeen’s

key outcomes of ‘Our Purpose: People Matter’, ‘Our Purpose: Place Matters’,

‘Our Culture: Improving Use of Resources’, ‘Our Culture: Improving Staff

Experience’ and ‘Our Culture: Improving Customer Experience’.

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APPENDIX 4: TESTIMONIALS Cultural Connections “The initiative of the City of Aberdeen of collecting municipal and cultural actors of our three twin cities has enabled the delegation from Clermont-Ferrand to establish contacts which will enable future intercultural projects. Thanks to the organised tours of various cultural and artistic sites of Aberdeen the delegates had the opportunity to discover the charm and energy of your city.” - Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand Seaton Primary School at Mini-Regensburg “It was the greatest example of inter-disciplinary learning I have ever seen. The pupils developed so much throughout the project.” - Depute Head Teacher Aberdeen 21st Scouts in Gomel “As a result of the visit to Gomel; the Young Leaders gained parts of the Duke of Edinburgh Award; the Chief Scout’s Platinum Award and the Saltire Award. More importantly, they made many friends in Gomel whom they keep in contact with via social media. The help and support of Aberdeen City Council including financial support, was very much appreciated and did much to ensure the smooth running of the event.” – Scout Leader Regensburg 60th Anniversary Civic Visit “Personally, and on behalf of the Regensburg delegation, I would like to thank you wholeheartedly for the great reception and hospitality we received. It felt like we were at home with friends. I would also like to thank your employees and representatives from partner organisations.” - Mayor of Regensburg Grampian Concert Orchestra in Regensburg “Regensburg organised the festival at which there was a stall with information about Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. The festival was very well publicised in the local area, with Aberdeen prominently mentioned.” – Participant Fusion Dance Exchange in Regensburg “The impact on the young people was very positive; the project introduced innovation and paved the way for them to be responsible tourists as we reviewed and discussed the importance of economic, social and cultural benefits of travel in general. The participants at the beginning of the trip had less value on speaking another language, as they were more excited to connect with other youths from another culture. They began to realise towards the end after seeing how fluent the German youths were at English that another language would be extremely useful when interacting with others from foreign countries and cultures in the future. They experienced a huge amount of growth due to experiences different from those they had always known.” – Dance Development Officer

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Kincorth Academy Exchange with Albertus Magnus Gymnasium “The exchange was very successful and allowed pupils to develop Global Citizenship skills”. – Teacher Harlaw Teacher Exchange to Regensburg “The exploratory visit allowed us to develop a three year plan of plausible events for staff and pupils between the two schools. It will be implemented in academic year 2015/16 and is included in the School Improvement Plan.” – Teacher Write Aberdeen-Write Regensburg “As well as leading to new ideas which could promote literature in Aberdeen in relation to its twin citiesurther, this project has also had a huge impact on my career development and I believe has been a major part of me securing a Creative Project Practioner role with the Creative Learning Team. Within this role, I hope to promote the connections Aberdeen has with its twin cities even further, and to encourage others to conside applying for twin city funding. Being included in the publication has had a huge impact on the writers involved and one of them has been announced as a ‘Best New Writer’ by the Scottish Book Trust.” – Creative Practitioner Immpact Project in Bulawayo “The outcomes of the project have surpassed expectations… The play was filmed and is being used as a teaching resource for medical students.. The exchange platform has provided a platform for knowledge exchanges between health communities in Aberdeen and Bulawayo” – Project leader Manor Park Primary School Exchange with Ecole Nestor-Perret, Clermont-Ferrand “Summing up, the children and adults had great fun and thoroughly enjoyed their trip. The children were open to new experiences, to learning about Aberdeen and to making new friendships. For their part, the Manor Park children were welcoming hosts, as they had been on the previous visit.” – Teacher APPENDIX 5: PLANNED OR ANTICIPATED PROJECTS FOR 2016-17

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10 Twinning presence at SCILT Business Brunch to promote language learning to school pupils

12-19 Stavanger Swimming Club in Aberdeen to train at Aberdeen Sports Village

15 Civic Reception for Stavanger delegation

15-18 Mini-Regensburg delegation in Aberdeen to promote project to teachers

16 Mini-Regensburg Seminar at Aberdeen Learning Festival


8-11 Golden Games delegation in Regensburg to promote future interactive and mobility opportunities

9-12 Primary school education delegation in Clermont-Ferrand to develop links between schools in the cities

17 Twinning presence at schools German networking event

17-20 Musicians from University of Stavanger to play at Aberdeen Jazz Festival

tbc Launch of Arts in Healthcare project with Bulawayo


6-13 Friends of Gomel visit to Gomel for progress reports on current projects and to identify new ones

6-13 Staff exchange to Gomel for Masterplanning Project

11-14 Libraries staff exchange to Regensburg to explore future project for 125 project and Erasmus+ mobility


2-9 Teachers and pupils from Gomel in Aberdeen to explore future school exchange links


3-7 Culter Youth Football Club in Regensburg in reciprocal exchange with SG Walhalla

20-23 Attendance by delegates from Rowett-Institute at Gut Microbiology Symposium in Clermont-Ferrand

21 Interactive language exchange by primary schools in Aberdeen and Clermont-Ferrand to celebrate Fete-de-la-Musique

tbc Visit by SICC Productions to Stavanger to explore future collaboration with IOLAB at SPECTRA 2017

tbc Harlaw Academy pupils visit to Regensburg in exchange with Von Mueller Gymnasium


1-13 Scout group from Stavanger in Aberdeen in exchange with Aberdeen Scout Association

3-10 Musicians from Aberdeen performing at Regensburg Jazz Festival

tbc Exchange between secondary pupils from Aberdeen and Clermont-Ferrand at summer camps in the cities

29-6 Aug Attendance by musicians from Regensburg Music School at Aberdeen International Youth Festival


5-10 Participation of young people from Aberdeen at Regensburg Youth Forum

20-27 Artist exchange to Regensburg to participate in Art Symposium

26-29 Musicians from Regensburg performing at Celebrate Aberdeen

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Weekend and developing project for AIYF 2017

29-1 Sept Musicians from Aberdeen performing at the Aberdeen Pavillion at ONS in Stavanger


tbc Participation of secondary school pupils from Stavanger at TechFest

tbc Launch of traditional music project between Aberdeen, Regensburg and Clermont-Ferrand with primary school pupils

tbc Musicians from Clermont-Ferrand to lead music workshops and perform in Aberdeen


20-6 Nov Participation of musicians from Clermont-Ferrand and Stavanger at Sound Festival

Tbc Primary teacher language immersion in Clermont-Ferrand


24-25 Civic delegation from Stavanger in Aberdeen for Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony and Business Seminars

25-28 Musicians from twin city performing at Christmas Light Switch-On Parade and other city events


tbc Performance by musicians from Clermont-Ferrand at Lunchtime Concerts Series and other city events


tbc Civic visit by Mayor of Clermont-Ferrand to Aberdeen

tbc Residency in Aberdeen for musicians from the city and Clermont-Ferrand which will culminate in a new production at Sound 2017


tbc Collaboration between SICC Productions and Stavanger’s IOLAB at Aberdeen Light Festival

tbc Development of artist residencies in Aberdeen with Peacock Visual Arts and The Anatomy Rooms