about me · 2011. 2. 22. · about me • tony flick • principal at fyrm associates • eight...


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Page 1: About Me · 2011. 2. 22. · About Me • Tony Flick • Principal at FYRM Associates • Eight years in the Informaon Security industry • Author of “Securing the Smart Grid”
Page 2: About Me · 2011. 2. 22. · About Me • Tony Flick • Principal at FYRM Associates • Eight years in the Informaon Security industry • Author of “Securing the Smart Grid”


•  TonyFlick•  PrincipalatFYRMAssociates

•  EightyearsintheInforma>onSecurityindustry

•  Authorof“SecuringtheSmartGrid”

Page 3: About Me · 2011. 2. 22. · About Me • Tony Flick • Principal at FYRM Associates • Eight years in the Informaon Security industry • Author of “Securing the Smart Grid”


• Whyshouldsmartgridcompaniesbeconcernedaboutsecurity?– Justlikeanyotherindustry,weneedtothinkabouttherisks/consequencesbeforewestart

– Unlikemostotherindustries,lackofsecuritycancausephysicalharm

Page 4: About Me · 2011. 2. 22. · About Me • Tony Flick • Principal at FYRM Associates • Eight years in the Informaon Security industry • Author of “Securing the Smart Grid”


• Whyarecompaniesnotimplemen>ngsecuritycontrols?– Timeconsuming– Costs– Compe>>on

– Someoneelse’sresponsibility

Page 5: About Me · 2011. 2. 22. · About Me • Tony Flick • Principal at FYRM Associates • Eight years in the Informaon Security industry • Author of “Securing the Smart Grid”


•  Gamblethatvulnerabili>eswillgounno>ced– Cheaper

•  Somecustomerswillrefusetodobusinesswithyou

Page 6: About Me · 2011. 2. 22. · About Me • Tony Flick • Principal at FYRM Associates • Eight years in the Informaon Security industry • Author of “Securing the Smart Grid”


•  Eventually,youwillhavetoincorporatesecuritycontrols– AQacks– Regula>ons

•  Allcustomerswilleventuallyforceyou

Page 7: About Me · 2011. 2. 22. · About Me • Tony Flick • Principal at FYRM Associates • Eight years in the Informaon Security industry • Author of “Securing the Smart Grid”


•  Securitywillbefarmorecomplextointegratelateron

•  Canbemoreexpensive

•  Canyourcompanysurvive?

Page 8: About Me · 2011. 2. 22. · About Me • Tony Flick • Principal at FYRM Associates • Eight years in the Informaon Security industry • Author of “Securing the Smart Grid”


•  Integratesecuritycontrolsthroughoutthelifecycle

•  Individualvulnerabili>esandthreatscanbedistrac>ng

•  Focusonsecuritycontrols– Remediatetherootcauseissues

Page 9: About Me · 2011. 2. 22. · About Me • Tony Flick • Principal at FYRM Associates • Eight years in the Informaon Security industry • Author of “Securing the Smart Grid”


•  Trainings•  Assessments– In‐house– ThirdParty– Scanvs.Assessment

Page 10: About Me · 2011. 2. 22. · About Me • Tony Flick • Principal at FYRM Associates • Eight years in the Informaon Security industry • Author of “Securing the Smart Grid”


•  Justbecauseyoucan,doesn’tmeanyoushould– MobileApplica>ons– SocialNetworking

Page 11: About Me · 2011. 2. 22. · About Me • Tony Flick • Principal at FYRM Associates • Eight years in the Informaon Security industry • Author of “Securing the Smart Grid”
