abrupt junction absconding

Abnormal अऩसाभाम ಄ಸಹಜ Abrupt junction आकमभक सॊधಸುಗಭವಲದ ಜಂ Absolute draft नयऩे ाट ಸಂೂಣ ಕಯಡು Absolute drift नयऩे अऩवहन ಸಂೂಣ Absolute pressure मथाथथ दाफ ಸಂೂಣ ತಡ Absolute Temperature ऩयभ ताऩ ಸಂೂಣ ತಭನ Absorbate अवशोषषत ಹಕಳು Absorptive power अवशोषण भता ಹಕಳುವ ಶತ Absorption अवशोषण ಹಕಳುಕ Absconding बाग जाना ಄ಸಷ Accelerated वरयत ಗವಣ Accessibility अभबगमता ಸುಕ Accessory उऩसाधन ಉಕಯ Accident दुघथटना Accumulation सॊचमन ವಖಯಣ Accumulator सॊचानम, सॊचामक ವಖಯಣಮ Acid अर, एभसड ಅಭಲ , Acid brittleness अर बॊगुयता ಅ ಄ಿಯತ Acid cleaning अर ननभथरन ಅಭಲ ಶುಧಕಯ Acidic grade metal अरीम कोट धातु ಅಱಲಮ ಗ ಲಹ Acieration रोह काफथनन ಅಯಷ Acid Process अरीम रभ ಅಭಲ Acid Storage अर बॊडायण ಅಭಲ ವಖಯಣ Acid Wash अर धोवन ಅಭಲ Acid Waste Treatment अर अऩभशट उऩचाय ಅಭಲ ತಾಜಾ ಟಮಂ Acoustic Effect वननक बाव ಄ಕ ಎಪ Action रमा Activation सरमण ಸಮಗಸುಕ Active सरम ಸಮ Actuate चारू कयना, त कयना ಸಮಗ A

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Post on 30-Jan-2022




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Abnormal ‍ Abrupt junction ‍ Absolute draft ‍ ‍‍ Absolute drift ‍ Absolute pressure ‍ Absolute Temperature ‍ Absorbate‍ Absorptive power ‍ Absorption ‍ Absconding Accelerated ‍ Accessibility ‍‍ Accessory Accident Accumulation Accumulator ,‍ Acid ‍,‍ ,‍ Acid brittleness ‍‍ Acid cleaning ‍‍ Acidic grade metal ‍‍ ‍ Acieration ‍ Acid Process ‍‍ Acid Storage ‍‍ Acid Wash ‍‍ Acid Waste Treatment ‍‍‍‍‍ Acoustic Effect ‍‍ Action Activation Active Actuate ‍,‍‍‍
Adapter Additive chute ‍‍ Additional duty ‍‍ Additive pressure ‍‍ Admixture Adsorption Adsorptive capacity ‍‍ Advancing Advancing fire ‍ Aerator / Aerodynamic function ‍ After burning ‍‍‍ After condenser ‍‍
After cooling ‍‍ Afterdamp ‍‍ Agitator Aggregate Air acetylene welding -‍ Air blower ‍‍ Air brake -,‍‍ Air chamber ‍ ‍ Air compressor ‍,‍‍‍ Air conditioned Air controller Air cooler ‍ , Air cooling ‍ Air cooled engine ‍‍ Air cycle ‍ Air draulic (pneumatic) ‍ Air elevator ‍‍ Air filter ‍‍,‍‍‍ Air flow meter ‍ Air furnace ‍
Air heater tube ‍‍ Air hole Air injection system ‍‍:‍‍ Air less spray painting ‍ ‍‍ Air pollution ‍ Air pump ‍ Air valve ‍ Air volume ‍ Aligning Alkali Alkaline cleaner ‍ Alkali resistant ‍ Alloy ‍ Alloy steel ‍ Alloy steel plant ‍‍‍ Almen gauge ‍‍ Alpha durometer ‍‍ Alphameter ‍,‍‍ Alpha radiation ‍‍ Alternate stress ‍ Altiscope ‍ Aluminium Aluminium patch ‍‍‍‍ Aluminium wire feeding ‍‍ Aluminize ‍ Amalgam ,‍‍ Ambient Ammonia Ammonia‍column ‍‍ Ammonia leaching ‍ Amplification ‍ Analyser ‍ Analysis ‍‍ Analytical criteria ‍‍‍
Anchor ‍ Anchorage ‍ Ancillary industry ‍ Angle bend ‍ Angle of contact ‍ Angle of divergence -‍ Anodic protection ‍‍ Anodic treatment ‍ Antifriction alloy ‍ Antiparallel setting ‍‍‍ Anvil cap ‍ Apertometer Aperture ‍ Apparent density ‍‍‍ Apron conveyor ‍ ‍ Apron feeder ‍ Arbitration bar ‍‍‍ Arbor ‍ Arc brazing ‍ Arc ronograph ‍‍‍‍‍ ‘Argand’ diagram ‘’‍ ‘ ' Argon rinsing ‍ Armour plate ‍‍ Ash content ‍‍ Assay bar ‍‍ Athermal transformation ‍‍‍‍ Atomiser Augustin process ‍ Austenitic cast iron ‍‍‍ Average carrying capacity ‍‍ Axial adjustment of rolls ‍-‍ Axial glide ‍‍ Axis of weld ‍‍
Babbit ‍metal ‍ Baby Sill ‍ Back charging ‍‍ Back fire ‍‍‍ Back ground ‍‍‍‍ Backing ‍‍-‍ Back pressure ‍‍ Bacterial leaching ‍ Baffle Balanced Balanced steel ‍‍ Ballast ‍ Ball bearing ‍‍ Ball ‍burnishing ‍ Ball distribution ‍‍ Balling Ball mill ‍ Ball test ‍ Banking of ‍Blast‍ Furnace ‍‍‍ Bar Barffing ‍process ‍‍ Bar iron ‍‍ Bar mill ‍‍ Barrel Barrel plating ‍ Barrel solution ‍ Bar steel ‍‍ Base box ‍ Base plate ‍‍‍ Basic ‍ Basic arc furnace ‍ ‍‍ Basicity
Basic oxygen furnace ‍‍‍‍ Basic process ‍ Basic roof ‍‍ Basic steel ‍‍ Basis ‍ Basket pouring ‍‍ Batch casting ‍‍ Batch furnace ‍‍‍‍ Battery Bauxite ‍ Bay Bayer process ‍ Beading Beam ,‍,‍ Bearing ,‍ Beetle Belt ‍ Belt charging ‍ Belt conveyor ‍ ‍ Belt grinding ‍ Bender Bending Beneficiation ‍ Benzene Benzol recovery plant ‍‍‍ Benzolised oil ‍ Biaxial load ‍‍ Big bell ‍ Billet Billet caster ‍ Billet furnace ‍ Bimetallic corrosion ‍ Bin (for storage) ,‍ Binary ‍‍ Bitumen
Bitumen lining ‍‍ Black band ‍‍‍ Black copper ‍‍‍ Black ore ‍‍‍‍‍ Black sheet ‍ Blain method ‍‍ Blast ‍ Blast Furnace ‍ Blast furnace smelting ‍‍ Blast furnance coke ‍‍ Blast furnance gas ‍‍ Blasting ‍,‍ Blast rate ‍‍‍ Blast volume ‍‍ Bleeder ,‍ Bleeding Blend Blending Blistering Block brazing ‍‍ Blocking ,‍ Bloom butts ‍‍‍ Blooming mill ‍‍ Bloom shear ‍‍‍ Blow Blower ‍,‍ Blow in Blown Blown metal ‍ Blowpipe Blue glow ‍ Bluing Board hammer ‍ Bog iron ore (Meadew iron
ore, Marsh ore)
‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍,‍‍‍)
, ) Boil ‍ Boiler ‍-‍ Boiling point ‍‍ Bole ‍ Bolton reagent ‍‍‍ Bond Bonding ,‍ Bonding mortar ‍ Boron steel ‍‍ Bornite ore (peacock ore) ‍‍‍) ( ) Bosh Bott Bottom ‍build ‍up ‍ Bottom die ‍ Bottom Stool ‍‍ Bottom tap ‍ Bottom through ‍ Boundary film ‍ Bow ‍ Box ‍ Broke Brass Brass coupling ‍‍ Brazed joint ‍ Break up ‍ Brick ,‍‍ Bridge Bridge crane ‍ Bright field ‍‍‍ Bright plating ‍‍ Briquette ‍ Broach ‍ Bronze ‍‍‍
Brown ore ‍‍ Brush plating ‍ Bucket ‍ Bucket elevator ‍‍‍ Buffer stock ‍‍‍ , Buffing Builder Build up Bulge test ‍‍ Bulk ‍,‍‍ Bulk material ‍‍ Bulk modulus ‍ Bull’s eye structure ‍ Bunching Bunker ,‍ Burner ‍,‍‍ Burnt defect ‍‍‍ Burnt deposit ‍‍ Burnt lime ‍‍ Burnt steel ‍‍‍ Bursting ‍ Bus bar ‍ Buster ‍ Bus tube ‍ Buttering Button ‍ Buzzer Byer’s process ‍ By pass line ‍‍ By pass valve ‍‍‍‍ By product ‍ By product coke oven ‍‍‍ By product gas ‍‍ By product recovery plant ‍‍‍
Caking index Calcined ‍ Calibration ‍ Calorific value -‍ Cannel coal (parrot coal) ‍‍‍)‍ ( ) Capacitance furnace ‍ Capital repair ‍‍‍ Captive mine , Carbonaceous coal Car pullar Car tunnel kiln ‍ Case depth ‍‍‍, ‍‍ Cast house Casting , Casting rate Cast steel ‍, ‍ Cathode cleaning ‍ Caustic injection : Cavitation Centrifugal casting ‍ Ceremic mould casting - Chafing fatigue ‍ Chain pulley - Characteristic Charcoal Charging , Chemical capping Chemical conversion coating ‍ Chemical etching ‍ Chilled iron
Chilled water ‍ Chimney Chipping , Chrome refractory ‍ Chute , Circulating scrap ‍ Circulation Clad steel ‍‍ Closed die Cloud burst treatment ‍‍‍‍ Coal blending ‍ Coal fired furnace ‍‍‍ Coal pulverizor ‍‍,‍‍‍ Coercive force ‍ Cohesive force Coil breaks ‍ Coke fines ‍‍ Coke oven battery Coke regenerator Coke screening Coking coal Cold galvanizing ‍‍ Cold (solid) period () Column ‍ Combustible Compact , Comparator Compensated Composition Compressed air Compressor Conditioning Consumable electrode ‍‍‍ Contact material ‍‍
Continuous billet mill Continuous precipitation Controlling mechanism Conventional nozzle Converter , ‍ Convex top ‍‍ Conveyor Cooling fan Core compound Core oven Corrosion Counter flow Counter pressure casting Coupler Coupling Crack Crane rail Creep resisting steel ‍ Critical constant Cross over Cross rolling ‍ Crowbar ‍ Crude ore ‍ ‍ Crusher , Crushing Cryogenic ‍ Cubic crystal ‍ Cut off
Damp Danger ‍ Dangerous
Dark deposit ‍‍‍ Dark field ‍‍ Deactivation ‍ Dead steel ‍‍ Dead soft steel ‍‍‍ Decantation ‍ Decomposed ore ‍‍‍ Decomposition Decontamination De‍feet De fect structure ‍ Deflecting shield Deformation Degradation ‍ Degreaser Dehydrating Delayed yield Delivery Densitometer ‍ Density ‍ De‍oxidation ‍ Deposit Deposition sequence - Design ‍,

Detachment ‍ Detonation ‍ Dew point Die carbon steel

Die‍ steel ‍ Differential Differential gear Differential thermal analysis
Diffusion bonding ‍ Digestion Dimension Direct casting ‍‍ Direct fired furnace ‍‍‍‍

Direct image ‍‍‍ Direct process ‍‍ Direct reduction ‍‍‍ Discharge Distillation Distortion Disintegration Dissolve Divergence ‍ Double action Double acting hammer ‍ Double layer pellet ‍ Down pipe ‍ Down time ‍ Drainage ‍‍ Draining Draught fan motor Drawing Drawability Dressed roll ‍ Drier ‍‍, ‍ Drift velocity Drill bit Drill steel ‍‍ Drip feed system ‍‍‍‍

Drive pipe ‍ Driven roller Driving force ‍
Dry basis ‍‍‍‍ Dry blow ‍‍‍ Dry corrosion ‍‍‍ Dry slag pit ‍‍‍ Drying ‍‍ Duct Ductile deposit ‍‍ Ductility ‍ Dull deposit ‍‍‍ Dull plating ‍‍‍ Dummy block ‍ Dumping ‍‍ Durability ‍‍,‍
Dust Dusting , Dynamic control Dynamic region ‍ Dynamic loading ‍‍ Dynamic strength ‍‍
Earthing - ‍ Easy glide ‍ Economiser Edger Edging Effective mass ‍‍‍ Efficiency Effluent Elkonometer Ejection ‍ Elastic ‍‍‍
Elasticity ‍‍ Elastic limit ‍‍‍‍ Elcometer ‍‍ Electrical resister ‍ Electrical steel ‍‍ Electric breakdown ‍ Electric furnace ‍‍ Electric steel ‍‍ Electric analysis ‍‍‍ Electrode breakage ‍‍‍ Electrode column ‍‍‍‍ Electro filter ‍‍‍ Electro extraction ‍ Electro‍grinding ‍‍ Electrolysis ‍‍ Electrolyzer ‍ Electro mechanical ‍‍ Electro motive force ‍‍‍ Electron ‍‍ Electro osmosis ‍‍ Electro plating ‍ Elevation ‍‍ Emergency Emission ‍ Energy ‍ Energy balance ‍‍ Energy efficiency ‍‍ Enhancement ‍ Enlargement ‍ Enriched ore ‍‍‍ Enrichment Entrainment ‍ Equalizer ‍ Equation Equilibrium ‍‍
Equipoint ‍‍ Equivalence point ‍‍ ‍ Equivalent position ‍‍ Equivalent weight ‍‍ Erection ‍‍ Erosion Evaluation ‍‍ Excavated ‍‍ Excavation ‍ Excavator ‍‍
Excess ‍‍

Existance ‍‍
Experience ‍
Explosion ‍
Express laboratory ‍
Extension ‍
Extension pipe ‍‍‍
Extent of reaction ‍
Extraction ‍‍‍
Extractor ‍‍‍/‍ ‍‍‍

Extra latten’s ‍‍‍
Extra polation ‍ Extruder ‍ Extrusion ‍ Extrusion billet ‍‍‍ Extrusion metal ‍‍‍ Eye-piece
Fabrication ‍‍ Facing Fatigue ‍ Feed ‍ Feeder ‍ Feed head ‍‍ Feed rod ‍‍ Feed lines ‍ ‍ Feed pipe ‍‍ Ferriferous ‍ Ferritic steel ‍‍ Ferro alloy ‍‍ Ferrobet ‍ Ferro chrome ‍‍ Ferro scope ‍ Ferrous metallurgy ‍‍ Fibre Fibre optics ‍‍ Field emission ‍‍ Filament ‍ Filling ‍ Filler ‍ Fillet ‍ Filter ‍ Final ‍ Fineness ‍/‍ Fines ‍‍ Fineness modulus ‍‍‍ Finish ‍‍ Finished steel ‍‍‍
Finishing ‍‍ Finishing temperature ‍‍‍ Fire assay ‍‍ Fire coat ‍‍ Fired ‍‍ Fire extinguisher ‍‍ Fire fighting ‍‍ Fire hazard ‍‍ Fire point ‍‍ Fire waste ‍‍‍‍‍‍ Firing system ‍‍‍ Fission ‍ Fixed carbon ‍‍ Fixture ‍ Flake ‍ Flaking Flame ‍‍ Flame cleaning ‍‍‍ Flame control ‍‍‍ Flame cutting ‍‍‍ Flame plating ‍‍‍ Flame test ‍‍‍ Flare up ‍ Flash ‍,‍‍‍ Flash welding ‍‍‍ Flat ‍/‍‍ Flatness ‍ Flat top ‍‍ Flexible cable ‍‍‍ Flexible coupling ‍‍‍‍ Float ‍‍ Floating ‍‍ Flooding ‍ Flow meter ‍‍ Flow off
Flow stress ‍‍ Flue ‍ Fluorescence ‍ Fluidity ‍ Fluidised ‍ Fluoroscopy ‍ Flush out ‍ Fluting ‍ Foaming ‍ Foamy ‍ Fogging Fold ‍ Foot roll Forbidden band ‍‍ Forbidden energy ‍‍ Fracture strength ‍‍‍ Fragmentation ‍ Free volume theory ‍‍‍

Frequency ‍ Friction Fuel Fuel gas ‍‍ Full fillment ‍ Fume ‍ Furnace ‍ Furnace refining ‍‍‍‍ Fuse ‍ Fused ,‍ Fusion ‍ Fusion zone ‍
Gallery Gagging Gantry Gap Gas Gas burner ‍‍ Gas cylinder ‍ Gas discharge ‍ Gas fired ‍ Gas hole ‍ Gas pipe ‍ Gas pressure ‍ Gas recovery system ‍‍ Gas valve ‍ Gas volume ‍ Gate Gauge Gauge length ‍ Gas pressure ‍ Gear box ‍ Generator Ghost ‍ Gland Glide Gold Gold alloy ‍ Gold number Grain Grating Grease Green Green ball ‍ Green roof ‍ Green sand ‍ Grid ,
Grinding Grip Ground level - Growth Gunite Gunny bag , Gutter Gypsum Gyration
Halation Hall effect ‍‍ Hall process ‍ Handle ,‍ Handling ‍ Hard ‍ Hard chromium ‍ Hardener Hardening Hardening pellet ‍ Hard face ‍‍ Hard facing ‍‍ Hard head ‍ Hard iron ‍ Hardness Hard water ‍‍ Harness Harrow Hazards Hazardous ,

Head metal ‍ Heat ‍
Heat drop ‍‍ Heater ‍ Heating coil ‍ Heating defect ‍ Heating stand ‍‍ Heating temperature Heating time ‍‍ Heating value ‍‍ Heating zone ‍‍ Heat treatment ‍ Heat waste ‍‍‍ Heat alloy ‍ Heavy metal ‍ Heavy reaction ‍ Heavy section ‍ Heavy suspension ‍ Height High ,‍ High alloy steel ‍‍

High carbon High carbon steel ‍ High grade iron ore ‍‍

High heat release ‍‍‍ High melt ‍‍ High pressure pump ‍‍‍ High speed process ‍‍‍ High temperature alloy ‍‍‍ Hole ‍ Hollow Homomorphus Horizontal machine ‍‍ Horizontal stand ‍‍ Hot
Hot charge ‍ Hot cracks ‍‍ Hot dipp ‍‍ Hot extrusion ‍ Hot face ‍‍ Hot finished ‍‍ Hot gas ‍‍ Hot junction ‍ Hot melt ‍ Hot ore briquetting ‍‍

Hot pressure welding ‍‍‍ Hot repair ‍ Hot rolling ‍ Hot screen ‍ Hot spot ‍‍ Hot tear ‍‍ Humidity test ‍ Hybrid state ‍ Hydraulic ‍ Hydraulic test ‍‍ Hydro blast ‍‍ Hydro carbon ‍ Hydrophilic ‍‍ Hydrophobic ‍ Hydrostatic test ‍‍‍

Hydro thermal ‍‍‍ Hyperfine
Ideal mixing ‍‍ Ideal solution ‍‍ Ignition ‍
Ignitor ‍ Immersion cleaning ‍‍ Impacting ‍ Impact pressure ‍‍ Imperfection ‍ Imprest process ‍‍ Impulse ‍ Incidental element ‍‍ Inclusion Incoherent Indexing ‍ Indicator Induction process ‍ Induration Inert Infinite Infra red Inspection Insulation ‍‍ Inter cooler ‍‍ Interface Intermittent Internal energy ‍‍ Internal quality ‍ Internal stress ‍‍ Interpolation Intra crystalline fracture ‍‍

Introductory column ‍‍ Investment Ionic conductivity ‍ Ionic ratio ‍ Ionizations Iron arc process ‍ ‍ Iron bearing material ‍
Iron foundry ‍
Iron ore ‍ Iron ore cement ‍‍

Iron ore fines ‍‍

Iron ore lump ‍‍ Iron oxide boil ‍‍

Iron stone ‍ Irradiation Irregular stream ‍ Is forming ‍ Isolation Iso structural ‍ Isotypic ‍ Izod test ‍
Jack Jacket Jam ‍ Jamb Jam removal ‍ Jagger test ‍ Jeric Jog Joint ‍ Joint efficiency ‍ Joint penetration ‍ Jolting machine ‍ Journal Jumping Junction box
Kathabar method ‍ Kelly filter ‍‍/‍

Kerosene oil ‍‍,‍

Kettle Key Kick Kish Koppite Kroll process ‍ Kyanite
Ladle Ladle analysis ‍ Ladle brick ‍ Ladle sample ‍ Lake ore (60 gm iron ore) ‍ (60
) Lamellar ‍ Laminated Laminated metal ‍ Lance Lance changing ‍‍ Lance platform ‍‍ Lateral vibration ‍ ‍ Lattice Layer Layout Leaching Leach material ‍‍ Lead foil ‍
Leveling Leveling agent Leveling bar ‍ Leveling machine ‍ Lift Lighting Light metal ‍ Lignite Lime Lime fusion ‍‍ Lime washing ‍‍ Limonite Lineage ‍ Line pipe ‍ Liner Lining Liquid Liquid fuel Liquidified petroleum ‍ Liquid period ‍ Liquor Litho oil Loading / Load testing ‍ Local Local extension - Locking Low alloy steel ‍‍

Low carbon ‍ Lower column ‍ Lower punch ‍ Low grade ‍ ‍ Low grade fuel ‍‍

Low metalloid steel ‍‍‍ Low temperature coke ‍‍ Low shaft furnace ‍‍ Lubricant Lubricating system ‍ Luminous flame ‍ Lump
Machine Machine availability ‍ Machine forging ‍ Machine steel ‍ Machine tight ‍ Machine stress ‍ Macrotest ‍ Magnalite Magnesia Magnet alloy ‍‍ Magnetic core ‍ Magnetic crane ‍ Magnetic flux ‍ Magnetic powder ‍ Magnetic resonance ‍ Magnetisation Magnetizer Main valve ‍ Major cracking ‍ Manganese steel ‍ Manganese titanium ‍

Manhole Manipulator ‍ Massive
Material Material handling ‍ Maximum Maximum demand ‍ Maximum stress ‍ Mechanical engineering ‍ Mechanical failure ‍ Mechanical metallurgy ‍ Mechanical strength ‍ Mechanical tube ‍ Mechanism ‍
Media Medium carbon steel ‍‍

Melt down Melting furnace ‍ Melting point Melting rate ‍ Memory device ‍ Metal Metal flow ‍ Metal leaf ‍ Metallic Metallised Metallised pellet ‍ Metalloid Metallurgical Metallurgical coke ‍ Metallurgist Metal mining ‍ Metal sorter ‍ Metal wood ‍‍ Metamorphic Metasomosis ‍
Metastable phase ‍‍

Method Micro alloying ‍ Micro analyser ‍ Micrograph ‍ Micro graphy ‍ Micro inspection ‍ Microscope ‍ Micro state ‍ Micro structure ‍ Micro test ‍ Middle Mild steel ‍ Mild steel inclusion ‍‍

Military transformation ‍

Mill availability ‍ Mill edge ‍ Mill finish ‍ Mill furnace cinder ‍‍‍ Mill head ore ‍‍ Milling / Mill ore ‍ Mill pack ‍ Mill plate ‍ Mill scale ‍ Mill utilization ‍ Mimic Mineable Mine development ‍ Mine dust ‍ Mined Mine fire truck ‍‍
Mine inspector ‍ Mineral Mineral beneficiation ‍ Mineralization ,‍

Mineral matter ‍ Mineralogist ‍ Mineral processing ‍ Mineral resources ‍ Mineral suite ‍ Mine rescue apparatus ‍‍

Mine rescue crew ‍‍

Mine rescue lamp ‍‍ Mine resistance ‍ Miner’s friend ‍ Miner’s hammer ‍ Miner’s hand lamp ‍‍ Miner’s horn ‍ Miner’s inch ‍ Miner’s lamp ‍ Mine run ‍ Mine signal system ‍‍ Mine track device ‍‍ Mine tractor ‍ Mine valuation ‍ Mine water ‍ Mining effect ‍ Mixed gas ‍ Mixer Mixer metal ‍ Mixer practice ‍ Mixing Mobile crane ‍
Mobility Mode Mode of transfer ‍ Moderator Modernization Modifier Modulator Modulus Moffat process ‍ Moisture Moisture content ‍ Moldability Molecule Mole fraction ‍ Molybdenum steel ‍ Monkey ladder ‍ Monoblock stopper ‍‍ Monolithic Monotron Mortar Motor Mould car ‍ Mould cycle ‍ Mould flux ‍ Mould piece ‍ Mould speed ‍ Mould steel ‍ Mould sticker ‍ Mould yard ‍ Moving bed ‍ Muck Mud Muff Multi component system ‍ Multi method ‍
Multiple charging ‍ Multiple deck screen ‍‍ Multiple grinding ‍‍ Multiple openings ‍ Multiple slip ‍ Multiple system ‍ Multiplicity factor ‍ Multistage Multivalent metal ‍
Munroe correction ‍ Mushy zone ‍
Naphtha Narrow flange ‍‍ Native metal ‍‍
Natural draught ‍ Natural ore ‍‍‍ Natural pressure cycle ‍‍‍ Natural steel ‍‍ Needled steel ‍‍‍ Net work ‍ Net work structure ‍‍ Neutral Neutral axis ‍‍ Neutral point ‍ ‍ Nickel ‍ Nipping Nobal metal ‍‍‍‍‍ No branding Nodular Nominal bore ‍ No coking coal ‍ Non crystal ‍‍ Non destructive
Non ferrous ‍ Non metal ‍ Non return valve ‍‍‍ Normal ‍‍ Normalising Normal mode ‍‍‍ Norms ‍ Notch ‍ Nuclear fuel ‍‍ Nuclens growth ‍
Objective ‍‍ Off grade ‍ ‍ Oil filter ‍‍‍ Oil hardening ‍‍ Oiling Oil pump ‍‍‍ Oil scrubber ‍‍ Omega steel ‍‍‍ Opacity ‍ Operating condition ‍‍‍‍ Operating rate ‍‍ Operational maintenance ‍

Optical alignment ‍ Optimum ‍‍‍ Optimum extrusion ‍‍‍‍‍ Order-disorder -‍‍ - Ordering ‍ Ore ‍‍ Ore bed ‍‍‍‍ ‍
Ore beneficication ‍‍
‍‍ Ore blend ‍‍‍ Ore blending ‍‍‍ Ore block ‍‍‍ Ore deposit ‍‍‍ Ore dressing ‍‍‍ Ore faces ‍‍‍ Ore grader ‍‍ ‍
Ore haulage ‍‍‍ Ore down ‍‍ Ore intersection ‍‍‍ Ore reduction ‍‍‍ Ore reserve ‍‍‍ Ore treatment ‍‍ Ore trench ‍‍‍ Organic ‍/‍ Organic semi conductor ‍

Organization ‍ Orientation ‍‍ Oval Oven ‍/‍ ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ Oven tube ‍ Over blown ‍‍ Over burden ‍ Over flow Over grinding ‍‍ Over heat ‍‍ Over heating ‍ Over lap ‍‍‍ Over lapping zone ‍‍ Over potential ‍ Over time ‍ Oxide ‍‍ Oxide ore ‍‍‍‍
Oxygen ‍‍ Oxygen blowing ‍‍‍ Oxygen corrosion ‍‍

Oxygen furnace steel ‍‍‍ ‍‍

Oxygen lance ‍‍‍ Oxygen steel making ‍‍‍‍

Oxyhydrogen welding ‍‍‍

Pack ‍ Package mill ‍‍‍ Packed column ‍‍‍ Packing ‍ Pad ‍ Pair ‍‍ Parallel entry ‍‍ Parallel system ‍‍ Para magnetic iron ‍‍‍ Para magnetic mineral ‍‍

Parent plate ‍‍
Parkerised steel ‍‍‍ Parr metal ‍ Particle ‍ Partition function ‍‍ Partition ratio ‍‍ Pass sequence ‍ Pattern metal ‍‍ Peacock copper ‍‍
Peak Pebble Pebbling ‍ Pellet ‍/‍ ‍ / Pellet hardening ‍ Pellet quality ‍‍ Penetration ‍‍ Perception limit ‍ Performance ‍‍‍ Performance factor ‍‍‍ Periodic ‍‍/‍‍ Periodicity ‍ Periodic potential ‍‍ Peripheral discharge ‍‍ Peripheral grinding ‍‍ Permanent ‍‍ Permanent living ‍‍‍‍ Permeability ‍‍ Permissible limit ‍‍ Perspective projection ‍ Phase space ‍‍‍ Photon Piercing ‍ Pillar ‍,‍‍‍ Pillar burst ‍‍‍‍ Pillar line ‍‍‍ Pillar mining ‍‍‍ Pin ,‍‍ Pinch ‍‍‍ Pinch pass ‍‍ Pin hole ‍‍ Pinion ‍ Pinning ‍ Piping ‍ Pit ‍
Pit balance ‍‍ Pit cover ‍‍ Plain ‍ Plant layout ‍‍ Plating Plough ‍ Plug weld ‍‍‍‍ Point defect ‍‍ Point group ‍‍ Polarisation Pole Pollution ‍ Poly morphic ‍ Pond ‍ Post treatment ‍‍ Potential ‍ Potter process ‍‍ Powder ‍ Powder metal ‍‍ Powder method ‍ Precious metal ‍‍‍ Precision ‍ Performing ‍ Preparatory work ‍‍ Preservation ‍ Pressure ‍ Pressure loss ‍‍ Pressure test ‍‍‍ Preventive ‍ Primary ‍ Primary metal ‍‍ Primary washing ‍‍ Primitive cell ‍‍‍ Printing plate ‍‍‍ Probe
Process control ‍‍ Processing ‍ Production ‍‍ Production engineering ‍‍‍ Production mix ‍‍‍ Production purity ‍‍ Profile ‍ ‍ Promoter ‍ Propellant ‍‍‍ Protection ‍ Protective /‍ Proton ‍ Proved reserves ‍‍ Pseudo ‍ Pulley ‍ Pulp ‍‍ Pulsation ‍‍ Pulverized ‍ Pump ‍‍ Punching ‍ Purification ‍ Purple ore ‍‍‍ Pushing ‍ Pyrite ‍ Pyrolysis ‍‍‍
Qualifying ‍ Qualitative ‍‍ Qualities ‍ Quality ‍ Quality control ‍‍ Quality pellet ‍ ‍
Quality value ‍‍ Quantitative ‍ Quantity ‍ Quantum energy ‍‍‍ Quantum level ‍‍‍‍ Quantum state ‍‍‍ Quarry ‍,‍‍

Quarrying ‍ Quarrying machine ‍ Quench ‍ Quencher ‍ Quicking ‍ Quick silver
Rack ‍ Radial machine ‍‍ Radiation ‍ Radiation corrosion ‍ ‍ Radio active Radio frequency ‍ Ragging ‍/‍

Rail steel ‍‍‍ Range ‍ Rapid steel ‍‍‍ Rapping Rare meter Ratting Raw ‍‍ Raw coal ‍‍ Raw gas ‍‍

Raw water ‍‍ Reactivity Recess Reciprocal Re circulation : Re claimed Re combination : Re cord Recovery Rectification Recuperation Red metal ‍ Reducer Reducing Reduction cell ‍ Reduction ration ‍ Reference Refined grade ‍‍ Refinery ‍/ Reflection Reflux Refractory Refractory brick ‍ Refrigeration Refuse ‍ Regenerative Regular stream ‍ Regulation Reheating Reinforcement Reject Relative density ‍ Release
Relief Reluctance ‍ Replacement Reserved mineral ‍ Residual ‍ Resilience Resistance Resolution ‍ Resource Responsibility ‍‍ Retained strength ‍‍‍ Reverse ‍ Reversible ‍‍ Reversion ‍‍ Rich ore ‍‍‍ Rig ‍ Rigger ‍ Ring ‍ Rinsing ‍ Rising steel ‍‍ Rod ‍ Rod mill ‍‍ Roll adjustment ‍‍ Roller ‍ Roll ‍ Roof Roofing Rope ‍ Rotary ‍ Rotary piercing ‍ Rotation Rubber ‍ Runner ‍ Run off Rust ‍
Rustles iron ‍‍ Rust remover ‍ Rust shield ‍‍
Safety ‍ Safety Cage ‍‍ Safety door ‍‍ Safety factor ‍‍ Safety lamp ‍‍ Safety port ‍‍‍ Salt ‍ Salt bath ‍‍ Salt bridge ‍‍ Sample ‍ Sampling Sand ‍ Sand blow ‍‍ Sand casting ‍‍ Sand control ‍‍‍ Sand crusher ‍‍‍ Sandy Ore ‍‍ Saturated ‍‍ Sawing ‍ Scaling ‍ Scattering ‍ Schedule ,‍ Scoop ‍‍ Scrap ‍‍ Screen ‍ Screening Screw ‍‍
Screw conveyor ‍‍ ‍ Scrubber ‍‍/‍‍ Seam defect ‍‍ Seeding ‍ Select ‍ Selective filling ‍‍‍ Selective growth ‍‍‍‍ Selective heating ‍‍‍ Selectivity ‍‍ Self consistent ‍‍ Self diffusion ‍‍ Semi conductor ‍ Semi finished ‍ Semi metal ‍ Sensible heat ‍‍‍‍ Sensing element ‍‍ Sequence ‍ Sequence of Operation ‍‍ Series system ‍‍ Service compartment ‍‍ Shape ,‍‍ Shaped Shaping Sheet Sheet metal ‍‍ Shell moulding ‍‍ Shift Shipper Shop ‍ Shovel ‍/‍‍ Shrinkage ‍ Shut down ‍ Shut down time ‍ Siding ‍ Sieve ‍
Sifting ‍ Sill ‍ Silt ‍ Single ‍ Single shear steel ‍ ‍
Sink ‍‍ Sinker ‍‍ Sintered‍steel ‍‍‍ Skill ‍ Skin ‍‍ Slag ‍ Slagging ‍ Sluggish ‍ Slurry ‍ Slurring ‍ Smelting ‍ Solid ‍ ‍ Solidification ‍‍ Solution ‍ Solvent ‍ Sorting ‍ Spacer ‍ Spark ‍ ‍ Spark plug ‍ ‍‍‍ Specification ‍ Specific ‍‍‍ Specimen ‍ Specto meter ‍‍‍‍ Spectrum ‍‍‍ Spill ‍‍ Spilling ‍‍ Spray ‍ Sprayer Spread ‍‍
Spring ‍ Spring steel ‍‍‍ Squeezed ‍‍‍ Stabilise ‍‍ Stage ‍ Standard Standard solution ‍ Steam ‍ Steel ‍‍ Steel bronze ‍‍‍‍ ‍
Steel Defect ‍‍‍ Steel foil ‍‍‍ Steel melting shop ‍‍‍

Steel scope ‍‍‍ Steel scrap ‍‍‍‍ Step ‍ Sticker ‍ Sticking ‍ Stiffness ‍ Stock line ‍ ‍‍ Stone dust ‍‍‍ Storage ‍ Stand ‍‍ Streaking Strength ‍ Stress Stress ratio ‍‍ Structure ‍ Sub angular ‍ Sub division ‍‍ Substituent ‍‍ Super conductor ‍‍ Super exchange ‍‍ Super heat ‍‍
Super system ‍ Supervisory ‍ Surface ‍‍‍ Surface area ‍‍‍‍
Surface mining ‍‍‍‍ Suspector Sweating ‍‍ Swelling ‍‍ Switching ‍ Synthesis ‍‍ System
Tapping ‍ Tar coating ‍ Tar distillation plant ‍‍

Technical characteristics ‍ ‍

Technical maintenance ‍ Temper ,‍ Tensile test ‍ Tension Terminal plant ‍ ‍ Terminal velocity ‍‍ Terraced structure ‍‍ Tertiary grinding ‍‍ Test cell ‍‍ Test sample ‍‍ Thawing Thermal analysis ‍‍‍ Thermal expansion ‍‍ Thermal load ‍‍‍‍
Thermal‍stress ‍‍ Thermo colour Thermo electric effect ‍‍‍ Thermo electricty ‍‍ Thermo meter ‍‍ Thermo seal ‍ Thermo stat ‍‍‍ Thickener ‍ Thinning ‍ Thread ,‍‍ Thread rolling ‍‍‍ Threshold ‍ Throwing power ‍ ‍ Tie line ‍‍ Tie rod ‍‍ Time independent ‍‍‍ Time keeper ‍ Time lag ‍‍ Time office ‍‍ Timer ‍ Time schedule ‍‍ Tip ‍ Tipping Token ‍ Top casting ‍‍ Top charging ‍ Topography ‍‍ Torque ‍ Tor steel ‍‍‍ Torsion steel ‍‍ Total carbon ‍‍
Total pressure ‍‍ Track ‍ Traction Transformation
Transformation temperature ‍‍ Transition ‍‍‍ Transition metal ‍‍ Transmission ‍/‍
Transport measurement ‍‍ Transverse ‍‍ Trimming ‍ Trolley True pressure ‍‍ Tube ,‍ Tube mill ‍‍ Tube steel ‍‍‍ Tumbling ‍ Tunnel ‍ Tunneling ‍ Turbulence ‍ Twin band ‍‍ Twist defect ‍‍‍ Twisting ‍‍ Type number
Ultimate analysis ‍‍‍‍‍ Ultimate stress ‍‍ Ultrasonic ‍‍ Unbalanced ‍ Unclassified feed ‍‍ Under cooling Under fill ‍ Under ground milling ‍ Unit ‍/‍‍/‍
Unit cell ‍‍ Unit operation ‍‍ Unit process ‍‍ Un loading ‍ Un locking ‍ Un productive ‍ Un sized feed ‍‍ Unsteady state ‍‍‍‍ Untested ‍ Up grade ‍ Upper column ‍‍‍‍ Utilization ‍
Vacancy ‍ Vacancy disk ‍‍‍ Vacuum Vacancy furnaces ‍ Vacancy pump ‍‍‍ Valve ‍‍ Valve action ‍‍‍ Vanadium steel ‍‍‍ Vaporizer ‍ Vat ‍ Veining Vertical‍heating ‍‍‍ Vessel ‍ Vibrating‍feeder ‍‍ Vibration ‍ Virgin metal ‍‍ Viscous ‍ Void ‍
Wagon Wagon loader ‍ Wall thickness ‍‍‍ Warping ‍ Washability ‍ Waste ‍‍‍ Waste fume ‍‍‍‍ Waste recovery ‍‍‍‍ Water circulation ‍‍ Water column ‍‍‍ Watering ‍ Wave ‍ Wear ‍ Wedge ,‍‍ Weighing ‍ Weld ‍‍ Weld crack ‍‍‍ Weld decay ‍‍‍ Welder ‍‍ Well hole ‍ Wet ‍‍ Wet analysis ‍‍‍‍ Wet method ‍‍‍ Wharf ‍ Wheel ‍/‍ ‍ White fume ‍‍‍ White hot ‍‍‍‍ White iron ‍‍‍ Wicket wall ‍ Wild steel ‍‍‍ Wire ‍ Wire drawing ‍‍ Wire rod ‍‍ Wobbling ‍
Work angle ‍‍ Work culture ‍‍ Work function ‍‍ Working place ‍‍ Work piece ‍‍ Wrinkling ‍ Wrought alloy ‍ Wrought iron ‍
Xantal alloy ‍‍ Xanthate ‍‍ X-ray ‍‍ - Xylene ‍ Xylol ‍
Yield ‍/‍‍ Yield arch ‍‍ Yield point ‍ ‍ Yorkshire iron ‍‍
Zebra roof ‍‍ Zeeman effect ‍‍ Zero level ‍‍‍‍ Zero point ‍‍ Zero strength ‍‍‍‍ Zig-Zag ‍–‍ Zinc ‍ Zinc dust ‍‍ Zone ‍