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ABSTRACT Moh.Fasikha, A character analysis on Iron Jawed Angel Movie viewed from feminism approach. A Thesis, Jakarta: Faculty of Letters and Humanities, State Islamic University "Syarif Hidayatullah" October 2009. In this research, the researcher analyzes the movie entitled Iron Jawed Angel directed by Katja Von Garnier. His research is relates to the feminism in which focused on the women suffrages and women’s vote. The writer used qualitative method. Alice Paul describe as a young women who graduated from Penn University. She is a struggle, courageous and self confident woman. The researcher also find out that Alice is a person who realized of women suffragist and make her courage to struggle against the women suffragist. She fights for women to get the right for women’s vote. In this movie, the figure of super struggle and strong woman is very clearly in Alice character. She organized her member to fight together with her to get the justice of women’s right. Her spirits can change women life from they cannot vote to they get the right of vote. Finally the researcher concludes that Alice character in the Iron Jawed Angel movie reflects feminist ideas such as educated woman, struggle, courageous, decisive situation and self confident woman. i

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Moh.Fasikha, A character analysis on Iron Jawed Angel Movie viewed from feminism approach. A Thesis, Jakarta: Faculty of Letters and Humanities, State Islamic University "Syarif Hidayatullah" October 2009.

In this research, the researcher analyzes the movie entitled Iron Jawed Angel directed by Katja Von Garnier. His research is relates to the feminism in which focused on the women suffrages and women’s vote. The writer used qualitative method. Alice Paul describe as a young women who graduated from Penn University. She is a struggle, courageous and self confident woman. The researcher also find out that Alice is a person who realized of women suffragist and make her courage to struggle against the women suffragist. She fights for women to get the right for women’s vote.

In this movie, the figure of super struggle and strong woman is very clearly in Alice character. She organized her member to fight together with her to get the justice of women’s right. Her spirits can change women life from they cannot vote to they get the right of vote.

Finally the researcher concludes that Alice character in the Iron Jawed Angel movie reflects feminist ideas such as educated woman, struggle, courageous, decisive situation and self confident woman.


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A Thesis Submitted to Faculty of Letters and Humanities

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata one

Fasikha 102026000934

Approved by:

Elve Oktafiyani,M.Hum Advisor





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Name : Fasikha Nim : 105026000934 Tittle : A character analysis on Iron Jawed Angel movie viewed from feminism


The thesis has been defended before the Faculty Letters and Humanities’ Examination Committee on August 10, 2010. It has been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata one.

Jakarta, August 10, 2010

The Examination Committee

Signature Date

1. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd (Chair Person) _________ _________ 19650919 00003 1 002

2. Drs. A. Saefuddin, M.P.d (Secretary) _________ _________ 19640710 199303 1 006

3. Elve Oktafiyani,M.Hum (Advisor) _________ _________ 19781003 2001122 002

4. Inayatul Chusna,M.Hum (Examiner I) _________ _________ 19780126 200312 2002

5. Dr. Frans Sayogie, M.Pd (Examiner II) _________ _________ 19700310 200003 1 002


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I hereby declare that this submission is my own and that, to the best of my

knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by

another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the

award of any other institute of degree or diploma of the university or other

institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in

the text.

Jakarta, January 10th, 2010



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بِسْـــــمِ االلهِ الرَّحْمَـنِ الرَّحِيْــــمِIn the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The writer would like to thank Allah SWT the one for a divine gift of

grace. He alone we ask for help, for guidance and everything. He has given the

writer many favors. He has also allowed the writer to finish this paper. It was

great pleasure for the writer. And May salutation and benediction be unto the

noblest of the last prophet and beloved of Allah, Muhammad SAW, and May we

will always be in the straight way until the end of the world.

This research is presented to the English Department, Faculty of Adab and

Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as the partial of requirements for the

degree of Strata I. In finishing this paper, the writer has got some helps and

supports from some people. In these following lines the writer would like to

express his thanks to them who have helped and supported him.

The writer also would like to express his special appreciation to:

1. Dr. H. Abdul Chair, the Dean of Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Syarif

Hidayatullah State Islamic University.

2. Dr. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd, the Chairman of the English Letters

Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities and Drs. Asep Saefuddin,

M.Pd, the Secretary of English Letters Department.

3. Elve Oktafiyani M.Hum, the writer’s advisor, fully thanks for your advices

and guidance.

4. All lecturers in English Department who gave the writer knowledge of

English Literature and Islamic-studies.


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5. Her family, especially to her beloved husband; Muhammad Rozikin and

for her beloved parents Patmo and Kunainah, who always guide her to live

the best life to be the useful person to everybody around her and also to

the country. The writer’s beloved sisters; Ummu Thoyibah, Munawaroh,

and Khairunisa, who always entertain and make her optimist to finish this

paper, love you all.

6. Her classmates in English Letters Department.

7. Some staff of the libraries who have given him a permission to get the

references to completing his research.

Finally, the writer hopes her research can be useful for herself and for all other

students who do a similar-study. Amien.

Jakarta, July 2010



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ABSTRACT............................................................................................................... i

APPROVEMENT ..................................................................................................... ii

LEGALIZATION ..................................................................................................... iii

DECLARATION ...................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEGEMENT……………………………………………………........... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………….............................. vii


A. Background of the Study ..................................................................... 1

B. Focus of the Study ............................................................................... 5

C. Research Question ............................................................................... 5

D. Significance of the Research................................................................ 6

E. Research Methodology ........................................................................ 6


A. History of feminism ............................................................................. 8

B. Feminist Ideology ................................................................................ 11

C. Feminist film criticism......................................................................... 13

D. Character and Characterization………………………………………..16


1.1. Data description................................................................................... 19

1.2. Data analysis ....................................................................................... 20


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1.3. Characteristic of Alice Paul ................................................................ 25

2.1. Feminist ideas on Alice’s character…………………………………..31


A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 35

B. Suggestion............................................................................................ 36

REFERENCES.......................................................................................................... 38


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A. Background of Study

God create men and women in this world. The aims of creation men and women

are to complete each other. It means if men need something, women should fulfill the

man’s need and also if women need something, man also should fulfill the women’s need.

But in the practice of the compliment each other, women are always in the low position

and men are in the top position. This condition put women as inferior creature in various

aspects such as in social, politic and economic aspect. The condition also pushed women

to fight for the equality between women and men.

The women effort to have equality in every aspect is known as feminism.

Feminism is one of literary criticism informed by feminist theories or politics, and

feminism appears in the 1300’s by Christine de pizan1. On the other hand, feminism is

defined as the belief of the political, social, and economic equality of men and women.2 It

is a discourse that involves various movements, theories, and philosophies which are

concerned with the issue of gender difference, advocate equality for women, and

campaign for women's rights and interests.

Nowadays feminism becomes a popular and controversial topic. Many people

become the figure of feminism. Such as Julia Kristeva, that master in language and the

1 Bachrudin Mustafa, Teori dan praktek sasra dalam penelitian dan pengajaran,(Jakarta, Pt. Cahaya Insan Sejahtera,2008), p.84

2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminist_theory 3rd of December 2008


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written. She began to write about feminism and the gender topic in the last of 1960’s.

Beside her there is Luce Irigaray a feminist from French.

Resurrection of feminism in the last 1960’s, already made a big change for

women’s life. Most of feminist believe that they already won the war. Part of them also

think that their journey still be longer. Beside the different of that opinion, there are the

influences or the effects of feminism movement into some aspects of women’s life such

as opportunity to get high education, religion, language, heterosexual system and civil


Feminism issue has been discussed in the real life and also it is already discussed

in the movie. The movie talks about women’s resurrection and about women’s life.

One of the controversial issues is feminism. Feminism becomes controversial

issue because there are some different point of view between man and women. Feminism

issue not only written in article or novel but also can be represent in a movie. One of the

movies which represent about feminism is “North Country” by Nikki Carro. This movie

talks about struggle of the woman character that get violence from her husband and she

tries to fight for getting out from the violence.

Another movie about feminism is Mona Lisa Smile. The main character in this

movie is Katherine Watson; she is a lecturer in Wesley College. In Wesley College

Watson makes big change, such as makes her students understand that education is very

importance. Watson also teaches her student that women also have right to not get the

sexual harassment.

3 Bachrudin Mustafa, Teori dan praktek sasra dalam penelitian dan pengajaran,(Jakarta, Pt. Cahaya Insan Sejahtera,2008), p.87


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While the movie about feminism that interesting for the writer is Iron

Jawed Angels movie. It is woman cinema that directed by Katja Von Garnier,

from 1989-1994, she studied at the University of Television and Film Munich.

Katja is woman who looks cinema from the woman side, such how women fight

to get their equal right.

The setting of Iron Jawed Angel movie in 1912 Philadelphia, there are two

young women suffragist activists, they are Alice Paul (Hilary Swank) and Lucy

Burn (Frances O’Connor). Alice Paul is an American Feminist who risked her life

to fight for women citizenship and the right to vote. She found the separatist

nation women’s party and wrote the first equal right amendment to be presented

before congress. Lucy Burn is a social former who helps Alice. They both had a

meeting with Carrie Chapman Catt and Anna Howard Shaw; they were the

activists of NAWSA (National American Women Suffrage Association formed in

1980 by Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton).

Alice and Lucy stared one of their actions on parade of President

Woodrow Wilson’s inauguration day. They asked many women to follow the

parade and the parade and it was successful. In the parade they got bad treatment

from the audiences especially men. Men audiences threw at women who followed

the parade.

Alice and Lucy became more active with in NAWSA, but they began to

realize that their ideas were much too radical for the established activists, and

eventually they leaved NAWSA and created the National Women’s Party (NWP).

National Woman's Party (NWP), was a women's organization founded in 1916


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that fought for women's rights during the early 20th century in the United States,

particularly for the right to vote on the same terms as men much more radical

organization dedicated to the fight for women right.

After NWP was formed, the activists of NWP did the protest in front of

the white house and they brought the banners that written what they want. They

are: equality right to vote, janitor for women justice, etc. Relationship between the

American Government and the NWP activist also intensively.

In the American war time the protester is still holding their actions, but

they got be arrested because the government considered that they “obstructing

traffic”. Even though their line picket in the sidewalk of the road and didn’t

disturb the main road. Because of that, the government gave a fine to the

protester. They should pay 60 $ for fine, but they refused to pay a fine for a crime

they didn’t commit. So, they were jailed for sixty days in Occoquan the Virginia

women’s jail or women prison.

Their picket line is still going on, even though a part of the protester had

jailed, when Alice and Mrs. Leighton joined the picket line, they were attacked by

mob. They also became the prisoner such other protester. In the jail they did not

get the healthy and sterile food. They refused to eat not only of those problems,

but also because of what they wanted were not agreed by the government.

Because of their action was refuse to eat, the guard of the jail treated them

so bad. They were pushed to eat badly. They fed the prisoner (Alice Paul) by a

machine and were tight on a chair. Alice Paul wrote all the bad treatment that she

got in the jail. She gave the notes to Mrs. Leighton, than Mrs. Leighton gave the


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notes to her husband by snaking when her husband visited her. Finally, her

husband gave the notes to mass media. The mass media put news from Alice’s

notes as a headline news. Then they got free from the jail and their cassis of

women right to vote was agreed by the government.

What Alice Paul has done can be an issue in the feminism discussion, that

interest to discuss so the researcher interest to write about the Alice Paul’s

Character trough the feminism approach. It wills discussed by using the first wave

feminist idea that concern on the women’s right that influenced by Mary

Wollstonecraft whose write the book which the title is Vindication of Right of


B. Focus of the research

Based on the background of study above, this research is concern to the Alice

Paul’s character in Iron Jawed Angels movie, using feminism theory.

C. Research question

According to focus of the research there are two questions that interesting to find

the answer.

1. How is Alice Paul described in Iron Jawed Angel film?

2. What feminist ideas are presented trough Alice Paul in Iron Jawed Angel film?


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D. Significance of the study

By this character analysis in Iron Jawed Angels movie, the researcer hopes this

research useful for the reader. The researcher hopes that this research can be a reference

in applying feminism theory in literary research work. It also can give the true and

acurate information about the feminism values in the Iron Jawed Angels movie

E. Research Methodology

a. Research method

Since no numeric data this research uses qualitative method with a

descriptive analysis. The writer tries to find the answers of the research questions

through data analysis and relating the found data to the character and

characterization theory and feminism theory.

b. Technique of data analysis

In this research, the researcher analyzes Alice’s character through the

character and characterization, also feminism theory. The datas needed about

Alice’s character are taken from the script of Iron Jawed Angels movie directed

by Katja Von Garnier

c. Instrument

In this research, the researcher using herself as the main instrument. By

watching Iron Jawed Angel movie and reading the script of Iron Jawed Angel


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movie and mark the important part in the Iron Jawed Angel movie. The researcher

tries to find how Alice’s character shown from the feminism values

d. Unit analysis

The unit analysis of the research is the script of Iron Jawed Angels

which directed by Katja Von Garnier and Release on May 24, 2004 in

America, HBO company.

e. Place and time of the research

This research began in eight semester academic year 2008/2010 in Jakarta.


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A. History of Feminism

The word feminism itself originated from the French word” feminine” in the

nineteenth century4. Feminism is a concept of women emancipation that focuses on the

women’s societies efforts. In the social concept feminism is a concept of the equality

about men and women in politic, social, economic and education.

The belief in the social, economic and political of the sex’s feminism originated.

Largely in the west but it manifested word wide and it represented by various institutions

committed to activity on behalf of women’s right and interest5.

Briefly the feminism aim to improve equality of rank and level between men and

women. There are some ways to make that equality, one of the ways is women should get

the same right and opportunity that men already get, and this ways known by equal

right’s movement. Another way that make women free from the domestic area such as in

the family and in the house. And it called “women’s liberation movement” or women’s lib

or “women’s emancipation movement”6.

Through most of western history, women were confined to the domestic circle,

while public life was reserved for men. In medieval Europe, women were denied the right

to own property, to study or to participate in public life. Even in the end of 20th centuries,

4 pilcher, jane, whelehan, Imelda. Fifty key concepts in gender studies, (London:sage publication, 2004), P.48 5 Encyclopedia Britannica Volume 19, 2002 p.160 6 Soenarjati Djajanegara Kritik Sastra Feminis,(Jakarta: Gramedia pustaka Utama, 2003), p.4


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women in the US could neither vote nor hold elective office. Women were prevented

from conducting business without a male representative, be it father, brother, husband,

legal agent or even son. Marriage women could not exercise control over their own

children without the permission of their husband. More over women had little or no

access to education and were berried from most profession. In some part of the word,

such restrictions on women continue today.

Actually the definition of feminism always changed, and it will be depend on the

reality of socio cultural that become the basic of it. And then level of consciousness,

perception and also action that already done by feminist itself. Feminism also called as

resurrection that “anti of men” and refuse their destiny as women that already been God’s

will. And they refuse all attributes that make women look so weak, because they do not

be given a change to show what they can do and always be underestimated. And it vision

make the women consider as the bad person7. Feminism to be large and get various

movement, philosophy and theories which concerned with the issue of gender difference,

advocate equality for woman and campaign for women’s right and interest.

Feminist movement is begun at 1960s, and it had so many impacts for all

American societies and of course for American women. By feminist movement the

society aware about the inferiority of women situation. So many great supports to

increase the women’s status from many aspects of society. The movement itself can be

divided into three waves.

The first wave feminist movement began in the 19th centuries; in the mid of

nineteen centuries until 1920s become the first wave feminist movement. In the other

7 Euis Amalia, pegertian dan konsep feminisme,(Jakarta:PSW.2003)p.87


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hand the historical term, the first wave of feminist movement was stared in the beginning

of nineteenth centuries8 .

Originally it focused on the promotion of equal contract and property rights for

women and the opposition to chattel marriage and ownership of married women (and

their children) by their husbands. However, by the end of the nineteenth century, activism

focused primarily on gaining political power, particularly the right of women's suffrage.

Yet, feminists such as Voltairine de Cleyre and Margaret Sanger were still active in

campaigning for women's sexual, reproductive, and economic rights at this time9. In the

first feminist movement also concern about the women’s right. More over it has influence

on Mary Wollstonecraft, whose write the book which the title is vindication of right of

women, publish in Britain in 1792.

In the middle of 1960 is began of the second wave feminism. This second wave

also born by publishing Feminine Mystique which written by Betty Friedan10. The

general aims of the second wave are for making man and women in the same level. And

also to build a body of knowledge, which specifically shows the ways in which women

have historically been marginalized, both culturally and sociality.

Feminist saying that the first wave focus on right such as women suffrage,

whereas the second wave was largely concerned with other issue of equality, such as

ending of discrimination. Second wave also saw women’s cultural and political

8 pilcher, jane, whelehan, Imelda. Fifty key concepts in gender studies, (London:sage publication, 2004), P.52 9 Feminism in Waves: A Brief Overview of the First, Second and Third Wave. Accessed on January 24, 2009 http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/392800/feminism_in_waves_a_brief_overwie.html?cat=75, 10 Soenarjati Djajanegara Kritik Sastra Feminis,(Jakarta: Gramedia pustaka Utama, 2003), p.10


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inequality, also encouraged women to understand the aspect of their live as deeply


Finally the movement of feminism up into the third waves. It began in the early

1990’s. Third wave feminism had so many definitions, but the best was described in the

most general term as the feminism of a younger generation who acknowledge the second

wave legally.

Third feminism focused on “micro politic” and challenges the second wave

paradigm. Gender and sexuality were central too much of the third wave’s ideology.

B. Feminist Ideology

While ideas do not necessarily cause social movement, ideology is central

component in the life of any social movement. The modern feminist movement, like most

social movement is not ideologically monolithic. Feminist ideology encompasses

numerous ideological stands that differ in the scope of change sought, the extent to which

gender in equality is linked to other system of domination, especially class, race,

ethnicity, and sexuality and the significance attributed to gender differences. Focus here

on the evolution of the dominant ideologies that motivated participants in the two major

branches of the feminist movement from its inception, liberal feminism and radical


The first wave of the women’s movement in the nineteenth century was, by and

large, a liberal feminist reform movement. It sought equality within the existing social.

Nineteenth century feminists belief that they obtained the right to an education, the right

to own property, the right to vote, and employment right. In other words, equal civil


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rights under the law; they would attain equality with men. Scholars have labeled this

thinking “individualist” or “equality” feminism, linking the goal of equal right to gender

assumptions about women’s basic sameness with men.

Radical feminist ideology dates to Simone de Beauvoir’s early 1950s theory of

“sex class” which was developed further in the late 1960s among small group or radical

women who fought the subordinate of women liberation. The radical approach recognize

women’s identity and subordination as a “sex class” emphasize women’s fundamental

difference from men, views gender as the primary contradiction and foundation for the

unequal distribution of society’s rewards and privileges, and recasts relation between

women and men in political terms.

Defining women as a “sex class” means no longer treating patriarchy in

individual terms but acknowledging the social and structural nature of women

subordination. Radical feminism hold that in all societies, institution and social patterns

are structured to maintain and perpetuate gender inequality and female disadvantage

permeates virtually all aspect of socio cultural and personal life.

By the late 1970s, the distinction between liberal and radical feminism was

becoming less clear. Ideological shifts took place at both the individual and

organizational levels. Participation in liberal feminist reform and service organization

working on such issues as rape, battering, abortion, legal and employment discrimination,

and women’s health problem raised women’s consciousness, increase their feminist

activism, and contribute to their radicalization as they came to see connections between

these issues and the larger system of gender inequality.11

11 Pelak Cynthia, the women’s movement: persistence through transformation (New York, McGraw-Hill)p.519


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In any case, ideas alone are an incomplete explanation of either the direction or

the consequences of a social movement. Much depend on a movement’s structures and

strategies, as well as on the larger political context.

C. Feminist Film Criticism

Feminist film theory is theoretical film criticism derived from feminist politics

and feminist theory. Feminists have many approaches to cinema analysis, regarding the

film elements analyzed and their theoretical underpinnings.12

Development of feminist film theory was influenced by second wave feminism

and the development of women's studies within the academy. Feminist scholars began

taking cues from the new theories arising from these movements to analyzing film. Initial

attempts in the United States in the early 1970’s were generally based on sociological

theory and focused on the function of women characters in particular film narratives or

genres and of stereotypes as a reflection of a society's view of women.

Most feminist approaches to film share a common assumption: the ways

women are represented in mainstream commercial film reflect. Justify, reinforce, and

naturalized what molly Haskell in her pioneering book From reverence to rape calls “the

big lie” of patriarchy what women are inferior to men and rightly occupy a subordinate

place in culture. Feminist film critics work to raise our consciousness about the negative

12Feminist Film Theory access on July,07 2010

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminist_film_theory July, 11 2010


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image of women in film in order to denaturalize these images, to expose them as a

cultural constructs, not mirror reflection of the ways women really are.13

The first feminist films critics took a sociological approach to the subject,

exemplified by two books that came out simultaneously in the early 1970s, Marjory

Rosen’s popcorn Venus(1973) an the above mentioned from reverence to rape (1974), by

Molly Haskell.14 Both Rosen’s and Haskell analyzed is how women portrayed in film

related to the broader historical context, stereotypes depicted, the extent to which women

were shown as active or passive and the amount of screen time given o women.

As times films representation appear to be product of deliberate propaganda; at

times they seem the result of unconscious fantasy. film stereotype are seen as the product

of conscious assumption to deep rooted to be change simply by having more women in

positions of power within the film industry , yet the ‘vicious circle’ of its cultural effect, it

seem be broken by a combination of rational persuasion and stereotype –correction.15

Feminism is a social movement that has had an enormous impact on film theory

and criticism. Cinema is taken by feminists to be a cultural practice representing myths

about women and femininity, as well as about men and masculinity. Issues of

representation and spectatorship are central to feminist film theory and criticism. Early

feminist criticism was directed at stereotypes of women, mostly in Hollywood films

(Haskell, 1973; Rosen 1973). Such fixed and endlessly repeated images of women were

considered to be objectionable distortions that would have a negative impact on the

female spectator. hence the call for positive images of woman in cinema. Soon, however,

13 Marilyn Fabe, Closely Watched Films An Introduction to the art of narrative film technique, (London,England,University of California Press,2004)p.207 14 Ibid p. 208 15 Sarah Gamble, the Routledge companion to feminism and post feminism, (Londom and New York, Routledge, 1998),p. 76


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the insight dawned that positive images were not enough to change underlying structure

in film. Feminist critics tried to understand to all persuasive power patriarchal imagery.16

In the Closely Watched Film book written by Marilyn Fabe, Feminist film critics

work to raise our consciousness about the negative images of women in film in order to

denaturalize these images, to expose them as cultural constructs, not mirror reflections of

the way women really are. The first feminist film critics took a sociological approach to

the subject. The sociological approach greatly contributed to an awareness of how

restricted images of women in film often were, but it was limited. Academic feminist

critics, influenced by Semiology, the study of how meaning is produced in

communication systems such as language, literature, and film, suggested a more

sophisticated and nuanced approach. For these critics, the argument that women are

presented as negative stereotypes or poor role models in film does not go far enough

toward explaining how Hollywood films reinforce the idea of women’s inferiority.

Many kinds of analysis can apply not only to film but to literature and drama as

well, academic feminist film critics went beyond considerations of the ways female

characters appear within film plots to address the way women’s inferior secondary

position in culture was inscribed in the use of the film medium itself.17

Feminist film critics argue that the apparatus of the cinema extends and

intensifies an enduring tradition in Western art, a tradition which the art historian John

Berger sums up in his famous dictum: “Men act and women appear.” These conventions

16 Feminist film theory, http//www. Anne smelik. Com accessed on may, 2, 2010 17 Fabe, Marilyn, Closely watched film an introduction to the art narrative film tecnique,( London, university of California press, 2004) P. 211


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of looking in film, which give activity to male characters and passivity to female

characters, are replicated on the level of a film’s plot.18

D. Character and Characterization

In the literature term especially in the fiction or in the play, there is someone who

acts in it, and it is a character. Character means a person (a personified object) who act,

appears or referred to in a work.19Character is a personage in a novel, drama, poem and

also in cinema. The term “character” also denotes the essential qualities and personality

traits of a fictional or real individual. Character is presumably an imagined person who in

habits a story.20

In the other hand said that, character is a person who is created for a work of

fiction21. Character is showed at performance of story or the player of the story.

a. Major and minor character

Major character or usually called the central of character is a character that

very dominant and always appears in the conflict. This character holds on an

important role. While the character appears in a few times or in the short play. And

this character is known as minor character22.

18 Ibid p. 212 19 Gordon, jane Beckham & kuehner. FICTION The Element of the short story. Ohio: the McGraw-Hill companies,Inc,1999.P.204 20 X.J.Kennedy, Literature “An Introduction to fiction,poetry and drama” (New York: Harper Collin publishers,1991),p.47 21 Gordon, jane Beckham & kuehner. FICTION The Element of the short story. Op,cit.,P.95 22 Encyclopedia Americana Volume 6, 2000 P.290


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b. Protagonist and antagonist

Protagonist character is deals with the true conflict with other character and

then antagonist character is the character who often gives many trouble or conflict

to the protagonist character23.

1. Flat character

A flat character is a simple, one dimension character. A flat character sometimes

known as a type character is usually lightly sketched without much detail. The

character is underdeveloped and can be summarized in just a sentence or two.

2. Round character

Round character is a well develop multi sided and complex personality, a fully

realized individual

3. Static character

Static character is a character whose does not change in personality, nature or

attitude, he or she is the same sort of person from the beginning of the movie or

story until the end.

4. Dynamic character

Dynamic character is one who undergoes at least one permanent important

change in some aspect of their personality, nature or attitude

Meanwhile, characterization in literature is the presentation of the attitudes

and behavior of imaginary person in order to make them credible to the author’s

23 Ibid., P.290


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audience. Characterization is a unique features such fictional form as the short

story, novel drama and narrative poetry24.

Characterization is character development and the process of creating

character. It is the presentation of attitude and behavior of imaginary person in

order to make them credible to the author’s audience

24Ibid., P.291


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The previous chapter has explicated about the theoretical frame work which is

going to be used to analyze in this chapter. This chapter will provide the research finding

of the examination. In this case, it is needed to be confirmed that theoretical frame work

is only a tool but not the main purpose. So, the most important thing is how to make the

best use of the tool, and then the meaning of the literary works can be optimally


A. Data Description

Iron Jawed Angels is film by Katja Von Garnier. This film is about women with

strong character who seek the right of women’s vote and attempt to get the justice. It

begun when Alice Paul and her friend Lucy try to get the right of women’s vote. They

started their action on parade of President Woodrow Wilson’s inaugurations day. They

asked many women to join the parade and it was successful. In the parade they get bad

treatment, but they still continue their action until they get the justice.

In this chapter the researcher focus the discussion on Alice Paul characters

because she is the main character in this film. Alice Paul has characteristics which

correlated with the feminist values, and it can be seen on the table bellows.


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B. Data Analysis

A character is a person in literary work that has some short of identity. Alice Paul

is the main character in this movie, and she has very important role in the development of

the story. It because of her character presented by conflict and action that make the film

nice to be watched. The researcher gives some marks in some words or line as the

evidences of Alice’s characteristic. Then the writer analyzes the evidence of Alice’s

characteristic and divided into several characteristic. Those are educated women,

courageous, struggle, decisive, persistent, self confidence, and independent woman for

more detail explanation it will be explained one by one below.

A. The issues of Alice’s characteristics through feminism approach.

Alice’s characteristic Minutes Corpus

1. Educated




Woman: She bright girl, smart more………..and a doctorate from Penn

Carrie: Yeah

Carrie : she want to lobby for constitutional amendment

Carrie: She thinks congress is going to suddenly roll over?

I thought you said she was bright. Paula who?

Woman : Paul, Alice Paul

Ben: Negro men have been voting since civil war. You think the ballot’s changed his life? It’s a cash-and-carry country. What will the vote buy you?


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Alice: self respect, for starter

Ben: I vote and I have no self respect. What do you think women going to do when they vote? Reform politic.

Alice: Because we are morally superior. That’s a nice fairy tale. I don’t have any illusions about women. There is good and bad, just like a man. I don’t know what they’re going to do with their vote, and I don’t care.

Ben: Prohibition? Legalize birth control?

Alice: it doesn’t matter. That’s not the point.

Ben: what the point?

Alice: we are legitimated citizen. We are taxed without representation.

We are not allowed to serve on juries, so we are not tidied by our peers.

Alice: it’s unconscionable, not to mention unconstitutional. We don’t make the laws, but we have to obey them, like children. You know the suffrage amendment has only one been in the senate? But we’ve got nine states now. That’s for million women voters, which mean one-fifth of the house. One-sixth of the senate and one-seventh of the electoral votes come from suffrage states. You want to know what women can buy with that.


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Ben: were you the smartest girl in your class?

Alice: No, in the whole school.

Ben: would you be talking to me, if I don’t work for the Washington post.

Alice: No

Ben: hmm……hmm….have lunch with me, Alice Paul.

2. Struggle woman 01:40:40


Alice: I was put in the straitjacket and taken on the psychopathic ward. I could not see my family or friends. Counsel was denied me. No other prisoners and heard nothing of them. I could see no paper. Today I was force fed for the third time. I refuse to open my mouth, my left nostril, throat, and muscles of my neck are very sore. I vomit continuously during the process.

Lucy: I think 1.000 women marching means more than 10.000signatures on a piece of paper. Suffragist is not a dead issue, it’s us, it’s you, and it’s living, breathing women. We are not just a petition that can be crumpled up and tossed away, and this is what marching does. Marching shows the politician that we women are united in our demand for political.

Ruza: Show me a raise, screw the politicians

Lucy: Go ahead if you think it’ll help.

Alice: Now, there’s a hundred


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and forty-six women burned to death in a factory fire last month. Where is your fire escape? Laws are making by elected officials. Afire escape can be required by law. A vote is fire escape.

Ruza: We take Sunday off to la-di-da for you, we get fire on Monday. You have children, missus? They don’t eat ballots. Go ahead, shout head off.

Alice: The ruling classes are those who have a voice and that voice is a vote. No one hears you. Votes for women.

Lucy: the parade is going to happen and please, would you like one?

Ruza : A vote is a fire escape.

Alice: that’s right a vote is a fire escape

Ruza: Mrs. Menclawska. Ruza.

Alice: Alice Paul

Ruza: Now give me the rest, college girl.


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3. Courageous 27:38


President: As I promised in my election campaign, congress will on currency.

Revision and tariff reform. These are issues which affect all American, and of course must take priority over special interest.

I can’t very well instruct congress on the merits of an issue

I hope you will be patient while I educate my self.

Alice: Mr. President

How can you legislate tariff reform when not all citizens are able to vote for it

Isn’t that why we fought the American Revolution


Lucy: You have never organized the parade before; it’s not like giving dinner party.

Alice: have you ever given dinner party?

Lucy : No

Alice: Then what are you worried about?

Did you get the permit?

Lucy: I’ve been to the district police three times

Alice: Go over his head, to the parks commissioner


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Lucy I could go under his belt

Alice I bet you would

4. Self confident 20:27 Alice: this desk was Susan B. Antony. From the old head quarter. It’s was in storage, its haunted.

Lucy: Did you kiss him? Because if you don’t want him, I’ll take him.

Alice: ssssssssssstttt….. Listen.

Lucy: ask her how to we’ll get the amendment on the floor?

Alice:………….(Alice listen to the desk)

Lucy: what does she said?

Alice: she said just do it.

5. Decisive woman 44:24 Alice: the national party is composed entirely of women and does not align itself officially or unofficially with any existing political party. The NWP does not put forth a candidate for election. We are a single plat form party, dedicated to the passage of the following constitutional amendment; the right of citizens of the united state vote. Shall not be denied or abridge by the united state or any state, on account of sex. We pledge unceasing opposition to


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any and all political candidates who refuse to support this amendment.

1. Alice as an educated woman

Alice is a smart and bright girl; she has ability to make an amendment for

women’s vote which not everybody can make it.

Harriet: She bright girl, smart more………..and a doctorate from Penn

Carrie: Yeah

Harriet: she wants to lobby for constitutional amendment

Carrie: She thinks congress is going to suddenly roll over?

I thought you said she was bright

Paula who?

Harriet: Paul, Alice Paul

The quotation above shows that Harriet and Carrie are talking about the young

woman who bright and smart, she is Alice Paul. She is graduated from Penn, and

understands about politic at that time which she is not given right to the women for doing


Alice is a smart girl, she can make an amendment. Amendment is a big thing that

nobody can make it, but Alice can make an amendment. When she wants to lobby for her

constitutional amendment, Carry Cat underestimated her.


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Quotation above shows that Alice gets the underestimate from Carrie. Carrie

thought that Alice could not lobby for constitutional amendment, and Carrie also doubt

that Alice is a bright and smart girl, but the reality Alice is a doctorate from Penn


In the other dialogue which supports that Alice is a smart girl. Her smart shows in

her long dialogue with Ben. She explains about women’s vote and she looks different

from men and women right.

Alice: we are legitimated citizen. We are taxed without representation.

We are not allowed to serve on juries, so we are not tidied by our peers.

Alice : it’s unconscionable, not to mention unconstitutional. We don’t make the laws, but we have to obey them, like children. You know the suffrage amendment has only one been in the senate? But we’ve got nine states now. That’s for million women voters, which mean one-fifth of the house. One-sixth of the senate and one-seventh of the electoral votes come from suffrage states. You want to know what women can buy with that.

Ben : were you the smartest girl in your class?

Alice : No, in the whole school.

Ben : would you be talking to me, if I don’t work for the Washington post.

Alice : No

Ben : hmm……hmm….have lunch with me, Alice Paul.

Quotation above supports that Alice is a smart girl, she can explain to Ben

fluently about women’s suffragist and what the influence of women’s vote for women.


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Ben listens the explanation carefully. By listening to the explanation, Ben considers that

Alice is the smartest girl that he ever met.

2. Alice as a struggle woman

As a main character, Alice is a struggle woman, although her act is opposed by

many people, she never gives up. She gets the bad treatment from the government when

she tries to fight to get justice. In her effort to get justice of women’s vote, she uses all

her abilities and all her times. Alice as the leader of NWP asks her members to do their

protest action in front of the white house. When her members do the protest, they get bad

treatment. According to the government the protests that is done by Alice and her

members is obstructing traffic. In the reality the protester’s line picket does not disturb

the main road. Because of that government gives a fine to the protester. They should pay

a fine one dollar for each person or they will be jailed along sixty days.

Not only Alice’s member, but Alice also gets fine in the women jail. In the jail

Alice and her member get the bad treatment. Alice gets the worst treatment.

Alice: I was put in the straitjacket and taken on the psychopathic ward. I could not see my family or friends. Counsel was denied me. No other prisoners and heard nothing of them. I could see no paper. Today I was force fed for the third time. I refuse to open my mouth, my left nostril, throat, and muscles of my neck are very sore. I vomit continuously during the process.

Quotation above shows that Alice is a struggle woman To get the justice and

woman’s vote she get many oppressions by the government. Alice’s struggle appears

when she tries to organize parade in Mr. President Wilson Woodrow.

Lucy: I think 1.000 women marching means more than 10.000signatures on a piece of paper. Suffragist is not a dead issue, it’s us, it’s you, and it’s living, breathing


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women. We are not just a petition that can be crumpled up and tossed away, and this is what marching does. Marching shows the politician that we women are united in our demand for political.

Ruza: Show me a raise, screw the politicians

Lucy: Go ahead if you think it’ll help.

Alice: Now, there’s a hundred and forty-six women burned to death in a factory fire last month. Where is your fire escape? Laws are making by elected officials. Afire escape can be required by law. A vote is fire escape.

Ruza: We take Sunday off to la-di-da for you, we get fire on Monday. You have children, missus? They don’t eat ballots. Go ahead, shout head off.

Alice: the ruling classes are those who have a voice and that voice is a vote. No one hears you. Votes for women.

Lucy: the parade is going to happen and please, would you like one?

Ruza : A vote is a fire escape.

Alice: that’s right a vote is a fire escape

Ruza: Mrs. Menclawska. Ruza.

Alice: Alice Paul

Ruza: Now give me the rest, college girl.

Quotation above shows that Alice is a struggle woman. She asks woman

employees to get their right. Alice asks the employees to follow the parade. She explained

to the employee that they have to get their right. Firstly one of the employees whose

name is Ruza does not care about the right of women, but Alice gives more explanation

about the effect of women vote for women and the last Ruza also wants to join the



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3. Alice as a courageous woman

Courageous is the ability to control fear when facing danger, pain, and

opposition. In addition courage also means the ability to give opinion and brave

face the risk. Her courage is to speak with NAWSA leader who does not allow her

to decelerate her amendment. She asks to president to declaration her amendment.

President: As I promised in my election campaign, congress will on currency. Revision and tariff reform. These are issues which affect all American, and of course must take priority over special interest. I can’t very well instruct congress on the merits of an issue I hope you will be patient while I educate myself.

Alice: Mr. President How can you legislate tariff reform when not all citizens are able to vote for it Isn’t that why we fought the American Revolution

When Mr. President has already talked about his promise in his election

campaign he stands up and goes, Alice gives the opinion that makes Mr. President sit

down. In this situation Alice is brave to give opinion and she tries to make Mr. President

give the justice for women. Alice’s courage also appears when she wants to held the


Lucy: You have never organized the parade before; it’s not like giving dinner party.

Alice: have you ever given dinner party?

Lucy: No

Alice: Then what are you worried about?

Did you get the permit?

Lucy: I’ve been to the district police three times

Alice: Go over his head, to the parks commissioner

Lucy I could go under his belt


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Alice I bet you would

The dialogue above shows that Alice is a brave woman. When her friend ‘Lucy

reminds her that she never organizes the parade before, she believes that she can do it.

She is not fear to face the risk of the parade and she is not worried at all. She just enjoys

the situation although she never organizes before. Then the writer assumes that Alice as a

courageous woman because she is not fear to face the risk.

Another situation which supports Alice as a courageous woman is when Alice

tells the media that she organizes the new party of women’s suffrages. The name of the

party is National Women’s Party (NWP).

Alice: the national party is composed entirely of women and does not align itself officially or unofficially with any existing political party. The NWP does not put forth a candidate for election. We are a single plat form party, dedicated to the passage of the following constitutional amendment; the right of citizens of the united state vote. Shall not be denied or abridge by the united state or any state, on account of sex. We pledge unceasing opposition to any and all political candidates who refuse to support this amendment.

Alice has already made a new party of women’s suffrages. She is as a leader of

NWP and she organizes all the activities in NWP. She makes the line picket in front of

the white house.

4. Alice as a self confident woman

Alice shows herself confident when many people opposes her, but she believes

that she can make the amendment. She can change the women position and make women

get their right. Government really opposes her plan, and NAWSA also opposes her plan.

Alice always tries to help women to get their right.


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Alice: this desk was Susan B. Antony. From the old head quarter. It’s was in storage, its haunted.

Lucy: Did you kiss him? Because if you don’t want him, I’ll take him.

Alice: ssssssssssstttt….. Listen.

Lucy: ask her how to we’ll get the amendment on the floor?

Alice:………….(Alice listen to the desk)

Lucy: what does she said?

Alice: she saidjust do it.

The dialogue above happen when Alice was dating with Ben, actually she gets

the dating with Ben for lobbying Bent to make a dead line about women suffrage in the

newspaper where he works . Alice talks to an empty table, puts her ear on it and listen her

own thought about how to get amendment. When she said “just do it” it is mean she is

quite sure of herself that she can get the amendment. It shows that she is a very

confidence person. In the home Lucy asks about Alice’s dating with Ben. Quotation

above supports that Alice is a self confident woman. When her friend asks about her

dating with Ben, she just listens to the desk and ignores the question about Ben. She does

not care about Ben who loves her. She just thinks how the way to lobby for a

constitutional amendment and how to do it. The word just do it means that Alice is very

confident to get the amendment and to do it.

5. Alice as a decisive woman

Decisive woman is having or showing the ability to decide quickly. In the other

word, woman is able to make a quick decision for her fate. Alice has a decisive character

and her decision appear when NAWSA investigates about money that came to Alice. At

that time Alice thought that she didn’t want to fight women, because what she has already


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done at that time is also for women. Alice thought that she had to make a new party for

continue her fight to get right for women.

Alice: the national party is composed entirely of women and does not align itself officially or unofficially with any existing political party. The NWP does not put forth a candidate for election. We are a single plat form party, dedicated to the passage of the following constitutional amendment; the right of citizens of the united state vote. Shall not be denied or abridge by the united state or any state, on account of sex. We pledge unceasing opposition to any and all political candidates who refuse to support this amendment.

This quotation also shows that Alice is a decisive woman; she decided to make a

new party even though many sides are against her.

B. Feminism ideas on Alice’s Character

After finding out the characteristic of Alice, the researcher tries to find out the

feminist value of her such as educated woman, struggler, courageous, decisive situation

and self confident woman. To find out the feminist image of Alice, the researcher also

gives the explanation about women oppression in Alice’s life reveal in Iron Jawed Angel


In this movie Alice gets some oppression from many people. To get justice and

right of women’s vote Alice gets some oppression. There are two oppression, physical

oppression and physiological oppression. The physical oppression comes from the

government such as when in the jail, the guards of the jail push Alice to eat using

machine. The physiological oppression when Alice and her member try to lobby the

senate. Alice and her friend go from one senate to another senate, and all of the senates

are refusing to help Alice and her members.


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Senate 1 : we don’t need voting in South Carolina, we know how to take care of our women. (30:27)

Senate 2 : the majority of intelligent refined, educated women, in our country don’t want it and that’s a fact. (30:37)

Senate 3: since you are suffragist, you won’t mind standing. (30:50)

Senate 4: I’m with you, I’m for it, I’m to going vote for it now don bother me.(31:03)

When government and senate refuse Alice and her members, Alice has plan to do the

protest, the other oppression that happens to Alice and her member when they get jailed

because they do the protest in front of the white house. The governments consider that

they are abstracting traffic, but in the reality they do the protest in the side of the mind

street. They are get jailed around 60 days or they should pay 10$ each person.

Judge: I find these defendants guilty as charged of obstructing traffic. In violation of the

police regulation and the act of congress. 10$ each person or 60 days in the Occoquan

work house. (01:19:01)

Alice and NWP members always try to get the constitutional amendment,

although all of senates refuse them, they continue their struggle to get right of women’s

vote. According to book A Vindication of the Right of Women by Mary Wollstonecraft,

one of the feminist argues that equality of right and opportunities should be extended in

all areas of life. It means that women should have opportunities in all sectors for example

in politic, economy and social life. According to that statement American women also

should have the right to vote.

According to feminist idea, Alice can be called as the feminist character, because

she fights to get justice of women’s right in politic. She has some characteristics such as


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educated woman, courageous, struggle woman, self confident and decisive woman. All of

those characteristics indicated of feminist value. Then the researcher concludes that Alice

is able to be in the same position with man, she stands up in her feet and she work hard to

get woman’s right.

According to Mary Wollstonecraft, proper education, proper training in critical

thinking is the most important single item on the feminist agenda.25 The researcher

concludes that every woman has right to get the higher education, because all of human

have the equal right to get opportunity to expand the capacity of their intellectual activity

and morality.

Harriet: She bright girl, smart more………..and a doctorate from Penn

Carrie: Yeah

Harriet: she wants to lobby for constitutional amendment

Carrie: She thinks congress is going to suddenly roll over?

I thought you said she was bright

Paula who?

Harriet: Paul, Alice Paul

Alice has an opportunity to get the higher education. She is a doctorate who

graduated from Penn University. She is also as the smartest student in her school. Alice

has the equal right and she has same opportunity with other human especially with man.

Alice characteristic also reflects the feminist value which she struggles. Although

her amendment is opposed by government, she never gives up. Alice and her member do

the protest line in front of the white house. Beside that Alice and her member lobbying

25 Josephine Donovan, Feminist theory, (New York : Continuum, 1985)p.9


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senates. Alice also get the bad treatment from the government when she is in the jailed,

she pushed by government to eat. Alice is struggling continually to achieve equality and

to overcome the oppression. The issue of women’s right raises an important example

clash of equality values.26 Women still face the big problem to get the equality and the

issue of women’s right and the women’s suffrages still become a conflict for men. Alice

must fight Mr. President and the senate in order to make women get their right and

overcome the suffrages.

Feminism obligates to express what in her mind, although they are on the society

and in the environment that do not support them, women must show their existence.

President: As I promised in my election campaign, congress will on currency. Revision and tariff reform. These are issues which affect all American, and of course must take priority over special interest. I can’t very well instruct congress on the merits of an issue I hope you will be patient while I educate myself.

Alice: Mr. President How can you legislate tariff reform when not all citizens are able to vote for it Isn’t that why we fought the American Revolution

Alice is also brave to express and speak that she and the other women do not get

the right of vote. Although many people are against her, Alice still continually expresses

and she is brave to speak to Mr. President and the senates to get the constitutional

amendment of women’s vote. Alice always continually fights to get the justice although

Mr. President does not allow and does not give permit ion for Alice to get the

constitutional amendment of women’s vote.

26 Cynthia Fuchs Epstein, Women’s place. (London: University of California,1970)p.34


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A. Conclusion

Iron Jawed Angel movie set at Philadelphia in the early of 1920’s. The writer

finds this movie reflects women condition on 20’s, because this movie is a true story

about women suffrages. Women are considered as the second-citizen, women’s place is

inside the house. Every woman always feels that in the world. Beside that women have

no right to vote. It becomes the women suffrages because they do not get their right yet,

but the main character in this movie Alice Paul fight to change all of the suffrages to be

the happier.

Alice Paul as the main character in this movie, she has some characteristics such

as educated woman, struggler, courageous, decisive and self confident woman. She is a

doctorate graduated from Penn University. She concerns with women suffrages in

America. In her fighting to get the justice of women’s right of vote, Alice gets some

oppression from the government and from the Mr. President. To get the justice Alice and

her member get so many bad treatments from the government. The first oppression that

happens to Alice and her members is when they are put into a jail because they do the

protest in front of the white house. The governments consider that they are abstracting

traffic, but in the reality they do the protest in the side of the mind street. They get jailed

around 60 days or they should pay 10$ each person.

The other oppression that they felt is when they are in the jailed. They do not get

the clean water and the worse treatment. She get the bad treatment by the government


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when she does the hunger strike, the government pushes Alice to eat but Alice refuses it;

The guard of jailed pushes Alice to eat by using the machine that makes her trough to be


Another oppression that happens to Alice and her member when Alice and his

member try to lobby for constitutional amendment. They come to the one senate and to

other senate, but all of the senates refuse them. When Alice organizes the parade, Alice

and her member gets the very bad treatment by men.

From all of the explanations above, the researcher can see that Alice is struggle

woman who always fights to get the justice of women’s right. Even thought she gets

much oppression from the government, she always fights against the government that

does not allow her to get the constitutional amendment of the women’s right. In the last

the women wins of their right and women already get their votes. It is because Alice and

her member struggle and the fight hard. All of her fights in making the changes at

women’s right show the feminist ideas.

B. Suggestions

Movie is very fun and interesting for watching, for analyzing the movie the

researcher must watch carefully. Because the analyzing a movie and a novel it is

different. The researcher can analyze the movie which relates to the extrinsic theory such

as cultural studies and feminism idea. Firstly in the analyzing the movie or literary work,

the researcher should use the right theory or approach in order to have the comprehension

of the movie or literary work itself.


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By analyzing movie the researcher knows many things such characteristic of

someone and also the researcher can understand about the women’s right.

The writer suggests that those who are interested in doing the same research

particularly concerning about feminism should read more references about the concept of

feminism in order to get more knowledge and deeply analysis. The researcher also

suggests to other students who want to analyze the character of the movie by using

feminism theory they must analyze the characteristic of the main character that can

represent feminism ideas.