academic appointments and process 2012/2013. general all continuing appointments need approval by...


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Page 1: ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS AND PROCESS 2012/2013. GENERAL All continuing appointments need approval by VPA –on cycle as part of the Faculty Renewal Plan or



Page 2: ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS AND PROCESS 2012/2013. GENERAL All continuing appointments need approval by VPA –on cycle as part of the Faculty Renewal Plan or

GENERAL • All continuing appointments need approval by VPA –on cycle as part of the Faculty Renewal Plan or off cycle by a signed

new /continuing position form • New /continuing position form completed fully – signed by chair/director, dean and then vpa and president; any change to

rank of salary- need new form signed• No offers should be sent out- Dean/Chair can discuss terms of appointment with potential candidate by phone email- it

must be clear that there is no commitment till offer of employment/appointment sent by President• No contract exists between candidate and SFU exists till candidate signs and returns Presidents letter and if non Canadian

until work permit provided• Employment Equity-The University is committed to an employment equity program so that no individual is denied access

to employment opportunities for reasons unrelated to ability or qualifications. Departments shall employ appropriate strategies in order to encourage application by and consideration of individuals from designated groups which are underrepresented.

• Priority in hiring to Canadians- the quality of the University is reflected in the quality of its faculty and other academic staff. Academic appointments of the highest quality will be made. Academic appointments, with the exception of visiting faculty appointments, will normally be filled by Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents. If an intensive search fails to produce a suitable person to fill a particular position, a highly qualified non-Canadian may be appointed.

• Targeted Searches-Department may recruit without an advertised search in exceptional circumstances, for example highly specialized A 10.06 Chairs or spousal appointments. A written request for an exemption must be submitted to the Dean and if approved sent along with a detailed recruitment plan for the position and cv s for approval to the VPA whose decision is final.

• Appointment process is a legal process- procedural fairness must be observed –policy must be observed and followed for all consistently- as well as confidentiality and protection of privacy and personal information

• Appointment checklists and examples of appointment letters on AR web site can be helpful

Page 3: ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS AND PROCESS 2012/2013. GENERAL All continuing appointments need approval by VPA –on cycle as part of the Faculty Renewal Plan or


RECRUITMENTSearch Committee and Process• Prior to establishing the Search Committee, the Department Chair shall submit the structure of the

proposed Search Committee to the Dean for approval• The Search Committee shall be composed of faculty, faculty and non-faculty staff, or faculty and non-

faculty staff and students, (depending on departmental practice). Faculty shall constitute the majority of the Committee. Both genders shall be represented on the Committee. The Chair of the Department shall chair the committee unless the Dean approves an alternate arrangement. The Chair is a voting member of the Committee

• The Search Committee shall prepare a specific description of the position including the rank, an advertisement and a statement of the proposed recruiting plan, forward these to the Dean for review and approval, and carry out the approved recruiting. Advertisements shall contain University approved wording regarding employment equity and immigration regulations.

• Following the advertising period, the Search Committee shall:• a)review the applications and can request further information and then develop a short list-normally -

three candidates; can short list a different number of candidates with the prior approval of the Dean. • b)arrange for the visit of the short listed candidates. Each visit shall include an interview, presentation of

a seminar on the candidate's research (if research faculty) , a guest lecture in an undergraduate class (where feasible) and meetings with members of the department;

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• A candidate for An SFU degree can’t be be appointed in a continuing position in the same department directly associated with the degree sought, until the degree requirements have been fulfilled.

• A candidate for an SFU degree may not be appointed to a limited term position for a term which is longer than one year in a department directly associated with the degree sought until the degree requirements have been fulfilled.

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• All Tenure track, Tenured and Special Chairs and Teaching appointments must be advertised on the Vice President, Academic website. Advertisements should be vetted by sending them to Kelly Arthurs, Faculty Adviser, in Academic Relations. If approved they will be posted. Advertising can not be done unless position is approved by VPA on cycle (i.e. in Faculty Renewal Plan)or off cycle.

• Notices of all positions in these categories shall be circulated to Canadian universities. • These positions shall, wherever reasonably possible given publication deadlines. be advertised in the Academic Vacancies

section of University Affairs published by AUCC and in the CAUT Bulletin. • If not possible because of deadlines advertising on the AUCC and CAUT websites can substitute• These positions shall also be advertised in the appropriate print and/or electronic media of the discipline. • In exceptional circumstances, the advertising requirements may be varied by the Dean. • Ads should; set out a clear job description, title and rank; applicants shall be asked to submit a curriculum vitae, the names

of at least three referees from whom confidential letters of reference will be sought (unless CRC or senior Chair where 6 references , and a statement of reasons for applying for the position. Ad should set out: the equity requirements; the FOI POP provisions and the CIC requirement that priority is given to hiring Canadians

• Where the recruitment is taking place before a budget has been approved –the ad should state that the position is subject to funding, and a search may be discontinued at any stage prior to final approval.

• Can only recruit for the rank you advertise for!– all ads for the same position should say the same thing-• May help if ad states: only those shortlisted will be contacted; and applications will be accepted till the position is filled• Clinical Professors A 12.13- same search process as Teaching appointments but no advertising is required

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All Ads must include the following Immigration, Equity and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOI/POP ) statements;


All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply, however Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority

EquitySimon Fraser University is committed to employment equity and encourages applications from all qualified women and men, including visible minorities, Aboriginal people, and persons with disabilities.


Under the authority of the University Act personal information, that is required by the University for academic appointment competitions, will be collected. For further details see the Collection Notice

Proper SFU logo should be on all ads

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• Department Chair shall forward to the Dean a new continuing position approval form which is signed by the Chair, a completed appointment form and a memo setting out a recommendation for appointment of a candidate which carries the demonstrated support (majority vote) of the Department (all continuing appointments)- actual vote needs to be set out

• The recommendation should include;• a detailed statement of the actual search and selection procedure including actions taken to seek out members of

designated groups and include; • a copy of the advertisement(s) used; • a full list of the candidates considered including a summary of relevant information about each including immigration status and

gender where known; • documentation on short-listed candidates, including for each a copy of a current curriculum vitae, three letters of reference ( unless 6

are required for CRCs or endowed Chairs and they must be originally signed and arms length- no conflict of interest ), the statement of interest submitted by the candidate and a statement of teaching ability and research statement

• a specific recommendation regarding and an assessment of each of the shortlisted candidates and a justification for making the recommendation of the preferred candidate;

• the candidate or ordered candidates for whom approval is sought (including proposed rank and salary step according to the faculty salary scale), an explanation of the rank ordering and an assessment of each of the shortlisted candidates and a justification for making the recommendation of the preferred candidate;

• when a non-Canadian is recommended for appointment, the recommendation shall be accompanied by a statement that the requirements set out by Canada Immigration have been fulfilled i.e. what efforts were made to find a Canadian and a justification explaining why any Canadian and Permanent Residents applicants were unsuitable;

• such additional information as the Chair considers relevant or the Dean requests; including a completed recommendation for appointment form; previous degrees must be verified buy the Unit; personal information must be completed fully

• If Tenure is recommended (an exceptional decision); There shall be a separate full review and separate recommendation to this effect from the Tenure and Promotion Committee.

• If salary or market is different from what was approved in FRP then a justification is needed

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The Dean shall review the recommendation for appointment and,• if he/she concurs, the Dean sign the appointment form, and

forward the appointment package and his/her recommendation to the Vice-President, Academic through Academic Relations.

• if he/she does not concur, the Dean shall refer the recommendation to the Department Chair for consultation or reconsideration, and if after such consultation or reconsideration, the Dean does not concur with the recommendations of the Department Chair, he/she shall attach his/her comments and forward both documents to the Vice-President, Academic.

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• AR will receive the appointments package and review it for completeness and contact the unit to request missing documents. Only complete packages will be given to the VPA- If appointment is urgent –please advise AR

• The Vice-President, Academic, shall review the recommendations of the Chair and Dean together with supporting documentation,

• if he/she supports the Department's recommendation for appointment, The VPA will sign the appointment form and forward the recommendations to the President . Once the President reviews and signs the appointment form -AR will draft an appointment letter for the President and once signed , send it out with an welcome letter and other documents to the Candidate

• if the VPA does not support the Department's recommendation for appointment, the VPA shall refer the recommendation to the University Appointments Committee for consideration (rare).

• University Appointments CommitteeThe University Appointments Committee shall consist of six members of the Faculty College selected in accordance with A 11.04, section 4.4. The Committee shall elect its Chair. A member of a search committee may not also be a member of the University Appointments Committee. A quorum is three members.

• The University Appointments Committee shall consider each case and shall either recommend a candidate for appointment in accordance with the recommendation of the Department Chair or refer the matter to the Department Chair with specific recommendations for further action.

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For CRCs Tier 1 and 2 , BC LEEF Chairs, Ruth Wynn Woodward Visiting Chair and Simons Visiting Chair and Burnaby Mountain Professors/Chairs and other Endowed Chairs/Professorships.

• Term of Appointment normally 5-10 years and may be renewed. CRC Tier 1 – term 7 years can be renewed more than once; Tier 2 – 5 year term – can only be renewed once

• Nominations to appoint an external candidate as a University Chair proceed like a regular A. 10.01 appointment- position is approved- Recruitment begins, -6 letters of reference required- for senior chair – 3 reference letters for Junior Chair- Search Committee set up to review and shortlist applicants, Interviews are held, there is a demonstrated support vote- in the department- If tenure recommended the TPC reviews application and makes separate tenure review-the Chair recommends a candidate to the Dean, the Dean reviews and makes a recommendation to the VPA, the VPA reviews with AVPR and if approved it is reviewed by the UAC who recommends to the President and then to AOC Academic Operations Committee of the Board. The CRC/LEEF sent off for external review process by AVPR and Grants facilitators

• Nominations of existing faculty to a new Chair position proceeds like a promotion A11.01 – nomination first reviewed by the VPA/VPR then Dean and Chair- if approved then recommendation for appointment by TPC using the process of a promotion- unless there is a regular internal search - application- cv and reference letters submitted - draft assessment prepared by TPC sent to candidate- reply in 14 days – final recommendation by the TPC to the Dean and candidate – 14 days to reply to the Dean- - Dean reviews and recommends to the VPA- VPA/VPR review the recommendation to the UAC to the President – to the AOC-Promotion Criteria of University and Department does not apply.

• Criteria for a nomination or renewal against which the candidate should be evaluated and which should be set out in the recommendations is the criteria in A 10.06 for a Junior or Senior level Chair and the Criteria of the particular endowment i.e. – CRC Tier 1 or Tier 2 Criteria- Simons International Chair – Criteria in Terms of Reference of the Chair not Tenure and Promotion criteria

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• Recommendation for Nomination from Chair and Dean should set out evaluation of the candidate against the criteria and set out the stipend if any to be paid, the term of the appointment and any other support to be paid i.e. research etc.

• Renewal-VPA (AVPR if CRC) and Dean and Chair should make a high level assessment if Chair should stay in same area and if so if incumbent should be renewed 12- 18 months before the Chair ends. If so Renewal proceeds like a promotion- A 11.01cumbent submits a progress report and reference letters- 6 for Senior Chair – 3 for Junior Chair to the Chair and TPC who evaluate it against the Criteria and make a draft assessment- sends it to the incumbent – reply in 14 days- final recommendation to the Dean, Dean reviews and makes a recommendation to the VPA- reply by incumbent , UAC, President and AOC

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• The Department Chair, in consultation with the Appointments Committee of the department shall decide whether or not a search is necessary

• Search Committee Where a search is undertaken, the department shall establish a search committee composed of faculty, faculty and non-faculty staff, or faculty and non-faculty staff and students (depending on departmental practice). Faculty shall constitute the majority of the Committee. Both genders shall be represented on the committee. The Chair of the Department shall be a member of the Committee and may chair the Committee. The Chair is a voting member of the Committee. Selection Process • The search committee or Department Chair shall:• develop a statement of the proposed recruiting plan, forward these to the

Dean for review and approval, and carry out the approved recruiting; • make a recommendation of a candidate or a ranked list of candidates

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• The Department Chair shall forward to the Dean a recommendation for appointment which shall include:– a statement of the actual search and selection procedure, (if applicable) including

actions taken to seek out members of designated groups;– a copy of the advertisement used, (if applicable);– a list of the candidates considered, (if applicable);– a specific recommendation regarding the candidate or ordered candidates for whom

approval is sought (including proposed position and salary step according to the appropriate policy), and for appointments requiring teaching, a statement on teaching ability;

– when a non-Canadian is recommended for appointment, the recommendation shall be accompanied by a statement detailing the reasons why the Canadian/Permanent Resident applicants were unsuitable;

– such additional information as the Chair considers relevant or the Dean requests;– or category C.3 and C.9, concurrence is required either by the Chair of the faculty

member's Department or, in the case of a staff member, his/her supervisor and the appropriate Vice-President.

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• The Dean shall review the recommendation for appointment and, if he/she concurs, shall sign the appointment form and conclude the appointment.

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• Adjuncts•

General Distinguished, qualified persons whose professional work leads them into a close working association or a community of professional interest with the research or other academic pursuits of some faculty members or of an academic unit at the University may be appointed as Adjunct Professors/Adjunct Professors of Clinical Practice.

• The title Adjunct Professor of Clinical Practice is reserved primarily for individuals in the health sciences and other disciplines having clinical practices, and who are engaged in instruction and/or supervision of students, typically in a clinical setting. Appointees are expected to be persons employed outside the University and to have a professional status in their field.

• Appointment The Chair of the Department shall initiate the appointment of an Adjunct Professor/Adjunct Professor of Clinical Practice. The search requirements of policy A 10.01 Academic Appointments do not apply to these appointments.

• Responsibilities The responsibilities of Adjunct Professors/Adjunct Professors of Clinical Practice shall be determined by the Department Chair.• Term Appointments shall be for a specified term, although an appointment, and any renewal thereof, may be renewed for a further specified term.• Promotion and Tenure Since Adjunct Professors/Adjunct Professors of Clinical Practice are not members of the University's faculty, they are not eligible for promotion or tenure.• Committee Work Adjunct Professors/Adjunct Professors of Clinical Practice may participate in the committee work of the Department to which they are attached, if asked to do so by the Chair of the Department.• Remuneration and Benefits An Adjunct Professor/Adjunct Professor of Clinical Practice is not normally remunerated. However, if he/she is assigned formal teaching responsibilities, a separate appointment either as a

Visiting faculty member or a Limited Term faculty member may be made.• Termination The appointee or the University may terminate the appointment by one semester's written notice to the other party.•


• Appointments shall be concluded according to A 10.01, Category C.

• Associate Members• General

Associate Members are persons of substantial expertise and/or academic qualification in the discipline of the Faculty or Department to which they are attached and who simultaneously hold a continuing position at the University, either on its faculty or staff. An appointment as Associate Member does not confer faculty status.

• AppointmentThe Chair of the Department shall initiate the appointment of an Associate Member. Since the appointment may cause competing demands on the appointee's time, the Chair must consult the appointee's Department Chair or supervisor prior to recommending the appointment.

• Responsibilities Associate Members' responsibilities shall be determined by the Department Chair.• Promotion and Tenure

As an Associate Member, the appointee is not eligible for promotion or tenure. • Committee Work

Associate Members may participate in the committee work of the Department to which they are attached, if asked to do so by the Chair of the Department. • Remuneration and Benefits An Associate Member is not normally remunerated. However, if he/she is assigned formal teaching responsibilities for a semester, a separate appointment as Sessional Lecturer may be made.

No remuneration shall be applicable unless the teaching responsibilities assumed by the Associate Member/Sessional Lecturer are assumed over and above the normal work load of the appointee's regular position.• Associate Members shall not receive any employment fringe benefits in addition to those already associated with his/her permanent position on the University's faculty or staff.• Termination

The appointee or the University may terminate the appointment by one semester's written notice to the other party. • Procedure• 1. Appointments shall be concluded according to A 10.01, Category C.

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– The typical faculty appointment is and will continue to be one which leads to tenure. A short term need for staff to undertake specific teaching tasks will normally be met by making sessional appointments. However, under some special circumstances where contributions are required both to the teaching and to the research programs of a department, it may be desirable to make visiting appointments where one or more of the following conditions are satisfied:

• I. an authorized visiting appointment exists; • ii. an authorized tenure-track position is vacant on a temporary basis; • iii. authorization has been given for the replacement of a regular faculty member on leave or for the partial replacement of a faculty member whose appointment has been modified from

full-time to part-time.

– Appointments may also be made to provide affiliation for a faculty member on leave from another institution who, because of allied interests, is invited to the University even though he/she may have no assigned duties and receive no remuneration from S.F.U.

• DefinitionA visiting faculty member must be a person who holds a position at the rank of Instructor, Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in a recognized university, or who holds an equivalent position in another appropriate organization.

• • Terms and Conditions of Employment

– A visiting faculty member will normally be appointed for one year or less, and only in exceptional circumstances shall an appointment be made for a period exceeding one year.

– A visiting faculty member will normally be appointed at the rank he/she holds at his/her own institution. – Appointment as a visiting faculty member carries no expectation of re-appointment. A visiting faculty member is not eligible for promotion or tenure.

or 1 (a) appointments only; • A visiting faculty member will be granted a research semester only when his or her services are required for continued participation

– in a S.F.U. research program. • Responsibilities

– A visiting faculty member will be responsible to the Department Chair for assigned duties. – A visiting faculty member may participate in departmental, Faculty or University committee work at the initiative of the appropriate authority, but may not vote.

• Remuneration and BenefitsVisiting Faculty as specified in 1(a) above. – The salary will be determined on an individual basis. – A 21.01 provides details on benefits plans available.

• Visiting faculty may be eligible for relocation expenses as outlined in G• Concluded like limited terms

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• Post retirement contracts- not a right- but can be offered to: retired faculty members, lecturers, laboratory instructors, librarians and archivists either full or part-time

• The Dept/Faculty must meet the following conditions before a PRT can be offered:• The department has specific teaching, research or administrative needs; • Funding is available at the Faculty level to meet these needs; • The individual recommended for a post-retirement contract has the expertise

required for the tasks and all other relevant qualifications; and • The department indicates its support for offering an appointment to the retiree -for appointments of one semester, this support may be constituted by the assent of the chair, - for all appointments of two semesters or more the support of the Appointments Committee is required - appointments which do not involve departmental responsibilities, e.g., Academic Advice, departmental support would not be required.)

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POST RETIREMENT CONTRACTS A12.10• Retired Faculty Excluding Lecturers Retired faculty members who are appointed to full-time positions which require them to perform

the full range of duties expected of tenure-track faculty, i.e. teaching, research and service, shall receive no less than their pre-retirement salary and shall be eligible for salary scale increases, research semesters and all benefits listed in appendix 1 A2.10. Appointees are not eligible for sabbatical leave. These post-retirement appointments would be made only in exceptional circumstances.

• 2.b Part-time appointments for retired faculty may include duties that fall into one or both of the following categories: - those which involve a full teaching load – those which involve a partial teaching load and – those which require the faculty member to do research and/or service. Compensation for a full teaching load (2.b.i) shall be set by the Dean in negotiation with the retired member provided that the compensation shall be not less than $40,000 per annum for four regular courses (or their equivalent).Compensation for a partial teaching load (2.b.ii) shall be set by the Dean in negotiation with the retired member provided that on a per course basis, the compensation shall be not less than that stipulated in A 12.09, the Sessional Lecturer Policy.Research Advance - Persons appointed under 2.b. shall receive an accountable research advance provided that, - their contracts require them to fulfill teaching duties, and - their contracts do not require them to fulfill research duties. – For full-time teaching, the accountable research advance shall be $2,000 per annum; the advance shall be pro-rated for a

reduced teaching load. Compensation for research or service duties (2.b.ii) shall be determined by negotiation between the Dean and the retiree. The compensation shall be modified by the same percentage as the negotiated modification to the faculty salary scale.

Benefits Faculty on part-time post-retirement appointments shall be eligible for benefits listed and noted in appendix 1. A 12.10 These appointees shall not have a right to a research semester and shall not be eligible for study leave.

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POST RETIREMENT CONTRACTS A12.10• Retired Faculty Excluding Lecturers • Retired faculty members who are appointed to full-time positions which require them to perform the full range of duties expected

of tenure-track faculty, i.e. teaching, research and service, shall receive no less than their pre-retirement salary and shall be eligible for salary scale increases, research semesters and all benefits listed in appendix 1. Appointees are not eligible for sabbatical leave. These post-retirement appointments would be made only in exceptional circumstances.

• Part-time appointments for retired faculty may include duties that fall into one or both of the following categories: •

– those which involve a full teaching load – those which involve a partial teaching load and – those which require the faculty member to do research and/or service.

• Compensation for a full teaching load (2.b.i) shall be set by the Dean in negotiation with the retired member provided that the compensation shall be not less than $40,000 per annum for four regular courses (or their equivalent).

• Compensation for a partial teaching load (2.b.ii) shall be set by the Dean in negotiation with the retired member provided that on a per course basis, the compensation shall be not less than that stipulated in A 12.09, the Sessional Lecturer Policy.

• Research Advance Persons appointed under 2.b. shall receive an accountable research advance provided that, •

• their contracts require them to fulfill teaching duties, and • their contracts do not require them to fulfill research duties. For full-time teaching, the accountable research advance shall be

$2,000 per annum; the advance shall be pro-rated for a reduced teaching load. • Compensation for research or service duties (2.b.ii) shall be determined by negotiation between the Dean and the retiree. The

compensation shall be modified by the same percentage as the negotiated modification to the faculty salary scale.• Benefits• Faculty on part-time post-retirement appointments shall be eligible for benefits listed and noted in appendix 1. These appointees

shall not have a right to a research semester and shall not be eligible for study leave.

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POST RETIREMENT CONTRACTS A12.10• Retired Lecturers, Librarians, Laboratory Instructors and Archivists • 3.a Retired Lecturers, Librarians, Laboratory Instructors and Archivists who are appointed to full-time positions which require them to

perform the full range of duties performed prior to retirement shall receive no less than their full pre-retirement salary and shall be eligible for salary scale increases, and benefits listed and noted in appendix 1. Appointees are not eligible for study leave or professional development leave. These appointments would be made only in exceptional circumstances.

• 3.b Part-time post-retirement appointments of Lecturers, Librarians, Laboratory Instructors and Archivists may also be made, in which case the salary would be pro-rated accordingly. Appointees would be eligible for salary scale increases beginning July 1992 and benefits listed and noted in appendix 1. Appointees are not eligible for study leave or professional development leave.

General • Normally, appointments under this policy shall be for one year, but may be shorter or longer, with a maximum length of three years. • All appointments terminate at the end of the specified term. This does not preclude a subsequent appointment, provided that the four

conditions are satisfied anew. • Terms of appointments under this policy should be agreed upon at least four months prior to the start of the contract, whenever

feasible. • Persons appointed on post-retirement contracts shall not be eligible to stand for election for the Tenure and Promotion Committee, the

Faculty College, the Senate or the Board of Governors. • Appointees will be responsible to the Department Chair or equivalent, or the University Librarian for assigned duties. • A 11.01 - 11.06, Renewal, Tenure and Promotion, and A 20.01 Faculty Salaries, do not apply to persons appointed under the terms of

this policy. • A person covered by this policy who is recommended for dismissal for cause shall have recourse to Policy A 30.09 - Disciplinary


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• Chair/Director Selection and Appointment Process • At least 8 months before the end of the incumbent's appointment, the Dean shall consult with the department about the position. If

the department wishes to include external candidates in the search there must be a further consultation with the department involving the Dean and the Vice-President, Academic, who will make the final decision. The search process shall be advisory to the Vice-President, Academic.

• Search Committee. If search committee is required- composition is: a. The Dean of the Faculty, who will chair the committee; b. Four faculty members elected by the faculty of the unit; c. Two registered Simon Fraser University students: one undergraduate student who has declared a major in the department, selected by the Departmental Student Union or by the Student Society if no Departmental Student Union exists; one graduate student in the department elected by the graduate students in the department; in the event that no graduate student is available, a second undergraduate student may be selected, and similarly if no undergraduate student is available, a second graduate student may be selected; d. One faculty member from another department in the Faculty selected by the committee of Chairs which advises the Dean of the Faculty. The quorum for this search committee shall be the Chair plus four others, at least three of whom shall be faculty in the department.

• The Dean shall ensure that both male and female members are adequately represented on the search committee. Appropriate representation will vary by discipline but should not be less than 20% or greater than 80% of male or female members..

• Search- if no external candidates-internal candidate identified by: – an election supervised by the Dean, or – another procedure suggested by the department and approved by the Dean, or – a search using a search committee.

• External Search-A description of the position shall be prepared by the committee and the announcement of the position opening shall be advertised in accordance with the advertising requirements for Category A appointments as described in A 10.01, the Academic Appointments Policy, with appropriate references to current immigration regulations, and to the employment equity program at the University.

• Faculty members, professional and support staff and students in the department shall be formally consulted regarding qualities and attributes needed for the leadership of the department and invited to submit nominations.

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• Chair /Director Selection-The Dean shall forward a recommendation for the appointment to the VPA through the AR office ,with the term (3-5 years), vote and stipend indicated. If the VPA supports the appointment of the recommended candidate, the VPA forwards recommendation to President- President to Board . If the VPA does not support the appointment of a candidate, he/she shall inform the candidate, department and Dean of the reasons and another candidate shall be recommended through the processes specified above. AR writes letter to Candidate on behalf of President. Voter Eligibility All continuing faculty members other than those who are on an unpaid leave of absence are eligible to vote under this policy- in A13.02; ACTUAL VOTE NEEDS TO BE SET OUT

• Renewal - The incumbent can be renewed for a further term subject to a ratification vote conducted by the Dean and approval by the VPA; Vote needs to be set out in documents

• Acting Chair – Dean can approve an Acting Chair for 4 months or less without holding a ratification vote and without VPA approval. Dean writes letter to Candidate . An appointment of an acting Chair for more than 4 months must be ratified by the department and must be approved by the VPA on the recommendation of the Dean. Acting Chair cannot be in position for longer than 16 months or four semesters. The Department can also appoint an Acting Chair while the incumbent Chair is in office, for succession and training purposes.

• Appointment of Associate Chairs/Directors The Chair/Director shall consult with Department/School on the nomination of an Associate Chair/Director. There shall be a ratification vote ; a nominee needs to be approved by more than 50% of those voting. Dean makes recommendation to VPA through AR with vote, term, stipend stated; VPA concludes appointment and AR writes letter to Candidate.

• Appointment of Program Directors and Program Coordinators The Dean shall consult with the members of the unit on the nomination of the Program Director2 or Program Coordinator. Ratification vote held; nominee needs more than 50% of those voting. Dean makes recommendation to VPA through AR with vote, term, stipend stated; VPA concludes appointment and AR writes letter to Candidate.

• Appointment of Associate Chairs/Directors The Chair/Director shall consult with Department/School on the nomination of an Associate Chair/Director. Ratification vote held; nominee needs more than 50% of those voting. Dean makes recommendation to VPA through AR with vote, term, stipend stated; VPA concludes appointment and AR writes letter to Candidate.

• Voter Eligibility for Associate Chairs and Directors ; tenured and tenure-track faculty, and to laboratory instructors and lecturers with appointments of longer than one year.