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Page 3: Acadiana Catholic

The Official Monthly Publication of the Diocese of Lafayette

AcAdiAnA cAtholic July2011 Volume27 Number7


InsidethisissueSt. Joseph Diner marks first year at new location.........5

Benedictines to celebrate feast day ..........................7

King’s Men meeting scheduled for July 19.......9

2011 courses for Aquinas Institute begin Aug. 1 .....10

Marriage Anniversary Mass scheduled for Sept. 11 ...16

New vocations director, assignments for newly ordained.........................21

Seminarians receive summer assignments on road to ordination...........27

Pentecost continues – seminars offered at Charismatic Conference ...28

Washington church plans approved by historic commission....................37


Ordinations to the priesthoodtookplace in theCathedralofSt.John the Evangelist on the eveof Pentecost, Saturday, June 11.Bishop Michael Jarrell of Lafay-ette,inordainingfouryoungmen,emphasized the role of the HolySpirit.


the Old and New Testament inwhich the Spirit was invoked tostrengthenandguidethedisciples;“always there is emphasis on thepoweroftheHolySpirit,”BishopJarrell said. “Remember that theScriptures and Rite of Ordinationitself emphasize thepowerof theHolySpiritfortworeasons.

“First it is a reminder that or-dainedministersneedthepoweroftheHolySpirit,”henoted,“Noth-inggoodhappenswithouttheSpir-itonwhomwedependutterly.Wewho minister in the Church needtheSpiritinourdailywork.Wearebut instrumentsof thegreatworkofJesusChrist.Wegivewhatwehave,freelyandjoyfully,butsuc-cessisagiftoftheSpirit,”BishopJarrellpointedout.

• “Secondly, the emphasis ontheHolySpiritremindsusthattheSpiritwassentuponthegatheringof disciples, upon the assembly,upon the Church. Priests, then,donotworkalone,independentoftheirfellowpriests,orindependentofthediocesanbishop,whointurndoes not exercise his office inde-pendentoftheCollegeofBishopsor the Head of the College, the


“The Spirit is given to theChurchandinauniqueway,totheministerialpriesthood.’BishopJar-rellsaid,“It is important thatyoustay connected with your fellowpriestsandwithme.Youminister

Fathers Johnathan Janise, second from the left, Garrett McIntyre, third from the left, Nathan Comeaux, third from the right and David Hebert, second from the right, were ordained to the priesthood for the diocese in ceremonies held June 11, 2011 in the Cathdral of St. John the Evangelist in Lafayette. Pictured with the ordinandi are Father Kevin Bordelon, left, newly appointed director of the Office of Vocations; Bishop Mi-chael Jarrell, center, and Father Aaron Melancon, right, outgoing director of the Office of Vocations. Photo by P.C. Piazza

See special ordination section, pages 23 - 26

“The emphasis on the HolySpiritremindsus,”BishopJarrellpointed out, “that the Spirit wassent upon the gathering of disci-ples,upon theassemblyupon theChurch.”

BishopJarrellconferredtheSac-ramentofHolyOrdersonNathanComeaux, David Hebert, Johna-than JaniseandGarrettMcIntyre.Comeaux is from St. MarcellusParish, Rynella; Hebert from St.MaryMagdalen,Abbeville;Janisefrom Sacred Heart, Ville Platte,andMcIntyrefromSt.Bernadette,BayouVista.

Inhishomily,BishopJarrellre-called scriptural references from (Continued on page 23)

(Continued on page 4)


visitedSt.PaulChurchinLafay-ette,wherehejoinedthecurrentpastor,FatherRobertSeay,OFM,in celebrating a special Mass inrecognitionoftheparish’s100thanniversary. Carved from thepreviously established parish ofSt. John the Evangelist in 1911,theestablishmentofSt.Paul’sac-tuallypredatesthatoftheLafay-etteDiocesebysevenyears.Theanniversary Mass celebrated onJune26,2011providedawayforparishioners to share with oth-ersjusthowfartheirchurchhas“Come by Faith” in a century’stime.

WhenthechurchofSt.JohntheEvangelist was first established in



otherwisepracticetheirfaith,butat thesame time theywerekeptsegregatedfromthewhitepopu-lationbybeingdesignatedtoone

During the recent celebration Mass in honor of St. Paul’s 100th anniversary, current pastor Father Robert Seay, OFM, assisted Bishop Michael Jarrell in extending a spe-cial blessing. Photo courtesy of the Lafayette Diocese’s Office of Radio/TV Ministry.

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Page 4 July 2011 Acadiana Catholic

ACADIANA CATHOLIC (ISSN0888-0247) (USPS507-760) ispublishedmonthly for$12peryearby theSouthwestPress,1408CarmelAve.,Lafayette,LA70501-5306.PeriodicalpostagepaidatLafayette, LA and additional mailing offices.


Official Monthly Newspaper for the Diocese of Lafayette, LouisianaCopyright2011

PublisherMost Rev. Michael Jarrell, D.D.


Editor/DirectorDeacon Thomas R. Sommers

(337) 261-5513 [email protected]

Marketing DirectorBusiness Mgr / Advertising Director

Patrick Breaux(337) 261-5518 or (337) 235-7704

[email protected] / [email protected]

Staff WriterStephanie R. Martin

(337) 261-5512 [email protected]

Contributing WriterKathleen Toups

Theological ConsultantsMsgr. H.A. Larroque, J.C.D.Father Curtis Mallet, J.C.L.

Vicars General

TheDioceseofLafayetteserveseightcivilparisheswithpopulation of 331,000 Catholics. Published monthly.Deadlinefornewsandadvertisingcopyisnoonofthe15thdayofthemonthprecedingpublication.Forrenewalsub-scriptions, the name of your church parish and your ad-dresslabel(ifavailable)arerequested.Thepublisherandeditor reserve the right to reject, omit or edit any articleor letter submitted forpublication. TheRomanCatholicDioceseofLafayetteand/ortheAcadiana Catholiccannotbeheldliable,orinanywayresponsibleforthecontentofanyadvertisementprintedinthispaper.

Diocese of Lafayette Web

AcAdiAnA cAtholic

From the diocesan newspaper, June 14, 1962 — The imposition of hands, the most solemn part of the ordina-tion ceremony, is shown as Bishop Maurice Schexnayder of Lafayette begins this part of the ceremony. The ordinandi are, from the left, Fathers Ralph Landry, New Iberia; Henry N. Quick, New Orleans; Austin Leger, Eunice and Robert Sibille, Sunset.

specific area inside the church. It wasn’t un-til1910thatNewOrleansArchbishopJamesHubertBlenkrequestedthatSt.John’spastor,Father William Teurlings, “find out the wishes andaspirationsof thecoloredpeople” in re-gards to thisarrangement. FatherTeurlings’memoriesof thishavebeenrecordedinOneMileanHour:ThePriestlyMemoriesofRt.Rev.Msgr.W.J.Teurlings,P.A.,V.G.,byRo-salindFoley.

Upon discovering the negro Catholics de-sire to build and support their own churchparish,FatherTeurlings sought and received

permissionfromArchbishopBlenktoproceedaccordingly. It was under his guidance thatlandwas acquired, for bothSt.PaulChurchanditsmissionchapelofOurLadyofGoodHope,butin1914hemadewayfortheHolyGhostFatherstooperatetheparish.Theyre-mainedintheparishuntil1980,whenitwasturnedovertotheFranciscanFriars.

Inadditiontothechurchparishandmissionchapel,thecongregationofSt.Paul’shasalsosupportedCatholiceducationover theyears.The first school, known as St. Joseph School, was opened in 1903, under the operation ofthe Sisters of the Congregation of the HolyFamily.Thisschoolclosedin1912,butwasfollowedbytheestablishmentoftheSt.PaulSchool, which later became known as HolyFamilyCatholicSchool.TheSistersremainedactiveintheschool’soperationuntilthecloseofthe1998-99schoolyear,afterwhichalaystafftookover.

Duringthelast100years,St.PaulChurchhasfosterednolessthan25parishionerswhohave gone on to dedicate themselves to re-

ligious life. This includes one bishop, fourpriests,and20religioussisters.

The 100th Anniversary Mass of St. PaulChurch will be featured as a “Mass of theMonth”onSunday, July17. TheMasswillbeshownat11:00a.m.onKATCTV-3,andmayalsobeaccessedonlinethroughtheRa-dio/TVMinistrysectionofthediocesanweb-site,

St.PaulChurchincelebrates100thanniversaryContinued from page 3

St. Paul’s current pastor, Father Robert Seay, OFM, joined the congregation in reflecting on the many ac-complishments of the parish during the last century. Photo courtesy of the Lafayette Diocese’s Office of Ra-dio/TV Ministry.

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July 2011 Page 5Acadiana Catholic

LAFAYETTELafayette Catholic Service

Centers celebrated a milestoneinitsworkofservingthepoorofAcadianawith the one-year an-niversaryof thenewSt. JosephDiner.Atotalof101,478mealshavebeenpreparedandservedatthenewlocation,sincethedoorsopened one year ago on Satur-day,May29,2010.

ThenewDinerwasconstruct-edinthehistoricBoustanybuild-ingontheCenters’maincampus,on the corner of St. John andSimcoe streets. The new 5,000squarefootfacilitywasdesignedspecifically to meet the needs of Diner patrons, donors and vol-unteers. The modern commer-cial kitchen and dignified sunlit dining room have allowed St.

Joseph Diner to meet the everincreasingneedforservices;anda large parking lot, lockers anda meeting room for volunteershaveallowedforgreatercollab-oration with donors, volunteersandcommunitypartners.

St.JosephDinerwillcontinueto serve lunch364days ayear,providingmealstothehungryofAcadiana. The Diner also pro-vides daily breakfast and lunchmealstotheresidentsofSt.Jo-sephShelterforMenandSt.Mi-chaelCenterforVeterans;mealsfive days a week to the home-bound; distributes over 4,000breadandcommodityboxesan-nually to low-income seniors;and gives holiday food boxesto families for Thanksgiving,ChristmasandEaster.

St. Joseph Diner marks first yearatnewlocation

The new St. Joseph Diner was constructed in the historic Boustany building on the La-fayette Catholic Service Centers’ main campus, on the corner of St. John and Simcoe streets.


Viewers of the Lafayette Diocese’s weekly televisionprogramTellthePeopleareremindedthattheshowwillbeonhiatusduringthemonthofJuly.Instead,the11:00a.m.time slot on KATC TV-3 will be filled with footage of local Catholic events which have been filmed and produced by the diocese’s Office of Radio/TV Ministry.


TellthePeoplewillreturnonSunday,August7,withRe-neeOry,whowilldiscussthefeaturesof theimproveddi-ocesanwebsitewhichwaslaunchedearlierthisyear.Othersegmentswillinclude“WhatItMeanstobeCatholic”withFather Michael Champagne, CJ, and “Interview with theBishop”withBishopMichaelJarrell.

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Page 6 July 2011 Acadiana Catholic

LAFAYETTE“Catholics Returning Home

(CRH)” is a six-session supportprogram which assists Catholicsinreturningtotheactivepracticeoftheirfaith.

Holy Cross and St. Pius XCatholic churches will togetherbeofferingasix-sessiontrainingprogram on Wednesdays begin-ning June 15 through July 22,from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at HolyCross Church in the Wisdommeetingroominbuilding“D”.

Catholics Returning Home tothis personal relationship withGodthroughtheChurchisachal-lengingstepformostpeoplewhohavebeeninactiveforanylengthoftime.

The program provides a wel-comingvenueforCatholicswhohavenotbeenconnectedtoafaithcommunitywhere:


u they can be helped to feelcomfortable participating in theworshipingcommunity



parishes in their planning forevangelization. Its simplicity,attractiveness and solid contenthaveenabledparishestobeveryeffective in attracting inactiveCatholics back to the Church.It’s practical, it’s workable andit’seffective.

Designedasanentrypointforreturning Catholics, the empha-sisinthesessionsisaboutmak-


ingthemfeelwelcome,acceptedandcomfortableinrejoiningthefaith community and participat-inginitssacramentallife.

The program can be brokendownbythefollowingschedule:



Week 3 - The Church today–changessinceVaticanII



Week 6 - not the end but thebeginning – the Creed: whatCatholicsbelieve

The CRH program is basedon the book Inviting Catholics Home by Sally Mews and canbe purchased through Liguori,

The CRH website is the USCCB (United StatesConference of Catholic Bish-ops).

To registeror formore infor-mation, please call Holy Crosschurch office at 984-9636 or John Schexnaildre, Adult Faith For-mationCoordinatorat654-9671or email: [email protected]. Another numbertocall for information is theSt.Pius X office at 232-4656 or Ashton Mouton, evangelizationminister at 296-6713 or email:[email protected].

This banner at St. Pius X Church in Lafayette annouinces the Catholics Returning Home program which will begin soon.

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July 2011 Page 7Acadiana Catholic


CourtImmaculataoftheCatho-licDaughtershelditsannualpriestappreciation luncheon at a localrestaurant. Clergy were honoredand long-time members recog-nizedatthis91stannualevent.

Special guests were FatherChesterArceneaux, pastor of theCathedral of St. John the Evan-gelist and court chaplain; FatherHerb Bennerfield, spiritual advi-sorfortheCDAfortheLafayettedioceseandpastorofOurLadyoftheLakeParish,Delcambre;sem-inarian Max Harrington who has


Regent Cheryl Luke presided.FatherArceneaux,whohasbeenattheCathedrallessthanayear,ex-pressed appreciation for thewel-comehehasreceivedandtheen-joymentofworkingwithallages,fromchildrenatCathedral-Carmelschooltotheelderlyandshut-ins.Father Bennerfield also expressed appreciationforthegoodworkthecourtaccomplishes.

A poem “Hands of Holy Or-ders” citing the good work ofpriests, was read by vice regentJodyChastant.

Financial secretary DionneParker made the presentationsto long-time members as fol-lows:longestactivememberEm-ilyLanoux;67yearmembership,JeanneDomingue;65years,Kath-leenToups;60years,AlineArce-neaux, Sadie Scotola; 25 years,ElsieBerhorst,AnnaMarieChais-son, andRoseDruilhet. PerfectattendanceJosephinePiccioneandCherylLuke.

VocalselectionswereofferedbyEmilyandElizabethMartinwhoalso led the closing “God BlessAmerica,”andwassungbyall.


The Friends of Charlene As-sociationwould like to inviteev-eryone toattend theannualMassof Petition marking the 52nd an-niversaryofthedeathofCharleneRichard. The Mass will be heldat St. Edward Church in RichardonFriday,August5,beginningat6:00 p.m. The celebrant will beFatherChuckBeierwaltes,CSsR,fromOconomowoc,Wisconsin.

Arosarywillalsoberecitedpri-ortotheMass,beginningat4:45p.m.,andDeaconReggieBollichwill also make a presentation re-gardingtheCharleneRichardMis-sionHouseinNorthernThailand.AlsobeforetheMass,thoseinat-tendancewillhavetheopportunityto meet and visit with Father Jo-sephBrennaninsideSt.Edward’shall,wherehewillbesigningcop-iesofhisbook,MyNameisChar-lene. Those who are interested

mayalsovisitaboothwhichwillbesetupinfrontofthechurchtodisplayandsellcraftsmadebythechildren of the Sarnelli HospiceOrphanageofThailand.

A reception will immediatelyfollowtheMass.

For additional information re-gardingCharleneRichard,the12-year-old girl who many call “thelittleCajunSaint,”pleasecontactthe Friends of Charlene at P.O.Box91623,Lafayette,LA70509-1623.

PLAISANCEThe monks at the Mother of


Indoingso,theywilljoinothermembersoftheBenedictinefamilyaroundtheworld,andtheyinvitetheir localBenedictineOblatestoparticipatewiththemaswell.

St. Benedict


A reception will follow theMass,andallareinvitedtoattend.For further information, pleasecontact the monastery at (337)543-2237.

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Page 8 July 2011 Acadiana Catholic

Father Chanh Nguyen, associate pastor of St. Ann Catholic Church, Mamou, present-ed and blessed Mrs. Euna Hollier of the Ladies Altar Society with a commemoration pendant of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the 50 years of committed and dedicated service to the Ladies Altar Society at the Mother’s Day weekend Vigil Mass recently. The Ladies Altar Society is a valued group of ladies who serve the church, sanctuary and sacristy and in other capacities as well. Photo ubmitted by Dianne Deculus.



The Lafayette Diocese’s Office ofChristianFormationwillhostits annual DRE/CRE TrainingDay on Saturday, July 23 at theImmaculataCenter inLafayette.Sign-inforthiseventwillbeginat8:30a.m.,sothatthetrainingmaybeheldfrom9:00a.m.until6:00p.m. Thefeefor theday is$45perpersonandincludeslunch;anadditional$5feewillalsoapplyto those who need to purchasea copy of the DRE Handbook.Those who already have a copyof the handbook should bring itwiththemfortheday.

This year’s presentations willcoveramultitudeoftopics,suchas: Alternative CatecheticalModels; Creating a Handbook;Dealing with Frustrations (par-ents, absentee catechists, etc.);Dealing with Strangers (cyberstalkers, intruders, etc.); Disci-pline;JobDescription;Meetingswith Parents/Students; RecordKeeping; Recruiting Volunteers;Resources & Polices; Safe En-

vironment; and Selecting Text-books/LessonPlans.

The focus of the DRE/CRETrainingDayistohelpnewDRE’s and CRE’s start out intheirnewministry,butallDRE’sandCRE’sare invited toattend.ThedayisconsideredLevelVI:15 credits, no hours, and alsoserves as an excellent opportu-nity for fellowship and buildingcommunity.

Due to the nature of thetrainingandlimitedspace,thosewho wish to participate are en-couragedtoregisterearly.Regis-trationformsmaybeobtainedbycontacting the Office of Christian Formationat(337)261-5674,orby going online to;select“ChristianFormation”undertheOFFICEStab,andthenselect “Workshop RegistrationInformation” from the SectionNavigation box located to theright.

Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court St. Paul #1434 sponsored the May Crown-ing of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the grotto at St. Bernard Church in Breaux Bridge, Children who participated in their First Communion are: Mackenzie Bertrand, Cadee Dautreuil, Colleen Angelle, Annie Lyons, Samual Lyons, Bryce Stevens, Annie Cramer, Emma Dumatrait, Kennedi LaCombe and CDA Regent Kathleen “Tina” Landry. Photo provided by Catholic Daughters Court St. Paul #1434


‘All the efforts of the human mind cannot exhaust the essence of a single fly.’

Thomas Aquinas

Page 9: Acadiana Catholic

July 2011 Page 9Acadiana Catholic

The Louisiana State Catholic Daughters of the Americas recently held their 44th Bi-ennial State Convention in Lake Charles. Pictured above from left to right are the 2011-2013 state officers: Joyce Stein of Vacherie, State Regent; Ellen Corbello of Iowa, First Vice State Regent; Pat Myers of Lake Charles, Second Vice State Regent; Barbara Michael of Baton Rouge, State Secretary; and Connie Dronette of Sulphur, State Treasurer.


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Anewmen’sgroupcalledtheKing’sMenisforminghereintheLafayette Diocese, with its first meeting scheduled for Tuesday,July 19. The group will gatherfrom 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the up-perroomofOurLadyofWisdomCatholic Student Center on theULcampusinLafayette.Allmen


The mission of the King’sMen states that, “Under ChristtheKing’suniversalcalltoserve,we as men, pledge to unite andbuild up other men in the moldofleader,protector,andproviderthrough:1.)educationonmascu-linespirituality,virtue,leadership,accountability, and mentorship,2.) formation and accountabilitymeetingswhichoffermenanop-

portunity to grow in virtue andaccountability, 3.) healing frompast sins and current behaviorsas well as choices and attitudesabouttheirmaleidentity,and4.)actionthroughcharitableprotestswhichemphasizethemessageoftrue love in God’s plan for sexandmarriage.”

Additionally, the credo of theKing’s Men sites humility, ac-countability, and sacramentalgrace as characteristics that canhelp men find freedom from sex-ualsinandaddiction.Thegroupencouragesmentoactivelyseekspiritual growth, and also offerssupportandchallengesmeant tohelp one another in all areas oflife.

For further information onthe King’s Men, please contactBrother Nicolas Dupre at (337)394-6550.



Lafayette.The twenty-four hour Adora-

tionChapel,hostedbytheCom-munity of Jesus Crucified at Holy Rosary,willhaveanewhomeonthe beautiful property at De LaSalle.

Persons who are interested inspendinganhourwith Jesusareaskedtocallthechapelcoordina-torsandscheduleatime.

The daytime coordinator (forhours 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.) isBrunella Cormier; she may becontacted at (337) 235-1876 or(337)278-9535.

The coordinator for nighthours(7:00p.m.to7:00a.m.)isCliffHebert;hemaybecontactedat (337) 332-3320. The coordi-nators are hoping to get at leasttwo committed adorers for eachhour.Pleaseconsiderhelpingtocontinue this powerful ministryof Eucharistic prayer in the La-fayettearea.

“If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever. ”

Thomas Aquinas

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Page 10 July 2011 Acadiana Catholic

LAFAYETTERegistration for the 2011 fall

coursesbeingofferedthroughtheAquinas Institute will begin onAugust1.Newandcurrentcreditstudents may contact the Lafay-ette Diocese’s Office of Chris-tianFormationat(337)261-5674fromAugust1-5torequestareg-istrationapplication;applicationswill be distributed according tospaceavailabilityfortherequest-ed class. Audit students maycontact the office from August 8-12, with the same registrationproceduretoapply.Allregistra-tionwillcloseat12:00noononFriday,August12.

The cost is $250 per coursefor credit students, and $75 percourse for audit students. Thetwocoursesbeingofferedduringthefall2011sessionareTHE340LiturgywithRev.WilliamBlan-daandTHE380ChurchHistorywithDr.KevinRoberts.

THE 340 Liturgy (3 semesterhrs.) will be held on Thursdayevenings from 6:00-8:45 p.m.inside Knight Hall Auditoriumat Our Lady of Fatima ChurchinLafayette. Classeswillbegin

2011coursesforAquinasInstitutebeginAug.1onSeptember8andconcludeonDecember22,withthecoursetoofferanin-depthstudyofbiblicalfoundations and the theologicalshape of Catholic worship. Be-ginningwiththetheologicalcon-ceptof“liturgy”asparticipationinthePaschalMysteryofChristand the life of the Trinity, thecourse will survey the shape oftheliturgyintheOldTestament,NewTestament,andcurrent-day.Particular attention will be paidto the renewal of the liturgy in-auguratedbytheSecondVaticanCouncil.

THE 380 Church History (3semester hrs.) will be held onTuesdayeveningsfrom6:00-8:45p.m.onthecampusofPopeJohnPaul II Academy in Lafayette.ClasseswillbeginonSeptember6andcontinuethroughDecember13,withthecoursetoofferagen-eral survey of events in the his-toryoftheCatholicChurchfromthe first century to the present. SpecialemphasiswillbegiventothedevelopmentoftheChurch’steachings and practices, as wellas the persons who shaped herhistory and the primary sources

thatspeakofthathistory.Foradditional information re-

garding the Aquinas Institute,


Listed below are the priests for whom Catholics are asked to pray daily. The calendar is sponsored by the Serra Club of Lafayette.Julyl PopeBenedictXVIJuly2 BishopMichaelJarrellJuly3 FatherLambertLein,SVDJuly4 FatherMartinLeonardsJuly5 FatherJamesLiprie,OSBJuly6 FatherThomasMadden,SJJuly7 Msgr.CharlesMalletJuly8 FatherCurtisMallet,JCL,VGJuly9 FatherJasonMangalath,SVDJuly10 FatherWilsonMattJuly11 FatherDismasMauk,SVDJuly12 FatherKennethMayneJuly13 FatherNeilMcNeillJuly14 FatherGlennMeaux,SOLTJuly15 FatherAaronMelanconJuly16 FatherBillMelanconJuly17 FatherMarkMelanconJuly18 Msgr.LouisMelanconJuly19 FatherJerryMesley

July20 Msgr.PaulMetrejeanJuly21 FatherHenryMiller,SJJuly22 FatherCharlesMoffatt,SSJJuly23 FatherThomasMontelaroJuly24 FatherMichaelMoody,SVDJuly25 FatherRandallMoreauJuly26 FatherJasonMoutonJuly27 Msgr.RichardMoutonJuly28 FatherJeromeNeyrey,SJJuly29 FatherJamesNguyenJuly30 FatherThomasNguyenEternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanc-tify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Je-sus’ name we pray. Amen.

Msgr.JeffersonDeBlanc July1,1977FatherLawrenceAbara July8,1978FatherJamesBrady July8,2006FatherBrianTaylor July8,2006,FatherJasonVidrine July8,2006FatherCyprianEze July9,1988 FatherRichardBroussard July15,2000FatherDenisA.OsuagwuCMF July15,1989FatherBryceSibley July15,2000BishopJudeSpeyrer July25,1953FatherFerdinandS.DerreraSJ July30,1961FatherFrancisW.HueteSJ July31,1982


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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday SaturdayFriday

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17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28




Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saint Benedict, AbbottHolyHourforVocations,St.PatrickChurch,Lafayette,



The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin



Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor






Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time




Weekday Weekday“MonthlyManna”EcumenicalLunchtimeSpeakerSeries,For-





[email protected]

Weekday Saint Mary Magdalen Weekday9:00a.m.-6:00p.m.DRE/


Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saint James, Apostle Saints Joakim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Weekday Weekday9:00a.m.-3:00p.m.Dayof

Prayer/Reflection for Catechists, ImmaculataCenter(FusilierHall)




Pray for your deceased clergy:Msgr. George J. Braquet, July 2, 1978Father Leslie Prescott, July 9, 1998Father Philip Brault, July 12, 1981Father Joseph G. Vaillancourt, July 14, 1961Father Jean B. LaChapelle, July 16, 1950Bishop Harold Perry, July 17, 1991Deacon John S. Guillet, July 18, 1986

Deacon James Oliver, July 18, 1998 Msgr. A.J. Vincent, July 19, 2005Father Stanley P. Begnaud, July 24, 1985 Father Alfred Gaudet, July 24, 1989Msgr. Joseph A. Lafleur, July 26, 1970Msgr. Anthony F. Isenberg, July 27, 1954Deacon Lloyd E. Barrios, July 28, 1994

LeagueoftheSacredHeartApostleshipofPrayerJuly general intention:


Mission intention:Forthereligiouswhoworkinmissionterritories,thattheymaybewitnessesofthejoyoftheGospelandlivingsignsofthelove



The Immaculate Heart of the

Blessed Virgin Mary

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

29Saint Martha





July 2011

For complete information on any event listed on this calendar, please see the diocesan website,, and click on “Home” in the upper left menu. Then click on “Calendar”. When the Calen-dar drops down, you may click on each individual event for further information.

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July 2011 Page 15Acadiana Catholic

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Need a quote or ready to sign up?Call Rebekah Canary at 337.281.2805

By Bishop Michael Jarrell

Two months afterthe conclusion of ourCatholicsComeHomeProgramintheDioceseofLafayette,theresultsoftheeffortarestillbe-ingstudied. CatholicsComeHomeconsistedof a series of televi-sion ads inviting non-practicingCatholics toreturn to the fullprac-ticeoftheirfaith.The

programconsistedof750adsonseventele-vision stations covering the entire Dioceseof Lafayette. Parishes were asked to takeaheadcountduringMassononeweekendinFebruaryandthenonaweekendinMay.Parishes in theDioceseofLafayettedonothaveahistoryofcountingthenumberofpa-rishionerswhoattendMassonweekends,soit was difficult to establish a base from which tomakecomparisons. Nonetheless, itdoesnotseemthattherewasadramaticincreaseinMass attendance as a result ofCatholicsComeHome.Inpreviousyears,severaldio-cesesintheUnitedStateshavereportedsuchincreases.

Nonetheless,theresponsetotheprogramhas been uniformly positive and often en-thusiastic. Ihaveconsultedwithnumerousgroupsandallhavevoicedastrongapprecia-tion for thisuniquepastoraleffort. Pastors

andothersintheDiocesehavesharednumerousanecdotesofpersonswhohaverespondedposi-tivelytotheads.Atthistimeasurveyofpastorsisbeingconductedinordertodoamorecom-pleteevaluationoftheresultsofCatholicsComeHome.Onepastornoted:“Wedidexperienceonecouplewhocameinforconfessionandin-quiredaboutcomingbacktochurch.Theysaidit was definitely because of the television spots thattheyreturned.Thespotsmadethemrealizesomethingwasmissingintheir livesandwereproudoftheirCatholicfaith.”


IamgratefultothePastoralOutreachInitia-tiveTaskForce,agroupappointedbymetopro-moteevangelizationintheDiocese. TheTaskForcehasalsobeeninstrumentalinprovidingin-formationtopastorsconcerninghousetohousevisitationandotherevangelizationefforts.

Onanothersubject,itseemsthattheDioceseofLafayettehasenteredanewphaseofchurchconstruction. Afewweeksago,IwaspleasedtoblessthenewResurrectionChapelinWhite-ville.Thepreviousstructurewasdestroyedbya small but vicious tornadoonChristmasEve2009. Whiteville is a mission of Saint PeterCatholicChurchinMorrow.Iextendcongratu-lationstothepeopleofWhitevillefortheirfaithanddedicationinthebuildingofanewchurch.


pital in Lafayette. The new hospital is a fine additiontothemedicalcommunityinLafay-ette.Thebeautifulchapelwillservethespiri-tualneedsofstaff,patientsandtheirfamiliesforyearstocome.

AnewSaintPeterCatholicChurchinPinePrairie is under construction. I don’t knowthe date of completion, but I assume thatsometimewithinthenextyeartherewillbeachurchblessinginPinePrairie.

In January 2001 a terrible fire destroyed the historic Immaculate Conception ChurchinWashington. Theparish isworkinghardatthistimetobegintheconstructionofanewchurch,afterwhichyetanotherchurchbless-ingwillbeinorder.ThesameistrueofOurLady Queen of Peace Church in Lafayette,which suffered a fire on April 16, 2010. The Churchwasnotdestroyed,butextensivere-pairsarerequired.Constructionofthesetwofacilitiesshouldbeginshortly.

Finally, the parishioners of Saint Pius XChurchinLafayetteareseriouslyconsideringthereplacementoftheircurrentchurchwhichthey have outgrown. A process of discern-ment isunderwayand theresultswillprob-ablybeannouncedshortly.

In Catholic theology it is clear that theChurchismadeupofthepeopleofGod.Yet,thepeopleofGodhavetraditionallysoughttobuild a fitting place of worship, a building in which thesacramentscanbecelebrated,es-peciallyHolyMass. Newchurchbuildingsaresignsofgrowthandvitality.Goodsignsindeed.



Following passage of legisla-tion to allow same-sex marriagein the state, theCatholicbishopsof New York expressed concern

“that both marriage and familywillbeunderminedbythistragicpresumptionofgovernment.”

In a June 24 statement, theheadsofthestate’seightCatholicdioceses said they were “deeplydisappointedandtroubled”atap-provalofabillthatwill“alterrad-icallyandforeverhumanity’shis-toricunderstandingofmarriage.”

Page 16: Acadiana Catholic

Page 16 July 2011 Acadiana Catholic

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LAFAYETTEThe Office of Hispanic Minis-

tryannouncedthatMissCristinaLuna Loya, graduated summacumlaudeinChemicalEngineer-ingfromtheUniversityofLoui-sianaatLafayetterecently.Cris-tinaisthedaughterofJoséLunaandMarthaLoya,whoareactivemembersof theHispanicMinis-tryPastoralLeadersCouncil.

Cristina is the third genera-tion in her family to pursue acareer in chemical engineering.“Asparents,we feelveryproudabout Cristina’s graduation,”


said her father, José Luna. “WearepleasedbecauseCristinahascompletedhertimeasauniversi-tystudent,duringwhichwesawher dedicate countless hours toher schoolwork, and now she isbeginninganewstageofherlifewhereshecanenjoy the fruitofherhardwork.”Headded:

“Weareall sure thata funda-mental part of Cristina’s forma-tion,onethatmadethisachieve-mentpossible,washerformationas a Catholic, which took placethese past five years in the His-paniccommunityofLafayette.”

Pictured above, from the left, are, Cristina’s mother, Martha Loya, her father, José Luna, her brother, José Luna Loya, Cristina, and her grandfather, José Luna.


The Office of Marriage & Fam-ily Life Ministry will sponsor adiocesan Marriage AnniversaryMass on Sunday, September 11,atSt.MaryChurchinLafayette.The Mass is intended to honorthose who are celebrating 25 or40 years of marriage, and a re-ceptionwillfollow.

Couples who register for theMass will be recognized with aspecial certificate presented to thembyBishopMichael Jarrell,whowillalsocelebratetheMass.RegistrationwillcloseonFriday,August 26. For more informa-tion, please contact the Office of Marriage&FamilyLifeat(337)261-5653,orvisittheMarriage&FamilyLife sectionof


St. Pius Elementary School inLafayettehasannouncedthatap-

plicationsarecurrentlybeingac-cepted for the 3rd Annual “AllGoodGifts”HolidayMarket.Theannualholidayshoppingevent—the proceeds of which benefit many projects of the school’sPTO—is scheduled for FridayandSaturday,December9-10, atSt. Pius Elementary School andParishLifeCenter.

“We’re excited about thegrowthofourshow,”saidJaniceLeBlanc,co-chairmanoftheHoli-dayMarket. “We’vegrown from30merchantsin2009to75mer-chantsin2010.Forthe2011mar-ket,we’llbeabletoaccommodate105merchants.”

Merchants may apply for, or contact [email protected] for further details.Theymayalsowriteto:St.PiusHolidayMarket,205EastBayouParkway,Lafayette,LA70508.

Merchandise at the St. PiusHoliday Market includes homedecor, art, fine apparel and jewel-ry,custommonogrammedgoods,children’s and men’s gifts, andgourmetfoods.Areaartisansandunique giftware are especiallypopular with the market’s pa-trons.

Page 17: Acadiana Catholic

July 2011 Page 17Acadiana Catholic

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A Mass of Christian BurialwascelebratedforFatherCharlesSoileau,82,aretiredpriestoftheDiocese of Lake Charles at St.LandryChurch,Opelousas.


HewasbornNov.10,1928inWashington, La. and studied atSt.JosephSeminaryinSt.Bene-dict,La.,anddidhisTheologicalstudiesatNotreDameSeminaryinNewOrleans.


Following his ordination,Father Soileau served as assis-tant pastor at St. Peter CatholicChurch in New Iberia and OurLadyofLourdesCatholicChurchinErath.

He was named pastor of St.Eugene Catholic Church inGrand Chenier in 1967, servingthereuntil1969whenhebecamepastor of Our Lady of the LakeCatholicChurchinLakeArthur.

In1974,hewastransferredtoSt.Anthony Catholic Church inEuniceaspastor,servingthereun-tillate1975whenhewasnamedpastor at Sacred Heart of JesusCatholic Church in Oakdale.During that time,healsoservedasDeanoftheEuniceDeanery.

When the Diocese of LakeCharleswasestablishedin1980,Father Soileau remained at Sa-cred Heart. In 1985, he was ap-pointed pastor of St. LawrenceCatholic Church in Raymond.During that time,healsoservedon the Diocese of Lake CharlesParish Boundaries Commission


In November 1986, FatherSoileauwasnamedpastorofSt.Joseph Catholic Church in Vin-ton remaining thereuntil his re-tirement from active ministry inJune1999.

Survivors include his brotherAlbertSoileauandwifeIreneofOpelousas, his sister Alice Mc-Clelland and husband Robertof Opelousas, and sister-in-lawKathleen Soileau of Ville Platteaswellasniecesandnephews.

He was preceded in death byhis parents, Willis and LouiseFisher Soileau; brother, WillisH. Soileau and a sister, FrancesOrtego.


AMassofChristianBurialwascelebrated at St. Joseph Catho-licChurch in Iota forCpl.Mat-thew Thomas Richard, 21, whowaskilledinAfghanistanJune9,2011.

Father Mikel Polson, pastor,wascelebrant for theMasswithpriests and deacons of the dio-ceseassisting.

Interment was at St. JosephCemetery.

Cpl.Thomas served with 2ndBattalion / 8th Marines. He issurvivedbyhisparents,JeffandAliciaArdoinRichard;onebroth-er, Joshua Paul Richard of Iota,one sister, Laura Elyse Richardof Iota; brother-in-law, Bryce

ThomasLeBlancofEstherwood;maternal grandparents, JamesCarrol and Margaret Ardoin ofRichard, La.; paternal grandpar-ents, Deacon Thomas JeffersonandGlendaDoucetRichard;andpaternalgreat-grandmothers,Be-atrice Caswell Doucet and LiliaSuireRichard.

Cpl. Richard is preceded indeath by his maternal grand-mother,ElmaJaneCourvilleAr-doin;paternalgreat-grandfathersJames Leroy Doucet and NoahJosephRichard.


The transformation of breadandwineintothebodyandbloodof Jesus Christ is like the trans-formation people undergo whenthey give themselves up to theloveofGod,PopeBenedictXVIsaid.



In a Mass at Basilica of St.JohnLateranJune23celebratingthefeastof theBodyandBloodof Christ, the pope said that thetransformativepowerof theEu-charistmadeit“thefoodofeter-nallife.”

At the Last Supper, he said,Jesus overturned the meaningofdeath.ThechangingofbreadandwineintothebodyandbloodofChrist “is the fruitof thegiftChristmadeofhimself,thegiftoflovethatisstrongerthandeath.”Its purpose is to transform livesand therefore transform theworld,thepopesaid.

The sacrament of Holy Com-munion underscores the socialcommitment inherent in thechurch, Pope Benedict said, be-causewhoeverrecognizesChristin thehost“alsoseeshiminhisbrotherwhosuffers,whoishun-gryorthirsty,orwhoisalone,na-ked,sickorimprisoned.”

The recognition and commit-menttohelpothersisevenmoreimportant inaworldwhereglo-balizationmakeseveryonemoredependent upon each other, thepopesaid.

Page 18: Acadiana Catholic

Page 18 July 2011 Acadiana Catholic


TheSt.PiusXSinglesGroupwill begin meeting again duringthesummer.

PiusXSinglesGroupisafam-ily of friends who strive to bal-ancethe spiritualandsocialas-pectsoftheirlives.

Thegroupofsinglemenandwomenovertheageof30regu-larly plan socials and meetingswith an array of interestingspeakers. Meetings are held onthesecondandfourthThursdayof each month in the meetingroombehindSt.PiusXChurchatthecornerofE.BayouParkwayandKalisteSaloomRoadat7:00p.m.

To be added to an email list,send your request to [email protected] at 232- 4656.


The Lafayette Diocese’s Office ofChristianFormationwillhostaDayofPrayerforDRE/religionadministrators and catechists onThursday,July28attheImmac-ulata Center in Lafayette. Thespeaker will be Martha Gaynoefrom Catholic Relief Services,and her presentation will focuson “Living Your Faith AroundtheWorld.”

Sign-inforthiseventwillbeginat8:30a.m.,withMs.Gaynoe’spresentationtobeheldfrom9:00a.m.until3:00p.m.Ms.Gaynoeis a relationship manager withCatholic Relief Services (CRS)Southeast regional office located in Atlanta, Georgia. Currently,shetravelsthroughouttheSouth-east toeducateCatholicson themany educational curricula andprograms which are availablethrough CRS, and internationaladvocacyissues,fairtrade,Cath-olic social teaching, and globalsolidarity. Ms. Gaynoe is alsoa former Catholic high schoolteacher, campus minister, youthminister, Director of Religious

Education, regional conferencecoordinator, and mission tripcoordinator todevelopingcoun-tries. Shehasearnedanunder-graduatedegreeinEnglishEdu-cation from Auburn University,amasterofReligiousEducationfromLoyolaofNewOrleans,andcertification in spiritual direction fromSpringHillCollege.

The day will be consideredLevelIVorV:4credits,orLev-elVI:6credits,5hoursorCon-tinuing Education for Certified Catechists. The cost is $10perperson, which includes lunch.Limited space is available, andthosewhoare interestedareen-couragedtoregisterearly.Reg-istrationformsmayberequestedfrom the Office of Christian Formationbycalling(337)261-5674,;select“ChristianFor-mation”fromtheOFFICEStab,and then selection “WorkshopRegistration Information” fromthe Section Navigation box lo-catedtotheright.


Attentionallcouples—wanttolearnexcitingnewways tocon-


The Josephite Priests andBrothers recently elected FatherWilliamL.Norvel,SSJ,asSupe-riorGeneralduringtheirGeneralConferencewhichwasheldatSt.JosephSeminaryinWashington,D.C.Theconferencetakesplaceeveryfouryearstoconductregu-larbusinessby electedrepresenta-tivesof thec o m m u -nity.

F a t h e rNorvel isa native ofPascagou-la, Missis-sippi and the current Pastor ofOur Lady of Perpetual Help inWashington, D.C. He is the first

African American selected toserveastheSuperiorGeneralfortheJosephites.Histermrunsforfouryears.

FatherNorvelhasbeenalead-er inbringingAfricanAmericanspirituality into liturgy in theUnitedStates.Heiscreditedwithstarting the gospel choir move-ment in this country. He hasalso opened a Josephite houseofspiritualformationinNigeria,served as consultor general fortheJosephiteswhenFatherJohnFilippelli was superior general,andservedaspresidentoftheNa-tionalBlackClergyCaucus.

Also during the conference,twoothermemberswereselectedfor Josephite leadership. FatherMichael L. Thompson, SSJ, 53,wasselectedasVicarGeneral;heiscurrentlypastorofSt.FrancisXavier Parish in Baton Rouge,Louisiana.FatherThomasFrank,SSJ,59,wasselectedasconsultorgeneral;heiscurrentlyPastorofSt.BrigidParishinLosAngeles.Theleadershipteamwillbemov-ingtotheJosephiteheadquartersinBaltimoreinthenearfuture.

The St. Joseph Society of theSacredHeart,(theJosephites)isacongregationofpriestsandbroth-erswhoseexclusivemissionistotheAfricanAmericancommuni-ty.FoundedaftertheCivilWartoministertonewlyfreedslaves,theorganizationhasservedtheAfri-can American community since1871and isoneofonly twoor-dersofpriestswhoministeronlyintheUnitedStates.TheSocietyserves in over 40 parishes, onehighschoolandseveralelemen-tary schools; spanning six statesandtheDistrictofColumbia.

Father Norvel, SSJ

nectduringyourtimetogether?Demands of children, work,

and family can make it seemnearly impossible to carve outtime for yourselves as a couple.“OurTimeTogether:ARevitaliz-ingCouplesNight”is thethemefor the upcoming three-eveningserieswhich is scheduled tobe-ginonFriday,September2.Theremaining two evenings will beheldonOctober7andNovember4.

To register or request furtherinformation, please contact theoffice of Marriage & Family Life at (337) 261-5653, or visit theMarriage & Family Life

Page 19: Acadiana Catholic

July 2011 Page 19Acadiana Catholic

A missionary first told him.

When Ame Voilong was about 12

years old, he heard about Jesus from

an Italian priest who had journeyed to

Ame’s homeland of Myanmar.

Within a year, he was baptized.

Today, Voilong is like the Italian mis-

sionary who first told him the “Good

News.” He travels throughout his new home

village, now in Thailand, with, he says, “a zeal to tell about Jesus and His

love.” More than 50 people have been baptized through his instruction.

Won’t you help catechists in the Missions as they continue to bring the hope-filled “Good News”

of Jesus Christ to your mission family?

The Society for The ProPagaTion of The faiTh

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New members from southLouisianawerereceivedintotheEquestrian Order of the HolySepulchre during their weekend(June4-6)meetinghere.Mem-bers from theSouthernLieuten-ancy gathered at the RooseveltHotelfortheirannualmeeting.

The investiture of new mem-bers, memorial Mass and otherserviceswereheldatImmaculateConception Church on BaronneStreet,acrossfromthehotel.

ReceivedfromLafayettewereFatherW.CurtisMallet,J.P.andMary Margaret Hebert, SenatorMikeandMrs.MoniqueMichot.

Received from the LakeCharlesdiocesewereFatherAn-thony Fontenot, pastor of Im-maculate Conception Church,Jennings; Charles and Joanna

Vincelli of Immaculate Concep-tion Cathedral, Lake Charles.Bernard Beaco of St. HenryParish was promoted to KnightGrandCross.BishopGlenJohnProvost of Lake Charles cele-bratedthetravelers’Masswhich




Through the years Jane hasgraciously served thousands ofFatimastudents,faculty,staffandparents.

According to school officials, she has inspired many with herconstantsmileandwillingnesstohelp.JanewashonoredatanallschoolMassatOurLadyofFati-marecently.

By Father Frank Pavone

The Sacrament ofAbortion is the titleof a book written byGinetteParisandpub-lished in 1992. In thisshort book, the authorclaims that abortion isa sacred act, a sacrifice to Artemis (known totheRomansasDiana).

Artemis is both aprotectorofwildanimalsandahunterwhokillsthemwithdeadlyaim.Howcanthesecontradictoryrolesbefoundinthesamefe-maledeity?Theviewproposedinthisbookisthatamotherproperlycaresforlifeonlyif she possesses full power over life anddeath.Deathissometimespreferable.Theone who can provide death, in order thatonemayescapeanunfriendlylife,isreallylovingtheonewhoisbeingkilled.

Abortion, then, is seen as “an expressionofmaternalresponsibilityandnotafailureofmaternallove”(p.8).“Artemisstandsfortherefusaltogivelifeifthegiftisnotpureanduntainted….AsArtemismightkillawoundedanimalratherthanallowittolimpalongmis-erably,soamotherwishestosparethechildapainfuldestiny”(p.55).

Artemis, of course, is the same goddesswhose worshippers felt so threatened byPaul’s proclamation of the Gospel in Ephe-sus,whereariotnearlybrokeoutandavastcrowd shouted for two hours, “Great isAr-temis of the Ephesians!” (Acts 19:34). TheworshippersofArtemistodayshouldlikewisefeelthattheirbeliefsarethreatened,becausethe proclamation of the Gospel of Christis that He alone has authority over life anddeath.Neitherthemother,northefather,northestate,northeindividualherself,canclaimabsolutedominionoverlife.“Nobodylivesashisownmaster,andnobodydiesashisownmaster.Whilewelive,weareresponsibleto


Thefactthatsomedefendabortionasasacredactshouldalertustothedepthofthespiritualwarfarethatisgoingon.Abortionhasneverbeenmerelyorevenprimarilyapoliticalissue.Itisafalsereligion.Whenpro-life Christians, for example, pray infront of an abortion mill, it is not simplyamatterofpro-lifepeopleopposingfalsemedicine. It is the true Church in conflict withafalseChurch.Oneformerclinicse-curityguard,afterbeingconverted,admit-tedwhyhewasangryatpro-lifesidewalkcounselors:“Youwerecomingtoprotestinfrontofourchurch.Thatclinicwaswhereweconductedourworship.”

Mayallbelievers,andtheirclergy,takerenewedstrengthtospeakoutagainstabor-tion.Notonly isdoingsoconsistentwiththe proclamation of the Gospel; it is theproclamationoftheGospel.


closedthethree-daymeeting.TheSouthernLieutenancy in-

cludesmembersfromLouisiana,Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia,FloridaandSouthCarolina.

The Equestrian Order of theHoly Sepulchre is a Catholic

order of knighthood under theprotection of the papacy. Since1949, the office of Grand Master, headoftheorder,isheldbyacar-dinal.MostrecentGrandMasterwasCardinalJohnPatrickFoleyofPhiladelphia.

Page 20: Acadiana Catholic

Page 20 July 2011 Acadiana Catholic

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“We are all called to be trans-formed,” Father Edward DuhontoldthoseattendingtheJune“Foodfor the Journey” gathering at theCrownePlazaHotel.Themonthlyluncheon session is sponsored bytheCentralAcadianaRegionfea-turingareaclergyasguestspeakerson spiritual topics. FatherDuhonisassociatepastorofSacredHeartParish,Broussard.

“We are being transformed allthetime,”FatherDuhoncontinued,“whatdoesthismean?Itcanbeamovementfromsomethinggoodtosomething better; from healthy tohealthier.”

Psychologists say there arestagesofdevelopment–thecreativeonebeforebirth. Even there it ispossible to have external influenc-es. The second stage–two yearsold,thetoddler;adolescence,earlyadulthood,adulthood,oldage,veryoldage.

“These are stages of recogni-tion,fromimmaturitytomaturity,”FatherDuhonexplained.“Wearechangedfromglorytoglory.Theglory is received through Jesus,by His passion, death and resur-


rection. We have been called tobelikeJesusandthroughfaithwewillexperience thesame transfor-mation. :This is not being ‘littlegods,”FatherDuhonwarned,“butbeingwithGod.”

Father Duhon reminded thegreatest symbol of transformationis changing the water into wine,intoChrist’sBodyandBlood,Souland Divinity. “What does thismean,WearecalledtoreceiveanewSpirit;wemustnotbeafraid.”

Father Duhon recalled a trip to

the Holy Land where he had theprivilegeofcelebratingMassatthetomb of Jesus. It was an affirmation ofhiscalltothepriesthood.

“Wearecalledtobetransformedthroughfear,”FatherDuhonnoted.“What does God want you to doso you can be transformed?” heasked.

“Pray over it, face the issueshead on with confidence. Do not beafraid,youwillbetransformedbylife’sexperiences,Jesusiswait-ingtohelpyou,”heconcluded.

FatherDuhonwasintroducedbyMaryBergeron,executiveassistantto Father Thomas James, S.V.D.,centralregionvicar.

She thanked her team, headedbyGayleLandry,whohandlesar-rangementsforthemonthlygather-ing.

Father Edward Duhon, center, was guest speaker for the June “Food for the Journey” speakers series luncheon at Crowne Plaza Hotel in Lafayette. Pictured with Father Duhon are, Gayle Landry, regional chairperson for “Food for the Journey,” left, and Mary Bergeron, right, regional assistant for the Central Region of the diocese.


A United Nations-mandatedreport on compliance with inter-nationalobligationsregardingtheprotection and rights of childrenwillbe readyforsubmission thisautumn,aVaticandiplomatsaid.

ArchbishopSilvanoTomasi,theVatican’s representative to U.N.agenciesinGeneva,toldCatholicNewsServicethatthereportwasnearing completion and wouldprobablybepresentedinSeptem-berorOctober.

The U.N. Committee on theRightsoftheChildcallsforgov-ernmentsofsignatorycountriesoftheConventionontheRightsoftheChildtosubmitacomprehensivereviewofhowconventionregula-tions are being implemented, aswell as progress reports every five years.TheVaticanispartytotheconvention and did not send itsreport when first due in 1997.

TheVatican’sreportisawaitedwithparticularinterest,especial-lybysomehumanrightsgroups,because of report of the sexualabuse of minors by clergy andother church figures.

Amnesty International namedthe Vatican in its annual reportreleased in May for failing tocomplywithinternationalobliga-tions regarding theprotectionofchildren, including from sexualabuse.

Page 21: Acadiana Catholic

July 2011 Page 21Acadiana Catholic

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Clergy appointments an-nouncedbyBishopMichaelJar-rellincludeanewvocationdirec-tor and first assignments for four newlyordainedpriests.Mostas-signmentsareeffectiveJuly1.

FatherKevinBordelonisnewdirector of vocations and semi-narians. He succeeds FatherAaron Melancon who has heldthepostforsevenyears. Fa-therBordelon,ordainedin2005,iscurrentlypastorofSt.LeoPar-ish.RobertsCove,andhashadpastoralassignmentsinLafayetteandAbbeville.Hehasalsobeen

Abbeville,is appoint-ed associ-ate pas-tor of Sts.Peter andPaulparish,Scott.

F a t h e rJohnathanJanise,whois fromSa-cred Heartp a r i s h ,VillePlatte,is appoint-ed associ-ate pastorofSt.Peter,Carencro.

F a t h e rGarrettMc-Intyre,whois from St. Bernadette, BayouVista,isappointedassociatepas-torofSacredHeart,VillePlatte.

Two young priests have beengiven first pastorates. Father Clint Trahan is appointed pas-tor of Immaculate Conception,Morse,andSt. John theBaptist,LyonsPoint. Hehasbeenasso-ciatepastorofSt.JosephParish,Rayne.InMorse,FatherTrahanreplaces Father Donald PoussonwhoisappointedassociatepastorofSt.Bernard,BreauxBridge.

Another new pastor is FatherJoshuaGuillory,appointedpastorof Sacred Heart and St. Joseph,VillePlatteandSacredHeart,Be-laireCove.Hehasbeenassociatepastor inVillePlatte. Hesuc-ceedsFatherGeneTremiewhoisappointed pastor of St. Marcell-lus,Rynella.


Newvocationsdirector,assignmentsfornewlyordainedi n c l u d eFather BillJohn Mel-ancon ap-p o i n t e dpastor ofOur LadyofLourdes,Erath. Hehas beenpastor ofSt. Peter,C a r e n -cro. Fa-ther MarkL e d o u x ,who hasbeen pas-tor of St.A n t h o n y,K r o t zSprings, isappointed

pastor of St. Peter, Carencro.Father Thanh Nguyen, who hasbeen pastor in Henderson is ap-pointedpastorinKrotzSprings.


Father Neil McNeill is ap-pointed pastor of St. John theEvangelist,Mermentauandmis-sion St. Margaret, Estherwood.FatherMcNeillhasbeenassoci-atepastorofSt.Bernard,BreauxBridge.

FatherPaulBroussardappoint-edadministratorofSt.Leo,Rob-erts Cove. He replaces FatherBordelon.FatherBroussardhasbeenpastorSt.Joseph,Cecilia.

FatherRustyRichard,whohasbeen out of the diocese, has re-turnedandisappointedpastorofSt.MartinofTours,St. Martin-ville.HereplacesMsgr.Douglas

Courville, appointed pastor ofSt.Stephen,Berwick.

Father Randall Moreau, whohas been in residence in Scottis appointed in residence atOurLadyoftheSacredHeart,ChurchPoint.

FatherKendallFaulk,whohasbeen associate pastor of St.An-thony,Eunice,isappointedasso-ciatepastorofSt.Joseph,Rayne.

Father Justin Arockiasamy,S.V.D. is appointed pastor ofHoly Family, Lawtell and St.Anne,Mallet.

EffectiveJune30,FatherWal-terCerbin,,S.S.J.,whohasbeenpastor of Immaculate Concep-tion,LeBeau,isretiringfromtheactivepriesthood.

FatherClintonSensat,whohasbeen associate pastor of SacredHeart, Ville Platte, is appointedtomakefurtherstudiesleadingtoanadvanceddegreeinsystematictheology.

Effective immediately, FatherCharlesLangloishasresignedasecumenical officer for the Dio-ceseofLafayette.

Father Aaron Melancon

Father Kevin Bordelon

Father Nathan Comeaux Father David Hebert

Father Johnathan Janise Father Garrett McIntyre

appointedassociatepastoroftheCathedral of St. John the Evan-gelistinadditiontohisdiocesanduties.

First assignments have beenmade for four newly ordainedpriests.FatherNathanComeaux,who is fromSt. MarcellusPar-ish,Rynella,isappointedassoci-atepastorofSt.AnthonyParish,Eunice.

Father David Hebert, who isfromSt.MaryMagdalenparish,

Page 22: Acadiana Catholic

Page 22 July 2011 Acadiana Catholic


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EXTREME MAKEOVER – SOUL EDITIONAreyouamongthethousandsofpeoplewhowatchthehitpro-

gram“ExtremeMakeover–HomeEdition”? Theprogrampres-entsheartwarmingstoriesoffamiliesfacinghugeneedsofallkindswhoselivesareradicallychangedthroughthegenerosityofhundredsofvolunteerswhoprovidethemwithanadequatehomeequippedtomeettheirfamily’sneeds.

Wemayneverqualifyforthekindofassistanceofferedonthetelevision program, but did you know there is another “extrememakeover”availableinourdiocese...a“makeoverofthesoul?”Itengagestheskillsofa“Mastercarpenter”andexpert“interiordeco-rator”betterknownasJesusofNazareth!

EveryweekendOurLadyof theOaksbecomes the setting forpowerful“makeovers”ofpeople’sheartsandsouls.TheretreatsofferedtherearebasedonSt.Ignatius’SpiritualExercises,ablue-printofhowone’sspirituallifeistobebuilt.TheytellthestoryofIgnatius’own“makeover”whichbeganwithhisconversionbackinthe16thcentury.HisexercisesserveasamodelforallseekersofadeeperrelationshipwiththeLord.

WaybeforethedaysofSt.Ignatius,theGospelsgiveusmultipleexamplesofJesusbringingabout“extrememakeovers”inpeople’slives….MaryMagdalene,Zacchaeus,thehemorrhagicwoman,thedemoniac, theblindman,etc. Theonlypre-requisiteswere:1)arecognizedneed,and2)faithinJesus’power.

We all qualify according to the first stipulation. We have needs of allkinds,butwhataboutthesecondstipulation:dowehavefaithinJesus’powertotransformourlives?

ThereisnothingourSaviordesiresmorethansharingHisnewlifewithus.AretreatatOurLadyoftheOaksprovidestheperfectsetting to meet this Savior in prayer and reflection. Consider mak-ingtimethissummerforwhatcouldbealife-changingexperience.AllowthisMasterbuildertoreconstructyouasanewtempleofHisSpirit. By so doing, you will not only experience the great benefits inyourownlife,butsowillallthosewhoselivesyoutouch.

Simone DuboisSpiritual Director/Retreat Director

Our Lady of the Oaks Retreat House

A Vacation with the LordOurLadyoftheOaksRetreatHouse,GrandCoteau,La.(337)662-5410

Addressing pilgrims June 26 on the feast of Corpus Christi, which commemorates the institution of the Eucharist, the pope said the Eucharist was like the “pulsing heart” that gives life and meaning to everything the church does. Pope Benedict XVI kneels as he leads the Corpus Christi procession from the Basilica of St. John Lateran to the Ba-silica of St. Mary Major in Rome June 23. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

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“Today,eachofuswilllayhandsonyou.WedosoinaferventprayerforthebestowaloftheHolySpirit,butalsoinagreatdisplayofourbondofbrotherhood.Mybrothers,allofusheretodaypraythat the Lord may fill you with his Holy Spirit, bestow upon you his choicestblessings, and, throughyou,bringpeace and salvation tothoseyouserve,”thebishopconcluded.

Rite of OrdinationTheriteofordinationbeginsjustbeforethebishop’shomilywith

thecall,givenbyFatherKevinBordelon,andthepresentationofthecandidatesbyFatherAaronMelancon.ThentestimonyonbehalfofthecandidateswasgivenbyFatherDonaldMartin,S.J.,representingNotreDameSeminaryinNewOrleanswhereComeaux,JaniseandMcIntyrehavemadetheirstudies.FatherJavierBustosrepresentedSacredHeartSeminary,HalesCorners,Wis.,whereHebertmadehisstudies.Thebishopexpresseshiswillingnesstoordainthemandthecongregationassentswithgenerousapplause.Afterthehomily,thecandidatesindividuallyapproachthebishopandpromiseobedience.They then prostrate themselves on the floor of the sanctuary for the recitationoftheLitanyofSaints.


At the end of Mass, the bishop prays special final blessings: “May Godmakeyouservantsandwitnessesofdivineloveandtruthintheworldandfaithfulministersofreconciliation.MayGodmakeyoutruepastorswhonourishthefaithfulwithlivingbreadandthewordoflife,thattheymaycontinuetogrowintheonebodyofChrist.”

Theceremonyconcludeswiththesingingofthetraditional“SalveRegina.”Duringthesingingofthishymn,thenewlyordainedgiveBishop Jarrell their first blessing.

Lectors for the Mass were Betty Trahan and seminarian ChrisCambre.DeaconoftheGospelwasRev.Mr.WilliamSchambough.MastersofceremonieswereFathersWilliamBlandaandJasonVid-rine.SpecialmusicwasprovidedbytheCathedralchoirandorches-tradirectedbyTomNiel.

The newly ordained have received their first pastoral assignments asassociatepastorsasfollowsFatherComeaux,St.Anthony,Eunice;Father Hebert, Sts. Peter and Paul, Scott; Father Janise, St. Peter,Carencro,andFatherMcIntyre,SacredHeart,VillePlatte.

OneveofPentecost–ordinationriteemphasizestheroleoftheHolySpiritContinued from page 3

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Four men ordained to the priesthood on June 11, 2011

“I definitely define myself as the reluctant seminarian, because this is a second career for me, and I really fought the calling my whole life. . . ‘surely, God, you can’t mean me--I’m not worthy enough to serve you!’ . . .but God has his way of getting your atten-tion.”

Father David Hebert

“My mother began to teach me my prayers to prepare me for my first communion; that’s when I remember really starting to think about faith. . .when my father volunteered to teach religion classes in the afternoon, that really made a strong influence on me. . .he would bring us to religion classes, and so it really gave me a positive influence and helped inspire my vocation along the way.”

Father Johnathan Janise

“I didn’t even think about the priesthood growing up. . .[my vocation] came after a profound spiritual encounter with God, where I wasn’t leading too holy of a life, and He kind of stepped in and awakened me, and short-ly after called me to the priest-hood.”

Father Nathan Comeaux

Standing from left to right behind Bishop Michael Jarrell, newly ordained Fathers Gar-rett McIntyre, Johnathan Janise, David Hebert, and Nathan Comeaux concelebrate the Ordination Mass.

During the Litany of Supplication, the Church calls upon the Saints to intercede for the Elect as they prostrate themselves before the Altar of God.

All of the priests gathered for the Ordination also come forward to lay hands on the four Elect.

The Ordained are assisted by other priests as they are vested in stoles and cha-subles.

“I began to think about the priesthood when I was young. . .serving Mass and being involved in parish life. . . .I was just encouraged by the people in my parish, and really inspired to serve and to discern priest-hood.”

Father Garrett McIntyre

In an ancient and solemn gesture, Bishop Jarrell lays hands on one of those being ordained.

The Elect stand before Bishop Jarrell after his homily, during which he ad-dressed them and the Assembly on the duties of a priest.

The Elect stand before Bishop Jarrell

All of the priests gathered for the Ordination also come forward to lay hands on the

The Ordained are assisted by other priests as they are vested in stoles and cha-

In an ancient and solemn gesture,

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Congratulations, Best Wishes, and God Bless!

Traditionally, parents of newly ordained priests present a chalice to the bishop so that he may pass it on to their sons.

“I want to be remembered as a holy priest. I don’t care about any kind of accolades or honors. . .just being a simple, holy priest.”

Father Nathan Comeaux

“I hope to be a good father to people, and to lead people to Jesus Christ, and being remembered as a holy priest wouldn’t be so bad.”

Father Garrett McIntyre

“I would like to be remembered as a holy priest, and a compas-sionate priest who was able to minister to the people and relate to their lives. . .and help them to see how God is in their lives. . .”

Father David Hebert

“I want to be remembered as a good father and a faithful ser-vant, and someone who helped others, or helped bring others to our Lord.”

Father Johnathan Janise

The newly Ordained assist in distributing Holy Communion to the congregation.

Bishop Jarrell looks on as the gathered priests offer the Fraternal Kiss of Peace to the Ordained.

Photos by Peter C. Piazza

All quotes were taken from the 05-29-11 episode of CatholicsToday, a production of the Lafay-ette Diocese’s Office of Radio/TV Ministry. The full 30-minute in-terview featuring the four newly ordained priests may be viewed online at, under the Catholics Today section of Radio/TV Ministry page.

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The Lafayette Diocese’s Office of Radio/TV Ministry was pleased to film the first Masses of the priests who were ordained on June 11. These Masses will air on AOC (Cox Ch. 15), KDCG TV-22 (Cox Ch. 9), and KSIG Radio (1450 AM) during the weeks indicated below. KSIG will air the Mass from 7:00-8:00 a.m. For exact television air times, please refer to each station’s programming schedules at and

The week of July 10 will feature the first Mass of Father Nathan Co-meaux, which he celebrated at St. Marcellus Church in Rynella.

The week of July 17 will feature the first Mass of Father David He-bert, which he celebrated at St. Mary Magdalen Church in Abbeville.

The week of July 24 will feature a Mass of Thanksgiving celebrated by Father Johnathan Janise at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Ville Platte.

The week of July 31 will feature the first Mass of Father Garrett Mc-Intyre, which he celebrated at St. Bernadette Church in Bayou Vista.

The Masses will also be featured on the diocesan website,, through the Radio/TV Ministry section.

All photos provided by courtesy of the Lafayette Diocese’s Office of Radio/TV Ministry.

Watch the first Masses of the four newly ordained priests

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Photos by P.C. Piazza

(Photo of Matthew Hebert by Michelle, LLC)

219 Msgr. Wm. J. Teurlings Burse #1 13,417.00236 John E. Lee Jr. Burse 9,324.60 239 St. Joseph Burse 9,076.48242 Lee C. Lavergne Burse 7,079.73244 Rev. Julian Van Exem Burse #2 12,524.06248 Msgr. Alphonsus Martel Burse 11,000.00253 Serra Club Burse 15,034.49254 Rusty Randol Burse 1,742.76260 St. Theresa Burse #2 5,697.46266 Paul and Mary Karre Burse 2,105.00268 M/M Willie Fournet Burse #2 570.65271 Msgr. Joseph Van Brero Burse 710.00272 Msgr. P. Alexandre Borel Burse 1,625.00274 Msgr. Emery Labbe Burse 6,310.00278 Msgr. Daniel Bernard Burse 3,674.64281 Rev. Harry Van Tiel Family Burse 3,969.00283 Noemie L. Petitijean Burse 1,000.00284 Msgr. Daniel Habetz Burse 6,590.00286 P.J. Reiners Burse #2 9,500.00288 Rev. Oscar Drapeau Burse 2,000.00290 Rev. P.G.J. Kemps Burse 1,000.00291 Lucille M. Griffin Memorial Burse 5,000.00292 Anonymous Burse 10,470.00293 Msgr. Fernand Gouaux Burse 4,770.00294 Robert A. Frey Memorial Burse 7,360.00297 “A Priest” Burse #2 7,400.00308 Harold/Ruby Moreau Family Memorial Burse 5,000.00309 Libby Holcombre Memorial Burse 2,000.00318 Msgr. Marcel Murie 5,260.00319 Rev. Marcel & Alfred Gaudet #5 1,942.80 322 Rev. Jean Fidele Paradis #2 5,000.00323 Charlene Richard 3,030.00326 Fr. Raphael Gauthier #2 3,757.17327 Msgr. Albert Bacque #2 325.00330 Rev. Verbis Lafleur #3 7,400.00332 Ben & Louisa Larriviere #2 3,750.00337 Colonel, Chaplain Kenneth A. Bienvenu, USAF, Burse #2 14,214.99340 Rev. James Doiron 2,272.17346 Msgr. Alexander O. Sigur Memorial 2,250.00348 Rev. J. Wilson Matt & Mire Families 450.00351 Rev. Alcide Sonnier Burse #2 11,300.00352 St. Edmond Church Parish (In memory of Frs. Dowling & Murray, SM) 9,000.00354 Catholic Daughters #3 10,200.63355 Gabriel Lucas Seminary Memorial Fund (Morse) 15,000.00356 Mrs. Louise L. White Memorial Fund 10,110.00358 Therese Esteves #5 7,516.49359 St. Peter’s Parish – New Iberia 10,422.35363 Ramona Crosby Bennerfield Burse 2,155.52364 St. Jude Burse #2 8,030.00366 A. Otis and Etta B. Hebert Memorial Burse 5,000.00367 Bishop Edward J. O’Donnell Burse 3,545.00368 Rev. J.C. Speyrer Burse 10,000.00370 Msgr. C. Burton Mouton Burse 10,700.00375 Msgr. Charles Marin 100.00376 Bishop Jeanmard Burse 4,464.00377 Marie Louise Franques- Kenneth N. LaCaze Burse 3,000.00378 Bishop Gerard L. Frey Memorial Burse 12,522.00379 Rev. Moise Hebert #2 3,403.61380 Lay Honorees #7 3,200.10381 In memory of Mrs. Dorphi Duhon 2,181.50382 Rev. Raymond Robitaille #2 11,000383 James Kerney Bourque Memorial Burse 3,930.00384 Bishop Schexnayder Mem. Vurse #3 940.19385 Rev. Mike Bakowski Memorial Burse 2,800.00386 Coignard/Gremillion Burse #2 1,500.00387 Gabriel Lukas Memorial Fund (Morse) 194.21

MAY & JUNE DONORS330 Carroll/Richard Lafleur 100.00330 Carroll/Richard Lafleur 100.00363 Marilyn Hargrave 30.00385 G. Bakowski Foundation 200.00386 Charles Coignard 500.00

IncompleteSeminaryBursesYour Contributions HelpEducate Future Priests

BRIAN HARRINGTON, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Harrington, is in his Third Theology Year at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland. He is spon-sored by the Cathedral of St. John, Lafayette.

TAJ GLODD is the son of Mrs. Zelma Kenner-son Glodd and the late Mr. Samuel Thomas, Sr. He is in first Theology at Sacred Heart School of Theology, Wisconsin. He is sponsored by St. The-resa Church, Crowley.

MATT HEBERT is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo-seph Hebert. He is in his third College year at St. Joseph Seminary Col-lege, St. Benedict, La., and is sponsored by St. Mary Magdalen Church, Abbeville.

MAX HARRINGTON is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Har-rington. He is serv-ing his pastoral year, and is sponsored by Our Lady of Fatima Church, Lafayette.

BILLY MASSIE, the son of Mr. Charles W. Massie, III, and Mrs. Betty Crusta Dore, is in his first Theology year at Sacred Heart School of Theology, Wiscon-sin. He is sponsored by the Cathedral of St. John, Lafayette.


Lafayette recently received theirsummer assignments as part oftheir on-going formation as theyjourney toward ordination to thepriesthood.

Seminarians and their assign-mentsareasfollows:

TravisAbadie—OurLadyofPerpetualHelp,NewIberia;AlexHebert — St. Nicholas, Lydia,and Boy Scout Camp; MatthewBarzare—St.FrancisRegis,Ar-naudville;DonaldBernard—newseminarian; Joseph Boustany— Our Lady of Lourdes, Erath;Patrick Broussard — Pontifical North American College, Rome;BransonCambre—newseminar-ian;ChrisCambre—St.ThomasMore,Eunice;

Jesse Davis — Institute forPriestly Formation, CreightonUniv., Omaha, Neb.; MichaelDeBlanc — St. Joseph, Cecilia;DustinDought—St.Genevieve,

Father William Blanda, right, pastor of St. Mary Magdalen Church in Abbeville, offers advice and insights to seminarians preparing for their summer assignments. Photo by Deacon Tom Sommers


Lafayette; Nicholas DuPre —Community of Jesus Crucified, Lafayette; Sam Fontana — St.Landry, Opelousas; Taj Glodd—OurLadyoftheSacredHeart,Church Point; Brian Harrington—St.LeoIV,RobertsCove;MaxHarrington — Cathedral of St.John the Evangelist, Lafayette;Matt Hebert — Our Lady of theRosary,Kaplan;SalIstre—newseminarian; Billy Massie — St.PetertheApostle,Gueydan;

Andre Metrejean — CPE inMissouri; Mark Miley — CPEinNorthDakota;RenePellessier—St.MaryMagdalen,Abbeville;NeilPettit—Sts.PeterandPaul,Scott; Michael Richard — St.MaryMagdalen,Abbeville;DavidRozas—newseminarian;GarrettSavoie—CPEinHouston;Rev.Mr. William Schambough — St.Peter,NewIberiaandBrianWe-bre—CommunityofJesusCruci-fied, Lafayette.


The spotlight video from theLafayette Diocese’sA-V libraryfor the month of July is SecretAdventures (VHS #3169.1-7).Geared towardgrade levels4th-8th, thisseven-artseries followsthe escapades of 13-year-oldDrea and her two babysittingregulars, Rebecca and Matt. Inevery episode, the three take amagicalvoyagewhichalsodrawsviewersintoDrea’simagination.Episodesinclude:

1. SPIN—Truth Tubas andGeorgeWashington


3. SMASH—How to SurviveJuniorHighbyReallyTrying

4. SHRUG—The Self-Doubt-ingThomas


6. SLAM—Full CourtPerserverance

7.SPLIT—LostandFoundFor information on becoming

a member of the diocesan A-Vlibrary, or to reserve these andother video selections, pleasecontactLynneBroussardat(337)261-5674.



ThesolemnprofessionisscheduledSaturday,July16at10amwithBishop Michael Jarrell of Lafayette officiating. Homilist will be Father MarionJosephBui,O.C.D.


AddingafurtherVietnamesetouchtotheceremonies,thehomilistwillbeFatherMarionJosephBui,O.C.D.whowasordainedtothepriesthood at this Carmel in Lafayette. He is the first Vietnamese or-dainedfortheDiscalcedCarmeliteorder.


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Us” theme for the 40th annualCatholicCharismaticConferencewillbeafocusofthespecialsem-inars offered on Saturday of theconference,July30th,atImmac-ulataCenteronCarmelDrive.

The“Life in theSpirit”semi-narandthe“TeenSession”oftheconferencewillbeheldonSatur-dayfrom9:00a.m. to5:00p.m.withalunchbreak.The“LifeintheSpiritSeminar”will beheldintheKatherineDrexelRoomoffof Marian Dining Hall on the first floor and will be facilitated by Fa-therEmmanuelTanuandJuanitaPoland and team from the LakeCharles Diocese. Father Tanuand Ms. Poland will be assisted


TheLifeintheSpiritSeminarisaprocesswhichwasdesignedasanevangelistic tool,a forma-tionexperience,andanintroduc-tion to a life lived in the powerandpresenceof theHolySpirit.Itwasdevelopedandhasevolvedover the course of about fortyyears of evangelistic ministry,withinCatholicCharismaticRe-newal. Itwasdesignedasa toolto reach a wide range of peopleand has been used primarily tobringchurchmemberstoafullerexperience of life in the Spiritand to redefine the baptismal life thatwearegiveninChristJesus,but often need to ratify as adult

believers.TheTeenSessionof theCon-

ference will be facilitated byKayla Raffery and team in theImmaculata Chapel by permis-sionofBishopJarrell. Kayla isacoreteammemberandfacilita-tor ofLifeTeen atOur LadyofLourdes Parish in Erath and at-tendsULL.Sheisactiveinpro-gramssponsoredbyOurLadyofWisdomChurchandtheChildrenofLightCharismaticprayergroupassociatedwithPiusXChurchinLafayette.

The Teen Session is open toall teens ages 13 to 19 and is agreat follow up to the Steuben-ville Youth Conference experi-ence.Shortteachings,skits,andsmallgroupsharingsallowteensto hear how scripture applies totheirlifetodayandthechallengestheyfaceasteens.

The seminarwill also includetestimonies, adoration of theBlessedSacrament,andifpriestsare available confessions andMasswillalsobeoffered. Reg-istration for the Teen Session is$5 for those teens not already

registered with their family forthegeneralconferenceweekend,and$5foradultsponsorsattend-ingwiththeteensforthissessiononly. General conference regis-trationis$25apersonor$50forfamilies.

A special Jubilee Mass was celebrated for Sister Romaine Bell, CDP, a Brous-sard native who recently celebrated 75 years of religious life. The Mass was cel-ebrated at the Sacred Heart Conventual Chapel in San Antonio, Texas, where Sr. Romaine currently resides. Photo sub-mitted by Anna Viator


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Licensed Louisiana Contractor - License #25656


CatholicLifeInsuranceiscur-rently offering two seminarianscholarshipstocollegegraduatesenrolledorwhowillenrollinthefall inaCatholicSeminary.TheHenkes and Stuebben Scholar-ship programs are accepting ap-plications until September 15,2011.

Rev. Msgr. Stuebben Scholarship Fund

StudentsattendingAssumptionSeminaryinSanAntonio,Texas,may apply for the Rev. Msgr.Lawrence J. Stuebben Seminar-ian Scholarship. Scholarshipsin the amount of $118,650 havebeen awarded through this non-profit fund since its establishment 14 years ago.Approximately 22dioceses throughout the UnitedStatessendseminarians tostudyatAssumptionSeminary.

Rev. Msgr. Henkes Scholarship Fund

Anyseminarianstudyingforadiocese located inTexas,Arizo-na, Florida, Louisiana, Oklaho-ma, New Mexico or MississippimayapplyfortheRev.Msgr.Al-bert George Henkes SeminarianScholarship.Scholarshipsintheamount of $167,600 have beenawarded through this non-profit fund since its establishment 24yearsago.


Immaculate Conception Churchin Charenton, will speak at thenextmeetingofMonthlyManna,scheduledforJuly20.Thegath-eringissettobeginat11:00a.m.,with lunch served at 11:30 a.m.($10perperson)andfollowedbyFatherCrumley’spresentationat12:00noon.Everyoneisinvitedtoattend.

In June, Roy Petifils, a school counselor and administrator atSt. Cecilia School in Broussard,addressed the crowd. Petifils is the author of God Wears Run-ning Shoes: Spiritual Reflections for Those Ministering to Young PeopleandWhat I Wish Someone Had Told Me About the First Five Years of Marriage.HeearnedhisMasters in counseling from ULandisalsoaproudalumnusofSt.JosephSeminaryCollegeinCov-ington.

“At the end of my life,” saidPetifils, “I will consider myself

Roy Petitfils June speaker, Father Crumley to speakatJulyMonthlyManna

asuccess ifMindi—mybride—MaxorBen—mytwochildren—cansaythisaboutme:‘RoywasamanafterGod’sownheart.Hewas a present, loving and com-mittedhusbandandfather.’”

Throughout his presentation,Petifils pointed out many ways in which society has changed overtime. Today, 78% of studentsenteringtheeighthgradehaveal-readyexperimentedwithalcohol,and by the time they graduate,98% of them will have encoun-tered some form of illegal drug.Petifils also stressed that one can-notministertopeoplewithoutcar-ingforthem,whichincludescar-ingenoughtolistentotheirstoriesand allowing for our liturgies torelate to their real-lifeexperienc-es.Ifthe‘GoodNews’issogood–anditis-weneedtosharewhatithasaccomplishedinourlife.

For further information aboutMonthly Manna, please contactDeaconJerryBourgat(337)923-4591.

under “Living Benefits.” If you haveanyquestionsregardingei-therofthesescholarships,pleasecalltheCommunicationsDepart-mentat(210)828-9921or(800)262-2548ext.141.

Roy Petitfils, left, was guest speaker for the June “Monthly Mann” speakers series held each month at Forest Restaurant in Franklin. Deacon Jerry Bourg, right, intro-duced Petitfils to the ecumenical gathering. Father William Crumley, CSC, will be guest speaker for the July 20 gathering.


Beginning on Wednesday,July 13, Deacon Cody Millerwill conduct a five-week course focusing on the consecration toJesus through Mary, accordingto St. Louis de Montfort. Thefive consecutive sessions will be hosted by St. Joseph Church inMiltonandwill takeplaceeachWednesdayeveningat6:30p.m.Participantswillalsobeencour-aged toattend theConsecrationat6:00p.m.onMonday,August15 (the Feast of the Assump-tion).

Everyone is invited to takeadvantage of this opportunityto learn more about the Catho-lic faith and the writings of St.Louis de Montfort, as well ashow we can all fully live ourbaptismal promises through Je-sus and Mary. For additionalinformation,pleasecontactDea-con Cody Miller by telephoneat (337) 849-7963 or e-mail [email protected]. Thosewhoareinterestedmayalsocon-tact Joyce Broussard by callingSt.JosephChurchat(337)856-5997.

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FRANKLINFather Thomas Vu, pastor of

St.JulesChurchinFranklinandalso its mission of ImmaculateConception in Verdunville, re-centlycelebrated10yearsinthepriesthood.

Parishioners from St. Juleshelped Father Vu celebrate byhosting a special bilingualMassinhishonor.TheMasswasfol-lowed by a reception inside thechurchhall.

“IstillbelievetheGospelthatJesussaidtous,‘Whateverhap-pens to you, I will be with youuntiltheendoftheWorld,”saidFatherVuasheaddressthecon-gregation.“Continuetoprayforme so that I may be faithful toGodtoserveyouandtoserveallpeoples, not justAmericans, butalso the Vietnamese communityintheLafayetteDiocese.”


wasordainedbyBishopEdwardJ.O’Donnell atCathedral ofSt.JohntheEvangelistinLafayette.His first assignment was as asso-ciatepastorofSt.JosephChurchin Rayne. In 2004, he was as-signedaspastorofSt.JulesandImmaculateConception,andhassince performed over 100 bap-tisms, given over 120 childrentheirFirstCommunion,wedover30couples,andwelcomednear-ly 140 people into the Catholicfaith. He has overseen renova-tions to both churches, built anew rectory, and also currentlyserves as Director of the Lafay-ette Diocese’s Office of Vietnam-eseMinistries.

Father Thomas Vu recently celebrated the 10th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Father Vu was ordained by the late Bishop Edward O’Donnell in 2001. Photo submitted by Suzanne Wiltz

On Memorial Day, over 100 parishioners of St. Landry Church in Opelousas joined with the Catholic Daughters Court St. Landry #119 to recite the Patriotic Rosary while gath-ered around the monument to Father Verbis LaFleur which stands outside the front of the church. Photo submitted by Debbie Fay


One’s chances of divorce are diminished by such factors as:olderage,higherincome,moreeducation,havingareligiousaf-filiation, absence of divorce in family of origin, and having a child aftermarriage.(The National Marriage Project: The State of Our Unions 2006) “I still believe the

Gospel that Jesus said to us, ‘Whatever hap-pens to you, I will be with you until the end of the World,”

FatherVuwasbornintoaCath-olicfamilyinBiênHòaprovince,SouthVietnamin1958.Hisfam-ilywasalwaysstronginitsfaith,andhisdesiretoreceiveaCatho-lic education was supported byhisparentsandgrandmother.De-spitethepersecutionofCatholicsunderthecommunistVietnameseregime,FatherVuandhisbrotherattendedMinorSeminaryfortheMother Co-Redemptrix, whilehissisteralsobecameanun.

On June 9, 2001,ThomasVu

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ROBERTSCOVEOrdained for the Diocese of

Lafayette on June3, 1961,Fa-therFrancisBourgeoiswashon-oredrecentlyataspecialMassand reception in his honor atSt. Leo Catholic Church, Rob-erts Cove. The Solemn MasswascelebratedbyFatherKevinBordelon,outgoingpastorofSt.Leo Church and concelebratedbyFatherBourgeoisandFathersGeorgeSimon,GarySchexnay-der, Conley Bertrand, ThomasHabetz, Brad Guillory, PaulBroussard, current pastor, andMsgr. Robert Romero. Semi-narian Brian Harrington wasmasterofceremonies.

Father Gary Schexnayder ofSt.MichaelChurchinCrowley,was homilist. In his homily,FatherSchexnaydertoldofFa-therBourgeois’“kindspiritand

willingness toserve.” Hecon-cludedwithaletterfromBishopMichaelJarrellofLafayette,ex-pressinghisbestwishesonthisspecialoccasion.

The choir, under the leader-ship of Josie Thevis, DarleneKirsch, director, and Lee Seil-han, organist, provided tradi-tional German and French sa-credmusic.

FollowingtheMass,arecep-tionwasheldintheparishhallwith finger foods provided by St.LeoandSt.Edmundchurchparishes. Father Bourgeois re-ceivedabouquetofadozenredroses from representatives ofthevariousparishorganizations,familymembersandchurchpar-ishesinwhichheserved.

Following the presentations,FatherBordelonrelayedames-sage from Bishop Glen John


Father Francis Bourgeois, seated, is surrounded by members of his family following the celebration of his 50th anniversary of priesthood at St. Leo Church, Roberts Cove. Photo by Danielle Bourgeois

The anniversary Mass was celebrated by Father Kevin Bordelon, outgoing pastor of St. Leo Church and concelebrated by Father Bourgeois. Other concelebrants were Fathers George Simon, Gary Schexnayder, Conley Bertrand, Thomas Habetz, Brad Guillory, Paul Broussard, current pastor, and Msgr. Robert Romero. Photo by Danielle Bourgeois

Provost of Lake Charles con-gratulatingFatherBourgeoisfor“faithfullylivingthepriesthoodinmanyroles,butespeciallyaspastorofsouls.”

FatherFrancisBourgeoiswasborn on October 2, 1935, inChurchPointtoErnestR.Bour-

geois and Celeste LandreneauBourgeois. He has a brother,Larry, of Jackson and a sisterYvonne,ofAtlanta,Ga.Anoth-ersister,SisterSybilBourgeois,O.P. (Eucharistic MissionariesofSt.Dominic),diedin1993.

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“BEFIRE!”I ’ v e

been pon-d e r i n gr e v o l u -tion late-ly. Thismonth,wecelebrateIndepen-d e n c eDay,whensomevery

brave folks put their lives, theirfortunes, and their sacred honoronthelinebydeclaringthat thethirteenAmericancolonieswereno longer subject to the BritishCrown and would now be the“ThirteenUnitedStatesofAmer-ica.”

But it’s not that revolutionthat’sgotme thinking. It’s thekind of revolution that happenswhen followers of Jesus cometogether, no matter what theirchurch affiliation, speak with one voiceandstandasonebody.InDecember, 1989 Romanian po-licecametoarrestProtestantpas-torLaszloTokes,whoserecordedsermons were being smuggledintoHungaryforbroadcastbackinto Romania. He sought ref-uge in his church, and when heemergedagaintherewasahumanchain surrounding it. At first, he thought it was his parishioners,butasecondlooktoldhimtherewereChristiansofmanydenomi-nations,includingclergy,standingbetweenhimandthepolice.Thecrowdgrew,andthenmarchedtothecenteroftown.Soldiersun-der orders fired at them, killing many,but theprotestcontinued.When they fired again, the crowd kneltandprayed. Thesoldiersrefused to shoot any more. Arevolutionhadbegunthatwithindayswouldbringdownthebrutalregime of Nicolae Ceauşescu.

There is apowerful lesson inthis, one echoed by Fr. RanieroCantalamessa, Preacher to the

Papal Households of John PaulIIandBenedictXVI.Christiansare divided on many levels bydoctrine,butnomatterwhattheirdenomination, their commongroundisJesusChrist.

“What the world needs is tohaveapersonalrelationshipwithJesusasSaviorandLord,”writesFr. Cantalamessa in The Cen-ter of Evangelism. Right afterPentecost, he points out, PeterproclaimedJesustothegatheredcrowd.(Acts2:22-36).“When-ever the Holy Spirit comes ina new and fresh way upon theChurch,JesusChristcomesalive.Jesus Christ is set at the center.He is proclaimed in spirit andpower,whichmeansinthepowerof theSpirit.” We’recalledtoevangelize our very secularizedworld,andCantalamessasayswemust start by proclaiming Jesusasarealpersonandbringpeopleintoapersonal relationshipwithHim,notbyproclaimingdoctrine(nomatterwhoseitis).

“This living and personalknowledge of Christ doesn’tcomefromus,”hewritesinFaithWhichOvercomestheWorld.ItcomesasagiftoftheHolySpirit.“Weneed‘acharismaticfaith’inChrist,”Cantalamessatellus,thefaiththatSt.PaullistsasagiftoftheSpiritin1Cor.12:9.

“There is only one faith,”writesSt.CyrilofJerusalem,“butitcomesintwokinds.”Thereisfaithtobelievedogmas,andthenthereisfaiththatcomesasagiftoftheSpirit.Itisnotonlydoctri-nal,itisthe“causeofthosemar-vels that are beyond the powerofhumankind.”Withthatfaith,wewould“beabletosaytothismountain, ‘Move from here tothere,’anditwouldmove.”(Mt.17:20;CatecheticalLectures,5)

Fr. Cantalamessa urges us topray, as the apostles did, “In-crease our faith.” (Lk. 17:5).Let’sdothattogether,rightnow!And then, let’s go find someone totellabouttheManwhorevolu-tionizedourlivesforever!

By Graham N. Smith


Registration is now open forCycle5oftheUniversityofDay-ton Virtual Learning CommunityforFaithFormation(VLCFF)andwill remain open untilAugust 3.ResidentsoftheLafayetteDiocesemayparticipateatthecostof$40percourse,andearncreditswhichmay be applied toward a Certifi-cateinCatechesisfromtheUniver-sityofDayton,inpartnershipwiththeLafayetteDiocese.Catechistsmayalsousetheseonlinecoursesto fulfill the continuing education hours required by the diocese’sOffice of Catholic Schools.

Courses being offered duringCycle 5 will be conducted fromAugust 7 through September 10.These courses include CatholicBeliefs, Designing a Parish Cat-echeticalPlan,LeadershipinMin-istry, Parish and Social Action,andmore.Acompletelistinganddescriptionofcoursesmaybeac-cessed

TheVLCFFconductsatotalofseven separate cycles throughout

the calendar year, with coursesvaryingfromcycletocycle.Reg-istration forCycle6 is scheduledforAugust 9-September 21, withclassestobeconductedfromSep-tember25throughOctober29.

For further information on thepartnershipbetweentheUniversi-tyofDaytonInstituteforPastoralInitiative and the Lafayette Dio-cese, please contact the Office of ChristianFormationat(337)261-5550.

FatherSaiTranSVD July1 FatherMarkLedoux July4 DeaconThomasRichard July4 FatherRaymondRobitaille July4 FatherWilbur“Sonny”Brown July5 DeaconEugeneWaguespack July11 Msgr.RichardGreene July12 DeaconThomasLindsey July12 FatherMichaelMoodySVD July12 FatherGregorySimien July12 FatherLloydF.Benoit July13 FatherHowardBlessing July13 FatherJeromeFrey July19 DeaconKenWaguespack July19 FatherWilliamBlanda July20 DeaconNelsonSchexnayder July21 DeaconRodlessLeleux July22 FatherGregoryT.Downs July25 FatherRexBroussard July28 FatherBlaineClement July28 FatherJ.GarySchexnayder July28 FatherJustinArockiasamy,SVD July31


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The rebuildingof ImmaculateConceptionChurchheretookan-otherstepforwardwithapprovalJune14ofplansbytheWashing-ton Historic District Commis-sion.

Architect Bob Lunsfordshowed the commission plansthat he said reflected “a minor difference” in the width of thebuilding,”butachurch thatwilllookessentiallyliketheonethatburnedinJanuary.

Themajordifference,hesaid,is that this church will be builtwith non-combustible materialsinstead of the cypress that wasusedinthehistoricchurch.That’sfor tworeasons:Firesafety,andalso because “real cypress is al-

Washingtonchurchplansapprovedbyhistoriccommissionmost unavailable and extremelyexpensive.” He said the cost torebuild the church from cypresswouldbe“astronomical.”


Lunsford is awaiting the final approval by the diocese to takebids,whichhenowhopes todoby mid-July. Under that sched-ule, construction could begin asearlyaslateAugustorearlySep-tember,with construction takingaboutayear.

Lunsford estimated that thenewchurchwouldcost$1.4mil-lionorless,apricethatwouldbemostlycoveredbyinsuranceanddonations, according to FatherGayleNunez,pastorofImmacu-lateConception. Architect’s rendering of Immaculate Conception Church, Washington, La.



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Inanewpastoralletter,BishopAlexander K. Sample of Mar-quette looks at the future of thediaconateinthediocese,explainstheministryofdeaconsinChurchhistory and reflects on the theol-ogyconcerningthediaconate.

Calling the restoration of thediaconate in 1967 as a perma-nent ministry a “source of tre-mendous grace and blessingsfor theChurch,”BishopSamplesaid there have been, nonethe-less, some “misunderstandingsandmisinterpretationsof thees-sential identityof thepermanentdeacon.”

Toaddresstheseissues,astudycommittee was formed in 2009.AccordingtoTheU.P. Catholic,Marquette’sdiocesannewspaper,the findings of the study informed thebishop’spastoralletter,titled“TheDeacon:IconofJesusChristtheServant.”

A deacon’s ministry is three-fold – the word of God, the lit-urgy and charity – but his dis-tinctivecallistocharity,BishopSamplesaidinthepastoral.“The

heart of diaconalministry is theinseparablelinkbetweenthedea-con’sliturgicalserviceatthealtarandhisservicetothepoorinthecommunity.

“Because he stands with afootintwoworlds,”thedeacon’s“ministryandwitnessisdistinct-lyintheworldofworkandsoci-ety,”BishopSamplewrote.

With regard to preaching, hesaidalldeaconsoftheDioceseofMarquette will have faculties topreacheverywhereinthediocese–withthepermissionoftherec-torof theChurch.However, theabilitytopreachisafaculty,notaright,BishopSamplesaid,andpriests should normally deliverthe homily at Mass. Laypeoplemaynotgivethehomily.

Butpreachingisnotnecessar-ily limited to homilies at Mass,thebishopsaid.

“Preaching on the part of thepermanent deacon, taken in thebroadest sense, encompassesmany things,” Bishop Samplewrote.

In the liturgical and ecclesialcontexts,preachingopportunitiesoccur at wake services, funeralliturgies outside of Mass, Sun-

daycelebrations inabsenceof apriest, during the Liturgy of theHours,andotherprayerandlitur-gicalservices.

“Apermanentdeacon‘preach-es’ first of all by the witness of his life,especiallyinthemarketplacethroughhisteachingandwitnesstothoseheencountersinthedailyregimenofhislifeandwork,”thebishopsaid.“Finallyheexerciseshisroleasteacherinthevariouscatechetical roles that he fulfills withintheChurch.”

The ministry of today’s dea-cons includes “service to thepoor, theimprisoned,tothesickandtothosewhoareabandonedandlonely,themodern-day‘wid-owsandorphans’”BishopSam-plewrote,referringtoChapter6oftheActsoftheApostles.

Looking at the history of thediaconate, Bishop Sample notedthat as the work of the apostlesbecame too demanding, men of“good repute” who met certainqualifications were allowed to shareinthedailyministryoftheapostles, includingservingatta-ble.However,BishopSampleex-plainedthatScriptureshowsthatdeaconsalsopreached,baptized,served the church communityand “began to have a liturgicalfunction.”

By the second century, dea-cons were firmly established in carryingoutkeyfunctionsintheChurch, but societal and powerissues began to diminish theirrole,thepastoralsaid.

BishopSamplewrote that thediaconate declined as a perma-nent order aroundA.D. 400 andbyA.D.800ithadbecomeatran-sitionalstep to thepriesthood intheLatinChurch.Thediaconateremained a permanent ministryandorderintheEasternChurch.

It was formally restored afterthe Second Vatican Council byPopePaulVIin1967“inresponsetoaconcreterealityinthelifeoftheChurch,”saidthebishop.

With remote communities

Michiganbishopsaysatheartofdeacon’sministryiscall‘tocharity’lackingregularpriestlyministry,andtheneedforministerstocel-ebratecertainsacramentssuchasbaptisms and weddings, as wellas to preside over funerals andserve as ordinary ministers ofholyCommunion,therestorationof the order offered the “sacra-mentalgraceofdiaconalordina-tion resulting in a more fruitfulministry.”

A man who is contemplatingacallingtothediaconateshouldfirst consider whether he has “set ashislife’sgoalasteadygrowthintheHolySpirittowardonenesswithGodinChristJesusandhisChurch.” Bishop Sample wrotethat the potential diaconate can-didate should also discern, “Ifmarried,doeshiswifesharewithhimthisheart’sdesire?”

“Thepermanentdeacon’sfam-ilyintheheartoftheparishwillmodel what a Christian familyis,”wroteBishopSample.

Amanmustmeetanumberofrequirements to even be consid-ered as a candidate for the dia-conateandtherealso“mustbeaclearly identified specific need in the community” or he “will notbe admitted into the aspirancyprogram,”BishopSamplesaid.

To make sure those who areordaineddeaconsareabletobal-ancefamilyandworkobligationswith those undertaken throughtheir ordained ministry, agree-mentswillbedrawnup.Annualreviews will address areas ofaccountability and allow adjust-mentsasministrieschange.

“Permanentdeaconsarenotor-dained for any particular parish,eventheirown,”BishopSamplealso noted. “They are ordainedforservicetotheChurch...undertheauthorityofthebishop.Dea-consmust thereforebepreparedforthefactthattheirassignmentcouldchangeastheneedsofan-other parish or the diocese aris-es.”

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Students at St. Francis School in Iota who have earned the most AR (accelerated read-er) points in his or her class are recognized every nine weeks for their accomplishment. Those receiving this honor for the fourth nine weeks are pictured, front row from left to right: first grade, Regan Wall-23.0 points; second grade, Isaac Herbert-43.0 points; third grade, Chloe Smith-94.6 points and fourth grade, Joseph Dupre-53.7 points. Second row from left to right: fifth grade, Luke Dupre-78.3 points; sixth grade, MacKenzie Faulk-106.9 points; seventh grade, Jeanne-Claire Fleming-88.5 points and eighth grade, Emily Navarre-59.6 points. These students received certificates of recognition, AR ribbons, and concession gift certificates. Photo furnished by St. Francis School.


In Grand Coteau, St. Ignatius students in grades 5th-8th recently participated in the Catholic Daughters of America contest. Pictured above are: back row (L/R) Bryan Thibodeaux (3rd place, Essay); Blaise Broussard (1st place, Essay); Jenny Doucet (1st place, Photography); Natalie Usie (1st place, Computer Art). Front row (L/R): Madison Jenkins (2nd place, Art); Adam Dakin (2nd place, Computer Art); Olivia Bur-leigh (3rd place, Photography); Emily Hidalgo (3rd place, Computer Art), Wesley John-son (2nd place, Poetry); and Malley Gauteaux (1st place, Computer Art). Winners not pictured are Lauren Bourque (2nd place, Photography) and Julia Daigle (2nd place, Essay). Photo submitted by St. Ignatius School



Amanda LeBlanc

ABBEVILLEAmanda LeBlanc of Abbev-

ille,wastheGirlStatewinnerforthe 2011 State level finals of the Knights of Columbus Catholic

YouthLeadershipAward.The program, initiated in

1959,isoneofthepremierstate-wide programs of the LouisianaKnightsofColumbus.Itspurposeistoidentifyandrecognizethosehighschoolsenioryoungmenandwomen who exemplify Catholicideals,aswellasoutstandinglead-ership in academics, social andathleticendeavorsattheirrespec-tiveschool,churchesandcommu-nities. Final competition is heldbetween the 24 area finalists from throughoutthestateofLouisiana.

AmandaisthedaughterofLes-lieandDeniseLeBlancofAbbev-ille. She is a recent graduate ofVermilion Catholic High SchoolandisamemberofSt.MaryMag-dalenChurch.ThegrandknightofCouncil 2281 is Mason Romero.ThedistrictdeputyforDistrict34isJosephL.David,andtheAreaGcoordinatorisPatrickLancon.




St. Michael School in Crowley recently hosted a summer art camp, led by the school’s art teacher Kelly Thompson. Par-ticipants in the camp used cre-ativity to design their very own dinnerware, including their own personal plates, bowls, ice cream sundae glasses, and birthday plates. The last day of camp was celebrated with a pizza party dinner, with ice cream sundaes for des-sert. Submitted by St. Michael School.

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Eric LaCombe, Kevin Callahan and Alex Domingue are pictured receiving the Redemp-torist Catholic School Outstanding 4-H Member Award from Father Matthew Higginbo-tham, pastor, and RCS 4-H Sponsor, Mrs. Michelle Puissegur during the Redemptorist Catholic 8th grade graduation ceremony held at Immaculate Heart of Mary church in Crowley. Photo furnished by Redemptorist Catholic School.


Carencro Catholic School recently announced its 2011 Young Christian Award win-ners. They are pictured above, back row: Caroline Saussy, Matthew DeRousselle, Grace Duhon, Meagan Broussard, Bryce Smith, and Malorie Carriere. Third row: Maddie Braquet, Josh Moreau, Maicen Fontenot, Taylor Breaux, Lacey Bonvillain and Adam Richard. Second row: Jacque Patin, Mallory Guy, Seth Sullivan, Michala Field-er, Austin Savage, Laurel Lorenz and Michael Aucoin. Front row: Grace Angelle, Colin Crevier, Caleigh Meche, Layne Gonzales, Anna Krantz, Morgan Brimmage and Jude Braquet. Photo furnished by Carencro Catholic School.


Sacred Heart Elementary fitness team wins parishmeetVILLEPLATTE

TheSacredHeartElementaryFitnessTeamwontheEvangelinePar-ishFitnessMeetwhichwasheldat theBasileHighSchoolTrackonMarch16th.Theteammembersconsistedof5thgrader,KatelynStaggand 4th graders: Whitney Tate, Emilyse Bergeron, Garrett Fontenot,CadeManuelandTristanSoileau.

Theteamcompetedinsevenevents:50YardDash,Sit&Reach,PullUps, Curl Ups, Shuttle Run, Standing Long Jump and the 600YardRun.


GarrettFontenotplaced2ndoverall inpoints scoredandwill alsorepresent Evangeline Parish at the State Fitness Meet. Cade Manuelplaced5thoverallandTristanSoileauplaced3rdinthepullupevent.

Members of the Sacred Heart Elementary fitness team are pictured above, left to right: Tristen Soileau, Katelyn Staff, Garrett Fontenot, Whitney Tate, Cade Manuel and Emi-lyse Bergeron. Center, rear, Miss Louisiana, Kelsi Crain. Photo furnished by Sacred Heart Elementary School


“Thishasbeenayearofplen-ty,” Bishop Michael Jarrell toldtheSerraClubofLafayetteattheannual installation of officers. Hehasordainedfournewpriests,threepriests returned to thedio-cese; the Divine Word Fatherstookoveranotherparish.Hehasappointed a full time vocationdirector,FatherKevinBordelon.Hewasabletoappointpastorstoa couple of parishes which hadbeen part of the “sharing” pro-gram.

He thanked Serrans for theirsupport of vocations by prayers

and finances.District governor GusAgosto

did the honors of installation,commending the club for its find vocation program. He and hiswifeLibbyfromAlexandriawerespecialguestsalongwithBishopJarrell and outgoing chaplainMsgr.CharlesJ.Mallet.

President George Arceneauxpresented Msgr. Mallet with aplaqueofappreciationforhisfouryearsofserviceasclubchaplain.

Installed were Arceneaux,president; president-elect andvocation activities, Will Char-bonnet; vp programs, HubertDumesnil; vp membership Dr.Mausey E.Rausch, vp member-ship; vp communications andsecretary, Kathleen Toups; trea-

surer, Mark Billeaud; chaplain,FatherKevinBordelon;oneyeartrustee,ChuckMouton;twoyeartrustee, E.C. Sibille; three yeartrustee,MargaretRucks.

Beginning his third term as

president, Arceneaux thankedmembers for their support andcooperation.


Pictured above during the annual installation of officers for the Lafayette Serra Club are, from the left, Bishop Michael Jarrell; George E. Arceneaux, president; and Gus Agosto, district governor

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FiveVermilion Catholic HighSchool students and 12 NotreDame High School of AcadiaParishstudentsrecentlyreceivedthe“LouisianaStudentAchieve-mentAward”fromtheLouisianaACT Council for their perfor-mance on the PLAN (Pre-ACT)Assessment.

Thesestudentsareontargettomeet or exceed ACT’s CollegeReadinessBenchmarksbygradu-ation.ACT’sCollegeReadinessBenchmarks are empirically-based and identify the level ofachievement necessary in Eng-lish, mathematics, reading andsciencetohaveasuccessfulcol-legefreshmanexperience.

The Vermilion Catholic stu-dents receiving this recognitionfromtheLouisianaACTCouncilare: Katie Meaux, Reid Brous-sard, Kyrie Collins, LindseySagreraandSloanTrahan.

TheNotreDameCatholicHighstudents receiving recognitionare Cecile Beniot, Kyle Camp,MatthewGossen,HoganGuidry,JoelGuinn,AlexHolston,SarahLedet,ElizabethRothermel,An-



TheLouisianaACTCouncilismadeupof secondaryandpost-secondary educators who adviseACT, Inc. on the utilization ofACT programs and services inLouisianaschoolsandcolleges.

The ACT Assessment is thecollege admissions test that isaccepted by all colleges nation-wide.

According to Karen Pennell,ACTassistantvicepresidentandSouthwest Regional Manager,“The Louisiana ACT Councilrecognizes those students whoare making significant strides to preparethemselvesforcollegebytakingrigorouscoursesandmeet-ingthePLAN(Pre-ACT)CollegeReadinessBenchmarks.Wealsowant to recognize that studentPLAN (Pre-ACT) achievementis theresultofastrongcommit-ment byVermilionCatholic andNotreDameHighSchool teach-ers,staff,administratorsandpar-entstoincreasecollegereadinessforallstudents.”

In the recent Opelousas Catholic Junior High Awards Ceremony, two special awards were presented near the end of the program. Jacob Moreau received the Junior Viking award voted on by his classmates for his outstanding qualities; while Elizabeth Hollier earned the eighth grade Highest Average Award for the year. Photos furnished by Opelousas Catholic School.

Opelousas Catholic seniors and fami-lies enjoyed the Senior Awards Banquet in the school gym prior to graduation. Pictured are Nick Artall and Madison Granger, recipients of the Knights of Columbus Catholic Youth Leadership Awards from KC Council 1173. Those receiving the same awards from the KC Council 11270 were Kane Hebert and Courtney Arceneaux.


Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School of Lafayette conducted its annual student leadership ceremony following the end-of-the-year school Mass. During the ceremony, an 8th grade representative passed the leadership candle to a 7th grade representative signi-fying that they are now the leaders responsible to lead SLS with the message of Jesus and the school’s mission. The kindergarten “munchkins” then passed a candle on to their 8th grade “big buddy” reminding them that they will always have the light of Jesus and the love of SLS to light their world as they journey into high school and beyond. Pictured front row left to right: Braylon Fuselier, Luke Mouton, Abigail Mahliet, Kohen Lejeune, and Macy LeBlanc. Back row, left to right: Gage Mayers, Kelsie Benoit, Grant Tabor, Taylor Thibiodeaux. Photo furnished by St. Leo-Seton School



Members of the Society ofJesus who have served 75, 70,60,50and25yearswillbehon-ored at the July 31 celebrationhere. The program begins at3:00 p.m. in the Jesuit Churchof the Immaculate Conception,

130 Baronne Street, New Or-leans, followed by a receptionintheRooseveltBallroomintheRoosevelt New Orleans Hotel,just across the street from thechurch.

ThejubilariansincludeFatherJacquesL.Weber,S.J.,celebrat-ing75years;JesuitFathersJohnH.EdwardsandJohnF.Schro-eder,JesuitBrotherGeorgeA.Murphy, celebrating 70 years.


Celebrating50yearsintheso-ciety,JesuitFathersEdwardB.Arroyo. Paul B. Patin, StephenC.Rowntree,andJesuitBrotherAlexander Gussio. Celebrating

25yearsinthesociety,JesuitFa-thers R. Bentley Anderson andStevenE.Kimmons.

Celebrating 50 years in thepriesthood,JesuitFathersFran-cis R. Brou,A. Ferdinand Der-rera,LeoA.Nicholl,KennethA.Buddendorf, Francis V. Ferrier,Robert J. Ratchford. Celebrat-ing 25 years in the priesthood,JesuitFatherKevinW.Wildes.

Vermilion Catholic High students receiving Student Achievement Awards from the Louisiana ACT Council are, from the left: Katie Meaux, Reid Broussard, Kyrie Col-lins, Lindsey Sagrera and Sloan Trahan. Photo furnished by Vermilion Catholic High School. Photo of Notre Dame award winners was not available.

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American Legion Auxiliary, Acadia Unit #15, recently presented two St. Michael (Crow-ley) students with “The American Legion Certificate of School Award” at the school’s end of the year Thanksgiving Mass. Pictured from left to right are: Sandi Doré (as-sistant principal), Myra Broussard (principal), Elise Lebeouf (award recipient), Hunter John Lambert (award recipient), and Father Gary Schexnayder, pastor. Photo submit-ted by St. Michael School.


ABBEVILLEWhen thenewMountCarmel

School was built on the presentsitein1953,agrottowasbuiltonwhatisnowthenortheastcornerof the Vermilion Catholic HighSchool parking lot. A statue ofthe Blessed Mother was housedin this grotto, and the MayCrowningtookplacethereeveryMay. The ceremony changed abit, with the outstanding seniorboyandgirlhavingthehonorofcrowningtheBlessedMother.

In1967whenVermilionCath-olicwasbuilt thegrottowas re-moved.But,MountCarmel’sde-votiontoMarycarriedon.Sincethat time theMay crowninghastaken place in the courtyardof Mount Carmel Elementaryandmore recentlymoved to theMountCarmelGym.

After the outstanding eighthgrade boy and girl crown theBlessed Mother, a Rosary is re-citedbyall.Newtothehundredyearold tradition is the farewellsong sung by the MCE Pre-School to theMCEeighthgrad-ers. Theseyoungstudentsbida

fondfarewelltotheupperclass-men who are moving onto highschool.

Lilly Cao, daughter of Chris-topher andTeri Cao andTannerChoate son of Donnie and JodiChoatewereselectedastheout-standing eighth grade girl andboy.LillyandTannerwerecho-senbecauseoftheirinvolvementinschoolactivities,Christianma-turity,scholarship,leadershipandcooperation.

Lilly Cao, left, and Tanner Choate were selected outstanding eighth grade girl and boy at Mt. Carmel Cathiolic School. Photo furnished by Mt. Carmel School


Iota’s St. Francis Catholic School eighth grade class’ annual depiction of the Passion Play was portayed for the students and parents on Holy Thursday of this year. They also performed a live Stations of the Cross for St. Joseph parishioners on Good Friday. Pictured above are, from left to right, Benjamin LeLeux, guard; Blaze Regan, guard; Trey Belden, guard; Jessy LeJeune, Jesus; and Kade Hebert, guard. Photo furnished by St. Francis School


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The St Pius Elementary School (Lafayette) Science Olympiad Team recently captured 3rd Place in the statewide Science Olympiad Competition held at Southeastern Loui-siana University in Hammond. Team members garnered seven 1st place, three 2nd place and three 3rd place medals in the individual science events. Photo submitted by St. Pius Elementary School


St. Bernard Church in Breaux Bridge celebrated Pentecost with a procession of flags and banners at the 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass. Photo submitted by Emmaline Thibodeaux


Our Mother of Peace Catholic School, Church Point, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, first and second grade classes had an end-of-the-year on-campus field trip. They mined for beautiful rocks and stones that they were able to keep. While mining for treasures, they learned how to identify the rocks that they found and about Louisiana resources. In the left photo, Eleanor Menard shows off the rose quartz that she found during her mining experience. Thomas Meche, right photo, excitedly sifts through his bucket of rocks. Photo furnished by Our Mother of Peace School


All priests of the Lafayette Diocese—especially pastors, associatepastors, and summer assignment supervisors of seminarians—are in-vitedtoattendasocialforseminariansandpriestsonSunday,August7.Theevent,whichishostedbytheSerraClubofLafayetteandtheOffice of Vocations & Seminarians, will be held at a la carte Restaurant inLafayette,withthegatheringscheduledtobeginat6:30p.m.

ThosewhoplantoattendareencouragedtoRSVPbytelephoneat(337)[email protected],nolaterthanMon-dayAugust1.

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