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  • 8/19/2019 Acc. No. DC 1258



    Simulation of  Nucleate Flow Boiling Heat  









     A Thesis

    Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For

     Awarding The Degree of

    Master of Mechanical Engineering

    In Faculty of Engineering and Technology

    Submitted By Arup Mondal

    Registration No. – 86506 of 2003-04

    Examination Roll No. – M4 MEC 13-22

    Under The Supervision of

    Dr. Arunabha Chanda

    Department of Mechanical Engineering

    Jadavpur University

    Kolkata- 700032


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    This Thesis Is 

    Dedicated To My 


    Your  unconditional  love  and  constant 

    support have led me at least this far. I 

    love you. 

  • 8/19/2019 Acc. No. DC 1258



    Faculty of  Engineering and Technology 











    The forgoing thesis entitled “ Simulation of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in a Single

    Horizontal Microchannel” is hereby approved as creditable study of Fluid Mechanics

    and Hydraulics Engineering and presented in a manner satisfactory to warrant its

    acceptance as a pre-requisite to the degree for which it has been submitted. It is

    understood that by this approval, the undersigned, do not necessarily endorse or

    approve any statement made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn therein, but

    approve the thesis only for the purpose for which it is submitted. 

    Committee of  final examination for evaluation of  thesis 

    …………………………… ………………………………

    …………………………… ……………………………… 




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    This is to certify that the thesis entitled, “ Simulation of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer

    in a Single Horizontal Microchannel” which is being submitted by Arup Mondal  in

     partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of

    Mechanical Engineering in Faculty of Engineering and Technology of Jadavpur

    University, Kolkata-700032, during the academic year 2011-2013, is the record of the

    student’s own work carried by him under the supervision of Dr Arunabha Chanda

    ………………………… ...…………………………

    Dr.  Arunabha Chanda 



    Dept. of  Mechanical Engineering 




    Dr. Sadhan Kumar Ghosh 




    Dept. of  Mechanical Engineering 




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    I hereby declare that this thesis contains literature survey and original research work by the

    undersigned candidate, as part of his Master of Mechanical Engineering studies.

     All information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with

    academic rules and ethical conduct.

    I also declare that, as required by this rule and conduct, I have fully cited and referred all

    material and results that are not original to this work.

    Name  : Arup Mondal 

    Examination Roll No  : M4 MEC 13‐22 

    Thesis Title  : “Simulation of Flow Boiling Heat

    Transfer in a Single Horizontal Microchannel” 

    Signature :

    Date  : 

  • 8/19/2019 Acc. No. DC 1258




    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr.  Arunabha Chanda  for

    his guidance and assistance in this thesis. His prompt responses in all the technical

    and non‐technical issues during the production of this work helped me a lot. His

    encouragement and efforts led this report to successful completion in a timely


    I am thankful to Prof.  Sadhan  Kumar  Ghosh, Head, Department of

    Mechanical Engineering, Jadavpur University, for his constant help in different

    academic and non‐ academic matters.

    I am extending my gratefulness to all my classmates and co‐workers in CFD

    laboratory whose aid & support, lend a hand to accomplish this work. The Library

    staffs also helped me a lot by providing me a constant access to the relevant

    textbooks and journals that were useful in this thesis work.

    Lastly I am thankful to all who have assisted me directly or indirectly to

    complete this work.

    Date: Arup Mondal

    Jadavpur University


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    Boiling in microchannels is a very efficient mode of heat transfer in which very high heat

    and mass transfer coefficients can be achieved. Pumping power required for two-phase

    flows is lesser than single-phase liquid flows to achieve a given heat removal.

    Applications include heat pumps, automotive air conditioners, electronics cooling etc.

    A numerical study of two-phase flow through the microchannel has been carried out in

    this study. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model equations are solved using

    commercial software ANSYS Fluent 13.0 to understand the hydrodynamic and thermal

     behavior of the two-phase flow through microchannel. The computational model has

     been validated against available literature (Liu, Lee and Garimella, 2005). Water is used

    as working fluid which enters the microchannel in liquid state.

    The aim of this study is to understand the effects of different fluid inlet velocity & fluid

    inlet temperature on the Onset of Nucleate Boiling in a microchannel. Also at various

    Reynolds no. the effect on “volume fraction of vapor”, “static temperature along the

    wall” and “heat transfer coefficient” at the heated wall is investigated.

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    Contents  viii 

    List of  Figures  x 

    List of  Tables  xi 

    1.  INTRODUCTION  (1‐5) 

    1.1. Microchannel & Its Use  1 


    Application of 






    1.3. Objectives of  The Present Work  4 

    1.4. Outline of  The Report  4 

    2.  LITERATURE REVIEW  (6‐35) 

    2.1. Experimental Study of  Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer 

    in Microchannels  6 


    Theoretical, Numerical







    Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer In Microchannels  27 


    3.1. Fundamentals of  Boiling  36 

    3.1.1.  Pool Boiling  37 

    3.1.2.  Flow Boiling  39 







    3.3. Non‐Dimensional Numbers / Parameters Relevant to 

    Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Microchannel  45 


    4.1. Single Phase Modeling Equations  47 


    Mass Conservation Equation  47 

    4.1.2.  Momentum Conservation Equation  48 

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    4.1.3.  Energy Equation  48 

    4.2. Two Phase Modeling Equations  49 


    Volume of  Fluid (VOF) Model  50  Volume Fraction Equation  51  Material Properties  51  Momentum Equation  52  Energy Equation  52 

    4.2.2.  Mixture Model  53 

    4.2.3.  Eulerian Model  53 

    5.  SOLUTION METHODOLOGY  (55‐61) 

    5.1. Specification of  Problem  55 

    5.2. Geometry in Ansys Workbench  56 

    5.3. Meshing of  Geometry  56 

    5.4. Material Properties  57 

    5.5. Governing Equations  58 


    Boundary Conditions



    5.7. Method of  Solutions  60 

    5.8. Grid Independence Study  61 

    6.  RESULTS AND DISCUSSION  (62‐68) 

    6.1. Validation  62 

    6.2. Effect of  Various Inlet Velocity on Incipient Heat Flux  63 


    Effect of  Various Reynolds No. on Volume Fraction of  Vapor, 

    Static Temperature & Heat Transfer Coefficient at the wall  63 


    7.1. Conclusions  69 

    7.2. Future scope of  Work  70 

      References  (71‐80) 

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    List  of  Figures 

    Page No.

    Figure 3.1  Typical Boiling Curve & Heat Transfer Process 

    in Pool Boiling  38 

    Figure 3.2  Flow Boiling in a Uniformly Heated Circular Tube  40 

    Figure 3.3  Different flow boiling regimes  44 

    Figure 5.1  Fluid flow through a rectangular microchannel  55 

    Figure 5.2  Specification of  zone type in ANSYS Workbench  56 

    Figure 5.3  Two dimensional computational domain with 

    grid type mesh  57 

    Figure 5.4  Outlet Velocity Profile at Different Grid Sizes  61 

    Figure 6.1  Effect of  different Inlet Temperature on 

    Incipient Heat Flux  62 

    Figure 6.2  Effect of  different Inlet Velocity on Incipient Heat Flux  63 

    Figure 6.3












    Flow Direction at Different Reynolds Number  64 

    Figure 6.4  Static Temperature at the Heated Wall Along the Flow 

    Direction at Different Reynolds Number  65 

    Figure 6.5  Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient at the Heated Wall 

    Along the Flow Direction at Different Reynolds Number  66 

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    List  of  Tables 

    Page No.


    Table 5.1  Properties of  liquid water at different temperatures  57 

    Table 5.2  Properties of  water vapor at different temperatures  58 

    Table 5.3  Under‐Relaxation Factors  60 

    Table 5.4  Error Percentage of  Maximum Velocity Value at the Center of  the 

    Pipe for Different Grid Sizes  61 

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    2-D  Two Dimensional --

     Bo  Boiling number --

     Bn  Bond number --

    Co  Convection number --

    Ca  Capillary number --

    CFD  Computational Fluid Dynamics --

    CHF   Critical Heat Flux W/m2 

     Dh  Hydraulic Diameter μm

     Eo  Eötvös number --

    F External Body Force N

    h Heat Transfer Coefficient W/(m2.k)

     Ja  Jakob number --

    K 1   Non-dimensional number -- 

    K 2   Non-dimensional number -- 

    ONB  Onset of Nucleate Boiling --

    q //  

    Heat Flux W/m2

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    CHAPTER 1 


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    With the advent of technology the heat flux generated by various devices are

    increasing exponentially. So cooling these devices have become very essential and a

    matter of serious consideration. Boiling and two-phase flow in microchannels has

    attracted much interest in recent years because of its promising features towards very

    high heat flux removal. Utilizing the latent heat of the coolant, two-phase

    microchannel heat sinks can dissipate much higher heat fluxes while requiring smaller

    rates of coolant flow than in the single-phase counterpart. Better temperature

    uniformity across the heat sink can also be achieved. But the complex nature of

    convective flow boiling in microchannel heat sinks is still far away from being

    completely understood.


    Tuckerman and Pease [1] first made use of miniaturization for the purposes of heat

    removal, within the scope of a Ph.D. study in 1981. Their publication titled “High

    Performance Heat Sinking for VLSI” is believed to be the first study on microchannel

    heat transfer. Before proceeding with microchannel flow and heat transfer, it is

    appropriate to introduce a definition for the term “microchannel”. The scope of the

    term is among the topics of debate between researchers in the field.

    Mehendale et al. [54] used the following classification based on manufacturing

    techniques required to obtain various ranges of channel dimensions, “D”, being the

    smallest channel dimension:

    1 μm  D  100 μm : Microchannels

    100 μm  D  1 mm : Minichannels

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    1 mm  D  6 mm : Compact Passages

    6 mm  D : Conventional Passages

    Kandlikar and Grande [56] adopted a different classification based on the rarefaction

    effect of gases in various ranges of channel dimensions, “ D” being the smallest

    channel dimension:

    1μm  D  10μm : Transitional Microchannels

    10μm  D  200 μm : Microchannels

    200 μm  D  3 mm : Minichannels

    3 mm  D : Conventional Passages

    A simpler classification was proposed by Obot (2003) based on the hydraulic

    diameter rather than the smallest channel dimension. Obot classified channels of

    hydraulic diameter under 1mm (Dh  1 mm) as microchannels, which was also

    adopted by many other researchers.

    The classification of microchannel proposed by Obot is considered to be more

    appropriate for the purpose of this thesis.

    Microchannel heat sinks provide an innovative cooling technology for the removal of

    a large amount of heat through a small area. The heat sink is usually made from a high

    thermal conductivity solid such as silicon or copper. The micro-channels are

    fabricated into its surface by either precision machining or micro-fabrication

    technology. A Microchannel heat sink typically contains a large number of parallel

    micro channels. Coolant is forced to pass through these channels to carry away heat

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    from a hot surface. Microchannel heat sinks provide very high surface area to volume

    ratio, large convective heat transfer coefficient, small mass and volume, and small

    coolant inventory. These aspects of the heat sinks are very suitable for cooling devices

    such as high performance microprocessors, laser diode arrays, radars, and high-

    energy-laser mirrors. Micro channel heat exchangers could be easier to repair than

    their conventional counterparts.








    For engineering purposes such as boiling heat transfer analysis in microchannels

    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is widely used. It is a computer-based

    numerical tool used to study the fluid flow, heat transfer behavior and other

    characteristics associated with a fluid flow analysis. A set of mathematical model

    equations are first developed following conservation laws. These equations are then

    solved using a computer programmer in order to obtain the flow variables throughout

    the computational domain. Examples of CFD applications in the chemical process

    industry include drying, combustion, separation, heat exchange, mass transfer,

     pipeline flow, reaction, mixing, multiphase systems and material processing.

    Validation of CFD models is often required to assess the accuracy of the

    computational model. Validation is achieved by comparing CFD results with

    available experimental, theoretical, or analytical data. Validated models become

    established as reliable, while those which fail the validation test need to be modified

    and revalidated.

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    As is evident from the diversity of application areas, the study of flow and heat

    transfer in microchannels is very important for the technology of today and the near

    future, as developments are following the trend of miniaturization in all fields.

    Literature review shows that most experimental & analytical works were carried out

    for refrigerant flow boiling. Water flow boiling, especially in microchannel heat sinks,

    received less investigation. Also the VOF method of has hardly been used in

    microchannel fluid flow and heat transfer simulations. This work is a humble attempt

    to investigate some of the microchannel fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics

    (with water as the working fluid) using the VOF method.

    The present work contributes to the study of the following aspects:


    Simulation of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in a Single Horizontal

    Microchannel using commercial flow solver (ANSYS Fluent 13.0).

    II.  Validation of the CFD model by comparing the present simulated results

    with the available literature [22].

    III.  The effects of various Reynolds no. on “volume fraction of vapor”, “static

    temperature along the wall” and “heat transfer coefficient” at the heated

    wall is evaluated.


    The Incipient Heat Flux is investigated as a function of fluid inlet velocity

    and fluid inlet temperature.


    I.  Chapter 1 represents introduction & objective of the project work

    including definition & applications of microchannel and the role of

    Computational Fluid Dynamics & its applications.

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    II.  Chapter 2 is devoted on the extensive literature survey on experimental &

    numerical study of flow boiling heat transfer in microchannel.

    III.  Chapter 3 deals with theoretical background which includes fundamentals

    of boiling, two phase flow patterns and non-dimensional numbers

    associated with boiling heat transfer.

    IV.  Chapter 4 represents computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model equation

    of single phase and two phase flow through microchannel. The model

    equation includes the continuity equation, momentum equation and energy


    V.  Chapter 5 consists of the solution methodology used during the

    simulation of flow boiling heat transfer in a microchannel.

    VI.  Chapter 6 corresponds to validation of the numerical model, results and


    VII.  Chapter 7 deals with overall conclusion and future scope of work.

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    CHAPTER 2 


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    Tuckerman and Pease [1]  first introduced the concept of microchannel heat sink.

    They demonstrated that the laminar flow in a rectangular microchannel has higher

    heat extraction capabilities than turbulent flow in conventional size tubes. This

    finding opened up a new research field and it has been followed by many more

    studies by numerous researchers.

    In their experiments with water in rectangular channels (50-56 μm height

    range and 287-320 μm width range) they said that “the flow rate obeyed the

    Poiseuille’s equation and that the thermal resistance was independent of power level”.

    So this is in good agreement with conventional macro scale theory.

    Lazarek & Black [2]  investigated the heat transfer coefficient, pressure drop and

    critical heat flux of saturated R-113 boiling in a single vertical tube of 3.11 mm

    diameter. They concluded that heat transfer coefficient in the saturated boiling region

    is independent of the vapor quality.

    Cornwell and Kew [3] tested R-113 in parallel rectangular channels (75 nos. channel

    of size 1.2 mm X 0.9 mm and 36 nos. channel of size 3.25 mm X 1.1 mm) and

    identified 3 flow patterns. These are isolated bubble, confined bubble and annular

    slug. They concluded that heat transfer coefficient is dependent on the flow pattern.

    Lower values of heat flux have significant effect in confined bubble region and in the

    annular slug region convection heat transfer dominates.

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    Bowers and Mudawar [4] compared between minichannels & microchannels. Their

    channel diameter was 2.54 and 0.51 mm and used R-113 as the working fluid in the

    input heat flux range of 1000-2000 kW/m2. They find that minichannels are preferable

    over microchannels unless liquid inventory or weight constraints are severe.

    Tran, Wambsganass and France [5]  used circular & rectangular microchannel

    constructed of stainless steel. The input heat flux was given via d.c. supply. The heat

    transfer coefficient was found to be strongly dependent on the heat flux. Except at the

    lowest heat & mass fluxes, both nucleate boiling and convective boiling components

    were present.

    Kew and Cornwell [6]  proposed a non-dimensional parameter named the

    “Confinement number” in their experimental analysis. They said that two-phase flow

    exhibits different flow and heat transfer characteristics when the confinement number

    is greater than 0.5. Confinement of a growing bubble is represented by the restriction

    of channel size on bubble growth, such that the bubble length is greater than the

    channel diameter. This dimensionless number depends on the diameter as well as

    surface tension and density of the liquid and vapor.

    Bonjour and Lallemand [7]  observed flow patterns of R-113 boiling in a narrow

    space between two vertical surfaces. The flow patterns were nucleate boiling with

    isolated bubbles, nucleate boiling with coalesced bubbles and partial dryout. They

    noted that the Bond number (Bn) effectively identifies the transition of flow patterns

    from conventional diameter tubes to minichannels. Also mentioned that for smaller

    diameter channels, the gravitational forces become less important and Bond number is

    not useful in modeling the flow characteristics.

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    Peng, Hu and Wang [8] pointed out that nucleation in small channels requires larger

    superheats. Bubble generation and growth was said to require a minimum amount of

    space, the evaporating space. If missing, what they called fictitious boiling would be

    induced before nucleation starts. Later other researchers proposed that the results were

    erroneous as no high speed camera/microscope was used.

    Lakshminarasimhan, Hollingsworth and Witte [9]  performed experiments to

    investigate nucleate flow boiling and incipience in a vertical flow channel, 20 mm

    wide and 357 mm long. One wall was heated uniformly and others approximately

    kept adiabatic. Three channel spacing’s, 2, 1 and 0.5 mm, were investigated. R-11

    was the liquid used for the experiments. Liquid crystal thermograph was used to

    measure distributions of surface temperature from which the heat transfer coefficients

    on the heated surface were calculated. Kandikar’s correlation provided the best fit for

    fully developed saturated nucleate boiling in the narrow channels used in these


    Hapke, Boye and Schmidt [10] studied the ONB in a vertical evaporator pipe with

    an inner diameter of 1.5 mm using thermographic measurements. They found the

    superheat necessary to initiate boiling was essentially higher than that of larger tubes

    for the same values of heat and mass flux. Larger heat fluxes lead to an increase in the

    wall superheat at the ONB.

    Serisawa, Feng and Kawara [11] visualized gas–liquid two-phase flow patterns with

    a microscope for air–water flow in circular tubes of 20, 25 and 100 μm internal

    diameter and for steam–water flow in a 50 μm internal diameter circular tube.

    More than several different flow patterns were observed, namely, dispersed

     bubbly flow, gas slug flow, liquid ring flow, liquid lump flow, skewed barbecue

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    shaped flow, annular flow, frothy or wispy annular flow, rivulet flow and liquid

    droplets flow.

    The effect of surface contamination and the wet ability between the tube wall

    and the fluids was studied experimentally. The cross-sectional average void fraction

    was also calculated from photographs, showing a good agreement with the Armand

    correlation for air–water flow in larger tubes.

    Ghiaasiaan, and Chedester [12] developed a model for the calculation of the boiling

    incipience heat flux in water-cooled microtubes. The method is based on the

    hypothesis that in microchannels the thermo capillary force, which tends to suppress

    the micro bubbles have a tendency to form on the wall cavities, plays an important


    Kandlikar and Steinke [13]  proposed a modification of their microchannel flow

     boiling correlation to be used for large-diameter tubes. They suggested the modified

    correlation may be used for flow boiling in minichannels by using the laminar single-

     phase correlation for the heat transfer coefficient for all liquid flow. The trends in heat

    transfer coefficient versus quality were also compared in the laminar region.

    It was found that the flow with Re < 1600 may be treated as fully developed

    laminar flow where single phase correlation is used to find out h which is the single

     phase heat transfer coefficient. The flow may be considered in the transition region

    for 1600 < Re < 3000. It was suggested that an appropriate interpolation scheme

    needs to be developed in the region of 1600 < Re < 3000.

    Qu and Mudawar [14]  conducted saturated flow boiling experiments on a 21

     parallel, rectangular (cross section-- 231 μm X 713 μm) microchannel heat sink,

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    etched onto a silicon chip. The heater was adhered to the back face. They found that

    heat transfer coefficient decreases with increasing equilibrium quality. Droplet

    entrainment was seen at the onset of annular flow regime. Boiling mechanism was

    found to be forced convection.

    Qu and Mudawar [15] studied the critical heat flux in a water-cooled microchannel

    heat sink consisting of 21 parallel (cross-section-- 215 μm X 821 μm) microchannels.

    They observed that CHF was independent on the inlet temperature but it increased

    with increasing the mass flux. They also noticed that, as CHF was approached, flow

    instabilities induced backflow into the heat sink’s upstream plenum.

    Steinke and Kandlikar [16] reported the local heat transfer coefficients as a function

    of heat flux, mass flux, and quality of liquid water / water vapor in parallel

    microchannels. The microchannels were etched in silicon and were heated with a

    copper heater deposited on the back surface. The heat transfer coefficient was found

    to decrease dramatically along the length as quality increased. Considering that the

    fluid is water at atmospheric pressure, the fall in heat transfer coefficient with

    increasing quality indicated a major departure from the flow boiling characteristics in

    conventional channels

    The findings of Kandlikar and Balasubramanian [17] are as follows:

      Flow boiling consists of nucleate boiling and convective boiling.

     Nucleate boiling contribution decreases with quality. Convective

     boiling becomes dominant as quality increases.

      Heat transfer coefficient trends depend on the boiling number and the

    liquid to vapor density ratio.

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    there are pressure drop oscillations, which increase with increasing vapor quality.

    This study shows strong dependence of the heat transfer coefficient on the vapor


    Kosar, A., Kuo, C.J., and Peles [20]  performed the experiment of boiling heat

    transfer in rectangular microchannels with reentrant cavities. They showed that the

    deviations between existing data and available correlations are relatively large and

    inconsistent. Hence making it is difficult to quantitatively conclude the capabilities of

    reentrant cavities to enhance heat transfer.

    Depending on the mass velocity and heat flux, both nucleate and convective

    dominant boiling mechanisms were detected. These were quantified in terms of the

    Reynolds and the Boiling number. For low Re and Bo, Nucleate boiling is dominant.

    Two correlations were developed to represent the experimental data for both

    nucleate boiling and convective boiling dominant regions. CHF data has been

    compared with conventional as well as minichannel correlations.

    Kandlikar, Kuan, Willistein and Borrelli [21]  studied the effect of pressure drop

    elements and artificial nucleation sites on the instability observed during flow boiling

    in microchannels. Their individual as well as combined effects were studied

    experimentally using high speed video imaging and pressure drop measurements.

    It was found that introduction of pressure drop elements alone, partially reduced

    the instabilities. Introduction of nucleation sites alone increased the instabilities. Use

    of pressure drop elements in conjunction with fabricated nucleation sites is

    recommended based on this study.

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    Liu, Lee and Garimella [22]  experimentally investigated the onset of nucleate

     boiling under various flow conditions. The microchannels considered were 275 μm

    wide by 636 μm deep.  They also developed an analytical model to predict the

    incipient heat flux as well as the bubble size at the onset of boiling. 

    They observed that when the incipient heat flux is reached in the experiments,

    a single bubble or a few bubbles could be observed simultaneously using the high-

    speed imaging system either close to the exit, or even further upstream, in several

    microchannels. These bubbles were usually observed to form near but not exactly at

    the edges (corners) on the channel bottom surface. Analyzing their experimental data

    it is found that the incipient heat flux increases with increased fluid inlet velocity and

    decreases with increased inlet temperature.

    Kandlikar, S. G., and Balasubramanian [23] studied the influence of gravitational

    forces on flow boiling in minichannels. The vertical down flow case exhibited a

    higher degree of instability, which resulted in a slightly lower heat transfer

    coefficient. In the horizontal and vertical flows, the flow was similar, and the heat

    transfer coefficients were identical. This illustrates the insensitivity of the boiling

     process to the gravitational orientation in narrow channels. This feature makes the

    minichannels and microchannels very attractive for microgravity applications.

    Cortina-Díaz, Boye, Hapke, Schmidt, Staate and Zhekov [24]  found different

    trends of the heat transfer coefficient depending on the nature of the working fluid.

    For flow boiling of pure hydrocarbons (n-hexane, n-heptane and n-octane) in a

    capillary tube of 1.5 mm in diameter, the heat transfer coefficient was seen to increase

    with increasing heat flux. But monotonically decrease with increasing vapor quality.

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    For water, the heat transfer coefficient increased with increasing vapor quality, and

    the same results were observed for an n-hexane/n-octane mixture.

    Kandlikar [25] concluded that heat transfer during flow boiling in microchannels is

    dictated by the intermittent passage of liquid slugs and expanding bubbles. The heat

    transfer mechanism due to periodic movement of the liquid-vapor interface over the

    heated surface is similar to the transient conduction mechanism around a nucleating

     bubble in pool boiling.

    Chen, and Garimella [26]  studied the effect of dissolved air on subcooled flow

     boiling. They observed the followings:

      The dissolved air resulted in a significant reduction in wall temperature at

    which bubbles were first observed in the microchannels. This suggested that

    the bubbles observed initially in the non-degassed liquid were most likely air


      They performed degassing of the working fluid and found that it had a strong

    impact on both the measured heat transfer and pressure drop. Larger pressure

    drops were measured for boiling with the non-degassed liquid.

      For application to electronics cooling, they recommended that liquids be fully

    degassed to ensure greater predictability and control of wall temperature and

    to ensure lower pressure drops and flow instabilities.

    Sobierska, Kulenovic, Mertz and Groll [27]  did experiments on flow boiling of

    water in a vertical microchannel.

    They found the followings:

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      The heat transfer coefficient is the highest one in the bubbly flow regime for

    all presented mass fluxes.

     With increasing vapor quality the convection mechanism through the liquid

    layer starts to play a significant role.

      For two-phase flow the heat transfer decreases with increase in vapor quality

    (the transition from bubbly to annular flow). As the heat flux is increased, the

    heat transfer coefficient increases

    Schneider, Kosar, Kuo, Mishra, Cole and Scraringe [28] showed that significant

    heat transfer increment (approximately 67%) was obtained under super cavitating

    flow conditions in comparison to non-cavitating flow conditions for the same mass

    velocity. They found the followings:

       No further heat transfer enhancement was obtained with the reduction of the

    cavitation index once super-cavitating flow conditions were initiated.

      A deviation of 1% - 1.5% in the pressure drop between single-phase flow and

    super-cavitating flow conditions were registered.

      There was a similarity between the flow patterns in the multipassage

    microchannel device used in this study and previously reported patterns in a

    single micropassage device under adiabatic conditions. The flow patterns were

    dependent on the cavitation number and the longitudinal location in the


    Kuo, Kos, Peles, Virost, Mishra and Jensen [29]  experimentally found the


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      The experiments on two microchannel devices with identical global

    geometrical configurations (i.e., one having reentrant cavities and one with

     plain smooth walls) is a better way to evaluate the inherent capabilities in

    reentrant cavities in enhancing heat transfer in microchannels.

      In microchannels and macrochannels, active nucleation site density, bubble

    departure diameter & its frequency and flow patterns during forced flow with

    enhanced reentrant cavities are similar.


    The active nucleation site density varies with the heat flux and mass velocity

    and which shifts towards the inlet region when increased.

      The wall superheat temperatures do not seem to strongly affect the nucleation

    site density unlike large-scale channels.

      There is a major difference between the activation mechanisms of bubble

    nucleation sites in microchannels and macrochannels. And possibly it is

    related to the increasing bubble-departure-diameter to channel-hydraulic-

    diameter ratio in microchannels.

    Wojtan L., Revellin R. Thome  [30]  investigated critical heat flux during saturated

    flow boiling of R-134a and R-245fa in horizontal 0.5 and 0.8 mm microchannels.

    They found that for fixed inlet subcooling, CHF increased with increasing the mass

    flux and was higher for the 0.8 mm than for the 0.5 mm diameter tube. The effect of

    the inlet subcooling was found insignificant for the range of experimental conditions.

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     Nucleation characteristics during flow boiling in microchannels were studied by

    K andilkar [31]. Also expressions for local wall superheat and liquid subcooling at

    the nucleation location were proposed.

    The unique flow characteristics in microchannels and minichannels were

    further analyzed and their influence on flow boiling stability was investigated

    experimentally using visual images generated with a high-speed camera. Stabilizing

    the flow by introducing a pressure drop element and artificial nucleation sites was

    discussed clearly.

    Huh and Kim [32] experimentally studied flow boiling in an asymmetrically heated

    rectangular microchannel. They found that the saturated flow boiling is governed by

    nucleate boiling and the forced convection boiling. The heat transfer mechanism of

    thin liquid film evaporation between the vapor core and the heated surface might

    contribute to the boiling heat transfer. High mass flux and high heat flux resulted in

     pressure drop oscillations.

    Wang, Cheng and Wu [33] performed simultaneous visualization and measurements

    of temperature, pressure and mass flux variations during their investigation of flow

     boiling instabilities of water in microchannels at various heat fluxes and mass fluxes.

    A flow boiling map, in terms of heat flux vs. mass flux, showing stable flow

     boiling regime and unstable flow boiling regime were presented. The data was for

     both parallel microchannels as well as for a single microchannel.

    Comparison of results of flow boiling in parallel microchannels and in a single

    microchannel showed that flow interaction effects from neighboring channels at the

    headers are significant.

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    Chang and Pan [34]  experimentally explored the two-phase flow instability in a

    microchannel heat sink with 15 parallel microchannels. The hydraulic diameter for

    each channel was 86.3 μm.

    Flow boiling in their study showed significantly different two-phase flow

     patterns under stable or unstable conditions. For unstable cases forward or reversed

    slug or annular flows appeared alternatively in every channel.

    The study also showed that if the deviation between the maximum instant pressure

    drop and the minimum instant pressure drop is greater than about 6 kPa, two phase

    flow instability with reversed flow to the inlet chamber appears.

    Muwanga, Hassan and Mcdonald  [35] studied detailed flow characteristic of flow

     boiling instabilities in two different silicon microchannel heat sinks. One is a straight

    standard microchannel configuration and the second contains cross-links between the

    channels. Their findings are as follows:

      Both configurations showed a decreasing frequency of oscillation with

    increasing heat flux.

      Flow oscillations for inlet temperature, outlet temperature, and inlet pressure

    are at the same frequency.

     At two different inlet temperatures and a range of flow rates for the straight

    standard heat sink, the instability data was presented and the data showed that

    with increasing flow rate, the frequency of oscillations increased, whereas

    with decreasing inlet temperature, the oscillation frequency increased.

      The frequency and amplitude characteristics of these oscillations were

    correlated with two different inlet temperatures, with the boiling number, with

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    the inlet subcooling temperature and with the weber number. The oscillations

    had relatively large amplitudes, which could have damaging effects on the

    electronic chip being cooled.

    Flow boiling of water in microchannels is experimentally investigated by Liu and

    Garimella [36]. The fluid inlet temperatures, microchannel wall temperatures and the

     pressure drop across the microchannel were measured. The boiling heat transfer

    coefficients for subcooled and saturated boiling regimes were determined. Heat

    transfer correlations in the literature were assessed critically for applicability to

    microchannels. A new correlation suitable for the saturated boiling regime is


    It was found that the fluid inlet conditions, i.e., degree of subcooling and velocity,

    affect the onset of nucleate boiling, but have little impact on the boiling curve once

    the onset nucleate boiling has occurred.

    Experiments on CHF of R-123 conducted in a microchannel heat sink by Kosar and

    Peles [37]. They showed that dryout is the leading CHF mechanism for boiling of R-

    123. They found the followings:

      Depending on the heat flux, location and mass velocity different flow regimes

    like bubbly, slug, intermittent annular, and annular are identified.

      CHF tends to reduce with reduction in surface tension and latent heat of

    vaporization. CHF increases with mass velocity and decreases with exit vapor


      CHF increases as pressure is increased to a certain value, beyond which CHF


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      Boiling number, the dimensionless pressure ratio, and the exit mass quality

    can successfully represent the experimental data.

    Pressure Drop, Boiling Heat Transfer and Flow Patterns during Flow Boiling in a

    Single Microchannel were experimentally investigated by Huh and Kim [38]. A

    horizontal rectangular microchannel with hydraulic diameter of 100 μm and length of

    40 mm was used for the experiments. Flow patterns were obtained from real-time

    flow visualizations made during the flow boiling experiments. The effects of mass

    flux and vapor quality on the local flow boiling heat transfer coefficient and two-

     phase frictional pressure gradient were studied. The evaluated experimental data were

    compared with existing correlations. Most of the existing correlations did not provide

    reliable heat transfer coefficient predictions for different vapor quality values. Also

     prediction of the two-phase frictional pressure gradient deviated except under some

    limited conditions.

    Wang, Cheng and Bergles [39] studied the effects of inlet/outlet configurations on

    flow boiling instability in parallel microchannels. They found that for microchannels

    where flow entering to the microchannels is restricted, steady flow boiling with no

    oscillations of temperature and pressure can be achieved. In these microchannels, no

    reversed flow of vapor bubbles was observed under the experimental conditions. This

    configuration is recommended for high-heat-flux microchannel applications to avoid

    large temperature fluctuations and early burnout.

    In their experimental study Kuan and Kandilkar [40]  observed that the pressure

    drop elements (PDE) at the inlet of each microchannel stabilizes the flow boiling

     process and avoid the backflow phenomena. The PDE decreases the CHF in case of

    R123 and had no effect on the CHF value of water. Also their theoretical analysis of

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      The heat flux increases slowly with the flow rate for single-phase flow and the

    diverging microchannel shows a significantly higher heat transfer rate at the

    same rate.

      After boiling begins, heat flux and the heat transfer coefficient are elevated

    sharply but the mass flow rate show insignificant effect.

      The diverging microchannel presents better performance in boiling heat

    transfer than that of the uniform cross-section microchannel with the same

    mean hydraulic diameter and under similar operating conditions due to much

    more stable two-phase flow.

      The single-phase pressure drop of the diverging microchannel is higher than

    that for that with a uniform cross section and the difference decreases with

    increasing the mass flow rate. Contrarily, the two-phase pressure drop after

     boiling begins is approximately the same at the same heat flux for both types

    of microchannel.

    Singh, Kulkarni, Duttagupta, Puranik and Agrawal [43]  studied the impact of

    aspect ratio on the pressure drop in rectangular microchannels.

    They said that there are two kinds of pressure drop inside the channel called

    the frictional pressure drop and acceleration pressure drop. And these oppose each

    other for different aspect ratio which results in a minimum pressure drop. The above

    results were demonstrated theoretically as well as through experiments. The result

    obtained have practical significance in that for a given hydraulic diameter, an aspect

    ratio range close to 1.56 may be employed to minimize the pressure drop penalty.

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    The paper of Wang and Cheng [44]  presents a study of Flow Boiling in a single

    Microchannel. They identified three flow regimes which were Isolated Bubble,

    Confined Bubble and Annular Slug.

    The heat transfer coefficient was a strong function of heat flux and system

     pressure, while effects of mass flux and vapor quality are small. Heat flux was mainly

    through nucleate boiling.

    At low Reynolds number the flow trends in boiling heat transfer coefficient

    were similar to that observed in nucleate boiling.

    The effect of mass flux and vapor quality on the local flow boiling heat

    transfer coefficient and two phase frictional pressure gradient were studied, and the

     prediction capability of conventional macro-channel correlations was assessed.

    The heat transfer coefficient was found to be independent of mass flux and

    vapor quality but the flow resembled annular flow. This finding according to them

    was a disagreement with available literature.

    Macro-channel correlations cannot be used to predict the boiling heat transfer

    coefficient in micro-channel applications. However at vapor quality of 0.1 correlation

     proposed by Liu and Winterton predicted the experimental data with reasonable


    Lee and Garimella [45]  conducted experiments to find out the characteristics of

    saturated flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop in silicon microchannel arrays.

    The presented their results in terms of temperatures and pressure drop as a function of

    imposed heat flux. The microchannels considered for their experimental run, range in

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    width, from 102 μm to 997 μm, with the channel depth being nominally 400 μm in

    each case. Key findings from this work are given below:

     The pressure drop across the microchannels increases rapidly with heat flux

    when the incipience heat flux (for the onset of nucleate boiling) is exceeded.

      At low to medium heat fluxes, the local heat coefficient increases almost

    linearly with heat flux. At higher heat fluxes, the saturated heat transfer

    coefficient becomes largely insensitive to heat flux. This may indicate a

    change in the dominant boiling mechanism, from nucleate boiling to

    convective boiling.

      A critical review of correlations in the literature suggests that existing

    correlations in the literature do not match the experimental results obtained for

    two-phase pressure drop and heat transfer associated with flow boiling in


    Lu and Pan [46]  experimentally explored the possibilities of stabilizing of flow

     boiling in ten parallel microchannel heat sinks with a diverging cross-section design.

    Flow visualization showed that heat flux and mass flux significantly affect the

    stability of flow boiling in the parallel microchannels. The extent of pressure drop

    oscillations may be regarded as an index for the onset of flow boiling instability.

    Their study confirmed that, in terms of stability performance, the flow boiling

    in the parallel microchannel heat sinks with a diverging cross-section design is

    superior to a uniform cross-section design.

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    Harirchian and Garimella [47]  experimentally studied the effects of channel

    dimension, heat flux, and mass flux on flow boiling regimes in microchannels. They

    found the followings:

      As channel width increases, bubbly flow replaces slug flow and discontinuous

    churn/wispy-annular flow replaces irregular churn/annular flow.

      As mass flux increases, the bubbles become smaller and more elongated in the

     bubbly region, and the liquid layer thickness in the wispy-annular and annular

    regimes decreases.

      The transition between specific flow patterns occurs at a higher heat flux for

    higher mass fluxes.

    Bertsch, S.S., Groll, E. A., and Garimella [48] experimentally studied the effects of

    heat flux, mass flux, vapor quality, and saturation temperature on flow boiling heat

    transfer in microchannels. They used R-245fa and R-134a as the working fluid and

    found the followings:

      The heat transfer coefficient for R-245fa in comparison with R-134a in flow

     boiling is lower as a result of its higher molecular mass and surface tension.

     The onset of nucleate boiling (ONB) is shifted towards higher heat fluxes with

    increasing mass flux.

      The flow boiling heat transfer coefficient strongly increases with increasing

    heat flux and seems to be dominated by nucleate boiling. It also shows a

    strong dependence on thermodynamic vapor quality.

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    Zhao and Bansal [49]  used CO2 –lubricant mixtures as the working fluid in their

    experimental study of flow boiling heat transfer. Their findings are as follows:


    Addition of lubricant in CO2 sharply decreases the flow boiling heat transfer

    coefficient, even with very low oil concentrations.

      At high oil concentrations, the flow boiling heat transfer coefficient is almost

    independent of vapor quality.

      The deterioration of the flow boiling heat transfer due to lubricant increases

    with increasing saturation temperature.

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    Palm [55]  in his paper titled “Heat Transfer in Microchannel” published in 2001,

    reviewed the available literature on heat transfer and pressure drop for one and two

     phase flow. He emphasized on reports presented during the last few years.

    The flow boiling heat transfer is often assumed to be the result of two different

    mechanisms, nucleate boiling and convective boiling. Nucleate boiling is dominant at

    high heat flux and low vapor quality, while convective boiling is important at high

    mass flux and high vapor quality, where nucleate boiling is suppressed. Fluids with

    low molar mass are expected to give the highest heat transfer coefficients for two-

     phase cooling systems.

    Kandlikar [56]  studied the fundamental issues related to the “presence of nucleate

     boiling and characteristics of flow boiling in microchannels and minichannels” in

    comparison to that in the conventional channel sizes (3 mm and above). Also, the

    effect of heat exchanger configuration (single-channel and multichannel) on the heat

    transfer and pressure drop performance was reviewed.

    They found that three flow patterns are commonly encountered during flow

     boiling in minichannels i.e. isolated bubble, confined bubble or plug/slug, and

    annular. It was also found that the effect of surface tension is quite significant in flow

     boiling in microchannel causing the liquid to form small uniformly spaced slugs that

    fill the tube, sometimes forming liquid rings. The heat transfer rate in multichannel

    evaporators was found to be different from that in single-channel evaporators under

    the same set of operating conditions.

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    Kandilkar [58]  proposed two new dimensionless groups in his study titled “Heat

    Transfer Mechanisms During Flow Boiling in Microchannels”. The dimensionless

    numbers are useful at arriving at basic relationships among system variables that are

    valid for different fluids under different operating conditions. Heat flux at the wall

    causes evaporation of the working fluid and the resulting momentum change

    introduces a force on a liquid interface. Other forces are inertia of flow and surface

    tension at contact line. Gravity force is assumed to be negligible. Viscous forces are

    not considered here but their effect is important in determining the stability of micro


    The conclusions derived from this study are as follows:

      Wall superheat increases with channel diameter.

      Heat transfer is found to be nucleate boiling (dominating)

      Immediately after nucleation a sudden increase in heat transfer coefficient is

    experienced due to release of accumulated super heat into the liquid prior to


    Thome [59]  reviewed the available literature on experiments and theory on

    evaporation in microchannels.

    What best defines a microchannel is not yet clear. But the threshold to

    confined bubble flow is a good working definition for the upper limit. The lower limit

    may be the complete suppression of nucleation and hence the threshold to

    nanochannels, from a two-phase flow and heat transfer perspective. The primary flow

    regimes observed are elongated bubble flow (also referred to as slug flow or confined

     bubble flow) and annular flow.

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    Flow boiling heat transfer coefficients have been shown experimentally to be

    dependent closely on heat flux and saturation pressure. This is similar to nucleate pool

     boiling heat transfer and only slightly dependent on mass velocity and vapor quality.

    This has led to the conclusion that nucleate boiling controls evaporation in


     Numerical simulation of the growth of a single vapor bubble, during flow of water

    through a microchannel was performed Mukherjee and Kandilkar [60]. The

    objective of the numerical simulations was to obtain flow and thermal fields around a

    single vapor bubble inside a microchannel.

    Behavior of liquid vapor interface and its interaction with the constraining

    walls was studied.

    Effect of gravity, wall superheat and Reynolds number on the bubble growth

    rate was determined.

     Numerical results are obtained while keeping total mass flux constant, show

    that backward bubble expansion causing reverse flow occur in multiple micro

    channels whereas bubble formation is not simultaneous in each channel. Reverse

    flow is found to increase when contact angle decreases and wall superheat increases.

    The paper of Thome [61]  focuses on the advantages and drawbacks of two-phase

    flow boiling heat transfer as compared to other cooling methods.

    Some notable advantages are as follows:

      Lower pressure drop and mass flow rate, hence lesser pumping power.

      Increase of the heat transfer coefficient with heat flux

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      The amplitude and frequency of fluctuations during unstable flow boiling has

     been attributed to inlet/exit configurations and vapor quality.


    The data obtained for flow boiling in microchannels is found to vary largely

    from that of macrochannels at high vapor quality.

      The upstream compressible volume has been identified as the source of flow

     boiling instability in microchannels.

      Stable Flow Boiling has been found to occur at low vapor quality.

       Nucleate boiling dominates at outset of nucleation while annular two phase

    flow prevails at downstream.

      The local boiling heat transfer coefficients have been found to peak at low

    vapor qualities.

      Macrochannel correlations have been found to overestimate boiling heat

    transfer coefficients in microchannels.

    The parametric study of Revellin and Thome [68] showed that the best solution for a

     particular application will be to find a design with the following combination of

    characteristics: (i) a short channel length, (ii) a low saturation temperature, (iii) a large

    mass flux, (iv) a large subcooling, and (v) a large microchannel diameter for a chosen

    fluid to achieve higher value of CHF.

    Zhuan and Wang [69] numerical simulated multiphase flow model to investigate the

    nucleate boiling of water in a single micro channel. They had used the VOF (Volume

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    of Fluid) method for the purpose of simulation. They also investigated the influences

    of roughness elements on nucleation and frictional pressure drop.

    They noted that there are some differences between micro and macro two-

     phase flow. The feature of nucleate boiling in common channel is free bubble

    flowing, while in micro channels it is confined bubble flowing. They showed that the

    incipient heat flux affect the bubbles growth rates. Also the higher heat flux makes the

    small bubbles coalescence more quickly.

    Roughness elements increase the nucleation cavities on the wall. The nucleate

     boiling in micro channel is intensified on roughness surface contrast to the smooth

    surface. But the frictional pressure drop increases on roughness surface.

    They presented that with the increase of vapor quality and volume fraction,

    mass flux decreases at initial time. Also, as vapor quality rise, frictional pressure drop

    also increases due to the jam of large bubbles in micro channel.

    Zhuan and Wang [74]  simulated bubble behavior to analyze the mechanism of

    subcooled boiling in a microchannel. Bubble growth, condensation and collapse were

    analyzed in subcooled boiling flow. They also discussed the function of the degree of

    subcooling, lift-off diameter, different heat flux and mass flux. They had used the

    VOF (Volume of Fluid) method for the purpose of simulation.

    They noted that there are some differences in bubble behavior between subcooled

     boiling and saturated boiling. In subcooled boiling, bubble growth and collapse are

    controlled by degree of subcooling, lift-off diameter, heat flux and mass transfer. In

    saturated boiling, lift-off bubbles expand and coalesce quickly and form a slug flow.

    In subcooled boiling, due to the subcooled liquid, an annular flow seldom occurs in

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    the wide range of mass and heat fluxes. But in saturated boiling, the slug and annular

    flows usually appear in the microchannel.

    At high degree of subcooling, surface tension influences the growth of subcooled

     boiling to some extent. Also a high degree of subcooling delays ONB to some extent.

    ONB is also influenced by microchannel size. With high aspect ratio, the nucleation

     process is delayed and the bubbles begin to grow slowly.

    A numerical study Mukherjee, Kandlikar and Edel [75]  had been performed to

    analyze the wall heat transfer mechanisms during growth of a vapor bubble inside a

    microchannel. The microchannel was of 200 m square cross section and a vapor

     bubble begins to grow at one of the walls, with liquid coming in through the channel

    inlet. The complete Navier-Stokes equations along with continuity and energy

    equations were solved using the SIMPLER method. The liquid vapor interface was

    captured using the level set technique.

    The observations made are as follows:

      The wall heat transfer improved with increase in wall superheat and the bubble

    growth rates.

      The wall heat transfer remained unaffected by the changes in the incoming

    liquid flow rates.

      Insignificant effect of the liquid surface tension on bubble growth was

    observed. The bubble shapes were affected by the liquid surface tension values

    with lower surface tension producing longer and thinner bubbles. The effect of

    surface tension on wall heat transfer found to be negligible.

      A decrease in contact angle causes formation of a liquid layer between the

     bubble downstream interface and the wall that has significant influence on

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     bubble growth and wall heat transfer. The bubble with the lowest contact

    angle exhibited the highest growth rate and also the highest wall heat transfer.

      The bubble growth is found to push the liquid against the microchannel walls,

    thus preventing the growth of the thermal boundary layers.

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    CHAPTER 3 


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    Boiling is defined as the process of phase changing just like evaporation, but there are

    significant differences between the two. Evaporation occurs at the liquid-vapor

    interface when the vapor pressure is less than the saturation pressure of the liquid at a

    given temperature. Boiling on the other hand occurs at the solid-liquid interface when

    a liquid is brought into contact with a surface maintained at a temperature sufficiently

    higher than saturation temperature of the liquid.

    Boiling process is characterized by the rapid formation of vapor bubbles at the solid-

    liquid interface that detach from the surface when they reach a certain size and

    attempt to rise to the free surface of the liquid. The boiling process in practice does

    not occur under equilibrium conditions, and normally the bubbles are not in

    thermodynamic equilibrium with the surrounding liquid. That is the temperature and

     pressure of the vapor in a bubble is usually different than that of the liquid. The

     pressure difference between the liquid and vapor is balanced by the surface tension at

    the interface. The temperature difference between the vapor in a bubble and the

    surrounding liquid is the driving force for heat transfer between the two phases. When

    the liquid is at lower temperature than the bubble, heat is transferred from the bubble

    to the liquid, causing some of the vapor inside the bubble to condense and the bubble

    eventually to collapse. When the liquid is at higher temperature than the bubble, heat

    is transferred from the liquid to the bubble, causing the bubble to grow and rise to the

    top under the influence of buoyancy.

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    If the temperature of the liquid is below the saturation temperature, the process is

    called Subcooled boiling, whereas if the liquid is maintained at the saturation

    temperature the process is known as saturated boiling.

    The three different boiling heat transfer mechanisms are nucleate boiling, where heat

    is transferred by means of vapor bubbles nucleating, growing and finally detaching

    from the surface; convective boiling, where heat is conducted through the liquid and

    heated liquid evaporates at the liquid-vapor interface without bubble formation; and

    film boiling, where the heat is transferred by conduction and radiation through a film

    of vapor that covers the heated surface and the liquid vaporizes at the vapor liquid

    interface. Nucleate boiling and film boiling may occur in both pool boiling and flow

     boiling, while forced convective boiling occurs only in flow boiling.

    Boiling can be defined according to the geometric situation and to the mechanism

    occurring. Regarding the geometry, it is possible to distinguish between pool boiling,

    where the heat is transferred to a stagnant fluid; and flow boiling, where the fluid has

    a velocity relative to the heating surface. A brief discussion on both these boiling

     processes is as follows:

    3.1.1.  POOL BOILING 

    In pool boiling the fluid is not forced to flow by a mover such as pump. Any motion

    of the fluid is by natural convection currents and the motion of the bubbles under the

    influence of buoyancy. The relationship between heat flux q// and the wall superheat

    (ΔTsup = Twall – Tsat) is known as the boiling curve which is illustrated for saturated

     pool boiling in Figure 3.1.

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    Fig. 3.1, Typical Boiling Curve & Heat Transfer Process in Pool Boiling [64]

    As the input heat flux to the surface is increased there’s no bubble formation and heat

    is transferred by natural convection between the hot surface and the liquid vapor

    interfaces (O-A). At a certain value of wall superheat (A) bubble nucleation is

    initiated on cavities present on the heater surface. This condition is called Onset of

     Nucleate Boiling (ONB) and the corresponding heat flux is known as Incipient Heat

    Flux. In liquids that wet the surface well, the onset of nucleation may be delayed (A /).

    Because for these liquids a sudden activation of a large number of cavities, at an

    increased wall superheat, causes a reduction in the surface temperature while the heat

    flux remains constant (A/-.A//). After inception, the slope of the curve increases. At

    first, discrete bubbles are released from randomly located active sites (A-B). At higher

    heat flux the density of active sites and the frequency of bubble release increase.

    Transition from isolated bubbles to fully developed nucleate boiling (B-C) occurs

    when bubbles at a given site begin to merge in the vertical direction and with bubbles

    ΔTsup = Twall – Tsat (K)

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    from the neighboring sites. Further increasing the heat flux, intense evaporation near

    the bubble base leads to periodic dry patches on the surfaces that are re-wetted by the

    surrounding liquid (C-D). This results in a reduction in the slope of the curve.

    Eventually, liquid is unable to rewet the heating surface and a large area becomes

    covered by a vapor blanket, causing a large temperature excursion on the heating

    surface (F). The heat flux corresponding to this condition (D) is known as the critical

    heat flux (CHF), and represents the upper limit of fully developed nucleate boiling or

    safe operation of equipment. If the temperature at F exceeds the melting temperature

    of the heating material, the heater will fail (burn out). The curve E-F represents the

    stable film boiling. The heating surface is totally covered with vapor film and the

    liquid does not comes in contact with the solid and the system can be made to follow

    this curve by reducing the heat flux. With a reduction in heat flux in film boiling, a

    condition is reached when the vapor film can no longer be sustained and collapses.

    The heat flux corresponding to this condition (E) is called the minimum heat flux. The

    region falling between nucleate and film boiling (D-E) is known as the transition

     boiling region. Transition boiling is very unstable and essentially inaccessible with

    constant heat flux boundary condition.

    3.1.2.  FLOW BOILING 

    For flow boiling process the boiling curve obtained is similar to the pool boiling. The

    underlying mechanisms however, are more complex as the liquid-vapor flow

    configurations change due to the addition of vapor along the flow direction.

    Figure 3.2, shows a conceptual picture of forced flow boiling process with

    temperature profile for a circular tube with uniform heat flux boundary condition in

    which subcooled liquid enters the tube.

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    Fig. 3.2, Flow Boiling in a Uniformly Heated Circular Tube [53].

    The first mode of heat transfer as subcooled liquid enters the tube is single-phase

    convection. The heat transfer coefficient in this region is constant except for the

    variations due property change with increasing liquid temperature in the flow

    direction. Boiling will not occur until the wall temperature reaches a certain value

    above the saturation temperature. The primary formation of bubbles is known as onset

    of nucleate boiling, ONB. Subcooled flow boiling exists when the bulk liquid

    temperature remains below its saturation value but the surface is hot enough for

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     bubbles to form. Bubbles formed at the wall will condense as they move out of the

    developing saturation boundary layer, but the appearance of these bubbles will affect

    the heat transfer between the wall and the fluid. Initially, only few nucleation sites are

    active and a portion of the heat is transferred by single-phase convection between

     patches of bubbles. As more nucleation sites are activated the contribution to heat

    transfer from nucleate boiling increases while the single-phase convective

    contribution diminishes. This region is termed partial nucleate boiling. When the

    surface becomes fully active for nucleation, fully developed nucleate boiling, is

    established. In addition, as the bulk fluid is heated the saturation boundary layer

    continues to grow and eventually covers the entire channel and the saturated nucleate

     boiling region is reached. Further downstream, the addition of vapor to the flow leads

    to a transition in the heat transfer mechanism. The thickness of the thin liquid film in

    annular flow is often such that the effective thermal conductivity is enough to prevent

    the liquid from being superheated to the temperature needed to sustain nucleate

     boiling. Heat is transferred from the wall by forced convection to the liquid-vapor

    interface, where evaporation occurs. The suppression of nucleate boiling indicates the

     beginning of the convective boiling region. Ultimately, at some critical vapor quality

    complete evaporation of the liquid film will occur. This transition is known as dryout

    and is accompanied by a rise in the wall temperature. The area between the dryout

     point and the transition to dry saturated vapor is commonly referred to as the liquid

    deficient region.

    The critical heat flux (CHF) condition in flow boiling is a major research area. It is

    characterized by a sharp reduction of the local heat transfer coefficient as a result of

    the replacement of liquid by vapor adjacent to the heat transfer surface [53]. The CHF

    condition in low boiling can be of different nature [73]:

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    At low vapor quality, it has strong similarities to pool boiling critical heat flux,

     both in mechanism and in behavior. It is associated with subcooled boiling or

    saturated boiling at high heat fluxes encountered for example in nuclear reactor


    At medium or high quality, it is commonly called dryout and it is

    characterized by the discontinuation of the liquid film on the tube wall, usually in

    annular flow. It is associated to moderate heat flux conditions. Dryout condition may

    occur due to interruption of the liquid layer caused by surface wave instabilities (at

    medium vapor qualities) or by dry up of the liquid layer on the heated wall due to

    entrainment and vaporization (at high vapor qualities).

    Critical heat flux has been extensively studied and vast amounts of data have been

    collected, in particular for steam-water flow in vertical tubes. The CHF for a

    uniformly heated tube usually varies linearly with the inlet subcooling degree,

    increases with mass flux and tube diameter and asymptotes to zero as the tube length



    Two-phase vapor-liquid flow can take on many geometrical configurations according

    to the spatial distribution of the vapor and liquid phases in the channel. These

    configurations are known as flow patterns.

    In the study of microchannels, flow patterns observed via high speed visualizations

    are categorized into five major flow regimes [47] – bubbly, slug, churn, wispy-annular,

    and annular flows; a post-dry-out regime of inverted-annular flow is also identified.

    Although these flow patterns have a slightly different appearance in different channel

    sizes and for different mass fluxes and flow rates, each is characterized by certain

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    common features. Figure [2.3.] represents different liquid and vapor phases in the

    flow patterns which are represented below:

    Figure [2.3.(a)] shows bubbly flow in which isolated round and elongated

     bubbles that are smaller than the cross section of the microchannels move in the flow

    direction. Bubbles generally nucleate at the microchannel walls and detach from the

    walls after growing. The shape and size of the bubbles vary with flow rate and heat


    As the heat flux increases, the bubble generation rate at the walls increases and

     bubbles become larger as a result of bubble coalescence. At higher heat fluxes or in

    smaller microchannels, bubbles occupy the entire cross section of the channels,

    resulting in slug flow as shown in Figure [2.3. (b)]. Also small bubbles exist in the

    liquid slugs between the elongated bubbles.

    The churn flow regime is demonstrated in Figure [2.3. (c)]. This flow regime

    consists of vapor chunks transported downstream and large bubbles nucleating at a

    high rate at the channel walls. However, at high heat fluxes, the nucleation at the

    walls may be suppressed.

    In wispy-annular flow as in Figure [2.3. (d)], a vapor core is separated from

    the channel walls with a relatively thick and unstable liquid film. Large, irregular-

    shaped droplets are entrained into the vapor core. Very few nucleation sites remain in

    the liquid film and result in small vapor bubbles in the liquid layer.

    In annular flow, as illustrated in Figure [2.3. (e)], the liquid layer is thinner

    than in wispy-annular flow, and the interface between the vapor core and the liquid

    film may become wavy. The liquid film thickness decreases as the heat flux increases.

    Small, round droplets are entrained into the vapor core, while no vapor bubbles are

    seen in the liquid annulus.

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    At very high heat fluxes, when critical heat flux is reached, the walls can

    completely dry out under certain conditions and a vapor blanket forms at the walls

    around a liquid core flowing through the center of the channels. This flow regime is

    called inverted annular flow Figure [2.3. (f)]. This flow regime is to be avoided since

    it is accompanied with a sudden rise in the wall temperature and a significant drop in

    the heat transfer coefficient.

    Under some conditions, these flow patterns may alternate in a single channel,

    resulting in an intermittent flow. In channels with large aspect rations, two different

    flow patterns may also be present alongside each other across the width of the


    Fig. 3.3, Different Flow Boiling Regimes [47]

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    Numbers / Parameters 


    Martinelli Parameter  (Xm)

    V F 











    ⎟ ⎠




    This parameter [62] is an empirical expression. It is the

    ratio of frictional pressure drops between liquid and gas

    flow. This parameter has been successfully employed in

    two-phase model.

    Convection number (Co)

    ( )5.08.0




    ⎢⎣⎡   −=


     x x

    Co ρ 



    Convection number is a modified Martinelli Parameter

    [62]. But its usage is limited to flow boiling heat transfer

    only. This non-dimensional number was also proposed

    empirically based on extensive data analysis.

    Boiling number (Bo)

     LV Gh

    q Bo



    Kandlikar and Balasubramanian [17] proposed this

    number. Heat transfer coefficient trends depend on the

     boiling number and the liquid to vapor density ratio. It is

    used as an empirical relationship because heat flux is non-

    dimensionalized with mass flux and latent heat without

    fundamental study.

    K 1


     LV Gh



     ρ 2


    1 ⎟⎟ ⎠


    ⎛ =


    Kandlikar [56] proposed this number based on

    fundamental considerations, for flow boiling heat

    transfer, when surface tension forces become an

    important consideration. It is the ratio of evaporation

    momentum to inertia forces at the liquid–vapor interface.

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    K 2

    σ  ρ V  LV 





    2 ⎟⎟ ⎠


    ⎛ =  

    Kandlikar [56] derived this number and suggested to use

    it in modeling interface motion, such as critical heat flux.

    It is the ratio of evaporation momentum to surface tension

    forces at the liquid–vapor interface.

    Bond number (Bn)

    ( )σ 

     ρ  ρ V  L

    gD Bn




    Bonjour and Lallemand [7] proposed this non-

    dimensional number.  They noted that the Bond number

    effectively identifies the transition of flow patterns from

    conventional diameter tubes to minichannels.

    Eötvös number (Eo)

    ( )σ 

     ρ  ρ  V  LgL Eo  −



    “Eo” is same as Bond number [62], except that the

    characteristic dimension L could be Dh or any other

    suitable parameter.

    Capillary number (Ca)


    V Ca =  

    It is the ratio of viscous force to surface tension force

    [62]. This non-dimensional number is very important in

    microchannel flow since both the numbers have

    significance effect during the flow.

    Weber number (We)


    2 LG

    We =  

    “We” represents the ratio of the inertia to the surface

    tension forces [62]. For flow through channels, L may be

    replaced by Dh. this non-dimensional number is

    commonly employed in analyzing the gas-liquid adiabatic


    Jakob number (Ja)


     L p



    T c Ja

    Δ= ,



    “Ja” represents the ratio of the sensible heat required for

    reaching a saturation temperature to the latent heat [62].

    This non-dimensional number is helpful in analyzing the

     bubble growth phenomenon.

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    CHAPTER 4 



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    In this study both the single phase and multiphase models are used for solving the

     problems. The simulated flow is supposed to be fully developed [69]. At first the

    single phase model is used to obtain fully developed velocity profile at outlet of the

     pipe and then this velocity profile is used as the inlet profile of multiphase pipe flow

    simulation. The theories for all the models used in this chapter are adopted from the

    ANSYS Fluent 13.0 [70, 71].






    The single phase model equations include the equation of continuity, momentum

    equation and energy equation (ANSYS Fluent 13.0). The continuity and momentum

    equations are used to calculate velocity vector. The energy equation is used to

    calculate turbulent kinetic energy & turbulent dissipation rate. The equations are as



    The equation for conservation of mass, or continuity equation, can be written as


    mS v   =⎟ ⎠ ⎞⎜⎝ ⎛ Δ+∂

    ∂   → ρ  ρ  .

    t  (4.1)

    Equation (4.1) is the general form of the mass conservation equation, and is valid for

     both incompressible & compressible flows. The source S m  is the mass added to the

    continuous phase from the dispersed second phase (e.g., due to vaporization of liquid

    droplets) and any user defined sources.

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    Conservation of momentum in an inertial (non-accelerating) reference frame is

    described by

    ( ) PF g   ∇−∇++=⎟ ⎠


    ⎛ ∇+⎟ ⎠


    ⎛ ∂

    ∂   →→→τ  ρ υ υ  ρ υ  ρ  ..

    t  (4.2)

    Where  p is the static pressure, τ    is the stress tensor (described below), and ρ g  and

    F   are the gravitational body force and external body forces (e.g., that arise from

    interaction with the dispersed phase), respectively. F  also contains other model

    dependent source terms such as porous-media and user-defined sources.

    The stress tensor τ   is given by

    ( )   ⎥⎦


    ⎡∇−∇+∇=  I T  υ υ υ μ τ  .


    2  (4.3)

    Where μ  is the molecular viscosity,  I is the unit tensor, and the second term on the

    right hand side is the effect of volume dilation.

    4.1.3.  ENERGY EQUATION 

    ANSYS FLUENT solves the energy equation in the following form:

    ( )[ ]   ( )heff 


     j jeff S  J hT k  p E  E    +⎥






    ∂∑   υ τ  ρ υ  ρ  ...

    t  (4.4)

    Where κ eff  is the effective conductivity (κ eff  = κ  + κ t, where κ t is the turbulent thermal

    conductivity, defined according to the turbulence model being used), and j J   is the

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    diffusion flux of species  J . The first three terms on the right-hand side of Equation

    represent energy transfer due to conduction, species diffusion, and viscous

    dissipation, respectively. S h  includes the heat of chemical reaction, and any other

    volumetric heat sources.

    In Eq. (4.4)



     ρ +−=

     ph E    (4.5)

    Where sensible enthalpy h is defined for ideal gases as

    ∑=  j j jhY h   (4.6)

    Y j is the mass fraction of species j.

    dT ch  j p j   ∫= ,   (4.7)

    T ref  is used as 298.15 K.


    A large number of flows encountered in natur