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Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ([email protected]) June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors

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Page 1: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution

Colleen Josephson ([email protected])June 2019 1

Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors

Page 2: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof


Theewaterskloof Dam in 2018near Cape Town, South Africa

Page 3: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof


Page 4: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Nearly 70% of fresh water is used to grow food...4

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And more than 80% in Africa and Asia!

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Projected to reach ~10 billion by 2050!

Page 7: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

How do we feed 10 billion people when we’re already using 70% of our water on 7 billion?


Page 8: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Precision agricultureUsing data to make decisions about water, fertilization, etc.


20-50% water savings via soil moisture sensors!

Page 9: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Why do <20% of US farms use moisture sensors?


Page 10: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

1. High sensor cost

● Average sensor is > $100● Excludes power source (e.g. solar panel)● Also excludes the ‘data logger’, which

collects and records measurements


The Teros-12 soil sensor retails for $225

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$1 millionIs the cost of recommended sensor

deployment for the average 434 acre US farm

USDA Survey11

Page 12: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

2. Difficulty of deploying + maintaining sensors

● Installation● Waterproofing● Power harvesting● External

curious cows

Wires, weather and watts


Page 13: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

3. Difficulty collecting + processing sensor data

3G/4G cellular module? Expensive.

Ad-hoc network? Failure prone.

Manual collection? Often tedious.


(Fields don’t have WiFi)

Page 14: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Microsoft’s Farmbeats

Uses a combination of drones, tractors and TV whitespace networks to collect sensor measurements and upload them to the cloud


NSDI ‘17, D. Vasisht, et. al

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This talk will focus on

sensor cost-AND-

deployment + maintenance15

Page 16: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

What is soil moisture?volumetric water content


Page 17: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

How do sensors approximate soil moisture?

● Dielectric permittivity, ε, is ability of a substance to hold electrical charge

● Relative permittivity (sometimes dielectric constant):εr = ε/ε0

● εr changes as water content of soil changes →


Page 18: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Topp equation (1983)

● Apparent dielectric constant Ka , function mostly of εr ● Soil moisture Θ related to Ka by the Topp equation:

θ = 4.3x10-6 * Ka3 - 5.5x10-4 * Ka

2 + 2.92x10-2 * Ka -5.3x10-2


Page 19: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Time of Flight (ToF)

● Time an electromagnetic wave takes to propagate from A to B● Can approximate Ka (and therefore soil moisture) using ToF:

Ka ≅ (cτ/d)2

where c is speed of light, τ is ToF and d is distance


Page 20: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Anything that gives accurate ToF can measure soil moisture!


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Soil Measurements Using RF (SMURF)2018 MSR Whitepaper, J. Ding

● Senses soil moisture using MIMO WiFi● Drawbacks:

○ Requires burying multiple antennas in soil

○ Limited WiFi chips give access to necessary info

○ Not very accurate


Page 22: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

What if we could use RF without burying wires?


Page 23: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Backscatter: the scattering of radiation or particles back towards the source


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Passive vs. Active RF CommunicationsACTIVE PASSIVE



Page 25: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

~$2is the cost of agricultural RFID tags. With mass production,

our backscatter tags could cost similarly.


Page 26: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Three parts of a backscatter system1. Excitation signal generator2. Backscatter tag3. Receiver


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Backscatter to sense soil moisture


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Accurate is ToF hard


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Two discernible pulses


Page 30: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Pulse smearing: one big pulse


Page 31: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Radar


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Buried prototype

Ultra-wideband radar

Page 33: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Backscatter prototype


ultra-wideband antenna

RF switch

MCU (acts as oscillator)

Page 34: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Isolating the backscatter signal

34Backscatter tag off Backscatter tag on

60 Hz ambient noise 125 Hz backscatter

Aliased backscatter harmonics

Page 35: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Signal strength vs tag depth (preliminary)


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Commercial vs radar soil moisture (preliminary)


Average difference between commercial sensor and radar measurements:


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The long-term vision


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[S]mallholder farms operate on 12% of the world's agricultural land and produce 80% of the food that is consumed in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa...

Page 39: Accelerating the Data-Driven Agriculture Revolution · Agriculture Revolution Colleen Josephson ( June 2019 1 Using Wireless Soil Moisture Sensors. 2 Theewaterskloof

Developing world [has] 98.7 per cent mobile phone adoption (as of 2017)

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59%Of the world owns a smartphone

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● Experiment with more types of soil w/ ground-truth measurements

● Extend viable sensor depth range● Do experiments in a real farm field● Study effects of temperature and

soil salinity on the measurements



● Measurement time depends on radar frame rate and tag depth

● Environmental impact not understood

● Assumes relatively stable soil conditions

● FCC doesn’t currently allow unlicensed UWB below 3 Ghz

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Going forward: the bigger picture

● This system is just one small part ● New kinds of data at unprecedented volume and variety● Pressing need for systems to be mobile friendly


Ag is one of tech’s final frontiers

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Sources● Deepak Vasisht, Zerina Kapetanovic, Jong-ho Won, Xinxin Jin, Ranveer Chandra, Ashish Kapoor, Sudipta N.

Sinha, Madhusudhan Sudarshan, and Sean Stratman, Farmbeats: An iot platform for data-driven agriculture, Proceedings of the 14th USENIX Conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (Berkeley, CA, USA), NSDI’17, USENIX Association, 2017, pp. 515–528

● Ranveer Chandra Jian Ding, Estimating soil moisture and electrical conductivity using wi-fi, (2018).● Topp, G.C., J.L. David, and A.P. Annan 1980. Electromagnetic, Determination of Soil Water Content:

Measurement in Coaxial Transmission Lines. Water Resources Research 16:3. p. 574-582.●●●●●