acceptance speech for bhupen hazarika solidarity award

ektu shohanubhuti ki manush pete parena Political economist, Saskia Sassen But the network of global and other key cities is a new geography of centrality, and of power that is not marked in any conventional map but is nonetheless very real, And the members are denationalised and connect across the old traditional borders with enormous ease. But this geography has its own borders, and they are not very permeable. It is easier for a poor worker to cross the border into a rich country than to cross into this new geography of power. But Chomsky also feels that "nothing’s ever gone too far. Anything can be reversed; these are human decisions." He emphasises: "The more privilege you have, the more opportunity you have. The message of the `empire' is the market transmitted through the cultural network, of which the implicit purpose is the creation of a modern, read capitalist, taste and the making of an uncritical mind. It promises to usher in modernity and affluence, but actually promotes social obscurantism and cultural backwardness.The more opportunity you have, the more responsibility you have." Consumerism impacts on the members of the middle class in an entirely different manner. The material modernity they have embraced through consumerism creates a cultural crisis, which they fail to resolve within the ambit of a borrowed lifestyle. They are, therefore, forced to seek their roots, which they seem to locate in a cultural past defined in religious terms. The politicisation of this cultural crisis has led to their uncritical support to communalism and what has come to be termed cultural nationalism, which seeks to privilege a cultural identity different from the western. From time to time a Revelation 'flows' like a great tidal wave from the Ocean of Infinitude to the shores of our finite world; and Sufism is the vocation and the discipline and the

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Acceptance Speech by Lubna Marium, for Bhupen Hazarika Solidarity Award


Page 1: Acceptance Speech for Bhupen Hazarika Solidarity Award

ektu shohanubhuti ki manush pete parena

Political economist, Saskia Sassen But the network of global and other key cities is a new geography of centrality, and of power that is not marked in any conventional map but is nonetheless very real, And the members are denationalised and connect across the old traditional borders with enormous ease. But this geography has its own borders, and they are not very permeable. It is easier for a poor worker to cross the border into a rich country than to cross into this new geography of power.

But Chomsky also feels that "nothing’s ever gone too far. Anything can be reversed; these are human decisions."He emphasises: "The more privilege you have, the more opportunity you have. The message of the `empire' is the market transmitted through the cultural network, of which the implicit purpose is the creation of a modern, read capitalist, taste and the making of an uncritical mind. It promises to usher in modernity and affluence, but actually promotes social obscurantism and cultural backwardness.The more opportunity you have, the more responsibility you have."

Consumerism impacts on the members of the middle class in an entirely different manner. The material modernity they have embraced through consumerism creates a cultural crisis, which they fail to resolve within the ambit of a borrowed lifestyle. They are, therefore, forced to seek their roots, which they seem to locate in a cultural past defined in religious terms. The politicisation of this cultural crisis has led to their uncritical support to communalism and what has come to be termed cultural nationalism, which seeks to privilege a cultural identity different from the western.

From time to time a Revelation 'flows' like a great tidal wave from the Ocean of Infinitude to the shores of our finite world; and Sufism is the vocation and the discipline and the science of plunging into the ebb of one of these waves and being drawn back with it to its Eternal and Infinite Source.

There is only one water, but no two Revelations are outwardly the same. Each wave has its own characteristics according to its destination, that is, the particular needs of time and place towards which and in response to which it has providentially been made to flow. These needs, which include all kinds of ethnic receptivities and aptitudes such as vary from people to people, may be likened to the cavities and hollows which lie in the path of the wave. The vast majority of believers are exclusively concerned with the water which the wave deposits in these receptacles and which constitutes the formal aspect of the religion.

When our egos concentrate on the insignificant, it serves only to destroy unity. The part revolts thence against the whole. Thus has renunciation been advocated. However, this renunciation far from taking us towards an emptiness, is assuredly for the purpose of fulfillment. Renounce then the part to gain the whole, renounce the ephemeral for the eternal, ego for love, renounce worldly happiness for eternal bliss.