accessing files with nltk regular expressions

Accessing files with NLTK Regular Expressions

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Accessing files with NLTK Regular Expressions. Accessing additional files. Python has tools for accessing files from the local directories and also for obtaining files from the web . We have seen the tools for reading any file from a local directory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Accessing files with NLTK Regular Expressions

Accessing files with NLTKRegular ExpressionsAccessing additional filesPython has tools for accessing files from the local directories and also for obtaining files from the web.We have seen the tools for reading any file from a local directoryNow, lets see how to obtain files from the web.

Reminder, file accessfile(filename[, mode])filename.close()File no longer available filename.fileno() returns the file descriptor, not usually[size])read at most size bytes. If size not specified, read to end of file.filename.readline([size])read one line. If size provided, read that many bytes. Empty string returned if EOF encountered immediatelyfilename.readlines([sizehint]) return a list of lines. If sizehint present, return approximately that number of lines, possibly rounding to fill a buffer. filename.write(string)Where filename is the internal name of the file objectMode is r for read only, w for write only, r+ for read or write, a for append.Python module for web accessurllib2Note this is for Python 2.x, not Python 3Python 3 splits the urllib2 materials over several modulesimport urllib2urllib2.urlopen(url [,data][, timeout])Establish a link with the server identified in the url and send either a GET or POST request to retrieve the page.The optional data field provides data to send to the server as part of the request. If the data field is present, the HTTP request used is POST instead of GETUse to fetch content that is behind a form, perhaps a login pageIf used, the data must be encoded properly for including in an HTTP request. See defines time in seconds to be used for blocking operations such as the connection attempt. If it is not provided, the system wide default value is used.

4 fetch and useurlopen returns a file-like object with methods:Same as for files: read(), readline(), readlines(), fileno(), close()New for this class: info() returns meta information about the document at the URLgetcode() returns the HTTP status code sent with the response (ex: 200, 404)geturl() returns the URL of the page, which may be different from the URL requested if the server redirected the request5Short example file readfilename=raw_input('File to read: ')source = file(filename) #Access is read-onlyfor line in source: print lineRecall what this does:Open the file for read access (default when no option specified)Step through the file, one line at a time (for line in source)Print each lineURL fetchimport urllib2url = raw_input("Enter the URL of the page to fetch: ")if "http://" not in url[0:6]: url = "http://"+urlprint "Attempting to open ", urltry: linecount=0 page=urllib2.urlopen(url) result = page.getcode() if result == 200: for line in page: print line linecount+=1 print "Page Information \n ", print "Result code = ", page.getcode() print "Page contains ",linecount," lines."except: print "\nCould not open URL: ", urlURL infoinfo() provides the header information that http returns when the HEAD request is used.ex: >>> print Mon, 12 Sep 2011 14:23:44 GMTServer: Apache/1.3.27 (Unix)Last-Modified: Tue, 02 Sep 2008 21:12:03 GMTETag: "2f0d4-215f-48bdac23"Accept-Ranges: bytesContent-Length: 8543Connection: closeContent-Type: text/html8URL status and code>>> print mypage.getcode()200

>>> print mypage.geturl()

9Messy HTMLHTML is not always perfect. Browsers may be forgiving. Human and computerized html generators make mistakes.Tools for dealing with imperfect html include Beautiful Soup. Soup parses anything you give it, and does the tree traversal stuff for you. You can tell it "Find all the links", or "Find all the links of class externalLink", or "Find all the links whose urls match "", or "Find the table heading that's got bold text, then give me that text."

10The NLP pipeline

import nltkimport urllib2fail = Falseurl = raw_input("Enter the URL of the page to fetch: ")if "http://" not in url[0:7]: url = "http://"+urlprint "Attempting to open ", urltry: linecount=0 page=urllib2.urlopen(url)except: print "\nCould not open URL: ", url fail = True

if not fail: for line in page: raw = nltk.clean_html(line) print rawFile: /Users/lcassel/pythonwork/classexample/url-fetch-clean.pyTokenizingimport re, nltk, urllib2, pprint

filename=raw_input('File to read: ')infile = file(filename) #Access is read-onlyprint "File chosen:", filename

source =

tokens = nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(source)tokens = tokens[20:200]text = nltk.Text(tokens)

words = [w.lower() for w in text]vocab = sorted(set(words))print vocabFile: /Users/lcassel/pythonwork/classexamples/openfile.pyOutput from previous code:['#', "'", '***', ',', '-', '.', '15', '2006', '2011', '2554', '28', ':', ';', '[', ']', 'a', 'about', 'almost', 'and', 'anywhere', 'at', 'author', 'away', 'bickers', 'but', 'by', 'children', 'constance', 'copy', 'cost', 'crime', 'dagny', 'date', 'deeply', 'doctor', 'dostoevsky', 'ebook', 'english', 'evenings', 'father', 'few', 'five', 'fyodor', 'garnett', 'give', 'gutenberg', 'hard', 'help', 'himself', 'his', 'in', 'included', 'it', 'john', 'language', 'last', 'license', 'lived', 'march', 'may', 'mother', 'no', 'november', 'of', 'online', 'only', 'or', 'org', 'parents', 'people', 'poor', 'preface', 'produced', 'project', 'punishment', 're', 'reader', 'release', 'religious', 'restrictions', 'rooms', 's', 'so', 'son', 'spent', 'start', 'terms', 'that', 'the', 'their', 'they', 'this', 'title', 'to', 'translated', 'translator', 'two', 'under', 'understand', 'updated', 'use', 'very', 'was', 'were', 'whatsoever', 'with', 'words', 'work', 'working', 'www', 'you']Input file was Crime and Punishment as a local txt file, since crawling Gutenberg does not seem to work.Spot checkFetch a web pagePrint out the lines of the page as they are, and also as cleaned by nltk.Compare the two versions. What is removed and what is retained? Is all html removed? If anything is left, what is it and why do you think it is retained.Tokenize the text of the pagePrint the vocabulary Character encodingASCII, UnicodeAmerican Standard Code for Information InterchangeEverything stored in the computer must be expressed as a bit pattern.For numbers, easy convert to binaryFor integers, direct conversionFor real numbers, floating pointsomewhat arbitrary choice of how to represent where the decimal point is, how much precision for the whole number part, how much for the exponent.For non-numeric characters, some arbitrary choice of what bit pattern to assign to each characterCoding considerationsIf the numeric interpretation of the bit string assigned to one character is less than that for another character, the first will sort to an earlier position.Thus, assign the codes in the sort order desired. Clearly, A before BA before or after a?8 before or after A?* before or after A, 8?Once the choices are made and the code is constructed, sort order is determined. Any need to change will have to be dealt with in individual applicationsRepresenting the bit patternsAll the encodings can be represented as numeric values. Example ASCII code for K two bytes: 0100 1011Decimal 75familiar, but not really convenient for representing bits.Hexadecimal 4Bone character for each four bits. Octal 113 (_01 001 011)one character for each three bits, from the rightThe ASCII code

Limitations of ASCIIOriginal ASCII used only 7 of the available 8 bitslast bit kept for parity checkingLimited the number of characters that can be represented. Extended use the 8th bitThere are several variationsSee

Source: ASCII Hex 80 to FFSome additional language characters, such as and and and the Greek alphabet. Many more missing.UnicodeASCII is just one encoding exampleASCII, even extended, does not have enough space for all needed encodings.Different schemes in use present potential conflict different codes for the same symbol, different symbols with the same code if you deal with more than one scheme.Enter unicode. See

From unicode.orgUnicode provides a unique number for every character, no matter what the platform, no matter what the program, no matter what the language. The Unicode Standard has been adopted by such industry leaders as Apple, HP, IBM, JustSystems, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Sun, Sybase, Unisys and many others. Unicode is required by modern standards such as XML, Java, ECMAScript (JavaScript), LDAP, CORBA 3.0, WML, etc., and is the official way to implement ISO/IEC 10646. It is supported in many operating systems, all modern browsers, and many other products. The emergence of the Unicode Standard, and the availability of tools supporting it, are among the most significant recent global software technology trends.UnicodeThere are three encoding forms:8, 16, 32 bitsUTF-8 includes the ASCII codesUTF-16 all commonly used symbols, other symbols available in pairs of 16-bit unitsUTF-32 when size is not an issue. All symbols in 32 bit string of bitsUsing unicode

Regular ExpressionsProcessing text often involves selecting for specific characteristicsRegular expressions powerful tool for describing the characteristics of interestAccess in python: import reRaw string notation: precede a string with rr\nmeans backslash then n, not new line

Regular Expression special characters pt 1^ (Caret) Matches the start of the string$ matches the end of the string, or just before newline at the end of a string. matches any single character* match 0 or more repetitions of the preceding re. 0*1 matches any number of 0s followed by 1: 1, 01, 001, 0001, etc.+ matches 1 or more repetition. 0+1 matches 01, 001, 0001, etc., but not 1? matches 0 or 1 repetitions. 0?1 matches 1 and 01 only{m,n} matches between m and n repetitions. If no n specified, matches only exactly m repetitions. 0{2,4}1 matches 001, 0001, 000010{3}1 matches only 0001Regular Expression special characters pt 2{m,n}? match as few as possible of these. 0{2,4}1 will match 001 if it is available, or 0001 if no 001 is available, or 00001 if no shorter string is available.\ escape special character, so you can search for * or ? etc[ ] used to indicate a set of characters. [abc] will match a or b or crange: [0-9A-Za-z] will match any digit or letter, upper or lower caseSpecial characters lose meaning in set: [\*] matches \ or *^ = negate the set [^0-9] will match anything except a digit| means or A|B means the character A or the character B. Options are tested left to right and the search quits when a match is found. This gives priority to the symbol listed first.

Python reimport nltkimport rewordlist = [w for w in nltk.corpus.words.words('en') if w.islower()]print [w for w in wordlist if'ed$', w)]matches all words in the list that end in edTake it step by step:(Get all the English words in the wordlist -- )wordlist = [w for w in nltk.corpus.words.words('en')]print wordlist[0:200]['A', 'a', 'aa', 'aal', 'aalii', 'aam', 'Aani', 'aardvark', 'aardwolf', 'Aaron', 'Aaronic', 'Aaronical', 'Aaronite', 'Aaronitic', 'Aaru', 'Ab', 'aba', 'Ababdeh', 'Ababua', 'abac', 'abaca', 'abacate', 'abacay', 'abacinate', 'abacination', 'abaciscus', 'abacist', 'aback', 'abactinal', 'abactinally', 'abaction', 'abactor', 'abaculus', 'abacus', 'Abadite', 'abaff', 'abaft', 'abaisance',from __future__ import divisionimport nltk, re, pprint

wordlist = [w for w in nltk.corpus.words.words('en') if w.islower()]print wordlist[0:200]Restrict to lower case words['a', 'aa', 'aal', 'aalii', 'aam', 'aardvark', 'aardwolf', 'aba', 'abac', 'abaca', 'abacate', 'abacay', 'abacinate', 'abacination', 'abaciscus', 'abacist', 'aback', 'abactinal', 'abactinally', 'abaction', 'abactor', ['abaissed', 'abandoned', 'abased', 'abashed', 'abatised', 'abed']from __future__ import divisionimport nltk, re, pprint

wordlist = [w for w in nltk.corpus.words.words('en') if w.islower()]wordlist = wordlist[0:200]print [w for w in wordlist if'ed$', w)]Wildcard . matches any single characterCrossword match example:[w for w in wordlist if'^..j..t..$', w)]Word beginningSingle characterSpecific letter Word endCrossword match example: ['abjectly', 'adjuster', 'dejected', 'dejectly', 'injector', 'majestic', 'objectee', 'objector', 'rejecter', 'rejector', 'unjilted', 'unjolted', 'unjustly]Spot checkYour Turn: The caret symbol ^ matches the start of a string, just like the $ matches the end. What results do we get with the above example if we leave out both of these, and search for ..j..t..?Think about it first. What do you expect?Then run it.Crossword match example: ['abjectedness', 'abjection', 'abjective', 'abjectly', 'abjectness', 'adjection', 'adjectional', 'adjectival', 'adjectivally', 'adjective', 'adjectively', 'adjectivism', 'adjectivitis', 'adjustable', 'adjustably', 'adjustage', 'adjustation', 'adjuster', 'adjustive', 'adjustment', 'antejentacular', 'antiprojectivity', 'bijouterie', 'coadjustment', 'cojusticiar', 'conjective', 'conjecturable', 'conjecturably', 'conjectural', 'conjecturalist', 'conjecturality', 'conjecturally', 'conjecture', 'conjecturer', 'coprojector', 'counterobjection', 'dejected', 'dejectedly', 'dejectedness', 'dejectile', 'dejection', There will always be two letters before j and two letters between j and t and two letters after t. Nothing else specified.? as optional character? indicates 0 or 1 occurrences^e-?mail$matches either email or e-mail^[Ee]-?mail$allows either upper or lower case ENote that [^Ee] matches anything that is not E,ethe negation is inside the [ ]

Texting exampleFirst letter from ghi, second from mno, then jlk, then defTake away the ^ and $

[w for w in wordlist if'^[ghi][mno][jlk][def]$', w)['gold', 'golf', 'hold', 'hole']'tinkerlike', 'tinkerly', 'tinkershire', 'tinkershue', 'tinkerwise', 'tinlet', 'titleholder', 'toolholder', 'toolholding', 'touchhole', 'trainless', 'traphole', 'trinkerman', 'trinket', 'trinketer', 'trinketry', 'trinkety', 'triole', 'trioleate', 'triolefin', 'trioleic, Python use of, string[,flags])scan through string looking for pattern. Return None if not, string) if zero or more characters at the beginning of string match the re pattern, return a corresponding MatchObject instance. Return None if string does not match the,string)Split string by occurrences of pattern. from: some options not includedSome shortened forms>>> re.split('\W+', 'Words, words, words.')['Words', 'words', 'words', '']

>>> re.split('(\W+)', 'Words, words, words.')['Words', ', ', 'words', ', ', 'words', '.', '']

>>> re.split('\W+', 'Words, words, words.', 1)['Words', 'words, words.']

>>> re.split('[a-f]+', '0a3B9', flags=re.IGNORECASE)['0', '3', '9']\w = word class: equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_]\W = complement of \w all characters other than letters and digitsIf capturing parentheses are used in pattern, then the text of all groups in the pattern are also returned as part of the resulting list. thus, the split is on the non alpha-numeric characters, but those characters are included in the resulting list.Ref:, string[,flags])return all non-overlapping matches of pattern in string, as a list of strings. String scanned left-to-right. Matches returned in order found.Applications of reExtract word pieces

another> word = 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'>>> re.findall(r'[aeiou]', word)['u', 'e', 'a', 'i', 'a', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'e', 'i', 'a', 'i', 'o', 'i', 'o', 'u']>>> len(re.findall(r'[aeiou]', word))16>>> wsj = sorted(set(nltk.corpus.treebank.words()))>>> fd = nltk.FreqDist(vs for word in wsj... for vs in re.findall(r'[aeiou]{2,}', word))>>> fd.items()vu50390:ch3 lcassel$ python[('io', 549), ('ea', 476), ('ie', 331), ('ou', 329), ('ai', 261), ('ia', 253), ('ee', 217), ('oo', 174), ('ua', 109), ('au', 106), ('ue', 105), ('ui', 95), ('ei', 86), ('oi', 65), ('oa', 59), ('eo', 39), ('iou', 27), ('eu', 18), ('oe', 15), ('iu', 14), ('ae', 11), ('eau', 10), ('uo', 8), ('ao', 6), ('oui', 6), ('eou', 5), ('uou', 5), ('uee', 4), ('aa', 3), ('ieu', 3), ('uie', 3), ('eei', 2), ('aia', 1), ('aii', 1), ('aiia', 1), ('eea', 1), ('iai', 1), ('iao', 1), ('ioa', 1), ('oei', 1), ('ooi', 1), ('ueui', 1), ('uu', 1)]Spot checkYour Turn: In the W3C Date Time Format, dates are represented like this: 2009-12-31. Replace the ? in the following Python code with a regular expression, in order to convert the string '2009-12-31' to a list of integers [2009, 12, 31]:

[int(n) for n in re.findall(?, '2009-12-31')]Processing some text>>> regexp = r'^[AEIOUaeiou]+|[AEIOUaeiou]+$|[^AEIOUaeiou]'>>> def compress(word):... pieces = re.findall(regexp, word)... return ''.join(pieces)...>>> english_udhr = nltk.corpus.udhr.words('English-Latin1')>>> print nltk.tokenwrap(compress(w) for w in english_udhr[:75])

Unvrsl Dclrtn of Hmn Rghts Prmble Whrs rcgntn of the inhrnt dgnty andof the eql and inlnble rghts of all mmbrs of the hmn fmly is the fndtnof frdm , jstce and pce in the wrld , Whrs dsrgrd and cntmpt fr hmnrghts hve rsltd in brbrs acts whch hve outrgd the cnscnce of mnknd ,and the advnt of a wrld in whch hmn bngs shll enjy frdm of spch andNoting redundancy in English and eliminating internal word vowels:Tabulating combinations>>> rotokas_words = nltk.corpus.toolbox.words('rotokas.dic')>>> cvs = [cv for w in rotokas_words for cv in re.findall\(r'[ptksvr][aeiou]', w)]>>> cfd = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(cvs)>>> cfd.tabulate() a e i o uk 418 148 94 420 173p 83 31 105 34 51r 187 63 84 89 79s 0 0 100 2 1t 47 8 0 148 37v 93 27 105 48 49Rotokas is an East Papuan languageInspecting the words behind the numbers >>> cv_word_pairs = [(cv, w) for w in rotokas_words... for cv in re.findall(r'[ptksvr][aeiou]', w)]>>> cv_index = nltk.Index(cv_word_pairs)>>> cv_index['su']['kasuari']>>> cv_index['po']['kaapo', 'kaapopato', 'kaipori', 'kaiporipie', 'kaiporivira', 'kapo', 'kapoa', 'kapokao', 'kapokapo', 'kapokapo', 'kapokapoa', 'kapokapoa', 'kapokapora', 'kapokapora', 'kapokaporo', 'kapokaporo', 'kapokari', 'kapokarito', 'kapokoa', 'kapoo', 'kapooto', 'kapoovira', 'kapopaa', 'kaporo', 'kaporo', 'kaporopa', 'kaporoto', 'kapoto', 'karokaropo', 'karopo', 'kepo', 'kepoi', 'keposi', 'kepoto']StemmingSimple approach:>>> def stem(word):... for suffix in ['ing', 'ly', 'ed', 'ious', 'ies', 'ive', 'es',\ 's', 'ment']:... if word.endswith(suffix):... return word[:-len(suffix)]... return wordBuilding a stemmerBuild a disjunction of all suffixes

Take a look. What do we have here?r raw string. Interpret everything just as what you see.^ from the beginning . match anything* repeat the match anything 0 or more times(ing|ly|ed|ious|ies|ive|es|s|ment) look for one of these$ at the end of the stringprocessing -- the stringresult =

re.findall(r'^.*(ing|ly|ed|ious|ies|ive|es|s|ment)$', 'processing')['ing']To get the whole wordNeed to add ?: >>> re.findall(r'^.*(?:ing|ly|ed|ious|ies|ive|es|s|ment)$', 'processing')['processing']Split the word into stem and suffixSome subtleties involved>>> re.findall(r'^(.*)(ing|ly|ed|ious|ies|ive|es|s|ment)$', 'processing')[('process', 'ing')]Looks ok, but >>> re.findall(r'^(.*)(ing|ly|ed|ious|ies|ive|es|s|ment)$', 'processes')[('processe', 's')]The * is a greedy operator. It takes as much as it can get.>>> re.findall(r'^(.*?)(ing|ly|ed|ious|ies|ive|es|s|ment)$', 'processes')[('process', 'es')]*? is non greedy version. >>> re.findall(r'^(.*?)(ing|ly|ed|ious|ies|ive|es|s|ment)?$', 'language')[('language', '')]? makes the suffix list optional, matches when none presentA stemming function>>> def stem(word):... regexp = r'^(.*?)(ing|ly|ed|ious|ies|ive|es|s|ment)?$'... stem, suffix = re.findall(regexp, word)[0]... return stem...>>> raw = """DENNIS: Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords... is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from... a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.""">>> tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(raw)>>> [stem(t) for t in tokens]['DENNIS', ':', 'Listen', ',', 'strange', 'women', 'ly', 'in', 'pond','distribut', 'sword', 'i', 'no', 'basi', 'for', 'a', 'system', 'of', 'govern','.', 'Supreme', 'execut', 'power', 'deriv', 'from', 'a', 'mandate', 'from','the', 'mass', ',', 'not', 'from', 'some', 'farcical', 'aquatic', 'ceremony', '.']Note some strange words returned as the stem: basi from basis and deriv and execut etc.The Porter StemmerOfficial home: python version>>> from nltk.corpus import gutenberg, nps_chat>>> moby = nltk.Text(gutenberg.words('melville-moby_dick.txt'))>>> moby.findall(r" () ") monied; nervous; dangerous; white; white; white; pious; queer; good;mature; white; Cape; great; wise; wise; butterless; white; fiendish;pale; furious; better; certain; complete; dismasted; younger; brave;brave; brave; brave

>>> chat = nltk.Text(nps_chat.words())>>> chat.findall(r" ") you rule bro; telling you bro; u twizted bro

>>> chat.findall(r"{3,}") lol lol lol; lmao lol lol; lol lol lol; la la la la la; la la la; lala la; lovely lol lol love; lol lol lol.; la la la; la la la( ) means only that part is returnedre.showCo{l}or{l}ess green ideas s{l}eep furious{l}yColorless {gree}n ideas sleep furiouslyimport nltk, resent = "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously"nltk.re_show('l',sent)

nltk.re_show('gree',sent)Word patterns >>> from nltk.corpus import brown>>> hobbies_learned = nltk.Text(brown.words(categories=['hobbies', 'learned']))>>> hobbies_learned.findall(r" ")speed and other activities; water and other liquids; tomb and otherlandmarks; Statues and other monuments; pearls and other jewels;charts and other items; roads and other features; figures and otherobjects; military and other areas; demands and other factors;abstracts and other compilations; iron and other metalsSpot CheckHow would you find all instances of the pattern as x as yexample: as easy as pieCan you handle this: as pretty as a pictureMore on Stemming>>> porter = nltk.PorterStemmer()>>> lancaster = nltk.LancasterStemmer()>>> [porter.stem(t) for t in tokens]['DENNI', ':', 'Listen', ',', 'strang', 'women', 'lie', 'in', 'pond','distribut', 'sword', 'is', 'no', 'basi', 'for', 'a', 'system', 'of', 'govern','.', 'Suprem', 'execut', 'power', 'deriv', 'from', 'a', 'mandat', 'from','the', 'mass', ',', 'not', 'from', 'some', 'farcic', 'aquat', 'ceremoni', '.']

>>> [lancaster.stem(t) for t in tokens]['den', ':', 'list', ',', 'strange', 'wom', 'lying', 'in', 'pond', 'distribut','sword', 'is', 'no', 'bas', 'for', 'a', 'system', 'of', 'govern', '.', 'suprem','execut', 'pow', 'der', 'from', 'a', 'mand', 'from', 'the', 'mass', ',', 'not','from', 'som', 'farc', 'aqu', 'ceremony', '.'] >>> wnl = nltk.WordNetLemmatizer()>>> [wnl.lemmatize(t) for t in tokens]['DENNIS', ':', 'Listen', ',', 'strange', 'woman', 'lying', 'in', 'pond','distributing', 'sword', 'is', 'no', 'basis', 'for', 'a', 'system', 'of','government', '.', 'Supreme', 'executive', 'power', 'derives', 'from', 'a','mandate', 'from', 'the', 'mass', ',', 'not', 'from', 'some', 'farcical','aquatic', 'ceremony', '.']Only keeps stems if in dictionaryTokenizingWe have done split, but it was not very complete.Built in re abbreviation for any kind of white space: \s>>> re.split(r'\s+', raw)['Dennis:', 'Listen,', 'strange', 'women', 'lying', 'in', 'ponds', 'distributing', 'swords', 'is', 'no', 'basis', 'for', 'a', 'system', 'of', 'government.', 'Supreme', 'executive', 'power', 'derives', 'from', 'a', 'mandate', 'from', 'the', 'masses,', 'not', 'from', 'some', 'farcical', 'aquatic', 'ceremony.']>>>TokenizingSplit on anything other than a word character (A-Za-z0-9) >>> re.split(r'\W+', raw)['', 'When', 'I', 'M', 'a', 'Duchess', 'she', 'said', 'to', 'herself', 'not', 'in','a', 'very', 'hopeful', 'tone', 'though', 'I', 'won', 't', 'have', 'any', 'pepper','in', 'my', 'kitchen', 'AT', 'ALL', 'Soup', 'does', 'very', 'well', 'without','Maybe', 'it', 's', 'always', 'pepper', 'that', 'makes', 'people', 'hot', 'tempered','']Note: IM became I Mre.findall(r'\w+', raw)Splits on the words, instead of the separators\w+|\S\w*will first try to match any sequence of word characters. If no match is found, it will try to match any non-whitespace character (\S is the complement of \s) followed by further word characters. This means that punctuation is grouped with any following letters (e.g. 's) but that sequences of two or more punctuation characters are separated.Getting there >>> re.findall(r'\w+|\S\w*', raw)["'When", 'I', "'M", 'a', 'Duchess', ',', "'", 'she', 'said', 'to', 'herself', ',','(not', 'in', 'a', 'very', 'hopeful', 'tone', 'though', ')', ',', "'I", 'won', "'t",'have', 'any', 'pepper', 'in', 'my', 'kitchen', 'AT', 'ALL', '.', 'Soup', 'does','very', 'well', 'without', '-', '-Maybe', 'it', "'s", 'always', 'pepper', 'that','makes', 'people', 'hot', '-tempered', ',', "'", '.', '.', '.']Now get internal marks M and t Regular expression symbolsSummarySymbolFunction\bWord boundary (zero width)\dAny decimal digit (equivalent to [0-9])\DAny non-digit character (equivalent to [^0-9])\sAny whitespace character (equivalent to [ \t\n\r\f\v]\SAny non-whitespace character (equivalent to [^ \t\n\r\f\v])\wAny alphanumeric character (equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_])\WAny non-alphanumeric character (equivalent to [^a-zA-Z0-9_])\tThe tab character\nThe newline characterTokenizer in Python >>> text = 'That U.S.A. poster-print costs $12.40...'>>> pattern = r'''(?x) # set flag to allow verbose regexps... ([A-Z]\.)+ # abbreviations, e.g. U.S.A.... | \w+(-\w+)* # words with optional internal hyphens... | \$?\d+(\.\d+)?%? # currency and percentages, e.g. $12.40, 82%... | \.\.\. # ellipsis... | [][.,;"'?():-_`] # these are separate tokens... '''>>> nltk.regexp_tokenize(text, pattern)['That', 'U.S.A.', 'poster-print', 'costs', '$12.40', '...']Spot Check Describe the class of strings matched by the following regular expressions.

[a-zA-Z]+[A-Z][a-z]*p[aeiou]{,2}t\d+(\.\d+)?([^aeiou][aeiou][^aeiou])*\w+|[^\w\s]+Test your answers using nltk.re_show().

ExercisesFor next week: Read in some text from a corpus, tokenize it, and print the list of all wh-word types that occur. (wh-words in English are used in questions, relative clauses and exclamations: who, which, what, and so on.) Print them in order. Are any words duplicated in this list, because of the presence of case distinctions or punctuation?For two weeks from now: Obtain raw texts from two or more genres and compute their respective reading difficulty scores as in the earlier exercise on reading difficulty. E.g. compare ABC Rural News and ABC Science News ( Use Punkt to perform sentence segmentation.