accountable care organization summit11:30 a.m. moving toward accountable care in states mark...

Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution; Former CMS Administrator and FDA Commissioner, Washington, DC Elliott S. Fisher, MD, MPH, Director, Population Health and Policy; Director, Center for Population Health, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy, Lebanon, NH REGISTER ONLINE AT Accountable Care Organization Summit The THIRD NATIONAL THE LEADING FORUM ON ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS AND RELATED DELIVERY SYSTEM AND PAYMENT REFORM June 6–8, 2012 • Grand Hyatt Washington,Washington, DC A Hybrid Conference & Internet Event See page 2 TRACK SESSIONS Accountable Care Payment Strategies Implementing Performance Measures Addressing High Risk and Vulnerable Populations Clinical Transformation Accountable Care in the Private Sector Integrated Dual Eligible and Medicaid Reforms Coordination Across the Continuum of Care Engaging Providers in Accountable Care FEATURED PLENARY SESSIONS National Trends in Health Care Reform Early Experiences in Medicare: Pioneer ACOs and the Medicare Shared Savings Program Moving Towards Accountable Care in States Creating a Pathway for Multi-Payer ACOs CO-CHAIRS Melanie Bella, MBA, Director, Federal Coordinated Health Care Office, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC Jonathan Blum, MA, Deputy Administrator and Director, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC Richard J. Gilfillan, MD, MBA, Director, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC Bruce D. Greenstein, MS, Secretary, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Baton Rouge, LA Julian Harris, MD, MBA, Medicaid Director, Massachusetts Department of Health and Human Services, Boston, MA FEATURED SPEAKERS George Isham, MD, MS, Chief Health Officer and Plan Medical Director, HealthPartners, Minneapolis, MN Charles D. Kennedy, MD, MBA, Chief Executive Officer, Accountable Care Solutions, Aetna, Hartford, CT Gene Lindsey, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer, Atrius Health, Newton, MA Richard Merkin, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer, Heritage California ACO, Northridge, CA Lee B. Sacks, MD, Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Advocate Health Care, Oak Brook, IL Marilyn Tavenner, MHA, Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC SPONSORS

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Page 1: Accountable Care Organization Summit11:30 a.m. Moving Toward Accountable Care in States Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution;

Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution; Former CMS Administrator and FDA Commissioner, Washington, DC

Elliott S. Fisher, MD, MPH, Director, Population Health and Policy; Director, Center for Population Health, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy, Lebanon, NH


Accountable Care Organization Summit



June 6–8, 2012 • Grand Hyatt Washington, Washington, DC

A Hybrid Conference & Internet


See page 2

TRACK SESSIONS• Accountable Care Payment Strategies• Implementing Performance Measures• Addressing High Risk and Vulnerable Populations• Clinical Transformation• Accountable Care in the Private Sector • Integrated Dual Eligible and Medicaid Reforms• Coordination Across the Continuum of Care• Engaging Providers in Accountable Care

FEATURED PLENARY SESSIONS• National Trends in Health Care Reform• Early Experiences in Medicare: Pioneer ACOs and the Medicare

Shared Savings Program• Moving Towards Accountable Care in States• Creating a Pathway for Multi-Payer ACOs


Melanie Bella, MBA, Director, Federal Coordinated Health Care Office, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC

Jonathan Blum, MA, Deputy Administrator and Director, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC

Richard J. Gilfillan, MD, MBA, Director, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC

Bruce D. Greenstein, MS, Secretary, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Baton Rouge, LA

Julian Harris, MD, MBA, Medicaid Director, Massachusetts Department of Health and Human Services, Boston, MA


George Isham, MD, MS, Chief Health Officer and Plan Medical Director, HealthPartners, Minneapolis, MN

Charles D. Kennedy, MD, MBA, Chief Executive Officer, Accountable Care Solutions, Aetna, Hartford, CT

Gene Lindsey, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer, Atrius Health, Newton, MA

Richard Merkin, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer, Heritage California ACO, Northridge, CA

Lee B. Sacks, MD, Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Advocate Health Care, Oak Brook, IL

Marilyn Tavenner, MHA, Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC


Page 2: Accountable Care Organization Summit11:30 a.m. Moving Toward Accountable Care in States Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution;


Participation Options Traditional Onsite AttendanceSimply register, travel to the conference city and attend in person. Benefits of attending include subject matter immersion; professional networking opportunities; faculty interaction.

Live and Archived Internet AttendanceWatch the conference in live streaming video over the Internet and at your convenience at any time 24/7 for six months following the event. The archived conference includes speaker videos and coordinated PowerPoint presentations. Live digital feed and 24/7 Internet access for the next six months; accessible in the office, at home or anywhere worldwide with Internet access; avoid travel expense and hassle; no time away from the office.

Exhibit and Sponsorship OpportunitiesTake advantage of this unique opportunity to expand your reach! The Summit is attended by highly influential and experienced professionals. Sponsorship offers you strategic positioning as an industry leader. For more information call 206-673-4815 or email [email protected].

Hotel Information and ReservationsThe Grand Hyatt Washington is the official hotel for the ACO Summit.A special group rate of $309 (plus tax) single/double has been arranged for Summit attendees. For your convenience we are delighted to provide you with a dedicated website so you will be able to make, modify, and cancel your hotel reservations online.To preview the website and reserve your room at the group rate, visit the conference website at and click on the Travel/Hotel tab.You may also make a phone reservation by calling Hyatt Reservations directly at 888-421-1442 or 402-592-6464. When making your reservation, please refer to “Accountable Care Summit” at the Grand Hyatt Washington Hotel in order to receive the group rate.Hotel reservations at the group rate will be accepted while rooms are available or until the cut-off date of Monday, May 7, 2012. After this, reservations will be accepted on a space-available basis at the prevailing rate.

Grand Hyatt Washington 1000 H Street NW • Washington, DC 20001

The Third NaTioNal accouNTable care orgaNizaTioN SummiT

ACO OverviewImplementation of accountable care organizations (ACOs) has continued to advance rapidly in the past year. The National ACO Summit will provide an unprecedented opportunity to learn from leaders of ongoing ACO efforts and identify strategies to overcome ACO implementation barriers. The Summit is bringing together executives from leading ACOs and commercial health plans, and senior policymakers, to provide unique and in-depth insights into ACO implementation and related health reform efforts. The Summit will explore how organizations can align public and private sector ACO initiatives, align quality improvement and cost reduction efforts, effectively participate in the Medicare Shared Savings Program, and learn from the experiences of organizations in the Pioneer ACO Model and in leading commercial accountable care arrangements.

What is an aCO? ACOs are groups of physicians, hospitals, and other providers that receive financial rewards for achieving continually advancing patient-focused quality targets and demonstrating reductions in overall spending growth for their defined patient population. ACOs can be organized in a number of ways, ranging from fully integrated delivery systems to networked models within which physicians in small office practices can work together to improve quality, coordinate care, and reduce costs. ACOs can also feature different payment incentives, ranging from “one-sided” shared savings within a fee-for-service environment to partial capitation arrangements with quality bonuses. In addition, ACOs are compatible with a range of other payment reforms, such as medical homes and bundled payments. ACOs can help ensure that these reforms lead to sustainable quality improvements and cost reductions. In sum, ACOs provide an ideal mechanism to transition from paying for volume and intensity to paying for value.

hOW is aCO implementatiOn prOCeeding aCrOss the COuntry? In October 2011, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the final rule for the Medicare Shared Savings Program. In December 2011, the CMS Innovation Center (CMMI) signed on with 32 organizations to participate in the Pioneer ACO program, which offers greater potential rewards to provider organizations that are willing to bear financial risk for both Medicare beneficiaries and commercially-insured patient populations. CMS has also proposed a number of pilot programs under the Innovation Center that will encourage collaboration among providers in more focused areas, including a bundled payment initiative to improve coordination within certain types of specialty care and an all-payer medical home demonstration to improve coordination in primary care.

Beyond Medicare ACO initiatives, interest and participation in accountable care reforms have been growing both in states and in the private sector.At least 27 states introduced bills referring to accountable care during the 2011 legislative session alone, and 12 states have already passed legislation intended to support the transition toward ACO-like models for either their Medicaid programs or state employees. In the private sector, all of the major private health plans have begun implementing the ACO model with over 200 organizations in every region of the country. In tandem with the Medicare Shared Savings Program, the Pioneer ACO Model, and other innovative programs in Medicare, these private sector efforts will be instrumental in moving ACO implementation forward as health care reform progresses.



Page 3: Accountable Care Organization Summit11:30 a.m. Moving Toward Accountable Care in States Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution;


Day 1 • Thursday, June 7, 20129:00 a.m. Summit Opening Address

Marilyn Tavenner, MHA, Acting Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC

9:30 a.m. National Trends in Health Care ReformSpeakers TBA

10:30 a.m. Early Experiences in Medicare: Pioneer ACOs and the Medicare Shared Savings Program

Elliott S. Fisher, MD, MPH, Director, Population Health and Policy; Director, Center for Population Health, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy, Lebanon, NH (Moderator)


tHE EngElbERg CEntER fOR HEAltH CARE REfORm At bROOkIngS And tHE dARtmOutH InStItutE fOR HEAltH POlICy & ClInICAl PRACtICE InvItE yOu tO

jOIn tHE ACO lEARnIng nEtwORk

Along with a robust set of ACO Learning Network resources, this year’s Network is comprised of four clinician-led ACO work groups developing actionable ACO implementation tools:

The aCCOuntable Care payment strategies WOrk grOup is developing a decision making framework to assist provider organizations in selecting payment models that are best suited for achieving better quality care at a lower cost in their specific health care environment.

The CliniCal transfOrmatiOn: frOm leadership tO Quality imprOvement WOrk grOup is developing a decision making framework to enable organizations to clearly understand the capabilities required to develop the skills and tools necessary to align organizational and physician values and transform the people, processes and technology to a care delivery model that offers value while measurably improving quality.

The addressing high-risk and vulnerable pOpulatiOns WOrk grOup is providing organizations with guidance regarding predictive modeling, care management methodologies and measuring the effectiveness and impact of their interventions.

The implementing perfOrmanCe measures WOrk grOup is developing a “glide path” that describes where ACOs should start given their current performance measurement capabilities and what ACOs at every stage can do to enhance measures implementation over time in an orderly and staged manner.


Caroline Blaum, MD, MS, Professor of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs; Associate Director Faculty Group Practice, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MIJonathan Blum, MA, Deputy Administrator and Director, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DCRichard Merkin, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer, Heritage California ACO, Northridge, CA Judy Rich, RN, President and Chief Executive Officer, Tucson Medical Center, Tucson, AZ

Wednesday, June 6, 2012Preconference Legal and Operational Issues in ACO Development1:00 p.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks

S. Lawrence Kocot, JD, LLM, MPA, Deputy Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, The Brookings Institution; Senior Counsel, SNR Denton, Washington, DC

1:15 p.m. Implications of the Supreme Court Decision on Accountable Care: Beyond the Obvious

Douglas A. Hastings, JD, Partner and Chair, Board of Directors, Epstein, Becker & Green; Past President, American Health Lawyers Association, Washington, DC

1:45 p.m. Regulatory Issues and Compliance: Stark, Fraud and Abuse and CMS requirements

Bruce Merlin Fried, JD, Partner, Health Care Group, SNR Denton US LLP, Washington, DCRobert Homchick, JD, Partner and Chair, Health Law Group, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, Seattle, WA

2:30 p.m. Applying FTC/DOJ Guidance: Is this an end or just the beginning?

Robert F. Leibenluft, JD, Partner, Hogan Lovells, Washington, DC

3:00 p.m. Preconference Faculty Q&AS. Lawrence Kocot, JD, LLM, MPA, Deputy Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, The Brookings Institution; Senior Counsel, SNR Denton, Washington, DC (Moderator)

3:30 p.m. Break

3:45 p.m. Lessons Learned from Applying to the Medicare Shared Savings Program: Attribution, TINs, Measurement, Data Sharing and More

Mark Hamelburg, JD, Senior Counsel, Health and Life Sciences, SNR Denton, Washington, DCOther Faculty TBA

4:45 p.m. Vendor Solutions for ACO Infrastructure and Operational Support

Faculty TBA

5:45 p.m. Adjournment

Page 4: Accountable Care Organization Summit11:30 a.m. Moving Toward Accountable Care in States Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution;


11:30 a.m. Moving Toward Accountable Care in StatesMark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution; Former CMS Administrator and FDA Commissioner, Washington, DC (Moderator)Melanie Bella, MBA, Director of the Federal Coordinated Health Care Office, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DCJeffrey Brenner, MD, Director, Institute for Urban Health, Cooper University Hospital; Executive Director, Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers, Camden, NJBruce D. Greenstein, MS, Secretary, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals; Former Associate Regional Administrator and Director of Waivers and Demonstrations, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Baton Rouge, LAJulian Harris, MD, MBA, Medicaid Director, Massachusetts Department of Health and Human Services, Boston, MA

12:30 p.m. Networking Lunch

Track 1: Accountable Care Payment Strategies1:30 p.m. Keynote

Jay Crosson, MD, Senior Fellow, Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Policy; Former Founding Executive Director, The Permanente Federation, Oakland, CA

2:00 p.m. Panel 1: Creating a Pathway to Population Based Payments

Robert Kocher, MD, Partner, Venrock Associates; Visiting Fellow, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution; Former Special Assistant to President Obama for Healthcare and Economic Policy, Palo Alto, CA (Moderator)Jay Crosson, MD, Senior Fellow, Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Policy; Former Founding Executive Director, The Permanente Federation, Oakland, CA

3:15 p.m. Break

3:45 p.m. Keynote Alice G. Gosfield, Esq., Principal, Alice Gosfield Associates, Philadelphia, PA

4:15 p.m. Panel 2: Payment Strategies to Reduce CostsKavita Patel, MD, MSHS, Fellow, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution; Former Director of Policy, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement, White House, Washington, DC (Moderator)Alice G. Gosfield, Esq., Principal, Alice Gosfield Associates, Philadelphia, PA Wayne Jenkins, MD, MPH, President, Orlando Health Physician Partners, Senior Vice President, Orlando Health, Orlando, FL Lewis Sandy, MD, MBA, Senior Vice President, Clinical Advancement, UnitedHealth Group Incorporated, Minnetonka, MNGreger J. Vigen, MBA, FSA, Health Actuary, Society of Actuaries, Los Angeles, CA

5:30 p.m. Adjournment and Networking Reception

Track 2: Implementing Performance Measures1:30 p.m. Keynote

Gene Lindsey, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer, Atrius Health, Newton, MA

2:00 p.m. Panel 1: Infrastructure for Quality ImprovementMarcia Guida James, MS, MBA, CPC Director, Provider Engagement, Humana, Louisville, KY Gene Lindsey, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer, Atrius Health, Newton, MAChris Queram, MA, President and Chief Executive Officer, Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality, Middleton, WI

3:15 p.m. Break

3:45 p.m. Keynote Dana Safran, ScD, Senior Vice President for Performance Measurement and Improvement, Health Care Services Division, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts; Associate Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA

4:15 p.m. Panel 2: Implementation Path to Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures

Dana Safran, ScD, Senior Vice President for Performance Measurement and Improvement, Health Care Services Division, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts; Associate Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MAMark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution; Former CMS Administrator and FDA Commissioner, Washington, DC (Moderator)

5:30 p.m. Adjournment and Networking Reception

Track 3: Addressing High Risk and Vulnerable Populations1:30 p.m. Keynote

Tyler Jung, MD, Medical Director of Inpatient Services and Clinical High Risk Programs, HealthCare Partners Medical Group, Torrance, CA

2:00 p.m. Panel 1: Identifying High Risk and Vulnerable Populations

Stephen Rosenthal, MsC, MBA, Chief Operating Officer, Montefiore Care Management, Bronx, NY (Moderator)Gino Tenace, MBA, Chief Operating Officer, Rise Health, Jacksonville, FLJane Thorpe, Esq., Program Director, College of Professional Studies and Associate Research; Professor, School of Public Health and Health Services, George Washington University, Washington, DC

3:15 p.m. Break3:45 p.m. Keynote

Chad Boult, MD, MPH, MBA, Professor, Bloomberg School of Public Health; Director, Lipitz Center for Integrated Health Care, Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

4:15 p.m. Panel 2: Engaging and Managing Care for High Risk Populations

Chad Boult, MD, MPH, MBA, Professor, Bloomberg School of Public Health; Director, Lipitz Center for Integrated Health Care, Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD


Page 5: Accountable Care Organization Summit11:30 a.m. Moving Toward Accountable Care in States Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution;


David R. Nerenz, PhD, Director, Center for Health Services Research; Director, Outcomes Research, Neuroscience Institute, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI

5:30 p.m. Adjournment and Networking Reception

Track 4: Clinical Transformation1:30 p.m. Keynote

Kenneth C. Wilson, MD, System Vice President, Clinical Effectiveness and Quality, Norton Healthcare, Louisville, KY

2:00 p.m. Panel 1: Clinical LeadershipDon Caruso, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer, Cheshire Medical Center/Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene, Keene, NH (Moderator)Justine M. Carr, MD, Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President of Quality and Safety, Steward Health Care System, LLC, Boston, MAMark Werner, MD, Chief Clinical Integration Officer, Fairview Health, Minneapolis, MNRandall E. Williams, MD, FACC, Chief Executive Officer, PHAROS Innovations, Northfield, ILKenneth C. Wilson, MD, System Vice President Clinical Effectiveness and Quality, Norton Healthcare, Louisville, KY

3:15 p.m. Break3:45 p.m. Keynote

James E. Barr, MD, Chief Medical Officer and Vice President, Physician Network Development, Optimus Healthcare Partners, Summit, NJ

4:15 p.m. Panel 2: Care ManagementNeil Calman, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Institute for Family Health, Inc.; Clinical Professor of Family and Social Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, New York, NY (Moderator)James E. Barr, MD, Chief Medical Officer and Vice President, Physician Network Development, Optimus Healthcare Partners, Summit, NJNancy Boerner, MD, MBA, Chief Medical Officer, Monarch Healthcare, Irvine, CAJames Dold, RN, BSN, Director of Clinical Performance, New England Quality Care Alliance (NEQCA), Braintree, MA

5:30 p.m. Adjournment and Networking Reception

Day 2 • Friday, June 8, 2012Track 5: Accountable Care in the Private Sector9:00 a.m. Keynote

Lee B. Sacks, MD, Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Advocate Health Care, Chief Executive Officer, Advocate Physician Partners, Oak Brook, IL

9:30 a.m. Panel 1: Lessons Learned from Private Sector ACOs

S. Lawrence Kocot, JD, LLM, MPA, Deputy Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution; Senior Counsel, SNR Denton, Washington, DC (Moderator)George Isham, MD, MS, Chief Health Officer and Plan Medical Director, HealthPartners, Minneapolis, MNCharles D. Kennedy, MD, MBA, Chief Executive Officer, Accountable Care Solutions, Aetna, Hartford, CT

Lee B. Sacks, MD, Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Advocate Health Care; Chief Executive Officer, Advocate Physician Partners, Oak Brook, IL

10:30 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m. Keynote

11:15 a.m. Panel 2: Patient Participation in ACOsMark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution; Former CMS Administrator and FDA Commissioner, Washington, DC (Moderator)Michael J. Barry, MD, President, Informed Medical Decisions Foundation, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MAJoyce Dubow, PhD, Senior Health Care Reform Director, Office of Policy and Strategy, AARP, Washington DCMichael L. Millenson, MD, President, Health Quality Advisors LLC, Highland Park, IL

12:30 p.m. Networking Lunch

Track 6: Integrated Dual Eligible and Medicaid Reforms

9:00 a.m. Keynote

9:30 a.m. Panel 1: Integrating Care for Dual EligiblesMonica Basu, MBA, Senior Program Officer for Health Care and Higher Education Initiatives, George Kaiser Family Foundation, Tulsa, OK (Moderator)Judy Feder, PhD, Professor of Public Policy, Georgetown University; Former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, US Department of Health and Human Services; Former Staff Director, Pepper Commission, Washington, DC

10:30 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m. KeynoteCarol Bruce-Fritz, Executive Director, Community Health Partnerships, Colorado Springs, CO

11:15 a.m. Panel 2: Transitioning Medicaid Programs to Accountable Care

Tricia McGinnis, MPP, MPH, Senior Program Officer, Center for Health Care Strategies, Hamilton, NJ (Moderator)Carol Bruce-Fritz, Executive Director, Community Health Partnerships, Colorado Springs, COJeanene Smith, MD, MPH, Administrator, Oregon Health Policy and Research, Salem, OR

12:30 p.m. Networking Lunch

Track 7: Coordination Across the Continuum of Care9:00 a.m. Keynote

L. Allen Dobson, Jr., MD, FAAFP, President, Community Care of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC

9:30 a.m. Panel 1: Community Based Accountable CareAaron McKethan, PhD, Vice President, RxAnte, McLean, VA (Moderator)Harold J. Apple, President and Chief Executive Officer, Indiana Health Information Exchange, Indianapolis, IN L. Allen Dobson Jr., MD, FAAFP, President, Community Care of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC

10:30 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m. Keynote


Page 6: Accountable Care Organization Summit11:30 a.m. Moving Toward Accountable Care in States Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution;

11:15 a.m. Panel 2: Strategies to Expand Primary Care Access for AMCs (Tertiary/Quaternary Care)

Kavita Patel, MD, MSHS, Fellow, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution; Former Director of Policy, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement, White House, Washington, DC (Moderator)Molly Coye, MD, MPH, Chief Innovation Officer, UCLA Health System; Former Director, California Department of Health Services; Former Commissioner of Health, New Jersey, Los Angeles, CA Jerry Friedman, JD, Advisor for Health Policy and Director, External Relations and Advocacy, Ohio State Medical Center, Columbus, OHKatrina M. Lambrecht, JD, MBA, Vice President and Chief of Staff, UTMB Health, Galveston, TX

12:30 p.m. Networking Lunch

Track 8: Engaging Providers in Accountable Care9:00 a.m. Keynote

Ellis “Mac” Knight, MD, MBA, Senior Vice President, Physician and Clinical Integration, Palmetto Health; Executive Medical Director, Palmetto Health Quality Collaborative, Columbia, SC

9:30 a.m. Panel 1: Change Management, Aligning Organizational and Physician Values

Elliott S. Fisher, MD, MPH, Director, Population Health and Policy; Director, Center for Population Health, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy, Lebanon, NH (Moderator) Ellis “Mac” Knight, MD, MBA, Senior Vice President, Physician and Clinical Integration, Palmetto Health; Executive Medical Director, Palmetto Health Quality Collaborative, Columbia, SCStephen Shortell, PhD, MPH, MBA, Dean, School of Public Health, Blue Cross of California Distinguished Professor of Health Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA

10:30 a.m. Break



THE FOLLOWING REGISTRATION TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLYREGARDING INTERNET REGISTRATIONS1. Individuals or groups may register for Internet access. Organizations may register for group access without presenting specific registrant names. In such instances the registering organization will be presented a series of user names and passwords to distribute to participants.

2. Each registrant will receive a user name and password for access. Registrants will be able to change their user names and passwords and manage their accounts.

3. Internet registrants will enjoy six months of access from the date of issuance of a user name and password.

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5. User name and password use will be monitored to assure compliance.

6. Each Internet registration is subject to a bandwidth or capacity use cap of 5GB per user per month. When this capacity use cap is hit, the registration lapses. Said registration will be again made available at the start of the next month so long as the registration period has not lapsed and is subject to the same capacity cap.

7. For online registrants there will be no refunds for cancellations. Please call the Conference Office at 800-503-3597 or 206-452-5530 for further information.

REGARDING ONSITE REGISTRATION, CANCELLATIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS1. For onsite group registrations, full registration and credit card information is required for each registrant. List all members of groups registering concurrently on fax or scanned cover sheet.

2. There will be no refunds for no-shows or for cancellations for onsite registrants. You may send a substitute or switch to the online option. Please call the conference office at 800-503-3597 or 206-452-5530 for further information.

METHOD OF PAYMENT FOR TUITIONMake payment to Health Care Conference Administrators, LLC by check, MasterCard, Visa, or American Express. Credit card charges will be listed on your statement as payment to HealthCare (HC) Conf LLC. Checks or money orders should be made payable to Health Care Conference Administrators, LLC. A $30 fee will be charged on any returned checks.

REGISTRATION OPTIONSRegistration may be made online or via mail, fax, or scan.

You may register through either of the following:

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• Fax, mail, or email using this printed registration form. Mail the completed form with payment to the Conference registrar at 22529 39th Ave. SE, Bothell, WA 98021, or fax the completed form to 206-319-5303, or scan and email the completed form to [email protected]. Checks or money orders should be made payable to Health Care Conference Administrators, LLC.

For registrants awaiting company check or money order, a credit card number must be given to hold registration. If payment is not received by seven days prior to the Summit, credit card payment will be processed.

CANCELLATIONS/SUBSTITUTIONSNo refunds will be given for “no-shows” or for cancellations of either online or onsite registrations. You may send a substitute or transfer your onsite registration to an online registration. For more information, please call the conference office at 800-503-3597 or 206-452-5530.

REGISTRATION BINDING AGREEMENTRegistration (whether online or by this form) constitutes a contract and all of these terms and conditions are binding on the parties. In particular, these terms and conditions shall apply in the case of any credit/debit card dispute.

10:45 a.m. KeynoteDonald E. Casey, Jr., MD, MPH, MBA, FACP, FAHA, Chief Medical Officer, Vice President of Quality, Chief Research Officer, Chief Academic Officer, Atlantic Health System, Morristown, NJ

11:15 a.m. Panel 2: Role of Specialists in Accountable CareDonald E. Casey, Jr., MD, MPH, MBA, FACP, FAHA, Chief Medical Officer, Vice President of Quality, Chief Research Officer, Chief Academic Officer, Atlantic Health System, Morristown, NJWilliam Chin, MD, Executive Medical Director, Healthcare Partners Medical Group, Torrance, CA

12:30 p.m. Networking Lunch

Closing Plenary Session1:30 p.m. Summit Closing Address

Michael Leavitt, Founder and Chairman, Leavitt Partners; Former Governor of Utah; Former US Secretary of Health and Human Services, Salt Lake City, UT

2:00 p.m. Creating a Pathway for Multi-Payer ACOsMark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution; Former CMS Administrator and FDA Commissioner, Washington, DC (Moderator) Richard J. Gilfillan, MD, MBA, Director, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services; Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Geisinger Health Plan, Washington, DCMark Girard, MD, MBA, President, Steward Health Care Network, Inc., Boston, MARichard Salmon, MD, PhD, National Medical Executive, Performance Measurement and Improvement, CIGNA HealthCare, Hartford, CTScott Sarran, MD, Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, Chicago, IL

3:15 p.m. Closing Comments

3:30 p.m. Summit Adjournment

Page 7: Accountable Care Organization Summit11:30 a.m. Moving Toward Accountable Care in States Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution;

coNfereNce regiSTraTioN











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REGISTRATION BINDING AGREEMENTRegistration (whether online or by this form) constitutes a contract and all of these terms and conditions are binding on the parties. In particular, these terms and conditions shall apply in the case of any credit/debit card dispute. For online and onsite registrants there will be no refunds for “no-shows” or cancellations.





PAYMENT Discount Code:

TOTAL FOR ALL OPTIONS, ONSITE OR ONLINE:Please enclose payment with your registration and return it to the Registrar at ACO Summit, 22529 39th Ave SE, Bothell, WA 98021, or fax your credit card payment to 206-319-5303.

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Payment by credit card: American Express Visa Mastercard

If a credit card number is being given to hold registration only until such time as a check is received it must be so noted. If payment is not received by seven days prior to the Summit, the credit card payment will be processed. Credit card charges will be listed on your state-ment as payment to HealthCare (HC) Conf LLC.

HOW TO REGISTER: Fully complete the form on this page (one form per registrant, photocopies acceptable). Payment must accompany each registration (U.S. funds, payable to Health Care Conference Administrators, LLC).ONLINE: Secure online registration at 206-319-5303 (include credit card information with registration)MAIL: Conference Office, 22529 39th Ave SE, Bothell, WA 98021FOR REGISTRATION QUESTIONS:PHONE: 800-503-3597 (Continental US, Alaska and Hawaii only) or206-452-5530, Monday-Friday, 7 a..m.–5 p.m. PSTEMAIL: [email protected]


Legal and Operational Issues in ACO Development $ 495

STANDARD RATE (Does not include preconference): Through Friday, April 20, 2012* $1,195 Through Friday, May 11, 2012** $1,495 After Friday, May 11, 2012 $1,795

SPECIAL ACADEMIC/GOVERNMENT RATE*** (Does not include preconference):

Through Friday, April 20, 2012* $ 795 Through Friday, May 11, 2012** $ 895 After Friday, May 11, 2012 $ 995

GROUP REGISTRATION DISCOUNT Three or more registrations submitted from the same organization at the same time receive the following discounted rates for conference registration only. To qualify, all regis-trations must be submitted simultaneously:Conference (Does not include preconference):

Through Friday, April 20, 2012* $ 995 Through Friday, May 11, 2012** $1,195 After Friday, May 11, 2012 $1,395

CONFERENCE ELECTRONIC MEDIAOnsite Attendees: Following the Summit, the video and presentations are made available in the following formats. To take advantage of the discounted prices below, you must reserve media WITH your Summit registration:

Flash Drive ($99 + $15 shipping) $ 114 Six-month web access $ 99

SELECT YOUR TRACKS Thursday, June 7 • 1:30 p.m.

Track 1: Accountable Care Payment Strategies

Track 2: Implementing Performance Measures

Track 3: Addressing High Risk and Vulnerable Populations

Track 4: Clinical Transformation

Friday, June 8 • 9:00 a.m. Track 5: Accountable Care in the Private-Sector

Track 6: Integrated Dual Eligible and Medicaid Reforms

Track 7: Coordination Across the Continuum of Care

Track 8: Engaging Providers in Accountable Care

* This price reflects a discount for registration and payment received through Friday, 4/20/12.** This price reflects a discount for registration and payment received through Friday, 5/11/12.*** For the purpose of qualifying for the academic/government rates, “academic” shall apply to individuals who are full-time teaching staff at an academic institution (i.e. not an adjunct faculty member with a job elsewhere) or a full-time student at an academic institution (i.e. not with a full-time job elsewhere); and “government” shall apply to individuals who are full-time employees of federal, state or local regulatory agencies. This rate does not include the Preconference for onsite attendees.

ONLINE CONFERENCE ATTENDANCEInternet Webcast registration includes the live Internet feed from the Summit, plus six months of continued archived Internet access, available 24/7. Online conference regis-trants may choose to purchase the conference content on a Flash Drive for an additional $114. This includes video of all sessions and synched PowerPoint presentations.

STANDARD RATE (Includes preconference and conference): Through Friday, April 20, 2012* $ 795 Through Friday, May 11, 2012** $1,095 After Friday, May 11, 2012 $1,395

SPECIAL ACADEMIC/GOVERNMENT RATE*** Through Friday, April 20, 2012* $ 595 Through Friday, May 11, 2012** $ 695 After Friday, May 11, 2012 $ 795

GROUP REGISTRATIONGroup registration offers the substantial volume discounts set forth below.

All group registrants are enrolled in the preconference and conference.

Group registration permits the organizational knowledge coordinator either to share con-ference access with colleagues or to assign and track employee conference participation.

Conference Access 5 or more $595 each 20 or more $395 each 10 or more $495 each 40 or more $295 each


CONFERENCE ELECTRONIC MEDIAOnline attendees: Following the Summit, the video and presentations are made available on a flash drive. To take advantage of the discounted price below, you must reserve media WITH your Summit registration:

Flash drive ($99 + $15 shipping) $ 114

(All online attendees automatically receive 6 months access on web.)

SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER FOR BOTH ONSITE AND ONLINE ATTENDEESOnline attendees: You can purchase an annual subscription to Accountable Care News, Medical Home News, Predictive Modeling News or Readmissions News for only $295 (regular rate $468) when ordered with your conference registration.

Accountable Care News $ 295 Predictive Modeling News $ 295 Medical Home News $ 295 Readmissions News $ 295

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Call 800-503-3597 (Continental US, Alaska and Hawaii only) or 206-452-5530, email to [email protected] or visit our website at

Page 8: Accountable Care Organization Summit11:30 a.m. Moving Toward Accountable Care in States Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, Director, Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Brookings Institution;




ACO SummitPublications Printing Dept. 41651 Corporate Way Palm Desert, CA 92260 USA(Address for Return Mail Only)

Accountable Care

Organization Summit




June 6–8, 2012 • Grand Hyatt Washington, Washington, DC


A Hybrid Conference & Internet


See page 2

A Hybrid Conference & Internet


See page 2