accreditation of northshore engineering programmes

NoRTHSHoRE Cor-r-EGE oF BusrNEss & TecHNoLocv (Pvr) Lrp. 1 1th February 201 5 ACCREDITATION OF ENGINEERING DEGREE PROGRAMMES WHICH ARE OFFERED AT NORTHSORE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY IN PARTNERSHIP WITH UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST OF ENGLAND. BRISTOL. UK This document is intended to provide an overview of the engineering programmes which are offered at Northshore College of Business & Technology (awarded by Unlversity of the West of England), to clarify the College's position on obtaining accreditation from a professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body and to explain the progress made thus far. 1. lntroduction Northshore College of Business & Technology (NCBT) is the strategic partner for University of the West of England (UWE) offering degree programmes in Sri Lanka. NCBT was established in 201 1 with the overarchrng objectives of providing high quality tertiary education and training to students, who are seeking knowledge and pathways to fulfill their dreams of becomlng professionals in future. At present, NCBT offers two UWE Engineering Degree programmes namely, MEng/BEng (Hons) Electrical & Electronic Engineering and MEng/BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering. At the time these programmes were introduced to NCBT, UWE in the UK has been offenng MEng/BEng (Hons) Electrical & Electronic Engineering and BEng (Hons) Civil & Environmental Engineering within the Faculty of Environment & Technology. Sri Lankan state universities only offer four year engineenng degree programmes to meet local professional accreditation requirements, which are set to be in line with the Washington Accord (Washington Accord is an international agreement among bodies that are responsrble for accrediting four year engineering degree programmes globally). Hence, it is essential to offer four fear engineering degree programmes at NCBT to fulfil this key requirement. ,or',rrro*rffi COI],[GE OF EI]STNXSS E IECHNOLI]GI 141 Church Road, Cotombo 15, Sri Lanka Phone: +94 71- 4369092 | Fax: +94 11 2527881 I E-mait: [email protected] I Web: Approved under the Board of lnvestment of Sri Lanka BRNo:PV69111

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Page 1: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

NoRTHSHoRECor-r-EGE oF BusrNEss & TecHNoLocv (Pvr) Lrp.

1 1th February 201 5



This document is intended to provide an overview of the engineering programmes which areoffered at Northshore College of Business & Technology (awarded by Unlversity of the Westof England), to clarify the College's position on obtaining accreditation from a professional,

Statutory and Regulatory Body and to explain the progress made thus far.

1. lntroductionNorthshore College of Business & Technology (NCBT) is the strategic partner for Universityof the West of England (UWE) offering degree programmes in Sri Lanka. NCBT wasestablished in 201 1 with the overarchrng objectives of providing high quality tertiary educationand training to students, who are seeking knowledge and pathways to fulfill their dreams ofbecomlng professionals in future.

At present, NCBT offers two UWE Engineering Degree programmes namely, MEng/BEng(Hons) Electrical & Electronic Engineering and MEng/BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering. Atthe time these programmes were introduced to NCBT, UWE in the UK has been offenngMEng/BEng (Hons) Electrical & Electronic Engineering and BEng (Hons) Civil &Environmental Engineering within the Faculty of Environment & Technology.

Sri Lankan state universities only offer four year engineenng degree programmes to meetlocal professional accreditation requirements, which are set to be in line with the WashingtonAccord (Washington Accord is an international agreement among bodies that are responsrblefor accrediting four year engineering degree programmes globally). Hence, it is essential tooffer four fear engineering degree programmes at NCBT to fulfil this key requirement.


141 Church Road, Cotombo 15, Sri LankaPhone: +94 71- 4369092 | Fax: +94 11 2527881 I E-mait: [email protected] I Web:

Approved under the Board of lnvestment of Sri Lanka


Page 2: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

2. UWE Validated ProgrammesMEng/BEng (Hons) Electrical & Electronic Engineering and MEng/BEng (Hons) Civil

Engineering are UWE engineering degree programmes and graduates will receive a UWE

degree certificate and a UWE certificate of credit (transcript). The latter will show the location

of delivery as being Northshore College of Business and Technology. These programmes

were validated by UWE on 19th April 2012 for delivery at NCBT.

3. Recognition from University Grants Commission, Sri LankaUniversity Grants Commission recognizes foreign Universities/Higher Educational lnstitutes

based on international acceptance. Universities/Hig her Educational lnstitutes that are listed in

the following lnternational Publications which are authentic sources of information on

Universities and Higher Educational lnstitutes in different countries, are recognized at present;

1. Commonwealth Universities Yearbook

(Published by Association of Commonwealth Universities)

2, International Handbook of Universities

(Published by International Association of Universities)(source:http://www. uqc. n-

universities. htm l)

The letter issued by UGC is annexed herewith - Annex 1.

4. Recognition from lnstitute of Engineers, Sri Lankalnstitute of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL) is the only professional body, which is authorrzed to

promote and advance the practice of engineering in Sri Lanka. IESL is now a full member of

the Washington Accord. Graduates from all three state run engineering universities (namely

University of Moratuwa, University of Peradeniya and University of Ruhuna) can obtain the

Associate Membership from IESL without further requirements of educational qualifications.

However, to recognize other engineering degree programmes, IESL has'published a list of

educational qualifications for graduates from other institutes that needs to be supplemented

with further qualifications in order to satisfy the academic requirements for the Affiliate

Membership and Associate Memb'ership. Refer to Guidelines for EducationalRequirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from 4h July 2014

(Applicatigns by lndividuals) - http://www. 1857852 - Annex 2.

At UWE in the UK both BEng (Hons) Civil & Environmental Engineering and BEng (Hons)

Electrical & Electronic Engineering programmes are accredited programmes under

Engineering Council, UK to be in line with Sydney Accord (ECUK is the only professional body,

which is authorized to promote and advance the practice of engineering in UK). ECUK has

delegated the authority to Joint Board of Moderators (JBM) to accredit Civil Engineering


141 Church Road, Cotombo 15, Sri LankaPhone: +94 7L 4369092 | Fax: +94 11 2527881 | E-maiL: [email protected] I Web:

Approved under the Board of lnvestment of Sri Lanka

Page 3: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

related programmes and lnstitute of Engineering Technology (lET) to accredit

Electrical/Electronic related programmes. Accreditation is for a programme AND the location

of delivery. lt is emphasized that cotlaborative provisions would not receive the accreditation

from these professional bodies by default but would have to specifically apply for the location

of delivery. The policy of NCBT is to seek local accreditation from the IESL which would enable

members seeking to practice overseas to use the provisions of the Washington Accord to

attain professional recognition. [t should also be noted that MEng Electrical & Electronic

Engineering programme offered at UWE, Bristol is not accredited by IET or any other

professional body in UKl.

However, at present IESL only recognizes the degree programmes listed in Secfion A (without

fufther requirement of educational qualifications) and Section B (with fufther requirement of

educational qualifications) of Annex 2 for Affiliate Membership.

Furthermore, IESL only recognizes the degree programmes listed in Secfion C (without further

requirement of educational qualifications) and Section D (with f urlher requirement of

educational qualifications) of Annex 2 for Associate Membership.

BEng (Hons) Electrical & Electronic Engineering and BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering

degree programmes offered at NCBT do not fall in to the categories listed in Section A

or B of Annex 2. However, MEng Electrical & Electronic Engineering and MEng Civil

Engineering degree programmes offered at NCBT fall in to either category D.l or D.4

listed in Section D of Annex 2.

NCBTwill first seek recognition from lnstitute of Engineers, Sri Lanka for both BEng and MEng

degree programmes in Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Civil Engineering. The

documents will be prepared based on the clear evidence of JBM accreditation of UWE's Civil

& Environmental Engineering programme and IET accreditation of UWE's Electrical &

Electronic Engineering programme .lt is expected to submit the applications for recognition by

lhe end of February 2015. The intention of this application is to,

1) Enable BEng (Hons) graduates to obtain Affiliate Membership'from IESL without

further requirement of educational qualifications. Once qualifications for Affiliate

Membership is obtained, successful completion of IESL Part lll or COE (College of

Engineering) Graduate Diploma will guarantee Associate Membership.

2) Enable MEng graduates obtaining Associate Membership from IESL without further- requirement of educational qualifications (at present IESL requires graduates with a

four year full time engineering degrees not accredited under Washington Accord with

a project in the final yearto follow one ortwo modules of IESL Part lll or COE Graduate


*orrrrro*rffiCO],t,[GE OF BUSIMSS [ IECHIIOI,OGI

Phonei +94 11 4369092 | Fax: +94 77 2527887 |

Approved u nder

141 Church Road, Cotombo 15, Sri LankaE-mait: [email protected] I Web: www.northshore.[k

the Boa rd of lnvestment of Sri Lanka

Page 4: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

5. Accreditation from lnstitute of Engineers, Sri LankaEducational requirements for obtaining full professional qualifications as a Chartered Engineer

(CEng) and the Corporate Membership of the IESL are same as those required for the

Associate Membership. However to be eligible to apply to become a corporate Member and

a Cha(ered Engineer, an Associate Member is required to fulfill certain other requirements

such as training and experience and will also be required to successfully undergo a

Professional Review which consists of two written papers and an interview

(http://www. iesl. lk/paqe-1 823055).

IESL is now a full member of Washington Accord; hence engineering graduates from an IESL

accredited institute will get international recognition which enables them to find employment

worldwide. NCBT offered UWE's engineering degree programmes to Sri Lankan students with

the clear intention of obtaining accreditation from IESL. The following amendments were made

during the programme validation stage and during the progression of the programmes to fulfill

the requirements set in IESL Accreditation Manual with a number of constraints (keeping UWE

modules as many as possible, designing only 10 or 20 credit new modules, restricting total

number of credits to 480).

1) UWE'S three year BEng (Hons) Civil & Environmental Engineering programme was

upgraded to four year MEng Civil Engineering programme making it consistent with

other MEng degree programmes offered in the Department of Engineering, Design and

Mathematics. ln the development of MEng in Civil Engineering programme, Quality

Assurance Agency's (QM) requirements were also considered in addition to IESL

requirements of number of credits and modules (basic and supplementary).

2) lndustrial Training (24 weeks) was made compulsory - ln UWE, Bristol, industrial

training is optionat. However, IESL strongly advocates that each undergraduate

undergoes industrial training for a period of not less than '12 weeks, and submits a

report on the training certified by the employer's representative to enable assessment

and the award of credits. At present, undergraduates are undergoing for industrial

training under the supervision of National Apprentice and lndustriat Training Authority


3) UWE'S MEng Electrical & Electronic Engineering programme was not mapped to the

requirements of IESL accreditation manual when the programme was first introduced

to Sri Lankan students and it was later identified that MEng Electrical & Electronic

programme falls short of credit requirement in Management related modules. As a

measure of improvement, the programme specification was revised and an additional

Management module was introduced to the Level 4 of the programme in November


NCBT recruited its first cohort in May 2012 and students will graduate with MEng qualifications

in October 2015 (Award boards are scheduled to be held in October). lt is emphasized that


141 church Road, Colombo 15, Sri LankaPhone: +94 L7 43690921 Fax: +94 11 2527881 | E-mait: [email protected] I Web:

Approved under the Board of lnvestment of Sri Lanka

Page 5: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

accreditation cannot be conferred until award boards are held, i.e. without completion of a full

cycle (Level 1 - 4). During the Iast three years of operation, NCBT has put significant effort to

meet the following main criteria for accreditation.

o The academic programme (the curriculum)

. Staff and the students (qualifications and competency)

. Teaching facilities

. Quality management system

Students at NCBT are required to obtain and average mark of 60% across their level 2

modules in order to remain on the 4 year MEng programme. Students failing to obtain this

are enrolled on the BEng programme which is their target degree. Students who graduate with

the BEng are in the position as described in section 4, point 1, and the successful completion

of IESL Part lll or COE (College of Engineering) Graduate Diploma will guarantee Associate


NCBT is currently in the process of completing the laboratory facilities for Level 4 delivery and

recruiting the required number of qualified internal staff members. lt is expected to submit the

application for Accreditation of two engineering degree programmes byt e end of April 2015

(six months in advance of the expected date of conferment of accreditation).

lf accreditation is obtained, it will retrospectively be applied to all graduates of the programme.

/WsDr. Roshan Sulilinda Ranasinghe,

Executive Dean,

Norlhshore College of Business & Technology,

141 , Church Road,

Colombo 15,

Sri Lanka


141 Church Road, Cotombo 15, Sri LankaPhone: +94 l1 4369092 | Fax: +94 11 2527881 | E-mait: [email protected] I Web:

Approved under the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka

Page 6: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

,4ri(Dr. Priyantha Premakumara)Additional Secretary/Academic Affairs & University Admissions

the University of the West of England, Bristol_ UK as listed in the above

Note I

oaera@ ooOOcs )orqia6b 6Ln_E | 1406Post Office Box )

20, @OiO 6o@e€e, ceo)g0 07, @ gooro.eo, e.m:--@ @uri,6a:rgrbq 7, @6rb:qD6.20,Watd Placg Colombo 07, Sri Lanka.

106 September,2012

EdOOepg g6oreo_ ocor@ed cotrrlOY??gg1?6p6 rono?u.rnrraon qa:rarr.irocpUNIVERS ITY GRANTS COMMI S S IOA}-

Ood eoaoc: )eiersr@or&sL!: 1 UCCleCltMy Number lOo0 erooar lzrcEr @a-,&ato t\bur Number l

DirectorNorthshore College of Business & Technology (pvt) Ltd141, Church RoadColombo 15.

This has reference to the request made by you with regard to the recognition of theUniversity of the West of England, Bristol, dK.

In terrns of the provisions of the Public Administration Circular No. 16/92 dated l3thMarch 1992 the University Grants Commission recognizes Universities that are listed in thefollowing International Fublications which are authentic sources of information onUniversities and Higher Educational Institutions in different countries of the world.

1. Commonwealth Universities yearbook2. Intemational Handbook of Universities

University of the west of England, Bristol, Fqenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol,England BS16 1QY, uK is a University listed in the bommonwealth universities'yearbookpublished by the Association of commonwealth universities.



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Page 7: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from 4 July 2014

All previous Council decisions are superseded by this document Page 1 of 14

Guideline for Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from

4 July 2014 (Applications by Individuals)

Page 8: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from 4 July 2014

All previous Council decisions are superseded by this document Page 2 of 14


This Guideline is provided for information purposes only, and its contents are subject to change without notice, by future decisions of the

IESL Council. The information herein is made available with the understanding that the IESL will not be held responsible for its completeness or accuracy. The IESL will accept no liability whatsoever for any damage or losses, direct or indirect, arising from or related

to use of these Guidelines.

Page 9: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from 4 July 2014

All previous Council decisions are superseded by this document Page 3 of 14

Table of Contents

Section A - Educational Qualifications straightaway recognized for the Affiliate Membership ..................................... 4

Section B - Educational Qualifications that have to be supplemented with further qualifications in order to satisfy

the Academic Requirements of the Affiliate Membership .................................................................. 5

Section C- Educational Qualifications straightaway recognized for the Associate Membership ................................... 6

Section D - Educational Qualifications that have to be supplemented with further qualifications in order to satisfy

the Academic Requirements of the Associate Membership .................................................................. 7

Note 1: Entry Qualifications ............................................................................................................... 11

Note 2: Level of Performance ............................................................................................................. 12

Note 3: Requirements for completion of final examination of individual subjects ............................................... 12

Table 1: Recommended Subjects at IESL Part II and COE Advanced Diploma Stage II referred to in Table B (item B2)

and Table D (item D11) ........................................................................................................... 13

Page 10: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from 4 July 2014

All previous Council decisions are superseded by this document Page 4 of 14

Educational Requirements incorporating changes proposed in Council Paper No. 2013/2014/P25 for adoption as the Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership

Section A- Educational Qualifications straightaway recognized for the Affiliate Membership

Qualifications Final Year Results Entry Qualifications

A.1 Sydney Accord accredited UK B.Eng degree

Need not be verified. Need not be verified.

A.2 UK Three year B.Eng degree (not accredited under Sydney Accord) with all three years completed at the UK University without any exemptions.

First Class or Second Class upper as per Note 2

Note 1

A.3 Academic qualifications recognized for registration as an Incorporated Engineer of the Engineering Council, UK

Need not be verified. Need not be verified.

A.4 IESL College of Engineering Certificate and Advanced Diploma completed

Need not be verified. Need not be verified.

A.5 Three year full time engineering degree of the Kotalawela Defence University.

Need not be verified. Need not be verified.

A.6 3 year full time degree in Electronic Engineering conducted by the SLIIT and awarded by Sheffield Hallam University

First Class or Second Class upper as per Note 2

Note 1

A.7 3 year full time degree in the disciplines Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering and Automotive System Engineering conducted by CINEC and Awarded by University of Wolverhampton

First Class or Second Class upper as per Note 2

Note 1

Page 11: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from 4 July 2014

All previous Council decisions are superseded by this document Page 5 of 14

Section B - Educational Qualifications that have to be supplemented with further qualifications in order to satisfy the Academic Requirements of the Affiliate Membership

Qualifications Final Year Results

Entry Qualifications

Additional Qualifications to be acquired to be eligible for the Affiliate Membership

B.1 UK Three year degree (not accredited under Sydney Accord) with all three years completed at the UK University without any exemptions

Other than those with First Class or Second Class upper as per Note 2

Note 1 One module of COE Advanced Diploma Stage II

B.2 3 year full time degree in the disciplines Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering and Automotive System Engineering conducted by CINEC and Awarded by University of Wolverhampton

Other than those with First Class or Second Class upper as per Note 2

Note 1 One of the two modules of COE Advanced Diploma Stage II (Pl. refer Table 1 for recommended subjects)

B.3 3 year full time degree in Electronic Engineering conducted by the SLIIT and awarded by Sheffield Hallam University

Other than those with First Class or Second Class upper as per Note 2

Note 1 Electronics II or Communication Engineering II of COE Advanced Diploma Stage II

Page 12: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from 4 July 2014

All previous Council decisions are superseded by this document Page 6 of 14

Section C- Educational Qualifications straightaway recognized for the Associate Membership

Qualifications Entry Qualifications

C.1 Engineering degrees of the Universities of Peradeniya, Moratuwa and Ruhuna

Need not be verified.

C.2 B.Tech. degree of the Open University of Sri Lanka under the new curriculum from November 2002 Examination

Note 1

C.3 Engineering degrees accredited by the National Board of Accreditation of India or All India Council of Technical Education

Need not be verified.

C.4 Four year full time engineering degrees accredited under Washington Accord

Need not be verified.

C.5 Four year full time engineering degrees not accredited under Washington Accord but with a final year project and with a first class in the final year results as given in Note 2 a) below,along with a full time Postgraduate Degree/MBA/Diploma of at least one year duration or a part time postgraduate degree of two year duration in a relevant field.

Note 1

C.6 IESL Course Part I , II and III Need not be verified.

C.7 IESL College of Engineering Certificate Stage I & II plus Advanced Diploma Stage I & II plus Graduate Diploma

Need not be verified.

C.8 Educational qualifications possessed by those who are Associate Members of the Institution of Engineers, India

Need not be verified.

Page 13: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from 4 July 2014

All previous Council decisions are superseded by this document Page 7 of 14

Section D - Educational Qualifications that have to be supplemented with further qualifications in order to satisfy the Academic Requirements of the Associate Membership

Qualifications Final Year Results

Entry Qualifications

Additional Qualifications to be acquired to be eligible for the Associate Membership

D.1 Four year full time engineering degrees not accredited under Washington Accord with a project in the final year

First Class as per Note 2

Note 1 One subject of IESL Part III or One module of COE Graduate Diploma

D.2 Four year full time engineering degrees not accredited under Washington Accord without a project in the final year

First Class as per Note 2

Note 1 One subject and the project of IESL Part III or One module and the project of COE Graduate Diploma

D.3 Four year full time engineering degree not accredited under Washington Accord and a full time Postgraduate Degree of at least one year duration or a part time postgraduate degree of two year duration in a relevant field

Other than those with First class as per Note 2

Note 1 One subject of IESL Part III or One module of COE Graduate Diploma (other than the subject area of the postgraduate degree)

D.4 Four year full time engineering degrees not accredited under Washington Accord with a project in the final year

Other than those with First class as per Note 2

Note 1 Two subjects of IESL Part III or Two modules of COE Graduate Diploma

D.5 Four year full time engineering degrees not accredited under Washington Accord without a project in the final year

Other than those with First class as per Note 2

Note 1 Two subjects and the project of IESL Part III or Two modules and the project of COE Graduate Diploma

D.6 Four year full time B.Sc Degree in Engineering conducted by SAITM and awarded by AIT (in the fields of Mechatronics or Civil and Infrastructure Engineering) First two years conducted at SAITM Sri Lanka and the other two years at AIT, Bangkok

First Class as per Note 2

Note 1 One subject of IESL Part III or one module of COE Graduate Diploma

Page 14: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from 4 July 2014

All previous Council decisions are superseded by this document Page 8 of 14

Qualifications Final Year Results

Entry Qualifications

Additional Qualifications to be acquired to be eligible for the Associate Membership

D.7 Four year full time B.Sc Degree in Engineering conducted by SAITM and awarded by AIT (in the fields of Mechatronics or Civil and Infrastructure Engineering) First two years conducted at SAITM Sri Lanka and the other two years at AIT, Bangkok

Other than those with First class as per Note 2

Note 1 Two subjects of IESL Part III or two modules of COE Graduate Diploma

D.8 UK Three year degree with all three years completed at the UK University without any exemptions

First Class as per Note 2

Note 1 IESL Engineering Course Part III (all parts) or COE Graduate Diploma

D.9 UK Three year degree with all three years completed at the UK University without any exemptions

Other than those with First class as per Note 2

Note 1 One module of COE Advanced Diploma Stage II plus IESL Engineering Course Part III (all parts) or One module of COE Advanced Diploma Stage II plus COE Graduate Diploma

D.10 3 year full time degree in the disciplines Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering and Automotive System Engineering conducted by CINEC and Awarded by University of Wolverhampton

First Class as per Note 2

Note 1 IESL Engineering Course Part III (all parts) or COE Graduate Diploma

D.11 3 year full time degree in the disciplines Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering and Automotive System Engineering conducted by CINEC and Awarded by University of Wolverhampton

Other than those with First class as per Note 2

Note 1 One subject of IESL Part II or one module of COE Advanced Diploma Stage II plus IESL Part III (all parts) or One subject of IESL Part II or one module of COE Advanced Diploma Stage II plus COE Graduate Diploma (Pl. refer Table 1 for recommended subjects)

Page 15: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from 4 July 2014

All previous Council decisions are superseded by this document Page 9 of 14

Qualifications Final Year Results

Entry Qualifications

Additional Qualifications to be acquired to be eligible for the Associate Membership

D.12 3 year full time degree in Electronic Engineering conducted by the SLIIT and awarded by Sheffield Hallam University

First Class as per Note 2

Note 1 IESL Part III (all parts) or COE Graduate Diploma

D.13 3 year full time degree in Electronic Engineering conducted by the SLIIT and awarded by Sheffield Hallam University

Other than those with First class as per Note 2

Note 1 Electronics or Communications of IESL Part II or Electronics II or Communication Engineering II of COE Advanced Diploma plus IESL Part III (all parts) or Electronics or Communications of IESL Part II or Electronics II or Communication Engineering II of COE Advanced Diploma plus COE Graduate Diploma

D.14 OUSL Diploma in Technology plus HND/NDES/ NDT plus the final year of a 3 year Engineering degree from a overseas University

Need not be verified.

3 subjects of IESL Part II or 3 modules of COE Advanced Diploma Stage II plus IESL Part III (all parts) or 3 subjects of IESL Part II or 3 modules of COE Advanced Diploma Stage II plus COE Graduate Diploma

D.15 B.Sc Degree in Physical Science majoring in Physics with Mathematics as a subject or vice versa

Not relevant Note 1 3 subjects of IESL Part I plus IESL Part II in full plus Part III (all parts) or 3 subjects of IESL Part I plus IESL Part II in full plus COE Graduate Diploma or all modules other than mathematics and IT in COE Certificate Stage II plus COE Advanced Diploma Stages 1 & II plus COE Graduate Diploma

D.16 City & Guilds Advanced Technician Diploma

Not relevant Note 1 a),b),c),d) only

3 modules of COE Certificate Stage II plus COE Advanced Diploma Stage 1 & II in full plus Graduate Diploma

Page 16: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from 4 July 2014

All previous Council decisions are superseded by this document Page 10 of 14

Qualifications Final Year Results

Entry Qualifications

Additional Qualifications to be acquired to be eligible for the Associate Membership

D.17 B.Sc Degree in Physical Science Plus City & Guilds Advanced Technician Diploma plus either City & Guilds Graduate Diploma or EC UK Graduate Diploma

Not relevant Note 1 3 subjects of IESL Part II or 3 modules of COE Advanced Diploma Stage II plus IESL Part III (all parts) or 3 subjects of IESL Part II or 3 modules of COE Advanced Diploma Stage II plus COE Graduate Diploma

D.18 HNDE or NDES or NDT or (City & Guilds Technician Diploma plus City & Guilds Advanced Technician Diploma) plus City & Guilds Graduate Diploma or EC UK Graduate Diploma

Not relevant Note 1 a),b),c),d) only

3 subjects of IESL Part II or 3 modules of COE Advanced Diploma Stage II plus IESL Part III (all parts) or 3 subjects of IESL Part II or 3 modules of COE Advanced Diploma Stage II plus COE Graduate Diploma

D.19 City & Guilds Advanced Technician Diploma plus Graduate Diploma plus Post Graduate Diploma

Not relevant Note 1 a),b),c),d) only

3 subjects of IESL Part III or 3 modules of COE Graduate Diploma

D.20 City & Guilds Technician Diploma plus City & Guilds Advanced Technician Diploma plus EC UK Graduate Diploma or City & Guilds Technician Diploma plus City & Guilds Advanced Technician Diploma plus City & Guilds Graduate Diploma

Not relevant Note 1 e) 3 subjects of IESL Part I or 3 modules of COE Certificate Stage II plus IESL Part II or COE Advanced Diploma Stage II plus IESL Part III (all parts) or COE Graduate Diploma

D.21 EC UK Certificate plus 6 subjects and the project of EC UK Graduate Diploma

Not relevant Note 1 IESL Part III (all parts) or COE Graduate Diploma

D.22 EC UK Certificate plus 5 subjects of the Graduate Diploma

Not relevant Note 1 1 subject of IESL Part II or 1 module of COE Advanced Diploma Stage II plus IESL Part III (all parts)or COE Graduate Diploma

Page 17: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from 4 July 2014

All previous Council decisions are superseded by this document Page 11 of 14

Qualifications Final Year Results

Entry Qualifications

Additional Qualifications to be acquired to be eligible for the Associate Membership

D.23 EC UK Certificate plus 4 subjects of the Graduate Diploma

Not relevant Note 1 2 subjects of IESL Part II or 2 modules of COE Advanced Diploma Stage II plus IESL Part III (all parts) or COE Graduate Diploma

D.24 IESL Part I Not relevant Note 1 IESL Part II in full or COE Advanced Diploma Stage I & II in full plus IESL Part III (all parts) or COE Graduate Diploma

D.25 IESL Part I & II Not relevant Note 1 IESL Part III (all parts) or COE Graduate Diploma

D.26 COE Certificate Stage I & II Not relevant Note 1 COE Advanced Diploma Stage I & II in full plus COE Graduate Diploma

D.27 COE Certificate Stage I & II plus COE Advanced Diploma Stage I & II

Not relevant Note 1 COE Graduate Diploma

Note 1: Entry Qualifications:

a. GCE Advanced Level conducted by the Department of Examinations of the Government of Sri Lanka, in the mathematics stream with 3 passes at one and the same sitting

b. GCE Advanced Level (London or Cambridge) for engineering education with passes at one and the same sitting for three subjects.

c. GCE Advanced Level (Edexcel) for engineering education with passes at one and the same sitting for three subjects.

d. OUSL Foundation course for Engineering students e. In respect of those with ECUK Graduate Diploma (or City and Guilds Graduate Diploma) plus City & Guilds

Advanced Technician Diploma, without passing GCE Advanced Level in the mathematics stream, City& Guilds Advanced Technician Diploma is considered as the entry qualification.

f. Any other entry qualifications will need to be evaluated on a case by case basis, based on valid documentary evidence issued by an authority not below the level of the Dean of a Faculty

Page 18: Accreditation of Northshore Engineering Programmes

Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from 4 July 2014

All previous Council decisions are superseded by this document Page 12 of 14

Note 2: Level of Performance

a. A candidate’s results will be considered as a First Class if he/she has achieved an average mark of 70% or more,

or an overall Grade Point Average (GPA ) of 3.7 on the 4.0 or 4.2 scale, 9 on the 10 scale or 90% of the highest

GPA achievable on any other scale

b. A candidate’s results will be considered as a Second Class Upper if he/she has achieved an average mark of 65%

or more, or an overall Grade Point Average (GPA ) of 3.3 on the 4.0 or 4.2 scale, 8 on the 10 scale or 80% or more

of the highest GPA achievable on any other scale.

c. Degrees that are not awarded classes but have GPA records, also to be considered under this categorization

Note 3: Requirements for completion of final examination of individual subjects When candidates are not required to sit and pass a relevant examination in full, they are not required to follow theory

and practical classes relevant to that particular examination.

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Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from 4 July 2014

All previous Council decisions are superseded by this document Page 13 of 14

Table 1: Recommended Subjects at IESL Part II and COE Advanced Diploma Stage II referred to in Table B (item B2) and Table D (item D11)

CINEC/Woverhampton BEng Degree with specialization of

With IESL Part III and Graduate Diploma of IESL College of Engineering as entry levels, requirement to be satisfied

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Require to sit one of the two subjects/course modules of IESL Part II/IESL College of Engineering Advanced Diploma Level. IESL Part II: 210 Electronics, or 211 Communication IESL College of Engineering Advance Diploma: EC3001 Electronics II, or EC4001 Communication Engineering II

Mechanical Engineering

Require to sit one of the two subjects/course modules of IESL Part II/IESL College of Engineering Advanced Diploma Level. IESL Part II: 212 Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, or 213Mechanics of Machines IESL College of Engineering Advance Diploma: ME4004 Dynamics of Mechanical Systems, or ME4002 Solid Mechanics

Automotive System Engineering

Require to sit one of the two subjects/course modules of IESL Part II/IESL College of Engineering Advanced Diploma Level. IESL Part II: 212 Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, or 213 Mechanics of Machines IESL College of Engineering Advance Diploma: ME4004 Dynamics of Mechanical Systems, or ME4001 Applied Thermodynamics

Mechatronics Specialisation

Should sit one of the two subjects/course modules of IESL Part II/IESL College of Engineering Advanced Diploma Level. IESL Part II: 210 Electronics, or 213Mechanics of Machines IESL College of Engineering Advance Diploma: ME4004 Dynamics of Mechanical Systems, or EE4001 Control Systems I

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Educational Requirements for Affiliate and Associate Membership with effect from 4 July 2014

All previous Council decisions are superseded by this document Page 14 of 14