accredited online bachelor's degree

2 Accredited Online Bachelor's Degree Typically, accredited bachelor degrees are offered through a 4 year period in universities and colleges. Bachelor degrees require over 120 credit hours. Most bachelor degrees are divided into 3 areas which include general education, elective courses, and major courses. Students can complete 2 bachelor degrees, Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc or BS): Bachelor of Arts (BA) – the BA degree is a 4 year degree which requires about 120 – 128 credit hours. The curriculum for BA degree includes coursework in liberal arts, social sciences, humanities, music or fine arts. Bachelor of Science (BSc or BS) – this degree is also a 4 year degree which requires about 120 – 128 credit hours. The curriculum for this degree includes sciences which focus primarily on physical and life sciences. A list of bachelor’s degrees offered by accredited colleges and universities are given below: | Online Bachelor Degree Programs

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If you are earning your degree from a university that is not accredited then, it is frankly a waste of your precious time and money. Also most of the employers would not recognize a degree from a university that is not accredited and if you want to pursue an advanced degree, reputable universities usually limit their enrollment to students who have graduated from accredited degree programs, so it’s better that you earn your degree from a accredited university or college online. Moreover, earning an accredited online bachelor degree can in fact make enormous difference in your career opportunities and salary level.


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Accredited Online Bachelor's Degree

Typically, accredited bachelor degrees are offered through a 4 year period in universities and colleges. Bachelor degrees require over 120 credit hours. Most bachelor degrees are divided into 3 areas which include general education, elective courses, and major courses.

Students can complete 2 bachelor degrees, Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc or BS):

Bachelor of Arts (BA) – the BA degree is a 4 year degree which requires about 120 – 128 credit hours. The curriculum for BA degree includes coursework in liberal arts, social sciences, humanities, music or fine arts.

Bachelor of Science (BSc or BS) – this degree is also a 4 year degree which requires about 120 – 128 credit hours. The curriculum for this degree includes sciences which focus primarily on physical and life sciences.

A list of bachelor’s degrees offered by accredited colleges and universities are given below:

Accounting Advertising Art and Design Business Business Administration Business Leadership Business Management Communication Arts Computer Information Systems Computer Networking Computer Programming Computer Science | Online Bachelor Degree Programs

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Criminal Justice Culinary Management E – Business Fashion Design Finance Game Software Healthcare Management Humanities and Liberal Arts Human Resources Information Technology Interior Design IT Business IT Project Management Marketing and Sales Multimedia Nursing Paralegal Public Administration Psychology Retail Management Social Science Social Work Technology Management Tourism and Hospitality Visual Communication Web Development and Design

If you are earning your degree from a university that is not accredited then, it is frankly a waste of your precious time and money. Also most of the employers would not recognize a degree from a university that is not accredited and if you want to pursue an advanced degree, reputable universities usually limit their enrollment to students who have graduated from accredited degree programs, so it’s better that you earn your degree from a accredited university or college online. Moreover, earning an accredited online bachelor degree can in fact make enormous difference in your career opportunities and salary level.

Advantages of Accredited Degrees from Online Colleges and Universities

You can earn an advanced degree that leads to an substantial increase in salary Online colleges require no commuting and saves time and money You can complete your coursework when it is convenient for you. It also offers easy access to your teachers, other students and library since they are only a click


For more information about Accredited Online Bachelor’s Degree, visit | Online Bachelor Degree Programs