accumulation of birthdays causes hearing loss


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Page 1: Accumulation of Birthdays Causes Hearing Loss

1818 Miccosukee Commons Drive Tallahassee, FL 32308 (850) 298-8407 Website:


Accumulation of Birthdays Causes Hearing Loss

Do you find yourself asking people to speak up

or to repeat themselves? Have others

complained that you turn the TV or radio up too

loud? Do you experience ringing, buzzing, or

other noises in your ears or head? Have you had

any significant noise exposure at work, during

recreation or in military service?

Do you find it difficult to follow a conversation in

a noisy restaurant or crowded room? If you answered, “yes” to any of these

questions, chances are that you are among the more than 32 million

Americans who have a hearing loss. If you answered, “yes” to more than

one of these questions, it strongly suggests that a hearing evaluation by a

licensed audiologist is needed.

An audiologist is a hearing care professional who identifies and manages

hearing disorders. For some, the hearing loss requires medical treatment. In

this case, audiologists work alongside physicians to determine the necessary

medical intervention. If the hearing loss is not medically treatable, the next

best step is to consider hearing aids. The most common type of hearing loss

that cannot be treated by a medical doctor is age-related hearing loss.

The accumulation of birthdays can cause all sorts of issues: hair loss, a

thickening around the middle and age-related hearing loss (presbycusis),

which begins around age thirty. The most common type of hearing loss as

we age is called sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), which affects around

40% of those 65 years of age and older with the prevalence increasing with

each decade.

A sensorineural hearing loss, often called “nerve deafness”, is a type of

hearing loss that cannot be treated medically or surgically. Therefore,

audiologists recommend rehabilitation primarily in the form of hearing aids

in order to “treat” such a loss.

Page 2: Accumulation of Birthdays Causes Hearing Loss

1818 Miccosukee Commons Drive Tallahassee, FL 32308 (850) 298-8407 Website:


Hearing aids are just that; they are a device to aid in hearing. They will not

restore hearing back to how it was when you were twenty. But, most people

with a hearing loss benefit significantly from hearing aids that are properly

selected and fitted for their individual needs. Working alongside an

audiologist, you will find that a hearing aid brings back some of the

enjoyment of life.

No longer will you be left out of the conversation at the dinner table. You

might even start to enjoy the activities you’ve been avoiding because you

know you can’t hear. Isn’t it time to take that first step? Don’t let hearing

loss keep you from the life you enjoy. Call our office today and make an

appointment for a hearing evaluation today. You’re worth it!