acid rain- final work

ACID RAIN The contamination of the atmosphere is an effect of industrials and technological progress, and has negative consequences for individuals, ecosystems, and the environment in general. Acid rain constitutes one of the problems observed lately in our planet; there are three important aspects to consider with respect to acid rain: the process that causes it, the effects it has on the environment and the possible solutions to this phenomenon. First of all, the process begins when fossil fuels are burned by coal-burning power plants, factories and automobiles to provide us the comfort that we enjoy everyday. As a result, gases such as sulfuric dioxide and nitrogen oxide are produced. Then, sulfide and nitrogen are absorbed in the air and they are transported by the wind to different places. Next, these gases are dissolved in rain and fall in the form of acid precipitations (acid rain). These precipitations can also occur in the form of snow or a group of little drops of fog, and tiny bits of dry material that fall on the soil and bodies of water as sulfuric acid and nitric acid. The problem is that wind transports the polluting substances over long distances even from one country to another. Consequently, a country which produces a large quantity of pollutants might not be affected at all, while neighboring countries which produce only a small amount of pollutants might be severely affected. This of course, has many ecological effects particularly on lakes, streams, wetlands, and other aquatic environments. i Acid rain makes waters acidic and causes them to absorb the aluminum that makes its way from soil into lakes and streams. This combination makes waters toxic to aquatic animals . According to pH level of the water droplets, acid rain in

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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The contamination of the atmosphere is an effect of industrials and technological progress, and has negative consequences for individuals, ecosystems, and the environment in general.

Acid rain constitutes one of the problems observed lately in our planet; there are three important aspects to consider with respect to acid rain: the process that causes it, the effects it has on the environment and the possible solutions to this phenomenon. First of all, the process begins when fossil fuels are burned by coal-burning power plants, factories and automobiles to provide us the comfort that we enjoy everyday. As a result, gases such as sulfuric dioxide and nitrogen oxide are produced. Then, sulfide and nitrogen are absorbed in the air and they are transported by the wind to different places. Next, these gases are dissolved in rain and fall in the form of acid precipitations (acid rain). These precipitations can also occur in the form of snow or a group of little drops of fog, and tiny bits of dry material that fall on the soil and bodies of water as sulfuric acid and nitric acid.

The problem is that wind transports the polluting substances over long distances even from one country to another. Consequently, a country which produces a large quantity of pollutants might not be affected at all, while neighboring countries which produce only a small amount of pollutants might be severely affected.

This of course, has many ecological effects particularly on lakes, streams, wetlands, and other aquatic environments.i Acid rain makes waters acidic and causes them to absorb the aluminum that makes its way from soil into lakes and streams. This combination makes waters toxic to aquatic animals. According to pH level of the water droplets, acid rain in some places has been considered to have the same Ph as battery acid and there has been fog with the same ph as lemon juice. Besides, acid rain in certain lakes has the same ph of a coca cola, being these high levels of acidity.

Some species can tolerate acidic waters better than others. However, in an interconnected ecosystem, what impacts some species eventually impacts many

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more throughout the food chain and this of course, affects the wildlife dependent on water resources.

Furthermore, acid rain not only affects aquatic environments, it also has consequences on the humans; because the lakes and hydrics resources contaminated could be used by them as a source of life because they use it to do their diary activities such as feed, hygiene, transportation, and others.

Besides, acid rain contributes significantly with a major problem, global warming, which has been in recent years a controversial topic in the entire world because this is a phenomenon in which the temperature in the planet is rising, because all the gases such as carbon dioxide from the industries and cars; methane, which is produced in agricultural activities and gases produced by old refrigerators and spray , these gases produced are trapping too much heat from the sun, creating the effect of a greenhouse.

On the other hand, some people have been looking for the way to reduce the effects of the mistreating to the planet, the earth. It can see the idea that propose the ex-vice-president Al Gore in the video “A new concept of the climate crisis” in which he talks about the possible solutions at this problem and say that if we were organized and responsible, we will achieve the improvement to this problem. Besides, he says that the human kind need a worldwide solution, a global mobilization for renewable energy, it´s conservation and efficiency; but the most important is a low emissions of gases principally carbon emissions across to imputed taxes that lead individuals to take conscious of the correct use of the resources that they have.

Moreover, Al Gore emphasizes that if democratic crisis can´t be solved, climate crisis won´t be solved either; consequently, governments all around the world have the obligation of protecting and conserving the environment; they should implement laws in which all people have the compromise and conscious of the protection of the earth.

Besides , Al Gore talks that we have to face the current challenge of the climate crisis, our generation has the opportunity to rise to a challenge that is worthy of our best efforts, we ought to approach this with gratitude that we are the generation that solve the crisis and lay the basis for a bright and optimistic human future.

In short, acid rain is an international problem which affects all the individuals and is their responsibility to take measurements to control the atmospheric pollution. Some ways to do it are using natural gas instead of coal and oil, developing solar system sources, employing renewable energies, decreasing deforestation no more cutting the rainforest and something maybe more important than other factors as is less cars working on fossil fuels. Furthermore, agreement pacts on control of atmospheric pollution have to be signed all around the world.

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Hopefully, countries will understand their responsibility and will take care of for the general well being of human kind, because new generations deserve a better place where they can live in the conditions they are longing for.