acontis hypervisor manual

acontis technologies GmbH SOFTWARE acontis Hypervisor Real-time Hypervisor Product Manual Edition: 2021-02-04

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acontis Hypervisor Real-time Hypervisor

Product Manual Edition: 2021-02-04

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© Copyright acontis technologies GmbH

Neither this document nor excerpts therefrom may be reproduced, transmitted, or conveyed to third parties by any means whatever without the express permission of the publisher. At the time of publication, the functions described in this document and those implemented in the corresponding hardware and/or software were carefully verified; nonetheless, for technical reasons, it cannot be guaranteed that no discrepancies exist. This document will be regularly examined so that corrections can be made in subsequent editions. Note: Although a product may include undocumented features, such features are not considered to be part of the product, and their functionality is therefore not subject to any form of support or guarantee.

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Compact Table of Contents

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 8

2 System Setup .......................................................................................................................... 10

3 Tutorials ................................................................................................................................... 43

4 Example Applications ............................................................................................................. 59

5 User’s Guide ............................................................................................................................ 60

6 Built-in tools and utilities ....................................................................................................... 61

7 Version History ....................................................................................................................... 62

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 8

1.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 8

2 System Setup .......................................................................................................................... 10

2.1 Installation and basic configuration ..................................................................................... 10

2.1.1 BIOS settings ...................................................................................................................... 10

2.1.2 Installation .......................................................................................................................... 10

2.1.3 Important note: privileged commands .............................................................................. 10

2.1.4 Basic system configuration ................................................................................................. 12

2.2 Automatic PCI device assignment to RTOS ........................................................................ 14

2.2.1 Ethernet device identification ............................................................................................. 14

2.2.2 Ethernet device assignment ............................................................................................... 14

2.2.3 PCI device assignment ....................................................................................................... 14

2.2.4 Adjust main configuration file ............................................................................................. 16

2.2.5 Adjust system startup script /etc/rc.local ............................................................................ 16

2.2.6 How to return devices from the RTOS ............................................................................... 16

2.2.7 Legacy Ethernet PCI devices ............................................................................................. 17

2.3 Manual PCI/PCIe device assignment to RTOS ..................................................................... 18

2.3.1 Ethernet controller .............................................................................................................. 18

2.3.2 Other PCI/PCIe devices ..................................................................................................... 19

2.3.3 Assignment script ............................................................................................................... 19

2.3.4 Configuration file ................................................................................................................. 19

2.3.5 Adjust main configuration file ............................................................................................. 21

2.3.6 Adjust system startup script /etc/rc.local ............................................................................ 21

2.4 Device assignment to Windows VM ...................................................................................... 23

2.4.1 Why passthrough ................................................................................................................ 23

2.4.2 Ethernet PCI Card/Custom PCI device assignment ........................................................... 23 Understanding IOMMU Groups ........................................................................... 23 IOMMU Interrupt Remapping and RTOS ............................................................ 25 ............................................................................................................. 25

2.4.3 Intel Integrated Graphics (iGVT-d) assignment .................................................................. 26 Creating a Windows VM ...................................................................................... 26 Understanding GPU modes UPT and Legacy .................................................... 27 Blacklisting i915 driver on Host ........................................................................... 27 Deactivating Vesa/EFI Framebuffer on Host ...................................................... 28 Legacy BIOS, pure UEFI and CSM+UEFI in Host .............................................. 28 SeaBIOS and OVMF (UEFI) in VM ..................................................................... 28 How to do it in Hypervisor ................................................................................... 28 Using Second GPU Card for Host ....................................................................... 30

2.4.4 Keyboard and Mouse assignment ...................................................................................... 30

2.5 Bridge virtual and physical network ..................................................................................... 32

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2.6 Windows or Linux Guest basic settings ............................................................................... 33

2.6.1 Guest configuration ............................................................................................................ 33

2.6.2 Guest Ethernet ................................................................................................................... 33 Guest Ethernet MAC address ............................................................................. 33

2.6.3 Access to the hypervisor host filesystem ........................................................................... 34

2.6.4 Guest Multiple monitors ...................................................................................................... 34

2.7 Windows installation .............................................................................................................. 35

2.7.1 Missing Drivers? ................................................................................................................. 39

2.8 Windows or Linux Guest Operation ...................................................................................... 42

2.8.1 General Guest control ........................................................................................................ 42

2.8.2 USB guest access .............................................................................................................. 42

3 Tutorials ................................................................................................................................... 43

3.1 Run shipped RTOS container ................................................................................................ 43

3.1.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 43

3.1.2 Real-time Linux container ................................................................................................... 43

3.1.3 VxWorks container ............................................................................................................. 43 File system access .............................................................................................. 43

3.1.4 On Time RTOS-32 container .............................................................................................. 43 PC Configuration Prerequisites ........................................................................... 44 Achieving Hard Real-Time Capabilities ............................................................... 44 How to run a sample preconfigured RTOS32 App (Realtimedemo) ................... 45 How to run EcMasterDemo that uses a network card and the EthetCAT stack . 45 How to remotely debug a RTOS32 App from a Windows Machine with Visual Studio 46

3.2 Install Windows or Linux guest ............................................................................................. 50

3.2.1 UEFI and Legacy BIOS ...................................................................................................... 50

3.2.2 UEFI .................................................................................................................................... 50 What is SecureBoot ............................................................................................. 51 Preparing Keys for SecureBoot ........................................................................... 51 Building OVMF with SecureBoot support ............................................................ 52 Embedding SecureBoot keys to OVMF .............................................................. 52

3.3 Windows and Virtualization Based Security ........................................................................ 53

4 Example Applications ............................................................................................................. 59

4.1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 59

4.2 Building a Windows application ............................................................................................ 59

4.3 Building a RTOS (VxWorks) application ............................................................................... 59

5 User’s Guide ............................................................................................................................ 60

5.1 N/A ............................................................................................................................................ 60

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6 Built-in tools and utilities ....................................................................................................... 61

6.1 RtosService ............................................................................................................................. 61

7 Version History ....................................................................................................................... 62

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1 Introduction

1.1 Overview

Using the existing, industry proven acontis real-time RTOS-VM virtualization technology, multiple hard real-time operating systems (Real-time Linux, VxWorks, etc.) can run in native speed. In addition, based on the well-known and proven KVM virtualization solution, multiple standard operating systems like Windows and Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, etc.) operate in parallel. Besides virtual hardware, KVM provides para-virtualization, PCI/USB and VGA pass-through for highest possible performance. Each guest OS is fully independent and separated and can be rebooted or shutdown while the other guests continue without being affected.

RTOS Virtual Machine Hypervisor

The RTOS Virtual Machine hypervisor technology provides an independent layer to run any RTOS in native speed. No virtualization overhead is introduced and all RTOS drivers as well the operating systems and applications have direct and fast hardware access. The same technology is successfully used by customers all over the world since more than 10 years in the existing acontis real-time solution. The new acontis Hypervisor can utilize this technology without modification so existing customer applications can be re-used without modification.

KVM Hypervisor

KVM is one of the most popular Type 1 hypervisors used in many high-availability and security critical environments like the cloud solutions from Google, Amazon or Oracle.

To increase performance, for example for fast USB, Ethernet or Graphics operation, the respective devices can be completely passed through to Windows or Linux guests. Alternatively, para-virtualized devices for the hard disk, the Ethernet or graphics controller reduce the amount of necessary hardware without compromising throughput.

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Key technical features

The acontis Hypervisor is a perfect symbiosis between the wide-spread KVM virtualization solution and the industry proven RTOS Virtual Machine hypervisor for real-time operating systems.


Supports Multiple OSes: VxWorks® RTOS, real-time Linux, Standard Linux, Microsoft® Windows®, proprietary Roll-your-own, Bare metal, any unmodified OS

RTOS containers including applications run on bare metal core with no virtualization overhead and direct hardware access

Fully separated and independent guest operation

User defined guest startup sequence

Utilize any number of CPU cores per single guest

Independent reboot of all guests while others continue operation

Virtual Network between all guests

Inter-OS Communication: Shared Memory, Events, Interlocked data access, Pipes, Message Queues and Real-time sockets for high speed application level communication

Hypervisor provided fileserver for all guests


Windows and Standard Linux operating systems like Ubuntu or Debian run under control of the KVM hypervisor. This hypervisor provides plenty of sophisticated features:

Multiple Windows and/or standard Linux instances

Windows/Linux containers with snapshot support to easily switch between different application situations without the need to install multiple OS instances. Snapshots create a view of a running virtual machine at a given point in time. Multiple snapshots can be saved and used to return to a previous state, in the event of a problem.

Pass-through support: To increase performance, for example for fast USB, Ethernet or Graphics operation, the respective devices can be completely passed through to Windows or Linux guests.

Paravirtualization: Para-virtualized devices for the hard disk, the ethernet or graphics controller reduce the amount of necessary hardware without compromising throughput.

Graphics virtualization to provide 3D accelerated graphics to multiple guests.


Multiple real-time Operating Systems (Linux, VxWorks, On Time RTOS-32, etc.)

Fast real-time interrupt handling and short thread latencies

Direct hardware access with no virtualization overhead

Compatible with the existing acontis Windows real-time extension (applications can be shared or cross-migrated between both solutions)

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2 System Setup

2.1 Installation and basic configuration The hypervisor has to be installed onto an empty installation media. It is directly booted from the BIOS. Side-by-side installation with an existing Windows or Linux is not recommended. If an existing Windows or Linux system shall be used, assure a free partition for booting the hypervisor is required. The minimum required size for the installation media is 10 GByte.

2.1.1 BIOS settings In the BIOS, VT-x as well as VT-d has to be enabled, Secure Boot must be disabled. To assure real-time behavior, the following additional settings have to be accomplished:

USB Legacy mode has to be disabled

Hyper-Threading shall be disabled

Power saving settings have to disabled (C-States, Speedstepping, …)

2.1.2 Installation Currently, a light-weight Ubuntu derivate (Xubuntu) is used for hypervisor installation. Select “Install Xubuntu” to install the Hypervisor, other options are not supported. A user account must be created while installing the hypervisor. Please note, you MUST define a password. After the installation has finished, you have to reboot the system; do not remove the boot media when rebooting. Follow the installation instructions.

After reboot the default entry “Ubuntu” is selected, keep this and do not boot the “Hypervisor” entry. This entry will be activated automatically after the first-time configuration.

2.1.3 Important note: privileged commands

Most of the configuration and launch commands require root privilege. This can be achieved by

using the sudo prefix before each command or switch once into root mode using the

sudo -s command. The password for the user you created on setup has to be entered.

Commands can be entered from the hypervisor shell. Open the shell via the top left button and

start the Terminal Emulator:

Alternatively, you can launch the Terminal emulator by typing Ctrl-Alt-T

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2.1.4 Basic system configuration

Basic configuration settings including helper scripts are stored in directory /hv/config. Use the

cd command to switch into this directory:

cd /hv/config

If the hypervisor has been installed in parallel to Windows or Linux, the file has

to be adjusted. The defaultBoot values need to be set to 3 and 5, respectively.

Enter gedit to adjust these values, they are near the end of the file:

# update default boot configuration



[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && defaultBoot=3 || defaultBoot=5 # 2 for UEFI, 4 for Legacy

Next, you need to run the basic system and memory configuration. The RAM size for the RTOS

as well as the memory pool size for all shared memory areas need to be configured. This has

to be accomplished using the script. The following example shows how a system

with 64 Mbyte RTOS RAM size and 8 Mbyte shared memory pool size has to be configured:

sudo ./ 64 8

If you get the following message “WARNING: CPU frequency not stable…”, you did not

properly disable power settings in the BIOS. Please follow the respective instructions above.

Now, reboot the system:

sudo reboot

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A second run of the autoconf script may help in case the above CPU frequency warning was


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2.2 Automatic PCI device assignment to RTOS

2.2.1 Ethernet device identification Before assigning the device to the RTOS you should identify its name.

Connect a cable with the Ethernet port that shall be used by the RTOS. Disconnect all other ports.

The related device name must be determined using the command ifconfig -a:

ifconfig -a ens34: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::b70:3228:6113:2f1a prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link> ether 00:0c:29:5c:6b:15 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 12143 bytes 1425085 (1.4 MB) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 544 bytes 99892 (99.8 KB

TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

Several devices may be listed. The ones where an Ethernet cable is connected gets a link (see the <link> string above). In the above case, the device name is ens34.

2.2.2 Ethernet device assignment Next step is to call the assignment script. Using device name ens34 from the previous chapter you should call the script like:

./ ens34 rtos_eth 1

The script creates 2 files located in /hv/config:, rtos_eth.config. Calling convention for the script file: <device name> <RTOS device name> <device number>


device name (mandatory)

This parameter is the Linux device name of the Ethernet device.

RTOS device name (mandatory) This parameter must be a unique name that is used to identify the device. This name will also be used in filenames that are created by the script:

<RTOS device name>.config - contains the information, required by the RTOS for a proper

device configuration.

<RTOS device name>.sh – a script that unbinds the device from the host and binds it to RTOS.

device number (mandatory)

This parameter is a sequential number for each assigned device, starting with 1.

The numbers must be unique. Currently no sanity check will be made.

2.2.3 PCI device assignment

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To assign PCI device by PCI ID you should use script. Calling convention for the

script: <PCI ID> <RTOS device name> <device number>

<RTOS device name> <device number> are the same as for for script.

<PCI ID> is in form of domain:bus:device.function or bus:device.function.

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2.2.4 Adjust main configuration file After creating the device configuration file <RTOS device name>.config, it needs to be included in the main configuration file. In case of VxWorks, the main configuration file is the file /hv/vx/vxworks.config In case of On Time RTOS-32, the main configuration file is /hv/rtos-32/realtimedemo.config In case of Real-time Linux, the main configuration file is /hv/lx/hv.config Add the corresponding <RTOS device name>.config entries to the includes section of the file. The example below shows, how rtos_eth device configuration file is included:


; includes


#include "../config/membase.config"

#include "../config/memory.config"

#include "../config/cpu.config"

#include "../config/hwbase.config"

#include "../config/hwdevbase.config"

#include "../config/vmf.config"

#include "../config/debug.config"

#include "../config/windowsvm.config"

#include "../config/rtos_eth.config"

2.2.5 Adjust system startup script /etc/rc.local The device assignment scripts <RTOS device name>.sh usually shall be executed automatically on system startup. To accomplish this, add the respective <RTOS device name>.sh calls in the file /etc/rc.local.

The example below shows, how the device with the unique name rtos_eth is assigned. Please reboot the system to make the change effective.


source /hv/config/ add

2.2.6 How to return devices from the RTOS You should remove include of <RTOS device name>.config from the main configuration file (/hv/vx/vxworks.config, etc).

Remove reference of <RTOS device name>.sh file in /etc/rc.local

After system restart device will be automatically used by the host. If you want to return the device to

the host without rebooting you should call <RTOS device name>.sh script with parameter delete:

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Now you can delete <RTOS device name>.sh and <RTOS device name>.config files.

2.2.7 Legacy Ethernet PCI devices If you have legacy PCI device (not PCIe) it will be required to assign device in another way. A fourth, optional parameter of script shall be used then. <device name> <RTOS device name> <device number> <interrupt type>

Possible values are “legacy” or “no_interrupt”. If this parameter is not provided, standard MSI interrupt is configured.

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2.3 Manual PCI/PCIe device assignment to RTOS

All PCI/PCIe devices that shall be used by the RTOS have to be assigned first. The below

steps show how to accomplish this.

2.3.1 Ethernet controller

Connect a cable with the Ethernet port that shall be used by the RTOS. Disconnect all other ports.

The related device name must be determined using the command ifconfig -a: ifconfig -a

ens34: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::b70:3228:6113:2f1a prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link> ether 00:0c:29:5c:6b:15 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 12143 bytes 1425085 (1.4 MB) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 544 bytes 99892 (99.8 KB

TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0 Several devices may be listed. The ones where an Ethernet cable is connected gets a link (see the <link> string above). In the above case, the device name is ens34.

Additional information about the device resources are need for assignment. These will be determined

using the command lshw -class network: lshw -class network


description: Ethernet interface

product: 82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper)

vendor: Intel Corporation

physical id: 2 bus info: pci@0000:02:02.0

logical name: ens34

version: 01

serial: 00:0c:29:5c:6b:15

size: 1Gbit/s

capacity: 1Gbit/s

width: 64 bits

clock: 66MHz

capabilities: pm pcix bus_master cap_list rom ethernet physical logical tp

10bt 10bt-fd 100bt 100bt-fd resources: irq:16 memory:fd580000-fd59ffff memory:fdfe0000-fdfeffff

ioport:2040(size=64) memory:fd510000-fd51ffff

Several devices may be listed. Look for the previously determined device name (in our example: ens34). The resource information marked in red color are needed in further steps.

The ones where an Ethernet cable is connected get a link (see the <link> string above in the ifconfig -a result). In this example case, the device name is ens34.

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Determine the original driver, currently used by the hypervisor and the PCI vendor and device id using the previously determined bus info: lspci -s 02:02.0 -v -nn

02:02.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation 82545EM Gigabit Ethernet

Controller [8086:100f] (rev 01)

Subsystem: VMware PRO/1000 MT Single Port Adapter

Physical Slot: 34

Flags: 66MHz, medium devsel, IRQ 16

Memory at fd580000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=128K]

Memory at fdfe0000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]

I/O ports at 2040 [size=64]

[virtual] Expansion ROM at fd510000 [disabled] [size=64K]

Capabilities: <access denied>

Kernel driver in use: e1000

Kernel modules: e1000

2.3.2 Other PCI/PCIe devices

Use the lshw command shown in the Ethernet example above and search for the appropriate device. Determine the respective parameters in a similar way as for Ethernet.

2.3.3 Assignment script A template assignment script is located in /hv/config. Open the script using the gedit editor and adjust the following settings according to the values determined before: vendor_id=8086




If more than one device shall be assigned, duplicate this script and adjust the entries: cp

2.3.4 Configuration file A template configuration file pcidev1.config is located in /hv/config. Note: this configuration file has to be included in the main configuration file to become effective! Open the script using the gedit editor and adjust the following settings according to the values determined before.

Replace the template device name PCI Device Name with an appropriate unique name (caveat: replace in ALL places!): [Devices\Rtos\Intel Gigabit Controller1]

Adjust the bus information values (above example: 0000:02:02.0). The first number 0000 can be ignored, the following numbers are related to PCI Bus, Device and Function: [Devices\Rtos\Intel Gigabit Controller1]




Adjust the device IO and memory resources (note: hex values are to be written in reverse order!!!): [Devices\Rtos\Intel Gigabit Controller1\IoPort\1]



[Devices\Rtos\Intel Gigabit Controller1\Memory\1]



[Devices\Rtos\Intel Gigabit Controller1\Memory\2]



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Adjust the device interrupt resources.

PCIe card In case it is a PCIe card, the MSI entries must be kept uncommented. The Id value of the first PCI card to be assigned shall be 20, for the second card it shall be 21 and so on. The destination value determines the CPU where the interrupts have to be delivered. The value is a bit mask where all bits related to the RTOS CPU have to be set. Examples:

Destination 2 = 00000010: CPU core 1 --> dual core system

Destination 8 = 00001000: CPU core 3 --> quad core system

Destination 80 = 10000000: CPU core 7 --> octal core system The Vector value of the first PCI card to be assigned shall be F4, for the second card it shall be F5 and so on. In the below example the values given are related to the first PCI device that is assigned to the RTOS on a quad core system: ; MSI

[Devices\Rtos\Intel Gigabit Controller1\Interrupt\1]






In the below example the values given are related to a second PCI device that is assigned to the RTOS on a quad core system: ; MSI

[Devices\Rtos\Intel Gigabit Controller2\Interrupt\1]






PCI card In case it is a PCI card, the MSI entries must be commented out and the Legacy Interrupt entries must be uncommented. The Id, Destination and Vector values have to be determined in the same way as for PCIe devices. The IoApicIntIn value can be determined using the file /hv/config/hwbase.config. Search for the entry [IoApics\##]. The number ## is used for the IoApicIntIn value. Examples:

## == 01: IoApicId=dword:1

## == 02: IoApicId=dword:2 The value for the IoApicIntIn can be determined by the resource information gotten via the lshw command described before (in the example above it is irq 16). The value in the configuration file is hexadecimal! In the below example the values given are related to the first PCI device that is assigned to the RTOS on a dual core system where the number found for the IoApicId is 02: ; Legacy

[Devices\Rtos\Intel Gigabit Controller1\Interrupt\1]








Note: do not forget to include this configuration file in the main configuration file to become effective!

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2.3.5 Adjust main configuration file After creating the device configuration files (pcidev1.config etc.), they need to be included in the main configuration file. In case of VxWorks, it is the file /hv/vx/vxworks.config In case of On Time RTOS-32, it is /hv/rtos-32/rtos-32.config In case of Real-time Linux, the main configuration file is /hv/lx/linux.config Uncomment or add the respective pcidev#.config entries. The example below shows, how two PCI device configuration files are included:


; includes


#include "../config/membase.config"

#include "../config/memory.config"

#include "../config/cpu.config"

#include "../config/hwbase.config"

#include "../config/hwdevbase.config"

#include "../config/vmf.config"

#include "../config/debug.config"

#include "../config/windowsvm.config"

#include "../config/pcidev1.config"

#include "../config/pcidev2.config"

2.3.6 Adjust system startup script /etc/rc.local The device assignment scripts usually has to be executed automatically on system startup. To accomplish this, uncomment or add the respective calls in the file /etc/rc.local. The example below shows, how three PCI devices are assigned.


source /hv/config/ add

source /hv/config/ add

source /hv/config/ add

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2.4 Device assignment to Windows VM

2.4.1 Why passthrough

The typical “use-case” of this feature is running a latency-sensitve application in a

acontisHypervisor container with a hard realtime OS (such as Rt Linux, VxWorks, RTOS-32)

and a separate user-friendly GUI application in a Windows VM (KVM) that heavily uses

hardware graphics accelaration to drive high-qualtity output. Both applications (real-time and

GUI) communicate to each other via a well-defined Rtos Library interface. In this Scenario the

Windows machine can safely install security updates and perform reboot without affecting the

critical real-time part.

It is madatory to have hardware support for IOMMU (VT-d). VT-d should be supported by your

Processor, your motherboard and should be enabled in the BIOS.

Virtual Function I/O (VFIO) allows a virtual machine to access a PCI device, such as a GPU or

Network Card, directly and achieve close to bare metal performance.

The setup used for this guide is:

Intel Core I5-8400 or I3-7100 (with integrated Intel UHD 630 Graphics) – this integrated

graphics adapter will be assigned to the Windows VM.

AMD/ATI RV610 (Radeon HD 2400 PRO) – optional, as a second GPU, only needed to

have display output for Linux Host. Later, the host is reached only via SSH.

Intel I210 Gigabit Network Card – optional, to demonstrate how to pass through a simple

PCI device to a Windows VM

2.4.2 Ethernet PCI Card/Custom PCI device assignment

Some manual work is required to pass through the PCI Device to a Windows VM. Understanding IOMMU Groups

In order to activate the hardware passthrough we have to prevent the ownership of a PCI

device by its native driver and assign it to the vfio-pci driver instead.

In a first step, an overview of the hardware and related drivers is required. In the below list 2

devices are marked with red color, they should be used for passthrough to the guest VM..

rte@rte-System-Product-Name:~$ lspci

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 8th Gen Core Processor Host Bridge/DRAM Registers

00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v5/E3-1500 v5/6th Gen Core Processor

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Device 3e92

00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation Cannon Lake PCH USB 3.1 xHCI Host Controller

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00:14.2 RAM memory: Intel Corporation Cannon Lake PCH Shared SRAM (rev 10)

00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation Cannon Lake PCH HECI Controller

00:17.0 SATA controller: Intel Corporation Cannon Lake PCH SATA AHCI Controller (rev 10)

00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Device a33c (rev f0)

00:1c.5 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Device a33d (rev f0)

00:1c.7 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Device a33f (rev f0)

00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation Device a303 (rev 10)

00:1f.4 SMBus: Intel Corporation Cannon Lake PCH SMBus Controller (rev 10)

00:1f.5 Serial bus controller [0c80]: Intel Corporation Cannon Lake PCH SPI Controller

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: [AMD/ATI] RV610 [Radeon HD 2400 PRO]

01:00.1 Audio device: [AMD/ATI] RV610 HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 2400 PRO]

03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation I210 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 03)

04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express

Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 15)

Make sure, IOMMU is activated on your Linux host:

dmesg | grep -e "Directed I/O"

DMAR: Intel(R) Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O

When IOMMU is activated, all devices are divided into groups. The IOMMU Group is an

indivisible unit. All devices in the same group must be passed thrrough together.

for a in /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/*; do find $a -type l; done | sort



















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It is important to know – all devices in a single group should be shared together. In the above

case the group 10 has the PCI Card, and no other devices are in this group.

We need to determine more details about the hardware we are interested in:

rte@rte-System-Product-Name:~$ lspci -s 03:00.0 –vvn

03:00.0 0200: 8086:1533 (rev 03)

Kernel driver in use: igb

Kernel modules: igb

Add to the linux kernel command line parameters the following: vfio-pci.ids=8086:1533. To

edit kernel parameters edit /etc/grub.d/40_custom file and then execute update-grub and


Normally no other steps are needed to assign a device to a vfio-pci driver instead of a its native

driver. If you have conflicts between these two drivers, it would be required to disable the

loading of a native driver. Add a parameter module_blacklist=igb to a kernel command line. IOMMU Interrupt Remapping and RTOS

As mentioned before, device passthrough requires IOMMU support by the hardware and the

OS. It is needed to add “intel_iommu=on iommu=pt” to your kernel command line. These

parameters are automatically added by Hypervisor when executing script.

But PCI devices can be assigned not only to Windows VM but also to a RTOS VM, for ex.

RTOS-32. Usually, network cards can be used by a realtime application, for ex. to

communicate with EtherCAT slaves.

If you want to use Windows VM with devices passed through and a RTOS application with a

assigned PCI device, it is required to deactivate IOMMU Interrupt Remapping in Linux Kernel.

The following kernel command line parameters should be manually added to the GRUB Entry

“Hypervisor” by editing /etc/grub.d/40_custom file and then executing update-grub.

intremap=off vfio_iommu_type1.allow_unsafe_interrupts=1

Last step is to edit /hv/VMs/VM1/ file and add the PCI Etherner Card information


Uncomment #export OTHER_HW variable and set it to:

export OTHER_HW=” -device vfio-pci,host=03:00.0”

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2.4.3 Intel Integrated Graphics (iGVT-d) assignment

To use graphics passthrough, less steps compared to standard PCI hardware passthrough are

required, because Hypervisor automates most of the steps. Creating a Windows VM

Before we learn how to assign an Integrated Intel Graphics to a Windows VM, we should

create this VM.

It is important to create this machine with OVMF UEFI, because we want to use it for graphics

passthrow. If you have already created the VM using legacy Seabios, it will not work for this


Download a Windows 10 .iso file or create it using Media Creation Tool, which is available on a

Microsoft site.

Create a hdd image:

qemu-img create -f qcow2 win-vm1.qcow2 50G

Now create a script


qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm \

-machine pc,accel=kvm,igd-passthru=on -m 8g \

-enable-kvm \

-nodefaults \

-cpu host,hv_relaxed,hv_vapic \

-smp cpus=3,cores=3,threads=1,sockets=1 \

-drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly,file=/hv/bin/OVMF_CODE.fd \

-drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=/hv/bin/OVMF_VARS.fd \

-drive file=/hv/VMs/vm1/Windows10.iso,index=0,media=cdrom \

-drive file=/hv/VMs/virtio/virtio-win-0.1.171-

acontis.iso,index=1,media=cdrom \

-drive file=/hv/VMs/vm1/win-vm1.qcow2,index=1,media=disk,if=virtio


-vga std

Launch this script and start VM and perform full Windows 10 installation.

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Then configure Windows for Remote Desktop access, because next step is deactivating

standard vga graphics. Then shutdown VM. You have to remember the IP address or computer

name of this VM to later connect via RDP.

You do not need this script anymore.

Edit in /hv/VMs/vm1 and uncomment and change a variable:

export vmimg=win-vm1.qcow2

This drive image with installed Windows 10 will be required later. Understanding GPU modes UPT and Legacy

There are two modes „legacy“ and “Universal Passthrough” (UPT).

Hypervisor uses only Legacy mode, but it could be important to understand the difference.

UPT is available for Broadwell and newer processors. Legacy mode is available since

SandyBridge. If you are unsure, which processor you have, please check this link

In Legacy it is meant that IGD is a primary and exclusive graphics in VM. Additionally the IGD

address in the VM must be PCI 00:02.0, only 440FX chipset model (in VM) is supported and

not Q35. The IGD must be the primary GPU for host as well (please check your BIOS settings).

In UPT mode the IGD can have another PCI adress in VM and the VM can have a second

graphics adapter (for example qxl, or vga).

Please read here more about legacy and UPT mode:;a=blob;f=docs/igd-assign.txt

There a lot of other little things, why IGD Passthrough could not work. For ex. In legacy mode it

expects a ISA/LPC Bridge at PCI Adress 00:1f.0 in VM and this is a reason, why Q35 chip

does not work, because it has another device at this adress.

In UPT mode, there is no output support of any kind. So the UHD graphics can be used for

accelerating (for ex. Decoding) but the Monitor remains black and there is a non-standard

experimental qemu vfi-pci command line parameter x-igd-opregion=on, which can work. Blacklisting i915 driver on Host

The standard Intel Driver i915 is complex and it is not always possible to safely unbind the

device from this driver, that is why this driver is blacklisted by Hypervisor when executing script.

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Please also know, when i915 driver is disabled, there are other drivers which are ready to jump

on the device to keep the console working. Depend on your BIOS settings (legacy or UEFI) two

other drivers can occupy a region of a video memory: efifb or vesafb.

Hypervisor blacklists both by adding the following command line parameter:


Please also check if it works: cat /proc/iomem. If you still see that one of this driver still

occupies a part of a video memory, please try manually another combination:

video=efifb:off,vesafb:off. Legacy BIOS, pure UEFI and CSM+UEFI in Host

It plays also significant role, in which mode your machine is booted: Legacy BIOS, pure UEFI

or UEFI with CSM support. In pure UEFI (on host) QEMU cannot read video ROM. In this case

you could extract it manually (for ex. Using Cpu-Z utility or just boot in CSM mode, when iGPU

is a primary GPU in BIOS), patch it with correct device id and provide it to qemu as romfile=

parameter for vfi-pci. Please google for rom-parser and rom-fixer for details. SeaBIOS and OVMF (UEFI) in VM

It also plays role which BIOS you use in the VM itself. For QEMU there are two possibilities:

SeaBIOS (legacy BIOS, which is default for qemu) and OVMF (UEFI). You can download and

build OVMF itself, but easier to install precompiled binaries from here:

For your convenience, Hypervisor installs precompiled OVMF binaries to /hv/bin directory:



By default, OVMF UEFI does not support OpRegion Intel feature, which is required to have a

graphics output to a real display. There are three possibilities how to solve this problem and the

easiest one seems to be the using special vbios rom vbios_gvt_uefi.rom, please read more


For your convenience, we have already included this file into the Hypervisor package and it can

also be located in /hv/bin directory.

Hypervisor uses OVMF (UEFI) for graphics pass-through. How to do it in Hypervisor

The final working configuration which we consider here:

CPU Graphics is a primary GPU in BIOS (host)

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Host boots in pure UEFI mode

OVMF is used as BIOS in Windows VM

vbios_gvt_uefi.rom is used as VBIOS in romfile parameter for vfio-pci

Legacy mode for IGD, so the Windows VM has only one graphics card Intel UHD 630

Which commands should be executed in Hypervisor to do a pass-through of a Intel Integrated

Graphics to a Windows VM?

None! Almost everything is done automatically. When executing script (which is

required to install real-time linux kernel and to reserve kernel memory for hypervisor needs), a

separate GRUB entry “Hypervisor + iGVT-d” is created.

This entry contains already all necessary linux kernel parameters required to do a graphics

pass-through: blacklisting intel driver, disabling interrupt remapping, assigning a VGA device to

a vfio-pci driver and other stepts.

But one step should be done once, configuring your VM.

Change /hv/VMs/VM1/ script. Two variables should be uncommented and


export uefi_bios=1

export enable_vga_gpt=1

It should be enough.

Just reboot your machine, choose “Hypervisor+iGVT-d” menu item. If everything is correct, the

display of your Host should remain black. Connect to the machine using SSH connection or

use a second graphics card for Host (read next chapter) and then execute


Wait 30-60 seconds and.. display remains black? Of course. Windows does not have Intel

Graphics drivers .

Remember we configured Windows for a Remote Desktop Access in previous steps? Connect

to Windows VM via RDP and install latest Intel Drivers

If everyting is done correctly, your display should now work and display a Windows 10


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X-Windows on the hypervisor host does not work properly, when the primary GPU in the

System is occupied by the vfi-pci driver. It detects the first GPU, tries to acquire it, fails and

then aborts. We should let it know, that it should use our second GPU card instead.

Log in to the hypervisor host (Press Ctrl-Alt-F3, for example), shutdown LightDM manager

sudo service lightdm stop.

Execute sudo X –configure, it creates file in the current directory. When this

command is executed, X server enumerates all hardware and creates this file . By default, in

modern systems, Xserver does not need the xorg.conf file, because all hardware is detected

quite good and automatically. But the config file is still supported.

Look at this file, find a section “Device” with your second GPU (look at the PCI Adress). Copy

content of this section to a separate file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/secondary-gpu.conf. Save and


Section "Device"

### Available Driver options are:-

### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",

### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz",

### <percent>: "<f>%"

### [arg]: arg optional

#Option "Accel" # [<bool>]

#Option "SWcursor" # [<bool>]

#Option "EnablePageFlip" # [<bool>]

#Option "SubPixelOrder" # [<str>]

#Option "ZaphodHeads" # <str>

#Option "AccelMethod" # <str>

#Option "DRI3" # [<bool>]

#Option "DRI" # <i>

#Option "ShadowPrimary" # [<bool>]

#Option "TearFree" # [<bool>]

#Option "DeleteUnusedDP12Displays" # [<bool>]

#Option "VariableRefresh" # [<bool>]

Identifier "Card0"

Driver "amdgpu"

BusID "PCI:1:0:0"


2.4.4 Keyboard and Mouse assignment

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Normally your Linux Host with acontisHypervisor with Windows VM and Integrated Graphics

passed throw works in head-less mode. Windows VM outputs to a Monitor durch DVI-D/HDMI

connection and the Linux Host is controlled via SSH connection. Windows has a look and feel

as it works without an intermediate hypervisor layer.

So, Windows needs a keyboard and mouse.

Go to /dev/input/by-id/ and find something that looks like a keyboard and mouse and it should

containt “-event-“ in its name.

ls -la

usb-18f8_USB_OPTICAL_MOUSE-event-if01 -> ../event5

usb-18f8_USB_OPTICAL_MOUSE-event-mouse -> ../event3

usb-18f8_USB_OPTICAL_MOUSE-if01-event-kbd -> ../event4

usb-18f8_USB_OPTICAL_MOUSE-mouse -> ../mouse0

usb-SEM_USB_Keyboard-event-if01 -> ../event7

usb-SEM_USB_Keyboard-event-kbd -> ../event6

configure your VM with these parameters by editing

export vga_gpt_kbd_event=6

export vga_gpt_mouse_event=3

Please also note, disconnecting evdev devices, such as keyboard or

mouse, can be problematic when using qemu and libvirt, because it

does not reopen device when the device reconnects.

If you need to disconnect/reconnect your keyboard or mouse, there is

a workaround, create a udev proxy device and use its event device

instead. Please read more hier


If everything works, you’ll find new devices like uinput-persist-

keyboard0 pointing to /dev/input/eventXXX use use these ids as usual


export vga_gpt_kbd_event=XXX

export vga_gpt_mouse_event=ZZZ

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2.5 Bridge virtual and physical network If the virtual machine shall be accessed via TCP/IP over the virtual network from an external system, the virtual network and the respective physical network has to be bridged. In the folder /hv/hvctl you can find the template configuration file Enter gedit and adjust all the parameters according to the description in that file. Note, the IP address of the virtual network inside the RTOS guest need to be adjusted appropriately.

Create the bridge First, start the RTOS to assure the virtual network is available. Change into the guest directory (/hv/hvctl) and execute the script.

Remove the bridge Change into the guest directory (/hv/hvctl) and execute the script.

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2.6 Windows or Linux Guest basic settings Before installing Windows or Linux guests, some configuration settings have to be performed. The guests will get access to the network via the hypervisor network.

2.6.1 Guest configuration In the folder /hv/VMs/vm1 you can find the template configuration file Enter gedit and adjust all the parameters according to the description in that file. Please note, when installing the guest, the number of CPUs for the guest has to be set to one below the number of physical available CPUs, otherwise performance while installing significantly slows down! If you want to use an ISO file as installation media, the setting for cdrom_iso in has to be adjusted appropriately. For example, if the ISO file is stored on an USB stick, the following entry will use the ISO file as installation media:

cdrom_iso=/media/MyUserName/UsbStickName/IsoFileName.iso where MyUserName is the user you are logged in, UsbStickName is the name of the USB stick and IsoFileName is the filename of the ISO file.

2.6.2 Guest Ethernet In the script, two guest Ethernet controllers can be configured. One is used for directly connecting to the external physical network via network bridging. To enable this network, set external_nw to a value of 1. The second is used as a private network, which is connected to the external physical network via NAT. This connection is safer, but much slower. It is also used for file sharing with the hypervisor host. The architecture of the private network looks as follows: Guest Ethernet MAC address

In the folder /hv/VMs/vm1 the script defines the Ethernet MAC address for the virtual network adapters inside the guest. By default, if this file does not exist, this script file is automatically generated using random local administered addresses. You will have to change these addresses by an official address related to your company. The content of this file looks as follows: export ethmacVM1=0A:C0:FD:20:39:01

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export ethmacVM2=0A:C1:FD:20:39:01

The ethmacVM1 address belongs to the bridged Ethernet controller (bridged to the external network). The ethmacVM2 address belongs to the private (internal) Ethernet controller (using NAT).

2.6.3 Access to the hypervisor host filesystem Access to the hypervisor host filesystem (/hv/VMs/share) is available using a CIFS network share. The private network is used for this purpose. The IP address of the network share server is Windows: access via \\\qemu Linux: use SAMBA to mount the network share at with the name qemu

2.6.4 Guest Multiple monitors If more than one monitor is connected to the system, these can also be used for VM guests (up to a maximum of 4 monitors). For Windows guests, the following settings are required in export windows_guest=1

export num_monitors=# (where # is the number of monitors)

To enable additional monitors being displayed, select the displays via the View – Displays menu in the viewer application.

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2.7 Windows installation A fresh Windows installation can be accomplished by traditional methods using a bootable DVD or USB device. Alternatively, an ISO CD image can be used (see section 2.6.1). After configuring the VM according to section 2.6.1 you must boot the VM. Execute the script with option -nospice to accomplish this: ./ -nospice

In case starting the installation process fails with the message “Could not access KVM kernel module…”, you did not enable Intel or AMD virtualization technology in the BIOS. Please note, setting up Windows may take significanlty longer than used with real physical machines. Later on, after installation of para-virtualized drivers, Windows will become significantly faster, very close to native performance. Before the setup can access the hard disk, the respective driver has to be installed. Please follow the screenshots below:

Select “Load driver”

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Select “Browse”

Select the CD Drive E:

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Select the appropriate directory, for Windows 10 64 Bit, it is amd64

Press Next and continue setup as usual. Important note: skip the network setup (in this stage, there is not network driver available)

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After successfully installing Windows, additional drivers need to be installed. Follow the instructions below. Open the Windows Explorer and install the spice guest tools. It is located in CD Drive (E:) virtio-win-0.1.1: spice-guest-tools-latest. Select and start to install these tools. In case a message box appears to confirm driver installation, please confirm install the driver(s).

After the setup finished, you may not be able to use the mouse anymore. This is related to a new driver installed which is not supported by the viewer application. In any case, close the setup message box (type enter, while the focus is on the finish box). You need to shut down the guest, if not possible inside the guest, please use the ./ script. If shutdown is blocked, you need to close the setup windows before (e.g. using tab keys to select the finish button). After shutdown of the guest, please start again using the script ./ without any additional parameter:

./ Due to hardware changes, Windows may automatically reboot once. Mouse and desktop may still not work properly. In this case, please install all the latest Windows updates.

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2.7.1 Missing Drivers? Check for missing drivers: Open the Windows Device Manager and look for missing drivers. If any drivers are missing, follow the instructions below. Select the driver using the right mouse key and press “Update driver”.

Select “Browse my computer…”

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Select Drive (E:), which contains the para-virtualized drivers.

Assure “Include subfolders” is selected and press “Next” to install the driver.

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Sleep and Hibernate are currently not supported (S3 or S4 mode). Disable Sleep (Windows Settings – System – Power and sleep):

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2.8 Windows or Linux Guest Operation

2.8.1 General Guest control Boot Change into the guest directory (/hv/VMs/vm1) and execute the script. When executed the very first time, the virtual hard disk image is created (e.g. file vm1.qcow2).

Shutdown Change into the guest directory (/hv/VMs/vm1) and execute the script.

Reset Change into the guest directory (/hv/VMs/vm1) and execute the script.

Destroy the guest (in case it crashed) Change into the guest directory (/hv/VMs/vm1) and execute the script.

View guest output (in case the output Windows crashed or was closed) Change into the guest directory (/hv/VMs/vm1) and execute the script.

Other control and monitoring commands Change into the guest directory (/hv/VMs/vm1) and execute the script. Monitor commands are described in here:

2.8.2 USB guest access If an USB device shall be used in the guest, the respective settings in must be adjusted. In case the USB device is plugged in while the guest is already running, you need to start the guest monitor using the command in the vm directory. Using the info command, a list of connected USB devices can be found: Example: info usbhost

Bus 1, Addr 11, Port 1, Speed 480 Mb/s

Class 00: USB device 0951:1665, DataTraveler 2.0

Bus 2, Addr 3, Port 4.2, Speed 5000 Mb/s

Class ff: USB device 0b95:1790, AX88179

Bus 1, Addr 8, Port 8, Speed 12 Mb/s

Class ff: USB device 06cb:009a

Bus 1, Addr 7, Port 7, Speed 480 Mb/s

Class ef: USB device 04f2:b604, Integrated Camera

Bus 1, Addr 9, Port 6, Speed 12 Mb/s

Class e0: USB device 8087:0a2b

Bus 1, Addr 4, Port 5, Speed 12 Mb/s

Class 00: USB device 058f:9540, EMV Smartcard Reader

Bus 1, Addr 2, Port 2, Speed 12 Mb/s

Class 00: USB device 046d:c52b, USB Receiver

The following command will dynamically connect the USB device on host bus 1 and address 11 (an USB stick) with the guest: device_add usb-host,id=MyUsbDevice,hostbus=1,hostaddr=11

The id value has to be unique in case multiple USB devices are connected. More information can be found here:


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3 Tutorials

3.1 Run shipped RTOS container

3.1.1 General RTOS images (containers) are located in the appropriate directory beyond /hv (e.g. /hv/lx for RT Linux containers).

The first time, when a RTOS container is started, the RTOS Virtual Machine is loaded and the configuration for the RTOS container(s) are loaded. In case a configuration entry has changed, all RTOS containers need to be stopped and the RTOS Virtual Machine to be reloaded.

Configuration files are stored in config files. The following operations are supported via calling the appropriate scripts:

start RTOS (e.g. to start the RT Linux image)

stop RTOS:

stop RTOS and RTOS Virtual Machine:

open Debug Console:

3.1.2 Real-time Linux container Important note: you need at least 384 Mbyte RAM for the shipped Linux image. Assure the script was executed with the appropriate RAM size. Real-time Linux containers are stored in /hv/lx Start the container using the script. From within the real-time Linux OS you may access the Hypervisor filesystem via the /mnt/rtfiles mount point. The root directory will point to the Hypervisor directory /hv/lx/rtfiles.

3.1.3 VxWorks container VxWorks containers are stored in /hv/vx Start a VxWorks 6.9 container using the script. File system access

To access the Hypervisor filesystem from within VxWorks, you may use FTP. For security reasons, by default, there is no FTP server installed. Follow these instructions to install an FTP server in the Hypervisor.

sudo apt-get install vsftpd

activate the entry write_enable=YES in /etc/vsftpd.conf

Restart the FTP server: /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart Create an FTP user target with password vxworks:

o adduser target o passwd vxworks o You may use visudo to add the user target to the sudoers group (duplicate the

root entry) After executing the above steps, from within VxWorks, you should be able to access the

directory /home/target

3.1.4 On Time RTOS-32 container RTOS-32 from "On Time" company is a hard real-time operation system. It is one of the Operating systems supported by acontisHypervisor.

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Directories: /hv - this root directory contains all acontisHypervisor files and executables. /hv/rtos-32 - RTOS32 configuration files and start/stop scripts as well as OS binaries. /hv/rtos-32/rtfiles - directory for your .dlm files. Most important bash scripts: /hv/rtos-32/ starts RTOS32 VM and the acontis tool measuring context switch and interrupt latencies. /hv/rtos-32/ starts debug monitor that awaits requests from a remote debugger on a Windows machine with installed EcWin, Visual Studio, and RTE Plugin. /hv/rtos-32/ starts acontisHypervisor RTOS32 VM and EtherCAT MasterStack demo. /hv/rtos-32/ stops VM and acontisHypervisor. /hv/rtos-32/ opens interactive RTOS32 VM console, so you can interact with your app here. Specific scripts used for debugging: /hv/hvctl/ creates a virtual network bridge on Linux host to forward debugger TCP/IP/UDP packets from LAN1 to RTOS32 VM. It is required to start this script if you need to perform remote debugging of a RTOS32 app from another machine. /hv/hvctl/ deletes bridge, after the RTOS32 VM has been stopped. Start a RTOS-32 container using the script. PC Configuration Prerequisites

It is assumed that you already have installed acontisHypervisor and configured it as is is described in acontisHypervisor.pdf.

It is also assumed, that your HypervisorPC has two LAN ports and you already have assigned LAN2 to acontisHypervisor, as it is described in acontisHypervisor.pdf in the

"PCI/PCIe device assignment" section. Ths step is only required if you want to start EcMasterDemo, because it requires one LAN Port to communicate with EtherCAT slaves.

If you want just run other demoes (ex. realtimedemo), or want to remotely debug your RTOS32 app, you can skip this step. Achieving Hard Real-Time Capabilities

It is important to understand, which factors have influence to the real-time capabilities of your hardware. Most important of them are BIOS Settings (no CPU power saving modes should be activated, no CPU throttling, no variable CPU Frequency, USB Legacy support should also be disabled). Please refer to the acontisHypervisor documentation). SMI must be also avoided.

Video Card has usually a huge impact on the real-time capabilities of the real-time system, because it can not only generate SMI but also perform huge background DMA transfers from/to DRAM memory.

For example, if you have Intel i915 video card on your Linux host, its Linux driver can produce significant interrupt/context latencies.

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First step, in order to achieve better latencies, is to disable LightDM graphics manager in your Xubuntu Installation of acontisHypervisor. Simply run the following command “sudo apt-get remove lightdm” and the reboot your system.

This step converts your system into console only mode, no GUI. But it is not enough, because a video card can do DMA Transfers even without GUI.

The easiest and fastest solution here is to kill its driver as follows:

o establish connection with HypervisorPC via SSH (port 22)

o kill video driver "sudo rmmod -f i915. Now the Computer Monitor cannot be

used anymore.

o start realtime demo and make sure, that context switch/interrupt delays much

better now (200%+):

cd /hv/rtos32

sudo / How to run a sample preconfigured RTOS32 App (Realtimedemo)

AcontisHypervisor has a special tool ("RealtimeDemo"), which can accuratelly measure the real-time capabilities of a machine and the hypervisor. This tool can be also used as a first sample realtime app, to play with the acontisHypervisor.

To start it, execute /hv/rtos-32/ script. This script loads/starts acontisHypervisor VM, RTOS32 OS Image and starts RealtimeDemo.dlm. Execute /hv/rtos-32/ script to stop everything.

Most important parameters here are: Interrupt Delay and Task Delay (in microseconds). These parameters show the realtime capabilities of the HypervisorPC and acontisHypervisor.

You can press Ctrl-C to exit from the console into Linux Terminal. Please execute script to return to the RTOS32 console again.

It is also easily possible to run the realtime demo in the background, completelly detached from the console. So, use script in this case, to open interactive RTOS32 terminal from a new console. How to run EcMasterDemo that uses a network card and the EthetCAT stack

It is assumed that your HypervisorPC has two Ethernet ports LAN1 and LAN2. The first one can be used for a TCP/IP traffic and/or to estalbish a debug connection with a DevPC.

It is also assumed, that your second LAN port was already assigned to acontisHypervisor, as it is described in acontisHypervisor.pdf in the "PCI/PCIe device assignment" section.

Execute the following steps:

1. Connect LAN2 port to a EtherCAT slave.

2. cd /hv/rtos32

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3. sudo ./

All required files like EcMasterDemo.dlm, EcMaster.dlm, emllRTL8169.dlm are already in the

rtfiles/ecmaster subdirectory. How to remotely debug a RTOS32 App from a Windows Machine with Visual Studio

It is assumed, that you also have a second Windows PC (DevPC), where you installs Visual

Studio + EcWin + RTE Plugin. DevPC is used to develop your RTOS32 Application and

perform a remote debugging of this app on the HypervisorPC.

Acontis has developed a special Visual Studio plugin that provides possibility to create a

RTOS32 Project, compile, debug it (local or remote) and configures a Visual Studio

environment for you.

Requirements for a Windows Machine:

* Visual Studio 2015 should be installed

* acontis Rtos32Win/EcWin should be installed

Topics like creating a new RTOS32 Project are out of scope of this document. Please refer to

the official Acontis RTOS32 documentation to find details.

Before we start, it is important to understand, how RTOS32 Apps work in the RTOS32 VM.

Every App consists of a Loader part (/hv/rtos-32/Loader.bin) and a dynamically loaded module

in a .dlm format (/hv/rtos-32/rtfiles/yourapp.dlm). Loader.bin is provided with full source code

and comes as a separate Visual Studio project. It is automatically generated by the RTE VS

Plugin using the method described above.

But an application, that is is supposed to be debugged, should use a separate bootloader

called "RTOS-32 Monitor" (/hv/rtos-32/debug/Monvmf.bin).

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The monitor starts in RTOS32 VM and listens to a TCP/IP trafic from the remote Visual Studio


The second important thing: all Monitor settings (like an IP address to listen to) are always

embedded into the Monvmf.bin file. So, copy Monvmf.bin to the HypervisorPC from DevPC

every time when you change remote IP address in the System Manager (the part of


Network Configuration:

The HypervisorPC should be configured to peform the remote debugging; scripts and

configuration files should contain specific IP addresses/masks/subnets. The requirement is that

DevPC, HypervisorPC and RtosVM are in the same subnet, in our example 172.17.x.x.

Our sample network configuration:

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All these IP adresses should be set here:


In our example, the Gateway is a simple Router with running DHCP Server, that assigns static

172.17.5.* adresses to development PCs in the office and dynamic 172.17.10.* adresses to all

other computers connected to the router.

VM with address is in a separate subnet, not phisically connected to the router.

But HypervisorPC accepts MASK on its virtual network bridge (read below)

and can forward all traffic to and from a VM from the 172.17.x.x network.

By simple words, the DevPC communicates always with VM. In the VM a special Debug Stub

is started (called “RTOS32 Debug Monitor”) that listents to the IP address.

Open project of a sample demo app (we describe here how to debug "RealtimeDemo"):

1. DevPC: open System Manager and right click "RTOS #1\Application" and choose "Create

New Application Project (Debug Only)"

2. Choose "RealtimeDemo" and click OK button. Visual Studio projects are generated now and

copied to RtFiles and other subsirectories of your System Manager Workspace.

Prepare a Debugger Bootloader (RTOS-32 Monitor):

1. DevPC: Select "Remote Debugging" and click "Settings" button near to a grayed IP text field.

2. Enter "" in the "IP" text field and press "OK" button. Please note, now the new

RTOS-32 Monitor binary (Monvmf.bin) is generated and the target IP addresss is embedded

into the binary.

Compile the .dlm project:

1. DevPC: Click "Open Project with Visual Studio" button.

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2. In the Visual Studio two projects are available in the Solution Explorer: "Loader" and


3. Right click every project and click "Build"

Copy binaries to the target (HypervisorPC):

1. Copy RealtimeDemo.dlm from the RtFiles directory in your workspace on DevPC to

/hv/rtos-32/rtfiles/debug/ directory.

2. Copy projects/monvmf/Monvmf.bin to /hv/rtos-32/debug/ directory

3. Make sure /hv/rtos-32/realtimedemo-debug.config file has correct settings. It should have a

valid fileserver directory (hv/rtos-32/rtfiles/debug/) and it sould of course include .config file for

a PCI Card for LAN2 port, that is assigned to the RTOS VM.

Start RTOS-32 VM and the RTOS-32 Monitor (HypervisorPC):

1. Execute /hv/rtos-32/ Please note, the .dlm module was

already added to the realtimedemo-debug.config in the "Rtos\Loader" section.

2. You should see a RTOS-32 Monitor output. It listens to the IP address to receive the remote debugger traffic.

Please check all your network setings here: /hv/hvctl/

Please note, vnet0 virtual network adapter is created on Linux Host, when the VM is started.

Please consider this adapter as a virtual PCI Network Card inside the RTOS32 VM, that is

visible in Linux Hoast as vnet0.

By default the address is assigned to this adapter on a Linux side.

Configure a virtual bridge network adapter

Configure a virtual bridge network adapter to forward all incoming debugger traffic from LAN1

to the virtual network adapter "vnet" in the RTOS VM.

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Please execute /hv/hvctl/ script. The virtbr network adapter is created on the linux


Start debugging (DevPC):

1. In Visual Studio open file Loader.cpp.

2. Locate main() function

3. Set a breakpoint.

4. Press F5 key to start debug.

How to repeat/stop debugging:

1. There is no need to restart the RTOS-32 Monitor if you want to stop the debugging.

Simply click Stop in the Visual Studio and then press F5 again.

2. It is not needed to copy the RTOS32 Monitor binary (Monvmf.bin) every time you

make changes in the Loader or a .dlm project. Only when the IP address is changed.

3. If you found a bug in your .dlm module and need to upload a new verison into the

HypervisorPC, please do the folliwing:

a. compile project

c. copy changed .dlm binary to the /hv/rtos-32/rtfiles/debug/ directory.

3. If you want completely stop your VM, make it in the following sequence:

a. Execute /hv/hvctl/ to remove the bridge

b. Execute /hv/rtos-32/

3.2 Install Windows or Linux guest See chapter 2.7

3.2.1 UEFI and Legacy BIOS

3.2.2 UEFI

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51 of 62 What is SecureBoot

Secure Boot is an interface between UEFI and Operating System. When SecureBoot is

activated, it prevents the loading of unsigned boot loaders or drivers

Read More: Preparing Keys for SecureBoot

The key thing in SecureBoot is a Platform Key (Platform). It establishes relationship between a

platform owner and a platform firmware. PK is a self-generated certificated owned by OEM.

Another important key is a KEK key, This key is obtained from an OS Manufacturer (for ex.

Microsoft) and is used to establish trust relationship between the Firmware and OS.

Generating the Platform Key: openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout PKpriv.key -x509 -days 365 -out PK.crt Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key ....+++ .+++ writing new private key to 'PKpriv.key' ----- You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank For some fields there will be a default value, If you enter '.', the field will be left blank. ----- Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:DE State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Bayern Locality Name (eg, city) []:Munic Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Beer Inc Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []: BayernBeer Email Address []:

OVMF supports keys in DER format only. So we need to convert t: openssl x509 -in PK.crt -outform der -out PK.der

Download Key Exchange Key (KEK)


Download Signature Database (allows Windows to boot):


Download Microsoft signer for third party UEFI binaries via DevCenter:


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52 of 62 Building OVMF with SecureBoot support

By default, OVMF is built without SecureBoot support.

So it is recommended to fetch this project from its repository and build ovmf yourselves.

Install required packages: sudo apt-get install build-essential git uuid-dev iasl nasm –y

sudo apt-get install iasl -y

git clone git://

cd edk2

Prepare build tools:

git submodule update –init

make -C BaseTools


make -C ./BaseTools

export EDK_TOOLS_PATH=/home/rte/edk2/BaseTools

. BaseTools

Edit Conf/target.txt:

ACTIVE_PLATFORM = OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64.dsc



Build OVMF with SecureBoot support:

OvmfPkg/ \

-a IA32 -a X64 \



Binarties can be found in the Build directory. Embedding SecureBoot keys to OVMF

Create a OVMF-SecureBoot directory and copy Build/OvmfX64/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/OVMF_CODE.fd and Build/OvmfX64/DEBUG_GCC5/FV/OVMF_VARS.fd to this directory. Create a hda subdirectory and copy all generated and downloaded keys to this subdirectory. Run qemu: cd OVMF-SecureBoot qemu-system-x86_64 -L . \ -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly,file=OVMF_CODE.fd \ -drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=OVMF_VARS.fd \ -hda fat:hda \ -net none

After booting you get to a UEFI shell. Type “exit”.

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Go to Device Manager / Secure Boot Configuration / Secure Boot Mode and change from “Standard Mode” to “Custom Mode”.

PK Options / Enroll PK / Enroll PK Using File and choose PK.der

KEK Options / Enroll KEK / Enroll KEK Using File and choose MicCorKEKCA2011_2011-06-24.crt

DB Options / Enroll Signature / Enroll Signature Using File and choose MicWinProPCA2011_2011-10-19.crt

Repeat last step and choose MicCorUEFCA2011_2011-06-27.crt

The Secure Boot Mode should be “Enabled” now.

Exit from BIOS, shutdown the machine.

3.3 Windows and Virtualization Based Security


Microsoft provides role called the Hyper-V role, that allows Microsoft with activated VBS to

isolate some sensitive information, such cached credential, in not-accessble places.

When VBS is activated, Windows self works in a separate VM called “Root Partition”. All

sensitite Credential are located in a separate quasi VM and the communication is performed

via RPC.

Because Hyper-V means activation of a Microsoft Hypervisor (Type 1), we talked here about

Nested Virtualisation.

VBS and Hyper-V have some requirements to a Hardware Layer:

64-bit PC

IOMMU Support

TPM 2.0 Device

UEFI with activated SecureBoot

Acontis Hypervisor provides a Hardware Layer which is compatible with these requirements, so VBS (both CredentialGuard and HVCI) can be activated.

Info Adaption

# Enable VBS

export enabe_vbs=1

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When export enabe_vbs=1, the following thing must be done:

UEFI BIOS should be used

Separate OVMF Code und Data binaries should be used to start qemu machine. They

should be included into the .iso package. It is prioncipally possible to generate own

platform keys and embedd them into the Data OVMF file. Of course, a customer

should be able to generate and embed own keys.

A separate flag should be used to speicfy if TPM device needs to be passthrough or a

emulator server should be started

Specific –host flags should be used to hide the underlying hypervisor from Windows

Hypervisor to work properly



Current version of qemu 2.12 in acontis Hypervisor does not properly support TPM – Windows

can not detect TPM provided by old qemu. Please build qemu self by fetching it from a git

repository. Currently version 5.0.1 was tested and Windows recognizes its TPM device. Or we

need to build it self and include to a .iso


CredentialGuard needs a TPM Device to store user credentials. There are two possibilities to

provide such device to a Windows Root Partition – use a hardware chip on your host PC

directly by the Windows VM (please note, TPM device is not designed to share its data, so, it

should not be used by Linux Host) or you can use so called TPM Emulator. There is a IBM

Open Source project SWTPM, which can emulate TPM 1.2 and TPM 2.0 and QEMU can work

with this emulator using sockets. But in the latter case you should find the way, how to encrypt

TPM Emulator files from the Linux host administrator. The whole concept of VBS is to protect

VM’s data from Host,


Unfortunatelly, I was not able to get it working – TPM passthrough to qemu. Qemu expects

some files provided in sysfs of tpm driver, which do not exists. More time should be invested if

this feature is needed.

In short, the kernel should be built with TPM support and then /dev/tpm0 device should be

mentioned in qemu paremetes

-tpmdev passthrough,id=tpm0,path=/dev/tpm0 \

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-device tpm-tis,tpmdev=tpm0 test.img




Please fetch and build the project according to the projects documentation.

to use TPM:

mkdir /tmp/mytpm0

swtpm socket --tpmstate dir=/tmp/mytpm0 --tpm2 --ctrl type=unixio,path=/tmp/mytpm0/swtpm-

sock --log level=20 &

/home/rte/qemu/x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm \

-machine q35,accel=kvm \

-chardev socket,id=chrtpm,path=/tmp/mytpm0/swtpm-sock \

-tpmdev emulator,id=tpm0,chardev=chrtpm \

-device tpm-tis,tpmdev=tpm0 \

Another important thing is also TPM support in OVMF. By default this option is DEACTIVATED.

Please check previous section how to build OVMF and add two additional macros:

OvmfPkg/ \



If course it also makes sense, to pre-build own OVMF Code and Data files with TPM and

SecureBios support and even embed demo Platform Keys and supply these files with .iso



To check if TPM works, open Device Manager and find TPM 2.0 in Security Devices section.

Next thing, which is needed for VBS aktivation is SecureBoot, activate it and inject keys how it

was described in previous sections.

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Unfortunatelly, it is not enough to activate the features described above.

It is interesting, that Microsoft Hypervisor has different requirements to Hardware, when using


For some strange reason, Hyper-V can be easily activated with default CPU passthrogh

settings for qemu:

-cpu host

For for UEFI OVMF it is not so! To get Hyper-V activated, it is needed to perform two additional

steps: to hide persistence of an underlying qemu hypervisor and disabe CPU feature called

MPX (some kind of a dead intel technology)

-cpu host,-hypervisor,-mpx

We should add this logic to our bash scripts und use these flags when enable_vbs=1 is

specified in


Next step we need to do is activate Hyper-V Feature (it is assumed that you have installed

Windows 10 Pro to your VM). Windows Server 2016+ should be also supported.

Please refer this document and use one of the methods

for example.:

DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /All /FeatureName:Microsoft-Hyper-V

Reboot and check if hypervisor is activated.

The best method to really check if hyper-v is activated is to use Hyper-V Manager to create a

Virtual Machine and start it.

Next step is to activate VBS.

Run gpedit.msc and activate all options then reboot.

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After reboot open System Information (msinfo32.exe) and find “Virtualisation Based Security:



Unfortunatelly, at this point the research was suspended, because Windows VM crashes with

BSOD WHEA Incorrectable Error. During debugging it was discovered, that with activated

Hyper-V it is impossible to execute code from a PCI Bar (we pass a VMF.bin to Windows VM

as a PCI Bar of a Memory Controller). It is possible to read this code but not execute.

Underlying Microsoft Hypervisor generates INT18 with MCE Exception (Machine Check

Exception). This exception is used in bare-metal hardware to notify about serious hardware


My Idea, is that a “shadow” Page Directory copy in Hyper-V (EPT) does not have “execute”

permission for this memory block. Than happends VmExit from Windows Root Partition to the

hypervisor and it signals with INT18 to the VM.

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4 Example Applications

4.1 General

4.2 Building a Windows application

4.3 Building a RTOS (VxWorks) application

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5 User’s Guide

5.1 N/A

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6 Built-in tools and utilities

6.1 RtosService

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7 Version History