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ACT ValueACT FrameworkMessage from PresidentAcknowledgementACT Quick FactBoard of DirectorsMap of MilestoneTsunami hits Aceh and NiasYogyakarta’s Earthquake (2006)



Yahukimo’s Famine (2006)Jakarta’s Flood (2007)Jakarta’s FireSitu Gintung’s Flash FloodWest Sumatera’s EarthquakeWest Java’s Earthquake West Java’s Flood (2009)Mentawai ‘s Tsunami (2010) Wasior’s Flood (2010)Merapi’s Eruption (2010)Palu’s Flash Flood (2011)Sukhoi AccidentSampang Social Conflict (2012) Disaster Emergency Response Health for HumanityEducation for HumanityGreen for Humanity


Vision & MissionOrganization Principles6-7

Empowerment for HumanityWater for HumanityInfrastructure for HumanityIndonesia Volunteer Society (MRI)Disaster Management Institute of Indonesia (DMII)Sympathy of Solidarity (SOS) PalestineSympathy of Solidarity (SOS) SomaliaSympathy of Solidarity (SOS) RohingyaSympathy of Solidarity (SOS) SyriaCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR)Social Community





Global Qurban69

Tsunami Hits Aceh & Nias 24

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Organize and manage a variety of humanitarian issues in a planned, conceptualized, integrated, and sustainable, thus becoming ideal formula to solve various problems of humanity either on a local, national, regional, or global levels.

Organize and manage any potential generosity global society as social capital to overcome the problems of humanity either on a local, national, regional, or global levels.

Organize and manage any potential of global volunteer community as a social capital to overcome the problems of humanity either on local, national, regional or global levels.


VisionBeing a Professional Global Humanitarian Organization-Based on Global Philanthropy and Volunteerism Community to Achieve Better World Civilization.

Vision & Mission

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Independent | Non-discriminative | Transparent | Accountable | Neutral-objective

Organization Principles

Organization Principles

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ACT Values

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Empowering efficiently social fundings to become

social safety net forbeneficeries along with

community engangement & rehabilitation


QualityEmpowermentAcquiting relevant skills,

resources, opportunities andmotivations to enhancing

beneficeries living standards.

Quick Responsfor Humanity

Just in time response atreducing number of victim andachieving greater accuracy inhumanitarian aids in correctactivity to speed up action of



Empowering efficiently social fundings to become

social safety net forbeneficeries along with

community engangement & rehabilitation


QualityEmpowermentAcquiting relevant skills,

resources, opportunities andmotivations to enhancing

beneficeries living standards.

ACT Framework

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We are now living in between disaster prevention and recovery. The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) stated that for the first time in history the world has experienced three consecutive years where annual economic losses have exceeded $100 billion due to an enormous increase in exposure of industrial assets and private property to extreme disaster events. The year was particularly marked by the fact that there were no mega-disasters in terms of human impact. Asia, including Indonesia once more showed itself to be the most disaster-prone part of the world both in terms of number of disasters and victims. Other than this, the human-induced disasters due to war and conflict were also on the rise globally. The most important impacts of natural disaster and human-induced disaster are suffering, injuries and death amongst men, women and children. We have reiterated the need to place more attention to both of natural & human-induced disaster as part of the global poverty agenda. I am sure we have all taken hard hits from life at one point or the other. It could be due to unexpected misfortunes. Or it could be due to hardships faced in trying to achieve a goal or to make a dream a reality. That was the biggest initiative why ACT –Aksi Cepat Tanggap Foundation have to keep maintaining the 3 pillars of our values: Humanity, Philanthropy and Volunteerism. This has been the core strength ever since ACT was established 8 years ago. We believe nothing else is best other than creating a caring society. The right path is to begin and then transforms it into volunteerism. The spirit that emerges from heartfelt and awareness is in doing good deeds to others. This also means in doing the best for our own selves. There’s a long journey to go. We still need to a paradigm shift from disaster and crisis mindset to turn to become an asset in order to make us bold and strong, to unite and to give more. On behalf of the management of ACT Foundation, I would like to convey a warm message to all volunteers and partners who has become the fundamental capital in caring millions of beneficiaries. Let the universe become our witness that we are all in to put serious efforts to be the solution with unlimited kindness. All the best for all of us. Regards, AhyudinPresident

Message from President

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There are no words to express our deepest sense of gratitude and thanks to Almighty Allah for leading us to reach our achievement throughout the 8 years of hard work and dedication. The foundation was established on 21st April 2005 under the brand name of ACT of Aksi Cepat Tanggap (means Quick Response Action in Indonesian language), took the commitment to provide effective Total Disaster Management. This covers prevention, emergency and relief to post disaster, and attain full recovery.

With a strong footprint in humanitarian action across Asia Pacific region, with more than 500,000 volunteers, we are constantly engaged with local communities in providing humanitarian aid. With the aim to reduce risks and number of victims at disaster sites, we gave our hearts, encouragements & inspirations that go beyond only donation. Over 8 years of dedication, we built positive energy to those in need and provide solutions through the power of Humanity, Philanthropy and Volunteerism.

Let’s ACT, right here, right now!


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ACT (Aksi Cepat Tanggap) was an emergency response team primarily working in the field of natural disaster when it was first initiated in 1994. Then, the activities serve a wide range of disaster response from rescue, medic, relief a recovery.

In 2005, ACT Foundation was formally launched legally as an independent entity. The transformation led ACT to broaden its interest from Emergency Response to providing Recovery Program, Disaster Management, Community Development, Global Humanity Response and spiritually based program “Global Qurban”.

ACT is supported by public donors, communities and institutions Corporate Social Responsibility funds. ACT provide annual audited financial statement by Certified Public Accountant as part of the financial accountability that ACT extends to founder, board members, donors and stakeholders.

Figure 1 : Annual Social Funding Expenses 2005 - 2012 (in IDR billion)

ACT Quick Facts



Emergency ResponseRecovery ProgramDisaster Management

Community DevelopmentGlobal Humanity ResponseGlobal Qurban








2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012









2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


11.678.42 8.87





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The audited financial statement includes a wide range of financial reports, expense reports, budget reports and various types of financial related information and records.

Figure 2 : Total donations for all humanitarian projects for year 2005-2012

We have established a methodology to educate and encourage public participation to give more contribution in accordance to our values in philanthropy and volunteerism.

The progress indicates greater response from year to year. The donations, not only comes from employees or entrepreneurs but, also from housewives and students from all over Indonesia. Contributions are also progressive. Donors contributions are not only visible when there is a disaster but, also through regular social welfare programs. Figure 3 : Donors by Gender 2005-2012






















54 %46 %

14.2 %

63.9 %

8.1 % 5.0 % 8.8 %

Emergency Response

Recovery Program

Disaster Management

Community Development

Global Humanity Response

Global Qurban

22 %

22 %32 %

8 %

14 %

2 %

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2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

















36.065 91.486

1.579.306 1.583.290 1.541.537

739.108 710.872


Figure 5: Total beneficeries 2005-2012

Figure 4 : Donors by Occupation 2005-2012






















54 %46 %

14.2 %

63.9 %

8.1 % 5.0 % 8.8 %

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= 7.600.770 Jiwa

ACT Quick Facts

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Consumers Goods & Retail

Communication & Technology

State Own Company (BUMN)



Transportation & Automotive


Agro Industri

Banking & Insurance

Mining, Oil & Gas


International Community


Health & Pharmacy

39.80 %

12.72 %0.11 % 0.98 %4.33 %

3.02 %0.12 %

15.49 %

19.58 %

0.54 %0.09 % 0.19 %

1.70 %

1.32 %

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Figure 6: CSR Funds Total Income by Company Sector Year 2005-2012

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Board of Directors

Ibnu KhajarVice President of Philanthropy Network Department

Syuhelmaidi SyukurSenior Vice President of Humanity Network Department

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N. Imam AkbariSenior Vice President of Global Stategic CommunicationDepartment

Yana HermainVice President of OperationalDepartment

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Map of Milestone

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Tsunami hits Aceh and Nias20



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The Indian Ocean earthquake was caught by an undersea mega thrust with an epicenter off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The event killed over 230,000 people in fourteen countries. Indonesia was the worst hit country followed by Thailand, Sri Lanka and India.

ACT was one of the witnesses to meet traumatic people who had lost their beloved ones in Aceh & Nias disaster sites. During the first year of dedication, ACT successfully brought over one hundred volunteers and played a significant role in total disaster management through emergency, evacuation, build recovery houses, provide children education and single parent empowerment.

Let’s Build Humanityfor Human Being

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Yogyakarta’s Earthquake20


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A powerful earthquake struck central of Java province on early Saturday morning (26th May 2005 2254 Hour GMT), de-stroying buildings and killed over 4900 people.

The earthquake was Indonesia’s third ma-jor disaster within 18 months after 26th December 2004 a tsunami has hit Aceh and on 28th March 2005 a tsunami has hit Nias.

Survivors of this event spent days sleeping outdoors. Before returning the dangerous conditions of their destroyed homes.

ACT aid operation gathered quickly ten thousand volunteers in the worst hit sites around Yogyakarta. Almost immediately, ACT began the development of integrat-ed community shelter for homeless sur-vivors, also giving decent healthcare and trauma healing treatment for children.

Let’s Build Humanityfor Human Being

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Yahukimo’s Famine 20


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Let’s Build Humanityfor Human Being

Yahukimo famine happened in at least 7 districts. Num-ber of victim reached more 50 people. ACT aid operation cordinate with lokal stakeholders quickly to distribute milk and foods for Yahukimo.

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Jakarta’s Flood20


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In the beginning of February 2007, the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, was hit by a major flood. The flood also took several other areas around the city such as West Java and Banten.

The flood was considered as the worst flood for the last three centuries including that of 1996 and 2002 Jakarta Flood. Indonesia’s capital had to be saved in the quickest way, no matter how much it would cost.

ACT responded through successfully gathering more than twenty five thousand volun-teers in providing quick evacuation to affected victims.

Let’s Build Humanityfor Human Being

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Jakarta’s fire20


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The city of Jakarta has the highest number of disasters caused by fire. Most incidents occur in areas where there are faulty elec-trical wiring and gas explosion especially in rapid growth housing areas. In 2008, ACT was involved in the one of the biggest fire fighting scene around Pejompongan, Central Jakarta.

As the pioneer in Total Disaster Management rescue team in In-donesia, ACT responded not only in evacuation stage but also in providing relief and rehabilitation for victims.

Let’s Build Humanityfor Human Being

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Situ Gintung’s Flash Flood

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Over 80 people died and at least 125 more went missing after Situ Gintung Reservoir dam wall, at Cireundeu in South Jakarta, burst causing massive water outflow and flood. The tragedy had shocked Jakarta and its surrounding areas.

ACT’s office, which is in Ciputat, is not far from this disaster site. ACT had initiated the community fundraising activity. With the aim to reduce trauma, the affected victim’s children were later brought to have fun at Dunia Fantasi at Ancol, the largest amuse-ment park in Jakarta.

Let’s Build Humanityfor Human Being

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West Sumatera’s Earthquake20


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Padang, the capital city of a densely populated province located in West Sumatra, was rocked by an earthquake. Many people had died and thousand others were injured. Various prominent buildings and human settlements were destroyed. Displaced people of Padang and surrounding provinces were forced to live in temporary settlement areas. Fortunately, they later became the primary beneficiary for the constructed integrated community shelters (ICS). ICS also provided help to victims suffering from trauma, food supplies, medical attention, medical supplies and training for social recovery.

Let’s Build Humanityfor Human Being

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West Java Earthquake20


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Two major earthquakes off the coast of West Sumatra, Indonesia, measuring 7.6 and 6.8 on the Richter scale respectively, occurred on 30 September 2009 and 1 October 2009. On 16 October, another earthquake measuring 6.1 struck in the Sunda Straits, 125km off Teluk Betung in Sumatra.

Prior to the West Sumatra earthquake, on 2 Septem-ber 2009, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake hit West Java. Some 51,235 houses were heavily damaged and many people internally displaced.

The earthquakes caused widespread destruction of public infrastructure including schools, hospitals, health centers, urban water networks and roads.

With massive public donation, ACT established a re-covery coordination centers involving thousands of volunteers to support in building community housing, health and medical relief, trauma healing and general community development.

Let’s Build Humanityfor Human Being

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West Java’s Flood20


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West Java did not escape from flood disaster. With settlements submerged, displaced people had to rely onto others for help. ACT was there to raise awareness, distribute useful supplies and assist flood victims as much as possible.

Let’s Build Humanityfor Human Being

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Mentawai’s Tsunami

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A tsunami, triggered by a 7.7 magnitude on Richter scale, slammed Mentawai many islands in Western Indonesia. ACT is much aware of the limitations of transportation to this area. Nevertheless, ACT struggled on to provide human-itarian aid to the affected areas. ACT’s struggle was very meaningful to the people of Mentawai islands.

Let’s Build Humanityfor Human Being

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Wasior’s Flood20


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The year 2010 was the toughest year for Indo-nesia. In October 2010, Indonesia had to fight to recover from one disaster after another. Some were even hit within 24 hours apart. Various type of disasters hit many islands.

In the eastern islands of Indonesia, Papua were not spared. ACT was present to provide and distribute humanitarian aid to Wasior province.

Let’s Build Humanityfor Human Being

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Merapi’s Eruption20


Best journalistic photo of the year, Adinegoro Award 2010 (by Media Indonesia)

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Central Java’s mount Merapi, the country’s most active volcano, began spewing searing ashes. ACT took the initiative to make disaster prevention awareness an important subject in the Indonesian society. ACT has forced authorities to urgently build the Disaster Management Institute of Indonesia. One of the primary objectives is to make improve-ments in quick response and early warning systems in everyday life of every healthy Indonesians.

Let’s Build Humanityfor Human Being

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Palu’s Flash Flood

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More than 300 citizens in Bolapapu village of Kec. Kulawi Kab. Sigi- Central Sulawesi, have to move from their houses because of the flash flood disaster that happened at 3.00 o’clock on 3 of December 2013.The floods disaster caused 6 citizens died but two of them were lost and being searched.

Beside died victims there were about 100 houses were broken. Two of junior schools and bridges were broken too. The floods disaster soaked some village, the houses were covered by mud as thick as 3 me-ters. The thick mud made the rescue team find difficulties to find the lost victim.

Let’s Build Humanityfor Human Being

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Sukhoi Accident

Sukhoi Aircraft Crash in Bogor

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A Sukhoi Superjet 100, performing a flight demonstration having on-board 46 Indonesian airlines, aviations and media personels. While flying, the aircraft malfunctioned and crashed near Mount Salak. Their fate was not immediately known. Furthermore, search and rescue operation had to be called off due to bad weather. Commu-nication with the aircraft, registered as RA-97004, was also lost after only 20 minutes of taking off from Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in Jakarta. ACT was part of the search and rescue team. However, no survivors were found after the crash.

Let’s Build Humanityfor Human Being

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Sampang Social Conflict20


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Social conflict damaged houses on Karang Gayam village, Sam-pang. More than 200 people became refugees during the three month. Children could not go to school because they were traumatized and needed healing. As one effort to heal the trau-ma condition, Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) sent a trauma-healing team for the refugees, victims of a social conflict in Sampang, Madura.

Let’s Build Humanityfor Human Being

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Disaster Emergency Response

ACT’s is an established and ex-perienced organization that is al-ways ready and available to lend a helping hand to tackle natural and social disasters.Disaster Emergency Response has several programs are rescue, Relief Management, Medical Ser-vices, Trauma Healing and Mo-bile Social Rescue

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Health for Humanity < ACT Community Development

Malnutrition Rehabilitation Program. This program is a mentoring families who care for children ages growth. Improve-ment of nutrition levels, not only by providing food aid, but also in educating and mentoring to build healthy habits. Thus, not only economically they can prepare enough nutrition, but culturally, they can learn together to improve family nutrition levels. The in-troduction of a healthy diet and menu, are some of the ways to build a healthy life in the built environment.

Integrated Nutrition Club. Children who are already bearing the malnutrition problem, requiring careful handling to improve their physical condition. This program is set up a series of mea-surable treatment to improve the health status of children with severe malnutrition.

Before After

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ACT Community Development > Education for Humanity

House of Children’s Learning. Poor neighborhoods in many places often had not access to educate children in the surrounding. House of Children’s Learning provides free learning tool, with volunteers who serve as teachers. Be a friend to play and learn to meet the basic needs of education.

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Green for Humanity < ACT Community Development

Green City. This program is trying to solve the problems that occur in the big city : pollution and slums. Through ac-tive participation in awareness and competencies crowd-ed among communities encourage these communities to compete clean and green contest.

Green School. Schools in crowded areas as a means of education for the next generation need to be point seed-ling of green lifestyle. Not just to educate, students apply the concept of green schools that supply enough oxygen, environmentally friendly and emit the feel of fresh green-ery in a limited area.

Green Office. Density of office area is not a reason not to be able to run “green lifestyle”. The program encourag-es environmentally-friendly office such as: minimize inor-ganic waste, also produces oxygen by planting in a limited area, and uses environmentally friendly materials in the activities of the office.

Garbage Bank. Through this program, in addition to im-plementing clean lifestyle, recycling waste can be valued economically. Turning trash of a threat to the environment to be useful. Pressing the ugliness litter, making full ben-efits.

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Economic Development. Disasters repeal empowerment. Not only death and injury but also homeless. Poverty ambush post disaster. Di-saster assistance program is a long-term solution to save people from poverty and dependence on social assistance by referring to local po-tential and build their capacities.

ACT Community Development > Empowerment for Humanity

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Greet to those who are affected by the water crisis with programs providing clean water facilities, both for short-term emergencies (with bottled water delivery or water tank vehicles) and construc-tion of a permanent facility.

Water for Humanity < ACT Community Development

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The realization of this program is to build public infrastruc-ture such as schools, religious facilities, and shelter. This is a response to post disasters and social (conflict, war) which often impact damages to public infrastructure. Included in this program is integrated community shelter, where almost all the needs of the community built temporary during times of emergency in order to reconstruct the social life of the victims.

ACT Community Development > Infrastructure for Humanity

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Indonesia Volunteer Society (MRI)

ACT has developed the Indonesia Volunteer Society (Masyarakat Relawan Indonesia) to improve the scope and capabilities of its di-saster handling and humanitarian program implementation in all parts of Indonesia in-cluding in remote areas.

MRI’s main function involves organizing and empowering volunteers as the main re-source for handling disasters and other hu-manitarian actions.

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Disaster Management Institute of Indonesia (DMII)

ACT’s initiatives include in the establishment of institutions that deals with research, training, and consulting for communities’ disaster management, for corporate social responsibility, for other humanitarian agencies and for other interested parties.

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Human tragedy in Palestine is terrible. The pic-tures speak a thousand words. In just a few days, the Israeli Army killed 126 and injured over 300 Palestinians. More than 40 of these were innocent Palestinian children. On the Israeli side, two sol-diers and a civilian were killed while seven others were injured. Watching the news on TV about the dead and wounded Palestinian was a heartbreak-ing thing. It was even more awesome to watch the violent massacre in front of our own eyes as expe-rienced by ACT volunteers who had already been there.

Sympathy of Solidarity (SOS) Palestine < Global Humanity Response (GHR)

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Global Humanity Response (GHR) > Sympathy of Solidarity (SOS) Somalia

Since mid July 2011, a severe drought has affected the entire East African Region. It is said to be “the worst in sixty years”. This has brought forth a severe food shortage crisis across Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya which threatens the livelihood of over 9.5 mil-lion people.

ACT came forth with the answers to all caring Indo-nesians and led the fund raising project called “Food & Milk for Somalia”.

In addition, to celebrate the Hajj Festivities, ACT ini-tiated the Global Qurban program. Initially, it was a program to serve meat to communities in Somalia on the festive day. Global Qurban then took a whole new chapter in ACT’s history.

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The crisis in Rakhine State in Myanmar created hundreds of thousands refugees. Ethnic Rohingya refuges were denied of citizenship in their claimed land. Rohingya became refugees in their own claimed land in Rakhine State Myanmar and in some parts of neighboring countries.

ACT came forth to raise awareness and educate Indonesians to provide help to ease the crisis. From these awareness and education campaigns allowed ACT to further provide humanitarian aid to ethnic Rohingya in Myanmar and Bangladesh.

ACT also launched and developed the “One Thousand Shelter Program” for the people in crisis hit areas in Rakhine State, Myanmar. This program was well accepted and received tremendous support from the people in Indonesia and from around the world.

Sympathy of Solidarity (SOS) Rohingya < Global Humanity Response (GHR)

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Global Humanity Response (GHR) > Sympathy of Solidarity (SOS) Syria

The Syrian Civil War has left thousands dead or injured and has made many more homeless. Many Syrians seek refuge in neighboring countries and demand for global concerns to end the crisis. ACT is present today to provide food, medi-cal doctors, medical supplies and peace campaigns in the bordering countries and in Syria itself.

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Global Qurban

Syria in conflict, the occupied of Palestine, the abused of Rohingya, Somalia in starving. In various cities in Indonesia, there are still helpless societies. Global Qurban be a benefit program: provide fresh meat as nutrition for the poor, as well as with the partnership provision, gradually joined pioneering econom-ic independence in the agribusiness farms.

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As an awareness and corporate social responsibility to the community, CSR program is able to improve peo-ple’s lives and strengthen the company’s existence. CSR program will be expected to be the solution dropping people in the economic, social, education, health and the environment through the provision of public facilities that can accelerate the growth of the community collectively.

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ACT is aware of the companies’ concerns towards ful-filling their social responsibilities. ACT is ready to be a partner to work together hand in hand. ACT has pre-pared various manageable and workable programs for companies to lead or to participate in their own corpo-rate social responsibility.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

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Partnership > Social Community

We take all the elements that exist in the community to bring awareness civilization. Communities and social groups are an integral part of each of our humanitarian action both locally and globally. Glorifying and empowering collaboration is a tes-tament to our commitment to provide the best for all.

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Media < Partnership

ACT is committed to continue leading for inspire philanthropy, volunteerism and humanitarian spirit. As one of the ways is with great communication through var-ious types of media that exist such as electronic media, print media and social media. Synergy with me-dia stakeholders in communicating values is our focus.

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Partnership > Institutions

Problems of humanity become the responsibility of many parties. ACT opens up extensive cooper-ation, both with fellow social non-governmental organizations, schools and community colleges as well as with government agencies.

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Public < Partnership

Everyone is likely to be involved in disaster and humanitarian crises. ACT motivates public social care, brings those affected by disasters and humanitarian crises - with those who fared well and concerned with the support of their resources: donations, show concern (demo humanity), personnel expertise and as the phase of recovery / post disaster.

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Partnership > Overseas

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Aware that human problems are universe, ACT does not only do across national, but also opens himself to cooperate among nations. Humanitarian action outside In-donesia, always involves local elements, in-stitutions and citizens. ACT acts and work with the communities of global humanity.

Overseas < Partnership

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Audited by : KAP Razikun Tarkosunaryo

Easy to Donate1. Paypal 4. Cash on the spot2. Virtual account 5. Donation hunting3. DOKU pay

Sedekah for Humanity1. BCA # 676 030 2021 swift code : CENAIDJA2. BNI Syariah # 009 611 0239 swift cide : SYNIIDJ13. BSM # 101 000 1114 swift code : BSMDIDJA4. CIMB # 411 0100 289 000 swift code : BNIAIDJA5. Mandiri # 128 000 459 3338 swift code : BEIIIDJA6. Permata Syariah # 097 061 3048 swift code : SYBBIDJA

Wakaf for Humanity1. BCA # 163 035 8007 swift code : CENAIDJA2. BSM # 116 002 1212 swift code : BSMDIDJA3. BNI # 014 076 5481 swift code : BNINIDJA4. Mega Syariah # 10000 14545 swift code : BMSIIDJA5. CIMB Syariah # 528 010 000 1006 swift code : BNIAIDJA6. Permata Syariah # 097 114 4033 swift code : SYBBIDJA

Zakat for Humanity1. BCA # 676 030 0860 swift code : CENAIDJA2. BNI Syariah # 027 036 0372 swift code : SYNIIDJ13. BSM # 101 000 9990 swift code : BSMDIDJA4. CIMB # 4330 1002 07006 swift code : BNIAIDJA 5. Mandiri # 128 000 479 3136 swift code : BEIIIDJA6. Permata Syariah # 0971 001 224 swift code : SYBBIDJA

Community Development1. BCA # 676 030 3818 swift code CENAIDJA2. BSM # 101 002 6996 swift code BSMDIDJA3. Mandiri # 128 000 4555 808 swift code BEIIIDJA4. Permata Syariah # 097 061 3048 swift code SYBBIDJA

Indonesia Volunteer Society (MRI)1. Mandiri # 101 000 563 6004 swift code : BEIIIDJA2. BRI # 038 2010 0027 8304 swift code : BRINIDJA

Disaster and Humanity Emergency Response1. BCA # 676 030 3133 swift code : CENAIDJA2. BNI # 014 076 5481 swift code : BNINIDJA3. BRI # 092 4010 0001 8304 swift code : BRINIDJA4. CIMB # 0800 1009 84009 swift code : BNIAIDJA5. Mandiri # 1280 0047 93136 swift code : BEIIIDJA6. Muamalat # 304 002 2915 swift code : MUABIDJA

Global Humanity Response (Palestine, Somalia, SyriaRohingya, etc)1. BCA # 676 030 2021 swift code : CENAIDJA2. BSM # 101 000 5557 swift code : BSMDIDJA3. Muamalat # 304 002 3015 swift code : MUABIDJA

Global Qurban1. BCA # 676 017 6760 swift code CENAIDJA2. BCA # 676 023 0306 ($) swift code CENAIDJA3. BSM # 101 002 6996 swift code BSMDIDJA4. BNI Syariah # 009 6110 239 swift code : SYNIIDJ15. Mandiri # 101 000 488 49777 swift code BEIIIDJA6. Permata Syariah # 097 114 4114 swift code : SYBBIDJA

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Page 82: ACT Profile

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