action-items lxxxiii [israel, guzzardi, politics]

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  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LXXXIII [Israel, Guzzardi, Politics]


    The last time I remitted a gigantic-blast e-mail, it was followed-up by a shorter one that recapitulated

    key-points by citing minimal hyperlinks; having learned a lot overnight (reading the articles), this should

    be viewed as a succinct summary of their salient featuresagain oriented toward major action-items.

    Again encompassed are these ongoing concerns: Israel & the Middle East (locally and overseas),

    Guzzardi vs. Corbett, Pennsylvania-Linked issues, Philly (news and sports), Levity, Culture Wars, Foreign

    Affairs, Politics [GOPs Civil-War and Dems], BHO [Imperialism and Scandal-Sheet], ObamaDontCare,

    Illegal Immigration, Reverse Racism, 2ndAmendment vs. Gun Control, and the Media. As usual, invited

    are questions/comments/thoughts/feelings/emotions and anything else felt worthy of dissemination.

    {Disclaimer: This started-out as a brief-piece, but it seems to have evolved a bit during the day.}

    Israel & the Middle East (Overseas)

    As Israel struggles to survive in a hostile neighborhood, it appearsIsrael is refusing release of the last

    batch of terror prisonersdue to the statements made inter alia by Abbas that he would not recognize

    Israel as a Jewish State; one would think that even viewing Pollards potential release as a sweetener,

    Israel cannot keep making unilateral painful concessions that contrast with no movement from others.

    The amazing factor here is that they probably would be able to get Israel to withdraw by

    promising because, citing a recent essay in theamerican thinker that focuces on islam

    and american justice, Muslims adopt a disingenuous approach whenever negotiating;

    specifically, it is common knowledge that, throughout the negotiations with Israel,

    despite Islam's ban on lying, thePalestinian Arabs consistently lied.{Surah Al-Haj (Surah

    22, verse 30) and Surah Al-Ghafir (Surah 40, verse 28) of the Qur'an, plus many hadiths

    (the oral tradition attributed to Muhammad), strongly condemn lying for any reason.}

    BHO/Kerry must now contend with the unraveling of their ideas, even as Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia lead the

    world in Executions and another cruel-death occurred in Syria when a SYRIAN TERRORIST GROUP

    BLINDFOLDED AND CRUCIFIED AN ACCUSED-THIEF. Also, the Knesset was told the Settlements inJudea/Samaria are Legal[not in 'occupied territory'] because, when Israel assumed control over the land

    in 1967, [1]Israel acquired it during a defensive war [recalling Gamal Abdel Nassers exhortations], and

    [2]the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Trans-Jordan) never had formal legal jurisdiction over it

    [because Jordan had contravened international law, when it had annexed the area, ~17 years earlier].}

    Today, I received a meaningful birthday present from BB, namely, word thatNetanyahu

    had told Kerry that the 4th planned Terrorist release would topple government and,

    thus, that it would not transpire.[Binyamin Netanyahu told US Secretary of State John

    Kerry that his governing coalition may fall apart if Israel goes ahead with the fourth

    planned tranche in the terrorist release that it agreed to as a goodwill gesture toward

    the Palestinian Authority.] Pamela Geller immediately wrote: Gd bless Netanyahu for

    having the courage to speak common sense and truth to Secretary of State Thurston

    Howell III and the O-bumbler in the White House. Obama is desperate to weaken Israel

    drastically before he leaves office; we can be grateful that Netanyahu is having none of

    it. She cited todays issue ofIsrael Matzav,and it will be instructive to determine if BHO

    blames Israel for the demise of this Fools Errand, this distraction from confronting Iran.

    Essentially, we have the death of wishful-feeling emanating from BHO, corroborated by the just-

    received communication fromarlene cushner;it is hoped that this will now accelerate the undoing of
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LXXXIII [Israel, Guzzardi, Politics]


    the rest of BHOs foreign policy [as perceived by the public], allowing for the adults in the room to

    take him into receivership before more severe irreparable harm supervenes. Americas relationships

    are ALL worse than they were merely a half-decade ago [country-by-country], and it CAN get worse

    before it stabilizes. The Peace Process was always one-sided; its imminent [formal] demise is overdue.

    Israel & the Middle East (Domestically)

    Last night, I saw Noah [IMAX] and generally appreciated its message of how humanityno matter

    how flawedis worthy of living-on. Quoting Abraham Heschel when noting that the Deity is responsible

    for the Creation, the Revelation, and the Redemption of Jewry [representing everyone, regardless of

    belief-system], it is not surprising that reference was made to the Creator [because Moses had not yet

    received the 10 Commandments] and that, ultimately, Noah was Redeemed for not having precluded

    the propagation of his offspring. In fact, absent Revelation, the elements of the Noahite Moral Code

    were evident [applicable to everyone, as evidenced by recognition of how basic-rules-of-conduct had

    been broken by everyone except Noah and his clan. It has been claimed that this is "the least biblical

    film ever made"and indeed that this is brilliantly-sinister-anti-Christian-filmmaking; to the contrary,capturing a survivors torment [self-questioning and self-doubting every-step-of-the-way] was epochal.

    {Also, aCreationist claimed that it 'May be worst film I've ever seen'for reasons that are intuitive.}

    Reviews in The Metro [Wait, this movie has rock monsters?] and in the NY Times

    [Extended Forecast: Rain, Heavy at Times] contained worthwhile insights; the former

    observed that Noah received messages in vivid, horrifying dreams [that] play to [the

    directors] strengths as a stylist who designs his movies in bold images, shot by shot

    and the latter similarly found that very little of it has the careful, by-the-numbers

    quality that characterizes big-studio action-fantasy entertainment. The author of the

    former review, Matt Prigge, is a Philadelphian who also wrote ofWhy it took so long for

    Hollywood to get Godand the author of the latter chose to suggest that this flick had

    explored what the story of the flood might mean in the present age of environmental

    anxiety and apocalyptic religion. The former examines the untapped religious-audience

    and the latter correlates the movie with the Dems political agenda [shamelessly].

    'Noah' Opened Amidst Controversy, this Biblical Blockbuster Earned Its Outrage, it Showed Economic

    Clout of Faith-Based Features, and moviegoers-flocked-to see it; although some claim it was hated,

    better it should have been viewed as depicted by the NY Times ['Less an Epic Than a Horror Movie']

    when its emotional impact threatened to overcome the viewer. Perhaps illustrating the temptation of
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    hyperbole,'Noah' Director Darren Aronosfky even said the Exxon Valdez Carried Echoes of Biblical Flood

    while, it may be recalled, beck called Noah the-babylonian-chainsaw-massacre as he expressed the

    Hope that this Dangerous film become a Massive Failure; thats why it matters not a whit that the

    Missing Word in Noah Film was God[for reasons aforementioned]. There may benine Problems with

    Aronofsky's 'Noah' [although each can be refuted], and others can be conjured and then discarded

    [including the technicality of how many round-trip winged-excursions had transpired before awareness

    of the re-emergence of dry-land had occurred (the raven flight wasnt noted)] The bottom-line was

    well-expressed in this Noah Review: Its not about a massive flood, or animals two-by-two, or a

    wrathful God (all of which are featured)....Its about how man reacts to the evil of the men around him.

    {Unexplained is the departure of Ham, for he is alone (and there aint no women anywhere on earth)

    despite the fact that he is supposedly the progenitor of the Caanites, but perhaps his wife caught-up.}

    This latter point is not insignificant, for it was cited by Ms. Kushner with regard to the

    current so-called Peace Process; this is how her most-recent letter ends:

    Another attempt to squeeze us out was put forth recently by Saeb

    Erekat, who claimed that, I am the proud son of the Canaanites who

    were there 5,500 years before Joshua bin Nun burned down the town ofJericho. His intent was to establish that the Palestinian Arabs are the

    true indigenous people, here long before the Jews. Never mind that

    Joshua never burned down Jericho, but merely brought its walls down

    his claim is ludicrous.

    Alan Baker, Director of the Institute for Contemporary Affairs at the

    Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, effectivelyset the record straight:

    Saeb Erekats family is Bedouin. According to Bedouin

    genealogy, the family is part of the Huweitat clan which

    originated in the Hejaz area of Saudi Arabia, arrived inPalestine from the south of Jordan, and settled in the

    village of Abu Dis in the early twentieth century...

    Erekat, the chief Palestinian negotiator, has already

    established an international reputation for stretching

    the truth. Many Israelis recall during Operation

    Defensive Shield in 2002 when Erekat went on CNN to

    assert that Israel had killed more than 500 people in

    Jenin in a real massacre, adding that 300 Palestinians

    were being buried in mass graves. It soon became clear

    that in combat operations at the time, the Palestinian

    death toll in Jenin was 52: 34 of whom (65 percent)

    were known military operatives of Hamas, Islamic Jihad,

    or Fatah-Tanzim. Now Erekats wild assertions have

    moved into the field of history as part of a Palestinian

    battle over the narrative of the Israeli-Palestinian


    Chief Palestinian negotiator: go negotiate with people like this.
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    It should also be noted that turmoilcontinues inEgypt [where a journalist was Killed as

    Police and Islamists Clashed,inPakistan [where a Christian was Sentenced to Death for

    Insulting Mohammed], inTURKEY [where LOCAL ELECTIONS may have GLOBAL IMPACT

    and where Six Dead As Turkey Votes in Local Elections], and in the Central African

    Republic [where Christians are killed by Muslims and where Christians fight Muslims];

    also, anti-Semites are out in-force [MAN CHARGED FOR ALLEGED ANTI-SEMITIC BOMB


    FORCE UKRAINIAN JEWS TO MOVE TO PALESTINE]and BHOs military leadership lacks

    basic knowledge regarding the total fiscal impact and the dead/wounded casualties

    sustained inafghanistan [where experts were stumped-by-simple-questions.{Note also

    that ABC show was cancelled under CAIR pressure was 'Pro-Arab, Pro-Tolerance' and

    that aSpelling-error led to overlooking Russian warnings about Boston Bomber.}

    Israel & the Middle East (Statewide)

    Regarding the statewide mandateto have instructed all high-school grads via a unit on the Holocaust,

    Genocide, and Human Rights Violations, I demonstrated that the current statute has an incomplete,

    skeletal, and fragmented set of topics, and I have no problem with the desire of the House Education

    Committee [and Majority Staff] to request that the PDE compose a curriculum c/w the Keystone Exams.

    Yet, this should be an option for the 501 local School Boards, for they may wish to use other programs;

    regardless of what is chosen, they all should ensure this is taught cohesively/repeatedly through age-18.

    Then, a survey of post-grad retention could become productive (rather than reinventing the wheel,

    namely showing that people who are instructed on a given topic are more apt to have learned that info).

    There are certain parallels between the Holocaust andPurim; it is a holiday about survival, preceded by

    a fast kept by the men going into battle and their loved ones, for it not about forgiving your enemies,

    progressive taxation or coming out of the closet. In both instances, the survival of Jewry was at-risk;

    nevertheless, the implications for all of Humanity is that Jews were prominent, but not solely the target.
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    Israel & the Middle East (Regionally)

    Regarding the Dershowitzpresentation, I received an e-mail suggesting I might have asked him whether

    he concurred with BHO when he characterized Abbas as a partner in peace; while standing in queue,

    the conscious decision was made to be global becausefor exampleI could have asked him whetherthe demand that this be a final settlement of all pending issues (including recognition of Israel as a

    Jewish State) was a policy to which he adhered (per BB) or was a policy that was optional (per BHO).

    Instead, he was asked if he would repudiate BHO but, forcefully, perseverating, he refused to do so.

    Thus was the audience provided an opportunity to study the man for what he (unfortunately) truly is;

    after the program, he complained that the individual with his books had already departed, so that he

    couldnt sign books (for the few people who had brought them alone)but the lights episodically were

    turned-off soon thereafter, so he really would not have had much time to have accomplished this task.

    The depiction of this event as Jews boo Dershowitzis deeply flawed, because the audience [not just a

    few hecklers] grew to appreciate the disconnect between his attacking J Street and his agreeing with it

    regarding the central issues related to Judea/Samaria. Others deepened the schism, but I broke ground.

    In reaction to this essay, which others depicted as sloppy-reporting, I wrote this:

    Stu, you missed the point.

    The heart of your perception was this: "Dershowitz caught the most flak from the hard-

    line Zionists, who believe that since God gave that land to the Jews, no compromise

    should be permitted, it might even be sacrilege. When Dershowitz said Israeli

    settlements on that land impede peace, he was booed."

    First, your segue was disingenuous, for the audience reaction was triggered when I

    asked him to repudiate Obama's flawed policies. In refusing to do so, he accused me of

    trying to impose my views, then morphed this into a generic attack on the GOP, then

    expanded his comments to praise the liberal social policies of the Dems, and finally

    claimed that he was performing yeoman's efforts...lest all Jews become ID'ed with the


    In the process, he contradicted himself. On the one hand, he decried the prospect that

    all Israel supporters should flock to the GOP, lest bipartisanship be lost [risky, in his
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    Recalling how Israel was almost dismembered a half-decade ago, this

    adage is apt: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

    Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D.

    Elkins Park

    Guzzardi vs. Corbett & Other Issues Affecting Pennsylvania & Philly

    It is unclear whether this decision will be applicable to Guzzardi, but it is most-definitely of-concern:

    Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Judge disqualified a candidate from appearing on the Republican

    primary election ballot because he violated state election law, having filed his financial disclosure forms

    with the State Ethics Commission after the March 11 deadline. [Guzzardi filed it a week-hence, too.]

    I raised this issue during a chat with a lady @ the DoS, nine days ago, because I felt the

    lingo in the downloaded instruction-sheet was vague; under point 4.ii., it states that

    inter alia the Statement of Financial Interests must be submitted with the nomination

    papers and that it is required to be filed with the State Ethics Commission. I observed

    that it does NOT provide a deadline for said-submission, and I advised that thisinstruction-sheet be updated accordingly. Our conversation was being held immediately

    prior to an internal-DoS meeting she was attending, at which a post-mortem review of

    the overall petitioning process [with enhanced computerization] was to be scrutinized.

    Meanwhile, illustrating again that the Sandusky-issue lives-on, even after Paternos departure,

    Sandusky's wife went on the offensive;also, theRace for lt gov is often overlookedandProduction of

    Gosnell Movie was Launched Amid Controversy. Finally, AG-Kane granted her first interview since

    Sprague controversy, questioning the timing of criticisms against her; scrutiny was directed at the

    individualat the center of the sting [Tyron Ali],and it was said to be unlikely thatlegislators will adopt

    reform measures regarding acceptance of such cash-payments.{Also,Ex-Eagles linebacker Garry Cobb

    will announce his candidacy for a South Jersey Congressional seat;he is emulating Jon Runyan.}

    Guzzardi notes thatRising gas prices and fees are taking toll; Gasoline taxes increased by

    9.5 cents a gallon on Jan. 1,whileDriving and eating will cost more this yearas a direct

    result. Also, the gasoline tax hike will cause a jump in trash collection fees and the

    gasoline bill in Pennsylvania. He remains upset that Republicans who campaigned as

    fiscal conservatives have raised taxes to send another $500 million a year to the

    bottomless pit that is SEPTA. He decries dumping on citizens [via the gas tax] whose

    salaries are not keeping up with the taxes that keep coming out of Harrisburg.
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    American future fund found that pa-voters overwhelmingly support-

    primary-opponents-obamacare-lack-liquor-privatization-angers-voters -

    The nationally known conservative group, American Future Fund (AFF),

    released their first Pennsylvania poll showing over 80% of Republican

    voters would support a primary opponent over their incumbent state

    senator, fueled by votes on Obamacare, the gas tax and lack of action

    on liquor privatization. Phase one polling demonstrates that our initial

    gut instinct was correct. People are angry and want action on

    conservative, free market principles, said AFF founder Nick Ryan. Our

    surprise was that the willingness to support a primary opponent was

    much greater than we initially anticipated.

    Meanwhile, continuing to pend are Liquor Privatization and Pension Reform; not only

    has Corbett refused to confront the unions on pension reform [or much of anything

    else], but Corbett rewarded Wendell Young and his government liquor union with a

    long-term contract and increased compensation while failing to make any meaningful

    pension reform. [For whatever reason(s), he also is critical of the fact, that scarnati

    named drew crompton chief-of-staff and chief counsel.]

    In sports-related items, thePhillies released Bobby Abreuand theSIXERS AVOIDED SETTING THE NBA

    RECORD FOR CONSECUTIVE LOSSES IN SINGLE SEASON.Regarding footballChip Kelly is ruling the Eagles

    with an iron fistandKelly simply didn't want DeSean anymore;more information has been forthcoming

    [the Inside story,LAPD: DeSean wasn't involved in gang-related slayings,Tied to recent home burglary?,

    Police: Jackson burglary yielded $20k, not $200k,Jeremy Maclin provides less than enthusiastic support,

    Replacing DeSean: Top WRs in upcoming draft,and DeSean is alreadyMeeting with Redskins Monday.

    Eagles Management Owes The Fans An Explanation As To What Occurred [avoiding anything defaming].

    Foreign Affairs

    Turmoil/undertainty continue to plague BHOs groping towards an approach to Putin.

    Vitali Klitschko to Run for Kiev Mayor, Backs Petro Poroshenko for President of Ukraine

    Kerry, Lavrov to Meet in Paris for Another Round of Talks


    EU, Not Russia, Provoked Ukraine Crisis

    Steven Seagal Backs Russia's Crimea Annexation, Considers Putin His 'Brother'
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    White House: Obama Urges Putin to Pull Back Troops from Ukraine in Phone Call

    Ted Cruz: 'KGB Thug' Putin Won't Stop Attacking Neighbors Until There's 'Meaningful


    IMF, US Approve Loans Worth Billions for Ukraine

    Obama Makes Two Major Foreign Policy Gaffes on Europe Trip - Obama made two

    major gaffes during his Europe trip; after he falsely claimed that Kosovo held a UN-

    assisted referendum on self-determination, he then wrongly said that Georgia was not

    being considered for NATO membership.

    Rogers: Troop movement, 'covert operation' suggests Putin not finished in Ukraine




    U.N. Promises 'Response' to North KoreaFiring Midrange Missiles


    Hidalgo elected first female mayor of Paris, France

    Le Pen risesFront National claims biggest victory in its history

    Culture Wars

    Abortioncontinues to be somewhat controversial ['Pro-Life' West Virginia Gov. Tomblin Vetoes 20-Week


    clinic in San Antonio, where there's already a clinic].

    Same-Sex MarriageBecame Legal in England and Wales,as it was claimed that 'Gay Marriage Doesn't

    Advance Equality' [per a Gay Journalist]; this latter-point rings-true, as advocates for this procedure have

    a tendency to aggravate those whom they would actually wish to convince of their position.

    It has been alleged that New Data Proves Plain Pack CigarettesDoesn't Dissuade Young Smokers andFuels the Black Market,but will ask Bill Godshall for corroboration; suspect this will also be refuted,

    recalling his spate of articles supporting e-cigs [despite a sudden claim they dont help people stop].

    Scientists Built Yeast Chromosomefrom Scratch;if true, this supports evolution, one would guess.

    Teen: typeface change could save federal govt millions;I enjoy using Garamondin my reports.;_ylt=AwrTWfzLezhTn0MAblDQtDMD;_ylt=AwrTWfzLezhTn0MAblDQtDMD;_ylt=AwrTWfzLezhTn0MAblDQtDMD;_ylt=AwrTWfzLezhTn0MAblDQtDMD
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    Obamacarehas been Deconstructed.

    The Myth Of Seven Million

    On eve of deadline, health law remains work in progress

    Senator ANGUS KINGsaidThere's No Such Thing as 'Obamacare'

    NYT: Unclear how aggressive govt will be enforcing insurance requirement, collecting op-out tax



    Ezekiel Emanuel on Employer-Based Insurance: Let the Dumping Begin

    Can Rep. Joe Wilson be Vindicated Now?


    Mike Lee's Tea Party State of the Union Response: Obamacare 'an Inequality Godzilla'

    It has been alleged that the_roberts_trap_is_sprung , in what I view as tortured [albeit upbeat] logic:

    One of the most overlooked aspects of the year just ended is the vindication of Chief Justice John

    Roberts -- a vindication that showed up as the national catastrophe known as ObamaCare got

    rolling. Roberts may have also doomed Hillary Clinton's chance to live in the White House again.

    Common Core

    In Philly, lest we forget, administrators ofcommon-core were caught-cheating;also,At Phila high school,

    there is a daily struggle with budget cuts.

    Common Corecontinues to vex the public:

    Common Core Developers Attacked National Homeschooling Group over DocumentaryCommon Core Forces Autistic Student in Missouri into Class He Cannot Understand


    Grassroots Parents Groups Make Common Core Powerful Election Issue in 2014


    The New School Review- American education as we know it may be headed for its last hurrah.

    Obama proposes education mandates his own education cant meet

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    end common-core

    David Axelrod: Obama Administration Initiated Common Core

    common-core-founder-david-colemanremains a strong advocate

    In other education-related news, social-policy philosophy-conflicts continued to emerge.

    Teachers' Union Wins: Wisconsin Porn-Watching Teacher Reinstated


    Texas No Child Left Behind Problem

    State of Texas Keeps Home-Schooled Children from Parents

    New Jersey High School Senior Suspended for Flying Confederate Flag

    Colorado Girl Barred From School for Shaving Her Head to Support Friend With Cancer

    Common Core yields propagation of Propaganda, as Kids Learn Writing By Copying Sentences About

    Obeying Government And The President; eschewed are Founding Father quotes [like those that tell us to

    question power and that warn that a strong statist government is what destroys countries].

    BHOs Imperialism

    Regarding, Illegal Immigration,Condi Rice Pushed for Amnesty in Speech to GOPandBiden claimed 11

    Million Illegal Immigrants Here Are 'Already American Citizens';indeed,IMMIGRANTS HELPED PUSH L.A.

    COUNTY POPULATION PAST 10 MILLION. House Republicans introduced a bill to block ICANN handover,

    for relinquishing control over the Internet is opposed by Tim Scottplusbill-clinton, washington-post,

    and heritage-foundation]. Regarding the Fed, It too Flouts the Law [an issue that, when exposed,

    prompted Glenn to get Fired by Fox]. Regarding global-warming, a UN Author Severed Ties with

    'Alarmist' Climate-Change Writing Team. Regarding the 2nd Amendment vs. Gun Control dichotomy,

    Michigan Gov. Snyder Repealed a Ban on Short-Barreled Rifles,asThe Atlanticclaimed the NRA Wins by

    Countering Shame with Persuasionand theNational Journalclaimed the NRA SEIZED ON ONE TWEET TO,0,2891945.story,0,2891945.story,0,2891945.story
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    'derail' SURGEON GENERAL NOMINEE; also, a new twist has emerged, forKnife Control Based on Same

    'Irrational Premise' as Gun Control.

    Politics (Dems)

    Hillary's 2016 Challenge will be to Distance Herself from Obama's Record, but some found her to be

    incoherent when she received an Award [which Stirred an Internal Rift] from the American Jewish

    Congress; Sarah Palin claims Hillary Must Answer for Benghazi Tragedy if She Runs for President.

    Meanwhile, Biden Tried to Sell Minimum Wage Hike [despite the fact that a Clear Majority of Swing

    Voters Prefer Conservative Solutions to Wealth Inequality] and claims Dems 'Could Lose' Congress to

    More Candidates Like Ted Cruz.This latter point is consistent with the views of Carville, who Would

    'Probably Not' Advise Landrieu to Campaign with Obama for Reelection; perhaps to change the

    subject, SENATE DEMS WANT $65 BILLION IN BUSINESS TAX BREAKS. {In other news reflecting how

    reality intrudes on Dem/Liberal good intentions, New York Police Arrested 42 over $642K in Alleged

    Welfare Fraud,theCA BULLET TRAIN [if it is ever built] WON'T BE AS 'HIGH-SPEED' AS PROMISED,and

    COLLEGE GRADS ARE OVERBURDENED WITH DEBT. {Piling-on, perhaps, Bill Maher Criticized 'Wimp'

    Dems for Not Defending ObamaCare and Jimmy Carter.}

    Reflecting an ongoing tug-of-war subcontext within the city-state of NY,Andrew Cuomo

    Killed De Blasio Universal Pre-K Tax with $300 Million Deal - NY Governor Andrew

    Cuomo announced the state legislature passed a budget that delivered a double-blow to

    NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio's agenda, providing funding that would eliminate the need for

    a tax increase de Blasio campaigned on and enforcing safeguards for charter schools.

    Due to his prediction that the GOP is likely to achieve majority control of the Senate, theDNC is Bad-

    Mouthing Nate Silver[a predictable event that didNot Deter him, as he discussed Midterm Prediction

    Backlash during his 'Daily Show' Appearance]; after he wasSpooked by Backlash from Global Warming

    Alarmists,decided toCapitulate by Throwing Staffer to the Green Activists.In another context, it seemstheKrugman feud is a TURNING POINT IN LEFT'S REVOLT AGAINST NATE SILVER'S INCONVENIENT DATA .