activity and activity coeff2

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Post on 07-Apr-2018




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  • 8/6/2019 Activity and Activity Coeff2


    Activity and Activity Coefficients

    The chemical potential of a real or ideal solvent is given by the

    following equation.

    For an ideal solution the solvent obeys Raoults law at all

    conditions and we write

    The above form of the equation can be retained when the

    solution does not obey Raoults law by writing

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    The quantity aA

    is the activity of a, a kind of effective mole

    fraction just like the fugacity is an effective pressure. Because

    (1) is true for both real and ideal solutions (the only

    approximation being the use of pressures rather than

    fugacities), we can conclude by comparing it with equation( 3)

    and get,

    [There is nothing mysterious about the activity of a solvent.

    It can be determined experimentally simply by measuringthe vapor pressure and then using equation (4)]

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    Because all solvents obey Raoults law

    increasingly closely as the concentration of the solute

    approaches zero, the activity of the solvent

    approaches the mole fraction as

    As in the case of real gases, a convenient way of

    expressing this convergence is to introduce theactivity coefficient , by the definition

  • 8/6/2019 Activity and Activity Coeff2


    Mean Activity Coefficients

    In the chemical potential of a univalent cation M+ is denoted as

    the Q+ and that of a univalent anion X-

    as Q- , the total molarGibbs energy of the ions in the electrically neutral solution is the

    sum of these partial molar quantities. The molar Gibbs energy of

    an ideal solution is

    All the deviation from ideality are contained in the last term.

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    There is no experimental way of separating the product into

    contributions from the cations and anions. The best way wecan do experimentally is to assign responsibility for the non-

    ideality equally to both kinds of ions. Therefore for a 1,1

    electrolyte, we introduce the mean activity coefficient as the

    geometric mean of the individual coefficients

    And express the individual chemical potentials of the ions as

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    The sum of these two chemical potentials is the same as

    before, in (6) but now the non ideality is shared equally.

    In general

    s = p+q

  • 8/6/2019 Activity and Activity Coeff2


    Methods of Determining Activity Coefficients

    1.E M F METHOD

    This method may be illustrated by taking a specific case of

    silver-silver chloride electrode. The half electrode is combined

    with a hydrogen electrode to yield a cell

    The electrode reactions of this cell are

    Left electrode:


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    Right electrode:

    Overall reaction:

    The emf of the cell is


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    In terms of , the mean activity of hydrochloric acid

    , equation 4 can be written as

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    At 298 K,

    From Debye Huckel limiting law,

    for a 1:1 electrolyte and therefore equation 7 becomes

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    By measuring emf of the cell at different

    molalities of hydrochloric acid, the quantity on

    the left is calculated and then plotted as a

    function of m and extrapolated to m=0. The

    intercept on the y axis gives the value of thestandard potential of silver-silver chloride


  • 8/6/2019 Activity and Activity Coeff2


    Measurement of cell emf is a powerfultechnique in the evaluation of activities and

    activity coefficients. E0 value for the cell is first

    accurately obtained by extrapolation as was

    done in the previous section. The mean activity

    ( a

    ) or the mean activity coefficient (K

    ) at

    any other concentration of the electrolyte can

    then be calculated by measuring of the emf ofthe cell at that concentration.

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    If one molecule of the substance dissociates intopositive and negative ions, thus,

    Since and are constant at a given temperature, and is a

    constant as long as the solution is saturated, if follows


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    The constant Ks is the activity solubility product, and equation

    (11a) expresses the solubility product principle. The activitiesmay be written as the product of the respective

    concentrations and activity coefficients, so that

    for a saturated solution. If S is the solubility of the salt in moles

    per liter is equal to and to and hence (12)


  • 8/6/2019 Activity and Activity Coeff2


    Where is equal to the total number of ions, i.e., + produced from

    one molecule upon ionization and is the mean activity coefficient. It

    follows therefore, from (13), since and are constants for the given

    electrolyte, that

    If two solutions, which may contain added salts, are designated I and

    II it follows from (14) that,

    a result which may be employed to determine the mean activity

    coefficient of a sparingly soluble salt. This is done by making solubility

    measurements in the presence of added salts at various ionic

    strengths, and extrapolating to infinite dilution. Since is then unity,

    the extrapolated solubility gives the constant of (15) ; once this is

    known the mean activity coefficient can be evaluated from solubility

    measurements in any solution.