a.c.t.’s learning about the constitution by,josh, monae, enrique and brooke

A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

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Page 1: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution

By,Josh, Monae, Enriqueand Brooke

Page 2: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

Vocabulary KeyAmendment




Federal System

The act of amending or the state of being amended.

An introductory statement or preference and introduction.

Government by the people. A form of government in which the supreme power is

vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.

A state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.

Pertaining to or of the nature of a union of states under a central government is distinct from the individual.

Page 3: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

KWL Chart

It was written What year was it made.on paper. Who wrote it.The first three What day was it made.words are we the Where it was made. people.

What you know What you want to know What you learned


The president can conduct a war.The congress has the power to make laws.Richard Bissett signed the Constitution.The congress decides on the punishment for treason.

Page 4: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

Events that led up to the creation of the Constitution.

The Boston Massacre, which happened on March 5th, 1710.Also the seven year war, which happened on February 10th, 1763.And lastly the proclamation of 1763, which happened on October 17th, 1763.

Reasons people made the Constitution.They made the Constitution to provide for the common defense.Also to promote for the general welfare.And lastly to secure the blessings of liberty.

Page 5: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

Who has the power to make the laws?

The congress has the power to make laws of the United States of America.

How are members of The House of Representatives elected?How long is their term of office?

Adults vote for the members of The House of Representatives.Their term of office is two years long.

How long is the senator's term?

The senator's term is six years long.

Page 6: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

What are the powers of the Congress?1.They have the power to tax people.2.Another power is they can create a court system. 3.They also have the power to declare to war.4.They have the power to pass laws that are necessary.5.The congress provides general welfare.

Page 7: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

What are powers the congress does not have?

1.Habeas Corpus.This prevents the Congress from passing laws that remove the protections from

people that have been accused of crimes. 2.The Congress can not make laws discriminating against states or religions.

3.The Congress also can’t create laws regarding specific states and their export taxes.

4.The Congress can’t impose or create direct taxes on something.

Page 8: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

What do State governments not have the power to do?

1.They can not pass laws that violate the Constitution.2.They can not coin money or collect turriffs.3.They can not declare to war.

Page 9: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

What power does the president have?How long is their term of office?

The president is responsible for dealing with other countries.

Their term of office is four years long.

How is the president chosen?

Adults vote for the president that they want to have.

Page 10: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

What are requirements to become President? 1.You have to be born in the United States of America to become Presdent of the United States of America.2.You have to be a resident for at least fourteen years.3.Also you have to be thirty seven years old to be the President.

What some of the powers the President has?1.The President is the single most powerful person in our government.2.The President is the head of the executive branch.3.The President is commander-in-chief.

Page 11: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

A yearly address delivered in January by the President of the US congress,giving the administration's view of the state of the nation and plans for legislature.

What is the state union address?

What are some duties of the President?1.The President has the power to make a treaty.2.The President can conduct a war.

How can a President be removed from office?The President can be removed from office for conviction of Treason Bribery or other high crimes.

Page 12: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

What are all citizens guaranteed when visiting another state?

The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.

If a person is charged with a crime and flees to another state what happens if that person is caught?

A person charged in any state with any crime that shall flee from justice and be found in another state,shall on demand of the executive authority of the state from which they fled be delivered up,to be removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime.

Who lets new states become part of the United States?

The US Congress let’s a new state become a part of the United States.

What does the federal government guarantee to the states?

They guarantee to every state a Republic form of government and shall protect each of them against invasion and on an application of the legislature or of the executive against domestic violence.

Page 13: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

Who has the power to make decisions in courts of law

What do federal courts have legal authority over?

A judge has the power to make decisions in a court of law.

1.Laws of the United States.2.Also treaties that are made or which shall be made.3.They have authority over cases in law and equity.

What is treason as defined by the Constitution?

In the Constitution treason is defined as,against the United States to consist only in levying war against them or in adhering to their enemies ,giving them aid or comfort.

Who decides on the punishment for treason?

The Congress decides on the punishment for treason.

Page 14: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

What are the two ways to make amendments to the constitution?

Whenever two thirds of both house shall deem it necessary propose amendments to the constitution.

The application of legislature of thirds of the several states shall call a convention for proposing amendments.

Who is responsible to pay back all debts?

The government is responsible to pay back all debts.

What document is the “supreme law of the land?”

This constitution and the laws of the united states which shall be in pursuance.Also all treaties that are made and that shall be made, shall be the supreme law of the land.

What do all officials have to promise when taking office

They have to promise to the constitution and other text or to a person or other office holder.

Page 15: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

How many states have to approve the constitution for it to become a law?

Thirteen states have to approve it to become a law.

What date was this document approved by the constitutional convention

The members of the constitutional convention signed the united states constitution on september 17, 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

List at least 5 people who signed the constitution

George Washington signed the Constitution.

Richard Bissett signed the Constitution.

George Read signed the Constitution. Gunning Bedford signed the Constitution.

John Dickson signed the Constitution.

Page 16: A.C.T.’s Learning About The Constitution By,Josh, Monae, Enrique and Brooke

Thank you for Listening to our presentation!!!By: Brooke,Josh,Monae and Enrique!!

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