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Post on 17-Oct-2015




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1. You can use Phrase Match keywords on the Display Network?False

On the Display Network, all keywords are considered broad match only. This means that you don't need to include plurals, misspellings, and other variants of your keywords.2. What will you do to make sure that your ad won't show on certain websites?use site and category exclusion

While one of the benefits of the Display Network is the variety of channels and options, certain placements and categories of websites might not be relevant for your ads. You can use the Display Network tab to exclude placements and categories so that your ads don't get shown out of context or to the wrong audience.

Here are some reasons why you might want to exclude categories or placements:

Remove unwanted sites that are part of or may become part of the Display Network.

Avoid placements or categories of sites that your customers don't visit.

Filter types of sites that aren't appropriate for your customers or ads.

3. What do you understand by the word "reach" in context of Google AdWords?AdWords advertisers are able to reach the right audiences who are actively searching for what an advertiser is offering (like products, services or information).4. How many times you can make changes or edits to your account?as often as you like5. While optimizing your campaign, which tool will help you get ideas for negative keywords and placements exclusions?

Placement Performance Report6. How would I write 'used book' keyword to enable exact matching?[used book]to enable exact matching for a keyword, enclose it in square brackets7. If I use a broad matched keyword 'old furniture' and a negative keyword '-new', your ad could appear when user enters which of these queries?Old tables and furnitures

old furniture for bed room

new furniture on sale

new and old furniture available

Your ad won't appear when a negatve keyword you've specified is included in a user's search query8. How many times your Quality Score calculated?Every time your keyword matches a search query

We recalculate your Quality Score every time your ads are eligible for the ad auction, which can potentially happen many times a day

9. A person sitting in India searches on "" (Australian google domain). Will see ads targeted to ?Australia

Google domains in each country have a unique URL which helps in determining user's location10. What is a modifier sign in Broad match modifier?+

You can add a modifier, a plus sign (+), to any of the terms that are part of your broad match keyword phrase11. Based on which important factor does recommended daily budget calculated for a search campaign in Google?ImpressionsBudget recommendations are based on keywords and determined by how many times your ad could've shown in total if you had a limitless budget. In other words, AdWords looks at how often your ad wasn't eligible to show based on your budget limitations. AdWords then compares this potential number of impressions to how often someone actually clicks your ads (your clickthrough rate, or CTR) and how much your clicks have actually cost (your actual cost per click, or CPC). This shows how much your budget would have to be to better accommodate the traffic available to you. To take into account that search traffic and costs can fluctuate, your budget recommendation combines estimates from each day separately. This means that even if your business is cyclical i.e. you typically see spikes in traffic throughout the week the recommended budget relies on the average amount of traffic. Although we can calculate what your budget has to be to cover all possible traffic, we won't necessarily recommend the full amount to you. Your recommended budget tries to capture more ad impressions without drastically changing your budget.12. Which sub-tabs you can find within SETTINGS on a new enhanced campaign?

The Devices, Locations, and Ad schedule subtabs available from the Settings tab allow you to update targeting, set bid adjustments, and see reporting all in one place.13. If you add a Broad Match modifier to any term that are part of your broad match keyword phrase then?

your ads can only show when someone's search contains those modified terms, or close variations of the modified terms, in any order.14. If you have a small business which provides services to particular area of the city then which type of location targeting you should prefer?Proximity targeting or "Target a radius"15. What are the main benefits of using Adwords?Some of the main benefits of using AdWords to address your marketing objectives:

Relevance (precise targeting and measurability).

Return on Investment (ROI)

Reach.16. Which of these options is not allowed in Ad text as per AdWords Policy?The phrase "click here" isn't allowed in an Ad text17. One of the things should be kept in mind when you decide to market your business online with AdWords?You are only allowed to have one AdWords account at a time for your business18. In a title or headline line of an ad how many single width and double width characters are allowed respectively?25 characters are allowed in headline of ad text in most languages

12 characters are allowed in headline of ad text in double width languages like Chinese, Japanese, and Korean19. If I add a keyword phrase '+cricket +bats' then my Ad may show on searches for?You can add a modifier, a plus sign (+), to any of the terms that are part of your broad match keyword phrase. By adding a modifier, your ads can only show when someone's search contains those modified terms, or close variations of the modified terms, in any order. Unlike broad match keywords, modified broad match keywords won't show your ad for synonyms or related searches. For this reason, it adds an additional level of control. Using broad match modifier is a good choice if you want to increase relevancy even if it means you might get less ad traffic than broad match.20. How can we increase low quality score ?By Optimizing low qualtiy score keyword

Once you know how to find data for your keywords, you can identify poor-performing ones and make them work harder for you. You'll want to improve the relevance of your keywords to help boost their Quality Scores, or modify the match type for ones that aren't helping you meet your advertising goals. You can also remove low-performing keywords from your campaign entirely.21. To what level Google Contextually match your keyword to show your ads on relevant places on Display Network?Page level22. Which tab in Adwords account contains your Account Snapshot page ?

Home tab or may be called Home page contains your Account Snapshot page, an easy-to-read summary of key account information.23. What happens if a client manager moves all his managed accounts to MDS (Manager Defined Spend) ?will be billed for these accounts via manager order-level monthly invoice24. CPM bidding can be used on Display and Search Network?FalseCPM pricing model is available only for campaigns targeted to Display Network25. How do we specify a phrase match keyword ?To use a phrase match keyword, simply surround the entire keyword with quotation marks. For example, "women's hats"26. How many ad delivery methods are there after you set your campaign's budget?Two

Ad delivery determines how often your ads show throughout the day. After you set your campaign's budget, you have the option to choose one of two ad delivery methods:

1) Standard Delivery (default option) distributes your budget throughout the day to avoid reaching your budget early on. This option is recommended if you want to reach your audience evenly throughout the day, rather than just in the morning.

2) Accelerated Delivery displays your ads more quickly until you run out of budget. So, if your campaign is limited by budget, your ad might stop running earlier in the day.

27. Which of these changes can be done at Account level?language and number preferences

You can make AdWords-only changes to your account, such as viewing it in a different language or viewing numbers in a different format. Two things you can't change in your AdWords account, however, are the time zone and currency. You can also change settings -- such as the language, country, and zip code -- for all your Google products. No matter what changes you make, however, these settings don't change how people see your ads.28. For the keyword [nike running shoes] my ad can appear for which of the following search queries?Exact Match

With exact match, your ads can appear when someone searches for your exact keyword, without any other terms in the search. We'll also show your ad when someone searches for close variations of that specific keyword.

To use an exact match keyword, simply surround the entire keyword with brackets. For example, [women's hats].

29. Adding placements to an ad group is ginoing to effect Quality Score for search network?Placements on Display network do not effect Quality Score on search network30. What is the maximum image file size (in KB) for image ad targeted to display on a desktop or laptop browser? 150

31. What is the formula to calculate Click-through-rate (CTR)?

(Number of Clicks / Number of Impressions) * 10032. Ad Groups should be organized based on? (can have more than one answer)Common theme

Product type

33. What is eCPM ?Effective Cost Per Thousand Impressions34. What is meant by Contextual targeting?AdWords will automatically find pages in the Display Network with content that matches your keywords and place your ads next to them35. When a client manager is setting up an AdWords account for you, it is recommended that a client manager should use his own sign in email details?


If your client manager sets up your AdWords account for you, then you should ensure that your client manager does so under your personal login email and password. That way, you can also access and maintain control over your own account. Also, if your login email is your own, we may periodically send you important updates concerning your account.36. Contextual Targeting Tool is used to?see potential webpages where your ad can appear based on your keywords37. How is Ad Rank calculated on Search Network?Bid * Quality Score38. Which of the following you can set at Ad Group level?Placements

39. While running your ads on the Search Network, what are the important parts of an ad group?When working with Search Network , Text Ads, Keywords and Default bid are important in an ad group to create a successful campaign.40. What are the maximum number of characters allowed in Headline of a normal Text Ad?25

41. Rahul performs a Google search from his desktop computer using query "Mumbai flats on rent" . He will be shown ads ?targeted to Mumbai city irrespective of his actual location because city name was used in the search phrase / queryLocation of Interest

If we detect geographic areas that someone is interested in, we may show appropriate ads targeted to those areas, even if the person is not physically located in the location.42. What do you mean by Phrase Match keywords?

keyword or phrase specified should appear in exact sequence and form but it can have additional words before or after43. What is Maximum cost-per-click (Max CPC) ?the maximum amount you are willing to pay for a click on your ad44. What do you understand by "optimization" in Google AdWords?Making changes or adjustments to an account to improve its performance45. What do you understand by "Optimize for conversions" ?It is a Ad Rotation setting in which certain ads within the same ad group are displayed more frequently based on click through rate and conversion rate.

46. What is the default match type applied on a new keyword submitted to an ad group without quotes or brackets?Broad Match

The default matching option, broad match means that your ad may show if a search term contains your keyword terms in any order, and possibly along with other terms. Your ads can also show for close variations of your keywords

47. Why is it important when a client manager is setting up an Adwords Account for you to ensure that an account should be created using your own sign in email details?to ensure full access and control over the adwords account48. On which page you can change your alert settings ?The Notification Preferences page makes it easy to change your alert settings (to receive non-critical account alerts, or to block all alerts). This page also provides an easy way to opt in to additional communications such as newsletters, special offers, and market research.49. Which of these options is/are good practice creating successful text ads?Tips for creating successful text ads

Highlight what makes your business, product, or offer unique

Include prices, promotions, and exclusives

Tell your customers what they can do

Include at least one of your keywords in your ad text

Match your ad to your landing page

Appeal to customers viewing your ad on a mobile device

Experiment50. What is a Query?a word or phrase that a user writes into the search engine51. Which of these are "Display Network only" campaign types?1. All features

2. Mobile apps

3. Remarketing

There is no Standard campaign type in Display Network Only campaigns

52. You can make changes to location and language targeting at?Campaign level53. I have a garments shop and I promote it in my city as well as some parts near by then what type of location targeting I should use?

Customized Targeting:

The Target a radius feature (also known as proximity targeting) allows you to target your ads to users in an area on a map centered around a location, rather than specifying individual cities, regions, or countries.

When you target a radius, the circle that youve specified will be converted into the corresponding cities or regions that it covers. We will show you a list of locations that are contained within the radius, also known as Locations within this target. You can review these locations to make sure that youve captured the areas that you expect to target.

54, What an advertiser should prefer in order to keep viewers interested in watching his click-to-play video ad?Deliver key messages as soon as possibleEffective video ads educate and entertain, and also inspire the viewer to act. If your campaign's goal is not just about branding, make sure you communicate to your customers what you'd like them to do, such as visit your store or site, call a phone number, or complete a purchase. Letting people know that they can learn more by clicking "play" usually increases play rates and video interaction rates.

Entice customers to click "play" using rich, sharp colors.

Include a few words to describe your product, service, and/or business.

Boost your play rate with a call-to-action that lets customers know they can play the video to learn more.

Create multiple video ads with different opening image sizes to increase the number of placements where your ad can appear.

55. What is AdWords editor?An freely downloadable application provided by Google AdWords used for managing your account.

56. A potential customer asks you that "We already have good rank in organic listings, why we should go for Adwords and get listed in both". What will you tell this customer?If you are listed in both you will generate more traffic57. What happens in managed placements?An advertiser can choose specific sites or places on Google Display Network for their ads to appear

58. What is AdWords Discounter?A feature that monitors and automatically reduces your actual cost-per-click so that you pay the lowest price possible for the ad's position on the page.

59, What are Managed Placements?Managed placements are specific ad placements in the Display Network where you'd like you ads to appear60. Using Duplicate Keywords across different ad group and campaigns is recommended by Google?False

61. Which Video Ad format is preferred while using cost-per-view (CPV) bidding?TrueView video formatReach viewers with cost-per-view bidding

If you're focused on reaching viewers with video content using cost-per-view (CPV) bidding, we suggest you select TrueView video formats and use AdWords for video. With the CPV bidding model of TrueView, you only pay when a viewer chooses to watch your video, instead of every time your ad is shown

62. Google shows your ad based on location of a user and which factors are used to precisely target a particular user using Google or Google partner sites on Desktop Computer or Laptop?If you are targeting by geographic locations then Google AdWords checks the following conditions to determine whether your Ad will appear or not:

Location of Interest

Google Domain used

Internet Protocol (IP) address

Google Profiles63. Which of these are not a part of Google Search Network? (can have more than one answer)Gmail

YoutubeGoogle Search Network contains: Google Search, Google Shopping, Google Maps, Google Images, and Google Groups and search partners sites like AOL64. Which factor should be most important to you while deciding keyword bids in manual cost-per-clink bidding, when your main aim is to get Conversions? Profit from a paid click65. Adding negative keywords to your account can also help in?improving CTR66. What all you can set at account level? (can have more than one answer) You can set your email, password, user preferences and you can also invite other to access your acount67. How many locations you can target in a campaign ?any number of locations by making combination countries, territories, regions, cities68. I have to include a negative keyword "football" in my ad group, how will I write it?-football69. How are +1's calculated for your ad and Google+ page?+1 comes under social extensions and only +1's from your Google+ page are showing in the count that visible on your ad

70. What is an IP Address?a unique number assigned by Internet Service Providers to each computer connected to the Internet

71. When you reset your password in Adwords then?Now you have to use this new password to access all other Google products affected by this Google Account login information

72. An advertiser wants to add around 1100 targeted locations using bulk targeting method, how will he achieve this?AdWords allows you to add a list of up to 1000 location targets at a time. So an advertiser will add 1000 locations and save them then again he will add the remaining locations.

73. What is Placements?

Placements are locations on the Google Display Network where your ad can appear74. Why we use "keyword tool"?to find new keyword for our campaigns and ad groups75. In Google Display Network campaign with placement targeted ads Quality Score is calculated based on?

Quality of your ads landing pagelocat